
fabriziois this the right distro for 2.0g 512rdram 40 hd-newbie00:54
fabrizioneed interent word process and email not alot else00:55
blkdghi, i have a PPC G3 iMac, and i installed Xubuntu 9.04 ALTERNATE on it. when it starts, i have to hold down ctrl, command and f1 for it to actually boot. i have to do this each time. when i looked around at my xorg.conf, i found it empty, how can i fill the xorg.conf file?01:00
blkdgi also added ide-disk to /etc/initramfs-tools/modules and ran sudo update-initramfs -u01:01
blkdgi also added append="quiet splash video=radeonfb:1024x768" to /etc/yaboot.conf and ran sudo ybin -v01:02
blkdgthese were fixes in the faq01:03
blkdgand after each one, i tried to reboot, but had to hold down that key combo01:04
blkdgi read about that combo here http://www.yellowjug.com/how-to/xubuntu-linux-on-imac-g3/01:04
blkdgbut i don't know what to do to fix my xorg.conf problem01:04
blkdgthanks anyhow01:18
_Techie_wow, arent we dead today01:49
_Techie_ECHO echo echo echo01:49
eidois anyone familiar with ftp?  i wanted to create a folder with sub folders for each user and give them full access to only their folder but do not see how to do this.02:28
eidoi was hoping to have just one main folder instead of everyone being in their ~ directory02:28
Balsaq_Pete_ are you here05:33
likemindeadHALP PLZ. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/292083/06:08
likemindeadHow do I turn my wireless back on? It broke after my wife accidentally hit suspend. 0__o06:08
_Pete_Balsaq: sometimes?06:18
Balsaqavailable to answer a cfew questions Pete06:19
Balsaq_Pete_ i am going to try to load xubuntu on a computer this week was wondering if it loads like ubuntu did...which is my only experience with linux stuff. this puter will be 2.0gz 40 g hd 512 rdram06:22
_Pete_Balsaq: do you mean the computer currently have ubuntu installed?06:23
Balsaqwondering if after i load if everything works, meaning, sound, printer and internet connection, like i did with buntu06:23
Balsaqno they are giving me 6 tuesday or wed...wil be 5 dell dim 8250's and 1 820006:24
Balsaqi printed the spec so i know what they will be now...prolly 2.0-3.0g 40hd and 512 rdram06:24
Balsaqo from2002 era i think06:25
Balsaqbusiness towers06:25
Balsaqmy really old 1998 dell has the ubuntu06:25
Balsaqtechnically thats the one that need xfce but until i grt better i will experiment with they big business things cause the 1998 dellruns ok06:26
Balsaqto me it sem slike the xubu should go in just the same right? as far as finding the net and all?06:27
Balsaqhow about sound and printer...basics? does it have the software ti find those things too on its own?06:28
_Pete_sound yes, printer dont know, never owner one06:29
Balsaqwell this will be fun then because ive never run buntu in anything execpt the 400mgz dell and its gotta be up to its wazoo with a fullubuntu install on it06:31
Balsaqcan wait to watch it go on 2 or ghz06:31
Balsaqno w isee the xubuntu disc i have is going to be outdated any day....no biggie06:36
OngavezirAloha bruderz08:05
OngavezirHozsanna dicsoseges testvereim08:05
=== ocs is now known as faLUCE
boscopI can't find the global proxy settings dialog in my xfce menu :(09:55
boscopwhere is it?09:55
ablomenboscop, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=215627 << see the post of Noxide, maybe that works10:06
labhi. I have installed xubuntu 9.04 on a AMD Sempron, All seems ok, but the screen resolution is unfortunately set to 640x480 and I can't change it. In addition: xorg.conf is empty. what should I do ?11:10
=== denmark is now known as sodium
sodiumwhats is fstab11:17
sodiumi am  mounting my ntfs drives but i shows me warnings11:18
ablomensodium, fstab (/etc/fstab) is a file that contains what to do with internal/external media, where to mount drives etc11:18
ubottuThe /etc/fstab file indicates how drive partitions are to be used or otherwise integrated into the file system. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Fstab and http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/fstab.html and !Partitions11:18
sodiumok but how can i mountt drives11:19
sodiummy disk mounter only mounts my flash drive11:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about diskmount11:20
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount11:20
sodiummount: you must specify the filesystem type11:23
sodiumlulz done11:24
AncientSocratesis xubuntu faster than freebsd?11:33
_Pete_doing what?11:35
AncientSocratessimple things11:36
AncientSocratesusing the file manager11:36
AncientSocratessurfing the net11:36
AncientSocratesusing multimedia11:36
_Pete_maybe these can give you some hints: http://www.google.fi/search?q=linux+vs+freebsd+benchmark11:37
_Pete_But doing those,I doubt if there is any difference it's small11:38
AncientSocratesa lot of people prefer debian11:44
AncientSocratesover *ubuntu11:44
_Pete_it said to be more stable11:44
nikolamAncientSocrates, a lot software available, a lot of users > good community support11:45
nikolamfor both ubuntu and debian11:45
AncientSocrates_Pete_ : by more stable you mean they use older software11:45
nikolamdebian works on every thinkable cpu/hardware platform imaginable11:45
AncientSocratesthant ubuntu11:45
nikolamI prefer saying stable.11:45
nikolamubuntu both have LTS (Like Debian releases) and newer stable releases11:46
AncientSocratesi am now usin xubuntu beta11:46
nikolamit depends what you need11:46
AncientSocratesi think they update and fix any bugs very fast11:46
nikolambeta is for testing etc11:46
nikolambut you can use it and upgrade to released version in fly11:47
nikolamwhen it is released11:47
nikolamI always suggest to new users, latest stable release11:47
AncientSocratesi used fedora in the pat11:48
AncientSocratesthe beta11:48
AncientSocratesi had some problems11:48
AncientSocratesbut not much11:48
nikolamAncientSocrates, what are your needs, what is that you need, will reflect what you should use11:49
nikolamI started with xubuntu on olda P3 machine 2 years ago. And I fall in love with Xfce and now running Xubuntu 64-bit11:49
nikolamalso, after chaising multiple stable releases and upgrading,11:50
nikolami settled on latest LTS11:50
nikolamAnd I am waiting next LTS.11:50
nikolamAnd I install newest progrmas on LTS11:51
AncientSocratesactually i have an old pc11:51
AncientSocratesthat i use rarely to store data11:51
nikolambut I say again, for new user, latest stable is what i recommend, since you can post bug reports then11:51
nikolamoh, what is conf. you are yusing now and what is conf of that old pc?11:52
AncientSocrates48 giga hdd, nvidia 5200fx gpu, 512 sd ram, 2,3 ghz 1 core cpu11:52
nikolamthat is nice machine11:52
nikolamseems that xubuntu flies on that11:53
AncientSocratesyes i use it rarely11:53
AncientSocratesto store stuff to my second hdd11:53
AncientSocratesor multimedia11:53
AncientSocratesor anyway something simple11:53
nikolamok, I got to go to do some stuff, tak care!11:54
AncientSocratesand i want it to run fast]11:54
AncientSocratesuse debian & icewm as window manager and stay cool11:54
AncientSocratessomeone from ##linux told me to use that on it11:54
AncientSocrateswould it be faster?11:54
nikolamAncientSocrates, also try lxde, it IS fast11:54
nikolamand low-memory footprint11:54
nikolambut with machine you have, all desktop env. will work just great11:55
AncientSocratesis lxde lighter than xfce?11:55
nikolamit is just my thinking that i like Xfce the best and also I can use Gnome applets for panels in it :)11:55
nikolamyes, lxde is like, for very small memory machines11:56
AncientSocratesok thanks for the info11:56
nikolamI think there is even new ubuntu spin-off with lxde11:56
nikolamok, buy11:56
AncientSocratesi use xubuntu 9.10 beta12:26
AncientSocrateswhen i open a window12:26
AncientSocrateslets say my home folder12:26
AncientSocratesthe window is stuck in the upper left corner12:26
AncientSocratesi cant move it and there is no X button12:27
AncientSocratesis this normal?12:27
AncientSocratesor a bug12:28
ablomenAncientSocrates, no windowmanager, press alt+f2 and type xfwm412:32
AncientSocratesok it worked12:38
AncientSocrateswhere can i find and mount my secondary ntfs hdd?12:38
ablomenAncientSocrates, run sudo fdisk -l12:40
ablomensee what device has ntfs as filesystem (need the /dev/sd* part), create a directory to mount it to (for example, sudo mkdir /media/windows) and then mount it (for example sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sdb1 /media/windows)12:42
AncientSocratesso every time13:11
AncientSocratesi have to load xfwm4?13:12
ablomenehm no you should not have to13:12
ablomenif you do, something is wrong with your session..13:13
_Pete_excellent, https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Jaunty13:23
AncientSocratesi have another problem with xubuntu 9.10\14:16
AncientSocrateswhen it boots up14:16
AncientSocratesit says14:16
AncientSocratesacpi resource error14:16
AncientSocratesconflicts with acpi rprg14:16
AncientSocratessomething like that14:16
AncientSocratesany idea?14:19
knomeAncientSocrates, xubuntu 9.10 is still under development, please file a bug14:25
AncientSocratesconflicts with acpi smrg14:25
AncientSocratesit says14:25
AncientSocratesbut it loads ok14:26
AncientSocratesi can log in to the systme14:26
knomethen no problem).14:26
AncientSocratesthis message is before you see the [OK]s during boot14:26
AncientSocratesshould i reinstall xubuntu?14:26
knomeno, if it works14:27
labhi, where can I find instruction for upgrading from 8.10 to 9.04 ?14:44
knome!upgrade | lab14:45
ubottulab: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading14:45
Pres-GasGood morning?14:59
sodiumgood morning for u good nite for me15:01
Pres-GasYeah, note the question mark15:01
sodiumi have question how can i mount ext3 drive15:02
Pres-GasPerhaps my traditional "Good morrow" is more neutral15:02
Pres-Gassodium, in what os?15:02
sodiumxubuntu 8.1015:02
Pres-GasIs the drive external, usb, internal....give us details, sodium?15:03
sodiumyes usb dirve  works fine15:04
sodiumbut i cant see my all partitions in os15:04
Pres-Gas...and it is not getting automounted then.15:04
Pres-GasAhhh...so some of the partitions show up?15:05
sodiumi have 6 partitions but only sda6(xubuntu)is there15:05
Pres-Gasso, sodium, do the partitions internal show up or are some of them missing as well?15:06
sodiumplzz tell me how to mount all my disk drives15:08
sodium:(( i wanna them15:08
Pres-GasI think checking out the logs may help you out on this.  You may have a problem that is preventing them mounting.15:09
sodiumwhere are the logs :P15:09
Pres-GasNavigate to /var/log/ and look at the files called messages and messages.0, syslog and syslog.0 and see if they mention your drives at all.15:10
Pres-GasWhy don't you also give us the output of "mount | grep /dev".15:11
Pres-Gas...that is from a terminal, sodium.  Sorry if that was not clear15:12
sodiumthanks dear i mount it15:14
Pres-GasNow, let's not get personal.  Calling me dear...    ;)15:16
Pres-GasSo, wait, sodium, you are now able to mount your partitions?15:16
sodiumi can't mount becas i don't know how to mount15:23
Pres-Gashmmmm...lessee what ubottu knows about mounting...15:24
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount15:24
Pres-Gassodium, read over that link as well as looking over your logs....were you ever able to see these partitions?  I have been approaching this as if you were once able to see them.15:25
labhi. which is the best way to install ATI driver for ubuntu 9.04 ? I followed these instructions and they were a disaster: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI   . any suggestion? thanks16:20
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto16:21
lablikemindead: this help is shitty16:22
labit should be removed16:22
labit corrupts installations16:22
lablikemindead: you are idiot, let me tell you16:24
BaGyi'm find this for ATI cards https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI16:26
BaGythis is vork for me http://tan-com.com/posts/technology/fix-ubuntu-904-ati-driver-issue16:28
BaGyi have ATI  Radeon 955016:28
Pres-GasI would not use the tan-com article, people...changing all the repos and THEN pinning?  Seems a bit ham fisted to me16:34
likemindeadSelling the ATI card and buying an NVIDIA one is the best option...16:36
=== root is now known as Guest89141
ubottuInformation on Ubuntu Local Community Teams is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoTeams18:22
andreavicarihi everyone18:32
likemindead!hi | andreavicari18:34
ubottuandreavicari: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:34
andreavicariI have some questions about my ibook conf, can anyone help me?18:36
likemindead!ask | andreavicari18:37
ubottuandreavicari: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line, so others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:37
andreavicariI compiled the kernel to speed it up, but then the airport showed some problems: it connects to the router but no traffic is allowed18:39
Balsaq_Pete_ may i ask you if you will be on here thursday after midnight (usa eastern time) to assist me with a install of xubuntu19:05
Balsaqi will have 2 computers running one to chat on here and of course the one that is getting the xubuntu19:05
andreavicariany clue where to find a tutorial about the kernel .config file?19:20
ubottuThe core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages19:31
n2diyif I disable a daemon do I need to shutdown to stop it, or would loging out and back in suffice?19:39
BaGyn2diy, just log out19:40
n2diyBaGy: ok, thanks.19:41
andreavicariubottu: thank you20:02
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)20:02
andreavicarigot it, bye20:04
* genii sips20:07
blkdghi is anyone here using xubuntu on a PPC ?20:27
deadmikehow long is this channel logged for?20:29
TheSheepblkdg: you can try on #ubuntu-ppc20:31
Pres-Gasdeadmike, seems to be from 2004.  http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/20:34
Pres-GasI bet if you did a google search pointing the "site:" directive to that address, you may find what you are looking for, deadmike20:34
blkdgthanks so muck TheSheep i didn't know anout that!20:35
blkdgthanks again20:37
deadmikethanks for answerin my question haha20:39
deadmikejust stopped by to let y'all know that i am installing xubuntu tonight20:43
deadmikewas considering giving pclinuxos a go....20:43
yerbestfrendin #hackers21:37
Sysiwell, i get some weird spam to my status-window21:39
cody-somervillehes banned from the network now21:39
Pres-GasKeeps assuming different names...is it ip/hosts too, cody-somerville?21:40
* Pres-Gas reads logs21:40
Pres-Gashmmmmm, maybe it is the same...but too bad it is from an edu21:41

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