[00:02] hi, any news about the loop module? still =y? [01:29] Notch-1: it is by default [01:29] Notch-1: I'm running w/o it [01:30] 1.5hr later.. [02:04] I recently tested my system, which works, and I can't add it to this page: xbRiAnNa o7x [02:04] oops [02:04] this page: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam#Contacts [02:05] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/Grub2Testing [02:05] geeze... [02:05] Anyway, I have an Acer Aspire 5610 [02:07] MTecknology: yeah, i'm recompiling, again :D [02:08] Notch-1: I think I'm done tweaking for now - the kernel size is down to 2.2MB [02:08] this really sucks, i could use a clean default normally-upgradable kernel... [02:09] i don't want to tweak [02:10] Notch-1: why aren't you using that? [02:11] i need to use loop-aes.. [02:13] my life was seriously better when it was =m [02:13] did you file a bug about it? [02:14] yeah, it's an old story... [02:15] in few words, some people care too much about some microseconds at boottime [02:16] you mean me?s [02:19] i don't think so, since you seem to don't know the problem yet, but i don't know so much... look here if you want to know... https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/loop-aes-source/+bug/342902 [02:19] Malone bug 342902 in loop-aes-source "Build error: ‘struct bio’ has no member named ‘bi_hw_front_size’" [Medium,Triaged] [02:25] beside, the original real compiling bug, indipendent of the the kernel configuration, was never fixed because this thread ended in nothing. so even if i recompile the kernel without loop, i still need to download the loop-aes source from sourceforge because the repositorys one is bugged... there are 2 unhandled problems with loop-aes since jaunty [02:28] i hope that you used the correct version for karmic, there were 2 or 3 bugged ones, i don't have the versions now... this will solve one problem, at least... [02:30] sorry - internet died [02:30] I didn't even know if that sent [02:31] Notch-1: I meant the millisecond thing - I now have a 10sec boot across the area I care about [02:31] * MTecknology hoping that I didn't remove something I need [02:34] ah you did that for the boottime? :D [02:36] hm? [02:41] you recompiled the kernel to speed up the boot? i will never do that :D anyway i was talking about the default configuration, the people that make decisions that should be best for everybody... sigh... [02:42] sorry :( [02:42] how is it that you're recompiling it? [02:43] i told you, this freakin loop module... [02:43] how is it that you're recompiling it? - not what are you trying to do [02:44] I just pulled the git branch, grabbed the default .config (tossed it together from 3 .configs), make menuconfig, make all modules_install install && update-grub [02:44] ah [02:44] not exactly, it's very hard to find the original formula :D [02:45] the ubuntu kernel is rolled out differently, but that's because it reaches a larger base [02:45] anyway yes with git, the exact current version [02:45] with AUTOBUILD=1 skipabi=true skipmodule=true fakeroot debian/rules binary-debs [02:45] after a menuconfig and a clean off course [02:46] sounds harder than what I did [02:46] what you mean? [02:46] did you wind up making a .deb? [02:47] hard it's not good, i prefer soft :D [02:48] you mean just rebuild the kernel and replace it by hand? [02:48] When you finished creating the kernel, did you have a .deb package you could install with dpkg? [02:48] yes [02:49] then you went the hard route ;) [02:49] do you have ccache installed? [02:49] i understand, but wich is the softer one? [02:49] softer? [02:50] I mean that you went through more effort than you needed to if you're making a kernel for your system only [02:50] ah ccache, i read about it... [02:51] You should install it - it makes a difference when you compile [02:51] What proc do you have? [02:51] how many cores [02:51] softer=better [02:51] just one [02:51] 1cpu with 1core ? [02:52] this is not the real problem, i recompile on an old notebook, i just don't want to [02:52] After you finish doig make menuconfig, then run this command and you will have your new kernel built and installed --> export CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=3; export MAKEFLAGS="HOSTCC=/usr/bin/gcc CCACHE_PREFIX=distcc"; make all modules_install install && update-grub [02:52] i don't want to speed up the recompile, i just wish to not have to at all... it's not a matter of time [02:53] You can copy the .config from the existing kernel too.. [02:53] noted, thanks [02:53] I'm tryiing ot find the command I used [02:54] but i don't know if i will use it, i want the simplest way possible... [02:54] that is the simplest [02:54] You can just use "make all modules_install install && update-grub" if you want [02:55] anyway my grub can't be reached from my booted system, i'm inside a kexec :D [02:55] Here's what I used to get the .config cat debian.master/config/config.common.ubuntu debian.master/config/amd64/config.common.amd64 debian.master/config/amd64/config.flavour.generic > .config [02:55] I've been building the kernel from my home directory :P [02:56] the git branch is at ~/Downloads/ubuntu-kermic [02:56] s/e/a/ [02:56] :D [02:56] i'm not bash :D [02:56] I learned how to compile a kernel on Gentoo [02:57] You can ommit && update-grub [02:57] commit && update-grub to recompile? [02:59] This part uses 3 compile processes which is good for 2 cores; it uses gcc to compile, and it sets the compile to use ccache which helps emilinate redundant processor calls -> export CONCURRENCY_LEVEL=3; export MAKEFLAGS="HOSTCC=/usr/bin/gcc CCACHE_PREFIX=distcc"; [03:00] This part compiles the kernel, compiles the kernel modules, and installs them where they need to go -> make all modules_install install [03:00] this part updates grub configs so the newly installed kernel will be used update-grub [03:00] this part updates grub configs so the newly installed kernel will be used -> update-grub ** [03:01] hopefully that all made sense [03:02] This can help you too - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelGitGuide [03:02] I'm going to go watch tv w/ my gf - bbl [03:03] yes yes, thanks, i understand but i already know that, i messed up my last question, sorry :P [03:04] i was thinking that you were saying that on gentoo is different [03:06] enjoy, see you [03:08] and thanks for the tips, next time i'll try to speed it up, maybe it will be less painful.. === Whoopie_ is now known as Whoopie === akgraner_ is now known as akgraner [04:09] Notch-1: gentoo actually lets you pull the kernel sources using the package manager - some things are different - but what I told you is universal across most any distro [05:48] now... what is it in the kernel that I don't have that makes the system run cooler [10:52] hello everybody. does anyone know why karmic koala release candidate is shipped with a vanilla kernel? [11:32] pgraner: hello, i have a question about kernel versions on 9.10. I was wondering if when the final release comes it will come with the actual 2.6.31 or it will switch to another kernel release. Many thanks. [11:42] to myself : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linux_kernel#Versions . I understand that the even-odd stile is not working any more. so 31 is not vanilla. i guess ubuntu will remain on it for a while. [11:55] marcriera: I'm not sure what you mean. 9.10 has plus some backported fixes. [11:56] marcriera: it was announced back May that 9.10 will ship with 2.6.31 [11:57] pgraner: i'm sorry i bother you. I work with a group of researchers and the like the 2.6.31 improvements, and i was not sure ubuntu will stay with 2.6.31 when it passes from RC to final release. I was still thinking about the even-odd vanilla-stable stile releases. [11:59] pgraner: thanks for you clarification. We will migrate to 9.10 , starting tomorrow , and start using the 2.6.31 for developing pourposes. thanks again. === apw` is now known as apw === csurbhi1 is now known as csurbhi [15:57] oh, oops [15:57] bah, wrong channel [16:39] Hi [16:40] Touchpad and WLAN don't work anymore on Karmic with the new kernel (-14), the previous one (-13) still works. Any idea? [16:44] RainCT: can you tell me the specific kernel version where it's failing (cat /proc/version_signature) [16:44] RainCT: some rfkill patches went in recently [16:45] RainCT: and are you on a Dell? [16:45] no, ASUS EeePC 1005HA [16:46] RainCT: hrm, can you open me a bug using "ubuntu-bug linux" [16:46] RainCT: that'll get me all your specific hw info etc [16:46] no connection :) [16:46] RainCT: no wired? [16:47] awesome, USB mouse doesn't work either o_O [16:50] ogasawara: connecting it to the router with an Ethernet cable doesn't seem to do anything either [16:51] (ethernet didn't work on Jaunty, but did with previous Karmic kernels) [16:51] RainCT: hrm, what about saving to a USB and then attach to a launchpad bug [16:51] RainCT: want to see dmesg, sudo lspci -vnvn, and the /proc/version_signature [16:52] ok I think that'll work (running ubuntu-bug just said "no such file or directory: /proc/asound/cards" btw) [16:53] (and someone with another eeepc just confirmed he has the same problem with today's update) [16:53] you've got some serious resource contention, then [16:55] RainCT: if you can, point any others with the same issue to your bug in lp [16:56] RainCT, can you also attach a dmesg output from the -13 (clearly marked as from the working one) [16:56] RainCT: and the USB mouse regression, is that also between -13 and -14? [16:57] I believe so, haven't tried it with -13 [16:57] RainCT: err, wait. is this issue reproducible with linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.31-14-generic purged? [16:57] RainCT, and is it directly connected or via a hub [16:58] directly. USB sticks aren't showing up as /dev/{s,h}d* either [16:58] dtchen: trying that now [16:58] * apw wonders if udev is still running [16:59] ps shows 1 upstart-udev-bridge and 3 udevd [16:59] on the usb sticks, does anything appear at the end of the dmesg when you shove them in? [17:00] dtchen: postrm gives "Exec format error" === solarion_ is now known as Solarion [17:02] (disregard someone else having the same problem, he asked for a bug number but hasn't tried updating yet.. doing so now) [17:03] dtchen: actually the files in /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-backports-mod../* are all empty [17:04] fsck complained when I rebooted after the update so it may be because of file corruption [17:05] RainCT: ext4 for /var ? [17:06] yes [17:06] RainCT: what version of upstart? [17:07] dtchen: 0.6.3-9 [17:07] RainCT: regardless, it sounds eerily like the sync() issue that Keybuk mentioned for ext4, although it should have been worked around in that version of upstart that you have installed [17:08] RainCT: http://pastebin.com/d3d01c4bf has the contents of /var/lib/dpkg/info/linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.31-14-generic.postrm [17:12] that was only a guess [17:12] I took the sync() out ages ago, and only noticed corruption recently [17:12] so I put it back on the basis lots of things in the kernel source said THOU SHALT SYNC! [17:12] it's entirely possible we have an O M G ext4 bug in there [17:14] at some point, we should probably mention it to slangasek [17:16] i know i've been able to trigger it in 2.6.32-rc1, but uh, that was 2.6.32-rc1 [17:18] rtg: have you been naughtily backporting patches again? :p [17:18] OK, reinstalling the kernel fixed everything [17:18] RainCT: sweet, so no regressions now? [17:18] ogasawara: nope :) [17:18] Keybuk, I love being naughty, but I'd like to know what for? [17:19] rtg: ext4 [17:19] not recently. [17:19] perhaps in stable, lemme check [17:19] colin says he's getting reports of grubenv being zero sized too [17:19] which would bit the "not written before reboot" pattern too [17:19] (and I've seen that!) [17:20] WLAN is worse than using the latest drivers (even with backports-modules-wireless installed), but that isn't a regression from previous Ubuntu kernels (and it's certainly better than Jaunty, where it didn't work at all) [17:20] Keybuk, "xt4: Don't update superblock write time when filesystem is read-only" is the most recent in the changelog [17:20] right, it won't be that one [17:21] thats also the last touch in git [17:21] hmm, that's annoying [17:22] git log fs doesn't show anything either. I thought maybe jbd might have been messed with [18:25] rtg: / apw: thanks very much for the wireless and alsa backports, BTW [18:26] dtchenno problem. did the ALSA stuff actually help? [18:26] dtchen: ^^ [18:27] rtg: some people so far [18:28] trying to get everyone to test it [18:28] at least jerone's problem with the dells is progressing [18:28] alsa-side it's fixed, just need to twiddle the right PA bits now [18:37] rtg i thought the alsa in there was alsa-stable, and so pretty close to .31 [18:38] apw, its whateveris in alsa-drivers snapshot 1.0.21 [18:38] which is what dtchen suggested I use [18:39] fair enough [18:39] apw: pretty far from .31 [18:40] it's much closer to .32 [18:40] so it's 2.6.32 + quirks and fixes from 20091012 [18:41] i.e., no core changes from .32 [18:43] dtchen, cool [18:44] dtchen, is it me or did the last updates trigger some alsa control lossage agian... i had to go enable a bunch of capture things on dell [18:47] apw: meaning alsa-utils upload? [18:48] apw: it shouldn't have, but there're too many reports of further regressions [18:48] last couple of times i've updates things alsa things have gone haywire, no idea if kernel or userspace much [18:48] i do seem to have a bunch more alsa controls than last time i looked [18:49] apw: in your case, is it mixer settings being muted? [18:49] i had a couple of those muted, and a couple of captures without the red CAPTURE L R at the bottom [18:49] never seen that CAPTURE thing before ... [18:51] apw: hmm, is it just capture elements being muted or playback elements as well? [18:51] streaching my memory now, likely just capture elements [18:52] i think the speaker mute was me [18:53] if it's just capture elements, that's likely the symptom that jerone described [18:53] particularly if you've a model affected by the latest quirk changes (HP dv series) === bjf is now known as bjf-afk [19:37] dtchen: (ah, installing the alsa backports thing worked here to get the microphone working on the eeepc 1005ha) [19:37] RainCT: yes, as expected [19:38] that's part of the massive mic-switching infrastructure that was dumped into 2.6.32 [19:38] hence why lbm is a good idea for newer HDA [20:02] apw, we should go through our list of UBUNTU patches (once again) and figure out which ones should go upstream and/or stable. [20:03] yep we should next week? [20:03] seems about right [20:04] excellent [20:04] I'll wait until you are bleary eyed Wed night, after a few beers. then we can do it. [20:04] heheh === bjf-afk is now known as bjf [21:31] I'm having terrible kernel panics on my laptop, I was wondering where linux-crashdump actually dumps useful information to? [21:37] h00k: the following might help https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/CrashdumpRecipe [21:38] ogasawara: ahha, thank you! [21:38] ogasawara: it must not be able to figure out what is going on because I don't get anything with apport :( [21:39] standby [21:41] lemme play around and see what I can do [21:44] am I assuming that when it freezes and the numlock/capslock light flash that its a kernel panic? [21:45] yeah, forcing the kernel oops is not having my laptop reboot itself. [21:57] Yeah, I'm not having any luck :( I really hope that other people aren't having this problem, I'd like to get as much info to the developers as I can === Keybuk_ is now known as Keybuk === akgraner_ is now known as akgraner