
mac_vjonian_g: kwwii:  <mac_v> mpt: any reason for the software store icon being so very pale in the smaller sizes? icon looks a bit sick ;)03:01
mac_v * mpt bangs head on desk03:01
mac_v  <mac_v> \o/03:01
mac_v <mpt> mac_v, it was so the outlines would look sharper, so that it would look more obviously like a bag03:01
mac_v <mac_v> mpt: but still the present color is a bit weird .... check the color of the "other" icon.. in the departments... that could be used...anyways just mentioning ...03:01
mac_v <mpt> mac_v, true, but too late for that now03:01
mac_vkwwii: mpt said it was too late... is there anyway we could fix this? the icon really looks too pale ;)03:03
mac_vkwwii: hehe.. i poked mpt just yesterday regarding this ... luckily all are in agreement03:09
kwwiimac_v: no, it is now too late to change anything before release09:25
mac_vkwwii: oh , i didnt mean immediately... but along with the next Software center updates we can update the icon :)12:04
mac_vkwwii: if you could send me your source icons , i could try it in a different shade ;)12:05
mac_vdifferent shade == shade from "other" categories icon ;p12:14
mac_vor could be easier if you did the edit too ;)12:15
kwwiimac_v: give me your email address again (I lost it) and I'll send it to you12:18
mac_vkwwii: lol... its in the notify-osd copyright too ...12:19
kwwiimac_v: can you confirm that the notify icons are still messed up?13:54
mac_vkwwii: yup13:54
kwwiistill showing the green?13:54
mac_vkwwii: yes , they show the gpm-icons only13:54
kwwiiok, I am talking to one of the bosses to work this out13:55
mac_vawesome :)13:55
kwwiimac_v: just got an email from mark asking about the "packages out of date" icon in the notification are of the panel14:04
kwwiimac_v: it seems that there is a colorful icon still being used14:04
kwwiiI am not sure exactly which icon he means, but he would like it fixed ;)14:05
mac_vkwwii: i believe it is the gtk-warning icons... he has asked earlier too , but that needs a code change , from what i understand , if mvo agrees we can fix it ;)14:05
mac_vkwwii: i think mat_t knows more about that14:06
kwwiimat_t: any info? ^---^14:06
kwwiimac_v: do you know which icon is currently being shown?14:08
kwwiijust a description would do...I do not know how to make it display on my system14:09
mac_vkwwii: its the dialogue-warning icon or one of its symlinks  , form the status folder14:09
kwwiimac_v: killer, thanks14:09
mac_vthe orange /!\ icon14:09
kwwiicool, do you know if mvo knows about this already?14:10
mat_tmac_v: yeah, we need a monochrome icon, but it should only appear in the panel (not anywhere else)14:10
mat_tkwwii: ^14:11
mac_vmat_t: it would need a code change... tell mvo that mark wants it :p  shouldnt be hard to fix it or convince mvo ;)14:11
mat_tI'm very busy with other stuff atm - kwwii could you ping mvo about it?14:13
kwwiimac_v: does he already know about it?14:14
mac_vkwwii: mvo just agreed to fix it in -desktop14:14
mat_tthx mac_v! :)14:15
kwwiimac_v: well, he said he knows how not that he will do it14:15
kwwiimac_v: let me know when the icon is done and we can put it in the theme asap14:20
mac_vkwwii: ah , ok.. i'll do it asap ;)   /me curses the one who cannot be named ;p14:20
kwwiithis might give us a window to get the notify-osd fixes in14:23
mac_vkwwii: done , the icons are in lp:humanity15:09
kwwiimac_v: is that the only change since yesterday?15:10
kwwiicool beans, thanks15:10
kwwiimac_v: btw, all the panel icons are 22x22 not 2415:16
mac_vkwwii: just did both , :)15:17
kwwiimac_v: hehe, now I noticed it...sorry for lecturing15:17
mac_vnp :)15:17
kwwiimac_v: what did you change in document-export.svg?15:32
kwwiimac_v: really bad idea to add a change without telling me ;)15:33
mac_vkwwii: actually i didnt.. DanRabbit had edited ,lool didnt carry forward the icon...  i just synced it.15:33
kwwiiok, so don't say anything about what I am about to say in ubuntu-desktop15:34
mac_vkwwii: just a sec15:34
mac_vkwwii: it was a very minor edit , you wont even notice if dont compare it with the previous version , DanRabbit just edited it to be a little better15:35
kwwiithat is basically what I told pitti but I am not sure if he will accept that change15:36
mac_vkwwii: which commit was pitti mentioning?15:41
mac_vthe export was edited only in yesterday's  commit15:41
kwwiimac_v: yes, and I asked you if anything else had changed since we did the last release15:41
kwwiiwhen I merge branches everything gets copied15:42
mac_vkwwii: nothing was edited after yesterday's commit15:42
kwwiimac_v: yes, that icon was changed15:42
mac_vkwwii: not possible15:42
kwwiidude, trust me...I didn't make this up...bzr tells me it is new15:43
kwwiierm, not new, but changed15:43
mac_vkwwii: could you point me to which commit > https://code.launchpad.net/~elementaryart/humanity/Humanity15:44
kwwiihrm, launchpad is down for some reason...give me a minute and I can show you15:47
DanRabbitay... Look before you leap?15:51
mac_vDanRabbit: do you see any change i'v done?15:53
mac_vDanRabbit: i can see any commit to the export icon after you have edited it15:53
kwwiiboah, lp refuses to show me the page with the commits15:54
mac_vkwwii: this is in commit 13 itself > * updated to include various small changes to documents-*, synaptic actions15:55
mac_vkwwii: you can notice the bzr commit for the icon > http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-art-pkg/humanity/release/revision/1315:58
mac_vafter which i havent edited anything15:58
kwwiiwell, today I branched both the release and humanity cleanly and updated the icons15:58
kwwiithat change was noticed by bzr15:58
kwwiiso something changed somehow sometime15:59
kwwiior something was missed before15:59
kwwiinot sure15:59
mac_vkwwii: something is wrong with bzr then :/ http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~elementaryart/humanity/Humanity/files/head%3A/Humanity/actions/48/ shows the last edit only in rev 406 which was where i reverted the icons  , that was 6 days ago :/16:02
kwwiiwell, lp hates me apparently16:03
kwwiiit works about 30% of the time16:03
kwwiiit is a mimetemplate with a purple-ish arrow on it, right?16:04
DanRabbiteither that or orange arrow, I don't remember...16:07
DanRabbitmac_v: I can see up to rev 412, just your changes for bugs16:09
mac_vkwwii: yeah , thats the one.16:09
kwwiiwell, don't worry about it...it is in the update and that is the end of it16:09
kwwiithey might reject it, but I doubt it16:09
kwwiiit comes with a request from mark ;)16:09
mac_vDanRabbit: exactly the last edit for that icon was in rev 40616:09
mac_vkwwii: hehe ;) nice16:10
DanRabbitI don't think that it will really affect anything. The only app I've ever seen use it is Inkscape.16:10
DanRabbitIn fact, they didn't even start using it until after I'd put it in :p16:10
mac_vDanRabbit: the 406 was the rev where i reverted after the wrong merge16:10
mac_vkwwii: did you get the mail for the Software center icon? maybe we could push that as well ;p16:11
* mac_v brb16:13
kwwiimac_v: no, as with the document-export icons, this is not the time for minor changes16:35
mac_v ..ok  ;)16:52
MadsRHkwwii -> Yes a quick yes/no question. Are there any changes to the system sound between Jaunty and Karmic?17:06
mac_vMadsRH: yes17:06
MadsRHi mean: Just a quick ;-)17:06
mac_vMadsRH: oh just a min!17:06
kwwiimac_v: no changes to the existing sounds, no17:07
mac_vMadsRH: you meant the audio sounds...! i thought the applet :/ oops sorry17:07
kwwiiMadsRH: ^17:07
kwwiiMadsRH: there might be extra sounds added from some apps or such17:07
MadsRHkwwii, mac_v: Thanks17:07
MadsRHkwwii: yes, like Empathy17:08
MadsRHI'm working on some sound and hope to have something to "show" at UDS, but it's no easy task17:08
mac_vMadsRH: Bug #40048517:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 400485 in ubuntu-sounds "Empathy sounds not in default ubuntu theme" [Low,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40048517:09
kwwiiMadsRH: exactly :)17:10
FLOZzHello all  _o/19:28
mac_vpsyke83: hey , you familiar with the industrial theme?21:27
psyke83mac_v: not much, why?21:27
mac_vengine rather*21:27
psyke83I never looked at it in too much detail21:28
mac_vpsyke83: have you tried the human login theme?21:28
psyke83I didn't look at the code, but it's being used on my karmic installation21:28
psyke83is there a problem with it?21:28
mac_vpsyke83: no problem , i'm just hacking it to use it as a session theme ;)21:29
mac_vpsyke83: with the human login theme , when i adjust the gtk_color_scheme = "fg_color  the border around the menus changes21:31
mac_vI'm using a murrine engine for the main theme and only for the menu i try to use the industrial engine21:32
mac_vstyle "industrial-menuitem"21:32
mac_v  xthickness = 321:32
mac_v  ythickness = 321:32
mac_vhow do i set the fg color for this alone?21:33
psyke83can I see the gtkrc?21:33
mac_vjust a sec21:33
mac_vpsyke83: http://paste.ubuntu.com/294210/21:34
mac_vthe gtkrc is a bit clumsy, I'v started off with dashua's hanso and some from a theme i use , and mixed a few stuff there and there ;) but just havent figured out the white borders.. :(21:37
psyke83I don't see any white borders?21:37
mac_vpsyke83: switch to the human login theme , you'll notice the 1px white outline around all menus ,21:38
psyke83the same white outlines as the dividers and widget outlines?21:39
mac_vwell its not fully white as it was initially , but  that changes with the gtk_color_scheme's fg_color21:39
mac_vpsyke83: yeah , thats the one21:40
dashuamac_v, Try hacking on this bzr branch lp:~dashua/human-theme/humantheme21:40
dashuaI'm trying to get the buttons to actually look like this http://launchpadlibrarian.net/33111791/gdm-selected-4.png21:41
dashuaIndustrial does not this well.  I made them light, but the later mock up was dark21:41
psyke83mac_v: you want the "industrial-menuitem" style to use the industrial engine?21:43
mac_vpsyke83: yup21:43
mac_voh damn it! i didnt mention engine! :/21:44
mac_vpsyke83: silly me! i forgot to mention the engine :/  .. no wonder no option worked ;)21:49
mac_vlol , it works now :)21:50
psyke83mac_v: if you're using part of the murrine theme, you may want to experiment with higher values of lightborder_shade21:51
mac_vdashua: is the button industrial?21:51
psyke83kwwii: actually, it would be nice to increase this slightly for the default theme, it makes progressbars and sliders more distinct21:51
mac_vpsyke83: hmm? i didnt understand21:51
psyke83mac_v: it's a murrine engine option that creates an outline around widgets21:52
psyke83it's helpful for dark themes21:52
* mac_v checks21:52
dashuaThe default HumanLogin is.  I started using murrine in my branch.21:52
zniavre2good evening21:52
dashuazniavre, Hey mate21:53
* zniavre2 is trying to make a new computer but it's not possible21:54
zniavre2good thing im using xfce21:55
mac_vpsyke83: hmm , yeah, it helps for widgets like the tabs... if i set it to the main theme it has changed a lot of the other settings.. i'v *tried* to use the same by using the contrast options... so have to tweak all again ;)21:55
zniavre2the xsplash of xfce is awesome21:56
dashuazniavre2, Yah, they're artwork is really nice21:57
* mac_v wonders if dashua's comment was a stab at someone ;p22:00
zniavre2some of you are designers of xfce right ?22:02
dashuamac_v, Not all.  I am a Humanity lover as well, especially the monochrome panel.  You know that ;)22:03
* dashua sends mac_v some <322:03
mac_vdashua: j/k22:03
psyke83kwwii: sent a mail re: the theme22:04
dashuaI'm trying to get a light lighborder_shade on the GTKButton and it is not playing nice22:05
dashuadark button22:05
psyke83mac_v: re: the volume applet icon, did you change it to the way I proposed some time ago? Muted icon is a dark speaker icon, with three light volume bars (bars, not dots)22:05
psyke83I did an update and saw the way I proposed, but I'm not sure if that was because I modified the icon in inkscape. I did a fresh re-install and the icon changed back to the ghosted speaker with three dots22:06
mac_vpsyke83: your idea is now used for volume=022:06
mac_vpsyke83: that was due to a wrong icon update ;)22:06
psyke83mac_v: hmm, that's weird... why is it back to the old way now? I'm up-to-date22:06
psyke83ah, maybe I need to log out and back in, my laptop's been on for a day or so22:07
mac_vpsyke83: Bug #44454822:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444548 in humanity-icon-theme "Not having a muted icon for the volume applet causes confusion" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44454822:07
psyke83cool, thanks22:08
psyke83I probably have the update, but need to refresh the panel22:08
psyke83mac_v: what's your e-mail address? I'll forward the mail that I just sent Ken, so you can see the diff with the lightborder_shade22:09
psyke83mac_v: sent ;)22:10
mac_vawesome.. thanks :)22:10
psyke83that's for the regular theme, but you can probably imagine how it would affect a dark theme22:11
psyke83it makes widgets more distinct22:11
psyke83there also seems to be a white pixel at each corner of progressbars with the current Human theme, which looks a bit off to me22:13
mac_vah ! /me starts cursing mpt :/   the missing icons from gnome panel keeps getting reported as humanity bug :/22:13
mac_vat the same time doesnt leave out andreasn ;p22:13
psyke83I can't say that I'm a fan of this particular design decision ;)22:15
mac_vpsyke83: checkout the title of the latest humanity bug for the icon > Bug 45251322:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 452513 in humanity-icon-theme "Incomplete default icon package ( Karmic ) (dup-of: 407621)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45251322:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 407621 in libgnome "(design decision) Icons missing from context menu , dialogue buttons , firefox bookmark favicons, system menu" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40762122:19
mac_vcool title "incomplete package"  ;p22:20
psyke83honestly though, it does seem like a bug rather than a design choice22:22
psyke83I can't be bothered myself, I just set buttons_have_icons and menus_have_icons to enabled on new installs22:22
mac_vpsyke83: me too.. i tried telling mpt the panel definitely looks like a bad bug..22:23
kwwiipsyke83: responded22:23
psyke83kwwii: thanks ;)22:24
kwwiiwow, I left 3 hours ago and had 30 unread emails...I come back and have 101022:24
kwwiiI am not *that* popular (yet!) ;)22:24
psyke83hmm, seems a little low. I'll write a few more, don't worry22:24
andreasnmac_v, huh? what did I do now?22:30
mac_vandreasn: nothing new... /me still not happy with the icon removal...22:31
mac_vandreasn: humanity already has 2-3 bugs regarding the missing icons ;)22:31
mac_vandreasn: folks seem to think its a theme issue... guess it was a bad timing for the default theme switch ;p22:32
andreasnI see22:33
andreasnwell, I think it needs to be well communicated in the Karmic release notes what's going on22:33
andreasnone thing that I would like to continue to investigate is why Ubuntu looks more busy and noisy compared to other operating systems22:35
mac_vandreasn: atleast the panel needs to be corrected.. it looks very odd when only 1 part of the menu doesnt have icons. vuntz might be convinced if you or mpt mention it ;)22:35
mac_vandreasn: busy/noisy as in?22:35
andreasnnot clean22:35
andreasnsome of it is alignment22:35
mac_vandreasn: oh.. looking forward to your blog/analysis :)22:36
andreasnif I can figure something out :/22:38
andreasnone thing we never managed to do (with the old guidelines) was to use a icon for every menu item22:40
andreasnwe did try for 10 years though22:40
andreasnand I've always wondered how the icon for "user log" looked, especially compared to system log in Pidgin looked like22:44
mac_vandreasn: could you comment on https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59845922:49
ubottuGnome bug 598459 in gnome-volume-control "the mute icon is used when the volume is set to 0 but not muted" [Normal,Unconfirmed]22:49
mac_vandreasn: the volume=0 needs an icon , any suggestions22:49
mac_vthere is a stock_volume-0 icon which is not used by volume applet22:49
kwwiimac_v: I think that was a (stupid) decision from the developers22:50
kwwiivolume=0 is not mute22:50
mac_vkwwii: ah , you are here too , pls comment on the bgo bug :)22:50
kwwiiun-mute-ing brings you back to the level before (or it should at least)22:50
kwwiimute is a funtion seperate from volume level22:51
* mac_v agrees22:51
kwwiihi andreasn, btw ;)22:53
psyke83kwwii & mac_v: is it possible to have a distinction in muted? You could make it identical to unmuted, but with an X overlaid on the speaker22:54
kwwiipsyke83: in my opinion, it would be optimal to have the muted icon really an overlay on the current sound level22:55
kwwiian X or whatever on the current sound level22:56
mac_vpsyke83: like how notify-osd does it22:56
mac_vthe mute should just be an overlay over the volume level22:57
mac_vbut thats a different issue ;)22:57
* mac_v just realized he repeated what kwwii just said :( needs to read back before replying22:58
kwwiianyway, time for sleep23:00

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