=== NCommander is now known as NC|G1 === NC|G1 is now known as NCommander === pwnguin is now known as `Xenocide === `Xenocide is now known as pwnguin === roxfan2 is now known as roxfan [09:56] i upgraded my jaunty image to karmic through "update-manger -d" on an i.mx51 based system. now the system would always get stuck while loading gdm. could anyone give me some pointers regarding how to go about debugging it? [10:02] chih__: That's with a custom kernel and no initrd right? [10:02] chih__: Can you setup a serial console and change the cmdline to log to serial console to see what's going on? [10:03] chih__, i tried "single" to get to the console mode and manually run "/usr/sbin/gdm" gets me the same result. [10:03] lool, already did that. [10:03] lool, right. custom kernel + noinitrd. that's right [10:04] chih__: So what's the actual problem you're seeing when starting gdm? [10:04] It hangs the system or it doesn't come up or...? [10:04] lool, i did get "gdm-binary: WARNING: Unable to find users: no seat-id found" while system is hanging... [10:05] Don't start "/usr/sbin/gdm"; use "sudo start gdm" [10:05] lool, the x swirling cursor is running... [10:05] In which case? "sudo start gdm"? [10:06] lool, and disk status light is still flashing. but i never got to the gdm login window. [10:06] lool, whether it is through upstart or /usr/sbin/gdm [10:07] chih__: Can you upload /var/log/gdm/* somewhere? [10:07] lool, sure. hold on. [10:09] lool, are you looking for any specific logs there or everything? [10:10] chih__: All might be relevant, I dont know yet [10:11] lool, ok. do you have an email address i can send it to? [10:11] Cant you just upload it to a pastebin or something? [10:11] Or people.c.c [10:12] lool, ok [10:14] chih__: start with gdm.log [10:14] chih__: You know ubuntu-paste? [10:14] chih__: apt-get install pastebinit [10:14] alias ubuntu-paste='pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com' [10:24] chih__: do you see xsplash during boot? [10:24] lool, yes [10:25] chih__: Do you see it when the session starts? [10:25] lool, i don't quite get your question [10:26] chih__: Can you paste the list of processesw [10:26] lool, ok [10:26] chih__: also .xsession-errors from the autologin user [10:31] lool, .xsession-errors at http://paste.ubuntu.com/293009/ [10:31] chih__: Aha [10:31] lool, :-) [10:31] chih__: So your log shows UNR starting, that's not standard ubuntu at all [10:32] chih__: Not only is it UNR, but it's not ubuntu's UNR; it's an enlightenment UNR [10:32] lool, ah. ok. i didn't mean to have it running. [10:33] chih__: and Xfce?!! [10:33] lool, yep [10:33] WTF is this setup?? [10:33] lool, APM [10:33] chih__: Is this xfce or unr or...? [10:33] lool, the image happens to use xfce for some reason [10:33] OMG [10:33] lool, it is a unr launcher on top of xfce desktop [10:33] lool, don't be [10:33] lool, it's an xfce desktop and the 2D efl thingie :) [10:34] lool, :) i know it sounds like a mess... [10:34] lool, should i remove unr and try again? [10:34] chih__: Ok so disable autologin from gdm [10:34] chih__: Use a recovery session (just starts an xterm) and launch things manually [10:34] lool, ok. need your help here [10:35] chih__: You could launch "xfce-session &" in that xterm for instance [10:35] chih__: sudo vi /etc/gdm/*.conf [10:35] chih__: Look for autologin [10:35] funny that the launcher defines itself as :) [10:35] lool, like running xinit directly? [10:35] ogra: How do you know it's the launcher? [10:35] lool, because of the error messages [10:36] well, warnings rather [10:36] ogra: Yeah, How do you know it's the launcher? [10:36] (:1175): liblauncher-DEBUG: launcher-menu.c:361 [10:36] chih__: Or run startx if you like, but I'd recommend a gdm session instead [10:36] and the icon names sound very much like launcher icos as well [10:36] *icons [10:37] i suspect the fl libs got updated during the upgrade as well ? [10:37] *efl [10:37] lool, ok. autologin disabled. [10:38] chih__: Now you should get the gdm login screen and can select a xterm session and type in your username + password [10:38] EDJE: Error loading image collection "images/20" from file "/usr/share/netbook-launcher-efl/data/themes/default.edj". Missing EET Evas loader module? [10:38] ogra: that's what I think as well [10:39] chih__: So what's your goal exactly? Running the same stuff as you ran on jaunty or running karmic xfce or karmic gnome? [10:39] karmic w3m ! minimalism FTW !! :) [10:40] lool, oh. i am trying to help someone verify some packages that only seem to be available in karmic's arm port [10:40] chih__: Could you be more precise? [10:40] lots of packages in karmic [10:42] lool, qt development tools/libraries to be exact [10:45] chih__: Did you get to that xterm? [10:45] chih__: So the issue seems pretty clearly related to the UNR 2D + Xfce stuff not starting in karmic anymore; it's likely this stuff needs to be rebased if you want to use it [10:45] That's not in karmic though, so cant help much there [10:46] chih__: What you can do is start other session types and test the qt libs from there [10:46] lool, tried startx and failed [10:46] chih__: startx will start the same session by default [10:47] lool, so, can you show me how to start gdm-session alternatively? [10:47] chih__: As I said, just select the other session from the gdm start screen [10:47] chih__: You dont see the session type drop down on your gdm greeter? [10:48] lool, ok. i haven't got to the greeter window yet [10:48] chih__: You have a password set for your user? [10:48] lool, yes. [10:49] lool, i am still in console mode [10:49] chih__: If yes, just "sudo stop gdm" and "sudo start gdm" [10:49] lool, ok. trying... [10:49] That should get you to the gdm greeter now that you turned off autologin [10:50] lool, i got "gdm start/running, process XXXX" and nothing happened... [10:50] chih__: Switch VT [10:51] lool, negative. tried all the VT's. tty1~tty6 [10:51] chih__: It's on 7 [10:51] try alt + left arrow [10:52] lool, uh. no tty7 for me [10:52] chih__: just reboot, it should get gdm up on the greeter [10:52] chih__: how did you diable autologin exactly> [10:52] chih__: I need to drop off now [10:52] ogra: ^ can you plesae pick it up [10:52] lool, it is in /etc/gdm/gdm-cdd.conf [10:52] lool, thanks for your help! [11:02] ogra, there is another seemingly important message while booting up: "gdm spawning too fast, stop..." [11:02] ChanServ, sounds like your xserver cant start [11:02] err chih__ :) [11:03] ogra, yeah? [11:07] chih__, so check /var/log/Xorg.0.log [11:07] ogra, ok. [11:07] or dump it on the pastebin [11:20] ogra, http://paste.ubuntu.com/293031/ [11:20] ogra, sorry for being a bit slow. network is on and off on this board... :( [11:21] mxc_ts The /dev/input/event* device nodes seem to be missing [11:21] hmm [11:22] that shouldnt stop X from coming up though [11:22] but it looks like udev issues [11:22] ogra, x has been rock solid in jaunty though... [11:22] ogra, ok... [11:23] likely caused by your kernel missing bits or pieces [11:23] gdm still didnt come up after reboot, right ? [11:24] ogra, right. only got to see the xsplash and a running cursor [11:24] well, but that means X comes up [11:24] weird that gdm doesnt [11:24] ogra, right! [11:25] ogra, mmmm [11:25] do the following: [11:25] ok [11:25] echo xterm >~/.xsession [11:25] then try with startx [11:25] should get you at least an xterm up [11:26] i am in [11:26] ogra, then... [11:27] ok, that proves it's not X at fault [11:27] yeah! [11:28] try running xfce4-session from your xterm [11:28] ok.... [11:30] Gconf error... [11:31] initializing gdu failed [11:31] but the session comes up ? [11:32] not completely. i saw the desktop background coming up [11:32] panels etc ? [11:33] ogra, nope. still only xterm is there [11:33] no WM either ? [11:33] nope [11:33] xfce4 in karmic is seriously screwed? [11:36] nope [11:36] but i have no clue what the actual name of the xfce session has to be [11:36] ok... [11:39] NCommander, ^^^ wha do you need to run to get an xfce desktop ? [11:40] *what [11:43] chih__, ah, it's startxfce4 not xfce4-session [11:43] stop the process in the xterm and run startxfce4 instead [11:44] ok... [11:47] exactly the same as running xfce4-session [11:48] thats weird [11:48] can you paste your .xsession-errors again ? [11:48] sure [11:50] strangely. whenever system hangs for a considerable amount of time, i start to see "I/O error, dev sda, sector XXXXXXXX" "EXT3-fs error ..." [11:50] oh, that sounds like a kernel bug [11:51] ogra, right. never had that in jaunty... [11:51] ogra, oh oh. i am still using the jaunty kernel by the way [11:51] well, you are still using the same kernel, no ? [11:51] ogra, yes. only upgraded the FS [11:52] ogra, kernel is in SD card separate from FS [11:52] kernel is on SD ? [11:52] ogra, which is in an external USB disk [11:52] ah [11:52] ogra, right. the board only supports booting from kernel in SD [11:52] ogra, ah? [11:53] i was about to ask about where the rootfs lives ... you answered that faster than i could ask ... thus "ah" :) [11:53] ogra, oh actually... [11:54] ogra, i was trying to upgrade to karmic by manually adding a "karmic" repo in sources.list and gradually went through "apt-get upgrade"... [11:55] ogra, the system was fine during the first couple batches of updates [11:55] ugh [11:55] use update-manager for such things in the future [11:55] ogra, i was able to enjoy all the rich packages in karmic that way [11:55] it has a cmdline tool as well [11:55] ogra, till i updates some "core" stuff and then system wouldn't boot into x any more [11:56] ogra, i think it was upstart related among other things... [11:57] ogra, anyway, it is ok that i can't make it work completely [11:57] i heard rumours that upstart has issues when you run it without initramfs [11:58] since i'd never do that i cant verify [11:58] ogra, after all, all i need are those karmic packages... [11:58] ogra, i see [11:58] do you still see upstart errors on bootup ? [11:58] ogra, i would go back to jaunty and only grab those packages as i usually did before [11:58] ogra, yes. like "gdm spawning too fast..." [11:59] beyond that i mean [11:59] ogra, nope. [12:00] ogra, the system would hang trying to get to greeter window/gdm [12:00] ogra, or i shouldn't say "hang", the disk was actually busy reading... [12:01] ogra, until the "I/O error message" i mentioned earlier finally came out. [12:02] well, do you have an .xsession-errors excerpt for the test from xterm ? [12:02] ogra, oh. hold on. i have to reboot the system... [12:03] * ogra has to run out for 30min or so [12:05] http://paste.ubuntu.com/293058/ [12:06] by the way, i have since removed all netbook-launcher related packages.... [12:32] chih__, ogra, intsall xubuntu-desktop, then select Xfce from th eSessions list at GDM. [12:32] argh [14:10] hi how do i prepare and boot ubuntu on arm mmc bageleboard ? [14:11] i got mini projector as hdmi screen [14:23] whazilla: http://elinux.org/BeagleBoardUbuntu === bjf-afk is now known as bjf [16:43] Hmmm. [16:44] * armin76 checks his mail :) [16:44] armin76: Didn't send it. I had an argument with the CEO yesterday about remote access [16:44] "Is it a partner, or company we are doing business with?" [16:45] it's going to take a bit for him to cool down, and for me to explain what a 'community developer' is [16:45] :( [16:45] he's a good guy, it's just that he is in the middle of Round A financing talks, and so he's touchy about IP, remote access, NDA's, etc. [16:46] np, thanks for trying though [16:46] now, to the business of getting Karmic Koala working [16:46] I have a serious problem with php5 .. we didn't build it with zlib enabled! [16:47] Downloading update from http://downloads.wordpress.org/plugin/wordpress-automatic-upgrade.1.2.5.zip. Unpacking the update. Abort class-pclzip.php : Missing zlib extensions [16:47] I was testing out wordpress on my BeagleServer, and ran into this problem. turns out it's a can of worms [16:47] * armin76 blames NCommander [16:47] zlib, as a whole, is missing. PHP5 does seem to have been compiled with zlib support, but there is no php5-zlib plugin, nor is zlib.so part of the distribution [17:12] armin76, what did I do O_O; [17:12] NCommander: you don't let me play with armv7! [17:12] armin76, I gave you a shell over IPv6! [17:13] NCommander: but for only one day! [17:21] *groan* [17:22] NCommander: Speaking of v7, do you have 20 minutes or so to give me a helping hand? I need to understand the PPA process of creating an arch [17:23] Martyn, public PPAs are x86/x86_64 only [17:23] Sorry :-/ [17:23] No way around that [17:23] I need to find a reliable way to build for v7, with NEON optimizations, for our A9 [17:24] and that means finding a better way to recompile all of karmic. I'm abandoning the launchpad system, because it's 1) baroque and 2) broken as all hell for me now [17:24] even though I had it working for a while [17:25] Martyn, probably abuse wanna-build/buildd [17:25] Martyn, hold on [17:26] Martyn1, http://www.wzdftpd.net/trac/wiki/Debian/Buildd [17:26] Martyn1, thats part of the Debian build systme, but its compatible with Ubuntu [17:27] sure, but only compatible. [17:27] Can I point buildd to the ubuntu repositories, and actually end up with a real karmic build? [17:27] Martyn, yes [17:28] Martyn, back in the days before Soyuz, I believe Ubuntu even used the same build infrastructure as Debian [17:34] Hmm [17:34] Worth a try, at least [17:39] maen: I just reviewed the two patches from NCommander and will send them your way ASAP; one fixes the e2fsck issue [17:40] lool, er, no, that one just fixes a conditional [17:40] lool, the e2fsck one probably a more indepth fix :-/ [17:40] Ah [17:40] Ok [17:40] lool, I can try and run that one down if you want though [17:40] * NCommander isn't sure if upstream u-boot is affected or not [17:40] No; maen's on it already [17:41] maen, you mind trying to help me with UART booting again? I'd *really* like to get it to work [17:53] UART booting? [17:53] Is that broken? [17:54] We have it working here, but on our PBX system [17:54] (we're working on getting PXE support shoehorned into u-boot) [17:54] then pushed upstream [17:55] Martyn, I just can't get it to work [17:55] Martyn1, probably user error on my end, but damned if I can find the error === rbelem_ is now known as rbelem [21:04] maen, do you know if there are any known issues with the kernel on the Y0 locking up hard?