
verterokfile sharing servers are up and running again!00:55
wgrantCan I share notes with others?01:56
jblountwgrant: Not yet, but I think you could be the first to submit a bug that you can't! :)02:07
jblountwgrant: The same thing goes for contacts FWIW02:07
wgrantjblount: Well, contacts don't seem to work through the web UI.02:08
wgrantAnd I'm glad you cannot yet share notes.02:08
wgrantI have a bug to file, but it's not that they should be shared.02:08
wgrantIs ubuntuone-servers the new ubunet?02:09
jblountwgrant: Yeah, all the web servery bits.02:09
guestabopessoal como faço para adicionar meu computador ao ubuntu one?02:20
wgrantArgh wtf.02:29
wgrantjblount: Feel like looking at me two bugs?02:49
wgrantYou probably want to.02:49
jblountwgrant: I'd be happy to, which ones?03:08
wgrantjblount: mmmm, you wouldn't be happy to. Bug #452707, bug #45268903:09
ubottuBug 452707 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/452707 is private03:09
ubottuBug 452689 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/452689 is private03:09
jblountwgrant: Yikes, these both seem quite important. I fear that I'm not the best person to triage them, but I can point statik at them so they can be dealt with as quickly as possible.03:10
jblountwgrant: Thanks very much for reporting them though, I appreciate the effort.03:10
wgrantjblount: The latter isn't really important yet.03:11
jblountwgrant: Not until we start sharing notes, right? (I haven't heard even whispers of this yet, so it could be really far off or right around the corner)03:12
wgrantBut anyway, enough has been said.03:13
wgrantThanks statik.03:22
statikwgrant: it will take a few minutes to land the branch and roll it out. the fix is pushing up to launchpad now. thanks for reporting it.03:23
wgrantstatik: But the other one is not quite so easily fixable.03:23
* spm spots a rollout in his immediate future03:24
* jamesh looks at the second03:24
statikfeedparser sanitization maybe?03:24
* jblount marvels at spm's eagle eyes03:25
spmjblount: it's a knack03:25
jameshyeah.  That or some other whitelist based parser03:25
wgrantGood response time, I will give you that.03:25
jameshblacklists suck03:26
wgrantBut, um, how the fuck did either of those get through?03:26
statikmy ignorance03:27
wgrantYou know.03:33
wgrantIt gets worse.03:34
wgrantI think03:34
* wgrant tests..........03:34
wgrantThankfully not at the moment, but it is very dangerous.03:35
statikwgrant: if you are ever interested in auditing the server code i would do my best to get you access03:36
wgrant(see the comment on bug #452707 for may latest concern)03:38
ubottuBug 452707 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/452707 is private03:38
jameshwgrant: thank you for reporting the bugs.03:40
wgrantApologies for the nastiness. I've found all too many holes in LP.03:47
statikwgrant: yes, thanks for reporting these04:01
wgrantstatik: Thanks for fixing that quickly.06:24
statikwgrant: np. we're in the middle of rolling it out now06:24
statikhad to patch django to support HTTP-only, but jamesh took care of that06:25
=== john is now known as Guest69128
tizaquarius, dobey: Thanks I'll let you know how it works out :)08:33
aquariustiz, cool :)08:56
BossmanbetaI installed UbuntuOne on UBuntu 9.04, but I cannot connect to it ... how would I go about troubleshooting that?09:02
vds1Bossmanbeta: what did you do exactly and what do you mean with 'cannot connect'?09:04
BossmanbetaI've clicked connect in the nautilus window as well as the tray icon in GNome, it simply won't connect. The only way I can add files is to use the UbuntuOne web gui09:05
BossmanbetaI wasn't sure where the log files for UbuntuOne were kept exactly.09:05
BossmanbetaIn the nautilus window, when I click "connect" -- it just has a grey button "connecting" but never does.....09:05
Bossmanbetathe tray icon remains with a small red X in the lower right of the UbuntuOne icon09:06
Bossmanbetaperhaps the log files will give me a glimpse... would you know where they're kept & what they're called?09:08
vds1Bossmanbeta: ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log09:08
vds1Bossmanbeta: make sure you have the most update packages09:09
BossmanbetaI just installed it yesterday...09:09
wgrantPossibly bug #45167009:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451670 in ubuntuone-client "no HTTPSConnection._tunnel_host in python <= 2.6.2" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45167009:09
Bossmanbetathe log says something about cannot get token09:11
Bossmanbeta File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/main.py", line 338, in get_access_token09:11
vds1Bossmanbeta: if you use the nightly builds, there's been an update tonight09:11
Bossmanbeta    raise NoAccessToken("No access token found.")09:11
vds1Bossmanbeta: have you add your computer to the list of allowed ones?09:11
Bossmanbetai believe so09:12
Bossmanbetawhere would I confirm that09:12
vds1Bossmanbeta: https://one.ubuntu.com/account/machines/ for the moment it's not very readable I'm afraid09:13
vds1Bossmanbeta: but at least you'll see if you have at least one09:13
vds1in any case you may want to re-add it09:13
Bossmanbetai see nmy computer hostname yes... then followed with (random hash characters)09:14
Bossmanbetano access token found implies the computer was not added properly?09:14
Bossmanbeta...once I remove a machine, i don't readily see a link to add a machine09:15
vds1Bossmanbeta: let me find it for you09:16
Bossmanbetaodd, the link to add a machine isn't readily visible09:16
wgrantThere is no link, because you must do it from the machine.09:19
wgrantUsing the applet.09:19
Bossmanbetathis is acatch-22 from hell09:19
BossmanbetaI cannot connect with the applet09:19
Bossmanbetaand now that i've removed myself, I can't re-add myself I suppose now09:20
aquariusBossmanbeta, the best thing to do here is to kill the applet and then re-start it; at that point it should ask you to add your machine again, and then it will work. Same thing happened to me09:20
aquariusBossmanbeta, from a terminal window, do "killall ubuntuone-client-applet"09:20
aquariusthen start the applet again from Applications > Internet > Ubuntu One09:20
aquariusit should then pop up your browser asking you to add this machine09:21
BossmanbetaI killed it, re-rean it .. nothing happens09:21
Bossmanbetathe tray icon appears.. with a red x09:21
Bossmanbetaand my machine remains un-readded09:22
Bossmanbetathis client failed on 2 of my 9.10 machines09:22
aquariusBossmanbeta, and a new tab has not opened in Firefox?09:22
Bossmanbetaas well as this 9.04 machine09:22
Bossmanbetano aquarius09:22
aquariusBossmanbeta, OK, it's possible you have an old token rather than no token09:23
aquariusBossmanbeta, try this09:23
aquariusBossmanbeta, kill the applet again (killall ubuntuone-client-applet in a Terminal)09:23
aquariusthen open Applications > Accessories > Passwords and Encryption Keys09:23
BossmanbetaI am getting the same error09:23
Bossmanbeta  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/main.py", line 338, in get_access_token09:23
Bossmanbeta    raise NoAccessToken("No access token found.")09:23
aquariusExpand the login section09:24
aquariusand look for a line with UbuntuOne token for https://ubuntuone.com09:24
aquariusis there one there?09:24
Bossmanbetaunder the PASSWORDS tab... there is nothing for ubuntuone09:24
Bossmanbetaall I have is twitter, adobe air and gwibber09:25
Bossmanbetaaquarius: do i have to add one here for ubuntuone? How would I ?09:26
aquariusBossmanbeta, no, the applet adds it for you09:26
Bossmanbetahmm it hasn't done so here.09:26
aquariustry running the applet from the command line (in a terminal, do "ubuntuone-client-applet")09:27
Bossmanbetai got some output09:27
Bossmanbetathe last line: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServer: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-KV93XozCMV: Connection refused09:27
aquariusyou can't talk to D-Bus.09:28
Bossmanbetait returned to the command prompt as well09:28
aquariusOK, that might explain why the applet is not letting you authorise your computer!09:28
Bossmanbetawhy is it trying to do this09:28
aquariusBossmanbeta, the applet uses D-Bus to send a message saying "I don't have authorisation details for this computer, please get them for me"09:29
aquariusbut that message never gets there because you can't talk to D-Bus. That's weird. I've never seen that before :)09:29
Bossmanbetaaquarius: here is the full output when I ran from cmd line:09:30
aquariusBossmanbeta, are you logged in as root?09:31
BossmanbetaI shouldn't need to sudo that client command though09:31
aquariusagreed completely09:31
BossmanbetaI installed this yesterday... so I should have the most recent version09:32
aquariusI'm just trying to think of reasons why you can't talk to d-bus09:32
aquariusand sudoing the command is one reason09:32
aquariusyou're not ssh'ed in from another computer or similar either, right? :)09:32
aquariusok, indulge me: sudo /etc/init.d/dbus restart09:33
aquariusthen try running ubuntuone-client-applet again09:33
aquarius(from the command line)09:33
wgrantIsn't the session, not system, bus the problem?09:36
aquariuswgrant, I'm not sure whether the system init scripts restart the session bus as well09:37
aquariusbut I don't know a way to directly restart the session bus other than logging out and back in again09:37
aquariuswgrant, open to suggestions here :)09:37
aquariusBossmanbeta, ?09:37
Bossmanbetawell that killed my gnome session as I thoughtit would09:37
wgrantCheck for a dbus-daemon running with --session, maybe?09:37
aquariusoh. oops. :)09:37
Bossmanbeta(I am screen'ed in here on irc)09:37
Bossmanbetathat's why I didn't disconnect :)09:37
wgrantRight, restarting dbus will make X very unhappy.09:38
aquariusBossmanbeta, clever :)09:38
Bossmanbetathe ubuntuone client auto-restarted on login09:38
Bossmanbetastill have the red X09:38
aquariuson the other hand, if it killed your session, that should restart the d-bus session bus :)09:38
BossmanbetaI will run it from command line09:38
Bossmanbetasame thing09:39
Bossmanbetalast line: dbus.exceptions.DBusException: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NoServer: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-KV93XozCMV: Connection refused09:39
aquariusBossmanbeta, OK. That, to me, sounds like you have a D-Bus problem and the Ubuntu One applet is just an unfortunate casualty of that problem09:39
Bossmanbetamy system's been running fine though...09:40
Bossmanbetano problems09:40
BossmanbetaI could do a full reboot09:40
wgrantps aux | grep dbus-daemon09:40
aquariuslet's see if you have d-bus running: ps axu | grep dbus09:41
aquariusheh, wgrant faster than me :)09:41
Bossmanbeta103      14650  0.0  0.0   3180  1464 ?        Ss   04:34   0:00 /bin/dbus-daemon --system09:41
Bossmanbetaj     15168  0.0  0.0   3196  1560 ?        Ss   04:34   0:00 //bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 6 --print-address 9 --session09:41
Bossmanbetaj     15979  0.0  0.0   3340   816 pts/3    S+   04:40   0:00 grep dbus-daemon09:41
wgrantHm. So you do have a session bus.09:41
wgrantThat's a bit sad.09:41
aquariusset | grep DBUS09:41
Bossmanbeta...ok I'll gie, what's a session bus :)09:42
aquariusBossmanbeta, there are two D-Bus buses, the system bus and the session bus -- they're the things that run D-Bus and make it work09:42
aquariusBossmanbeta, the system bus is run by root and there's only one of them09:42
aquariusthe session bus is run by you as part of your session09:42
wgrantDoes 'dbus-monitor' work?09:43
BossmanbetaFailed to open connection to session message bus: Failed to connect to socket /tmp/dbus-KV93XozCMV: Connection refused09:43
aquariusgood call. I forgot about dbus-monitor. I was trying to think of things that used d-bus :)09:44
BossmanbetaI suppose my dbus is supposed to be accepting these connectings09:44
aquariusBossmanbeta, OK, yeah, your problem is D-Bus. A reboot might fix this, unless wgrant has better suggestions?09:44
wgrantaquarius: Well, I admit I discovered it with dbus<TAB><TAB>09:44
wgrantA logout and in should have fixed it.09:44
wgrantSo.. reboot!09:44
BossmanbetaI dont mind rebooting09:44
Bossmanbetabut it gives me that MS feeling, ya know?09:45
aquariusthat's why I've been avoiding suggesting it :)09:45
BossmanbetaI know ... I figured :)09:45
Bossmanbetaok brb09:45
aquariusbut d-bus not running suggests your session is deeply sick ;)09:45
Bossmanbetawell let's see09:45
aquariuswgrant, cheers for the help there :)09:45
Bossmanbetauptime:  04:45:35 up 711 days,  5:42,  7 users,  load average: 0.25, 0.29, 0.4109:45
Bossmanbetathat might be why09:46
Bossmanbetaeh brb09:46
aquariusno kernel upgrades for 711 days ;)09:46
Bossmanbetaback in 309:47
wgrantI think that makes two local privilege escalation vulnerabilities.09:47
wgrantAlthough hopefully not any more XSSes. I will go hunting for more of those tomorrow.09:49
wgrantIs the rollout still not done?09:51
Bossmanbetaok i get a new error09:52
aquariusaha, yes. We know about this one.09:53
aquariusCan you try apt-get install python-ssl09:53
aquariusand see if that fixes it?09:53
Bossmanbetasure thing09:53
aquariuser, python-openssl09:53
Bossmanbetacouldn't find the package09:54
Bossmanbetait's already there and the newest09:54
wgrantThe bug I referenced earlier has a workaround.09:55
wgrantI think.09:55
wgrantMaybe that was only in here.09:55
Bossmanbetaaquarius: I seem to already have python-openssl09:55
aquariusOK, then you are suffering from https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/45167009:56
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451670 in ubuntuone-client "no HTTPSConnection._tunnel_host in python <= 2.6.2" [High,Triaged]09:56
aquariusplease mark that bug as also affecting you09:56
Bossmanbeta...sucks to be me09:56
Bossmanbetashould I report it?09:56
aquariusyeah; it's because the Python in jaunty doesn't have the SSL stuff that we need09:57
aquariuson that bug page, there's "Does this bug affect you?"; if you click that, you can say "yes it does"09:57
Bossmanbetawhere's tha tlink09:58
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451670 in ubuntuone-client "no HTTPSConnection._tunnel_host in python <= 2.6.2" [High,Triaged]09:58
Bossmanbetai don't see the "does this affect u" link09:58
wgrantAre you logged in?09:59
wgrantIt should be in green, under the assignee.09:59
Bossmanbetahmm I just see :  *Also affects project  * Also affects distribution  * Nominate for release10:00
Bossmanbetaoh crap10:00
Bossmanbetanot logge din10:00
Bossmanbetaok clicked10:00
Bossmanbetasorry :)10:00
aquariuswgrant, kudos for interrobang use, incidentally.10:01
BossmanbetaI suppose everyone with Jaunty has this problem?10:01
wgrantBossmanbeta: Right.10:01
wgrantaquarius: Where did I use one? In the bug?10:01
Bossmanbetapretty big bug then10:01
BossmanbetaI plan to move to karmic ... but I'd prefer to wait till the official release10:02
aquariuswgrant, yep, in the notes XSS bug. Good catch, by the way; I covered strings, but forgot about people deliberately crafting a malicious XML note with HTML handlers in it.10:03
wgrantaquarius: I presume there are lots of others around :(10:04
wgrantI mean, I found those two in my first 10 minutes...10:04
aquariuswgrant, not in the notes section. I don't know about the other stuff; I'm primarily desktop things at the moment...10:04
BossmanbetaI a,lso notice there's about ABOUT in the applet icon menu10:04
Bossmanbetaerr.. there's NO "about"10:04
aquariuswgrant, one of the bugs that we're fixing is that we're over-escaping the notes at the moment :)10:05
aquariusBossmanbeta, yeah. I don't know whether there should be one10:05
wgrantaquarius: Particularly the titles, I noticed.10:05
aquariuswgrant, indeed.10:05
aquariuswgrant, I was a bit, er, overenthusiastic with the escaping, there :)10:05
wgrantThere are also problems in filename escaping ,but nothing too horrific.10:05
Bossmanbetaaquarius: I would think there should be one ... especially if someone needs support... how would they check what version they had10:05
aquariusBossmanbeta, that would be a useful request, if you'd like to file a bug about it10:06
Bossmanbetaor I suppose you'd say just apt-get the latest.. then start support10:06
Bossmanbetathough I wouldn't call that a bug to file.. I suppose technically, it's a feature request :)10:07
Bossmanbetawill ubuntuone be in the repos for apt-get updating?10:09
Bossmanbetaoh I see it's there nm10:09
Ngbeing the bearer of little brain, I'm finding myself unable to find a button to save a note when I create it via the website10:35
aquariusNg, yep. Notes are autosaved, at the moment, but we'll be going back to explicit save10:37
aquariusprecisely because it's confusing people, like it's confused you. ;)10:37
Ngeven new notes?10:37
aquariusyou have to wait a little bit before it notices, though10:37
* Ng dons a suspicious look10:37
aquariusmt will be pleased that you were confused by this, since he was right and I was wrong :P10:38
aquariusdo I take it from your suspicious look that you don't believe me? :)10:39
wgrantThat had me very confused this afternoon too.10:39
wgrantI also couldn't see a raw edit button, so had to resort to disabling JS for my nefarious purposes. Is that deliberately missing?10:40
aquariusthis is why we're removing autosave. :)10:42
Nggood good :)10:42
aquariusthat's what I get for trying to be clever, I suppose. :)10:42
Ngaquarius: well I just don't believe you because I wrote a new note and it didn't get saved, but maybe I didn't have it open for very long10:42
aquariusNg, yeah, keep it open for a bit longer. (And observe that I have already said that we're removing this :))10:43
aquariuswgrant, "raw edit button"?10:43
Ngaquarius: I'm happy to wait for the new hotness :)10:43
NgI did also manage to tickle an "Internal Server Error", but there was no pretty launchpad-style Oops10:43
aquariusNg, ooo. Please report that. that's not supposed to happen.10:44
Ngnow I have to figure out how I did that10:44
wgrantaquarius: I normally expect obstructive WYSIWYG editors to have a button to transform them back into a textarea.10:45
wgrantBut that might not be so important for this one when I'm not trying to exploit it.10:45
* aquarius chuckles. Yep. This does not, because it's roughly emulating the Tomboy interface, which also doesn't allow you to edit the note's XML.10:46
aquariusthat's why I made it autosave, too, but it's more important to be consistent with the way the rest of the website works than it is to be consistent with Tomboy.10:47
Ngaquarius: least useful bug report ever I'm afraid, but bug #452920 filed nonetheless10:48
ubottuBug 452920 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/452920 is private10:48
NgI suspect I filed that on completely the wrong thing too10:48
aquariusfiled on the correct thing10:49
aquariustotally frigging useless bug report, but I appreciate it anyway ;-)10:49
* aquarius grins10:49
Ngaquarius: autosave wouldn't be so bad if it said it was doing it and had a specific button to force it. It's just confusing because it's inconsistent with other web applications10:49
NgI'm all for edits I make being remembered when I'm too stupid to press the save button ;)10:49
aquariusaha, now I made that case and was denied. But we're planning to re-add that again in the future ;)10:50
rachaelbhi all... !!! i'm back !!!! :) lol12:30
rachaelbok the latest updates last night killed ubuntuone again12:30
rachaelbi don't think the applet client is very happy with updates12:31
rachaelbthis time i/m left with a ubuntuone key but no entry in the file12:31
rachaelbcan you tell me what the command line was again to kill the program and restart it?12:31
rachaelbaquarius ??? help please!12:33
aquariusrachaelb, heya. There were some problems with the appservers yesterday -- I got the same thing12:33
rachaelbits not just me!!!!!12:33
aquariusrachaelb, to kill the applet, from a terminal, do "killall ubuntuone-client-applet"12:33
rachaelbmakes a change12:33
aquariusrachaelb, then restart it from the command line, with "ubuntuone-client-applet"12:34
rachaelbthanks! ive written that down so i dont have to bug you again12:34
rachaelbi was trying "kill" as a command but that only works for processes12:34
rachaelbforgot the "all" bit on the end lol12:34
rachaelbthanks for your help... have a truly fab day12:35
aquariusno problem. Enjoy yourself. :)12:35
diverse_izzuehey all. i had a functioning ubuntu one yesterday. today, it cannot login, and syncdaemon-exceptions says: hunzikea@AlexT60:~$ cat .cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log13:48
diverse_izzue2009-10-16 14:47:15,377 - ubuntuone.SyncDaemon.DBus - ERROR - Can't get the auth token13:48
diverse_izzueTraceback (most recent call last):13:48
diverse_izzue  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/dbus_interface.py", line 1073, in connect13:48
diverse_izzue    access_token = self.main.get_access_token()13:48
diverse_izzue  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/main.py", line 298, in get_access_token13:48
diverse_izzue    return self.oauth_client.get_access_token()13:48
diverse_izzue  File "/usr/lib/python2.6/dist-packages/ubuntuone/syncdaemon/main.py", line 338, in get_access_token13:48
diverse_izzue    raise NoAccessToken("No access token found.")13:48
diverse_izzueNoAccessToken: No access token found. indeed in seahorse i cannot find a stored key for ubuntu one. why did it disappear?13:49
diverse_izzuesorry for the paste, accident13:49
aquariusdiverse_izzue, something went strange overnight13:50
aquariusdiverse_izzue, from a terminal, "killall ubuntuone-client-applet", then re-run Ubuntu One, and it should ask you to reauthorise13:50
diverse_izzueaquarius, worked13:57
aquariusdiverse_izzue, excellent.13:57
diverse_izzueso where did something go wrong? on my machine or on your servers?13:57
aquariuson the servers, I think, or more that something went a bit wrong on the servers and the client didn't cope with it seamlessly. People are sorting that out13:58
diverse_izzueaquarius, good to know, thx13:59
Chipacakillall ubuntuone-syncdaemon too14:11
Chipacaotherwise the new applet will pick up the old syncdaemon :)14:11
Chipacabecause they talk over dbus, and dbus is all "oh, I already *have* one of those, here!"14:12
Chipacaand you're like "no, dude, I want a new one!" and dbus is "no way, dude, this one is, like, totally the one you want"14:12
aquariusheh. wisdom from chipaca. :)14:14
leonel-vaiohello ..14:20
leonel-vaioJust upgraded a jaunty desktop and  ubuntuone cant connect .14:20
leonel-vaioNoAccessToken: No access token found.14:20
leonel-vaiobut I have another jaunty save ubuntuoneclient version and works fine14:21
leonel-vaioany hint where to look ?14:21
jblountrodrigo_: Hi! I deleted all my Tomboy notes in the webui, and I want that change propigated down to my computer. I've waited a while, but it doesn't seem to be happening. Any hints?14:22
nimhhey leonel-vaio: have you restarted the ubuntuone-client-applet ?14:23
leonel-vaionimh: yes  and killall  all the ubuntuone processes  then restarted again14:24
leonel-vaionimh: same result14:24
jblountleonel-vaio: Do you see the applet icon in your panel? Can you right click on it and select connect?14:25
nimhseen anything suspicious in ~/.cache/ubuntuone/log/syncdaemon-exceptions.log ?14:25
jblountleonel-vaio: Actually, I think it's left click14:25
leonel-vaiojblount: selected connect  same result14:26
leonel-vaioubuntuone.SyncDaemon.DBus - ERROR - Can't get the auth token14:26
aquariusjblount, can you kill the client applet and then run it from the command line to see the output?14:27
leonel-vaioeven  as if I where on windows  rebooted and same result14:27
jblountaquarius: "the client applet" == tomboy.exe?14:27
leonel-vaioAttributeError: HTTPSConnection instance has no attribute '_tunnel_host'14:27
aquariusleonel-vaio, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-client/+bug/45167014:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451670 in ubuntuone-client "no HTTPSConnection._tunnel_host in python <= 2.6.2" [High,Triaged]14:27
aquariusjblount, sorry, that was directed at leonel-vaio :)14:28
dobeygrr python :)14:28
leonel-vaioaquarius: thanks14:28
aquariusleonel-vaio, yeah, it's a known bug with Python's support for SSL in jaunty. Can you tag that bug as "this also affects me" so we know how many people have a problem with it?14:28
leonel-vaioaquarius: tagged and commented ..   Thank you.14:30
leonel-vaioaquarius: the funny thing is that  this  jaunty has the error and  another jaunty works  perfect.14:31
aquariusleonel-vaio, the earlier jaunty is, I suspect, running an earlier version of the code, which used pycurl14:31
leonel-vaioaquarius: both are with  1.0.0+r255-0ubuntu1~ppa1~jaunty14:32
aquariusok then I don't know why14:33
aquariusdon't look too hard at the other computer or it might break. :)14:33
aquariusdobey, ??14:33
leonel-vaiothank you .14:33
aquariuswhy would it work on some jaunty machines if they're both running the same version of the codebase?14:34
nimhwhat about the versions of python? are they moving at all?14:34
dobeyaquarius: Python is fickle? how am i supposed to know that? :)14:38
dobeycompare the python versions14:39
* dobey tries on his jaunty machine14:39
=== vds1 is now known as vds
rodrigo_jblount: you need to 'sync notes' on tomboy, it doesn't sync automatically, not until next version of tomboy14:56
jblountrodrigo_: Hmm, is there a button to push somewhere?14:57
dobeyjblount: you need a ticket to ride14:58
rodrigo_jblount: if you've got tomboy on the system tray, there's an item on the right-click menu14:59
rodrigo_jblount: if not, on each note, there's a plugins button, with a menu and a 'sync notes' item14:59
jblountMEETING BEGINS15:01
jblountDesktop+! Let's meet! Say "me" if you'd like to repined with your status in the form of TODO / DONE / BLOCKED15:01
CardinalFangaquarius is away until Tuesday.15:03
CardinalFangjblount, !!15:03
jblountDONE: /contacts/ design 80%, a few calls and sorted confusion15:03
jblountTODO: copy changes! get lp:~jdobrien/ubuntuone-servers/auth-n-subscribe landed with some tweaks, last 20% of /contacts, lots of /files/ bugs to sort, celebrate bosses day15:03
jblountBLOCKED: Nope15:03
jblountteknico: tag15:03
teknicoDONE: landed branch to put contact edit form sections in their place (#439090); landed urbanape's client-side code for the contacts web ui (#439093); started adjusting form field display for the contacts edit form (#439090)15:03
teknicoTODO: finish adjusting form field display for the contacts edit form (#439090)15:03
teknicoBLOCK: none15:03
tekniconext: rodrigo_15:03
rodrigo_• DONE: More XML<->HTML tomboy notes conversion fixes15:04
rodrigo_• TODO: Talk to Ara about writing mago tests for evo-couchdb. Conflict resolver tool in pair tool. Look at becoming a MOTU (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopers). openSUSE/Fedora packaging with aquarius. API documentation for couchdb-glib. Make sandy's snowy test suite work with our server (http://git.gnome.org/cgit/snowy/tree/api/tests.py). Discuss with jdo and aquarius about oauth token per app, not per machine?15:04
rodrigo_• BLOCKED: no15:04
rodrigo_go urbanape go!15:04
urbanapeDONE: Landed two branches that dealt with client side javascript for the contacts/ UI #439093 (not quite done, I don't think)15:04
urbanapeTODO: Work with teknico and jblount to finish it.15:04
urbanapeBLOCK: None15:04
urbanapeCardinalFang: Your lead15:04
=== greg_g is now known as greg-g
CardinalFangDONE: debugged replication problems.15:04
CardinalFangTODO: make desktopcouch and couchdb packages.15:04
CardinalFangBLOCKED: couchdb or apache proxy or ssl15:04
CardinalFangvds, please.15:04
vdsDONE:code review, fixed issues on proposed branch for couchdb compaction #44940215:05
vdsTODO: land the branch15:05
vdsBLOCKED: Nope15:05
vdsthat's it I guess15:05
dobey☺ DONE: Client/protocol stable-1-0 branches, Split out ubuntuone-ppa packaging to separate branch15:06
dobey☹ TODO: 1.0.2 release for couple karmic fixes. Find/fix more bugs.15:06
dobey☹ BLCK: None.15:06
jblountEOM? More like EMO! amirite?15:07
* CardinalFang high-fives jblount.15:08
urbanapeit's funny. written down, sad trombone looks a lot like a weepy emo kid.15:08
urbanapewah wah wah15:08
jblountScale of 1 (that is the dumbest thing ever) to 10 (SOOOO COOL ZOMG) - Rebel Alliance tattoo15:16
dobeyok, so i get the _tunnel_host error too15:17
dobeyjblount: let me find a nice video for you to watch about tattoos15:17
dobeyjblount: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b2pSt2gACrc15:18
jblountdobey: :D15:22
dobeyoh, the one guy is gone who had the HTTPSConnection issue15:29
nimhhow much of a starwars fan are you jblount?15:33
nimhbecause I'd in general give that a five15:34
nimhbut if you're like a super starwars dude and train to obtain the force every night and everyone knows you're *that* starwars guy, then it'd creep up a bit15:34
dobeyi'd give it a 015:36
jblountnimh: I'd say I'm a 7 in the way of Star Wars fandom.15:36
jblountEnthusiastic, but not weird.15:36
* dobey ponders what to get for lunch today15:39
dobeyjblount: i think when you get a tattoo, that qualifies as a crossover from enthusiastic, to weird15:40
nimhnah mang, I've got a few tats of things I really dig on, it ain't so weird15:43
nimhbut what happens if you want to turn to the dark side?15:43
dobeyof course it's not weird *to you* :)15:44
jblountnimh: Hmm. Good point. There is the option of having both sides, but that seems like cop out.15:44
nimhha ha, sure it ain't weird to me, but I do get compliments on them15:44
dobeyjblount: are you going to get an autobot tat too?15:44
nimhpersonally I tend to stay away from pop culture things15:44
dobeydo you have a tatoo of λ ?15:47
nimhputty doesn't like whatever that character is15:47
nimhrecursive tattoos?15:48
nimhI may be a bit of a geek, but not that geeky15:48
dobeyno it's a greek character15:48
nimhyeah, I know what it is, used for all manner of things, wavelength of radio waves being the one that springs to mind first15:51
dobeypolitical uprising against the combine15:51
nimhI'm being opressed by the combine now?!15:53
nimh(what's a combine, apart from a harvester?)15:53
dobeynimh: the alien race that takes over the planet in Half-Life15:54
nimhha ha, awesome, it's been like 10 years since I played that15:57
jmldobey, statik told me that you had some cool stuff you've written that uses Launchpad APIs.16:14
jmldobey, can I tempt you to join the lpx project?16:14
dobeyjml: yep16:14
dobeyjml: i'll poke at doing that again as soon as i have a little time to look at it16:14
jmldobey, cool, thanks :)16:15
verterokjml: oh, hal knows a thing or two about the lp api, and it's twisted ;)16:18
Claudinuxhow can I configure ubuntuone to can see my contact of evolution? In web page i have Page Not Found (404) Unfortunately, the page you've requested has not been found.16:18
dobeyClaudinux: i think that's not entirely ready/working yet, but the hackers are working to get it usable :)16:22
Claudinuxok, thanks dobey ;)16:23
joshuahooverfyi...jaunty users having problems connecting with the latest client release are very likely experiencing problems related to bug 451670 you can check by running: ubuntuone-client-applet from a terminal session...if you see something like "no HTTPSConnection._tunnel_host", it's that bug16:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451670 in ubuntuone-client "no HTTPSConnection._tunnel_host in python <= 2.6.2" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45167016:23
dobeyoh man16:27
dobeysadly enough, i actually wish i was in boston on monday16:28
dobeyfree Boondock Saints II screening16:28
nimhyou know how I know it's friday evening?  I get a load of work shoved at me.  Without fail.16:28
dobeyonly thing i'm gonna get shoved at me this evening is bourbon16:29
nimhThere's a party at my place tonight, but I'm on a no-alcohol kick this month16:32
jblountDaft Punk is playing at my house.16:33
nimhThose robot dudes are cool16:34
jblountnimh: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K3NqGGDO-3E16:39
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Misiakhey ppl.. will anybody help me with some issues with ubuntuone?18:41
dobeyjust ask your questions and if anyone can answer, they will :)18:44
jblount(Sometimes even if they can't)18:44
MisiakI thought that, only bots are here :-)18:44
Misiakok so.. how to add my computer to ubuntu one account? I followed manual, but it doesn't work somehow18:46
jblountMisiak: Do you see an icon in your panel? Can you clock on that and select connect?18:47
dobeyMisiak: are you on jaunty?18:47
MisiakI am still on 9.04 and I see icon.. I've tried to click there and then click to connect, but nothing happened18:48
dobeywhat version of the client do you have installed?18:48
Misiakii  python-ubuntuone-client                    1.0.1+r257-0ubuntu1~ppa1~jaunty           Ubuntu One client Python libraries18:49
Misiakii  python-ubuntuone-storageprotocol           1.0.0+r72-0ubuntu1~ppa1~jaunty            Python library for Ubuntu One file storage a18:49
Misiakii  ubuntuone-client                           1.0.1+r257-0ubuntu1~ppa1~jaunty           Ubuntu One client18:49
Misiakii  ubuntuone-client-gnome                     1.0.1+r257-0ubuntu1~ppa1~jaunty           Ubuntu One client GNOME integration18:49
Misiakii  ubuntuone-ppa-beta                         2009.05.14-0ubuntu1                       GPG keys and sources for the Ubuntu One pack18:49
Misiaksorry for flooding :)18:49
dobeyyou are experiencing a known bug. we're going to try and get it fixed asap, but it might take a few days. sorry for the inconvenience.18:53
MisiakI am glad, that I am not the one :-)18:53
dobeynope. anyone on jaunty is going to see it, unless they've already got a valid authorization on the client :)18:54
Misiakok another question.. in the web interface.. clicking on the "Sharing" and I would like to stop sharing... after click on "Stop Sharing" it looks like I clicked on the inactive button and share for friend is still active18:55
MisiakIt was working for couple of days and suddenly I couldn't connect, I've tried to reinstall packages.. nothing happend.. so I came here18:56
jblountMisiak: The "Stop sharing" button is broken right now, javascript heroes of might and magic we'll be working on it soonish.18:56
MisiakOK gyus, thanks for help and answers anyway ;-)18:57
jblountMisiak: :)18:58
Misiakbye all ;-)18:58
sagensandOn my Karmic system my Shared With Me folder is locked. When I drop a file on it I get error Permission Denied, Is it suppose to be locked?19:17
dobey"Shared with Me" contains other folders which you may or may not write to (depending on what permissions the person sharing with you allowed)19:18
dobeyputting a file directly under "Shared with Me" wouldn't really do anything19:19
dobeywhat is it you wish to do with that file?19:19
sagensandI understand you drop a file in it and it automatically uploads it for you19:19
dobeyin the "Ubuntu One" folder it will yes19:20
dobey"Shared with Me" is a special folder where folders shared *to* you by others will appear19:20
sagensandI see now19:20
sagensandI have logged in and uploaded to the server19:21
sagensandSo Shared with Me is for viewing19:21
sagensandConcept wise I think this is suppose to work like Xmarks which stores my bookmarks on a server19:22
sagensandI have green check marks on everything. I would think that only files that are uploaded to the server should have the green check mark on just those files. File>Properties>Emblems tab says that emblem is synchronized19:23
Pablo_ubuntuanybody know if ubuntu one work well now?19:23
dobeysagensand: well, that would be the bindwood firefox extension we have which stores bookmarks in a local couchdb, which can be paired and synchronized to the ubuntuone server (and back to other computers of your own) (or just across the network to other computers of your own)19:23
dobeysagensand: there was an update to fix the green check marks19:24
Pablo_ubuntuanybody know if do ubuntu one work well now?19:24
dobeysagensand: Updating to the 1.0.1 package in karmic, and logging out and back in will resolve that issue19:24
dobeyPablo_ubuntu: works well in what sense? do you have a specific issue you're wondering about being addressed?19:25
sagensanddon't know what 1.0.1 is I got 2.6.31-1319:26
Pablo_ubuntusorry dobey, my inglesh is very poor19:26
sagensandyou mean ubuntu one version, let me check19:27
dobeysagensand: ubuntuone-client-gnome version19:27
Pablo_ubuntuubuntu one service is work fine now, THANK19:30
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)19:30
sagensandIn Synaptic it says I have 1.0.0  do I check that package for upgrade to get the new version19:30
dobeysagensand: yep19:31
octodurim having problems at the login promt for ubuntuone and launchpad. I sign in with username and right password but i just get returned to the same page again19:32
dobeyjoshuahoover: ping. help a brutha out :)19:35
joshuahooveroctodur: unfortunately, this is a known issue (bug 446020)...the good news is we appear to have a fix and will roll that out on the server on our next server rollout which i think will be on monday...apologies for the hassle19:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 446020 in ubuntuone-servers "SSO: Add A Computer process does not redirect to plans page if user is not subscribed to an Ubuntu One plan" [Critical,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44602019:36
octodurahh i see, i saw a update 6 minutes ago and thought maybe this was resolved then but oke cool then i know =)19:37
sagensandRMB on ubuntuone-client and Mark for Upgrade is grayed out19:38
Nik1hmmm, i thought i was the only one having these problems19:38
dobeysagensand: i don't use synaptic myself. if you run update-manager, and click "Refresh" on there, you should see some updates19:38
joshuahooverNik1: same problem?19:38
Nik1i even unistalled and re-installed the app but no luck19:38
Nik1yup :(19:38
tyabuxeither I'm completely stupid, or Ubuntu One is _far_ from being ready for the average user. Is this supposed to be useful at all at this time?19:38
joshuahoovertyabux: what issues are you seeing?19:39
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 257, Protocol Revno is 72 | Release 1.0.0
octodurjoshuahoover: actually i could almost solve it, i went in to sign up for the ubuntuone account, and got to my page but i cant upload19:39
octodurPage Not Found (404)19:39
octodurUnfortunately, the page you've requested has not been found.19:39
octodurwasnt able to do this before =)19:39
Nik1my computer doesn't even show up under the my account page19:39
tyabuxjoshuahoover, well. I have an icon which has menu with an option to connect. I select that option, but nothing happens at all. Sometimes it connects automatically though, but I have no idea why. And when it does connect and it sais it's online, it doesn't sync any files.19:40
Nik1oh well, it is a free service so we'll just have to wait till a fix is ready and hopefully this will sort out all the problems we're having :)19:40
tyabuxjoshuahoover, except once, I was able to sync a 2KB file, out of a directory with about ten files and five folders or something.19:40
sagensandIm dnloading 140megs19:41
joshuahoovertyabux: karmic or jaunty?19:41
=== rmcbride changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: 9.04 users having problems please read http://is.gd/4mLNC | File Sharing for Ubuntu | https://one.ubuntu.com | https://launchpad.net/ubuntuone | Current Beta Client Revno is 257, Protocol Revno is 72 | Release 1.0.0
jcastrojoshuahoover: stickes handled19:42
joshuahooverjcastro: thanks!19:42
tyabuxjoshuahoover, Karmic. I didn't think Ubuntu One was included in Jaunty?19:42
jcastrotyabux: there was a beta ppa19:42
dobeyit's not included in jaunty19:42
joshuahoovertyabux: you can install it there19:42
dobeybut we have builds for jaunty19:42
=== teknico_away is now known as teknico
joshuahoovertyabux: do you have the latest version of u1? all karmic updates applied19:43
joshuahooverNik1: ok, and your client never connects?19:43
tyabuxjoshuahoover, yes.19:43
Nik1joshuahoover nope, never connects. it's been like that for two or three days actually19:44
joshuahoovertyabux: do you have an ubuntu one token in applications->accessories->passwords and encryption keys?19:44
joshuahooverNik1: karmic?19:44
joshuahooverNik1: do you have the latest version of the client by any chance?19:45
Nik1and i installed it via wubi19:45
Nik1yes, i do and i applied the latest update earlier today19:45
joshuahooverNik1: ok, have you ever connected successfully to ubuntu one previously?19:46
tyabuxjoshuahoover, no, not that I can see.19:46
Nik1yes, up until now i've only had problems connecting once in the past after an update for the linux headers19:46
joshuahoovertyabux: ok, what should (keyword there) happen is when you launch the client it should open a browser window, you login, add your computer to your account, and then the client connects19:46
Nik1but that was sorted after the next u1 update19:47
joshuahooverNik1: same thing i asked tyabux, do you have an ubuntu one token in applications->accessories->passwords and encryption keys?19:47
Nik1it's been slightly temperamental but nothing serious19:47
tyabuxjoshuahoover, I have added this computer before. Several times. The first time, it received some gobbledigook-name of random characters, the other time it received the correct hostname.19:47
Nik1no, i don't19:48
Nik1how can i add it please?19:48
joshuahooverNik1: nothing shows in the passwords tab for ubuntu one?19:48
Nik1there is no u1 tab...19:48
joshuahoovertyabux: right, but for some reason you don't have an ubuntu one token from the sounds of it, which you need to connect your computer to the service (to your account)19:49
Nik1i've tried to do that but according to the instructions on the u1 website, this is done after you installed the app19:49
joshuahooverNik1: no, there is a passwords tab and then maybe a "passwords: login" with an arrow you click on to see what passwords are there19:49
Nik1the passwords tab is there and there is an entry for passwords:login but no arrow in sight19:50
tyabuxjoshuahoover, I restarted the applet, and now a webpage offering to sign me in appeared. Is that supposed to happen each time I login to my desktop?19:50
joshuahooverNik1: if you run this command in a terminal session, can you tell me what you get? ubuntuone-client-applet19:50
joshuahoovertyabux: that will happen when your computer doesn't have an ubuntu one token, which you don't have for some reason19:51
Nik1Ubuntu One client applet already running, quitting19:51
Nik1/usr/bin/ubuntuone-client-preferences:354: GtkWarning: Error parsing gtk-icon-sizes string:19:51
Nik1  dialog.show()19:51
Nik1sorry about that19:51
joshuahooverNik1: need to know if you see some sort of stacktrace with "httpsconnection._tunnel_host" towards the end19:52
tyabuxjoshuahoover, oh, ok. Well, now I'm logged in. It sais my folder is empty though, which means the files I updated the last time have been deleted, I suppose?19:52
Nik1it is set to connect on start (automatically) and only show the icon when updating19:52
joshuahoovertyabux: you have no files listed in the web ui?19:52
Nik1no joshuahoover, i don't see anything like that on the terminal19:52
tyabuxjoshuahoover, I do now, after clicking around and refreshing the page a few times...19:52
joshuahooverNik1: try quitting the client and then running: ubuntuone-client-applet19:52
joshuahoovertyabux: hmmm...may have just been loading the page still...ajax thing maybe19:53
tyabuxjoshuahoover, perhaps. I'm on a fairly slow hspa link, but then it should give the user some hint.19:53
joshuahoovertyabux: ok, good, so now you can test if everything is working well by maybe putting a small text file in your ~/Ubuntu One folder...you should get notification that it's updating and then been updated on the server19:54
Nik1this is the last output from the terminal:19:54
Nik1AttributeError: HTTPSConnection instance has no attribute '_tunnel_host'19:54
joshuahooverNik1: you are, unfortunately, experiencing this problem: https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-users/msg00275.html19:54
joshuahooverNik1: dobey and others are looking into a fix for this issue, but in the mean time, i'm afraid to say you won't be able to connect to the ubuntu one service...many apologies for the hassles19:55
Nik1ok, no worries joshua19:55
Nik1i'll just wait for a fix :)19:55
tyabuxjoshuahoover, is it supposed to sync automatically, or must I do that manually?19:55
Nik1thank you very much for your help! :D19:55
joshuahoovertyabux: it should sync automatically19:55
joshuahooverNik1: you're quite welcome...thank you for being patient and helping me troubleshoot the issue with you...really appreciate it!19:55
Nik1no problems mate, it's always a pleasure to talk to helpful ppl from the community19:56
joshuahoovertyabux: you should get a notification (in the normal ubuntu notification area - upper right of screen) noting that the file is transferring and then another when it's done19:56
Nik1have a good day/night everyone!19:56
tyabuxjoshuahoover, when it gets a green check in Nautilus, does that mean it's sync'ed, or must I watch for the notification or check the webui to check if it has been uploaded?19:57
joshuahoovertyabux: it should be synced...you can check the web ui to verify...but you should've seen a notification as well19:58
dobeyit's supposed to mean it is synced19:58
dobeybut i'd suggest checking the web ui (beta warning) :)19:58
tyabuxjoshuahoover, heh, I've been waiting for five minutes. I can't sit here and stare at the screen until it maybe gets synced! :)19:59
joshuahoovertyabux: right, if you check the web ui, it should show up there if it synced successfully19:59
tyabuxjoshuahoover, It's not.20:00
joshuahoovertyabux: ok, i think we should get a bug report filed for this20:00
joshuahoovertyabux: if you right-click on the client and select "report a problem" that will initiate a bug report and attach some log files20:01
tyabuxjoshuahoover, actually, it was. I just had to move away from the page and then back.20:01
tyabuxjoshuahoover, I didn't receive any notifications though.20:01
joshuahoovertyabux: oh, ok...not sure why you didn't see the notifications...you do normally see notifications, correct? i'm thinking for things like instant messaging and other apps that use the message notification thing in ubuntu20:02
tyabuxand I get error 404 on my Contacts page..20:08
tyabuxshould this really be included in karmic by default?20:08
tyabuxjoshuahoover, yes.20:10
joshuahoovertyabux: contacts is not quite ready...we hope to have that rolled out monday...sorry for the issues there20:15
tyabuxoh, no need to apologize. I think the service seems quite nice. I'm just a tad sceptical about it being included by default in less than two weeks. It's difficult to imagine that it could be stable and well tested in such a short time.20:17
joshuahoovertyabux: the file service has been tested for a long time...notes has been tested for a little while...contacts not so much...we'll need to be clear about where each of these is at...the client parts of it are tested quite a bit for all those, but the server side hasn't been as much...so it's a situation where things like the web ui may need more testing, but we can get changes out very quickly there...i want to stress that the cli20:19
tyabux"that the cl"?20:21
popeyis there a document somewhere that says how you sync tomboy notes? or is it not generally available yet?20:21
jcastropopey: one sec20:23
tyabuxjoshuahoover, hmm. I just rebooted, and when I did so and wanted to connect to u1 again, I was sent to that page again.20:24
joshuahoovertyabux: that should not happen20:24
tyabuxbeautiful :)20:25
=== teknico is now known as teknico_away
tyabuxthat's one of the phrases you do _not_ want to hear in computing: "that should not happen", "Woops" and "I have some bad news" :)20:26
joshuahoovertyabux: heh...can you file a bug to help track down the issues?20:30
popeyjcastro: hmm, its asking me (again) to authorize this computer20:30
popeyand has "None" written in the hostname field20:31
jcastroI had to auth mine twice20:31
jcastroonce for file syncing and once for notes20:31
jcastroI dunno about the None part though20:31
joshuahooverpopey: yes, i think the "None" part is a bug that needs to be captured...i've seen it at least once but didn't have time to go back and reproduce20:32
popey:( tomboy lockup now20:33
* popey starts again20:33
popeynope, its stuck in a loop authorizing over again20:34
popeyok, worked this time20:35
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sageNsandIn Karmic I got U1 ver1.0.1 and a test text file on the server. It says it hasn't it was last modified 2 days ago (the day I uploaded it). I've made alot of changes to it. The cloud icon in the Notification Area always says Disconnected if thats any help. I've never seen anything saying updating or a scroll bar or icon swirling either. What am I suppose to see when I know its updating the file on the server?22:03
dobeysageNsand: click on the applet and choose "connect" ?22:03
sageNsandThats never worked22:04
sageNsandNothing happens22:04
dobeyplease right click on the applet and choose "report a problem" and follow through the process to file a bug report22:05
sageNsandso thats what makes it update huh. Thanks dobey I'll make a report22:06
dobeywell, if it's disconnected, it's not going to updated anything :)22:06
sageNsandmanual update...i see22:07
j0nrhiya, I just installed the client on a reinstalled machine and I can't get it to connect22:16
dobeyubuntu 9.04?22:16
joshuahooverj0nr: please see https://lists.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-users/msg00275.html for more info22:18
j0nroh ok, thats answers it then :)22:18
joshuahooverj0nr: we're working on getting it fixed22:19
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