
Kermiacis anyone around to give me some advice? I setup 2 PC's (1 jaunty & 1 karmic) yesterday but cannot add a jaunty PC today. Everything installed ok but the webpage to authorize this PC doesnt show up00:40
Kermiaci've looked thru a fair number of bug reports related to this & i'm not using a proxy00:40
wgrantIs the Notes web UI meant to do anything?00:46
Kermiacok, I've found a bug report with the same issue posted today that I added to.01:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451670 in ubuntuone-client "no HTTPSConnection._tunnel_host in python <= 2.6.2" [Undecided,New]01:12
Kermiaclet me know if you need any more info01:13
patrickballeuxJust a quicky... in the web inteface of Ubuntu One, when a folder has 15-20 files in it, I cannot see the last files because of the little cloud at the bottom.02:37
patrickballeuxA bit annoying02:38
tiz_Sorry, I am sure this must be an FAQ and/or my own stupidity, but I can't find the answer on the page... I didn't get a webpage pop up at Step 4 of the installation instructions to "Add My Computer", and I can't see this button anywhere on the web-page.11:41
tiz_What am I doing wrong?11:41
diverse_izzuehi. my ubuntuone doesn't connect automatically after the first login after a system boot. syncdaemon-exceptions.log is empty.11:49
diverse_izzuemy syncdaemon.log is here: http://pastebin.com/m237acfe811:50
rachaelbso my account is still showing only 2gb rather than the 50gb i've paid for12:04
rachaelband the new applet just will not connect12:04
rachaelbthis has been going on for >2 days now12:04
rachaelbi thought it was being sorted????12:04
rachaelbis canonical going to refund for my money for a useless service (as actually required under UK law) or make some sort of gesture of goodwill to all those affected by this???12:05
rachaelbfabulous response as ever - it's been fun12:10
CardinalFangrachaelb, what is the applet doing?12:11
rachaelbabsolutely nothing12:11
rachaelbzip/nada/sweet fa12:11
rachaelbit will not connect12:11
rachaelband then there's the whole issue of $$$ handed over for a service that apparently i no longer have12:12
rachaelbnot that i could use it even if i did because the applet doesnt work12:12
rachaelbit *did* work and then this latest downgrade has killed it12:12
rachaelbgreat well any time anyone from canonical fancies actually getting in touch my email is "launchpad at rlb.me"12:15
rachaelbi guess i won't hold my breath though12:15
CardinalFang(sorry, on a call)12:16
aquariusrachaelb, hi12:21
aquariusrachaelb, OK, it looks like there are two separate issues here; your account showing 2GB instead of 50GB, and the applet not connecting for you; do I have those right?12:22
rachaelbi was told 3 days ago that the account issue would be fixed - it hasnt12:22
jblountrachaelb: Does https://edge.one.ubuntu.com/account/ show you the correct plan?12:23
rachaelbyes it does12:23
jblountrachaelb: I'm very sorry this isn't on production yet, but I got that fix out the same night you spoke with pfibiger about this appearing incorrectly. We should have it rolled out to the proper website later today.12:24
CardinalFangrachaelb, as far as the storage space, it is simply a problem in description and not an imposed limit, and as far as I know, you could actually store terabytes of data at present.12:24
rachaelbok... and the applet issue is in hand i take it?12:25
jblountrachaelb: I'm not sure exactly what your client is doing, but I have been seeing lots of bugs get marked as resolved concerning connection issue. I just deleted a few folders in my Ubuntu One files and it got replicated perfectly (on current / upgraded Karmic)12:27
rachaelbthe client is doing anything - it is stubbornly refusing to connect12:27
jblountrachaelb: Yikes! Is it popping open a web browser window at any point while it's being stubborn?12:28
rachaelbi can go to the web page from it12:28
rachaelbbut then i have to re-authorise the computer every time i do that12:28
rachaelbthis computer now has about 8 different id codes12:29
jblountrachaelb: That sounds like one of these bugs that is already resolved. Have you updated your computer recently?12:29
rachaelblast night was the most recent12:29
rachaelbabout 13 hours ago12:29
* jblount hopes for more insight from CardinalFang 12:30
rachaelbim just checking on synaptic now to see if im missing an update12:31
CardinalFangrachaelb, do you have a file  "~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log" ?12:32
jblountrachaelb: I had to reboot because of the last update, although I'm wary of suggesting a reboot on an Ubuntu machine as a fix for anything :)12:32
rachaelbok there's no ubuntuone client update available12:32
rachaelband the machine has been turned off over night12:32
rachaelbso it has been rebooted12:32
rachaelbim just checking on the file12:33
CardinalFangrachaelb, also from a terminal,  $ ps x |grep ubuntuon[e]12:33
rachaelbok ive got 6 exceptions logs12:35
CardinalFangrachaelb, okay.  Please paste the contests of the un-dated one to   http://paste.ubuntu.com/  and give us the URL.12:36
rachaelbthe ps x | grep gives:12:36
rachaelb2427 ?        Sl     0:16 /usr/bin/python /usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-applet12:37
rachaelb 2555 ?        Sl     0:17 /usr/bin/python /usr/lib/ubuntuone-client/ubuntuone-syncdaemon12:37
CardinalFangrachaelb,  perfect.  it doesn't have to be the entire file, btw.  Duplication isn't necessary to paste.12:37
rachaelband the paste url is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/293868/12:38
CardinalFangrachaelb, those multiple authorisations sound strange to me.  Let's remove all of them and re-auth.12:41
CardinalFangrachaelb, first,  $ killall -r ubuntuone-.\*12:41
rachaelbas i said earlier every time ive gone to the web site ive had to re-authorise this machine12:41
rachaelbis this as root or user?12:42
rachaelbok... as user works12:42
CardinalFangrachaelb, normal user.  I assume you're not running as root always, right?12:42
rachaelbno i'm not lol12:42
CardinalFangthen, Applications -> Accessories -> Passwords and Encryption Keys12:42
CardinalFangUnder login passwords, how many "UbuntuOne token...." items do you have?12:43
CardinalFangWhat else do you have in there?12:44
rachaelbive got 2 "Desktop Couch User" tokens that seem to be associated with ubuntuone12:45
=== tiz_ is now known as tiz
rachaelbbtw it probably doesnt make any difference but im running UNR if that helps12:46
CardinalFangThanks.  It *shouldn't* be different.12:47
rachaelbi didnt think so12:47
CardinalFangI'm trying to imagine why you dont have at least one "UbuntuOne token" .12:47
rachaelbanyway "Desktop Couch user authentication" mean anything to you? it's only associated with ubuntuone12:47
CardinalFangYes, it does mean something to me, but it's not the cause.12:48
rachaelboh ok12:48
rachaelbive only got 7 other keys stored and they're for wifi, mobile boradband, exchange server, IM accounts12:48
rachaelbapart from not auto-connecting everything was working fine until the new applet came out12:49
CardinalFangrachaelb, From a terminal again:12:50
CardinalFang$ gnome-open http://google.com/12:50
CardinalFangWhat happened?12:51
rachaelbgoogle opened up12:51
rachaelbif i right click on the applet and select "go to web" it does it... tho i have to sign in with launchpad12:52
rachaelbjust out of mindless curiosity... why "cardinal fang"????12:52
aquariusCardinalFang, it might be worth rachaelb killing the applet and starting it again from the terminal, which should kick off authentication (or report why it didn't)12:52
rachaelbthe applet has already been killed aqaurius12:53
rachaelbcan restart it12:53
aquariusrachaelb, can you restart the applet from the command line? (ubuntuone-client-applet)12:53
CardinalFangrachaelb, you shouldn't have an applet running right now!12:54
CardinalFangaquarius, she just booted not long ago.12:55
rachaelberrrr..... its worked tho12:55
rachaelband ive even got an unbtnuone token now12:56
aquariusrachaelb, that's good news, excellent12:57
rachaelbso wtf happend????12:58
CardinalFangrachaelb, strange.  I suggest booting again to see that it works again without any extra effort.12:58
rachaelbwill do... im just d/l the latest set of updates12:58
CardinalFangrachaelb, I don't know yet.  That you didn't have a token is a mystery to me.12:58
rachaelbso gimme 10-15 mins and i'll reboot (after ive had a coffee) and come back and let you know whats happening... ok???12:58
CardinalFangrachaelb, Okay.  I'll be away then, but plenty of people are here.12:59
rachaelbi now have this computer authorised 7 times on the account lol12:59
rachaelbhang on the updates are just installing13:00
CardinalFangrachaelb, right, ubuntuone site has given out seven access tokens to your machine, and a minute ago, it had none stored.13:00
rachaelbbe 2 mins13:00
diverse_izzuei also have a problem with ubuntuone. my client doesn't auto-connect after the first login after a system boot. manually connecting via the applet works though.13:01
diverse_izzuethe error log is empty13:01
rachaelbdoes it make a difference that the last connection was made by starting the applet form the command line?13:01
CardinalFangrachaelb, probably not.13:01
rachaelbok .... nearly there with the updates13:02
CardinalFangdiverse_izzue, right-click on applet, "preferences".  What says "connect on start"?13:02
rachaelbpreparing linux headers.... *snooze*13:03
CardinalFangdiverse_izzue, Huh.  I don't know.  Anyone?  aquarius, you take this one!  :)13:04
* CardinalFang is afk for a while.13:04
aquariusdiverse_izzue, so it's set to connect on start, and yet it is not connecting on start. Interesting :)13:05
aquariusdiverse_izzue, do I have that correct?13:05
rachaelbhi aquarius... am re-booting now... back in 2 mins :)13:05
diverse_izzueright. i'm quite positive that it only does it after the first login after system boot. after logout/login it connects. i'll verify this as soon as i can log out.13:05
aquariusdiverse_izzue, that sounds like it might be an actual bug; can you report it with "ubuntu-bug ubuntuone-client" for us?13:06
aquariusrachaelb, cool :)13:06
diverse_izzueaquarius, i sure can. and will.13:06
aquariusdiverse_izzue, thanks!13:06
diverse_izzuethe other thing: are couchdb contacts supposed to work?13:06
diverse_izzuei get a 404 in the web UI13:06
diverse_izzueand an error message in evolution13:07
diverse_izzueaquarius, ^13:11
aquariusdiverse_izzue, the contacts web UI isn't released yet. Evolution shouldn't be throwing errors, though. rodrigo_ is your person to talk to about that, if you have a record of the error13:12
rodrigo_diverse_izzue: which error message?13:12
rachaelbhi aquarius13:13
rachaelbok... it's playing nicely now13:13
rachaelbthankyou soooooo much13:13
aquariusrachaelb, No problem. I'm glad it works for you! Welcome to Ubuntu One. :)13:13
rachaelbmust have been a less than clean upgrade from the old to the new applet13:14
rachaelbnow.... whats this about *terrabyes* of storage?13:14
aquariusrachaelb, ignore that comment. ;)13:14
rachaelbok... better not move stuff over then from my main storage supplier13:15
rachaelbcan i make a couple of development suggestions?13:15
aquariusMoving your terabytes of stored data: Not just yet (the 50GB is the largest plan, currently). We're looking at larger plans; if you'd really like that to happen, filing a request through the bugtracking system or mentioning it on the mailing list is a good way to make sure your request is on our radar.13:16
aquariusCertainly make suggestions!13:16
diverse_izzuerodrigo_, "error loading address book." this address book cannot be opened. this either means that an incorrect URI was entered, or the server is unreachable. Detailed error messge: Address Bok does not exist"13:17
rodrigo_diverse_izzue: this means desktopcouch is not running, or that evo can't authenticate to dc13:17
rachaelbok.... (1) you're kinda assuming that people at the moment don't already have on-line storage accounts... but many people (including myself) do with substantial amounts of data in them (in may case >350 gig).13:17
rodrigo_diverse_izzue: can you please open a terminal and:13:17
rodrigo_$ evolution --force-shutdown13:18
rodrigo_$ /usr/lib/evolution/evolution-data-server-2.2813:18
rachaelbif i was to move over to ubuntuone i would have to re-upload all that data which is impossible. some sort of "wget" facility on the web site would allow direct http transer from my current storage provider13:18
rodrigo_then run evolution and try again, and pastebin the output in the terminal?13:18
rachaelb(2) it would be nice not only to be able to choose which files to sync locally, but also to elect to have files on-line that are not synced as well... allowing for a redundant storage facility13:19
diverse_izzuei don't have the eds executable where you say it is...13:19
rachaelb(3) some sort of on-line zoho docs type integration would be very useful as would an on-line media player13:19
diverse_izzuefound it13:20
aquariusrachaelb, (3) is on our list of "things that lots of people have asked for" :)13:20
rachaelbthats good... i think (1) + (2) are kinda important as well tho13:21
aquariusrachaelb, (1) is an interesting one; I don't think anyone's brought that up before. Can I ask you to file a request for that with the bug tracker so we don't lose sight of it and our product manager can prioritise it?13:21
rodrigo_diverse_izzue: oh, where was it?13:21
rachaelbyeah sure13:21
rachaelbthanks for your time13:21
diverse_izzuerodrigo_, exactly where you said. i misread13:22
diverse_izzuerodrigo_, http://pastebin.com/m35812fab13:22
rodrigo_diverse_izzue: ah, ok :)13:22
rodrigo_diverse_izzue: right, desktopcouch not running13:22
diverse_izzuerodrigo_, what is supposed to start it?13:23
rodrigo_aquarius: is dc supposed to be activated by calling the dbus methods? because I'm seeing some people having that problem of it not being running, and not activated by evo-couchdb13:23
aquariusrodrigo_, yes it is13:23
rodrigo_diverse_izzue: I think it should, if the dbus service is correctly setup13:23
diverse_izzuerodrigo_, i have two couchdb processes running, but indeed no couchdb process13:24
diverse_izzuesorry, no desktopcouch process13:24
rodrigo_diverse_izzue: and the couchdb processes are running under your user?13:24
aquariusdiverse_izzue, can you try this: python -c "from desktopcouch.records.server import CouchDatabase; db=CouchDatabase('management',create=True)"13:25
aquariusand paste the output?13:25
diverse_izzuerodrigo_, yes they are13:26
rodrigo_so, it's the dc dbus service not running13:26
rodrigo_diverse_izzue: run the command aquarius pasted, please13:27
diverse_izzueaquarius, rodrigo_, that gives me a traceback: http://pastebin.com/m563bc72d13:27
* aquarius scratches head13:28
rodrigo_unauthorized, that is13:28
aquariusdiverse_izzue, ok. as you (not as root!) "killall beam.smp" then "killall desktopcouch-service"13:28
aquariusrodrigo_, yeah, I know what it is, I don't know why it's happening  :)13:28
aquariusdiverse_izzue, then "rm $HOME/.config/desktop-couch/desktop-couchdb.ini"13:29
aquariusthen try that python command again13:29
aquariusthis will not lose any of your data in couchdb13:29
diverse_izzueaquarius, http://pastebin.com/m3e226b4b13:31
aquariusdiverse_izzue, which version of desktopcouch are you running? apt-cache policy python-desktopcouch13:32
diverse_izzueaquarius, sorry, after killing the beam.smp it successfully starts the couchdb13:33
aquariusaha, good13:33
diverse_izzueand also works in evo now13:33
aquariusso desktopcouch got confused13:33
aquariusI think you might have had a very old ini file. Which makes you one of our early adopters and so we love you :)13:34
diverse_izzuethanks :_)13:34
diverse_izzue(i was an early adopter)13:34
diverse_izzuelemme just logout/login to confirm the bug we were talking about before...13:35
aquariusif you had an ini file without oauth tokens in it then you've been using DC nearly since the beginning ;)13:35
rodrigo_cool, I guess that's the problem people are having, old .ini files13:36
rodrigo_so, now I can go happily to have lunch :)13:36
aquariusrodrigo_, yep! deleting the ini file does not delete any data, so you can advise people to do it. It will break any pairings they have done between machines, though.13:37
aquarius(not pairing with U1, though)13:37
diverse_izzueaquarius, the autoconnect issue is now filed: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntuone-client/+bug/45212513:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 452125 in ubuntuone-client "ubuntuone-client doesn't autoconnect after first login after system boot" [Undecided,New]13:44
aquariusdiverse_izzue, thanks!13:44
* dobey should write a blog entry about filing good bug reports14:01
CardinalFangaquarius, thisfred, hej hej.14:02
aquariusCardinalFang, hi14:02
thisfredbonjour CardinalFang14:03
thisfredCardinalFang: don't know if you've followed along, but we may be running into a bug in effing Apache14:03
thisfredCardinalFang:  https://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=4473014:04
ubottuissues.apache.org bug 44730 in mod_proxy "duplicate query string in remote server url when using "nocanon" reverse proxy" [Normal,New]14:04
aquariuswell done ubottu :)14:05
aquariusthisfred, where's our proxy configuration? I know I've seen it14:05
thisfredCardinalFang: so in nocanon mode, apache passes the querystring in the raw URI, and as a querystring14:05
thisfredCardinalFang: the obvious solution, turning off nocanon may not work, because we don't know if c1525142nization breaks the signatures14:07
CardinalFangMaybe we should add nginx on another port to find out.14:08
thisfredCardinalFang: and make ssl work on a different port?14:10
CardinalFangSomething.  All this time wasted because SSL doesn't work in some way has made me hate it hate it hate it.14:11
thisfredok, I really need to shower before anything else. In the words of Ludo, in the Jim Henson motion picture 'Labyrinth': SMELL BAAAAAAAD!14:11
* dobey wonders how to debug these autoconnect problems14:29
dobeythisfred: you're the bog of eternal stench?14:30
mattgriffindobey: +1 for fixing autoconnect problems. just noticed it last night.14:30
* dobey makes a note to never room with thisfred at confs.14:30
dobeymattgriffin: i'd happily fix them if i knew what was wrong :)14:31
dobeyi suspect it's a race14:31
dobeyand races are hard to fix (I tried once at Colonial Downs, but oi, it was hard to do)14:31
thisfreddobey: hehe, yep, or at least I was this morning14:31
=== rmcbride_ is now known as rmcbride
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:00
jblountDesktop+! Let's meet! Say "me" if you'd like to respond with your TODO / DONE / BLOCKED15:00
jblountor me15:00
dobeyi see jblount doesn't love me any more15:00
* jblount hugs dobey15:00
* jblount also recognizes his need of a meeting-bot15:01
dobeyit's ok, rhythmbox hates me too i think15:01
rodrigo_jblount: aren't you the bot? you're doing a great job pinging people in time :)15:01
=== jblount is now known as jblount-bot
jblount-botSo let's go ahead and get started:15:01
jblount-botDONE: Calls, Fixed up homepage design, landed homepage design, fretted about javascript linting ( https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bugs?field.searchtext=&orderby=-importance&search=Search&field.status%3Alist=FIXCOMMITTED&assignee_option=choose&field.assignee=jblount&field.bug_reporter=&field.bug_supervisor=&field.bug_commenter=&field.subscriber=&field.omit_dupes.used=&field.omit_dupes=on&field.has_patch.used=&field.has_cve.used=&15:01
jblount-botTODO: #449799 and #440129 (copy changes and /contacts ui stuff)15:02
jblount-botrodrigo_: You!15:02
jblount-botBLOCKED: No, but I am triumphant.15:02
rodrigo_• DONE: Landed new notes tests branch. More XML<->HTML tomboy notes conversion fixes. Songbird15:02
rodrigo_• TODO: Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). openSUSE/Fedora packaging with aquarius. API documentation for couchdb-glib. Make sandy's snowy test suite work with our server (http://git.gnome.org/cgit/snowy/tree/api/tests.py). Discuss with jdo and aquarius about oauth token per app, not per machine?15:02
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: no15:02
rodrigo_urbanape: go!15:02
urbanapeDONE: Almost done with the contacts delete confirmation.15:02
urbanapeTODO: Fix one little hiccup with my branch and promote.15:02
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:02
urbanapeCardinalFang: you're up.15:02
CardinalFangDONE: Worked on replication.  Developed ulcer.  Yelled at couchdb, ssl, apache, and my own code, each.  Packaged couchdb in anticipation of bug fix, but abandoned it.15:04
CardinalFangTODO: Help with replication.  Fix Bug /451809 with kenvandine.15:04
CardinalFangBLOCKED: Some problem with SSL and Apache, and maybe couchdb.15:04
CardinalFangaquarius, what's the news?15:04
aquarius⚀ DONE: landed notes web css; wsgi-oops patches to make logs bzipped; improved web-api-tool; nearly headbutted myself to death with annoyance at bloody bloody bloody replication not bloody working; helped jblount with jslint complaints15:04
aquarius⚁ TODO: work with thisfred and cardinalfang with oauth u1couch; look at oauth-enabling twisted; make tomboy first-sync experience nicer15:04
aquarius⚂ BLOCKED: can't get u1couch to work; low tolerance for frustration15:04
aquarius⚃ BUG COUNT:https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/~sil/+assignedbugs?field.tag=ubuntuone-karmic - 215:04
aquariusdobey-san, show me: wax on, wax off15:04
dobey☺ DONE: Resubmitted /plans redirect fix, Fixed #45115415:04
dobey☹ TODO: Branch client/protocol for stable, Write a nifty "Reporting Good Bugs" blog/document.15:04
dobey☹ BLCK: Cold and rainy, my bones are aching.15:04
dobeyvds ciao15:04
vdsDONE:proposed branch on couchdb compaction #44940215:04
vdsTODO: check the status of the storage controller work and decide what to do accordingly15:04
vdsBLOCKED: Nope15:04
vdsteknico: all yours15:04
teknicoDONE: done more reviews; finished adapting the contacts web details and add/edit pages to the new design (#439090)15:04
teknicoTODO: landing the adaption of the contacts web details and add/edit pages to the new design (#439090); integrating the client-side code needed by the contacts web ui (#439093)15:04
teknicoBLOCK: none15:04
tekniconext: noone15:04
aquariusCardinalFang, hahaha ulcer. I know just precisely what you mean15:05
jblount-botMEETING ENDS15:06
=== jblount-bot is now known as jblount
jcastrohow would I debug invite problems? I've tried sharing multiple folders with people and the other way around and get no notification of this15:07
dobeyjcastro: you never get an e-mail?15:14
dobey(or the other person doesn't)15:14
jcastrois there like a queue in the webui?15:14
dobeyqueue? of "invites i need to take action on" ?15:15
jcastroyeah, in the web ui? or is it email only?15:16
dobeyi don't think there's web ui for that, but we should probably definitely add some15:16
dobeythough i'm not sure how it would work15:16
dobeyi don't know that we have any reliable way to map an e-mail address to a username15:19
dobeyat some point though, there will be contacts integration15:19
dobeyso sharing will be easier15:20
jcastrosome hot m-i integration with incoming invites would be useful at some point15:20
dobeyyeah, we'll have that for lucid15:20
dobeythat's the plan anyway15:20
dobeythat's going to be complicated to do though15:21
aquariusdobey, rly?15:22
dobeywell i'd like to keep the client usable on other distributions too. message-indicator is an ubuntu thing15:22
dobeyit will still probably be easier than doing HTTPS in python though15:23
aquariusdobey, just drop an invite into desktopcouch and then have a watcher which pokes them into the MI. although that doesn't work for people who are invited because they don't have an account yet, but that's gotta be email - we don't know anything else about them15:23
amgarchIn9is it by design that if I upload a file via the web-interface the applet in taskbar does not notice the change untill restart?15:24
dobeyaquarius: well we'll have something do it. probably with a try:except ImportError: on the module, and just do if indicator: everywhere15:25
aquariusdobey, yeah (don't you put things in the MI by calling its d-bus interface?)15:25
dobeyamgarchIn9: no. it may be just slow notifying the client from the server. there are some developers working on improving the server side change notifications though15:26
dobeyaquarius: there's a python module for it15:26
aquariusdobey, nice, I didn't know that15:26
dobeyaquarius: i'd much rather use the that than python-dbus15:26
* dobey stabs python-dbus15:27
dobeyalthough i might just rewrite the applet in C for lucid15:27
dobeyto make my life 4343u20535343 times easier15:27
amgarchIn9dobey: so it is not periodical "polling"? Will server-initiated notification work over firewall?15:29
jcastrorodrigo_: ok, I am all set to get you more tomboy and evo-couch testers or do I wait?15:31
rodrigo_jcastro: for tomboy, it seems we're still having some people see problems with couchdb connections, so not sure15:32
rodrigo_jcastro: although I guess it's ok, so yeah go ahead15:32
rodrigo_jcastro: it's announced on the front page of u1, so yeah15:32
rodrigo_jcastro: for evo-couchdb, go ahead please!15:33
dobeyamgarchIn9: no it doesn't poll. and yes, it should work through the firewall. we open a persistent connection to the server15:33
jcastrorodrigo_: on it in the next ~20 or so.15:33
rodrigo_jcastro: cool, thanks!15:34
jcastrorodrigo_: hmm, the screenshots on the one front page don't match what the notes webui actually looks like at all, I guess something still needs to land server side?15:36
rodrigo_jcastro: hmm, I think it's a tomboy screenshot, isn't it?15:36
rodrigo_the search notes window15:36
jcastrono it's a screenshot of the webui15:37
jcastroone sec, I have to sign out and back in to get to that page15:37
rodrigo_jcastro: that's the new UI indeed, it was rolled out yesterday15:40
rodrigo_jcastro: I thought you meant the shot at one.u1.com when you're not logged in15:40
jcastrook I don't see that new UI15:41
dobeythe new ui isn't done15:42
aquariusnew notes UI is done, but it's on edge15:42
dobeyif it's not in production it's not done :)15:42
rodrigo_right, it's on edge, sorry jcastro15:42
jcastrook, I'll wait until then I think15:42
jcastrono worries!15:42
aquariusdobey, a laudable approach :)15:43
rodrigo_for people getting yesterday 500 HTTP errors on /notes and /contacts, can you please confirm/deny it works for you today?15:43
rodrigo_Technoviking: you were getting those, right?15:43
jcastroI still get 404 on contacts15:43
jcastroon both edge and normal15:43
aquariusjcastro, yeah, contacts is restricted access atm15:44
rodrigo_jcastro: I think that's normal, it's only available to ubuntuone-hackers, right dobey, aquarius?15:44
jcastroah ok15:44
aquariusnotes is available as you say; new notes UI is at edge/notes. Some people were getting 500 errors yesterday from notes, which i think I fixed by jacking up the number of allowed couchdbs :)15:44
aquariuswhich I think is what rodrigo_ is confirming?15:45
jcastroso next issue, bindwood causes a grindfest for me, and it seems that when I make changes locally couchdb then undoes them all back.15:46
jcastrohowever I noticed people are having desktopcouch problems today so that might be a problem15:46
Technovikingrodrigo_: I'm still getting 404 errors on the contacts, notes is fine15:51
rodrigo_Technoviking: ok, 404 is normal, access to it is restricted15:52
rodrigo_so cool, aquarius seems to have fixed the problem then :)15:52
aquariusrodrigo_, temporarily fixed15:52
rodrigo_aquarius: until we get more users, I guess?15:52
jcastro"Until next week when we'll double our users in a 6 hours period...."15:53
amgarchIn9U1 uploads other files, does not want to upload local copy if I created that: "failure ALREADY_EXISTS", renames to *.u1conflict. But doesnt download the remote file after several active negotiations.15:54
rodrigo_aquarius: is there a bug already for this problem?15:54
diverse_izzuethe web ui ellipsises file names even if they would easily fit into a column of that width15:55
mattgriffindobey: is there a bug already open for the autoconnect issue?15:56
dobeymattgriffin: there are a few different bugs open15:56
dobeymattgriffin: but i'm not really sure how to approach debugging them yet15:56
dobeythough it's one of the many millions of things on my mind :)15:57
mattgriffindobey: can you send the #'s my way please15:57
amgarchIn9more general question: is there a way to run U1 on a headless server? I only rarely login there over X and thought of U1 as a replacement of scp/rsync.15:57
amgarchIn9*officially supported way15:58
dobeyamgarchIn9: there's no truly headless support yet, no15:58
dobeymattgriffin: #452125 is one15:59
dobeymattgriffin: and #450082 is another16:00
dobeymattgriffin: surely there's a few more, but i don't know the #s right now. those 2 were at the top of the list in my mail list :)16:06
jcastrorodrigo_: ok I just did a clean install and the tomboy sync workflow is rocking16:15
rodrigo_jcastro: cool!16:15
jcastrorodrigo_: the conflict right out of the box with the example notes kind of sucks but it all works16:16
rodrigo_yeah, tomboy should offer another option for conflicts, 'Keep local note'16:17
jcastroyeah, it does all that16:17
jcastroI mean, we should figure out a way in lucid to make it so the first thing the person sees isn't a conflict.16:18
jcastroperhaps have the default notes be a special case or something16:18
rodrigo_yeah, I talked with sandy about it, and for next cycle, we'll look at a better solution16:18
rodrigo_not only about this conflict, but about using several sync servers, which doesn't work very well with current tomboy16:18
tizHi all... does UbuntuOne cope well with large numbers of files?  Previously I used DropBox but it's sync process required memory in proportion to the file count.16:35
tizI have a very large number of small files that I want to sync, which caused DropBox to exhaust my machines memory.16:36
tizWondering if UbuntuOne will cope better.16:36
doktoreashello folks17:03
doktoreasis there any problem on the ubuntuone network?17:04
doktoreasI can't connect17:04
aquariustiz, Ubuntu One should cope fine with many small files, but it would be useful to see that confirmed :)17:07
aquariusdoktoreas, you've tried disconnecting and reconnecting?17:10
doktoreasaquarius, same problem17:11
aquariusdoktoreas, have you added the machine you are on to Ubuntu One? (It would have asked you "add this machine")17:12
doktoreasaquarius, the icon says disconnected but files are updated17:12
doktoreasyep it worked fine till noe17:12
aquariusdoktoreas, have you restarted your machine since you started having problems? (don't restart now, if you haven't!)17:12
aquariusdoktoreas, Can you run this in a terminal window: tail $HOME/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon.log17:13
aquariusand put the output on paste.ubuntu.com and say the URL here?17:14
doktoreasnow it prompt me for autorization on this computer17:16
doktoreasah ok, after re-autorization it's ok17:16
doktoreasdobey, something serious?17:20
dobeydoktoreas: no. just pondering17:21
dobeytiz: like aquarius said, but if it doesn't, we would love to have bug reports detailing the issues better, so we can improve that experience17:22
aquariusdoktoreas, ah, it's working again now?17:23
doktoreasbut now seem fine..It just prompted me for re-autorization17:23
dobeytiz: we do have people who have bzr checkouts of say, the launchpad source tree, in ubuntuone, so it should be ok17:23
doktoreasyep aquarius, after that17:23
dobeyaquarius: i'm not sure syncdaemon.log would say anything particularly interesting about that now anyway17:23
dobey(about auth)17:23
dobeywe only log info (starting 1.0.0) and errors now17:24
aquariusdobey, yeah, I was just working through -- where does client-applet log to?17:24
dobeybut again, it won't show anything interesting really17:25
dobeyit will just log errors17:25
aquariusdobey, if someone's got an incorrect oauth token, that'll show up in syncdaemon.log, won't it?17:25
dobeysome of the errors might be useful if it's suggesting something wrong in syncdaemon17:25
dobeyaquarius: not really17:25
dobeyaquarius: if someone has an invalid token, it will just end up getting deleted, and the "add this computer" phase will happen again automaticaslly17:26
aquariusah ok17:26
dobeyand if there are errors talking to the oauth server to get the token, or launching the browser, it should pop up a dialog anyway17:26
dobeywell, unless you're on jaunty17:27
dobeythen python will just die from ImportError or something17:27
* dobey glares at Python17:27
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olewolfHi. Can someone point me towards instructions on how to setup Ubuntu One on a headless server?18:07
olewolfThat is, I have a couple of computers, one of them running 24/7 as a headless server. I'd like that computer to synchronize with my Ubuntu One account, too.18:08
dobeywe don't exactly support totally headless at the moment with syncdaemon.18:10
dobeywe use gnome-keyring to store the access token, and it sort of requires an X display still18:11
olewolfdobey: I realize that, but perhaps there might be a cheat available. I know someone managed to do that with Dropbox.18:11
dobeyolewolf: you'd also have to keep a user logged in somehow (probably with screen)18:12
dobeyas we don't run as a system service, but a per-user daemon18:12
olewolfOne could let a user login via ssh or similar and start a personal daemon.18:12
olewolfIn any event, are there plans for headless support?18:13
dobeywe don't have any concrete plans to get there at the moment, but we are looking into it and do want to support it, yes18:14
olewolfSounds great. I guess there's no time frame, though.18:15
dobeywell the timeframe is "sometime in the next 6 months" :)18:16
dobeywe can't do it for karmic18:16
dobeybut we want to for lucid18:16
barlasLucid is 10.4?18:18
olewolfInteresting, I throught the time frame would be much longer than that. "Sometime in the next six months" is pretty soon.18:18
dobeybarlas: yes18:20
dobeyolewolf: you would be surprised at the stuff i've done in the last 6 weeks :)18:20
dobeyor we've done rather18:20
barlasThat's one thing I love about ubuntu and ubuntu related projects, for usual OSS projects even 'soon' is indefinitely long :)18:22
olewolfdobey: you guys are doing a great job. Too often we users don't appreciate it enough.18:31
jcastroolewolf: if you can check to see that it's filed as a wishlist bug in launchpad that would really help out18:33
jcastro(it might already be)18:33
teknicoolewolf, your words warm our heart. thank you :-)18:34
dobeyolewolf: thanks18:34
dobeyi think it is filed18:34
dobeyi totally fail at searching bugs in launchpad though18:34
raindogOne of my desktops is a multiple-user machine.  My question is this:  Is Ubuntu One account specific or only specific to a machine?20:59
raindogI want to sync to my account on the other machine, but not share with the other accounts on that machine.21:00
dobeyraindog: the desktop client is a per-user daemon21:03
statikit's specific to the user account21:03
raindogdobey, statik :  Thanks for the information.21:04
Chipaca_the filesystem api servers are broken right now, please bare with us; we're working on it23:02
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