
ubottuIn #ubuntu, nomnex said: ubottu: the link is for 6.06 LTS, I am using 9.04, the fist command does not work "cat /proc/asound/card0/codec#* | grep Codec"01:56
MacrophageI have successfully phagocytized Ubuntu from my laptop thanks to the immune response.03:20
ubottuMacrophage called the ops in #ubuntu+1 ()03:24
Macrophagethats right03:24
ubottuMacrophage called the ops in #kubuntu ()03:25
MacrophageBan me]03:25
MacrophageBan me03:26
* genii sips03:26
MacrophageTIme to adapt03:26
LymphocyteBan me03:27
geniiObviously your adaptations only include changing your name.03:27
LymphocyteI am a Lympocyte capable of adapting to all kinds of things03:28
geniiHm. And I booted and didn't +b on them earlier in #k03:29
* genii shrugs03:29
ubottuwhatis6x9 called the ops in #ubuntu (BladeOfListo malicious scripts)04:57
naliothand a troll, too04:59
bazhangDavid_aka_theSAI, how may we help you10:49
David_aka_theSAIi have a problem that i hope u can help with10:49
David_aka_theSAIwe using a eBOX version of Ubuntu Server10:50
bazhangDavid_aka_theSAI, #ubuntu is the support channel10:51
David_aka_theSAIOK ill try that THX10:52
ikoniaDavid_aka_theSAI: you don't seem to have joined ?10:55
bazhangDavid_aka_theSAI, please dont idle here as per the channel topic, thanks10:55
booting_kerneli am here10:58
booting_kernelwow that place rocks10:58
booting_kernelunbanned me there10:59
ikoniabooting_kernel: I'm not laughing10:59
ikoniabooting_kernel: why did you keep repeating "ubuntu ubuntu" after I aske dyou not to10:59
booting_kerneli like it11:00
booting_kernelubuntu ubuntu11:00
ikoniaI asked you to stop11:00
ikoniayou kept doing it11:00
bazhangaha googler11:00
ikoniabazhang: known  ?11:00
booting_kernelits have fun :))11:00
bazhangikonia, been trolling these past few days11:00
ikoniaDavid_aka_theSAI: if you have no further need for the operators, please leave this channel so we can deal with peoples issues11:00
ikoniabazhang: as he's know to you, I'll pass the +b to you :)11:01
booting_kernelbazhang do u know me11:01
bazhangikonia, okay :)11:02
bazhangbooting_kernel, just a moment11:03
booting_kernellol don't annoy me11:03
* booting_kernel ubuntu ubuntu 11:06
* booting_kernel ubuntu ubuntu 11:06
* booting_kernel ubuntu ubuntu 11:06
* booting_kernel ubuntu ubuntu 11:06
* booting_kernel ubuntu ubuntu 11:06
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!11:06
bazhangbooting_kernel, you were in earlier under a different nick?11:06
ubottuikonia called the ops in #ubuntu-ops ()11:06
booting_kernelbazhang u r so sweet11:08
bazhangbooting_kernel, is that true? you were in earlier using a different nick?11:08
booting_kernelyes my nick was booty kernel11:09
bazhangbooting_kernel, you are trolling multiple channels then?11:09
booting_kernelno no i am not trolling it11:10
booting_kerneli am only in two channels11:10
booting_kerneli am only in two channels11:10
ikoniaDavid_aka_theSAI: can you Please leave the channel if you have nothing more you need. I can see you active in #ubuntu11:10
booting_kerneli love slax11:11
bazhang<booting_kernel> hello same body say me bsd = bdsm11:11
bazhangbooting_kernel, so that would be a yes?11:11
booting_kernelwhy wrong in it11:12
ikonia@mark #ubuntu bullgard ban dodging11:12
ubottuThe operation succeeded.11:12
bazhangtrolling is offtopic for the network, not just #ubuntu channels, and you have been doing it in #ubuntu channels prior to today11:13
elkybazhang, need a hand?11:15
bazhangelky, to your knowledge is #ubuntu-helpteam an official channel ?11:15
elkybazhang, never heard of it before now11:16
ikoniabazhang: I was about to ask about that11:16
ikoniaelky: looks like an OLD channel feb 200811:16
bazhangintrepid is in the topic11:16
elkycoolbhavi and popey are the ones in the contact list. someone want to have a chat with mr pope?11:17
ikoniaI'll speak to poppy11:17
ikoniaI think I remember something about this now ages ago, coolbhavi wanted to have a "help" channel like the forum for new users11:17
ikoniait may be the result of that11:18
ikoniamore a guiding the whole expereince rather than fixing a problem11:18
bazhang!coc > booting_kernel11:18
ubottubooting_kernel, please see my private message11:18
bazhang!guidelines | booting_kernel11:19
ubottubooting_kernel: The guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines11:19
bazhangbooting_kernel, please read those two links carefully11:19
MenZaikonia: I've seen bullgard4 active in -ot lately; need he be banned there?11:26
ikoniaMenZa: no11:26
bazhangbooting_kernel, did you read the documented links?11:26
ikoniaMenZa: he's not a bad guy, there are somethings he just refuses to abide by, channel topic, offtopic questions, cross-posting etc etc etc.11:26
MenZagotcha, KB1JWQ11:26
MenZasorry KB1JWQ :)11:26
ikoniaMenZa: he's been banned very short term a few times to try to get this through to him, however I banned him to try to explain this to him AGAIN and now he's gone a step further by ban evading intentionall (changed his nick to bullguard5, and then to bullguard, then changed his ip so he'd dodged 2 nick bans and an ip ban)11:27
jussi01Lads and ladies, Im headed away for the weekend - leaving in about half hour. Ill see you all after!11:36
bazhangjussi01, have fun!11:39
=== booting_kernel is now known as slackubuntu
bazhangslackubuntu, please part the channel if you do not wish to respond11:40
slackubuntuok soleave this place11:40
slackubuntuho rude11:41
slackubuntumention not11:41
ubottuIn #ubuntu, dr3mro said: ubottu but ext4 is fragmentable unlike ext312:55
ubottudraculatici called the ops in #ubuntu ()16:02
jpdsAnyone have the link to that tor page which showed the user's real IP?16:45
geniiWe need to implement something like http://decloak.net/16:55
mnainesany ops available?17:22
tsimpsoncan we help?17:22
mnainesYeah...I am in #ubuntu-read-topic but the automatic test failed17:23
mnainesI already switched Pidgin to port 800117:23
tsimpsonare you using the same nick you previously used?17:24
mnainesYes...This nick is registered with NickServ17:24
tsimpsonwell I can't find the forward in #ubuntu, so you can join now17:24
mnainesok...Thanks...I did it just to make sure the latest round of DCC attacks didn't affect me17:24
tsimpsonah, well if you didn't disconnect, you're fine17:24
ubotturabareno called the ops in #ubuntu ()19:29
bazhang[x]sodium[x] (i=sodium@  just as I suspected19:37
ikoniabooty_kernel has my eyes again19:37
bazhangis he ban evading so soon?19:38
ikoniais he banned still ?19:38
ikoniahe's trolling linux19:38
bazhangI never removed it19:38
Tm_Tikonia: ask your eyes back19:38
bazhang[x]sodium[x] is him as well19:39
ikoniathe ip ban got them both19:39
bazhangah nice work19:40
ikoniayou where correct he was ban evading19:41
bazhanghe is trolling ##linux as you surmised, it seems19:42
ikonia3rd ban now in place on this guy20:08
ikonianext step and I'll to freenode20:08
bazhangkernel_panic , nice spot20:08
bazhangcallnet has been complaining about breakage all this time, and no one thought to ask his version21:12

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