
_Techie_heya bal00:35
frenzy42so i upgraded to the beta this after noon on my laptop and now my screen won't stop flickering02:03
frenzy42how should i stop it02:06
rr72is anyone else having problems with remote places in gigolo not opening a file browser on 9.10?02:19
rr72does xubuntu 9.10 gigolo come with support for sftp/ssh remote location or does it needed to be added?02:50
Balsaqis there a way to clear my screen of all the previous text or chat?04:54
leaf-sheepDoes anybody here know the best command for slim-xubuntu-desktop?05:04
_Techie_yay, im down $30 but im back on the net again06:18
Balsaqyeah huh Tech06:35
Balsaq_Techie_  you were saying i outta do the server thing here with my old computer. they are giving me those old dels tomorrow.....how would it benefit my network if i did that?06:38
_Techie_yeah, i can guide you through setting up a ZNC server and bypassing work firewalls and proxy's so you can use a proper IRC connection06:39
_Techie_and it will also be a great learning experience06:40
Balsaqbypass? they are all going to be at my home?06:40
_Techie_no, i mean if your work has a restrictive proxy or firewall implemented at work i can help you tunnel out to your home connection06:41
Balsaqoh yes they got a big one06:41
_Techie_lemme guess, you can only open web pages06:41
Balsaqand a whole dept of pro hackers all over it06:41
Balsaqhuge corp w/IT dept06:42
Balsaqwe'll do it here06:42
Balsaqcan i get free internet here at home?06:42
_Techie_no, unless your ISP implements some sort of free traffic policy06:42
Balsaqthe school is about 300 yards away06:43
_Techie_you thinking about connecting to their wireless?06:44
Balsaqwell if possible06:44
Balsaqi pay 20 per month for this stuff06:44
_Techie_thats not too bad06:45
Balsaqbut wouldnt like it if i get bumped off all the time06:45
Balsaqis that why you are always in and out06:45
_Techie_nah, im in and out because i go do other stuff06:46
Balsaqfigured that06:46
_Techie_or im at school and ihave to go to my next class06:46
Balsaqi like my connection but would enjoy ridin on the school too for fun but not to cause any trouble06:47
Balsaqpeople pull in the lot and use it i hear06:47
Balsaq300 yds is too far isnt it06:47
_Techie_depends on the strength of the network06:47
_Techie_300 yards = 274.32 meters06:48
Balsaqbuy anyway, knowing it all about my home network do i still need or have use for a server06:48
_Techie_you will be pushing it to the limit if its just a standard connection06:48
Balsaqso do i have any reason to have a server in my home?06:49
_Techie_well from a professional point of view, no... from a hobbyist point of view, it wouldnt hurt06:49
Balsaqas of tommorow i will have 7 PC and a lapper06:49
_Techie_is this a different lapper, or are you counting the mac?06:50
Balsaqlikie can 1 be a server that host a website that is 24-7 or something (no the mac is the same)06:50
_Techie_kk, yeah website hosting is easy06:51
_Techie_you could even do that from whatever computer you use as your main box06:51
Balsaqok so the server really is not needed06:51
Balsaqi thought it proteceted the otheres or something06:51
_Techie_well you could have it as mp3 storage and stream your music to the lappy via itunes06:52
Balsaqwell the music would be long after i get good at stuff06:52
Balsaqonly do radio usually for some reason-but occasionally play utube rock videoa aand fire up the jackson06:54
Balsaqi bought a 22 in mon today for 89...stole it06:55
Balsaqflat panel06:55
Balsaqcuase all those dell come with the big ole type06:56
Balsaqhey you should look up the specs and see if there is any hacks i could do too make em better...think i will just toss some rdram in em and run those standard dell internal tests06:57
Balsaq1. will get xp pro sp3, 2, xubuntu, 3. pupptlinux 4. my old dell has ubuntu.....NETWORK07:00
__Techie__thats gonna be a large network for one person07:01
OngakuAloha bruderz07:02
OngakuGood mornin' Trollz07:03
Balsaqyeah huh Ongaku07:04
OngakuBalsaq brotha aloha07:05
=== __Techie__ is now known as _Techie_
Balsaqi want to do the website asap T07:07
OngakuAnyone from Hungary?07:07
Balsaqim starving07:08
OngakuBalsaq brotha whic website?07:08
Balsaqdunno didnt invent it yet07:08
Ongakuwebsite for wine and beerz?07:09
_Techie_well you come up with an idea then you can work out how your gonna make it07:11
Balsaq_Techie_ how long will it take to get a website built?..once i get the idea07:11
_Techie_well, depending on the design and if you code it yourself it could take anywhere between a few days to a month+07:12
_Pete_Balsaq: depends on idea07:12
_Techie_oh, hello pete07:13
_Pete_my idea I have now takes 10seconds07:13
Balsaqhey Pete07:13
Balsaqypu 213am here in eastern usa07:13
_Pete_# cd /var/www/07:13
_Pete_root@quadcore:/var/www# cat >idealeas_www.html07:13
_Pete_no ideas at all07:13
Ongakuhola Pete britha07:14
_Pete_now its ready :)07:14
Balsaqthat was a little bland07:15
Balsaqmay add some clores and a few games07:15
Ongakuit is a new porn site?:D07:15
Ongakuthat is greta07:16
Balsaqyou see we go back and forth...if i thought my company would keep giving tons of old puters...i would stsart some kind of non profit thing to give free computeres to the needy and blend that into the buntu stuff for free OS's and link it to these chats for free support?/ i dunno07:18
_Techie_Balsaq- ill see if i can find you one of my old sites07:19
Balsaqand if they dont know how to use it would go to their house and install it and show en how to use the buntu free07:19
Balsaqyou see if i actually become a non profit they may give hundreds of puters...like  i told you once i saw a guy get 30 one day07:20
Balsaqi think buntu allows people to use thier logos right?07:22
_Techie_umm, im not sure07:22
Balsaqme neither...i know they talk about "open"07:22
Balsaqprolly ask em whoever they are07:23
Balsaqso i hope to do a couple installs tomorrow....prolly wont take long cause these processors are bigger than my clunker07:28
Balsaqhopin uxub is a lot faster than mu ubun07:28
_Techie_Balsaq- http://quadcore.homeunix.net/~techie/07:31
_Techie_from back when i primarily did gameservers07:32
Balsaqso you have old one out there on the www07:32
OngakuTechie bruder ccooooll07:32
_Pete__Techie_: have you made those pages yourself?07:33
Balsaqsee the gam ething is a great idea to begin with cause the games drive the entire computer business07:33
_Techie__Pete_- yep, notepad and nano07:33
_Techie_windows text editor07:33
OngakuNLHED = notepad like html editor:D07:34
Balsaqwhere is nana _Techie_07:34
Ongakuwindows? that a tonz of penguinzshit07:34
_Techie_Balsaq- nano is a command line text editor07:35
Balsaqin linux or windows07:36
Balsaqman i got a looonnnggg way to go07:36
Balsaqthis guy i know has a website, he does free tech support...i could link too him for part of my service07:41
_Techie_you do realise most #ubuntu and #xubuntu users can be described the same way07:42
Balsaqnot sure07:42
_Pete_nerds with nolife?07:42
Sysiweird hippies?07:42
_Techie_that sums me up _Pete_07:43
Balsaqearthy crunchy?07:43
Sysii'd say i don't have even nolofe07:43
Balsaqheck i am married with a full time job and a mortgage!07:44
Balsaqno kids here though so i guess that throws me in there07:44
Balsaqa guy did a website called joecartoon...he got so many hits that eventually someone bought it for A TON OF MONEY...so you can do that Techie07:45
Balsaqif you see joecartoon you will see what atracts so many people that people start offering money to own it07:46
Balsaqand you already have all the skills07:47
Balsaqhe did maintain it for years before the offer came in...07:48
_Techie_anyway, im gonna restart into linux to watch some south park07:49
_Techie_ill be back07:49
Balsaqwhere does he go?07:50
_Techie_okay South Park time07:56
Sysiswedish lesson..08:00
Sysinotes with laptop ♥08:01
=== obiwan_ is now known as obiwan__
OngakuHosanna brothers08:16
filthpighi all. I have an issue with Xubuntu karmic beta (and the last alpha). Installing and using it is just fine, but after updating the packages and rebooting I cannot start X08:49
filthpigI can log in from console and all and GDM starts, but when I'm supposed to get my desktop on screen it just throws me back to the login promt08:51
ablomenfilthpig, less /var/log/Xorg.0.log << type that and look for lines starting with (EE)08:53
ablomennear the bottom08:53
filthpigablomen: ok, well, there is nothing with EE there08:59
filthpigthe last few lines are Entering Restore TV, Restore TV PLL, Restore TVHV, Restore TV Restarts, Restore Timing Tablets, Restore TV standard, Leaving Restore TV09:00
filthpigand that's the end09:01
OngakuI am Da King of TrolLZ09:06
OngakuHeavy TroLLz Attak Warning!09:06
OngakuWhatta muttafucka fat holy shit linuks-penguin now?09:07
OngakuThey called TUKS09:07
Balsaq_Techie_ emailed buntu to see if i can use their logos on my site..09:08
ablomenwow, that was fast09:09
ablomenfilthpig, try running startx09:09
ablomensee if there are any errors there09:09
filthpigserver is already active for display 009:10
ablomenoh, try pressing ctrl+alt+f709:10
BalsaqTheSheep: <Balsaq stands and salutes TheSheep!!!>09:10
filthpigablomen, I get GDM up and running09:11
TheSheepBalsaq: please don't do that, just ignore that09:11
_Techie_Balsaq, that is the power of the silent ops09:11
ablomenfilthpig, ok so it works?09:11
filthpigno :(09:11
ablomenhuh.. you said and i quote: "I get GDM up and running"09:12
filthpigwhen I type my password gdm starts loading my desktop09:12
filthpigand then I'm thrown back to login09:12
Balsaqyes i saw it09:12
ablomenfilthpig, did you check your session?09:13
filthpighowever, another bloke over at ubuntu-testing thinks this issue was resolved on monday and wants me to try the lastest build09:13
Balsaqwhy does it say to me please don't do that?09:13
TheSheepBalsaq: they come here for the attention, if you give it to them, they will come back for more09:13
Balsaqoh i thoughthe was now gone from here and if you look back you will see he was trying to provoke us earlier and you will see we did not help to ignite him09:14
TheSheepyeah, but he can have another login09:17
Balsaqi noticed whether i come in as Balsaq or Balsaque it still shows my address so can you now lock it if you choose to do so09:19
Balsaqlock it on a real troll i mean09:20
Balsaq_Techie_ can you do that?09:21
labhi. I'm trying to install ATI drivers on jaunty 9.04. I followed these instructions and they were a disaster: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI   . I googled and I didn't find anything useful. Any suggestion? All worked fine for 8.10, but with 9.04 these drivers are a nightmare.....09:50
WyzirkeHozsanna bruderz10:05
WyzirkeWelcomew back again10:06
nikolamhm :) did anyone heard of a program for *ubuntu that can turn computer intu mobile telephone, by using usb hardware GSM/GPRS/3G modem?10:51
nikolamlike you are saying something and it transfers into ordinary telephone call over GSM?10:51
labhi. I'm trying to install ATI drivers on jaunty 9.04. I followed these instructions and they were a disaster: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto/ATI   . I googled and I didn't find anything useful. Any suggestion? All worked fine for 8.10, but with 9.04 these drivers are a nightmare.....10:52
nikolamlab, I always did install of ATI drivers by making .deb packages out of it and hen install10:52
nikolammaybe you could post your findings on phoronix.com forum, i think there are some AMD/ATI developers there answering questions10:53
nikolamOr try to use a bit older driver then newest one..10:53
nikolamlab, try this: http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Main_Page10:59
labnikolam: not a good link11:02
labalready triexc11:02
nikolamdid you made .deb packages? lab11:08
nikolamwhat version of amd driver you downloaded?11:08
nikolamyou can also use #ati and #radeon channels11:08
nikolamMy experience with Amd fglrx driver is that if driver does not behave, use older one that does.11:09
nikolamlab, also on pages like this where you download driver from:11:10
nikolamthere are links where you can send your requests about driver not working well and describe to them11:10
nikolamAs workaround, untill you hit one that works well for your 9.04, you can use opensource driver that comes from ubunut11:11
nikolamwhat card it is?11:11
nikolamalso try #ati and #radeonhd channels for fglrx and open driver, respectfully11:11
labnikolam: sorry, I really appreciate your help, but I have to tell you to give me tips only if you have already experience with the problem11:12
labI'm fighting with it from days and days11:13
nikolamlab, i installed all fglrx drivers till 9.3 on my machine on 64-bit hardy11:14
nikolamThat is all you need11:14
nikolamWhat card it is11:14
labnikolam: as said before I need instructions for jaunty. I had no problems with intrepid11:14
nikolamI posted you link with detailed instructions..11:15
labnikolam: they don't work. I already checked that link11:15
labnikolam: It's not good11:16
nikolambut what don`t work, how you installed, did you made .deb packages or installed directly with GUI?11:16
nikolamtry also previous drivers:11:17
labnikolam: do you have jaunty with ATI ?11:17
nikolamI have hardy with integrated Ati/amd graphics11:17
nikolamand i am stuck with latest driver11:18
labnikolam: in this case you CAN'T help me11:18
nikolamlab, you are wrong, i helped you a lot. You can also go to phoronix.com forum and also you can go to ubuntuforums.org11:18
nikolammost of the answers in my history of usage i found there11:19
nikolamon ati discussion on ohoronix, even ati/amd developers come you can ask them11:19
labnikolam: no, it's a very specific problem, associated with this version (jaunty) of ubuntu. as said before, I had no problems with the previous version. you can't help me in this way11:19
nikolamanyway, #ati is right channel for closed fglrx driver..11:19
labyes, in fact I'm asking in #ati too11:20
nikolamok, I tried. :) Use radeonhd till you fix it :)11:20
MaxFramesstupid question: I have got a script which sets the gamma for the display; it works if I double click it; how do I make it run automatically when I log on?12:49
MaxFramescurrently the script is in my home directory and is called .xinitrc12:51
Sysiin "settings" is something like "sessiosns and startup"12:53
Sysian there automatic start12:53
MaxFramesyes I tried that, but it does not let me select the script, it does not show in the selection window12:53
Sysii dont have any selection, just add12:54
Sysiyou can run script by ./script12:55
Sysiput that to add-window; command12:56
MaxFramesok, I'll try12:57
MaxFramesif I succeed, will the script run at PC boot or at user logon?12:58
Sysion logon12:58
MaxFramesis there a way to run it at boot?12:59
MaxFramesso that any user gets the gamma adjusting?12:59
Sysipropably, but i don't know that12:59
_Pete_MaxFrames: see /etc/rc.local12:59
Sysimaybe need to do on every user12:59
=== TheSheep_ is now known as TheSheep
MaxFramesthanks, it works when I logon, I had to rename the script to something.sh13:04
MaxFramesI don't think it would run at boot anyway because it needs X running13:04
jarnosWhere can I find information on which packages are included in the default xubuntu installation?16:07
likemindeadAll of them? That'd be a long list. I'm not sure.16:09
arossouwhello, one of our developers has written a program in QT4 , if you use kde and go to the print function on that program it gives you a list of printers locally installed, but if you do the same on xubuntu it only displays pdf and postscript printing16:13
arossouwany ideas16:13
likemindeadDo you have the necessary QT libraries installed in Xubuntu, arossouw16:18
arossouwthe developer used qtsdk-2009.02, i guess he has his own qt libraries16:22
arossouwhe puts qt libraries into qtsdk-2009.02 and then the program uses those libraries, the qtsdsk-2009.02 gets copied to /opt folder16:23
arossouw        apt-get install libmysqlclient1616:24
arossouw        apt-get install libqt4-sql-mysql16:24
arossouwthats whats installed16:24
thhthi there, i am using xubuntu 9.10 beta with some qt-written programs such as vlc and Google-Earth; how do i change the look of these programs to "blend in"?16:30
likemindeadI don't know that you can too much, thht.16:35
likemindeadIt's like running iTunes in Windows...16:35
thhtlikemindead: i know there are some tools that provide a gtk look for qt-programs, i just forgot the name ^^16:36
thhtochosi: hi16:37
ochosii'm using that package, looking it up for, one sec16:37
ochosithht: qgtkstyle16:38
ochosiunfortunately it's not in the repos16:38
thhtochosi: thanks i'm looking it up16:38
ochosiafter you installed qgtkstyle you'll also need qt4config in order to change the theme to gtk16:38
ochosiin case you're using 64bit the package might be hard to find, i can send it to you16:39
thhtochosi: when i used the former 9.04 xubuntu there was a package in the repositories, did they delete it?16:40
ochosioh and also (even though you might know that already): it only works for qt4 apps, qt3 apps are not affected16:40
ochosithht, supposedly, frankly i don't know and i think it's a pity it's not there anymore16:40
thhtochosi: damn :(16:41
thhtochosi: i found this: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QGtkStyle16:41
thhtwait a minute, i have an idea ;-)16:42
ochosiyeah, unfortunately there's not even a ppa for qgtkstyle16:43
ochosithht, idea > waiting > listening16:44
thhtochosi: i checked via synaptic, there is a gtk2-engines-qtcurve package, but the description is a bit short; if i check it the package-manager wants to install an additional 170 megabytes (!)16:45
ochosithht, qtcurve doesn't provide the same functionality as qgtkstyle16:46
ochosiat least afaik16:46
=== squidly__ is now known as squidly
thhtochosi: I GOT IT! i am so proud :-)))16:49
ochosithht where from? did you finally find a repo hosting it?16:50
thhtochosi: i installed qt4-qtconfig16:50
thhtochosi: run it and check "gtk+"16:50
thhtochosi: vlc is now in xubuntu - loook :-)))16:50
ochosithht, but you also installed qgtkstyle, didn't you?16:51
thhtochosi: no16:51
thhtochosi: it runs that way :-D16:51
ochosithht, hm, will check that out the next time i boot to karmic... (in jaunty now)16:52
thhtochosi: Google-Earth looks as ugly as ever, though; guess because of qt3 :(16:52
ochosithht, hehe, yeah, guess so...16:52
thhtochosi: thanks for your help16:53
ochosithht, you're welcome, great that it works that way!16:54
alegroHello. Can I ask a beginner question here?18:10
Sysiof course18:10
alegroDo you know why in Xubuntu 9.04 I have to change the screen resolution to 1024x768 everytime I log in?18:10
Sysiwhat video card?18:24
alegroNvidia Riva TNT2 Model 64/Model 64 Pro -16MB18:25
Sysirestricted drivers?18:25
Sysihave you installed restricted drivers?18:27
alegroNo, I haven't installed any drivers.18:27
Sysisettings → hardvare drivers18:27
alegroIt says: No propreitary drivers are in use on this system.18:29
Sysii'm not sure how good open drivers are18:29
alegroShould I install a proprietary driver?18:30
Sysiit may not work, that sounds so old18:31
Sysisorry, g2g18:31
alegrothanks anyway18:31
alegro Do you know why in Xubuntu 9.04 I have to change the screen resolution to 1024x768 everytime I log in?18:39
ochosialegro, you could try to mess with /etc/X11/xorg.conf (even though that shouldn't be needed in jaunty anymore)18:51
alegroI'm new. How do I access the file?18:53
ubottuThe X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution19:25
likemindeadShould most any Bluetooth device pair with *buntu? I have a set of MOTOROKR S9-HD Bluetooth headphones that aren't showing up at all. They pair just fine with my phone.20:50
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup21:05
ActionParsniphey guys21:12
ActionParsnipis the default file browser in Xubuntu livecd, thunar??21:12
likemindeadYes, ActionParsnip.21:17
ubottuThunar is a file manager for !Xfce. It is a lightweight alternative to !Nautilus and is quite similar. More info at: http://thunar.xfce.org/index.html - Want to Replace Nautilus with Thunar? See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/nonautilusplease21:17
ActionParsnipcan it manage smb:// like addressing for accesing remote samba shares?21:17
rr72hey has anyone succesfully installed gnome on xubuntu? i get a dep issue21:21
Sysiyes i had, many times21:21
Sysiyou remembered update packages?21:22
rr72yes, it is telling me that gnome-vfs-obexftp is not installable, 9.1021:22
Sysiyou're installing it with apt/synaptic?21:25
Daiif you're on 9.10, you should really be asking in +121:31
Daiat least for the next couple weeks21:31
Danny22is anyone there?21:33
TheSheep!ask | Danny2221:34
ubottuDanny22: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:34
Sysiyou won't get rid of us :P21:34
Danny22Does any one know haow to get parental controll for the internet?21:34
Sysiis my english bad or what21:35
Danny22You know internet filters, so you can block things so your kids don't see it21:35
TheSheepDanny22: you could install squid with some parental control settings, and set up your browser to use it21:35
Sysiah, bad english (not native)21:36
Danny22how do you get it?21:36
TheSheepDanny22: it's an advanced task though21:36
Danny22how hard is it?21:36
TheSheepDanny22: hmm... there are easier ways, say, did you try to google for it?21:37
TheSheepDanny22: for example this http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84351021:38
Danny22ok thanks I'll try that :)21:38
Danny22I went to the link you provided. all the downloads are .tar.gz can I install those?21:43
TheSheepDanny22: it's better to add ppa to your software sources and install using synaptic21:43
ubottuWith Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.21:43
Danny22ok the terminal says it is installed now how do I find it :)22:05
nicklas_Danny22: find what?22:06
Danny22I installed webcontroll a internet filter using the terminal now how do i find it?22:07
nicklas_hm that i dont know, in firefox?22:07
Danny22Yea i'm using fire fox22:08
Danny22never mind I found it22:09
Danny22Thanks for the help TheSheep :)22:09
nicklas_cool :-)22:09
S0210Hello! I try to "cat *.jpg >xxx.avi" and it works fine. Is there a way to change the default framerate and/or picture size?23:12
rr72Dai~ thankyou for your suggestion23:40
Daioh!  +123:42
Daiyou're welcome.  were they able to get you sorted?23:42
rr72just asking now, got back right now23:43

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