
Keybukon job pre-start 01:54
Keybuk ...01:54
Keybukend script01:54
KeybukRESPAWNING pre-start! :p01:54
Keybukthe more I think about single-process-per-job, the more I like it01:55
Keybukit just makes sense02:01
Keybukif we could get the sub-job syntax right, it might even be easy02:02
KeybukI feel sorry for the eucalyptus guys02:04
Keybukthey're working so hard on their upstart jobs02:04
Keybukand I'm going to break them again <g>02:04
Keybukooh, this new Garam Masala is good02:17
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=== cdE|Woozy_ is now known as cdE|Woozy
=== notting is now known as tagbot
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=== Keybuk_ is now known as Keybuk

Generated by irclog2html.py 2.7 by Marius Gedminas - find it at mg.pov.lt!