BUGabundo | bou pra caminha | 00:26 |
BUGabundo | asac: you triked me :) | 00:26 |
=== ripps_ is now known as ripps | ||
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* gnomefreak cant remember what to run :( | 11:25 | |
asac | gnomefreak: run ;) | 11:26 |
gnomefreak | dtchen: what was it you wanted me to run for the mute problem? | 11:26 |
* gnomefreak runs | 11:26 | |
asac | lol | 11:26 |
gnomefreak | ;) | 11:26 |
gnomefreak | yay he answered me. and more than likely hes talking about you or bdmurray :) | 11:28 |
gnomefreak | that is, content/Core/cgpgaccess.js referrs to | 11:28 |
gnomefreak | the "FireGPGCall xpcom component, but sets it to null. | 11:28 |
gnomefreak | asac: ^^^ still need to clean? | 11:28 |
asac | sorry. whats the context? is that a bug? | 11:29 |
gnomefreak | asac: no i emailed dalniel gillmor about firegpg and told him i havent gotten the clean rule done yet for firegpg and that is some of what he said. if it is null do we still have to clean it in rules? | 11:30 |
gnomefreak | be back in a few | 11:32 |
asac | sorry. i wouzlkd have to check that in the code to say | 11:33 |
asac | those snippets dont make much snse | 11:34 |
gnomefreak | ok give me one minute and i will make them make sense :) | 11:43 |
* gnomefreak working on email and i cc'ed you. | 11:53 | |
bdrung | asac: hi, i have some problems with a strange install.rdf | 11:57 |
bdrung | asac: http://git.debian.org/?p=pkg-mozext/fission.git;a=summary | 11:57 |
bdrung | asac: ^ this does not compile | 11:57 |
* asac clones | 11:58 | |
bdrung | asac: which clone do i get? ;) | 12:01 |
asac | bdrung: thats odd | 12:07 |
asac | does xpi.mk work for other packages still? or is that a 0.17 regression? | 12:07 |
asac | i mean... either XPI_FILE is evaluated eagerly or lazily | 12:08 |
asac | not sure why it would be different here than its elesewhere | 12:08 |
asac | XPI_FILE = $(wildcard *.xpi) | 12:08 |
asac | thats probably empty | 12:08 |
asac | but not sure why it would work anywhere else then | 12:08 |
gnomefreak | ok asac sent you are CC'ed i will fix branch as soon as i can :) | 12:09 |
asac | k | 12:09 |
asac | thx | 12:09 |
asac | i will hopefulyl find time to read email today ;) | 12:09 |
asac | bdrung: while i have you as the make-fu master here ;) ... | 12:12 |
asac | bdrung: i had to do more or less this: http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~asac/ntrack/main/revision/74 | 12:12 |
asac | (minus a bug) | 12:12 |
asac | to make my spare time project build on bsd + linux | 12:12 |
asac | i think thats wrong. make should rather be a runtime test | 12:12 |
asac | but have no clue what the right way to do that in a make agnostic fashion ;) | 12:13 |
asac | the moc generation | 12:13 |
asac | qt/Makefile.am | 12:14 |
asac | just look at that part | 12:14 |
asac | and no ... i dont want to use cmake just because of one ugly moc in my project ;) | 12:15 |
asac | http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~asac/ntrack/main/annotate/head%3A/qt/Makefile.am | 12:16 |
asac | thats the complete file | 12:16 |
asac | anywy ;) thats rather after work stuff | 12:16 |
bdrung | asac: it's not a m-d regression. the install.rdf has a strange format. your xpath-fu is required for fission | 12:18 |
bdrung | asac: XPI_FILE is evaluated lazily | 12:19 |
bdrung | asac: temp-xpi-unpacked contains the files | 12:19 |
asac | bdrung: it fails for me like: | 12:22 |
asac | dh_installdirs -pxul-ext-fission | 12:22 |
asac | xpi.mk: No xpi file found. Did you create one? | 12:22 |
asac | xpi.mk: Please check MOZ_XPI_BUILD_COMMAND and maybe MOZ_XPI_FILE! | 12:22 |
asac | we should fail explicitly if we dont get any versions out of it | 12:23 |
asac | dont we do that? | 12:23 |
asac | bdrung: defininig MOZ_XPI_FILE=fission.xpi fixes it | 12:23 |
asac | hmm but recommends etc. are not there | 12:24 |
asac | odd ... it works now | 12:25 |
asac | i cleaned the git tree and now debuild -b works :/ | 12:26 |
asac | bdrung: i am sure crazy, but http://paste.ubuntu.com/294603/ | 12:27 |
av` | asac, problem is that it doesnt make symlinks | 12:34 |
av` | it builds fine, but the install.rdf ID is not linked | 12:34 |
asac | well on first attempt it failed ;) | 12:38 |
asac | someone should explain to me what the issue is ;) | 12:39 |
av` | the real issue is that symlinks are not made | 12:39 |
av` | cause mozilla-devs is unable to parse install.rdf properly | 12:39 |
asac | ok | 12:40 |
asac | its a namespace problem | 12:40 |
asac | wonder if dropping em: from the expression will break it on other variants | 12:40 |
gnomefreak | asac: can we cadd seamonkey2 to daily PPA? | 12:44 |
gnomefreak | s/cadd/add | 12:44 |
asac | namespace-uri(.) | 12:45 |
av` | asac, let me try dropping em | 12:45 |
asac | TARGET_VERSION = $(shell xpath -q -e '//em:targetApplication/Description[em:id="$(1)" or @em:id="$(1)"]/em:$(2)/text() | //em:targetApplication/Description[em:id="$(1)" or @em:id="$(1)"]/@em:$(2) | //RDF:Description[@em:id="$(1)"]/em:$(2)/text() | //RDF:Description[@em:id="$(1)"]/@em:$(2)' $(3)/install.rdf | sed -e 's/.*"\(.*\)"/\1/') | 12:45 |
asac | -> | 12:45 |
av` | it worked? | 12:46 |
asac | TARGET_VERSION = $(shell xpath -q -e '//local-name("targetApplication")/local-name("Description")[em:id="$(1)" or @em:id="$(1)"]/em:$(2)/text() ... | 12:46 |
asac | use that | 12:46 |
asac | of course making it consistent everywhere | 12:47 |
av` | asac, where should I add that? | 12:47 |
asac | av`: the first line is the line to fix | 12:47 |
asac | the second line shows how to fix | 12:47 |
av` | k | 12:47 |
av` | asac, is that a file into mozilla-devscripts? | 12:47 |
asac | av`: that would basically be for all xpath expressions in the xpi.mk | 12:47 |
asac | one second | 12:47 |
asac | let me verify if it does the right thing at all before patching the whole file | 12:48 |
asac | ok | 12:49 |
asac | so the right approach is: | 12:49 |
asac | //node()[local-name(.) = 'targetApplication'] | 12:49 |
asac | so for each occurance of: "em:targetApplication" ... make node()[local-name(.) = 'targetApplication'] | 12:50 |
asac | and for each occurence of Description make | 12:50 |
asac | node()[local-name(.) = 'Description'] | 12:50 |
av` | asac, we need to upload a fix for that then | 12:52 |
asac | xpath -q -e "//node()[local-name(.) = 'targetApplication']/node()[local-name(.) = 'Description']" unpack/install.rdf 2>/dev/null | 12:52 |
asac | no | 12:52 |
asac | thats a corner case | 12:52 |
asac | not for karmic anymore | 12:52 |
asac | we need to thoroughly redo the whole xpath business | 12:52 |
av` | ah :) | 12:52 |
asac | file a bug against mozilla-devscripts: xpath expressions fail to properly deal with namespaces | 12:53 |
asac | file a bug against mozilla-devscripts: xpath expressions fail to properly deal with some namespace variants | 12:53 |
av` | on debian? | 12:53 |
asac | if you file in debian than also here | 12:53 |
asac | and link the bugs | 12:53 |
av` | k | 12:54 |
av` | should I copy the lines you posted above? | 12:54 |
asac | refer to example of fission | 12:54 |
asac | yes | 12:54 |
asac | that too | 12:54 |
av` | k | 12:54 |
asac | just copy the log | 12:54 |
asac | ;) | 12:54 |
av` | k | 12:54 |
av` | asac, bug filed | 12:59 |
asac | xpath -q -e "//node()[local-name(.) = 'targetApplication']/node()[local-name(.) = 'Description']/attribute::*[local-name(.) = 'id' and string(.)='a']" unpack/install.rdf 2>/dev/null | 12:59 |
av` | as soon as it appears i gonna link it | 12:59 |
asac | that matches a extension with id="a" as attribute | 12:59 |
asac | av`: thx. ubuntu bug id is? | 13:00 |
av` | opening it now | 13:01 |
av` | asac, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mozilla-devscripts/+bug/453040 | 13:03 |
ubottu | Launchpad bug 453040 in mozilla-devscripts "xpath expressions fail to properly deal with some namespace variants" [Undecided,New] | 13:03 |
av` | gonna link it to debian as soon as the bug appears on the BTS | 13:04 |
asac | k | 13:04 |
gnomefreak | are we needing to depend on ice* for extensions? | 13:08 |
av` | mozilla-devscripts automatically add ice* dependencies | 13:08 |
av` | but it's not bad | 13:08 |
gnomefreak | av`: thanks | 13:08 |
av` | the package is not available on Ubuntu so it simply tries to download firefox | 13:09 |
av` | which is available | 13:09 |
av` | that's why depends are set this way: firefox | iceweasel | abrowser | etc | 13:09 |
av` | so that if one is not available it gets the other | 13:09 |
av` | as alternative | 13:09 |
gnomefreak | k | 13:11 |
av` | asac, done, linked to BTS | 13:26 |
asac | k | 13:27 |
asac | afaik we dont do that in 0.17 anymore | 13:27 |
asac | iceweasel in ubuntu that is | 13:27 |
gnomefreak | asac: we are uploading to debian first and sync from there | 13:31 |
gnomefreak | asac: im talking with Daniel about firegpg you should have the email but no rush | 13:32 |
gnomefreak | i ont think hes even awake yet (not sure of his timezone) | 13:33 |
gnomefreak | s/ont/dont | 13:33 |
asac | k | 13:46 |
av` | gnomefreak, he is usually available at late afternoon / evening | 13:46 |
gnomefreak | av`: thanks | 13:47 |
av` | np :) | 13:47 |
av` | gnomefreak, he's alwais on the debian channel | 13:47 |
gnomefreak | i may be here but we have emails going on about it so far | 13:47 |
av` | nick dkg | 13:47 |
gnomefreak | av`: yep im there | 13:47 |
gnomefreak | :) | 13:47 |
av` | oh ok :) | 13:47 |
gnomefreak | side note: I hate xchat but i use it for debian and mozilla servers since i could never get irssi to use multi servers the way i want it | 13:48 |
eagles0513875 | hey guys | 14:41 |
asac | hey | 14:44 |
eagles0513875 | how goes it asac | 14:45 |
eagles0513875 | going to read this chapter then grab another extension | 14:45 |
eagles0513875 | how are things going on the development front? | 14:45 |
asac | yesterday i felt better | 14:48 |
asac | today i found a few bugs i still want to fix for release | 14:49 |
asac | on top of what i had on my list | 14:49 |
asac | ;) | 14:49 |
asac | but thats normal | 14:49 |
asac | so all fine | 14:49 |
eagles0513875 | anything i can help with | 14:49 |
eagles0513875 | asac: may i ask u a question about how to install a .xpi file into firefox lol | 14:53 |
asac | open it | 14:54 |
eagles0513875 | just open it and run it | 14:54 |
asac | open it ... in ffox | 14:58 |
eagles0513875 | ahhh ok | 14:59 |
eagles0513875 | does it matter if its portable ff or does it have to be the regular ff | 14:59 |
asac | i never heart about portable ff | 15:24 |
eagles0513875 | asac: take a look at portable apps website | 15:35 |
eagles0513875 | lots of linux apps gone portable for windows lol | 15:35 |
eagles0513875 | asac: http://portableapps.com/ | 15:38 |
aakashd | hey guys, would it be ok to post a invite to mozilla QA's testday once or twice today? | 15:39 |
aakashd | its a one line message | 15:39 |
fta | http://livinginagoogleworld.blogspot.com/2009/10/chrome-os-browser-tour-possible-look-at.html | 15:39 |
asac | fta: nice ;) | 16:48 |
asac | thats ubuntu ;) | 16:48 |
asac | not sure what exactly is that | 16:50 |
fta | it seems to be the chrome browser with some chome OS stuff builtin | 17:03 |
fta | not sure those stuff are in the chromium code.. | 17:04 |
fta | probably not | 17:04 |
asac | http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_2CHzyMUPW2E/StP69U05CrI/AAAAAAAAAF8/YoIHssqgu9w/s1600-h/chromeos2.png | 17:05 |
asac | that one looks odd | 17:05 |
asac | like "network" + touchpad on same tab | 17:05 |
asac | called google chrome OS | 17:05 |
asac | and then basics and Under the hood ;) | 17:05 |
fta | well, in chrome os, everything is centered around the browser | 17:06 |
asac | sure | 17:06 |
asac | but how can you manage network with just one combo box ;) | 17:06 |
asac | i am just curious about new UI approaches wrt network management | 17:07 |
jcastro | it's google, it just does it automagically. :D | 17:07 |
asac | i guess its just not working ;) | 17:07 |
asac | hehe | 17:07 |
fta | imho, it's far from ready | 17:07 |
fta | it wasn't supposed to leak | 17:07 |
asac | "Being the curious person that I am, I just had to try it out. And look! Google was nice enough to provide prepackaged .deb files!" | 17:07 |
asac | did that directory accidentially become visible? | 17:08 |
asac | feels like an intentional accidentially leak ;) | 17:08 |
fta | probably a bot misconfiguration | 17:08 |
asac | its always the same. everything that gets a pre announce ... leaks every three month ;) | 17:08 |
asac | so the world sees progress and makes up stories etc. | 17:09 |
asac | and talks about it ;) | 17:09 |
asac | story like: "preview available, but it sucks" is not as good as "development bits leaked, seems they are not yet ready" | 17:09 |
fta | grr; 3.5 rejected | 17:25 |
fta | asac, what was the hg trick again? to get the tip instead of the stupid tags | 17:25 |
asac | fta: default | 17:25 |
asac | rather than tip | 17:26 |
fta | http://paste.ubuntu.com/294812/ | 17:27 |
fta | i means fixing m-d | 17:28 |
fta | it | 17:28 |
asac | do you know what to fix? you could open a bug and drop details. maybe someone will pick this up | 17:29 |
asac | if not we at least have a bug ;) | 17:29 |
asac | seems ffox is at build3 already ;) | 17:30 |
asac | good that i didnt jump o it | 17:30 |
asac | how much will i get if i bet 10 EUR on a build4 ;) | 17:30 |
asac | ? | 17:30 |
fta | not sure. i do hg pull + hg update. seems i should do hg pull, get the rev id from hg branches | grep default, and hg update -r $(rev) | 17:53 |
asac | yeah | 17:57 |
asac | what a mess | 17:57 |
asac | a kingdome for bzr ... or even git ;) | 17:57 |
eagles0513875 | hehe | 18:12 |
fta | i have a google alert on "chromium ubuntu", i'm flooded with chromeos debs alerts since yerterday | 18:25 |
asac | fta: i would unsubscribe from that ;) | 18:52 |
asac | ok so two bug fixes for ffox for release still then i can start checking out stuff for lucid i hope | 19:01 |
asac | also taking a deep breath of licensing in chromium ;) | 19:01 |
micahg | asac: what 2 bugs? | 19:02 |
asac | extensions not upgrading | 19:02 |
asac | thts highest prio imo | 19:03 |
asac | and the curent RC bug about abrowser help being broken | 19:03 |
micahg | ah, yes | 19:03 |
asac | abrowser -> help | 19:03 |
asac | but i can sleep well, because the hack i have works :) .. even if upstream didnt like it for the tree | 19:03 |
asac | for the first one | 19:03 |
asac | but i want to check that out. shouldnt be too difficult to sort with a bit of time | 19:03 |
asac | then we probably have to prepare major version upgrades for nss/nspr or something | 19:04 |
micahg | ok, I'm going to see if I can maybe get the restart working tomorrow night | 19:04 |
asac | [reed]: ^^ .. thats this release, right? | 19:04 |
asac | or .5? | 19:04 |
micahg | you still want to try to get ff3 out of archive? | 19:04 |
asac | micahg: i want to get the transitional packages in ... yes. so 3 ;) | 19:04 |
micahg | ok, maybe I should focus on that this weekend | 19:05 |
asac | micahg: maybe you can download the Packages/Sources from the archive | 19:05 |
asac | and review if everything that current depends/recommends firefox-3.0 also recommends firefox-3.5? | 19:05 |
micahg | ok, so I actually have to download each package to check? | 19:05 |
asac | micahg: go to ftp://ftp.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/ | 19:05 |
asac | and grab the Sources / Packages files | 19:06 |
micahg | oh | 19:06 |
asac | there you can just search in | 19:06 |
asac | its a full list | 19:06 |
asac | sources are for finding build-depends | 19:06 |
asac | and packages for binary | 19:06 |
asac | micahg: for main and universe | 19:06 |
asac | for i386 | 19:06 |
asac | so ftp://ftp.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz | 19:06 |
asac | and ftp://ftp.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/karmic/universe/source/Sources.gz | 19:06 |
asac | for universe | 19:06 |
asac | and the main one accordingly | 19:06 |
micahg | ah, that will make it faster | 19:07 |
micahg | does it need to depend on ff3.5 or just ff? | 19:07 |
micahg | do I need to do for each arch as well? | 19:08 |
asac | micahg: i386 should be enough | 19:08 |
asac | and sources | 19:08 |
asac | micahg: if things depend on 3.0 but not on ff or 3.5 then it needs attention | 19:09 |
asac | if you have a list of those i can review that would be great | 19:09 |
asac | ok out for evening ... will be back on sunday i think | 19:09 |
=== asac_ is now known as asac | ||
BUGabundo | hey fellows | 20:15 |
BUGabundo | asac: ping | 20:15 |
micahg | asac: seahorse plugins seems to be the only thing that depends on xulrunner-1.9-dev | 20:21 |
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo |
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