
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
JontheEchidnaQuintasan|Szel: I don't get the problem with the description. Dooble is inside a secure and open source web browser?01:02
JontheEchidnaSecure and Open Source Web Browser probably shouldn't be captialized, but...01:03
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shtylmananyone know a good office icon we have in oxygen?03:34
yuriyoh wow dr konqi is *really* nice now, didn't see the wizard before04:13
JontheEchidnayeah, it got deleux'd in 4.304:17
JontheEchidnayou can even install -dbg packages and then hit the retrace button04:18
JontheEchidnaif the future they're trying to get it to tell you what packages to install for good backtraces, via plugins for the various platforms (deb, rpm, etc)04:18
yuriyJontheEchidna: yeah i saw that, i guess i never actually went through the new process before though04:24
yuriykonqueror 4.3.2 i'm a little less happy with now, reporting the second crash in 10 min04:25
nixternaljjesse: I have put basket-kde4 into my ppa...it is actually about as good as it was, thus far just porting to kde4 which seems complete to me...I know you were a basket fan once upon a time06:43
Mamaroknixternal: great!06:49
nixternalyowsers, my webhost tanked big time..went down hard...usually my server is never effected06:50
jussi01neversfelde: pong07:20
jussi01neversfelde: I tried to install the koffice packages  go some packaging errors (I can get by, but you need to fix them) http://paste.ubuntu.com/292125/07:25
tsimpsonjussi01: you need to install the .debs manually with dpkg --force-overwrite -i <debs>07:27
tsimpsonthen continue with apt-get upgrade07:28
jussi01tsimpson: yeps, I know. just giving it back to neversfelde to fix the errors ;)07:28
tsimpsonright, "(I can get by" != "(I cant get by"07:29
tsimpsoncoffee helps reading07:29
jussi01this is looking nice, but still not MS office compatibility... :/07:33
jussi01oooh, but its coming!!! :D07:46
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apacheloggerjussi01: looks like soon we can make it default :)08:26
jussi01apachelogger: yeps.08:26
apacheloggerms office compability was always the major show stopper ScottK brought up08:26
* jussi01 cant wait08:26
jussi01koffice for lucid!! :D08:26
jussi01as soon as the alpha for 2.2 comes out, please package so I can test... :D08:27
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PedroLeKoiHello to all.09:04
PedroLeKoiI want to offer my help to someone who needs it...09:05
PedroLeKoiDoes anybody needs some help?09:05
Quintasan|SzelPedroLeKoi: support in #kubuntu09:05
Quintasan|Szelthis is channel for developers :)09:05
PedroLeKoiAnd developers doesn't need help???09:06
PedroLeKoiI leave...09:06
Quintasan|SzelOh my, I thought about general help09:07
Quintasan|SzelPedroLeKoi:  ofc we need help, do you know how to create Debian packages09:07
Quintasan|SzelPedroLeKoi: I'm on mobile now and I'm unable to provide you direct links but there is a great introduction to packaging on http://wiki.ubuntu.com09:10
Quintasan|SzelPedroLeKoi: you can also translate kubuntu-docs to any language you feel comortable with.09:11
macoPedroLeKoi: dholbach made some packaging videos that are on the ubuntu developer channel on youtube09:11
Quintasan|SzelPedroLeKoi: after reading you can examine some packages that are in ubuntu by grabbin the source and examining debian/ directory inside them09:15
Quintasan|SzelPedroLeKoi: you can use apt-get source <package_name>09:15
Quintasan|SzelPedroLeKoi: there is a list of apps needing packaging on Launchapd09:16
Quintasan|SzelPedroLeKoi: search for needs-packaging in Buglist09:17
Quintasan|SzelPedroLeKoi: that's all info I can provide you right now cause I'm on mobile and somehow I managed to remove my /home on my main machine :/09:18
PedroLeKoiI will read the manual and go on with 'needs-packaging'.09:19
* Quintasan|Szel is out09:20
jussi01!packaging | PedroLeKoi09:57
ubottuPedroLeKoi: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports09:57
jussi01!pm | PedroLeKoi10:07
ubottuPedroLeKoi: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.10:07
PedroLeKoi@ubottu I am sorry!10:08
PedroLeKoi@ubottu So: No need for packaging any more?10:09
* apachelogger pokes JontheEchidna10:23
jussi01ubottu is a bot10:24
ubottuYes, I can confirm that I am a bot. http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots for all information.10:24
PedroLeKoijussi01: I see.10:25
neversfeldejussi01: thank you for testing. Unfortunately I am not at home and won't be for a longer time, so I cannot finish it :(10:59
neversfeldewe also need to fix a patch for kid3, the author send it to me. It would be great, if I could forward this mail to a motu, who has the time to improve the existing patch?11:00
RiddellPedroLeKoi: we need upgrade from hardy testing if you are interested in a task which would take an hour or three11:02
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I'm affraid the Qt fix won't be there ready for karmic... it'll have to wait for lucid...11:38
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I still get some trouble at some points, and a segfault risk isn't acceptable this late...11:38
Tonio_JontheEchidna: I have the base of the fix, so that's pretty cool, and I'll test on my own... at least it'll be fixed for the lts11:38
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Tonio_also Riddell I noticed graphical bugs with the latest Qt and firefox, when we use the qtcurve theme, that's pretty bad11:39
Tonio_Riddell: so I wonder if fixing qt really deserves this effort :)11:39
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: helper code down to <200SLOC, still including apport code and only restarting is somewhat working at this point11:43
RiddellTonio_: mm, maybe not11:59
Tonio_Riddell: I'm sure qtcurve will get a fix, but releasing with a broken firefox/qt intégration would really be bad imho...12:00
RiddellI've also no idea how to fix the Qt build so probably other things that need our time more12:01
Tonio_Riddell: I agree12:10
Tonio_Riddell: concerning the Qt build, I'd say that there is an issue in the buildd at some point...12:10
Tonio_Riddell: it works in any other build context12:10
Riddellit even works in a PPA12:10
Riddellbut strange that it breaks in both our and debian's buildds12:11
Tonio_Riddell: well it is the same software right (sbuild I assume)12:11
Tonio_that may explain...12:11
Tonio_Riddell: I looked at the buildlog, and I must say I didn't find any clue on that point12:12
Tonio_but since we have regressions, that's not that bad, we'll do that for lucid12:12
Tonio_as well as the fixes I'm working on...12:12
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apacheloggersebas: is there something that would make Kubuntu more enjoyable for you as plasma dev? i.e. experience of Kubuntu as development platform13:04
JontheEchidnaapachelogger: cool13:16
JontheEchidnaTonio_: I also noticed that for some things, the second drag doesn't have the + or cancel icons on the mouse cursor13:17
JontheEchidnaRiddell, Tonio_: QtCurve should be fixed with the latest upstream release. lex79 was working on that13:18
Tonio_JontheEchidna: in any case I wouldn't take the risk to put a qt patch this late, especially since it only fixes visual stuff13:20
* jussi01 wonders if the obsidian coast/OO.org bug is fixed, should go check...13:20
Tonio_JontheEchidna: too much of a risk :)13:20
JontheEchidnaI would agree there13:20
ScottKapachelogger and jussi01: It's not just having some compatibility, it's a lot about the quality of the MS Office compatibility.  For a long time OOo was poor enough I had to keep a copy of Office around to check stuff before I mailed it out.  Now I don't and rarely have problems with docs I get from other people.13:31
ScottKWe're having some trouble with armel livefs builds.  How hard would it be to turn off lzma for armel?13:33
jussi01ScottK: we can hope ;)13:33
ScottKNevermind on armel, it was about initrd, not KDE13:36
apacheloggerScottK:lzma is off on armel13:44
ScottKapachelogger: OK.  It turned out to be something different, my mistake13:51
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PedroLeKoiRiddell: I am free for upgrade testing now.14:50
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Where do I get the software or will you do it via remote access?14:51
RiddellPedroLeKoi: you would need to install hardy, you can do this with a CD if you have a spare partition or you can set up a chroot14:53
RiddellPedroLeKoi: which would you do?14:53
PedroLeKoiRiddell: You talked about 'upgrade from hardy testing'14:53
RiddellPedroLeKoi: yes, so you need to start with getting hardy installed14:54
Riddellwhich can be done from a CD or from a chroot14:54
PedroLeKoiRiddell: I am going to save my system using clonezilla.14:54
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Then install from CD.14:54
Riddellgreat, the CD images are at http://releases.ubuntu.com/kubuntu/hardy/14:55
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Is the installation CD still available on the net?14:55
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Thank you.14:55
PedroLeKoiRiddell: How do we continue with communication?14:55
RiddellPedroLeKoi: well once you have it installed you can get back onto IRC14:55
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Shall I write you about errors if any ouccure?14:56
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Shall I better write bug reports instead?14:56
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RiddellPedroLeKoi: once you have hardy installed you'll need instructions from me on how to upgrade14:57
lex79Riddell: kde-style-qtcurve and gtk2-engines-qtcurve are in bzr and I uploaded also in ppa14:58
Riddelllex79: bugfix only releases?14:59
lex79no, config files now stored under $XDG_CONFIG_HOME/qtcurve14:59
Riddelloh ug15:00
Riddelllex79: did you work out how migration was handled?15:01
yuriyPedroLeKoi: or even better you can use a virtual machine such as virtualbox and just keep using your system if you have the RAM for it15:01
PedroLeKoiRiddell: I started to download the desktop CD.15:02
JontheEchidnaRiddell: could you sync soprano with debian? We missed a bugfix-only release (2.3.1)15:02
PedroLeKoiRiddell: How do I 'create' a virtualbox?15:02
lex79Riddell: I didn't, can you download from ppa and test?15:02
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Sorry for asking! I found a manual.15:05
flacosteanyone knows how to configure skype audio devices with Kubuntu 9.10?15:08
flacostethe sound devices only allow 'Pulse Audio'15:08
flacosteand I have no idea how to control that stuff15:09
flacostefrom within KDE15:09
flacostei thought kubuntu didn't use pulse audio15:09
RiddellJontheEchidna: ok15:13
Riddellflacoste: KDE will try to use pulseaudio if it finds that it's already running, I've no idea what skype does15:13
Riddellflacoste: is pulseaudio installed?15:14
flacostei removed it15:14
flacostebut it doesn't change anything15:14
flacosteah, but removing pulseaudio didn't remove the server15:19
flacostekill it15:19
flacosteafter i killed the server, skype reverts to ALSA, nice15:19
agateaummm... Konversation FTBFS for me, complaining about a missing mediaobject.h file15:21
agateauanybody else see this?15:21
agateaunevermind, my mistake15:25
Riddellflacoste: hmm, so yet another case where pulseaudio's mere presence causes confusion :(15:32
flacosteyes, i don't understand why it was installed15:32
flacosteduring the upgrade15:33
Riddellsomething gtk-ish probably brought it in15:33
flacostei didn't ask for it, and could remove it without any other packages (except pulseaudio related) removed15:33
DaskreechDoes failsafe crash from kdm from you in Koala?15:53
NCommanderRiddell, ping?16:01
Riddellah, NCommander16:04
Riddellso, sip, what's the crack?16:04
NCommanderRiddell, I don't think we can sanely introduce a new sip4 in-archive16:05
NCommanderRiddell, because thats going to require bumping python-qt416:05
NCommander(I think you can see where this trainwreck is heading)16:05
NCommanderRiddell, I did post both python-qt4 and sip4 to Debian though, so the packaging is done16:06
Riddelland what's wrong with bumping python-qt4?16:06
Riddellwe'd need to recompile kdebindings, anything else?16:06
NCommanderRiddell, there's no way to know if we break the ABI16:07
NCommanderRiddell, (this is an ongoing issue in Debian without a sane resolution)16:07
NCommanderRiddell, so probably the only sane thing to do to prevent any regression is to rebuild any Arch: any packages the dep on python-qt4/python-sip416:07
NCommanderAs you can see, it gets messy16:07
Riddellthere's not /that/ many pyqt applications our there, that's all do-able16:08
Riddelland it's not like we have a choice16:08
NCommanderRiddell, well, you were one of the representatives that dealt with sip4 upstream. Could you see if they would retroactively change SIP4's license?16:08
Riddellno he won't16:09
* NCommander says a four letter word16:09
davmor2NCommander: was it WORK16:09
* NCommander whacks davmor2 with a pointy stick16:10
NCommanderRiddell, do you want ot bring this up with slangasek so we can get the FFes we need granted?16:10
davmor2NCommander: What you know you want it too :P16:10
RiddellNCommander: I can grant FFes, slangasek knows it needs doing16:10
NCommander(speaking of FFe, I also have one you could look at for me Riddell ;-))16:11
NCommanderRiddell, so .... do you just want to grant them? I think sip4-qt3 can be synced. Not sure if python-qt4 needs a merge or a sync16:11
RiddellNCommander: yep, I'll do that shortly16:12
RiddellNCommander: what FFe can I look at for you?16:12
NCommanderRiddell, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/43120616:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431206 in Ubuntu Karmic "partman-uboot needs to exist for check script for supporting manual partitioning" [Medium,Triaged]16:13
Riddellhmm, this may not be within my usual area of expertese16:13
RiddellNCommander: I don't think I understand what that bug is asking for.  something needs to happen to partman-uboot, is it a new package?16:16
NCommanderRiddell, partman-uboot is a new package that extends partman to support the partitioning setup we need on dove boards16:16
NCommanderRiddell, its an installer component, and armel+dove specific so the regression chance is pretty minute16:17
* NCommander butchered the spelling on that16:17
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
RiddellNCommander: would someone who knows about installer stuff be more appropriate?  cjwatson comes to mind16:20
* Daskreech asks that someone tries to login as failsafe when they have a chance16:21
apacheloggerDaskreech: how so?16:23
* apachelogger is wondering how to get to his lecture on taxes16:23
apacheloggerfreaking cold outside16:23
Daskreechapachelogger: on KDM choose failsafe login type and try login :)16:26
* apachelogger did not log out for 7 days16:27
apacheloggerdont see a reason for either :P16:27
DaskreechI'm getting the same thing as bug 28195016:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 281950 in kdebase-workspace "KDE Cannot start from kdm or gdm" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28195016:29
DaskreechI get the same x-terminal-emulator: Fatal IO error: client killed at least16:32
NCommanderRiddell, cjwatson was the one who uploaded the package to NEW and sponsored it; I'm not sure he'll grant an FFe on a package he's already touched16:33
RiddellNCommander: surely by uploading it he is accepting that it'll be a FFe16:46
NCommanderRiddell, he said I still needed an FFe when I asked about it16:47
RiddellNCommander: I see it in new queue though so I can approve it when I do my archive admin shortly16:47
RiddellNCommander: but it'll need a main inclusion report?16:47
NCommanderRiddell, probably unless you can justify kicking it straight into main16:48
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debfxRiddell: do you have an idea how to properly fix the "pidgin tray icon too large on kde" issue (bug #209440)?17:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 209440 in pidgin "pidgin tray icon too large" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/20944017:02
Riddelldebfx: as I understand it you have a fix but our gnome maintainer just doesn't want to upload it17:04
RiddellNCommander: package accepted17:04
NCommanderRiddell, thanks17:05
NCommander(package FTBFS'ed -_-; oops)17:05
Riddell"RuntimeError: the sip module implements API v6.0 but the PyKDE4.kdecore module requires API v5.0"  guess you're right about that ABI change17:05
PedroLeKoiRiddell: I am here now...17:05
RiddellPedroLeKoi: try the CD in another computer if you can then17:06
JontheEchidnaRiddell: the i18n patch for spc-kde seems to not have been bzr-added17:06
RiddellJontheEchidna: good catch!17:07
\shhmm..does anybody has crashes with latest karmic kde + enabled desktop settings + ATI Technologies Inc RV516 [Radeon X1300/X1550 Series] (floss driver)17:16
valgaav\sh:  crashes shoud be gone with latest 7.6 ubuntu3 mesa driver17:20
\shvalgaav, still ubuntu2 here...17:21
\shupgrading ;)17:21
PedroLeKoiRiddell: The CD works fine. So it's the hardware...17:21
PedroLeKoiRiddell: I can't install it on the second PC. So how shall I continue?17:22
RiddellPedroLeKoi: probably your hardware is too old for hardy then17:22
RiddellPedroLeKoi: settings up a chroot would work almost as well17:22
RiddellPedroLeKoi: I can take you through doing that17:22
PedroLeKoiRiddell: If you like to spend your time on other things: I saw a manual on the net today...17:23
RiddellPedroLeKoi: sudo debootstrap hardy hardy    is how to start17:23
\shRiddell, just read you do some archive duties today?17:24
\shRiddell, if so, please have a look at bug #419099 upstream is tramping on my feet about that17:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 419099 in fai "Please remove fai source package and all resulting binary packages from karmic" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41909917:25
Riddell\sh: ok17:27
\shRiddell, thx :)17:27
JontheEchidnaRiddell: as long as you're doing removals... bug 450400, bug 45039217:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 450400 in quiteinsane "Request for removal from archive (binary and source)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45040017:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 450392 in kboincspy "Request for removal (source and binary)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45039217:28
JontheEchidna~karma kde317:29
kubotukarma for kde3: -117:29
Riddellbut but kboincspy has the more amusing name ever!17:29
JontheEchidnaI find the notion to be quite insane myself :D17:29
JontheEchidnawould I need another FFe for bug 450497?17:31
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/450497/+text)17:31
JontheEchidnabug 45049717:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 450497 in kmymoney2-plugin-aqbanking "Sync kmymoney2-plugin-aqbanking 1.0-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45049717:31
lex79JontheEchidna: I'm thinking, we have still plasmoid-* in archive....17:31
JontheEchidnawe could remove the transitional package for plasmoid-teacooker now17:33
RiddellScottK: the reporter of bug 430913 seems to have self-confirmed it, do we trust him?17:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 430913 in intrepid-backports "Please backport nginx 0.6.35 to Hardy, Intrepid from Jaunty Security" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43091317:34
lex79plasmoid-xbar too17:35
JontheEchidnaI'll do xbar if you'll do teacooker. sound good?17:35
RiddellJontheEchidna: I'll do the FFe as part of the sync process for that kmymoney one17:36
* JontheEchidna will probably do his once-a-cycle 4.x branch patch pull tomorrow17:37
lex79should we importing some patches from kde branch before final freeze?17:39
Riddelllex79: that's usually as likely to add bugs as anything, there were a couple of bugs in 4.3.2 that have to be fixed17:40
JontheEchidnayeah, you have to be careful which ones you pull17:41
lex79seems reasonable :)17:42
JontheEchidnait's sort of a compromise between us not being able to release with 4.x.3, by cherrypicking obvious-fix patches17:44
Daskreech4.3.4 is due how long after Koala ships?17:58
Riddell.3 is probably a couple of weeks after17:59
DaskreechSo 4.3.4 would be a month and a couple weeks :)17:59
Riddellmaybe, dirk tends to get more lax by the .4s18:02
DaskreechI'm getting a x-terminal-emulator: Fatal IO error: client killed in Koala when I login18:02
Riddelldo you have x-terminal-emulator?18:03
Daskreechlast reference I see to that in LP was bug 28195018:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 281950 in kdebase-workspace "KDE Cannot start from kdm or gdm" [Undecided,Invalid] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28195018:03
Daskreechpoints to konsole18:04
Daskreechthough maybe I should swap it to xterm18:04
Daskreechlets see what that does18:05
macocan anyone else confirm that if in KOrganizer's ToDo list you have some tasks categorized into a subcategory like School:Networks (in this case), and you choose either the category or subcategory from the dropdown in top right, it shows *nothing* instead of showing the tasks in the chosen category?18:10
NCommanderRiddell, so are you handling the syncs of python-qt4/sip4-qt3 or should I do it?18:10
RiddellNCommander: I'm compiling and testing now18:16
NCommanderRiddell, thanks18:16
RiddellNCommander: python-qt4 and sip4-qt3 seem to be sync-able, qscintilla needs a recompile then any pyqt application runs fine18:16
NCommanderRiddell, qscintilla?18:17
RiddellNCommander: a qt widget with pyqt binding18:17
NCommanderRiddell, it probably needs a binNMU in Debian18:17
NCommanderw00t for no sane ABI handling18:17
NCommanderRiddell, you still around?18:49
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=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
RiddellNCommander: for you?  always baby19:01
NCommanderRiddell, neat. Can you re-push partman-uboot through Unaccepted?19:01
NCommander(it got a 2 upload to fix the FTBFS)19:01
Riddellwhy would it be unaccepted?19:02
NCommanderRiddell, we're in freeze?19:02
NCommanderRiddell, er, unapproved19:02
* NCommander is having a mental block of the queue its stuck in19:02
Riddellno we're not19:02
* NCommander blinks19:03
NCommanderRiddell, ok, I've been at this too long19:03
NCommandersorry for line noise19:03
Riddellanother couple of days until we're in freeze19:03
NCommanderRiddell, care to put the binary through NEW :-)?19:03
RiddellNCommander: accepted19:06
PedroLeKoiRiddell: chroot environment is running. I have to login from terminal window.20:00
PedroLeKoiRiddell: I am going to leave now. I will be back tomorrow.20:18
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Which steps are following?20:18
JontheEchidnasweet, bug 432521 got fixed20:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 432521 in xserver-xorg-video-intel "kdm does not restart X server (that crashed on logout)" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43252120:21
PedroLeKoiTake care everybody. I will be back tomorrow. Bye20:22
neversfeldeRiddell: I failed with packaging koffice beta3, there is a versin in experimental, but it is far way from beeing correct. I do not have pbuilder & Co here, so I cannot do anything with it for some time. sorry21:00
Riddellneversfelde: what was the problem?21:09
neversfeldeRiddell: I tried to merge from debian and then I had to leave. I think I did several mistakes, upgrades from koffice 1.6.3 are working, but not from my older ppa packages21:10
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
Riddellneversfelde: ok I'll take a look at some point, thanks for making a start21:12
neversfeldeRiddell: thank you21:13
neversfeldeI also wrote a mail to the list about kid3, would be great if someone could improve the patch. Upstream did a lot of work to fix kid for karmic.21:13
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freinhardis switching virtual desktops is broken in karmic or just for me? X gets locked in waitforsomething22:01
nixternalfreinhard: seems to be working fine here...I do it accidentally a coupld hundred times a day :)22:03
freinhardXorg doesn't crash so this might be a kde issue?22:07
freinhardXorg.0.log doensn't say anything22:08
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freinhardwhere does cups get translated? lp?22:46
Riddellfreinhard: our translations man doesn't seem to be around just now, I'm afraid I don't know but it should be easy to check22:55
* freinhard hates people not testing webinterfaces with different browsers.23:01
freinhardcups set-printer-options is broken in konqueror23:01
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slacker_nli know this might not be the place to ask, but i don't have the show desktop plasma/widget in debian, where i did have it in ubuntu23:15
slacker_nlwhere did you guys get it? i want it back :)23:16
freinhardslacker_nl: i guess that one is part of plasma and should be there anyways23:17
slacker_nlfreinhard: mmm23:17
slacker_nlcannot find it though..23:18
freinhardplasma-applet-showdesktop.desktop is in plasma-widgeds-addons23:20
slacker_nlk, will have a look thnx23:20
slacker_nllooks promising, i see lancelot as well23:21
slacker_nlfreinhard: thank you very much!23:24
slacker_nlit is back23:24
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