
troy_skwwii: Is there any chance of getting more animation frames into the wireless connecting animation of the monochrome icons?04:58
=== troy_s1 is now known as troy_s
picklesworthHey :) Sorry, I can't stick around to say much (must sleep...), but I just want to prod bug #436487 , which hasn't had any movement yet. I provided a fix, so should be a simple merge that magically enables 3 new wallpapers!06:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 436487 in ubuntu-wallpapers "Not all backgrounds are shown" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43648706:36
darkmattertroy_s: depressing would be? I'm guessing the complette lack of any artistic progress in linux in general, and the continued reliance on 1196 and 'not created here' graphical styles that make it feel like a cheap ripoff? :o07:09
kwwiipicklesworth: hey, thanks for pointing that out09:11
kwwiipicklesworth: you should have said something earlier...I cannot change anything now09:11
kwwiiand hadn't noticed that bug before09:11
mac_vkwwii: do you want this bug fixed?  > Bug 45270410:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 452704 in humanity-icon-theme "Karmic, No icon for iBus and associated input engines" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45270410:20
mac_vseems like ibus uses separate icon ibus-off for that10:21
mac_vmat_t , kwwii: the gdm still doesnt have icons for the gpm-* in the white glow style10:22
mac_voh.. lol .. the power icon has been removed  , guess that solves the gpm-* ;p10:23
zniavre2_if there is no solution , then there is no problem ...10:24
* darkmatter removes mac_v10:43
kwwiimac_v: honestly, I have no idea what an iBus is ;)11:34
mac_vkwwii: seems to be something that controls the keyboard layout and setup, check from the system > preferences > ibus prefs11:36
* mac_v doesnt use it either :/11:36
kwwiieventually, all the icons in the panel need to be in the same style, so I guess having it would be good ;)11:37
mac_vmat_t_: you beat me to it ;) /me was just about to comment the same ;) Bug 45090311:38
ubottuLaunchpad bug 450903 in hundredpapercuts "Documentation should have a shortcut in Nautilus" [Undecided,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45090311:38
darkmatteriBus = the thing Apple employees use to mass commute to work in the morning :P11:38
mac_vkwwii: i meant is it release essential ? ;)11:38
kwwiimac_v: no, I would guess not11:38
kwwiimac_v: as in, I don't have anyone who could push it in any more11:39
mac_vthats enough to be non-critical ...11:39
mat_t_mac_v: at least once I beat you... :)11:59
kwwiipicklesworth: hey, thanks for poking me about that bug, it is fixed now :)12:40
kwwiipicklesworth: I always search for "wallpaper" bugs...have to remeber to look for background too12:40
zniavre_hello / bonjour12:57
zniavre_the white ubuntu logo on usplash where it is installed please12:57
zniavre_it seems to be too zoomed on this pc but looks ok on my laptop12:58
zniavre_but on my laptop the background of gdm is a bit "dirty?"12:58
mac_vzniavre_: i have the same problem too.. are you using a widescreen?12:59
mac_vthe logo looks ugly :/12:59
mac_vfor me it gets stretched horizontally and creates a weird effect13:00
zniavre_1600x1200x105hertz  on pc (uggly logo)    1024x768x60hertz on laptop (logo ok)13:00
zniavre_i do not think it's widescreen no?13:00
kwwiiit should be somewhere like /usr/share/xsplash13:01
zniavre2_éé i forgot this new slow laptop13:02
mac_vthe /usr/share/images/xsplash ,is where the wallpaper and stuff are , but this logo is pulled from somewhere else13:04
mac_vzniavre2_: i think mat_t_ would know ;)13:04
kwwiihrm, it might be in the usplash13:04
kwwiiif it's in the usplash you'll need to get the package13:05
mac_vkwwii: the sad part it the logo looks good when i test it in virtual box , but on my laptop it gets stretched and looks awkward :/13:06
zniavre2_same here on pc13:06
kwwiimac_v: my guess is that the monitor detection is not going as well as it should13:06
mac_vzniavre2_: /usr/share/icons/HumanLoginIcons/apps/64/computer.png13:06
kwwiithat is not the icon which is used for that, though it is the same visual thing13:07
mac_voh.. lol ;p13:07
kwwiihttps://launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/usplash-theme-ubuntu/0.27 is what you want13:07
darkmatterkwwii: monitor detection has never been good (at least for the last three or four releases). I always get defaulted to 800. last time my brother tried an install, it tossed his 1440 to 1280 xD13:08
kwwiidarkmatter: yepp, sad but true13:09
mac_vyup , it is in the source13:10
zniavrei almost see it like that13:10
zniavremaybe worst in real usplash13:10
kwwiiI am sure there is a bug about this13:10
zniavreoops sorry13:11
* mac_v feels that canonical wasted time on xsplash ;) could have used the plymouth instead ;p13:11
darkmatterxsplash is nice, but the xsplash > gdm > xsplash feels weird. at least drop the post-login splash. a decent preload on gnome brings up the desktop in the blink of an eye anyway. also. take a leason from video apps. hide the mouse pointer unless the mouse is moved :P13:14
zniavredarkmatter,  right13:14
mac_vdarkmatter: its actually *usplash* >  xsplash > gdm > xsplash13:15
mac_vthats where the white logo is used13:15
kwwiibut in some cases it will be usplash, xsplash, usplash, xsplash, gdm xsplash13:15
kwwiifsck and such13:15
darkmatteror give a custom 'login' splash. as it is the peat meets repeat thing makes it feel 'jerky' even 'buggy'13:15
mac_vlol , yeah.. the pointer is redundant  , when we already have a throbber ;p13:16
darkmatterwell.. it is buggy, but even if it wasn't it would still feel as such13:16
kwwiidarkmatter: actually, there is a really good bug report about some of those problems: bug #37159113:16
ubottuLaunchpad bug 371591 in usplash "flicker/tearing in bootsplashanimations could be avoided with retrace-syncing" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/37159113:16
darkmatterkwwii: I get the tearing in vm. plus the cylon 'bounces'... it creates this bimbo-ish 'omfg! I'm loading!' sensation that makes me wanna beat it to death xD13:18
kwwiidarkmatter: hehe, yeah13:28
darkmatterand as for post login. I'd personally expand on the way suse handles it (suse's gnome loading is pretty slick, but not perfect). basically animate the panels into place like suse does. maybe patch nautilus to animate in icons, but delay the animations for a second or two (basically force a hidden state until the local bits are fully loaded. since the default is to show the gdm background until the setting load, maybe even fade in the 13:29
picklesworthkwwii: You're welcome, and thanks for merging the fix :)14:43
dashuamac_v, ping15:39
dashuaTell me what you think of that when you get a chance :)15:40
dashuaOr anyone else kwwii, zniavre15:41
FLOZzHello all  _o/15:47
zniavrei like the metacity16:00
zniavreoops error16:02
zniavredashua,  hover the inactive buttons gives something strange16:06
zniavrefor metacity *16:06
dashuaBox drawn, you mean?16:06
darkmattercool. chrome os is chrome enhanced. go figure16:10
zniavrehttp://img508.imageshack.us/img508/695/capture2p.png    in top left > close button on inactive xchat window16:10
mac_vdashua: hey16:18
mac_vdashua: looks good :) ... only the buttons have a sharp gradient in the middle16:21
darkmattereat my browser os! http://www.techcrunch.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/10/chromeostheme2.jpg :P16:29
=== zniavre2 is now known as perceval
benstehi, as you're the one working with artwork packages I wanted to ask how to build a deb package for ubuntu which will just install some files into a specific dir19:47
benstein absic packaging guide, only creating out of source code is explained19:47
bensteno one home ?20:05
=== perceval is now known as zniavre2
dashuazniavre, Yep.  Let me fix that.21:12
dashuamac_v, Thx21:13
dashuazniavre, Fixed and pushed.  :)21:33
kwwiidashua: the panel looks nice21:48
dashuakwwii, Thx :)21:49
dashuaI pushed it up with new metacity, should be pretty complete21:49
dashuaAs an extra or something21:49
kwwiiwe could make a package out of it and put it in universe21:50
kwwiiand/or put it in a ppa21:50
dashuaAwesome :)21:50
dashuaIt's brancehd under human-theme in LP21:50
dashuakwwii, Damn, they look pretty delectable. :)21:53
kwwiidashua: cool, I'll look into it soon21:56
kwwiibut not tonight, too late on a friday for real work :p21:56
dashuakwwii, Ok np :)21:56

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