
owhleaf-sheep: Got a TFTP server installed?00:13
leaf-sheepowh: Yes. I successfully got it to work. But for some reason, I'm not able to access the website (apache2) from the other machine.00:14
leaf-sheepThis is something I'm working on at the moment.  Trying to eliminate all hiccups.00:15
owhleaf-sheep: I'm unsure what a website has to do with PXE booting.00:16
leaf-sheepowh: What do you mean? apache2 is needed to export the contents over the web/local network/etc for the network based installer and such.00:17
owhleaf-sheep: Right, you didn't tell us that part. That is, running the installer :)00:18
leaf-sheepowh: Okay. Let me break it down.  I can access fine from my laptop.  On the installer, I mark down "" for Ubuntu archive mirror hostname.  It does not work.00:21
leaf-sheepowh: Installer failed to download a file from the mirror... etc.  I know this works.  Ttffff!00:22
leaf-sheepUnless I'm missing something -- This is plain silly. :)00:22
ivoksyou probably are00:23
ivoksi had the same issue, and it was my error00:23
owhCan the PXE booted machine see the network?00:23
ivoksi don't really remember what it was :(00:23
leaf-sheepI can boot Ubuntu PXE from the network as a boot choice. (from the same machine).00:24
ivoksleaf-sheep: tail access and error log on apache00:24
owhWhen I say "see the network", I mean, *after* it booted.00:24
leaf-sheepowh: Oh... DHCP network detected and configured automatically. Yes.00:24
leaf-sheepivoks: Okay.00:24
ivoksinstaller is probably looking for a file which you don't have or is in the wrong place00:25
leaf-sheepAhh I see. "File does not exist: /var/www/ubuntu/dists/karmic/main/debian-installer"00:26
ivoksApply script for managing patches for debian builts aken from debian kernel-source-2.4.27 package00:33
ivoksa bit rusty...00:33
RussellAlanI'm a bit Rusty00:38
RussellAlanmostly I'm Russell00:38
bogeyd6Which tool should I use to clone one hard drive (60gb) to a target drive (500gb). I have a raid 0 and I need to change out the drives and not lose anything.00:41
RussellAlanWheres the best place for a newbie to start being a ubunt server admin? I run kubuntu and ubuntu on client side, but I'd like to get more involved.00:42
JaggedRussellAlan: get an extra machine and put ubuntu-server on it00:43
bogeyd6RussellAlan you looking to contribute to Ubuntu?00:43
Deaglebearhi i have a ubuntu 8.10 server and im lookking to put a counter strike source gaming server on it00:44
ivoksset up server in virt env and start playing :)00:44
Deaglebeari know the steps on how to do it but im having trouble doing it through console access only00:44
RussellAlanbogeyd6:  always.00:44
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate00:45
RussellAlanI'm looking for a good tutorial site.00:45
bogeyd6oh you mean you want to setup an ubuntu server00:45
RussellAlanWell yes, I can do that fine, I'd just like a good site for learning00:46
RussellAlanI know the best place is here.00:46
JaggedRussellAlan: I'm a big fan of "sink or swim"... if you have some extra hardware, just install it and try to get Apache2, SQL, Samba, Squid, and postfix working00:47
bogeyd6RussellAlan https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Servers00:47
bogeyd6its probably best to pick a goal and then work towards it. Such as "I want to host my own family website" or "I would like to use linux to play music at my party"00:49
RussellAlanJagged: definitely, so am I00:49
RussellAlanI've done it all before, this time I'd just like to take a new approach to it.00:49
JaggedRussellAlan: bogeyd6 said it better... define a goal, and do it.00:49
JaggedWhat do you mean?00:50
Deaglebearhello i have a ubuntu 8.10 server and i am trying to install a counterstrike source gaming server on it i know the steps on how to complete this normally but i currently only have console access and i am getting hung up on some of the steps does someone mind helping00:50
JaggedIf you've done it all before, does that not satisfy your original query?00:50
RussellAlanIt does, but I dunno, I want to recreate the experience00:50
JaggedDeaglebear: does cs not have its own channel?00:50
Deaglebearwhat do u mean jagged00:51
Deaglebeari dont think so00:51
Deaglebeari tried contacting valve support and they said i should come here lol u would know better00:51
JaggedDeaglebear: #counter-server @ gamesnet.net00:51
Deaglebearahh no thats all just normal gamers00:51
Deaglebearthey linked me to the steps00:52
Deaglebearbut all of them included things that i cant do in console or do not know how00:52
Deaglebeari know it can be done i just dont know how00:52
Jaggedback when I ran a CS beta server it was pretty straightforward... run the binary in a screen00:53
Deaglebearthats how i normally do it00:53
Deaglebearbut i do not have access to anything but a  console00:53
JaggedRussellAlan: have you configured a router before?00:53
Deaglebearthats where my problem lies00:53
JaggedRussellAlan: iptables is always fun to deal with00:53
ivoksDeaglebear: ubuntu server only has console interface00:53
Deaglebearo ok cool00:54
ivoksDeaglebear: that's normal and that's awesome00:54
Deaglebeareven better lol00:54
Deaglebearive never worked with the server end on ubuntu before00:54
RussellAlanlol, i love you all's enthusiasm00:54
Deaglebearmaybe if i have one of u look at the steps of how to do this u can tell me how to make it work in the console?00:54
ivoksif you'd have shiny gui, you'd still need to open a terminal and type all that installation stuff, probably00:54
Deaglebearivoks can u look at these steps and tell me where i am going wrong?00:58
ivoksit's 2AM here00:58
ivoksi'd probably miss something00:58
JaggedDeaglebear: where does it fail?00:58
JaggedDeaglebear: that's where you're going wrong00:58
Deaglebearwell it doesnt fail00:59
Deaglebeari mean00:59
Deaglebeari cant even get started00:59
Deaglebearthe first step is First of all download hldsupdatetool from the VALVe webserver. Make a dir called srcds_l, and save hldsupdatetool in that dir and run it. (Check this out when you have an uncompress error.)00:59
ivoksfirst step is to log into your server01:00
Deaglebearim on that01:00
Deaglebearalready lol01:00
Deaglebearit says to use these commands but they cant be correct01:01
Deaglebearmkdir srcds_l01:01
Deaglebearcd srcds_l01:01
Deaglebearwget http://www.steampowered.com/download/hldsupdatetool.bin01:01
Deaglebearchmod +x hldsupdatetool.bin01:01
ivokslooks ok to me01:02
Deaglebearwell when i do the chmod thing nothing happens01:02
ivoksfirst time using unix/linux?01:03
Deaglebearfirst time really diving into the command line01:03
ivoksif everything is ok, most of the time, unix/linux systems are quiet01:03
Deaglebearim ok with some of the simple stuff01:03
ivoksthey complain only if something is wrong01:03
Deaglebearok now when i do the ./hlds thing it says no such directory01:04
Deaglebearbut i bet i made the stupid mistake i need to not put the . huh01:04
ivokschmod turns your file in executable program01:04
ivoksyes you need01:05
Deaglebearthat still did not work01:05
ivokshow do you know it didn't?01:05
ivoksthere was no fireworks? :)01:05
Deaglebearbash: /hldsupdatetool.bin: No such file or directory01:06
ivoksdid you wget it?01:06
Deaglebearbut it downloaded i saw it01:06
DeaglebearSaving to: `hldsupdatetool.bin'01:06
Deaglebear100%[======================================>] 3,513,408   1.26M/s   in 2.7s01:06
Deaglebear2009-10-14 23:57:34 (1.26 MB/s) - `hldsupdatetool.bin' saved [3513408/3513408]01:06
ivoksjust copy paste the command01:06
ivoks notice the . and the /01:06
jcastroivoks: please respond to my mail soon!01:07
Deaglebearsays ./ is a directery01:07
ivoksi better go to bed or else i might break CoC01:08
phaze74Is there a command line tool (i.e. non-VNC) to connect to KVM virtual machines?01:08
phaze74KVM virtual machine console's I should say01:08
tomsdalebogeyd6: are you still looking for a solution to clone your harddrive01:11
ivokszul: !01:14
zulivoks: hmm?01:14
ivokszul: you haven't applied those changes to dovecot i've sent you?!01:14
zulivoks: i havent uploaded a new version01:15
ivokssorry :)01:15
zuli can apply the changes to 1.1.x though if you send me your patch again01:15
zulright after my kid goes to sleep ;)01:15
ivokszul: done01:16
zulivoks: will be uploaded in the next couple of days i mean hours ;)01:16
ivokshehe ok01:16
ivoksi had a week from hell :/01:17
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ivoksgood night01:24
iarphey i've run into a problem after installing ubuntu-server 9.04 i don't know how to describe this other then top write out what it says.01:31
iarpMP-BIOS bug : 8254 timer not connected for IO-APIC01:32
iarpGave up waiting for root device.01:32
ivoksfirst one is irrelevant01:32
ivoksreal problem is that it didn't found root device01:32
ivoksthat's a disk01:32
iarpi'm stuck at a (initramfs) prompt01:33
ivokshow did you partion the disk?01:33
ivoksdid you set up lvm? raid?01:33
iarpno lvm and didn't need raid its a single disk01:33
iarpi'll reinstall if it's better to have had lvm done with it01:34
ivoksthat probably won't solve the problem01:34
ivoksyou are in initramfs?01:34
ivoksdoes ls -d /dev/sd*01:35
ivoksoutputs anything?01:35
iarpsda5 sda2 sda1 sda01:35
ivoksso, partitions are there01:36
ivoksdid you set up crypted home partition?01:36
ivokswhat kind of sata controller is that?01:38
iarpscsi adaptor01:39
ivokswhich one?01:39
iarpone sec01:39
iarpadaptec scsi01:40
iarpbios v3.1001:40
ivoksadaptec is a bit slow on detecting disks...01:40
ivoksso what might happened is that initrd gave up on waiting :)01:41
iarpjust read online that you can somehow edit the grub file and make it wait longer01:41
ivoksthen do it :)01:42
tomsdaleivoks: stupid question - last time I got stuck after grub the UUID in the menu.lst was incorrect.01:42
ivoksthat also could be an issue01:43
ivoksbut i've never heard about wrong UUID01:43
tomsdaleI actually cloned that installation with rsync01:43
ivokson another disk?01:44
ivoksevery partition has uniq uuid01:44
tomsdaleexactly :-)01:44
ivokscloning files (not partitions) with rsync will produce problems :)01:44
mushroomtwodon't specify uuid?01:45
TimReichhartcould anybody tell me how much space ubuntu server takes up on hard drive? I am just installing LAMP01:45
ivoksmy guess would be ~500M01:45
tomsdalemushroomtwo: could try that but ubuntu defaults into putting the UUID in the grub command list.01:46
ivoksthere's a reason for that01:46
mushroomtwohow I miss editing grub manually in gentoo.01:46
ivoksi had a server with SATA and SCSI disk01:47
ivoksonce SATA was sda and on another boot SCSI was sda01:47
tomsdaleI guess depends on which module loads first which might not be predictable all time.01:48
ivoksand some scsi adapters have irregular scaning time01:49
ivoksadaptec for example :)01:49
ivoksit's 3AM01:50
ivoksgood night01:50
iarpi ended up adding rootdelay=90 to the kernal line on the main boot selection and it seems to be fine01:59
generaldisarrayhttp://www.tigerdirect.com/applications/SearchTools/item-details.asp?EdpNo=5241602&CatId=3586    do you guys think this would make a decent chassis for a web/mail server for small biz, 20 or so mail users, moderate web traffic?02:09
generaldisarrayi'm trying to go cheap, obviously02:12
uvirtbot`New bug: #451801 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 (main) "some keys print characters instead of performing their actions" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45180102:16
Sorellhey guys I have a quick question about Ubuntu cloud02:40
SorellIf I want to make my own "cloud" system can I use this software without going through anyone else?02:42
SorellI don't want anyone else involved but myself02:42
SorellI want to run it off my own server and my own connection.02:42
fallous_anyone happen to know if ubuntu 8.04 server on ec2 has some issues with spontaneous reboots over the course of a few months?  doesn't seem especially load-dependent, but it'll suddenly grind to a halt and then reboot.  only happened twice in the last 8 months02:45
Deaglebearsays ./ is a directery02:46
zoopsterSorell: short answer yes.02:46
Sorellcool ty zoopster02:47
SorellI have a dual core AMD machine just lying around asking for a purpose.02:47
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zoopsterSorell: looking for some case studies if you are so inclined let me know02:51
zoopsterfallous_: have not heard of that...it's the Canonical 8.04 image or Alestic or another?02:51
Sorellwhat do I need to do?02:52
fallous_guess it could be something like lighttpd leaking memory, but that's not an especially unstable webserver02:54
JaggedDeaglebear: ./ is your current PWD02:55
JaggedDeaglebear: that is, the directory you are in can always be referenced by ./02:55
Deaglebearim pulling my hair out aparently its impossible to do through ssh02:57
JaggedDeaglebear: I'm sure it is.02:57
Deaglebearsource server and ubuntu server are not happy together02:57
Jaggedpossible, that is02:57
JaggedDeaglebear: what errors are you getting02:57
Deaglebeari dont even really know02:58
Deaglebearim extra confused02:58
Deaglebearsuposidly that will work02:58
Deaglebearbut i cant get it to work at all02:58
Deaglebearim familiar with linux basics and thats it ive setup cs servers prolly 100 times and never had this much trouble02:58
JaggedDeaglebear: paste your ssh output to pastebin02:59
Deaglebearbut im stuck with only being able to use ssh considering its the server edition02:59
JaggedDeaglebear: so what is the problem then02:59
Deaglebearso im extremely confused02:59
Deaglebeari dont even know what to paste theres nothing there02:59
Deaglebearit all goes wrong when i download the hlds thing03:00
Deaglebeari get no error03:00
Deaglebearbut when i do ./hldsupdatetool.bin03:00
Deaglebearit says it isnt there03:00
Jaggeddid you chmod +x the bin?03:00
Deaglebearand says nothing afterward03:01
Jaggedls -lah | grep hlds03:01
Jaggedanything with that?03:01
Deaglebearone sec03:01
Deaglebearlemme go through the steps again and try that when i get there03:01
Jaggedyou've downloaded it with weget already, correct?03:01
Deaglebearya but i have whats called a slice03:02
Deaglebearfrom slicehost03:02
Deaglebearand i reset my slice03:02
zoopsterfallous_: do post something to alestic...not sure where, but Eric is very helpful03:02
Deaglebearso one sec03:02
Deaglebear-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 3.4M Sep  2  2005 hldsupdatetool.bin03:05
Deaglebearthats what i got03:05
JaggedDeaglebear: okay, can you chown youruser:youruser hldsupdatetool.bin03:06
Deaglebearsorry im not super good at all this yet03:06
Jaggedyour account username03:06
Jaggedchown name:name hldsupdatetool.bin03:06
Deaglebeari shud type that?03:07
Jaggedit may not let you03:07
Deaglebearit just went to the nextline03:07
Deaglebearso i assume it worked03:07
Deaglebearok so now try to chmod again?03:08
Deaglebearno such file or directory03:09
Deaglebearsame as before03:09
Deaglebearya this is why i am so confused lol03:09
zoopsterls it again Deaglebear03:09
zoopsterif it's owned by root a user won't be able to change it w/o using sudo03:10
Deaglebear-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 3.4M Sep  2  2005 hldsupdatetool.bin03:10
Deaglebearso then how do i work it with sudo03:10
Jaggedwell... if you're paying for a shell account, you have no sude03:11
Deaglebeari guess im confused where its messing up03:11
zoopsterright...so two options Deaglebear "sudo ./hlds....bin" or sudo chown ...03:11
zoopsterbut he has a slice...it's not a vps03:11
zoopsterhaven't used slicehost, so that was a question03:11
Deaglebearwell its a vps but i do have sudo03:12
Deaglebeari mean im loged in as root03:12
Jaggeddo you have a user account?03:12
zoopsterwho shows you logged in as root?03:12
JaggedDeaglebear: whoami03:12
Deaglebearit said i had to put programs on as root or it wudnt work03:13
Deaglebearbecause its a slice03:13
Jaggedwhere are you in the filesystem?03:13
Jaggedwill tell you that03:14
Deaglebearthats where i am suposed to be03:14
Deaglebearaccording to the guide03:14
Jaggedand "pwd" gives you what?03:14
Deaglebearwithout the .03:15
Jaggedls -lah / | grep srcds03:16
Jaggedit should show you something03:16
Jaggeddrwxr-xr-x   7 root root 4.0K 2009-10-13 22:54 home03:17
Jaggedsomething like that03:17
Deaglebearit showed me nothing03:17
Jaggedcd /03:17
zoopsterwhy not just use the full path to the file Jagged03:17
Deaglebearionno why03:17
Deaglebearit was diff the second time i did it03:17
Jaggedchmod +x scrds03:17
Deaglebeardrwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4.0K Oct 15 02:04 srcds03:17
Jaggedzoopster: I was trying to see if the dir had execute permissions... albeit without +x he shouldn't be able to cd into it... it should be checked03:18
Deaglebearas far as the chmod03:19
Deaglebearit did nothing03:19
Jaggedtry: /srcds/hldsupdatetool.bin03:20
Jagged(I'm assuming that's where the bin is)03:20
Deaglebearno such file or directory03:21
Deaglebearand yes it should be there03:21
Deaglebearif i was in the srcds when i did wget thats where it shud be right?03:21
Jaggedupdatedb && locate hldsupdatetool.bin03:22
Deaglebearno command found03:22
Deaglebearfor updatedb03:23
Deaglebearor locate03:23
Jaggedcd /srcds and wget it again03:23
Deaglebear100%[====================================>] 3,513,408     17.45M/s03:24
Jaggedls -lah ./ | grep hlds03:25
FFForeverDeaglebear, thats one hell of a connection03:25
Deaglebear-rwxr-xr-x  1 root root 3.4M Sep  2  2005 hldsupdatetool.bin03:25
Deaglebear-rw-r--r--  1 root root 3.4M Sep  2  2005 hldsupdatetool.bin.103:25
Jaggedchmod +x hlds*103:26
Deaglebearno such file or directory03:27
Jaggedhttp://www.cstrike-planet.com/tutorial/1/5   <- I just followed these instructions and everything worked on this machine03:27
JaggedDeaglebear: you need the .03:27
JaggedAre you using the .?03:28
Jaggedpastebing your ssh session03:28
=== iarp_ is now known as iarp
JaggedDeaglebear: rm hlds*03:31
JaggedDeaglebear: use this url -> http://www.cstrike-planet.com/dls/hldsupdatetool.bin03:31
Deaglebearone sec03:31
Deaglebeari used that url03:33
Deaglebearsame thing03:33
Jaggedln -s /srcds/hldsupdatetool.bin /usr/bin/hldsupdatetool.bin03:35
Deaglebearln -s /srcds/hldsupdatetool.bin /usr/bin/hldsupdatetool.bin03:36
Jaggedthat's all one line btw03:37
Jagged(don't know how wide your irc client is)03:37
Deaglebearsame thing03:38
Deaglebearno such file or directory03:38
JaggedThis is really weird03:39
tomsdaleI wrote an rsync bash script. If the script issues the command I receive an error however if I copy an echo of the command into the commandline it works.03:39
Deaglebearits prolly something im doing i just dont know why im doing it wrong03:39
JaggedDeaglebear: /bin/sh /srcds/hldsupdatetool.bin03:40
tomsdaleThe error is: rsync: link_stat "/home/ubuntu/" failed: No such file or directory (2)03:40
tomsdalefor some reasons rsync puts the current directory  upfront.03:41
Deaglebear./srcds/hldsupdatetool.bin: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected03:41
Deaglebear./srcds/hldsupdatetool.bin: 1: Syntax error: "(" unexpected03:44
JaggedI saw that03:44
Deaglebearlol o ok03:44
Deaglebearsry :( im just a lil antsy ive been wrkin on this for 7 hrs03:44
JaggedDeaglebear: find / -name libc.so.603:47
JaggedDeaglebear: uname -a03:51
JaggedDeaglebear: this should fix it03:51
Deaglebearso not posting that03:51
Jaggedapt-get install lib32gcc103:51
Jaggedlemme know when that finishes03:51
Jaggednow run it03:52
Jagged ./hldsyaddayadda03:52
* Jagged crosses fingers03:53
Deaglebearur amazing :D03:53
JaggedYou're on a 64 bit server03:53
Jaggeduname -a would have shown that03:53
Jagged2nd related link under the 1st google hit03:54
Deaglebeari googled for ever03:54
Jagged"hldsupdatetool.bin no such file or directory"03:54
Jaggedis what I googled03:54
Deaglebearty tho very much <3 i apreciate it alot03:54
JaggedVK7HSE: what do you use as a TNC?03:57
bogeyd6generaldisarray only 20 users?03:58
VK7HSEJagged: well... PK-232MBX on HF MFJ-1270b on VHF TinyTrak4D on ISS PK-232 on 6m and KPC-9612 for satellite work and finally a TinyTrak4 in the car! ...03:59
JaggedYeah, I just got to reading the rest of your QRZ entry03:59
JaggedKE5BVC here03:59
JaggedI have an MFJ 1278B, but the most I've ever used it for is RTYY03:59
VK7HSEHa! well don't bother reading the TT4 wiki I'm currently re-building it after i stuffed the SQL tables! :(04:00
JaggedI don't do much on HF right now though... stuck in an apartment at the moment =\04:00
VK7HSEI only work 40m APRS... and I'm a rare contact on voice ;)04:02
bogeyd6ham radio?04:02
JaggedI've been really wanting to try psk31, I spent a few hours operating psk for field day 2004 on a friend's rig.04:02
JaggedI've got an old Ten Tec Triton IV, I don't know if I can get it to do psk =\04:03
VK7HSEbogeyd6: yeah I spent about 6 months using psk31 back in 2006, made some really exotic contacts into parts of the world I though I'd never get to from here! (Tasmania, Australia)04:05
VK7HSEJagged: as long as it has some type of interfacing you should, or as a last resort you could use the Mic. in but I really don't recommend that! ;)04:06
JaggedVK7HSE: it has mic and key inputs04:07
mobi-sheepGuys, I'm having problem with my mom's computer. Something went haywire and now she does not have eth0 working. It's an unexplained situation for me. Something went wrong with ips, I suppose. I have IP address,, it is shown on ifconfig and the router.  But I'm not able to ping, Google, or any website. Pidgin included. How can I resolve my mom's computer? :(04:07
VK7HSEOh! ...04:07
JaggedVK7HSE: http://www.eham.net/reviews/detail/73504:07
iarpwhat is the benefit of setting up LVM during installation for ubuntu-server04:08
VK7HSEiarp: if you wish to expand you storage capacity at a later stage...04:09
iarpsoo if i had 3 hdd's installed, could i potentially expand the main partition across the 3 similar to a raid type thing04:10
Jaggedyou could also do the same with mdadm04:10
VK7HSEnot RAID... no!04:11
VK7HSERAID is RADI! LVM is LVM !!04:11
Jaggedyou can also have an lvm on top of a raid04:12
iarpbut does it allow me to expand it across the drives04:12
Jaggediarp: yes04:12
iarpok ty04:12
Jaggediarp: lvm can function like a JBOD04:12
VK7HSE^^ that's the description I was trying to think of ;)04:13
uvirtbot`VK7HSE: Error: "^" is not a valid command.04:13
VK7HSE^ that's the description I was trying to thingk of ;)04:13
uvirtbot`VK7HSE: Error: "that's" is not a valid command.04:13
VK7HSEHmm... looks like this chan don't like control charters!04:14
* VK7HSE That's weird when a person joins the channel, asks a question, then leaves 2.5 seconds after posting! :-/04:15
JaggedSounded like a dns problem04:17
JaggedI just didn't bother reading it previously04:17
VK7HSEyeah like wise! why how rude of me ;)04:17
leaf-sheepJagged: Do explain. :304:25
Jaggedleaf-sheep: explaining what?04:26
Jaggedohh the dns04:26
leaf-sheepJagged: The DNS problem.  The solution?04:26
Jaggedcan you ping the gateway?04:27
leaf-sheepAll the machines in this house works fine except for my mom's computer. It just went broke for no reason and my mom does not know the account or the root account password.04:27
leaf-sheepI'll try.04:27
Jaggedand can you ping
leaf-sheepI was downstairs -- ssh -Y to my laptop... hence the second account. ;)04:28
leaf-sheepGateway is ?04:29
Jaggedsomething like that04:29
Jaggeddepends on your network04:29
Jagged(could be
leaf-sheepJagged: -- FINE. -- FAIL.04:30
Jaggedtraceroute to 64.23304:30
Jagged(pastebin it)04:30
leaf-sheepWhat is the traceroute --to-- 64.233 command? I came in here because I know you guys know your stuffs.04:31
Jaggedif you don't have traceroute, try tacepath04:32
leaf-sheepJagged: Wait...04:33
leaf-sheepI didn't have traceroute package installed so I tried and install.... it worked.04:33
leaf-sheepI got the package.04:33
leaf-sheepSo obviously I got internet back.04:33
leaf-sheepI'm going to check downstairs... to ensure. :)04:33
leaf-sheepJagged: It worked. ;304:35
leaf-sheepI did nothing!  DNS issues!04:35
Jaggedleaf-sheep: are you using your ISP's DNS servers?04:36
Jaggedleaf-sheep: I've had excellent results using and for my DNS servers04:36
leaf-sheepSorry, I'm back.04:50
leaf-sheepI had a puppy poop duty.04:50
leaf-sheepJagged: I'm not sure what you're talking about. I use a router.04:50
Deaglebearwell jagged the server updated and all but no dice on getting the server to go lol04:52
wizardslovakhello people05:29
wizardslovakdoes anyone knows iRedMail05:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:30
twbI thought it was:05:32
twb!anyone > wizardslovak05:32
ubottuwizardslovak, please see my private message05:32
wizardslovakok any info about iredmail ?05:33
wizardslovakwhat do you people think about it?05:33
twbwizardslovak: never heard of it.05:33
wizardslovakdamn i cant do postfix-dovecot05:35
wizardslovakso i am loooking for easier alternative05:35
wizardslovakwhat email server should i use so mysql would store my users05:41
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
wizardslovakpeople how do i find if i have saslauthd installed?06:02
twbwizardslovak: why do you want to use MySQL?  It's junk.06:03
twbwizardslovak: you say "I can't do postfix/dovecot" -- have you tried asking for help with *specific* issues?06:04
wizardslovaki tried and nobody helped06:05
twb!smart questions > wizardslovak06:05
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about smart questions06:05
twbwizardslovak: have you read this article? http://linuxmafia.com/faq/Essays/smart-questions.html06:05
wizardslovakwhen i type "/etc/init.d/saslauthd start" i am getting "no such file or directory"06:10
wizardslovakbut i got postfix installed06:10
ScottKwizardslovak: If you look at the Ubuntu Server Guide, I think it explains how to set this stuff up06:13
wizardslovakok i got it working06:13
wizardslovakso i configured postfi but i am getting error06:24
wizardslovakRequested action not taken: mailbox unavailable06:24
wizardslovaki tried to look on google but nothing06:24
wizardslovakok now i am getting some error with groups06:40
wizardslovakhow do i check groups?06:40
wizardslovakok now its weird07:16
wizardslovaki cannot login into my squirrelmail07:16
wizardslovaksecond i send mail from outside and i got it07:16
wizardslovakbut i cant send it outside07:16
twb16:24 <wizardslovak> Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable07:28
twbwizardslovak: try looking in /var/log for a more detailed error report.07:28
twbwizardslovak: you can also ask e.g. #postfix about postfix-specific problems.07:28
wizardslovakhow do you guys remove software?07:31
wizardslovaki want to remove postfix but apt-get remove postfix says postfix is not installed07:32
wizardslovaki mean i want to remove dovecot07:32
twbMaybe you have dovecot configured, but not installed.  That is, only its config files are installed.07:32
twb"aptitude remove" will put packages into this state.07:32
twbTo remove the config files (including your changes), you can use "aptitude purge".07:33
hadswhich you can remote easily with aptitude purge07:33
hads(what he said)07:33
wizardslovakdamns econd time same error07:34
wizardslovakdamn i dont know why i cant make it work07:35
wizardslovaki sit on it for last 4 hours07:35
wizardslovakdamn i will even pay so someone would show me and help me07:38
twbwizardslovak: no one is helping because your questions are vague, and it's not a productive use of our (volunteer) time to get accurate information out of you.07:49
twbwizardslovak: this is what the Smart Questions HOWTO is intended to help you with07:50
twbOf course you can pay people, but this isn't the best channel to arrange that.07:50
wizardslovaki didnt wrote it to lure people07:51
twbIf you want to pay someone, you should look up your local linux user group (LUG), and ask them to provide you with a list of contractors.07:51
wizardslovakthat will be my lasssst option07:51
wizardslovaki gotta find someone who will guide me heh07:56
twbwizardslovak: talk to your LUG07:59
showyhi, my 2 bind9 dns servers , are working properly, but the the responses given by them to the clients always contain authotirative information about TLD like .com .net pointing to the ROOT-SERVERS ?08:03
showywhy is this happening ?08:03
wizardslovaki will08:04
wizardslovakthey got meeting next week08:04
uvirtbot`New bug: #451946 in samba (main) "package samba-common 2:3.3.2-1ubuntu3.2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45194608:56
Wujo_of_newtonI need help with setting up ircd-ircu, I am not sure where the config file is that i am supposed to edit to add the parameters to for my local configuration10:45
Wujo_of_newtonI am using ubuntu hardy10:46
twbWujo_of_newton: config files are required by policy to be placed in /etc/.10:48
Wujo_of_newtonyes, I checked the ircd folder in etc10:48
Wujo_of_newtonand updated the config file i found there10:49
Wujo_of_newtonbut it is still showing up as localhost.localdomain when users log onto the irc server10:49
Wujo_of_newtonOr would I have to restart the service to get the changes to show?10:57
jpdsWujo_of_newton: Maybe /etc/ircd/ircd.motd and yeah, restart might help.10:59
Wujo_of_newtonOkay I will try a restart, and yeah, I edited the message of the day file11:00
th0mzdoest anybody remeber the name of an ncurse tool like top but in color ?11:33
th0mzcant find it11:33
th0mz(cant remember the name)11:33
th0mzi'm doing jmeter load test11:33
KurtKrautth0mz, htop11:39
mesuthello,getting 403 forbidden messages on aptitude update, on server 80412:30
mesutwhat may be causing this ?12:30
szczymHelo im planing to install ufw on production web server with no physical access, only ssh. Here are commands im planing to issue: http://paste.ubuntu.com/293862/ my question is: will it broke my connection to server ? thanx for help12:36
Reepicheepszczym: I shouldn't break your connection to the server when you setup ufw12:42
Reepicheepas long as you allow for ssh12:42
ReepicheepI usually set it up a bit different than that though12:42
Reepicheepafter installing it just run "dpkg-reconfigure ufw"12:42
Reepicheepenable it and select ssh as being allowed12:43
szczymbut just instaltion it will not enable by defaoult ?12:43
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szczymi have only ssh access so the for im worring12:43
Reepicheepit won't start ufw until you run "ufw enable" or /etc/init.d/ufw start" or the like12:44
szczymaha, thanx Reepicheep12:44
=== apw` is now known as apw
=== aubre_ is now known as aubre
OmahnHello all. I've backported a trivial 2 line patch to unattended-upgrades in hardy so that the emails sent contain the hostname in the subject line.13:42
OmahnI have a debdiff ready to provide but I'm not sure what the next step would be. Create a bug agains't unattend-upgrades and attach the debdiff?13:42
pmatulisOmahn: yes, there is a checkbox on LP bug pages that indicates a patch is attached13:43
OmahnAh, cool. I'll submit it shortly then. Thanks.13:43
pmatulisOmahn: if you are very interested in continuing then you can ask your work to be sponsored by a MOTU13:44
pmatulisOmahn: and maybe consider becoming one yourself13:44
Omahnpmatulis: I would be interested. Who/where should I ask about sponsorship?13:44
pmatulisOmahn: one moment13:44
pmatulisOmahn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU13:45
Omahnpmatulis: Thanks13:45
jcastroDaviey: test results on the wiki page please, anything you've got would be great13:45
twbvga=788 works on my 8.04 server.  video=vesafb:1024x768-8 doesn't.  Please explain!13:50
Davieyjcastro: yep!  Throwing it up today.13:51
jcastroDaviey: we'll need another round come RC as well13:51
jcastroDaviey: thanks!13:51
jcastroDaviey: have you found anything that needed to be fixed?13:51
Davieyjcastro: only one thing, but that was already being worked on.13:52
DavieyThere is something else i found, but that is a generic -server issue - rather than AWS13:52
jcastroDaviey: I guess that's better than nothing13:53
Davieysurely, nothing is better? :P13:53
jcastroDaviey: for UDS I would like to have a session on how to test AWS better13:53
Davieyjcastro: i think that is a great idea, i'm sure kirland would like to share ec2 images testing framework in there also.13:54
twbNever mind, I think I was using the wrong bootloader14:01
twbBut then vesafb says "unknown parameter: mode"14:02
zuljcastro: you could automate the testing with a user-data script14:05
jcastrozul: already got that down!14:05
zuljcastro: its so much easier isnt it ;)14:05
jcastrono, I mean, I have "get scripts" written down14:06
jcastroI don't have any14:06
jcastrowhy, do you have some?14:06
zuljcastro: i kind of do i have to rummage around14:07
jcastrozul: if you do that would be great14:08
jcastrozul: our test cases are kind of simple and stuff, I don't think they're really helpful14:08
* twb gives up and goes back to vga=14:09
zuljcastro: yeah but you want simple testcases just to make sure that it is up and functional, i had scripts at one point to check if the mountpoints are correct, etc14:09
jcastrozul: ok, if that's the goal then I guess that's fine14:10
uvirtbot`New bug: #373194 in minicom (main) "In Ubuntu 9.04 minicom is not opening a saved ports" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37319414:23
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
detrateI'm trying to mount a and sftp at boot with sshfs.  I have passwordless authentication and I was able to mount just fine with >> sshfs user@host:/folder /home/me/folder14:37
detrateI added an entry to fstab and when I do >> sudo mount -a << it asks me for the password14:37
xperiahello to all. i am trying to set up a virtual host for a domain. but for some reason it wont work. everytime i call the domain i am getting the content of /var/www and not of /var/www/myvirtualhost14:38
detratewhat have you done so far xperia?14:38
detrateand what OS are you running?14:39
xperiathis here is my host file in /etc/apache2/sites-available http://pastebin.com/d7f4ef20414:39
xperiaubuntu server interpid14:40
detratedid you >> sudo a2ensite <sitename? ?14:40
xperiathink no but i will just execute it14:40
detratelooks like *:80 is catching everything14:41
xperiayeah i have the feeling the two host files have a conflict but i dont know how to resolve them. will try if it works with your command in a few seconds14:42
detratehere is a minimal example of what you need for a file called "stromer.allianz.ch.vu" in sites-available: http://pastebin.com/m5dc89d0414:42
detrateit doesn't NEED to be called that14:43
detratebut it's easier for reference14:43
detratethen you would do >> sudo a2ensite stromer.allianz.ch.vu14:43
detratesudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart14:43
xperiai had one like this based on the apache guys http://pastebin.com/d64946c3414:44
xperiabut the apache didnt want to start anymore14:44
detratecheck your error logs14:45
xperiaso i have replaced it with the ubuntu original file again14:45
detrateyou don't need the first 6 lines either14:45
detrateyou're creating another file though, I hope14:45
detratenot replacing the contents of default14:45
xperiatrying your tips just14:46
xperiayeaaaaahhh  it wooooorrrrrkkkkssss14:48
xperiadetrate thank you a looooottttttt14:48
detrate;-P np14:48
aubrewith the latest eucalyptus builds has anyone had success in attaching SC volumes to instances?14:50
aubreand is there any sc-specific documentation available?14:51
aubreright now I'm using amazon's info and translating ec2 to euca in the commands14:51
reya276Can anyone help me resolve an internet connection issue?15:07
twb!anyone > reya27615:07
ubottureya276, please see my private message15:07
reya276How can I get internet connection for my server?15:08
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 452185 in eucalyptus "can't access SC volumes in a UEC instance" [Undecided,New]15:08
reya276I already configured my /etc/network/interfaces file and restarted the service but nothing, I have local network access to the server but I can't go out to the web from the server and none of the websites on the server are showing15:09
subreya276: Have you configured DNS (/etc/resolv.conf) on the server?15:11
reya276sub: yes I did that as well but nothing15:11
twbnsswitch.conf, too15:12
aubrefor some reason when I reboot my dhcpd server it doesn't autostart, and I've done a update-rc.d dhcpd3-server - is there a new way to do this in karmic server?15:12
twbOops, wrong person :-)15:12
aubreupdate-rc.d dhcpd3server defaults I mean15:12
twbaubre: update-rc.d takes a lot of arguments...15:12
aubretwb: I understand but usually all I've had to do it update-rc.d servername defaults15:14
reya276sub: the one thing that is weird is that I get this msg when I restart the network service "RTNETLINK answers: No such process"15:14
aubretwb: and when I start it manually after the reboot it starts fine15:14
twbaubre: congratulations, that's a fantastic way to cripple your boot process.15:14
reya276sub: and then I get this "* if-up.d/mountnfs[eth0]: waiting for interface eth1 before doing NFS mounts"15:15
twbcalling update-rc.d with "defaults" makes it run the service at S20, which is only correct for very, very lucky services.15:15
aubretwb: well I'd be happy to do it another way if I was enlightened on the proper way to do things15:15
aubretwb: hmm I didn't know that15:15
twbrcconf provides a simple checkbox GUI for services on-or-off15:16
aubretwb: thanks, I'll check it out15:16
twbNote that this problem becomes less predictable (but possibly more correct) if you're running something that has insserv installed by default, which AFAIK to date is only Debian/testing, but might include e.g. 10.04.15:17
twbaubre: as for restoring the correct start/stop points for your existing dhcpd3, I think you can best achieve this by rm'ing /etc/rc?.d/[SK][0-9][0-9]dhcpd3 and then doing dpkg-reconfigure dhcpd315:17
aubretwb: thanks again15:18
aubretwb: if you'll humor me, how does upstart figure into all of this?15:21
mathiazsmoser: hi!15:23
mathiazsmoser: did you get a change to look at bug 451881?15:23
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 451881 in ec2-init "ssh public key fingerprint not available on console" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45188115:23
smoserno. i'd not seen it.15:23
smosermathiaz, you've any idea where the console  messages are going on uec ?15:24
mathiazsmoser: nope15:25
smoserthis kind of sucks15:25
mathiazsmoser: is the ssh key showing up correclty on ec2?15:25
smoserbecause we fixed the issue for ec2 basically by making /dev/console == /dev/xvc015:25
smoserand boot messages go to /dev/console15:25
mathiazsmoser: well - uec runs under kvm15:26
mathiazsmoser: I don't know where the console message go15:26
smoserso our fix didn't affect this , because they're different kernels15:26
twbSurely you can also override it with e.g. console=/dev/ttyS0 on the CLI?15:26
smoseri was just going to say that.15:27
smoserin ec2 we can't15:27
twbDon't forget that if you have "quiet", there are basically no messages printed.15:27
smoseryou get no control over such a thing15:27
twbsmoser: I guess you have config.old, then -)15:27
smoserbut i'm not sure we generally would want to do that for uec15:27
smosermaybe i wasn't clear.15:28
twbI'm sorry if I'm making matters worse -- I'm not too lucid just now15:28
smoserso in ec2, we dont get to control the kernel command line, but we patched the kernel such that its console is essentially /dev/xvc0.15:28
smoserin uec our images dont get control over the kernel command line either15:29
smoser*but* , there we can *could* "change the cloud" to suit our liking15:29
smosermathiaz, do you get any boot messages using the eucalyptus provied images ?15:29
mathiazsmoser: I do get boot messages15:30
mathiazsmoser: with the current uec images15:31
mathiazsmoser: the ssh fingerprint are *not* part of it15:31
smoserthe other option, is to change syslogd to write to _correct_place_. that is what matthiaz suggested when we weren't getting console output on ec2 (bug 431103 comment 3)15:31
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 431103 in linux-ec2 "ssh host key fingerprint no longer available in the console log" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43110315:32
smosermathiaz, you get "userspace" output ?15:32
smosercan you pastebin what you get ?15:32
mathiazsmoser: http://people.canonical.com/~mathiaz/console.output15:34
smoserwouldn't pastebin have been easier ?15:35
smoserif you weren't aware of it, i use 'pastebinit' quite often15:35
zulmathiaz: shouldnt you able to get console with uec with the ec2-get-console-output couldnt you?15:37
mathiazzul: I was using euca-get-console-ouput15:38
zulah same thing I guess ;)15:38
smoserso it would appear to me that you're not getting syslog messages there.15:40
mathiazdholbach: yo!15:40
dholbachI have a problem with a vserver I upgraded to karmic15:40
smosereither that, or, we're looking at a bootlog that is not "first boot"15:40
dholbachand upstart15:40
dholbachdoes anybody of you know anything about that?15:40
dholbachI can't  "sudo reboot" , can't  "sudo start/stop/restart <service>"  etc.15:41
dholbachand some daemons already dropped old-style init scripts15:41
dholbachso I don't have cron/rsyslog running :)15:41
dholbachand can't start them without running    sudo cron &15:41
dholbachor something15:41
ograiirc you should be able to run "exec /sbin/init"15:42
ograthat should give you the upstart socket15:42
dholbachdaniel@vubuntu:~$ sudo restart rsyslog15:42
dholbachrestart: Unable to connect to Upstart: Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused15:42
ograthough indeed you likely need bits and pieces in initramfs which might not be there on a vserver where you dont have access to kernel and initramfs15:43
ogra(mountall comes to mind)15:43
dholbachthat makes karmic a bit unusable in vserver instances :(15:43
ograwell, talk to keybuk ...15:44
dholbachtried it - doesn't respond :)15:44
ograright, i saw that15:44
ograbut he might be the only one with an accurate answer15:44
dholbachjust thought you guys might know something15:45
ograwell, i know it fails for my ARM users that use self breeded kernels and initramfs'es15:46
ogra(not using update-initramfs)15:46
smosermathiaz, can you verify that your console log is "first boot" ?15:47
twbAnybody dealt with SATA on ICH10 southbridges before?15:51
twbI have two (nominally) identical hosts here, both running
twbOne can see that AHCI should be used for the ICH10, and can see the SATA drives.15:51
twbThe other can't, and manually "modprobe ahci"ing didn't seem to help.15:52
YtxxHow do I enable the a network with Ubuntu Server . . . for sharing file and printers15:58
mathiazsmoser: the log has multiple boot15:58
mathiazsmoser: I'll try to get another log - just first boot15:58
Ytxxenable the wirless . . .15:58
smosernah, you're right, mathiaz15:58
smoserits probably all there, unless there is some scroll buffer that i would doubt15:59
mathiazsmoser: were you able to reproduce it?15:59
smoserno. i dont have uec.15:59
ttxmathiaz, kirkland: I started up https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UECInstall for a more up-to-date UEC doc15:59
smoseri think that might be the thing to do irght now.15:59
mathiazsmoser: ok15:59
ttxmathiaz, kirkland: nijaba will reviewx it, but feel free to fix it15:59
mathiazttx: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC15:59
ttxmathiaz, kirkland: its an updated version of my blogpost15:59
mathiazttx: ^^ how does that related with this?16:00
ttxmathiaz: its complementary16:00
nijabattx: I won't be able to work on it before a couple hours, so feel free!16:00
ttxmathiaz: the UEC doc will be geared toward separate component manual install16:00
ttxmathiaz: and remove the outdated "bundle EMI" part16:00
ttx(which still uses system kernel)16:00
mathiazttx: I've updated the UEC wiki page16:01
mathiazttx: I was using it as a documentation for setting up a cloud without using the ISO16:01
mathiazttx: (ie from a plain install)16:01
mathiazttx: which is what I'm doing with the hardware in the lavb16:01
Ytxxanyone here know how to use a network which uses Ubuntu as a server16:01
ttxmathiaz: sorry, phonecall16:01
smoserfyi, all, i'm proud to announce automated nightly publishing of uec builds to ec216:01
smosersee "published-ec2.txt"16:02
nijabacongrats smoser!16:02
kirklandttx: thanks fro the blog posts, btw16:02
ttxmathiaz: sure, and we'll keep it for that. It's just very wrong at that point16:02
kirklandttx: those have been good16:02
uvirtbot`New bug: #353601 in nmap (main) "nmap crashed with SIGSEGV in ultra_scan()" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/35360116:02
* kirkland high fives smoser 16:02
uvirtbot`New bug: #371037 in nmap (main) "Windows Fails To Maximise" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37103716:02
ttxmathiaz: and there is value in having a "simple from CD" version16:02
mathiazttx: right16:03
mathiazttx: we probably need to consolidate all the documentation at some point16:03
mathiazttx: there is stuff all over the place now (help.u.c, testcases.u.c)16:03
smoserthanks all. i still have to work on process for "promote nightly -> 'released'" but that will be able to use many of the scripts I already have, so should be easier.16:03
smoserits somewhat surprising, it takes ~ 45 minutes to upload 2 roughly 400M to ec2.16:04
smoserthats not the only thing that takes time (the slowness of ec2-* commands add to it, and extracting image and such, but the upload is the majority)16:04
zer0her0hey speaking of EC2, what are people finding the expense to run Ubuntu-server on EC2?16:05
zer0her0(i know it will vary, but just starting to research this as a possibility as an option for a non-profit i help)16:05
HackeMatehello, after many time i still not able to make work my logrotate, someone know really a good webpage where i can read every steps?16:07
HackeMatethere is no error message or any warning, it just doesnt stores my log16:07
uvirtbot`New bug: #452228 in likewise-open5 (universe) "package likewise-open5-netlogon 5.0.3991.1+krb5-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess new pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45222816:07
smoserzer0her0, i dont have any long term usage cost experience, but the majority of cost is in "uptime"16:07
zer0her0smoser: what do you mean?16:08
smoserfor the small, you're paying 0.10 per hour (US). the extra-large compute is 0.80 per hour16:08
uvirtbot`New bug: #441962 in nmap (main) "zenmap: inconsistency between suggested package and method used for su-to-root/gksu" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44196216:08
smosernetwork charges are very small in my experience.16:08
zer0her0smoser: ok this is where my inexperience shows, so if they are using it internally, they could just have it up during business hours to save  money16:09
xperiahello to all again ! i have a question about virtual host. this here is my acctual host file http://pastebin.com/d471e8de6 the strange thing is if i remove the domain in this line here i get the site but if i leave it like this it wont work <VirtualHost stromer.allianz.ch.vu:80> even if it should based on this http sniff here http://pastebin.com/d30aae0bb16:10
uvirtbot`New bug: #452233 in likewise-open5 (universe) "package likewise-open5-eventlog 5.0.3991.1-0ubuntu2 failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed pre-removal script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45223316:10
xperiahow can i host different site without such a line here <VirtualHost *:80>16:11
smoserzer0her0, absolutely16:11
xperiathis line load all domain calls only from one document root folder16:12
zer0her0smoser: oh sweet.  :) thank you.16:12
smoseri do that here, except when i forget , and i dont notice one of those high compute $0.80/hr running over the weekend. :)16:12
YtxxHow do I enable a wireless connection to the internet if I have a Ubuntu Server in my home16:13
zer0her0yea i was just realizing 70 bucks for a 24/7 a month server ain't bad16:13
zer0her0(for the small)16:13
smoseri actually got a "app for that" on the iphone so i can take them down. next step in my grand plan to avoid wasted cycles is to have some cron job watch my instances and text my phone if I have some running at 11:00 pm or something.16:13
smoserzer0her0, no, its really not terrible, when compared to other hosting options.16:13
zer0her0smoser: oh they have an EC2 iPhone App?  that would be handy cause that sounds just like the thing i'd do too16:13
smoserother people have more experience on the reliability though of it.16:14
zer0her0fair enough, as i said i'm just starting to look at it16:15
smoserzer0her0, there are multiple ones. i use http://www.iawsmanager.com . it cost $4.99, but that pays for itself the first time you leave something running over the weekend.16:15
zer0her0haha you beat me to it, i was just looking at the list and going to say: which one do you use haha16:15
smoserthere is a free one, but it didn't apparently do anything for me (other than, i assume, send my credentials to the author :) )16:15
zer0her0yea, price is not a big deal to me, i just like to know i got one that works well :)16:16
zer0her0nice, it does all amazon services, that's awesome :)16:16
uvirtbot`New bug: #401827 in nmap (main) "package nmap 4.76-0ubuntu4 failed to install/upgrade: subproces installed post-installation script gaf een foutwaarde 2 terug" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40182716:17
smoserit came down to iawsmanager and directec216:17
smoseri dont really recall why i didn't use directec2.16:17
smoseriec2cloud is the free one that i couldnt get to work.16:17
zer0her0yea, well it looks like it only does EC216:18
zer0her0i like the ability to have all the services in one app16:19
zoopsteraubre: what release of eucalyptus are you using in relation to your bug?16:20
ttxsmoser: our UEC images include the acpiphp module now, right ?16:21
Ytxx. . . How do I enable a wireless connection to the internet if I have a Ubuntu Server in my home16:22
YtxxI am interested in the setting what hardware/sotware I need16:22
smoserttx, yes16:22
smoserat least they should16:23
ttxsmoser: okthx16:23
smoserttx, from last nights nightly (running on ec2)16:24
smoser$ find /lib/modules/2.6.31-* -name "acpiphp*"16:24
smoser$ grep "acpiphp" /etc/modules16:24
smoserso i think that that indicates a.) the module is there, and b.) that it should get loaded on boot16:25
aubrezoopster: sorry was afk. let me check16:30
aubrezoopster: I updated it this morning16:30
zoopsteraubre: can you note on your bug what build you are seeing this with16:31
zoopsteraubre: we're thinking its a duplicate of something that was fixed yesterday16:32
aubrezoopster: 1.6~bzr931-0ubuntu216:32
aubrezoopster: I will16:32
zoopsteraubre: we're at bzr931-0ubuntu3 - check against that since that's where the fix was resolved16:33
aubrezoopster: ahh ok16:34
zoopsteraubre: thanks!!16:34
aubrezoopster: np :)16:35
uvirtbot`New bug: #306172 in nmap (main) "nmap Warning: Servicescan failed to fill info_template " [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30617216:35
aubrezoopster: New eucalyptus packages :)16:37
zoopsteraubre: all gift wrapped for you16:37
aubrezoopster: where else can you get such fast service I ask you16:38
zoopsteraubre: looking out for you, man16:38
aubrezoopster: thanks!16:38
uvirtbot`New bug: #281376 in nmap (main) "Zenmap crashes in the ed of profile creation if not running as root" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/28137616:39
zoopsteraubre: btw...I was told it's NOT in the eucalyptus code, but rather in the kvm code so you may want to dist-upgrade to ensure you have everything that fixes this issue16:44
dholbachogra: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/upstart/+bug/430224 is pretty similar16:45
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 430224 in upstart "misc: packages cannot be upgraded in a chroot" [Medium,Won't fix]16:45
smosermathiaz, ttx kirkland if i'm going to download an iso to attempt a server isntall of UEC, just take nightly?16:47
kirklandsmoser: yes16:47
kirklandsmoser: rsync -aP rsync://cdimage.ubuntu.com/cdimage/ubuntu-server/daily/current/karmic-server-amd64.iso16:47
ttxsmoser: yes, and update16:47
kirklandsmoser: i have a cronjob that syncs that iso every day at 6am16:47
smoserthat was my next question. thanks kirkland16:47
kirklandsmoser: i recommend doing the same :-)16:47
smoserand then...16:48
kirklandsmoser: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/294064/16:49
kirklandsmoser: that's what I run every day at 6am16:49
jpdsNot surprised mirrors.kernel.org is faster.16:50
jpdskirkland: Although us.archive is in London. ;)16:50
kirklandjpds: yeah16:51
kirklandjpds: i'm closer to portland16:51
jsalisburykirkland:  is there a quick way to tell what build of eucalyptus is in a daily build such as (1.6~bzr919-0ubuntu3)?16:52
kirklandjsalisbury: there is a manifest file16:52
kirklandjsalisbury: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/current/karmic-server-amd64.list16:53
smoserkirkland, so why is my rsync not doing anything ?16:53
kirklandjsalisbury: look at the .list16:53
smoserit just reports "one file"16:53
jsalisburykirkland: great!  Thanks!16:53
kirklandsmoser: did you give it a target?16:53
kirklandsmoser: .16:53
kirklandjsalisbury: no prob16:53
pmatulisi would like to make a custom server install cd that will install already up-to-date packages.  what is the most lightweight solution to achieve the latter?16:58
ttxmathiaz: I'm about to leave, I forwarded you the details for the release meeting... questions ?17:01
* mathiaz checks his email17:01
mathiazttx: well - there is a backlog in the mail server17:02
mathiazttx: so I haven't received your email yet17:02
ttxmathiaz: too bad :)17:02
mathiazttx: I'll guess I'll work it throught anyway17:03
ttxmathiaz: i'll pop up for some email parsing tonight, will ping you then17:03
mathiazttx: okidkoiekoadkodo17:03
aubrezoopster: kirkland: doing dist-upgrades17:29
kirklandaubre: what version of qemu-kvm did you have before?17:30
aubrekirkland: how would I find that?17:30
kirklandaubre: dpkg -l | grep qemu-kvm17:31
kirklandaubre: dpkg -l qemu-kvm17:31
aubreit's saying No packages found matching qemu-kvm, that can't be right17:33
aubrekirkland: I cut and paste your command - I know I have kvm on here, I've been running instances and everything17:34
kirklandaubre: sorry, you need to run that on your *node*17:34
aubrekirkland: oh ok sorry17:34
kirklandaubre: my fault, i should have been more precise17:34
aubrekirkland: actually that may have been one that was just upgraded, I haven't dist-upgraded the other just yet, sec17:36
aubrekirkland: this one says 0.11.0-0ubuntu17:37
aubrekirkland: I've rebooted the other one, and I will test it after it comes up17:37
kirklandaubre: you're missing the most important part of that version17:38
kirklandaubre: i need to know what's after the 0ubuntu17:38
aubrekirkland: hmm let me expand my terminal17:38
aubrekirkland: 0.11.0-0ubuntu517:38
aubrekirkland: the one I just dist-upgraded has the same version17:39
kirklandaubre: hmm, and you're reproducing the same issue if you run a new instance now?17:40
aubrekirkland: I need to test again17:40
aubrekirkland: I haven't had the chance to do it since I dist-upgraded17:40
aubrekirkland: trying it now17:41
kirklandaubre: cool17:41
aubrekirkland: would it be odd if it showed up as /dev/sda2 ?17:52
kirklandaubre: i'm not sure17:52
kirklandaubre: i've never tried it17:52
kirklandaubre: i would have thought it would be sdb17:52
kirklandaubre: but i don't know17:52
aubrekirkland: let me disconnect it and see what happens17:53
aubrekirkland: Still not seeing it17:56
kirklandaubre: okay, let's move this conversation to #eucalyptus, if you don't mind17:57
aubrekirkland: maybe my command line is messed uop17:57
aubrekirkland: sure17:57
kirklandaubre: yeah, i wanted to get the eucaguys to confirm that17:57
uvirtbot`New bug: #230006 in multipath-tools (main) "udev breaks multipath after reboot when using LVM" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23000618:06
dbrewer_I am trying to debug apache2/php on Ubuntu Server 8.04 using valgrind.  The problem I'm running into is that my PHP build does not have debugging enabled, so I don't get any PHP information coming through to callgrind profiling log.  My specific question: is there any easy (package-driven, preferably) way of installing debug-enabled builds of software?  I've already installed the dbgsym versions of the relevant packages, which led to better 18:20
dbrewer_Alternately, is there a better channel to ask this same question on?  There are a bewildering number of ubuntu channels and this seemed to be the most closely related I could find.  :-)18:23
zuldbrewer_, install php5-dbg18:25
dbrewer_zul: I thought I had, but I'll take another look to confirm.  Thanks for your response.18:30
dbrewer_zul: it looks like the php5-dbg package is not available for Hardy.  Does that match your experience, or is there another place to look?18:32
zulyes its not available for hardy18:33
dbrewer_I've installed libapache2-mod-php5-dbgsym, php5-common-dbgsym, and php5-cli-dbgsym... but I guess that doesn't quite do it?18:35
zulno i dont thnk so18:35
dbrewer_Well, I suppose it might be worth setting up a Jaunty testbed for this profiling information (even though we try to stick with LTS releases for our web server infrastructure).  Do you use valgrind?  Can you confirm for me that you've installed php5-dbg, used valgrind on apache2, and got back php5 call information in the output?  I just don't want to go down this road too far without being sure that it will work.18:37
uvirtbot`New bug: #304492 in nis (main) "Local maps can't include server-side maps" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/30449218:42
nijabamathiaz, smoser: I am done having fun with https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UECInstall18:48
nijabaup to you if you want to enhance it further.18:48
* nijaba calls it a day18:50
mathiaznijaba: UECPackageInstall doesn't exits yet?18:50
nijabamathiaz: nope, but that should mainly be what on /UEC right now18:50
mathiaznijaba: yop18:50
mathiaznijaba: that the page I've updated while installing my UEC tests18:50
nijabamathiaz: the goal is to move /UEC to /UECPackageInstall and rename /UECInstall with the content of /UEC when we are happy with it18:52
uvirtbot`New bug: #276696 in multipath-tools (main) "Root LVM volume on multipath fibre-channel often does not detect properly on boot" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/27669619:02
mathiazkirkland: hey - so I've upgraded one of my UEC test setup19:05
mathiazkirkland: and now it seems that instances are stuck in the pending state19:05
=== Guest93713 is now known as tonyyarusso
xperiahello. how can i tell apache to listen on different ports like 8080 and 808119:10
sbeattieedit /etc/apache2/ports.conf and restart19:11
jcastrosmoser: around?19:12
xperiaokay i am also just reading this here as i want to try thid with vhost. http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/examples.html#port19:12
jcastrosmoser: Technoviking found a problem with one of the ec2 tests19:12
Technovikingsmoser: test 4 in ec2 given a intersting result, take 20+ minute to get a host name if I switch from my default zone19:12
smoser"to get a host name" == "to move from pending state" ?19:13
Technovikingsmoser: yes19:14
smoseri have seen a recent increase in time from 'run-instances' to 'running'19:15
smoserhowever, i've only assumed (warning about 'assume') that this has nothing to do with our images and more to do with load in ec219:15
Technovikingsmoser: ok, thanks if I see other related weirdness I will let you know19:16
smoseras far as I can tell, images leave 'pending' state when they're actually booting. i had always assumed that this was very close to the actual xen instance creation time19:16
smoserie, after everything had been copied, resources reserved ...19:17
smoserso i always considered that we have basically no control over that.19:17
smoserexcept for, it is quite possible that a 10G image woudl take longer to prepare than a 2G one would (and we create only 10G)19:17
smosersorry for no answers19:18
smoserTechnoviking, i'd be very interested if you could produce consistent data that showed either that our images *did* take longer to leave pending state, or *did not* compared to othersthat our images19:18
smoserone thing i thought was at least reasonable (and consistent with your statement of "when i changed my zone")19:19
kirklandmathiaz: ugh :-/19:19
smoserwas that ec2 could be caching used images closer, or even making a couple "ready clones" available for possible images19:19
kirklandmathiaz: what does nc.log say?19:20
Technovikingsmoser: could try a smaller image on another zone and see if makes a difference19:20
mathiazkirkland: let me try again19:20
smoserTechnoviking, yeah, its just hard to get any real data, because its such a black box, and you dont' know if you just happened to 'run-instances' during high load19:20
kirklandmathiaz: i just installed from ISOs19:21
mathiazkirkland: pfhh - now it works19:21
kirklandmathiaz: pft is right ...19:21
uvirtbot`New bug: #452323 in eucalyptus (main) "Unable to start EUC instances - no supported architecture for os type 'hvm'" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45232319:22
uvirtbot`New bug: #347165 in ipvsadm (main) "/sbin/ipvsadm doesn't work when $PATH doesn't contain /sbin" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34716519:23
xperiasbeattie: wanted only to tell you that following this example here for running different domains on different ports on the same ip works great in ubuntu http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/examples.html#port19:29
addisonjbleh! this network i am on is so bad, doing an rsync job, and only hitting 3 mb/s transfer rate :(19:47
uvirtbot`New bug: #297378 in autofs (main) ""+"-included entries in auto.home" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/29737819:57
uvirtbot`New bug: #405177 in keepalived (main) "Spurious dependency on ipvsadm" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40517719:57
xperiahello i have a strange problem with accessing my test website. if i do this here it works! it works also everytime i call up the webpage as follow www.linuxperia.ch.vu  but something what dont want to work is if i call up the webpage by using the domain name followed up by some direct link like www.linuxperia.ch.vu/index.php?page=about what...19:59
xperia...could be the problem19:59
=== xperia is now known as xperia2
=== xperia2 is now known as xperia
ttxmathiaz: yo mama20:06
smoserjjohansen, ping20:10
jjohansensmoser: ^20:11
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 418130 in Ubuntu Karmic "Karmic EC2 images don't use a karmic kernel" [High,Fix released]20:11
smosersomeeome brought up lack of ext4 support in -ec2 kernel20:11
smoseri would consider that one significant20:12
jjohansenhrmm, yeah20:12
smoseri know you were trying to address all the differences bug 42869220:13
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 428692 in ubuntu "ec2 kernel needs CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=y and other config changes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42869220:13
smoseri think we shoudl at very least get loop and extv4 turned on20:13
smoserand maybe any others that we notice as being big20:13
jjohansenwe need to update the configs20:13
smoseri'd think chance for regression on those 2 =y would be small20:13
jjohansenwell I have the config patch that works well for me but I haven't gotten any feed back20:14
smosersorry for that20:14
jjohansennah, people are busy20:14
smosercan you show me your config patch ?20:15
smoserand point out anything you think has a relative chance at regression ?20:15
FirstSgtI need a backup solution that can do daily backups to a remote host (like rsync) but with versioning so i can "restore" from up to 10 days ago in case of all raid disks failing20:16
jjohansenI should attach it to Bug #42869220:16
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 428692 in ubuntu "ec2 kernel needs CONFIG_BLK_DEV_LOOP=y and other config changes" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42869220:16
jjohansengive me a bit to test apply it to the newest rebase20:17
smoserFirstSgt, i know people who love duplicity (also does encrypted) but i've not used it.20:18
FirstSgtduplicity, i like the name20:20
smoserjjohansen, i can promise a bit of testing this time.20:20
jjohansensmoser: thanks20:20
smoserjjohansen, what i had been working on was primariliy getting the nightly push-to-ec2 stuff working.20:21
smoserthat is now done.. (well, except for deleting old builds)20:21
jjohansensmoser: completely understand20:21
smoserand i still have to write "promote nightly to release"20:21
smoserbut for the nightlies, now, kif that were in place when rtg updated those kernels, our new builds would grab them and kernels would be published20:22
smoserall magic20:22
smoserso you wouldn't have had to do it yourself20:22
ZugZugWhat would it take to automatically encrypted user's home directories?20:23
smoserjjohansen, also, on the todo list of making pushing to ec2 easier is to take in a kernel deb and publish it, creating a initramdisk in a chroot automatically20:24
jjohansenyeah that would be good20:24
bventuracd ww20:28
uvirtbot`New bug: #452461 in kerberos-configs (universe) "Cannot elide admin_servers from debconf config" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45246120:41
wizardslovakwhat do you people prefer when you have multiple domains on one server21:04
wizardslovakname based or ip based?21:04
_rubendepends on the availability of ips21:04
_rubenips are prefered if available21:04
wizardslovaki am newbie21:05
wizardslovakwhats ips?21:05
_rubenthe plural of ip21:05
wizardslovakoo ok21:07
wizardslovakwell i can make virtual etho21:09
wizardslovakcant i just setup apache conf like this http://pastebin.com/m263d849621:12
wizardslovakor is easier to setup LAn ip for each website?21:12
_rubenyou'd need a NameVirtualHost directive as well to enable name based vhosts21:13
_rubenusing lan ips for vhosting will only do you good if the websites will only be accessed from your lan21:13
_rubenin which case you should use ip based vhosts, as lans tend to have more than enough free ip space21:14
wizardslovakok i mean one server one site will be second site
wizardslovakbut when i will actuall type site 1 or site 2 it still should point me to right place21:14
wizardslovakok so i will use ip vhost21:15
dbrewer_When I install the php5-dbg package, should I expect the resulting installed build of php5 to have debugging functionality enabled?  Or, does this package just have debug symbols but not actually have the '--enable-debug' flag set on the PHP compilation?21:15
_ruben!info php5-dbg21:16
ubottuphp5-dbg (source: php5): Debug symbols for PHP5. In component main, is extra. Version 5.2.6.dfsg.1-3ubuntu4.2 (jaunty), package size 8318 kB, installed size 32508 kB21:16
_rubenjust the symbols aparently21:16
dbrewer_ok, off to compile me a debug version of php I guess.  :-)21:17
xperiawizardslovak i have just successfull maked on my ubuntu server to run different domains on the same server with only one ip21:19
xperiathe most easy thing is using name based vhost21:19
wizardslovakxperia how?21:19
xperiagive me juast a second21:20
wizardslovakthank you21:20
xperiawizardslovak: http://httpd.apache.org/docs/2.0/vhosts/examples.html#port21:20
wizardslovakooo so for each site you open port21:21
xperiathis describe how to run different domains on one server with only one ip21:21
xperiayes i am doing this with ports as my dns dont resolve the host header21:21
wizardslovakok let me try it21:21
xperiabut you can use it also without ports21:21
wizardslovakill be back and thanks again21:21
wizardslovakjust one port?21:22
xperiajust use port 8021:22
xperiaall over21:22
xperiait should work also21:22
xperiaif your host header is right21:22
xperiause for that http header plugin in firefox to21:22
wizardslovaklet me just config apache2 and then ill be back21:23
wizardslovakok it doesnt work21:27
wizardslovakshould i include "listen 80"21:27
xperiawhat file did you changed21:27
xperiano change direct default other wise it wont work21:28
xperiaand the reboot21:28
xperiamake a backup if default before you override it with website21:29
wizardslovaki already used websit21:29
xperiawhat do you mean with allready used ?21:30
xperiacp default to default-back21:30
xperiaand do cp website to default21:30
xperiathen reboot21:30
wizardslovak_i am abck now21:33
_bubsyi have question.. between postgres and mysql. which one is more scalable ?21:36
wizardslovak_still here?21:38
_bubsyi jsut setup my postgres database. but i found mysql is more scalable21:39
xperia_bubsy: i am itself not very experienced with databases try to use as much as possible flat files21:40
hads'which is more scalable' isn't really answerable.21:40
Reaper1278Anyone know how to remove the encription from a partition? I want to keep the partition!21:41
wizardslovak_ok so i did modify it the way you showed me and now i cant even load my first site21:41
hadsReaper1278: Copy the data off and recreate the partition21:41
_bubsyit look like mysql replicate it easy than postgres21:41
Reaper1278I was afraid of that!21:41
hadsYeah :) No worries.21:41
xperiawizardslovak: it isnt that heavy to setup vhost21:42
xperiacan you post the default file at paste bin ?21:42
wizardslovak_you want apach2.conf or /sites-available/website?21:43
xperiano i want /sites-available/default21:43
wizardslovak_but i am not using default21:43
xperiawhat do you mean you dont use it. its the default file allways used21:44
wizardslovak_i disabled it and use other21:44
hadsNot if it's not enabled :)21:44
xperiain this case i cant help you as you use a speciall setup21:44
wizardslovak_u use "a2dissite" and "a2ensite" to enable it21:45
hadsNot that special21:45
VousDeuxDoes anyone have any idea why phpldapadmin says my memory limit is low?21:46
xperiano i dont use "a2dissite" and "a2ensite". i change the default file and reboot the server thats all21:46
wizardslovak_ok let me get you default then21:46
wizardslovak_how do i copy it from server to pastebin21:46
hadsYou don't need to change the default file and certainly don't need to reboot21:47
xperianormally it would be enough to restart only the apache also21:47
xperianano your file21:47
xperiamark it with the mouse21:47
wizardslovak_i am on putty tho21:48
wizardslovak_i know there is command for it21:48
xperiaopen the window and press the middle button of the mouse and the marked filed will be copyed21:48
xperiai am working with ssh in the terminal on linux.21:49
wizardslovak_ok this is default21:49
wizardslovak_and this is the one i am using21:50
wizardslovak_wizzy.us is first and theforumz.org iss econd21:50
xperiachange NameVirtualHost to NameVirtualHost *:8021:52
xperiachange also both <VirtualHost> to <VirtualHost *:80>21:53
chmacIt looks like my account is banned from sftp somehow. When I connect I get "Peer closed connection", but it works fine for scponly users...21:53
chmacI can connect over ssh ok21:54
wizardslovak_xperia : done21:54
xperiathen i would also change the last vhost21:54
xperiaas follow21:54
chmacAny ideas how to debug / fix?21:54
jpdschmac: Have fail2ban installed?21:56
xperiaDocumentRoot /home/wizardslovak/theforumz.org21:57
xperiaServerName www.theforumz.org21:57
xperiaServerAlias theforumz.org21:57
xperiaErrorLog /var/log/apache2/error.log21:57
xperiaCustomLog /var/log/apache2/theforumz-access.log combined21:57
xperiathen reboot21:57
xperiaplease also remove all symlinks from sites enabled till the default symlink21:58
xperiabefore reboot21:58
wizardslovak_now it works!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1121:59
wizardslovak_thanks man21:59
xperiacan you veryfiy something that dont work for me22:00
xperiaat the moment22:00
wizardslovak_anything man22:00
xperiai have in my pages some images22:00
xperiathat i was able to access them before i have setup vhost22:00
xperiaas follow22:01
chmacDarn, turns out the permissions on /dev/null were wrong!22:01
xperiabut now if i call the same url i get allways only the index.php file22:01
xperiacan you try to access some subfolder content like yourdomain.com/picture.jpg that worked for you before22:02
xperiayou setup vhost22:02
wizardslovak_i kinda dont get what you want me to do22:03
xperiatry just to call something that it isnt the index.php22:03
xperiaand tell me if it works for you22:04
wizardslovak_so you want not to load index.html but something else22:04
xperiawhat for files do you have in one of a document root22:05
wizardslovak_damn man22:05
xperiado you have a picture or a another .php .html file22:05
wizardslovak_i never didnt do22:05
wizardslovak_i always use index.html22:06
xperiayeah but you sure have some other .html files in document root22:07
wizardslovak_yes i do22:07
wizardslovak_well base is index.html then is contack.html22:07
wizardslovak_and there are couple more22:07
wizardslovak_but root file is index22:07
wizardslovak_and you want server not to read index as root but some other file22:07
xperiathen just call them after the domain name. example: www.yourdomain.com/contackt.html22:08
xperiadoes it load the rigth html file ?22:08
wizardslovak_yes it does22:08
jjohansensmoser: should I just use my script to public a couple test kernels, or do you want me to stick to the naming scheme22:08
xperiawhich file22:08
xperiadoes it load22:08
wizardslovak_correct one22:08
wizardslovak_not index but contact22:09
xperiahmmmm for me this dont work exactly22:09
wizardslovak_do you have that other file in same folder?22:09
xperiayes and it worked everything before but now with vhost it wont.22:10
smoserjjohansen, your choice. i'd like for you to at least put them into sandbox22:10
smoserbut if thats a hassle, dont worry too much22:10
xperiahave to study why this dont work22:10
wizardslovak_how did you setup your vhost tho22:10
xperiathe same like you :-)22:11
wizardslovak_when you type site.com it shows your site right?22:11
xperiayeah linuxperia.ch.vu show the index.php file22:11
jjohansensmoser: okay22:11
wizardslovak_but when you site.com/otherfile.php it doesnt22:12
xperiabut this url show me allways index.php http://linuxperia.ch.vu/index.php?page=about22:12
smoserjjohansen, if you get publish-image (and xc2) from my git22:13
smoserpublish-image --bucket-prefix ubuntu-images-sandbox- --type kernel --verbose x86_64 my-kernel.img22:13
wizardslovak_what file you want to open22:13
wizardslovak_ill try it from my pc22:13
smoserpublish-image --bucket-prefix ubuntu-images-sandbox- --type initrd --verbose x86_64 my-initrd.img22:13
wizardslovak_btw nice site22:14
xperiawell i am working on it22:14
xperiaits my test page22:14
jjohansensmoser: where is your git?22:14
smoserthose are at http://smoser.brickies.net/git/?p=misc-starter-tools.git;a=summary22:14
xperiai dont understand why it wont eat the command ?page=about22:14
smoseri've got to run, but if you want to try, that'd be good. otherwise, dont worry about it.22:14
smoserjjohansen, just dont bother for now. i'll write doc22:14
wizardslovak_sorry man22:15
smoserlater all.22:15
wizardslovak_i dont know why22:15
wizardslovak_peace smoser22:15
jjohansensmoser: okay, later22:15
xperiaits okay. pitty that you dont have a php page that you can feed with a command like ?page=about22:16
wizardslovak_btw where did you get that script , phone coming out and song22:16
xperiaself developed22:17
xperiawith flash22:17
wizardslovak_lol i didnt get to the flash yet22:17
wizardslovak_i am newbie in all this22:17
xperiaits okay with the time you will use it for sure22:18
wizardslovak_what are you using?22:19
wizardslovak_i mean for html , dreamweaver22:19
xperiabluefish with ssftp think22:20
mathiazkirkland: does it take a long to login via ssh on your uec images?22:20
mathiazkirkland: does it take a long *time* to login via ssh on your uec images?22:20
kirklandmathiaz: not really, no22:21
mathiazkirkland: ie - you start a uec images on your cloud - then try to login22:21
kirklandmathiaz: i wait for it go to "running"22:21
mathiazkirkland: right - here too22:21
kirklandmathiaz: you can use the get-console command to see if somethign is hanging22:21
xperia hey cracks can somebody tell me why this here works but this wont work http://linuxperia.ch.vu/index.php?page=about22:21
mathiazkirkland: is dns setup correctly?22:21
mathiazkirkland: I think my problem is because of a broken dns system22:22
mathiazkirkland: the guest cannot contact any dns server22:22
mathiazkirkland: I'm also confused how public IP are working22:22
mathiazkirkland: they don't seem to be assigned in the guest22:22
=== xperia is now known as xperia2
mathiazkirkland: right - it's DNAT22:24
mathiazkirkland: http://paste.ubuntu.com/294227/22:24
kirklandmathiaz: ah22:25
mathiazkirkland: how does a /etc/resolv.conf look like on your guest?22:26
kirklandmathiaz: let me get one :-)22:27
mathiazkirkland: are your guest able to ping outside?22:28
kirklandeuca-authorize default -P tcp -p 22 -s
kirklandmathiaz: is ^ command failing for you now?22:28
mathiazkirkland: nope22:28
kirklandmathiaz: hmm22:28
kirklandmathiaz: i wonder whats wrong here22:28
mathiazkirkland: how does it fail?22:29
kirklandmathiaz: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/294231/22:32
mathiazkirkland: oh - I've seen that as well22:33
kirklandmathiaz: bug #?22:33
kirklandmathiaz: i'll file one if not22:33
* mathiaz tries to remember how it was fixed22:33
mathiazkirkland: no bug filed22:33
kirklandhttps://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/eucalyptus/+bug/452556 mathiaz22:37
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 452556 in eucalyptus "euca-authorize default failing" [Medium,Confirmed]22:37
mathiazkirkland: whouhou -- yet another bug!22:37
kirklandhttp://pastebin.ubuntu.com/294235/ <- mathiaz22:38
mathiazkirkland: .20 is your CC IP?22:38
kirklandmathiaz: yup22:38
kirklandmathiaz: which isn't running a dns server that i'm aware of22:38
mathiazkirkland: and your guest have which ip addresses?22:39
mathiazkirkland: 179.19.XX ?22:39
mathiazkirkland: 172.19.XX ?22:39
mathiazkirkland: the CC is running a dns server22:39
mathiazkirkland: it listens on port 5322:40
mathiazkirkland: so my question is whether dns resolution works from your guests?22:40
wizardslovaki got mysql installed22:51
wizardslovakand i want to install software on xp which needs mysql22:51
wizardslovakwhen i type my LAN or WAN ip it cannot connect22:52
wizardslovakcan anyone point me to some good how to set up email server22:53
KeizerHey guys22:55
KeizerTrying to make self signed SSL certificate and when I follow the example on the ubuntu site I get the error "SSL receive a record that exceeded the maximum permissible length22:56
kirklandmathiaz: yes, dns does work23:00
kirklandmathiaz: from the guest23:00
kirklandmathiaz: actually ....23:00
mathiazkirkland: what's the range of your public IPs?23:00
kirklandmathiaz: it works, if the nameserver selected is
kirklandmathiaz: but if i comment that out of my resolv.conf, it does *not* work23:00
mathiazkirkland: right23:01
kirklandmathiaz: i don't think should be in that resolve.conf at all23:01
mathiazkirkland: the second dns server (172.19.X.X) is actually the eucalyptus-cloud process23:01
kirklandmathiaz: it's not going to do the right thing23:01
mathiazkirkland: well - I don't know if eucalyptus-cloud provides all the dns services23:01
mathiazkirkland: I've tried to query it - it does answer to dns requests23:01
mathiazkirkland: but it doesn't seem to resolve anything special23:02
mathiazkirkland: like PTR record for IPs etc...23:02
mathiazkirkland: could you confirm that your public IP for UEC are also on the network?23:02
kirklandmathiaz: yeah23:11
kirklandmathiaz: sorry, i must have missed a question of yours in there23:11
mathiazkirkland: ok - that's why the dns knows how to send replies back to the CC23:12
mathiazkirkland: which then forwards them to the guests23:12
vraahey guys, i finally have time to solve an odd problem i'm having, because i have four onboard ethernet controllers-ubuntu startup takes a long time, i have to press ctrlaltdel for it to skip something but once past that it works fine, where should i start to fix this?23:30
JanCvraa: are you sure this is related to the fact that you have 4 ethernet controllers?23:39
vraai only have one plugged in, i think some how one day i used "verbose" mode and it showed it was stalling on the network connection part23:40
vraamaybe i was dreaming it, i can restart the machine right now and double check, what was verbose mode key switch again?23:40
JanCif you boot using the recovery boot menu option in grub (boots in single user mode) it's quite verbose  ツ23:43
JanCbut might be useful to check the logs afterwards too23:44
vraaah there is a log? what should i look for under log viewer?23:45
xperia2hello ! can somebody tell me what cause ubuntu-server to strip the url.that is forwarded to the server. in my access log i have this here23:47
xperia2"/ HTTP/1.1" 200 2975 "http://linuxperia.ch.vu/index.php?page=about"23:47
xperia2but ir should be23:47
xperia2" /index.php?page=about HTTP/1.1" "http://linuxperia.ch.vu/index.php?page=about"23:48
xperia2what exactly does strip the url ?23:48
vraaokay i found out i dont have a /var/log/boot23:52
vraalooks like i need to enable bootlogd in /etc/default/bootlogd23:53
vraais dmesg output the same as /var/logs/boot23:57

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