
jrib!away > mau_restor00:00
ubottumau_restor, please see my private message00:00
reubenwinterswift: The repository may no longer be available or could not be contacted because of network problems. If available an older version of the failed index will be used. Otherwise the repository will be ignored. Check your network connection and ensure the repository address in the preferences is correct.00:00
RumoNO CLICK -> nothing00:00
WanHouseRumo: sudo grep -i  tty /var/log/messages00:00
nicklas_how do i do? can i just upgrade ubuntu? or do i have to reinstall every 6 months?00:00
winterswiftreuben: do other networking functions work?00:01
reubenwell im on here00:01
reubenpidgin works00:01
eldustinoHello, I'm using 9.10 on a T60, neither the mouse pointer (on the keyboard) nor the touchpad work00:01
RumoWanHouse: there are 8 lines...00:01
fccfnicklas_: if you are talking about upgrading to Karmic ... Please wait 2 more weeks before upgrading ... Karmic will be released on 10/29/09 -- FANFARE ... you can upgrade every 6 months, if you want, or you can wait (like I do) for Long Term Support version (IMHO they seem to work better)00:01
RumoWanHouse: should i post?00:01
eldustinoPretty sure they stopped working after going to 9.0400:01
WanHouseRumo: Priv me... hold on00:01
reubenwinterhourse: i use proxy server to connect at college, but its switched to directly connected whilst im at home, where i am now00:02
The_Doctornicklas upgrading can be hazardous to your system. Make sure you backup your data first.00:03
Notch-1nicklas_: just joined, what is your problem?00:03
jamiewanAny apps other than Viking to access Navman gps data00:03
reubenwinterhouse: any suggestions?00:04
nowimprovedwhen I load fluxbox through gdm, it does not load my Xdefaults file00:05
jribnowimproved: so load it00:05
winterswiftreuben: talking to me i assume?00:05
jribnowimproved: use xrdb00:05
joseantoniordlmcDoes anyone already upgraded to Karmic00:05
reubenyes lol00:05
sebsebseb!karmic |  joseantoniordlmc00:06
ubottujoseantoniordlmc: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:06
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joseantoniordlmcdoes anyone knows how to use desktop effects in karmic00:06
jrib!karmic | joseantoniordlmc00:06
ubottujoseantoniordlmc: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:06
nowimprovedjoseantoniordlmc, i upgraded and it bricked my computer00:06
fccfjoseantoniordlmc: ask your question in #ubuntu+1 please00:06
nowimprovedso I had to downgrade to 8.0.4 and now I am finally back to 9.400:07
joseantoniordlmcfccf ok but nobody answer00:07
reubenwinterswift: i use proxy server to connect at college, but its switched to directly connected whilst im at home, where i am now. and i cant update saying failing to connect, but im allowed on pidgin,mozilla and irc00:07
new-userhi all i was wondering what your thoughts where in torrent downloading vrs mirror vrs direct.00:07
winterswiftreuben: can you restart your internet connection?00:08
fccfjoseantoniordlmc: probably because they are laughing at you... Karmic is still in beta and is not currently supported in this channel ... no help here00:08
=== new-user is now known as not-so-new-user
jamiewanAny known apps for using Navman gps with Jaunty, Viking doesn't work00:08
winterswiftreuben: use the modem/router if you can, otherwise just restart your card00:08
reubeniv rebooted doesnt help00:08
reubenwinterswift: W: Failed to fetch http://gb.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/g/gftp/gftp-common_2.0.18-17ubuntu1_i386.deb00:08
reuben  Connection failed00:08
reubenthats on package manager, seems to do the same on updates also00:09
winterswifthuh, ive had that problem, but i cant remember how i fixed it last time00:09
not-so-new-userany iseas please00:09
The_Doctornew-user you will get much faster downloads through using torrent especially when it is first released.00:09
joseantoniordlmcfccf very gentle of your part00:09
not-so-new-userThe_Doctor, torrents can be slower.. but you can pause/stop/resume them.. handy for large d/ls00:10
winterswiftreuben: have you tried using the terminal to update?00:10
not-so-new-useris that also true00:10
Notch-1talking about karmic, when it will be lauched how i will be able to upgrade from intrepid? i had to first update to jaunty or i can/must do the jump?00:10
joaopintoyou can also pause/stop/resume regular downloads :)00:10
joaopinto!karmic | Notch-100:10
ubottuNotch-1: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:10
fccfjamiewan: gpsman will work with any gps reciever that uses NMEA 0183 syntax (which should be any gps reciever)00:10
jamiewanfccf: thanx where can i find that tho, repos?00:11
Notch-1joapinto: :D it's a general question :D00:11
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=== new-user is now known as not-so-new-user
fccfjamiewan: it is in the repos00:12
Notch-1joapinto: from hardy to jaunty, direct update or first intrepid?00:12
jamiewanfccf: cheers ill take alook00:12
fccfNotch-1: first intrepid00:12
=== not-so-new-user is now known as new-user
onehi did any of you had this error in the past? Can't create PID file /var/run/dhcpd.pid: Permission denied.  i try to configure dhcp for one of my interfaces... i have no access to www at the moment so i cant use google :/00:12
Notch-1fccf: this is the general rule? been like this in the past and so in the future?00:12
nerdy_kidlinux is awesome.00:13
m0r0nIf anyone cares, this is a cool thing I just saw I know this isn't tech support but.... http://www.nixtutor.com/ubuntu/20-ubuntu-derivatives-you-should-know-about/00:13
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Notch-1nerdy_kid: :D00:13
new-userso torrent downloads are beter are they00:13
fccfNotch-1: you can only upgrade 1 release at a time ... unless LTS .. then LTS can upgrade to the next LTS ... i.e. dapper > hardy > Lucid Lynx00:14
nerdy_kidNotch-1 ;D this is an EX-vista user here haha00:14
Notch-1fccf: thanks00:14
Notch-1nerdy_kid: prepare yourself for unexpected throubles :D (ex xp user :P)00:15
FluxDHow can I see what program is accessing what ip on the internet?00:15
nerdy_kidNotch-1 haha00:16
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Notch-1nerdy_kid: nothing computer related is "for human beings" it's a sad truth...00:16
new-userabout torrents00:16
nerdy_kidNotch-1 yeah true, but at least linux is fun to fix (and fixable) so much more freedom then sluggish windows...00:17
onehi did anyone had this error? Can't create PID file /var/run/dhcpd.pid: Permission denied.00:17
new-userok you dont seem yto know about torrents00:17
jribnew-user: this channel is for ubuntu support.  Do you need help downloading torrents in ubuntu?00:18
nerdy_kidone no, but that sounds like the program is already running00:18
fccfFluxD: netstat -ntap00:18
new-useri know how to was wondering if its better for slower connections00:18
jribnew-user: better in what sense?00:19
onei used ps -A to find it, i found all processes and killed them  (thank you for answer00:19
Notch-1nerdy_kid: oh you know how to fix, this not apllies to you :D you 'll really enjoy that than00:19
onei don't have any other access to web except irc00:19
new-userit takes me 3 hours to download mirror .iso immages now never used to00:19
new-userone not firefox00:19
onemy service provider blocked my http and https00:20
new-userjnb what say you00:20
jrib!enter | new-user00:20
ubottunew-user: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:20
new-userok point00:20
jribnew-user: you didn't answer my question00:20
new-userit takes me 3 hours to download mirror .iso immages now never used to00:20
nerdy_kidNotch-1 one oh yeah...been enjoying it for a year :D00:20
jribnew-user: yeah, I read that.00:21
fabiotheg8anyone use adobe air at all?00:21
fccf!ot | fabiotheg800:21
forrestvdoes anyone know why openal (and possibly pulseaudio) would make really crackly sounds? it seems load dependant and sometimes cuts out until i restart00:21
ubottufabiotheg8: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!00:21
fabiotheg8does anyone use adobe air on ubuntu?00:21
new-userjnb when downloading mirror .iso as takes so long i get bad checksum00:21
new-userwill torrents help me00:22
jribnew-user: yes00:22
fabiotheg8there  is that better?00:22
jrib!anyone | fabiotheg800:22
ubottufabiotheg8: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?00:22
jribfabiotheg8: just ask your actual question00:22
reubenwinterswift: tried terminal update doing same thing00:22
fabiotheg8fine, i installed adobe air on UBUNTU, and the worked great and a few apps, but now what???00:23
winterswiftreuben: thought it would00:23
onenow what with what ?00:23
brianhermanfabiotheg8: wait till it becomes bloated like adobe reader???00:24
fabiotheg8how do I run that apps?00:24
onewhat to do next with ubuntu ?00:24
The_Doctorfabiotheg8 I cannot find it in crossover office Pro.00:24
The_Doctorfabiotheg8 I don't think it will install.00:24
zopiacSkype suddenly locks up on me all the time, programme freezes . . . can anyone help me?00:25
winterswiftreuben: sorry, i forgot, this is karmic right?00:25
fabiotheg8The_Doctor, what>00:25
themhzthis is sick!! :D00:25
fccffabiotheg8: you are talking about an un-supported application, and you really should be reading the Adobe Air Developers guide, not asking offtopic questions in #ubuntu, as #ubuntu is for Ubuntu Related support and NOT ADOBE PRODUCTS00:25
winterswiftreuben: 9.10 or 9.04?00:25
fabiotheg8if i put adobe on ubuntu is that not ubuntu releated?00:27
winterswiftfabiotheg8: maybe try ##air00:27
The_Doctorfabiotheg8 you cannot put it in Ubuntu. It will not install.00:27
infidel2scan i run a font made for Microsoft visual studio on ubuntu?00:28
fabiotheg8The_Doctor, yes it will, and i have it installed00:28
The_Doctorfabiotheg8 does it run?00:28
fccffabiotheg8: #air would be alot better place to ask questions... remember Air is a web-development framework, you technically don't run the apps, they get "pushed" to you from a server00:28
oneinfidel2s: try to install virtualbox or vmware and install windows on it then install microsoft visual studio00:29
fabiotheg8I don't know i can't figure out how to run that apps00:29
infidel2sone i'm using ubuntu as a virtualbox guest os00:29
DigitalKiwisomeone had air working in the other linux channel i frequent so I know it can run on linux00:29
infidel2sone i'm not trying to use visual studio. i just want the font00:29
oneok im sorry00:29
The_Doctorfabiotheg8 then it probably is not installed. You could type the name in a terminal or search your software but probably neither will work.00:29
sfahow do i shut the avahi daemon?00:30
sfaand stop it from loading on startup?00:30
spawn1i installed the compact wireless and now my wifi doesnt show up i was previusly using linux-backports-modules-jaunty how can i go back to madwifi? im on ubuntu 9.0400:30
new-useranyone here use xchat00:30
onenew-user me00:30
onefrom around 30 minutes00:30
fabiotheg8it is installed, i have the application installer, and uninstaller in the applications menu00:30
reubenwinterswift: ^00:31
The_Doctorfabiotheg8 if it won't start it probably is not really installed.00:31
new-userone i am trying to configure my url handler settings atm its using opera i would like to use firefox. i need to know the url command for firefox 3.5 thanks00:31
Notch-1sfa: google it, i accidentally found many tutorial for doing this, some day ago...00:31
new-user^ anyone else know00:32
fabiotheg8The_Doctor, it does install00:32
winterswiftreuben: is your problem similar to this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=118628900:32
onenew-user im sorry i dont have a clue00:32
The_Doctorfabiotheg8 then click on the icon and run it. You probably don't have an icon so it is not "really" installed. Type the name in the terminal -- that should make it start -- I'll bet that it doesn't.00:33
new-userone can you go to settings > advanced > url handlers00:33
extranjeroanyone here?00:34
Notch-11381 ones00:35
Deaglebearhi im having some trouble im trying to install a counterstrike source server on intrepid but i need to do it all through console someone mind helping me00:36
bogeyd6Which tool should I use to clone one hard drive (60gb) to a target drive (500gb). I have a raid 0 and I need to change out the drives and not lose anything.00:38
UnknownFearhey all00:38
sebsebsebDeaglebear: 8.10 is a nice release, but  as far as I know it's not going to be supported on the desktop anymore in April00:38
Deaglebearwell thats fine its ona server00:38
reubenwinterswift: yes00:38
FirestalkHELP ME to WIN iPod!!  Please register  http://vk.com/reg6453465    Thnx00:38
The_Doctorfabiotheg8 I just did a Google search and yes you can install Adobe air in Linux. I also did another search on how to use it and found many sites.00:38
sebsebsebFirestalk: trolling?00:39
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roy_hobbsHas encrypted root installation been moved to the regular install CD for Karmic?00:39
FirestalkThere is no trolling from iPod-less man00:39
IdleOne!ot > Firestalk00:40
ubottuFirestalk, please see my private message00:40
Deaglebearsebsebseb: i need to get this to work for a match i have tonight i have instructions on how to do it normally but its when i try to do it all through console i get hung up00:40
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winterswiftreuben: too bad nobody posted the fix there :/00:40
new-user i am trying to configure my url handler settings in xchat its using opera i would like to use firefox. i need to know the url command for firefox 3.5 thanks00:41
obiwan_hi anybody got a macbook or broadcom nic?00:42
angelusnew-user waht version does 'firefox' ??00:42
sebsebsebDeaglebear: I have no idea,  maybe they know in #ubuntu-server or maybe even ##linux00:42
Arezuraim using mac00:43
new-userangelus, what version of firefox. i have 3.5 atm00:43
obiwan_which mac? does it have broadcom nic Arezura ?00:43
reubenwinterswift: tis well annoying, and ent formatting for tht lil reason00:43
Yossihi, i am trying to follow this page: http://www.debianadmin.com/install-microsoft-corewindows-truetypeubuntu-titlemacintosh-fonts-in-ubuntu.html but when i type fonts:/// into nautilus it tells me nautilus cannot handle fonts locations00:43
reubenbut cnt install jack shit00:43
Arezurayes, its the new unibody c2d 13"00:43
angelusnew-user open a terminal and hit 'firefox' ... and check the version from there ... that SHOULD be firefox 3.5 .... but just double check anyway ...00:43
obiwan_i'm having problems with b43 module for the broadcom wifi nic, the new module wl won't go in monitor mode so i need the old b43 one00:44
Arezurayeah, it doesnt00:44
new-userdone it is00:44
Arezuratry a hawking00:44
obiwan_that's better than mine, lucky you hehe00:44
angelusok then 'firefox' is probably the command you are looking for new-user00:44
obiwan_but with the old b43 one i read it works00:45
* mau_restor is away: ...00:45
obiwan_have you ever tried b43-fwcutter and that things Arezura ?00:45
optimizerare there any software for note taking on linux with a tablet pen? (like the wacom tablet of the genius pen tablet) ?00:46
Arezurayeah, they must have changed something, it seems like the old ones always work later.00:46
=== idleone_ is now known as IdleOne
new-userangelus, this is the degault one Open Link in Opera:  !opera -remote 'openURL(%s)'00:47
new-userputting just firefox does not work.00:47
Arezurai got a Hawking wfif card that i can use for monitoring, etc..  its usb and has an antenna00:47
angelusnew-user you want to try 'firefox %s'00:47
Notch-1optimizer: you mean softwares or drivers ? i know cellwriter...00:47
obiwan_what you mean Arezura ?00:48
obiwan_ahh sry sry00:48
obiwan_i didn't read last one00:48
U-b-u-n-t-uwhats the command line to uninstall shiretoko00:49
new-userangelus, nothing now when i click on the open in webbrowser i get geany opening up00:49
bastid_raZorU-b-u-n-t-u: sudo apt-get remove firefox-3.500:49
IdleOneU-b-u-n-t-u: sudo apt-get remove firefox-3.500:49
new-userU-b-u-n-t-u, sudo apt-get install <application name>00:49
Arezurai havent tried fbcutter00:49
obiwan_that's great, i'm thinking of buying one cause i've had quite enough these days trying to make the macbook's card work00:50
ArezuraHWUG1 Wireless-G USB00:50
Arezuraor HWUG1A works too00:50
toxichello everyone, I have a shell-script problem : http://pastebin.com/m2100c736 On the highlighted line, it tells me the if condition isn't right....00:50
U-b-u-n-t-uok anyone know of a new lightweight browser00:50
U-b-u-n-t-uI hate opera and firefox 3.500:50
atari2600arunning 9.10 beta00:51
obiwan_i heard that card works great00:51
atari2600aon an intel 945g chipset00:51
IdleOneChromium is comming along nice U-b-u-n-t-u00:51
leaf-sheepU-b-u-n-t-u: Why? :\00:51
atari2600awhenever I enable compiz it crashes after 5 seconds00:51
suboneIs there a command to change my screen resolution?00:51
obiwan_how much is it?00:51
U-b-u-n-t-uleaf-sheep, running up my ram cache00:51
Arezuralove the aentta options00:51
angelusnew-user http://xchat.org/faq/#q221 <<< does this help ???00:51
leaf-sheepU-b-u-n-t-u: How much ram do you hasve?00:51
foofish_U-b-u-n-t-u: lynx00:51
=== foofish_ is now known as foofish
Arezuraits around $30 at frys00:52
U-b-u-n-t-uleaf-sheep, 2 gigs ddr2 pc420000:52
U-b-u-n-t-uthanks IdleOne and foofish00:52
new-userangelus, no been there00:52
timjones@toxic : that line should be   if [ $ACTUAL_STATUS = "locked" ]00:52
Crisisconnect de.arcnet.coders.com00:52
new-usercould not find anything00:52
Arezuraplug it in and it works00:52
MikeChelensubone: System -> Preferences -> Display00:52
obiwan_well, i can afford $30 hehe00:52
Yossihow do i get a font from ubuntu? specifically the on the terminal uses?00:52
leaf-sheepU-b-u-n-t-u: That should be enough for everyday usage.  Also, check out midori :)00:53
angelusand '!firefox -a firefox -remote 'openURL(%s,new-tab)' didnt work ???00:53
MikeCheleni only have 1gb firefox works ok00:53
foofishYossi: what do you mean?00:53
U-b-u-n-t-uleaf-sheep, well for whatever reason my ram cache goes to 90%+ when I start firefox or opera........ and I was using the same system with windows and I didnt get that...... so I assume I need a lighter weight browser00:54
Yossii want to use the font from the terminal in visual studio00:54
leaf-sheepI'm using 730_MB out of 3_GB.  That's more than enough. :(00:54
obiwan_well, t2l for me, see you tomorrow, many chanks Arezura ! have a good day/night whatever ehhe00:54
foofishYossi: right-click the terminal, edit profile, click around and you'll find the font00:54
voxU-b-u-n-t-u: it's nothing to do with the browser00:54
Yossiits called Monospace00:54
wickedJoehey what's a good filesharing thing that would work like limewire bu for ubuntu?00:54
voxU-b-u-n-t-u: linux uses ram in a different way to windows00:54
foofishYossi: good stuff00:54
Arezuraactually on my MBP c2d the first c2d the wifi would drop ever 10 to 1 sec with the restriceted driver.00:54
Yossibut i dunno how to get a font file from a name00:55
FluxDIs there any firewall that works like this ? http://i.iimmgg.com/images/gr/d1f60ec747acbbdcdeb771cb5701f7b0.jpg00:55
leaf-sheep!limewire | wickedJoe00:55
ubottuwickedJoe: limewire is a popular P2P client running on the Gnutella network. To get it running, install !Java first, then download Limewire from http://www.limewire.com/LimeWireSoftOther and finally run runLime.sh. Consider !FrostWire as an alternative.00:55
foofishYossi: hm, neither do i00:55
foofishYossi: it00:55
hdonwickedJoe: you could try giftd00:55
leaf-sheep!frostwire | wickedJoe00:55
ubottuwickedJoe: frostwire is a totally open source version of Limewire.  For installation help, please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FrostWire00:55
wickedJoethanks!  I'll check it out00:55
=== jay is now known as Guest32943
hdonwickedJoe: i wouldn't trust limewire. the windows installers my friends always use to get limewire always contain malware.00:56
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wickedJoeWait is frostwire in a repository?00:56
hdonwickedJoe: but at the same time, it's hard to imagine malware getting into an ubuntu app00:56
leaf-sheepFluxD: Firestarter came to my mind -- but yeah, you don't need it in first place.00:56
voxU-b-u-n-t-u: if you run 'top' from a shell while you have opera/firefox open, you'll see that the majority of your ram is being used as 'cache'00:56
Yossifoofish, it seems that older versions let you go to fonts:/// in nautilus and get the fonts, but now that wont work00:56
leaf-sheep!firewall | FluxD00:56
ubottuFluxD: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist00:56
U-b-u-n-t-uvox oh?00:56
U-b-u-n-t-uvox I didnt know that00:56
U-b-u-n-t-uvox so its normal?00:56
hdonwickedJoe: seems there's no package named frostwire in jaunty00:56
FluxDleaf-sheep, I am trying to stop the connection before it connects00:57
voxU-b-u-n-t-u: completely00:57
hdonwickedJoe: you could also try gtk-gnutella, however00:57
foofishYossi: it may be DejaVu Sans Mono00:57
foofishYossi: but that is a guess.00:57
wickedJoeok I'll try the gnutella first00:57
WanHouseFluxD: Firestarter is a very good firewall.00:57
U-b-u-n-t-uok vox so high levels of cache are normal and I shouldnt be concerned its not a hardware issue or software just the way ubuntu uses cache00:58
WanHouseU-b-u-n-t-u: Right.00:58
voxU-b-u-n-t-u: exactly. it's not just ubuntu, it's the way every form of linux works00:58
U-b-u-n-t-ureinstalling firefox =_=00:58
Yossiyou might be right00:58
voxU-b-u-n-t-u: think of it as "well, nothing else needs it right now, so i'm going to use it to make everything faster"00:59
WanHouseU-b-u-n-t-u: "Free" + "Cache" is your total free.00:59
WanHouseU-b-u-n-t-u: Its a Release-On-Request Cache01:00
U-b-u-n-t-uright now with xchat and pidgin ram is at 23% and cache 13% but if I open firefox and surf the ram shoots up to like 50%-70% cache like 98%01:00
U-b-u-n-t-uI should mention I am using 64 bit01:00
voxU-b-u-n-t-u: thats normal. pidgin and x-chat aren't programs that require "room to move" so to speak01:01
U-b-u-n-t-uvox ok01:01
U-b-u-n-t-uwell thats good news then!01:01
U-b-u-n-t-uthought I had bigger issues01:01
phaze74Is there a command line app to connect to a KVM virtual machine? I've only found VNC clients so far.01:01
U-b-u-n-t-uthank vox WanHouse et al01:02
FactranI've got some problem with my X. Sometimes (1 times every 2 or 3 boot), the screen freeze just when it launch gdm. I have LXDE, and an intel 845G. Can someone help me ?01:02
trippshello! my laptop is no longer suspending or hibernating after a unclean shutdown where I had to do a manual fsck. how can I get it to work again?01:02
WanHouseU-b-u-n-t-u: No problem01:03
gslauenI am just curious how to tell what mythbuntu version I am using?01:03
leaf-sheepgslauen: "lsb_release -a"01:03
girlsnameI know this isnt the exact place to ask for beta help, but this might not be a beta issue: My 10v has stuttering audio when running any kind of game even something as simple as MAME.01:04
Evethow to choose side of toolbar?01:04
leaf-sheepgirlsname: Best to ask in Karmic channel.01:05
leaf-sheep!karmic | girlsname01:05
ubottugirlsname: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+101:05
phaze74Is there a command line app to connect to KVM virtual machine consoles?01:06
girlsnameleaf-sheep did but no response thought Id post here too just in case it wasn't just a beta problem01:06
spOapparently, my desktop session froze, what do i do?01:07
Evethow to change toolbar position?01:07
* mau_restor is away: "Fui a cenar"01:08
inxshello, how do i show all " unique" users logged in? I tried "unique < `users`" and "unique < `users` | sort". Thnx in advance01:08
rashed2030Is AMD64 the version for all x64 processors?01:08
FernandosIs it possible to activate Compiz in Ubuntu Karmic (9.10) with my ATI R350 (ATI 9800XT)??01:09
SagaciEvet: right click it and select properties01:09
rashed2030http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/9.10/beta/ <-- And this is the most recent one right now, right?01:09
mikegerwitzinxs: `who` shows logged in users01:09
Sagacirashed2030: yes01:09
mikegerwitzinxs: Try `who | unique`, the "<" operator isn't appropriate here01:10
EvetSagaci, unfortunately there is no properties01:10
Evetits gnome eeepc01:10
inxsmikegerwitz: ty ill try it out01:11
spOmy xwin is frozen, but i can acess a shell via remote login, how do i fix this?01:11
spOanyone know?01:12
Factranin gdm , autologging is enable , but it doesn't autolog... What config file should i look after . /etc/gdm/gdm.conf or  . /etc/gdm/gdm.conf-local01:12
FactranspO : i have the same problem01:12
Factranis it a laptop ? is it everytime or sometimes ?01:13
alteregodwhat happens to ubuntu on a gamma ray burst?01:13
vinceGood Evening Everyone,  I was wondering if someone could help me with a Pulse Audio question I had.  For some reason ever since the other day I have been fighting with sound working properly on my laptop.  Whenever there is sound played all I get is static.  I did not install anything that or make any changes that I am aware of to cause this issue.01:13
mikegerwitzinxs: actually, who lists more than just a username. You can try something like `who | grep -o ^[a-z]\+` to list only the usernames..I'm not sure if there's a flag to do that for you01:14
alteregodvince: you use realtek soundchip?01:14
FactranspO : to make short : the answer should be : xorg.conf.01:14
alteregodvince offer, are you there?01:15
girlsnameDoes anyone in here know of a problem/solution in regards to Mini 10v's having stuttering audio while running any sort of game?01:15
FactranspO, are you there ?01:15
vincealtergod: Not sure if I do or not01:15
vincealtergod its a Acer Aspire 531501:15
alteregodyeah they use realcrap soundchips ac9701:15
vincealtergod: Not going to argue that, but it worked fine until recently01:16
vinceand still works fine under Win 701:16
vinceSomeone suggested I run "sudo alsa force-reload" which brings sound back for some applications for a little while01:17
hsarcianyone in here running a thinkpad?01:17
alteregodyeah, try that01:17
vincealtergod: I did and agian it makes some apps work fine for a little while before they quit agian after an hour or so01:17
vinceOther apps and Gnome will still play statuc01:18
=== Slade is now known as Guest10345
alteregodyeah, i know, it sucks01:18
alteregodrealtek and linux is always a nightmare01:19
spOi did a /etc/init.d/gdm restart , but that did not fix my frozen xwindows01:19
StraightDavehi folks, how can i utilize multiple ip's on server? so i want multiple domains on each different ips01:19
vincealtergod: Ok well, It worked fine for close to a year and did so straight out of the box.  Any idea how I can get it back?01:19
alteregodstraightdave: ifconfig add eth0:1 yourip01:19
FMsoundmaster45when I try to access XSane I get: "Failed to open device 'epkowa:usb:004:008: Access to resource has been denied". And my scanner/printer is nor present in "/proc/bus/usb" as /004/008 the folder is empty. how can i fix this01:19
=== Guest10345 is now known as Slade
alteregodor something01:19
StraightDavealteregod: where do i add taht ?01:19
alteregodmultiple domains for a NIC?01:20
alteregodno clue01:20
StraightDavealteregod: the server already hosts one domain. i got another ip, so i can put the new domain on it.01:20
alteregodi smoke to much pot i think01:20
trippshello! my laptop is no longer suspending or hibernating after a unclean shutdown where I had to do a manual fsck. how can I get it to work again?01:20
spOgdm is the same as xwin session?01:20
spOor gdm is what controls the xwin session?01:20
alteregodah, you can edit the hosts01:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hosts01:21
FactranspO : i don't know. Do you reach X ? or you stay in console01:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about etc/hosts01:21
mikegerwitzWas worth a shot01:21
thedude42StraightDave, all you need are ip aliases, provided that the NIC is plugged in to something that will route the traffic for all the IP's to it01:21
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spOfact, i am in a remote shell ,  my xwin that starts up usually, froze while i was playing a movie with mplayer01:22
StraightDavethedude42: well I have already pointed the domain to the new ip.01:22
spOhow do i restart this xwin?01:22
Factranctrl alt backspace01:22
Factranor "killall -9 xwin"01:22
n8tusertripps when you reboot it checks to see if it needs fsck 'ng anyways01:22
Take0nguys how do I create a new user with home dir /var/www? I get an error about the dir beeing assigned to another user or something.. I have installed proftpd and I want to make a user to connect to the ftp with /var/www as the ftpdir..01:22
thedude42StraightDave, right, I assumed that, but you were just needing to know how to configure your multiple IP's on the one interface, correct?01:22
n8tuserTake0n-> wrong perms01:22
alteregodyou need to add ip aliases01:23
StraightDavethedude42: yes. so put the new site on the new ip01:23
StraightDavealteregod: how to add ip aliases ?01:23
spOwhat is the name of xwin i,t is not xwin01:23
trippsn8tuser, no I mean the system died with dead battery, then upon next startup prompted a needed manual fsck (where it goes to maintenance command shell). after endless inodes were cleared, etc., the system now no longer suspends or hibernates at all01:23
alteregodwith ifconfig afaik, so you can point various ips to a single NIC01:23
Take0nn8tuser, I am using the gui to create new user. There is the root and there is me (Antonis) there are no more users.. would it be easier to use a command? I tried with a command but got the same error01:23
StraightDaveifconfig ?01:24
gslauenanyone familiar with setting up lirc creating ledxmit?01:24
StraightDavethanks alteregod01:24
thedude42StraightDave, you may prefer to simply configure your /etcnetwork/interfaces file01:24
trippsn8tuser, also fscking wiped out shell history, firefox cache, cookies, etc. I don't know how a journaled filesystem could have had that much damage to it01:24
Tech-Mikesup peeps, got a stupid question - would like to up to firefox 3.5 ... somehow while trying ended up with some shiretoko 3.5 version ???01:24
StraightDavethedude42: how can i do that? edit teh /et/cnetwork/interfaces file ?01:24
n8tusertripps i dont know where the configs for hibernation  are01:24
FactranspO : google : the name of your graphic card (you 've got it via lspci | grep VGA ), and the word "xorg.conf" good luck, i'm going to bed01:24
FlannelTech-Mike: That's firefox 3.501:24
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Tech-MikeFlannel:   ok so its named shiretoko ?01:25
hsarcino one is usin a thinkpad?01:25
FlannelTech-Mike: That's the codename for Firefox 3.5, yeah.  There are trademark issues and other complications regarding the naming, but it's functionally equivalent.01:25
alteregodyeah its called shiretoko, a succesful movie from akira kurosawa01:25
n8tuserhsarci-> im at the moment is on T4201:25
Tech-MikeFlannel:  ok appreciate it01:26
thedude42StraightDave, that file will controll the ifup/ifdown commands, as well as how your network cards are configured on boot without the need to chain together multiple commands in a shell script.... man interfaces will give you the most info but you can google for a ton of examples01:26
ubottuFF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko on your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation01:26
StraightDavethedude42: thanks01:27
alteregoddr noonien soong made it01:27
hsarcin8tuser ur on linux?/01:27
trippscan anyone help me "reset" my laptop so it can suspend and hibernate without formatting/reinstalling please?01:27
n8tuserhsarci -> yes01:27
thinkpadx61how would i go about converting a 720p (mkv) to 576p (mkv) ?01:28
hsarcin8t, you have a solution for the trackpoint sensetivity?01:28
alteregodjust put your laptop into ice01:28
alteregodi recommend dry ice01:28
hsarcii can change it, but when i sleep/resume it goes back to default01:28
Take0nshiretoko migh be ff3.5 but some websites won't recognize it as ff3.5 cause of the name "shiretoko".. that could be fixed though by entering about:config and changing the name Shiretoko to Firefox..01:28
coz_tripps,  does this help   http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/karmic/man5/hibernate.conf.5.html01:28
FMsoundmaster45when I try to access XSane I get: "Failed to open device 'epkowa:usb:004:008: Access to resource has been denied". And my scanner/printer is nor present in "/proc/bus/usb" as /004/008 the folder is empty. how can i fix this01:28
alteregodthinkpadx61: vlc could do that01:28
n8tuserhsarci nope, i just dont let it bother me, i have my thumb avoid it01:29
cafreeI'm trying to install my wacom using the linuxwacom project guide.  When running wacdump, I see my tablet buttons registering, but not my stylus.  What am I doing wrong?01:29
spOalt-control-backspace  as well as alt-contrl-f2-f6 does not do anything01:29
hsarcithe trackpoint?01:29
hsarcithe red dot?01:29
trippscoz_, does that also address suspend as well?01:29
coz_tripps,  not sure but still checking01:29
alteregodi smoke under water01:29
ipauldevHello, I'm not really sure where to find this information. I tried setting up my Dell Precision M4400 with Twinview for 3 monitors. (Using an advanced dual-DVI port replicator) I can only get two screens to work at once. Does the laptop support having two external screens as advertised, and my laptop LCD all at the same time?01:30
TNA5000hi, I'm having problems getting lirc working. When I start lirc (sudo lirc or sudo /etc/init.d/lirc start) i get the following error: "lircd: can't open or create /var/run/lirc/lircd.pid" "lircd: No such file or directory" Can anyone suggest what to try next?01:30
coz_tripps, http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/hardy/man8/pm-suspend.8.html01:30
trippscoz_, I don't even have an /etc/hibernate directory. possibly was deleted after my fsck01:31
coz_tripps,  hold on01:31
n8tuserhsarci -> the sware looking one01:31
trikhello, bought a bluetooth mouse (logitech v470). people say it works automatically with ubuntu, but it is not connecting!01:31
potheadsomeone here?01:31
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spOi guess i have no choice but to reboot01:31
hsarcin8t, im not talking about the touch pad...im talking about the trackpoint01:31
coz_tripps,    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=306640401:32
hsarcihey does anyone know of a good kde4 theme with some nice translucent window decorations?01:32
n8tuserhsarci -> i dont use the red dot at all or hardly01:32
hsarcin8t, i got ya....thanks anyway01:32
potheadyeah i like those transpirating windows01:32
potheadthey smell like teen spirit01:32
trippsmy guess is I have many corrupted files after the fsck. possibly there's a mode where the system can check all the system files and re-download the corrupted ones?01:33
n8tuserhsarci -> you may have to go deeper in configuring your xorg.conf file for the input device01:33
potheadtripps: do a dist-upgrade instead01:33
trippspothead, good idea01:33
potheadare you using hardon?01:34
potheador gootsy?01:34
mneptokpothead: please don't01:34
trippspothead, heron01:34
trikanyone help with bt mouse?01:34
hsarcin8t, yeah ive realized that...i was hopin to find an xpert on the matter01:34
potheadsorry im not familiar with african animals01:34
mneptokpothead: stop now.01:34
trippspothead, would I do a -f?01:34
potheadok sir01:35
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trippspothead, hmmm that didn't do anything01:35
potheadsudo apt-get dist-upgrade or something01:36
mneptoktripps: just do a re-install over you exisiting install and choose to preserve /home01:36
girlsnameIs there any known issues with Realtek ALC272 and 3D games causing stuttering?01:36
alteregodhi girlsname, yeah they sucks01:36
trippsi would like to know how  a journaling  filesystem would have that much damage in the first place. I haven't had to perform a manual fsck since running slackware distros 15 years ago01:36
alteregodmaybe hw failures01:37
alteregodbad blocks or something01:37
leaf-sheepgirlsname: Try update and upgrade.  See if you got new packages coming in.  I know alsa-utils is one of them.01:37
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alteregodor bad ram could cause a messed up FS01:37
KimBurtonhi, is S-video supported in ubuntu?01:37
mikegerwitzKimBurton: that depends on the hardware. I've used s-video in and out01:38
girlsnameAhh, good call leaf-sheep. Weird it hadnt notified me of updates being available and I do have it to check daily as is default.01:38
trikdoes ubuntu support bt mice?01:38
Sagacimneptok: that's only if he's got /home on a separate partition01:39
trippsmneptok, is there a command line or process spelling that out? is another option to do a distribution upgrade?01:39
mneptoktrik: yes. i'm using one now01:39
trikanything special i need to do?01:39
KimBurtonmikegerwitz, i have a dell inspiron 152101:39
mneptokSagaci: not true01:39
mneptoktripps: dist-upgrade does NOT get you the next version01:39
imauHi, i just install 9.10, everything was fine until i installed the nvidia driver, my laptop has a nvidia 8400 go. Is this a knowed issue ??01:39
mneptoktripps: common misconception01:39
FezzlerDMZ madness. wireless passthrough to VPN works.  But wired port on same router doesn't????01:39
mikegerwitzKimBurton: unfortunately, I won't be able to help with any hardware; I just know that certain harware does work. You may have to look up your hardware and see if it's supported01:40
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mneptoktrik: which release are you using?01:40
sebsebsebimau: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic at the mometn01:40
trippsmneptok, i'm aware of that - I mean do an actual distro upgrade01:40
trikmneptok: 9.04 mint01:40
imausebsebseb : thx01:40
vinceI was wondering if someone could help me with a Pulse Audio question I had.  For some reason ever since the other day I have been fighting with sound working properly on my laptop.  Whenever there is sound played all I get is static.  I did not install anything that or make any changes01:41
trippsmneptok, ie use the update manager to upgrade to 9.0401:41
mneptoktrik: this is not a Mint support channel.01:42
mneptoktripps: gksu update-manager -c01:42
neil_dwhen I run "scanimage -L" as root it finds a scanner :-) but when I run it as a user it doesn't :-(   which group should I add the user too?01:42
trikmneptok: its ubuntu with mint01:42
TimReichhartcould anybody tell me how much space ubuntu server takes up on hard drive?01:43
trippsmneptok, do you think that would work?01:43
voxTimReichhart: that depends on what you install with it01:43
trippsmneptok, i.e., restore my corrupt/missing files, etc.?01:43
TimReichhartjust LAMP01:43
mneptoktripps: i'd do a clean re-install from optical media01:44
voxTimReichhart: i wouldnt think any more than 7-800mb01:44
TimReichhartvox thanks01:44
trippsmneptok, well it's worth a shot, right?01:44
TimReichhartjoin #ubuntu-server01:44
mneptoktripps: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/komputes/HowToUbuquityPreserveHome01:44
voxTimReichhart: server doesnt have any X-related packages, so it's going to be significantly less than a desktop install01:45
djungelkraemhow do i format a sdcard to fat32 via the terminal?01:45
FMsoundmaster45i have usb trouble... anyone able to help out?01:45
mneptok!mintsupport > trik01:45
ubottutrik, please see my private message01:45
new-userthis cool set of irc/email/txt acrinums01:45
trippsmneptok, problem is i'm on the road and don't have access to optical media, etc., and would like to attempt restoring my laptop to a usable state01:45
biovoredjungelkraem: mkfs.vfat01:45
potheadsmokers delight01:46
djungelkraembiovore, ok thanks ill try that01:46
lluaif i mounted my home folder on a different partition then, reinstall, when i install the programs will my settings stay?01:46
trikmneptok: they could not help me. do you have no ideas?01:46
djungelkraemllua, yes as long as you dont format that partition01:47
lluadjungelkraem,  lol thats so badass01:47
djungelkraembiovore, theres no other terminalprogram for that? im running archlinux and that program doesnt seem to be in the repos01:48
LjLehm, this is #ubuntu01:48
LjLthe channel about Ubuntu01:49
Tehedrahey all01:49
djungelkraemLjL, yes but theyre quite similar01:49
LjLno they arent01:49
biovoredjungelkraem: mkfs should be in there.. its a common program program.. everyone has it..01:49
biovoremight need to be root01:49
Tehedraim trying to do this, but when i ran screen it wasn't registered, so i typed aptitude install screen01:49
Tehedranow i have screen running01:49
Tehedrabut when i try to run php /location/to/my/php/script.php it says php is not a command01:50
mneptokdjungelkraem: please do not ask questions about Arch in #ubuntu. thanks.01:50
Tehedrathough i know i have php installed, any ideas?01:50
djungelkraemmneptok, ok sorry01:50
LjLTehedra: eh.. i assume you have php-cli installed?01:50
mikegerwitzTehedra: dpkg --get-selected | grep php01:52
mikegerwitzTehedra: dpkg --get-selections | grep php01:52
FMsoundmaster45"sane-find-scanner | grep 0x04b8" "found USB scanner (vendor=0x04b8, product=0x0841) at libusb:008:002" "sudo chmod 0666 /proc/bus/usb/008/002" "chmod: can not open «/proc/bus/usb/008/002»: No such file or directory"01:52
TuxOtakuhey guys, I'm having trouble installing Ubuntu Netbook Remix01:52
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbook01:52
ubottuUbuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu01:53
FMsoundmaster45how do i get my scanner mounted in /proc/bus/usb/01:53
TuxOtakuI've tried to dd the UNR image to a USB stick a bunch of times now, but I keep getting "boot error"01:53
m0r0nMy firefox is ridiciously slow anyone know why01:53
Tehedrasorry one second im slow lol01:54
Tehedratoo many chat windows01:54
Tehedrahow do i confirm if i have php-cli installed again?01:54
mikegerwitzTehedra: dpkg --get-selections | grep php-cli, or just type sudo apt-get install php-cli and it'll tell you01:54
mikegerwitzbut I believe it's php-cgi, not cli01:55
LinuX2halfis it possible to change GRUB to MSDOS?01:56
mikegerwitzTehedra: Ah, excuse me. It's php5-cli, or php5-cgi01:56
Tehedraawesome didn't have it installed01:56
Tehedraphp5 yea i found it01:56
arandLinuX2half: if you want to replace the mbr (is that what you want?), you normally need to ged a windows repair cd...01:57
new-usercheck this out http://www.geocities.com/CollegePark/Campus/4642/irchat.html01:57
TuxOtakuanyone here have any experience with ubuntu netbook remix?01:58
LinuX2halfarand: yes, but for some erratic reason I can't boot the CD....01:59
nerdy_kidhey all, ive found some vague bug with karmic's pulseaudio controller...02:01
losha!karmic | nerdy_kid02:01
ubottunerdy_kid: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:01
voxnerdy_kid: join #ubuntu+1 for karmic support02:01
aaronslifewhen I try to install ubuntu on my system I select "install ubuntu on my system" and then the screen starts to flash weird colors does someone have a solution for this?02:01
nerdy_kidvox thanks :)02:02
StraightDavehi folks, i added virtual host, and restarted apache successfully. however, typing the new domain, it takes a whiel and says connection timed out. error connecting to http server ??02:02
voxaaronslife: try the alternate cd02:02
Syko666Hi guys, can someone explain how cand i make a dual boot from grub beacuse all i have tryed had failed02:03
Omlette!grub |Syko66602:03
ubottuSyko666: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto02:03
Syko666i have not lost it, i had windows first and now i'm trying to install ubunut02:04
Syko666i installed it but my pc still loads wind02:05
DayspringI have a serious issue here...new ubuntu user02:05
m0r0nMy firefox is ridiciously slow anyone know why? It takes 5-15s to load a page, with me having a 7.8MB/s connection. My friend who has the same loaded the page in  a few seconds02:05
Dayspringi installed Audacious 2.2 and now i can't uninstall it02:06
grturnerDayspring, have you tried sudo apt-get autoremove audacious ?02:07
mowm0r0n > maybe your dns is the problem02:07
mowtry like
m0r0nmow: How would I fix that?02:08
m0r0nmow: What do you mean by try
Dayspringi have tried all the remove codes.....it removed audacious from an older install....still have audacious 2.202:08
Tehedraooo oops02:08
Tehedraso i started it using php502:08
Tehedrahow do i end it? lol02:08
neil_dI have a problem when I reboot my computer with a scanner attached (via usb) the permissions are not correct for /dev/bus/usb/003/002 they are rw-rw-r-- :( what I need is rw-rw-rw- there is a rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/60_iscan.rules -- SYSFS{idVendor}=="04b8", SYSFS{idProduct}=="083f", MODE="0666"    which matches my scanner!  what is wrong?02:09
grturnerDayspring, did you compile audacious and install it?02:09
mowm0r0n >  add it to your /etc/resolv.conf02:09
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m0r0nmow: I'm lost, add what to that?02:10
Dayspringi downloaded the tar from their site and did the /.configure and make and sudo make install02:10
mowm0r0n > sometimes dns lookup don't work right02:10
TuxOtakuany idea why I'd get a boot error after dding the UNR image to a usb stick?02:10
m0r0nmow:   What do I do with that number, is it a program I'm so lost.02:11
grturnerDayspring, you will have to remove the binary file that it installed, and if you're really into it, you could track down all the files and remove them02:11
grturnerthats why it's reccomended to use some sort of package manager02:12
mowm0r0n > it's a dns server, you need to add that to your /etc/resolv.conf file02:12
m0r0nmow: So just make a new line with those numbers?02:12
Dayspringhow would i remove the binary files?02:12
mowm0r0n > add the line nameserver above the ones there02:13
mowthen restart the network02:13
mowsee if it helps02:13
WanHousem0r0n: We want to press play on tape dont we ? :)02:13
m0r0nmow: Ok brb02:14
Dayspringif i type audacious in the terminal it opens up audacious, but i can't find it to delete it02:14
m0r0nWanHouse: What?02:14
grturnerDayspring, whereis audacious should show you where the binary executable is02:15
Dayspringdo i type that it the terminal?02:15
cotigaoDayspring, wheres the binary executanle located?02:15
WanHouseOh, Married with Children is on!!! :) ... Always cracks me up!02:15
cotigaoWanHouse, \o/02:16
|m0r0nmow: It didn't do anything02:16
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random_so i'm downloading an iso of debian 2.2, just for fun02:17
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WanHousecotigao: Greetings perhaps.02:17
grturneri've been debating taking one of my boxes and experimenting with debian running the hurd gnu kernel02:17
Random832so i'm downloading an iso of debian 2.2 (potato, from 2000), just for fun... see how much things have changed between then and now.02:17
Random832[sorry for redundant if it is, wasn't sure if it was set to block whne i wasn't on my registered nick]02:18
|m0r0nmow: I can get great speeds on torrents and on speedtest.net, but loading pages takes forever02:18
Random832anyone know if it's possible to get virtualbox guest extensions on such an old system?02:18
Dream-Ubui still haven't fixed my deleted partisions because i dont know how to work well even find/download/install testdisk02:18
WanHousegrturner: Just do it02:18
aaronslifevox: got it :vga=78802:18
grturnerWanHouse, why. the debate is where the fun is02:19
raz1146If Someone using OVI Suite And Content Copier PLEASE PME ! Thanks alot .02:19
WanHousegrturner: Hmm, ill have to fiddle more with the GNU kernel i think.02:19
WanHousegrturner: Use the debate, debate won.02:19
grturnerright now i'm debating b/t hurd and plan 902:19
Random832wow, virtualbox doesn't even list support for even running kernel 2.2, only 2.4 and 2.602:19
Dayspringok audacious is in the usr/local/bin/audacious but they are locked....can't delete them02:19
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about testdisk02:20
mowm0r0n > cat /etc/resolv.conf and make sure that ip is there02:20
TuxOtakuany idea why I'd get a boot error after dding the UNR image to a usb stick?02:20
grturnerDayspring, you need to delete it from commandline using sudo becaue the executable is owned by root02:20
Dream-Ubutuxotaku, did you write it on windows or ubuntu?02:20
WanHousegrturner: "PlanX"... hehe, well... use what works. Theory or the thing that works.02:21
TuxOtakuDream-Ubu, I've tried both02:21
TuxOtakustill getting a boot error02:21
Dayspringso it's sudo apt-get remove ~/usr/local/bin/audacious ??02:21
Dream-Ubudownload the image from ubuntu website, and write it using win32, you do that?02:21
Dream-Ubuhave you changed the order on the computer to boot from USB first?02:21
evilaimsudo apt-get remove audacious02:21
grturnerwell.. gnu works, plan9 works in theory02:21
TuxOtakuDream-Ubu, yep02:21
Dream-Ubuwhats the error?02:22
IdleOneDayspring: sudo apt-get remove audacious should work02:22
grturnerDayspring, no it would be sudo rm /usr/local/bin/audacious02:22
TuxOtakuDream-Ubu, "boot error"02:22
voxDayspring: sudo apt-get remove --purge audacious02:22
TuxOtakuthat's all02:22
Dream-Ubuno number?02:22
evilaimI was gunna say02:22
evilaimdon't EVER remove it like that02:22
TuxOtakuboots into windows fine02:22
WanHouseDayspring: you dont need sudo. Its rm -rf ~/usr/local/bin/audacious (For a single file its just rm /Path/To/File)02:22
grturnerIdleOne, he's trying to remove a version of audacious that he compiled and installed02:22
IdleOnegrturner: ahhh that is a different story02:22
fluxPAHey, need some help with my grub loader. I created a partition (apparently as primary partition) and now its trying to boot from there. How can I change the boot from sda1 to sda3.02:23
a_can someone please help me activate my 3d acceleration? I'm using an intel 950 card with ubuntu 9.04. I installed x 2.4, but its still real slow.02:23
IdleOneDayspring: follow grturner02:23
renatosrabelo1hi guys . im having some odd bug when trying to install any package . every time i got this message . http://pastebin.com/m7f245d5 .. Can u help me ?02:23
Dream-Ubutuxotaku :) i have no clue :) i broke mine02:23
WanHouseDayspring: To remove an entire package as you probably want to do, its: apt-get remove audacious02:23
mowm0r0n > is the ip in your resolv.conf02:23
neil_dI have a problem when I reboot my computer with a scanner attached (via usb) the permissions are not correct for /dev/bus/usb/003/002 they are rw-rw-r-- :( what I need is rw-rw-rw- do I need to look and udev or hal rules ?02:23
EugenMayerbekommt hier jemand eine g41 ( intel ) zum laufen ( jaunty ). Ich hab nun auf den .31 kernel gewechselt, nun startet X11, aber nur bis maximal 800x600 und ich bekomme immer noch (EE) intel(0): Bad VBT signature02:23
oorahis there a way to track down the default appearance settings of jaunty so i can apply it to beta? if not can someone with jaunty look for me please?02:24
Whiperhello can anybody give a partition recovery software02:24
Dayspringi already removed audacious that way....now i have audacious 2.2 hanging around....doesn't even work right02:24
durt!de | EugenMayer02:24
ubottuEugenMayer: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.02:24
renatosrabelo1alguém que fala Portugues ?02:24
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pr02:24
hey`hi, please where are located the nvidia drivers?02:24
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.02:25
IdleOnethank you durt02:25
LinuX2halfis it true that with grub you can only boot linux live cd's?02:25
hey`where are the nvdia drivers located?02:25
IdleOneLinuX2half: no it isn't02:25
a_any help is much appreciated. please anyone?02:25
hey`in the system?02:25
Whipertell me a name of partition backup and recovery manager which support all typw of filesystem02:25
fluxPAHey, need some help with my grub loader. I created a partition (apparently as primary partition) and now its trying to boot from there. How can I change the boot from sda1 to sda3.02:25
oorahis there a way to track down the default appearance settings of jaunty so i can apply it to beta? if not can someone with jaunty look for me please?02:25
LinuX2halfI can't seem to boot my windows Cd...for some reason.02:26
Omlette!partimage | Whiper02:26
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about partimage02:26
renatosrabelo1so .. i need help in English or Portuguese . can anybody help me ? i have this message every time i install a package . http://pastebin.com/m7f245d502:26
tigerI was wondering if anyone had found a fix for the missing Rhythmbox plugin ID3 tag demuxer02:26
Whiperbut how to use it02:26
oorahLinuX2half, did you check your bios settings?02:26
Whiperi am not getting any application in application column02:26
Dayspringit says no such directory02:26
OmletteWhiper, just do a sudo apt-get install partimage.02:26
Omlettethen.. let me find the link.02:26
oorahLinuX2half, it may be a disc drive detection problem. if its a laptop have you drained your battery? that worked for me once02:26
Whiperin terminal is that correct02:26
lakotajames1how do I make terminator transparent?02:27
Dream-Ubuomlette will that recover the rules that you set? the sizes n stuff?02:27
LinuX2halfYes, but I think my computer isn't "design" to boot from CD.....02:27
OmletteWhiper, yes.02:27
OmletteDream-Ubu, what do you mean?02:27
TehedraNotice: Undefined offset:  1 in /var/www/public_html/ZephyrNetwork.ca/public/ZephyrBot/phpbot.php on line 6902:27
Tehedraany idea what this may mean?02:27
OmletteWhiper: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/partimage <--  How to use partimage.02:27
tigerLinux, you have to tell it to.02:27
oorahLinuX2half, have you tried installing with a usb flash drive?02:27
Dream-Ubuomlette: i kind of whiped them,but they're still there cos grub was, error 22...so02:28
oorahLinuX2half, its easy with unetbootin or usb startup disc creator02:28
oorahLinuX2half, can your disc drive read discs right now?02:28
oorahis there a way to track down the default appearance settings of jaunty so i can apply it to beta? if not can someone with jaunty look for me please?02:28
WhiperOmlette: thankyou very much yaar does it support fat16 and fat32 and ntfs02:28
OmletteDream-Ubu, it might. I don't know.02:28
LinuX2halfoorah: its a CD-R but whenever I insert the disc Ubuntu read it as an blank cd-r02:29
Dream-UbuOmette, thanks i'll look02:29
OmletteWhiper, I backed up an ntfs partition with it, but I haven't tried fat16 or -32. However, I believe it will work.02:29
oorahLinuX2half, oh ok so your disc drive is detected thats good02:29
lakotajames1how do I make terminator transparent?02:29
OmletteWhiper, the website is www.partimage.org02:29
oorahLinuX2half, maybe there is a button you have to press at startup. it will usually tell which one at the bottom of the screen02:30
Random832wow, does anyone remember XFree86?02:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)02:30
Random832I mean, I guess it's still around  technically02:30
LinuX2halfoorah: well I don't see no option from my BIOS startup screen02:31
Random832a_: you talking to me? i was just making conversation02:31
Random832i'll go to -offtopic i guess02:31
Dayspringalright!! i got it fixed....thanks a ton guys02:31
a_Random832: no, I just made a mistake02:31
lakotajames1LinuX2half: you should be looking for boot order, or boot devices, or something like that.02:31
StraightDavehi folks, i just got a new ip for my server. when i try connecting to it via http it times out. i have setup teh virtual host and everything correctly and restarted apache.02:31
oorahLinuX2half, i'm out of ideas. its usually a function button, maybe you should try repeatedly pressing one of them until one maybe works02:31
Random832how do i make xchat look normal02:32
oorahLinuX2half, what kind of computer do you have?02:32
Dayspringnow, does anyone have any ideas of what i should do to get audacious 2.1 to work on my computer??02:32
LinuX2halfoorah: sony02:32
Random832like with the user list on the right and the buttons and tabs02:32
StraightDavehow do you edit the firewall in ubuntu to allow teh new ip to work ?02:32
oorahLinuX2half, oh sorry i wouldn't know then. i have an msi. perhaps you can call sony about it or check their website or google it02:33
LinuX2halflakotajames1: oh? Then how do I found out what boot device I had?02:33
oorahis there a way to track down the default appearance settings of jaunty so i can apply it to beta? if not can someone with jaunty look for me please?02:33
LinuX2halfoorah: thanks anyway02:34
lakotajames1LinuX2half: did you actually get to the bios screen?  did you ever get to a menu that opens before windows starts?02:34
Dream-Ubu*raises hand* im not completly lost...i'm going to use the incorrect term...ive removed the rules of my partisions, grub gives me error 22, i tried to resize my linux partition but i wiped the lot meaning the data is there but the thing that sets them isnt...what do i do? and i'm in need of a step by step02:34
Dream-Ubui am lost...not im not lost...02:34
oorahis there a way to install default themes of previous versions of Ubuntu?02:35
LinuX2halflakotajames1: yes I press F2 to go to the Setup Screen...but my bios had little power over my comptuer........02:35
IdleOneoorah: the default theme in Jaunty is the Human theme. not sure what else you want to know02:35
StraightDavewhen i go to http://domaintoip.com, and type my new domain, it points to the correct new ip. however http://newip will connection time out02:35
oorahIdleOne, the colors02:35
lakotajames1LinuX2half: are there any more menus than the first one?02:35
lakotajames1LinuX2half: like, is there more than one tab?02:36
IdleOneoorah: will a screenshot do?02:36
leaf-sheepWhat sources are enabled by default? main and restricted? universe and multiverse is optional?02:36
voxDream-Ubu: if you've deleted the partitions, it's basicly impossible to get the data back again02:36
LinuX2halflakotajames1: yes more than one tab listing security, boot, general ...etc02:36
oorahIdleOne, i meant the numbers i need to input02:36
voxDream-Ubu: time to start again from scratch02:36
lakotajames1LinuX2half:  it should be under boot.02:36
oorahthe # and what is after02:36
|m0r0nmow: Sorry for the long reply, no it's not02:36
Dream-Ubuvox, removed the rules..not deleted as in kicked the data out the window02:36
voxDream-Ubu: what do you mean "removed the rules"02:37
lakotajames1LinuX2half: what are your choices under boot?02:37
IdleOneoorah: ok gimme a minute and I'll get them for you02:37
oorahIdleOne, oh ok thanks02:37
mow|m0r0n > for a simple test use the ip in your browser, not the .com name and see if it's faster02:37
LinuX2halflakotajames1: Optical Drive, Floppy Disk, Hard Disk, Network02:37
Dream-Ubuvox: the code that says what size each is02:37
lakotajames1LinuX2half: you need to make Optical Drive boot first.02:37
Dream-Ubuvox: erm...OH! fill a split glass with liquid, and remove the splitter...02:38
Dream-Ubuvox: that kind of thing...02:38
mow|m0r0n > ie.. www.goog.com   use
Dream-Ubuvox: anything? make sense yet?02:38
IdleOneoorah: Windows: #EFEBE7 #101010 Input Boxes: #FFFFFF #1A1A1A Selected Items: #FFA443 #1A1A1A Tool Tips: #F5F5B5 #00000002:39
LinuX2halflakotajames1: Yes its in default order with the optical drive input first02:39
voxDream-Ubu: you've removed the partitions02:39
oorahIdleOne, oh ok thanks02:39
Dream-Ubuvox: yes but the data is there, grub shows so i know it is02:39
FMsoundmaster45how to change group membership of a file?02:39
IdleOneoorah: hope that helps02:39
lakotajames1LinuX2half: if that is first, the disk should boot.  are you sure you burned the iso correctly?02:39
loshaDream-Ubu: if by 'rules' you mean the partition table, saying where each partition started and ended oon the disk, it may be possible to recreate the table, and access the data again, if you know the *exact* details of your partition02:39
voxDream-Ubu: grub sits in the Master Boot Record. what does it say when it tries to boot?02:40
Dream-Ubuvox: error 2202:40
LinuX2halflakotajames1: it worked in my other dell computer02:40
lakotajames1LinuX2half:  hmm.  are you sure that there isn't some sort of option you have to enable on the optical drive setting in the bios?02:41
Dream-Ubulosha: i have a rough idea, 30gb to ubuntu a bit to linux swap(ubuntu default) how ever much grub gives itself by default and 90gb to windows...02:41
maxxistomg the past couple of days with 9.10 beta have been horrible.  but i am up and running again.  Can someone tell me how to get my scroll wheel on my mouse to flip my desktop again?  for some reason its not working anymore.  I can still go to the cube mode.  but i think the shortcut is missing,  and I dont know where to find it.  I installed compiz-settings-manager again....02:41
Dream-Ubulosha: i know ubuntu was 30gb...ive reinstalled it twice, same amount both times02:41
KiRiLoS!karmic | maxxist02:41
ubottumaxxist: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+102:41
LinuX2halflakotajames1: well the options are disable or enable device....02:42
IdleOnemaxxist: you want #compiz for that02:42
loshaDream-Ubu: I doubt a 'rough idea' will be sufficient. But check out testdisk http://www.linux.com/news/enterprise/storage/8257-how-to-recover-lost-files-after-you-accidentally-wipe-your-hard-drive02:42
lakotajames1LinuX2half: is it enabled?02:42
maxxistKiRiLoS, i know its beta.  I knew it might break.  but its working fine now.02:42
Dream-Ubui tried testdisk, it wouldnt do anything cos i had no clue what to do02:42
reubenwheres the file where u can edit what comes up at startup02:42
voxDream-Ubu: you've deleted part of the hard-drive structure. it's not really recoverable from what you've done.02:42
LinuX2halflakotajames1: yes it is, if it's not that there's a proclamation point....02:43
KiRiLoSmaxxist, what i meant is that you may need to ask that question @ #ubuntu+1 and not here02:43
lakotajames1LinuX2half: proclamation point?02:43
|m0r0nmow: goog.com is taking about 10-15 seconds to load a search result02:43
Dream-Ubuvox: perfect :) i am screwed basicly, right? unless i work out the exact sizes02:43
LinuX2halflakotajames1: if the device is disabled....02:43
maxxistKiRiLoS, on it thanx.02:44
lakotajames1LinuX2half: Oh! ok.  sorry, I had misunderstood you. :p02:44
LinuX2halflakotajames1: maybe I need to boot the CD without restarting...02:44
mow|m0r0n > did you use the .com name?02:44
lakotajames1LinuX2half: I have no idea.  I've told you every thing I know :p02:44
voxDream-Ubu: not just exact size, but you'd need to put the partition back in the /exact/ same physical space on the drive.02:44
IdleOneLinuX2half: is this the official windows cd you are trying to boot from?02:45
|m0r0nmow: Not sure, I just typed in that IP and got sent to that site02:45
greensimianHey gang02:45
LinuX2halfidleone: its an copy02:45
lakotajames1LinuX2half: oh, are you sure that the drive works?02:45
mow|m0r0n > was that faster?02:45
greensimianI am new 2 ubuntu.....do I need to defrag my ext3 drive?02:45
LinuX2halfldleone: an copy02:45
IdleOnegreensimian: nope02:45
voxDream-Ubu: if you're going to try and re-size your drives, use "gparted" to do it.02:45
grturnerno need to defrag02:45
lakotajames1greensimian: no :)02:45
maxxistgreensimian, nope it does it on its own.02:45
Dream-Ubuvox: erm, grub-windows-ubuntu-swap < like that?02:45
greensimianLike magic02:46
|m0r0nmow: Google itself searches faster, but when I go to click on a link it's slow right away02:46
greensimianThey say you don't need to defrag NTFS either but that's a load of hooey02:46
voxDream-Ubu: i have no idea how your drive was set up previously.02:46
Dream-Ubuvox: that was the order there where shown when ii went to expand ubuntu but i wiped the table, its now blank unalocated space02:46
mow|m0r0n > right, because it has to query the dns server again02:46
reubenwhats the file i edit for startup services ??????????????????????02:46
IdleOnegreensimian: that is correct02:46
loshaDream-Ubu: if you had made a copy of the partition table, and made no changes after deleting it, you could probably get your data back. But if testdisk won't recover it, I don't know what else to do...02:46
FMsoundmaster45i did add group xxxx in Admin->Users and groups. Then i did: chown :xxxx file .  but ig get group not valid?02:46
LinuX2halflakotajames1: Great Question, the Lice CD works when I was in the GRUB process of selecting a partition or maybe RAM converting part......I just press F1202:46
Deaglebearsebsebseb: i need to get this to work for a match i have tonight i have instructions on how to do it normally but its when i try to do it all through console i get hung up02:46
mow|m0r0n > sounds like dns problem02:46
voxDream-Ubu: then it's completely hosed. start again.02:46
|m0r0nmow: Is there any auto-repair that I can try or what should I do next?02:47
|m0r0nmow: Primary DNS (My router)02:47
mow|m0r0n > edit your /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf with pico or vi02:47
lakotajames1LinuX2half: hmm.  I don't know then. *shrugs* :(02:47
mow|m0r0n > add this line to the end of the file02:47
LinuX2halflakotajames1: I'm not sure if the Drive is working properly..though02:47
sebsebsebDeaglebear: I already replied to you earlier, and said that I didn't know02:48
Dream-Ubuvox: and in doing tat my data will be lost so, is there no way i can put another grid with the same sizes? like you would a piece of tracing paper over a picutre? (sorry about the explinations after but it seems to make sense)02:48
lakotajames1LinuX2half: you might steal a drive from your other compy, if you have one.02:48
mow|m0r0n > prepend domain-name-servers,;02:48
reubenwhats the file i edit for startup services ??????????????????????02:48
joebodoFMsoundmaster45, i believe you want to use the chgrp command - not chown02:48
|m0r0nmow: Anywhere speific or?02:48
mow|m0r0n > then restart the network or reboot02:48
mow|m0r0n > at the end of the file... last line02:48
|m0r0nmow: Woops, sorry.02:49
|m0r0nmow: Let me restart, brb02:49
mow|m0r0n > that will add those ip's to your /etc/resolv.conf when network restarts02:49
voxDream-Ubu: i understand what you mean, but without knowing the EXACT location and size of every partition, and knowing exactly where(physically) on the disk those paritions resided, it is impossible02:49
voxDream-Ubu: any data that was on that drive is now essentially lost02:51
Dream-Ubuvox: i remember where they where but how do i do it? [windows recovery HD0,0 win xp hd0,1 ubuntu hd0,4 (ubuntu recovery not a clue)02:51
voxDream-Ubu: no, you remember the /order/ they were in02:51
Dream-Ubuvox: and the sizes i remember02:51
Dream-Ubuvox: but physicaly on the disk if i could touch them, no i dont02:51
matelotQ: anyway to make Jaunty beep a sound when USB inserted ? like Windows02:51
LinuX2halflakotajames1: the could you describe the procedures of how the CD interact with the computer.....?02:52
lakotajames1LinuX2half: I don't know what you mean, sorry :(02:53
tutethis is a just english chat ?02:53
voxDream-Ubu: thats my point. disk partitions are the linch-pin of a hard drive. if they are disrupted or changed in any way, without knowing EXACTLY what you're doing, the entire drive is hosed02:53
oorahIdleOne, is there any way to change the scroll bar that moves vertical to the right of the open windows to orange?02:53
IdleOnetute: yes. for spanish #ubuntu-es02:53
Dream-Ubuvox: ok, i get it now02:53
LinuX2halflakotajames1: Like when you insert the CD and reboots, whats happening "inside"....02:53
loshaDream-Ubu: despite what you may think, hard drives aren't really like tracing paper...02:53
voxDream-Ubu: i've been a linux sysadmin for nearly 10 years, and stay very, very, very far away from changing partition sizes02:53
IdleOneoorah: I would'nt know.02:53
Dream-Ubuvox: *salutes* ok sir02:54
oorahIdleOne, its ok thanks, i can deal with the gray bar lol02:54
lakotajames1LinuX2half: the computer should boot from the cd instead of the harddrive.02:54
voxDream-Ubu: all it takes is for one tiny, little, minute thing to not be exactly right, and you lose all your data02:54
Dream-Ubuloha: it was an analergy, i was referencing the "rules" as i call them...02:54
FMsoundmaster45"joebodo: thanks02:54
oorahi wish i knew if there was a way to change the color of the vertical scroll bar to the right of open window boxes02:54
aaronslifehow can I install the nVidia display drivers and reconfigure the display configuration for gnome so my xorg works?02:54
LinuX2halflakotajames1: I'm trying to ask do you know whats happening at the "inside", which means for example the CD load the data and turn to RAM..etc,02:55
Dream-Ubulosha: i was thinking it was a grid, you slot it back over problem solved, like a map02:55
LinuX2halflakotajames1: like in technical phases...02:55
lakotajames1LinuX2half:  oh, I don't know. sorry. :(02:55
tuteI was trying to run a raid 1 on a virtual machine (Vmwamre over XP) has anyone acomplish that task satisfactorily02:55
LinuX2halflakotajames1: thats alright maybe online knows the answer, wikipedia.....02:55
voxlokian: he was using an analogy, i knew what he was getting at :)02:55
m0r0nmow: is still doing the 10-15s searches02:55
Dream-Ubuvox: so it did make sense to you :)02:56
joebodooorah, try gnome-color-chooser02:56
voxDream-Ubu: of course02:56
mowm0r0n > cat /etc/resolv.conf ... are the ips there02:56
oorahjoebodo, is it an app?02:56
LinuX2halflakotajames1: One last question, whats the difference between an OEM disk and an installation disk?02:56
Dream-Ubuvox: woo! my crazyness can be useful...now...wheres my harddrive lab...02:56
voxDream-Ubu: your idea is, essentially, correct. however, you need about 10-times more detail in your tracing paper in order to do it02:56
joebodooorah, yes - it is for changing specific parts of the UI02:57
oorahjoebodo, ok thanks installing now02:57
oorahjoebodo, is it gui?02:57
joebodooorah, yup02:57
Dream-Ubuvox: lol, i can remember the sizes and the order they showed in gparted and the order they where listed in grub but...02:57
joebodooorah, it's pretty nice actually02:57
oorahjoebodo, where is it saved at?02:57
gslauenanyone familiar with setting up second lirc as ledxmit? I am having a problem compiling it02:57
m0r0nmow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/293601/       Is all I have02:57
joebodooorah, you'll find it under preferences02:57
voxDream-Ubu: and that, unfortunately, isnt enough :)02:58
melherndonCan someone tell me if there is an open source option for something like camtasia studio for windows that allows audio, and video capture for creating presentations/training?02:58
oorahjoebodo, oh ok thanks02:58
Dream-Ubuvox: including the HD0,X but you're saying that makes no difference... unless i know that its like...2 cm in from the center02:58
lakotajames1LinuX2half:  install disks install the clean version of the operating system.  OEM disks install Dell's version, for example.  Has Dell branding.  I think it will only work on the computer it came with, not sure though.02:58
FMsoundmaster45sudo chgrp scanner /proc/bus/usb/008/002      chgrp: not valid group: «:scanner»02:58
mowm0r0n > so they are there02:58
lakotajames1LinuX2half: the OEM wouldn't have to be dell, could be HP, or some other company.02:59
mowm0r0n > and your web pages are still slow?02:59
tuteI have read the fucking manual and I couldn't mount a raid 1 on a vmware (ubuntu on XP host), can someone help me?02:59
m0r0nmow: Extremely slow02:59
mowm0r0n > that was your /etc/resolv.conf file right02:59
guest2can anyone help me, I had ubuntu and windows xp running on my laptop.02:59
Dream-Ubutute: if i could i would but is there need to swear?02:59
LinuX2halflakotajames1: so they both install a clean OS...?02:59
guest2I had to re-install windos xp for reasons02:59
guest2and now I dont see Operating System choices03:00
guest2when I boot my pc03:00
m0r0nmow: Yes sir03:00
sebsebseb!grub |  guest203:00
ubottuguest2: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:00
guest2any help ?03:00
voxDream-Ubu: what's required to put the partitions back exactly how they were would be akin to kicking a sandcastle, then trying to put each grain of sand back where it was to re-make the castle.03:00
m0r0nguest2: When you go all the way to the bottom it's not there?03:00
mowm0r0n > sorry that was my best idea why it was slow... other then maybe your isp provider is having problems03:00
lakotajames1LinuX2half: the OEM will have branding, and the drivers for the computer it came with.  I think...  You might look that up too, I'm not sure.03:00
oorahjoebodo, which selection is for the scroll bar?03:00
mowm0r0n > try pinging some sites03:00
joebodooorah, specific tab03:00
lakotajames1LinuX2half: you should only use the OEM on the computer it came with.03:00
voxtute: dont swear, thanks03:00
Dream-Ubuvox: that makes more sense now ^^03:00
m0r0nmow: on speedtest I can get 4003:00
mowm0r0n > see if your losing packets03:00
oorahjoebodo, i'll try that thanks03:01
m0r0nmow: How do I check if I'm losing packets?03:01
LinuX2halflakotajames1: I need to order actually, I deleted my windows partition along with the recovery partition :(03:01
Dream-Ubuvox: only 120,000,000,000,000 bytes to put back!03:01
mowm0r0n > in a terminal ping www.yahoo.com or some other site03:01
voxDream-Ubu: exactly03:01
LinuX2halflakotajames1: well thanks for the info.03:01
lakotajames1LinuX2half: your welcome.03:02
Dream-Ubuvox: no, 120,000,000 not a 120Tb :P works if we worked on a bit level...03:02
shiznebithi what program can i use to save the video coming out of my capture card ( from  composite ) ?03:02
mowm0r0n > pastebin the results03:02
m0r0nmow: Is it infinite or should I wait till it stops03:02
ussershiznebit, ffmpeg is one of the options, but its command line03:02
shiznebiti had tvtime play the video from composite source, but i couldn't save it03:02
mowm0r0n > you have to stop it ctrl c03:02
Dream-Ububyebye windows for good it seems03:02
voxDream-Ubu: i accounted for re-writing some of it :P03:03
shiznebitusser, i'd prefer GUI03:03
m0r0nmow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/293602/03:03
Dream-UbuVox: you wrote gparted?03:03
Dream-Ubuvox: well, assisted in the writing...03:03
voxDream-Ubu: not at all03:03
ussershiznebit, winff is a ffmpeg gui, not sure if it has capture options though03:03
m0r0nmow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/293603/03:03
mowm0r0n > looks good to me... what was the last line03:03
voxDream-Ubu: it's just an easy-to-use and fairly bulletproof disk management utility03:04
gslauenwhen I try to run this i get compile errors anyone ever set this up its a remote to change channels on a digital box./myth-ledxmit82.sh lirc-0.8.203:04
Dream-Ubuvox: and i went wrong! you didnt make it windows enough(stupidity proof)03:04
shiznebitusser, is their anyway to get tv-time to capture the output03:05
usserDream-Ubu, gparted is as stupidity proof as it gets03:05
Dream-Ubuvox: [BIG BUTTON] (label - click if you think you're cool)03:05
ussershiznebit, tvtime cant record, sorry.03:05
mowm0r0n > try another browser and see if it's any faster03:05
shiznebitis there anything with a gui and can record03:05
shiznebitwhat a PITA03:06
Dream-Ubuusser: i'm a custom make of stupid, i think i know what im doing, and i sign through the dotted line03:06
ChesFTC_Hi, really silly question, but I'm using jaunty, and avahi keeps overriding /etc/network/interfaces for eth1. How can I disable it for this interface (it doesn't appear to have a service defined for it in /etc/avahi/services)03:06
m0r0nmow: http://paste.ubuntu.com/293605/03:06
voxDream-Ubu: next time you wanto resize a drive, do a google search on something like "gparted resize drive" or some such03:06
voxDream-Ubu: find a good how-to, and follow it03:06
prince_jammyshere's a partition question: i have an Iomega usb external hard drive (1.5 terabytes) that i formatted to ext3 using mkfs.ext3. It mounts and works fine (and ''mount'' shows it as ext3), but ''sudo fdisk -l'' shows it as "HPFS/NTFS", not ext3. So does gparted. Should I care?03:06
Dream-Ubuvox: or, play around n go wrong again :) and then learn, now...where did i put my invisable back ups...03:07
m0r0nmow: Browser, as in Opera? or something?03:07
usserDream-Ubu, hehe03:07
mowm0r0n > yes... that ping is fine03:07
mowm0r0n > that should tell if it's firefox or something else03:07
m0r0nmow: What other browsers are avaliable on Ubuntu03:08
mowm0r0n > opera is03:08
ChesFTC_m0r0n: iceweasel, lynx, links, opera, firefox03:08
mowm0r0n > sudo apt-get install opera03:08
m0r0nsudo apt-get install opera03:09
ChesFTC_Probably a whole heap more too03:09
m0r0nDoesn't work03:09
joebodom0r0n, there's probably about 25 different browsers03:09
Dream-Ubuah well, the magic "install" button on the desktop... i wounder if i'll go wrong with that :)03:09
m0r0nmow: joebodo: joebodo: E: Package opera has no installation candidate   -- Opera03:09
prince_jammysfor opera, you probably have to add their repositories03:09
Dream-Ubuah jeez, need to install amsn-svn again...that was so annoying!03:10
matelothi Q: anyway to make Jaunty beep a sound when USB inserted ? like Windows03:10
bodokhttp://vk.com/reg4746885 - free.mp303:11
=== dav_ is now known as dirtydav
dirtydavHow do i run as root all the time? is this possible? or at least to make my user name root all the time.03:11
mowm0r0n > konqueror should be installed under internet tools03:11
mowm0r0n > use that03:12
ChesFTC_dirtydav: That's a silly thing to do03:12
ChesFTC_Don't do it03:12
prince_jammysdirtydav: not recommended, and definitely not assisted in this channel.03:12
Dream-Ubuvox: thanks for your help, next time, i'll read first03:12
dirtydavi understand the risks03:12
mowm0r0n > applications>internet03:12
rwoodSo my son was playing around with his computer.  Specifically gparted and happened to erase his MBR.  Anyone know a tool that will scan a hard drive and rebuild the MBR?03:12
dirtydavthe root and user is very annoying03:13
m0r0nmow: Installing03:13
ChesFTC_dirtydav: If you don't know how to do it, you don't have enough experience to understand the risks.03:13
DaZdirtydav: you have to set the root password03:13
gbear14275Which channel is for talking about 9.10?03:13
Dream-Ubuvox: "how much (in%) do you want for your ubuntu partition" < hm...100%? i have no choice :) all my disk or,,,all my disk?03:13
mowm0r0n > brb getting food03:13
ardorI have a 500Mhz computer with a 512 MEG harddrive, I am looking for a Free Desktop. Any Ideas?03:13
DaZand enable logging as root in gdm ;f03:13
losha!grub | rwood03:14
ubotturwood: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:14
joebodo!koala | gbear1427503:14
ubottugbear14275: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+103:14
gbear14275joebodo: thanks03:14
usserardor, debian lenny03:14
dirtydavWhat is the reason for users? i know its about security but im not that paranoid...03:14
ChesFTC_dirtydav: Doesnm03:14
usserardor, oh wait 512 meg hdd. dsl then03:14
ChesFTC_dirtydav: Doesn't matter if you're not paranoid, people are still out to get you03:15
rwoodubottu can grub scan for all my lost partitions.  fdisk -l returns nothing.03:15
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:15
ChesFTC_rwood: you've lost your partition table then, not your MBR03:15
coolcatHow can I make sure java is installed, I am getting into trouble when trying to access my bank account using firefox, and the help desk says they do not provide support for linux...03:15
rwoodI stand corrected.  Is there a way to restore a partition table?03:15
ussercoolcat, open terminal type java --version03:16
DaZrwood: testdisk? :f03:16
m0r0nmow: Slower on loading pages, faster on searches03:16
gbear14275coolcat: which bank?03:16
ussercoolcat, what does it tell you?03:16
gbear14275coolcat: usaa by chance?03:16
ChesFTC_rwood: Google for gpart03:16
ardorI am going with puppy linux, sounds really cool03:16
ChesFTC_It can search for partitions03:16
rwoodk, I'll try.03:16
mowm0r0n > I'm out of ideas for the moment if that didn't speed things up03:16
ChesFTC_More info here (but may be out of date): http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/Partition-Rescue.html03:16
dirtydavardor puppy is great03:17
ussercoolcat, java -version sorry03:17
m0r0nmow: Thanks anyways03:17
Dream-Ubuhm, pritty nifty, i can work and install at the same time... i like that...nice work ubuntu people03:17
coolcatusser, gbear14275 it simply ask me to fill something that has already beem filled and continues issuing the same error.03:18
coolcatusser, I get errors: "Unrecognized option: --version03:18
coolcatCould not create the Java virtual machine."03:18
ussercoolcat, java -version my bad03:18
m0r0nmow: What time are you usually on IRC, I want to try my dad's windows machine and compare later03:18
mowm0r0n > tracepath a page that loads slow and see if there is a slow node03:18
loshaDream-Ubu: check out the link above from ChesFTC_. It talks about recovering partitions when you don't have a partition table...03:19
coolcatusser, java version "1.6.0_0"OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.4.1) (6b14-1.4.1-0ubuntu11)OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 14.0-b08, mixed mode)03:19
mowm0r0n > I'm always on... just not aways watching03:19
ChesFTC_Nobody knows how to disable the avahi autoip thing for an interface?03:19
Dream-Ubulosha: oops....im sort of just doing a whole install now...i'll live without the "data" i lost... its just your standard music n picutres and whole windows install ^^03:20
ussercoolcat, make sure you have icedtea6-plugin package installed03:20
Dream-Ubulosha: but i'll read anyway - good knowledge to have03:20
ussercoolcat, that should take care of all things java on your computer03:20
m0r0nmow: Ok, maybe I'll see you tomorrow thanks again, later03:20
loshaDream-Ubu: sorry, I'd never seen the link before or I'd have said...03:21
Dream-Ubulosha: i dont worry about it :) i didnt pay attention or know how to word my problem03:21
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Dream-Ubulosha: besides, 3 computers im bound to have more than ONE copy of my pictures03:22
coolcatusser, I will try to install it via apt-get and will let you know03:22
Dream-Ubulosha: if i dont...my loss my stupidity more fun!03:22
* prince_jammys is suspicious of such nonchalance.03:22
prince_jammysif i lost all my music+pics, i'd strangle someone.03:22
gbear14275usser: coolcat:  I actually prefer the official java package to icedtea...03:22
ussergbear14275, official java doesnt run on 64 bit which is what he has03:23
bigtom21485anyone heard of ubuntu suddenly dropping sound card drivers03:23
gbear14275usser: coolcat:  looking it up... firefox being slow03:23
bigtom21485i have a dell dimension e53103:23
loshaprince_jammys: the music can probably be replaced, albeit at some cost. But pics...03:23
a__please help! I try to change my permissions with chmod to make my external drives writable, but it doesn't work!03:23
rwoodChesFTC: I think I found testdisk in the repositories, any reason why I shouldn't try it?03:23
Nevertaken9000does anyone know how I can remove buttons from my playlist window in smplayer? i can find where to edit the toolbars for the main window in the smplayer.ini, but nothing for the playlist03:24
bigtom21485anyone have any wierd problems im new to ubuntu but glad to help03:24
Dream-Ubulosha: infact im glad you didnt know that link excisted...03:24
LaireTMHello, I installed ubunto on my netbook. I connect with my wlan, the router give an IP to my Netbook and the IP's and DNS are correct03:24
LaireTMbut i cant open a webpage03:24
ChesFTC_rwood: Because you could always fry your hdd?03:24
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
ChesFTC_rwood: That said, it looks much better than my suggestion03:24
ChesFTC_rwood: Well done on finding it - I'll add it to my list of useful tools :)03:24
mordofanyone know if there's a package in the repos of an app that's like buubot in ##javascript, so i could type something like jseval (javascript stuff here);  and have it give the output  in a terminal?03:25
rwoodChesFTC: I'll let you know how it goes.03:25
ChesFTC_rwood: I'd give it a go, but if your data is worth a lot of $$$, image the disk first, using dd onto a file on a larger disk03:25
oorahis it possible to change the scrollbar color?03:25
Nevertaken9000the reason i want to remove buttons from the playlist in smplayer is so that i can shrink the window smaller, if someone knows where i could edit files to make that possible without removing buttons that is just as well03:25
rwoodChesFTC: I already did the image.  Here goes nothing.03:26
ChesFTC_Good luck!03:26
RythokaHow do I fix my graphics drivers? On windows, my resolution was 1024x768, but my maximum now is 800x600.03:26
loshaChesFTC_: Thanks for your link. There are so few recourses when a partition table is lost, so it's particularly interesting...03:26
coolcatgbear14275, you mean the package sun-java6-plugin? I am trying it03:26
ChesFTC_losha: Yeah, I earn a good supply of grog and movie tickets for rescuing data for friends :)03:26
lifesenginewhat is the best way to send files to another distant machine?03:26
ChesFTC_It's always good to learn of another tool03:26
coolcatusser, it was already installed I am going to try suns java to see03:26
lifesenginei'm trying to use AIM via pidgin, but im not having much luck connecting to my other comp03:27
fmagnodoes anyone know about drivers for the following laptop: Asus N61VN ?03:27
ussercoolcat, ok03:27
ChesFTC_fmagno: Isn't that an NVIDIA card?03:27
oorahis it possible to change the scrollbar color?03:27
mcsx3Night everybody03:27
mcsx3i wonder if anyone could help me03:27
fmagnoChesFTC_, yes, but my ubuntu cant find any drivers... :(03:28
coolcatusser, thak you anyaway. It seems it is 64bit-incompatible, since other users do not have problems...03:28
fmagnomaybe this laptop is too new03:28
mcsx3with a spam nag on pidgin03:28
webbb82is there any advantage to a terminal based or gui based irc client03:28
ussercoolcat, no problem. ditch the bank, if they insist on you using java on the client side03:28
=== iarp_ is now known as iarp
gbear14275usser: coolcat:  was originally following a slahdot article on it... which leads to this page (http://www.phoronix.com/scan.php?page=news_item&px=NjkyOQ) but the sun page linked too... seems to be now devoid of the plugin... although I may be blind.  That is how I came across 64bit java sun plugin03:29
ubottuThere are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)03:29
usserwebbb82, terminal based irc can run pretty much anywhere. no matter how messed up your pc is if its got network you got irc03:29
oorahis it possible to change the scrollbar color?03:29
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org03:29
mcsx3anyone available for giving some advice/help?03:29
LaireTMHello, i connect to my wlan but have no connection to the internet, what could be the problem?03:30
lifesengineanyone have a client idea for file transfers?03:30
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:30
gbear14275usser: coolcat:  Or try and get your bank to support linux like I'm doing... hopefully.03:30
oorahubottu high five03:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about high five03:30
usserlifesengine, ssh would be by far the simplest and most secure way03:30
mcsx3I'm getting this nag-bot-message when using Pidgin03:30
lifesengineusser: i don't have an active ftp03:31
loshalifesengine: how big a file? One time or multiple times. What's on the remote end?03:31
usserlifesengine, ftp and ssh are two different thing you dont need one to use the other03:31
FMsoundmaster45i have prblems with my usb scanner03:31
usserlifesengine, both machines run linux?03:31
coolcatgbear14275, I called them, the said they didn't support linux ... there's not a lot I can do, unfortunately03:31
lifesengineno, mine is linux, sending to a windows latptop03:31
lifesenginethe file is about 230mb03:31
joebodooorah, you change most of the colors on the specific tab - other colors are in the engine tab03:32
lifesenginelosha: multiple times is ideal03:32
lifesengineive been trying to use aim to transfer but i cant get connected03:32
usserlifesengine, install openssh-server on your machine, create a temp account for the windows machine. tell the windows end to install psftp(part of putty)03:32
gerickhi people... can any one, help me to install a network card in ubuntu 8.1003:33
gbear14275coolcat: I opened up a support ticket and asked if they supported macs.  If they did then they supported linux and just didn't realize it.  It took a bit to find someone to listen but they are working with their technical people now to remove a user agent restriction which was locking out non-mac and windows users.03:33
lifesengineusser: thanks, is it easy to enough for the windows user to set it up?03:33
=== Moon_Doggy_ is now known as Moon_Doggy
loshalifesengine: split the file into 2 and use rapidshare...03:33
usserlifesengine, create a temp account on your linux box for the windows machine to use thats what i meant03:34
preecherlooking for a good webcam prog for ubuntu-currently using cheese and a creative cam but pic stays fuzzy03:34
lifesenginelosha: solid ideal, but i'm looking to possibly constantly have a flow of data back and forth03:34
usserlifesengine, its relatively easy, you dont have to install psftp, just download and run executable on windows end, but they will have to know a couple of linux commands to initiate the transfer03:34
Nevertaken9000anyone know how to remove buttons from the toolbar that is on the smplayer playlist window?03:34
lifesengineusser: well, the user on the windows end will need me to walk them through it step  by step03:35
* Take0n kalinyxta03:35
usserlifesengine, if you want constant connection you can try openvpn but its a lot more harder to set up03:35
loshalifesengine: usser's idea is good too, but needs a bit more setup...03:35
FMsoundmaster45running xsane in gimp gives: Failed to open device `epkowa:usb:002:008': Access to resource has been denied. I set permissions to /proc/bus/usb/008/002 to 777 How can i resolve this?03:35
osx5is is fluxbuntu pretty much dead?03:35
lifesenginei really appreciate it, can you walk me through how to get the windows user connected to me03:35
shane2perubooting in recovery, it automatically starts checking /dev/sda7 with fsck, however it then overheats before it ever gets booted up, how can I keep it from doing that?03:35
shane2peruit won't let me press esc03:36
usserlifesengine, sudo apt-get install openssh-server03:36
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot03:36
usserlifesengine, create a user using system->administration->users and groups03:36
joebodoshane2peru, see that option for skipping file system check ?03:36
loshaosx5: we don't hear much about it here, but they say they're still alive...03:36
sakthivelgod morning03:36
usserlifesengine, tell the windows end to download psftp from here http://the.earth.li/~sgtatham/putty/latest/x86/psftp.exe03:37
sakthivelhi losha03:37
osx5losha: sucks to see that03:37
shane2perujoebodo: yes, but I can't even get it to boot up to get to terminal03:37
sakthivelhi boyam03:37
loshasakthivel: where is .sg ?03:37
joebodoshane2peru, hmm - possibly add some kernel options to the grub selection03:37
shane2perujoebodo: thanks for that though, I didn't know that before03:37
sakthivelboyam u from?03:38
=== akgraner_ is now known as akgraner
LinuX2halfhow do have two computers and a KVM switch that allows you to quickly switch back and forth between Windows and Ubuntu using the same monitor and keyboard...?03:38
shane2perujoebodo: that is what I'm trying now, there used to be a way to add 3 an only boot to inti 3 and have terminal03:38
loshasakthivel: we don't chat much here. Chat on #ubuntu-offtopic instead. Keep this channel clear for support, ok?03:38
webbb82how can I change the default download manager to multiget03:39
sakthivelok losha03:39
aaroninfidelwhat is a good tool to reconfigure the Xorg display?03:39
Wolfcastlehello ppl03:39
coolcatgbear14275, sun's java didn't work ...03:39
hdonoh man, it's been a long time since i heard the term "download manager"03:39
joebodoshane2peru, not sure if any of these help - but there's like 5 options : http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-unix-bypassing-fsck/03:40
DaZaaroninfidel: nano03:40
loshaaaroninfidel: sadly, there seem to be no good tools for that. Or even mediocre ones...03:40
gbear14275coolcat: bummer03:40
aaroninfidelwhen my system starts ubuntu gives errors when trying to init a gnome session.03:40
LaireTMNeed help with my Internet connection. Ubunto conect to the WLan but I cant connect to the Internet03:40
timber!xdccfind rock 20403:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:40
joebodoshane2peru, possibly add this to the end of the kernel line: fastboot03:40
shane2perujoebodo: yeah, looking over it now, thanks for the link03:41
prince_jammysaaroninfidel: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg   reconfigures the xorg package. Your /etc/X11/xorg.conf is backed up with a different extension, and then overwritten.03:41
Wolfcastlehi I have a problem getting the realplayer plugin to work with firefox 3.5 in jaunty03:41
WolfcastleI installed realplayer and checked to configure the plugin03:41
Wolfcastlebut it doesn't appear in about:config03:42
DaZWolfcastle: why do you need it? >:03:42
WolfcastleDaZ: to listen to an online radio03:42
gues1can someone please paste me the link to how to recover my operating system choices on system BOOT03:42
gues1have reinstalled my XP03:42
DaZWolfcastle: and mplayer plugin can't do it? :f03:42
joebodo!grub | gues103:42
ubottugues1: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto03:42
WolfcastleDaZ: haven't tried it.03:43
aaroninfidelwhere is the xOrg error log stored?03:44
DaZWolfcastle: your linux will be happy.03:44
DaZaaroninfidel: /var/log03:44
LaireTMHow I can test my W-Lan connection? Ubuntu shows me that I am connect but i have no access to the Internet03:44
shane2perujoebodo: hmm, it didn't seem to care much about fastbook, thanks for the help though. I will look at it later03:44
Wolfcastleyes the mplayer plugin works well03:46
RoseyHello there. I am trying to get NNS and mIRC working with wine. everything worked....now when I try to open up NNS, I only get mIRC, no NNS. I hope someone out there can help me ?03:46
Wolfcastlestill it annoys me not to be able to get realplayer to work as a plugin03:46
Wolfcastleanyone knows which directory is scanned for plugins by firefox?03:46
joebodorealplayer not installing is a good thing03:46
Wolfcastlejoebodo: why is that?03:46
joebodoWolfcastle, it's not known for being very good - also usually likes to install spyware type of stuff (at least in windows)03:47
Wolfcastlehmm i see03:47
DaZRosey: you don't need mIRC03:47
Wolfcastleok I'll stick to the mplayer plugin then03:47
* DaZ does jedi hand trick03:47
TehedraI have a folder, that i use for including php code into another php script03:48
Roseyi see....03:48
aaroninfidelDaZ, everytime I restart I get a xOrg error saying my config isn't setup properly. how can I set it up with my nVidia graphics card and not have it boot into low color mode?03:48
Tehedrabut the code in that folder should never be accessed unless its through another php script ont he server03:48
DaZaaroninfidel: nvidia-xconfig03:48
Tehedrawhich chmod do i set it too?03:48
Wolfcastleis there some program to manage power consumptions in notebooks in jaunty?03:48
Wolfcastleie to change cpu speed depending on battery or AC03:49
aaroninfidelDaZ, I just did that and it still wrote me a bad config. could I possibly have the wrong nVidia drivers installed?03:49
rodiguimLaireTM, open the console and ping google.com if you receive no answers means that something is wrong with you connection then you must check if you have the proper wlan drivers installed and working properly as well as wlan-manager that you are using to make the connection03:49
bigtom21485anyone know how to restart sound drivers?03:49
DaZaaroninfidel: lsmod|grep nvidia;glxinfo|grep direct03:50
mordofTehedra: put it below wwwroot03:50
mordofTehedra: and it won't matter03:50
LaireTMrodiguim: ping: unknown host google.com03:50
Tehedramordof is there no other way then that? I dont really want to change the structure03:51
mordofTehedra: php gets run as an extension of apache, which means that it needs the same read access as apache to read your php files. so no matter what if they're located inside your http or www folder or whatever you want to call it, people will be able to view them. easiest way is to put them outside the main folder03:51
DaZaaroninfidel: and pastebin the logs ;f03:51
LaireTMrodigum: it shows me that I am connect to the wlan, and that my system resived an ip adress03:51
mordofTehedra: at least i THINK that's how it works. i could be wrong03:51
Tehedraokay well thanks if i cant figure out another way03:51
Tehedraill do that,  but im pretty reluctant to do that :P03:51
aaroninfidelDaZ, http://pastie.org/65553403:51
rodiguimLaireTM, are you using any wlan-manager to make the connection?03:52
mordofTehedra: feel free to let me know (if you want to) if you prove me wrong ^^ i'd like to know also, hehe03:52
DaZaaroninfidel: how did you install the drivers03:52
aaroninfidelhardware drivers application DaZ03:53
Sirisian_Is there an option when installing or building a kernel so it doesn't install the recovery kernel?03:53
Sirisian_or just remove it from the menu.lst?03:53
mordofthat's a bad idea.. lol03:54
LaireTMrodifuim: I installed ubuntu and than i had an wlan symbol at the top, i click it and choosed my network, enter the password from my wlan andit connect03:54
Sirisian_mordof, I'm building a lot of kernels for school and such.03:54
LinuX2halfwhat firware does banshee support for ipod touch?03:54
DaZaaroninfidel: cd /usr;find|grep libglx03:54
=== guilherme is now known as mipz0r
mordofSirisian_: imo, it might be a better approach to find a way to password protect it then. removing it altogether could mean the loss of data (if there is any) if you feel it's alright to reinstall at any major problem then it should be fine.  i, however, have no idea how to remove it03:55
aaroninfidelDaZ, http://pastie.org/65553903:55
gilsteranyone can help me with jaunty 64 bit no sound on flash03:55
chuHey guys, just stumbled upon a pretty interesting paper, perhaps it is relevant to some of you guys : http://axiom.anu.edu.au/~okeefe/p2b/power2bash/power2bash.html03:56
aaroninfidelDaZ, brb, I'm gonna restart to see if this worked.03:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about wget03:56
mamiaanyone know how to fix playing videos and audio with ubuntu? im using eeebuntu on a eeePC 1000h03:57
aaroninfidelDaZ,  its a 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G72 [GeForce 7300 SE] (rev a1) if that helps03:57
gilsteri got jaunty 64bit running great. All sound(alsa) works but cannot get audio from flash streams on FF. any help on this?03:57
bigtom21485i can't get any sound at all, shit03:58
trikhow do i remove bluetooth devices?03:58
mamiai cant play youtube vids... anyone?03:58
durt!flash | mamia03:59
ubottumamia: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash03:59
durt!sound | bigtom2148504:00
ubottubigtom21485: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP304:00
mordofchu: thanks, i'll read that gradually over time04:00
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps
mobi-sheepGuys, I'm having problem with my mom's computer. Something went haywire and now she does not have eth0 working. It's an unexplained situation for me. Something went wrong with ips, I suppose.04:01
LaireTMI am connectet to the wlan but have no connect to the internet04:01
assoguerozen_sxsomeone here use pcsx2?04:01
guest841231891What is the max supported RAM for Ubuntu 9.04 32bit and 64 bit?04:02
mobi-sheepI have IP address,, it is shown on ifconfig and the router.  But I'm not able to ping, Google, or any website. Pidgin included. How can I resolve my mom's computer? :(04:02
grturner32 bit is limited to 4gb, 64 iirc can support up to 32gb04:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 32bit04:02
joebodo!32 bit04:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about 32 bit04:02
alteregodlubuntu is fast04:04
nic1hi guys, i downloaded the source from apt-get source, now i like to hide one file and compile the changed code to see the compilation procedure for changed code04:04
nic1can any one please guide me in compiling?04:05
thiebaude!compile | nic104:05
ubottunic1: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)04:05
nic1i need to do dev work, so i need to compile from source04:06
maconic1: "hide" one file?04:07
guest841231891grturner: ty04:08
nic1how to hide?04:11
DishtroyerCan I run ubuntu under windows?04:12
nic1just for testing, i moved file.c in package to file1.c04:12
Wolfcastleanyone knows which is the firefox plugin directory?04:12
nic1Dishtroyer, yes you can04:12
DaZnic1: won't work.04:12
nic1DaZ, why04:12
ubottuWubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.04:12
nic1i want to confirm that i wil get compilation errors04:12
DaZnic1: because functions in the file.c are needed in file.h04:13
DaZand everything trying to include file.h04:13
nic1i wil get compilation errors right, i want to try till that stage04:13
DaZnic1: ./configure;make04:13
hdonDaZ: ./configure && make04:14
concretesledgewhat can i split an AVI with?04:14
DaZhdon: doesn't matter04:14
DishtroyerI have Ubuntu installed in its own partition but when I try to mount it it says there are disk errors. If I run Ubuntu under windows will I be able to fix the file errors?04:14
loshaconcretesledge: avidemux04:14
loshaconcretesledge: or avisplit if you don't want a gui...04:15
sakthivelpossible to install Xp and ubuntu dual Os04:15
DishtroyerI have a dual boot system04:16
thiebaudesakthivel, sure is04:16
loshasakthivel: many people do this. Install windows *first*, then ubuntu...04:16
sakthivelhow can u explain04:16
DaZit's not possible04:16
DaZit's like dividing by zero ;f04:16
sakthivelohh,, but some error message coming04:17
DishtroyerDaz, You CAN divide by zero. Its called Calculus04:17
barcode_i got a problem, my dad kept getting viruses and malware on windows so i installed ubuntu on his laptop, he loves it, except we cant get it to hook up to an external tv any help?04:17
loshaDaZ: and the result is vewy, vewy big...04:17
Horofoxsakthivel: install windows xp, install wubi(it will install ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu), then restart and there you go, you have a dual boot system04:18
DaZyou know what i meant ;f04:18
nic1hi, what does this error mean? /bin/sed -e "s|[@]iconslayoutsdir@|/usr/local/share/awesome/icons/layouts|;s|[@]iconsdir@|/usr/local/share/awesome/icons|" \04:18
nic1< ./awesomerc.in > awesomerc04:18
nic1/bin/bash: awesomerc: Permission denied04:18
nic1make: *** [awesomerc] Error 104:18
FloodBot2nic1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:18
nic1sorry, sure..forgot about it04:19
sakthivelif i installed XP inside my ubuntu,, is it possible to installed all .exe files without any problem?04:19
DaZsakthivel: sure04:19
ChesFTC_'inside' ?04:19
prince_jammysnic1: means you probably don't have permission to write to your present directory04:19
mooglinuxim looking for a way to boot a cd from grub04:19
ChesFTC_sakthivel: They're operating systems, so you can only run one at a time, unless you use a virtual machine04:19
barcode_so im guessing you guys dont know how? :/04:20
Horofoxsakthivel: thats not possible, a dual book system means you choose which OS ur gonna boot04:20
nic1prince_jammys, how can i give permissions04:20
ChesFTC_barcode_: It depends on lots of things, such as what video card is in the laptop04:20
thiebaudesakthivel, do you have an ubuntu live cd?04:20
prince_jammysnic1: is this some kind of installer script? if so, you'd run it as superuser, with sudo.04:20
sakthivelyes i have04:20
nic1mooglinux, what is grub?04:20
thiebaudesakthivel, just boot from the live cd04:21
mooglinuxnicl grub is a bootloader04:21
nic1prince_jammys, i am trying to install a package04:21
rwoodbarcode_: What kind of graphics chip is in the laptop?  Nvidia, ATI/AMD. Intel?04:21
loshanic1: did you read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware as was suggested?04:21
nic1prince_jammys, ok sudo works04:21
barcode_its a toshiba satellite, let me check04:21
thiebaudesakthivel, when you get to the partitioning part choose install side-by-side,  next to your windows OS04:22
nic1ya but it dint tell that i have to use sudo with ./configure or make04:22
=== franck_ is now known as franck
DishtroyerOh boy... A toshiba satelite.... good luck04:22
thiebaudesakthivel, that way you have your choice of windows or ubuntu04:22
prince_jammysnic1: you don't have to. only when you make install.04:22
KuprinHey guys, I set up raid and have installed Ubuntu, but it still seems to think the raid devices don't exist. Everything's there and installed - I can chroot in from the liveCD and I've made sure. Problem is on bootup it can't find /dev/md2 (root) or any of the other raid devices. mdadm IS installed and is in rc.04:22
barcode_rwood: ati radeon04:22
ChesFTC_ah crap04:22
loshanic1: that's because you don't. Instead, change the permissions so you have write permissions...04:22
ChesFTC_barcode_: There should be an ATI tool to do it, but I wouldn't know, since I use nvidia cards myself04:23
concretesledgei want to convert AVI to DVD format to play on home theater system.. what is the best/easiest?04:23
prince_jammyslosha: why?04:23
barcode_damn :(04:23
loshaprince_jammys: what what?04:23
nic1losha, i am not very clear, i ran both ./configure and make with sudo04:23
nic1otherwise i am getting errors04:23
DishtroyerCan someone tell me what the root password is?04:23
prince_jammyslosha: the script is probably trying to write to /etc/foo or /usr/local/foo. his user doesn't need write permission there.04:23
rwoodbarcode_: I use nvidia as well, but you should be able to do it.04:23
sakthivelwhich is best.........  ubuntu inside XP or XP inside Ubuntu?04:24
davebsDishtroyer: i don't think there is a root password, isn't root disabled in ubuntu?04:24
schemer999any recs for a quiet, cheap, ubuntu machine that can handle >= 8GB memory?04:24
tritiumdavebs: correct04:24
barcode_hmm , i cant seem to get it working04:24
DaZDishtroyer: unly ubuntu developers know it04:24
ChesFTC_sakthivel: You can generally only run ONE operating system at a time04:24
DaZso they can spy on you04:24
loshanic1: if you get the sources via sudo apt-get, they will be owned by root, and not writable by you. Just do chown -R <your-user-name> . ; chmod -R u+w .   Then you won't need to be root to compile/edit...04:25
tritiumDaZ: please stop04:25
tritium!root | Dishtroyer04:25
ubottuDishtroyer: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:25
ChesFTC_sakthivel: If you want to choose at boot though, you are better off installing windows first, then ubuntu by using the wubi tool.04:25
DishtroyerWhen I try to boot ubuntu, it tells me there are file errors and runs an automatic fsck. But then it fails and says I need to run it manually and asks me to either provide a root password or press cntrl-D04:25
sakthivelbut ubuntu inside xp .. we can use both same time?04:25
DaZtritium: this is the way i protect my consciousness from stupid questions04:25
thiebaudesakthivel, have you ever thought about making the switch to ubuntu only?04:25
tritiumDaZ: it's not appropriate here.04:25
ChesFTC_sakthivel: You cannot use both at the same time unless you use software such as vmware to create a virtual machine.04:25
sakthivelyaa wine software ?04:26
nic1losha, i gave chown -R <username> i get the error chown: missing operand after 'user name'04:26
DaZnic1: directory?04:26
ChesFTC_sakthivel: That's different, it emulates the win32 api, with a rather random chance of success for any given application04:26
ChesFTC_wine won't let you run just any windows application04:27
loshanic1: that's because it is chown -R <username> .   <--- see the 'dot' here? It is part of the command04:27
ChesFTC_You're better off figuring out what linux application you should use instead04:27
davebsi'm a bit stuck on an issue: ubuntu install off usb goes to this swirly pulse of random colors right after the loading screen (on another monitor it just goes to black), the framebuffer=false option doesn't help, and I successfully booted off of a backtrack live usb drive i had around (which is kubuntu and uses framebuffer)... doesn't seem to be much online about this other than disable fbuffer?04:27
DaZdot is the local directory04:27
loshaDaZ: when I find myself making fun of the newbies, it means it's time to take a break...04:27
sakthivelnow i have installed ubuntu in my PC. i want to install Xp also ..but i dont want wine software.. ist it possible to install seoartely//04:27
nic1losha, it tells operation not permitted04:27
concretesledgeDVD styler04:27
Sirisian_what are 3 important modules you guys normally compile into a kernel. I have an assignment to select 3 "important" ones. I'm in the interactive menu looking around and I'm not sure what "important" thing would be.04:28
loshanic1: sorry, sudo chown -R <username> .04:28
rwoodbarcode_: this might help.  Sometimes the MythTv guys have the best info.  http://www.mythtv.org/wiki/ATI_Proprietary_Driver04:28
DaZSirisian_: drivers.04:28
MenZaSirisian_: Perhaps try the #ubuntu-offtopic channel instead. This channel is solely for support.04:28
jondaydoes anyone know how to still have a terminal open when you stop your gdm.04:28
nic1losha, working04:28
Sirisian_MenZa, ah thanks04:28
kkira2009lam sao co the nghe nhac tren ubuntu04:28
thiebaudeSirisian_, one i know is graphics drivers04:28
DishtroyerIf I press CNTRL-D it reboots04:29
loshaSirisian_: are we doing your homework assignment?04:29
tritiumbarcode_: are you using the ubuntu-packaged drivers? (not a download from nvidia.com)04:29
thiebaudeethernet drivers04:29
DishtroyerSo I need the root password04:29
tritiumDishtroyer:  see what you were told above04:29
loshaDishtroyer: please PM me...04:29
Sirisian_losha, I'm in the off-topic channel. Actually no. I could just choose 3 random ones, but I was just curious mostly.04:30
DaZDishtroyer: you can set it using passwd04:30
tritiumDishtroyer: use sudo instead.  You don't need to set a root passwd.04:31
agmy desktop configuration is intel original motherboard 946gzis with p43.2 gz processor. A bttv tuner card of 'kworld' which is connected to my motherboard's sound input with a external jack from its sound output. If I try to play tv through it on any linux distro including ubuntu I have to go to console and type rmmod bttv first and then modprobe bttv card=78 tuner=68 radio=1. After that if I open the tvtime or xawtv I can watch the vidios of channels without a04:31
DishtroyerHow do I use SUDO?04:31
joebodoDishtroyer, did you run the fsck manually as it suggested -04:31
joebodoDishtroyer, that is normally what you do to fix the file system04:31
ubottuPLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.04:32
=== Sirisian_ is now known as Sirisian
tritiumDishtroyer: you've been told that there is no root password04:32
tritium!root | Dishtroyer (again -- pay attention, please)04:32
ubottuDishtroyer (again -- pay attention, please): Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo04:32
DishtroyerSo what do I type when it asks me for one?04:32
* ChesFTC_ sighs04:32
macoDishtroyer: your own password04:32
* DaZ thinks you're wrong.04:33
ChesFTC_maco: He's hanging on a fsck at boot04:33
ChesFTC_You're wrong04:33
thiebaudeDishtroyer, did you create one on install?04:33
Dishtroyermaco: I don't remmeber it, even if I had one04:33
DishtroyerI probably did but I don't remember it04:33
DaZDishtroyer: boot from cd, chroot, set root password and live a happy life04:33
ChesFTC_Dishtroyer: Hit Ctrl-d, login and set a root password, reboot and enter it, then type fsck -y / to manually do the fsck04:33
macoChesFTC_: wait what? i was answering "what password do i use for sudo?"04:34
tritiumDaZ: please dont' recommend setting a root password04:34
DaZChesFTC_: doesn't like reboot after it?04:34
ChesFTC_maco: He's got a fsck failing on boot04:34
DaZtritium: i will04:34
jebblue***need to learn more about chroot04:34
DishtroyerChes, CNTRL-D just reboots!04:34
macoChesFTC_: so why's he asking about sudo?04:34
tritiumDaZ: no, please do not.04:34
ChesFTC_Dishtroyer: Dunno04:34
ChesFTC_maco: Dunno why04:34
DaZtritium: then fix it without a password04:34
ChesFTC_Dishtroyer: You should boot off a livecd then04:34
ChesFTC_And fsck your hdd from there04:34
ChesFTC_Afer you fsck it, then it should boot normally04:35
DishtroyerThe live CD must be messed up because I can't get to a command prompt04:35
KuprinHow do you get modules to autoload at boot in Ubuntu?04:35
prince_jammys!password | Dishtroyer : for a way04:35
ubottuDishtroyer : for a way: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords04:35
blaaaargSo ; i was just hanging out ; and got a kernel panic shutdown error04:36
blaaaargwhere can i find that?04:36
macoKuprin: put it in /etc/modules04:36
tritiumKuprin: list them in /etc/modules04:36
prince_jammysDishtroyer: the first url, for how to do it from recovery mode.04:36
DishtroyerOk will try that. Thank you04:36
loshaDishtroyer: if you have an fsck failure on boot, and you didn't set a root password when you had the chance (i.e. when the system was booting ok) then you have to boot a live cd and fsck from there. I don't think you have any other option...04:37
joebodoblaaaarg, perhaps /var/log/syslog (if it was logged at all)04:37
DaZubuntu design is awesome04:37
rwoodChesFTC_:  FYI TestDisk worked like a champ.  I hope.  I'm going to try to reboot now and see what happens.04:37
ChesFTC_rwood: Excellent, thanks for letting me know04:37
rwoodno prob04:37
Ubuntu-Noobgot nvidia driver issues with VALIDATION ERROR: Data incomplete in file /etc/X11/xorg.conf  .. can anyone help04:38
thiebaudeUbuntu-Noob, which ubuntu version?04:38
Kuprinmaco, tritium: what I thought. Now I need to get the bloody livecd to stop treating it as read-only04:38
tritiumKuprin: wipe off any blood from the CD before putting in the drive tray.04:39
joebodoUbuntu-Noob, did you upgrade your nvidia driver ?04:39
thiebaudeUbuntu-Noob, you trying to save your resolution?04:39
blaaaargok in windows i get an irql error ; not greater then or lessthen04:39
blaaaargso i installed ubuntu ; now i get that04:39
blaaaargwhat the heck04:39
Ubuntu-Noobyes i tryed to upgrade driver to 18504:39
macotritium: haha04:39
tritiumUbuntu-Noob: 185 is not in the repositories04:39
joebodoUbuntu-Noob, that was an error that we had in early 9.10 alphas04:40
thiebaudeUbuntu-Noob, 180 is recommended, i use the 185 driver in 9.1004:40
Ubuntu-Noobi tryed manual from nvidia site04:40
thiebaudeworin driver04:40
tritiumUbuntu-Noob: don't do that.  Use ubuntu packages.04:40
Kuprintritium: I don't mean on the livecd filesystem, I mean on the hd I'm chrooted onto :P04:40
thiebaudeUbuntu-Noob, system-administration-hardware drivers04:40
tritiumKuprin: I know ;)04:40
Ubuntu-Noobwell i know better now not to *not use packages"04:41
thiebaudeand choose the recommended driver04:41
thiebaudejoebodo, your right i had something similiar to that04:41
bigtom21485anyone familiar with dell sound drivers and ubuntu 9.04 please help me04:41
Ubuntu-Noobat this point im just trying to get back to drivers 18004:42
thiebaudejoebodo, would not save to X configuration as root in nvidia-settings04:42
DeadmanIncJShow can i get weather, perhaps some system information on my desktop?   gdesklets doesn't work :(04:42
joebodothiebaude, yes - exactly04:42
thiebaudeUbuntu-Noob, goto hardware drivers04:42
DaZDeadmanIncJS: screenlets? :f04:42
Ubuntu-Noobim at hardware drivers04:43
DeadmanIncJSDaZ... yes04:43
DaZso gdesklets or screenlets04:43
DaZor everything doesn't work? :f04:43
thiebaudejoebodo, it still wont save, but i fixed by burning and installing the 9.10 alternate daily cd04:43
DeadmanIncJSoh sorry... i tried gdesklets04:43
DeadmanIncJSdidnt work04:43
DeadmanIncJSdo i just type in "screenlets"?04:43
DaZDeadmanIncJS: now screenlets are cool04:43
DaZimo yes04:44
joebodothiebaude, i think it was fixed at some point, but i used my xorg.conf from my 9.04 install04:44
thiebaudeim on a fresh install here, and loving it04:44
DeadmanIncJSi shall d/l and give this a try04:45
DeadmanIncJSthanks DaZ04:45
joebodothiebaude, yes - very fast - and some good improvements04:45
Ubuntu-Noobthiebaude any advice besides got hardware drivers ?04:45
SehrusHi guys... I need help here, I just installed ubuntu but when I start it I just got a black screen... is somebody has a idea about what is going on ?04:45
joebodoUbuntu-Noob, there's like a 1000 post thread on nvidia drivers on the ubuntu forms04:45
DeadmanIncJSim very much looking fwd to 9.10 :)04:45
DeadmanIncJSeven though im a linux nOOb lol04:45
=== Zeca is now known as FeijoH
thiebaudeUbuntu-Noob, just let search for the drivers and pick the recommended one install it and gksudo nvidia-settings and set your resolution and restart04:46
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto04:46
testeHi, I have created a jaunty live usb... I am having some problems creating an encrypted folder. I used ecryptfs. But whatever I moved to my Private fodler I could not open anymore (text fioles appeared as empty). I am now trying to remove them. I followed the instructions, umounted it, changed permission to 700, but when I try to rm it, my terminal just hangs04:46
FeijoHdae baitola04:47
KuprinDoes ubuntu NEED raid1 modprobed on boot to use a raid partition as /? I keep getting a root not found error, but I do get the splash screen.04:47
zahidSehrus there can be problem with ur graphic card or memory04:47
thiebaudeUbuntu-Noob, which nvidia card do you have?04:47
Ubuntu-Noob8800 gtx04:47
thiebaudeUbuntu-Noob, i have 8400 gs w/512 mb video ram04:48
joebodoSehrus, try hitting control-alt-F1 and see if it shows any errors04:48
Sehrusthx joebodo, ill try it04:48
Ubuntu-Noobhow do i search under hardware drivers ?04:49
mark[oz]hey guys, php5-mysql client is breaking my apache server (PHP Warning:  PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/mysql.so' - /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/mysql.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on line 0)04:49
MenZaUbuntu-Noob: You don't. If it finds something your system needs, it'll tell you.04:49
mark[oz]anyone know anywhere else i can get this package from? sort of compiling php04:49
AshCatiumteste fala04:49
AshCatiumrenan ?04:49
PCTeacher012Help. I am moving my /home to a new partition, but something is wrong and i get permission denied for everything it tries to copy (even IF i include sudo)04:50
jimlovell777How can I clone a partition from my laptop to an external drive connected over USB?04:50
MenZa!es | AshCatium04:50
ubottuAshCatium: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.04:50
mark[oz]PCTeacher012, if things are being used, they'll be read only04:50
MenZajimlovell777: I've no idea how to do it exactly, but you want dd - try 'man dd'04:50
mark[oz]you'll have to log in as another use04:50
AshCatiumubottu it isnt spanish it´s portuguese04:50
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:50
Ubuntu-Noobi take it that it only tells you something if you never did something there before04:51
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.04:51
PCTeacher012mark[oz]: They are not being used. I am on the live CD.04:51
AshCatiumubottu a ta entendi o idioma legal cara hehehehe04:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)04:51
jimlovell777MenZa: Do I have to create a partition on the external drive exactly the size of the partition to be cloned or would dd make it by process of what it does?04:51
PCTeacher012So how do i actually do it now?04:52
MenZajimlovell777: I'm *pretty* sure dd copies everything completely verbatim. But I've never used it myself.04:52
jimlovell777MenZa: Ok thanks.04:52
Sehrusjoebodo - I did not get any error04:52
SehrusI can log in as get to the "command" area04:52
joebodoSehrus, that's good - just seems to be a video driver issue i guess04:53
Sehrushow can I fix it if I cant get into ubuntu... ?04:53
macojimlovell777:  do you really need a bit-by-bit clone? copying all the data (without copying the blank spaces) with rsync would take less time04:54
PCTeacher012How do i copy a folder in terminal?04:54
Sehrusjoebodo - its a black screen but I have the white arrow... but nothing else04:54
macoPCTeacher012: cp04:54
joebodocan jockey use the command line to setup restricted drivers ?04:54
DaZcp -r !04:54
MenZaPCTeacher012: cp -R will copy a folder, its contents, and any subfolders.04:54
jimlovell777maco: Yes I really need a bit-by-bit clone, the partition is a truecrypt created partition and every lit bit matters, pun intended.04:55
macojimlovell777: ah ok04:55
PCTeacher012MenZa: Thank you04:55
MenZaPCTeacher012: Welcome :)04:55
jimlovell777maco: Thanks for the suggestion though.04:55
ryguyHow does Moovida draw to a window? OpenGL? I want to create an application with a similar UI04:56
joebodoSehrus, tell the room your problem again - i dont know what you need to do to resolve the issue04:57
acadI wrote a new application to automate the setup and configuration of blackberry devices and am looking for someone with a blackberry to test this. Any free/open source software advocates in here interested?04:57
DaZryguy: check the source code ;f04:57
theDtTvB2`MBCan I change which hard disk will grub install to if I use the alternate CD?04:58
ryguyDaZ: I have been, cant find anything04:58
acadtheDtTB2`MB I don't think you need to use the alternate CD to do that... but you should be able to do it with the alternative CD if you so desire. i'm not sure how though.04:59
theDtTvB2`MBI only have the alternate CD and I'm using the lab's computer. I worry that it will replace the Windows MBR.05:02
PCTeacher012how come sudo command cant copy my /home?05:02
Ubuntu-Noobgot these problems .. pasted them here http://dpaste.com/107451/05:02
PCTeacher012permission denied?05:03
acadtheDtTvB2`MB then you don't want to install the MBR.05:03
acadtheDtTvB2`MB I mean- grub.05:03
theDtTvB2`MBacad: Well I want but on the other hard disk.05:04
wrapsterI used partition manager to create a 29G ext3 partition.. but thats not reflected under df -h .. how do i set the mount point?05:04
acadtheDtTvB2`MB not really sure.05:05
joebodowrapster, did you format it ?05:06
leaf-sheepAnybody here using XFCE knows the best package to install to get same as xubuntu-desktop without package 'xubuntu-desktop'?05:07
MenZaleaf-sheep: You mean, the individual packages?05:07
MenZaleaf-sheep: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/xubuntu-desktop05:08
brianhermanDoes anyone have any tips on triple booting windows linux and mac?05:08
leaf-sheepMenZa: To get the minimal Ubuntu XFCE theme and essential packages without the "bundled" softwares.05:08
leaf-sheep!dualboot | brianherman05:08
ubottubrianherman: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot05:08
MenZaleaf-sheep: see above. should make it pretty obvious which ones to get.05:08
leaf-sheepMenZa: Alrigh. :)05:09
LaireTMHello, i have a problem with an access to the Internet. I am connect to my wlan, but cant ping or reach an Internetpage05:10
Jerehi! I need a program for ubuntu to create a boot of windows xp in my Usb flash disk please05:10
nowimprovedI have 2 network cards in this ubuntu computer, one connected to a switch and one to the modem, how do I get internet05:12
nowimprovedon the other computers05:12
nowimprovedin firestarter it says, eth0 not ready05:12
wrapsterjoebodo: yeah i've formated it.05:15
brianhermanhow do i get rid of grub?05:15
scott_ino2nowimproved, are you intentionally trying to use yoru computer as a router?>05:16
moymoyi have a minimum install.. have rhythmbox and all the gstreamer plugins, but audio CD's don't play.. what else do i need?05:17
nowimprovedscott_ino2, yes05:17
scott_ino2nowimproved, i mean, there are a Ton of guides out there for this, was there something in particular you were having trouble with05:18
nowimprovedjust keep getting this error in firestarter Internal network device eth0 is not ready. Aborting..05:19
LaireTMDo i have to say Ubuntu wich networkcard it have to use for the internet connection?05:19
tsoporan_Hello, I have a small problem I am using grub2 as my default boot loader, problem is I am never presented a boot menu to boot into another os it just goes on right ahead straight into windows. I've tried hitting esc or enter before but that did nothing, any ideas?05:23
tsoporan_not windows, ubuntu*05:23
MenZa!karmic | tsoporan_05:24
ubottutsoporan_: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+105:24
DigitalKiwiI liked it better when it said s/MAY/will/05:24
milesc2Heya, any of you know of a bittorrent client daemon in the repositories that monitors a queue directory looking for .torrent files and automatically starts downloading them when found?  I'm looking for something similar to hellanzb or sabnzbd+ for torrents.05:25
=== what__ is now known as whatis
DigitalKiwirtorrent, milesc205:25
whatisjust cant win....05:25
milesc2great, thanks digi05:25
=== whatis is now known as whatis6x9
RoastedFor ClamAV - What's the terminal command for it? I'm trying to run "man clamav" so I can read the manual yet its saying no entry, yet I have it installed.05:28
lstarnesRoasted: man clamscan05:28
Roastedbingo! hey, clamav is terminal only, right?05:29
ChesFTC_Roasted: The apropos command is what you want next time05:29
Blueyon the lighter side:  What is the difference between Bird Flu and Swine Flu?05:29
BlueyFor bird flu you need tweetment,05:29
Blueyand for swine flu you need oinkment05:29
lstarnesRoasted: there are graphical frontends available, I think05:29
whatis6x9oink is gone05:29
ChesFTC_Roasted: "apropos clam" will show you the man pages containing clam in the name05:29
DigitalKiwiChesFTC_: if only I could remember how to spell apropos05:29
ChesFTC_DigitalKiwi: heh, ain't it true05:30
Roastedwhat are some linux virus scanners that have a gui?05:31
milesc2linux virus scanners?05:31
acadRoasted: clamav05:31
Roastedmilesc2 - yes. I have an infected flash drive with conficker on it that I use on windows machines at work.05:31
Roastedmilesc2 - I'm trying to scan it at home on an Ubuntu machine where I know it won't spread like wildfire.05:31
theDtTvB2`MBRoasted: Use clamav. I'm sure that there are some GTK+ frontends.05:32
theDtTvB2`MBavscan and clamtk... I think05:32
RoastedI was just about to ask, I'm running clamav right now from terminal but I was curious to see its GUI... does anybody know?05:32
acadRoasted: why would you need a virus scanner? gnu/linux is virus free. there are like 20 viruses ever created and never any real viruses iin the wild- except on out-of-date linux boxes back in the day.05:32
Roastedacad - read above :)05:32
milesc2AVG has gui05:32
lstarnesRoasted: try clamtk.  A windows-based virus scanner is better for finding windows viruses.  clamav is mainly used to check for email viruses on mail servers05:32
theDtTvB2`MBclamav can scan Windows viruses too maybe because it also runs on Windows.05:33
Roastedthat's what I was thi nking05:33
milesc2linux AVG uses the same definitions as the windows version05:33
Roastedit being mac/win/nix I figured it'd have a solid shot at finding it.05:33
milesc2i'd imagine Panda does too05:33
lstarnesRoasted: but it might be able to detect conficker05:33
Roastedno kidding, milesc2?05:33
RoastedI installed clamtk. Where the flip is it in the menu?05:35
lstarnesRoasted: it might be under system tools05:35
lstarnesRoasted: or accessories05:35
Roastedno dice.05:35
milesc2r@ Quit ("ERC Version 5.3 (IRC client for Emacs)")05:36
milesc2lol, really?05:36
milesc2emacs can do everything :(05:36
Roastedwe had a recall on all of our emac system boards at my last job05:36
Keaton'Lo folks, I've got a common question: What packages does an ubuntu (not Kubuntu) user need to make Amarok play MP3's? ubuntu-restricted-extras didn't do it.05:36
Roastedkeaton - medibuntu repository05:36
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sbminst05:37
Kuprinhey ubu guys, for some reason bootup hangs doing a fsck, it won't tell me on WHAT, it already fsck'd /, so the only things it could fsck are almost empty.05:37
LinuX2halfCan someone tell me whats an sbminst package?05:37
KuprinI'm really not sure what's going on.05:37
goodmamiI just upgraded to 9.10. Can anybody help with ibus and Japanese or Chinese input?05:37
preecherima noob and need a good webcam prog for a creative webcam-i currently use "cheese" on ubuntu 9.04 and the pic is always fuzzy05:38
KeatonI've got the medibuntu repository, but what packages am I supposed to install?05:38
Roastedkeaton - whichever ones apply to you. Are you running Ubuntu 9. 04? Then install that accordingly. Are you running 32 bit or 64 bit? Install the 32 or 64wcodecs accordingly, etc05:38
ZykoticK9goodmami, ask the same question in #ubuntu+1 for any 9.10 support questions05:38
goodmamiok thanks ZykoticK905:38
LinuX2halfwhats sbminst?05:39
ZykoticK9LinuX2half, "smart boot manager" <- no idea what it is though05:39
Nevertaken9000when editing my gconf for my panel clock, in custom i know it's %b for example for the month, but what is it to show the temperature?05:39
LaireTMHAve connection to my W-lan Router but no connection to the internet. Some suggestions?05:40
Damalgood Morning to all05:40
RoastedSo I just installed AVG for linux and once again Ic ant flipping find it in the menu.05:41
* DigitalKiwi gives ryan_ a /05:41
RoastedIs there some sort of command I can run to see WHERE the damn programs go when I install them?05:42
DamalAny one if you know pls answer, My advance thx to you. Can I install Microsoft Encarta in ubuntu05:43
=== YDdraigGoch is now known as Richie
qdinarhello. alternate installer showd only sda , no partitions. this happened after this: were c: and d:, in windows installer i deleted c: and creted new partititon, now i think may be i can install not deleting c:, just selecting it and may be i could format it before install. when created new partition instead of c: it created 8 mb small space at start. then i created 2 partitions at end for linux with partitioner in windows. but ubuntu 9.04 64 bit has not see05:43
qdinarn partitions. same has happened with ub 8.04 or 8.10 32 bit but it started to recognise partitions in 9.04.05:43
DigitalKiwidoes dpkg have a comand to show what files are owned by a package?05:43
lstarnesDigitalKiwi: dpkg -L packagename05:44
DamalHow to install Microsoft Encarta in Ubuntu05:45
DigitalKiwiso dpkg -L packagename | grep /usr/bin05:45
DigitalKiwishould work?05:45
lstarnesDigitalKiwi: dpkg -L packagename | grep bin/05:45
DigitalKiwiI'd do it but I don't have dpkg ;p05:45
=== kiran is now known as Guest57409
preecherany good webcam progsw other than cheese webcam booth05:47
DamalWhen I install "ARTHA" disctionary in ubuntu by using dpkg it always shows re-installed error, but is works fine. Why this ?05:47
RoastedHow do I launch AVG in Ubuntu?05:48
DamalWhen I installed "ARTHA" disctionary in ubuntu by using dpkg it always shows re-installed error, but its works fine. Why this ?05:48
errorAh! You highlight me :\05:48
sebsebsebRoasted: You probably don't need AVG in Ubuntu05:48
sebsebseb!virus |  Roasted05:48
ubottuRoasted: A/V software is available, however read this to understand why Linux does not have a virus problem: http://librenix.com/?inode=2105:48
lstarnesDigitalKiwi: if it works, then you can probably ignore it05:48
DigitalKiwisebsebseb: he does05:48
LinuX2halfanyone here knows whats an sbm package and what it can do?05:48
Roastedhonestly, I just want to know how, thanks05:48
lstarnesDigitalKiwi: oops, wrong person05:49
InitHelloRoasted: AVG the anti-virus software?05:49
lstarnesDamal: if it works, you can probably ignore that message05:49
Damalit is error ERROR05:49
DigitalKiwisebsebseb: he has a flash drive with conflickr or whatever the blasted spelling is05:49
Roastedsebsebseb - I have an infected flash drive with conficker on it and I'm trying to zap it from my Ubuntu machine. I use this flash drive at work (windows network)05:49
DigitalKiwidd will get rid of it =D05:49
lstarnesDamal: for safety reasons, you should usually remove a package before installing it again05:49
RoastedI just installed XP on a brand new computer and used my flash drive to transfer the network driver, and just like that I have the virus. I ran McAfee's "Stinger" on it which found it but failedt o get rid of it (POS)05:50
Nevertaken9000quick question, if "%b = Month" and "%d = Date" then0 "%? = Temperature" ??05:50
Damalok lstarrnes05:50
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about sbm05:50
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto05:50
mitchellhow do you change ur nickname?05:50
RoastedGuys, when I install applications, is there any way to figure out where they go? I'm sick of installing new apps and they go all over my system without me knowing where.05:50
DigitalKiwi/nick newnick05:50
sebsebsebDigitalKiwi: yeah I just scrolled up05:51
LinuX2halfwhats an smbinst package...?05:51
sebsebsebDigitalKiwi: well searched for his name05:51
=== mitchell is now known as PYRO_
Nevertaken9000go to home, and then unhide you files with control + h, that's where most go05:51
InitHelloRoasted: check /bin and /usr/bin05:51
sebsebsebRoasted: Can't you just remove whatever is on it and start over?05:51
LinuX2halfNo one here knows whats an sbm package....?05:51
Roastedsebsebseb - No. I cant.05:51
Roastedsebsebseb - I have a ton of stuff on there from work. I recently put a lot of new stuff on it and haven't updated my backup. (I rsync my flash drive contents to my ubuntu machine for redundancy)05:52
sebsebsebRoasted: I am not sure if any of the Linux tools can remove Conflicter, but I think there's something for Windows that can05:52
lstarnesLinuX2half: where did you hear the term "sbm package"?05:52
zmanningcan anyone point me to a good 'install ubuntu on mac' tutorial?05:52
zmanningor the iso05:52
Roastedsebsebseb - yeah, but every time I plug it in to a windows machine, it gets instantly infected.05:52
DigitalKiwidoes confickr infect files? like is anything he has on that flash drive actually safe anymore?05:52
sebsebsebRoasted: it won't infect your Ubuntu install though, since it's a Windows virus05:52
LinuX2halflstarnes: from the terminal05:52
Roastedsebsebseb - I know. That's why I'm trying to scan it from within Ubuntu.05:52
lstarnesLinuX2half: where, exactly?05:52
lstarnesLinuX2half: what command gave you that?05:53
sebsebsebRoasted: you can probably copy  the files  to your Ubuntu install,  and then remove everything on the USB stick05:53
preechersbm---possibly smart boot manager?05:53
Roastedsebsebseb - and then copy the files back and restore the virus. Right?05:53
davebsi'm a bit stuck on an issue: ubuntu install off usb goes to this swirly pulse of random colors right after the loading screen (on another monitor it just goes to black), the framebuffer=false option doesn't help, and I successfully booted off of a backtrack live usb drive i had around (which is kubuntu and uses framebuffer)... then i downloaded alternate install, no luck05:53
LinuX2halflstames: type in smbinst --help05:53
RoastedDoes anybody know how to use AVG on Ubuntu?05:53
lstarnesLinuX2half: smbinst or sbminst?05:53
sebsebsebRoasted: maybe,  but probably not,  I mean if the files open up ok in Ubuntu, then they are probably ok05:53
LinuX2halflstames: smbinst05:53
Roastedsebsebseb - the files open fine, but conficker itself is a file soemwhere on my fl ash drive.05:54
RoastedI just really need to figure out HOW to scan instead of WHY to scan.05:54
lstarnesLinuX2half: I don't have that command (also, my nick has r and n, not m)05:54
sebsebsebRoasted: right,  well you copy/move  the files  that you know about, the ones that are  your data, and then format the drive05:54
Roastedagain, I'd like to know how to scan. I'm sorry to be an ass but I just want to figure this out while actively scanning the drive.05:55
DigitalKiwiRoasted: dpkg -L avg(or whatever the pkgname on ubuntu is) | grep bin05:55
LinuX2halflstanrnes: opps, its sbminst --help05:55
sebsebsebRoasted: also  maybe you should start using a new  Flash drive at work05:55
DigitalKiwithen you know where the binary is and can run it05:55
rhetthow do I go to system-administration-networking in jaunty?05:55
RoastedMy flash drive is fine.05:55
rhettsome guide tells me to to do that, but I don't see it05:55
lstarnesLinuX2half: I don't have that either05:55
rhettmaybe that was for an older ubuntu05:55
RoastedDigitalKiwi - dpkg is what installs it - correct? I already have it installed.05:55
rhettmy stupid atheros wireless card won't connect with wpa05:56
lstarnesRoasted: it also shows info about packages, like installation locations05:56
trey1i smoke im 1505:56
sebsebsebRoasted: and if you got it from your job in the first place, they should sort out their computer security05:56
DigitalKiwi-L is a flag that lists the files owned by that package05:56
Roastedsebsebseb - that's what we're actively working on, but when you have 4 people for 1,500 computers, youc an only go so fast.05:56
dr3mro_do any one here uses Listen Media player ??? whay its not the default for ubuntu ???05:56
dr3mro_do any one here uses Listen Media player ??? whay its not the default for ubuntu ???05:56
trey1does any body here live in memphis05:57
Roastedsebsebseb - we have a network sniffer in place which actually pinpointed the exact computers that are infected, but I only got word of this around 7pm and I left at 6pm.05:57
nelovishkHi everyone. I have a noob question... The system->administration->networking item is missing in my just-installed Ubuntu 9.04... I can't find the network settings anywhere =/05:57
Jordan_URoasted: Have you tried clamav? It's linux native so might be easier05:57
chinhello good morning05:57
Roastedlstarnes - It says AVG is not installed, when clearly synaptic says it is installed.05:57
nelovishkand, the question is: where can I find that configuration interface?05:57
lstarnesRoasted: lowercase?05:57
Roastedjordan_U - Yeah, I have. I'm just t rying to find something with a GUI though, and the clamtk gui kind of sucks.05:57
Jordan_Unelovishk: It's in System > Preferences now because it doesn't require root priveleges05:58
sebsebsebRoasted: I see  that's your job ok,  maybe also  in the future  some Desktop Linux can be used there, so  that problems like this probably don't happen05:58
DigitalKiwiRoasted: what about avast?05:58
chinmy ubuntu local apt-mirror not updating from archive05:58
=== Edgan_ is now known as Edgan
pinoyskullanybody has experience with oracle here?05:58
rhettnobody knows where to get network config stuff in jaunty?05:58
Roastedsebsebseb - When you have educational software that a truckload of money was spent on when it's Windows based, it's very hard to convince a board of old timers that an operating system less popular than Windows is the way to go.05:58
chinDownloading 48 index files using 10 threads...05:58
chinBegin time: Thu Oct 15 10:22:55 200905:58
chinit is stuck with the following status05:59
trey1roasted use pentesting to find weakens on the computers on your network05:59
nelovishkJordan_U: I can't find it under Preferences either... Just network connections and network proxy...05:59
chinDownloading 48 index files using 10 threads...05:59
chinBegin time: Thu Oct 15 10:22:55 200905:59
FloodBot2chin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:59
Roastedlstarnes - It doesnt find it, lowercase or uppercase05:59
trey1and i forgot what i was gonna say next05:59
trey1hold on05:59
Jordan_Unelovishk: Network Connections is the new tool ( network manager )05:59
chinany body have answer06:00
sebsebsebRoasted: it's a nasty one by  things I read before,  I think you might have to format anything that is infected by it, to make sure it is completly gone, plus I think there is a tool for WIndows to remove it06:00
Roastedlstarnes - its avg85flx... according to synaptic. It found it, but I have no idea wh ere the icon is to LAUNCH the program06:00
chinapt-mirror local not updating06:00
Roastedsebsebseb - Yeah, we already have a list of the infected computers, whcih total count is about two dozen out of the 1,500 sy stems we have on the network.06:00
nelovishkJordan_U: hm! then, I guess I'll try to find how to change the hostname there =)06:00
nelovishkJordan_U: thank you very much06:00
Roastedsebsebseb - We have tools to remove it at work. It's just we didn't know where to start before. Now we know.06:00
lstarnesRoasted: have you checked in accessories and system tools?06:01
sebsebsebRoasted: sometimes programs don't just add them selves to the menu when you install them into Ubuntu06:01
Jordan_Unelovishk: np06:01
DigitalKiwiRoasted: you can launch it from command line06:01
Roastedlstarnes - yes.06:01
Roastedsebsebseb -  Unfortunately, I know. Quite stupid, but something I've tolerated since I've been on Ubuntu.06:01
trey1when i have a virus on my computers i use a linux boot disk to scan my computers06:01
RoastedDigitalWiki - that'd be nice if I knew the command. :)06:01
trey1trk is a good one06:01
DigitalKiwi!info avg06:01
chinDownloading 48 index files using 1 threads...06:01
ubottuPackage avg does not exist in jaunty06:01
lstarnesRoasted: you may want to read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus/Avg06:01
chinBegin time: Thu Oct 15 10:36:48 200906:01
chinBegin time: Thu Oct 15 10:36:48 200906:01
chinit is not proceeding further06:02
DigitalKiwiubottu: you don't like me? :(06:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:02
sebsebsebRoasted: re installing the program, or logging out of  Ubuntu usaully takes care of,  apparantly you already know,  plus  you could launch it using the name on the command line,  as I expect again you already knokw06:02
=== idiot is now known as Guest36056
DigitalKiwioh i missed his reply >.>06:02
Roastedand once again, considerable tweaking to be done to edit an installed program. Be nice if it did this automatically. Hate to be an ass but, seriously?06:02
chinerror with apt-mirror06:02
lstarnesRoasted: that is an issue with avg's own packaging06:02
chinpls help me06:02
Roastedlstarnes - still an issue, whether its ubuntu or avg.06:02
Roastedits something I see a lot06:02
DigitalKiwiRoasted: dpkg -L package -- lists files owned by that package, you can find the file in /bin that way, and run that06:03
smithclkHi Wizards! this is the first time i'm on this channel!06:03
BoxMagnetcan someone tell me how to lower screen brightness from the terminal???06:03
voxRoasted: so complain to avg06:03
chincan u help me06:03
Roastedvox - and every other application Ive installed that did the same shit? I'll consider it. Thanks.06:03
preechersudo avggui06:03
RoastedOMG BAD WORD06:03
preecherthat should open avg gui06:03
DigitalKiwigksudo not sudo06:04
Roastedsudo: avggui: command not found06:04
ubottuIf you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)06:04
Sirisianhmm odd /dev/sda1 is showing 97% full. Is there a quick way to list the largest folders on the disk?06:04
Guest36056running 9.04, jaunty, amd phenom 2 (64bit).  not quite sure what sets it off, but X hangs/crashes on me, forcing me to reboot as it does not accept any keyboard/mouse input.  dmesg has the following line in it: "[46473.595156] compiz.real[3723]: segfault at 40 ip 00007f7ba36f24e0 sp 00007fffaeed4588 error 6 in libGLcore.so.180.44[7f7ba2e93000+da2000]"  any ideas?06:04
Jordan_Unelovishk: I don't think that you can change the hostname through network-manager, and I'm not sure if there is a GUI replacement installed by default. You can either install "network-admin" or just...06:04
sebsebsebRoasted: sounds like your a school tech, I just want to say loads of great educational software for Linux, by the way I hope you already know about that, plus about Edubuntu06:04
Jordan_U!hostname | nelovishk06:04
ubottunelovishk: Use hostname <somehostname> to set the hostname, or to do it permanently: edit /etc/hostname  and /etc/hosts . WARNING! Make sure that your current hostname and /etc/hosts match, otherwise sudo may not work properly. Alternatively, use the gui at System > Administration > Networking on the "General" tab06:04
BoxMagnetcan someone tell me how to lower screen brightness from the terminal???06:04
DigitalKiwihttp://www.ducea.com/2006/05/14/tip-how-to-sort-folders-by-size-with-one-command-line-in-linux/ Sirisian06:04
voxGuest36056: what videocard/driver?06:05
Roastedsebsebseb - yeah, but unfortunately, we JUST dumped a truckload on educational software right around the time I started, so I cant imagine justifying to the board that me, the new guy (been there a year, but Im the youngest in the department) that we should switch over due to platform changes.06:05
smithclkHi All! im having a speed limitation while using usbserial module with my HSPA modem. is there any alternatives to use instead usbserial?06:05
Guest36056vox, howto check?06:05
Roastedsebsebseb - it really comes down to bad timing, and right now it's just an awful time for me cause I cant really push that card, ya know?06:05
voxGuest36056: lspci |grep vga06:05
preecheranyone know a good webcam prog ? other than cheese webcam booth06:05
sebsebsebRoasted: yeah06:06
loshaSirisian: go to where /dev/sda1 is mounted, and run sudo du -x | sort -rn > /tmp/du.out  It'll take a few minutes to run...06:06
Guest36056lspci | grep -i vga: 02:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation nForce 750a SLI (rev a2)06:06
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Roastedgksudo avggui does nothing, to whoever told me to try it.06:06
Jordan_Upreecher: For what ( video chat, saving videos, both ) ?06:06
sebsebsebRoasted: maybe some  virtual machines later of Linux for good software,  I know Windows as host hmm,  but  better than none at all06:07
preechermostly chat06:07
Roastedokay, hell with AVG. What gui based virus scanners are there that will install properly and work fine?06:07
sebsebsebRoasted: I think to remove that virus06:07
MenZaclam-av, Roasted.06:07
sebsebsebRoasted: you  may need a Windows tool really, ask in ##windows about it06:07
voxGuest36056: ok, now "cat /etc/X11/xorg.conf |grep driver"06:07
Roastedmenza - I have clamav, and I have cl amtk (the gui frontend) and it kind of sucks. I already tried it but it didnt find any viruses when I'm positive I have one on my flash drive.06:07
Sirisianlosha, didn't do anything really. Printed 4 things to a file06:07
smithclkcould i use airprime instead of usbserial. Im using Jaunty!06:08
sebsebsebRoasted: I have this feeling that maybe none of the Linux virus scanning tools can remove Conflicter, because it's so nasty06:08
loshaSirisian: then something went wrong. Where is /dev/sda1 mounted?06:08
lstarnessebsebseb: it's conficker, not conflicter06:08
voxGuest36056: ok, one sec06:08
Roastedsebsebseb - Yeah, me too. But it's frustrating when I can't even get a damn application to work in Ubuntu and fire up, let alone actually utilize it to get rid of a virus.06:08
BoxMagnetcan someone tell me how to lower screen brightness from the terminal???06:08
nuxil i got a eee pc im running something call easypeasy on.. but i rather have ubuntu on it. i dont have a big usb stick, and i dont got a usb cdrom. so i was woundering. is it possible to install from a iso file located on a hard disk partition ? i remember back in the old days it was kinda an option in the installers. is it still possible ?06:08
Sirisianlosha, oh whoops I didn't go to where it was mounted maybe? Is that in a specific folder? In like /mnt?06:09
sebsebsebRoasted: You could  delete the infected file using Ubuntu I expect, of course you got to know which one it is first06:09
Roastedsebsebseb - which is where my problem lies :(06:09
InitHellonuxil: how big is your usb stick?06:09
DigitalKiwi1 aur/avast 1.3.0-2 (64) Avast4workstation anti-virus (Home/Non-Commercial Only)06:09
nuxil512 mb06:09
Roasteddoesnt look like avast is free06:09
Roastedrequires registration, license key, etc06:09
InitHellonuxil: that *might* be enough for a minimal install-from-usb06:09
DigitalKiwibut it's free06:09
loshaSirisian: run df -h   If it isn't obvious, then paste the output to paste.ubuntu.com & we can look at it together.06:10
sebsebsebRoasted: I am pretty sure there is something  for Windows to remove it though06:10
voxGuest36056: ok, now    dpkg -l "nvidia-glx**"06:10
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voxGuest36056: er06:10
DigitalKiwithe license key is free, and iirc you don't need it for 60 days, for home use06:10
voxGuest36056: ok, now    dpkg -l "nvidia-glx*"06:10
Roastedsebsebseb - I have tried the two programs "known" to remove conficker - and it hasnt removed it.06:10
nuxilInitHello, i only need base system installed. and apt. if i get that in. the rest will be pize of cake06:10
voxthat one06:10
sebsebsebRoasted: How many files do you have on the Flash drive?06:11
Guest36056vox: grep ii?06:11
nelovishkJordan_u: thank you very much, that's very helpful.06:11
Roastedsebsebseb - 8gb worth06:11
loshaRoasted: maybe it isn't conficker?06:11
Jordan_Unelovishk: np06:11
Roastedsebsebseb - I have files from work, drivers for all of the systems I work on, etc06:11
voxGuest36056: yeah, if you like06:11
Roastedlosha - it is. It finds it and detects 2 instances of conficker on my flash drive, but it cant remove it.06:11
sebsebsebRoasted: I see so lots  meaning going manuaully through them all  to check that they are ok or not, would take ages06:11
voxGuest36056: it should hopefully be nvidia-glx-18506:11
whatis6x9Roasted, lol06:11
voxor something06:12
Roastedsebsebseb - yeah, it'd be a headache to manually do it.06:12
whatis6x9boot into safe mode with networking06:12
whatis6x9and get malwarebytes06:12
Guest36056vox: http://pastebin.com/m2f63ede006:12
whatis6x9itl clean up wincrap all day long06:12
Roastedwhatis6x9 - wanna know something really interesting?06:12
Roastedwhatis6x9 - I did06:12
whatis6x9Love to06:12
voxGuest36056: thats the one06:12
Sirisianlosha, http://paste.ubuntu.com/293659/06:12
nuxilInitHello, but where do i find this mini install. i need to check the size06:12
whatis6x9then you cannot afford to keep the install. Backup c:\documents and settings and have fun.06:12
InitHellonuxil: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD06:13
Roastedwhatis6x9 - its not an install, its my flash drive06:13
nuxilInitHello, thanks06:13
InitHellonuxil: no problem06:13
whatis6x9Roasted, so let me see here... your flash drive windows programs have conficker and you cant clean it?06:13
zaoulHello all06:13
Roastedwhatis6x9 - Programs? No. Data? Yes.06:13
hsarcianyone on a thinkpad?06:13
sebsebsebwhatis6x9: he has 8GB worth of  stuff on it, he does not know which file is infected06:14
Guest36056vox, so i have an old nvidia-glx driver, namely 180 instead of 185?06:14
voxGuest36056: ok, now   apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-glx-18006:14
loshaSirisian: ok, the first line shows /dev/sda1 is mounted on root (/). Please type the following: sudo -i ; cd /; du -x | sort -rn > /tmp/du.out06:14
whatis6x9Guest36056, i recommend the 190.xx beta btw06:14
voxGuest36056: nah, 185 is the ubuntu 9.10 nvidia release06:14
voxGuest36056: 180 is fine06:14
whatis6x9185 is crap.06:14
whatis6x9no offense to nvidia, but that was a horrible release - ive seen problems on about 50% of nvidia installs with that driver06:15
whatis6x9massive tearing, refresh issues, etc/06:15
Guest36056vox, do you think the driver got corrupted?06:15
whatis6x9ok Roasted then youve got to break your job up into folders06:15
whatis6x9scan one at a time06:15
voxGuest36056: well either something is corrupted, your box has bad ram, or your video card has bad ram06:15
Roastedwhatis6x9 - I'm just trying to utilize an Ubuntu virus scanner in hopes that perhaps I can zap conficker from my flash drive within Linux. The problem is, I'm also trying to tinker around with linux scanners while I'm at it. The curve ball - they either suck, or are terminal based (whcih is fine) but I'm just trying to find one that works.06:15
whatis6x9Roasted, what ones have you tried so far? Avast! has a linux binary06:16
Roastedwhatis6x9 - AVG, ClamAV, and I tried Avast but it hit me with registration and licensing and Im just not dealing with that crap tongiht.06:16
RoastedJust trying to find something I can just - BAM! Install and scan and get the hell to bed.06:16
Guest36056vox, ouch, not what i wanna hear.  ok, installed...reboot?06:16
voxGuest36056: easiest way06:17
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Guest36056vox, thanks, brb06:18
whatis6x9Roasted, join #flood06:18
GLGneed help for xserver: unable to create new x config backup file. why?06:18
loshaRoasted: the licensing is trivial and, if I recall, automated. You fill in the form and it mails you a license number. But you might be better off finding something tailored to conficker in ##windows.06:18
whatis6x9Roasted, join #flood06:18
Sirisianlosha, no file is created when I run that06:18
Roastedlosha - I did find two applications tailored to conficker in windows, and both failed.06:19
loshaSirisian: no /tmp/du,out ?06:19
Roastedlosha - at this point I'm almost just trying to find a virus scanner that installs and works in linux without headaches. So far, 2 down, no luck.06:19
Sirisianlosha, nope06:19
smithclkI'm having a speed limitation problem while using usbserial with my hspa modem. Is there any workaround or alternative that i can use to get the full speed?06:19
whatis6x9Roasted, there you go - check your pm and liscense the Avast!06:19
Roastedwhatis6x9 - thanks. Im still curious about why AVG sucked so badly to install. :(06:19
loshaSirisian: did you cut&paste the line I gave you?06:20
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Sirisianlosha, yeah and I made sure by looking at it. It's the same charactor for character06:20
GLGplz need to have two x screens T.T06:20
choreohow to add printer pls help me06:21
MenZa!printer | choreo06:21
ubottuchoreo: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows06:21
Guest41745vox, ok...that just re-installed the driver, no?  problem still might persist, esp. if its memory/video ram?06:21
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loshaSirisian: Ah, I see the problem. Please type sudo -i and hit return. Make sure the prompt changes.06:22
choreook gotcha tnx a lot06:22
voxGuest41745: yeah, if it keep happening.. something is amiss06:22
Guest41745before it seemed to happen more often when i'm playing flash movies06:22
Guest41745but i'll keep an eye out06:23
Guest41745vox, thanks for your help06:23
voxGuest41745: no dramas06:23
ekontsevoyHm... this is new to me: when I hit ctrl+alt+F2 I get into a fancy screen session instead of a plain shell. Where is this configured?06:23
Sirisianlosha, okay it's running06:23
ekontsevoy(I'm on Karmic)06:23
sebsebseb!karmic |  ekontsevoy06:23
ubottuekontsevoy: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+106:23
loshaSirisian: now do: du -x | sort -rn > /tmp/du.out06:23
Mylistotrying to install flash 10 on 8.1006:23
GLGplz X screen help any1?06:23
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neil_dmy root partition is on a LVM setup.  If I was to shrink the fs etc. and create a snapshot logical volume, would that enable the easy roll-back of the upgrade if something goes wrong?06:24
Mylistowhen I try to download from adobes site...I get a06:24
sebsebsebMylisto: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree06:24
Mylistoerror: wrong architechure "i386"06:24
Aruzaim attempting to install 9.10 onto a raid using wubi any suggestions? im getting to the install and it shows the "slideshow" but after this it sits at a black screen06:24
ZykoticK9ekontsevoy, ctrl+alt and F1-F12 will take you to the virtual consoles: F7 is usually where X starts - this way you can actually have multiple X sessions running at once as well as the multiple text console F1-F6 -- have fun!06:24
sebsebsebAzzmodan: Wubi on  a raid as well, uhmm  doesn't sound good at all06:24
Sirisianlosha, maybe I have to empty the trashcan thing. I forgot ubuntu has that06:24
sebsebsebAzzmodan: plus 9.10 isn't out yet and the channel for it is #ubuntu+1   real partitions :)06:25
ekontsevoyZykoticK9: Thank you, I am quite familiar with consoles, I am just surprised to see screen there. I don't want it, because I run screen via ssh on my servers, and screen inside of screen is painful, so I am looking how to turn this off.06:25
ari_stresshi guys, it seems that there is issue with NetworkManager and LEAP. anyone experience this?06:25
loshaSirisian: probably. If so, it will show up when the command finishes & we look at the /tmp/du.out file06:25
ari_stressNetworkManager + LEAP keeps dropping06:25
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ekontsevoyZykoticK9: in other words I want plain consoles by default as before (I have upgraded from 8.04)06:25
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sebsebsebAzzmodan: messaged you by mistake meant to message  Aruza06:26
ZykoticK9ekontsevoy, in that case just exit the screen session :) - but i don't know how it works in Karmic - so you might wanna checkout #ubuntu+106:26
sebsebsebAruza: see above06:26
smithclkAnyone ever come across this usb hspa modem detected as 1c9e:6061. What is the module to use with it to achieve the full speed instead of usbserial?06:27
Drakotsuer wow06:27
Drakotsubig channel06:27
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MenZaDrakotsu: quite.06:28
ratboxYou here Drak?06:28
Sirisianlosha, http://paste.ubuntu.com/293664/06:28
DrakotsuYeah Rat :o06:28
Sirisianlosha, it would appear my kernel development stuff is taking a little bit of space06:28
DrakotsuRat why not query me? lol06:29
loshaSirisian: yeah, as you can see, the file lists files and directories, largest first. About 3.7G is your kernel development stuff....06:31
Sirisianthat would explain why I'm having problem having more than one kernel at a time06:32
Sirisianer 2 kernels06:32
loshaSirisian: Agreed. Time to buy a disk...06:33
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pradeephi everyone06:33
Sirisianlosha, nah it's a VM. I'm running Windows 7 as host :\ Not sure why I chose 8 GB. I didn't realize my professor wanted me to make a bajillion kernels for an assignment.06:33
kraito i installed amarok and a codecs and when i went to fix up my animation on ccsm their were missing plugins. can anyone help with this?06:34
prashant_root@prashant-laptop:~# ./mp4cleaner.sh 27082009001.mp406:34
prashant_-bash: ./mp4cleaner.sh: No such file or directory06:34
loshaSirisian: If you have the space, you can probably grow the virtual disk, or add a second virtual disk....06:35
Sirisianthat's what I'm trying right now06:35
smudgeHi guys, I'm new to ubuntu and not that great with computers & wondering if anyone can help me get sound to work on youtube/myspace? I've been through the forums and tried some of the fixes suggested but as yet nothing has worked. I can play mp3s and video from my computer with sound but the internet is for some reason not working. Any help would be much appreciated06:36
firdau5hi smudge06:37
firdau5which internet browser that are you use?06:37
smudgehi firdau506:37
pradeepsmudge what browser are you using06:37
firdau5that good06:37
pradeepare your plugins installed06:37
firdau5its should be ok06:37
smudgeadobe? yes06:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about apic06:38
GuidMorrowhey, what does it mean by "timer not connected to IO-APIC"?06:38
intokHow can I get clamav virus signature updates to install properly?06:39
firdau5are you still there06:39
firdau5I just wonder06:39
firdau5which ubuntu are currently you use06:40
smudge8.04 I think06:40
prashant_any1 for help...plz help me on this ....http://fpaste.org/AIio/06:40
firdau5your firefox version?06:40
smudgeumm whatever ubuntu runs?06:41
firdau5you should upgrade your firefox first06:41
smudgehow to? just in applications?06:42
disappearedngI have a bunch of .cat .mdl files that says it's emacs lisp source code, how do I access it?06:42
firdau5system ---> Administration ----> Update manager06:42
smudgeit says sytem is up to date06:43
firdau5firefox current version is 3.0.1406:43
firdau5adobe flash player?06:43
smudgeflash player I just downloaded the ubuntu ver from adobe. how can I check firefox version?06:44
firdau5go to Help ---> About06:45
smudgeyep 3.0.1406:45
disappearednghow do I open a tex file?06:46
firdau5go to Tools --> Add-ons06:46
firdau5then click 'Plugins' icon06:47
tk`disappearedng: u can use any text editor, but if u want to compile into a dvi/pdf u need the several packages06:48
firdau5you will see a list of plugins that are currently installed06:48
O__ohi guys, how to mount a drive?06:48
O__oi want to mount my sdb106:48
O__oit is fat32, is it mount -vfat sdb1??06:48
disappearedngtk` what's the easiest way to compile them, using latex?06:48
firdau5you have shockwave flash player there? (I mean in the plugin list)06:49
O__odisappearedng, i know a bit latex06:49
disappearedngok how should I view them?06:49
disappearednglatex %s under command line?06:49
ShapeShifter499how do I make my ubuntu system use a file browser for one desktop environment  and use a different file bowser for another desktop environment?06:50
tk`no u need the tex tools06:50
disappearedngas in?06:50
smudgeyeah shockwave flash 9.0 r24606:50
disappearednglike what gtk app can open them directly without the need for compilation06:50
firdau5mine is 10.0r3206:50
O__odisappearedng, what are you trying to do?06:51
tk`disappearedng: any gtk ap would need those supporting pckges ..06:51
firdau5but I think thats not the matter06:51
firdau5do you have mplayer plugin?06:51
tk`disappearedng: its call texlive or something ... good ides are texmaker and kile06:51
smudgeim not sure?06:51
disappearedngok I just downloaded a bunch of tex files, and I am wondering how I could read them06:51
disappearedngi did install texlive, but there is no command texlive06:52
O__odisappearedng, you have to compile them06:52
O__othe command is latex file.tex06:52
disappearedngso you have to compile right?06:52
O__ou can actually read the code by any editor06:52
firdau5smudge, you may try to install these plugins if you dont have them yet06:52
O__olike emacs06:52
firdau52- VLC Multimedia plugin06:53
kj4hello all06:53
disappearedngwhat about .cat files06:53
O__odisappearedng, if the author of the tex file didnt use special package then you should be able to latex file.tex06:53
GuidMorrowI'm havin' some trouble here06:53
disappearedngok cool06:53
O__odisappearedng, dont know about cat file06:53
MenZadisappearedng: Or, if you prefer it in the format of a PDF, pdflatex <filename>06:53
firdau5and quicktime plugin06:54
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O__odisappearedng, after u did latex file.tex, you need to view them with xdvi file.dvi06:54
GuidMorrowjust as I get set ubuntu set up, it drops to a root shell and the OS fails to boot06:54
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:55
tk`disappearedng: on sidenote evince can open dvi too06:55
smudgeI've already got vlc media player but I didn't have mplayer & I can't find quicktime in the add/remove programs?06:55
firdau5mplayer plugin will install the quicktime plugin as well divx plugin06:56
Keaton'Lo #Ubuntuites. I've installed libxine1-ffmpeg, and Amarok 2 still isn't playing MP3's. Isn't that the right package to do it? And yes, I have the Medibuntu package enabled.06:57
hellmitreI always installed the gstreamer plugins06:57
Keaton*Medibuntu repository.06:57
pablo_hi, I have a virtual machine running ubuntu karmic06:57
Keatonhellmitre: I've got those too. They work for Exaile and Rythmbox, but not Amarok.06:57
smudgeok I now have mplayer06:57
MenZa!karmic | pablo_06:57
ubottupablo_: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+106:57
hellmitrehrm, Keaton06:58
pablo_I upgraded today and after rebooting I'm getting Failed to connect to socket /com/ubuntu/upstart: Connection refused06:58
pablo_to pretty much anything I try to start06:58
firdau5need to wait untill the installation is finished than restart the firefox06:58
MenZapablo_: I repeat. Try #ubuntu+1.06:59
smudgeok I'll try that back in a minute06:59
pablo_thanks MenZa, trying that06:59
preecheranyone know a good webcam prog for a creative webcam?07:00
hellmitrepreecher, cheese07:00
preechersorry--i meant to say other than cheese07:00
chrissyi do but it just goes to a blank screen07:00
hellmitrethen nevermind07:00
preecheri use cheese now but pic stays fuzzy07:00
chrissywhat should i do07:01
firdau5hi chrissy07:01
HooxI got a small question about ownership of folders. I set up lighttpd with a vhost and made a user for vsftpd to upload files to the vhost dir. To be able to run the files from lighttpd I have to run a chown www-data:www-data or I will get 403. Is there some way to be able to upload the files and still run them in lighty?07:02
chrissyi am trying to get my screensaver to work07:02
firdau5go to ---> System ----> Preferences ---> screen saver07:02
chrissyok than what07:02
pablo_apparently wiki.ubuntu.com is 503ing...07:03
suigeneriswould there be a problem with adding a 2gb file to a .rar file? it says Couldn't create the file and I'm suspecting that large file07:03
firdau5adjust the computer idle time07:03
chrissyto what07:03
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smudgefirdau5 thanks very much it's working!!07:03
firdau5to 1 minit07:03
firdau5then you leave your computer07:04
chrissyok hold on07:04
firdau5hi smudge... you're welcome07:04
smudgehave a great day07:04
GhostWolfyhi all, does anyone know how to check my hdd that has a windows os on it how many bad sectors is on the hdd through live cd?07:04
firdau5hi wolfy, you can try nst from sourceforge.net website07:05
chrissysee i have done that before and all i get is a blank screen07:05
firdau5thats an opensource software07:05
firdau5you may didnt set which type your screensaver yet07:06
chrissyi did becaus it shows which one i have07:06
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firdau5you should choose the screen saver in the screen saver theme list07:07
loshaGhostWolfy: the only way I know of would be to download & use smartmontools to look at the SMART data  (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/S.M.A.R.T.), or perhaps to boot the manufacturer's own diagnostic disk07:07
GhostWolfyfirdau5, i don't wanna go to a site i wanna try to do it from the live cd and the hdd i want to scan only has windows on07:07
firdau5instead of 'blank screen'07:07
GhostWolfylosha, ok07:07
firdau5that click OK07:07
chrissyok hold on i will check07:07
firdau5now I am ubuntu system engineer I guess :D :P07:08
al_if you find badblocks, is there a command to check the mft or fat and see what files are effected?07:10
loshaal_: see if this helps: http://smartmontools.sourceforge.net/badblockhowto.html  Note that by the time a modern drive reports bad blocks, it usually means it's already tried to reallocate the block and failed i.e. the drive has essentially already gone bad and should no longer be considered reliable...07:12
kiranhelp me07:13
firdau5hi kiran07:13
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al_losha: does bad blocks show reallocated bad blocks, or only show badblocks afer its run out of reallocations?07:14
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chrissyhey i am back i picked a new screensaver so we will see07:14
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davebsif i have one livecd booted, then i put in another ubuntu install usb drive, where is the installer for ubuntu on the usb drive?07:15
alteregodComputers for the masses, not the classes07:15
=== corey___ is now known as corey
alteregodthe installer is nowhere07:15
YungRippwhat is the name of the kubuntu volume manager?07:15
firdaus5you need to run the live cd first07:15
preecheralso my screen goes dimmer when im inactive for a few minutes and in my settings i have this function turned off-any idea how to keep my screen at its brightest at all times07:15
firdaus5than click at the 'install' icon07:16
davebsi have and it won't work07:16
davebsthe live cd crashes07:16
davebsfirst it gave me this weird multi color screen07:16
=== firdaus5 is now known as firdau5
davebsthen i hooked it to another monitor and it just gave me black07:16
alteregodwhat are you usn?07:16
davebsi tried "framebuffer=false"07:16
davebsyes, 9.0407:16
davebsi've tried regular and alternative07:16
alteregodand the working one is?07:17
davebsalternative gave me a kernel panick07:17
davebsthe working one is backtrack 4, kubuntu basically07:17
alteregodsounds your hardware is messed up07:17
davebsthat's what i've been thinking07:17
firdau5long time no see the 'kernel panic'07:17
davebsso i've been running a memtest07:17
davebsbut nothing yet07:17
davebsi jsut built the system today07:17
davebsso i'm trying to narrow down at least where the hardware problem is07:17
alteregodatom cpu?07:17
firdau5sound that its not supported your machine07:17
DegotHi... Situation : After Installing Server amd64 9.10 , i can`t start ubuntu... during boot process, system can`t mount /dev/sda1.... ext4 or ext3 it doesn`t matter, result is the same. BUT 9.04 installation  works fine with ext3/ext4... Any ideas?07:18
loshaal_: er, I'm actually not sure if the Ubuntu mapping of blocks to files stuff works on microsoft filesystems. The SMART data for the drive should tell you how many *actual* reallocated sectors the drive has had to do. but I actually think the filesystem only reports bad blocks after the drive fails to reallocate successfully, but that might vary between manufacturers....07:18
davebsit's a core 2 duo 540007:18
davebs2 gigs ram07:18
davebspc 800?07:18
davebs500 gig segate07:18
alteregodtry run the ram at lower clk07:18
davebscan i set that in the bios?07:18
alteregodat least try, if it works you ram is ucked up07:18
firdau5your mother board is intel right?07:18
davebsgigabyte is manufacturer, but i think it's intel stuff inside07:19
snkclddoes anyone know why eclipse isnt configured properly for software updates in ubuntu 9.1?07:19
al_losha: yer i thought there might  be a linux tool for it, guess not07:19
firdau5than your ram is not either kingston or apacer?07:19
loshaDegot: why you would want to run a release that's barely in beta on a server is beyond me...07:19
davebsit's cheap, whatever it is07:19
firdau5I see07:19
davebsi was trying to build a basic linux server for realtively cheap but w/ decent stuff07:19
firdau5I suspect.. its your ram07:19
davebsbut yeah, i skimped on the ram, bought cheapest stuff on newegg07:19
alteregodi always use ECC, and i dont care if its 50 bucks more07:20
davebswould that explain the initial graphics problem?07:20
firdau5try to use apacer or kingston ram first07:20
neil_dsnkcld: to be precise that is 9.10 not 9.1 as the '10' refers to the month it is released in.07:20
davebsbecause i was concerned it was the onboard video07:20
davebsi'm just trying to use this w/out a monitor, keyboard, just connect via vnc once i get it setup07:20
snkcldah i did not know that, thank you07:20
snkcldthats a good point though07:21
snkcldso 9.1 would be for a january release07:21
davebsbut i guess that's what i get for going cheap, haha07:21
loshaal_: well there is, but it's for *linux* filesystems, which doesn't seem unreasonable. The smartmontools stuff will still work though...07:21
neil_dsnkcld: yes it would.. but as ubuntu is a 6 month release cycle it is unlikely to happen in January.07:22
alteregodits 9.10 year 9 month 1007:22
firdau5graphics, may be related with xserver07:22
alteregodthe following codename of 10.4 is lunatic lemur07:22
firdau5try to change your ram first07:23
CaptainMorgandoes installing flash 10 on a 64-bit system, via the link in the instructions here: http://queleimporta.com/en/finally-adobe-releases-native-64-bit-flash-10-for-linux/ require a reboot? I've got that installed and I even tried flash-nonfree (or some spelling)... I restart firefox, and/or kill the process and start it up again and it still says I don't have it installed... maybe I should reboot?07:23
nic1hi. what is a client in any window manager?07:23
neil_dalteregod: ha ha good one.07:23
davebsthat's what i can't figure out, i'm looking at kde working fine right now, but ubuntu won't install07:23
davebsi'll try switching out ram?07:23
alteregodcaptain: no07:23
loshaSigh. time-based releases. Lucy & Ethel on the chocolate assembly line...07:23
CaptainMorgangot ubuntu-restricted extras installed too...07:23
alteregodjust restart your bowser, and mario will be happy07:23
CaptainMorganalteregod, so I can't figure it out...07:23
CaptainMorganalteregod, did - as I said07:23
neil_dCaptainMorgan: when I installed flash I had to log out and the log back in for it to go properly, I didn't reboot.07:24
CaptainMorganalteregod, might it be affected by cache ?07:24
CaptainMorganneil_d, ah... suggesting maybe an issue with a process or X... okay, I'll try that07:24
alteregodyeah restart x07:24
CaptainMorganI remember it working in like... 6.04 immediately have install - no need to restart X or reboot... oh the days07:25
preecherany suggestion for a good webcam prog other than cheese?07:25
phantomcircuithow do i get whatever is trying to auto mount a filesystem to stop07:25
neil_dCaptainMorgan: I think its to do with 64bit kenel07:26
snkcld_does anyone know why eclipse isnt configured properly for software updates in ubuntu 9.10?07:26
neil_dphantomcircuit: you need to change the /etc/fstab file.07:26
leaf-sheep!karmic | snkcld_07:27
ubottusnkcld_: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+107:27
ZachK_snkcld, you mean eclipse the programming software?07:27
ZachK_snkcld, like ubottu said 9.10 is beta..in jaunty it works fine07:27
ZachK_hey ubottu07:27
snkcldah ok, that makes sense07:27
phantomcircuitneil_d, it's not in fstab07:27
phantomcircuitit's a flash drive07:28
phantomcircuitwhat is the auto mounting daemon called07:28
traskbryantUsing GNOME/Nautilus my CDs are automatically mounted, but I can't seem to mount them in E17 with a 'mount' command. Any help?07:28
neil_dphantomcircuit: is it a removable drive?07:28
baccenfuttergood morning folks... I am seeking a png viewer capable of handling huge files - I have a 25k** fractal I've rendered... even though I can only look at approx. 20% of the image, my RAM runs up07:28
alteregodit seems a little bit rough07:28
phantomcircuitneil_d, yes07:28
DishtroyercHES: ARE YOU STILL HERE?07:28
neil_dphantomcircuit: then it probably controlled by a udev rule and I don't know much about that.07:29
alteregodbaccenfutter, use a old acdsee with wine07:29
leaf-sheepphantomcircuit: You can toggle off the automount in gconf-editor. Where? I'm not sure. That should give you some head starts.07:29
baccenfutteralteregod: you kidding me?07:29
DishtroyerLosha are youbusy?07:29
alteregodwine is great, firefork runs 20% faster07:30
hassanakevazirbaccenfutter, how much ram you have?07:30
leaf-sheepphantomcircuit: $ gconf-editor --> apps > nautilus > preferences --> Uncheck the "media_automount" option07:30
baccenfutterpic is approx 2.4 G in uncompressed size07:30
baccenfutter30 M in png file format07:30
alteregod2.4gb lol07:31
baccenfutter25k x 25k07:31
baccenfutterRGB color07:31
baccenfutter8 byte07:31
baccenfuttercalc yourself07:31
loshaDishtroyer: I'm here. But it's nearly bedtime (11:30pm). What's up?07:31
alteregodyeah use 10bit color please07:31
baccenfutteralteregod: it took all night to render the pic07:31
alteregodget more ram with those insane files07:31
neil_dCaptainMorgan: did it work?07:32
firdau5hi losha07:32
smithclkairprime module is missing in 2.6.28 kernel source package. Any body knows where i can find it?07:32
alteregodconsider at least 8gb07:32
firdau5at my place, now 2.30pm07:32
alteregod1990 a mb ram was 150 bucks07:32
baccenfutteralteregod: assumably there should be a viewer aware of the fact, I am only looking at approx 1024x768 pixel... why through the rest in the ram???07:33
traskbryantI can't play my audio CD when I insert it using E17/Rhythmbox. Gnome/Nautilus automatically makes it available in Rhythmbox, however.07:33
loshafirdau5: wow, Kuala Lumpur...07:33
neil_dalteregod: and was considured a lot of memory.07:33
firdau5yah,, its rigth07:33
alteregodbaccenfutter: i got no clue try something else07:34
hassanakevazirbaccenfutter, use "convert" in a command line to cut it down into multiple smaller parts?07:34
alteregodxnview or something07:34
alteregodand compress the png to the fractal image format07:35
alteregodit takes aprox a year to compress such a file07:35
ActionParsniphow big is the file?07:36
DishtroyerLadies and gentlemen I have a problem with ny hard drive file system. I can only use ubuntu from a live cd. How do I do a fsck from the live cd on my partition sda5?07:36
indushello all07:36
baccenfutterActionParsnip: 30 MB07:36
ActionParsnipDishtroyer: boot to the live cd and read this:07:37
ActionParsnipDishtroyer: man fsck07:37
teknozwizardLo all.07:37
ActionParsnipbaccenfutter: 1 year for a 30Mb file?07:37
zirodayDishtroyer: can you boot into recovery mode?07:37
baccenfutterActionParsnip: I didn't say the year thing07:37
zirodayActionParsnip: that's not very helpful07:37
prince_jammyssure it is07:38
teknozwizardStupid Question: Knowing that I could actually write C coding language into the text editor and save the file with the ".c" extension, I'm curious to know if there is - perhaps - an actual editor built for Ubuntu 9.04 that I could use to code in instead of using the text editor....?07:38
ActionParsnipziroday: teach a guy to fish07:38
DishtroyerI'm not sure recovery mode will work07:38
zirodayDishtroyer: why not?07:38
=== navid is now known as nahy
indusfsck should not be run when drives are mounted07:38
CaptainMorganalteregod, thanks - you'd think by now there'd be better support for 64 bit07:39
hassanakevazirteknozwizard, gedit can markup C07:39
DishtroyerI try to boot and it go through a file check and then fails. It asks me for a root password or Control -D07:39
indusfsck -A will check all things in fstab07:39
foofishteknozwizard: emacs or vi are the traditional answers, i guess07:39
DishtroyerThe password doesn't work and the control-d just reboots the system07:39
zirodayDishtroyer: okay, from there you can run fsck. Or from the live you can run "     sudo e2fsck -C0 -p -f -v /dev/sda5"07:39
indusDishtroyer: ya just type control d07:39
ActionParsnipDishtroyer: boot to live cd desktop, unmount all partitions and run: sudo fsck -a /dev/sda507:40
zirodayDishtroyer: the command above should help :)07:40
DishtroyerOK brb07:40
indusDishtroyer: fsck has failed. Run fsck manually, you will now be dropped to a maintenance shell is  the message i believe07:40
zirodayDishtroyer: also what version of ubuntu are you using, this sounds similar to bug that existed a while back07:41
teknozwizardhassanakevazir, foofish: right, I call "gedit" text editor and I do not care too much for vi or emacs. That's why I was wondering if there was another editor out there.07:41
ActionParsnipziroday: there is no -v option, theres -V though (verbose output)07:41
DishtroyerThis is 8.0407:41
zirodayActionParsnip: err -v and -V are the same.07:41
foofishteknozwizard: there are gobs of them07:41
ActionParsnipziroday: linux is case sensitive though right?:-/07:42
indusActionParsnip: yeah -v also does the same07:42
foofishteknozwizard: i don't know anything except emacs really, as that does everything i want. but apt-cache search is your friend07:42
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ActionParsnipindus: gotcha07:42
foofishteknozwizard: oh yes, kedit/kile may be worth investigating07:42
industhe man is not always updated07:42
teknozwizardfoofish: Some examples? I'm actually coming off of MSS 2008 Pro edition with Visual Basic.07:42
indusman woman :)07:42
zirodayActionParsnip: yes, they are the same switch however07:42
ActionParsnipziroday: just trying to teach a guy to fish rather than just throwing them commands that they will forever not know about07:42
indusoops no man exists for woman :D07:43
KB1JWQ!ot | indus07:43
ubottuindus: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:43
ActionParsnipziroday: just didnt see the lower case in the man page07:43
firdau5I've problem with VMWare...07:43
zirodayActionParsnip: I'm really not into getting into this argument, and especially not here :)07:43
foofishteknozwizard: kdevelop?07:43
teknozwizardfoofish: Heh, note to self: typing "apt-cache search editor" isn't a good idea! ^_^07:43
matydi just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10 and now when i boot up the screen is black. i've managed to get into command line and run irssi but i can't figure out how to get the gui working again.. i had to install with noapci(is that correct?) cause i have intel chipset07:43
ActionParsnipziroday: ok but we both have points, lets leave it there :)07:43
zirodaymatyd: #ubuntu+1 should have your back07:44
zirodayActionParsnip: :)07:44
prince_jammysyou have a fine point, and the manual is not complex.07:44
zirodayfirdau5: you might find #vmware more useful07:44
firdau5thanks ziroday07:44
indusmatyd: its noacpi ,rather use acpi=off07:44
phantomcircuitwhy is it so damn hard to disable auto mounting removable media?07:44
foofishteknozwizard: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=676207:44
phantomcircuitseriously wtf07:44
teknozwizardfoofish: Thanks for the tips, I'll go look into that.07:44
matydwell its installed and upgraded already heh07:44
indusphantomcircuit: go to nautlius > preferences>media and uncheck stuff07:45
xarvhHi! Is there anyway to prevent nm-applet to try to connect every time to my neighbour wifi rather than mine?07:45
matydwas working perfect before i upgraded07:45
DishtroyerOK I did sudo -a fsck /dev/sda5  and now it says /dev/sda5/ contains a file system with errors. check forced. and now its just sitting there doing nothing07:45
ActionParsnipphantomcircuit: sudo apt-get remove gnome-volume-manager07:45
zirodayDishtroyer: did you not run the command I have you?07:45
phantomcircuitActionParsnip, you're solution for a configuration issue is to REMOVE the mounting daemon?07:45
ActionParsnipphantomcircuit: or07:45
ActionParsnipphantomcircuit: less extreme: System->Preferences->Removable Drives and Media and then uncheck the first two boxes on the storage tab. This will turn off automounting for everything not defined in /etc/fstab,07:45
zirodayphantomcircuit: have you tried "gconftool-2 --type bool --set /desktop/gnome/volume_manager/automount_drives true"?07:46
indusDishtroyer: wrong syntax , sudo fsck <parameters here> /dev/sda507:46
phantomcircuitthere *is* not Removeable Devices and Media under preferences07:46
indusDishtroyer: do not run fsck if any partitions are mounted07:46
indusDishtroyer: always run sudo umount -a then do whatever07:46
DishtroyerOK it saysunexpected inode fsck failed run fsck maualluy without any - a07:47
ActionParsnipphantomcircuit: or you can simply kill gnome-volume-manager and use bum so it never gets autoloaded at startup07:47
DishtroyerYes I umounted it07:47
zirodayDishtroyer: please run the command I gave you.07:47
DishtroyerOK ziroday07:47
alteregodhow can i destroy bowser?07:47
zirodayalteregod: wrong room :)07:47
ActionParsnipphantomcircuit: gconftool-2 --type bool --set /apps/nautilus/preferences/media_automount false07:48
phantomcircuitActionParsnip, yes i did that07:48
Boohbahcan somebody paste the output of 'ls -al /dev/fuse' please?07:48
suigeneriswhy would rar say file too large on a reiserfs disk?07:48
phantomcircuitso the problem i was having is the flash drive fs is corrupted07:49
phantomcircuitso obviously it cant be mounted07:49
phantomcircuitbut with auto mount + auto browse turned on07:49
suigenerisBoohbah, crw-rw-rw-+ 1 root fuse 10, 229 2009-10-14 10:46 /dev/fuse07:49
phantomcircuiti could never get past the error messages07:49
ActionParsnipphantomcircuit: i'd just pull out the daemon, its not system essential so you can still reinstall it in the future.07:49
koolheadfaraz__: how are things out there.read the news.07:49
Dishtroyerit says invalid command 007:50
Dishtroyerinvalid option -- 007:50
faraz__out where? in pk?07:51
indusDishtroyer: its o not zero07:51
indusDishtroyer: oops ignorethat07:52
indusDishtroyer: so are you in the recovery console now?07:52
prince_jammysDishtroyer: show the command you entered to get help.07:52
nahyhi. my messenger doesn't work (pidgin) it just can show the empty groups. i just reinstalled it but again the same problem07:52
ActionParsnipnahy: close pidgin, rename ~/.purple then relaunch07:53
baccenfutteralteregod, ActionParsnip: http://backenfutter.crew.c-base.org/julia_klein.png.gz07:53
Dishtroyerwhen I type in sudo e2fsck -c0 -p -f -v /dev/sda507:53
baccenfuttertook approx 6h to render07:53
nahywhere can i find it07:53
Dishtroyerit says invalid option --'0'07:53
prince_jammysDishtroyer: capital C07:53
ActionParsnipnahy: ~/.purple is the folder07:53
ActionParsnipnahy: ~/.purple == /home/$USER/.purple == $HOME/.purple07:54
nahyfound it07:54
nahybut what name should i give07:54
ActionParsnipnahy: only rename, this folder stores the pidgin settings, you can then try with a blank profile07:54
ActionParsnipnahy: anything you like. something like .purple_old is okay but you can call it .purplethatisgivingmegrief or .purple_15Oct0907:55
ActionParsnipbaccenfutter: pretty click image dude. like it07:56
baccenfutterActionParsnip: wish I could look at it^^07:57
ActionParsnipbaccenfutter: try imagemagick07:57
baccenfutterActionParsnip: manelbrot is still rendering 25k x 25k07:57
ActionParsnipnahy: apps like folders to be named what they like, if its different a fresh one will be made and you can reconfigure your accounts to see if its a bad app or just a bad profile07:58
baccenfutterActionParsnip: it's a 106 lines py script, that did the rendering...07:58
nahyActionParsnip: but it has the same problem again. should i have a clean uninstall...?07:59
ActionParsnipbaccenfutter: slick07:59
Dishtroyer/dev/sda5: UNEXPECTED INCONSISTENCY; RUN fsck MANUALLY.07:59
Dishtroyer(i.e., without -a or -p options)07:59
ActionParsnipnahy: sounds like it, you can rename the old profile back now as you can suspect the app07:59
baccenfutterActionParsnip: how do I call imagemagick... I installed it, but can't find it07:59
ActionParsnipbaccenfutter: i like punchy code like that07:59
DigitalKiwibaccenfutter: that's cool08:00
baccenfutterActionParsnip: http://backenfutter.crew.c-base.org/fractals.html08:00
indusDishtroyer: so just type fsck08:00
nahyActionParsnip: i did as you said and it shows the app is not working08:00
DigitalKiwithe picture you posted earlier08:00
baccenfutterActionParsnip: not my code, though08:00
DishtroyerI did08:00
icerootbaccenfutter: imagemagick is not a single program08:00
indusDishtroyer: and it will run08:00
indusDishtroyer: without any parameters08:00
Dishtroyersudo fsck /dev/sda508:00
indusDishtroyer: fsck08:00
obiwan_hi, please anybody here with a macbook? i 'm having troubles installing the b43 module. The new wl one won't let me monitor, so i need b4308:00
baccenfuttericeroot: I only know it as apache extension thingy08:00
ActionParsnipbaccenfutter: display <imae file>08:01
indusDishtroyer: just run fsck with sda5 or anything and tell me wht it says08:01
icerootbaccenfutter: its a CLI-graphic-manipulation-tool08:01
indusDishtroyer: without sda5 i mean08:01
baccenfutterdisplay: magick/blob.c:472: CloseBlob: Assertion `image->signature == 0xabacadabUL' failed.08:01
nahyActionParsnip: what is the command for clearing it (pidgin) completely?08:01
krissy2k9wht r sum other good chan?08:01
Dishtroyerubuntu@ubuntu:~$ sudo fsck /dev/sda508:01
Dishtroyerfsck 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)08:01
Dishtroyere2fsck 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)08:01
Dishtroyer/dev/sda5 contains a file system with errors, check forced.08:01
DishtroyerPass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes08:01
DishtroyerPass 2: Checking directory structure08:01
induskrissy2k9: what are you looking for08:01
FloodBot2Dishtroyer: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:01
ActionParsnipnahy: sudo apt-get --purge remove pidgin; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove08:01
indusDishtroyer: yeah so fsck finished08:01
krissy2k9omg sumthing im so new at this08:02
DigitalKiwibaccenfutter: what did you make that 6h render with?08:02
baccenfutterDigitalKiwi: http://backenfutter.crew.c-base.org/fractals.html08:02
induskrissy2k9: what help do you need08:02
nahyActionParsnip: one of them or step by step should i use both?08:02
DigitalKiwiah ok08:02
krissy2k9i wanna serf chan but dnt knw how08:02
firdau5Distroyer got banned08:02
ActionParsnipnahy: both on the same line, hence the semicolon08:03
Dishtroyeryes. I guess. its asking me if I want to connec to lost and found08:03
DishtroyerYes or no?08:03
indusDishtroyer: is fsck finished? ]08:03
indusDishtroyer: so now reboot08:03
krissy2k9so ne help is nice08:03
firdau5<Dishtroyer> e2fsck 1.41.4 (27-Jan-2009)08:04
blackgrazshes gonna need ALOT of help08:04
firdau5<Dishtroyer> /dev/sda5 contains a file system with errors, check forced.08:04
firdau5<Dishtroyer> Pass 1: Checking inodes, blocks, and sizes08:04
firdau5<Dishtroyer> Pass 2: Checking directory structure08:04
firdau5* FloodBot2 sets mode +z #ubuntu08:04
FloodBot2firdau5: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:04
firdau5* FloodBot2 sets ban on %Dishtroyer!*@*08:04
indus!paste | Dishtroyer08:04
ubottuDishtroyer: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!08:04
obiwan_hey please 1 question, how is it possible that the obiwan_ nick isn't registered? it is really common, can i register it?08:04
prince_jammys!register obiwan_08:04
prince_jammys!register |obiwan_08:04
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:05
ubottuobiwan_: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode08:05
prince_jammys!register | obiwan_08:05
obiwan_thankss prince_jammys08:05
prince_jammyssorry about that.08:05
firdau5 muted08:05
Dishtroyerfsck isn't finished08:06
Dishtroyerit keeps asking me if I want to connect unnattached inodes to lost+found08:06
indusDishtroyer: sure say yes08:06
indus!ask | krissy2k908:07
ubottukrissy2k9: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:07
obiwan_hey, is it possible for staff to read my password?08:07
lstarnesobiwan_: no08:08
indusobiwan_: dont know08:08
Dishtroyerok now its finished.  ALOT of errors though08:08
obiwan_ok thanks both :)08:08
indusDishtroyer: thats ok08:08
lstarnesobiwan_: it's stored in an encrypted, undecryptable hash format08:08
indusDishtroyer: so now it finished successfully?08:08
obiwan_then i can use the same pass i use for my linux user08:08
lstarnesobiwan_: if you lose your password, freenode staff can send you a password reset key08:08
DishtroyerI believe so indus08:08
indusobiwan_: whats the password?08:08
lstarnesobiwan_: using a different password is a better idea08:09
indusDishtroyer: ya so now reboot i guess08:09
obiwan_why you wanna now :P?08:09
lstarnesobiwan_: connections to freenode aren't encrypted08:09
foofishobiwan_: i would suggest that to be a Bad Idea08:09
DishtroyerI'm going to reboot08:09
DigitalKiwimy password is nimda08:09
obiwan_hmm ok :/08:09
DishtroyerIf it works I'll see you in a few08:09
firdau5current most popular password = 12345608:09
indusobiwan_: yes i suggest keep a totally diff password for irc08:09
obiwan_hhaah lol firdau5 xddD08:09
firdau5hello jdevel08:10
ubottuA list of official Ubuntu IRC channels, as well as IRC clients for Ubuntu, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat - For a general list of !freenode channels, see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#channellist - See also !Guidelines08:10
jdevelI was hoping someone could point me in the direction of a channel that has a lot of knowledge w/ c programming?08:10
prince_jammysjdevel: ##c08:11
indusguys what is the help channel for irc08:11
jdevelchannel name is ##c08:11
icerootindus: #help08:11
prince_jammysjdevel: yes.08:11
jdevelthank you very much.08:11
lstarnesindus: #freenode08:11
lstarnesiceroot: there is no #help; it's an empty redirect to #freenode08:11
firdau5jdevel... /join #freenode08:12
icerootlstarnes: so with #help you get the help you want :)08:12
firdau5there is no channel named #help08:12
lstarnesiceroot: it's not #help08:12
lstarnesiceroot: it's #freenode08:12
MoralExplQuestion, how do I set a root password, currently when I sudo I use the same password to login to my account... which is very insecure.08:12
prince_jammys!sudo | MoralExpl : read about sudo08:13
ubottuMoralExpl : read about sudo: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)08:13
lstarnesMoralExpl: that's actually somewhat more secure than setting a root password08:13
MoralExpllstarnes, how so?08:13
icerootlstarnes: and if you join #help you will go to #freenode  so its all fine if you use #help :-)08:13
ActionParsnipMoralExpl: forget all about root and your system will be much safer08:13
lstarnesiceroot: but you shouldn't use #help08:13
lstarnesMoralExpl: setting a root password opens up the root account to the same vulnerabilities that other accounts with passwords have, and root is the mosat frequently attacked account08:13
firdau5well my stranger friends.. its ok08:13
MoralExplCan I set a more secure sudo password08:13
=== obiwan_ is now known as obiwan__
ActionParsnipMoralExpl: everyones sudo password is the same as the one they log in with, that is normal08:14
MoralExpland keep my username password the same08:14
ActionParsnipMoralExpl: no08:14
lstarnesMoralExpl: use a more secure account password08:14
icerootMoralExpl: sudo-password == userpassword08:14
ActionParsnipMoralExpl: account pass == sudo pass08:14
MoralExplthat's kind of a letdown08:14
ActionParsnipMoralExpl: if you change your account pass you will need to use the same new pass for sudo08:14
MoralExplMy usual root password is 23char long08:15
ZachK_hello team08:15
ActionParsnipMoralExpl: then use that for your logon08:15
MoralExpltakes too long08:15
firdau5<MoralExpl> My usual root password is 23char long <---- wow... now you gave us the clue :D :p08:15
prince_jammysMoralExpl: the whole idea behind sudo is that certain users have the right to do certain things. those special users use their own password to access special privileges.08:15
ActionParsnipMoralExpl: if its usual, arent you awesome at typing it ;)08:15
MoralExplis there a way to setup a root account?08:16
obiwan__yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeah i'm registered now ! :)08:16
ActionParsnipMoralExpl: you can use: sudo -s   to get an interactive root-like terminal08:16
icerootMoralExpl: yes but you dont need a root-account08:16
MoralExplaight i guess ill just change my password08:17
Brando753guys i made an email template in openoffice how can i send it as an email, it seems to just make it an attachment08:17
=== GamesMedic is now known as Dishtroyer
lstarnesActionParsnip, MoralExpl: sudo -i is preferred over sudo -s.  -i imitates a root login, while -s just launches a shell as root with your user's current environment08:17
DishtroyerIm back up08:17
MoralExplpasswd: password updated successfully08:18
NorwayGeekwhat is the name of the torrent client installed in ubuntu by default08:18
ActionParsniphelp.ubuntu.com is down08:18
prince_jammysyeah, i just noticed.08:18
ActionParsnipNorwayGeek: transmission afaik08:18
MoralExplNorwayGeek, transmission08:19
NorwayGeekthanks :)08:19
* prince_jammys was about to chastise for not bothering to read ubottu's sudo link.08:19
MoralExplthanks guys08:19
MoralExplim out08:19
indusDishtroyer: problem solved?08:19
ActionParsnipNorwayGeek: its got a groovy web interface too ;)08:19
nic1hey it's nt a correct place but still anyone knows what does " typedef area_t (FloatingPlacement) (client *) " infer??08:20
firdau5he's gone08:20
prince_jammysnic1: infers the wrong channel. /join ##c , likely.08:20
prince_jammysor ##cpp, perhaps.08:20
prince_jammysor whatever language it is08:20
Dishtroyerindus: yes! Now I need help changing my password. I forgot it.08:21
Brando753guys i made an email template in openoffice how can i send it as an email, it seems to just make it an attachment08:21
prince_jammys!password | Dishtroyer08:21
ubottuDishtroyer: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords08:21
indusDishtroyer: sudo passwd yourusername08:22
prince_jammysinteresting suggestion.08:22
DishtroyerIts asling me for my password. I don't remember08:23
preecherdoes anyone know of a good webcam prog to use in ubuntu for a creative webcam other than cheese08:23
prince_jammystake ubottu off /ignore?08:23
indusDishtroyer: ok i cant help you then08:24
indusDishtroyer: you dont remember your sudo password?08:25
ActionParsnippreecher: amsn maybe08:25
preecherthanks ActionParsnip08:25
ActionParsnipDishtroyer: if you mean your logon/sudo password you can boot to root recovery console and type: passwd <your username here>08:25
ActionParsnipDishtroyer: to set your password08:25
geekphreakhello all08:25
ActionParsnipDishtroyer: if you are already logged in as the same user, you can simply run passwd to set your own password08:26
indusActionParsnip: there is no need to go to recovery console for that08:26
geekphreakanyone having issues with getting webcam to work/detect on ubuntu 9?08:26
DishtroyerOK when I go into terminal it has myusername@ubuntu08:26
indusDishtroyer: ya just type sudo passwd at terminal08:26
DishtroyerI type sudo passwd alan and it asks me for myexisting password08:26
* prince_jammys is deeply confused.08:27
ActionParsnipgeekphreak: run: lsusb   one line will identify the cam, you can start websearches using the 8 hex character ID08:27
Boohbahsuigeneris: thanks08:27
prince_jammysDishtroyer: how did you log in in the first place?08:27
ActionParsnipDishtroyer: are you logged in as alan?08:27
geekphreakActionParsnip:  thank you will do08:27
DishtroyerI don't have a password enabled08:27
DishtroyerIt just boots ito my aacount automatically08:28
ActionParsnipDishtroyer: if you type: whoami    does it say    alan08:28
geekphreakok that is showing my cam08:28
DishtroyerActionparsnip: yes08:28
geekphreakgetting to google now ty08:29
ActionParsnipgeekphreak: ok the 8 caracter hex bit is the cam, what is printed on the plastic case means nearly nothing, copy / paste that code into a websearch and put ubuntu on the end, see what you get08:29
preecheri hate to keep asking questns but ima linux noob--also do anyone know of a good and easy firewall for ubuntu08:29
ActionParsnipDishtroyer: then just type: passwd     then, you can now set your password08:29
ActionParsnip!firewall | preecher08:29
ubottupreecher: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist08:29
Dishtroyeralan@Workgroup:~$ passwd08:29
DishtroyerChanging password for alan.08:29
Dishtroyer(current) UNIX password:08:29
prince_jammys!password | Dishtroyer08:30
ubottuDishtroyer: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords08:30
preecherthanks again08:30
DishtroyerI dont know it08:30
ActionParsnipDishtroyer: is it asking for the current password?08:30
ActionParsnipDishtroyer: your password is the one you type when you use sudo, or when synaptic asks you for a password08:31
obiwan__please, how can i change my password in freenode? just to know08:31
sam_I have a bash scripting problem: echo $current_home | sed 's/\//\\\//g' works fine, but esc_current_home=`echo $current_home | sed 's/\//\\\//g'` doesn't. Someone can explain why?08:32
ActionParsnipsam_: i'd ask in #bash08:32
prince_jammyssam_: /j #bash08:32
intokHow can I get clamav virus signature updates to install properly?08:32
ActionParsnipintok: isnt it: sudo freshclam08:33
c0l2ehow can I list files inside a installed deb??  just like  rpm -ql from rpm-based linux does??08:34
intokActionParsnip nice, now if only the auto update would actually work by default08:35
prince_jammysc0l2e: dpkg -L packgname08:35
prince_jammysc0l2e: if you mean "what files where installed in my system from a package?"08:35
ActionParsnipintok: could cron the clam update if the auto update sucks08:36
tredi trashed a kubuntu install trying to get old video drivers for a 9200se, but i used to used the livecd to copy my home folder somewhere else and now i have freshly installed kubuntu again and copied home folder back, but im getting a few small probs. firefox wont open right, prob due to the lockfile i read about, and when i open the terminal window i get a error about "Configuration file "/home/tred/.kde/share/config/konsolerc" not writable.08:39
tredPlease contact your system administrator." what went wrong?08:39
geekphreakma hats gonna be some work :(08:40
geekphreakanyways thanks guys08:40
geekphreakadios all08:40
c0l2eanyway.. how can I add new resolution ??08:40
c0l2ejust installed a new PC with my old monitor and it only avails up to 800x600.. i wish at least a 1024x76808:41
c0l2ehow can I add screen resolutions?08:41
c0l2exorg-openchrome is properly installed08:41
Jyxtupdate your driver and it should be available08:41
Jyxtif not edit xorg.conf and add the new resolutions08:42
Jyxttake a look at existing resolutions to see how its done08:42
DmitrichHellow, dear friends! please, help me with route tables in /etc/network/interfaces08:45
obiwan__hi, please anybody here with a macbook? i 'm having troubles installing the b43 module. The new wl one won't let me monitor, so i need b4308:46
ActionParsniptred: you will need to run: sudo chown -R $USER /home/$USER   to assign the old data to your new user08:46
tredok, thx08:46
hsarcihow do i stop xchat from loading on startup?08:46
ActionParsniphsarci: take it out of the startup item list in system -> prefs -> startup apps, in the same dialogue you should tell your sysem to not remember the running apps from the session08:47
ph4t3jedis sind hier also auch unterwegs ^^08:50
suigeneriscan I convert reiserfs format 3.5 to 3.6 without re-formatting the disk?08:50
O__ohi i have a question,  after i did sudo mkfs.ext3 /dev/sdb1 what do i do next to format?08:53
tredi apparently dont know the proper syntax for chown, am newbie, i get this08:53
tredtred@kubuntu904:~$ sudo chown -R $tred /home/$tred08:53
tredchown: missing operand after `/home/'08:53
suigeneristred, is the username really $tred?08:54
lstarnestred: tred, not $tred08:54
hsarciaction, thanks08:54
tredok, i see. thx08:54
BrackiLately my machine's network connection breaks down, on reboot DHCP fails, but dhclient from the command line works. Any hints on where to investigate?08:55
suigenerisO__o, nothing else, it's formatted08:55
hsarciaction, im on kde so i think ur directions dont apply08:55
suigeneriscan I convert reiserfs format 3.5 to 3.6 without re-formatting the disk?08:55
ActionParsniphsarci: np man, i personally only put symlinks in ~/.config/autostart   for the stuff i want starting and leave that gu  thing alone08:56
tredthanks evetyone, chown seems to have fixed everything up nicely08:56
ActionParsniphsarci: kde has ~/.kde/Autostart    you can put anything in there and it will run at logon08:57
hsarciaction, thanks a lot08:57
ActionParsniphsarci: you can use tab after typing action too, complees the name08:57
obiwan_trying registered nick08:57
hsarcii know that08:57
hsarcitoo bad theres nothing in that folder...08:58
hsarciso i still dont see how to disable xchat08:58
hsarcilemme google08:58
O__osuigeneris, how to automount a drive?08:58
ActionParsniphsarci: hmm, then i'm unsure of anywhere else, could ask in #kubuntu too08:58
obiwan__hey, i connected using my reg nick without password, why did the server let me in?08:58
hsarciits just the server list that opens08:59
pradeepooohi ActionParsnip08:59
obiwan_this nick is registered by me , why can i enter without password?08:59
hsarcimaybe its because im not closing out of xchat before i restart?08:59
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poliAny idea why "lame" in jaunty could be generating gargabage from a CD conversion?08:59
pradeepobiwan please what server you talking about08:59
obiwan__this irc.freenode.org08:59
obiwan__o got this nick and09:00
obiwan_this one registered09:00
agent538good morning  UBUNTU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!09:00
lstarnesobiwan__: #freenode is the channel for questions about freenode09:00
Sagangood morning :)09:00
pradeepyou dont need a pass for it09:00
obiwan__thanks lstarnes ! wow there's a channel 4 everything hehhh09:00
lstarnesobiwan_: you can set your client to identify automatically09:00
SaganIm gentoo user, but I go on ubuntu xD09:00
suigenerisO__o, edit /etc/fstab09:00
agent538i got a problem who wants to help me, not all together09:01
Saganyeah sure, just spill the beans agent53809:01
=== flashkidd_ is now known as flashkidd
obiwan__yeah, but i said: let's try to use my reged nick without entering password, and the server tells me it's registered, but it lets me in anyway09:01
agent538no digital sound from my asus p5k-e motherboard09:01
Saganobinwa___ <----look at your name, it's underscored.09:02
pradeepobiwan what client are you using09:02
jerknextdoori've got 9.04 running on a thinkpad r51.  the volume seems to jump quit a bit when i'm using the thinkpad volume buttons.  i would like to try an even this out.09:02
agent538but i can selecht the dsigital sound in the aplet from de mixer09:02
obiwan__yeah, i registered both obiwan_ & obiwan__09:02
agent538i use the ubuntu 9.10 karmic 64 bit version09:02
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ActionParsnip!karmic | agent53809:03
ubottuagent538: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:03
pradeepmy updatemanger does not work anymore so i do through termanal09:03
pradeephas anyone seen such before09:04
icerootpradeep: error?09:04
induspradeep: yah it wont work09:04
induspradeep: i mean,, what erros you have09:05
ActionParsnippradeep: i only use terminal for updates, update manager takes too long09:05
pradeepindus do you have such error too09:05
TheKroquestion: my firefox sometimes crashes for no apparent reason, usually when I have not used it for some time.  is there a way to try find out what caused the crash (some sort of stack trace/core dump/something?)09:05
pradeepreally i can manage terminal but was only wondering why09:05
ActionParsnipTheKro: run firefox from terminal, when it crashes read what is in the terminal09:05
O__osuigeneris, so /dev/sdb1 /media/hd37gb default 0 0 ?09:06
icerootpradeep: can you please post the error from the gui?09:06
O__osuigeneris, or 0 2 ?09:06
TheKroThanks, ActionParsnip - will give that a try.09:06
suigenerisO__o, I don't know about the numbers09:06
suigeneriscan I convert reiserfs format 3.5 to 3.6 without re-formatting the disk?09:07
ph4t3i have a umts stick (webn walk stick) under ubuntu linux.  the stick is getting very warm. can the stick be damaged?09:07
pradeepno error09:07
pradeepjust numb09:07
icerootpradeep: then its hard to help09:08
prince_jammysO__o: 0 2, probably. see man fstab for an explanation09:08
pradeepso i update via terminal09:08
O__oprince_jammys, the man fstab is too hard to understand09:08
prince_jammysO__o: 0 209:08
O__owhat 0 0 mean?  and what 0 2 mean?09:08
agent538thnx for the info ActionParsnip09:09
prince_jammysO__o: do you know what fsck is?09:09
O__oand should i just use /dev/sdb1 or the UUID?09:09
pradeep0__o you have to be careful when editing your fstab ok09:09
ActionParsnipsuigeneris: http://ole.tange.dk/linux/problemer/linux-problemer.html09:09
Jimi_Neutralanyone here speak french09:11
prince_jammysJimi_Neutral: /join #ubuntu-fr09:11
Jimi_Neutralwell i need something translated09:11
prince_jammysthis is the ubuntu support channel09:11
icerootJimi_Neutral: dict.leo or google09:11
RobotCow!ubuntu mobile09:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu mobile09:12
ubottuLearn more about Ubuntu Mobile at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileAndEmbedded09:12
Jimi_Neutralonline translators are crap no opffnse ice09:12
WallyWally1, :D09:13
ActionParsnipJimi_Neutral: some are ok if you skim read the translation, yu can fill in the gaps09:13
icerootJimi_Neutral: as said before, this is the ubuntu-support-channel09:13
Jimi_NeutralActionParsnip, i tried but it was tital nonsense09:13
Jimi_Neutrali know ice, it was just on the offchance, aint exactly busy is it09:14
iceroot!tab | Jimi_Neutral09:14
ubottuJimi_Neutral: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.09:14
iksikany "ubuntu + virtualbox + windows + photoshop" users around? :-)09:14
matydi just upgraded from 9.04 to 9.10  (kubuntu) and the gui was working great before the upgrade (i had to install with no acpi becuase of intel chipset) so i came here and was told to do sudo aptitude update and sudo aptitude safe-upgrade, did that, rebooted and still get a black screen after the 'kubuntu' load09:15
O__oiksik, i "ubuntu + virtualbox + windows"09:15
icerootiksik: yes, in #ubuntu, #windows, #photoshop and #vbox :)09:15
iceroot!karmic | matyd09:15
ubottumatyd: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:15
iksikiceroot funny ;<09:15
matydthanks ice09:16
Jyxtiksik: why use virtual box? i heard photoshop cs2 has a gold rating in ubuntu 9.0409:16
matydis there a way i can 'downgrade' from command line?09:16
iksikJyxt with wine?09:16
O__ophotoshop doesnt work in wine09:16
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icerootiksik: what about asking the real question and then we can see if #ubuntu is the right place09:16
O__oit wont install09:16
icerootO__o: its working09:16
ubottuCommon Sense: Just because you can, does not mean you should (and especially recommend to others). Think before you do. "Works for me" does not mean it is ok. The latest version of everything is not always useful if you aim for stability. Please see http://geekosophical.net/random/worksforme/09:17
icerootO__o: because of photoshop, wine is called 1.x instead of 0.x09:17
SaganGIMP ftw ^^09:17
MenZaIt works for some people.09:17
icerootMenZa: read the appdb09:17
O__othe photoshop i was trying to install dont work09:17
Jyxtiksik: http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=263109:17
MenZaiceroot: Hence the 'it works for some people'09:17
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prince_jammysamusingly, the ubuntu+photoshop question has yet to be asked.09:17
MenZaAlso, the latest versions (CS3, CS4) do not work for any, iirc.09:17
ActionParsnipO__o: not all apps work in wine09:17
O__ohence vitualbox + windows is the best solution and easiest09:18
ActionParsnipO__o: you may get more luck with cedega or crossoveroffice but both are not free09:18
Jyxtcedega is just wine with paid support09:18
Jyxtor crossover is, i cant remember...one of those is just wine with paid support09:18
ActionParsnipO__o: but with a vbox you need a license, if the systems main use is photoshop, you may as well use widows09:19
BoboJonesHelp me!! I just got sent a photoshop file that won't open in GIMP!09:19
halberdhey my wireless card seems to be broken (can't detect any wireless networks), how can I test further?09:19
O__owhat license?09:19
ActionParsnipO__o: for the windows you install in vbox09:19
O__ohow hard to get a copy?09:19
ActionParsniphalberd: sudo lshw -C network     will show you what chip it has09:19
ActionParsnipO__o: easy, go online or head to the shop, buy one09:20
O__oi have tons of windows license09:20
halberdok ActionParsnip but how do I diagnose the problem09:20
halberdit's a broadcom 431209:20
ActionParsnip!roadcom | halberd09:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about roadcom09:21
ubottuHelp with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx09:21
prince_jammysubottu: botsnack09:22
ubottuYum! Err, I mean, APT!09:22
ActionParsnipwouldnt it be great f we could pick up the broadcom hq building and catapult it at apples hq building09:22
prince_jammysfire it with a missile launcher at ATI09:23
xmnttrying to squash a myth here - does windows run faster/more efficiently inside ubuntu (vbox) than on it's own?09:23
Chousukexmnt: most likely not :P09:23
prince_jammysthat would be comical.09:23
ActionParsnipxmnt: i'd say slower due to virtualised hardware09:24
pradeephey i heard something like it is possible to install mac on intell hp,dell toshiba etc09:24
xmntActionParsnip, that was my argument as well09:24
Chousukexmnt: virtual machines impose a nontrivial overhead in most cases.09:24
ActionParsnippradeep: yes but it violates the license09:24
pradeepi love opensorce09:25
pradeeppleae can anyone recommend a good backtool09:25
csarvenI've used update-manager -d to upgrade to latest dev release from 9.04. How can I have it upgrade until 9.10 final is out. I don't wish to always be in dev releases09:25
pradeepfor linux servers09:25
ubottuThere are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning09:26
ActionParsnipcsarven: it uses the same repos, when the rc comes out you will upgrade (slowly) to the rc without need for any extra effort09:27
DJonescsarven: 9.10 questions should be asked in #ubuntu+1 until its released, but to answer your question, you'll get updates between now and final release which will bring your system up to the final release automatically09:27
csarvenGreat. Thanks!09:28
pradeepsee you guys later got a clas to catch up with09:30
pradeepba back in a bit09:31
=== obiwan_fffffffd is now known as obiwan_
damjan__I am not totaly noob with networking but this is driving me crazy. I am traing to configure my /etc/network/interfaces and  first problem is  when I /etc(init.d/networks restart it is not refresing settings for first time, sometimes I hav to tipe it 2-3 times09:31
ActionParsnipdamjan__: its /etc/init.d/networking restart    not networks09:32
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damjan_If smbdy answerd to my question plz repost09:36
=== vox_ is now known as vox
ActionParsnipdamjan__: its /etc/init.d/networking restart    not networks09:36
jontoreHi, I have been having some problems with my resoultion after I installed a new graphics driver in ubuntu. When ubuntu boots up I only get a black screen with the ubuntu logo in strange colors. I've tried to run sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg, but it does not help. Does anyone have any ideas?09:40
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mo0nykitjontore: What's your graphics chipset?09:43
mo0nykitjontore: Is the resolution all right in the GUI?09:44
jontoremo0nykit: Nvidia I think09:44
mo0nykitin a terminal "lspci | grep VGA"09:45
mo0nykitjontore: what do you get?09:45
jontoremo0nykit; it says it is a ATI card apperntly, strange in windows I use a nvidia driver :)09:47
harisundFor a laptop, or even in general, which company's graphics card works best on Linux / Ubuntu?09:47
harisundIntel AMD or nVidia?09:47
mo0nykitjontore: strange indeed. what graphic driver did you install? how did you install it?09:48
jontoremo0nykit: I installed a ATI graphics driver proposed by the HW manager09:48
mo0nykitharisund: from I read, Intel 9xxGM chipsets are aheadache09:48
Jimi_Neutrali have found intels work best but they are crap for anything more intense than guld wars or wow09:48
JasseTharisund: how quickly can you sau nvidia09:49
mo0nykitjontore: HW manager, you mean System --> Administration --> Hardware Drivers?09:49
harisundmo0nykit: yeah even I keep hearing Intel 9xx sucks .. I have a 915GM and I can't get even Windows drivers lol09:49
jontoremo0nykit: jeppz09:49
harisundJasseT: hmm thanks .. that's good to know :-) nVidia it will be I guess09:49
labhi. I'm trying to install ATI drivers on jaunty 9.04. I followed these instructions and they were a disaster: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI   . I googled and I didn't find anything useful. Any suggestion? All worked fine for 8.10, but with 9.04 these drivers are a nightmare.....09:50
mo0nykitharisund: I also heard that the Intel 9xx cards aren't natively Intel. It's a company they bought out. Now Intel's doing a new GPU to compete with Nvidia's Tesla line.09:50
mo0nykitjontore: okay, is the resolution pretty in the GUI?09:51
harisundmo0nykit: cool man, good to know09:51
JasseTharisund: yeah well at least for me nvidia's never given any trouble09:51
mo0nykitlab: what kind of disaster?09:51
jontoremo0nykit: sry it is a ATI card I checked with another computer right now, I never get past the bootup splash so I don't now09:52
labmo0nykit: the instructions are messed up and they show an unacceptable procedure09:52
mo0nykitJasseT: Nvidia gave me some trouble with the framebuffer, too :P I had to manually configure menu.lst with vga=79209:53
mo0nykitjontore: all right, access the grub menu (press ESC to access the grub menu), the choose recovery mode09:53
labthey should be removed from ubunt's website. And I don't know how to install these fuck%&/&% drivers09:53
kosmicI get sound chopping with ubuntu 90409:54
kosmicwhat is the pulsaudio disable switch09:54
JasseTmo0nykit: yes but you see that's why we love using linux, it never quite perfectly works :)09:54
labthey corrupted my installation...09:54
kosmici want alsa09:54
mo0nykitlab: what do you mean 'corrupted'? can't boot? no GUI?09:54
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mo0nykitJasseT: haha yeah quite true :) are you in recovery mode yet?09:55
labmo0nykit: please, thrust on me. they are not valid instructions09:55
jontoremo0nykit: booted up and ready to go :)09:55
mo0nykitJasseT: oops.. I meant that for jontore :P sorry.. J-- nicknames.. hehe..09:56
mo0nykitjontore: look for the xfix option. Choose that. It will automatically configure your xorg.conf (GUI configuration file) to the failsafe version09:56
jontoremo0nykit: and then choose resume ? I actually tried this earlier, no sucess09:57
firdau5hi jontore09:58
firdau5just wonder, since when you install the OS?09:58
hackmygibsonsanyone know how to get webcam flipped right side up?09:59
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firdau5any important data there?09:59
mo0nykitjontore: oh.. XD. I think I'm at a brick wall. I've had experience with Nvidia. Just tried to help, it could be related..09:59
azloni ran "sudo ln -sf /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server /etc/init.d/dhcpd" then tried to run "sudo dhcpd restart" and it returned "sudo: dhcpd: command not found"... why would this be?10:00
jontorefirdau5: a couple of months ago, I guess there is not too much important data there most of it is in my git repo10:00
harisundazlon: I think it is something like sudo service dhcpd restart10:00
firdau5jontore : so, earlier the problem not occurs, right?10:01
mo0nykitlab: Did you do this? sudo insmod /lib/modules/`uname -r`/volatile/fglrx.ko (I'm assuming you're using 9.04)10:01
jontoremo0nykit: Thank you anyway, the quickest solution is to reinstall the Os you think10:01
azlonharisund, http://pastebin.com/d73ec59a210:01
labmo0nykit: you don't thrust me10:01
jontorefirdau5: nope just to day when i fooler around with a new driver and xorg.conf10:01
mo0nykitjontore: np :) yeah that's the quickest one :P10:02
harisundazlon: that I do not know .. can you post the contents or the last few lines of syslog?10:02
azlonharisund, of dmesg?10:02
harisund no syslog .. I think it's somewhere in /var/log/syslog or something like that10:02
mo0nykitjontore: some advice: After a fresh install AND update, look at System --> Administration --> Hardware Drivers. That's the first place to go :)10:02
firdau5I got same problem before, when I wrongly configure the menu.lst10:03
mo0nykitlab: It would be helpful to establish at what point you are in your trouble :) so we'll know where we can start10:03
azlonharisund, this is the last few lines of my dmesg: http://pastebin.com/d3ed43e5910:03
firdau5I solved it by reinstalling the OS..10:04
labmo0nykit: it's very simple. As said before, the guide is nonsense. so, there's no "at what point". I have to start from a valid guide10:04
harisundazlon: dmesg wont help, I need the last few lines of /var/log/syslog .. can you check if that file exists?10:04
labfrom scratch10:04
labmo0nykit: the guide firstly gives instructions and soon after says "these instructions are not valid" (!!!!!!!!). Then it shows a link with a horrible procedure10:05
azlonharisund, http://pastebin.com/d489c67c610:06
mo0nykitlab: So you're willing to reinstall? That could be the easiest way to get out of trouble. Then after a fresh install AND update, take a look at System --> Administration --> Hardware Drivers. That's the first place to go :)10:06
labmo0nykit: you think I'm a dummy idiot10:06
harisundazlon: have you setup a DHCP server before?10:06
harisundazlon: you have not setup the DHCP server correctly10:06
azlonharisund, no, i am following the tutorial on http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Jaunty#Internet_connection_sharing_.28DHCP_server.2910:06
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mo0nykitlab: Yeah indeed. Some of the community wikis are out-of-date and potentially dangerous. So what I'd do is gather information from lots of HOWTO's and make my own procedure.10:07
labmo0nykit: it's really fair that the wiki is shitty. I asked for something else, therefore.10:08
harisundazlon: ugh I hate "tutorials" like that which blindly tell you to follow a few instructions, and the user then has absolutely no clue what he is doing and .. let me see, give me a few minutes10:08
mo0nykitlab: You want help or not? All kinds of help offered in the Ubuntu community are preferred to be delivered in "newbie" form. To benefit everyone10:08
prince_jammysATI has a a wiki too, with some directions for ubuntu.10:08
labmo0nykit: I want help, but you can't give me help. it's a really specific problem that requires experience on it. You don't have it10:09
labthis is not a "newbie" help.10:09
lanoxxwhen i go to places->bookmarks->myfolder then dolphin opens instead of nautilus10:10
azlonharisund, i tried following the steps from !ics pages but they never work with my ppp connection. I am trying to share a 3G connection to my other machines10:10
mo0nykitlab: well the, help your conceited self10:10
labmo0nykit: ?10:10
harisundazlon: I will show you another link - It's from another Linux hang on10:11
mo0nykitlab: you don't deserve any help if you don't appreciate ANY help offered10:11
harisundazlon: http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/home-router-howto.xml Check this out. This is Gentoo's documentation, so obviously top notch .. you should find this clearer, well written and easier to follow10:11
labmo0nykit: I give help only when I can. Otherewise I would make other people wasting their time.10:12
mo0nykitlab: Leads could be helpful at least10:12
ActionParsniplanoxx: are you using kde?10:12
booty_kernelmount probelm .......10:12
azlonharisund, thanks, should i uninstall dhcpd-server?10:12
booty_kernelmount ?10:12
harisundazlon: yes, if all you are doing is sharing one computer's internt to a few other computers, you can use dnsmasq ..10:12
harisundazlon: it integrates DHCP and DNS, making it all the more easier10:12
mo0nykitlab: Leads that could help you know what keywords to Google10:12
azlonharisund, what is the command to remove? sudo apt-get remove dhcpd-server?10:13
labmo0nykit: as said at the beginning, I already googled10:13
harisundyeah that should do it10:13
ActionParsnipazlon: also makes web browsing a little faster due to dns succeeding on the local system10:13
harisundazlon: or you can leave it in and just not started it won't affect you unless you need to reclaim that space10:13
ActionParsnipazlon: makes dns to 0ms rater than 32ms10:14
lab(PLEASE ANSWER ONLY IF YOU KNOW THE PROBLEM AND HAVE A MINIMUM EXPERIENCE ON IT) hi. I'm trying to install ATI drivers on jaunty 9.04. I followed these instructions and they were a disaster: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI   . I googled and I didn't find anything useful. Any suggestion? All worked fine for 8.10, but with 9.04 these drivers are a nightmare.....10:14
azlonActionParsnip, aahh... nice10:14
prince_jammysanswer what?10:15
ActionParsnipazlon: http://sandeep.co.in/2008/01/09/dnsmasq-browse-the-web-faster/10:15
infidel2smy screensaver is set to go off after 8 min of inactivity and lock the screen but it's not going off anymore. any idea why it'd stop?10:15
mo0nykitlab: have a look at ATI's official site. They probably have the answer10:15
ActionParsniplab: you didnt say what ATi card you are installing10:15
harisundinfidel2s: check if the screensaver is running .. are you familiar with the terminal ? You could do "ps ax | grep screensaver"10:15
labmo0nykit: already done.10:15
prince_jammysi can't answer, because you don't have the MINIMUM EXPERIENCE required to ask a detailed question.10:16
labActionParsnip: it's a radeon X... card10:16
mo0nykitprince_jammys: I second the motion10:16
labprince_jammys: shut up your ass10:16
jerknextdoori am running 9.04 on a thinkpad r51 and have a problem with the volume jumping.  the volume keys only change the hardware volume and not the software volume and because of this the osd also doenst work.10:16
ActionParsniplab: there are many in that range, again you have given little detail10:16
ActionParsniplab: lspci | grep -i vga10:16
prince_jammyslab: learn to ask questions, and welcome to /ignore.10:16
ActionParsniplab: without that, nobody can advise properly10:16
labActionParsnip: I can't do it now. I'm re-installing the OS10:17
ActionParsniplab: in live desktop?10:17
booty_kernelhello ubantrads10:17
hydesterany know of a USB wifi device that works in monitor mode?10:17
labActionParsnip: anyway, it's a common X series card. fully supported in ubuntu 8.1010:17
induslab: please state the exact problem, but if you have issues i suggest you try with envyng-gtk from synaptic10:17
ActionParsniplab: doesnt matter, still need the model for precise support10:17
lanoxxActionParsnip, no gnome10:17
labindus: already tried with envyng10:17
labActionParsnip: no. It doesn't matter the model. The most important thing now is finding a MINIMUM support for ATI+jaunty10:18
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induslab: you didnt state whether you are using the open source radeon driver or the fglrx one10:18
labindus: fglrx10:18
ActionParsniplab: it is, thats why when you websearch for uides the exact card is critical to gettikng exact guides10:18
labbetter: i tried to install it, but there's no way, neither a procedure to follow10:19
labActionParsnip: again. no, no, no, no and no.10:19
ActionParsniplanoxx: do you use the dolphin file browser anymore?10:19
labActionParsnip: I need a basic guid for jaunty+ati10:19
labnothing else10:19
ActionParsniplab: if you can get me the card i'll get you a guide10:20
booty_kernelindus bhia namaste10:20
ActionParsniplab: basic guide is !ati10:20
ActionParsniplab: if you get the card model then i can advise10:20
labActionParsnip: I'll give it to you as soon as the OS is ready10:20
ActionParsniplab: during the installer you can still press alt+f2 (assuming you are using the desktop live cd) and run a terminal10:20
ActionParsnipit wont break anything10:21
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kbpsomeone sold GIMP on eBay for $5 and my uncle didnt know GIMP is free so he bought it.  :)10:21
ActionParsnipkbp: you can sell a USB stick with gimp on it, technically a service10:22
labActionParsnip: Radeon X120010:22
ActionParsniplab: not so hard is it10:22
labActionParsnip: I'm pretty sure you will make a hole in the water, starting from that.10:23
lanoxxActionParsnip, no, i dont really want to use it, it just started to open like this and i want nautilus back10:23
ActionParsniplanoxx: uninstall dolphin then and install nautilus10:24
ActionParsniplanoxx: system cant use whats not installed :)10:24
nalcomisAll...I am running Ubuntu 9.04 and can't mount any of my Fat32 partitions.  I receive "Can't find a valid FAT filesystem on dev sdd1" when trying to do.  Has anyone see this?  Thanks in advance10:24
booty_kernelhello hello mount drive in linux problem10:24
shurikni looking for a program, that modifies screenshots with arcs oder something like that. for example making a user guide10:24
labI suspect there's a bug in jaunty, for these drivers10:25
kbpActionParsnip: really? I thought it's illegal when selling a free/gnu software. If it's legal then someone just copy and sell Ubuntu CD and make profit... not fair for the buyers10:26
harisundkbp i am pretty sure you are free to burn Ubuntu CDs and sell them for a price10:26
glickhow do i remove packages and all the packages that they depend on using apt?10:26
ActionParsniplab: http://swiss.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128732910:26
harisundkbp what you will be doing is charging them for the "CD and the act of putting it on the CD" , but not for Ubuntu itself10:27
Jyxtwell...the software itself might be licenced under GNU etc10:27
Jyxtbut the CD itself is not licenced..w.hats to stop you from burning CD's and charging $10 for the physical CD?10:27
labActionParsnip: this is not an useful link10:27
induskbp: its very easy to show criminal intent if that is done, technically nothing illegal but morally yes10:27
ActionParsniplab: basically you will need to use the open driver, so it kinda is10:27
azlonharisund, im following that tutorial and it is telling me to edit /etc/conf.d/net and setup my eth0 but /etc/conf.d/net doesn't exist. i tried to sudo touch it but it didnt work. i am already connected to the lan via network manager, can i just set those same settings in network manager?10:28
indus$10 for a cd yea right10:28
ActionParsnipkbp: technicaly he's not selling the software (whic is illegal as its not the dudes property) he can charge for a usb stick and postage and put all manner of data on the stick that your dad expects but is not being directly charged for10:28
harisundazlon: hang on one sec10:28
glickdoes anyone know to intelligently remove a package and all the packaes that were intalled when i installed it10:28
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Jyxtindus: people the world over have been paying more than that for years10:28
Jyxtaverage music CD is like $1510:28
indusJyxt: off topic10:28
ActionParsnipkbp: if its 10 USD for a CD i'd be a bit wary and alert the various dev teams10:28
mechdaveglick, sudo apt-get purge <package_name>10:28
mo0nykitglick: sudo apt-get purge <package>10:29
r0ck0is there any quality diminishes when using a dvi adapter to svideo?10:29
harisundazlon: yeah that is only if you are setting up your connection through the command line. But your connection is already setup through NetworkManager10:29
glickis it autoremove?10:29
ActionParsnipglick: sudo apt-get --purge remove packagename; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove10:29
azlonharisund, thanks10:29
mechdaveglick, then sometimes sudo apt-get autoremove10:29
labActionParsnip: by default jaunty should already use these drivers.10:29
harisundazlon: You can actually ignore the section 3. Hug the WAN (The internet) part10:29
mechdaveglick, autoremove will only remove packages that are not being used by anything10:30
azlonharisund, yeah, i browsed through it but decided to skip it. i just dont want to skip something important and cause headaches later10:30
ActionParsniplab: possibly, it may default to vesa ut you can define it in xorg.conf as well as resolutions and refresh rates if your monitor does not report what it can do10:30
labActionParsnip: as said at the beginning: my question require direct experience on the problem. I appreciate your help, really. But it's unuseful if you don't know how to specifically solve10:30
harisundazlon: yeah and I will be online for a while, let me know if you are able to get it to work10:30
azlonharisund, thanks!10:30
ActionParsniplab: if yo want help that specific you will be searching a lifetime10:30
ActionParsniplab: it simply wont exist10:31
labActionParsnip: not necessarily. because other people could have occoured the same problem10:31
labmy question was addressed to them10:31
ActionParsniplab: you are going to have to wrestle with xorg.conf and the open drivers until you get something decent10:31
ActionParsniplab: log a bug too10:31
labActionParsnip: yes, it's a bug. This is a good suggestion10:32
induslab: i suggest a forum search10:32
azlonharisund, is emerge the same as sudo apt-get install?10:32
induslab: lots of posts there10:32
harisundazlon: yeah more or less .. which software are you looking at?10:32
labindus: and lot of wasted time10:32
azlonim using Ubuntu 9.04 but the tutorial uses emerge10:32
labthe best thing is to find a person who solved the same problem10:32
ActionParsniplab: http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/x11/xserver-xorg-video-radeonhd10:32
induslab: you did it already?10:32
harisundazlon: yeah emerge is the apt-get of Gentoo10:32
azlonah, ok10:33
ActionParsniplab: supports your chip10:33
labthe WORST thing is following instructions of people that did not encountered the problem10:33
induslab: you didnt even state your model, you didnt say what teh error is10:33
ActionParsnipindus: x120010:33
indushow will anyone here know your problem10:33
ActionParsnipindus: ati consider it legacy now10:33
harisundazlon: is eth1 your internet connection too?10:33
indusaah huhuh x1200 its legacy baby10:33
labindus: I specified that there's no way to START to install the driver... please don't bother10:33
indusonly the open source driver will work now10:33
azlonharisund, eth1 is my LAN, ppp0 is my internet10:34
ActionParsnipindus: basically because its old ati drop it like its something contagious, ati suck10:34
harisundazlon: ah ok then ppp0 will be your "WAN" everywhere .. though I guess you already got that10:34
ActionParsnipindus: but people buy their shoddy wares, go figure10:34
frackOkay, this is aggrevating... Running 9.04 and even using the uni/multiverse repos, bitchx is still invisible10:34
indusActionParsnip: they dont suck,10:34
indusActionParsnip: superb cards, its a linux poiunt of view10:34
ActionParsnipi'd say they do lots10:34
ActionParsnipindus: i'd always buy nvidia, even in a windows system10:35
indusActionParsnip: their drivers are as abad as ati now10:35
indusActionParsnip: time has changed10:35
ActionParsnipnever had a single issue with anything i have ever bought from nvidia10:35
boknoyhi, isn't update-grub supposed to check for other linuxes in other partitions and hard drives?10:35
ActionParsnipboknoy: in karmic?10:36
azlonharisund, "rc-update add dnsmasq default" = "rc-update: command not found"10:36
boknoyI have another linux on a different patition, and it's not picking it up10:36
ActionParsnipboknoy: have you read the reinstall grunb factoid?10:36
harisundazlon: Ok, I think that allows you to start dnsmasq when you reboot10:36
harisundazlon: i think that should be happening by default on your box10:37
boknoynope, haven't heard of that10:37
azlonharisund, ok cool10:37
boknoyso you mean to say I need to manually write menu.lst everytime the other linux updates the kernel?10:37
labanyway,open source drivers don't work10:37
ActionParsnipboknoy: no, read this:10:38
ActionParsnip!grub | boknoy10:38
ubottuboknoy: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto10:38
azlonharisund, sorry to ask about every single line in the tutorial, but it looks like my dchp3-server is causing problems: http://pastebin.com/d71736fe810:38
WazzzaaaHi, in CLI. How can I get the total of all files starting with "internal" ?10:38
sabayonuserhaving problem in  connecting to net ??10:38
ActionParsnipboknoy: the grub should update itsefl as you add kernels10:38
Wazzzaaatotal size10:39
boknoyyeah, but it's not10:39
azlonharisund, i went ahead and removed dhcp3-server but i still get the error10:39
harisundazlon: no probs man .. hmm can you paste the output of /var/log/syslog again?10:39
boknoyActionParsnip, grub-update only reflects the Ubuntu kernels10:39
sabayonuserhow to connect adsl2 modem , running mtnl triband to net on ubuntu 8.04??10:39
indussabayonuser: hello10:40
azlonharisund,  http://pastebin.com/d7df764d310:40
shogohello all10:40
harisundazlon: that apparently happens because some other software is using the port, like bind or something so let's see what we can do10:40
azlonharisund, there are 2 errors at the end, one is that i forgot to put sudo, but the second is with sudo10:40
sabayonusercan any one help me??10:40
indussabayonuser: its mtnl automatic always on connection?10:40
ActionParsnipWazzzaaa: let me see if i can find something. Have you asked in #bash?10:41
sabayonuserindus yes, and funnily i am connected through a live sabayon cd10:41
harisundazlon: Did you install any DNS server earlier? Like bind?10:41
WazzzaaaActionParsnip: no...10:41
WazzzaaaI can go to there10:41
indussabayonuser: same , just make surer all is connected10:41
Xcellman.. sabayon kicks butt10:41
indussabayonuser: no extra steps needed10:41
azlonharisund, nope10:41
mechdaveazlon, is dnsmasq already running?10:41
indussabayonuser: if live cd works, why wont regular install work10:42
azlonmechdave, hold on10:42
WazzzaaaI know its possible with some kind of awk script, but I don't know if it is possible in some other manner. in combination with du maybe ?10:42
harisundazlon: yes mechdave good call .. try doing /etc/init.d/dnsmasq stop and then start again or sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart10:42
azlonmechdave, how can i check10:42
harisundazlon: you could do ps ax | grep dnsmasq10:42
sabayonuseri am connected to net via live cd of sabayon not ubuntu10:42
ActionParsnipWazzzaaa: yeah that and have a variable with a running total, adding the du output colomn for the size to the total10:42
sabayonuserubuntu live or installed , nothing works10:43
harisundazlon: there are ways to check what application is listening on what port but that skips me right now.. something like netstat or somethign10:43
azlonharisund, same error when i restart10:43
mechdaveharisund, azlon or you could do this --> sudo /etc/init.d/dnsmasq restart10:43
azlonmechdave, dnsmasq: failed to create listening socket: Address already in use10:43
jkkahi. /set theme darkstyle.theme10:43
harisundmechdave: he just tried that and same thing happened .. what I am thinking of is trying to figure out which address is in use10:43
mechdaveazlon, what port is dnsmasq configured on?10:44
Wazzzaaathank you for now ActionParsnip.10:44
ActionParsnipWazzzaaa: #bash will help lots10:44
harisundazlon: dhcp3-server is fully stopped and removed right? ps ax | grep dhcp reveals anything?10:44
sabayonuserin sabayon all i need to input is eth add , ip add subnet nmask , default gateway and dns , and lo i am connected to net even through a live cd, but cant do the same in ubuntu ,,why????10:44
mechdaveazlon, you could nmap your box to find all open/listening ports10:45
azlonharisund, http://pastebin.com/d1b6feabf10:45
azlonmechdave, install nmap now10:45
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harisundazlon let me check one sec10:46
marcrierahello everybody. does anyone know why karmic koala release candidate is shipped with a vanilla kernel?10:46
mechdavemarcriera, you could try in #ubuntu+110:47
indussabayonuser: you have any passowrd for mtnl?10:47
marcrieraor, i'll try on ubuntu+1. (is this a kind of users vs developers chanel diference?)10:48
sabayonuseri have the numbe rand password10:48
indussabayonuser: in sabayon what steps did you do to connect?10:48
sabayonuserpppoeconf  says nothing found10:48
mechdavemarcriera, not really, just ubuntu+1 handles the development version of ubuntu10:49
azlonharisund, netstat -anlp | grep -w LISTEN10:49
harisundanything on port 53?10:49
sabayonuserclicked a button to make a new connection  entered my ip subnet gateway ,mac and dns10:49
harisundazlon: ah thanks I knew there was a netstat10:49
azlonharisund, yeah, 2 things on 53 but it doesnt say the app name10:50
azlonharisund, http://pastebin.com/d6f374daf10:50
harisundazlon: damn we need to find out what those apps are.. because dnsmasq tries to listen on port 53 as well10:50
azlonharisund, looks like bind is installed... how can i kill the process?10:51
harisundah thought as much10:52
harisundps ax | grep bind?10:52
lab(PLEASE ANSWER ONLY IF YOU KNOW THE PROBLEM AND HAVE A MINIMUM EXPERIENCE ON IT) hi. I'm trying to install ATI drivers on jaunty 9.04. I followed these instructions and they were a disaster: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI   . I googled and I didn't find anything useful. Any suggestion? All worked fine for 8.10, but with 9.04 these drivers are a nightmare.....10:52
harisundazlon I am guessing bind would have got installed as a part of dhcp3-server or something like that. Or there might be a service in /etc/init.d/ .. something like /etc/init.d/bind or something like that10:52
harisundlab people here work for free on their own time. If you are unable to get help right now, I would suggest posting on the forums or perhaps coming back at another time10:53
marcrieramechdave: thanks.   they made me go to #ubuntu-kernel . i didn't realise that was so evident. :)  thanks10:53
harisundher marcriera quick question10:53
mechdavemarcriera, no worries10:53
iceroothow to use cp -r without .svn?10:53
mechdaveharisund, azlon port 53 is used for DNS only according to IANA10:54
induslab: http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.4.1&product=
harisundmechdave yes, dnsmasq provides dns services too, so if there is another software running that provides dns service, there's a clash which is why dnsmasq is not able to start10:54
azlonharisund, should i just uninstall bind?10:54
ActionParsnipmechdave: and also rfc 1035: http://www.faqs.org/rfcs/rfc1035.html10:55
harisundazlon: yeah i am pretty sure you should be fine uninstalling bind. But in any case, is it a stoppable service in /etc/init.d/?10:55
azlonharisund, mechdave, i was reading this page and it says to just reconfigure bind, but i dont think i need bind do i?  http://tjworld.net/wiki/Linux/DnsMasqAddressAlreadyInUse10:55
harisundazlon: I am not in front of a Ubuntu box right now, can anyone tell if bind gets installed by default on Ubuntu or is it safe to remove?10:55
azlonharisund, i tried sudo /etc/init.d/bind stop and it didnt work10:55
harisundazlon: maybe it is not bind, could it be named?10:55
indusharisund: safe to remove10:56
harisundk azlon go ahead and remove, and if your machine breaks down say it's all indus fault :)10:56
azlonharisund, removed10:56
azlonharisund, now let me try to start dnsmasq again10:56
harisundanyway thanks indus .. and azlon what named does, dnsmasq does too so it should be safe to remove it10:56
azlonharisund, still the same error, should i restart?10:57
sabayonuseri  think every one here are too busy anser  my question :-)10:57
indusi just answered question as to whether its part of default install and its obviously not, its used to set up DNS etc, bind is a common software10:57
harisunddo the netstat thing again and see 53 is still used? (On Linux, as far as possible I try not to use the Windows solution of restarting)10:57
harisundthanks indus that's what I wanted to know :)10:58
grawitysabayonuser: Either that, or no one knows the answer.10:58
icerootActionParsnip: flash is working better (but not perfect) on amd64 :)10:58
indusharisund: but maybe ubuntu server edition it is installed by default10:58
harisundindus: logical . yeah ..10:58
indusother than this info, iam a supernoob of networking10:59
azlonharisund, yeah, 53 is still used on localhost and
mechdaveharisund, azlon is bind running as named? Have a look in /etc/init.d/ for named10:59
lanoxxActionParsnip, i removed dolphin now i get an error about a missing library10:59
albasheersbest flv file convertor11:00
harisundazlon: what package did you remove/uninstall?11:00
azlonmechdave, harisund, ah crap, its running as bind911:00
harisundazlon: ah ok :)11:00
azlonharisund, i did sudo apt-get remove bind11:00
albasheersI tried ffmped it is giving me codec error11:00
mechdaveazlon, there you go... just stop bind for now11:00
harisundmechdave: azlon: i think it used to be called named or something .. not sure .. I guess it's bind9 now11:00
azlonhow do i stop again? sudo /etc/init.d/bind9 stop?11:00
sabayonusergravity either what???11:00
indusno the service is called named11:00
mechdaveharisund, azlon I have not played with it for long time :)11:01
indussoftware is bind11:01
harisundazlon: yes that might work, try it .. you have to find the service name .. do you see anything with bind9 or bind or named?11:01
mechdaveazlon, Yep that is correct11:01
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harisundazlon netstat -tulpn might work, or append sudo at front11:02
azlonharisund, mechdave, not sure what i was doing before but its stopped now11:02
azlonnow let me start dnsmasq again11:02
* harisund keeps fingers crossed11:02
mechdaveazlon, harisund you just had the wrong name :)11:02
azlonok, now for the next step ;)11:02
azlonthanks guys11:02
harisundha good luck man ! ;)11:02
indusjust to be clear the berkeley internet name daemon is also called named , on redhat you start with the named command11:03
ActionParsniplanoxx: is the library named?11:04
ActionParsnipalbasheers: there is no best anything in life.11:04
mechdaveazlon, harisund I recommend you just remove the startup of bind9 and not bind9 itself... to stop it starting on boot do this --> sudo update-rc.d -f bind9 remove11:04
ActionParsnipalbasheers: best is anopinion and is not concrete11:04
ActionParsnipan opinion*11:05
indusmechdave: no gui? also hello11:05
harisundazlon: yeah follow mechdave's advice, you don't really need to "uninstall" per se, you just need the service stopped11:05
indusActionParsnip: windows xp is best11:05
mechdaveG'day indus How is it going?11:05
ActionParsnipindus: thats your opinion, millions would agree, millions would disagree, doesnt make it any truer than me saying something else is best :)11:06
indusmechdave: hi all good, long time , how r things11:06
azlonharisund, already removed, but i also removed from startups so i dont get errors later11:06
harisundazlon: k11:06
azlonharisund, i think i have a new problem though, when i have my eth1 and my ppp0 enabled my internet doesnt work (this is from before i started the tutorial). when i disable eth1 my internet works11:07
azlonharisund, i am going to test it again, i might have to reconnect11:07
mechdaveindus, you are trying to start a war? :)11:07
harisundazlon: ok wait let's just make sure we are going over this correctly11:07
indusmechdave: thats old fashioned11:07
azlonharisund, ok11:07
darqhello. I got some questions regarding ubuntu. I have written an application in java and i got an *.jar.. How to deploy it on Ubuntu/Linux ? which folder? on windows xp there are java exe wrappers , on Mac OS X there is the Application Bulder with wich i can turn a *jar into an app .. What to do in Linux.. ? thnx in advance11:07
indusActionParsnip: millions are on the xp side btw :) very few linux users aha :D11:08
mechdaveazlon, you may have a problem with route11:08
harisundazlon: you have a computer with 2 network interfaces, one ppp0 and one eth0, and I am guessing eth0 is "unused" and ppp0 is used to connect to the internet with NetworkManager, right?11:08
mechdavedarq, you need to install the sun java runtime libraries11:08
azlonharisund, right, ppp0 is WAN and eth1 is LAN11:08
ActionParsnipindus: doesnt make it truer, just means more are in agreement. For some people, even living isnt best11:08
harisundharisund: and without dnsmasq running the internet is fine, right?11:08
mechdaveharisund, azlon make sure default route is pointing to ppp011:09
darqmechdave: obviously:) but my questuon was the hole deployment process of java applications on linux11:09
ActionParsnipindus: best is a comparison of a product to your own needs, everyones needs differ so there will never be an outright best, its a very immature ideology to bandy round (I feel)11:09
azlonharisund, uhmm... dnsmasq is running now and the internet is fine, but i did "sudo ifconfig eth1 down" earlier so i could get on here and try to get ics working11:09
prince_jammyswell, ubuntu is by far the best of the distros that are named after South African words.11:10
harisundazlon: it might have something to do with what mechdave said, the route thing. How are you setting up eth1? Tthe way it says in the tutorial? static IP ?11:10
azlonmechdave, harisund, this is my route (while eth1 is down) http://pastebin.com/d14c1f7f411:10
mechdavedarq, I have just always installed java and then used javac whatever.jar11:10
indusiam immature its true11:10
harisundazlon: that is good, only ppp0 should be on your route since that is what you are using to get to the internet .. how are you setting up eth1?11:11
azlonharisund, correct, eth1 is static to with subnet of and a DNS of
mechdaveazlon, harisund and when eth1 is up?11:11
azlonmechdave, let me turn eth1 back up... i will have to reconnect11:11
darqmechdave: ??? javac is the compiler you mean java -jar whatever.jar11:11
mechdavedarq, they may have changed it, my java is 9 years old11:12
albasheersActionParsnip: I am trying to convert a flv file  , it is giving me following error http://imagebin.org/6788611:12
nikolamhi, did PPA changed its signing gpg key or something?11:12
mechdavedarq, Uuummm yeah11:12
lanoxxActionParsnip, Error -- Konqueror: There was an error loading the module Dolphin View. The diagnostics is: The shared library was not found.11:13
ActionParsnipalbasheers: what are you converting to?11:13
ActionParsniplanoxx: is nautilus set as your default browser?11:13
indusnikolam: depends on the ppa11:13
harisundwelcome back azlon :P11:13
indusnikolam: why dont you get a new one if thats the problem11:13
lanoxxActionParsnip, the whole dialoge looks like kde? I believe something in the folder handler of gnome got mixed up11:14
lanoxxActionParsnip, not sure how do i check that?11:14
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azlonmechdave, harisund, ok... here is my route with eth1 down, then i turned it on and did ifconfig, then a route, then turned eth1 off: http://pastebin.com/d5010364411:14
ActionParsniplanoxx: did you by any chance start with kubuntu and then install gnome?11:15
ActionParsnipalbasheers: ffmpeg -i inputfilenameheredude.flv -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -s 320x240 -vcodec xvid -acodec mp3 video.avi11:15
lanoxxActionParsnip, no i have ubuntu installed and i never installed kubuntu or kubuntu-desktop, i only installed kile recently which is a kde app because i need it for LaTeX11:16
azlonharisund, also, for some reason my IP didn't update to but i will fix that11:16
harisundazlon: ok so basically doing "sudo ifconfig eth1 up" makes some changes that we don't want to be made.11:16
harisundazlon: that could be a part of the problem - try setting the IP when you do ifconfig11:17
mechdaveazlon, harisund line 50 should read -->  default         UG    0      0        0 ppp011:17
harisundazlon: something like sudo ifconfig eth1 netmask up11:18
lanoxxActionParsnip, where is the handler for directories in gnome?11:18
azlonharisund, ok i updated the IP11:18
mechdaveazlon, harisund and it should be UH and not UG11:18
lanoxxActionParsnip, is it in ~/.somegnomefolder or somewhere in /etc/...11:18
ActionParsniplanoxx: if you go into /usr/share/applications/   and read the files that have  folder-handler  in the name, you can see which relates to dolphin and edit it11:19
harisundazlon: what do you mean "updated the IP"? How did you do that?11:19
ActionParsniplanoxx: make sure /usr/share/applications/nautilus-folder-handler.desktop   looks ok11:19
albasheersActionParsnip: I am the following code after executing the command you gave me http://imagebin.org/6788711:19
mechdaveazlon, harisund the default route is up the put11:19
azlonharisund, i did sudo ifconfig eth1 and it reenabled eth1 and set the ip to, but then i had to turn it off again to get back in the chat11:20
teragramHi folks. Is this a good place to ask a Wireless question?11:20
harisundazlon what are the contents of /etc/network/interfaces?11:20
mechdaveazlon, harisund line 50 should read -->  default         UH    0      0        0 ppp011:20
azlonmechdave, im not really familiar with route but should i do something like "sudo route -a ppp0"?11:20
lanoxxActionParsnip,  http://pastebin.com/f54437ca11:20
albasheersActionParsnip: I mean I am getting following error after executing the command you gave me http://imagebin.org/6788711:20
r3zaHI , i want to connect my vpn but i get this error http://imagebin.org/67888 how can i fix this ?11:20
ActionParsnipalbasheers: then muliply the bitrates by 1024 to get bits from kbits11:20
nikolamindus, ppa is for Hardy/LTS11:21
azlonharisund, "auto lo" and "iface lo inet loopback"11:21
mechdaveazlon you need to change default route to point to ppp0 instead of eth1... gimme a sec and I will have a google11:21
indusnikolam: each package has individual ppa11:21
nikolamindus, i will get new one, i just wanted to know if it is actually changed11:21
nikolamoh, well, yes thats right11:21
r3zaHI , i want to connect my vpn but i get this error http://imagebin.org/67888 how can i fix this ?11:21
ActionParsnipalbasheers: or try mpeg: ffmpeg -i inputfilenameheredude.flv -ab 56 -ar 22050 -b 500 -s 320x240 video.mpg11:21
azlonmechdave, im booting up a second ubuntu machine next to me so i can play with the routes on it instead of this one and keep getting disconnected11:22
ActionParsniplanoxx: ok looks ok, now check the rest11:22
harisundazlon ok good that you have a second Ubuntu machine, that makes testing easier11:22
lanoxxActionParsnip, there is no other file with folder-handler in it11:23
albasheersActionParsnip: it showing the same error11:23
lanoxxActionParsnip, /usr/share/applications $ls |grep folder11:23
r3zaHI , i want to connect my vpn but i get this error http://imagebin.org/67888 how can i fix this ?11:23
r3zaHI , i want to connect my vpn but i get this error http://imagebin.org/67888 how can i fix this ?11:23
ActionParsnipalbasheers: you need to find a command online that uses ffmpeg. You might be able to use handbrake but ive not used it11:24
ActionParsniplanoxx: nice11:24
CHESLYNhi guys11:24
ActionParsniplanoxx: you could click around in gconf11:24
r3zaHI , i want to connect my vpn but i get this error http://imagebin.org/67888 how can i fix this ?11:24
lanoxxwho do i start gconf?11:25
ActionParsniplanoxx: hmm: sudo apt-get --reinstall install nautilus    may just make it reset itself as default due to postinst scripts ;)11:25
mechdaveazlon, harisund try --> sudo route del default <-- deletes current default route11:25
mechdaveazlon, harisund try --> route add default gw
ActionParsniplanoxx: gconf-editor11:25
mechdaveazlon, harisund adds a new default route11:25
albasheersActionParsnip: I have tried handbrake, winFF but no use it is not converting11:25
r3zaHI , i want to connect my vpn but i get this error http://imagebin.org/67888 how can i fix this ?11:26
DJonesr3za: Doesn't look that there's anybody around at the minute with experience of that, its probably worth asking again in about 15-30 minutes to give chance for other people who may be able to help to join the channel11:26
Neremorhow do i use a library in my c++ app after installing it via the ubuntu repos? for example i installed "libsqlite3-dev"... how do i include it in my program now?11:26
azlonmechdave, wont that add on eth1 again? seems like there should be a flag for default adapter11:26
r3zaDJones: :(11:26
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r3zaDJones: thanks anyway11:26
ActionParsnipalbasheers: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/convert-flv-google-videos-to-mpg-using-ffmpeg.html11:26
Sia--i have ubuntu with fluxbox and want to upgrade the system, any upgrade available without gui update manager11:26
ActionParsnipalbasheers: all i'm doing is websearching11:26
mechdaveazlon, possibly... hang on shall re read11:26
epicis maven2 broken on karmic koala ?11:27
lanoxxActionParsnip, now if i click in Places->Somebookmark nothing happens at all11:27
danielismehey guys can anybody help me. i just restarted ubuntu 9.04 and after the reboot its saying my network is disconnected11:27
harisundThe UG flag means the link is "up" and to "gateway" and UH flag means the link is "up" and to a "host" ..11:27
Sia--i mean ubuntu without gnome-xfce-kde is just fluxbox11:27
joaopintoSia--, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade11:27
ActionParsnipalbasheers: ffmpeg -i input.flv output.avi  may just work11:27
danielismehey guys can anybody help me. i just restarted ubuntu 9.04 and after the reboot its saying my network is disconnected when it ovbiously isnt since in using it to type this, i also just changed my MAC address and restarted my router/modem before the reboot, which probably has something to do with it11:27
Sia--joaopinto, is for upgrade or upgrade to new system?11:28
joaopintoit is for upgrade in the current release11:28
joaopintoif you are looking for karmic, join #ubuntu+111:28
mechdaveazlon, harisund try --> route add default gw dev ppp011:28
danielismehey guys can anybody help me. i just restarted ubuntu 9.04 and after the reboot its saying my network is disconnected when it ovbiously isnt since in using it to type this, i also just changed my MAC address and restarted my router/modem before the reboot, which probably has something to do with it11:29
ActionParsniplanoxx: then ive no idea, i would hunt in gconf some place to see whats going on11:29
azlonmechdave, SIOCADDRT: No such process11:29
albasheersActionParsnip: now I am getting this error Cannot allocate temp picture, check pix fmt11:29
ActionParsnipdanielisme: you just repeated that within 20 seconds to the same users, whats the point?11:29
mechdaveazlon, try a sudo in front11:29
danielismeActionParsnip: Sorry11:30
hoo-hahhi guys. I've been trying out non-gnome desktop recently. I was told to try out openbox, and to configure my .gtkrc-2.0 manually11:30
azlonmechdave, that was with a sudo11:30
hoo-hahnow, when I switch back to gnome, I have to move that file elsewhere so as not to confuse gnome settings11:30
hoo-hahis there a way to make gnome play nice with it?11:30
mechdaveazlon, righto... rethink time, route really screws with my head :(11:30
Neremorhow do i use a library in my c++ app after installing it via the ubuntu repos? for example i installed "libsqlite3-dev"... how do i include it in my program now?11:31
harisundNeremor: you use the appropriate header file, and when compiling link the corresponding library with the -l option if you are using gcc etc11:31
azlonmechdave, im trying to read the man but im pretty sure i understand every-other word...11:31
mechdaveanyone got a reasonable working knowledge of route?11:32
mechdaveazlon, it does my head in...11:32
eltewI feel like I just made a horrible mistake.  I wanted a MID that supports Ubuntu so I bought the SmartQ 5.  Didn't realize it cant support Ubuntu MID Edition and cant support much software.  Anybody own one?11:32
teragramCan anyone help me with a wireless problem?11:32
ActionParsnipalbasheers: http://paste.ubuntu.com/293818/11:32
harisundeltew: I don't think any MID right now actually supposts Ubuntu MID edition .. I am looking for one myself :(11:33
danielismeauto-ethernet fixed my problem but it isnt the fix i wanted11:33
nalcomisall...I am running ubuntu 9.04 and whenever I set my IP information statically, I loose DNS resolution, even though the server is configured.  I also see it in my resolv.conf file.  Anybody have any ideas?11:33
oversizehi, using reportlab 2.3 i get this error: "Can't setFont(Times-Roman) missing the T1 files?" ... does someone know what package is missing in 9.04? i have msscorefonts installed and would like to avoid installing everything  until i hit the right one - yes, its not realy #ubuntu specific, but maybe someone here knows11:33
eltewharisund: I believe the Samsung Q1 supports it.  If you can afford it (which I cant).  lol11:33
danielismeteragram: what is your problem?11:33
harisundazlon: sorry man i have to get to bed now, maybe another time .. :(11:34
eltewDoes anyone have any experience with the SmartQ series?11:34
xscoutnalconis, gateway is ok in static conf ?11:34
teragramI have a weird intermittent issue - almost every time I start my machine the wireless fails to connect. Restarting the machine, or turning on and off the card (with the button on the laptop) will sometimes make it connect properly11:34
nalcomisscout: yes...  When I open a term and specify the DNS server in NSLOOKUP, I can ping FQDNs within the window....11:35
azlonharisund, thanks for all the help!11:35
azlonmechdave, i think i got it... let me apply the settings to this computer instead of the laptop and ill brb11:35
teragramI know the key is correct, because it does connect sometimes, but when it's not working the dialog for entering the key comes up11:36
unapiedraanyone know how to use the full functionality of MS Exchange with a Linux client?11:36
danielismeteragram: could be faulty hardware, is this an older laptop?11:36
teragrambrand new :(11:36
hoo-hahwhere does gnome store it's gtk/theme settings?11:36
hoo-hahis there a flat file I can look at?11:36
hoo-hah(I plan on putting such file under revision control for backup during changes)11:36
grawityhoo-hah: GNOME mostly uses Gconf, which can be accessed through gconf-editor or the XML hell at ~/.gconf/11:37
nalcomisxscout: do you have any ideas?11:38
mechdaveazlon, harisund try --> route add default gw ppp0 that should work11:38
azlonmechdave, muahahaha, got it!11:38
teragramdanielisme: When it's not working, it detects the network (usually) and tries to connect for a couple of minutes, then pops up the wlan key dialog11:38
mechdaveazlon, awesome, what was the command?11:38
azlonmechdave, what is the gw represent? because i took out the gw and it worked11:38
hoo-hahgrawity: cool, thanks. The path I found was  ~/.gconf/desktop/gnome/interface11:38
azlonmechdave,  "sudo route add default ppp0"11:39
hoo-hahgrawity: and the filename is %gconf.xml11:39
mechdaveazlon, gw = gateway11:39
azlonmechdave, well i say it worked but i dont really know yet... i can just have eth1 and ppp0 up and i can access the internet, now we will see if i can share it11:39
teragramdanielisme: is there any way I can check the hardware? (I scrubbed windows before I realised this was happening, so I don't know if it's Ubuntu specific)11:39
nalcomisalso, I don't have an xorg.conf file and can't save my x settings.  Has anyone dealt with this?  I have seen numerous posts on the Internet, but no solution11:40
azlonmechdave, gw is gateway, but my local IP on this machine is so i was putting "gw" not "gw"11:40
mechdaveazlon, and is your machine set up as a gateway?11:40
azlonmechdave, uhmm... isnt that what the dnsmasq did?11:41
cabaror3za: check here http://forums.fedoraforum.org/showthread.php?t=20027811:41
nalcomissetting yourself as a DG should force your machine to broadcast for all IPs - whether or not they are on your own machine.  If your local router supports proxy arp, it should respond for you11:41
nalcomis*whether or not they are on your local subnet11:41
elliotbekenhi all does this load for you guys ?  i just set up my home server11:42
Blizzerandelliotbeken : What all11:42
azlonmechdave, does this look right? http://pastebin.com/d1a2a4ac811:42
azlonmechdave, for some reason i have 2 default routes... :|11:42
elliotbekensorry http://elliotbeken.dyndns.org11:43
mechdaveazlon, yeah you need to get rid of the eth1 one11:44
nalcomiselliot: yeap11:44
nalcomisI got to you11:44
azlonmechdave, ok, got rid of it... now i have: http://pastebin.com/d5fbb50eb11:44
mechdaveelliotbeken, yeah no worries, no index.html though11:44
nalcomiselliot:  I am listening to your MP3s right now.11:45
mechdaveazlon, that looks better11:45
nalcomiselliot:  Why do you listen to Hanna Montana?11:45
azlonmechdave, i still don't have a gw though... don't i need this if i am going to share the internet?11:46
mechdaveazlon, are you trying to share internet only?11:46
elliotbekenha ha i let dudes in my college to upload there own songs i think it was a personal joke11:46
mechdaveazlon, why don't you use http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=9137011:47
azlonmechdave, uhmm... would like to do much more but internet sharing is the main thing. i would like to do QoS and whatnot later11:47
nalcomiselliot:  I was joking about the hanna montana thing...hhaha11:48
mechdaveazlon, I have only used iptables and masq to do that11:48
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php11:48
azlonmechdave, erUSUL, i have read that site and it has never worked for me because of my ppp0 3G modem. harisund had me going through http://www.gentoo.org/doc/en/home-router-howto.xml11:49
mechdaveazlon, and then you could use dns on the subnet that you create11:49
elliotbekenlol ha well there is some disney theme tunes on there11:49
erUSULazlon: you nly have to put ppp0 instead of eth0 in the iptables rule and it should work11:49
sanromhola, es la primera vez que me conecto, hay alguna sala en espaniol o estamos todos los idiomas juntos?11:50
mechdaveazlon, I used firestarter as a dialup server, worked great11:50
erUSUL!es | sanrom11:50
ubottusanrom: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.11:50
sahilski am not able to choose a right a linux installlation for me.11:50
sahilskshould i choose ubunut/ fedore/ sabyon11:50
sahilskor what??11:50
sahilsk*ubuntu /fedora11:50
sanromthanks you!11:50
azlonmechdave, let me try firestarter again... brb11:51
mechdavesahilsk, After using all 3 I would pick Ubuntu first11:51
StaRetjihello, if you are using jaunty and fluxbox, can you check with top how much ram memory is xorg spending? My own spends 388MB with nothing running, just flat fluxbox screen...11:51
bazhangsahilsk, please discuss in #ubuntu-offtopic , as this is for existing ubuntu installs11:51
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StaRetjiit is to much, coz I have Intel Atom with 512mb soddim ddr211:52
danwagonhey all, need help getting my epson printer working in ubuntu????11:53
mechdaveazlon, are you sharing to 1 pc or many?11:53
danwagonhey all, need help getting my epson printer working in ubuntu????11:54
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows11:54
mechdavedanwagon, try looking up your printer model on http://linuxprinting.org11:54
danwagonIve checked that out but I dont get it....11:54
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azlonmechdave, many... this is driving me nuts11:55
danwagonmechdave can you help?11:56
mechdaveazlon, ok you want to use dhcp then... The way I would go about it would be use iptables and NAT and then create a subnet for your clients and run dhcp on that11:56
mechdavedanwagon, is your printer listed?11:56
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epicrefering to this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/plexus-container-default/+bug/417164 maven 2.2 doesnt seem to work on karmic koala, is there anyway to mend this?11:57
azlonmechdave, sounds similar to what i was trying to do but it didnt work... i got all the way to installing dnsmasq... now i think i need to setup NAT... brb11:57
erUSULepic: karmic questions in #ubuntu+1 please11:58
bazhangepic, #ubuntu+1 for karmic support11:58
danwagonmech yes its listed, what driver do I need and how to install it?11:58
mechdaveazlon, follow this --> https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing?action=show&redirect=InternetConnectionSharing11:59
elliotbekendoes anyone here have a ibm t30 laptop with ubuntu11:59
Leelahi there11:59
mechdaveazlon, the best way is to start from scratch and set up your gateway first11:59
teragramCan anyone help with a weird intermittent wireless problem?12:00
danwagonmech yes its listed, what driver do I need and how to install it?12:00
azlonmechdave, ok12:00
LeelaI created a root account a few days ago. Now I read I can't log in with root, so how to use it? Didn'T find something useful on ubuntu forum (german)12:00
mechdavedanwagon, I don't know... what is the page where your printer is listed?12:01
mechdavedanwagon, I need the url12:01
hedkandiI did an ls and it says drwxrwxrwt12:02
hedkandiwhat does that mean?12:02
mechdavedanwagon, you need to install gutenprint12:03
danwagonwill that make the printer work?12:03
DarkMasterHaloLeela: If you login with another user and try the command su, does it work or the password doesn't work ?12:03
mechdavedanwagon sudo apt-get install cups-driver-gutenprint12:04
shubbarfor a file server with raid5, do I need an extra harddisk for booting or can i boot from the raid5 disks?12:04
LeelaDarkMasterHalo, it asks for the account password and not for the root password. so e.g. I can't use synaptic12:04
mechdavedanwagon, then set up the printers from System -> Administration -> Printing12:05
grawityhedkandi: 'd' - directory. Then, the first group 'rwx' is for the owner - read, write, and execute permissions. The next 'rwx' is for the assigned group. Third - 'rwt' - read, write, execute, plus the "sticky bit".12:05
DarkMasterHaloLeela: You can use your own password.  On Ubuntu, they replaced the root account with a deep integration of sudo12:05
grawityWouldn't say "replaced".12:05
DarkMasterHaloWell, :)12:06
LeelaDarkMasterHalo, the root password is not the same.12:06
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zhoujingruiStarting tor daemon: tor...12:06
zhoujingruiOct 15 19:05:41.919 [notice] Tor v0.2.0.31 (r16744). This is experimental software. Do not rely on it for strong anonymity. (Running on Linux i686)12:06
zhoujingruiOct 15 19:05:41.922 [notice] Initialized libevent version 1.3e using method epoll. Good.12:06
zhoujingruiOct 15 19:05:41.922 [notice] Opening Socks listener on
zhoujingruiOct 15 19:05:41.923 [warn] Could not bind to Address already in use. Is Tor already running?12:06
FloodBot2zhoujingrui: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:06
zhoujingruiOct 15 19:05:41.923 [warn] Failed to parse/validate config: Failed to bind one of the listener ports.12:06
DarkMasterHaloLeela: I know, but you do everything with your own password.  Not the root account or the root password.12:06
grawityDarkMasterHalo: Most of the "integration" is very simple - the 'gksu' tool has a option in gconf, to make it always run in 'gksudo' mode.12:06
danwagonReading package lists... Done12:07
danwagonBuilding dependency tree12:07
danwagonReading state information... Done12:07
danwagonW: Duplicate sources.list entry http://ppa.launchpad.net hardy/main Packages (/var/lib/apt/lists/ppa.launchpad.net_team-xbmc-hardy_ppa_ubuntu_dists_hardy_main_binary-i386_Packages)12:07
danwagonW: You may want to run apt-get update to correct these problems12:07
FloodBot2danwagon: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.12:07
prince_jammys!sudo | Leela12:07
ubottuLeela: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)12:07
LeelaDarkMasterHalo, I limited many functions for the normal user and gave most rights only to root. I just can't do anything atm...12:07
DarkMasterHalograwity: Oh, thanks for the clarification, didn't knew that.  You think it is possible to do it for KDE too.  I'm on Fedora and would like to have this type of  integration :P12:07
LeelaI know what sudo is. i use ubuntu since 3 years. I ask about root and not sudo12:08
prince_jammysi answer about sudo.12:08
prince_jammysa sudoer is not a "normal user"12:08
azlonmechdave, i followed that tutorial and i cant even ping this computer from my second ubuntu machine now https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Internet/ConnectionSharing?action=show&redirect=InternetConnectionSharing12:08
grawityLeela: In Ubuntu, you use 'sudo' to get root privileges. (Unless you really want to get the good old root account, which isn't recommended, but isn't that hard to do either.)12:08
danwagonmech  can you im me12:08
grawityDarkMasterHalo: KDE - does it use 'kdesu' or something like that?12:09
Leelabut when i use sudo, it wants the normal password, the one i log in with. and this doesn'T work12:09
prince_jammysthat's what sudo does.12:09
LeelaI activated the root account gave most rights to it and changed the password12:09
Leelabut none works12:10
DarkMasterHalograwity: Yop it uses kdesu :P, but I think in some circumstence, it asks for the root password.  But I think I only saw it when my sudoer file wasn't configured :P12:10
danwagonhey all, need help getting my epson printer working in ubuntu????12:10
prince_jammysif it doesn't work, you removed yourself from the admin group, or you removed the admin group from sudoers12:10
Leelanot the loginpw neither the root pw12:10
DarkMasterHalograwity: And I never used the root account here except to setup the sudoer file :P12:11
grawityDarkMasterHalo: I'd browse the KDE's config tool (kcontrol or whatever it is).12:11
bazhangdanwagon, what does that site say about it? fully functional? paperweight?12:11
* grawity is happy with root on Arch.12:11
Leelais there a german support channel?12:11
Leelathanks :)12:11
azlonmechdave, ok, i can finally ping my server again, but i still cant share the internet12:12
mechdaveazlon, ok sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i eth0 -o eth1 -s -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT should read sudo iptables -A FORWARD -i ppp0 -o eth1 -s -m conntrack --ctstate NEW -j ACCEPT12:14
PCTechNerdcan someone please help me with what would appear to be a noob issue12:14
PCTechNerdi'm on 9.10 netbook and i can't for the life of me figure out how to rearrange the icons in the favorites12:14
mechdavePCTechNerd, just ask away12:14
stevemGraphical LVM partitioner anyone?12:15
StaRetjihello, if you are using jaunty and fluxbox, can you check with top how much ram memory is xorg spending? My own spends 388MB with nothing running, just flat fluxbox screen...HELP :)12:15
jribPCTechNerd: #ubuntu+1 for help with karmic12:15
ubottuTips and tricks for RAID and LVM can be found on https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SoftwareRAID and http://www.tldp.org/HOWTO/LVM-HOWTO - For software RAID, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FakeRaidHowto12:15
bazhangPCTechNerd, karmic support in #ubuntu+112:15
azlonmechdave, this is exactly what i did: http://pastebin.com/d7570f4e212:15
mechdaveazlon, ok paste the output of iptables -L12:16
elliotbekenhow can a run this command over SHH "sudo gedit /etc/apache2/apache2.conf" ??12:16
mechdaveazlon, ok have you set eth1 to or similar?12:16
jribelliotbeken: use nano instead of gedit12:17
azlonmechdave, yes,
mechdaveazlon, and the client is
azlonmechdave, client is and a windows xp machine is
mechdaveazlon, ok12:18
azlonmechdave, this iptables -L is still listing stuff from my ISP, should i stop it?12:18
mechdaveazlon, now to what is the gateway address set to?12:18
indusdo i need firewall if i have a router12:18
azlonmechdave, gateway on client is
mechdaveazlon, ok on the client is the gateway set to that?12:19
cabaroelliotbeken: if you really want to run gedit, then connect using   ssh -Y hostname   but sudo nano works best over ssh12:19
azlonmechdave, yes, gateway and dns are on the client machines12:19
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elliotbekenok it works how do i hsave in nano12:20
grawityelliotbeken: Ctrl-O to save, Ctrl-X to save+exit.12:21
=== webmaster is now known as WebMaster
jribelliotbeken: read the bottom of your window, ctrl-o to write out, ctrl-x to exit, etc12:21
mechdaveazlon, ok what is your DNS server addresses? Your NAT box so far does not have DNS capability12:21
azlonok, i will use OpenDNS for now then12:22
azlonhodl on12:22
mechdaveazlon, I would just enter the DNS addresses straight into the client for now12:22
mechdaveazlon, much simpler12:22
azlonmechdave, ok, hold on12:22
pfctdayelise_I am trying to install a package called aegis. I can see at packages.ubuntu.com it is available for dapper, intrepid, jaunty, karmic.  would there be a reason it is not available for hardy?12:24
azlonmechdave, still nothing on the ubuntu machine, let me try the windows machine12:24
mechdaveazlon, and you can ping the server?12:24
azlonmechdave, nevermind, it is working on the ubuntu machine, just had to give it a minute12:24
azlonmechdave, sweet!12:24
azlonmechdave, now i just need to make this server a dns server.. right?12:25
mechdaveazlon, Ok now what we do is use dhcp to distribute ip addresses and dns info12:25
azlonmechdave, i'm ok with using static ip addresses12:27
ActionParsnip1yo yo yo12:27
mechdaveazlon, ok then all you do is add your ISP's DNS server addresses to the DNS part of the client computer networking serup12:28
mechdaveazlon, then all is done :)12:28
azlonmechdave, awesome! can i use the server's ip as the DNS?12:28
mechdaveazlon, later you can add a proxy and QoS if you want12:28
meowbanghi all i am getting this message on startup. users $home.dmrc file is being ignored. this prevents the default session from being saved. files should be owned by user and have 644 permissions12:29
mechdaveazlon, no, you don't have any DNS resolver on your machine, besides the DNS addresses for your ISP is an external address so NAT will just rout them to the internet12:30
azloncool! thanks!12:30
azlonmechdave, one more question... how can i get the DNS for my ISP? i thought it would be in ifconfig but i dont see it12:31
mechdaveazlon, it will be in /etc/resolv.conf12:31
meowbanghi all i am getting this message on startup. users $home.dmrc file is being ignored. this prevents the default session from being saved. files should be owned by user and have 644 permissions12:31
vltHello. From machine A I can successfully scan on B using `scanimage -d "net:machineB:hpaio:/usb..."`. But the same command from machine C shows me "scanimage: open of device net:machineB:hpaio:/usb... failed: Error during device I/O". Any idea what's missing on machine C?12:32
mechdaveazlon, another thing, make sure that iptables is dropping every packet that is not related or established12:32
heogenhi there I have trouble with aMule speed I receiving a very low ID12:32
mechdaveazlon, that will drop all probes from zombies12:33
azlonmechdave, how do i do that?12:33
prince_jammysmeowbang: what does ls -l ~/.dmrc  say?12:33
heogensomebody can help me?12:34
mechdaveazlon, Hang on it has been a long time since I have done this...12:34
Damalls means list -l means list ~ means shortform of directory (path) and lost may be file ext12:34
heogenFloodBot1,  I have trouble with aMule speed I receiving a very low ID12:35
prince_jammysFloodBot1 isn't much of a conversationalist12:36
heogenFloodBot1, Do you know how can result this...12:36
prince_jammysFloodBot is not a human being12:36
elliotbekenhow can i remover webmin using the terminal ?12:37
heogenprince_jammys, thank you12:37
heogenprince_jammys,  I have trouble with aMule speed I receiving a very low ID12:37
heogenprince_jammys, you can help me?12:37
prince_jammysheogen: i haven't used that in ages, but I always had low ID :)12:37
mechdaveazlon, I have used this --> http://easyfwgen.morizot.net/gen/12:37
heogenprince_jammys, ok12:38
mechdaveazlon, and get on an external network and nmap your ip address to make sure there are no ports open12:38
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit12:38
prince_jammysheogen: i would *guess* that's it's firewall/router related.12:38
prince_jammysbut I really don't know.12:38
Ddany72ciao a tt12:39
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)12:39
heogenprince_jammys, what program do you use for aMule12:39
vinalg ngapin12:39
prince_jammysheogen: i don't. i did many years ago.12:39
azlonmechdave, ok, thanks!12:39
heogenprince_jammys, ok, thank you guy12:40
OerHeksi tried eMule, but there is no ubuntu software available :(12:40
mechdaveazlon, that will give you a good start anyway... How is your head spinning?12:40
azlonmechdave, it is slowing recovering... feels like i have been on the teapots at disneyland for 4 hours12:41
SauLuson karmic: Cron does not run. I can start it manually, but how can I make it start at boot time?12:41
bazhangSauLus, #ubuntu+1 for karmic12:41
mechdaveazlon, Lol, it gets easier the more you read about iptables and squid etc... they all work together and they can give you a really tight network if done properly12:43
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=== Sonderbla is now known as Sonderblade
azlonmechdave, now that i have that pretty much wrapped up i want to start taking advantage of this 3G modem and see if i can send/recieve SMS messages with it. the goal is to be able to send and SMS from my phone to the modem and have it message me back the status of my RAID-512:44
mechdaveazlon, I recommend you do some more reading on iptables try here to start with... these docs give you a good background --> http://netfilter.org/documentation/index.html#documentation-howto12:44
=== eddie is now known as Guest55350
mechdaveazlon, Ooohhh... you have lost me there, I wouldn't know where to start with that one :)12:45
Guest55350yes good day12:45
azlonmechdave, another challenge ;) thanks! i will read up on those articles while at work!12:45
meowbanganyone here used mint 712:45
mechdaveazlon, there still will be giant gaping holes in your server security...12:45
Guest55350am new how do you make a bot in her12:46
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org12:46
mechdaveazlon, is this going to be on all the time?12:46
azlonmechdave, 24/712:46
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voxGuest55350: ask in #freenode12:46
meowbangi could not use my c-media soundcard there but it works great on ubuntu12:46
azlonmechdave, should i run something like firestarter to start out with?12:46
Dr_Willismeowbang:  proberly kernel/alsa version differances.12:46
mechdaveazlon, are you going to run the modem full time?12:47
meowbangcould be. i should look into that adn see if i can change it if there is12:47
azlonmechdave, yeah, it is my only connection to the world (i live in Kuwait)12:47
mechdaveazlon, I wouldn't, I would just read up on iptables and configure it to suit12:47
Guest55350does any one like ubuntu 10.512:47
Guest55350live (in calie)12:48
bazhangGuest93713, there is no such version12:48
meowbangGuest55350, is that still in developnent \12:49
bazhangoops Guest55350 there is no such version12:49
mechdaveazlobesides it will give you a deeper understanding of the networking side of things12:49
meowbangif its not official i not into it12:49
mechdaveazlon,  besides it will give you a deeper understanding of the networking side of things12:49
Guest55350it's ok am back12:49
meowbangubuntu 9 is the latest out12:49
Guest55350no 10.5 in 14 days12:49
grawitymeowbang: 9.04, not 912:50
meowbangno its not12:50
Guest55350count down12:50
meowbangi never seen any test releases12:50
grawityThe latest is 9.04, but 9.10 will be released soon.12:50
meowbangwhere is ubuntu 1012:50
voxmeowbang: next year12:50
bazhangGuest55350, #ubuntu+1 is 9.10 support (next version support channel)12:50
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mechdaveazlon, all the best... I have to go to bed... 0530 get up for me :(12:50
meowbangsee Guest55350 got it rong as i thought12:50
azlonmechdave, thanks again man!12:50
Guest55350it is 4:60at my house12:51
mechdaveazlon, any time, that's why I'm here :)12:52
unRuheHi, I'm new to Linux, i fucked up my eclipse installtion by deleting /usr/lib/eclipse/* don't know how do un/reinstall eclipse12:52
bazhangunRuhe, please watch the language12:52
unRuheHi, I'm new to Linux, i destroyed my eclipse installtion by deleting /usr/lib/eclipse/* don't know how do un/reinstall eclipse12:53
Guest55350man am on a old dell i found and some left over parts i had12:53
JyxtunRuhe: sudo apt-get remove eclipse will uninstall it12:53
Jyxtsudo apt-get install eclipse will install it again12:53
Guest55350ubuntu gave it life12:53
bazhangGuest55350, did you have an ubuntu support question12:53
m1k3yhey all12:53
=== Qster_ is now known as Qster
unRuhei'll try that12:53
m1k3yi was curious to know if someone could help me with getting my ati 4870x2 drivers working properly12:54
voxunRuhe: sudo apt-get install --reinstall eclipse12:54
lodder_what is the easiest way to create and new home partition??12:54
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome12:54
ActionParsniplodder_: easiest way is do it at install time12:55
lodder_ActionParsnip: yes but currently i have a /home partition but i would like to move it to lvm12:55
preecheris Transmission the best torrent client for ubuntu?12:55
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phooldeluge is also good12:55
grawitypreecher: There is no "best".12:56
ActionParsnippreecher: no, but none of the others are best either12:56
ActionParsnippreecher: they are just different12:56
preecherwhich do most prer?fe12:56
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.12:56
phooli personally prefer deluge12:56
ActionParsnippreecher: i like transmission but only because my g1 phones talks nicely to it12:56
preechero ok12:56
ActionParsnippreecher: there is no best software for any one task on any OS12:56
ActionParsnippreecher: something is only best if it is what YOU like12:57
m1k3y i was curious to know if someone could help me with getting my ati 4870x2 drivers working properly12:57
Dr_Willispreecher:  toms hardware site had a list of most torrent clients and their pros/cons for linux the other day12:57
ActionParsnippreecher: there is no sngle best or everyone would use that and nothing else ever for that task12:57
azloni have USB speakers but i dont hear any sound... how can i enable the USB speakers?12:58
Guest55350how do i jail brake my iphone with the new update12:58
jpdsGuest55350: Wrong place to ask.12:58
nibbler_azlon: they are a seperate sound device, so you must setupyour soundconfig to use them12:58
voxGuest55350: ...this is #ubuntu12:58
ActionParsnip!ot  | Guest5535012:58
ubottuGuest55350: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:58
OerHeksdo you have a iphone in jail ?12:58
azlonnibbler_, how do i that?12:58
ActionParsnipOerHeks: it didnt pass go either, or collect 200 pounds :D12:58
Guest55350no jest wanted to see if am herd12:59
nibbler_azlon: system->preferences->sound     i guess12:59
bazhangGuest55350, random chat in #ubuntu-offtopic please12:59
hsarcidoes anyone know of its possible have knetworkmanager automatically connect to my wifi without having kwallet query me for the password?12:59
Dr_Willishsarci:  for gnome -  you set a blank password (empty) in the wallet tool and it will auto-connect.. Not sure about kdes equilivent13:00
Guest55350use th #key13:00
Guest55350no pass word13:00
hsarcith #key?13:00
meowbanghsarci, get it to remember the password there should be a check box saying save password13:00
m1k3ydoes anyone know how to set up ati drivers??13:01
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:01
Guest55350ati suckes13:01
ActionParsnipm1k3y: have you checked www.ati.com13:01
ActionParsnipGuest55350: +1 dude13:01
hsarcimeowbang, obviously theres no checkbox that says "save password" or i wouldn't be asking this quesiton13:01
erUSULhsarci: maybe installing pam-keyring13:02
ActionParsnipm1k3y: they have little run files which should driver you up13:02
SauLushow do I enable strg+alt+backspace to kill x?13:02
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.13:02
meowbangm1k3y, go to menu type drivers then click on application adn it will auto config adn download them13:02
ActionParsnipSauLus: youmean that?13:02
SauLusty ActionParsnip13:02
hsarciill try that, erusul13:02
m1k3yi followed the instructions from ati and i installed them and then this happened http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fha5-nWNK3k13:03
meowbangm1k3y, sorry if not that i am using crunchbang atm so cant check for you13:03
hsarcierusul, its not in the repos13:03
erUSUL!info libpam-keyring13:03
ubottuPackage libpam-keyring does not exist in jaunty13:03
erUSUL!info libpam-gnome-keyring13:03
ubottulibpam-gnome-keyring (source: gnome-keyring): PAM module to unlock the GNOME keyring upon login. In component main, is optional. Version 2.26.1-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 32 kB, installed size 108 kB13:03
bazhangm1k3y, you are using karmic?13:03
m1k3yno sorry! what is karmic??13:04
brubrickhola a todos!!!13:04
bazhangm1k3y, 9.1013:04
m1k3ydoh! no 9.0413:04
ActionParsnipm1k3y: what is the output of: lsb_release -c   ?13:04
SauLusActionParsnip: this program is in screen-resolution-extra in karmic, jfyi13:04
meowbanggoogle the error it gaveyou ok m1k3y13:05
bazhangbrubrick, #ubuntu-es por espanol13:05
ActionParsnipSauLus: ok gotcha, thanks :)13:05
meowbangm1k3y, in the futur please take a screenshot of the message and put on  www.imagebin.ca13:06
bazhangerUSUL, libpam-gnome-keyring ?13:06
meowbangor copy the txt and put it on www.pastebin.com13:06
meowbangthen i could have seen it easier and stuff13:07
KingOverloadAnybody know how to get a background image on tty1 (framebuffer device) with Jaunty?13:07
meowbang^ m1k3y13:07
KingOverloadBeen trying for ages having no luck13:07
KingOverloadCompiled fbterm and fbv/fbi, tty 1024x768x24bpp, fbterm only works on 16 or 32 not 2413:09
m1k3ythanks! im not geting an error. im looking for the tutorial i used to get it kinda working. there was a command at the end of the install that i typed in to get x to start but now im running basic graphics13:10
jpdsKingOverload: Quite.13:10
KingOverloadAnywho, anyone with framebuffer knowledge? My google-fu has failed me :(13:11
m1k3ythis was the command that seemed to disable my graphics  " sudo aticonfig --initial -f "13:12
indusanyone know how to route application through pulse audio13:18
Ademananyone know if/what package python-csvn is in? (it's a ctypes binding of libsvn for python, the python-svn package appears to be the swig bindings)13:19
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azlonhow can i find out what port my USB modem is plugged into? i think it is /dev/ttyUSB0 but i'm not sure13:21
KingOverloadjunax, Do not spam13:21
jimmy_how to watch porn in firefox?13:21
grawity!flash | jimmy_13:21
ubottujimmy_: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash13:21
jimmy_what is flash?13:21
grawityazlon: I'd just check if /dev/ttyUSB0 replies to the usual commands.13:21
Streetboysis there any one who can help me bout my pidgin coz it doesnt work...13:22
jimmy_im 12 and what is this?13:22
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KingOverloadThis is the Ubuntu Support Channel on freenode13:22
hsarcito whoever was helping me, making a wallet with a blank pass did the trick13:22
jimmy_what is freenode?13:22
Ademan!ask | Streetboys13:22
ubottuStreetboys: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:22
KingOverloadAn IRC network13:22
* grawity sighs and considers trying another factoid, one that starts with '!op'13:22
KingOverloadWhat is IRC? Internet Relay Chat13:22
indus!ops jimmy_13:22
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ops jimmy_13:22
indus!ops | jimmy_13:23
ubottujimmy_: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!13:23
azlongrawity, well i tried going into /dev/ttyUSB0 but it says "Not a directory"... i was going to do a cat /dev/ttyUSB0/model13:23
Streetboyshelp me bout my pidgin coz it doesnt work...13:23
jimmy_IRC is awesome!13:23
jpdsindus: What?13:23
grawityazlon: /dev/tty* is a device file.13:23
grawityStreetboys: What is your problem?13:23
hsarcilol @ jimmy_13:23
jimmy_if i knew wat is awesome?13:23
jpds!ot | jimmy_13:23
ubottujimmy_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:23
azlongrawity, so what command could i runt o verify it is my modem?13:23
indusjpds: wait and watch13:23
jpdsindus: I am.13:23
Streetboysmy pidgin, i add my yahoo actt but it doesnt work.13:23
jimmy_Lol is awesome.but what is that?!13:23
grawityazlon: Not sure if there's a simple one... maybe install miniterm and tell it to connect to /dev/ttyUSB0?13:23
grawityStreetboys: Update your Pidgin.13:24
KingOverloadStrangeCharm, You need to upgrade Pidgin13:24
grawityStreetboys: http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu has instructions.13:24
KingOverloadFail tab13:24
jussi01jimmy_: Im going to give you some time to just observe.13:24
hsarciive got a quem13:24
Streetboyshow can update my pidgin13:24
huangi am using ubuntu 9.10, the sticky notes applet does not work.13:24
joaopinto!karmic | huang13:24
ubottuhuang: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:24
Ademangrawity: pidgin doesn't support yahoo? or did yahoo change their protocol?13:24
KingOverloadYahoo changed the protocol13:24
jussi01jimmy_: for normal chatter, please use #ubuntu-offtopic13:24
hdkillerbrocade 300 san switch + hp dl380 g6 qlogic + hp msa 2012fc storage why just 400 mbps?13:25
hsarcisays i wanted to run "echo -n 230 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/sensitivity" everytime i boot or return from a suspend...what should i do?13:25
AdemanKingOverload: that's crap, did they add something? or just try and screw with third party clients?13:25
grawityAdeman: Yahoo changed just a little something, and Pidgin got locked out. Of course, the devs fixed that (as always), but the update is not in Jaunty's repos.13:25
KingOverloadjussi01, I don't think he realises you muted him13:25
grawityAdeman: They _always_ try and screw with third-party clients. (And I understand why they do that.)13:25
KingOverloadAdeman, Not a clue, I just heard they changed it and everyone needs to update Pidgin13:25
KingOverloadI know they changed some paging servers13:25
theflowerhello.how to disable ipv6 .i do many commands but nothing change13:26
teragramAnyone here who can help me with a wireless problem?13:27
Streetboysnothing happens to my pidgin13:27
KingOverloadtheflower, sudo echo "blacklist ipv6" >> /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf13:27
=== twisted is now known as giskard2
giskard2ma cristo di dio.13:27
giskard2./skype: No such file or directory13:28
hsarcican anyone help me?13:28
Streetboysi already update my pidgin but still nothing happens13:28
KingOverloadThink that should be right..13:28
giskard2wrong channel dude13:28
Jyxtteragram: we wont know until you ask your actual question right13:28
momentumhsarci: wats up?13:28
Streetboysi already update my pidgin but still nothing happens13:28
hsarciI want to execute this ""echo -n 230 > /sys/devices/platform/i8042/serio1/serio2/sensitivity" everytime I boot-up or resume from a suspend13:28
hsarciany ideas?13:28
grawityStreetboys: Did you restart Pidgin after upgrading? Check the version in "Help -> About"13:29
ltspi install evolution 2.26 on ubuntu 9.10 i386 ltsp .but i want to remove it and install the evolution 2.22 which is much faster then 2.2613:29
KingOverloadhsarci, it would mean putting a script in /etc/power13:29
KingOverloadfor events.d and scripts.d13:29
ltsphow can i replace the evolution 2.22 with evoltion 2.2613:29
Streetboysyes i restart it13:29
KingOverloadA quick google should help you there hsarci13:29
momentumhsarci: http://www.microsoft.com/windowsxp/pro/default.mspx thats what you need13:29
KingOverloadmomentum, Why be so ignorant?13:30
KingOverloadPeople are only looking for help13:30
hsarcimomentum...eat two dicks13:30
StreetboysPidgin 2.4.1............ this is my pidgin version13:30
joaopinto!language | hsarci13:30
ubottuhsarci: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.13:30
grawityStreetboys: Well, the latest is 2.6.113:30
ltsphow can i replace the evolution 2.22 with evoltion 2.2613:30
grawityStreetboys: 2.6.2, even.13:30
joaopinto!ot  | momentum13:30
ubottumomentum: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!13:30
hsarcii've already added the line to multiple scripts based on things ppl were saying on the net13:30
Streetboysso how can i update my pidgin to 2.6.213:31
KingOverloadhsarci, it would have to go in /etc/power13:31
hsarcitheres infact, i page that explains all about changing thinkpad trackpoint sensativity and they say to put it in /etc/rc.local13:31
KalElhi, i want to play a video that my friend recorded in .avi format. should i use vlc or mplayer or a different software?13:31
hsarciking, i will try that now thanks13:31
grawityStreetboys: I already pointed you to http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu13:31
KingOverloadim outa here. ignorance makes me violent.13:31
NozeRocketFrom the command line, How can i get more info ona  package? i.e. version numbers etc?13:32
joaopintoNozeRocket, apt-cache show packagename13:32
Streetboysi do that already but theres nothing happen, it seems that there is no update happen to my pidgin13:32
NozeRocketjoaopinto, thanks13:32
NozeRocketjoaopinto, Hopw do i see what version I have installed of say python on my machine?13:33
teragramjyxt: well yes, but it's a bit complicated, so i didn't want to go into it unless there was someone likely to be able to help13:33
joaopintoNozeRocket, apt-cache policy package13:33
nic1hi..how many ever windows i open, they are just floating, i have to drag and get the one i need to look at, how can i minimise and keep on the panel?13:33
ActionParsnipNozeRocket: dpkg -l | grep packagename13:34
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ranjannic1: use the show desktop button13:34
theflowerKingOverload: i do it but nothing change . i have pppoe connection13:34
Jyxtteragram: you wont know until you ask mate13:35
nic1ranjan, where do i find that showdesktop button?13:35
ActionParsnipnic1: you could alt+tab between13:35
ranjannic1: in the left corner of the panel dont u see a small button ..thats it13:36
nic1ya alt+tab is working, i just tried though, can't i minimise and dislay on panel than making them float?13:36
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ranjannic1: click on it all active windows will get minimised13:37
ActionParsnipnic1: do you mean the window list on the bottom bar?13:37
teragramMy wireless card detects the wlan, but *sometimes* fails to connect. I know the key is stored correctly, because it does connect sometimes. When it fails, it seems to spend a few minutes trying to connect and then pops up the dialog for entering the wlan key.13:37
=== andreas_ is now known as TheNegotiator
Jyxtanyone know how to fix full screen flash video from places like hulu.com13:38
Jyxtwhen not full screen the video is fluid, no stutters...when i go fullscreen it stutters...drops frames it seems like13:39
skunkworks_linux newbie question - I created a raid volume using mdadm then did a mkfs.ext3 /dev/md0.  I added a mount point - /media/raid - and in the /etc/fstabs I added '/dev/md0 /media/raid ext defaults 1 2'  Now - it is only accessable as root.  (atlast I think)  I can see the raid volume but cannot write or do anything to it.  (shows up in computer)13:39
Jyxtubuntu 9.04 on an amd64 with flash plugin 10.0 r3213:40
tazgHi - I'm looking to install skype onto my dell mini with 8.04 ubuntu and when I run the package installer i get the following error message: "Error: Wrong architecture 'i386'" - Can anyone help me figure out what I can fix to get skype up and running please? Also, I'm a new user so commands/ advice needs to be given in simple terms!!! Thanks13:40
erUSULskunkworks_: make folders inside the new volume and assing correct permissions to that folders13:40
erUSUL!addingfs | skunkworks_13:40
ubottuskunkworks_: If you are adding space to your Ubuntu installation mounting a newly created unix filesystem (ext3, xfs, jfs, etc) you can not set permissions (read, write, etc) filesystem-wide like you do when mounting filesystems that do not support unix permissions (vfat, ntfs, hfs, etc).  See !permissions and !fstab13:40
industazg: you are using 64 bit ubuntu isnt it13:40
tazgI think so, but how do I confirm13:40
erika2009Will I be able to upgrade to new ubuntu in ternimal?13:40
industazg: uname -a in a terminal13:40
tazg@indus:  I think so, but how do I confirm13:40
ranjanskunkworks_: you should specify ext2 or ext3 in fstab13:41
erUSULerika2009: yes13:41
tazgindus: "uname -a"?13:41
industazg: there is a 64 bit package of skype available now13:41
Jyxtno else has problems with full screen flash video's?13:41
industazg: yeah13:41
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indusJyxt: i do13:41
erika2009erusul is it going to be update-manager -d command?13:41
indusJyxt: its choppy?13:41
skunkworks_ranjan: sorry - did - that was a typo13:41
Jyxtindus: yes13:41
Jyxtindus: know a fix?13:41
tazgIndus: Remind me how to open the terminal again please...13:42
industazg: main menu>accessories>terminal13:42
indusJyxt: try praying :)13:42
Pici!upgrade | erika2009 Please see this for the proper command(s)13:42
ubottuerika2009 Please see this for the proper command(s): For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading13:42
Dr_WillisI always put a terminal icon on the panel :)13:42
indusJyxt: i mean, right clickand try disable /enable hardware acceleration13:42
indusDr_Willis: ditto13:42
indusDr_Willis: its my most used icon13:43
erUSUL!info update-manager-text | erika200913:43
ubottuerika2009: update-manager-text (source: update-manager): Text application that manages apt updates. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:0.111.9 (jaunty), package size 36 kB, installed size 140 kB13:43
tazgindus:  Linux user 2.6.24-19-lpia #1 SMP Tue Jul 29 14:02:05 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux13:43
ranjanskunkworks_: you can do it by adding parameters in the options section13:43
industazg: ok u have 32 bit, i think you downloaded the wrong skype13:43
industazg: need the 32 bit skype13:44
tazgIndus: which one should I be looking for13:44
industazg: regular 32 bit skype13:44
erika2009can someone help me install my webcam?13:44
induserika2009: which webcam13:44
tazgindus: there's the 8.10 +32 bit skype, should I try that?13:44
Dr_Williserika2009:  plug it in.. test it with cheese?13:44
industazg: yeah that one13:44
tazgindus: at the moment I am trying the bog std 8.04 version grrrrrr13:45
ranjanerika2009: you should have softwares like cheese webcam booth13:45
erika2009indus for compaq pressario a90013:45
Dr_Willisfor all the webcams ive tried.. either they work.. or they are totally unsupported.13:45
tazgIndus: ok wil try 8.10... let's hope!13:45
erika2009cheese? is that a package?13:45
ranjanerika2009: ya13:45
induserika2009: there is no such thing as a driver install for devices in linux generally speaking, you plug it in and use it13:45
ActionParsniperika2009: if you run: lsusb    you will get an 8 character hex ID you may get some luck with in websearches if cheese shows nothing13:45
induserika2009: what application are you using to test it? try cheese , try skype13:46
erika2009its buit in13:46
ranjanerika2009: sudo apt-get install cheese13:46
allan8904here's one for you's, does anyone know about any drivers i can use that let me use a VGA to RCA adaptor for my TV and output the right signa13:46
* indus me13:46
erika2009its installed13:47
Dr_Willisallan8904:  the various vga-tv adaptors ive seen dont need drivers..  You might have to set your  moniotr/res to somthing the adaptor can handle. It may  not be able to convert all the res's13:47
induserika2009: how do you know your webcam is not working?13:48
erika2009it works!13:48
Dr_Williserika2009:  wow :)13:48
induslate comment13:48
erika2009lets see if i can webcam online.. :)13:48
erika2009doesnt work online13:49
erika2009only with cheese application13:49
Dr_Williserika2009:  learn to give more details. other then 'dosent work'13:49
erika2009like with facebook in windows i can make a video but in linux the cam only works with cheese13:49
induserika2009: ya it wont work in facebook13:49
induserika2009: nor myspave13:50
induserika2009: at least not for me13:50
Dr_Williserika2009:  Flash webcam support i belive dosent work in linux.  thats not a linux issue.  I think....13:50
Dr_WillisTheres other ways to chat then Facebook and web sites. :)13:50
allan8904Dr_Willis: ah this isnt one of the "box" ones, this literally is a VGA adaptor with3 RCA cables comgni out of it and it says that you need manufacturer drivers supporting TVOUT through VGA13:50
erUSULerika2009: when you right click on a flash element in a webpage a menu for flash appears you can choose configure there and a dialog appears with a tab for configuring the webcam. i dunno if that works becouse i do not have a webcam13:51
indusDr_Willis: interesting13:52
Dr_Willisallan8904:  3 rca cables?  Hmm.. are 2 of those audio> or are   You sure its not 3 'video' outs for the different colors. .like you see on some tv's13:52
tazgindus: sadly, still the same error message: "Error: Wrong architecture 'i386'" Grrrrr13:52
industazg: ok then try the 64 bit13:52
Dr_Williswhatever they call those things..  my fancy DVD player has the 3 connectors..13:52
allan8904Dr_Willis: sorry yeah its the one with the yellow green and blue13:52
allan8904Dr_Willis: all video13:52
industazg: even though ur system says its 32 bit os13:52
tazgindus: will try grrrrr13:52
Dr_Willisallan8904:   right. :) thats not  the same as normal rca video out. or s-video13:52
induserUSUL: thats not how facebook works, it has a button which can be clicked to start webcam record, but in linux it wont find it13:53
Dr_Willisallan8904:  when in doubt check google for that gizmo+linux see if others have used it.13:53
erUSULindus: maybe facebook uses java not flash? it uses it for other things too13:53
allan8904Dr_Willis ok thanks13:53
grawityerUSUL: It uses Flash.13:54
induserUSUL: no idea about that, but this feature wont work on facebook or myspace13:54
induserUSUL: in windows, it just grabs your webcam and starts recording13:54
induserUSUL: so  i presume you dont use social networking sites :)13:54
erUSULok just shoting in the dark; all i see in the tab i mention is "no webcam found" bcouse i do not have any ;)13:54
induserUSUL: it says that even if you have one13:55
tazgindus: )o; Not working "Error: Wrong architecture 'amd64'!13:55
erUSULindus: no; just irc for me. Too ugly to photo sharing sites ;P13:55
industazg: ok ok strange indeed13:55
Dr_WillisIm constantly seeing people in her asking about getting webcams working with flash.. and ive seen very few answers to their questions. :)13:55
induserUSUL: iam antisocial :)13:55
* Dr_Willis goes to the antiSocialNetworking Web sites13:56
indusok guys take a look at this guy tazg problem , uname -a says its 32 bit , but skype 32 bit complains about architecture13:56
coffeejWhat is the best way to back up my home folder before trying out Karmic?13:56
industazg: i think you again tried the 64 bit skype13:56
erUSULindus: tazg why not just add medibuntu and install from there  ?13:56
industazg: which version of ubuntu is this13:56
tazgindus: yeh I tried all three versions13:57
Dr_WilliserUSUL:  i was wondering that also. :)13:57
industazg: try the skype static version13:57
industazg: can u paste uname -a again please13:57
tazgindus: I tried the bog standard skype 8.04 and the two 8.10 version, nothing13:57
erUSULDr_Willis: great minds work alike XXDD13:57
tazgindus: Linux user 2.6.24-19-lpia #1 SMP Tue Jul 29 14:02:05 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux13:58
ActionParsnip!backup | coffeej13:58
indusso its a 32 bit system13:58
ubottucoffeej: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning13:58
indusi dont know why skype would complain13:58
tazgindus: yeh and I thinkit is the 8.04, anyway i can confirm?13:58
ActionParsnipcoffeej: easier way to test karmic is to install karmic to a usb stick and boot from that (if your system can boot usb)13:58
industazg: yea in terminal cat /etc/lsb-release13:59
tazgindus: i sent my netbook into dell to repair a month ago, operating system wasn't working as not enough hard drive (i have a little 4g machine) but skype was working before, now it isn't....13:59
ActionParsnipindus: ?13:59
ActionParsnip!test | indus13:59
ubottuindus: yes, I'm alive.13:59
tazgindus: DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu13:59
tazgDISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 8.04.1"13:59
FloodBot2tazg: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:59
industazg: ok its 8.04 32 bit14:00
ActionParsniptazg: lsb_release -c    is a single line ;)14:00
coffeejActionParsnip: Thanks.  have it runnin on  lappy w no issue but wanted to test desktop14:00
tazgFloodBot2: ok, sorry14:00
=== cow_lg_pgen_cow is now known as cow_lg_pgen
ActionParsnipcoffeej: go for it dues14:00
indusActionParsnip: 686 is 32 bit right?14:00
ActionParsnipindus: indeed14:00
tazg ActionParsnip: sorry new to this!14:00
ActionParsniptazg: you are rocking it dude14:00
indusActionParsnip: ok i dont see any messages from coffeej how come you are replying to him?14:00
* indus scratches head14:01
indusaah sorry saw it14:01
ActionParsnipindus: i just got out of a meeting and looked at the channel14:01
allan8904how do you do the *** thing?14:01
indus / and me14:01
indusallan8904: /me14:01
coffeejActionParsnip: problem is, i use the lappy, my wife uses the desk... with all her pics.  Thanks for ignoring me indus ;)14:01
indusallan8904: /me does something14:01
induscoffeej: lol sorry didnt see14:01
* allan8904 test14:01
allan8904awesome xD14:02
tazgindus: when I was on here last week, someone was telling me to "force architecture" or something along those lines, I couldn't run it as it asked for user password which I now know...14:02
phatehas anybody a lenovo sl500 ?14:02
LiskoHello. I use ati radeon 9700 on my laptop. How can I install it on jaunty?14:02
industazg: ya force architecture is for installing 32 bit software on 64 bit os14:02
tazgindus: I seee14:02
ActionParsnipcoffeej: well jaunty will be supported until Oct 2010 so no real rush if shes happy with what she has14:02
industazg: sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture skype............14:02
ActionParsnipallan8904: try /me <first person verb>14:03
* indus waits14:03
ActionParsnipindus: isnt skype in the medibuntu repo?14:03
erika2009any webcam servers?14:03
* uberspaced facepalms14:03
coffeejyeah, but that's no fun!14:03
induswhats a  facepalm14:03
coffeejActionParsnip: skype was.  haven't checked recently14:03
* uberspaced double facepalms14:03
induswestern terminology14:03
ActionParsnipindus: look at your palm then slap it on your face, then shout "d'oh"14:04
* indus says namaste :)14:04
homoboyWhy is my wifi card not working in Karmic 9.10? Anyone have any ideas?14:04
industazg: so whats the status14:04
indushomoboy: try #ubuntu+114:04
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:04
homoboyindus: k14:04
ActionParsnipindus: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=A3KyXCBrAfg14:05
detrateis there a way I can set a specific PPA to update less often?14:05
indusActionParsnip: sorry, restricted acess14:05
tazgindus: how do I paste what it said? can't use the enter function?14:05
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!14:05
indusActionParsnip: btw, i downgraded the bios after we spoke yesterday, no go14:05
indus!paste | tazg14:05
ubottutazg: please see above14:05
ActionParsnipindus: http://scienceblogs.com/insolence/facepalm.jpg14:05
ActionParsnipindus: bah14:06
Briareos1can one recommend a channel where i can get support with ipsec connections?14:06
indusActionParsnip: ok that one14:06
tazgindus: user@user:~$ sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.47-1_amd64.deb [sudo] password for user:  dpkg: error processing skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.47-1_amd64.deb (--install):  cannot access archive: No such file or directory Errors were encountered while processing:  skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.47-1_amd64.deb user@user:~$14:06
industazg: for all long messages , go to paste.ubuntu.com then paste it there, then write your name and press send, then copy url and paste here14:06
tazgindus: ok, noted!14:07
industazg: is the file on the desktop?14:07
ActionParsniptazg: is the deb file in ~/ or is it for example on the desktop?14:07
industazg: if yes then in terminal cd Desktop14:07
indus$cd Desktop14:07
uberspaceddouble facepalm: http://kevinchiu.org/emote/facepalm.jpg14:07
tazgindus/ actionparsnip: if i go to desktop it is there, then I double click to run package installer14:08
asus901Hello ! I have a laptop and ubuntu don't start in SATA AHCI mode. I push SATA ide and Start Well done, but I Push Sata AHCI Don't start... Can you help me ?14:08
* indus facepoops14:08
ActionParsniptazg: ok then run this command: cd ~/Desktop; sudo dpkg --force-all -i ./*.deb14:08
sheldonhhow do i find out what version of KVM comes with ubuntu?14:08
industazg: no double click wotn work14:08
sheldonhhow do i find out what version of KVM comes with ubuntu 9.10? (sorry for the repost)14:08
indusActionParsnip: scary command :)14:08
ActionParsnipindus: gets stuff done14:08
ActionParsnipindus: and its a high level package so wont break the OS14:09
indusya tazg just cd to the desktop with cd command14:09
azloni had my ICS working, then i restarted and now its not working14:09
pfctdayelise_Hi, I am trying to install firefox 3.5 on hardy, I used a ppa but when I ran apt-get install I got " Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)"...what should I do?14:09
tazgindus/ actionparsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/293941/14:09
azlonindus, how can i check to see if bind9 is running? i thought i uninstalled it but since i restarted my ICS isnt working14:09
ActionParsnipazlon: you may need to bridge the links again, did you put the commands you ran in a script to re-establish te connection on a reboot14:10
ubottuIf you want to share the internet connection of your ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php14:10
uberspacedazlon: pgrep named14:10
indus!!bind sorry i dont knowanything about bind14:10
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:10
ActionParsniptazg: ok then run: sudo apt-get -f install14:10
geirhasheldonh: aptitude show kvm | less14:10
detrateis there a way I can set a specific repository to update on a different interval or is this option only global?14:10
azlonuberspaced, its not running so how can i see what app is using port 53?14:10
industazg: all of course14:11
uberspacedazlon: netstat -tulpn14:11
uberspacedas root14:11
ActionParsniptazg: you need those libs it is talking about installing14:11
uberspaced_very_ handy command.14:11
geirhasheldonh: If you don't have an install of 9.10, search packages.ubuntu.com14:11
indusActionParsnip:  there is somethinhg wrong here14:11
indusActionParsnip: his system is a 32 bit14:11
industazg: did you double click on the 32 bit skype file or not14:11
ActionParsnipindus: thats what i thought, its very weird14:11
azlonuberspaced, that tells me there are apps using it but it doesnt say what app i using the port14:11
asus901Hello ! I have a laptop and ubuntu don't start in SATA AHCI mode ( in BIOS ). I push SATA ide ( In BIOS ) and Start Well done, but I Push Sata AHCI Don't start... Can you help me ?14:11
tazgindus/ actionparsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/293944/ (ps. he = she)14:11
Ergo^hello, i got a powr failure when i wanted to install nvidia drivers with jockey -- now i get this http://paste2.org/p/469901 - how do i force reinstall or fix of dkms ?14:12
indusya her sysstem is a 32 bit14:12
ActionParsniptazg: sudo apt-get install ia32-libs14:12
indusActionParsnip: nooooooooo14:12
tazgindus/ actionparsnip: what are libs?!14:12
indusActionParsnip: ok that will tell for sure if that package is present :D14:12
uberspacedazlon: I'm confused.  that command shows the process ID of the program holding the port open.14:12
uberspacedand you say you don't know what applications are using it?14:12
industazg: just open a terminal and copy paste    sudo apt-get install ia32-libs14:13
trijntjeasus901, it looks like you are saying that ubuntu both starts and don starts using AHCI, can you reprhase your question?14:13
ubottuOther !Linux distributions besides !Ubuntu include: Debian, Mepis (using !APT); RedHat, Fedora, SUSE, Mandriva (using !RPM); Gentoo, Slackware (using other packaging systems)14:13
azlonuberspaced, ah, got it... now how can i get the name of the proccess from the process id?14:13
ActionParsniptazg: libs are things that make apps work, they are shared between apps to make them smaller, some apps use libs that others do and you do not have to reinstall them as the already exist14:13
uberspacedazlon: it's RIGHT NEXT TO THE PID.14:13
industazg: libs is libraries14:13
tazgindus/ actionparsnip: i'm running all this with the 64 bit package? should I be doing this with the 32 bit - or am i trying to force the wrong thing, taz is confused!14:13
uberspacedor you can do ps waux |grep PID14:13
OerHeksasus901: SATA controller must be configured in AHCI mode 'before' installing Ubuntu14:13
ActionParsniptazg: your kernel is 32bit which is weird14:13
industazg: yeah i think you are trying to install wrong skype14:13
sheldonhgeirha: but i'm interested in the version of the kvm kernel module. can't find it in the linux-image changelog14:14
jontoreDoes any one have any experience using amdcccle, I'm trying to get dual screen one with resolution 1280x1024 and the other 1680x1050?14:14
sheldonhgeirha: e.g. KVM-79, KVM-86 etc.14:14
industazg: did you install this system? or you have a super nerdy boyfriend or husband or lady friend who did something14:14
tazgindus/ Actionparsnip: ok, will download 32 bit, then do I need to do all this shizzle again?14:14
jcarterUbuntu 9.04 with latest updates running under Virtualbox on a Mac: After a restart and first login, I go to System->Preferences->Windows and I get an error message: Cannot start the preferences application for your window manager; window manager "unknown" has not registered a configuration tool. Then after I logout and login, the Window manager is fine. So which file is NOT being launched on startup?14:14
tazgindus: none of the above, system came with dell mini 9 - piece of pooo*14:15
industazg: ya download 32 bit , place it on desktop, then double click on it14:15
industazg: should install like a breeze14:15
Jyxttazg: really? dell sells pre-installed ubuntu?14:15
ActionParsniptazg: also run: sudo dpkg -r skype14:15
ActionParsnipJyxt: sure they do14:15
RanDom33I have been trying to run warsow on my laptop with ubuntu, I do not believe my video card is using the best drivers that it can use, as the game will not even run. I have an ati x1200 series card. I had the same problem with jaunty, and even did the suggested rollback fix on intrepid. I am on the koala beta now.14:15
asus901trijntje, my laptop it's new. The bios has two modes... SATA AHCI ( Fast access hard disk ) IDE Mode ( Normal ), When I push SATA AHCI Ubuntu crash in the start... When I push ide mode, start well. Can you help me ?14:15
indusi G t g14:15
Jyxti read about ubuntu pre-installed on a bunch of netbooks...but always some distro i'd never heard of14:16
SauLushow can I run gpg-agent when logging in with gdm?14:16
indusi need to solve one problem forpeace of mind14:16
detrateRanDom33: #warsow on irc.quakenet.org might be more help14:16
industazg: please help me solve your problem :)14:16
ActionParsnipJyxt: http://www.dell.com/content/topics/segtopic.aspx/linux_3x?c=us&l=en&cs=1914:16
* indus thinks he will facepalm ActionParsnip14:16
OerHeksasus901: yes, set Bios @ AHCI, and re-install ubuntu14:16
uberspacedhaha.  somebody's not getting it.14:16
RanDom33detrate, and they will tell me to ask here about getting the drivers setup right14:17
asus901OerHeks, I install ubuntu and in the bios SATA AHCI configured, reboot and don't start. Push ide mode start well... But I install in AHCI mode14:17
indusuberspaced: true14:17
veggteppeHow do i get the newest version of wine? when i add it, it gets to 1.0.1, but in need of the newest version. know i gotta go into source's etc, bt aint able to find out how. Any guides available?14:17
uberspacedindus: no, you don't facepalm others.  you facepalm yourself.14:17
indusuberspaced: D'oh!14:17
trijntjeasus901, i'm afraid not, I was just wondering what your exact issue was.14:17
detrateRanDom33: or give you a flag to pass the binary file14:17
indusuberspaced: it was a joke dear14:17
tazgindus: didn't work!14:17
phatehttp://paste.pocoo.org/show/145065/  error with the driver for the lenovo sl500. can someone help?14:17
industazg: what error14:17
tazgActionparsnip: ran that command14:17
OerHeksasus901 : you cannot change mode after install14:17
asus901ok trijntje14:17
uberspacedindus: understood.  work on your comedy a bit ;)14:17
industazg: dont run commands, just double click on file14:18
* indus nods14:18
asus901OerHeks, I can change mode to ide and start well. But I like go well in SATA ACHI mode14:18
tazgindus: same error dude, same flippen error: "Error; Wrong architecture 'i368'", I ran AP's command re clearing out skype14:18
geirhasheldonh: Don't know. I get the impression it just follows the kernel version14:18
azlonActionParsnip, ok... i rad the commands from the ICS tutorial again. still not working though. my other machines can't even ping this one14:18
indusActionParsnip: ok i dont get it, you try help him14:18
tazgindus: did double click hun, nothing!14:18
indusActionParsnip: her14:18
indusgood day and bye14:19
uberspacedtazg: are you trying to install an x86-64 package on a kernel running i386?14:19
tazgindus: thanks, toodles14:19
LaireTM_Hello, I try to delete the home folder, because i want to remove it to an another partition but i get the error: „/home/benutzer/.gvfs“ Permission denied14:19
OerHeksasus901: 1 solution, set Bios @ AHCI, and re-install ubuntu14:19
ActionParsniptazg: ok lets get skype ot for a start14:19
industazg: post your uname -a for all to see14:19
ActionParsniptazg: sudo dpkg -r skype14:19
tazguberspaced:  speak in simple terms hun, new user here14:19
=== jmrodri-gone is now known as jmrodri
asus901OerHeks, I install in set Bios AHCI and don't Start.14:19
uberspaceddo what indus said.  post uname -a14:19
reya276How can I configure my nic cards so that Static IP address work correctly?14:19
jontoreLaireTM_ sudo rm -r folder14:20
LaireTM_jontoer: same error14:20
uberspacedreya276: man interfaces14:20
LaireTM_jontore i mean14:20
tazgactionparsnip: http://paste.ubuntu.com/293953/14:20
tazguberspaced: will do14:20
UqbarLaireTM_: it is a mount point. mount will show it as  gvfs-fuse-daemon on /home/benutzer/.gvfs14:21
asus901OerHeks,  something solution more ?14:21
queryboyhey can anyone help me... i have ubuntu installed...but when i boot up now i get a message that no disk found though by BIOS settings detects my HDD...now i am in live session and i can see my files in my disk..i want to get booting up ubuntu dont without losing my data...any idea14:21
reya276uberspaced: oh I already configured that but I still don't any internet connection14:21
tazguberspaced: Linux user 2.6.24-19-lpia #1 SMP Tue Jul 29 14:02:05 UTC 2008 i686 GNU/Linux14:21
LaireTM_Uqbar: i unmountet the home folder14:21
UqbarLaireTM_: you have to log out and let gvfs-fuse-daemon die14:21
uberspacedreya276: /etc/init.d/networking restart14:21
reya276uberspaced: did that too14:22
uberspacedif that doesn't do it then you've something wrong.14:22
reya276and nothing14:22
uberspacedmess around with networking in gnome.  try to see if you have connectivity on another box etc.14:22
LaireTM_Uqbar: Im loged out and at the command promt as root@14:22
asus901OerHeks, there are something driver for ubuntu can know Sata ahci ?14:22
ActionParsnipi worked it out14:22
uberspacedstart investigating...14:22
indusActionParsnip: maybe its an ubuntu netbook remix14:22
ActionParsnippackage architecture (amd64) does not match system (lpia)14:22
indusActionParsnip: excellent14:22
UqbarLaireTM_: is gvfs-fuse-daemon still running?14:22
ActionParsnipso fix away14:22
OerHeksasus901 : what brand and type laptop do you have ?14:22
ActionParsnipi got some stuff to fix14:22
LaireTM_Uqbar: how i test that?14:23
tazgindus/ actionparsnip: you referring to me? you figured it out?14:23
indushe did14:23
UqbarLaireTM_: ps -ef | grep g\\vfs-fuse14:23
tazgindus/ actionparsnip: the 'amd64' error14:23
indusyyou need to rename the package14:23
tazgshowed when i tried to run the 64 bit version, when I run the std version or 32 bit version i get the 'i386' error...14:24
asus901OerHeks, Packard bell butterfly 11'6" with core2solo precessor SU3500 and intel 4500MHD14:24
queryboyhey can anyone help me... i have ubuntu installed...but when i boot up now i get a message that no disk found though by BIOS settings detects my HDD...now i am in live session and i can see my files in my disk..i want to get booting up ubuntu without losing my data...any idea14:24
LaireTM_there is an entrie with the username14:24
UqbarLaireTM_: kill it.14:24
reya276uberspaced: one more thing, I removed network-manager and network-manager-gnome14:24
queryboyActionParsnip; any idea14:24
OerHeksasus901: ah that is a new laptop, SU350014:24
industazg: difficult but works http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=96283514:25
trijntjequeryboy, first make a backup of all your important data14:25
industazg: you have a diff version of ubuntu special for your machine14:25
trijntjequeryboy, then try to find out how to fix it ;)14:25
uberspacedqueryboy: 1.  make sure that disk the bootloader is on is in the boot sequence in your bios14:25
asus901yes OerHeks it's new laptop14:25
industazg: wait iam searchign\14:25
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr14:26
queryboytrijntje; i have over 30GB of important data that i dont wanna lose...but i dont have any external device14:26
industazg: ok found it, use skype static from the website14:26
queryboyuberspaced; the HDD is to boot up first14:26
industazg: ignore previous messages , you need the skype static package from website, then you can install it14:26
tazgindus: ok so I follow those forum instructions with the standard 8.04 version?14:27
uberspacedqueryboy: did you have  any type of other writable media plugged in when you installed ubuntu?14:27
industazg:no no ignore them14:27
industazg: in skype site, there is a download called skype static14:27
tazgindus: skype static? not 8.04? ok will look14:27
uberspacedqueryboy: it may be time for you to learn about boot partitions and installing grub :-/14:28
queryboyuberspaced; yes i had another disk of my friends'...my grub failed then and when i restored the grub the disk was connected...now the disk isn't with me14:28
asus901OerHeks, Something solution for me ?14:28
tazgindus: ok i see it, will download14:28
industazg: yes its there , look a little below14:28
uberspacedqueryboy: and that didn't strike you as having the ability to cause problems?14:28
tazgindus: then do I double click on that to install?14:28
uberspacedqueryboy: boot up into rescue mode14:28
amine_I can't install libpcre3-dev package.. I got this error message : The following packages have unmet dependencies:14:28
amine_  libpcre3-dev: Depends: libpcre3 (= 7.4-1ubuntu2) but 7.4-1ubuntu2.1 is to be installed14:28
amine_E: Broken packages14:28
industazg: but before that try the force architecture with the 32 bit skype i hear it works too14:28
amine_what can I do to solve this ?14:28
industazg: http://forum.skype.com/index.php?showtopic=22079114:29
uberspacedlearn how to do a grub -i /dev/hd[whatever] or /dev/sd[whatever]14:29
uberspacedfigure out what hd gets mounted in rescue mode by typing mount14:29
workingchairhey, I just installed a windows program using Wine and when I go to click the program to launch it, absolutely nothing happens14:29
industazg: open a terminal14:29
tazgindus: confused hun, ok so I need to download the 32 bit skype and try the commands from above to force it, if that doesn't work then try static version?14:29
workingchairdoes anyone know what might be the problem?14:29
=== SIGSEGV is now known as pjm0616
azloni cant for the life of me figure out why my other machines cant ping this one14:29
uberspacedqueryboy: maybe that will help ^^14:29
industazg: u already have 32 bit downloaded on desktop?14:29
queryboyuberspaced; it striked me as i was explaining to you...now how do i get into a  rescue14:30
uberspacedazlon: basic networking debugging14:30
industazg: open terminal and type  cd Desktop14:30
industazg: then type sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture skype-debian_2.0.0.72-1_i386.deb14:30
uberspacedazlon: can you ping yourself?14:30
uberspacedqueryboy: that page supposedly describes how to install grub using the live cd.14:30
OerHeksasus901: shouldn't you use UNR ubuntu netbook remix ?14:30
industazg: if this fails with error, just go ahead with the static version, it will work but the installation is different14:30
uberspacedI know enough internals to not have to read that stuff.  figure out if it does what you need.14:30
asus901no OerHeks14:30
tazgindus: ok hold up, open terminal. done14:30
industazg: ill be back later14:30
asus901I used normal ubuntu desktop14:30
industazg: cd Desktop14:30
asus901full and normal ubuntu14:31
azlonuberspaced, you're a f'n genius! my stupid ip keeps defaulting back to instead of where is this set so i can change it?14:31
uberspacedazlon: can you: ping yourself? ping your gateway?  is your netmask correct? does ifconfig show the device configured?14:31
tazgindus: i'm not trying the debian package though, i'm tring the hardy or intrepid ones?14:31
industazg: hello?14:31
amine_I'm tried updating, upgrading, -f install and autoclean but the problem14:31
amine_persists.I'm tried updating, upgrading, -f install and autoclean but the problem persists.14:31
uberspacedazlon: sorry.  my stuff keeps scrolling14:32
uberspacedazlon: /etc/network/interfaces14:32
industazg: yah try hardy or intrepid14:32
OerHeksasus901: try install with bios @ AHCI + 'no acpi' option when installing14:32
tazgindus: ok14:32
uberspacedazlon: man interfaces <======14:32
tazgindus: go if you have to, will ask someone else, sorry!14:32
industazg: i have 1 min14:32
industazg: did u do cd Desktop?14:33
industazg: i assume the 32 bit skype is on desktop14:33
queryboyuberspaced; i saw a message stating that it succeeded...will reboot now14:33
uberspacedqueryboy: otoh, if you're having this many problems with configuring grub, you may just want to reinstall.  It all depends on how good you're willing to get with this stuff in a short period of time.14:33
asus901OerHeks, when I make the installation, in my bios there are SATA AHCI mode.14:33
uberspacedqueryboy: if it works, YAY.14:33
queryboyuberspaced; ya...i would be glad...else i'll mess tomorrows exam14:34
OerHeksyes, set it on AHCI, not IDE14:34
differentrealityTake0n :)14:34
Take0nhello :)14:34
uberspacedqueryboy: you may have to edit menu.lst or whatever.  I don't know if that document recommends tweakage on it.14:34
JonathanEllisI have an extra partition mounted as ~/extraspace. This is set up in fstab. Why does the partition also show on my desktop? I want only removable drives like usb drives to show on the desktop. Can anyone help? Thanks14:34
tazgindus: yes 32 bit on desktop, http://paste.ubuntu.com/293963/14:35
* Briareos1 needs help with ipsec/vpn :(14:35
kreyi need someone to help me with devices14:35
uberspacedJonathanEllis: in your /etc/fstab do you actually have ~extraspace or /home/<username>/extraspace14:35
=== raidO is now known as raid0
asus901OerHeks, I say that... the installation ubuntu make with SATA AHCI mode ON and SATA IDE mode OFF.14:36
uberspacedJonathanEllis: also, does mount -a show any errors?14:36
OerHeksasus901 : that doesn't work, istalling you said: so try again, with noacpi option as kernel boot mode14:37
sheldonhgeirha: thanks. someone on #kvm has explained the shift in numbering. kvm-XX has become qemu-kvm-0.X.Y :)14:37
JonathanEllisuberspaced: I have it mounted as /home/<username>/extraspace14:37
kreydoes anyone know about mapping a device to a certain file in /dev/14:37
uberspaceduh, ok.  and the device, under gnome or whatever still shows up on the desktop?14:37
tarzanhi. since kernel 2.3.30 (jaunty) / 2.3.31 my mouse cursor stops reacting all the time when the mouse is not moved for a few seconds. About a second after i move i again the curser reacts to my movements. any ideas?14:38
uberspacedkrey: what type of device?14:38
asus901OerHeks, donesn't work the start. When go to start after bar of ubuntu go to black screen...14:38
JonathanEllisuberspaced: Mount -a does not show errors14:38
uberspacedkrey: is it usb or IDE?14:38
kreythat's why i need it mapped14:38
d65100Hi, all, anyone familiar with Ankermann computers, just about to buy one, wondered how Ubuntu fairs on them?14:38
StaRetjiHi, can someone help me upgrading the kernel on usb stick live system. I can do apt-get install almost everything, but can't compile the kernel, and can't do dist-upgrade or upgrade. There must be a way to change kernel somehow. Thx!!!14:39
uberspacedJonathanEllis: then your question is more like "Why does gnome still put stupid icons on my desktop for removable devices that are already mounted"14:39
uberspacedand I have no idea./14:39
asus901OerHeks, but i push sata ide mode start well done and go to desktop ubuntu14:39
uberspacedkrey: another handy trick: watch "ls /dev |grep sd"14:39
uberspacedyou can also specify mount points by file system id.14:39
d65100I love icons14:39
uberspacedI forget what specific file maps usb ids to dev IDS14:39
JonathanEllisuberspaced: Actually its not a removable device anyway. It is a partition on my primary hard drive14:39
kreywhy would that help me?14:39
d65100Ankerman pc's anyone?14:39
geekbuntuhas anyone found anything like timevault/flyback that can do real time backups in jaunty/karmic?14:40
OerHeksasus901: that is normal, if you installed in IDE mode, did you try to re-install in AHCI mode ? you cannot change modes after install14:40
asus901OerHeks, in bios SATA AHCI and I install ubuntu. ALL Fine. But in the reboot, don't start. After intallation push ide mode start well done.14:40
kreyi want the drive to be mapped to the same device, even if i plug it in to a different port14:40
asus901OerHeks,  no no no... I install in sata ahci mode.14:41
grawitykrey: Why do you need to do that?14:41
OerHeksoke, clear :-) ..14:41
OerHeksdid you update yet, in IDE mode ?14:41
grawitykrey: Have you tried using UUIDs, for example?14:41
kreyyeah, that's what i want to do14:41
kreybut i don't know where/how14:41
asus901OerHeks,  I install in SATA AHCI mode but don't start well, only start in ide mode. Why ? this is my question...14:41
llutzkrey: use UUID of that disk and create a udev-rule14:42
grawitykrey: ls /dev/disk/by-uuid/14:42
asus901yes OerHeks I update and safe-upgrade all in ide mode, no problem.... ubuntu go well14:42
grawitykrey: ls -l, actually14:42
asus901but I like used in Sata ahci mode.14:42
kreyso i can access my devices by uuid aswell!14:43
kreythis was very helpful14:43
kreythank you14:43
grawitykrey: There's also /dev/disk/by-label/, but it isn't as reliable.14:44
d65100anyone using a nvid gtx 260 card on here?14:44
=== geo is now known as geo05
grawitykrey: Anyway, both labels and UUIDs are supported in fstab, in grub's menu.lst, in many other places.14:44
kreythx guys, bye14:44
tazgHelp please: trying to install Skype static on dell mini 9 ubuntu 8.04 - have run via archive manager, now where do i go? (warning: new ubuntu user here! simple terms please)14:45
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asus901OerHeks, something solution ?14:46
JonathanEllistazg: Hold on. I think there may be an easier way to install skype from a repository. I will check14:46
joaopintotazg, just installl the skype .deb14:47
d65100Guys/girls, about to buy this pc, anyone see probs with Ubuntu?  http://tinyurl.com/yhozr3e14:47
ubottuTo install Skype on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Skype - To record on Skype, check: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SkypeRecordingHowto - Please use open protocols instead if you can, see !Ekiga14:47
bazhangd65100, check the hcl14:47
tazgubottu: noted. thanks.14:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about noted. thanks.14:47
bazhang!hcl | d6510014:47
ubottud65100: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection14:47
d65100not there I think14:47
pradeephello everybody am back14:48
JonathanEllistazg: You can install skype from the medibuntu repository if you add it. Here is info on Medibuntu https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Medibuntu.14:49
JonathanEllis!install | tazg14:49
ubottutazg: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate14:49
OerHeksasus901 iḿ looking on info, all i find is: if AHCI gives you problems turn it off, but i don't like that answer ..14:49
tarzanusb autosuspend seems to be broken in 2.6.30 / 31 with some input devices... is there a workaround besides turning autosuspend off?14:49
JonathanEllistazg: Follow thoes instructions first and if you have trouble, give me a shout14:49
asus901OerHeks,  I read that ahci mode its supported in ubuntu.14:50
d65100gtx260 not on the list, but Ubuntu should install though heh?14:50
d65100the pc comes without OS you see14:51
Dumb0hi all still didn't got a response for my big problem14:51
Dumb0The following packages have unmet dependencies:14:51
Dumb0  libpcre3-dev: Depends: libpcre3 (= 7.6-2.1ubuntu1) but 7.8-2ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa1 is to be installed14:51
Dumb0                Depends: libpcrecpp0 (= 7.6-2.1ubuntu1) but 7.8-2ubuntu1~intrepid1~ppa1 is to be installed14:51
Dumb0E: Broken packages14:51
FloodBot2Dumb0: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:51
Dumb0next time14:51
asus901OerHeks, thanks you for your help. I go to work... in the night I return here. For possible solution. Thanks for all.14:54
OerHeksasus901: good luck, iĺl keep reading14:55
asus901thanks OerHeks14:55
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peter1Hi! I have a file called "TRANS.x". When I run the file from one directory, it works. But running it from another directory I get segmentation fault. What could be wrong?14:56
Yurewould it be possible to run a wikipedia on your localhost . ie by installing mediawiki and then pasting the wikipedia database in to my wiki database14:56
grawityYure: "Pasting" isn't the right term - but yes, it's possible to do that.14:57
grawityYure: And that's what MediaWiki is for, mostly.14:57
heheheWhat is the website or guideline for newbie of ubuntu?14:57
bazhang!wiki | hehehe14:58
ubottuhehehe: http://wiki.ubuntu.com - Ubuntu development documentation wiki. If you are looking for system help, please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community - the Ubuntu community documentation.14:58
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sheldonhwith apt-get remove, can i hint that the conflict resolver should favour removal of dependencies?14:58
Yuregrawity : I googled , made a yahoo search but can't find anyone who is being successful in doing so . Any ideas14:58
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/ hehehe14:58
heheheThanks guys14:58
grawityYure: http://swingleydev.com/blog/?p=41 for one.14:59
grawityYure: http://mattwj2005.squarespace.com/imported-data/2008/4/11/making-your-own-local-wikipedia-mirror.html is another.14:59
Sirisian_what partition table does ubuntu use?15:00
grawitySirisian_: Usually, 'msdos' (to remain compatible with hundreds of other OSes)15:00
Yuregrawity : oh , thanks . I think I have to install all the extensions wikipedia has then15:00
Sirisian_ah okay15:01
Kamazewhen i install ubuntu over netinstall, will / can i get still the server kernel?15:01
jacquesdupontdhi everyone15:01
jacquesdupontdim searching for a little player like winamp15:01
ThDoctor_jacquesdupontd: try audacious15:02
jacquesdupontdlike beep player but seems to be stopped15:02
grawitySirisian_: But it's possible to use, for example, 'gpt' (PCs with EFI use it), or the Apple partition table - as long as both the bootloader and kernel support it.15:02
nerdy_kidjacquesdupontd try songbird15:02
jacquesdupontdThDoctor_, i want something really light15:02
vadviktorSirisian_, use ext3 or ext4, but almost all others are useful: reiserfs, xfs, ...etc.15:02
grawityjacquesdupontd: mpd (with sonata, ario, gmpc)15:02
grawityjacquesdupontd: Also, audacious, muse, quodlibet15:02
nerdy_kidjacquesdupontd yeah, its not in the cache, ill give you the site in a sec15:02
nerdy_kidjacquesdupontd www.getsongbird.com15:03
grawityjacquesdupontd: I myself use mpd - it runs as a daemon, and there are several clients to control it.15:03
grawitynerdy_kid: He wanted a _little_ player.15:03
jacquesdupontdyou understand i'm not searching an itune big shit just something light to put some playlist easily with maybe an add to playlist right click option15:03
Dumb0grawity, what can I do for that : http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=103836115:04
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jacquesdupontdgrawity, this one could be interesting if i wanna control playlist from other computers, i'll check it too15:04
nerdy_kidgrawity he wanted a winamp like player - the latest winamps arent little, besides songbird has a mini mode15:04
jacquesdupontdthx btw everyone to help me so fast :)15:04
grawitynerdy_kid: I guess he meant Winamp 2.x-like.15:04
jacquesdupontdgrawity is true15:05
nerdy_kidok then not songbird, even though id still give it a try15:05
CrocoJetI read one site that installing these packages "aptitude install linux-headers-server linux-image-server linux-server" is possible ubuntu 32 bits "see" 4GB. Is good idea to use ?15:05
jacquesdupontdit's not really the fact that it has to be little, but just simple as the first winamp, a bit beautiful and using the less ressources15:05
grawityjacquesdupontd: Yeah, mpd lets you do that. I know these clients, but there are many more: mpc for command-line, ncmpc is terminal-based but has menus, sonata/ario/gmpc are nice in GNOME. (There are clients for Qt (KDE) too, and even web-based interfaces. Ario runs on Windows.)15:05
grawityjacquesdupontd: If you decide that mpd is not for you, then Muse and QuodLibet are small too.15:06
pepperjackjacquesdupontd: i like beep media player (bmp) personally i stil use xmms though :)15:06
jacquesdupontdthat's why grawity when you talk about this daemon won't it take too much ressources ?15:06
jacquesdupontdpepperjack, they have been followed15:06
grawityjacquesdupontd: mpd (the daemon itself) is very light.15:06
grawityjacquesdupontd: And most of its clients are small too,.15:06
nerdy_kidi am the most stupid person ever15:07
StaRetjiHi, can someone help me upgrading the kernel on usb stick live system. I can do apt-get install almost everything, but can't compile the kernel, and can't do dist-upgrade or upgrade. There must be a way to change kernel somehow. Thx!!!15:07
jacquesdupontdubottu, mpd15:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mpd15:07
grawitypepperjack: xmms isn't developed anymore, AFAIK... it's now Audacious or something like that.15:07
jacquesdupontdubottu, muse15:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about muse15:07
nerdy_kidjust ran mv /*/*/*/ ./ lol15:07
jacquesdupontdubottu, QuodLibet15:07
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about QuodLibet15:07
grawityjacquesdupontd: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=5194 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7579515:07
jacquesdupontdstupid you :)15:07
bazhangjacquesdupontd, please /msg ubottu info package15:07
pepperjackyeah still works for my puropses though.. last time i tried mpd i rebooted a week later and scared myself to death when alice in chains starting blaring out of the speakers15:07
jacquesdupontdgrawity, thx for mdp will be usefull for many other things i have to install in my work but i'm using direct access to computers usually15:08
=== j is now known as Guest46108
Guest46108sou do brasil15:08
bazhang!br | Guest4610815:09
ubottuGuest46108: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.15:09
pepperjackKamaze: yes15:09
grawityjacquesdupontd: mpd is light because you can close the GUI (client) anytime, and the music will still play.15:09
eaglestarhow do i set up java plugin in mozilla with 64 i already have java installed15:09
pepperjackKamaze: there will be multiple entries in your /boot/grub/menu.lst for each kernel15:09
jacquesdupontdk, understood15:09
Guest46108sou leiga no ubuntu15:10
azlonhow can i find out what port my modem is on? like /dev/ttyUSB0? i tried "dmesg | grep tty" but it didnt return anything15:10
jacquesdupontdgrawity, ok now if i want an exactly looking like winamp 2.x player there's only beep (that i can't find anymore) or xmms ?15:10
grawityjacquesdupontd: audacious15:10
jacquesdupontdok thx15:11
stevemubottu, debian15:11
ubottuUbuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!15:11
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jacquesdupontdgrawity, thx audacious seems to be perfect but the thing is that it seems it needs something more to play mp3 format song15:14
jacquesdupontdlame maybe ?15:14
grawityjacquesdupontd: lame is an encoder, AFAIK.15:14
Guest46108usava windows15:14
grawityjacquesdupontd: I do know that many players use gstreamer for decoding, maybe you need gstreamer plugins?15:14
jacquesdupontdgrawity, but just weird that it can't read the song15:14
jendaMy custom keyboard layout (xmodmap) has stopped working in virtualbox. Any ideas how to fix it? (I have tried google :))15:14
=== Scripting is now known as Kostas_thess
jacquesdupontdgrawity, i was thinking i was having it gonna check that15:15
tordne_I got some problems with AppArmor it's seems it is not loading15:15
azlonmy dmesg is being flooded with things like: "[ 5790.440465] Inbound IN=eth1 OUT= MAC=ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:00:19:66:8a:80:17:08:00 SRC= DST= LEN=78 TOS=0x00 PREC=0x00 TTL=128 ID=16497 PROTO=UDP SPT=137 DPT=137 LEN=58 "15:15
azlonis there any way to prevent this?15:15
teuzohello ewery bodi :-D ...15:15
llutzazlon: if you don't know how to handle iptables-logs, disable it15:16
jacquesdupontdthis stupid thing was just on pulse15:16
azlonllutz, how do i disable it?15:16
llutzazlon: man iptables15:16
jacquesdupontdhow can totally remove pulse so i can't select it in different audio menu application ?15:16
Jyxtazlon: one of your rules is doing the logging15:16
Jyxtjust delete said rule15:16
obiwan__freenode []15:16
obiwan__15:22 < obiwan__> hey, i'm interested too in why you said ##freebasic with 2 sharps, some channels like ##mac got two too, and some ones like #ubuntu just  one, is there any special resason?15:16
tordne_does anyone know how to enable AppArmor, wheb I wanted to install MySQL i found out about the problem15:16
queryboyhello... i am still unable to boot into my ubuntu15:17
Jyxtazlon: do iptables -L15:17
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Jyxtand look for any lines with LOG --log-prefix blah blah blah15:17
IdleOneobiwan__: ## is unofficial and # is official channel15:17
Jyxtand delete those lines from your ruleset15:18
tordne_does anyone know how to enable AppArmor, wheb I wanted to install MySQL i found out about the problem15:18
jacquesdupontdgrawity, cause it seems a apt-get remove --purge pulseaudio isn't sufficient15:18
azlonJyxt, that is bringing up a ton of information... do you want me to pastebin it?15:18
tordne_does anyone know how to enable AppArmor, wheb I wanted to install MySQL i found out about the problem that my AppArmor failed to load15:18
IdleOneobiwan__: 2 ## does not take away from the amount of help you can recieve though15:18
Jyxtazlon: no...want you to look through it and find any rules with LOG --log-prefix and delete those rules15:19
azlonJyxt, ok, looking15:19
azlonJyxt, when i find one, how do i edit my ruleset?15:19
Jyxtazlon: hrm...probably better to do it from a file15:21
=== BlackJack is now known as Dreaman
Jyxtdo iptables-save > iptables.rules15:21
Jyxtthen edit that file and delete the appropriate lines...then do iptables-restore iptables.rules15:22
Jyxtmight need to prefix the commands with sudo...sudo iptables-save > iptables.rules15:22
Jyxtsudo nano iptables.rules15:22
Jyxtsudo iptables-restore iptables.rules && /etc/init.d/iptables save15:22
azlonJyxt, bash: iptables.rules: Permission denied15:22
azlonJyxt, i did use sudo...15:23
sheldonhubuntu.com says i need the alternate installer for RAID and LVM support. does the server installer support RAID and LVM?15:23
llutz sudo iptables-restore iptables.rules && /etc/init.d/iptables save15:23
llutz sudo iptables-restore iptables.rules && sudo /etc/init.d/iptables save15:24
llutz^^ 2nd sudo missing15:24
Jyxtazlon: do sudo iptables-save > iptables.rules && sudo nano iptables.rules15:24
azlonJyxt, i had to be root15:24
=== Guest12511 is now known as fahadsadah
tordne_does anyone know how to enable AppArmor, wheb I wanted to install MySQL i found out about the problem that my AppArmor failed to load15:25
azlonJyxt, is there any way to just comment it out instead of deleting it?15:25
Jyxtazlon: yeah you can comment...use #15:25
jacquesdupontdubottu, info audacious15:29
resnoi have a set of files, is there an easy way to change the extension on them? i tried "mv file*.html file*.php" but it failed, any ideas?15:29
jacquesdupontdubottu, audacious15:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about audacious15:29
=== brb is now known as Guest80238
jacquesdupontdubottu, info package audacious15:30
llutzresno: use "rename"15:30
KristinnHey, how do I downgrade from 9.10 to 9.04?15:30
jrib!downgrade | Kristinn15:30
ubottuKristinn: Attempting to downgrade to an older Ubuntu version is explicitly not supported, and may break your system.15:30
Guest80238how to install yahoo messenger in ubuntu?15:30
jribKristinn: better to ask #ubuntu+1 how to fix your problem probably15:30
incidenceGuest80238: Use Pidgin ?15:30
KristinnOh, :( I only wanted my audio back :'(15:30
azlonJyxt, -bash: /etc/init.d/iptables/save: No such file or directory15:30
Jyxtresno: for old in *.html; do cp $old `basename $old .html`.php; done15:31
Jyxtshould do it15:31
Guest80238tell me about yahoo plz.........15:31
Jyxtazlon: try /etc/init.d/iptables save15:31
Jyxtspace between iptables & save not a /15:31
StaRetjiHi, can someone help me upgrading the kernel on usb stick live system. I can do apt-get install almost everything, but can't compile the kernel, and can't do dist-upgrade or upgrade. There must be a way to change kernel somehow. Thx...15:31
azlonJyxt, -bash: /etc/init.d/iptables: No such file or directory15:31
Guest80238incidence:please help me.........15:31
Jyxtazlon: hrm...i am a gentoo user, not sure where ubuntu keeps that script15:32
StaRetjiapt-get install iptables\15:32
jrib!iptables > Jyxt, azlon15:32
StaRetjiapt-get install iptables15:32
incidenceGuest80238: Applications -> Internet -> Pidgin15:32
Jyxtazlon: sudo iptables-restore iptables.rules should be good enough15:32
jrib!iptables | Jyxt, azlon15:32
ubottuJyxt, azlon: Ubuntu, like any other linux  distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command (see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Uncomplicated_Firewall_ufw), or 'iptables' (https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo). GUI applications such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist15:32
Jyxtto update your ruleset15:32
Guest80238i dont see pidgin .............15:32
azlonJyxt, thanks15:33
Jyxtthough ubuntu does some crazy stuff on reboots with iptables...read this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo15:33
Jyxttowards the bottom there it details info about how to maintain your ruleset across reboots etc15:33
incidenceGuest80238: Alt + F2 -> pidgin -> enter ?15:33
Jyxtazlon: personally i always dump the current rules to a file, edit the file...then update the iptables off teh file...i knwo that guide suggests doing it all via the commandline15:34
* Jyxt shrugs15:34
resnoJyxt: i entered that into termianl how do i execute it?15:35
jribazlon: I agree with Jyxt, it's much easier to save the file and edit (the bottom of the guide should explain that too)15:35
ScoolerHey, i have a problem; when my comp was running electricity went out - now when i try to start system it goes to console saying [initramfs], i guess my boot sequence/grub  is broken. I tryed a few grub commands i found on internet but everytime i type them - console says "grub: Not found".15:35
Scoolerany ideas how to fix it?15:35
Jyxtresno: press enter and it should run?15:35
zambahow do i change the timezone in ubuntu?15:36
azlonJyxt, how can i find what port my USB modem is on? i think it is on /dev/ttyUSB0 but im not sure15:36
resnoJyxt: when i enter it it takes me to ">" and i have to ctrl -c to break out15:36
IdleOnezamba: right click on the clock15:36
JoshuaLzamba, click your date/time, then locations then edit15:36
Jyxtresno: did you copy/paste exactly...notice the ` and not '15:37
sclimansThe other day, I installed a firefox plugin.  It asked me to restart firefox.  I did, while some windows were open.  Now every time I open firefox, multiple windows open up including some that say 'progress' in the title bar.  They all have blank crashed screens.  I tried restarting but it did not fix the problem.  How do I get firefox back?  (preferrably without uninstalling)15:37
Jyxtazlon: good question...never used a usb modem so thats beyond me :P15:37
resnoJyxt: this is what i ran "for old in *.html; do cp $old `basename $old .html`.php; "15:37
Jyxtresno: last thing is done15:37
Jyxtfor old in *.html; do cp $old  `basename $old .html`.php;15:38
resnoJyxt: oh, you need done?15:38
Sutibuhey everyone, is it normal that I keep getting partial upgrades when running karmic?15:38
azlonanybody know how i can find what port my usb modem is on?15:38
jribSutibu: #ubuntu+1 for karmic15:38
StaRetjisclimans, turf off crash reporting15:39
llutzazlon: check "dmesg"15:39
resnoJyxt: what language is this?15:39
sclimanswhere, how?15:39
Jyxtyeah anyway the last part should look like .php; done15:39
Jyxtresno: bash?15:39
Jyxtcan put in file or run from command line15:39
resnoJyxt: ah, thats what i thought. the done was the missing componenet.15:39
azlonllutz, i was going to do that buy my dmesg was flooded with my iptables... is there a system log i could check?15:39
llutzazlon: check "dmesg|less"15:40
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resnoJyxt: thanks for your help.15:40
Jyxtresno: np15:40
StaRetjisclimans: check about:config and look for browser.sessionstore.resume_from_crash and Change that value to ‘false’15:40
SidGBFAny dreamlinux user/project member here? Or Eee-Ubuntu?15:41
jribSidGBF: just ask your ubuntu-related support question15:41
azlonllutz, its all iptable stuff... even with |less15:41
sclimansHow do I view hidden files in ubuntu?15:41
pradeepsidGDf what your question15:41
jribsclimans: ctrl-h or view -> show hidden files15:41
llutzazlon: less /var/log/messages15:41
Jyxtazlon: did it work? taking the logging stuff out of the iptables?15:41
SidGBFjrib: It is compatibility/usability related15:42
azlonJyxt, yeah... its not adding to dmesg any more, but the log that i was looking for is no longer in dmesg because all the previous logs15:42
keith1hi, whats the difference between a .04 and .10 release?15:42
laegdoes anyone know how i could rip flash off a website like http://www.rte.ie/player/#v=1057600 ?15:42
jribSidGBF: so just ask it.15:42
Picikeith1: 6 months15:42
keith1Pici: ah thanks15:43
Jyxtazlon: ahh...hehe try what llutz suggested?15:43
Picikeith1: Ubuntu version numbers are based off the year and month of release. 9.04 was released in 2009, April.15:43
keith1Oh wow I never noticed that version 9  is also year 200915:44
keith1heheh brilliant15:44
SidGBFjrib: how many disk remains in EeePC 701 using EeeUbuntu?15:44
jribSidGBF: ask the channel, not me15:44
jribSidGBF: though eeeubuntu isn't ubuntu, so you should ask their support channel15:44
sclimanswhere do I find firefox's about:config file?15:44
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
jrib!away > Andre_Gondim-afk15:45
ubottuAndre_Gondim-afk, please see my private message15:45
azlonJyxt, llutz, got it... didnt help me since it was where i thought it was located15:45
azlonbrb... maybe it will help if i am disconnected15:45
Scooler Hey, i have a problem; i am using ubuntu and when my comp was running electricity went out - now when i try to start system it goes to console saying [initramfs], i guess my boot sequence is broken. I tryed a few grub commands i found on internet but everytime i type them - console says "grub: Not found".15:45
Scoolercan you help me?15:45
sclimansCan anyone tell me where to find the about:config file for firefox?15:46
JyxtScooler: grub what not found? theres usually an error number?15:46
llutzsclimans: ~/.mozilla/firefox/your-profile/prefs.js or user.js15:46
ScoolerWell, it doesn't give me any number15:46
Scooleronly when kernel panic appears15:47
Bob_DoleThe "scanning mirrors" thing on the alternate install, is it supposed to take a half hour?15:47
pradeepsclimans on firefox15:47
Scooleri was trying commands like "grub> find /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-11-generic15:47
llutzhalf a minute15:47
StaRetjisclimans, about:config is not a file, you have to write that in url field inside the browser15:48
joaopintoBob_Dole, if there is a network/server problem, yes, it could happen15:48
Scoolerand it always says "grub: not found"15:48
pradeepput it on the address bar15:48
pradeepit should appear15:48
StaRetjisclimans, but if you can't start firefox at all, check for a file prefs.js15:48
SidGBFjrib: Do you know wich channel is that?15:48
JyxtScooler: and what happens after reboot? does grub give you an errors/warnings? does it drop you into a shell?15:48
Mysterioushello i want to reduce my CPU load to save power15:49
Mysterioushow can i prevent processes from starting on boot15:49
hyperstation_hello...i want to ask something..15:49
Bob_Dolejoaopinto: I suppose there is. the ubuntu mirrors are very slow. (while everything else is fast, and when using a proxy I can download them faster)15:49
JonathanEllis!ask | hyperstation_15:49
ubottuhyperstation_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:49
hyperstation_why my pidgin can't connect to yahoo server??15:49
grawityhyperstation_: Yahoo has updated something in their servers, and Pidgin was locked out.15:50
qw17Hello, I'm facing a problem to configure the wireless card using the command line15:50
grawityhyperstation_: So you need to update Pidgin too.15:50
raygOn booting grub hangs at "Loading Grub 1.5...." for approx. 5 seconds before displaying the menu. I have run sudo update-grub. No change. Any ideas how to speed things up?15:50
joaopintoBob_Dole, you can switch to a working VT,  with CTRL-ALT-F2, and kill the apt process, that will resume the install process15:50
grawityhyperstation_: See instructions at http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu15:50
pradeephyperstation what is server type15:50
pradeeptell me15:50
Jyxtgrawity: think theres a fix for it already? im running gentoo on my laptop and my pidgin there has no issues connecting to yahoo15:50
joaopintohyperstation_, because yahoo changed the protocol and you need a newer pidgin version15:50
grawityJyxt: It was fixed long ago.15:51
Cr4zy_B0y_hyperstation_: change the server to : cn.scs.msg.yahoo.com15:51
Mysteriouswhy can't i highten my ipw 3945 card's power supply to 50.1W ~17dBm15:51
Bob_Dolejoaopinto: how do I find its PID in busybox?15:51
hyperstation_hmmm i want to ask another question...btw how to make my usb device work on virtual box??15:51
joaopintoBob_Dole, ops, try another VT, there is a regular shell vt, CTRL-ALT-Fsomething :P15:51
qw17when I type  (( sudo iwconfig key s:MYkey123456 )) it return Error for wireless request "set Encode (8B2A)"15:51
grawityJyxt: But Ubuntu repos don't have it - they have 2.5.5, AFAIK, and the latest is 2.6.2 (with video support!)15:51
qw17but them I user the same command with another key (less thank 102 bit) it works15:51
qw17any one can help me ?15:51
Mysteriousintel says my card supports 17dBm but driver only allowes 15dBm15:51
joaopintohyperstation_, you need the personal edition for that, the open source edition does not support usb devices15:51
llutzqw17: sudo iwconfig ethX ....15:52
grawityJyxt: Ubuntu, like Debian, has "stable" and "testing" and such things.15:52
pradeephyperstation havw you fixed your server type15:52
Picigrawity: No we don't.15:52
grawityPici: Jaunty and Karmic?15:52
grawityMeh. Don't want a flamewar.15:52
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IdleOnegrawity: not the same thing15:52
qw17anyone can help with wireless configration ?15:52
hyperstation_ooow btw what is personal edition of vbox actually??15:53
YtxxI am tring to set up a small Home network with 5-10 pc15:53
joaopintohyperstation_, it's a version distributed by sun15:53
Picihyperstation_: See virtualbox.org, support for that version is in #vbox15:53
joaopintofor personal use15:53
Bob_Dolejoaopinto: everything after F4 doesn't work, and F2-F4 are all busybox :/15:53
Ytxxis it possible to use Ubunu 8.04 as a server for a small office ?15:53
joaopintoBob_Dole, that odd, I remember using a shell to kill apt on a similiar situation15:53
joaopintoYtxx, it is, if you have the know-how15:54
JonathanEllisYtxx: There is a server version of Ubuntu which might be more suitable !server15:54
Scoolerdoes anyone know how to reset/repair boot sequences or reinstall/repair grub?15:54
Bob_Doleactually F4 is saying what is going on in F1, but won't accept any commands. I havn't tried ctrl+c in it, though.15:54
ubottuUbuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support15:54
Ytxxjoaopinto: well I want to have a Server ... and about 5 pcs mixture of Windows/Mac15:55
Ytxxand shareprinter and files15:55
hkuieagleqw17,the wep key should be 40(60),or 104(128) bits15:55
JonathanEllis!server | Ytxx15:55
ubottuYtxx: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server-specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is 8.04. For more info see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ServerFaq/ and https://help.ubuntu.com/8.04/serverguide/C/index.html - Use the #ubuntu-server channel for support15:55
pradeephyperstation seems you have no issues15:56
qw17hkuieagle: it's 128, but I still getting the same error15:57
tadasis there a default username and password for ubuntu 9.10beta? i downloaded it, burned a cd and now when i try to fresh-install it, the setup asks me for a username and password. please help15:58
Bob_DoleI guess I'll try it without the ethernet cable hooked up.15:58
OerHekstadas : verry good15:58
grawitytadas: The installer asks for what you choose.15:58
IdleOnetadas: chose a username and password. for more help with karmic join #ubuntu+115:58
OerHekstadas: now you can choose a password15:58
qw17I typed sudo iwconfig key s:mypassword, as "mypassword" is the password, but the problem didn't solve15:58
ndlovuany resource suggestions on how to make an Internet-facing ubuntu box extra secure?15:58
alegroI'm new here. Does anyone know why in Xubuntu 9.04 I have to reset my Display resolution to 1024 x 768 everytime I log in?15:59
qw17hkuieagle: could we have a private chat ??15:59
tadasif i enter any username and password i get the "authentication failed" message15:59
grawitytadas: Try "ubuntu" as both username and password, then.16:00
Picitadas : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.16:00
hyperstation_i cant update my pidgin...what should i do?16:00
resnoalegro: are you using a kvm switch?16:00
tadasubuntu ubuntu doesn't work, "authentication failed" again16:01
hkuieagleqw17,does it work when you use 104 bits?16:01
alegroNo just a VGA monitor.16:01
qw17hkuieagle: no it doesn't not, the password is a string and it's (PASSWORD)16:01
Bob_Doleis it a CRT on the other end of that VGA, alegro ?16:01
tadasok, sorry Pici16:01
IdleOnehyperstation_: http://www.pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/ read and follow the destructions :)16:01
alegroYes, Its a Dell CRT.16:01
ExElNeT_hmm single-click isnt working anymore in kde4, any idea?16:01
Jyxtalegro: most likely because any changes your doing to your xorg.conf is *not* being done as root so the changes dont save16:02
alegrojyxt, how do I make changes as root?16:02
Jyxtalegro: are you using an nvidia card...and changing your resolution with the nvidia x server?16:03
Wolfcastlehow can i prevent locking after suspending my pc?16:03
hkuieagleqw17,but less than 102 bits ,it works ?16:03
WolfcastleI already have to type in a password because of a bios setting16:03
Wolfcastleand it's annoying to type in two passwords16:03
WolfcastleCan't find the option anywhere16:03
grawityWolfcastle: Maybe in screensaver settings? As it's the screensaver that handles locking.16:04
hyperstation_i ve already followed this link : http://www.pidgin.im/download/ubuntu/...but my connection is not good enough for updating...btw can i get deb installer instead?16:04
alegrojyxt, I'm just going to System>Preferences>Display or whatever it is.16:04
hkuieagleqw17,in my case ,i can set any key :| ...16:04
Bob_DoleNot having the network up solved the problem..just had to reboot to make that happen :/16:04
Wolfcastlegrawity: It's not enabled in screen saver settings16:04
Jyxtalegro: hrm...cant help you then16:05
alegrojyxt, thanks anyway16:05
Bob_Dolealso, does sound work on the LTSP server? that's what I'm setting up right now.16:05
resnowhats the best way to install a php development enviroment? a lamp server?16:07
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kazim59am not able to install linux-backports-modules-karmic on a fresh netbook install.16:08
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Jacejoin:/ dragon16:08
Bob_Dolethat's a lot of joins/quits16:08
JyxtBob_Dole: thats why you disable joins/quits in whatever client your using so you dont see them :P16:08
Bob_DoleJyxt: I know enough to change tabs in IRSSI. that's about it.16:09
hyperstation_hey do u know how to make virtual box OSE detect usb drives?16:10
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JasseTWolfcastle: there are some settings in the configuration editor16:10
MenZahyperstation_: You don't.16:10
Bob_Dolehyperstation_: the OSE doesn't do USB16:10
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hyperstation_what else that vbox ose cant do??16:11
Bob_Dolehyperstation_: you'd have to install the closed-source version Sun offers, and even then, it can be a struggle to get it to use a USB drive. (ubuntu -loves- denying it the chance to do so)16:11
Bob_Dolehyperstation_: That's about it. Maybe 3D acceleration, but I'm not sure. I havn't used the OSE in a while.16:12
quellhorsthow do I make a package from a .tgz source file?16:12
ubottuThe packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports16:12
hyperstation_btw, do u use vbox personal?? is it not free?16:13
pradeepBob_Dole my sun virtual box does not work but is it possible to make it work16:13
Bob_Dolehyperstation_: I use the closed source version. it's free as in beer, but bot as in speech.16:13
hyperstation_where can i download it?16:14
Picihyperstation_: virtualbox.org16:14
pradeepdoes your usb work on vbox16:14
hyperstation_is it http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/3.0.8/virtualbox-3.0_3.0.8-53138_Ubuntu_jaunty_i386.deb16:14
vieqJordan_U: hello, I guess I figured out what's the issue with the processor issue I asked couple of days ago16:14
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vieqthe 32-bit/64-bit thing16:14
subtletyJust setup PPA for virtualbox like on their site16:14
Picihyperstation_: If you're running Jaunty and 32bits.16:15
IdleOnePici: I think quellhorst was looking for the checkinstall command. to get a .deb16:15
vieqI burned the iso on a small medium16:15
Bob_Dolepradeep: I never managed to make the USB thing work. Ubuntu would automatically start using anything I told Vbox to use, before vbox got the chance to take control of it.16:15
Bob_DoleBut it works fine on OS X*16:15
pradeepmac u mean16:16
hyperstation_hmm btw can vbox personal emulate windows vista with full effect support??16:16
Bob_Dolepradeep: I don't think it'd work on mac OS 9.16:16
azlonhow do i create a new user and a new group?16:16
hyperstation_sorry, windows 7 i mean16:16
Picihyperstation_: virtualbox support for that version is in #vbox16:16
jetsaredimdoes anyone know what setting in gnome controls the ability to use the scroll wheel to switch workspaces?16:16
jetsaredimit seems to be disabled by default in karmic16:17
qw17hkuieagle: COULD you please type the commands which you wrote ?16:17
llutzazlon: adduesr/addgroup16:17
chang-lihi , i'm able to view (ubuntu) linux drivers on a printer driver cd , & not the userguide on another cd. Windows sees both cd, but not the linux part. A windows machine says the disk is cdfs. Do i install cdfs-src from repos to be able to view the userguide?16:17
ArkoldThosBob_Dole, i just make it work yesterday, you are hosting a windows in ubuntu, right?16:18
hyperstation_there is nobody on #vbox...no one answers me16:18
Bob_DoleArkoldThos: I was hosting ubuntu on ubuntu. I don't bother with windows. :/16:18
ArkoldThosBob_Dole, http://www.samlesher.com/ubuntu/virtualbox-with-usb-support-on-ubuntu this MAY work16:19
ArkoldThoswell worked for me16:19
kipingorNeed help16:19
Bob_DoleArkoldThos: sadly, I have no GUI on this box, nor pen/pencil, etc. I suppose I could open up nano, though...16:19
ArkoldThoshyperstation_, google a little :) http://forums.virtualbox.org/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=1438 http://forums.techarena.in/operating-systems/1134596.htm16:19
ArkoldThosgood luck :)16:19
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Bob_DoleI just felt very nerdy, because I'm on IRC on a box with no GUI. :|16:20
ArkoldThoshyperstation_, and seems like NO virtualbox doesn't support Aero16:20
ArkoldThosBob_Dole, irssi :p?16:20
Bob_DoleArkoldThos: indeed.16:21
ArkoldThosscreen+irssi is teh shit16:21
kipingorCant log into yahoo mail, don't have an alternate email address plus cant recall answeres to all the questions please help any IRC chats or forums16:21
FloodBot2ArkoldThos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:21
PiciArkoldThos: Please mind your language as well.16:21
grawityBob_Dole: You must try ircII to become a real geek.16:21
speedhunt3rhey guys whats the command in terminal to send a user mail? when you finger a user it says usually no mail, no plan. whats the command to send a mail through terminal?16:21
ArkoldThospici, FloodBot2, ok16:22
grawityspeedhunt3r: 'mail'16:22
speedhunt3rgrawity, i tried that it says command not found..do i have to install it?16:22
grawityspeedhunt3r: The 'finger' command checks the modification time of /var/mail/$USER, where Unix has stored users' mail.16:22
speedhunt3rgrawity, it says 'mail' can be found in heriloom-mailx and mailutils what do i install?16:23
hyperstation_can virtual box personal play a game like C&C3, or RA3 or game that uses full D3D???16:23
grawityspeedhunt3r: I personally prefer bsd-mailx16:23
grawityspeedhunt3r: That's not the only tool to send mail though.16:24
speedhunt3rgrawity, will the command 'mail' run either way?16:24
ArkoldThosi prefer go to eat something before the uni16:24
ArkoldThoscya :)16:24
Bob_Dolekipingor: ##ubuntu is not the place to ask help with Yahoo Mail.16:24
grawityBob_Dole: #ubuntu*16:24
kipingordirect me to the place16:24
Bob_Dolegrawity, hmm. I'm so used to help channels having 2 #'s Dx16:24
* Bob_Dole still uses just one # to join all of them, though.16:25
allan8904kipingor: as in #java they are very helpful16:26
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Picikipingor: #ubuntu-offtopic for all non-ubuntu stuff please.16:27
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!16:27
kipingorThanks Allan16:28
erikk71hi all16:28
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erikk71when will ubuntu get firefox 3.5 update resolved16:28
erikk71i run the damn update16:28
Picierikk71: Whats wrong with the firefox-3.5 package?16:29
grawityerikk71: October 30th.16:29
erikk71i installed 3 times16:29
speedhunt3rgrawity, ty for ur help16:29
Picierikk71: Installed what?16:29
haymakererikk71: add the official firefox PPA imo16:29
erikk71an it keep reappearing16:29
Pici!doesntwork | erikk7116:29
ubottuerikk71: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.16:29
grawityspeedhunt3r: Btw, if you are using this on a server, you might want to install a MTA (such as postfix) - then you'll be able to send and receive mail from outside too.16:30
erikk71how do i add16:30
Bob_Dolethe LTSP server didn't like my NICs. Said none of them were free, so how do I configure the LTSP server's dhcp.conf file?16:31
erikk71the offical ppa imo16:31
DiegoCerdanAnybody knows the porcent of users who use ubuntu vs kubuntu?16:31
Bob_Doleerikk71: imo is "in my opinion"16:31
llutzDiegoCerdan: nobody cares16:31
haymakerhey simple question, anyone using Karmic know what that grouped wallpaper bunch in the wallpaper selection is?16:32
haymakerthe bunch of space pictures16:32
erikk71maybe on october 30th this will get resolved16:32
haymakerdo they phase between each other16:32
haymakerkinda like what win7 does16:32
Picierikk71: You still haven't explained what the problem is.16:32
Picihaymaker : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.16:32
erikk71does ubuntu work on the G3 power pc mac16:32
haymakeruhh ok16:33
Bob_Dole.... Wow, Ubuntu 8.04.3, set up as an LTSP server.. I login to it, and it crashes before starting GNOME, and falls back to the login screen.16:33
credoerikk71: that G3 has intel or PowerPC processor?16:33
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lullerHello.  I'm having some issues installing a PCI Card Driver.  Anyone available to help?16:33
Bob_Dolecredo: G3= Power PC.16:33
Picierikk71: PowerPC is not an officially supported architecture anymore, but there may be packages still built for it.16:33
grawitycredo: He just said, PowerPC.16:33
Pici!ppc | erikk7116:33
erikk71power pc16:33
ubottuerikk71: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ16:33
erikk71i realize power pc is old16:34
Bob_Dolecredo: G*= PowerPC, basically. G3 was the Generation 3 PowerPC, G4 was the generation 4, and G5 was the fifth generation of PowerPC used by apple. they ceased using PPC after that.16:34
erikk71everything going intel16:34
DiegoCerdanllutz: you were totally wrong16:34
hyperstation_hmm so vbox cannot enable aero in win vista...16:35
resnoi create a symbolic link from my server's directory (localhost) to my desktop (localhost) and now i am getting a forbidden message, how should i fix that?16:35
DiegoCerdanllutz: there are people that care about http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-486132.html16:35
credoafaik Debian supports exotic processors16:35
erikk71i even have a useless be box16:35
resnoi create a symbolic link from my server's directory (localhost) to my desktop (localhost) and now i am getting a forbidden message, how should i fix that? -- i am using lighthhpd, i think its called16:35
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Dr_Willisresno:  http servers normally have a config setting to allow/follow symbolic links for security reasons.16:36
llutzDiegoCerdan: nobody cares about people doing pointless statistics? </EOD>16:36
lulleranybody around?  I just have a few questions about compiling and installing a driver.16:36
Dr_Willisresno:  check the configs/docs for you rserver and see how to  allow it to follow them16:36
Bob_DoleI have a Sun ultra 5. Been trying to install Ubuntu on it for months. Apparently, the installer is messing up some part of the partition table, so the Ultra 5 won't read the HD.16:37
erikk71does ubuntu support flash drives16:37
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erikk71picked up one at wal mart16:37
Bob_Doleerikk71: if you have USB ports, yes. if you don't have USB ports, no.16:37
Dr_Williserikk71:   I use them all the time16:37
erikk71yes my dell gx 260 has usb16:37
Dr_Williserikk71:  drives with that U3 stuff can cause issues/problems16:37
DiegoCerdanllutz: you dont care16:38
DiegoCerdanllutz: other people do care16:38
erikk71alot of times i use 800 mb for storage16:38
erikk71hard drive16:38
PiciDiegoCerdan: Regardless of whether people care, its not an on-topic question for this channel. You may try asking in #ubuntu-offtopic16:39
ctrlescCouldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap16:39
erikk71get some many towers dont know what to do with them16:40
lullerHaving issues compiling/installing a driver.  Anyone available to assist?16:40
resnoDr_Willis: what gets me is, there is another link already in use and it works fine16:40
Dr_Willisresno:  then it may be ownership/permission differances16:40
erikk71i do keep a good stock of hard drives16:40
resnoDr_Willis: someone else helped me set that up tho.16:41
Picierikk71: If you're just looking to chat, #ubuntu-offtopic awaits.  #ubuntu is for support only.16:41
Dr_Willisresno:  check the permissions of the dirs the links are pointing to.16:41
Bob_DoleUbuntu 8.04.3 has issues..lets try this again, with 9.0416:42
erikk71does ubuntu play dvd16:42
erikk71or do i have to alot of extra software16:42
Bob_Doleerikk71: Ubuntu can play dvds, but won't play the encrypted ones(most DVDs) by default. You can buy software,or use deCSS, which is in a legally grey area.16:42
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erikk71i mean dvd movies16:43
erikk71sometimes i get them on amazon16:43
ctrlescSOS~~~~~ Couldn't load XKB keymap, falling back to pre-XKB keymap.16:43
Bob_Doleerikk71: That's what I'm talking about. DVD movies are usually have encryption on them16:43
IdleOneerikk71: yes and yes you will need to install a couple of extra libs16:43
Bob_DoleANd that was me changing thought partially half way through a sentence.16:44
lullerStill looking for help compiling and installing a driver.  Would appreciate a few minutes of hand holding.16:44
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chang-lihi all, why would a mfgr put their printer userguide & driver disk on a cdfs filesystem disk? I had to compile support to read it.16:46
Bob_DoleI chose the failsafe GNOME, and it worked. normal Gnome crashed.16:46
Dream-Ubuclues to installing amsn-svn people on that channel are asleep16:46
Bob_Dolechang-li: CDFS is what basically ALL CDs use.16:46
IdleOnechang-li: ask the mfgr16:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about amsn-svn16:46
Bob_Dolechang-li: CDFS has been used since some time in the 90s, it was decided as a standard so all operating systems could read the disks without special drivers.16:47
grawityBob_Dole: No, ISO 9660 is what CDs use.16:47
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chang-liBob_Dole: it was unreadable natively, after compiling cdfs module, the disk now shows a iso file. windows was reading it without a problem.16:47
lullerokay, clearly I'm asking for help in the wrong IRC channel.  Can anyone point me in the correct direction?  I just need help installing a driver.16:47
Bob_Dolegrawity: and that's not CDFS?16:48
llutzBob_Dole: cdfs = iso9660 + rockridge16:48
grawityluller: This is the right channel - but 1) you haven't told what is the exact problem, 2) the rule of IRC: if nobody answers, it means nobody knows.16:48
Jyxtluller: saying you need help installing a driver *might* get someone to take the bait16:48
Jyxtbut saying i need help installing X driver...is way better16:49
Jyxti need help installing a driver for nvidia geforce blah blah blah16:49
Jyxtmuch better than being vague saying i need help installing a driver16:49
lullergrawity: I downloaded a 'git' from http://gitorious.org/tw68.  Contained inside is a driver that I need to install to get a pci card working in my machine.  Supposedly this is an easy thing to do, but I've tried compiling it and I have no idea why it's not working.  I'm new to Ubuntu.16:50
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »16:55
mxgbwhy is web browsing slow in ubuntu compared to vista?16:55
zambais it possible to get a reading of the cpu temperature?16:55
mxgbi hate making this assertion but it is noticeable16:55
Balsaqwhat is the equivalent in ubuntu 9.04...of the device manager as it was in windows OS?16:55
llutzzamba: lm-sensors16:55
Gummimxgb: what browser?16:56
dabukalamhi guys my server gives me "connect: Network is Unreachable" when it tries to connect to the net. Why?16:56
mxgbfirefox 3.x shipped with jaunty16:56
Bob_DoleBalsaq: try lspci in terminal. It's a bit more descriptive than Device manager, though.16:57
Gummimxgb: just get a faster one like chromium, opera, epiphany.... etc16:57
Balsaqwhat is the "device manager" in ubuntu 904?16:57
sipiormxgb: you'll want to be upgrading to 3.516:57
Balsaqo ty bob dole16:57
mxgbGummi: while i've got opera it is only slightly faster than FF16:57
Gummimxgb: that is a slow one, get either chromium or opera 1016:57
mxgband i dont think chrome is out there for linux yet?16:57
BalsaqBob_Dole how wxactly do i type that in?16:57
Gummichromium > chrome16:57
Gummiits the original16:57
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mxgbJS heavy websites are really painful to scroll through16:58
Bob_DoleBalsaq: click applications, go to accesories, and open terminal16:58
IdleOnegetting a "network error" when trying to connect to yahoo with Empathy. any suggestions?16:58
Bob_Dolemxgb: Flash is slow on Linux. The only way to overcome this is to run a windows browser under WINE, with flash installed under WINE as well.16:58
BalsaqBob_Dole ok in terminal16:58
Bob_DoleBalsaq: now just type lspci and hit enter16:58
dabukalamGummi: I heard chromium was fast internet wise, but very slow as an actual app16:59
Bob_Dolethat's an L, by the way16:59
mxgbBob_Dole: but why is JS slow?16:59
BalsaqBob_Dole so i dont type in sudo 1st bob?16:59
* Like is away: 27.455 LSB>16:59
mxgband i dont hitnk i can use chrome under wine16:59
dassoukihow can i run a bin/cue file without burning it to a dvd16:59
cj_hi. is there a kde version of emacs?16:59
sipiormxgb: the javascript engine in ff3.5 is considerably faster. seriously, consider upgrading.17:00
dassoukicj_: emacs is text based17:00
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Bob_Dolemxgb: js shouldn't be, on a decent browser. Try arora, it's a Webkit based browser, similar to chrome.17:00
RanDom33Bob_Dole, Dont mean to derail your topic, but you had mentioned "flash is slow on linux"... is there hope in sight?17:00
TuTUXGhow to switch from a xterm session back to a gnome/kde session?17:00
Arabusdassouki: mount the file as a cd17:00
mxgbsipior: thanks17:00
cj_dassouki: the normal gnu emacs and xemacs doesnt fit into kde i think17:00
mxgbBob_Dole: thanks17:00
TuTUXGwithout log out the xterm user17:00
Bob_DoleRanDom33: maybe with Flash 11. It's kinda slow on Mac OS too, so they have reason to fix whatever is causing it.17:00
cj_it would be great if there was an emacs version using qt for font rendering etc17:00
dabukalamMy server gives me "connect: Network is Unreachable" when it tries to connect to the net. Why?17:00
dassoukiArabus: any recommended tools for that ?17:00
dassoukicj_: have you tried emacs 2317:01
RanDom33Bob_Dole, gotcha, that seems to make sense17:01
pepperjackdassouki: you can mount them but i cant remember the utility i used to use17:01
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Arabusmount, it is a commandline application17:01
cj_dassouki: im using 21 i think. ill do an upgrade17:01
Pici!iso | dassouki17:01
ubottudassouki: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.17:01
Bob_DoleI fell like I had more to add to something I was saying, but I forget exactly what.17:02
pepperjackdassouki: ah cdemu http://snippets.dzone.com/posts/show/269917:02
Arabusthx Pici just scrambled to remember that line :-P17:02
kenkenayHola, soy nuevo17:02
RanDom33Bob_Dole, thats why i said didnt want to derail your topic.. lol17:02
kenkenayHi, i am new17:03
RanDom33Hello kenkenay17:03
kenkenayhello, RamDom3317:03
kenkenayi have a trouble (i do not ver well english)17:04
pirea_raduhy all17:04
cj_why isnt the emacs 23.1 in the official repository?17:04
Bob_DoleUh, in relation to running browser+flash under WINE, it has a few bugs, and should only be used on very flash heavy sites. Flash 9 apparently helps. (I never managed to get flash 9 to work, it always defaulted to flash 10 after flash 10 had been installed, even after apt-get purging it...not sure how that happened)17:04
RanDom33Is there a spanish ubuntu channel for kenkenay ?17:04
Pici!es | kenkenay17:04
ubottukenkenay: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:04
RanDom33Thank you Pici17:05
h34v3nhisto, everyone, i just install ubuntu server edition (first time), is not installed x?17:05
kenkenaycomo lo hago,? how i do?17:05
Bob_Doleubuntu server is GUI-less, h34v3n17:05
mnaineskenkenay: Type /join #ubuntu-es17:05
h34v3nok thanks17:05
kenkenaythank you, gracias17:05
Bob_Doleh34v3n: I'm using ubuntu server edition right now. It's not so bad without a GUI for IRC and managing server stuff. web-browsing is a pain without a GUI, though.17:06
mnainesBob_Dole: I have thought about getting the server version, but then I started wondering if the desktop version can operate as a Samba server itself17:07
h34v3nyeah i see that is samba service running17:07
h34v3non a server edition17:07
Wolfcastle_ i can't deactivate screensaver lock when suspending to ram...it's disables in the screensaver settings and I can't find anything in gconf....anyone has any tips?17:07
RanDom33mnaines, samba can always be installed on any distribution that i am aware of17:07
h34v3nso can i install desktop edition on a server x64?17:07
Bob_Dolemnaines: yeah, the desktop can work fine as a server too. the advantage for the server version for me is, the LTS has a longer support cycle.17:08
dabukalamThe static DNS entry on my server it If i change it, it changes back on reboot. how can i change it so when it boots it uses x DNS?17:08
pepperjackh34v3n: yes or just sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop17:08
Bob_Dolemnaines: uh, the server version of the LTS has a longer support cycle than the desktop version of the LTS17:08
mnainesBob_Dole: The advantage for me in using the Desktop version as a server is the GUI17:08
giacomo_ci'm having a crazy problem with a broken software index and synaptic being unable to remove old kernels and headers17:08
giacomo_ccan anyone help me with this?17:08
pepperjackh34v3n: that brings in everything though. you may just want to get xserver-xorg and fluxbox or something17:08
h34v3nmmm then maybe that will work for me, because is for intranet use only17:08
winterswiftgiacomo_c: broken how?17:08
vieqhello, guys how do I control the brightness of my laptop screen on ubuntu17:09
speedhunt3ris there a way to detect your motherboard manufacturer and model in ubuntu?17:09
vieqI checked gnome-power-manager17:09
dabukalamspeedhunt3r: sudo apt-get install hardinfo17:09
giacomo_ci'm not sure, it pops up a message that says the software index is borken when it can't remove an old kernel/headers17:09
vieqbut did not find what I was looking for17:09
Arabusspeedhunt3r: try "sudo lshw -vvv"17:09
Bob_Dolemnaines: the GUI is useful for a few things. But I mostly remote-manage my systems without VNC. I started with the GUI, I havn't used it to manage my home server in about 3 months, though. This is a new system, I decided I didn't need the GUI.17:09
mnainesBob_Dole: I am still too new to Linux to go without the GUI17:10
Arabusspeedhunt3r: without the -vvv actually17:10
h34v3nsoni__, pepperjack, i never use fluxbox but i saw it ... so its possible install it on server edition?17:10
Picispeedhunt3r: sudo dmidecode    may also provide that information17:10
RanDom33mnaines, I would just use the desktop edition for now, install samba, setup samba.. and experiment with it17:10
mnainesRanDom33: Yeah, because I like having everything in one place, not having to switch between places or dual-booting to get everything I want...I guess that comes from my Windows days17:12
speedhunt3rthanks guys17:12
RanDom33mnaines, best of luck to you with it17:12
mnainesRanDom33: Thanks17:12
Bob_DoleMy home server is still the Ubuntu 8.04 desktop version. :/17:13
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Balsaqthank you Bob_Dole  thatt was of great help too me...had dell on the phone and needed to give them some info so the could better assit me...thank you17:13
skurakaihi. i have update ubuntu 8.04 to 9.04 and Skype stop work (microfon). Can you help me locate problem?17:14
Bob_DoleBalsaq: no problem. lspci is a very useful thing.17:14
pkkmwillm iplus pcimcia card work with Ubuntu?17:14
Arabusthe ls toolsuite in genereal is very useful, especially when combine with grep :-917:15
Jyxtanyone here tried the hulu desktop on ubuntu?17:15
BalsaqBob_Dole is their a book or web page i can print with all the terminal commands?17:15
RanDom33Balsaq, linux in a nutshell17:15
Arabusalternattively you could try wikibooks17:16
mnainesBalsaq: http://ss64.com/bash/17:16
Arabusand wikipedia17:16
BalsaqRanDom33...ok TY, th4e book is titled....Linux in a Nutshell....TY!!!17:16
giacomo_cwhen i try to run 'sudo apt-get install -f', it spits out a long error message about how it can't delete stuff:  http://pastebin.com/m18d743bd17:16
Balsaqmnaimes..thank you viewing it now BRB    TY17:17
Arabusmight help17:17
giacomo_cdoes anyone know how i might go about deleting these old kernels so apt/synaptic will work again17:18
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earhow do i join a server thats not the list?17:19
RanDom33"/server nameofserver"17:19
opex1hello, network manager doesnot connect wifi automatically network when i logon. if I do 'sudo iwconfig eth1  essid myessid' it connects after some time. what should I do to correct this?17:19
mnainesopex1: Did you go in and check the settings?  Sometimes I have to go in and tell it to automatically connect17:20
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opex1yes, i deleted and created it again17:21
mnainesopex1: It is always advisable to check the network settings after you set up the network17:21
opex1it = connection in NM17:21
mnainesopex1: There should be a checkbox that enables "automatically connect"17:22
opex1it worked when i installed ubuntu, but after some time it doesnot17:22
opex1the checkbox is enabled17:22
Jyxtanyone know the location of libflashplayer.so17:23
opex1also checked 'enable wireless'17:23
Jyxtapparantly the one at /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer/ is not it17:23
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Arabustry /usr/lib/flashplugin-nonfree/17:24
jcinpvIn Ubuntu 9.04, what file(s) control the Window Manager? How does Window Manager get launched on initial login vs subsequent login?17:24
ArabusJyxt: "locate libflash" should do the trick17:24
JyxtArabus: no dice...only have /usr/lib/flashplugin-installer17:24
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ArabusJyxt: sounds like it is not fully installed17:25
JyxtArabus: thanks that found it17:25
DareDevil0Is there any software for using the modem as a telephone with the headset?17:26
IdleOneSkype, Ekiga17:26
ArabusJyxt: np. you can also try find /lib -name "libflash", locate and find are very powerful17:26
DareDevil0IdleOne, With skype you can use your modem and phone line ?17:26
IdleOneDareDevil0: with skype you can use the internet to make calls to other skyp users and to land lines.17:27
jack87Hi all, i am not sure how to transsfer files from my ubuntu machine to my virtual box guest winxp17:27
spasticteapotMy system is running OpenJDK. I'm pretty sure I've installed the Sun JRE correctly, and would rather be using it instead. How do I switch?17:27
IdleOneDareDevil0: calls to skype users are free but for land line calls you will have to get a account and pay17:28
DareDevil0IdleOne, Yeah but i am talking about using my phone line, not to contract skype services17:28
jrib!multijava | spasticteapot17:28
ubottuspasticteapot: To set which java version/implementation is to be used as default, use sudo update-java-alternatives17:28
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IdleOneDareDevil0: I don't know of any software that does that, does not mean there isn't any17:29
jack87anyone know id there is away to import data from my physical disk to my virtualbox guest OS (winxp)17:29
jcinpvjack87: which files do you want to transfer? Applications or just user files?17:29
DareDevil0Uhhmm there must be17:29
jribjack87: yeah, read the vbox docs, they tell you how (you setup a share).  Or ask #vbox17:29
jack87jcinpv: just user files17:29
jack87jrib: i set up shared folder but i am not sure how to access it17:30
IdleOneDareDevil0: probably yes17:30
nocleaderjack87: look under nework neighborhood17:30
jribjack87: it can all be done through the gui menus, the vbox documentation details all this17:30
jcinpvjack87: What's the total size of all the files? GB or MB?17:30
jribjack87: http://www.virtualbox.org/manual/UserManual.html#sharedfolders17:31
jack87my goal is to install my network printer on it so i can print when needed my printer is not linux supported17:31
jack87jcinpv: files are all fairly small nothing larger then 100mb17:31
jcinpvjack87: What others are saying is to set up a shared folder in Virtualbox, then you don't have to transfer anything - just access.17:32
jack87thanks jrib i will read through that closer17:32
jack87i have multiple shared folders set up i am just not sure how to gain access jcinpv i will read through the link jrib gave me closer17:33
rabbyafter dist upgrade i worry about Quanta's print preview which opens gimp instead of a lightweight gtk-print or kprinter dialog :-(17:33
jack87nocleader: no luck under network places17:33
jack87THANKS GUYS17:33
downhillerdoes kubuntu use pulseaudio too?17:34
queryboycan anyone help me...i am unable to boot into ubuntu..the problem is that i tried to install XP to dual boot with existing 9.04...then my installation crashed...so i reinstalled my grub when another HDD was also connected.. The other HDD has been removed...and Now I am unable to get ubuntu...17:38
Arabusqueryboy: when you currently boot, windows boots?17:40
queryboyArabus; i didnt get you...now i am on ubuntu live17:40
Balsaqmnaines: wow thought there were more line commands than that...hey maybe i can learn/memorize thisstuff after all...17:40
Arabusqueryboy: when you boot the computer from harddisk - does he enter grub or does he just boot windows17:40
DareDevil0Any software for using my modem as a telephone in linux?17:41
queryboyArabus; i just get a message saying that insert a disk...no disk detected..though in my BIOS i can see my disk detected and in my Live ubuntu i can see all my disk files17:41
ArabusBalsaq: there are actually mousepads who have these commands printed on .-917:42
BalsaqArabus: no way!  ok i would die for a mouse pad like that! where can i get one of those?17:42
Arabusthere are two operating systems on your harddisk, eg. ubuntu and windows?17:42
diogo_79can someone tell me if it can run need for speed Shift in ubuntu 9.04?17:43
jack87Thank you jcinpv jrib nocleader17:43
diogo_79and if it can how can this be accomplish17:43
ichatdiogo_79: -  i wouldn't  -17:43
giacomo_ccan anyone help me?  i'm trying to have apt-get remove linux-headers-2.6.28-14, linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-14-generic, and linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-15-generic but apt-get apparently will not do this17:44
Arabusqueryboy: there are two operating systems on your harddisk, eg. ubuntu and windows?17:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mousepad17:44
giacomo_ci've tried running apt-get install -f and it only shoots out a bunch of errors about how it can't remove these:  http://pastebin.com/m18d743bd17:44
queryboyArabus; can you wait a sec....just on a call...will it be ok??17:45
ichatif you want THAT kind of games running on ubuntu - youl'd be better off installing  virtualbox - on hardware supporting  either AMD  V  or Intel VT  (hardware virtualisation)17:45
bigmack83_when adding a file to a directory i know how to make the file keep the parents permissions, but how can I make the owner sticky? so if i add a new file is doesnt add it with owner bigmack83:bigmack83 but adds it with the owner of the parent dir its in?17:45
OerHeksgiacom_c : do not delete 2.6.28-1517:45
giacomo_ci have a newer kernel that i run17:45
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giacomo_ci have
Balsaq!/j #xubuntu17:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about j #xubuntu17:46
evenhi, i'm with a problem with one server (ubuntu 8.04), in dmesg i see 2 problems relationated with kernel probably: http://pastebin.com/m292716a6 and this: http://pastebin.com/m3e1434517:46
hdondoes the package for eclipse come with the debugger plugin?17:46
OerHeksyou try to delete the old 2.6.28-14, but misstake with 'current' linux-restricted-modules-2.6.28-15-generic17:46
Arabusqueryboy: sure, I'll be here for another hour or so :-)17:46
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giacomo_ci used ubuntu tweek's 'clean up' thing for the kernels and now i have this trouble, do i need to reinstall 2.6.28-15?17:47
giacomo_cand then will it let me remove -14?17:47
OerHeksgiacomo_c: if you got the error cannot do... it is not removed17:47
tomitzelHello, I'm trying to remove KDE from Ubuntu, I've used the command sudo apt-get remove kubuntu-desktop, but all the applications are still there17:48
bastidrazor!puregnome | tomitzel17:48
ubottutomitzel: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal17:48
LjLtomitzel: yes, that's by design. you'll have to remove them manually.17:48
giacomo_cOerHeks: it removed some things for sure, but these three left it has not... what should i do to fix it then?  so synaptic/ apt-get stops giving me errors?17:48
kaeser_ I am having this problem: (not exactly this torrent, and I am using ubuntu to try play the thing) http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20090618030134AAzdYlW17:49
tomitzelubottu: thanks17:49
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)17:49
werfactmy firefox doesnt see java, how can i fix it?17:50
OerHeksgiacomo_c i should leave them, i am not shure if it is possible to remove them all17:50
LjLkaeser_: so basically you have that problem, except that in reality you have a completely different problem...?17:50
giacomo_ci'll figure it out on my own i guess, or just keep asking17:50
LjLthe similarities ending i "can't play a file"?17:50
mikinanuqhi, anyone know of a program that can do computer statistics kind of like gkrellem or conky in the terminal? I know top is good at cpu and mem etc.. but I need something that is not as verbose, just an overview.17:50
kaeser_LjL, as you like.17:51
dabukalammikinanuq: harinfo17:51
dabukalammikinanuq: i mean hardinfo17:51
LjLkaeser_: i was *trying to say* that you have not at all described your problem. you're trying to play a video file? what format? what program are you trying to play it with? how does it fail? does it give any errors?17:52
werfactis there search in ubuntu that searches entire system, not just home directory?17:53
mnaineswerfact: You can search the entire system17:53
zleapfind, locate17:53
werfactmnaines, how?17:53
mnainesJust click on the "File System" icon before you click Search17:53
SHiR0Hi, Currently I've got an ubuntu install on my "sda" but now I want to move it to "sdb" instead. What would be the smartest/easiest way? Just copy my files to the new HDD (already partitioned), then changing the entries in /etc/fstab from sda to sdb, or is there an easier way?17:54
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kaeser_I've just downloaded a torrent for a .avi video today. Then when I tried to open it(I downloaded the same video twice because I tried to find another one that doesn't give me that problem) the video has 700MB but a 18 sec message appears teeling to use MovieXPlayer to play it. I am figuring out what is the the codec and player that I can use. What do I need?17:55
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mnaineswerfact: Under the Search Results tab, off to the right there should be a plus sign or drop-down arrow.  Click that and select File System, then try the search again17:55
giacomo_cwhen does the new ubuntu come out?17:55
mnaineswerfact: It should be to the right of the "reload" button17:56
suppermannI recently did a net install of 8.04 LTS, and I want to be able to get my computer to hibernate. I know it is posible, because prior to installing ubuntu, i had Debian Lenny install, where it was possible.17:56
suppermannalso, i did a netinstall and had almost NOTHING after installation17:56
Renji01how to load a 32bit lib into the memory on ubuntu amd 64?17:56
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mnainessuppermann: How much swap space and RAM do you have?17:56
kaeser_How Can I figure out which codec a movie is using/17:57
kaeser_file uses?*17:57
suppermannmnaines: I have 512 MB ram and a 1024 MB swap file17:57
werfactmnaines, i got it, thanks17:57
suppermannI have installed the package hibernate. it doesn't really do anything currently, though17:57
mnainessuppermann, look in the upper right corner of your screen.  Do you see the box with your name in it?17:58
suppermannmnaines: no.17:58
mnainessuppermann: Right next to the clock in the upper right17:58
LjLkaeser_: from a forum: "I've found moviexplayer to be an ellaborate con. They get you to pay via SMS for £1.50 to obtain a license. Once you enter the license the software installs but the player does not work on any of the movies "supposedly" encoded with their formatting."17:58
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alegroNew here. Does anyone why in Xubuntu 9.04 I have to change the screen resolution to 1024x768 everytime I log in?17:58
mnainessuppermann: There should be a box there with your username in it or "*username* Account"17:59
springmeyerI am testing python on a Jaunty VM that someone else built (click2try.com),17:59
springmeyer and after they ran 'apt-get update and apt-get upgrade' the default python2.6 gives a "Segmentation fault" when the interpreter is started17:59
suppermannmnaines: yes. My name is not there. There's a green man, though. When i click it, i get the same as if i clicked System -> Quit...17:59
mikinanuqdabukalam: ok will check out.. thanks17:59
springmeyeranyone have ideas on how to debug?17:59
kaeser_Link please LjL17:59
dayowhat are the options for selinux in the kickstart file? default is:  selinux --enforcing17:59
dayoi want to disable selinux17:59
suppermannmnaines: There is no such box17:59
mnainessuppermann: My bad.  I am on Jaunty.  I do not know much about Hardy18:00
LjLkaeser_: http://forums.cnet.com/5208-12542_102-0.html?threadID=325080 <- several posts say it's a scam.18:00
suppermannI am using gdm and metacity18:00
LjLkaeser_: i guess it's among the risks one runs getting pirated video material :)18:00
sproatyI just installed the LAMP stack through tasksek, but my /var/www folder is only accessible for root?18:00
kaeser_LjL, I don't play pirated stuff18:00
AvirammI wonder if anyone can offer me cool stuff I can do using Ubuntu, like painting fire and using a wiimote :P18:01
gabriel_hi all18:01
LjLkaeser_: well, i can't imagine anything legit that would offer a fake torrent for a movie that just displays a message telling you to pay for a specific player18:01
alegroNew here. Does anyone why in Xubuntu 9.04 I have to change the screen resolution to 1024x768 everytime I log in?18:02
mnainesLjL, I have had many DVDs that when you insert them they pop up an ad for a DVD player program18:02
kaeser_LjL, I am not going to try convince you about that. Think what you want to.18:02
gabriel_i have set up a printer using the system->administration->printing gui, and it works....but how can i address this printer from the command line, i.e. lp?18:02
murlidharhi all ...... my when i click on the nm-applet , it shows correctly that it is a wired connection but it also tell the device is not managed ......what's wrong ?18:02
LjLmnaines: one thing is popping up an ad, another is not being video at all. refer to the URL i gave above18:02
francesco__Hello guys. I have a problem. I don't know if it's a problem with my hardware or with Ubuntu. Recently, very often, my computer turns off by itself, and, to restart it, I need to pull the plug and put it in again. This happens always when I start up my computer. Precisely when the writing "starting up" appears. What do you think?18:03
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=== System is now known as Sunny007
LjLfrancesco__: never happens while it is running, later on?18:03
pepperjackfrancesco__: think it might be suspending and not coming back?18:03
mnainesLjL, does the default movie player in Linux play all formats?18:04
Sunny007I'm getting this Error out of no where : /usr/bin/X11/xauth:  error in locking authority file /root/.Xauthority. Any help?18:04
LjLmnaines: no player plays "all formats" i suspect18:04
francesco__pepperjack: What do you mean?18:04
pepperjackmnaines: there is no default player but ubuntu has good support for most formats18:04
LjLmnaines: yes no .AVI has the ability to detect which players you are using and display a message telling you to use another.18:05
pepperjackfrancesco__: ignore me i didnt read your whole post18:05
Sunny007I'm getting this Error out of no where : /usr/bin/X11/xauth:  error in locking authority file /root/.Xauthority. Any help?18:05
francesco__ Hello guys. I have a problem. I don't know if it's a problem with my hardware or with Ubuntu. Recently, very often, my computer turns off by itself, and, to restart it, I need to pull the plug and put it in again. This happens always when I start up my computer. Precisely when the writing "starting up" appears. What do you think?18:05
Bob_DoleHey, I set a proxy at install, and It's having issues, is there anyway I can disable it?18:05
SHiR0I've got an ubuntu install on my "sda" but now I want to move it to "sdb" instead. What would be the smartest/easiest way? Just copy my files to the new HDD (already partitioned), then changing the entries in /etc/fstab from sda to sdb, or is there an easier way?18:05
pepperjackBob_Dole: should be under the system menu to change it18:06
LjLfrancesco__: please, feel free to repeat your question without even answering enquiring questions that have been posed to you! :)18:06
pepperjackBob_Dole: sorry im not terribly familiar with gnome but i know under system --> somthing is your proxy settings18:06
Sunny007I'm getting this Error out of no where : /usr/bin/X11/xauth:  error in locking authority file /root/.Xauthority. Any help?18:06
sash_SHiR0: sdb can be ann empty harddisk, read something about dd. and be careful.18:06
LjL!info wiipdf | Aviram18:06
ubottuAviram: wiipdf (source: wiipdf): present a PDF file using your wiimote. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2-2 (jaunty), package size 6 kB, installed size 64 kB18:06
llutzSHiR0: use cp -ax or rsync -ax to make sure permission will be kept.18:06
queryboyArabus; hey so what did you say18:06
SHiR0sash_: Ok, thanks!18:07
queryboyArabus; i have only ubuntu on my disc now18:07
LjL[19:03:53] <LjL> francesco__: never happens while it is running, later on?18:07
llutzSHiR0: dd is slow, will copy all empty sectors and you will have to resize fs if partition-size differs. use cp/rsync18:07
Sunny007I'm getting this Error out of no where : /usr/bin/X11/xauth:  error in locking authority file /root/.Xauthority. Any help?18:07
queryboyArabus; since i wasn't able to boot..i had extra space in my disc into which i started another installation of ubuntu which also failed18:08
SHiR0llutz: Ok, will look in to it!18:08
queryboyArabus; are you there18:08
JuJuBeeI have a 4G USB stick that is locked (windows locking thingy) How can I format using linux to Fat32 to remove the lock and start over?18:08
francesco__Ljt: Not until now. Only when there's "starting up" on the screen. By the way, I have a double partition. I restarted my PC in the Windows mode. It happened why I try to restart the PC from Windows.18:09
SlartHow do I update what commands/executables are in the path? I've created ~/bin and put a symbolic link in there pointing to an executable.. but I still can't run it from the terminal18:09
pepperjackSunny007: why are you running as root?18:09
kaankanatAre you using windows?18:09
sash_llutz: dd with bs=1 is slow... if both disks have the same size, or the second one is larger, he can dump the whole partition and it will be bootable. so why shouldnt he use dd?18:09
Sunny007i've always run it as root18:09
kaankanator firefox?18:09
sash_the whole disk, i meant. dump the whole disk.18:09
mnainesSunny007: You know that's a bad thing, right?18:10
queryboycan anyone help me...i am unable to boot into ubuntu..the problem is that i tried to install XP to dual boot with existing 9.04...then my installation crashed...so i reinstalled my grub when another HDD was also connected.. The other HDD has been removed...and Now I am unable to get ubuntu...18:10
pepperjackSlart: a line like export PATH=$PATH:/new/bin      <-- in your .bashrc file should do it18:10
llutzsash_: bs=4k would be faster, but theres no need to transfer images if copying files would be fine18:10
pepperjackSlart: you can set that in profile or whatever too18:10
francesco__LjL: What do you thing?18:10
Sunny007mnaines I dont know its a bad thing18:10
sash_llutz: but how shall he be able to boot ist? he talked about an ubuntu-install, not about data.18:11
mnainesSunny007: Running as root is a huge security risk18:11
LjLfrancesco__: i think it might be worth trying putting the usual "noapic" or "noacpi" options on the kernel command line and see if it gets better18:11
llutzsash_: fixing fstab/grub after copying and all is fine (as he mentioned in his 1st question)18:11
Slartpepperjack: hmm.. but I have this vague memory of ~/bin already being in the path.. I could be wrong of course18:11
mikinanuqdabukalam: hardinfo is nice but it's not quite what I need... I'm ssh'd to my PC and I wanted to keep track of cpu, ram, network traffic, space used etc.. on pc live, kind of like what top does but for several devices18:11
pepperjackSlart: echo $PATH     <-- to see18:11
murlidharhi all ...... my when i click on the nm-applet , it shows correctly that it is a wired connection but it also tells " the device not managed" ......what's wrong ?18:11
francesco__Ljt: What is it?18:11
dabbishok sry this is not an ubuntu question but why doesn't this work: ssh -D
francesco__LjL: What is it?18:12
jribdabbish: because -D expects an argument?18:12
queryboycan anyone help me...i am unable to boot into ubuntu..the problem is that i tried to install XP to dual boot with existing 9.04...then my installation crashed...so i reinstalled my grub when another HDD was also connected.. The other HDD has been removed...and Now I am unable to get ubuntu...18:12
SergeySyrotaHi! I'm trying to install secondary hard drive on Hyper-V in Ubuntu 8.04, but after adding it in the Hyper-V and reboot - fdisk-l shows only primary drive... Do I need to explicitly do something for the system to recognize it? =\18:12
LjLfrancesco__: refer to this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions and this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootParameters18:13
pepperjackqueryboy: boot from livecd and redo grub18:13
Slartpepperjack: ah.. good idea.. it seems it wasn't.. well.. thanks for the help.. I'll export it manually then18:13
pepperjack!fixmbr | queryboy18:13
ubottuqueryboy: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto18:13
dabbishjrb: i have to use a port to connect, never done that before, can you point me to the correct syntax to use pls?18:13
queryboypepperjack; i did that several times...but it didn't work18:13
LjLfrancesco__: you want this paragraph initially: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions#Change Boot Options Temporarily For An Existing Installation18:13
yukongtwhy does the update manager keep wanting to do a partial upgrade, but the only thing it does is delete amarok?18:14
pepperjackqueryboy: so when the computer boots do you get a grub screen or a screen telling you to hit esc key with a countdown?18:15
queryboypepperjack; i simply get DHCP.../18:15
queryboypepperjack; and then i get a message saying disk not found...insert a disk...though in the BIOS settings i can see my disk18:16
JuJuBeeAnybody know how I can reset a locked (software lock) thumb drive in linux?18:16
pepperjackqueryboy: ok so maybe it is trying to netboot or somethig.  redoing grub is really easy.  youll need a livecd and 1) boot livecd  2) open a terminal 3) sudo grub   4) root (hd0,0)   5) setup (hd0)     <-- now before you do step 4 you need to know that hd0 is sda/hda so hd0,0 is hda1 or sda1  if you sudo fdisk -l and that is your ubuntu partition it should work18:17
francesco__Hi guys. How do I check the temperature of my CPU on Ubuntu?18:18
geniiJuJuBee: Someone in #kubuntu already pointed you to using mkfs.vfat /dev/<HD-name>   when you asked in there about this18:18
queryboypepperjack; i did it an hour ago almost 2-3 times...i got it from that help.ubuntu.com doc....but it didn't turn out to be successful18:18
reisiofrancesco__: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SensorInstallHowto18:18
pepperjackqueryboy: problem is your bios/boot order probably then.18:19
francesco__reisio: Thank you.18:19
queryboypepperjack; boot order is set corerectly18:19
pepperjackqueryboy: make sure you can see the hd in the bios then make sure it is in the boot list18:19
OldwolfHi guys, I've been asked to add an ssh_rsa key to my ssh folder, yet I can't find it18:19
pepperjackqueryboy: well im out of ideas then :)18:19
=== decomp_away is now known as decomp
JuJuBeegenii: thanks18:20
tyranosis there a way to install the sun version of java18:20
mlmwho can help me get my DVDs playing?18:20
tyranosor do they also use icedtea ?18:20
OerHeksOldwolf : do you have the rights to see it ?18:20
MenZatyranos: sun-java6-jre will do that.18:20
queryboypepperjack; i am planning to install in the remaining space of my disk with another copy of ubuntu and backup all my files and then format the 1st installation18:21
OldwolfOerheks: Yes, I'm running as root. I only found an ssh folder in /etc18:21
Trizicuswhen I try to mount a windows computer via it's name it cannot be resolved. How do I fix this (besides putting the names in etc hosts?18:21
tyranosMenZa, but java -version gives me "0penJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.4.1) (6b14-1.4.1-0ubuntu11)"18:21
NemesisDanyone know how to set up a persistent ssh tunnel? i have authorized keys set up but if i turn my computer off or get disconnected, i want the remote to reestablish the connection when available18:22
pepperjackqueryboy: oh wait a minute.  boot livecd and mount the partition check the /media/whatever/boot/grub/menu.lst and make sure the partition number is correct still for the entry for ubuntu at the bottom of the menu.lst18:22
tyranosi already removed all the installed openjdk but maybe i need a restart18:22
pepperjackqueryboy: if you moved hd around it could be wrong now.18:22
OerHeksOldwolf: usually this is ~/.ssh/authorized_keys18:23
nbranchcan anyone tell me how to get audio out of hdmi18:23
benovicupgraded to karmic. sound is really f** up. sometimes it works, most of the time it sounds just like the internal plug is switched all few seconds. rhythmbox is running but no output. where to begin and reconfigure the whole sound stuff? (playing with alsamixer doesnt help)18:23
Trizicushow do you use samba to scan your network for hosts?18:23
MenZanbranch: that's offtopic. try ##hardware18:24
Oldwolf@Oerheks: Well, I tried cd ~/.ssh but it didn't find it. Yet I always ssh into my box from my nokia tablet all the time...18:24
MenZaor maybe it's not. I'll shut up now.18:24
sproatyI installed LAMP stack through tasksel but Firefox is asking me if I wish to save the PHP file when I POST a form. How do I get apache to deal with it as normal?18:24
linuxalguien habla español18:25
ubottuEn la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:25
fpunktbpunktgood evening18:25
OerHeksOldwolf: i used this url 2 make my keys, maybe it is a help for u2 >>  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Keys18:25
OerHeksyou can chouse any place to store the keys, but why ? is it in reach of the permit of the client ?18:26
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queryboypepperjack; have a look at this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/294135/18:27
deathtechHello all, previously i had a message that would display when i would login to my system remotely via SSH . This message would display before you would input password, not after the login. Any ideas what the name of this file was, i cant remember for the life of me18:28
OldwolfOerheks: I want things neatly organized. I see what I did wrong, I should make the dir first :D18:29
kellimusIs there any way to add more Characters onto the Character Map in Ubuntu?18:29
nbranchdoes anyone mind telling me how to get HDMI audio to work on Jaunty 9.0418:29
OerHeksOldwolf, yes, i remember to md it18:29
IDWMasterJust change the sound preference.18:29
kellimusMy version of Ubuntu is Jaunty 9.0418:29
speedhunt3ranyone here using ati x1200 and got compiz working? grim chance...thought i'd ask18:29
IDWMasterRight click on the audio icon and click preferences and choose output and select the HDMI port.18:30
Geforce88how do you make the openchrome drivers work under 9.04? i've checked to make sure the xserver-xorg-video-openchrome packages were the newest, but i can't seem to enable them in the xorg.conf, if that's even how i do it. this is a fresh install with all current updates applied18:30
nbranchit doesnt show up18:30
cabarodeathtech MOTD? /etc/ssh/sshd_config18:30
pepperjackqueryboy: gksudo gedit /media/root/boot18:30
deathtechnah, that one shows after login i beleive, i think i found it . its /etc/issue.net (issue works but not for ssh)18:31
pepperjackqueryboy: er... gksudo gedit /media/root/boot/grub/menu.lst18:31
nomasteryodajust used hdmi myself on my laptop with an intel card with ubuntu ... works great18:31
deathtechThsi will display info after  a username is entered, but before a password, feeding my old school bbs needs :)18:31
pepperjackqueryboy: can you paste this and then the output of sudo fdisk -l18:31
cabarodeathtech: oh, i think you're right :)18:31
deathtechlike a nice ascii chick greeting me at every login18:31
queryboypepperjack; the file is empty18:31
kellimusIs there any way to add more Characters to the Character Map in Ubuntu Jaunty 9.04???18:31
OldwolfOerheks: Does it matter where I make that dir?18:32
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queryboypepperjack; http://paste.ubuntu.com/294139/18:32
nbranchdoes anyone mind telling me how to get HDMI audio to work on Jaunty 9.0418:32
nbranchit doesnt show up in my audio icon preferences18:32
pepperjackqueryboy: so it doesnt exist if you ls /media/root/boot/grub  are there any files?18:32
Geforce88is there a channel specific to video drivers for 9.04 ?18:32
IDWMasterBluetooth audio works great on Ubuntu now. Although the bluetooth-applet still doesn't work well on USB devices.18:32
IDWMasterA workaround is to manually restart the applet with the device plugged in.18:32
queryboypepperjack; http://paste.ubuntu.com/294140/18:33
albasheersphone dialer like application in ubuntu18:33
cabarodeathtech /etc/ssh/sshd_conf has this line #Banner /etc/issue.net18:33
michal__czy tutaj się mówi po polsku?18:33
OerHeksOldwolf es, the place of dir must be available 2 applications you use, i didn't change any of it, to avoid simple problems18:33
IDWMasterI've noticed that Ubuntu updates are running slow again. Is it at my side; or are the servers just overloaded again?18:33
pradeep    albasheers goto synaptics kpp18:34
delphiexileI want to know how to use "Include" in my wiki page18:34
pepperjackqueryboy: when you did the grub-install did you specify --root-directory=/media/root?18:34
SHiR0llutz: So, just to make sure i got it right, I should do something like this: "cp -ax / /dev/sdb1" and "cp -ax /home/SHiR0 /dev/sdb2" then edit /etc/fstab and grubs menu.lst? what about my swap, and how would i exclude copying my "home" when copying "/"?18:34
nbranchis there a channel specific for audio problems18:34
red_What might cause a USB key Jaunty installer to go to initramfs busybox while starting up the livecd environment? I'm trying to get some files off an Eee PC before reinstall18:35
ubottuIf you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP318:35
queryboypepperjack; ya i just followed as said in: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows18:35
cabaronbranch: just a guess ..18:35
heroidi have a network problem18:36
heroidnothing is working except IRC18:36
heroidhelp please18:36
pepperjackqueryboy: sorry.  i have to get back to work :)   maybe a reinstall would be easiest solution for ya18:36
alegroWhen I boot up on my Xubuntu 9.04 machine, the resolustion reverts back to 1600x1200 everytime. Any thoughts?18:36
queryboypepperjack; okk thanks18:36
heroidno pages are loading pinging doesnt work not even wget or lynx18:36
pradeepalbasheers goto synaptics kpp18:36
joobongwhere can i get help with ubuntu in korean?18:37
albasheerspradeep: I am looking for an application with which I  can make and receive calls on my laptop18:37
anonymouzdoes any1 know how to upgrade your kernel18:37
ubottu도움이 필요하시면 다음 채널에 조인하십시오. /join #ubuntu-ko18:38
strythow does it work to "run" a DBMS on a computer (server)?18:38
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heroidwhere can i get help with ubuntu in albanian?18:38
cabaroanonymouz: ubuntu kernel updates are coming automatically with other updates18:38
anonymouzcheers cabaro18:39
heroidno pages are loading pinging doesnt work not even wget or lynx18:39
cabaroanonymouz: i do recall doing kernel updates manually with menumake, but that was redhat18:39
cabaroanonymouz: was probably make menuconifg18:39
JuJuBeeI need to wipe a thumb drive that has some security software.  I tired mkfs.vfat /dev/sdc but it didn't work18:39
anonymouzin the /usr/src/*LINUX18:40
pradeepalbasheers oh calls18:40
pradeepdid not knw18:40
pradeepbut is it like sip soft phone18:40
cabarojujubee fdisk -l18:40
JuJuBeecabaro: then what?  How do I remove it18:40
betoalguno de ustedes habla spanish?18:40
Pici!br | fredo18:41
ubottufredo: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.18:41
g234g23gqgq2hi folks how can i add additional IP's to my ubuntu server?18:41
Pici!es | beto18:41
ubottubeto: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:41
cmontaltoHello, I want to know if someone can tell me with channel should I join to ask a question about an Android phone? Thank you18:41
anonymouzthanks cabaro18:41
albasheerspradeep:not like sip , I wana use like  soft phone to dail and receive calls form my pc18:41
strytHow does it work to "run" a DBMS on a computer (server)?18:41
cabarojujubee: paste the result to pastebin.com18:41
JuJuBeecabaro: http://paste.ubuntu.com/294144/18:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about openchrome18:43
anonymouzIs their any such software/hardware to make ubuntu remotely control your television channels??18:43
red_how do you mean exactly? there's hulu, and there's mythtv and freevo if you have a TV card18:44
Geforce88anonymouz : sudo apt-get install girlfriend9.518:44
pepperjackanonymouz: lirc18:44
cabarojujubee: you might run gksudo gparted   and make sure you are on right drive, then you can remove any existing partitions on the drive and create new one18:44
pepperjackanonymouz: you could /join #mythtv-users they might have better advise on setup18:44
cabarojujubee, just make sure you are not erasing your harddrive18:44
Picistryt: Can you rephrase your question?18:44
pradeepalbasheers google zoiper18:45
pradeepit is nice18:45
anonymouzred: Remote control for a laptop18:45
nbranchhas anyone else had HDMI audio problems18:45
nbranchis so tell me your solution18:45
pepperjacknbranch: avi or nvidia?18:45
kalyakahii al18:45
DaZpepperjack: avi? :o18:45
pepperjacknbranch: i had a heck of a time setting up hdmi audio using open ati drivers18:45
IDWMasterHas anyone else been having problems with updating Ubuntu. My updates are going at 26KBPS, and I'm not sure if it's my Internet connection or a problem with the US Archive server.18:45
wildc4rdevening all18:46
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ninjaanyone know why the EC2 images don't have ext4 built in?18:46
cabaroidwmaster: try another mirror?18:46
nbranchpepperjack i have nvidia18:46
bobbob1016I have a raid5 array with mdadm.  I recently lost my main drive (my raid5 was other drives for storage).  I installed mdadm and now it says "no superblock" when I try "sudo mdadm --assemble --scan", even though if I fdisk -l all the drives, the raid partition is listed.  Any ideas?18:46
pepperjacknbranch: sorry im kinda tired.. id check your bios settings and then nvidia control panel.  there is a setting in the control panel for digital out or something.. check control panel first18:47
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Geforce88wow, no one knows where i can get openchrome help ?18:47
thiebaudedebbie2009, hi18:47
JuJuBeecabaro: it failed.18:48
cabarojujubee: failed how?18:48
debbie2009can anyone help me install usb webcam for jaunty pls18:48
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bobbob1016Geforce88, I hate it when people do this to me, but...  http://tinyurl.com/yzkzmeb18:50
debbie2009are their any generic linux drivers that will install it, as the manuafacturer doesny have linux on its driver downloads18:50
cabarojujubee: are you sure the stick is working?18:50
JuJuBeeYes, I can read and copy from it in linux.  JJust cannot read in windows18:50
cabarojujubee: this is a usb stick?18:50
debbie2009Web Cam is Sumvision Panther GT18:51
cabarojujubee: encrypted?18:51
Geforce88soooo disapointed 1492 and NO openchrome help18:52
TrusTwhen is going to go out new version of ubuntu18:52
TrusT(sorry i'm french)18:52
IDWMasterIt will be released in 14 days.18:52
bastidrazorGeforce88: openchrome is a google project?18:52
TrusTOkay, thanks.18:52
TrusTyeah bastidrazor18:52
=== cp is now known as Guest73736
TrusTI'v chrome with de module wine18:53
Geforce88openchrome is the linux verison of the unicrhome via chipset drivers18:53
OerHeksdebbie2009 doesn't it already work in Kopete ? maybe this url will help you > https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam18:53
debbie2009what is kopete?18:53
bastidrazorGeforce88: then you should look in a google help channel. since openchrome isn't ubuntu related.18:53
OerHekskopete is a messenger / yahou IM application18:53
debbie2009oh...i trei18:54
JuJuBeecabaro yes usb and I think encrypted via windows....18:54
debbie2009i tried skype and ekiga but it cant see camera18:54
cabarojujubee: whats curious is that gparted failing to remove the partition..18:54
thiebaudedebbie2009, you tried emapthy?18:54
debbie2009i cant find manuafacturers linux drivers, so wondered if jaun ty had generic18:55
JuJuBeecabaro: yes, I agree18:55
cabarojujubee: thinking..18:55
OerHeksdebbie2009 : try Kopete, or read the community info with lot of solutions18:55
OerHeksmost webcams are generic18:55
debbie2009thanks Oer - will do know *-)18:55
cabarojujubee: lspci    do you find  the drive?18:56
JonathanEllisI just installed texlive-fonts-extra but the new fonts do not appear on my system even after a reboot. Am I missing something?18:56
alegroDoes anyone know why I have to set the screen resolution every time I boot up my Xubuntu 9.04 machine?18:56
joebodo_alegro, what vid card ?18:56
cpjr72I can't seem to figure out how to configure the mic input for skype, I'm seeing noise on the mic level setup in the system, but nothing is going thru skype, any ideas?18:56
JonathanEllisalegro: It sounds like your xorg.conf is not set up correctly18:56
SireOrionhello can i install ubunto on my pocket pc18:56
alegroNVIDIA RIVA TNT 2 Model 6418:57
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JuJuBeecabaro: not sure... what am I looking for when I do lspci ?18:57
joebodo_alegro, sudo nvidia-settings - click on the save button18:58
cabarojujubee paste the whole thing18:58
joebodo_alegro, it has to run as sudo or it wont save correctly18:58
bastidrazorjoebodo_: alegro you should use gksudo for graphical applications18:59
bastidrazor!gksudo | joebodo_18:59
ubottujoebodo_: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)18:59
joebodo_doesnt matter in this case18:59
alegrojoebodo, I don't have the proprietary drivers installed. Do you think this would solve my problem?18:59
joebodo_if you r not running the proprietary drivers - then this wont help19:00
SireOrionneed some help here19:01
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)19:01
Renji01how do you locate the file containing the string voidptr_BackupForOriginalFunction on Ubuntu?19:01
SireOrionhow do i install ubuntu on my wm2003 pocketpc19:01
Geforce88bastidrazor : openchrome isn't google related.19:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about pocketpc19:02
JonathanEllis!windows mobile19:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about windows mobile19:02
cabarojujubee: well, im out of ideas right now. have you tried fsck the drive?19:02
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ19:02
alegrojoedobo, I meant do you think installing the drivers would fix things?19:02
Geforce88bastidrazor : it appears you don't know about openchrome being the ubuntu version of the drivers for the via unichrome chipset19:02
LjLJonathanEllis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/WindowsMobile19:02
pleed_Hi, when doing #include <linux/user.h> i m getting a "no such file or directory", i ve installed all the kernel headers, does someone know what s wrong?19:03
JonathanEllisLjL: Thanks but thats actually for SireOrion19:03
joebodoif you are able to run the proprietary drivers - you should19:03
joebodoalegro, system->hardware drivers19:03
JuJuBeecabaro: what command to fsck ?19:03
alegrothen what?19:04
davidlaphow to ssh folders on xubuntu19:04
prashanttherez a problem with ubuntu 9.0419:04
joebodoalegro, if you driver is available - it will ask if you want to use it19:04
bobbob1016Can anyone help me assemble a pre-built mdadm array?19:04
alegroIt says: "No proprietray drivers are in use on this system."19:05
SireOrioncan some one here help me with installing ubuntu on my pocket pc19:06
debbie2009Q) can you install windows drivers for usb webcam in wine19:06
JuJuBeecabaro: this drive is not ext2 so what should I enter?19:06
cabarojujubee: so are you able to use this stick under ubuntu? windows?19:06
JonathanEllisSireOrion: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/WindowsMobile19:06
JuJuBeeI can read under ubuntu and win not write under win19:06
JuJuBeeor ubuntu either19:07
cabarojujubee: does it by any chance have a write lock switch?19:07
thebloggucan someone tell me how can i get 1101ha hotkeys to work on ubuntu?19:07
zloogIs there a way i can make the speakers on my computer in the office play exactly the same thing that the computer in my living room is playing? Both computers are running 9.04 and connected over the LAN.19:07
JuJuBeecabaro: no19:07
UF-Gast167hallo, kann mir jemand mit gnome panels helfen?19:08
cabarojujubee: physically in the stick19:08
mneptok!de > UF-Gast16719:08
ubottuUF-Gast167, please see my private message19:08
JuJuBeecabaro: no19:08
Pici!de | UF-Gast16719:08
ubottuUF-Gast167: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.19:08
cabarojujubee: fdisk -l19:08
cabarojujubee: fdisk -l   and paste19:08
Picimneptok: oops, missed your line19:09
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Picicabaro: That command needs sudo19:09
bobbob1016debbie2009, Probably, but I doubt they'd be of any use.  Wine isn't deep enough into the system to allow Linux programs to access drivers, windows programs *might* be able to, but I doubt it.19:09
cabaropici, jujubee: my bad,   sudo fdisk -l19:09
debbie2009thanks bob19:09
bobbob1016Pici, Well your line didn't require that he understand "please see my private message"19:10
asmundis there an easy way to swap esc and | (pipe) keys?19:10
sircrazywhat channel is the regular chat for ubuntu?19:10
bastidrazorsircrazy: #ubuntu-offtopic19:10
cabarojujubee: sudo mount19:11
prashantplz help me on thishttp://paste.ubuntu.com/294158/19:11
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thebloggucan someone tell me how can i get 1101ha hotkeys to work on ubuntu?19:11
JuJuBeeShows:  /dev/sdc1 on /media/disk type vfat (rw,nosuid,nodev,uhelper=hal,uid=1000,utf8,shortname=mixed,flush)19:12
bobbob1016thebloggu, Did you try eee-control?  Are you using Ubuntu, Kubuntu, Xubuntu?  Intrepid, Jaunty, Karmic?  Helps to be a bit more specific19:12
cabarojujubee, so this is definitely the stick? if so, then   sudo fdisk /dev/sdc19:13
cabarojujubee: try deleting the partition there19:13
thebloggubobbob1016, crunchbang based on ubuntu jaunty and already tried eee-control, my pc is not supported19:13
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JuJuBeecabaro: I deleted the partition but the data is still there after removing the stick and re-inserting19:15
bobbob1016thebloggu, Did you install the eee-kernel?  That might help, I have a 901 and eee-control works fine, but I actually want to disable the hotkeys, and use eee-control19:15
bobbob1016thebloggu, and use eee-control's hotkeys, go figure*19:15
cabarojujubee: i really dont know now..19:15
thebloggubobbob1016, :P no i didnt. how can i install it?19:16
cabarojujubee: i think you need to umount the drive before fdisk19:18
bobbob1016thebloggu, Not sure there, I use easypeasy on my 901, so the kernel was installed already.  Pretty sure it is just a matter of going into synaptic, and selecting/installing the kernel with -eeepc on it, -eeepc-lean might work too.19:18
JuJuBeecabaro: I did this http://paste.ubuntu.com/294163/19:18
JuJuBeethe drive was unmounted19:18
cabarojujubee: so fdisk also ends with failure, and the partition persists19:20
JonathanEllisI am trying to install a Garamond font by installing the package texlive-fonts-extra. The package installed correctly and I have also installed texlive-fonts-extra-doc but I dont know how to configure these or view the documentation19:20
JuJuBeecabaro: yes19:20
JonathanEllisOh and I should have mentioned the garamond font still does not appear in my applications19:20
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cabarojujubee: by any chance was this drive used as blaack box in an airplane :?19:21
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JuJuBeecabaro: :D  no, I don't think so...19:21
JuJuBeeJust used in winblows19:21
cabarojujubee: have you tried deleting the partition in windows disk manager?19:22
JonathanEllisAfter installing the texlive-fonts-extra package do I need to run some command to set the fonts up?19:22
JuJuBeeno, I don't have windows... this belongs to a friend19:22
cabarojujubee: we are close to sliding into offtopic here19:22
ttyXcan someone tell me where to find the opensolaris theme for gnome?19:24
cabarojujubee: could this stick be protected somehow?19:24
JuJuBeeyea, I realize that.  Yes, I believe there is windows security/locking software protecting it...19:24
JuJuBeeHe forgot the code19:24
JuJuBeeI tried to chmod 777 but get message "Read-only file system"19:25
cabarojujubee: then i guess it takes a trip to the retailer, and let them figure it out (meaning give another one)19:25
JuJuBeeI guess, thanks for the try19:25
cabarojujubee: not really ubuntu related anymore19:26
cabarojujubee: np, good luck19:26
RanDom33i am trying to get the ati drivers for my ati x1200, in System > Administration > Hardware Drivers.. it does not list any proprietary drivers as available.. can anyone help me with getting proprietary drivers on 9.10 for an ati x120019:26
PiciRanDom33 : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.19:26
dabukalammy computer's really fast with all operations, but is REALLY slow to react when it asks me for a sudo password. i enter the password, and it take about a minute, then it starts processing the command19:27
aaroninfideldoes anyone know of a good tutorial on how to setup SVN on Ubuntu?19:27
CPAMXstop following me19:28
* Python1320 hides to #gentoo19:28
sarthorHI, i have K9MM-v MSI m/board, ubuntu 64bit jaunty installed, lspic, says this "VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M800/K8N800/K8N800A [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 01)", but i cant enable desktop effects. how to install the driver19:28
Python1320I'm always here, now I haven't been because I changed the pc19:29
CPAMXi just idle here to see all those linux lulz19:29
KB1JWQ!ot | CPAMX19:29
ubottuCPAMX: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:29
norenhello everyone, i just finished installing a minimal ubuntu on my old desktop i am having prob with starting xserver(startx command) please advice19:31
SteffHi guys, anyone have experience with bridge and internal network in VirtualBox? I have this setup http://peecee.dk/uploads/102009/Diagram11.png and are able to ping, but  NOT On the ubuntu server I have executed the command: echo 1 > /etc/sys/net/ipv4/ip_forward - Anyone have any suggestion how to solve the problem? I have a buddy which have same19:32
Steff setu, expect th e ubuntuserver is replaced with a smoothwall, and he can access the Internet from his virtual clients.19:32
pipegeekwill the version of empathy in karmic support IM formatting?19:33
pipegeekat least italics?19:33
linfenixhello, anyone know about a music producer channel on irc, that can help me???19:33
pipegeekalso, is that an #ubuntu-devel question?19:33
jt1234will unetbootin work with a smb share target drive?19:33
KB1JWQlinfenix: /msg alis list *TOPIC*19:33
resnoi would like to paste a set of text in a bunch of files using bash. where can i read about doing that19:34
linfenixKB1JWQ, do you know any music producer irc channel?19:34
bobbob1016I installed ubuntu on a new harddrive, without my 4 mdadm raid5 drives connected.  How can I add them to my fstab?19:35
KB1JWQlinfenix: /msg alis list *TOPIC*19:35
KB1JWQlinfenix: I am not alis.19:35
linfenixKB1JWQ, ansd, who is it alis?19:35
KB1JWQlinfenix: A bot that describes channels on freenode.19:36
gabriel_hi all19:38
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gabriel_does anybody have a command pipeline for printing manpages 2up?19:38
NantoRokuseikenhi.i configured my printer from the administration menu and it found it ok.i connected all the wires and the green lamp is on. the problem is that when i want to print smth it says that it prints it but its not. any ideas how to detect the prob?19:40
dabukalammy computer's really fast with all operations, but is REALLY slow to react when it asks me for a sudo password. i enter the password, and it take about a minute, then it starts processing the command19:41
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ubuntu_hello evryone19:43
erUSUL!hi | ubuntu_19:43
ubottuubuntu_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!19:43
ubuntu_elo mam pytanko19:43
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mweicherthello. I've got a weird problem I've never saw before. On a fresh ubuntu install, after the computer has booted I can send about 4 ping request before I stop getting replies19:44
mweichertno firewall is turned on19:45
mweichertany ideas why ping would stop replying?19:45
skunkworks_I had asked earlier about not having access to a raid volume..   (added a directory and gave my self rights - working great!)  Also setup samba and shared the volume.  The biggest road block was I didn't know my xp avg firewall was blocking the ports.  Thanks again!19:45
cabaromweichert: which network adapter?19:46
Whitorhaving a problem ... where can I create a user account to make a post in the forums ?19:46
cabaromweichert: is computer you are pinging on the same network?19:48
RanDom33i was running a game, and it changed the resolution of my display, what is the command to make it normal again?19:48
mweichertcabaro, no19:48
mweichertcabaro, the ip I'm pinging is a public static ip19:48
cabaromweichert: how about pinging localhost?19:48
julienrathello tout le monde19:50
Pici!fr | julienrat19:50
ubottujulienrat: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr19:50
mweichertcabaro, on the host, I can ping localhost, it's hostname, and the static ip assigned to it19:50
cabaromweichert: so have you tried pinging something like google.com? same result?19:51
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cabaromweichert: the destination computer might or router/gw might block the icmp ping19:52
quellhorstwhats that tool to manange a firewall adm?19:55
quellhorstoh, ufw19:55
daevskiWhere can I get help with an application I can't get to launch/install? (Aptana 1.5)19:56
aaroninfidelanyone know how to share an Ethernet connection over wireless using Ubuntu 9.04?19:57
cabaroquellhorst: gufw    http://www.ubuntugeek.com/gufw-simple-gui-for-ufw-uncomplicated-firewall.html19:57
daevskiaaroninfidel, Wouldn't your router handle that? Can you elaborate?19:57
bobbob1016I am trying to create a partition on a drive, but it says it is in use.  I am not using it, and df -l doesn't show anything using it.  Any ideas?19:58
aaroninfideldaevski, I want to create an ad-hoc network and share the Ethernet connection with it.19:58
ArmOrAttAkbobbob1016: fuser20:00
daevskiWhere can I get help with an application I can't get to launch/install? (Aptana 1.5)20:00
maxbuonasera a tutti20:00
DeathFoxhow do i install windows without overwrighting ubuntu20:00
=== max is now known as Guest66806
sarthorHI, i have K9MM-v MSI m/board, ubuntu 64bit jaunty installed, lspic, says this "VGA compatible controller: VIA Technologies, Inc. K8M800/K8N800/K8N800A [S3 UniChrome Pro] (rev 01)", but i cant enable desktop effects. how to install the driver20:00
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c3ldaevski: try asking in here, exactly what is the problem?20:01
daevskiDeathfox -- side by side install with the live disc20:01
cabaro!it | max20:01
ubottumax: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:01
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:01
daevskic3l -- I downloaded the Standalone for linux from the website, but it is an exe and wine doesn't launch it for some reason20:01
DeathFoxdae but wont it overwright the bootloader20:01
cabaro!it | baboom :)20:01
ubottubaboom :): Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)20:01
daevskic3l -- I'm wondering if the file download is wrong... and why it won't do anything when I try to launch the exe with wine. (two seperate issues, but one solution would be fine)20:02
c3ldaevski: get an unix compatible app alternative! :) but if u must have that app.. well check if wine is working at all20:02
c3land are you sure that the program will work in wine? but first of all make sure wine works as intended20:03
daevskic3l -- Aptana is the opensource alternative to dreamweaver, but it's downloaded as a exe for some odd reason -- wine is working for other apps, currently.20:03
daevskideathfox -- yes it over writes the boot loader -- but you can get windows to reclaim it if you want to later.20:04
DeathFoxi got ubuntu only installed20:04
DeathFoxhow do i add windows do it20:04
DeathFoxto it20:04
daevskideathfox -- windows can re-create the bootloader with a windows vista disc.20:05
fearfulDeathFox, well it depends if you want  VM or dual boot.20:05
c3ldaevski: get the unix version, I just downloaded it and its not an exe20:05
DeathFoxdual boot20:05
DeathFoxima use xp20:05
daevskic3l -- ah! thank you... I didn't even think to check for a unix standalone.20:06
cabarogood night everyone20:06
c3ldaevski: and check if there is a already working binary package for ubuntu in some repo20:06
c3ldaevski: hehe yw20:06
daevskic3l -- I checked repos ... not on any for some reason :-\20:06
dabukalammy server has the gateway listed as, and if i change it with /sbin/route add -net gw {mygateway} eth0", it changes back when i restart. how can i solve this?20:07
laeghow do i turn off the temperature popping up every time it changes?20:07
c3ldaevski: thats really wierd, you should contact the package responsible ppl20:07
daevskic3l -- also a good idea. thanks.20:08
c3ldaevski: if its open source and free it should be in the repo imo..20:08
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DeathFoxFAUCK U THEN20:08
erUSUL!language | daevski20:09
ubottudaevski: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:09
erUSULdaevski: sorry; tab completion error20:09
daevski:) ok20:09
c3ldaevski: for all I know aptana is in the archlinux user repository, not sure if its compatible with ubuntu (im an arch user mostly)20:10
HexogenHey guys, I need your help. I'm quite new to linux systems and I just installed fglrx on my laptop. Now everytime i boot, the bootlogo is fine, but after that, this happens: http://img392.yfrog.com/i/imgp0005t.jpg/20:10
arleslieIm trying to get my Verizon Mobile card to work under Backtrack (Based on kubuntu) can any one tell me how to get it to work?20:11
HexogenWhat can I do?20:11
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daevskic3l -- okay.20:11
c3ldaevski: and have you checked the universe repo?20:11
daevskic3l -- as far as I know I have universe enabled all the time. I can double check though.20:12
erUSUL!find aptana20:12
ubottuPackage/file aptana does not exist in jaunty20:12
c3ldaevski: oh, I wasnt sure if its commonly used or not20:13
HexogenHey guys, I need your help. I'm quite new to linux systems and I just installed fglrx on my laptop. Now everytime i boot, the bootlogo is fine, but after that, this happens: http://img392.yfrog.com/i/imgp0005t.jpg/20:15
z0manifestHow do I get empathy to work with msn?20:15
=== S is now known as Guest50071
dabukalammy server has the gateway listed as, and if i change it with "/sbin/route add -net gw {mygateway} eth0", it changes back when i restart. how can i solve this?20:18
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lolrenhi all20:18
kanushi, i need help. how i can connect amarok with socks5? i can it only with http proxy. thank you and sorry for my english, i am czech :)20:20
kunjiHey there, could anyone help with some graphics problems, I'm using the ati proprietary driver and can change my resolution to 1440x900 with xrandr just fine, but when I add the mode to my xorg.conf and restart the screen is 1440x900, but only shows upper left chunk of say 1280x768, I was trying to follow the directions at http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=111218620:20
spikehi, has anybody got an idea why ubuntu would see all wireless networks in the neighborhood but not mine? and I'm currently connected to it from another computer so I'm sure it works20:21
hwildeany recommendations on supported networked microphone & speaker setup for going over web?20:22
artemishola a todos20:24
jhaigI have Ubuntu installed on 3 machines used by a number of people and I am frequently seeing a couple of problems with Firefox.  Firstly, the "Firefox is already running" problem and secondly this problem - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=6744603  I know how to fix these each time it happens, but does anyone know what is causing this as I don't want to have to hang around and fix it for users every time it happens.20:24
clearscreenI just can't get used to the default ubuntu mouse settings, is there a way to set it EXACTLY to default MS Windows mouse settings?20:25
ZykoticK9jhaig, no idea what's causing it - a possible workaround would be to create a "shortcut" for users to the command "killall -9 firefox".  Best of luck.20:26
ecrbluetooth trouble anyone wanna help?20:26
adelie42he he, I've had that shortcut in my menubar  :)20:26
t0cableguyis anyone having trouble installing 9.10 fresh from the iso? i have tried on two systems now and it wont work20:28
ZykoticK9t0cableguy, ask same question in #ubuntu+120:28
jhaigZykoticK9: The problem isn't that firefox is still running.  The problem is that it keeps leaving the lock and .parentlock file hanging around.  It is happening a lot and I can find no reason why.20:29
woobuntui need help20:29
woobuntuhow do i see the members list in xchat gnome version20:29
ZykoticK9jhaig, sorry man, i've got no idea (from experience though Firefox on linux can be a little troublesome "some" times)20:29
hwildewoobuntu, settings, preferences, user list20:30
ecrwoobuntu click on the users icon in the bottom left20:30
woobuntuthats alot20:30
fazinternet quitte inopinément20:30
woobuntuthanks bye20:30
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr20:30
fazproblem internet20:30
fazerror connecting internet why20:31
ecrbluetooth help anyone?20:31
z0manifestawww.... I guess I have wait till karmic comes out20:31
ecri need to connect a bluetooth scanner to my laptop20:31
z0manifestThere is no python-support 0.90 yet for jaunty...?20:32
adelie42Is there a project out there like dictd that uses LMF (Lexical Markup Framework: ISO-24613:2008)?20:35
adelie42FOSS of course20:35
L1nUX1z3Rhow do i change a theme in dockbarX20:36
iElectricwhich ubuntu cd has Mathematica MathInstaller?20:37
adelie42on the CD?20:37
iElectricI have 9.04 Desktop20:37
iElectricit's not there20:37
iElectricdo I need edubuntu?20:37
adelie42why not get it from the repository?20:37
adelie42is Mathematica MathInstaller a project?20:38
scott67892hey I got banned froM #bash20:38
iElectricadelie42, nop20:38
adelie42what is it?20:38
iElectricit should be on cd20:38
iElectricsome shell script20:38
BookmanHas anyone successfully installed eyeOS on 9.04?20:38
joebodosudo apt-get intsall mathomatic  ??20:38
iElectricjoebodo, is that Mathematica 7.01?20:39
scott67892how do I get unbanned from a channel20:39
joebodoiElectric, not sure - you can check via synaptic package manager (in system)20:39
bastidrazorscott67892: #freenode may be more help20:39
adelie42ScottG: time20:40
NikelandjeloI'm trying to switch layout by console. I wrote "setxkbmap -layout "ru,us" -option grp:caps_toggle. It switches layout to ru, then, after pressing caps, it switches to us, then caps doesn't switch back to ru, but capitalize letters. How can I fix it?20:40
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iElectricblah, everywhere on internet I read it should be on20:41
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iElectricdir /media/cdrom/Unix/Installer20:41
iElectricbut there is no Unix directory:)20:41
hwilde!return | iElectric20:41
ubottuiElectric: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!20:41
tbxI have a Dell Inspiron e1505 with what appears to be an Intel 3945 wireless card; ubuntu 9.04 current/updated. The wireless card cannot be turned on with the key combo "Fn+F2", but under the same 9.04 CD running as live-user, it can be turned on. HOW do I get this doggone thing turned on?20:42
bastidrazoriElectric: that directory indicates you should have a CD of said program20:42
samushkaanyone know how to erase history in Empathy ?20:43
adelie42Is there a FOSS project out there like dictd that uses LMF (Lexical Markup Framework: ISO-24613:2008) to make it parsed for specific info rather than the block plain text format?20:45
ph4t3can someone tell me how to fix the hotkeys  lenovo sl500?20:46
kunjiiElectric: as bastidrazor says they mean for you to find this directory on a Mathematica cd, if you have an iso, you'll need to mount that first and then find the proper directory.20:46
Armageddonanyone has an idea about any application for Ubuntu that handles circuit boards especifically PIC20:46
WhitorHi. I'm installing an application from CDROM, and the install software is asking me to insert disk two...  When I try and eject disk one, I get an error: Cannot unmount volume, An application is preventing the volume '' from being unmounted. ok.  ... If I tru and sudo unmount /dev/cdrom I too get an error... How can I move forward with this install ?20:47
agI cannot get sound when I played tv with my bttv tuner card of 'kworld'. My motherboart is intel 946gzis and onboard soundcard is 'sigmatel'. The sound output jack of bttv card is connected externally by a jack with sound input of my motherboard. Both the card behaving normal when taken individually. But  when connected as mentioned there is no sound output of tv channels where video is ok. The connection is doing absolutly perfect performance with window xp. Anyb20:47
WhitorThis is a wine application20:47
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu20:47
Whitorthanks, I know what wine is20:48
Armageddon!wine | Whitor20:48
ubottuWhitor: please see above20:48
ArmageddonWhitor, I was refering you to the winehq channel :)20:48
WanHouseArmageddon: Dia has some of the functionality20:48
Whitoroh . sure, thanks20:48
WanHouseArmageddon: Tried it ?20:49
ArmageddonWanHouse, no not yet, I'm asking about applications that I can use as a computer engineer20:49
ArmageddonWanHouse, how about gEDA ?20:49
WanHouseArmageddon: It can be used to write computer wiring schemas also. Havnt tried that one.20:50
tbxArmageddon: Heh. I was just over building a slax ISO at slax.org and passed over some application that advertised itself as a circuit board engineering tool. Dunno about the "PIC" part. Trying to re-trace my browser history to find it.20:50
werfactmy firefox doesnt see java, how can i fix it?20:50
Armageddontbx would be nice to find some stuff20:50
WanHouseArmageddon: www.freshmeat.net rocks for your purpose20:50
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository20:51
Armageddonwerfact, install java plugin, should be installed if you installed all the restricted extras20:51
Armageddon!restricted | werfact20:51
ubottuwerfact: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats20:51
tbxArmageddon: KTechLAb20:51
werfactArmageddon, i installed java sdk, so i think jre is part of that20:51
Armageddontbx for KDE right ?20:52
tbxArmageddon: "KTechLab is an Open Source IDE and Simulator for Digital & Analog Circuits and PIC Micro-controllers. Featuring an extensive circuit designer with autorouting and simulation of many common electronic components and logic elements, KTechLab is the idea tool for educational or hobbyist use."20:52
ph4t3nobody with ah sl500 ???20:52
Armageddontbx I will write those down20:52
tbxArmageddon: http://www.slax.org/modules.php?search=circuit&category=20:52
Um_cara_qualquerdoes anybody knows C or C++?20:52
ubottuUsually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.20:53
ArmageddonUm_cara_qualquer what for ?20:53
ubottuA large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:53
WanHouseUm_cara_qualquer: dont ask to ask, just ask.20:53
Um_cara_qualqueri need assistence for a particular program i'm doing20:53
zaoulSoo firefox 3.0 is the latest in the repositories?20:53
Um_cara_qualqueri asked20:53
Armageddonzaoul, download and install the .deb file from mozilla's website20:54
werfactUm_cara_qualquer, assistance with what?20:54
joebodozaoul, ff 3.5.3 is in karmic20:54
Um_cara_qualquerC program20:54
bastidrazor!ff35 | zaoul20:54
ubottuzaoul: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY20:54
werfactUm_cara_qualquer, put the code in pastebin and ask the question, or joint the ##c channel,20:54
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zaoulkarmic is a 'bleeding-edge' repository?20:55
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:55
panfisthow do i add something to my path20:55
ArmageddonI am waiting for Karmic impatiently20:56
zaouloh arg20:56
zaoulI just installed too20:56
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Armageddonpanfist something like what ? to what path ?20:56
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zaoulI am having the flickering mouse cursor + firefox bug problem20:56
zaoulBug #31002020:56
panfistarmageddon if i want to type a command with typing the full path20:56
=== wergact is now known as werfact
Um_cara_qualquerin function "remover"... by the way is portguese language... i wanna know if there's some problem to remove any item from the list20:56
ArmageddonUm_cara_qualquer what's the problem ?20:56
panfistin bash20:56
zaoulwell it seems to be different than just over a link20:57
Armageddonpanfist I don't understand ! try the tab key to complete the path20:57
RyNoHey I'm having some video issues, can someone help me with that?20:57
zaoulRyNo: Just ask!20:57
Pici!pt | Um_cara_qualquer20:57
ubottuUm_cara_qualquer: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.20:57
Um_cara_qualquershouldn't be hard to understand it20:58
RyNoI have a radeon HD 4350 and I have no TV-out capability. I've tried adding the catalyst control center from add/remove programs and my screen went nuts and I had to reinstall ubuntu. Any other options?20:58
RyNoI tried adding the ATI binary x.org driver too and it did the same thing20:59
panfistarmageddon when you type the command 'apt-get' it doesnt matter what director you are in, you never have to type '/usr/bin/apt-get' you just type 'apt-get' and the shell knows to look in /usr/bin20:59
Um_cara_qualquerWanHouse, is helping me... thx everybody20:59
BaGyRyNo, sudo apt-get remove fglrx-driver20:59
ArmageddonRyNo use the fglrx drivers for ATI, I have the same problem there are no drivers from ATI to their cards20:59
zaoulThe outputs are initialized at boot, so if you remove your tv out and reboot it should revert back to vga21:00
RyNoapt get remove?21:01
werfactUm_cara_qualquer, what is nodo*?21:01
RyNoi put that ina dn it said it wasnt installed so it wasnt removed21:01
BaGyRyNo, sudo apt-get remove fglrx-driver21:01
ArmageddonRyNo removes the packages21:01
alteregoaapt-get remove spanglish21:01
alteregoaapt-get remove gue-guevara21:01
alteregoaapt-get remove fidel-castro raul-castro21:02
Armageddonalteregoa easy21:02
alteregoaapt-get install democracy justice freedom21:02
erUSUL!ot | alteregoa21:02
ubottualteregoa: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:02
Armageddonalteregoa does anyone needs to install some glue to your mouth ?21:02
RyNook so what do i need to so in order to install the driver needed for tv-out support?21:02
=== infidel2s is now known as infid
RyNowhat do I need to do in order to get tv-out support for my card?21:04
alteregoaryno: you need a tv-out plug21:05
erikk71back finally got my damn optical mouse replaced21:05
BaGyRyNo, you are retarded!!!21:05
erikk71by logitech21:05
werfacterikk71, good job21:05
RyNothank you bagy21:05
RyNoand you tooa altergoa21:05
werfacterikk71, you needed a mouse to use a computer?21:05
alteregoano im not from toga21:05
agI have a problem with my 'kworld' bttv tuner card. When I watch tv with this card there is no sound coming out from my soundbox, which always does in window xp. My desktop motherboard is intel 946gzis and its sound input jact is connected with an external wire loop with bttv sound output jack.21:05
erikk71everybody says im wrong21:06
erikk71for bitching to logitech21:06
werfacterikk71, well if their product sucks, you should bitch, otherwise they wont fix it21:06
alteregoai use lubuntu, its ok21:07
erikk71had to threaten them21:08
erikk71\with a big fax21:08
RyNoalright so I did the apt-get remove fglrx-driver and all it did was ubinstall something that wasnt there21:08
bastid_raZor!tvout | RyNo21:08
ubottuRyNo: For help with enabling the TV-Out, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/NvidiaTVOutNewbieEdition (Nvidia cards) or http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Tvout (ATI cards, *untested*)21:08
=== william is now known as Guest94489
p25017How can I install some package into ~/lib using apt? I don't have root.21:10
Hans_Henrikgot a problem, whenever i press the "recycle bin icoon", my desktop gets BLANK (all icons gone), and i cant left-click, and the dustbin-window never shows up, and the desktop stays blank until i restart.. help?21:10
ActionParsniphey guys, is the default file browser in Xubuntu, Thunar??21:11
bastid_raZorp25017: without root you can not use apt-get ..21:11
p25017bastid_raZor: thx :-/21:11
bastid_raZorp25017: i assume you've tried the entire command 'sudo apt-get install packagename' ?21:12
BaGyRyNo, try this apt-get remove xorg-driver-fglrx21:13
p25017bastid_raZor: I didn't try it, because I don't have root.21:13
a_how do I change my nick in chat?21:14
=== kmosh is now known as soni__
bastid_raZorp25017: okay, just wanted to make sure you understood sudo was the way to get root permissions.21:14
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode21:14
=== a_ is now known as neat
neatplease help! I can't get ubuntu to recognize my external drives. I want to add write permissions to them.21:17
black_buHello all21:18
neathi black21:18
joebodo_ 21:18
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black_buCould anybody help? There is stndard program for pdf view in gnome. How it's exactly named?21:19
bastid_raZorblack_bu: isn't that evince ?21:20
bastid_raZor!info evince21:20
ubottuevince (source: evince): Document (postscript, pdf) viewer. In component main, is optional. Version 2.26.1-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 733 kB, installed size 5528 kB21:20
gslauenI am unable to post to ubuntu forums any ideas why? thanks21:20
black_bugslauen: Yes... It is. Thank you so very much21:21
gslauenblack_bu huh?????????????????????21:21
joebodo_gslauen, have u registerer / logged in ?21:22
gslauenjoebodo_: yes registered and logged in21:22
=== joe75_ is now known as joe75
joebodo_gslauen, some threads get locked21:23
alleni am new to ubuntu; have set it up as a file and print server with samba; and opened the four ports suggested in ufw. all works with the firewall disabled but I can not see the shared files on the windows machine with the firewall enabled. any suggestions?21:24
gslauenjoebodo_, ya I can't figure it. Anyway my real problem is trying to get a serial irblaster to run using myth_ledxmit script and I keep getting errors and cant run make install21:24
lucas_hi everybody21:27
lucas_does anybody knows an remote access application called NTRConnect ?21:27
kraitoi want to view pdf files can ubuntu do so ?21:27
Danny22Hi can anyone tell me how to get parental controlls for my internet?21:28
lucas_off course ubuntu read pdf files21:28
jhaigkraito: evince is a pdf viewer.  There are others.21:28
guest_Abend allerseits...21:28
guntbert!pdf | jhaig21:29
ubottujhaig: pdf is the Portable Document Format created by Adobe; viewable in GNU/Linux with xpdf/kpdf/okular/evince, and also adobe reader (free download, but closed source)21:29
guntbert!de | guest_21:29
ubottuguest_: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.21:29
jhaigguntbert: Thanks.  I was answering someone else's question.  :-)21:29
maheshjr2000how stable is the latest 9.10 beta?21:29
lucas_anybody knows NTRConnect wich works on linux?21:29
maheshjr2000I cant upgrade to 9.04 it kills intel21:29
maheshjr2000it kills intel good21:29
guest_i am the world greatest hacker... bye bye... we see us!!! XXXMorseRXXX21:30
guntbertjhaig: sorry, my brain is obviously too slow for my fingers....21:30
linxeh"it kills intel" ?21:30
maheshjr2000intel integrated gfx21:30
linxehwhat on earth does that mean21:30
kraitojhaig: thanks21:31
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
RS-232HI all21:32
RS-232Anyonw knows why I get this:21:32
RS-232warning: preg_match() expects parameter 2 to be string, array given in /var/www/drupal/includes/bootstrap.inc on line 777.21:32
RS-232When I do this:21:32
allencan anyone help with ufw ports for file sharing with windows using samba?21:32
kraitocommand to reinstall plugins on compiz > animation21:32
RS-232where $form['field_assembly_root'] is a CCK node reference21:32
RS-232? thanks21:32
RS-232oops wrong channel21:33
enatomhow do i install adobe photoshop using wine ?21:33
bastid_raZor!appdb | enatom helpful links here >21:33
ubottuenatom helpful links here >: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help21:33
soreaukraito: aptitude install compiz-fusion-plugins-main21:33
OerHeksallen : install ufw manager gufw21:34
Sagangot to love irssi :)21:35
maheshjr2000so....anyone know how stable the 9.10 beta is?21:36
guntbert!9.10 | maheshjr200021:36
ubottumaheshjr2000: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:36
bornohlw all21:36
pete1hello, is it possible to create a Ubuntu live cd with additional packages installed?21:36
enatomi just installed the latest ubuntu version21:37
enatomalot of problems21:37
bornohow i go to offtopic room?21:37
bastid_raZorborno: /join #ubuntu-offtopic21:37
enatommy laptops screen light wont change21:37
bastid_raZor!remaster | pete121:37
ubottupete1: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility21:37
geboyhi, is it okay if i ask about squid here? since nobody answer at #squid and i'm using squid on ubuntu21:38
geboyi'm getting this error "2009/10/16 03:17:59| clientNatLookup: NF getsockopt(SO_ORIGINAL_DST) failed: (92) Protocol not available"21:38
enatomi try to change the screen contrast, using my laptop & ubuntu, and the screen doesnt change21:39
geboydunno what happened21:39
ActionParsnip!caps Z| enatom21:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about caps Z21:39
ActionParsnip!caps | enatom21:39
ubottuenatom: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.21:39
geboyoh well, i think i should go somewhere else. or perhaps downgrade squid to 2.8 :(21:40
geboythanks btw21:40
Gad_i/server gay-serbia.com21:40
gajogwjhi folks i ran htpasswd -c /public_html/.htpasswd username   and set password. however when i access my site, it doesn't prompt me forlogin and password21:41
discipolocan anyonereccomend a better phpeditor than gphpedit or bluefish? cant get used to kdevelop either... theres gotta be more right? or do i have to go back to vi?21:42
Badiscipolo: vi21:43
arleslieCan anyone refer me to a pppd script for Verizon Mobile Broadband/EVDO/3G21:43
trismdiscipolo: maybe eclipse with some php plugins?21:44
rscCan somebody paste the output of "perl -V:installarchlib" from different Ubuntu releases? And where is "ExtUtils/typemap" located at the different Ubuntu releases?21:44
chelseaplease i have no free space in my partion21:44
Badiscipolo: geany?21:44
bobo123how to fix broken zip archives, but the problem is that there are two 001 and 002, like they are connected?21:45
discipologeany... huh will try thx21:45
Badiscipolo: tru21:45
Badiscipolo: netbeans21:46
chelseahow i can do this problem21:46
discipolowow, so there are mre!21:46
jpchateauy a t il des français21:46
guntbert!fr | jpchateau21:47
ubottujpchateau: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:47
jpchateauok merci21:47
enatomhow do i lower the screen brightnesse ?21:47
enatomhow do i lower the screen brightness on 9.04 ?21:47
enatomHow do i lower the screen brightness ?21:48
enatomon my laptop21:48
enatomim using ubuntu 9.0421:48
CaptainMorganfn+<some button in the upper right corner?>21:48
CaptainMorganplease don't spam the channel21:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about spam21:49
ubottupastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:49
CaptainMorganwhatever, you get the idea21:49
flandersI've searched around, but it's difficult to figure this out. I have 3 computers (two using *buntu 9.04, and the other openSUSE, all 3 have rsync and grsync installed). I also have a FreeNAS box connected to the network. How can I have all 3 of my /home/username directories mirrored with the FreeNAS box, without deleting files from my 3 PCs?21:51
CaptainMorganflanders, cron job?21:52
dabukalammy server has the gateway listed as, and if i change it with "/sbin/route add -net gw {mygateway} eth0", it changes back when i restart. how can i solve this?21:52
flandersIn other words, I do some things on PC #1, then a few things on PC #2, and I run rsync on them, which updates the CIFS share on the FreeNAS box, as well as transfers any new/updated files back to the source (PC #1, or PC #2, etc)21:53
CaptainMorganflanders, interesting question... I have a similar setup, but I use unison as it pleases me21:53
flandersBut Unison will only work between 2 systems? If you introduce a 3rd or 4th...?21:53
CaptainMorgangood point...21:53
CaptainMorgancron the rsync... maybe?21:54
CaptainMorganit'll be interesting to get other's opinions on this topic21:54
gerald_hi i want to know if i can set up a user on a server then have that user profile avaiable on all network machines21:55
flandersThe best example I can give is the Xmarks addon for Firefox. If I use 100 different PCs, running the Xmarks sync (on any, and even all PCs) will copy any new bookmarks to the Xmarks server. At the same time, any missing bookmarks on the PC will be downloaded from the Xmarks server. It's a 2-way sync.21:55
subitohi, i want to tar a folder without taring the .svn hidden folders how can i do that?21:56
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=== Guest86082 is now known as peterrr
opex1https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/drbd.html if you want to replicate block devices21:56
flandersCaptainMorgan, seems that the only way to do this with rsync is to run 2-passes, switching the "source" and "destination" directories.21:57
flandersCaptainMorgan, there doesn't seem to be any way to do it all in one pass.21:57
ActionParsnipsubito: tar -cvf file.tar /path/to/backup21:57
enatomsomeone help ?21:58
subitoActionParsnip: backup?21:58
jamiejacksonwhich mail server does the "mail server" option of ubuntu-server's installation use?21:58
dabukalammy server has the gateway listed as, and if i change it, it changes back when i restart. how can i solve this?21:59
ActionParsnipsubito: the folder you want to tar22:00
RoastedIs there a way I can set up my rsync script so it checks to make sure the drive is present BEFORE the rsync command kicks in? And if it's not, it fails?22:00
Gian_who needs an invite for lockerz?22:00
gerald_how can i set up network users from a network server?22:00
dabukalamenatom: are you on a laptop or a desktop?22:00
Roastedgerald_ with samba?22:00
subitoActionParsnip: i know but my folder has a lot a .svn hidden files in it (at each level in each subfolder)22:00
enatomdabukalam, im on a laptop22:01
subitoand i don't want to add them to my tar22:01
GSF1200Sanyone know where gnome alarm clock gets its time from?22:01
dabukalamenatom: do you see an "Fn" key on your keyboard?22:01
gerald_i have an ubuntu server and some ubuntu desktops / laptops so i am using nfs22:01
enatomdabukalam, yeahs22:01
enatomdabukalam, i change it, but the screen light doesnt change22:01
gerald_i want to mange all users from a central source22:01
dabukalamenatom: what colour is it?22:01
ActionParsnipsubito: then create the file then extract it elsewhere (or on another system) you can see what was then achived22:02
enatomdabukalam, the fn key is blue, on the keyboard22:02
ActionParsnipsubito: may help: http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-general-1/tar-and-hidden-files-309372/22:02
enatomdabukalam, im using 9.04 ubuntu22:02
dabukalamenatom: somewhere, probably on one of the f keys, is a sun22:02
sebsebsebRoasted: Did you have any luck with the virus by the way?22:03
dabukalamenatom: push fn with the sun pointing up, and your brighness will increase22:03
enatomdabukalam, yeahs i know, i told you, i use that key, and the notification shows that im changing it, but the screen actually doesnt change22:03
enatomdabukalam, that is not working, even when i do that22:03
subitoActionParsnip: so what? even though the hidden files are listed during the taring (with the verbose mode) they are not in the tar?22:03
enatomdabukalam, even when ubuntu is saying the screen is getting lower, its not actually changing22:03
Roastedsebsebseb - ACtually I stuck with ClamAV - and it DID indeed take care of Conficker.22:03
sebsebsebRoasted: good22:04
LjLalteregoa: yes?22:04
Roastedsebsebseb - The ClamAV GUI from the Ubuntu wiki and the ACTUAL program looks very different, however my virus definition was up to date and it zapped it.22:04
dabukalamenatom: do you have another OS?22:04
alteregoai never had viriis with *nixes22:04
dabukalamenatom: or another install of a different release?22:04
enatomdabukalam, yeahs, it works well on Vista, but not ubuntu22:04
Roastedalteregoa - Nor have I.22:04
LjLalteregoa: and?22:04
sebsebsebalteregoa: You can use Linux to remove Windows viruses22:05
alteregoawindows is a virus22:05
Roastedalteregoa - I just have an infected flash drive with a Windows virus on it. I wanted to scan it through Ubuntu since the virus wouldn't effect Linux22:05
Roastedalteregoa - I was in hre last night asking about Linux virus scanners that might do what I need and ClamAV ended up fitting the bill.22:05
billybigriggeranyone here use wxwidgets? i can't seem to get my program that requires it to install...what is the proper way to install wxwidgets?22:05
alteregoayeah, clamav or fsecure22:05
subitoActionParsnip: i don't understand, if i tar -cvjf i got the hidden files22:06
Roastedsebsebseb - I actually dug up 16 viruses on my samba network drive, which is where all of the XP  machines on my network back up to every night, so it was nice to dig them out of the backup drive too.22:06
bornojoin #ubuntuofftopic22:06
alteregoawell my fw has a transparent proxy it scans the traffic on the fly for virusses, incl. https traffic22:06
sebsebsebRoasted: That's not good to have viruses on a backup drive22:06
subitoActionParsnip: even with your command: tar -cvf i got the hidden files; but i don't want them in my tar22:07
dabukalammy server has the gateway listed as, and if i change it, it changes back when i restart. how can i solve this?22:07
bornohow can i join ubuntu offtopic room?22:07
alteregoaborno type /join #ubuntu-offtopic22:07
ActionParsnipborno: /joing #ubuntu-offtopic22:07
jpdsborno: You were there ealier...22:07
enatomdabukalam, anyhelp  then ?22:07
ActionParsnipwithout the g22:07
enatomdabukalam, it works ok with Vista22:07
Roastedsebsebseb - Naw. Luckily in my case though, the infected files were in a share from a friends computer I worked on a month ago, so the infected files werent FROM my XP machines here, but it was still nice to see an infection on my samba drive and clamav get rid of them. It also verified that there werent any viruses that came from my XP machines here, so all is good.22:07
alteregoayeah follow actionparship22:07
alteregoawithout the n22:07
bornosorry i disconnect :(22:08
nicklas_anyone gotten fallout 3 to run?22:08
disciplezerohow do I change the sound the system-beep makes?22:08
dabukalamenatom: aorry, it's obviously a problem with the OS, but i don't know how to help... try googling it... (please don't flame !google me people)22:08
sebsebsebRoasted: You mean not nice to see an infection,  but your happy that clamav got rid of them?22:08
bornoplease for last time22:08
alteregoayou can install ubuntu satanic edition22:08
alteregoaubuntu satanic edition is great22:08
Roastedsebsebseb - yeah, that. :P Its been a long day.22:08
subitono other idea?22:08
jpdsborno: Type: /join #ubuntu-offtopic22:09
=== hellmitre_ is now known as hellmitre
subitohow can i tar a folder without including the hidden files?22:10
sebsebsebRoasted: Apparantly  formatting is  the only true way to make sure things like that are properly removed though22:10
Roastedsebsebseb - oh yeah, I understand.22:11
disciplezeroseems like satanic edition has the same console beep22:11
alteregoasubito delete the hidden files22:11
subitoalteregoa: not an option ... it's an svn folder, i don't want to delete the .svn folders22:11
alteregoajust move the visible files temporary with mc22:12
alteregoasudo apt-get install mc22:13
alteregoatar it, and move it back22:13
subitoalteregoa: tar --exclude='.*' -cvjf tarfile.tar.bz2 folder/ works :)22:14
Jaraxle3hi, i just installed quake 3 package in Jaunty22:14
Jaraxleanyone know the command to start quake3?22:15
disciplezerosubito: was about to suggest it, even though it doesn't make a ton of sense22:15
subitodisciplezero: why?22:15
disciplezeroit a traditional posix system .* would include ./*22:15
PCTeacher012I have an older BIOS that does not allow booting from a flash drive. Can i use GRUB to allow me to boot from flash drive?22:15
lexvegasDoes anyone know if apt will be able to use the cache from one installation on a completely different installation, if I move the folder that contains it?22:16
dabukalamenatom: aorry, it's obviously a problem with the OS, but i don't know how to help... try googling it... (please don't flame !google me people)22:16
dabukalammy server has the gateway listed as, and if i change it, it changes back when i restart. how can i solve this?22:16
PCTeacher012I have an older BIOS that does not allow booting from a flash drive. Can i use GRUB to allow me to boot from flash drive?22:17
coz_PCTeacher012,  I doubt it22:17
coz_PCTeacher012,  did you check if there is a bios update at all?22:17
Zzeissis there a Tor package?22:17
PCTeacher012Because windows programs like "Smart BootManager" allows it to whether or not the bios does22:17
Zzeissor is it "download it yerself"?22:18
coz_PCTeacher012,  oh?  mmm then I am not sure22:18
PCTeacher012and coz_ I could not because in no way shape or form can i figure out the model of my (Dublin) motherboard22:18
nerdy_kidhi all, where is the config file that sets the global enviroment vars22:18
coz_Zzeiss,  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/TOR22:18
PCTeacher012I know the BIOS is Pheonix but they can not issue updates, only the manufacturer of the motherboard (dublin) can22:18
PurpleyI need to install a a .deb file but I keep getting an error message, im not sure what the problem is I removed the existing software so it wouldn't conflict but I think it is22:19
coz_PCTeacher012,  ah mm  let me see if there is a way to identify mother boards   I used to know hold on :)22:19
Purpleycoz_ Turn your computer off22:19
PurpleyTurn it back on22:19
PurpleyIt should say so in the BIOS22:19
grturnerjust fyi, imhee is a bot msging people on join to a 'mp3 download22:19
coz_Purpley,  oh yeah but there is also an application or terminal command for this22:20
PCTeacher012And i have one more problem. I tried moving my /home to a seperate partition, but it did not exactly work. On every boot, it informs me it "could not load home from /" even though when i go to terminal through failsafe it goes to my home that is on the partition. What is wrong?22:20
PCTeacher012coz_: I think it is lshw but it does not show it22:20
PCTeacher012well, sudo lshw22:20
coz_PCTeacher012,   try  sudo mdidecode | more22:20
coz_PCTeacher012,   try  sudo dmidecode | more22:21
lexvegasPCTeacher012, you could give lspci a shot. It might give you a clue22:21
PCTeacher012I am on LIVECD btw ;)22:21
coz_PCTeacher012,  well see if that command works      sudo  dmidecode | more22:21
PCTeacher012coz_:  It did, and all it gave me was the serial number22:22
PCTeacher012which is obviously wrong: I doubt "0123456789" is my serial number for it :\22:22
coz_PCTeacher012,  do a google with that serial number and name of motherboard manufacturer22:22
PurpleyHey guys, I have a .sh script that i need to run but I cant find the option to run it in the terminal22:22
coz_PCTeacher012,  also hit enter to get more info from that22:22
lexvegasPCTeacher012, sudo lshw is where i can find my info22:23
PCTeacher012I did, nothing else referring to motherboard22:23
PCTeacher012lexvegas: Doesnt show model22:23
PurpleyHelp guys22:23
coz_Purpley,  right click the script  go to permissions  tick the box for execute22:23
coz_Purpley,  then   open a terminal   cd to it's location  ./scriptname22:24
PCTeacher012With sudo lspci i get "Host bridge" and "PCI bridge" neither being motherboard :\22:24
Purpleyahhh forgot sorry22:24
trwwwhello... I upgraded an old redhat 9 machine to ubuntu server, and I'm having trouble mounting the drive of a win2k machine like I did on rh9.22:24
PCTeacher012All i need is to figure out how to fix my failed /home partition so i can get on my original ubuntu installation. I hate restoring :\22:24
trwwwOn rh9, I used the following command:22:24
trwwwmount -t smbfs -o username=Administrator,password=password //win2k/c /mnt/win2k22:24
trwwwbut this gives an error. I can sucessfully browse the drive with smbclient:22:24
trwwwsmbclient -U Administrator //win2k/c22:24
coz_PCTeacher012,    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootFromUSB22:25
trwwwthis works fine22:25
FloodBot2trwww: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:25
PCTeacher012coz_: Opening22:25
coz_PCTeacher012,  not sure if any of that will help  but is seems to explain some options22:25
lexvegasDoes anyone know if apt will be able to use the cache from one installation on a completely different installation, if I move the folder that contains it?22:26
PCTeacher012coz_: It does, i am gonna write it down :p22:26
coz_PCTeacher012,  cool :)22:26
=== akgraner_ is now known as akgraner
coz_lexvegas,  I am not sure  but you can give it a try!   backup the one that you are going to send it to22:27
PCTeacher012where is menu.lst found in ubuntu (for grub)22:27
coz_PCTeacher012,  /boot/grub/menu.lst22:28
lexvegascoz_, should i copy my sources files too, or just the folder with the cache?22:28
PCTeacher012coz_: Okay, ill look thanks22:28
PCTeacher012coz_: It did not mount my main hard drive :\22:28
coz_lexvegas,   mm  this one I am not sure on but   as long as you have the current ones backed up  it should be easy to revert back if it doesn work22:28
coz_PCTeacher012,  ooo22:29
PCTeacher012My filesystem is saved on /dev/sda1 but it can not locate it?22:29
chilicuilhi, I'm running ubuntu 9.04, and for some unknown reason my /etc/init.d/apache2 gets overwrite every 3-5 reboots, it goes to /etc/init.d/apache2.X where X is an integer, so it doesnt boot at start up, I've checked the permisions and they both have the same, I've not upgrade the apache deamon, so I've no idea why is this happening, any help is welcome22:29
lexvegascoz_, okay. Thanks. I'll give it a shot.22:29
CavalierPrimePCTeacher012 you could try the SuperGrub disk, google to d/l it22:29
coz_PCTeacher012,   what  you may want to do is go to the  #linux channel and ask there...they tend to have a broader knowledge base of experience  for some things :)22:29
PCTeacher012coz_: Okay, thanks. Is it on irc.ubuntu.com also?22:29
PCTeacher012CavalierPrime: I have no free CDs right now :(22:30
The_Doctorcoz /join #liinux22:30
PCTeacher012or DVDs. My comp dont even have a DVD Drive D:22:30
coz_PCTeacher012,  yeah   where you type here  just type     /join  #linux22:30
corey_how do i play a dvd?22:30
coz_PCTeacher012,  it may be  ##linux22:30
PCTeacher012coz_: Okay, ill try it22:30
corey_i got a disc drive but i put the dvd in and i cant figure out how to play it22:30
PCTeacher012it was ##linux :p22:30
coz_PCTeacher012,   I kinda thought so :)22:31
OerHeks!vlc | corey_22:31
ubottucorey_: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs22:31
zulfii need help22:31
PCTeacher012thanks coz_22:31
corey_yo sumone tell me how to play dvds pleae22:31
aza_nice one http://www.networkworld.com/news/2009/101509-microsoft-apology-sidekick-tmobile.html?fsrc=netflash-rss22:32
dumonti just changed sudoers file, do changes happen instantly?22:32
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:32
bastid_raZordumont: open a new terminal and it will take effect22:32
corey_sum one tell the robot he aint helpin22:32
corey_i got a prgram for it to play it22:33
corey_but how do i play it?22:33
OerHekswhat program, corey_ ?22:33
corey_its just called movie player22:33
OerHeksi think you miss the codecs then22:34
dumontbastid_razor, i'm changing user permissions for a service, do i just restart the service?22:34
ubottuYour home directory is where all of your personal files are usually kept. For moving your home directory to a separate partition, please see: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/separatehome22:34
beebooplease iam new user ubuntu 9.04 gnom22:34
beebooi was install ubuntu in partion 32 gega22:35
coz_PCTeacher012,   I just want to warn you that on ubuntu 9.04  it is grub legacy  however if you later intall ubuntu 9.10  you will be dealing with grub2  and that is a completely different animal in terms of edition the grub files22:35
beeboobut now i havent free space in partions22:35
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zulfii need a plugin for youtube videos22:35
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beebooplease help me22:35
coz_PCTeacher012,  rather editing the files I meant22:36
PCTeacher012coz_: Is it possible to update to grub2 in ubuntu jaunty22:36
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coz_PCTeacher012,  ah  I am going to be it is  let me check22:36
PCTeacher012I'll just start a reinstall of ubuntu... lol22:36
coz_PCTeacher012,  it is apparenlty possible   if you google  ubuntu 9.04  install grub2  you should get many hits22:37
PCTeacher012coz_: Okay, i will try, after i reinstall ubuntu :p22:37
coz_PCTeacher012,  if you then have issues with grub2  you can go to the  #grub channel for help :)22:38
PCTeacher012coz_: Okay, thanks :)22:38
PurpleyAnyone know if an open-source phone is being released for verizion anytime soon?22:38
PurpleyI want the G1 but I cant switch to T-mobile :(22:39
comutamikeHi - got a wierd thing going on with my ubuntu 9.04 desktop.  There are no options in the applications menu.  don't know what I did...22:39
comutamikeanyone got any ideas?22:40
CavalierPrimeright click on applications and edit menus and look at what is checked22:40
bobo123does anyone know a software that recovers a broken zip archives, but the zip  archives are connectedo to each other, like 001, 002 and so one, splitted22:40
thomazzhow do you resolve issues with the eth1 not possible to bring up ? it worked perfectly in my ubuntu until tonight..22:41
comutamikeCavalierPrime: i'll try that - i'll just remote onto it - got to use a windows vista laptop at the moment22:41
thomazzI tried restarting the network.. no success22:41
thomazzit's eth1 it's on, not eth0.. looked at different google sites.. but stil, this remains22:42
comutamikeCavalierPrime: yeah - right clicking doesn't do anything22:43
thomazzplease someone ? I'm trying to complete work before my deadline..22:43
CavalierPrimecoutamike:  no idea then, sry22:43
comutamikeCavalierPrime: no worries22:43
jefincthomazz: your question doesn't really make sense to me, try re-wording it22:43
frantzyes i test jolicloud22:45
thomazzmy network doesn't work. the error message I get when using the command: "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" is the following: Can't allocate interface eth1lease { interface . Failed to bring up eth122:45
dementorhy i have some plb whit my ssh  i have open 22 port i get time out22:45
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nunuhey, can someone give me a short hint or something? my friend can't boot windows (not even from disk oO) or mount his ntfs partition because of a boot sector error, is there a way that we can save his data out of ubuntu? ntfs-3g refuses to mount because of that bad sector :/22:46
thomazzIs that good enought for re-wording it jefinc22:46
mnainesnunu, if you use the Windows Install disk, you can probably restore the boot sector22:46
jefincthomazz: yes that's much easier to work with22:46
thomazzcan you help me out22:47
nunumnaines, he tried that without success :/22:47
cpjr72hey guys, got another question: why do my videos in totem seem to tear like vsync is off in a video game?22:47
mnainesnunu: Did you recommend he switch to Linux?22:47
nunuyes :D22:47
nunuhe said "if I can recover the data, I'll stickl to ubuntu from now on"22:48
cpjr72nunu, which windows22:48
navapHow would linux deal with the bad sector problem?22:48
mnainesnunu: Use a separate hard drive to install Linux, then once it is installed, plug in the bad drive and he should be able to read the data on the drive22:48
janjanyone know the difference between terminal server client and remote desktop viewer (Vinagre)22:48
nunuwe bootet ubuntu from disk22:49
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nunubut ntfs-3g can't mount the partition22:49
nunuis there a way to force it or so?22:49
mnainesnunu: I think there should be, but I do not know what that command would be22:49
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CavalierPrimenunu:  in gnome go to places/computer and you should see any hds on the system22:49
cpjr72nunu, I didn't see the drive error bit, the live CDs show me my Windows 7 drives without doing anything special you should see the fat32 drive no problem I'd think22:50
nunuits a laptop :/ another HD is not really an option :/22:50
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alecs_gnomerI need help with a little problem.....22:50
cpjr72nunu USB external HD22:50
mnainesnunu: Does it have an ExpressCard slot?22:50
cpjr72cases are like $10 now.. throw and old drive in it22:50
nunudidn't quite get that cpjr72 my english sucks =)22:50
joebodo_can fsck run on ntfs ?22:50
alecs_gnomerGTK... can't install on Ubuntu 8.0422:50
cpjr72nunu: an external USB drive22:51
nunuCavalierPrime, the auto mounting doesn't work :/22:51
nunuexternal USB drive what for?22:51
WanHousenavap: Interresting eh ;) / read the code22:51
rabbyafter dist upgrade i worry about Quanta's print preview which opens gimp instead of a lightweight gtk-print or kprinter dialog :-(22:51
nunuwhy should I install ubuntu when the live disk can't mount it?22:51
thomazzmy network doesn't work. the error message I get when using the command: "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" is the following: Can't allocate interface eth1lease { interface . Failed to bring up eth122:52
alecs_gnomerHey Hey... I need help..22:52
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mnainesnunu, I can run eSATA on my laptop using a Silicon Image eSATA ExpressCard adapter22:52
alecs_gnomerProblems with GTK library22:52
joebodonunu possibly it wont automount due to the drive not being shut down correctly -22:52
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots22:53
dumont!tell user permissions22:53
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:53
janusitoque onda esto?22:54
nunuI'm confused now -.- ... I'm not sitting next to the laptop... so its hard do do such things, my friend has not really an idea what he's doing there...22:54
janusitopara mi que es la tangente22:54
nunuhe told me, that he tried to recover with his xp boot cd22:54
nunubut it all went wrong eeror 5 or so22:55
FirstSgtall I wanna do is exec this in a shell:  wget -qO - http://www.mysite.com/ipupdate.php?officeip=$officeip  but i think what is happening is officeip is getting reset or something, cause its not working22:55
tarzanone question, i updated to karmic yesterday. it seems like (at least) gtk+ based apps seem much snappier than before. even java/swt is usable now. what changed?22:55
zambawhat does this mean: ondemand governor failed, too long transition latency of HW, fallback to performance governor ?22:55
dumontwhat permissions and where do i set for a user to be able to chmod other user's files?22:55
trismFirstSgt: you're going to want to quote the url, otherwise the ? will cause problems22:55
FirstSgttrism: oh, didn't think about the ?22:56
FirstSgtok, i try22:56
thomazzmy network doesn't work. the error message I get when using the command: "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" is the following: Can't allocate interface eth1lease { interface . Failed to bring up eth122:56
comutamikeGuys - turns out that if you run out of space on your harddrive that it prevents the menu files from being saved and preserved correctly... looks like i got a busy weekend moving my /home partition - CavalierPrime - thanks for your help...22:57
PCTeacher012I wish emachines was smart enough to include the model of my bios <_<22:58
dumontwhat permissions and where do i set for a user to be able to chmod other user's files?22:58
FirstSgttrism: still doesn't appear to be running22:58
FirstSgti tried this: `wget -qO - "http://www.complimentsinternational.com/ipupdate.php?officeip=$(officeip)"`22:58
PCTeacher012Too bad i lose all my programs when i restore ubuntu :(22:59
trismFirstSgt: $(something) executes a command, you want ${officeip}23:00
ikus060Hi, I need some help with my lvm setup. I've reinstall ubuntu and lost my lvm configuration. So I want to re-assemble my lvm to access the logical volume23:00
Dream-Ubuhow do i get out of a directory in terminal (i can remember in cmd but never terminal)23:00
ikus060May any body assit me ?23:00
FirstSgttrism: ok, kind of like php )23:00
coz_ikonia,  if no one here knows  you might want to go to the   ##linux channel23:00
aza_try cd ..23:01
PCTeacher012coz_: I went unnoticed in ##linux lol23:01
PCTeacher012no one helped me :p23:01
ZykoticK9tarzan, ask your same questino in #ubuntu+123:01
coz_PCTeacher012,   it may be the time of day23:01
The_DoctorDream-Ubu: You can also try    clear.23:01
coz_PCTeacher012,   it is  6PM here in the eastern US23:01
tarzanZykoticK9, thanks23:01
PCTeacher012coz_: There is less than half of the people in ##linux then #ubuntu :p and like 4PM here in western us xD23:02
coz_PCTeacher012,   i dont know where most of the people in ##linux hail from23:02
PCTeacher012me either lol23:02
nunuwhy should installing ubuntu help me mounting that ntfs partition, when the live disk can't mount it? can anyone tell me that?23:02
nunudidn't get that ^^23:02
coz_PCTeacher012,   they may be european hold on let me see if I can check23:02
PCTeacher012coz_: KK :p23:02
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navapnunu: That didn't make sense to me either.23:02
maconunu: you're right. thats a nonsensical answer23:02
Dream-Ubuthe_doctor: that just leaves me in the same directory doesnt take me out of it23:02
PCTeacher012navap and maco: same here haha. It wont find /dev/sda1 on live CD. but boots from it without live cd haa23:03
aza_what do you mean by that  /23:03
PCTeacher012Funny thing: I have a windows partition, but no windows -_- I NED TO FIND MY XP RESTORE CD <_< lol23:03
Dream-Ubuthe_doctor: dont be ^^ blame my colllege for teaching me cmd23:03
coz_PCTeacher012,   cant find too much out   ...a few are european  many are US  as far as I can see23:04
zopiacim getting an xml file not found errorin cinelerra, can anyone help me?23:04
dumontwhat permissions and where do i set for a user to be able to chmod other user's files?23:04
PCTeacher012or get windows 7 ^_^23:04
nunubut you understand what I'm trying to tell you? ... what the problem is?23:04
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PCTeacher012and coz_Yea, idk23:04
The_DoctorDream-Ubu: I have a bunch of cheat sheets.23:04
PCTeacher01275% done ^_^23:04
coz_zoli2k,  which xml file is it asking for?23:04
pepperjackdumont: chmod 744 or chmod +423:05
thomazzplease someone help me23:05
dumontpepperjack, what do i need chmod for???????????23:05
thomazzmy network doesn't work. the error message I get when using the command: "sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart" is the following: Can't allocate interface eth1lease { interface . Failed to bring up eth123:05
PCTeacher012!ask | thomazz23:05
ubottuthomazz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:05
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pepperjackdumont: oh wait didnt read your q well23:05
dumontpepperjack, when i need to allow 1 user the ability to chmod another file23:05
dumontby another user23:05
Dream-Ubuthe_doctor: city and guilds level 2 - ict system support, and they've not covering ANYTHING Linux, wheres the sense?!23:05
thomazzubootu, I asked the question like 10 times..23:05
sebsebsebthomazz: ubottu is a computer program not a person23:06
Dream-Ubuthe_doctor: i have to learn linux in my own time...23:06
dumontpepperjack, i have www-data and i need to give it access and ability to chmod 777 onto files created by userA23:06
The_Doctordumont:  Sometimes you can just right click on the file and browse to the premissions tab and change it there.,23:06
PCTeacher012thomazz: When you installed ubuntu, maybe your ethernet driver was not installed23:06
dumontNOT IN GRAPHICAL!23:06
coz_thomazz,  many of us have just joined  not long ago so we may not have seen  your post23:06
pacificaG'day all - does anyone know how to set the title of a gnome-terminal from a script running the the gnome-terminal?23:06
The_DoctorDream-Ubu: I have been trying for 7 years and 202 distrobutions.23:06
thomazzeverything worked well in 5 months.. I think it's related to me switching on wireless network23:07
alteregoaethernet driver, yeah i kike those drivers, they drive fast23:07
DarkSmokeguys i have a big problem23:07
nunudid I miss a solution to my problem? navap maco PCTeacher012?23:07
Dream-UbuThe_Doctor: ubuntu and DSL been playing with ubuntu since 8.0423:07
coz_pacifica,  does this script title the terminal  something different?23:07
dumonti don't need specific file manipulation i need to grant user www-data the ability to change userA's files, such as use chmod on userA's files23:07
PCTeacher012nunu: What was the question again?23:07
pacificacoz_: I can't find a way to change the title at all23:07
PCTeacher012thomazz: Just might be, but im not sure.23:07
Dream-UbuThe_Doctor:  DSL just didnt do it for me, not pleasing...so...i went with the shiney debain23:08
DarkSmokeall linux distros are reading my hard disc as empty even ubuntu. and i have windows installed on it which i can boot fine and i have a store partition which works fine too, pls someone help me i wish to get linux soon back to my pc !!!23:08
coz_pacifica,  but is this script  changing the title?23:08
pacificait is set to user@host:~$23:08
alteregoasannabis cativa is the name of my cat23:08
thomazzPCTeacher012: okey.. I didn't change anything else network related..23:08
pacificawhich script?23:08
nunumounting a ntfs partition which has a defect boot sector or something like that, out of the running live disk ubuntu23:08
ttestthello. i have a problem using VLC with v4l2 :( cant choose :v4l2-standard=8, video standard work is not predictable23:08
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=== JayC-_ is now known as JayC-
coz_pacifica,  I thought you said you wanted to change the title of the terminal  that the script ran in23:08
The_Doctordumont: here is a link to a chmod tutorial http://catcode.com/teachmod/23:08
nunuPCTeacher012, mounting a ntfs partition which has a defect boot sector or something like that, out of the running live disk ubuntu23:08
thomazzwould it help if I paste my ifconfig and send you an URL23:08
pacificacoz_: I would like to know how a script can change the title23:08
coz_pacifica, oh23:08
coz_pacifica,  mm23:09
DarkSmokeall linux distros are reading my hard disc as empty even ubuntu. and i have windows installed on it which i can boot fine and i have a store partition which works fine too, pls someone help me i wish to get linux soon back to my pc !!!23:09
ZykoticK9pacifica, see "-t, --title=TITLE Set the terminal title" from "gnome-terminal --help-all".  good luck.  Eterm had that functionality back in the day as well.23:09
hedkandicrikey I can't get mplayer to work!23:09
hedkandiwhy not?23:09
PCTeacher012nunu: If it is a file system error on ntfs partitions part, you must go into windows (the only ntfs operating system i know of) and run chkdsk23:09
mikejetIf two processes are doing " cmd >> logfile", will each write append to the end, or will their output overlap?23:09
coz_pacifica,   if it is chaning the title it is likely to be listed in the script if you want the script to change the title you will have to enter that   I cant help you with that23:09
pacificacoz_: if you look at the preferences in gnome-terminal, you can run a command in the terminal to change the title dynamically23:09
hedkandi it gets as far as saying "mpeg-ps file format detected" and hangs23:09
pacificaunfortunately they don't say which command!23:09
The_Doctordid you put windows on after linux? You said you wanted to get it back.23:09
PCTeacher012Gotta restart to finsish ubuntu restore, brb23:10
nunuPCTeacher012, and there is the problem, the windows system wont boot, and the xp boot cd wont work either23:10
DarkSmokeThe_Doctor: i had this computer for 2 years and iv been playing around with oses for the whole 2 years so i had windows and linux and mac osx  and freebsd and more many times on this pc23:10
pkkmWill HP officejet 5600 work with Ubuntu?23:10
=== Swish[\] is now known as Swish
pacificaZykotickK9: if I do gnome-terminal --title="whatever" ... it still does not display that title23:10
The_DoctorDarkSmoke: Is the linux the last install?23:11
coz_pacifica,   try looking here   http://library.gnome.org/users/gnome-terminal/stable/23:11
pepperjackpkkm: linuxprinting.org usually gives you a good idea23:11
pepperjack!hardware | pkkm23:11
ubottupkkm: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection23:11
yasiaнеподскажите что надо установить или настроить чтобы нормально работали Яваскрипты?23:11
ZykoticK9pacifica, you're right!  i tried and failed ???23:11
pkkm!ru | yasia23:11
ubottuyasia: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke23:11
DarkSmokeThe_Doctor: its not installed, cause i cant installing, all distribution installers read my hdd as empty :|23:12
pkkmpepperjack, thanks23:12
pacificacoz_: I've read that doc23:12
pacificait says:23:12
pacificaUse this drop-down list to specify how to handle dynamically-set titles, that is, terminal titles set by commands that run in the terminal.23:12
pacificathe thing is : what commands??23:12
pepperjack!printers | pkkm will be of more help23:12
ubottupkkm will be of more help: Printing in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows23:12
Moon_Doggywould someone using 9.04 pastebin the sources list23:12
enatomubuntu has gone slow, since i just updated everything...23:12
tipiBy mistake I deleted all the applications and system->settings in the menu panel in gnome. I already tried to reset the panel which brought back the applications but not the "system->settings". How bring back the settings?23:13
Xpticalhow do I make Windows the default in GRUB2?23:13
MJEvansCan anyone name the program to do the Windows Migration stuff again after Mint has already been installed?  I really don't want to re-run the installer and spend another hour downloading updates just to fix everything being imported in to a single account.23:13
nutterpc_busy morning23:13
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The_DoctorDarkSmoke: Have you tried to install on the windows os using WUBI. It makes linux a file on your Microsoft OS.23:13
MJEvansXptical: sudo gedit /boot/grub/menu.lst  Copy the section that has the windows stuff to above the ### line above the linux kernels.  Do not insert the 'other operating systems' section.23:13
camboyo yo any NIS gurus about?23:14
DarkSmokeyes i know The_Doctor but i dont wish for that23:14
Xpticalnot GRUB...GRUB223:14
yasiai've got a problem. Java-scripts don't work in mozilla and Konqueror=\ What i need repair or install?23:14
yasiasorry for my english pl23:14
MJEvansXptical: grub2?  Isn't that not supported by ubuntu until 9.10 ?23:14
hedkandiwhich repository is libdvdcss in?23:14
Xpticalusing the beta23:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about next23:14
ZykoticK9pacifica, i just installed eterm and it works there, "Eterm -n NameYouWant"...  gnome-terminal I don't know about sorry.  FYI it's not a good idea to be writing scripts that reply on a windows name for the gui - what if it's running in a shell?  Good luck.23:15
MJEvansXptical: try joining #ubuntu-next (IIRC)23:15
camboyo yo any NIS gurus about?23:15
MJEvansno wrong chan23:15
The_Doctorhedkandi: Try adding the medibuntu repro.23:15
MJEvansXptical: | Karmic Beta (9.10) Support in #ubuntu+123:15
infidis there a hot key to lock the screen in ubuntu?23:15
pacificacoz_ / ZykotickK9: I think it might change the title but then change it back23:16
hedkandiThe_Doctor: you mean repository?23:16
pacificaso effectively it doesn't change it....23:16
The_Doctorhedkandi: Yes23:16
pacificabut technically it might have....23:16
The_Doctorhedkandi: That has all the multimedia codecs.23:16
hedkandiThe_Doctor: what's the package name?23:16
ZykoticK9pacifica, you need a !who and try and keep all you repsonses on 1 line - it's MUCH easier for everyone to follow stuff23:16
nunujesus ... windows sucks ... am I glad using linux -.-23:17
pacificaZykotickK9: I've got many tails on many similar logs....  very useful to havea  meaningful title....23:17
violet523hey when ive been using envyng and using the package it installs, my box gets locked on reboot23:17
The_Doctorhedkandi: Its not a package, its a repository. Do a google search on how add it.23:17
ZykoticK9pacifica, oh I will use them for menu shortcuts and odds and ends23:17
pacificaZykotickK9: its one line on my big display :-) ...make the window bigger...23:17
fluidive tried and tried to figure this out. when i use this external drive, i want it read-write to all users instead of the user logged in at the keyboard. ive tried writing policies, everything i can think of...i give up. anybody know how? lol23:18
hedkandiThe_Doctor: ooh yes you are right23:18
ZykoticK9pacifica, use TAB completion for nicks - mines still off ..ckK9 is wrong23:18
pacificaZykoticK9, thanks :-)23:19
Ademananyone know of a good 16 bit x86 disasembler? can i somehow use gcc or gas to do that?23:19
violet523its using the nvidia binary drivers, or was, the only way to then get back into a usable x is to goto single user mode and change the driver module from nvidia to nv23:19
hedkandiThe_Doctor: there's a package in ubuntu called libdvdread423:19
hedkandiwhich claims to contain dvd descrambling23:20
hedkandibut it seems to be screwy23:20
erUSULhedkandi: no dvdcsss comes in a separate lib aviable in medibuntu23:20
MrSchmoanyone know what is the best program to clone your hdd to other hdd?23:20
ubottumedibuntu is a repository of packages that cannot be included into the Ubuntu distribution for legal reasons - See http://www.medibuntu.org23:20
The_Doctorhedkandi: but I am surprised that when you tried to play the media you are having trouble with, you were not presented with a choice to install the codecs.23:20
erUSULMrSchmo: clonezilla ?23:20
pacificaZykoticK9, installed eterm .. but no eterm command?23:21
MrSchmoerusul, is that simple to do? it has a gui23:21
dexter_whats the best ragnar benson book23:21
erUSULMrSchmo: dunno never used it. only know about it23:21
erUSUL!ot | dexter_23:22
ubottudexter_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:22
ZykoticK9pacifica, no thank you for fixing the nic thing - now it highlights :) - Linux is case senitive so it's "Eterm"23:22
dexter_ubuntu is linux right?23:22
bazhangdexter_, yes23:22
pacificaZykoticK9, right... let me try that .... :-)23:22
Curly_QMrSchmo you could probably try Norton's Ghost with Windows and try to see if the Ubuntu will boot up as an experiment.23:22
dexter_and you all use ubuntu right23:22
hedkandiwhy not put the codecs into ubuntu restricted or multiverse then?23:23
bazhangdexter_, did you have an actual support question23:23
pacificaZykoticK9, that works like I'd expect it to work.... guess no-one uses gnome-terminal's titles on Ubuntu??23:23
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ZykoticK9dexter_, ask same question in #ubuntu-offtopic23:23
The_Doctorhedkandi: they should be there. What was your problem/23:23
nunuthx for the help anyway @ll... glad we all use linux =) gn823:23
ZykoticK9pacifica, if you ask me it's a bug...23:23
MJEvansHelp ;     howto Windows Migration (assistant?) after install?23:23
MrSchmocurly_q i need something that is free. norton ghost need to be purchased to use right?23:23
The_Doctorhedkandi: Why were you asking for the codec/23:24
pradeepis the any macromedia flash for linux23:24
Kirslehow do you download a .deb file out of the apt repos without actually installing it? i.e. the redhat equiv is doing e.g. `yumdownloader firefox`, which places firefox-*.rpm in the current working directory. can this be done in ubuntu?23:24
pacificaZykoticK9, is it a bug? (now it is :-P)23:24
pepperjack!backup | MrSchmo23:24
ubottuMrSchmo: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning23:24
dexter_yes if you are using ubtutu wich is linux then you must be parinoid out of you minds so therefore you should have every copy of the ranger  beson collection under you bed near your AK therefore you should be able to tell me what is the bet one23:24
codnikHello everyone. I'm having an issue with 3247280823:24
joebodo!ot | dexter_23:24
ubottudexter_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:24
bazhangdexter_, please take chat to #ubuntu-offtopic23:24
codniklol... sorry about that23:24
ZykoticK9pacifica, actually after reading my first google hit i doubt it is.  something to do with dynamic naming in gnome-terminal.23:25
trismpradeep: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree23:25
hedkandithere doesn't seem to be an i686 version of these media codecs!23:25
MrSchmopepperjack, thanks. definitely take a look at it23:25
hedkandiwhich I think is a bit serious23:25
hedkandibecause i686 is much better than i38623:25
Curly_QThere are other software such as Ultra ISO and more that makes ISO files and Ghosts Hard Drives.23:25
The_Doctorhedkandi: yes there is. What made you think you needed them. What didn't work?23:25
pacificaZykoticK9, its probably a "feature" ... like I said I think it does change it but then something else changes it back!23:25
Alex____Does anyone have any ideas of a way to get several package files onto a computer that can't get internet? (Specifically ubuntu-restricted-extras, compizconfig-settings-manager, emerald, screenlets, vlc)23:25
pradeepnot plugin trism23:25
tipiBy mistake I deleted all the applications and system->settings in the menu panel in gnome. I already tried to reset the panel which brought back the applications but not the "system->settings". How bring back the settings?23:26
hedkandihow do I choose between the 686 and 386 versions then?23:26
RyNoim trying to run a .run file and I checked "allow executing file as a program" but I have to run it as a super user "sudo" can I do both?23:26
pacificaZykoticK9, guess I need to find a way to kill the "something else"23:26
fxhpA recent patch seems to have broken my sound... Has this been a compliant recently?23:26
RyNoor do I have to run it from terminal if Im gonna run it as a super user?23:26
Curly_QThere is also Magic ISO23:26
Alex____RyNo: You could also do gksudo nautillus and then navigate to it23:26
pradeepnot flash player bt the macromedia23:27
trismpradeep: there are a few applications that will generate swf files, but they weren't great last time I checked (which was a while ago)23:27
erUSULhedkandi: i386 and i686 are two ways of saying 32 bits as oposed to amd64 or x86_64 that are two forms of saying 64 bits23:27
codnikI'm having an issue with latest update of Karmic... I'm wondering if that's a common issue. Whenever it asks me for authentication to install an update or remove a package, it locks on that window, after I enter my root password and press authenticate. Sometimes closing this dialog makes it work normally, sometimes it just freezes.23:27
pacificaAlex____, you can download the debs then get them on a media that you can get into the computer without internet23:27
erUSUL!karmic | codnik23:27
ubottucodnik: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:27
RyNoim near clueless when it come to linux terminal commands23:27
Curly_QData Recovery software can create a mirror image of a hard drive.23:27
ZykoticK9Alex____, fyi i have tried to get ubuntu onto computers without internet on a number of occasions - i've learned a ton about ubuntu packaging that has helped in other areas - but i have yet to actually accomplish it.  apt-on-cd is something to look into for sure.  Best of luck :)23:27
hedkandithe difference is non-trivial actually23:27
pacificaAlex____, the only "problem" is you need to make sure you include all the dependencies...23:27
RyNoim trying to run the ATI driver for catalyst 9.9 for my HD 435023:27
RyNocant seem to run it in terminal for some reason23:28
trismpradeep: the best ones were mostly just for programming (adobe flex has a linux version and haxe will generate swfs)23:28
alteregoakimg yong il?23:28
Alex____pacifica: I figured that much, my problem is trying to GET the package files to be able to transfer them... Someone suggested Apt-on-CD but it only got things from the update manager... none of my personal downloaded packaged23:28
erUSULRyNo: why not use System>Admin>Hardware drivers ?23:28
bazhangalteregoa, ??23:28
Dream-Ubuwhats the command to install gstreamer-dev, becuase i type that and well, it doesnt install23:28
alteregoaah wrong channel23:28
pacificaAlex____, the site http://packages.ubuntu.com/ lists the dependencies for each package23:28
Curly_QGreets to The_Doctor. I haven23:28
Curly_Qseen you in a while.23:28
hdonhi all. almost all of my windows (even the root window/desktop http://codebad.com/x-corruption.png) have become corrupted! by resizing a window i can get it to redraw, but is there an easy way to get them all to redraw?23:28
Alex____pacifica: But where can I go to actually get the package files to transfer them?23:29
RainyLithuanianok, me haz problemz: I have Eee 1000 and external monitor and ubuntu 9.04 netbook remix. The fail is: when I use external monitor I can't use pivoting, (unless I turn the resolution into acceptable to my inbuild lcd i.e. 800x600), although I have disabled inbuilt monitor!!23:29
Ademanhdon: intel drivers?23:29
dexter_        /srv/irclogs.ubuntu.com/2007/08/27/#ubuntu.txt23:29
RyNoi see the FGLRX driver in hardware drivers but it says "activated but not currently in use"23:29
pacificaAlex____, for instance take this one:23:29
pacificaAlex____, http://cz.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/a/adduser/adduser_3.110ubuntu5_all.deb23:29
hdonAdeman: no, nvidia23:29
ZykoticK9Alex____, all the debs on a system are stored in /var/cache/apt/archives it's the package database update that has always given me troubles "sudo apt-get update" is not so simple to move to a computer without internet23:29
dexter_no halbar espanol23:29
pacificaAlex____, use "wget" on the Linux commandline to get the deb23:29
infidis there a way to make a shortcut that kills a window i click on?23:29
pacificaAlex____, or use a web browser to download it.23:30
Ademanhdon: :-/ well that's definitely a driver or xorg issue...23:30
dexter_de uno beh flugo23:30
RainyLithuanianwho is responsible for x-serv bugs?23:30
joebodoinfid look into wmctrl23:30
erUSULinfid: there is apanel applet to do that. right click on the panel and choose add to panel23:30
hdonAdeman: i dont' disagree at all. i just want a temporary fix to get my windows to redraw, especially the root window23:30
dexter_no se unma sedar23:30
erUSULinfid: search for it in the list23:30
Ademaninfid: there's an applet, you can right click on your panel and hit add to panel then pick "Force Quit"23:30
MJEvansHelp ;     howto Windows Migration (assistant?) after install?23:30
Curly_QRainyLithuanian, you need first before you ask any question here is to explain which MODEL of the Monitor and MAKE it is in your question.23:30
bazhangdexter_, please stop that; random chat in #ubuntu-offtopic23:31
RainyLithuanianok, the make is SAMSUNG F208023:31
hedkandican anyone say what /etc/network/interfaces is please?23:31
hedkandiI don't understand a word of the doco23:31
Alex____pacifica: But how can I find out the web address for the specific package file? all I know is it's name, eg. ubuntu-restricted-extras23:31
erUSULhedkandi: a file to configure the network interfaces of the machine23:31
ZykoticK9hdon, i haven't been following you problem.  but does starting xkill and clicking on the application menu launch fit your bill?23:31
Ademanhdon: i'm not sure how to coax the root window into redrawing, but if you're using metacity you can write a devilspie script to resize every window and resize them back, needn't be too much work23:31
hdonhedkandi: it's a configuration file that defines networking interface23:31
Curly_QThen Rainy look it up on Google and see if it is compatible with Ubuntu and whether the manufacturer made drivers for it in your case.23:32
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erUSULhedkandi: for a desktop managing them via network manager is preferable23:32
hedkandierUSUL: so what does this file tell them to do then?23:32
kraito_i can't play my music on amorak 2.0 when i click on it, can anyone help?23:33
Alex____ZykoticK9: And I'm not sure if I messed something up... but /var/cache/apt/archives doesn't have many of the debs I've gotten with apt-get install23:33
angelushi, i am trying to access my house's wireless network from my laptop which has jaunty; i tried going to the 'Network' link in the Places menu, the only thing i see there is "Windows Network" and when i click there i see an error message saying : Unable to mount location ; Failed to receive share List from Server : what am i doing wrong ???23:33
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erUSULhedkandi: they configure ip netmask gateaways even routes. sssid in the case of wifi23:33
infidthanks erUSUL and Ademan23:33
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Curly_QI would suggest Rainy to you is to disconnect the monitor not while the computer is on but while off and go back to your computer and set the resolution to the lowest resolution. Then try the monitor.23:33
ubottuSamba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.23:33
Joshua^^hi everyone. Have a Gateway t-series laptop that won't install Ubuntu 9.0423:33
ZykoticK9Alex____, theoretically it should have virtually all of them?  don't know why they wouldn't be there...  mystery.23:34
Ademankraito_: try selecting a different output system, gstreamer, alsa or pulseaudio23:34
erUSULhedkandi: and a long etc. if you are interested there is plenty of info in the web23:34
tipiBy mistake I deleted all the applications and system->settings in the menu panel in gnome. I already tried to reset the panel which brought back the applications but not the "system->settings". How bring back the settings?23:34
Joshua^^just hanges.23:34
infidis there a reason 'ctrl-alt-l' is so slow to lock your screen?23:34
edulacomadrejahi! does someone has used an anviz ao280 fingerprint device?23:34
RyNomy FGLRX driver is showing "activated but not currently in use" can someoen help me with this?23:34
angelusthanks joebodo23:34
hedkandierUSUL: ie where to send packets23:34
hedkandiDoes the kernel automatically attempt to use any / all available network interfaces?23:35
pacificaZykoticK9, found the problem.... even though /etc/bash.bashrc section is commented out23:35
pacificaZykoticK9, its still in ~/.bashrc23:35
erUSULtipi: right click on the panel and choose add to panel. in the list of applets there is the one that draws the menus (there are two versions one with only one button and the default Apps Places System menu )23:35
pacificaZykoticK9, so after commenting out that bit, things like xtermset -T "title" work....23:35
hdonZykoticK9: what's jaunty's default key combo for xkill?23:35
pacificaZykoticK9, thanks for helping to think about this :-)23:35
Alex____ZykoticK9: That's why apt-on-cd isn't working for me... ubuntu-restricted-extras, screenlets, emerald and compizconfig-settings-manager aren't in the folder23:35
hdonAdeman: is there a metacity scripting language? or metacity interfaces for another scripting lang?23:36
ZykoticK9pacifica, "# If this is an xterm set the title to user@host:dir" nice catch :)23:36
erUSULhedkandi: the kernel only loads the drivers for the nic (or modem or whatever) and present userspace with the interface to configure (ethx wlanx pppx sit pan br etc)23:36
Joshua^^system powers up. Ubuntu loads. I pick my language "English" then select "Try without any changes to your computer" and it just hangs.23:36
Curly_QTipi if you want to fix that make sure that when you set up a USER ACCOUNT in ROOT, backup all of your important data from ROOT and then go back to root and delete the account and create the same account if you want those drivers or things you did.23:36
tipierUSUL__ already tried that, but if I add a new menu to the panel, no system-> settings23:37
ZykoticK9hdon, xkill has a hotkey?  news to me.23:37
* ale_ Hi23:37
violet523so does anyone know about implimenting opengl using an nvidia geforce 5200?23:38
lukeshello. I suspect the spindown time for my hdd is too low. how can I check the current value?23:38
erUSULtipi: works here...23:38
erUSUL!resetpanel | tipi23:38
ubottutipi: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »23:38
preecheris there a way i can make a copy of my ubuntu that will have all the progs that i have23:38
pacificaAlex____, just browse http://packages.ubuntu.com23:39
erUSULviolet523: System>Admin>hardware drivers23:39
tipiubottu already tried that, no change23:39
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:39
Joshua^^No HD activity,  CD in  drive does not spin.23:39
erUSULpreecher: use partimage or clonezilla ? to backup the hard disk23:39
a_can someone please tell me how to change ownership on an external HD? I've tried chown, but it didn't take effect.23:39
erUSUL!clone | preecher23:39
ubottupreecher: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate23:39
albertong i have some probleme with the internet connexion sharing through my windows xp service pack 3 os to ubuntu server 9.0423:39
albertong i can ping all os but i can't ping google on ubuntu server23:39
pacificaAlex____, if you search there for ubuntu-restricted-extras23:40
tipierUSUL but works usually but not when they are deleted I guess23:40
erUSULalbertong: what error do you get ?23:40
pacificaAlex____, you'll get http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=ubuntu-restricted-extras&searchon=names&suite=jaunty&section=all23:40
erUSULalbertong: from ping23:40
ZykoticK9Alex____, i see your problem!  i don't have those deb file either.  still looking though.23:40
pacificaAlex____, then click on "jaunty" (for instance)23:40
pacificathen at the bottom of the page there's a download section23:40
violet523erUSUL: he only problem is when i use the NVIDIA accelerated graphics drivers (173) X won't load up and i can't even get to a virtual terminal23:41
Joshua^^should I pick OEM install?23:41
pacificaclick on there, it will take you to a list of mirrors23:41
erUSUL!envyng | violet52323:41
ubottuviolet523: EnvyNG is a program to install newer version of nVidia or ATi drivers, it can be found in !Universe as "envyng-gtk" (for Gtk/Gnome) or "envyng-qt" (for Qt/KDE). It is NOT a supported method to install video drivers; please only use it if standard methods fail and at your own risk - See also !BinaryDriver23:41
Alex____pacifica: I see. I thought you were somehow trying to do like sudo wget ubuntu-restricted-extras and I wasn't following lol23:41
pacificaAlex____, then right click one of the mirrors and choose Copy Link Location23:41
pacificaAlex____, then paste that after "wget"23:41
gasmaskHi guys23:41
violet523erUSUL: yeah that was the program i first tried23:42
pacificaAlex____, this needs to be like this since you might be downloading for a completely different version of Ubuntu23:42
starcannonDoes anyone here play Savage 2?23:43
Alex____pacifica: I just hadn't noticed that you could download the debs off packages.ubuntu.com23:43
pacificaAlex____, there you go :-)23:43
gasmaskI'm having a problem with "Terminator" terminal emu. It won't read the config file at /home/USERNAME/.config/terminator/config. Any hints?23:43
albertongerUSUL : unknow host www.google.com23:43
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erUSULalbertong: and if you use a numeric ip ? ping
MadsRHTrying to run "make && sudo make install" but I get an: make: *** No specified target and no makefil found. Stop.23:44
erUSULalbertong: maybe it is just that you do not have nameservers defined23:44
infidhow do you disable the thing that shows bubbles of your pidgin messages? i thought it was indicator-applet but i removed it and it's still happening23:44
gasmaskI'm having a problem with "Terminator" terminal emu. It won't read the config file at /home/USERNAME/.config/terminator/config. Any hints?23:45
albertongerUSUL: same error from ping23:45
mistergibson1what is the best channel for chatting on motherboards?23:45
gasmaskHi swoody!23:46
violet523if gdm is hanging because of an incorrect module, what key combo will force quit it?23:46
erUSULalbertong: same error? unknown host ? it is not no route to host? or something else ?23:46
erUSULmistergibson1: ##hardware ?23:46
PhreeStylehaving a problem with sbackup, hope someone can help. When I set the scheduled time, it won't let me set the hour higher than 13. If I manually enter 19, it resets back to 13. Anyone know how to fix this?23:46
Joshua^^When installing ubuntu, how long does it take before you see any progress indicator?23:47
melherndonAnyone gotten Wink to work with Ubuntu? I have symlinked the required libraries, but the install still gripes about it23:47
tuffaxhey guys.. is there a way to share packages across a network?23:47
hassanakevazirIs there a good application I can use to organize a large number of videos? Like how rhythmbox is for audio files. is there a video library application?23:47
albertongerUSUL:not i have configured my gateway properly!23:49
winterswifthassanakevazir: i think Miro would do that23:49
erUSULhassanakevazir: banshee supports video afaics (but i have not used it much for that)23:49
colosseumHi all. Is there any1 who can helkp for me about apach2 and joomle?:)23:49
erUSULalbertong: :) ok23:49
albertongand i can see my gateway by type " route -n "23:49
gasmaskhassanakevazir: you can use miro. It does a prity good job, also downloads internet videos from youtube I think. http://www.getmiro.com/23:49
ZykoticK9gasmask, do you remember did you have to create the directory terminator and then create the config inside the directory?  cause it certainly not their by default on my system.  still testing though..23:49
gasmaskwinterswift: haha I was typing it as you did too! too good!23:50
winterswiftgasmask: :D nice23:50
ZykoticK9gasmask, could you also verify that "echo $XDG_CONFIG_HOME" doesn't come up with anything on your system either?23:50
gasmaskZykoticK9: Yeah, I did have to create it23:50
hedkandiwhat's a good chatroom to talk about tcp/ip23:50
gasmaskZykoticK9: ok, one sec23:51
LjLhedkandi: ##networking i assume?23:51
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gasmaskZykoticK9: yeah, nothing23:51
winterswifthedkandi: #tcpip?23:51
hassanakevazirwinterswift, erUSUL, gasmask , I can't install Miro thought, there is a conflict with in it with a 3rd party rep I use for VDPAU support. I guess I'll take a look at banshee, forgot to search in sourceforge too , thanks23:52
winterswifthassanakevazir: theres also Mplayer, not sure about libraries though23:54
codyHello everyone! I need help setting up a network printer. It is connected to my computer (a desktop) which is directly connected to my modem. I want the printer to be available over the wireless network. How do i accomplish that?23:54
gasmaskhassanakevazir: hmmm, I'll see there is a .deb for it...23:54
ZykoticK9gasmask, re- XDG... good.  ok -- i got terminator to read my config file..?..?..23:54
ae86-drifterit the printer connected with ethernet cable using a print server or do you want to share it via usb? or what23:54
codyThe printer is connected to my USB. My computer is connected to my modem via ethernet.23:55
gasmaskhassanakevazir: here is a deb from getdebs: http://www.getdeb.net/app/Miro23:55
gasmaskZykoticK9: did you do anything special?23:55
ae86-drifterhave u got the cups drivers installed23:55
codyae86-drifter: Yes, i do. The printer is Brother MFC-210C and i can print from my computer right now23:56
codyThe operating systems of the wireless computers are vista23:56
ZykoticK9gasmask, my entire config file is just "[keybindings] / full_screen = <Ctrl><Shift>F12" but i swithed it from F11 and it accepted the change fine.  are you sure it's in ~/.config/terminator/ and called config?23:56
ae86-drifteri do technical support for brother printers23:56
RainyLithuanianfail, I believe the problem lies in some bug23:56
RainyLithuaniannot in under-support23:57
jeniajoin c++23:57
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ae86-drifterare you sharing to other linux machines?23:57
codyae86-drifter: No, it will be to windows vista machines23:57
invitingdopemanhow do i register my nickname23:57
ae86-drifteryou need to configure your samba server then23:57
lstarnes!register > invitingdopeman23:57
ubottuinvitingdopeman, please see my private message23:57
codyae86-drifter: How will i do that?23:57
gasmaskZykoticK9: "pwd    /home/john/.config/terminator "  "ls   config"23:57
ae86-driftercody: create a share for the printer in system > Administration > Samba Config, make sure samba is installed23:58
ZykoticK9gasmask, also look at what "terminator -d" gives you for output - see if anything jumps out about the config file and an error or missing type stuff23:58
codyae86-drifter: There is no selection called samba config. The command would be sudo apt-get install samba correct?23:58
ae86-driftercody: exactly23:59
m0r0nHow do I unmount my cd drive located at /media/cdrom0 as root23:59
nossralsuvacody: sudo apt-get install system-samba-config23:59
codyae86-drifter: Okay, installing now23:59
lstarnesm0r0n: sudo umount /media/cdrom023:59
nossralsuvam0r0n: sudo umount /media/cdrom023:59

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