
macoim hoping that people will read that before filing bugs and do it right00:00
xteejxbug 159982, affects current Kubuntu releases, can someone take a look please?00:00
ubot4Launchpad bug 159982 in kdepim "KMail using mixed locale template in replies" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15998200:00
dtchenjerone-mobile: do you mean "practically" or "partially"?00:02
dtchenjerone-mobile: in https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pulseaudio/+bug/418617/comments/39 , that is00:02
jerone-mobiledtchen, ? which commnt00:02
ubot4Launchpad bug 418617 in pulseaudio "Sound Prefrences applet does not offer a way for laptop users to use mic jack attached mic" [Undecided,New]00:02
jerone-mobiledtchen, think meant "partially" for the bug at least00:03
jerone-mobiledtchen, but the big issue is resolved00:04
dtchenjerone-mobile: ok00:04
jerone-mobiledtchen, the other is minor really00:04
dtchenjerone-mobile: i agree there's a UI nit-pick00:04
jerone-mobiledtchen, focus for next release00:04
dtcheni'm not going to be focusing on it for Karmic at least00:04
dtchenthanks again for testing00:04
dtchenxteejx: have you mentioned it in #kubuntu-devel?00:06
dtchen(it doesn't appear so, but my irc client's activity indicator sometimes lies)00:06
dtchenerr, there's a #kubuntu-bugs, too, IIRC00:07
BUGabundobou pra caminha00:26
hggdhdtchen, request sent...00:41
dtchenhggdh: thanks much00:43
xteejxbug 160071, its a developer type report, very confusing i haven't a clue what it means, can someone with more of a brain than me take a look please? :) lol00:51
ubot4Launchpad bug 160071 in libdebian-installer "Logger Framework Conducive to Creating Zombie Processes When Syslog is Restarted" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16007100:51
xteejxif theres anyone here of course ;)00:52
xteejxWhat is the commit interval for ext3 with laptops on battery is it still 5 seconds?01:04
mzzxteejx: last time I checked: yes01:05
mzzxteejx: zombie processes are usually pretty ignorable01:06
mzzxteejx: (if you're a developer: you should clean them up if your code is causing them. If you're a user: you can usually ignore them, since they don't take up a significant amount of resources unless there's tons of them)01:07
xteejxmzz, I'm only asking because of a bug report, more of a wishlist really: bug 15044801:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 150448 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV (dup-of: 145360)" [Medium,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/15044801:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 145360 in compiz "compiz.real crashed with SIGSEGV in doPoll()" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/14536001:08
xteejxbug 160448, sorry01:08
ubot4Launchpad bug 160448 in util-linux "the commit interval for the ext3 filesystem should be higher than 5 seconds for laptop users by default (at least while on battery)" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/16044801:08
mzzwell, notice that bug isn't marked fixed01:09
xteejxit was never wishlisted either, i only just done it....01:10
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bcurtiswxBug #408530 and Bug #443340  i believe they are the same, and the first has the better report.. but both have a large amount of duplicates, does launchpad still complain about that?03:19
ubot4Launchpad bug 408530 in empathy "empathy assertion failure: empathy:ERROR:empathy-tp-chat.c:1391:empathy_tp_chat_acknowledge_message: assertion failed: (m != NULL)" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40853003:19
ubot4bcurtiswx: Bug 443340 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/443340 is private03:19
bcurtiswxfor those who can read private reports ;-)03:19
bcurtiswxim gonna go check it and publicize it if i can03:21
micahgbcurtiswx: yeah, you still have to manually move the dupes AFAIK03:32
bcurtiswx<facepalm> that sucks03:32
bcurtiswxmicahg: you agree that 408530 is the better bug tho?03:34
bcurtiswxjoin #launchpad03:34
micahgbcurtiswx: bug 78596...03:34
ubot4Launchpad bug 78596 in malone "Automatically handle moving duplicates across when duplicating a bug with dupes" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/7859603:34
bcurtiswxhigh and triaged... and 78596... <facepalm>03:35
micahgyeah, I think so03:36
shawn_Hello is this where I report bugs?04:09
mzzshawn_: no, that'd be launchpad or using ubuntu-bug on a ubuntu system. This is where you get help using those though.04:11
bcurtiswxshawn_, which package are you reporting against?04:11
shawn_Well I want to report a bug with the Remote Desktop Viewer04:12
shawn_In Jaunty04:12
bcurtiswxyeah use ubuntu-bug04:17
shawn_Whats that04:17
benediktshawn_: open a terminal an write "ubuntu-bug" :-)04:17
mzzshawn_: if you go to http://bugs.ubuntu.com/ and click the "report a bug" link (on the right) you're taken to a wiki page telling you (among other things) how to invoke ubuntu-bug04:18
benediktreading the man page also works.04:18
shawn_Gah this seems way too annoying xD04:19
sbeattieshawn_: actually, it's even easier than what the others suggested; open the Remote Desktop Viewer, click on the help menu and then select "Report a Problem"04:27
Omar87Hi all.04:43
Omar87The system keeps crashing and logging out on me. (Karmic).04:43
mzzOmar87: anything in /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old?05:12
mzzOmar87: or ~/.xsession-errors.old?05:12
LaibschWhat's the fastest way to merge two bugs that already have a high number of dupes themselves?07:06
LaibschCan somebody who can read stacktraces please take a look at bug 338217 and bug 199592 to confirm or disconfirm whether those two are dupes?07:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 338217 in scim-bridge "scim-bridge crashed with SIGSEGV in scim::Module::unload()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33821707:29
ubot4Launchpad bug 199592 in scim-bridge "scim-bridge crashed with SIGSEGV in scim::Module::unload()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19959207:29
thekorngood morning07:35
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Omar87mzz,  /var/log/Xorg.0.log.old :  http://pastebin.com/m4cea3dd407:57
mzzOmar87: so that looks like it's cut off. Anything interesting logged in /var/log/gdm?07:58
Omar87mzz, ~/.xsession-errors.old : http://pastebin.com/m4761ddab07:59
mzzOmar87: yeah, that's X crashing07:59
Omar87I found those: http://pastebin.com/d10ba800e08:01
Omar87mzz, so what now?08:17
mzzOmar87: anything interesting below /var/log/gdm/?08:18
Omar87I found those: http://pastebin.com/d10ba800e08:18
mzzOmar87: it reads as if gdm crashed badly enough that it didn't write the crash reason to its own log, but it might've dumped it to stderr, which'd end up somewhere below /var/log/gdm/08:19
mzzerr, as if *X* crashed...08:19
mzzOmar87: try :0.log.108:19
Omar87mzz, http://pastebin.com/d6ac5f77b08:22
mzzI'll read in a minute, multitasking...08:23
Omar87mzz, tyt08:23
mzzdrmRadeonCmdBuffer: -12. Kernel failed to parse or rejected command stream. See dmesg for more info.08:26
mzzOmar87: so pastebin dmesg08:26
mzzOmar87: this is the sort of thing that might already have a ubuntu bug though08:26
Omar87mzz, http://pastebin.com/d6415a39908:28
mzzXorg: page allocation failure. order:4, mode:0x40d008:28
mzzthat's not good08:28
mzzOmar87: things to do include: search ubuntu-bugs for this, check if the x-updates ppa has a better driver, ask #radeon if this dmesg output is known08:29
mzzerr, s/ubuntu-bugs/launchpad/08:29
Omar87mzz, so where do I look now?08:30
mzzsee above08:31
mzzwell, "search ubuntu-bugs" doesn't work :) I meant "search http://bugs.ubuntu.com/" aka the bug tracker on launchpad08:33
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Laibsch1Can somebody who can read stacktraces please take a look at bug 338217 and bug 199592 to confirm or disconfirm whether those two are dupes?09:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 338217 in scim-bridge "scim-bridge crashed with SIGSEGV in scim::Module::unload()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33821709:31
ubot4Launchpad bug 199592 in scim-bridge "scim-bridge crashed with SIGSEGV in scim::Module::unload()" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/19959209:32
mzzthey definitely look extremely similar to me09:34
mzzbut I may be missing something, since the "retraced" stack trace doesn't match exactly09:34
iamfossyhi all , anyone has USB auto-mount bug in Karmic  ?10:21
iamfossycan anyone reproduce the same ?10:21
mzzyou're not being very specific10:22
iamfossyError mounting: mount exited with exit code 1: helper failed with:10:22
iamfossymount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdd1,10:22
iamfossy       missing codepage or helper program, or other error10:22
iamfossy       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try10:22
iamfossy       dmesg | tail  or s10:22
iamfossythats the error10:22
iamfossywhen i plug in a USB10:22
mzzif you try to mount directly does it fail the same way?10:23
iamfossyi've checked it with multiple USB's10:23
mzzalso, what does "file -s /dev/sdd1" say?10:23
mzzalso, what it said about dmesg10:23
iamfossythe file command with sudo reports as follows : /dev/sdd1: x86 boot sector, code offset 0x58, OEM-ID "MSWIN4.1", sectors/cluster 8, reserved sectors 2176, Media descriptor 0xf8, heads 255, hidden sectors 63, sectors 15695808 (volumes > 32 MB) , FAT (32 bit), sectors/FAT 15296, reserved3 0x800000, serial number 0xa84562fb, unlabeled10:24
mzzhmm, that sounds not completely insane10:24
iamfossywhats the problem ?10:24
iamfossyand the dmesg | tails reports as follows :10:25
iamfossy[14419.518036] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] Assuming drive cache: write through10:25
iamfossy[14419.520735] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] Assuming drive cache: write through10:25
iamfossy[14419.520740]  sdd: sdd110:25
iamfossy[14419.528033] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] Assuming drive cache: write through10:25
iamfossy[14419.528038] sd 8:0:0:0: [sdd] Attached SCSI removable disk10:25
iamfossy[14420.349881] UDF-fs: No anchor found10:25
iamfossy[14420.349885] UDF-fs: Rescanning with blocksize 204810:25
iamfossy[14420.421185] UDF-fs: No anchor found10:25
iamfossy[14420.421190] UDF-fs: No partition found (1)10:25
iamfossy[14420.754820] ISOFS: Unable to identify CD-ROM format.10:25
mzzpastebins are your friend10:25
mzzand that's odd, I wonder why it's attempting those10:25
iamfossyOops sorry10:25
iamfossybtw i've the latest updates to karmic10:26
iamfossyany idea or a fix ?10:26
iamfossyi googled aroung , and saw everywhere in ubuntu forums10:27
iamfossywas not able to see such error10:27
iamfossy@mzz any ideas / fixes / solutions ?10:28
mzzsee earlier comment about manual mounting10:29
iamfossythats the way i do it now , i manually mount the flash drives , then gksu nautilus to read/write to it10:30
iamfossyis this the problem with everyone or only me ?10:30
mzzI can't say I've noticed it10:32
mzzhow are you mounting? Specifically: are you passing "-t vfat" or the like?10:32
mzzI'd attempt to find out how "mount" ends up getting called, although I'm not sure what a convenient way to do that would be10:33
iamfossyit never mounts automaticallt , i use this : sudo mount /dev/sdd1 /mnt10:33
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xteejxhi all11:12
KmosCould some make bug 451838 public?11:15
ubot4Kmos: Bug 451838 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/451838 is private11:15
xteejxhang on11:16
xteejxKmos, this bug is fixed11:17
Kmosthank you11:17
xteejxKmos, no, I mean the bug has been fixed already, but I'll mark it Public, have checked it11:18
Kmosyeah, I know it was fixed11:18
KmosI just need to make one duplicate of it11:18
xteejxno worries :)11:18
indusxteejx: hello11:32
xteejxindus, hi11:33
indusxteejx: you know, i downgraded bios and it seems the soft reset messages went away, but cd/dvd didnt work anyway11:33
xteejxindus, so the drive is physically "broken", its not software?11:33
indusxteejx: actually i have a bandwidth cap per month, and so cant download kernel yet11:33
indusxteejx: works beautifully in windows11:34
indusxteejx: actually i dont remember whether messages disappeared , i upgraded to latest bios anyway11:34
xteejxxteejyx, still a problem then, thats a shame...glad to see the soft ata messages went though, its one step closer to fixing it, in fact you may not have to test a mainline kernel now, i'll have a look11:34
indusxteejx: no no wait, iam not sure it disappeared i am saying11:35
indusxteejx: but the drive wasnt detected still , so i went back to new bios11:35
xteejxindus, ohhh ok, well no worries i'm in the middle of doing other stuff, but will check back on my gmail account if there's any updates :)11:36
indusxteejx: believe me, this is  a  amd 690 g chipset issue11:36
indusxteejx: i will test mainline in a day or so11:36
indusxteejx: just double click on deb and install?11:36
xteejxermmm im not sure, it's all explained in the link, but i *think* so yes11:37
indusxteejx: ok thanks for all the help really11:37
indusi had lost hope of any fix11:37
xteejxindus, no worries, do you remember the bug number, i can't find it11:38
xteejxgot it, no worries11:40
indusso you are at this moment chatting with kernel devs?11:41
indusi need some technical info11:41
induswhat does soft reset mean11:41
xteejxindus, no, I'm at work flitting between Ubuntu and work11:48
indusok then ill see u later, dont let anyone escape :P11:50
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Guest89768i need help oeth a bug in update manager14:48
Guest89768can any one in here help me resolve a bug in update manager?14:50
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hggdhah well. Another shoot and run15:37
iamfossyhello everyone16:02
iamfossyi've a technical issue with fstab16:02
iamfossyis there anyone to help ?16:02
iamfossymy problem is detailed here : http://pastebin.com/m27c0cdbe16:03
iamfossyupdated with my fstab  entries16:04
iamfossythe /dev/sdd1 is my flash drive partition , i do not know why it is being recognised as cdrom in fstab16:04
iamfossyany fix for this ?16:04
hggdhiamfossy: what version of Ubuntu are you running?16:23
quentusrexIs there a way to see the list of bugs for the karmic beta?17:09
d3xterhey guys17:09
d3xterafter upgrading to 9.10, dimming of my lcd with my fn-keys stopped working. While Ubuntu is booting, the fn-keys work as expected. is this bug related to the intel-driver?17:13
thekornhi all!17:15
thekornquentusrex, you mean targeted to karmic beta?17:15
thekornquentusrex, they are listed on https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+milestone/ubuntu-9.10-beta17:16
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BUGabundohey fellows20:15
hggdhhey fellows21:04
BUGabundoola hggdh21:06
hggdhola BUGabundo, log time21:06
BUGabundowhat? one week or so?21:08
hggdhlong time no matter ;-)21:12
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
elleucahi, could someone try to check this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/45197421:43
ubot4Launchpad bug 451974 in compiz "Black video minimizing Totem window" [Undecided,New]21:43
bdmurraymrand: you might be interested in bug 45337722:26
ubot4Launchpad bug 453377 in ubuntu "[ubuntu karmic] mythtv-frontend does not prevent display being put to sleep during tv watching" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45337722:26
paranif somebody have karmic, linux-backports-modules-karmic-generic and iwlagn, then please take a quick look at my bug 45306422:27
ubot4Launchpad bug 453064 in linux-backports-modules-2.6.31 "Incorrect Intel firmware file name" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45306422:27
BUGabundothere are already backports??22:27
BUGabundoaren't those supposed to kick in *after* release?22:28
paranyeah, latest bleeding edge compat-wireless22:28
paranprobably too much new intrusive changes to just throw it into the normal kernel22:29
BUGabundodue to archive freeze?22:29
bdmurraywell the kernel freezes a bit before the final freeze22:29
paranthe normal kernel probably like to stick closer to unmodified 2.6.3122:31
paranI run backports as that version of iwlagn supports power management (iwconfig wlan0 power on) which saves 1-2W on my laptop :)22:32
elleucahi, could someone try to check this bug? https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/45197422:47
ubot4Launchpad bug 451974 in compiz "Black video minimizing Totem window" [Undecided,New]22:47
bcurtiswxdtchen: what happened with the simultaneous output in pulse?23:15
dtchenbcurtiswx: I'm not sure what you mean?23:19
dtchenparan: it's no longer compat-wireless bleeding but whatever's tracked in the next linux version23:20
bcurtiswxdtchen: sound preferences --> output tab --> no simultaneous output23:20
dtchenparan: currently it's synced with 2.6.32-rc423:20
bcurtiswxdtchen: hmm, maybe that setting got reset in an update23:20
dtchenparan: details of the change are in the changelog for linux-backports-modules-2.6.3123:20
dtchenBUGabundo: no, for several releases now, lbm has been uploaded prior to RC23:21
bcurtiswxdtchen: pavucontrol has nothing23:21
dtchenbcurtiswx: I don't use that, sorry. I use paprefs first.23:21
BUGabundothat's new to me23:22
dtchenpaprefs is deprecated, really.23:23
bcurtiswxdtchen: it should allow you to make that option in sound preferences23:23
dtcheni wonder how many people are running ext4 as /home who are getting these weird muted Master/PCM/Front issues23:23
BUGabundoseems fixed to me for a few days23:24
bcurtiswxi have that.. whats the issue?23:24
BUGabundohaven't seen it happening recently23:24
BUGabundoI do have the audio team PPA23:24
parandtchen: imho compat-wireless-2.6.32-rc4 is quite bleeding edge compared to 2.6.31 :)23:25
dtchenparan: well, yes. thankfully it works much better for my hardware.23:25
dtchenBUGabundo: the audio team PPA has older packages than what's in Karmic proper.23:26
BUGabundoso you think ext4 may be the root of the prob?23:26
bcurtiswxdtchen: so the only way to get simultaneous output is paprefs?23:26
dtchenbcurtiswx: no, but it's probably the easiest way for you at this moment, given that it's not exposed properly in gnome-volume-control (a bug, of course)23:27
bcurtiswxdtchen: ahh ok... do you know if its reported already?23:27
bcurtiswxi.e. i'd be happy to report it if not23:29
dtchenbcurtiswx: probably, but it really is quite low on my hit list23:29
dtchenas in I won't even look at it for Karmic23:29
parandtchen: I mainly wanted the PS. hopefully it might also improve wpa2-enterpsie stability whan I am at work23:30
bcurtiswxdtchen: well i'll see if i can find it and post a workaround23:30
hggdhwell, I am running pure Karmic right now (i.e., no PPAs), and do not get sound muted at start23:30
dtchenbcurtiswx: the workaround would be "install paprefs, use it (System> Preferences> PulseAudio Preferences> Simultaneous Output)23:31
dtchenhggdh: is /home on ext4?23:31
hggdhdtchen: yes. And paprefs was not installed so far23:31
hggdhand encrypted (/home/myself, I mean)23:32
dtchenhggdh: right, paprefs is for a different issue altogether23:32
dtchenhmm, ok. that's two data points.23:32
dtchenBUGabundo: do you have encrypted lvm / or ecryptfs /home?23:32
BUGabundodtchen: no23:33
BUGabundodtchen: full disk is a single partition of ext423:33
hggdhdtchen: also, I run LVM, with many mount points23:33
BUGabundono separate /home23:33
dtchenBUGabundo: / hggdh: what's the output from head -6 /proc/asound/card*/codec*23:34
BUGabundodtchen: $ head -6 /proc/asound/card*/codec* | pastebinit  http://paste.ubuntu.com/295018/23:35
hggdhdtchen: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/295019/23:37
dtchenoooh, excellent23:42
dtchennow I can use the two of you as guinea pigs!23:42
* BUGabundo is away watching TV shows in a role23:42
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bdrungdtchen: is bug #453158 a bug in pulseaudio or alsa?23:57
ubot4Launchpad bug 453158 in xmms2 "problem with xmms2 toggleplay" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45315823:57
bdrungdtchen: i saw a similar bug filed against vlc23:57

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