
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
ryanakcaErrr... Is OO.o calc supposed to freeze when someone tries to save for the first time?01:11
* ryanakca tries to figure out how to get a backtrace01:18
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echidnamanRiddell: bug 451915, looks a bit serious02:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451915 in kdeutils "dssprinter-applet.py crashed with SIGSEGV in PyDict_GetItem()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45191502:12
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* JontheEchidna 's internet is crappy tonight02:12
shtylmanryanakca: yes... its a feature (seriously...no...sounds like a bug)02:42
shtylmananyone read this? http://www.itnewstoday.com/?p=103203:03
shtylmanmindless rants?03:03
JontheEchidna"Version 9.10 is definitely good so far, but still far from perfect." <- so not much of a downward spiral, then :/03:07
yuriydownward spiral? a little bit, but you gotta fall a bit to get momentum for the ramp : )03:07
JontheEchidnasome points are good, but a lot of it is: "I don't like KDE's default artwork which nobody else uses plus my wireless has been busted for two releases"03:09
JontheEchidnacomments are much more informative than the actual article imo03:11
yuriysome people screaming too much patching, others screaming too vanilla...03:13
* yuriy does agree on the wallpaper and (unmentioned) KDM theme though03:13
JontheEchidnaThe upstream KDM theme could be improved usability-wise03:13
yuriymaybe that too, but I think we've got to get a Kubuntu logo on there03:14
JontheEchidnawith the proper branding maybe upstream art would be sufficient03:14
yuriypretty much03:14
JontheEchidnawe can never please the haters, but who cares?03:14
JontheEchidnavorian: ping03:22
shtylmanI think the little things make a big impression (thus the papercut stuff we have)03:29
lex79kamoso 1.0.4 is still broken :(04:21
yuriy" the instructions for filing bugs on Launchpad ignored Kubuntu altogether, I had to add a link to the Kubuntu instructions myself." interesting. I though bdmurray had done that on my request04:31
yuriyooh purty http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/KubuntuVision?content=113319 though too dark for my tastes. maybe he could make a more mainstream version04:39
ScottKAnyone else having trouble with lid open events not being recognized?05:53
sourcemakerI have a kernel panic with the message: fixing recursive fault but reboot needed"... I think it is nepomuk related... can I find the root course of this problem?08:54
Riddelljtechidna: hmm, python really shouldn't give a segfault (bug 451915) I wonder if he hasn't updated all the new sip/pyqt bits10:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451915 in kdeutils "dssprinter-applet.py crashed with SIGSEGV in PyDict_GetItem()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45191510:42
RiddellI'll try today's CD and see if it's a problem there10:42
hettarSilly question perhaps, but in 9.10 is it possible to have network manager NOT login to the wifi automatically when connected via cable ? It keeps messing up my routing10:59
Riddellin my experience it doesn't login to wifi automatically11:02
Riddellbut that's mainly an upstream request11:03
hettarhmm ok11:04
ryanakcashtylman: Can you reproduce it? I can't seem to manage to find out how to get a backtrace for something that hangs but doesn't crash... Or would I not need one?11:34
debfxwhere do kded services log to? ~/.xsession-errors?11:43
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Riddelldebfx: if you killall kded4; kded4 it'll put debug output in the terminal12:02
Riddelldebfx: and you have to turn it on in kdebugdialog first12:02
davmor2Riddell: thanks for the update on the bug :)12:11
EagleScreenis ipv6 enabled in Kubuntu 9.10?12:14
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tsimpsonEagleScreen: it's enabled in the kernel, and so available to everything IPv6 aware, including KDE13:20
EagleScreenoh thnaks13:21
ScottKagateau: Thanks for the quassel patch.  Worked great and Sput applied it before 0.5 was released.13:27
agateauScottK: good news13:28
Sputagateau: I did miss your other patch though and couldn't get it into 0.5.0 :/13:28
ScottKagateau: Yes.13:28
ScottKSput: Which one was that?13:28
agateauSput: the one about toggling the main window?13:28
Sputyeha via indicator13:28
Sputthe one you sent by mail... I didn't check mail before tagging13:28
agateauIt may not need to be applied13:28
Sputwell, I did apply it post-tag :)13:29
agateauI realized this morning that it would make kde apps behave differently than gnome apps with regard to indicators13:29
agateauI started a discussion on this on kubuntu-devel ML,13:30
agateauif everybody agree, I'll post patch to switch back to "switch to app" behavior, rather than "toggle"13:30
ScottKI guess I better go read the mail, because I'm not sure I understand the difference.13:31
agateauSput: I'll let you know if we agree on the "switch to app" behavior13:31
agateauScottK: yes please :)13:31
agateauScottK: but the difference is simple: when the app is in front,13:31
agateauright now clicking the indicator app entry hides it,13:31
ScottKAh, I see.13:32
agateauwhile for gnome apps, it just ensure the app window is focused13:32
Sputagateau: ok, just so you know, your patch is applied but not in 0.5.0, but it'll be in 0.5.1 unless you send another patch disabling it (or tell me to revert) :)13:32
agateauSput: ok, will do so if the "switch to app" behavior is decided to be the right noe13:32
ScottKagateau: If I click on the quassel icon when I have a pending highlight, it swtiches me to the right channel.13:32
ScottKIs that what your patch does?13:32
agateauScottK: if quassel was already visible, clicking on the quassel entry (not a channel entry) currently hides quassel,13:33
ScottKagateau: Not if there's a pending highlight.13:33
Sputthat only affects the indicator bubble though, doesn't it?13:33
ScottKJust did it.13:33
SputI mean, the patch in question13:33
agateauSput: yes,13:34
Sputit didn't touch anything outside the inidicator backend13:34
agateauSput: absolutely13:34
Sputthe tray behavior just now should be consistent with the rest of KDE13:34
agateauSput: yes, the tray behavior is not affected13:34
Sputthought so :)13:34
ScottKIf I understand what the patch does, it sounds like it makes the indicator consistent with the way the app works.13:34
agateauThe question is: do we think app windows should hide when they are in front and their app entry is clicked?13:36
agateauScottK: hiding when in front is the way systray icon works13:36
agateauScottK: not hiding when in front is the way gnome indicate-enabled app work13:36
agateauScottK: understand that I am talking about app entry, not indicator entry13:37
agateau(app entry == appname, indicator entry == child of app entry)13:37
ScottKPing me please.13:38
agateauScottK: ping13:38
ScottKRight, so I was in a different channel, clicked on the Quassel icon and I came straight here.13:39
agateauScottK: if you have the 0.5.0 release, you get GNOME behavior13:39
agateauthe "hide when on front behavior" is implemented by the patch I sent to Sput, but which did not make it in 0.5.013:40
agateauso for Quassel it's already ok13:40
agateaubut Konversation, Kopete and KMail patches need to be updated13:40
agateaubecause they implement "hide when on front" behavior13:41
ScottKagateau: I see.13:41
Sputwhat is the "app entry"?13:41
ScottKSo it sounds like your patch makes the indicator consistent with the upstream icon behavior.13:41
* ScottK needs to run.13:41
ScottKWe can chat more later13:42
agateauScottK: ok13:42
agateauSput: for each application, the indicator shows an app entry13:42
agateauand every app indicators are shown as children entries of the app entry13:42
agateauso Quassel part of the indicator menu may look like this:13:43
agateau- #chan113:43
agateau- #chan213:43
agateauClicking #chan1 or #chan2 brings Quassel window to front and switch to the right channel13:43
agateauin 0.5.0, clicking Quassel brings Quassel window to front13:44
agateaubut with the patch you integrated after 0.5.0, clicking Quassel will toggle the window:13:44
agateauhide it if it's already on front, show it otherwise13:44
Sputso it behaves like the taskbar then13:49
jjesseintersting on my VM's for Karmic (both netbook edition and regular) after installing the beta release and updating, i see the kubuntu boot screen and then it flickers to a black screen any ideas what channged?14:46
jjesserunning VMWare Workstation 6.5.314:48
jtechidnaIt seems that ubuntu makes usplash kick in until it can start X for usplash/ksplashx14:49
jtechidnain which case the half-a-second ksplashx seems unecessary14:50
jjessejtechidna was that in response to me?14:51
jtechidnayeah, I get that too14:51
jjessemaco: send me a private message when you get a second14:52
jjesseafter an install of the beta version i'm able to login, etc but once i update and restart... bam black screen, no login14:52
Riddelldpm: did desktop-kdepim-runtime get sorted?15:43
dpmRiddell, not yet, sorry, let me ask danilo again what the best way to handle this is15:44
RiddellArneGoetje: last cycle you had a list of translation templates that weren't assigned to packages, do you know if there are any like that is cycle?15:48
ArneGoetjeRiddell: let me see...15:50
ArneGoetjeRiddell: don't have any list right now. we will get a new translation export soon (should be available tomorrow. I will scan the langpack-o-matic logs for such templates then.15:53
JontheEchidnaRiddell: could you ack bug 452715 please?15:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 452715 in kamoso "New upstream release (kamoso 1.0.4)" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45271515:55
RiddellJontheEchidna: ooh, what's it worth?15:55
Riddella shoulder massage wouldbe nice, I could be bribed with one of them15:56
JontheEchidna3.5 internets? :P15:56
JontheEchidnait does get harder to upload stuff after freeze, lol15:56
* jjesse looks up a local messager in edinburgh for Riddell15:56
RiddellJontheEchidna: a debdiff and pointer to upstream bug would be handy15:57
JontheEchidnaRiddell: upstream has no bug tracker, but I can get the debdiff15:57
JontheEchidnadebdiff attached15:57
JontheEchidnaoh, that's actually a source-diff, not a debdiff15:58
RiddellJontheEchidna: although this is universe so it shouldn't need any ack15:58
Riddelluniverse is only in feature freeze, bug fixing is all good15:58
JontheEchidnaoh, the freeze email said that universe should get motu-release or your ack15:59
JontheEchidnawell, your ack for KDE packages16:00
RiddellJontheEchidna: which e-mail?  scotts?16:00
JontheEchidnaRiddell: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-October/000633.html16:00
Riddellsistpoty's does suggest an ack is needed for all uplaods but I trust ScottK more in https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-October/000634.html that only FFe needs an ack16:01
freeflyinganyone can tell me why I leave kubuntu-bugs team, but still got bug notifications? I just prefer to use gmane to read bug mails16:05
JontheEchidnasubscriptions are separate from team affiliations16:06
ScottKJontheEchidna and Riddell: Does the mail to u-d-a clear this up?16:35
ScottKAfter Universe final freeze, a motu-release ack will be needed, but we aren't there yet.16:35
RiddellI'm clear, it's just sistpoty's older e-mail which was wrong/unclear16:35
Riddellnew kopete-facebook http://duncan.mac-vicar.com/blog/archives/59716:40
Riddellwish that had come out a week ago16:40
ScottKIt sounds though like it still has enough open questions that we did the right thing.16:41
Riddellyes I think so16:44
dany_21ais this a known bug: the alternative installer stops after "installing base system" and requests to insert medium "Kubuntu 9.10 _Karmic Koala_ - Beta i386 (20090929.3)" into /cdrom/ - which sould be there... but refuses to continue17:00
ScottKdavmor2: ^^^ ?17:00
dany_21ais this checked against README.diskdefines on the root of the cdrom... because this states: #define DISKNAME  Kubuntu 9.10 "Karmic Koala" - Beta i38617:01
davmor2dany_21a: man that's old17:01
dany_21ais it fixable for me?17:02
davmor2I think it was a general issue that got resolved in latter iso's.17:02
dany_21ahm... ive downloaded the most recent beta torrent (i hope so)17:02
davmor2oh hang on on beta there were no issues with the iso's sorry17:03
davmor2dany_21a: have you run the cd checker to makes sure the burn is good?17:03
dany_21achecking the md5... md5 of the iso is correct17:04
dany_21awill check the medium17:04
asranielfinal freeze in effect, does that mean that i can install a daily CD now and i have +- the final version?17:06
tsimpsonnot really, it's not final until it's final17:06
dany_21adavmor2: checker said CD is okay17:10
davmor2meh pass then I'm afraid.  No issues here with beta at all.17:48
faboRiddell: Qt 4.5.3 fixed in -417:52
ScottKIt looks like we need a newer python-qt3 to go with the new sip.18:01
Riddellfabo: what needed changing?18:56
lex79 lp bug 44986218:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449862 in kdepim "empty menus in ktimetracker" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44986218:58
faboRiddell: add patch 0818:58
lex79Riddell: ^^ fixed in bzr18:58
faboRiddell: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/qt4-x11.git;a=commitdiff;h=2f8c91155f7061185c5bd01c53f41695d54d877819:00
Riddellfabo: have I ever said you're a genius?19:01
Riddellso, question is do we want to risk uploading it now19:01
faboRiddell: you risk nothing. it's already built on kfreebsd ;)19:02
RiddellScottK: what's wrong with python-qt3?19:02
RiddellI need to stop running hardy, it's difficult to do much useful from here, time to burn a daily CD19:03
faboI'll probably upload Qt 4.6.0 beta 1 to experimental today19:04
ScottKRiddell: I saw a bug about it, but it may be from before it was updated. Let me ifnd it.19:21
jjesseso i went to download the current live cd from cdimages and it was screamin' at 300k/sec up until the last 100mb of the cd now i'm at 3Kb/sec, any thoughts?19:35
ScottKWasn't actually kidding19:41
jjessei know just was curious why it dropped so slow19:41
ScottK#canonical-sysadmin if you want to talk to someone that might actually know.  The odds of gettting an answer are low.19:42
=== m4v_ is now known as m4v
* JontheEchidna is responsible for 12% of the current archive admin queue \o/20:12
dany_21ais it possible to setup a LVM system via the graphical installer (kubuntu karmic) - the alternate version fails for me20:21
dany_21ai have already managed to reuse my old lvm-schema and activate the lvm disks, so that the installer completes... but when i start the fresh installed system, it fails to boot and says it cant find my lvm partitions20:23
dany_21athe initram disk need lvm support... i tried to chroot into the new system and install lvm2 (via apt-get) - which runs update-initramfs and completes without failure... but on reboot it fails again and drops me to an shell20:24
dany_21a(chroot from an live boot cd-rom)20:24
dany_21aah... nevermind - i forgot to mount /boot into my chroot... - it boots now20:31
debfxRiddell: Caching the brightness value in order to make the fn keys working isn't easily possible, as changing the brightness isn't handled by powerdevil but by libsolid20:53
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debfxRiddell: either libsolid has to notify powerdevil or all setBrightness calls have to go through powerdevil20:55
Riddelldebfx: I suspect they all do go through powerdevil, although that's not a sensible assumption20:56
debfxRiddell: no, currently powerdevil doesn't have such a function20:56
Riddellsounds like a patch to libsolid is needed though20:57
ScottKRiddell: Since wednesday I've had a problem where my laptop lid open's are not recognized by KDE, resume from suspend works, so I know it isn't hardware.  pitti has the same laptop and his works.  Suggestions on where I should look?20:58
debfxI could add a dbus method to powerdevil and make libsolid call it on every brightness change20:58
ScottKdebfx: What is it you are trying to fix?20:59
debfxScottK: making the fn brightness keys work if they aren't handled by the hardware20:59
ScottKI see, so since mine work now, it's done in hardware?21:00
RiddellScottK: karmic-changes for wednesday?  we've had changes to kdebase-workspace which works in that area21:00
ScottKRiddell: OK.  Which binary is powerdevil in?21:00
ScottKI already tried downgrading the kernel and acpi-support with no help21:01
debfxScottK: probably, if you don't have another power manager installed21:01
ScottKI don't21:01
RiddellSime: ping ping21:04
SimeRiddell: pong pong21:04
RiddellSime: we what a crash in sip that appeared in 4.9, would you have any thoughts on bug 451915 ?21:04
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451915 in kdeutils "dssprinter-applet.py crashed with SIGSEGV in PyDict_GetItem()" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45191521:04
debfxam I the only one whose fn keys aren't handley on the hardware side? :(21:06
SimeRiddell: are you sure your test core generates the same error?21:07
RiddellSime: pretty sure yes21:08
=== m4v_ is now known as m4v
SimeRiddell: it doesn't crash on jaunty21:13
RiddellSime: no it's an issue with the sip 4.9/pyqt 4.6 update21:14
SimeRiddell: I've got a hand compiled sip 4.9 / pyqt 4.6, and doesn't crash.21:14
Simeyep, just checked the version numbers in the modules. it sip 4.9 and 4.6.21:17
Simedvd time with wife...21:18
Riddellthanks i'll keep player21:18
SimeI might be using a week old snapshot BTW. dunno exactly..21:20
Riddellwell it could be something in our packaging bringing out the bug21:21
lex79I have no crash if I run "python sip-segfault.py"21:25
Riddelllex79: what about printer-applet?21:26
lex79how to test?21:26
Riddelllex79: run "printer-applet"21:26
lex79weird, I don't see anything..the applet doesn' appear and I haven't crash21:29
Riddellthat means it's running in the background21:29
Riddellwhich it will until you print something21:29
Riddelllex79: what version of python-qt4 do you have?21:30
ScottKThat's no help21:30
ScottKOh, wait, nevermnd21:30
Riddelllex79: and python-sip4 ?21:31
debfxso what do you think of a notifyOfBrightnessChange() dbus method in powerdevil that would called by solid?21:31
lex79Riddell: 4.9-121:31
Riddelldebfx: that makes sense to me21:32
lex79now I launched a print and TWO printer applet appears in systray21:32
lex79and print works21:32
Riddelllex79: well that's annoying, the least the bug could do is have the decency to crash for everyone21:34
Riddelllex79: did you say our qt4 bzr packaging has fabo's fix in it?21:35
lex79this fabo's patch fix qt4 http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-kde/qt4-x11.git;a=commit;h=2f8c91155f7061185c5bd01c53f41695d54d877821:36
lex79I can push in bzr if you want21:36
Riddelllex79: oh it was bug 449862 that was fixed in bzr ?21:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449862 in kdepim "empty menus in ktimetracker" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44986221:37
lex79Riddell: yes21:37
Riddellthe conversations got confused21:37
lex79I uploaded in bzr the fix for ktimetracker21:38
Riddelllex79: I'll upload the ktimetracker fix if you push fabo's patch to bzr then :)21:38
lex79Riddell: ok21:38
lex79btw, in my system there isn't crash with printer-applet, and the printer print...but printer-applet doesn't appear in systray21:40
lex79that is all21:40
Riddelllex79: you just said "TWO printer applet appears in systray"21:41
lex79Riddell: because I launched printer-applet in konsole, and after  I launched a print21:43
Riddellseele: facebook ping21:52
seeleRiddell: you went away!21:53
seeleyou didnt even give me a chance to respond!21:53
Riddellseele: hmm, I'm not convinced this new kopete-facebook works21:54
seeleit shows you offline21:56
seeletry again?21:56
seelestill not working22:01
seelei get your message but when i send one it says youre offline22:01
Riddellmm, one sided conversations have limited use22:01
RiddellI'll upload it anyway, can't be any worse than the current and it's in universe22:02
ScottKRiddell: kopete-facebook accepted22:17
RiddellScottK: thanks22:18
RiddellScottK: python-qt3 seems to work for me22:18
ScottKRiddell: OK, it was probably a transient after the sip upload22:18
JontheEchidnaHave we decided on what to do about python-kde3 yet?22:18
ScottKIt's already removed, isn't it?22:19
JontheEchidnaoh, I guess so22:19
Riddellyes I killed it22:20
JontheEchidnaone less kde3 rdepend22:20
JontheEchidnaFound a total of 196 reverse build-depend(s) for kdelibs4-dev.22:20
JontheEchidnaoh, universe only22:21
JontheEchidnaonly 6 more elsewhere though22:21
JontheEchidnaI have a few more kde3 and general kde cruft removals if any archive admins feel bored (ha ha)22:23
lex79version of qt4 4.5.3 should be 4.5.3-0ubuntu1 ?  in archive it's 4.5.3really4.5.2-0ubuntu122:25
JontheEchidna4.5.3-0ubuntu is lower than 4.5.3really4.5.222:26
Riddelllex79: needs to be 4.5.3really4.5.3-0ubuntu122:26
lex79ok thanks22:26
Riddelland if this gets uploaded and fails then we're into horribly stupid version numbers22:27
Riddelllex79: I just synced the changelog in qt bzr22:27
lex79I upload to bzr qt422:58
lex79the fabo's configure in rules is a bit different from ours, if will be ftbs again we know where we can look23:01
apacheloggerJontheEchidna: for reference bug 452883 might very well caused by us, I removed the uglyish default_blue or whatever it is called wallpaper at all levels which might eventually cause the selection to be broken23:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 452883 in kdebase-workspace "Can not set background picture for kdm" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45288323:19
apacheloggerwhich would be weird but technically possible given the weirdness of all kdm related stuff23:19
JontheEchidnathen it'd be debian, not us :P23:19
apacheloggerI removed it23:19
JontheEchidnaoh, right23:19
apacheloggerbecause it was showing up in the plasma wallpaper selection dialog as well23:20
apacheloggerwhich was quite the PITA23:20
apacheloggerso Id also like to add... if this is caused by our change to the kdm defaults, then I freaking give a crap whether wallpaper setting is working because it is a minor use case that is only meant to make kdm look ugly and I rather have no default_blue wallpaper than a working wallpaper selection23:21
lex79have you seen this: http://websvn.kde.org/?revision=1034475&view=revision23:21
ubottuKDE bug 202799 in kcm_kdm "Background image preview updates are not repainted" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]23:22
JontheEchidnathat just fixes the preview widget itself23:22
JontheEchidnaa user-set wallpaper still wont' work in KDM23:22
apacheloggerwell, just set the wally manually in the kdmrc and see how the kcm behaves then23:23
apacheloggerif it starts working then my enhancement to the kdm defaults is causing the issue23:23
apacheloggerwhich might be worked around by setting the default wally to air23:23
* apachelogger goes to bed though23:24
JontheEchidnahmm... does backgroundrc look for an explicit filename?23:26
JontheEchidnathe kcm isn't writing anything to backgroundrc23:26
JontheEchidnaprob. the bug right there23:26
JontheEchidnasetting it manually works. The bug is that the kcm isn't writing to the background config file23:31
JontheEchidnathemed mode doesn't use backgroundrc, so it's unaffected23:31
debfxRiddell: I have an experimental patch: http://paste.ubuntu.com/295015/23:36
debfxit works for me but I can't test if it causes trouble on laptops with hardware based brightness fn keys23:37
Riddelldebfx: looks sensible at a glace but the change to updateSlider breaks API23:47
Riddelltesters needed for k3b! http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/k3b/23:51
JontheEchidnawhoa, new alpha?23:52
debfxRiddell: updateSlider() is a private slot, does changing it cause an issue?23:52
* JontheEchidna would be worried if a battery applet was an exported library23:53
JontheEchidnaI don't think that'd cause any issues, imo23:55
Riddelldebfx: I'd hope not, although c++ binary compatibility rules are so random I couldn't say for sure23:57
Riddellbut right, that's not in the library, my mistake, should be fine then23:57
Riddelldebfx: I'd recommend throwing a packaging into your PPA, I presume you know how?23:58

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