
=== freeflyi2g is now known as freeflying
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LaibschDoes http://packages.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-laptop-mode still serve a purpose?  It hasn't been updated for ages and there is the generic laptop-mode-tools package available.  Time for removal?  Where to request?01:52
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Legendariois joão pinto here?02:41
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LLStarkshi. can i get action on this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bitpim/+bug/39583006:14
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395830 in bitpim "Bitpim crashes when communicating with phone" [Undecided,New]06:14
LLStarkspatch is posted, just needs packaging.06:14
LLStarksbitpim is pretty much non-functional without it and root.06:15
fabrice_spLLStarks, why don't you prepare a debdiff, and subscribe u-u-s?06:19
fabrice_spfyi, if the sponsors are not subscribed, nothing will be done06:20
wrapsterguys it was all working fine .. but all of a sudden when dpkg-buildpackage was executed i get this http://pastie.org/65256407:25
dholbachgood morning07:40
RAOFI note that seb's listed as the gnome-shell maintainer.  The last upload is missing a b-d on libcroco3-dev, and I was wondering whether he's got a maintainer-lock on gnome-shell.08:02
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dholbachRAOF: I don't think08:02
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JDahlI asked a question on #UbuntuOne,  but the channel seems idle...    after the latest Karmic updates, my Desktop folders got a green marker.  I gather this means that those folders have been synchronized with UbuntuOne servers - is that correct?  If so this is very questionable and unfortunate (to say the least), since I never asked any folders to uploaded08:05
dholbachJDahl: that's bug 45011208:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 450112 in ubuntuone-client "Entire Hard Drive Marked as ubuntuone-synchronized" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45011208:06
JDahldholbach, ok, thank you.08:08
RAOFHey, the new gnome-shell application- based alt-tab is pretty cool.08:11
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AnAntHello, can someone ack https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/sabily-themes/+bug/449651 ?09:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449651 in sabily "FFe: Add a 64x64 logo for GDM theme." [Undecided,In progress]09:43
joaopintohum, gdm themes for karmic ?09:44
AnAntjoaopinto: it's an icon theme, you can set GDM themes by setting GTK/Icon/Metacity themes for gdm user09:45
joaopintoah ok :)09:46
joaopintoyou mean, gtk/gnome themes for the gdm user :P09:46
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AnAntbtw, lintian version on REVU needs to be updated09:49
AnAntcan some sponsor this: http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=6920 ? It's FFe request has been approved (LP 440153)09:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440153 in sabily "FFe: Add an xsplash theme for Sabily" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44015309:51
AnAntsiretart: ping10:08
siretart`AnAnt: pong10:08
AnAntsiretart`: lintian version on REVU needs to be updated10:08
siretart`AnAnt: ii  lintian             2.2.17ubuntu1       Debian package checker10:10
siretart`AnAnt: I don't think so10:10
AnAntsiretart`: it gives false alarms10:11
AnAntsiretart`: one of the warnings it gives is: newer-standards-version 3.8.3 (current is 3.7.3)10:12
siretart`AnAnt: older uploads are not re-scanned10:15
siretart`sistpoty updated it last week10:15
\shcan someone do me a favor and try to rebuild latest karmic quilt package (sbuild would be great)11:43
Laney20 commands (17 passed, 3 failed)11:47
Laneythe mail stuff broke11:47
\shLaney, ok...my sbuild is ok :) http://paste.ubuntu.com/292281/ <- very same output I think11:48
Laneyi guess that test needs patching11:48
\shLaney, tried to do a backport of debhelper from karmic to jaunty..and I need karmics quilt..the very same happens on jaunty ;)11:49
wrapsterwill anyone help me with a basic question on mercurial? here..11:50
\shbug #40198211:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401982 in quilt "quilt_0.46-7 still same error on intrepid" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40198211:55
\shthere it is11:55
\shLaney, please test the debdiff from bug #401982 pls :)12:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 401982 in quilt "quilt_0.46-7 still same error on intrepid" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40198212:05
AnAntScottK: Hello, sabily-xsplash-artwork is in the new queue now13:05
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ScottKAnAnt: I saw that.  I'll try and have a look at it tonight.13:32
AnAntScottK: thanks13:37
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ari-tczewis anybody here from security team?14:27
walterlwhat are the odds of still getting an upstream release into karmic?14:32
joaopintowalterl, you mean a new upstream version for an existing package ?14:32
walterljoaopinto: yes14:32
ubottuuvf is Upstream Version Freeze.  For an exception, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess14:32
walterljoaopinto: yes, i've read that. is it still possible this close to the final freeze?14:33
joaopintoafaik yes14:33
walterlawesome, thanks14:33
Unggnuhi all14:33
joaopintoif you have a good ffe reason14:34
joaopintohello Unggnu14:34
ari-tczewI have good ffe reason for my debdiff :P14:34
Unggnuhi joaopinto14:34
UnggnuCould somebody please look at this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mail-notification/+bug/43578914:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435789 in mail-notification "mail-notification can't be compiled in Karmic because of missing libeel2-dev" [Undecided,New]14:34
joaopintoari-tczew, a bug fix does not require ffe, i think :P14:34
ari-tczewyes, CVE fix14:34
UnggnuIt is annoying that mail-notification has SSL disabled but if I can build it on my own it isn't such a big problem. But even this isn't possible atm14:35
UnggnuI don't know how the build system was able to compile mail-notification for Karmic with this14:35
stefanlsdari-tczew: try #ubuntu-hardened14:38
bddebianHeya gang14:53
randomactionUnggnu: I think the problem is bug 44340614:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 443406 in evolution "evolution-dev should depend on libgtkhtml3.14-dev and libebook1.2-dev" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44340614:55
Unggnurandomaction, Why is this the problem?14:57
UnggnuThe problem with the SSL support of mail-notification is a stupid, chauvinistic license discussion. The problem that it isn't possible to compile it on our own is that a lib is missing/replaced but mail-notification still depends on it.14:58
\shkklimonda, need a sponsor for bug #447617?14:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447617 in python-django "DoS attack on Django 1.0.x and 1.1.x disclosed" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44761714:59
randomactionUnggnu: there's a new version in Debian which doesn't depend on libeel2-dev14:59
Unggnurandomaction, I know but it isn't in Karmic :)14:59
UnggnuThat's why I am posting it here15:00
randomactionit can't go there because it FTBFS15:00
Unggnuok, so it can be build too15:00
UnggnuHow was the build system able to compile mal notification for Karmic?15:00
randomactionI guess libeel2-dev was still available back in April15:01
Unggnurandomaction, So what is the solution/planned?15:02
Unggnuremoving mail-notification :D15:02
randomactionhmm, maybe I should subscribe sponsors to review my patch15:03
\shls -al15:04
randomactionbut Evolution upstream suggests a different way of doing things, and I could use some help there15:06
iulianHi bddebian.15:07
Unggnurandomaction, Ok, now I understand the problem15:09
Unggnurandomaction, What was/is the solution of Debian?15:10
bddebianHi iulian15:11
randomactionUnggnu: just dropped the dependency, it's unnecessary15:20
Unggnurandomaction, And it isn't possible for Karmic because of the Freeze?15:21
randomactionUnggnu: it's quite possible, but it won't build anyway15:23
kklimonda\sh: yes - I wasn't sure who to ask now that it was moved to main though15:40
\shkklimonda, yeah..that striked me, too..I thought it's still in universe..now I can't upload your change :(15:47
LLStarksfabrice_sp, i have no idea how to do a proper debdiff nor do i care to subscribe to a new mailing list.17:33
LLStarksbitpim isn't functional and the onus isn't on me to fix it when a patch is readily available.17:34
LLStarksit's only a few lines of code ffs.17:34
micahg1can I get an FFe for a phpmyadmin security update (it's already in debian)17:41
=== micahg1 is now known as micahg
joaopintoMichiSoft, afaik , if it's a bug fix you dont need an FFe17:41
joaopintoops, micahg17:42
micahgjoaopinto: so, I just subscribe motu-release?17:48
joaopintomicahg, if you already have a proper debdiff, yes17:48
micahgjoaopinto: well, it would be an sync with debian I would think...do I still need a debdiff?17:49
joaopintooh, that's a sync request17:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sync17:49
micahgjoaopinto: process is the same still?17:50
joaopintoI guess so17:51
LLStarksah. micahg, can you look at this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bitpim/+bug/39583017:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395830 in bitpim "Bitpim crashes when communicating with phone" [Undecided,New]17:59
LLStarksi mean joaopinto18:00
LLStarkshas a patch. only needs packaging.18:00
joaopintoLLStarks, checking18:02
LLStarksi have confirmed that it works btw18:03
joaopintoLLStarks, it's a bit odd that the init function is called with arguments which have no purpose18:05
LLStarksi only have a cursory familiarity with python.18:05
LLStarksthis is quite out of my league18:06
joaopintoLLStarks, uper(requestheader,self).__init__(**dict) -> the dict is being passed for some reason.. however your init function is just a dumb function to prevent the error18:06
LLStarksit's not my patch.18:06
LLStarksit works though.18:06
LLStarksfunction is restored.18:06
joaopintoLLStarks, I will create a debdiff on the ground that it fixes for you, it wil be MOTUs to decide to accept it or not18:08
LLStarksthank you.18:08
LLStarksdoes bitpim have a designated packager?18:08
joaopintoLLStarks, there is no such thing on Ubuntu, the packager is a team18:09
LLStarksjoaopinto, should i talk to Bhavani Shankar18:12
joaopintoLLStarks, no idea who are you talking about :)18:13
LLStarksthe uploader of the current package.18:13
joaopintoLLStarks, like I said, packages on Ubuntu are maintained by a team, MOTU18:13
joaopintoI will also file a bug report for debian18:17
LLStarksthanks again.18:18
joaopintoLLStarks, could you test a .deb package just to be sure ? I mostly concerned about the identation of the code18:23
LLStarksi kinda suck at packaging and listing deps.18:24
joaopintoLLStarks, you just need to install the app, and test it with the case that was crashing18:24
LLStarksoh ok.18:25
LLStarksis the package on a ppa?18:25
joaopintono, i will upload it to an http server18:25
joaopintoLLStarks, 32 or 64 bits ?18:25
joaopintoit has some non python code18:26
joaopintoLLStarks, http://abs.getdeb.net/bit/, please test the .debs from there18:47
LLStarksstill requires sudo access even after modifying the udev rules.18:51
LLStarksor do i need to restart?18:52
LLStarksthoughts joaopinto?18:54
LLStarksalso, these instructions haven't been fully integrated: http://www.bitpim.org/help/howto-linuxusb.htm18:54
joaopintoLLStarks, sorry, baby time19:00
LLStarksah okay19:00
joaopintoLLStarks, can I trigger the bug without a phone device ?19:06
LLStarksjoaopinto, not that i know of.19:13
joaopintook, I didn't understood your questions, did you instal the packages I have built ?19:13
micahgping iulian19:13
joaopintoLLStarks, and it works as expected ?19:13
LLStarksno. root should not be needed to read the devices.19:14
joaopintoLLStarks, tha is another bug, one thing at the time, does it work with root with this patch ?19:14
joaopintook, debdiffing and subscribing sponsors19:14
LLStarkshere's the bug for root: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/bitpim/+bug/42673619:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 426736 in bitpim "bitpim requires sudo for usb detection" [Undecided,New]19:15
joaopintoLLStarks, please add the instructions link to the bug report19:16
joaopintothe one you posted here19:16
joaopintoLLStarks, I am not familiar with udev rules, so that's nothing something I can work at this stage in development19:17
LLStarksit's supposed to be 60-bitpim-rules19:18
LLStarksnot 4019:18
joaopintohum, that's just the load order I guess, does it fixed the problem for you ?19:20
LLStarksit hasn't worked for a few weeks19:22
LLStarksbut i do recall it worked once19:22
joaopintook, so let's fix it for lucid :P19:22
joaopintoLLStarks, bug 395830 updated19:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395830 in bitpim "Bitpim crashes when communicating with phone" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/39583019:24
fabrice_sp_Hi about bug #425640: the FFe has been approved for 2.36-1, but Debian has 2.39-1. Is the ack valid or it should go for another FFe round?19:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 425640 in get-iplayer "Please sync get-iplayer 2.36-1 from Debian" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42564019:43
micahgping mdeslaur re security update syncs from debian during FFe19:49
mdeslaurmicahg: yes?19:52
micahgmdeslaur: I was wondering about the wireshark bug19:53
micahgto upgrade to 1.2.2, if I should change it to a sync request19:53
Futbolistajuego de boxeo online http://www.kobox.org/kobox-fande-Nourine.html19:53
micahgbug 43581719:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 435817 in wireshark "[ffe-request] upgrade to wireshark 1.2.2 for security fixes" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43581719:54
mdeslaurmicahg: no, a ffe is fine, you need to subscribe motu-release to the bug though19:57
micahgok, so syncs need motu-release subscribe during ffe?19:57
micahgand should I do the same for the phpmyadmin new release?19:58
mdeslaurmicahg: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FreezeExceptionProcess look at the Universe section19:59
micahgok, thanks19:59
randomactionfabrice_sp_: according to sistpoty in the comment #6 to this bug, I think a word from Debian maintainer would be enough20:00
fabrice_sp_randomaction, that was my feeling, but I'm not sure ScottK would share this :-)20:01
randomactionhe can sync what he pleases anyway :)20:02
av`mdeslaur, hi20:14
mdeslaurhi av`20:14
av`mdeslaur, there is a guy who is getting something strange with winbind on jaunty-updates, e.g fails to install20:14
mdeslaurav`: oh?20:15
av`mdeslaur, let me link you the bug20:15
av`mdeslaur, the version he is complaining about is 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.220:15
av`mdeslaur, which is exactly the one on jaunty20:15
av`mdeslaur, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/samba/+bug/44981420:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449814 in samba "amule" [Undecided,New]20:15
av`mdeslaur, don't see the title, he missed the package20:16
av`mdeslaur, in the beginning I thought he was running karmic20:18
av`mdeslaur, but then I saw the 9.04 release on the report20:18
mdeslaurav`: let me try, hold on20:19
av`mdeslaur, k20:19
mdeslaurav`: wow, that's a weird error20:20
mdeslaurav`: I can't reproduce, unfortunately, it installs fine for me20:21
av`mdeslaur, no one ever reported it, and if it is *really* broken it would have been reported20:21
mdeslaurav`: yes. There's something broken on his machine, but beats me what it is20:22
av`mdeslaur, I suggested him to give an apt-get update to refresh stuff20:22
av`mdeslaur, or maybe he is using some unsupported repos20:22
av`mdeslaur, e.g home-made ones20:22
av`and not the official ones20:22
mdeslaurav`: looks like his chown utility is broken20:23
mdeslaurI mean chmod20:23
mdeslaurbut whatever it is, It's not a bug with the package20:24
av`mdeslaur, coreutils 6.10-6ubuntu1 [modified: bin/chmod]20:24
av`mdeslaur, chmod broken20:24
av`looks at dependencies file log20:24
mdeslaurav`: yep, there you go20:25
av`mdeslaur, let's close the report20:25
mdeslaurav`: sure, go ahead20:25
av`mdeslaur, thanks and sorry for bothering20:25
mdeslaurav`: np!20:26
mdeslaurav`: thanks to you20:26
Technovikinghow do I add an ubuntu-bug report to an existing bug in LP?20:55
micahgTechnoviking: apport-collect BUGNUM20:57
fabrice_sp_Do we know the date for the Final freeze for Universe?21:05
Technovikingmicahg: thanks21:07
zulScottK: ping can we get a FFE for ebox-dhcp-1.3 it was uploaded before feature freeze and never got into the archive21:12
norsettowhen is the last date when we can upload bug fixes without bothering motu-release?21:27
av`15 of october21:28
av`is the final freeze --> motu-release needed21:28
av`norsetto, ^^21:28
norsettoav`,  ok, thx21:29
av`you have two 1 day ~21:29
av`depending on your timezone21:29
norsettoav`, well, usually it is at 0utc on the given day ;-)21:30
sebnerhiuhi norsetto :D21:30
norsettosebner, ahoy21:30
av`norsetto, then one day, but you can do some works during night then21:30
sebnernorsetto: everything fine down there?21:31
norsettoav`, indeed, thats why I'm asking, I have hope to hunt down another one in one day ...21:31
norsettosebner, everything fine here in hell ;-)21:31
sebnernorsetto: why hell? =)21:32
norsettosebner, you said down there ...21:32
sebnernorsetto: I mean Italy :P21:32
norsettosebner, yes, isn't that hell !?21:32
av`norsetto, I agree, italy is hell atm21:33
av`norsetto, but it will get better soon21:33
norsettoav`, sure, when the pigs will fly21:34
sebnernorsetto: you are the one living down there so I have to believe what you are saying :D21:34
geserHi sebner, norsetto21:35
norsettogeser,hi there21:35
av`damn, geser alwais forgets to say hi to me21:35
sebnerlaoha geser :D21:35
av`pretty bad21:35
geserHi av`21:35
av`geser, heya, I'm a bit sad now you said hi to everyone apart me : /21:36
geserav`: didn't recognize your new nick21:39
av`geser, ah yeah, that's ok then :) I changed it like 2 weeks ago, so you couldnt know21:40
BodsdaHi, I sent an email to the motu mentors email about 4 days ago and did not receive a reply. I am really interested in getting involved but would like a mentor to shove me in the right direction. Can anyone advise what I should do?21:58
av`Bodsda, ping porthose22:01
Bodsdaporthose: ping22:02
Bodsdaty av`22:02
kklimondaanyone up for sponsoring bug 450747?22:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 450747 in cfv "Sync cfv 1.18.3-1 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45074722:18
fabrice_sp_kklimonda, subscribe u-u-s. I'll have a look tomorrow morning22:24
porthoseBodsda, pong, check your email inbox, I am working your application :).  FYI huats and nxvl are also on the team and can help you if I am not around.23:04
* porthose afk for a bit must take dog for a walk23:05
huatsporthose: get dholbach of that body (regarding the dog walk)23:06
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Bodsdaporthose: checking now, thanks :)23:38

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