[02:42] اینجا بخش فارسی زبان هاس ؟ === LjL-Temp is now known as LjL [11:12] who runs the spanish bot? [11:12] jpds, ?? [11:15] No. [11:16] sorry jpds [11:20] hehe [11:27] elky: Looks like they use ubot-fr, so... niko? [11:27] yes ? [11:28] there is another bot, ubotu-fr only manage flood / moderation [11:28] for factoids and others stuff, you should ask m4v [11:28] m4v, around? [11:28] heh === LjL-Temp is now known as LjL === LjL-Temp is now known as LjL [19:36] [ uBOTu-fr!n=ubotufr@ubuntu/bot/ubotu-fr ] Give a reason about +b %*!*@ on #ubuntu-es with !mark 106 [19:36] No. [19:41] jpds: you need to be identified with ubotu-fr :) [19:42] jpds: do you want one ? [19:49] jpds: in future, please avoid quiet ( % ) in #ubuntu-es, if there is +z :) === m4v_ is now known as m4v === m4v_ is now known as m4v [22:07] In #ubuntu-tn-meeting, nizarus said: !foo is foo [22:22] ubot2: thanks [22:22] You're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-) [22:24] why ubot2 is sending my messages here ?? [22:27] it's a bot [22:27] ia missed [22:27] heh [22:29] selly bot :p [23:52] Pici / niko recall the conversation about Samuel-AFK... someone has turned up in -uk from a proxy service.. well, vpn service [23:52] 23:41:21 -!- sdg [n=gdv@] has joined #ubuntu-uk [23:52] 23:41:47 -!- sdg is now known as xcvbfghjk [23:52] odd nickname to choose [23:52] somewhat similar to the one the guy used [23:52] he is in #ubuntu+1 [23:53] how is his behaviour? [23:53] iffy [23:53] talking about feeling suicidal [23:53] almost certainly him [23:54] just joined -offtopic