
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk
TheMusorickspencer3: Seems the accessibility live CD stuff is odd, it sometimes works, and sometimes doesn't Booted on a couple of machines, with varying results.02:22
rickspencer3TheMuso, unfortunate02:22
rickspencer3those can be the hardest to debug02:22
TheMusorickspencer3: I am going to see if I can make it more reliable, but not sure exactly how I might accomplish that at this point.02:22
TheMusorickspencer3: Hopefully the new gnome updates next week may help, but I really don't know.02:23
rickspencer3robert_ancell, kenvandine, TheMuso anybody available to quickly confirm a bug for me?02:50
kenvandinerickspencer3, sure02:50
robert_ancellrickspencer3, yes02:50
rickspencer3kenvandine, ok, basically, desktopcouch is completely crapping out on me02:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451809 in desktopcouch "desktopcouch applications throw 401 error" [High,New]02:51
rickspencer3so start a python session02:51
rickspencer3>>> import desktopcouch.records02:52
rickspencer3>>> desktopcouch.records.server.CouchDatabase("boo")02:52
rickspencer3this throws a 401 for me02:52
rickspencer3I'm on Version: 0.4.4-0ubuntu102:53
robert_ancellrickspencer3, so you created "boo" before hand right?02:54
rickspencer3robert_ancell, nope02:54
robert_ancellrickspencer3, I get NoSuchDatabase exception02:55
rickspencer3bit if you want, you can go CouchDatabase("boo", create=True) and that also blows up for me02:55
rickspencer3robert_ancell, so you are getting the correct exception02:55
robert_ancell(I just installed desktopcouch then)02:55
rickspencer3robert_ancell, are you on the same version of desktopcouch?02:55
rickspencer3well, that's good, so you couldn't repro it02:56
rickspencer3robert_ancell, do you have any data in your CouchDB?02:56
kenvandinei get NoSuchDatabase too02:56
robert_ancellfresh install02:56
kenvandinerickspencer3, with create=True it worked for me02:57
kenvandinewith 0.4.402:57
rickspencer3well well well02:57
rickspencer3kenvandine, robert_ancell would one you mind mentioning on the bug report that you couldn't confirm?02:58
rickspencer3so I did something really weird tonight02:59
rickspencer3I installed netbook-launcher02:59
kenvandinerickspencer3, what version of couchdb-bin do you have?02:59
kenvandinerickspencer3, i commented02:59
rickspencer3Version: 0.10.0-0ubuntu103:00
rickspencer3and then I removed my Applications/Places/System Menu03:00
rickspencer3and replaced it with a "show my desktop" panel icon03:00
rickspencer3kenvandine, I'll try removing and reinstalling dekstopcouch, maybe something got configured funny03:01
rickspencer3how do you make gnome-do show up like a little dock at the bottom?03:06
rickspencer3jono, ^03:06
kenvandinego to the preferences03:07
rickspencer3did that03:07
kenvandineand change the interface to "Docky"03:07
rickspencer3thanks kenvandine03:07
=== YDdraigGoch is now known as Richie
albasheers1converting flv file to avi using ffmpeg gives this error "Cannot allocate temp picture, check pix fmt" can  anybody help07:50
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didrocksgood morning08:21
mvohey didrocks08:21
didrockshi mvo08:22
didrockslut seb12808:22
seb128good morning there08:22
mvogood morning seb12808:22
seb128hey didrocks mvo, how are you?08:23
didrocksseb128: busy as the last two weeks, but fine, thanks :) You?08:23
seb128busy and a bit tired but fine otherwise08:23
seb128will be better after coffee08:23
didrockshehe :-)08:24
* mvo is already sipping some tea08:25
seb128so pitti joined to club of those who work until unreasonable hours08:26
seb128he did uploads at 1:30am this night08:26
slomomvo: ping? :)08:26
bryce_hi tseliot08:27
tseliothey bryce_08:28
mvoslomo: pong08:35
slomomvo: did you decide that gnome-codec-install 0.4.x is not going to be in karmic?08:38
mvoslomo: I have it merged, I want to do a bug triage run (LP has quite a few) and see what other low hanging fruits there are that can be fixes08:40
mvoslomo: sorry that I have not accted yet, its on my list for tihs week08:40
slomomvo: oh, i didn't notice there were LP bugs... thanks for looking through them :)08:40
mvoI have not started that yet (I don't enjoy bug triage much), but I will (and send patches)08:41
mvoor should I commit directly ?08:41
slomocommit directly and feel free to upload it to unstable when you're done :)08:41
seb128slomo, https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-codec-install/+bugs08:51
baptistemmgood morning08:51
seb128slomo, I asked you the other day if you looked at those or wanted them forwarded somewhere08:51
seb128slomo, but you probably didn't read the question08:51
seb128lut baptistemm08:51
baptistemmsalut seb12808:51
slomoseb128: debian bug tracker would be nice, yes... or telling me about them here :)08:51
seb128slomo, you can https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-codec-install/+subscribe08:52
seb128slomo, seeing the number of bugs that shouldn't be too much spamming08:52
seb128slomo, but I can ping you when I notice annoying issues08:52
seb128archive is already frozen for karmic08:58
chrisccoulsonhello everyone09:01
seb128hey chrisccoulson09:03
chrisccoulsonhey seb12809:03
chrisccoulsonwe're frozen already?09:03
chrisccoulson(i was hoping it would be a bit later on) ;)09:03
seb128same here09:04
jbichais it too late to get bug 451792 fixed?09:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451792 in example-content "Presenting_Kubuntu.odp has old KDE3 screenshots" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45179209:06
chrisccoulsoni attached a patch for bug 409621 last night, but that's not really release critical09:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 409621 in libxklavier "The program 'gnome-settings-daemon' received an X Window System error. During on a FreeNX server suring a session." [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40962109:06
seb128chrisccoulson, I will sponsor09:06
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks09:07
seb128chrisccoulson, the second one fix the first one?09:07
chrisccoulsoni didn't get as much done last night as i'd hoped, with this screensaver issue thats appeared09:07
seb128chrisccoulson, you could have made one patch with both changes ;-)09:08
chrisccoulsoni suppose so, but i did it as 2 as they are 2 separate upstream commits ;)09:08
seb128I tend to use 1 patch by logical changeset09:14
seb128not by commit ;-)09:14
chrisccoulsonseb128 - yeah, that makes more sense09:15
chrisccoulsonseb128 - did you plan to make any gdm changes to fix the upgrade issue, or is there anything you want from me for that issue?09:25
seb128chrisccoulson, it's on my list for this morning09:25
seb128though I'm not sure why the chown is there to start09:26
chrisccoulsonno, i'm not too sure about that either09:26
seb128I will use sudo dbus-launch || true for the gconf call09:26
seb128but the .gvfs issue is due to09:26
seb128if [ -d /var/lib/gdm ]; then09:26
seb128  chown -R gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm09:26
seb128  chmod 0750 /var/lib/gdm09:26
seb128which I'm not sure why it's there09:27
seb128either it's required one at install09:27
seb128or at every run09:27
seb128it doesn't make sense to just do it on upgrades09:27
seb128mvo, pitti, lool: ^ opinion?09:27
pittiGood morning09:37
pittisorry for being so late09:37
pitti*brrrr* it's snowing already09:37
seb128hey pitti09:37
seb128it was freezing there too09:37
chrisccoulsonreally? i wouldn't mind some snow:)09:37
chrisccoulsonall we get is grey clouds and drizzle...09:37
seb128right, no snow there either09:37
pittiseb128: hours> well, wanted to get a reasonably clean slate before the freeze :)09:39
pitti(but yes, I slept pretty badly)09:39
seb128I should have done that09:39
seb128slangasek frozen this morning already, grrrr09:39
pittiseb128: eww, sudo dbus-launch gconf-tool?09:39
seb128I was expecting being able to push pending this this morning09:39
seb128pitti, you are the one who recommended no using su but sudo?09:40
pittiseb128: you can still; frozen != "don't change anything any more"09:40
seb128pitti, why eww now?09:40
pittiseb128: right, but launching dbus?09:40
seb128pitti, gconftool needs a dbus session to talk to the gconf server09:40
seb128it leads to many installation failure now09:40
seb128because it doesn't find it09:40
pittiI thought we could use --direct if gconfd wasn't running already?09:41
pittiit just doesn't seem to be a step which improves robustness to me09:41
seb128"if gconfd wasn't running already"09:41
seb128but it is if you have a gdm greater running...09:41
seb128pitti, I'm open to better suggestions09:41
seb128see bug #44102809:41
pittiseb128: oh, you are saying that if it's running you need dbus, because in the sudo session you don't get the already running dbus address?09:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 441028 in gdm "timeout error on the gconftool installation calls (dbus gconf issue)?" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44102809:42
pittiseb128: so we can't just ship a .gtkrc or ~/.gconf tree then, I suppose09:42
pittiseb128: ok, so obviously the two of you discussed that already, if that's considered robust, then go ahead09:42
seb128it's not considered robust09:42
pittiI just wonder what happens if you then get two session dbuses, or launching one fails, etc.09:42
seb128> <pitti> seb128: oh, you are saying that if it's running you need dbus, because in the sudo session you don't get the already running dbus address?09:42
seb128not sure, it fails to contact the gconf server right now09:43
seb128but it could be that the su call doesn't get the right environment variables09:43
seb128I didn't investigate09:43
seb128the dbus-launch way seemed cheap and easy09:44
seb128pitti, .gconf, not really, if there is a running instance it could lead to write races between the running gconf and the manual change09:44
seb128pitti, .gtkrc I didn't try but it would work for some of the keys anyway09:45
seb128and I'm not sure if would win over g-s-d keys09:45
seb128ie which settings would be used09:45
pittiwell, if it works, go ahead09:45
seb128I don't manage to get it work due to your <<EOF hack09:46
seb128still fighting that09:46
seb128seems to not be working with sudo -u gdm09:46
seb128my bash foo is not good09:46
seb128$     sudo -u gdm <<EOF09:47
seb128> dbus-launch gconftool --set /desktop/gnome/background/picture_filename --type string /usr/share/images/xsplash/bg_2560x1600.jpg || true09:47
seb128> EOF09:47
seb128usage: sudo [-n] -h | -K | -k | -L | -V | -v09:47
pitti$ sudo -u postgres -s <<EOF09:48
pitti> whoami09:48
pitti> EOF09:48
seb128oh, "-s"09:48
pittiseb128: add an "-s"09:48
pittithat shouldn't start PAM (I think -i might)09:48
seb128pitti, btw any opinion about the chown call?09:48
pittiseb128: how is it related to .gvfs ?09:49
seb128pitti, .gvfs is a fuse mount and the chown breaks09:49
seb128bug #43856109:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438561 in gdm "gdm installation breaks due to gvfs fuse mount for the gdm user" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43856109:50
seb128pitti, the fuse mount is only accessible to the user09:50
seb128"chown: cannot access '/var/lib/gdm/.gvfs': Permission denied"09:50
seb128that's a design decision for fuse I think09:51
pittioh, "chown -R", WTH09:52
pittithat seems weird to me09:52
pittishouldn't it rather do something like09:52
pittiif ! [ -d /var/lib/gdm ]09:52
pittiand mkdir/chown (no -R) it then?09:53
seb128I'm not sure what was the intend09:53
seb128as said before09:53
seb128" either it's required one at install09:53
seb128 or at every run09:53
seb128 it doesn't make sense to just do it on upgrades"09:53
pittiwe don't chown /home/* in case the user's uid changes either..09:54
pittiseb128: my gut feeling is that this should just be ripped out09:54
pittiseb128: at least the -R09:54
pittiat initial install the dir does need to get chowned to gdm09:54
pittiseb128: ooh, hang on09:55
pitti$ dpkg -L gdm|grep var/lib09:55
pittithat's probably it09:55
seb128that call was there before having gdm using gconf09:55
pittiI mean, they intended to own those files to gdm09:55
pittiso what about09:55
pittichown gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm09:55
pittichown -R gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm/.gconf*09:56
seb128I'm wondering why those gconf file are shipped in the binary09:56
pittiseb128: and I'm wondering whether we cuold ust change /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.mandatory/%gconf-tree.xml to have our theme keys, and drop all the su/dbus-launch stuff09:56
seb128pitti, that would remove the possibility for users to change those settings09:58
pittiseb128: well, right now we gconfify it on every installation anyway09:58
seb128but users can do a sudo -u gdm gconftool call to change it09:58
seb128see /etc/gconf/2/path09:59
pittiI agree that we need a better solution for themeability eventually, but we don't have  it either way right now09:59
seb128.gconf.mandatory is used before .gconf09:59
seb128which means values set with gconftool would not be used09:59
pittiI see09:59
seb128the mandatory is meant as a sysadmin way to impose things you can't change09:59
pittiseb128: at this point, I'd rather have ***buntu-default-settings divert the file, though10:00
pittiI really don't feel comfortable about all this sudo dbus-launch gconftool stuff, sooner or later it will blow upp10:00
seb128that's why I added || true10:00
albasheersmplayer is not able flv10:00
seb128if it blow up you will just not get the theme set10:00
seb128albasheers, try #ubuntu for user questions10:01
pittiseb128: ok, another question10:01
seb128why is it so difficult to see some gconf keys10:01
pittiseb128: if we ship /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.defaulttheme with those keys10:02
pittiseb128: and add that path to /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.path early10:02
pittiso that people can override it?10:02
seb128# default path for sabayon10:03
seb128include "$(HOME)/.gconf.path.defaults"10:03
seb128we can abuse this one?10:03
seb128I would like to avoid adding yet another item to the lookup list10:03
seb128it cost for every gconf lookup for every user10:03
pittibut it'd just be locally for gdm, no?10:03
pittiwhat's the difference to /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.path ?10:04
seb128see /etc/gconf/2/path10:04
seb128.gconf.path is used before .gconf10:04
seb128and .gconf is where user change go10:05
seb128I'm not sure why .gconf.path is there10:05
seb128I'm not sure why .gconf.path is there but it will be used before user changes10:05
seb128ie break the possibility to use gconftool to do your own changes10:05
seb128pitti, let me play with a /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.path.defaults static %gconf10:05
loolseb128: I dont see why chown would be required at every run?  If the goal is to fix permissions from previous versions of the package, then running this on upgrade seems ok10:07
pittiseb128: oh, it's "first match wins", not "later matches can override"?10:07
loolseb128: I dont know what the intent is either, sorry10:07
seb128pitti, right10:07
seb128lool, that's ok, thanks10:07
pittiseb128: ok, then can we just add it to /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.path as last item then?10:07
seb128pitti, you mean?10:12
pittiseb128: so that users can overwrite it?10:13
pittiif the last one has the lowest priority10:13
seb128pitti, I didn't get what you mean by as last item there10:13
seb128as said10:13
seb128 pitti, let me play with a /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.path.defaults static %gconf10:13
pittiseb128: ok, nevermind10:14
pittiseb128: you said that the first match in the search list will win10:14
seb128ie ship /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.path.defaults with some xml to set those values10:14
pittiseb128: then I don't understand why having xml:readonly:$(HOME)/.gconf.mandatory is the last one in /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.path10:14
pittiseb128: ok, so it's that (so that gconftool will still work), and then drop all teh gconftool stuff from postinst, and finally fix the chown calls10:15
pittithen it should be robust and working and customizable?10:15
seb128pitti, I didn't know about /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.path10:15
seb128sorry about that10:15
seb128I was looking at the system default path10:15
seb128not at the custom gdm one10:15
seb128I'm confused now10:16
seb128pitti, I read what you wrote too quickly10:17
* pitti hugs seb12810:19
* seb128 hugs pitti10:19
seb128I'm not sure how the local .gconf.path works now10:19
seb128ie if those are used after or before the system list10:20
mvoAmaranth: I just checked compiz bzr - does gconf really have to be removed? it means users will always have to install cpp if they don't want to use the ini backend?10:27
joaopintohum, shouldn't pidgin have transparent tray icons ?10:30
joaopintoyes, unlike all the other tray icons on the notification are pidgin overrides my background10:37
joaopintoI meam the icon's background should be transparent10:38
seb128dunno about this one, look on launchpad and upstream bugs?10:41
joaopintoerm, pidgin is main, no core dev using it :P ?10:42
joaopintook, searching10:43
pittijoaopinto: empathy FTW :)10:43
joaopintopitti, right, but pidgin is still main :P10:43
joaopintobut yes, I shoud also sart using empathy10:44
seb128joaopinto, I use pidgin most of the time but I'm too busy to look to such details today10:45
joaopintoit's already reported, bug 44754810:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 447548 in pidgin "Pidgin tray icon does not follow panel background" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44754810:45
joaopintoseb128, you could you just set your panel bar to transparent to confirm, it could be config specific10:47
seb128joaopinto, I'm running empathy right now and I don't fancy to close to try10:47
seb128joaopinto, and to be honest I don't really care about transparency or not right now10:48
seb128I've other higher issue on my karmic list10:48
joaopintook ok, easy :P10:48
seb128there thousand of tiny details like that in launchpad we will not fix those for karmic now10:48
seb128but you found a bug so it's tracked10:49
joaopintoI am checking upstream, it's also reported there, I am not sure yet if it's fixed because it was set as a duplicate of a much complex bug10:51
seb128hate gconf10:51
seb128pitti, I can't get it working and I don't know why10:52
pittiseb128: it's not just because of the now existing ~/.gconf from the gconftool settings?10:52
seb128pitti, no, I did rm -rf that one10:52
seb128I did strace it10:52
seb128it doesn't try to stat the dirs I add to /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.path10:53
seb128nor use system list ones10:53
seb128ie .gconf.path.defaults10:53
seb128and I do restart gconfd-2 between tries10:53
pittiseb128: hm, I wonder if /var/lib/gdm/.gconf.mandatory/%gconf-tree.xml actually works then10:53
pittidoes it work to merge the keys there?10:54
seb128pitti, it does10:54
seb128if I copy my %gconf-tree.xml there it's used10:54
seb128I tried both merged and non merged ways10:54
seb128pitti, ok that works10:59
* seb128 kicks gedit10:59
seb128it was in a mode were ctrl-s was not storing the changes10:59
seb128but not saying it was not either10:59
pittiseb128: "saying"?11:00
seb128pitti, no error, it was acting like ctrl-s was working11:00
seb128but it was not, the file on disk was not updated11:00
pittihow weird11:00
seb128anyway it works11:00
pittiyou rock11:00
seb128pitti, I will put that in bzr for review soon11:01
seb128pitti, what did we say we would do with the chown?11:01
pittiseb128: IMHO:11:01
pittichown gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm11:01
pittichown -R gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm/.gconf*11:01
seb128is there any need for that?11:01
pittiso that we don't catch /var/lib/gdm/.gvfs11:01
seb128chown gdm:gdm /var/lib/gdm11:02
pittiseb128: well, I don't know what gconf thinks if .gconf.mandatory is root owned (as shipped in the .deb)11:02
seb128should that be the case anyway?11:02
pittiseb128: yes, otherwise gdm can't write into its home dir11:02
seb128works for me11:02
seb128pitti, I'm putting that in bzr and pinging you for review in a bit11:02
pittibut we only ship that dir and .gconf*, so we shouldn't need to chwon anything else11:02
pittiseb128: merci11:02
seb128does chown stops on errors?11:03
seb128I was wondering if adding || true would work11:03
pittiseb128: if the chown fails, we have a problem, though11:04
seb128pitti, the changes are in gdm r144 if you want to review11:48
pittiseb128: looks good to me, thank you! please go ahead and upload12:12
seb128pitti, ok thanks!12:12
=== MacSlow is now known as MacSlow|lunch
=== mpt_ is now known as mpt
diverse_izzuewhy is the package gstreamer0.10-schrodinger suddenly marked as obsolete?12:32
diverse_izzueWhen I pair my Nokia E51 with Karmic over Bluetooth, should I not be offered to use it as a modem with NetworkManager?12:52
davidbarthseb128: on #436975 we have resolved the configurability issue; while the confusion may remain with n-daemon settings12:54
davidbarthseb128: (hi, btw)12:54
davidbarthseb128: can i add a task to notification-daemon (ubuntu) to track that issue post karmic?12:54
seb128hey davidbarth12:57
seb128bug #43697512:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436975 in notify-osd "Unconfigurable position of notification" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43697512:57
seb128davidbarth, I think there is already some bugs about that12:59
seb128davidbarth, the bug has also been taken over by people confused by the 2 slots12:59
davidbarthseb128: ok, i'll try to find the one on the settings dialog; i will close this one and call for the 2-slots discussion to happen on the ayatana list13:02
seb128davidbarth, I'm surprised nobody did seen the number of comments about that on other bugs13:02
dpmhi all13:03
seb128davidbarth, see bug #43853613:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438536 in notify-osd "Notifications should show up closer to top right" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43853613:03
seb128hey dpm13:03
dpmhey seb12813:03
dpmcould anyone perhaps look at bug 451673?13:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451673 in yelp "Untranslated Yelp main page (Ubuntu Help Center)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45167313:04
seb128dpm, it's just a matter to get an extra from rosetta and to build with it13:04
seb128dpm, it's already on my list for today13:04
dpmseb128, ok, thanks13:04
seb128dpm, the translated xml are in the source so it doesn't use language packs there13:05
seb128davidbarth, some people did a ppa with the 2 slots change undone see the bug ;-)13:05
dpmseb128, yes I know. It only seems to affect the first help page, though. Other sections seem to be translated as usual13:06
seb128dpm, the documentation content is in the ubuntu documentation package, only the index is in the browser13:06
dpmah, ok13:07
seb128davidbarth, MacSlow|lunch: you might also want to review the change from asac to use correct icon prefix in notify-osd13:08
seb128davidbarth, MacSlow|lunch: or karmic will use what mac_v call incorrect icons13:08
mac_vdavidbarth: seb128: MacSlow|lunch :  *i* dont call the incorrect but rather... they are incorrect ;) well as far as the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NotifyOSD#Icon documentation says ;)13:11
mac_vdavidbarth: regarding the 2 slots , it is something new .. some users *will* find weird... IMO , doesnt seem like a wrong choice... ayatana discussion is good though :)13:14
seb128mac_v, I find it confusing, not nice looking and unefficient13:14
seb128I'm pretty sure we will get a gconf key for that next cycle13:14
seb128but seems some people need to make mistake, get really unhappy users complaining to then make things how they should ;-)13:15
asacseb128: you think there would be time to do any major icon shuffeling in karmic?13:18
asaci thought not ... whihc is why i pushed this back to lucid in my personal plans atm13:18
asacbut if we want to do something ... lets talk ;)13:19
=== MacSlow|lunch is now known as MacSlow
seb128asac, I don't know, I guess it's late now yes13:19
asaci dont see that there is something really urgent besides general confusion about the fdo icon name spec and a bunch of hacks in the theme13:22
seb128it's just that what we have doesn't match what the design says13:24
seb128and we try to follow design team recommendations13:24
seb128but I don't really care either which icon is used13:24
mac_vasac: this wouldnt be much of an icon reshuffling , this is probably a high priority bug from the UX team's perspective , which two dev teams didnt want to fix from their ends ;)  the notify-osd icons were supposed to be greyscale to re-enforce the concept of the bubbles being non-interactive... or maybe mpt can waive it and postpone this for Lucid ;)13:25
asacin what sense are we not matching what they suggestd?13:26
asaci think we should come up with a list of problems13:26
asacmaybe we can address some of them still ... even if not proper13:26
asacmac_v: right. but was there ever a bug filed?13:27
asaci had the feeling this just came up recently13:27
mac_vasac: no one knew where to file it ;)13:27
asacat least bringing on topic during a desktop meeting would have helped13:27
mac_vasac: the gpm change [to show the notifications] was done recently and probably that was why this didnt come up earlier13:28
mac_vjaunty was just blocking the gpm notifications13:28
mac_vasac: kwwii has been asking about this for nearly 2 weeks :(   mat_t *probably* has more info why the bug wasnt filed13:30
asac mac_v so my suggseted patch for notify-osd tries first to get icons with notification- prefix13:31
asaci felt that the current notification names have not much in common with the icon names used by the apps13:31
asacso imo that wouldnt really help without theme reshuffeling13:31
asaclike: nm applet used nm-wired .... and the icon is named notification-wireless etc.13:32
asacso even with my patch the notification-nm-wired wouldnt have been there13:32
mac_vasac: i agree , that the patch would be the right way to go , though i havent tested the patch to see if it works13:33
mac_vasac: oh , so that means the notification icons have to be renamed.. that shouldnt be a problem13:33
asacmac_v: it works. it just requires that the notification theme ships the same icons names used by apps ... just with notification- prefix13:33
asaci want to celan the patch up to make it even less regression risky. but you can try as it is13:33
asacmac_v: well. thats what i meant with "icon name reshuffeling"13:34
mac_vkwwii:  ^ renaming the notify-osd icons as asac mentions  , is there a problem with that?13:34
asaci am not sure why the current names were choosen ...13:34
asaci always felt like the idea was to invent a complete new icon name space/standard13:34
asacanyway. i am recharging my batteries today a bit ;) ... so either lets discuss this later this evening or tomorrow13:35
kwwiiasac, mac_v: not sure if we can get taht in efore release13:36
asackwwii: davidbarth: mat_t: mac_v: we can have a call tomorrow13:36
asacto see what we can do or not do still13:36
kwwiiasac: ok13:36
asacanyone in US ... or would 11000 Berlin time work?13:37
asac1100 ;)13:38
jcastrovuntz|away: are you guys shipping gwibber by default?13:38
davidbarthasac: i'm chatting with kwwii atm13:38
asacok thanks.13:39
asacdavidbarth: the notify-osd patch i suggsted would prefer a requested icon name prefixed with notification- ... so gpm sends: gpm-battery-low ... notify-osd would first try notification-gpm-batter-low13:40
asacif we want to do something like that i will resubmit the patch in a safe fashion13:41
asacok ... bb in 2hours13:41
mac_vasac: just a min13:42
asacmy body-gpm tells me that i have only 2 minutes battery left ;)13:42
mac_vasac: why isnt it > gpm-battery-low-notification13:42
asacmac_v: because its a notify-osd specific thing13:42
asacmac_v: the suffix would be something upstream source would use13:42
mac_vasac: oh ,  ok.. i just thought if it was that way the fallbacks should work .. but anyways thanks :)13:43
asacmac_v: well. appending -notification would be a "normal" way to do it upstream. so we cannot just append that as it might conflict with existing upstream stuff13:44
asacso upstream ships a gpm-notification icon for something else13:44
asacand we tell notify-osd to show "gpm" ... that would make notify-osd to display the gpm-notification icon ...13:45
asacwhich might be right ... or wrong ... prefixing is the safe way forward imo13:45
asacat best not notification- .... but even "notify-osd"13:45
asacas prefix13:45
asacalso i have to check the fallback mechanism13:46
asaci tried it in gnome-bluetooth and it seems that it does not work in gtk13:46
asace.g. it doesnt do the specced fallback automatically13:46
mac_vasac: tedg had a similar problem with indicator-session , he's filed a bug in bgo too13:47
asaci think it should be easy to fix13:47
asacquestion is more why it wasnt implemented yet13:48
asacas it feels to easy ... so it might have been not done for some reason13:48
seb128asac, it does but not for all functions getting an image13:49
seb128asac, and you have to set a flag13:49
seb128asac, ie gtk_icon_theme_load_icon does it13:50
* mac_v doesnt understand why all upstream apps need a patch in the ubuntu versions to use the notify-osd properly , whatever the reasons ;)13:50
seb128mac_v, because you want to use a different icon that the one used now?13:52
mac_vseb128: still that doesnt meant something like asac's solution should have been implemented/speced in the start itself13:54
asacseb128: ok i will check that. i now reread the spec and fallbacks are a bit differently handled than i thought (e.g. no fallback on sppliction level ... only theme level)13:54
seb128mac_v, right, I agree with that13:54
asaci think notifiy-osd wants to use special icons ... so it should also try the prefixing as i suggested13:54
asacbut rather than notification- ... actually notify-osd13:55
asacand since we need e to shuffle names anyway then we can just do that in the same turn13:55
* mac_v notes asac's body-gpm has extra/hidden battery life ;p 13:57
asaci am at -20% ;)14:01
asacanyway ... off for a few hours ... then back checking on bugs and icons :)14:01
hyperaircan anyone running compiz with desktop wall test out something?14:06
hyperairwall with a 3x2 layout14:06
hyperairor even 2x214:06
mac_vmvo: hi , the "packages out of date" icon in the notification are of the panel , what icon name does it use? is it gtk-warning?14:07
mac_vor stock_dialog-warning14:08
mat_tasac: hi14:09
mat_tasac: what would the call be about?14:09
asac15:01 < asac> anyway ... off for a few hours ... then back checking on bugs and icons :)14:10
asacmat_t: about what to do about notify-osd icons ... and if something in karmic still14:10
mat_tasac: ok, any specific issues?14:11
asacread backlog ;)14:11
asaci am out now ... we can chat in 2h ;)14:11
mvomac_v: gtk-dialog-warning14:12
mat_tasac: ok, am quite busy with other stuff atm, but we can chat in 2h (just ping me)14:12
asacmat_t: you were just named as one pushing hard for getting notify-osd icons14:12
mat_tcool, speak later14:12
mac_vmat_t: mvo says its the "gtk-dialog-warning" icon , but if it needs a panel icon , "gtk-dialog-warning-panel" would be an ideal... you need to convince mvo :)14:13
mac_vor kwwii ^14:13
mvomac_v: I can change the name is there is a matching icon already14:14
mac_vmvo: awesome... icon will be ready very soon :)14:14
mvoaren't we in a deep freeze14:14
mvoand way after ui freeze?14:15
kwwiimvo: yes, but this can as an email from mark to me just now14:15
kwwiimvo: asking me to please correct it14:15
kwwiianyway, there are still other icons issues open :p14:15
mvokwwii: aha, thats different than14:17
mvokwwii: this paricular icon?14:17
mvokwwii: please mail it to me once its there, I upload it today14:17
mac_vmvo: its this icon > http://imgur.com/O491D , the orange /!\ one14:18
kwwiimvo: ok, I'll get the icon from mac_v and add it to the theme14:18
kwwiiif we need to rename anything for notify-osd it would make sense to do this as one update14:18
mvohm, but this will require a icon theme with this icon name, its not a standard one14:21
mvo(a standard name)14:21
mvothat is a bit ugly, I would rather like to include it in u-n then14:21
mvoso that I have a fallback14:22
mac_vkwwii: mvo: so the name "gtk-dialog-warning-panel" would be ok ? this allows fallbacks if themes dont have the icon14:22
kwwiimac_v: yes, that sounds correct14:23
mvook, sorry for my ignorance - you will add somewhere that the fallback for that is gtk-dialog-warning ? so that e.g. xubuntu does get a icon as well?14:24
mvoor will I have to add this in my code?14:25
* mvo smells its the later14:25
kwwiimvo: naming the icon that way allows for the other themes to fallback to gtk-dialog-warning14:25
kwwiiyou need to add it to your code14:25
kwwiiif *-panel doesn't exist it should fall back to gtk-dialog-warning14:26
mac_vmvo: it think > <seb128> asac, ie gtk_icon_theme_load_icon does it14:26
mvoI just tried that with a bit of python and I don't get a icon in this case14:26
mvo>>> import gtk14:27
mvo>>> icons = gtk.icon_theme_get_default()14:27
mvo>>> icons.load_icon("gtk-dialog-warning-panel", 16, 0)14:27
mvoTraceback (most recent call last):14:27
mvo  File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>14:27
mvoglib.GError: Symbol »gtk-dialog-warning-panel« nicht im Thema vorhanden14:27
mvoseb128: am I using it incorrectly?14:29
seb128mvo, there is a fallback lookup flag you need to use14:32
mvoseb128: aha, not exposed in python (or the docs) - thanks14:33
seb128mvo, http://library.gnome.org/devel/gtk/unstable/GtkIconTheme.html14:34
mvoyeah, I have it now14:34
seb128mvo, lookup flags14:34
seb128ok, good14:34
mvokwwii: is there a open bug for this?14:40
pittihey rickspencer314:47
rickspencer3hi pitti14:48
rickspencer3we are getting quite close, are we not?14:49
pitti*shudder* :-)14:49
kwwiimvo: not sure, I will check14:49
seb128rickspencer3, hey14:49
seb128rickspencer3, karmic frozen if that's what you mean14:49
rickspencer3hi guys14:50
Amaranthmvo: The gconf plugin interferes with the ccp plugin due to the new system where compiz forces plugins loaded on the command line to stay loaded14:50
seb128so I'm running with the indicator applet since yesterday just to try again14:50
rickspencer3seb128, frozen, and looking good14:50
seb128is anybody else getting the buddy list of messages often not getting focus with compiz?14:50
Amaranthmvo: and ccsm and such don't work without ccp anyway14:50
kenvandinerickspencer3, i am getting that crash in desktopcouch now14:50
seb128ie they open with the request for attention blinking14:50
kenvandinethe 40114:50
kenvandinedebugging with chad now14:50
rickspencer3kenvandine, oh, other people hit that?14:51
kenvandinei did now14:52
=== robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew
mvokwwii: I commited the change14:57
Amaranth"Gdk motion event changed behavior in 2.18"14:58
Amaranthhmm, perhaps that is the problem with flash14:58
AmaranthIf I had the source I could test it :P14:58
kwwiimvo: ok, so all we need is the icon in the theme named *-panel.png, right?14:59
pittiseb128: hm, did you tag empathy as uploaded, but forgot to actually upload?15:12
pittiI don't see in karmic or the queue15:12
seb128pitti, no, I did first thing today15:12
seb128I must have screwed something15:13
seb128let me look15:13
* \sh hugs kwwii for giving us users such a nice l&f 15:13
seb128pitti, I apparently forgot the dput or typoed it15:15
seb128pitti, doing that now15:15
seb128kenvandine, pitti: do you know why we have this 30_raise_not_toggle.patch change btw?15:15
* seb128 ponders dropping it15:16
pittiseb128: I find it confusing, not sure15:16
seb128I hate it15:16
seb128I will just roll back to pidgin because of it15:17
seb128pitti, empathy uploaded btw15:17
pittiseb128: merci15:18
kenvandineseb128, that is based on design team15:18
seb128pitti, it was in my upload queue but with no .upload so I guess I screwed the put call15:18
seb128kenvandine, do you have a bug about it? do you know who in the design team I should talk with about that?15:18
kenvandinethere was a bug... pidgin has the same change15:19
kenvandinein pidgin-libnotify15:19
seb128no pidgin doesn't15:19
seb128I'm using pidgin because it doesn't15:19
kenvandinewell probably not on the icon15:19
kwwiimvo: ok, the icon is added to the humanity package at lp:~ubuntu-art-pkg/humanity/release/15:19
kenvandinebut in the indicator it does15:19
seb128ah could be15:20
kwwiimvo: can you upload the icon theme when you include your changes?15:20
seb128anyway not karmic material now15:20
kenvandineit isn't trivial to split that out in empathy atm15:20
seb128I will bring that as uds topic15:20
seb128it breaks upstream behaviour for those who don't use the indicator15:20
seb128kenvandine, do you know about the buddy list opening non focused and flashing using compiz?15:21
seb128kenvandine, not sure if that's a compiz bug15:22
seb128Amaranth, ^15:22
seb128that happens only when using the indicator though15:22
seb128not when clicking on the notification area icon15:22
kenvandineseb128, i have seen that happen with the icon15:22
seb128so could be a tedg bug15:22
seb128it happens almost every time with the indicator there15:22
mptI reported a bug of that form15:23
Amaranthif it's not presenting the window correctly compiz will block it15:23
mptbug 44446715:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444467 in indicator-applet "Choosing IM menu item doesn't focus the window" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44446715:24
Amaranthactually metacity would too but it seems to have a race condition of sorts so it only blocks it every so often15:24
Amaranthlike the polkit window getting focus15:24
kwwiimvo, pitti: if not, can someone else see that the humanity icons are updated...I just told mark that we got it done ;)15:24
tedgseb128: I think it may be something related to XEmbed.  I think that the focus stealing protection notices that as a "click in the application" vs. "the application asking to be raised."  I'm thinking we should turn of focus stealing protection by default.15:24
Amaranthbut I don't use empathy (or any other IM program) so this is hard to test15:24
pittikwwii: "if not"?15:25
tedgoff that is15:25
seb128tedg, because having focus stealing your input is so nice?15:25
Amaranthtedg: And I think you're crazy, that is not happening15:25
seb128tedg, or because you like to type your password to your im contacts?15:25
tedgBecause fixing it in the Window Manager creates really bad behavior with everything else.15:25
seb128the only thing misbehaving there is the indicator15:26
AmaranthNot having focus stealing prevention creates really bad behavior with everything else15:26
seb128I've never an issue using launcher, menus, etc15:26
tedgOkay, the code that we had to steal to make it every reasonable is insane.  We're doing things like resetting event timers, and it still doesn't work right.15:27
kwwiipitti: if not, please explain to mark why it didn't happen, it was formed as a statement to me from him, not a question15:27
pittikwwii: sorry, first time I hear about it15:27
pittikwwii: so shall I review the branch and upload?15:27
kwwiipitti: yeah, I only bugged you cause mvo was busy and hadn't responded yet15:27
kwwiipitti: just trying to make sure that someone takes care of it15:28
tedgI think that we should turn off focus stealing protection, and fix the bugs.  I think there are fewer than most people think.15:28
pittikwwii: the changelog says "added", but it really changed the icon; isn't that used somewhere else, too? (the name sounds fairly generic)15:28
pittikwwii: oops, no; the commit changes Humanity/actions/48/document-export.svg, but the changelog says "Added gtk-dialog-warning-panel.svg"15:29
kwwiipitti: lol, I forgot to bzr add the icons :)15:30
pittikwwii: please pull before, I fixed the changelog15:30
pittikwwii: (to "unreleased", and broke long line)15:30
pittikwwii: what changed in document-export.svg?15:30
superm1pitti, i just wanted to make sure that you did see bug 448988, correct?  no one confirmed/triaged or anything and i'm still seeing it with daily builds as far as 10/1515:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448988 in usplash "--pulse-logo doesn't actually pulse the logo" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44898815:31
tedgseb128: The reason that it happens with the indicator is that the indicator isn't doing the action, it's the application getting a signal over dbus and doing it.  Other things like the wnck pager tell the window manager that they're special and thus it should actually listen to them.  So, probably the solution there is to have every app tell the WM that they're panels :)15:31
Amaranthtedg: are you going to patch every IM app to open their IM windows without focus?15:33
Amaranthtedg: including skype?15:33
pittisuperm1: I tested it with today's image, and it works fine for me; not for you?15:33
mpttedg, I don't think focus stealing prevention is a matter of hiding bugs. As long as we have windows we'll have windows opening at arbitrary times, so we'll need heuristics to guess whether they should be focused or not.15:33
Amaranthmpt: we have such heuristics15:34
tedgAmaranth: We've already patched all the default ones...15:34
mptAmaranth, indeed15:34
superm1pitti, i had tested a 10-15 mythbuntu iso in virtualbox.  is it possible that this functionality is just not working in virtualbox then?15:34
Amaranthtedg: but you can't fix skype15:34
seb128tedg, to not steal focus? how so?15:34
Amaranthor any other closed source apps15:34
kwwiipitti: it was a minor outstanding change which I didn't notice at first15:34
Amaranthseb128: just change the IM windows to now have focus on map15:34
tedgmpt: The problem is how little information we have on why the window was opened.  Only the application really knows that.15:35
pittisuperm1: it doesn't work for me in kvm either, but on real iron it does; no clue yet15:35
pitti(just tried)15:35
seb128tedg, why can't you pass the timestamp for the action over dbus?15:35
tedgseb128: No, mostly we've patched them to try to get focus ;)15:35
kwwiipitti: ok, now they are included...thanks for checking that15:35
seb128so the application which get the dbus signal can do it using a correct timestamp15:35
Amaranthyou can set the timestamp in the future before popping up the window15:35
superm1pitti, interesting.  okay, i'll get some real hardware to try on.  if i have anything that fails, i'll add it to the bug15:36
seb128which should trigger focus stealing prevention only if you have new events15:36
pittisuperm1: thanks15:36
mpttedg, yes, it would be nice to have an API for "this window opened from this object in this window" (not to be confused with transient-for). That could be used for zooming animation for opening the window, as well as for improving the heuristic.15:36
Amaranthbecause the main test is "was the last user event before or after this window popped up?"15:36
Amaranthmpt: that'd be an EWMH addition15:36
tedgseb128: Hmm, interesting.  Because I hadn't thought of it :)15:37
tedgI wonder if that'd work.15:37
seb128why wouldn't it work?15:37
mclasenAmaranth: I believe the ewmh has stuff for that15:38
seb128the focus stealing only compare timestamps15:38
tedgseb128: Well, that's not all it does.  It does things like whether the applications is running and what type of window it is as well.15:39
tedgObviously this wouldn't be for Karmic :)15:39
* tedg imagines trying to get that exception through.15:40
Amaranthtedg: it's simple code, really15:40
superm1mpt, when you looked at mcc yesterday, were there icons on the buttons on the right?  there was a bug w/ it running in gnome that the icons didn't show up (and it looked like junk in that scenario).  it's been fixed now, and is much prettier15:41
tedgAmaranth: Uhm, really?  I mean, two dbus interfaces have to change.15:41
Amaranthtedg: i meant the focus stealing prevention15:41
tedgAh, okay.15:41
Amaranthif you want to see how to get around it15:41
tedgAmaranth: Simple except that "evalMatch" pretty much has it's own source file as well ;)15:46
mptsuperm1, yes, the buttons were there15:47
mptsuperm1, the icons were there, I mean15:47
superm1mpt, okay cool15:47
mptsuperm1, but it was still quite confusing, because as soon as I clicked somewhere else in the window I could no longer see which category I was in15:48
superm1mpt, yeah a bit of deficiency of using buttons since you can't keep the focus on the button and elsewhere in the window15:48
superm1each of those buttons is actually a separate plugin15:49
rickspencer3sweet, bughugger works again15:50
rickspencer3thanks kenvandine15:50
seb128rickspencer3, is that another tool of yours?15:51
rickspencer3seb128, yes ... it used to be "bug-zapper" but bdmurray didn't like that name15:51
rickspencer3all of my apps use desktopcouch, but due to the "bug" that kenvandine and the U1 crew just solved, it couldn't start15:52
seb128oh ok15:53
diverse_izzuewhen i spawn a guest session, my xorg process uses loads of CPU and the systems is extremely sluggish. is that a known bug?15:55
pittiRiddell: argh, bug 339313 is alive again?15:57
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339313 in plasma-widget-networkmanagement "Kubuntu Jaunty: Cannot Connect To Wireless Network with WEP shared key" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33931315:57
Riddellpitti: works for me16:00
pittiRiddell: so should this be downgraded perhaps?16:00
Riddellpitti: looking at comment 88 it seems to be a problem with the type of password16:00
pittiyeah, WEP has 3 different password types AFAIR16:00
Riddellthe dialogue only offers two options16:01
tedgrickspencer3: No PPA? :(  https://launchpad.net/~bug-zapper/+ppa-packages16:01
rickspencer3tedg, use bughugger in my ppa16:01
rickspencer3bug-zapper is dead, but I haven't had a chance to bury the body yet16:02
tedgrickspencer3: Ah, okay, found it.16:02
tedgrickspencer3: Thanks!16:02
rickspencer3ted, it's a quickly app now16:02
rickspencer3so you can use quickly edit, quickly glade, quickly package, quickly release, etc...16:03
Riddellpitti: I'll confirm with upstream but I think that bug should be closed and another one opened for this paticular problem16:04
pittiRiddell: *nod*; thanks16:04
jbichais xforcevesa broken in Karmic?16:07
superm1jbicha, it should work as of the dailies about a week ago16:07
jbichaok I'll try again, thanks16:07
superm1jbicha, just checked, 10-09 or later will have it16:08
andreasnmpt, quick software center question. Where does this dialog come from? http://dl.getdropbox.com/u/184285/Screenshot-softwcenter.png16:08
superm1jbicha, (bug 423969)16:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 423969 in casper ""Safe Graphics Mode" doesn't force VESA" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42396916:08
superm1andreasn, python-aptdaemon-gtk isn't it?16:09
jbichaI thought I had tried after that date, but I'll try again with today's build & see if I still have issues, thanks16:09
mptandreasn, policykit-gnome, via aptdaemon16:09
mptandreasn, and what superm1 said16:09
andreasnmpt, thanks!16:09
mptandreasn, I redesigned the policykit-gnome alert a bit, but Robert Ancell didn't have time to implement it16:11
mvo_kwwii: hey, sorry, disconnected - shoudl I sponsor the iocn theme update? what is the lp url?16:11
awepitti: do we ever spin a development release between beta & final?16:12
andreasnmpt, oh, that's great! because I can't really understand what it says16:12
pittiawe: just a release candidate (next Thursday)16:12
awepitti, can people download it?16:12
kwwiimvo_: lp:~ubuntu-art-pkg/humanity/release but you might want to check with pitti, after I couldn't find you I bugged him ;)16:13
mptandreasn, unfortunately, I never specified the primary text for that particular alert16:13
kwwiimvo_: I take that back, pitti just uploaded it16:13
* kwwii *hugs* pitti, mvo_ 16:13
* pitti hugs kwwii16:13
mvo_kwwii: cool, I upload update-notifier then too16:14
* \sh looks for a documentation about the contents of get_style().base[gtk.STATE_NORMAL] looks like that this is the cause for bug #44003016:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440030 in gwibber "[KARMIC] gwibber text input box has white BG & FG for dark themes." [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44003016:15
kwwiimvo_: excellent, thanks16:15
andreasnmpt, is there a bug open about it?16:16
mptandreasn, not that I know of, you're welcome to report it16:16
awepitti: the new pulseaudio drops rtkit as a recommends, but it doesn't actually get removed unless you explicitly do so; or install from scratch16:18
pittiawe: hm, I guess apt-get autoremove will?16:19
mptSounds like another case for ... Recommends-Removing :-)16:19
pittimpt: that's called "autoremove" :)16:19
awepitti: just wanted to make sure some folks besides myself, TheMuso, and Daniel run it.  ;)16:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 406702 in linux "rtkit requires a kernel patch" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:20
dtchenalternately, we could do crummy things with versioned conflicts (ugh)16:26
seb128is there any issue to have it installed?16:28
aweseb128, yea...it fills your daemon.log with InvalidParam log messages & wastes cycles ( it's a daemon )16:29
seb128use a conflicts16:30
aweok.  that might not be a bad idea for now, just to get the testing coverage.  I'll ping TheMuso.  dtchen, what do you think?16:32
aweseb128: asac asked me to ping you re: your nm-connection-editor re-connect problem.  are you still seeing it, and if so, is there a bug #?16:35
seb128awe, yes16:37
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew-afk
seb128awe, I've no bug number16:38
seb128I just tried though and NetworkManager segfault16:38
aweseb128, can you explain then?  ;)16:38
seb128NetworkManager segfaults when I start the editor16:38
seb128let me get you the stacktrace16:38
awecan you give me a quick re-cap of the scenario?  I thought it was nm-connection-editor -> wired tab -> select eth0 -> click edit?16:39
seb128it's right click on the notification area, edit -> nm crash16:40
awehmm, that's bad...  i assume you updated this morning?16:41
seb128did you fix a such bug?16:41
awesend me the stack trace though, and i'll take a look16:41
awei've been looking at that code recently16:42
aweseb128, does it crash *every* time?16:43
seb128#0  IA__g_type_check_instance_cast (type_instance=0x9ca1520, iface_type=80)16:43
seb128    at /build/buildd/glib2.0-2.22.2/gobject/gtype.c:372816:43
seb128#1  0x00ecd0c8 in polkit_authority_check_authorization_async (16:43
seb128    authority=0x9ca1520, subject=0x9c9c190,16:43
seb128    action_id=0x80c5e60 "org.freedesktop.network-manager-settings.system.modify", details=0x0, flags=POLKIT_CHECK_AUTHORIZATION_FLAGS_NONE, cancellable=0x0,16:43
seb128    callback=0x80accf0, user_data=0x9ce3428) at polkitauthority.c:34816:43
seb128awe, http://paste.ubuntu.com/294059/16:44
seb128awe, bug #43439116:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434391 in network-manager "NetworkManager crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43439116:46
aweseb128, ok, thanks!16:46
seb128bug #43857416:46
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438574 in network-manager "NetworkManager crashed with SIGSEGV in g_type_check_instance_cast()" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43857416:46
seb128those are similar16:46
seb128awe, let me know if you need details16:46
dtchenawe: if you have to use Conflicts, then you have to use it (:16:46
awedtchen, I think it just might be the best way to get testing coverage before final.  sigh...16:47
mac_vseb128: hadness has replied on the volume mute bug report > https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59845917:05
ubottuGnome bug 598459 in gnome-volume-control "the mute icon is used when the volume is set to 0 but not muted" [Normal,Unconfirmed]17:05
* mpt growls at djsiegel1 because gnome-do is using 196% CPU17:09
djsiegel1mpt: please talk to the current maintainer of GNOME Do. Do was a mean lean machine when I handed over the project, thank you very much.17:10
bratscheHey, anyone know what's up with bug #197290?  Is there some way to see the configure output where this gets built for i386 and see if the "_FILE_OFFSET_BITS value needed for large files..." line says 64?17:10
ubottuLaunchpad bug 197290 in evolution "2 gb max inbox" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19729017:11
djsiegel1mpt: but word on the street is that the Firefox plugin is affected by a nasty SQL bug, so disabling that should restore normalcy.17:11
\shbratsche, use the source?17:11
rickspencer3seb128, pitti - imagine this situation ...17:11
rickspencer3you buy a dell mini10v with windows on it ...17:12
* seb128 almost did17:12
rickspencer3a friend convinces you to try Ubuntu on it ...17:12
* djsiegel1 sees that GNOME Do is running at 0% CPU, 27mb of RAM on my machine :)17:12
rickspencer3you install Ubuntu ...17:12
rickspencer3because we disabled tap to click by default, it is all but unusable17:12
Laneythe mouse button on my macbook is broken17:13
pittirickspencer3: "all but unusable" sounds "good" to me17:13
pittirickspencer3: is that a praise or a bug report?17:13
Laneywhich wil make it difficult to try karmic ;)17:13
rickspencer3pitti, as in "you can't click with the mouse as there is no physical mouse button"17:13
pittirickspencer3: uh?17:13
rickspencer3there is no separate mouse button17:14
bratsche\sh: My systems are both x86-64 and this only affects i386, so I don't think I can check here.  I was hoping the configure output would be logged on a build server somewhere I could look or something.17:14
rickspencer3(some macbooks are like this too)17:14
pittiwho in the world builds stuff like that?17:14
kklimondapitti, it's the new trend - saves them a few bucks ;)17:14
\shbratsche, on launchpad you will find all build logs for evolution17:14
rickspencer3uh, one of the strongest proponents of pre-installing linux in the world?17:14
Laneythe macbooks have mouse buttons17:14
Laneywell, just one17:14
pittikklimonda: and costs the user tons of headache and frustration?17:15
rickspencer3I <3 Dell, so I;'m not going to diss them17:15
rickspencer3well, in any case, it is what it is17:15
pittirickspencer3: and I thought Apple was bad for just having one button; but seems you can top even that :)17:15
pittirickspencer3: do you have such a  machine at hand?17:15
rickspencer3pitti, I would not be surprised if this continues17:15
bratscheLaunchpad is a big place.  That's why I was asking.17:15
rickspencer3pitti, no17:15
pittirickspencer3: I wonder whether we can enable it by default if the device says that it doesn't have buttons17:15
\shbratsche, http://launchpadlibrarian.net/33091255/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.evolution_2.28.0-0ubuntu4_FULLYBUILT.txt.gz <- latest evolution build on i38617:15
rickspencer3pitti, http://arstechnica.com/open-source/news/2009/08/quickly-new-rails-like-rapid-development-tools-for-ubuntu.ars17:16
rickspencer3in this case, it is enabled by default because it is pre-installed17:16
rickspencer3oops, wrong link17:16
seb128rickspencer3, tseliot had a patch for that17:16
seb128rickspencer3, 2 days ago or something17:16
seb128tseliot, did that got uploaded?17:16
rickspencer3well, I am opening discussion because I think we need to reconsider our position17:16
pittirickspencer3: if it's built with any sanity, "lsinput" would say that the mouse can't do EV_KEY, then we could enable it based on that17:17
kklimondapitti, I guess it depends on how well tap to click works - on OSX it's really good so you don't miss buttons :)17:17
seb128rickspencer3, pitti: guys, that's a bug with a patch17:17
rickspencer3well, I guess it is technically enabled to click, but:17:17
rickspencer3Although the keyboard in the 10v is a laudable improvement, the touchpad is a pitiful failure. The design is so fundamentally flawed that I can't believe it ever made it off the drawing board and into a product.17:17
* seb128 search for bug number17:17
pittikklimonda: well, from my POV can't work well, ever; it's a pain in the butt17:17
rickspencer3so essentially, you *can* tap, if you can figure it out17:17
rickspencer3pitti, personally, I hate tap to click, and turn it off first thing17:18
seb128rickspencer3, https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=59828717:18
rickspencer3and I know it is confusing to users ...17:18
ubottuGnome bug 598287 in plugins "Tap-to-click should be enabled if the touchpad has no physical buttons" [Normal,Unconfirmed]17:18
rickspencer3but in terms of Ubuntu working universally, I think we may need to reconsider this17:18
pittiseb128: yay, that's pretty much what I had in mind17:18
seb128rickspencer3, do you read me? ;-)17:18
pittirickspencer3: sure, if there are no buttons, enabling it is a no-brainer17:19
rickspencer3seb128, yes, reading the bug17:19
rickspencer3seb128, is that already in?17:19
seb128tseliot, any reason you didn't upload to karmic?17:19
* rickspencer3 wonders if the dell reports that it has buttons17:19
seb128rickspencer3, no, it's not17:19
seb128rickspencer3, tseliot came with it 2 days ago17:19
seb128but didn't upload apparently17:20
kklimondapitti, your main concern about tap to click is the user's confusion or the precision of the tap itself?17:20
pittikklimonda: it's "it exists"17:20
rickspencer3seb128, if this works on the 10v, could we consider it, or is it too risky?17:20
pittikklimonda: I keep tapping on the thing while typing, or you accidentally tap when you don't mean to, etc.17:21
pittirickspencer3: it doesn't look risky to me; the drawback is that you can't manually disable it any more17:21
pittirickspencer3: although disabling it is probably like "shooting yourself in the foot"17:21
seb128rickspencer3, the patch? I though it was uploaded already, we want it for karmic17:21
seb128but I'm fine changing the default too if you want17:22
kklimondapitti, btw, if you are already here - could you comment on https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/transmission/+bug/451554/comments/4 ?17:22
rickspencer3seb128, could I ask you to follow up with tseliot and let me know the status17:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451554 in transmission "transmission crashed with SIGSEGV in tr_torrentNext()" [Medium,Confirmed]17:22
seb128it's one of those things I'm a bit nervous about17:22
seb128seems every other os has that on by default17:22
seb128and I'm wondering if we should not to be in the less surprise case17:22
kklimondapitti, you don't have to comment there, you can answer me here and I'll forward it :)17:22
seb128rickspencer3, will do17:22
rickspencer3well, if the patch is too risky, maybe we should joust turn tap to click on by default17:22
* rickspencer3 shudders17:23
pittirickspencer3: I'd prefer the case-by-case basis TBH17:23
rickspencer3pitti, right, but it seems to me that simply switching the default is easy and low risk (consider this will be after freeze)17:24
* ccheney catching up on the backscroll, yea mini 10v has 'buttons' but they are so hideous you want to die before using them17:25
ccheneybecause they are part of the touchpad itself and so you can't click without moving your cursor17:25
rickspencer3ccheney, apparantly they are confusing too, people can't figure out to click17:25
pittirickspencer3: I'd like the patch to be confirmed to work on the 10v, yes17:25
seb128rickspencer3, the consensus on the list at beta time seemed seem to be: tap-to-click on + the option to disable on typing17:26
ccheneyrickspencer3: heh, you have to press down on the touchpad hard enough to actually click it, its physical click on the touchpad itself17:26
pittirickspencer3: it looks safe, but it's not obvious whether it will actually work17:26
rickspencer3I think we should go with what seb128 said17:26
ccheneynot like tap to click which all touchpads do (outside ubuntu)17:26
rickspencer3we could do that with like two gconf changes I think17:26
rickspencer3and satisfy most users17:26
seb128ok, I suggest:17:27
pittirickspencer3: so, I don't have a strong enough opinion on "on by default" to fight for it (I know where to disable it, after all)17:27
ccheneyso with tap to click disabled did we also disable multitouch (eg scrolling etc as well)?17:27
seb128-  adding tseliot patch it's correct17:27
seb128- enable tap-on-lick17:27
pittirickspencer3: I don't know whether it's "most users", it seems people complain either way17:27
rickspencer3pitti, correct17:27
pittiseb128: both?17:27
seb128- enable "don't allow tapping while typing"17:27
rickspencer3well, people complain when it's off, and file bug reports when it is on17:27
* pitti chuckles, "tap on lick"17:27
pittinow, that will look funny17:27
seb128pitti, well tseliot's change is a "don't shot you in the foot"17:27
seb128pitti, lol17:28
rickspencer3ok, seb128 can I ask you a favor?17:28
pittiseb128: an absolute "yay" for disabling the touchpad completly while you are typing17:28
pittithat's actually my biggest concern about it as well17:28
rickspencer3assume that we would like people installing Ubuntu on a 10v to have a good experience17:28
rickspencer3despite what some may consider not so great hardware17:28
ccheneyand maybe even disable the physical buttons on the 10v, if anything :)17:29
rickspencer3can you make a recommendations for how to accommodate that in a low risk fashion in Karmic if possible?17:29
seb128rickspencer3, ok17:29
rickspencer3seb128, like get back to us tomorrow on what you think we should do?17:29
rickspencer3seb128, thanks17:29
seb128will do17:29
rickspencer3pitti, does that sound ok?17:29
ccheneyi have a 10v if anything needs to be tested17:29
seb128rickspencer3, you're welcome17:29
pittirickspencer3: absolutely17:30
pittirickspencer3: so, I'm all for enabling that on the 10v, I don't have a very strong opinion about "enable generally" or "apply patch"17:30
ccheneyalso have a regular old style 10 but i think those aren't supported by karmic17:30
=== dpm is now known as dpm-afk
rickspencer3"enabling generally" seems to be what the community suggests (though not in 100% universally)17:31
tseliotseb128: I'm here17:34
seb128right, community argued that it's the less surprising behaviour17:34
ccheneyenabling generally does keep us with what users except (whether they actually like that default or not)17:34
ccheneyseb128: yea17:34
seb128since any other os does that17:34
seb128and it will look broken hardware otherwise17:34
seb128tseliot, hey, any reason you didn't get your g-s-d fix in karmic?17:34
jbichasuperm1: I tried booting with today's daily-live CD & I got all sorts of squashfs errors and it refuses to load X17:35
seb128jbicha, try #ubuntu17:35
jbichafrom USB17:35
tseliotseb128: the one which enables tap-to-click when no physical buttons are available?17:35
seb128tseliot, yes17:35
jbichabut isn't it a problem if the daily CD builds don't work?17:36
tseliotseb128: no, I filed a bug report upstream but I didn't uploaded. I thought you wanted some kind of confirmation from upstream17:36
seb128tseliot, oh no, could you upload?17:36
seb128tseliot, the change looks fine, I just wanted to make sure it goes upstream too17:37
seb128tseliot, the change looks fine, I just wanted to make sure it goes upstream too17:37
seb128ups, focus issues17:37
tseliotseb128: ah, ok17:37
tseliothere's the debdiff http://albertomilone.com/ubuntu/karmic/distro/gnome-settings-daemon_2.28.0-0ubuntu4.debdiff17:37
seb128tseliot, thanks17:37
* tseliot is not a core-dev yet and can't upload packages17:37
seb128tseliot, right, I forgot about that, thanks17:38
pittikklimonda: in general, for SRU we prefer cherrypicked patches for data loss/security/very important bugs only17:41
pittikklimonda: we made some concessions in the past for updating to microversions (especially for LTSes), but since karmic isn't LTS we'll be pretty strict17:41
asacseb128: the other bug you had before was that it reconnects when you open the editor17:44
seb128asac, well it seems to reconnect but it's nm crashing17:44
asacseb128: the connection editor crashes? or the nm-applet (those are different processe)17:44
seb128asac, see IRC log17:44
Amaranthhrm, no more tedg17:44
seb128asac, /usr/sbin/NetworkManager17:45
seb128asac, I didn't notice before because it just makes the applet spin and connect again17:45
asaceven the backend17:45
AmaranthevalMatch is for skipping focus stealing prevention, not important for what he is trying to do17:45
seb128but apport triggered at the same time today17:45
asacthat explains it a bit17:45
seb128cf the 2 bugs I gave before17:45
mvo_Amaranth: did you see my earlier question re> gconf module?17:45
seb128they have the same stacktrace17:45
Amaranthmvo_: yeah, but gconf interferes with ccp on upgrades (even though gnome-wm was fixed) and the rest of our tools only work with ccp17:46
Amaranthmvo_: and ccp just uses the same gconf keys/layout as the gconf plugin anyway so it's an easy transition for anyone who was actually patching compiz-wrapper to not use ccp before17:46
mvo_Amaranth: ok, I guess its ok to let people use ini otherwise - what was the output from the -unsupported discussion?17:47
kklimondapitti: ok, thanks.17:47
mvo_Amaranth: should we have it in the compiz ppa ? or just not at all17:47
pittikenvandine: are you working on bug 438365? If you are over-busy, need help with that?17:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438365 in erlang "erlang should not depend on wxwidgets2.8" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43836517:48
Amaranthmvo_: I would say not at all17:50
* mvo_ nods17:50
Amaranthmvo_: only thing in there is useless eyecandy that is often broken17:50
mvo_but *atlantis* ;)17:50
Amaranthmvo_: I don't want anymore compiz crash reports :P17:51
mvo_heh :)17:51
mvo_yeah, I figured that17:51
mvo_since you are the bugmaster its your decision, I'm fine with that17:51
* mvo_ hugs Amaranth17:51
Amaranthmvo_: if they're worth having they move to extras or main :)17:51
mvo_sounds like its time for compiz sponsoring17:51
Amaranthalthough I don't think any have yet17:51
mvo_did you upgrade the plugins bzr tree too?17:52
AmaranthI updated everything except python-ccs, ccsm, and emerald17:52
Amaranthkconfig didn't actually get an update and I don't think those did either17:52
Amaranthmvo_: they all have working watch files now too so it makes it easier for you to get them ready to upload :)17:52
mvo_great, many thanks17:53
mvo_I noticed the watchfile update in core17:53
seb128mvo_, waouh18:01
seb128mvo_, 1.0!18:01
seb128champagne ;-)18:01
* seb128 hugs mvo_18:01
kenvandinepitti, well Rick had volunteered me for that one18:01
kenvandinebut i know nothing about erlang :)18:01
kenvandineor if we care to build it with wxWidgets18:01
pittikenvandine: ok, please assign to me if you are overloaded18:02
kenvandinei feel pretty good about empathy now though, could probably look at it18:02
\shhmmm...my ejabberd written in erlang doesn't have any gui ;)18:02
kenvandinebut i suspect you could make a call on it better than me :)18:02
pittikenvandine: yeah, I guess it ends up with "disable wx support"18:02
* kenvandine really doesn't like empathy for irc18:03
kenvandineand it really doesn't play well with the indicator18:03
kenvandinepitti, that was what i was thinking18:03
\shkenvandine, empathy just parts  all channels on my dircproxy18:03
mvo_seb128: haha - I though people would like it :)18:04
kenvandine\sh, it is working ok for me, i use znc18:05
seb128mvo_, btw your schemas typo fix, did you unfuzzy the translations?18:05
kenvandinei get indicator events constantly18:05
kenvandinecause we just see those as incoming events18:05
mvo_seb128: no :(18:05
seb128mvo_, :-(18:05
mvo_seb128: its "just" internal in gconf, its still bad18:05
kenvandinenot sure if we can selectively only add the indicator for highlights18:05
seb128mvo_, so you fix a typo to break all translations18:06
seb128doesn't seem a good deal18:06
\shkenvandine, yepp...but parting channels from a proxy is not ok, too..but this could be a general design bug regarding connecting to irc services18:06
seb128mvo_, well you trade an english typo against no translation18:06
seb128but your call18:06
kenvandine\sh, it doesn't part mine18:06
mvo_seb128: now I sleep bad at night18:06
mvo_seb128: I will unfuzzy manually18:06
\shkenvandine, hmmm...-ESTRANGE18:06
* \sh can't change irc proxies every day ;) but I could test it locally at home18:08
kenvandineznc seemed to keep me joined18:09
kenvandineperhaps it just ignores the clients request to part :)18:09
\shkenvandine, good point ;)18:10
* seb128 hugs mvo_18:10
\sham I wrong, or was the last upload/sync  of erlang during hardy time?18:11
seb128mvo_, don't bother that's just a gconf description18:11
seb128mvo_, to be fair none of those were translatable in jaunty and karmic18:11
seb128mvo_, we tracked the bug a week ago, nobody noticed18:11
seb128mvo_, or rather they were translatable but the gettext change were buggy so no translation18:11
mvo_seb128: ha! ok18:12
asacseb128: hah. found the bug i think ;)18:13
asacpreparing a polkit patch18:13
\shkenvandine, erlang source needs wxwidgets because of wxerlang, regarding some changelog entries of erlang18:13
seb128asac, thanks18:13
davidbarthasac: just a note to say that MacSlow is on your patch and integrates that now to deal with the gpm/nm icon naming issue18:14
seb128I'm off for sport soon but I can test later18:14
\sherlang-wx is the result of all this18:14
asacdavidbarth: oh ... i wanted to submit a safer approach18:15
asacwith less potential for regressions18:15
asac(not that its risky)18:15
kenvandine\sh, yeah... but that means we need to move wx to main18:15
davidbarthasac: there are some corner cases, but MacSlow spotted them and will have a test to catch that18:16
MacSlowasac, I'm about to push a new branch updated to apply cleanly to notiyf-osd/karmic18:16
MacSlowasac, sofar intended test-cases work as intended now18:16
MacSlowasac, I've yet to put that through "make distcheck"18:17
asacMacSlow: i ran both iirc18:17
asacMacSlow: one second18:17
asaclet me tell you what improvement i wanted to resubmit18:17
asacthat was the patch18:18
asacthe idea was to use "notify-osd-" as the prefix18:18
asacmore important, dont put the _from_path logic in a separate function18:19
asacbut rather introduce _from_theme18:19
asacin that way there is no contract change18:19
asacso no regressions as we explicitly move those few calls to the new _from_theme function18:19
davidbarthasac: we discussed with kwwii and want to stick to the notification-* prefix to keep things simple18:19
asacdavidbarth: MacSlow: ^^ ... if you want me to resubmit that branch18:20
asacdavidbarth: ok. though we need to reshuffle quite a lot18:20
davidbarthasac: but that does not impact upstream keeping its naming convention18:20
asacin the long run the notification- prefix should be a proper fdo namespace though ... so we should move to notify-osd- at some point18:20
asaci dont care if that happens for this cycle or next :)18:20
asaci just thought that you have all icons in names that are != PREFIX-upstream-name18:20
asacso you have to rename all anyway18:21
davidbarthasac: ie, gpm and nm can keep the same names, and we can have n-osd map that on the fly with specific icons if the names match (with the notification- prefix)18:21
asacthat was just my thought. reality can diverge - havent checked how well the current notification- names match upstream names18:21
asacdavidbarth: yes. my point was, that the notification- prefix is unlikely to match atm ... and you have to rename most notification- icons anyway18:21
asacso you can directly use notifiy-osd- prefix18:21
davidbarthasac: that's a different problem, but that we cannot remap on the fly without a translation table18:22
asacwhich would be much cleaner and would keep the way open to get notification- namespace an official fdo thing18:22
davidbarthasac: we cannot rename all our n-osd specific icons at this stage18:22
asacdavidbarth: right. you need links18:22
asacso i say: create those links with notify-osd prefix18:22
asacnot notification- ... and then next cycle think about what to do in long run18:22
davidbarthasac: do you have a list of the required links, ie the mismatches between icons that are not patched anymore (or that where never patched, but for which we had no particular icons)18:23
davidbarthasac: ? ^^18:24
\shgoing home18:24
asacdavidbarth: i do not have that. but someone has to do that anyway ... not a notification- vs. notify-osd- issue18:25
asaci think at this time in cycle we should pick the most important apps18:25
asacand do it for those18:25
asacseb128: http://people.canonical.com/~asac/tmp/0001-authority-g_object_ref-authority-when-returning-sing.patch18:26
asacseb128: update again please ;)18:33
asacthat patch18:33
hyperairdoes compiz randomly switch your windows' workspaces if you switch workspaces rapidly?19:02
hyperairsomething like ctrl+alt+left<hold> or the other way19:02
=== robbiew-afk is now known as robbiew
Amaranthhyperair: never seen that, no19:14
hyperairAmaranth: could you try reproduce it?19:14
hyperair3x2 desktop wall layout19:15
Amaranthhyperair: if I window wants your attention it may get pulled on to the current workspace19:15
hyperairnono that's not what i meant19:15
hyperairi've a terminal open19:15
hyperairin the middle top workspace19:15
hyperairi move to the lower row19:15
hyperairand i hold down ctrl+alt+rightarrow19:15
hyperairnote that desktop wall's preview is enabled19:15
hyperairafter a while i notice my terminal shifts to the left or right19:16
hyperairif i use ctrl+alt+up/down, my terminal shifts to the top or bottom19:16
hyperairand back19:16
hyperairstrange behaviour19:16
hyperairi just tried again with more windows19:16
hyperairterminal on top left, firefox on top middle, dia on bottom middle. then i pressed ctrl+alt+up and held it.19:17
hyperairi noticed that they flip rows together19:17
Amaranthyou have wraparound enabled then?19:17
hyperairyes i have19:18
hyperairdoes the issue not occur without?19:18
Amaranthobviously not, you can't move enough :)19:18
hyperairoh right19:18
Amaranthhyperair: The pager and the live preview sometimes show them moving but when I stop they didn't actually move19:19
hyperairtry again19:19
hyperairif you stop at the correct time, it'll move =\19:19
hyperairit really depends when you stop imo19:19
Amaranthah, I just got it to flip from top to bottom19:19
Amaranthbut I can't get it to flip horizontally19:19
hyperairtry putting a window on the top row19:20
hyperairand going to the bottom row19:20
Amaranthit only does it for a single viewport change somewhat randomly and when holding you're doing about 5 of those a second19:20
AmaranthI did that19:20
hyperairand then hold ctrl+alt+left/right19:20
AmaranthI did that19:20
Amaranthit only does it for a single viewport change somewhat randomly and when holding you're doing about 5 of those a second19:20
hyperair5 a sec?19:21
hyperairseems to require more for me19:21
Amaranthat least19:21
Amaranthwell I just got it to flip them horizontally too19:21
Amaranththey were all on the bottom row and I was on the bottom row19:21
hyperairi see19:21
Amaranthwhen they're on top and I'm on bottom it doesn't happen19:21
hyperairmaybe i should just go back to using the cube for the time being =\19:21
Amaranthfile a bug but I'm not going to look into it for karmic19:22
hyperairo noes19:22
AmaranthWho uses live preview and wraparound? You and onestone :P19:22
Amaranthcompiz developer, he added those features :P19:22
hyperairwell i like wraparound19:22
hyperairthis way, i get to have one-key access to all workspaces in the same row19:23
AmaranthDoes it happen if you move slowly?19:23
hyperairand at most two key accesses to workspaces on the lower row19:23
hyperairno it doesn't19:23
hyperairit doesn't happen unless i hold it down19:23
hyperairi guess it's kinda minor then19:23
Amaranthsomething to fix but not something people are actually going to run into (99% of the time)19:24
hyperairsay, since compiz is moving to c++ maybe i should go dig in the code and take a look sometime19:24
hyperairanother thing for my already loaded todo list19:24
Amaranthwe won't have a C++ version in Ubuntu until 10.1019:24
hyperairwow two releases down the road eh19:25
Amaranthhyperair: yeah, unless they can guarantee 0.10.2 will be out before lucid19:25
hyperairhas it achieved feature parity yet?19:25
Amaranth0.9 is going to be a bumpy ride, 0.10 will almost certainly have regressions from 0.8.x (or be late)19:25
Amaranthstill a few plugins missing19:26
hyperairwhich ones?19:26
AmaranthI think mainly cube, all plugins using cube, and group19:26
hyperairdoes cube get ignored that much?19:26
AmaranthThe guy that was porting it got it supposedly done then disappeared19:26
AmaranthSo no one else working on it waiting for him19:26
hyperairwhat a waste!19:26
Amaranthand compiz itself has been pretty much ignored from about february of this year until 2 months ago...19:27
Amarantheveryone got busy19:27
hyperairwhat will become of compiz once gnome-shell takes over, though?19:27
Amaranthright now the hope is that it doesn't ;)19:28
Amaranthgnome-shell is going to be pain on LTSP and such19:28
Amaranthand nvidia and newer ati users will get a broken experience at least until they install proprietary drivers19:28
Amaranthand I don't like the activities thing19:30
AmaranthI used gnome-shell for a couple days, felt just as jarring at the end as the beginning19:30
hyperairi agree19:30
hyperairwell i didn't use it for a couple of days19:31
hyperairjust one hour or so19:31
AmaranthI do like what they're doing with zeitgeist integration though19:31
Amaranthbut there are only two things gnome-shell does that would need interaction between the WM and the panel like they claim19:32
Amaranthand I don't think they even do the second one yet (or even plan to)19:32
hyperairwhat are they?19:32
Amaranthso only two things I can think of :)19:32
Amaranthhyperair: the activities view and having their "app menu" have a force quit option when an app freezes19:32
Amaranthsince apps will have client side decorations if the app freezes you can't click the close button to force quit it but if the panel is the WM it can use the same functionality the decorations are using to add a force quit option to the app menu19:33
hyperairwait a sec. what client side decorations?19:34
Amaranthbratsche is adding client side decorations to GTK+19:35
hyperairalso, the activities view is.. somewhat annoying19:35
hyperairwhat are client side decorations exactly?19:35
hyperairas in, window decorations no longer handled by window manager?19:35
Amaranthhyperair: right now the WM draws the decorations (the title, close button, etc)19:35
hyperairthat sounds like a bad idea to me.19:36
hyperairan *extremely* bad idea19:36
Amaranthso GTK+ could theme the decorations and such19:36
Amaranthhyperair: I said as much when I talked into the UDS session about it when it was half over :)19:36
Amaranthbut they'd already discussed all my points and decided they weren't so bad19:36
hyperairthe last thing i want is my window decorations to hang along with my windows =.=19:36
Amaranthafaik the current plan is to have an EWMH hint for where GTK+ is showing the close button so when the app locks up the WM can take over clicks for that button19:37
AmaranthWindows has client side decorations but will draw them itself when the app freezes19:37
hyperairi like being able to minimize my hung windows =\19:37
hyperairi see19:37
Amaranthso when iTunes freezes it suddenly grows a regular windows style decoration :)19:37
hyperairthat manner eh..19:37
hyperairyes yes i noticed19:37
Amaranthregular windows you can't even tell the difference though because it just draws over the client one19:38
hyperairsame goes for all office 07 things19:38
AmaranthThat's a very ugly solution though19:38
Amaranthour apps tend to freeze a lot19:38
hyperairespecially liferea19:39
hyperairliferea *always* freezes =.=19:39
AmaranthWe used to get a lot of compiz bugs filed because firefox would freeze the UI while doing IO19:39
hyperairhmm firefox eh19:39
Amaranthand sometimes firefox would from that point on stop responding to ping events so it would stay gray even though it worked19:39
hyperairthat sucks19:39
hyperairhuh come to think of it my windows don't gray out when they hang19:39
hyperairwhere's the option for that?19:40
Amaranthdid you disable the fade plugin?19:40
Amaranthdon't do that :)19:40
hyperairbut it conflicts with animations19:40
AmaranthI tried to tell people fade wasn't useless19:40
Amaranthno it doesn't...19:40
hyperairoh it doesn't?19:40
* hyperair tries to enable19:40
Amaranthit used to conflict but that was fixed long ago19:41
hyperairi see19:42
bratscheI haven't worked on client-side-decorations recently, but I'm hoping to get back to it soon and finish it.19:55
bratscheWe talked about it at Boston Summit a bit.  There are still several things that need to be done.19:55
dobeyseb128: around?20:45
chrisccoulsonhey Amaranth - do you know what is causing issues like bug 452417?21:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 452417 in compiz "'Minimize to tray' animation causes dialog to jump" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45241721:02
Amaranthchrisccoulson: should be fixed in the 0.8.4 packages21:02
chrisccoulsonAmaranth - you rock:)21:02
dashuaAmaranth, Any chance of ever getting "0" max waves for the magic lamp animation by default without hacking libanimation.so and animation.xml21:03
Amaranthchrisccoulson: bug 444836 btw21:03
ubottuLaunchpad bug 444836 in compiz "broken close animation when closing window with compiz activ (window moves)" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44483621:03
Amaranthdashua: I don't like being sued by Apple so no21:03
dashuaHa, good point :)21:03
chrisccoulsonexcellent, thanks Amaranth21:03
chrisccoulsonseb128 - did you say that you could reliably trigger this screensaver crash yesterday?21:04
chrisccoulsoni can only trigger it occasionally which is a real pain for debugging21:04
* Amaranth stabs launchpad21:07
Amaranthit may be my connection but launchpad seems to always stall21:07
* Amaranth reboots modem21:13
seb128dobey, now yes21:21
seb128chrisccoulson, not really, but it took me 1 minute to trigger it 3 times in a row21:21
coderminushow do I make task switcher show tasks from all workspaces?21:22
chrisccoulsonseb128 - thanks. i can trigger it occasionally but not when i really want to ;)21:22
dobeyseb128: hey. i was going to ask what all one needs to do to get an update into Karmic before release now. statik suggested i should talk to slangasek. should i just ping him?21:22
chrisccoulsoni think i know what's going on now anyway21:22
Amaranth_yeah, that's great freenode and xchat-gnome, I can totally lag for 15 minutes without being disconnected21:30
dobeynot even a ping timeout21:31
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
seb128chrisccoulson, oh?21:32
seb128dobey, bug fixes are fine if those are really issues to fix for karmic21:32
seb128dobey, what change do you want to get there?21:33
chrisccoulsonseb128 - the gnome-screensaver-dialog exits after the 5th login attempt whilst the gnome-screensaver process is still shaking it, and that can cause it to access resources that have already been destroyed21:33
chrisccoulsonat least that's what i seem to be seeing in xtrace21:33
dobeyseb128: just landed a critical fix in trunk (that i need to backport to stable branch). i was just wondering about the process right now21:34
seb128oh ok21:34
seb128dobey, the process is upload and wait to get approval21:34
seb128ie I'm fine sponsoring a bug fix for you21:34
dobeyseb128: and nominate the bugs for karmic?21:34
seb128then it needs to be accepted, ie pitti or slangasek will review it21:35
seb128well theorically only karmic blocker bugs should justify uploads now21:35
seb128ie you think you have a bug to fix that should be fixed in karmic prepare the update21:35
seb128you can backport the fix to current karmic package21:35
seb128no need to roll a new tarball21:36
seb128then find a sponsor and wait for r-t to approve the upload21:36
dobeywell, i'd rather avoid sticking patches in stuff we maintain. it's a bit messy21:36
dobeyso new tarball is actually easier, but if the standard process is ship as patches, i can work to get that done21:37
seb128ie should just be applying a bzr commit to the source21:37
seb128well the less change the easier to review21:37
seb128can you bzr merge the commit to the packaging bzr there?21:38
seb128and build21:38
seb128the change will go in the diff.gz21:38
dobeywell for one, we pull the debian dir from the same bzr tree for building PPA packages, to minimize differences between PPA and downstream packages21:38
dobeythe source pkg branch isn't based off the trunk tree, no. it's tarball contents + debian dir21:41
seb128whatever is easier21:41
seb128if you don't have other changes that the one you need21:41
seb128just roll a new tarball21:41
seb128it's not always the case21:41
dobeydon't i know it21:42
dobeybut i wanted to make sure of the process at this point in the cycle first21:42
seb128distro guy will usually backport the change21:42
seb128ie add the bzr diff -c rev to the patches dir21:42
seb128but a new tarball with only bug fixes is fine too21:43
dobeyi'll bug people on ubuntuone team, to make sure what we need to get in21:43
seb128we will get GNOME 2.28.1 on monday21:43
dobeyseb128: i've branched our code for stable releases, so only bug fixes will go on that branch21:43
seb128so you still have some margin, but having your upload ready before weekend would be nice though21:43
dobeyseb128: yeah, i plan to get it done tomorrow21:44
dobeyseb128: and we're working to have people on our team become ubuntu developers. so we're trying to maintain package branches, and such, to work on getting those credentials :)21:45
seb128chrisccoulson, I get try a patch if you want though21:56
=== Keybuk_ is now known as Keybuk
seb128asac, the policykit fix is working22:12
seb128tedg, is that normal that pidgin is not listed in my indicator?22:12
tedgtedg: No, it shouldn't be unless you disable the libnotify plugin.  If you disable it, it'll put itself in the blacklist.22:13
tedgseb128: ^22:13
tedgseb128: Do an ls ~/.config/indicators/messages/application-blacklist22:13
seb128it's there22:13
tedgDid you disable the plugin?22:14
tedgHmm, what's the timestamp on the file?22:14
seb1289 minutes ago22:14
seb128I will keep looking for it22:15
tedgHmm, okay.22:15
seb128I think I did play with the option to show the notification area icon though22:15
seb128hum, no, that was in a guest user session22:16
tedgIt does a timeout to see if you don't have it enabled at startup.  Like if it gets loaded, but is not configured (for things like sysadmins changing the default).  That could be over-sensitve perhaps.22:22
seb128how does the timeout thing works?22:23
tedgI haven't seen it go off though.22:23
* tedg looks to be sure before replying :)22:23
tedgseb128: yeah, it adds a 30 second timeout when the plugin gets pulled in.  If the plugin isn't init'd in that time it assumes that it won't be.22:24
tedgDoes it take longer than 30 seconds for Pidgin to load on your machine?22:24
seb128no, but I might have started and closed pidgin immediatly22:25
seb128since I decided to run empathy today22:25
seb128could that trigger your code?22:25
tedgI don't think so...  I don't think that'd force a timer to run.22:25
seb128well, what does start the timer?22:26
seb128I did start pidgin22:26
seb128and close it, ie there was a few seconds between run and close22:26
seb128so maybe it did start registration but exited before22:26
tedgWhen it pulls in the .so it runs a small registration.  That starts the timer.22:26
seb128ok, let's not bother22:27
seb128I will ping you back if I find what trigger the change22:27
tedgOkay, the mainloops don't say anything about it.  They say that things that are already dispatched should run, but it shouldn't have been dispatched.22:28
tedg(the docs that is)22:28
Amaranthtedg: evalMatch in compiz is to check which windows the user wants to skip focus stealing prevention completely, btw22:34
Amaranthnot important for what you're looking at22:35
tedgAmaranth: Ah, okay.  It was just the first function, so I started digging :)22:35
Amaranthtedg: there is really only one part of it should worry about, the XSERVER_WHATEVER macro22:36
* Amaranth forgets the name22:36
tedgAmaranth: Yeah, but for a lot of apps the fact that it's calling "onCurrentDesktop" will probably block things first :(22:38
Amaranthtedg: perhaps22:38
Amaranthtedg: except you mean the viewport check since we don't use desktops :)22:39
TheMusoawe: I will get to your merge proposal once I'm through my morning's email log. I agre its worth forcing it off people's systems for now. Good thing is that for lucid, this can go away as the kernel as of 2.6.32 will have the bits we need.22:39
Amaranthtedg: but gtk_window_present should move it to the current viewport as well, iirc22:39
aweTheMuso, np22:39
tedgAmaranth: I think it only does if no window is focused on the current viewport.22:39
Amaranthtedg: that's where gtk_window_present_with_time comes in :)22:40
Amaranthtedg: and the macro bit I was talking about22:40
aweTheMuso, fyi, I did a release commit as I haven't had many uploads sponsored lately, and I need to get my MOTU one of these days...22:41
Amaranthtedg: you could just make the time in the future instead of changing the dbus interfaces22:41
aweTheMuso, that said, feel free to re-do that part if you want22:41
Amaranthtedg: so long as the time in the future part is only used when the indicator applet is opening the window and not when you get a new message22:41
tedgAmaranth: Seems like it'd protect against that, no?22:42
TheMusoawe: Ok thanks for the heads up.22:42
Amaranthtedg: actually setting time to zero should work22:42
Amaranthtedg: since we use low level instead or normal22:43
tedgAmaranth: Hmm, okay.  Zero is *really* easy to figure out :)22:43
Amaranthtedg: see the comment on line 5075 of that file22:44
Amaranth0 will pass the !timestamp check so you'll end up there22:44
rickspencer3akgraner, hi, what was your question?22:45
tedgAmaranth: Hmm, wouldn't that lead to returning CompFocusPrevent, which would be 1?22:46
akgranerrickspencer3, I upgraded to Karmic on the machine I use everyday..  It is my understanding that the old notifier (the one with the orange burst and the red arrow) won't work anymore is that true?22:46
Amaranthtedg: the function is named isWindowFocusAllowed22:46
rickspencer3orange burst, and red arrow, not sure what you mean exactly?22:46
Amaranthtedg: returning TRUE is good :)22:46
akgranerthe update notifier22:46
Amaranthtedg: you're looking at the function below that22:47
tedgAmaranth: Ah, okay.22:47
rickspencer3akgraner, this was turned off in Jaunty, though I think there is "secret" setting that you can use to bring it back22:47
Amaranthtedg: oh, crap22:47
Amaranthbut you're right22:47
akgraneryeah..I had that..22:47
Amaranthwhen did that change? :/22:47
akgranerwrote a post on it...:-)22:47
rickspencer3so the secret setting is gone now22:47
Amaranthtedg: I guess it's time to use MAXINT or so :)22:48
tedgAmaranth: I *really* want it, I'll use MAXINT + 1 ;)22:48
akgranerrickspencer3, let me try it now that I upgraded.. ..  I just wanted to make sure it wasn't going to break something, b/c I was told a few months ago I wouldn't be able to do that anymore...22:49
akgranerI thought you would know..:-)22:49
akgranerI'll go away and let you know if it works or not..:-)22:49
Amaranthhmm, is there a MAXINT32?22:49
rickspencer3akgraner, sorry to be dense, but I'm still not 100% clear what you are asking22:49
Amaranthbecause you don't want a 64-bit one since the X protocol is always 32-bit22:50
tedgAmaranth: There is a G_MAXINT3222:50
rickspencer3are you asking if something will break if you try the gconf key to make your old behavior?22:50
Amaranththere you go22:50
akgranerrickspencer3, you aren't dense...  I'm just not technical... let me try to put it back (I should have done that before I asked)... :-(22:50
rickspencer3akgraner, it's not you, it's me22:51
rickspencer3I don't think anything bad will happen if you try22:51
akgranerrickspencer3, dang it sounds like a breakup now...:-)22:51
rickspencer3but mvo may have made it not work anymore22:51
chrisccoulsonakgraner - /apps/update-notifier/auto_launch ?22:51
* rickspencer3 is glad pgraner is not here22:51
pgranerrickspencer3: I am22:51
pgranerrickspencer3: you can have her, but you get the bills AND the kids22:52
akgranerrickspencer3, let me go try this and I will let you know.. well if you want to know that is22:53
rickspencer3akgraner, I want to know22:53
akgranerif it breaks I'm blaming the kernel guy.. and I'll launch my computer at him  :-)22:53
chrisccoulsonit's still possible to enable the pre-jaunty behaviour for update-notifier22:54
chrisccoulsonthankfully ;)22:54
* tedg is so happy that icon is gone. And wishes he could remember how to disable the apport one too.22:59
akgranerrickspencer3, ok it didn't break anything...:-)22:59
rickspencer3akgraner, ok, that's step 123:00
rickspencer3step2 is that it works23:00
* rickspencer3 bets it does23:00
akgraner:-)  sorry I bugged you.. why do I listen to people without just trying something 1st... :-/23:01
akgranerNothing is broken for long and it's all fixable..:-)  you all rock!!:-)23:02
* akgraner goes away now...23:02
rickspencer3akgraner, it's not bugging me23:02
rickspencer3I hope I didn;t seem annoyed23:02
akgranerno not at all..23:02
chrisccoulsontedg - i must be the opposite to you then ;)23:03
tedgchrisccoulson: Heh, you're my evil twin! ;)23:05
tedgAnyway, need to run.  Have a good night folks!23:05
rickspencer3bye tedg23:06
* rickspencer3 can't figure out how to hide a gtk window in c :(23:10
* rickspencer3 dons tall pointed cap23:10
robert_ancellrickspencer3, gtk_widget_hide ?23:11
rickspencer3can I cast my window pointer to a widget pointer?23:11
* rickspencer3 tries23:11
robert_ancellrickspencer3, yes23:11
rickspencer3man this takes me back23:12
seb128hey robert_ancell23:12
seb128robert_ancell, I didn't upload your gvfs and rhythmbox changes23:13
seb128those are non trivial and we are frozen for karmic now23:13
robert_ancellseb128, :( I hoped I got them in on time...23:13
robert_ancellthey work really well...23:13
Amaranthrickspencer3: GTK_WIDGET(window) is the proper way to do it23:14
seb128you think it's worth having for karmic?23:14
seb128robert_ancell, is that an issue with any podcast?23:14
Amaranthor is it GTKWIDGET?23:14
* Amaranth fails too23:14
robert_ancellseb128, it depends on the podcast but I think a lot of big names use a particular service to serve their podcasts and one of those servers has the problem23:14
robert_ancellpheedo.com is the service, and the example is Scientific American which I expect a number of people subscribe to23:15
robert_ancellI think Banshee had the same problem when I checked23:15
seb128robert_ancell, ok, I will upload and let the other guys (slangasek and pitti) decide23:15
seb128since they are the one reviewing the uploads23:16
robert_ancellseb128, cool, thanks23:16
seb128you're welcome23:16
seb128otherwise I think we are good for karmic23:16
robert_ancelldid the printing issues get resolved?23:16
seb128I didn't spot real issue to bounce your way yesterday or today23:16
seb128I did upload the git change undo23:16
seb128did you read my summary on the bug?23:16
robert_ancellnot yet23:17
seb128the pdf is generated by cairo23:17
robert_ancellyou stole my bug, sniff. ;)23:17
seb128but works fine in acroread and evince23:17
dtchenawe: have you uploaded this change to the archive?23:17
seb128robert_ancell, I'm sorry, but I can give you a new one if you want ;-)23:17
seb128robert_ancell, anyway the pdf is valid for cairo guys since it works fine in viewer and they don't have other validators23:17
robert_ancellseb128, no it's freeze time now, I *can't* have any more :)23:17
seb128robert_ancell, you wish23:18
robert_ancellrickspencer3, back to widget hiding! Nothing to see here23:18
awedtchen: no.  i created a bzr branch and proposed a merge request, but i'm not core-dev, so i need someone to sponsor.23:18
* rickspencer3 pictures robert_ancell sitting in a rocking chair, smoking a pipe23:18
seb128robert_ancell, I assigned another podcast issue for you if you want to look at it, an user claiming it file to download podcasts with identic names23:18
aweTheMuso, said he'd take a look as soon in a bit23:18
dtchenawe: ok, 'cause Luke usually requests that we not actually put karmic in the distribution (debian/changelog)23:19
awes/as soon in a bit/soon/23:19
dtchenawe: UNRELEASED, usually23:19
robert_ancellseb128, ah, I was thinking about that when in the code, I think it saves it locally using the basename not the full path23:19
robert_ancellseb128, I'm not suprised if that fails23:19
awedtchen: yea, i wasn't sure about that... but also gave him a heads up23:19
dtchenawe: i need to roll in another patch, so i was wondering why it was marked karmic ;)23:19
seb128robert_ancell, ok, good, so you are welcome to fix that too if you want ;-)23:19
awedtchen: my bad...  ;(23:19
dtchenawe: no prob23:20
robert_ancellseb128, so those sorts of fixes - do we patch the stable uploads or only allow them if we convince upstream to put them in 2.28.1?23:20
seb128robert_ancell, we patch23:20
robert_ancell_wow, upstreams can be pedantic... I was told off for not providing a git formatted patch.  The patch only inserted a single '!'23:27
Laneygit patches provide the metadata they need to merge it in properly23:27
chrisccoulsonrobert_ancell - i always submit git formatted patches now23:28
chrisccoulsonno matter how trivial ;)23:28
robert_ancell_yeah, but one character?  I would have expected them to insert the character manually23:28
Laneyaudit trail :)23:28
robert_ancell_ok, I will be less lazy in the future :)23:28
=== robbiew is now known as robbiew_
chrisccoulsonrobert_ancell_ - in my job, you'd need to go get approval from a dozen other people and have several reviews over a few weeks before making a change as big as that ;)23:30
robert_ancell_chrisccoulson, you remind me of the reason I stopped working for a government department :)23:30
chrisccoulsonheh. i don't work for a government department though ;)23:31
chrisccoulsoni work in automotive, which is probably worse!23:31
seb128robert_ancell_, by upstream you mean bastien I guess?23:31
robert_ancell_seb128, yup23:31
TheMusoIf an upstream uses git, I love submitting git formatted patches, to get correct attribution. :)23:31
TheMusoOr more to the point, to make sure attribution is given.23:31
seb128he can be somewhat rude in his comment sometimes yes23:31
robert_ancell_chrisccoulson, oh, yes I have heard stories from automotive :)23:31
chrisccoulsonrobert_ancell - i've had to suffer working in aerospace too ;)23:32
chrisccoulsonthey're both as bad as each other!23:32
robert_ancell_chrisccoulson, I was just going to say they're one step from aerospace, you love punishment!23:32
chrisccoulsonmaybe i'll work for the government next then;)23:32
robert_ancell_chrisccoulson, I know people who've done medical - that sounds just as bad23:33
seb128robert_ancell_, the work is not the char change it's to write the commit message with credit for you etc ;-)23:33
robert_ancell_chrisccoulson, I did mostly telco so that was easier23:33
chrisccoulsonrobert_ancell - i was looking at some medical electronics jobs as my next career move ;)23:33
TheMusoawe, dtchen. I am about to take care of the merge proposal now.23:34
chrisccoulsonmaybe i should give it a miss23:34
robert_ancell_chrisccoulson, the great thing about the government is you go through all that effort to get approved then they'll probably just can the project when the next government gets voted in23:34
robert_ancell_seb128, yeah, I'm happy to waive credit for a trivial bug :)23:34
chrisccoulsonlol, yeah, i can imagine that happening here23:34
aweTheMuso, cool23:35
aweTheMuso, sorry about the release commit...23:36
TheMusoawe: re the karmic release commit, I don't need to merge that, so all is well.23:36
dtchenTheMuso: i have one pending commit; shall i wait on your push?23:36
TheMusodtchen: Sure.23:36
dtchen(ok, waiting)23:37
dtchenawe: do we really intend to Conflict all versions greater than or equal to rtkit?23:37
rickspencer3robert_ancell http://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/44958223:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449582 in pulseaudio "Hideous BEEP on new email" [Undecided,New]23:38
rickspencer3care to take a look today?23:38
TheMusodtchen: pushing now23:38
dtchenawe: i.e., i'm thinking it's better to do something like <= 0.4-0ubuntu223:38
TheMusodtchen: pushed23:39
awedtchen: yea, that probably makes more sense...23:39
dtchenawe: i suppose in the end it doesn't really matter, since arguably one could just remove the conflicts from PA23:39
awedtchen: right...that's what i was thinking23:40
awedtchen: that way we make the change in lockstep23:40
awe...and make sure to get it right for lucid.  ;)23:40
awekernel & all23:40
TheMusoI'm actually hoping we can possibly get jack to play nice with rtkit for lucid. Now that would be awesome.23:41
TheMusoHave rtkit be responsible for realtime app performance.23:41
robert_ancell_hey, I have one more Google Wave invitation, anyone want it?23:41
TheMusoIf its all web based, I'll pass, thanks anyway. :)23:41
awerobert_ancell_, is it worth it?23:42
robert_ancell_awe, it's interesting to play with, needs a lot of work before it is really useful23:42
awei've heard it's amusing, but nobody really knows what to do with it...23:42
robert_ancell_sounds like an apt summary23:42
* TheMuso is not convinced that everything being web based is the way forward.23:42
aweyea, i guess i'll pass too.  i have more than enough to keep me busy. ; )23:42
robert_ancell_TheMuso, google is :)23:42
TheMusorobert_ancell_: Yes but if its all web based, I am not going to be won over. Web content is becoming even more of a pain for people like myself than ever.23:43
aweTheMuso, hey, meant to ask you... are there any instructions posted anywhere on how to enable jack on top of karmic right now ( ie. if I want to play with ardour )?23:43
seb128good night everybody23:43
TheMusoawe: Not so far as I know, other than how its been done in the past. Load qjackctl, start jack, start ardour, connect jack prts etc.23:43
robert_ancell_TheMuso, there must be some progress being made on a11y for web right?23:44
robert_ancell_seb128, night23:44
TheMusorobert_ancell_: Yes there is, but if others think like I do, its often more efficient to have a well written client app than use a website that can be hard to get around, even if designed well.23:44
aweTheMuso, are there any pulse bits I need to tweak?  I recall hearing that there's a jack plugin that detects jack and release the default ASLA dev?23:45
TheMusoawe: Qjackctl should suspend pulse activity on the sound hardware while jack is running. Other than that, the only other way for pulse to relinquish the audi ohardware is for jack to communicate via dbus, which is not set up in karmic. I would like to get jack2 and have that set up for lucid however.23:46
dtchenTheMuso: thanks, pushed23:48
aweok, thanks for the explanation...23:48
TheMusoawe: np23:50

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