
debfxRiddell: yeah, will do00:02
lex79Riddell: ktorrent 3.2.4 was released, I can do it later or tomorrow00:11
Riddelllex79: bugfix only?00:11
lex79uhm not sure: http://ktorrent.org/?q=node/3300:12
Riddelllex79: it says it is00:17
lex79:) ok I will do00:18
JontheEchidnawhen launched as kpackagekit translations are now ok, but when accessed through system settings a whopping 2 strings are translated00:22
RiddellJontheEchidna: it probably needs an addCatalog() somewhere00:35
firephotois firefox not knowing any uri's on karmic a bug or just something extra that needs to be installed? is not knowing how to open the download destination.00:38
RiddellSime: using daily sip snapshot fixes my crash01:16
Riddellhmm, this new k3b is telling me it can't find a CD writer01:24
Riddellmore testing welcome on that http://kubuntu.org/~jriddell/tmp/k3b/ ^^01:25
* JontheEchidna can't find his CD-Rs01:29
firephotowhat exactly is suppose to happen after the 'browser suggests installing other stuff' and the browser restarts after those bits are installed? (ie flash still doesn't work) ;)01:58
firephotoactually nevermind. it seems to have installed an old version locally which i guess is what happens.02:02
* firephoto actually had an old version from a copied .mozilla directory...02:07
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SimeRiddell: ta da!07:33
markeyguys, after latest karmic updates (and reboot), my keyboard did not work at all07:42
markeyplugging it out, then pluggin in again fixed it07:42
markeybut I thought you might want to know07:42
markeycould be a serious problem for some users :)07:42
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oggb4mp3Hi guys, I am trying to build amarok from git on 9.10 updated through this morning, but I am getting an error from cmake that it cannot find the phonon includes14:27
oggb4mp3I have libphonon-dev and libqt4-phonon-dev both installed14:27
oggb4mp3  Phonon library or includes NOT found!14:28
oggb4mp3Thought maybe I could get some insight over here14:28
apacheloggeroggb4mp3: sudo apt-get build-dep amarok14:37
apacheloggerthen nuke the build directory and start from scratch14:37
apacheloggerthat should, eventually, take care of any missing dep14:37
oggb4mp3somehow boost got removed during the upgrade14:49
oggb4mp3I think I removed it when upgrading because there was some dependency issue blocking the upgrade14:51
oggb4mp3I must say that pulseaudio seems to be much better on 9.10 then 9.0415:11
oggb4mp3no skipping at all15:11
oggb4mp3and I'm not running it with rtp like I was with 9.0415:12
oggb4mp3rtp improved things a lot with 9.04, but it still would occasionally stutter15:12
debfxRiddell: package finished building and even contains an osd :) https://launchpad.net/~debfx/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/771195/+listing-archive-extra16:09
macouhhh did anyone else have KOrganizer delete all their appointments and ToDos?17:19
dtchenbe aware that there's a race condition in ext4 that seems to be unresolved by the sync() fix in upstart17:22
dtchenit results in 0-sized files, etc.17:22
macogrr. well it says there are no resources...hopefully akonadi just forgot those .ics's existed...17:25
Dario_AndresCan any Kubuntu dev using it check a KDE bug for us? (kde team) ? it seems to happen only on Kubuntu installation and the kde devs can't reproduce it... -> https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20184417:27
ubottuKDE bug 201844 in widget-folderview "Previewing a folder without permissions (or deleted), from FolderView, causes Plasma to crash (QGraphicsScene::drawItems, QGraphicsView::drawItems, QGraphicsView::paintEvent)" [Crash,Unconfirmed]17:27
ScottKdtchen: Did you still need sponsored?17:32
ScottKDario_Andres: Looking17:32
Dario_AndresScottK: thank you :)17:32
dtchenScottK: appears so17:34
ScottKOK.  On the list ....17:34
ScottKDario_Andres: I can't reproduce it on current Karmic.  The original bug was reported on Jaunty, so it'd be Qt
Dario_Andresthere are duplicates using Qt4.5.217:37
Dario_Andresand KDE 4.3.217:37
ScottKI removed read permissions from a file in my desktop folder and hovered over it.17:38
ScottKNo crash.17:38
Dario_Andresin fact, that crash seems to happen when the Folderview applet on Plasma previews a non-existant folder (deleted recently, but the icon is still there); with a non-permissions folder, or with a network share (or may be any other special fs)17:38
Dario_Andreswhich Qt are you using ?17:38
Dario_AndresI could never reproduce the crash on branch4.3 or trunk4.4 ...17:39
ScottKQt 4.5.217:40
ScottKI tried the non-permissions variant since it seemed the easiest test condition to reliably reproduce17:41
Dario_Andresmh, weird :-\17:41
macolets see if i can remember how to do afs17:43
ScottKDario_Andres: http://kitterman.com/kubuntu/folderview.png17:43
Dario_AndresI think there is another variant:     set folderview to point to desktop, create a folder... now select it, and quickly delete it(or move it to trash) and put the cursor over it  (as deletion/move on desktop:/ is a bit slow, the folder icon should remain even when it is not there anymore, causing folderview to try to access an unexistant folder...) ... in that case , here, it shows the message "folder do not exist", but it doesn't crash17:43
ScottKOK.  Let's try that17:43
Dario_AndresScottK: you need to setup a folder(not a file) to not have permissions, to use the folder preview feature (popup)17:44
ScottKAh.  I see17:44
ScottKDario_Andres: I just reproduced it.17:51
ScottKDario_Andres: I do briefly get the message about not having access to the folder, and then plasma dies17:52
Mamarokhi, I can't start kontact, is this a known bug?17:59
Mamarokseems to be a dbus problem18:00
Dario_AndresScottK: mh, ok... could you get a valgrind log of the crash for us ? .... do you know if Kubuntu patches Qt graphics view or folderview and/or plasma ?18:01
ScottKDario_Andres: I'm trying to get the crash reported to Launchpad so our automatic retracing system can have a go at it.  I'll ping you once I know if that results in anything.18:02
ScottKRiddell: ^^^ patches question I'll leave to you18:02
Dario_AndresScottK: thank you very much18:02
ScottKI'd have to pull all the sources and look.18:02
lex79ScottK: have you time to upload ktorrent 3.2.4 today?18:08
ScottKlex79: Unlikely18:08
lex79oh :(18:08
ScottKmaco: You need to go back and mark the patches that you put up on reviewboard as submitted.18:29
macooh i see18:32
ScottKdtchen: Uploaded.  Thank you for your contribution to Ubuntu.18:36
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dtchenScottK: thanks!19:31
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=== JontheEchinda is now known as JontheEchidna

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