
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
=== norly is now known as ejat
=== YDdraigGoch is now known as Richie
=== dholbach_ is now known as dholbach
=== agateau is now known as agateau|lunch
=== agateau|lunch is now known as agateau
=== marjomercado is now known as marjo
=== fader|away is now known as fader
* marjo waves15:56
* apw zones in16:02
Riddellgood afternoon friends16:03
Riddellthis meeting is lacking a certain je ne sais quoi16:05
pittije ne parlez-pas francois16:06
Riddell"parle" "francais"16:06
apwet tu brute16:06
davmor2Riddell: he said he didn't :)16:06
Riddellslangasek?  how's your french?16:07
loolRiddell: francois is old french16:07
loolit's even more impressive  ;)16:07
loolpardon c'est encore plus impressionant16:08
Riddellc'est supercool16:08
* pitti checks the channel again16:08
cjwatsonRiddell: a certain je ne sais qui, perhaps16:08
Riddellrobbiew: able to phone slangasek?  he might need woken up16:09
robbiewyeah...let me check16:09
cjwatsonI can't chair, I have a lot of other urgent stuff to do at the same time - maybe somebody else can16:10
robbiewslangasek is on his way16:10
slangasekmorning, folks16:10
pittihey slangasek16:11
pittislangasek: you still have a feeling about "morning" vs. "night" these days? Impressive16:11
MootBotMeeting started at 10:11. The chair is slangasek.16:11
MootBotCommands Available: [TOPIC], [IDEA], [ACTION], [AGREED], [LINK], [VOTE]16:11
slangasek[TOPIC] Actions from previous meetings16:12
MootBotNew Topic:  Actions from previous meetings16:12
slangasek  * slangasek and bdmurray to garden the regression-potential bugs16:12
slangasek  * slangasek to look at possible Kubuntu-only EOL announcement for 8.0416:12
slangasek  * asac__ to follow up on notify-osd/gpm regression16:12
slangasek  * marjo and slangasek to follow up on getting eucalyptus tests updated on tracker (DONE)16:12
apwslangasek, am covering kernel for pgraner16:12
slangasek  * davmor2 to test wubi with syncio->sync fix ASAP (DONE)16:12
slangasek  * lool to confirm that shipping jaunty OOo .so w/o source is legal16:12
slangasek  * kirkland to discuss virtio for uec with Dan today (Bug:432154)16:12
slangasek  * sistpoty|work to draft another call for help w/ FTBFS (DONE)16:12
slangasekapw: ack16:12
asacasac: scratch that follow up please ;) its not a release critical thing (though we discussed it here in context)16:12
asacslangasek: ^^16:12
slangasekasac: ok16:13
kirklandslangasek: our dynamic block storage and virtio bugs were fixed on Wednesday16:13
slangasekregression-potential bugs> will finish up today16:13
slangasekkirkland: great, thanks16:13
loolI checked with legal and it's ok to ship the jaunty binary but they would like us to include a note in debian/copyright16:14
slangasekthe jaunty OOO .so has also been addressed; we need a change added to the debian/copyright, which ccheney will add in the next (and hopefully final!) OOo upload16:14
* slangasek nods16:14
slangasekkubuntu EOL> still to be addressed16:14
slangasek[TOPIC] QA Team16:14
MootBotNew Topic:  QA Team16:14
marjoHardware testing:16:15
marjo   passed:      10 (91%)        failed:      0  ( 0%)  untested:  1  ( 9%)16:15
marjo   passed:      26 (96%)        failed:      0  ( 0%)   untested:    1  ( 4%)16:15
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~fader/hw-testing/current.html16:15
marjo   passed:      42 (91%)        failed:      0  ( 0%)   untested:    4  ( 9%)16:15
marjo   passed:      10 (100%)       failed:      0  (  0%)  untested:    0  (  0%)16:15
marjocurrent test results look good16:15
marjothat's it for QA16:15
pitti0 failures?16:16
slangasekwe're still waiting on checkbox results from the NC10?16:16
faderslangasek: Correct; manjo still has that hardware and just finished bugfixing16:17
fader(as of yesterday)16:17
marjopitti: once we get manjo's results, we'll get another 100%16:17
slangasekpresumably :)16:18
* fader keeps his fingers crossed.16:18
* pitti knocks on wood16:18
marjoslangasek: positive thinking man!16:18
slangasekmarjo: are there any bugs that are coming to QA's attention that you're concerned about for the release, that haven't yet been targeted?16:19
marjonone that i'm aware of16:19
marjoyour critical bugs seem appropriate16:19
slangasekok, great16:20
slangasekif you notice anything we're overlooking, please yell :)16:20
slangasek[TOPIC] Desktop Team16:20
MootBotNew Topic:  Desktop Team16:20
marjoyou bet!16:20
pittiThis week the PolicyKit-1 migration was completed with the upload of checkbox. We also got some bug fix releases of the X.org stack, humanity icon theme, and a flood of bug fixes for fixing highly visible bugs such as the broken handling of music players.16:21
pittiThe artwork copyright situation finally got resolved, after much internal discussion.16:21
pittiRC bug fixing went on with full speed, with good results, but they keep coming...16:21
pittiNotable planned change: Next Monday the new GNOME point release is due, and we traditionally squeezed that into final (and so far managed to do so). We'll put extra resources into getting it all uploaded and working on Monday.16:21
slangaseksounds good16:21
pittias usual, detailled bug status is at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus (also two new ones which weren't on the meeting invite list yet)16:21
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:21
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/ReleaseStatus16:21
RiddellKubuntu has made very pleasing progress on RC bugs, issues with KDM, openoffice, Qt, translations all sorted16:22
Riddelltwo notable ones on my radar still16:22
Riddellupgrade from hardy broken, bug 452090, mvo says it's an issue with apt, not sure if any more is known16:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 452090 in apt "adept fails to upgrade from hardy -> karmic" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45209016:22
Riddellapps launcher on kubuntu netbook keeps breaking, bug  446905, ScottK has narrowed with down to some recently change in kdelibs so it shouldn't be too hard to narrow it down to what actually caused the problem16:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 446905 in plasma-netbook "Missing applications on desktop launcher" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44690516:23
Riddelloh and we did a late upgrade of sip/python-qt due to licencing change which broke pykde for a while but that should be sorted now16:24
pittiRiddell: ^ I tested it with apport and jockey, WFM again16:24
pittithanks for sorting that out16:24
pittiRiddell: there's also bug 339313 open still16:24
ubottuLaunchpad bug 339313 in plasma-widget-networkmanagement "Kubuntu Jaunty: Cannot Connect To Wireless Network with WEP shared key" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/33931316:24
slangasekhmm, so 452090 probably needs resolved / worked around before we do a kubuntu 8.04 EOL announcement16:24
pittiis that direct hardy->karmic, or hardy->jaunty->karmic?16:25
Riddellpitti: mm, is an upstream issue really but yes it would be very nice to have fixed16:25
pitti(hardy->jaunty was supported, right?)16:25
slangasekpitti: right, though that's effectively degenerated into a metabug16:25
Riddellpitti: hardy->karmic16:25
Riddellslangasek: I'm hoping mvo can look into it, I don't know if anyone else is familiar enough with apt16:25
pittiRiddell: you said that we could probably close 339313 and open another one for the remaining (corner?) case?16:26
Riddellpitti: oh yes, I should do that16:26
slangasekRiddell: fwiw, I was pinged directly yesterday by the minirok upstream about the python-qt upgrade breaking that package due to incompatibilities; I sponsored in a quick bugfix-only release, but you guys might want to be aware and look around for other breakage in the reverse-deps16:26
pittiit became too much of a dumping ground16:26
pitti"Minirok" *chuckle*16:27
Riddellslangasek: ok I didn't know that, we will be testing pyqt bits closely16:27
slangasekpitti, Riddell: yes, having a clean bug for that issue would be nice :)16:27
pittiany questions wrt. desktop?16:28
slangaseknone from me16:29
slangasek[TOPIC] DX Team16:29
MootBotNew Topic:  DX Team16:29
slangasekpitti, Riddell: thanks16:29
slangasekdavidbarth: hi16:29
davidbarththe report is up at the usual location:16:29
davidbarthof note this week16:30
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/KarmicReleaseStatus16:30
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopExperienceTeam/KarmicReleaseStatus16:30
davidbarthall bugs on the radar fixed, mostly by the last xsplash upload on thursday16:30
davidbarthn-osd: no upload however on Thursday, but we still have bugs16:30
davidbarthand now fixes, mostly for the last crashers that were reported16:31
davidbarthas of this afternoon all the critical ones are fix committed16:31
davidbarthwe're also reviewing icon mappings to add missing symlinks to notify-osd-icons16:31
davidbarthto remap nm or gpm notification icons to the new ones provided specifically for n-osd16:32
* ScottK is here now.16:32
davidbarththis is tracked as #45306616:32
pittioh, they are still wrong in some cases?16:32
slangasekI see mention of a pending change regarding notify-osd icons; it's already quite late to be making such changes, since that's a UI Freeze exception - how much is changing, and when is that expected to land?16:32
Riddellagateau had an issue in the Kubuntu patches he wanted to fix to make the message indicator consisten with gnome in showing apps rather than toggle show/hide, so patches for that may appear soon.  I said they should be easily readable and tested in a PPA first16:32
davidbarthRiddell: yes too, next line on the report ;)16:33
lool(I added links to the bugs on the wiki page)16:33
Riddellsorry davidbarth, I'm stealing your moment of glory :)16:33
davidbarthslangasek: i'll have a list by the end of the afternoon16:33
davidbarthslangasek: that's mostly regressions AFAICT, but i do a full review to make sure of that16:34
davidbarthicon naming is always a pain16:34
davidbarthRiddell: np16:34
slangasekeven if they're regressions, at this point in the cycle we need to coordinate with the docs team so they know what's changing that may affect their screenshots16:34
davidbarthRiddell: i think the change makes sense on both desktop, but i know that for users of systray status icons the toggle mode was a welcome change16:35
davidbarthslangasek: yep, i know, i already had to ping them about another change earlier :-(16:35
davidbarthlast there is a low prio rhythmbox bug16:36
davidbarthbut it unearthed a quirk in our API compatibility16:37
davidbarththat's it mostly16:37
slangaseknone here; anyone else?16:37
loolAny planned bug fix release?16:37
davidbarthn-osd around tuesday16:38
loolOk; thanks16:38
davidbarthie, the set of patches should be ready by then16:38
slangasek[TOPIC] Mobile Team16:39
MootBotNew Topic:  Mobile Team16:39
slangasekdavidbarth: thanks16:39
lool[link] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic16:39
loolOverview of overall status (more details since we're close to release):16:39
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MobileTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic16:39
lool* UNR: good shape * wubi still needs testing * we'd like to SRU [[Bug:447886|#447886: On startup Gnome Keyring asks for password in the background]]16:39
lool* general armel stuff16:39
lool  * toolchain not fully fixed, other issues crept in16:39
lool  * openoffice needs an upload for copyright fix and preferably against latest toolchain16:39
lool* armel+mx51: ok16:39
lool  * SATA I/O errors are a bit ugly16:39
lool  * should rebuild some packages now that the PIC issue is fixed16:39
lool  * need to test Babbage 2.0 again16:39
lool* armel+dove: ok16:39
lool  * Installation is very slow, I/O errors during install; slightly worrying16:40
lool  * Need to update installation instructions to cover bootrom update; should get last uboot next week16:40
lool  * Work ongoing to support manual partitioning correctly (partman-uboot); need to finish changes in ubiquity16:40
lool  * need to drop mem= from kernel flags16:40
lool* Ubuntu Moblin Remix: ok16:40
lool  * installation issues are all believed to be fixed but need testing; the APT error might have reappeared16:40
lool(does someone know whether wubi is supposed to work ATM?  I got reports that it was only fixed for some people)16:41
davmor2lool: kinda but not properly.  No more grub issue16:41
davidbarthlool: is there something we can do fo #447886 in netbook-launcher? this one is a nasty usability bug...16:42
slangaseklool: the list of milestoned bugs on that page is a bit difficult to read, fixed bugs are mixed in with open ones; could that be cleaned up next week?16:42
looldavidbarth: Well I suggested that netbook-launcher should foreground all existing real windows at the end of startup16:42
loolslangasek: I drop them when they are fixed; I will try to sort them next time, sorry16:42
slangasekwhich packages are you wanting rebuilt for PIC?16:43
lool(I keep them only for one more week when they are fixed)16:43
loolslangasek: I wanted to rerun my script on a desktop install now that uploads have calmed down16:43
lool(doko suggested that if I were to push rebuild-only uploads, it would hurt slow arches)16:43
looldavidbarth: But after discussion with njpatel, we found it a bit intrusive for final, so I proposed it as a SRU16:44
looldavidbarth: If you think we can fix it, that would be nice16:44
davidbarthlool: hmm ok, we'll take a second look16:45
slangasekany questions on mobile?16:46
loolslangasek: I've moved fixed bugs at the top of the list now16:46
dokolool: well, not this point16:46
looldoko: Yeah, that was last week16:47
looldoko: Now it would be ok16:47
slangasek[TOPIC] Server Team16:47
MootBotNew Topic:  Server Team16:47
slangaseklool: thanks16:47
slangasekkirkland: hi16:47
kirklandslangasek: yessir16:47
slangasekkirkland: status to report on the server team? :)16:48
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus16:49
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus16:49
slangasekttx sent me that yesterday16:49
kirklandslangasek: ah, yessir.  server team = cloud right now16:49
kirklandslangasek: which = eucalyptus;  things have come along very, very well16:49
kirklandslangasek: we do expect to file an upload exception today16:49
kirklandslangasek: we've been testing overnight16:49
kirklandslangasek: awaiting the feedback from Eucalyptus Systems' testing overnight, as well16:49
kirklandslangasek: apologies in advance for the upload16:50
kirklandslangasek: though it does solve all of our remaining release critical bugs16:50
slangasek"file an upload exception" - please bear in mind that unless there are specific doubts about the acceptability of the upload, it's preferable to do the upload and let it be reviewed in queue16:50
kirklandslangasek: understood; i'll get on that16:51
slangasekmathiaz: did you have anything to add?16:51
kirklandslangasek: i really want to touch base with the eucalyptus.com guys16:51
mathiazslangasek: bug 45188116:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451881 in ec2-init "ssh public key fingerprint not available on console in UEC environement" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45188116:51
slangasek(I see ttx designated you as the representative in his mail)16:51
mathiazslangasek: found this yesterday - it's an issue with the uec images16:51
slangasekhmm, wasn't that bug fixed once before?16:52
mathiazslangasek: well - it was in ec216:52
slangasekoh, ok16:52
mathiazslangasek: turns out that UEC is different16:52
mathiazslangasek: EC2 is xen - UEC uses kvm16:52
* slangasek nods16:52
mathiazslangasek: so we may have to adjust things on UEC as well16:52
mathiazslangasek: I've gone through the rest of milestoned bugs16:53
mathiazslangasek: and other lists that ttx sent me16:53
mathiazslangasek: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ServerTeam/ReleaseStatus is up-to-date16:53
slangasekok, great16:53
mathiazslangasek: as far as blueprint: server-karmic-ec2-release-process16:53
mathiazslangasek: i think that smoser is now publishing automatically daily builds of uec images16:54
ScottKFYI, clamav may have a bugfix release a week from Monday, so it'll have to go to -proposed/updates, if it appears.16:54
mathiazslangasek: I don't if that covers all of the blueprint mentioned above16:54
smosermathiaz, is correct on that.16:54
mathiazslangasek: that's all for the server team16:55
slangaseksmoser: now that it's settled what we're publishing for UEC images, I still need to go back and finish integrating the index generation scripts16:55
smoserslangasek, i still have TODO of "publishing" a build from nightly to release16:55
slangasekand then we should do a milestone publishing dry run, yes16:55
smoserslangasek, unless you disagree with something, i think the current output is fairly good16:55
slangaseksmoser: http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/karmic/current/ has no HEADER.html or .htaccess, I think we want that on dailies (and want to be able to reuse the same code for milestones instead of generating HTML by hand)16:57
slangaseksmoser: do you have time Monday morning to work with me on this?16:57
smoserslangasek, yeah. lets do that.16:57
slangasekany other questions on server?16:58
slangasek[TOPIC] Kernel Team16:59
MootBotNew Topic:  Kernel Team16:59
apwOverall kernel team status is summarised at the URL below, including the bugs called out in the agenda.  All of these bugs are either now fixed or pushed out to karmic-updates.16:59
slangasekkirkland, mathiaz, smoser: thanks16:59
apw[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic16:59
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/ReleaseStatus/Karmic16:59
apwWe have picked up v2.6.31.4 plus some rfkill fixes for Dell platforms.  x86 kernel is looking pretty good so far, we have a couple of fixes outstanding for regressions (one affecting Huawei 3G dongles, and another affecting Protege touchpad), there are likely to be others by release and we expect to close those out by SRU shortly thereafter.  The mvl-dove and fsl-imx51 kernels are both looking very good, with no installer issues outstanding at th16:59
apwis time.  We just did an upload for the main kernel for a couple of udeb issues which close out debian-installer bugs as requested by the installer team.16:59
apwAll of the primary release tasks appear complete.  We have reduced the kernel log level by default to suppress many of the chatty messages we otherwise see during the usplash to Xsplash lull.  AppArmor should now be feature complete, and the final(?) NFS bug has been closed out.16:59
slangasekapw: cjwatson brought bug #451872 to my attention late yesterday, suggesting that a kernel freeze exception was in order to be able to get this fixed for the installer; has there been any follow up on that today?17:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451872 in linux "e100_request_firmware fails with Karmic alternate cd (20091014.2)." [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45187217:00
cjwatsonthat's the udeb issues apw refers to17:00
cjwatsone100 and qlogic17:00
slangasekah, yes17:00
apwyep, thats one of the two udeb related issues ... i uploaded a kernel with just those two fixes this lunchtime17:01
apwit appears to have been accepted and is building now17:01
cjwatsonI'm waiting for slow architectures to catch up, and will then do a d-i upload17:01
ScottKapw: Did you get an answer yet about if we need a linux-rt upload or not?17:01
slangaseksounds good17:01
cjwatsonwell, most architectures actually17:01
apwi've not heard back from themuso as yet17:02
ScottKslangasek: Could we have an action for apw to check if linux-rt needs an update now?17:02
slangasek[ACTION] apw to follow up on whether linux-rt needs an update17:02
MootBotACTION received:  apw to follow up on whether linux-rt needs an update17:02
ScottKI know you'll do it, but I want to make sure it's documented and tracked.17:02
slangasekScottK: I don't have context for this, though - why is that an outstanding question?17:03
apwScottK, thats fine ...17:03
apwit seems linux-rt may be on an ISO and may need the same fixes that we just did for x8617:03
apwfor the installer ...17:03
ScottKslangasek: linux-rt is following linux pretty closely this cycle  and I want to make sure they don't need any of the bits that got affected by the late upload.17:03
slangasekapw: linux-rt isn't used in the installer17:03
ScottKOK.  I just want to make sure we close the loop with Ubuntu Studio.17:04
apwScottK tells me there is an ISO of it, studio or something?17:04
cjwatsonthe installer for that ISO still uses the generic kernel17:04
apwcjwatson, excellent then we can likely say there won't be an issue there17:04
cjwatsonwe literally don't build d-i against -rt at all - it can't possibly be using it17:04
apwthen we are good, we can close that one out17:04
apwthanks ScottK for bringing it up17:05
slangasekanything else on the kernel front?17:05
apwi am done17:05
slangasekI was happy to see that the Dell rfkill fixes also fixed my ThinkPad just enough to let me close out the wireless hotkey regression :)17:05
slangasek[TOPIC] Security Team17:06
slangasekapw: thanks17:06
MootBotNew Topic:  Security Team17:06
slangasekjdstrand: hi17:06
jdstrandour release status page is https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus17:06
jdstrandjust a couple of things today:17:06
jdstrandbug #44652417:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 446524 in apparmor "aa-logprof: doesn't parse new null profile syntax" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44652417:06
jdstrandmdeslaur and jj are working on it17:06
slangasek[LINK] https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus17:07
MootBotLINK received:  https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/ReleaseStatus17:07
jdstrandbug #45205717:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 452057 in evince "evince apparmor profile blocks DVI printing" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45205717:07
jdstrandthat one was just accepted this morning17:07
jdstrandand the other one is bug #43408417:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434084 in refpolicy-ubuntu "SE Linux not enabled" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43408417:07
keestresys said they'd have something for us to test/validate on monday for the selinux issue.17:07
jdstrandkees wanted to talk about that one17:07
keesbut since it's unseeded, it shouldn't be a problem, and ought to only apply to unseeded universe packages.  I'd like to suggest we drop it from our release-team watch list.17:08
jdstrandI'm cool with that. it was there only to make sure it didn't get dropped17:08
jdstrandother than that, you can see our ReleaseStatus page17:09
slangasekright - thanks17:09
slangasekany questions for security?17:09
slangasek[TOPIC] Foundations Team17:10
MootBotNew Topic:  Foundations Team17:10
slangasekjdstrand, kees: thanks again17:10
slangasekcjwatson: hi17:10
cjwatsonhi, I'll keep it briefe17:10
cjwatsonwith added e apparently17:10
cjwatson*lots* of mountall fixes this week from Scott, so we're down to just a few remaining bits17:11
cjwatsonmain things left that I think we *have* to fix are:17:11
cjwatsonbug 440281 (d-i clock setup is wrong; this is mine, been waiting too long so I will aim to close this out today)17:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440281 in clock-setup "Installer (alternate-CD) saves wrong time in RTC" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44028117:11
cjwatsonbug 431993 (preserve-home installs delete too many files; evand just uploaded this)17:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 431993 in partman-target "heavy handed installer file deletion" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43199317:11
cjwatsonbug 446596 (fsck splash integration; Keybuk was working on this last night)17:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 446596 in mountall "fsck does not show progress during boot" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44659617:11
cjwatsona recent regression that means everyone gets an "incomplete language support" message on installation, for which there is a bug but I have forgotten the number17:11
cjwatsonand possibly bug 434173 (account for new language-support organisation in update-manager), although I think mvo may be too overloaded for that so it may be an SRU item17:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 434173 in update-manager "[karmic] Regression from 9.04 in getting fully translated Ubuntu installation" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43417317:11
cjwatsonah yes, bug 45251617:12
ubottuLaunchpad bug 452516 in ubiquity ""Incomplete Language Support" for English" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45251617:12
slangasekis that it, then?17:13
cjwatsonall from me17:13
cjwatsonsorry I'm disorganised this week, been in a customer project that's taking a lot of time17:14
* slangasek nods17:14
slangaseklool also asked about wubi earlier; are we in better shape now with that?17:14
cjwatsonoh, sorry17:15
cjwatsonhalf of wubi is fixed; we are no longer seeing random write problems that mean grub sometimes doesn't work17:15
cjwatsonhowever, there is still a mysterious partitioner hang which we're working17:15
cjwatsonit's very tedious to debug wubi which is why it's taking so long :-/17:16
* slangasek nods17:16
cjwatsonbut at least there is, I think, no longer suspicion that the filesystem is busted17:16
loolthanks for the update17:16
slangasekthat's a relief17:16
cjwatsonI regret to say that I am not exactly certain what fixed it, though17:17
cjwatsonso we'll need to keep an eye on things17:17
slangasekany other questions for foundations?17:18
slangasek[TOPIC] MOTU17:19
MootBotNew Topic:  MOTU17:19
slangasekcjwatson: thanks17:19
slangasekScottK: hi17:19
ScottKWe got Universe freeze timing announced https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-announce/2009-October/000634.html17:20
ScottKFTBFS is still a concern.17:20
ScottKThe other bug question is Maven.17:20
ScottKsistpoty and I just wrote doko a blank check to give it another shot17:21
MootBotLINK received:  http://people.canonical.com/~doko/ubuntu-diff/status/maven.html17:21
ScottKApparently a lot of people want this and so I'd rather push foward and try even if we end up having to do some SRUs if it doesn't end well.17:21
ScottKThat's all I have.17:21
dokoif the first build succeeds, it much depends on having lamont the time to redo that on a buildd17:22
pittiI recently did a lot of syncs etc. for maven; so these weren't enough?17:22
slangasekSRUs> no objections, then17:22
pittiah, right, the bootstrap, I remember17:22
ScottKSRUs or last minute removals.17:22
ScottKThere is a consensus among the people who want maven that no maven is better than the broken one we have now.17:23
slangasekI've been fixing a number of incidental FTBFSes in universe as I clean up NBS, but I guess that makes me one of the few people to meet my 5.8 FTBFS fix quota :)17:23
ScottKI've been doing one or two a day, but this week's being hell for me for $WORK, so I didn't get to it.17:24
dokothen my quota should be >20, including the -1 for fltk1.1 ;)17:24
slangasekdoko: that just means you did someone else's quota, and they owe you cookies at UDS17:24
slangasekanything else for MOTU?17:25
slangasek[TOPIC] AOB17:25
slangasekanything else at all?17:25
MootBotNew Topic:  AOB17:25
slangasek(ScottK: thanks)17:25
MootBotMeeting finished at 11:26.17:26
slangasekright, back to polishing :)17:26
slangasekthanks, all17:26
pittithanks all17:26
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