[00:19] FYI -- the article I wrote is up -- http://www.thesmartbean.com/magazine/home-schooling/introducing-your-child-to-linux/ [00:24] home schooling, eh? [00:24] I've wondered how much Edubuntu could contribute outside of say the US [00:24] LaserJock, yes... they focus on home schooling but are read by others as well. [00:25] I got zareason included [00:27] ah, cool [00:27] I don't really know them much but we had a few emails regarding installation of Edubuntu [00:28] they wanted a DVD too [00:28] cprofitt: is Linux popular for home schoolers? [00:28] LaserJock, not sure... but they approached me to do the article [00:28] so maybe [00:29] it is definitely a good fit at home [00:29] it would [00:29] although often times you're also using online coursework apps [00:29] which might be tough to use on a Linux machine [00:31] * LaserJock thinks back [00:31] waaaaay back in the day I did some online math courses [00:31] that's actually where I first learned about IRC [00:32] that'd be getting close to 15 years ago [00:33] * cprofitt nods [00:34] online course offerings are getting more Linux friendly [00:34] many schools use Moodle or Sakai [00:35] later we had this cool app with a whiteboard, chat, and voice [00:35] I remember it was the coolest ever on a dial-up modem [00:36] LaserJock: almost 6 hours later, my PPA build completed, and the PPA worked fine, it pulled in postgreqsl and set it up before setting up moodle [00:36] but we had to squeeze everything we could out of our 28.8 to get it to work [00:36] jbicha: what about mysql? [00:36] jbicha: can you select mysql instead of postgresql? [00:36] I remember pre -28.8 dial-up [00:37] actually played one of the first MMOGs over a modem [00:37] LaserJock: let me check to make sure [00:38] * LaserJock suddenly feels very old [00:39] LaserJock, older than 42? [00:40] I feel it anyway ;-) [00:40] this is the MMO I played -- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Shadow_of_Yserbius [00:40] it was back in 1993 [00:41] I guess it's part of being done with school [00:41] I got it right before they released Fates of Twinion [00:41] it is... [00:41] I was sort of in "school" mode for 11 years [00:41] one of the markers [00:41] then you hit another when you have children [00:41] and now that I'm doing "real life" I feel like I lost a decade :-) [00:41] did you get a Masters or ? [00:41] PhD [00:42] sounded like it when you said 11 years... what in? [00:43] Chemistry [00:43] I am debating going back for a Masters... working in a K-12 tends to increase the value of holding a Masters degree or higher [00:43] Physical Chemistry to be a bit more exact [00:43] its just hard to go back... [00:43] Nice... [00:43] yeah [00:43] that's some of why I just pushed through [00:43] Chemistry was interesting for me in HS [00:43] never even had a summer off in 11 years [00:44] Our teacher had a heart attack and the long term sub was a social studies teacher [00:44] uhhhh [00:44] poor sub [00:44] yeah... [00:44] it was amazing any of us passed our regents exams [00:44] LaserJock: yes, if you use the command "sudo aptitude install moodle mysql-server php5-mysql" then it will automatically pull-in & setup mysql & not pgsql [00:45] my patch is at bug 440098 [00:45] Launchpad bug 440098 in postgresql "Edubuntu d-i fails when using postgresql as backend" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/440098 [00:45] hmm [00:46] I'm still uneasy about doing this in moodle [00:46] doing what in Moodle? [00:47] we're trying to make it easy to install [00:47] but the problem has always been the choice of database [00:47] Debian would like to keep flexibility, so they won't lock into either postgresql or mysql [00:47] LaserJock: I don't have the pre-depends superstition, but the program won't run without a database [00:48] LaserJock, I can see the quandary [00:48] but it's been a couple year battle to get moodle to have a decent install [00:48] LaserJock: if they don't want to be locked in, then they shouldn't preconfigure the database like the package is right now [00:48] they want to give the user an easy choice :-) [00:48] but yeah, it's not easy [00:49] jbicha: we need to check how this will effect upgrades [00:49] so for instance, what happens when a Jaunty user with mysql upgrades [00:50] if it was just Edubuntu's package I wouldn't have any problem [00:50] but I hate messing around with packages that are widely used [00:53] LaserJock: if someone has an alternate database they can file a bug and we can add that to the pre-recommends pipe, as it was mysql or pgsql were recommended & thus 1 was installed by default anyway [00:56] LaserJock: my mysql/moodle update was successful (there is a message not a warning that "There is already a database named moodle. Error - You must create your PostgreSQL database manually." but that message shows up on every upgrade) [00:58] jbicha: it didn't install postgresql? [00:58] no [00:59] LaserJock: yeah, there are a few things I don't like about the current moodle setup (like that message) that maybe I'll get to when Lucid devel starts up === dgroos_ is now known as dgroos [01:28] dang, Valencia has a edu distro based on Ubuntu [01:29] those crazy Spaniards [01:47] join #lliurex [01:47] oops, that channel doesn't exist [05:15] Evening all [05:18] Hi sbalneav [19:16] LaserJock: are you still pondering the pre-depends issue? [19:25] Hey, I'm curios. Do the earlier versions have applications 9.04 does not? [20:37] Hi, I am new to this channel and I need some help [20:37] I have hardy 8.04 version [20:37] and when ever I log into KDE session I get an error client-error-bad-request CUPS server error [20:38] And this doesn't happen in Gnome [20:39] any ideas or suggestions please [20:46] And this doesn't happen in Gnome [21:46] jbicha: yeah [21:47] kunnu531: you might try #kubuntu [21:47] kunnu531: or maybe #ltsp if you're using an LTSP server [21:48] * LaserJock is walking the dog and will be back in a bit [22:31] hi [22:31] I'm an ubuntu user ... but also a student [22:32] what is de difrence between ubuntu and edubuntu? [22:33] ?? [22:33] anyone on? [23:14] Dreamwalker: Edubuntu = Ubuntu + Edu apps + LTSP [23:26] can someone help me i cannot open exe files and idk how to conver them [23:26] connert* [23:26] convert* sorry [23:27] Run windows programs, you mean? [23:28] yes [23:28] There's no "conversion" from exe to Linux. You can try installing the program called "Wine" which is the windows emulator. [23:29] But many programs don't work correctly, or at all, under wine. [23:29] were do i install wine [23:29] You can find it in the Synaptic Package Manager. [23:30] Under the System -> Administration menu. [23:32] thank you very much... if this does not work is there a way to download windows xp for free? [23:33] As far as I know, it's a commercial program you have to buy to legally use. [23:33] I don't use it, and don't have it. [23:34] The last Microsoft operating system I used was Windows 98, so I'm a little out of touch on that subject. [23:34] ok thank you my computer that had Xp got a virus and thanks to ubuntu i fixed it but all of my files are for xp [23:35] were can i get ubuntu programs [23:36] The Synaptic Package Manager has thousands of programs available that you can legally download for free. [23:36] It's your first, best bet. [23:37] ok i will use that then do u know if there is a Nintendo 64 emulator? [23:42] Search in Synaptic for "nintendo". There's a bunch of hits for emulators. [23:43] ok thank you