
bodhi_zazenWelcome RanDom33 =)00:06
bodhi_zazenmost of us learn by doing, or at least I do00:07
RanDom33bodhi_zazen, thanks for the welcome00:07
bodhi_zazenIf you are interested in learning, come on to #ubuntu-beginners00:08
bodhi_zazennot exactly an education channel, but this channel if used primarily by the UCLP for administration00:08
bodhi_zazenthe UCLP project is yet young and we are in process of building courses00:09
RanDom33Saj0577, what is the name of the beginner channel that i was in01:21
RanDom33found it01:22
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doctormoMorning all14:11
pleia2morning doctormo15:10
cprofittpleia2, what is the best way to get ahold of dinda?16:57
pleia2cprofitt: I'd email her, I think she's traveling at the moment16:58
cprofittneed to talk to her about Edubuntu -- I am getting asked questions about it by some EDU magazines16:59
pleia2might consider talking to laserjock in #edubuntu too17:00
pleia2he runs the project and is very approachable17:00
cprofittpleia2, doing so now17:32
* pleia2 sees :)17:32
cprofittThe courses for schools to use are the ones I really have a high interest in focusing on17:33
cprofittif he has requests... that will really help the UCLP17:33
cprofittand could funnel educators willing to help us write courses.17:33
pleia2yeah, that'd be great17:40
cprofittthanks for the information pleia2 - that went well17:58
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cprofitthey bodhi_zazen19:06
bodhi_zazen'lo cprofitt19:28
cprofitthey bodhi_zazen19:28
cprofittI hope to get some stuff from LaserJock in regards to course requests they have had from the EduBuntu side19:30
doctormoSounds good to me20:09
cprofittdoctormo, yes...20:12
cprofittit focuses on the arena I am focused on -- mostly because of my job20:12
cprofittdoctormo, is bioselement back on the team?20:13
doctormocprofitt: He said he was, and was back in the IRC channel that night20:13
doctormocprofitt: Send an appology to me (and to you?) about everything.20:14
cprofittI believe I got one...20:14
cprofittnot sure if it was the same he sent you...20:14
doctormoNo, this one was addressed to me.20:15
cprofittk - then we got different ones.20:15
cprofittHave you calmed down from that evening as well?20:16
doctormoAlthough I didn't think there was anything we couldn't work out. Just that it would take longer than it has to work everythign out.20:17
cprofittI think some of the accusations made that night could have escalated to non-repairable20:18
doctormoEven licking one's plate is a repairable situation. Hurt feelings are a matter for the humble side of ourselves.20:19
cprofittTrue, but  some things ascend to a level above just us.20:20
cprofitthurt feelings are also different than damage to trust20:22
doctormocprofitt: Very rarely have I seen conversations get anywhere near that level in any ubuntu irc channel, this one has been particulary active in ego, but not in trust breakage.20:24
doctormobodhi_zazen and I may not see eye to eye, but I wouldn't not trust him on what he knows or to be a good leader and looking out for the group. Nor anyone else.20:24
doctormoA problem of charicter is not always transferable to trust. If that's what you meant.20:25
cprofittthat is not what I mean -- you made an accusation in reference to me that indicates you have a lack of trust with me.20:26
cprofittI think you were out of line and off based due to emotion, but nothing I have seen indicates that to be the case.20:27
cprofittso that leaves a lingering question in regards to that accusation and your trust level with me20:27
cprofittwhile I may be 'reading' too much in to it... that is still something I am concerned with20:28
cprofitthello Raidsong20:29
Raidsongmy cat left you a message20:30
* cprofitt scratches head20:30
cprofittnot following Raidsong20:30
Raidsongthe + was my cat20:31
cprofittif a + is a cat... then what is a - ?20:37
Raidsonga dog20:41
Raidsongor a lemur20:41
cprofittI vote lemur20:42
cprofittwow... we are making solid progress here20:43
Raidsongwe are indeed20:48
doctormocprofitt: I trust that you will do right by this community. There aren't enough instances where you've behaved overly sensitive to consider it a trend. I'm sorry if I blew that out of proportion with the accusation that you were always like that and thus unfit for leading this community.21:48
* cprofitt listens21:49
RanDom33cprofitt, good day21:51
cprofitthello RanDom3321:52
RanDom33cprofitt, we talked last night, just saying hi.. im on 64 bit koala now ;) just finished getting flash plugin working21:52
cprofittdid you get VirtualBox working as well21:53
RanDom33not yet21:53
RanDom33just got home from work21:53
cprofittsorry to hear that...21:53
RanDom33and got flash up21:53
RanDom33i got rid of 32 bit21:53
RanDom33you all convinced me21:53
RanDom33to try 6421:54
cprofittI am eager to hear how it turns out... as I use VBox and can not move forward w/o VBox21:54
cprofittyeah... 64bit is ready for primetime21:54
cprofittI have been using it since 8.0421:54
RanDom33i did manage at the very end of last night to get a virtualbox-ose working21:54
RanDom33rather than virtualbox-3.021:54
RanDom33not sure of the difference21:54
RanDom33open source edition21:56
cprofittdoctormo, I appreciate that you still trust me. I also appreciate you are willing to express that you blew the incident out of proportion. As a leader in the community yourself it is important to mirror the behavior you seek to see in others. I agree with you that this project, especially in IRC, has a much too acidic nature to it.22:04
doctormocprofitt: Of course, the leadership CoC is a fairly high ideal. We're still only human and I'd like to think that we're all able to be given space to make mistakes.22:05
cprofittI strongly appreciate your contribution and efforts to the project.22:06
doctormoThis group has had a lot of input, and because everyone was fairly sure of their desires before they were confident of everyone elses. It ended up a little too conflicting.22:06
cprofittI also understand that emotions will at times get the better of people.22:06
doctormocprofitt: Of course, of everyone.22:06
doctormoOK, time to go and talk to lots of NGOs about why Free Software should be a consideration at the Grassroots Tech conf.22:08
cprofittgood luck22:08
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