
bitwise_my kubuntu install was working fine but since yesterday evening all i get is "gave up waiting for root device"00:12
theoomy delete key is not working.. how to map it..00:18
gareze2fsprogs (1.41.4-1ubuntu1) jaunty; urgency=low00:21
garez  * Update to new upstream release, LP: #327206.  Remaining changes:00:21
garez    - Do not build-depend on dietlibc-dev, which is in universe.00:21
garez    - Do not allow pkg-create-dbgsym to operate on this package.00:21
garez -- Scott James Remnant <email address hidden>   Thu, 12 Feb 2009 15:26:29 +000000:21
FloodBotK2garez: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:21
garezbu ne demek?00:22
SJrWhen I mute my computer, I get static on Ubuntu 9.04?00:45
rosco_yDoes anyone know why VBOX would abort every time I try to start XP?01:20
frank3lyi need help01:48
frank3lyim having problems with my network01:48
Tryangelgo priv01:48
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brian_how do i change kopetes theme i downloaded and installed it but when i pick it from the list and restart the app it never chages theme03:42
=== brian_ is now known as webb83
webb83how do i change kopetes theme i downloaded and installed it but when i pick it from the list and restart the app it never chages theme03:43
webbb83is there anywa to change the green  icon in the buddy list03:53
rmrfslashanyone using empathy?04:13
rmrfslashand if so, is it cool?04:14
callnetttoday i found antivirus for linux04:46
u2verhi 4 all04:53
=== hemathor_ is now known as hemathor
Demi-Godtrolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled05:10
Demi-Godtrolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled05:10
Demi-Godtrolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled05:10
Demi-Godtrolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled05:10
FloodBotK2Demi-God: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:10
Demi-Godban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha...05:11
Demi-God...ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha05:11
Demi-Godban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha05:11
Demi-Godban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha05:11
FloodBotK2Demi-God: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:11
Demi-Godban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha...05:28
Demi-God...ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha...05:28
Demi-God...ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha...05:29
Demi-God...ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha ban me hahaha...05:29
FloodBotK2Demi-God: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:29
RurouniJonesWell that ruined my life05:37
docgnomeI'm having problems enabling the nvidia driver06:03
docgnomeusing jockey-kde, i see the driver, yet when i click activate nothing happens06:03
binskipy2uhey guys.. I have a TOP panel with just icons and system tray, when ever i log off and back on or reboot, the icons are in different places.. and the system tray is in a different place06:05
binskipy2uis there any way to lock it all (i locked widgets already) so its where i left it after logging on, or rebooting?06:05
=== drea is now known as Guest76759
docgnomeany idea why i can't activate the nvidia drivers?06:24
docgnomei get no errors unfortunatally06:24
docgnomenot even when i run it from the command line06:25
Kallehas anyone of you quassel06:26
Kallefor what is the top window06:27
Kallei looks ive two times the same06:28
Kalleits the irc client in kubuntu maybee german06:28
Kalleits kubuntu 9.04 x6406:32
Kallehello you re all sleeping06:34
Kalleok then sleep06:34
Kalleah i have done it06:38
=== Kalle is now known as nice
clientthere stands my name is registered06:48
clientand that i have to change it06:49
clientmust i register i dont wanna do that06:51
clientsorry but i test the irc since yesterday i forgot everything about irc client06:52
clientwhat are the advantages when i register06:55
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lucas_guys, cant connect to my wpa wifi with kubuntu beta07:47
helix_anyone there ?07:49
lucas_i am07:52
lucas_but no one is kinda answering a thing07:53
=== savuporo is now known as savuporo_
=== savuporo_ is now known as savuporo
the_spiritmaybee you ve a gateway ip you have to route to08:11
the_spiritmaybee its because it is beta08:14
the_spiritlucas: what have you tried?08:14
the_spiritLucas: and whats youre adapter?08:15
lucas_the_spirit: intel 394508:16
lucas_the_spirit: ive configured it well im sure... its on and i can turn it off as well, it just doesnt connect...08:17
the_spiritlucas: has it work with no beta?08:17
lucas_the_spirit: ive installed ubuntu beta, then ive installed kubntu.desktop there, and i desided to move to kubuntu, and reinstalled a completly full version of pure kubuntu, and it doesnt work now08:18
the_spiritlucas: i read in the ubuntu wiki that there were problems with wifi in the karmic image08:19
lucas_the_spirit: yeah in alpha 3, im updating now, ill check after restart08:20
lucas_i hate this wifi card with my hole soul08:21
the_spiritoh its german08:38
the_spiritthere stands08:38
the_spiritthat you maybee needs wicd as your client08:38
=== ubuntu is now known as Nart_NARUKO
overfiendMorning all08:42
aomegaxdo you know how configure LIRC?08:49
aomegaxI have Terratec XXS and I'd like to configure remote control...08:51
=== Peace- is now known as Peace---
PaulogramHey, I am trying to use the partitioner of ubuntu live CD to make place for a windows installation. What format should I use in gparted? XFS, JFS or ReiserFS ?09:50
PaulogramHey, I am trying to use the partitioner of ubuntu live CD to make place for a windows installation. What format should I use in gparted? XFS, JFS or ReiserFS ?10:02
=== desu_ is now known as desu
Dillizarany one alive :D10:57
tsimpsonsome one probably is10:58
Dillizardude do you know where can i find eagleusb as a deb10:58
tsimpsonDillizar: I can't find it, you'll have to compile it yourself if you want it11:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about blu-ray11:04
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about bluray11:04
noaXesshm.. what about bluray and KDE4.3? are there any apps? players?11:05
Dillizaryou have a blueray rom???11:06
tsimpsonnoaXess: I found this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/BluRayAndHDDVD11:06
noaXesstsimpson: ok.. thanks..11:10
piggzlo....just installed the beta on an acer aspire one....mostly works great, apart from sleep/resume ......... it sleeps, but resume just gives  a black screen11:22
tsimpsonpiggz: support for karmic is only in #ubuntu+111:23
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=== kb is now known as Guest25390
amgarchIn9how do I disable ubuntu-one applet from starting every time I log into KDE and also requesting the keyword passwrod from me?12:43
kikozzineed help12:59
kikozzihow can i customize menu? i mean i want it look like a Mac OSX13:00
chimp-champHi, how can configure that a window will be always opened in special desktop (e.g. Kmail in desktop numer 4)?13:21
dorcesUnfortunately, how to fix java Annex Firefox? the running game associated with it13:28
dorcesUnfortunately, how to fix java Annex Firefox? the running game associated with it13:30
dorcesI downloaded Java file, and I do not allow the installation13:32
Ev0luti0n_I can't help. I never instaled a java file on linux.13:34
Ev0luti0n_Have you searched the web?13:34
Ev0luti0n_don't know if that is possible13:34
dorcesbut don't work13:35
ubottuTo install a Java compiler/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java5-jre or sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository. Please don't use Adept to install Java if you are on Kubuntu !Dapper13:36
tsimpsonusually you do "java -jar file.jar"13:37
dorcesi wan't to open this site :-/13:38
tsimpsondorces: install sun-java6-plugin13:40
BluesKajHowdy all13:52
ubuntuI'm trying to partition an entirely new disc with Kubuntu live cd so that i can put up a dual boot Win7 and Kubuntu system.. I have one issue.. I'm trying to use gparted to partition correctly, but since there's no partition table it want's me to create that first.. which partition table type should I use? msdos is apparently default?14:02
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PapiroteWhats is the best Messenger for Ubuntu ?14:07
hsarci_how can i change my desktop theme? i've found "desktop theme details" under "advanced" in "system settings" but i cant seem to find the place to actually change the theme14:16
amgarchIn9why is Cntrl-Alt-Del is not working anymore in KDE (in 9.10b)?14:18
hsarci_anyone arround?14:20
hsarci_amgarchIn9, you can use ctrl+esc to bring up processes manager14:21
amgarchIn9Moreover I dont find "shutdown" entry in the "Leave" tab of the K-menu.14:21
hsarci_amgarchIn9, scroll down in "leave"14:22
amgarchIn9it is not there. I logged out of Gnome into GDM and then went to KDE. Now there is no shutdown. It was there before (probably when I go directly to KDE with autologin).14:23
amgarchIn9go for reboot14:23
liveoutloud2daygrub problem here....  Installed Karmic Beta on a machine with a 160G HD that had Windows on it, and now it just says   Grub      error: out of disk     grub rescue>    Any ideas?14:46
liveoutloud2dayInteresting thing is that Windows had only seen 128G of the drive and I installed in the remainder of the drive (48bit LBA?)  How do I fix?14:47
guitar-tonyciao raga14:55
guitar-tonyhi guys, who is Italian?14:56
BluesKaj!it | guitar-tony15:02
ubottuguitar-tony: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)15:02
SadlyI need help to do my Wireless ipw2100 Intel works...15:05
EagleScreenhi Sadly nice to see you again15:07
Sadlynice, yeah15:10
marco__For a Core 2 Duo what version of kubuntu is recommended 64 bits or 32 bits?15:12
Sadlyi don't know marco_15:12
Sadlyuhmmm... I would love to know, if someone can help me with my Wireless Intel ipw2100 configuration, it doesn't work, please15:13
bottigeramarok works with HDMI audio output but dragonplayer does not - any idea why?15:36
lyhana8hi, I'm trying to update some svn repository with kdesvn but I keep mixing things15:48
lyhana8I already imported my local folder into the repository last week, but since I've done modification on my files that I want to update on the repository15:49
lyhana8How should I proceed ?15:49
linuxI need some hslp16:09
linuxI downloaded a program and cannot find where kubuntu put it16:09
linuxi want to install it but cant find it16:09
eeeuser113hi, i want to try the netbook version on my eee to replace ubuntu netbook remix. if i do, will it continue to function properly? i  mean since its not formally released16:10
eeeuser113will i be able to install software etc?16:10
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kenny__I cannot reactivate my computer after putting it into standby mode. When I press the keyboard buttons  or the mouse nothing happens. When I press the power button of the pc, it restarts.16:50
ToxinPoweI don't have alt+f2 to open apps on Kde4, is this correct?16:56
MamarokToxinPowe: you should have16:56
ToxinPoweok, any clue? :s16:56
MamarokToxinPowe: well, a bit more information on what versions (Kubuntu, KDE) you are actually running might help16:57
ToxinPowehaha ok sry16:57
Dekansdoes someone uses stasks plasmoid from the repos ?16:57
ToxinPoweUbuntu Karmic Koala Beta + kubuntu-dektop16:57
MamarokDekans: what would that be?16:57
MamarokToxinPowe: then you should ask in #ubuntu+1, Karmic questions belog there16:58
Dekansa taskbar16:58
ToxinPoweok, thanks Mamarok16:58
MamarokToxinPowe: you are welcome16:58
Dekansa better one that the default plasmoi16:58
MamarokDekans: and what is the name exactly?16:58
* Mamarok checks16:59
DekansI think it causes plasma crashs16:59
DekansI'm on karmic16:59
Dekansmaybe it's not on jaunty repos16:59
MamarokDekans: indeed17:00
MamarokDekans: so ask in #ubuntu+1, please17:00
Dekansdone :)17:00
downhillerdoes kubuntu also use pulseaudio?17:01
Dekansyou can bypass it17:06
Dekansin audio settings17:06
Mamarokdownhiller: Jaunty does not use pulseaudio by default17:10
downhillerbut Karmic?17:11
Mamarokdownhiller: not bey default neither17:11
downhillerah cool!17:11
downhilleris the kde integration better in karmic than in previous releases?17:11
Mamarokdownhiller: you can use it, the configuration has improved, but if you don't need network sound there is no reason for it17:11
Mamarokdownhiller: what do you mean, better?17:12
MamarokWorks like a charm here17:12
downhilleri hate pulseaudio, because with very possible setting or modification it doesn't play youtube videos AND tuxguitar files together17:12
downhillerone is always muted17:12
Mamarokdownhiller: that's not exactly a support question...17:13
Mamarokdownhiller: and what do you mean by "better integrated"?17:13
downhilleri just wanted to ask before i try karmic17:13
* Mamarok still doesn't understand that question, not precise enough17:13
downhillerMamarok: in jaunty kpackagekit doesn't make complete dist-upgrade because it can't delete programs, afaik17:14
Mamarokdownhiller: well, since there is a lot of new technology like ext4 and grub2 you better do a fresh installation anyway17:14
downhillerdid you try kubuntu karmic17:15
Mamarokdownhiller: I do have it running here, yes, but with a fresh installation17:15
downhillerdoes kde run smotthly?17:15
Mamarokor course it does17:16
Mamarokdownhiller: still, this is not the place to discuss this I think, you can do so in #kubuntu-offtopic, and support questions about Karmic should go to #ubuntu+117:16
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=== diego is now known as Guest17573
panichmm. "codec already installed" aber dennoch kein Bild aus dem Videostream...17:37
panicjemand das Problem bei kaffeine schonmal gesehen?17:38
dthacker!de | panic17:42
ubottupanic: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.17:42
russlarhe, anybody know if the cisco-made cisco vpn client has any issues with karmic's kernel?18:02
bottigeramarok works with HDMI audio output but dragonplayer does not - any idea why?18:07
=== pierre__ is now known as pierreghz
ner0xWhat is the proper way to install perl 5.10.1 ?18:14
russlarner0x: I'm guessing the version in teh repo's won't do?18:15
ner0xrusslar: Correct. :(18:15
russlardownload teh source, ./configure && make && sudo make install ?18:16
ner0xHow can I add the testing repository. Seems like 5.10.1 is in there.18:22
russlarner0x: the karmic repositories?18:23
ner0xIs there a jaunty testing?18:23
russlarnot after release of jaunty18:23
russlaryou could look into jaunty-backports and/or jaunty-proposed18:23
russlarubuntu tends to freeze app versions at release18:24
ner0xIf I add them, will it attempt to install everything with a newer version of what I have?18:24
russlaronly if you run aptitude safe-upgrade18:24
ubottuAPT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)18:25
ubottuaptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide18:25
android87Hey anyone knows anyway to change the command prompt of terminal. I have to type PS1 command everytime and open terminal18:26
russlarandroid87: look at /etc/profiles and your .bashrc18:27
russlar(assuming you're using bash)18:27
android87yes it's bash18:27
android87anyway to be sure of this??18:27
android87what is it??18:27
russlarthe terminal prompt is set by /etc/profile systemwide18:27
android87ok so do I have to edit the .bashrc file or what do I have to do18:28
russlarthe .bashrc file in your $HOME will set bash parameters for your user18:28
android87lemme try this rite now... thanks man !!!18:28
android87here there is no .bashrc18:30
android87i'm in home18:30
russlarthat's not surprising18:31
russlarmake one18:31
android87okay... simple text eh???18:31
russlarlook it up on google first18:31
russlar# ~/.bashrc: executed by bash(1) for non-login shells.18:32
russlar# see /usr/share/doc/bash/examples/startup-files (in the package bash-doc)18:32
russlar# for examples18:32
russlarinstall the bash-doc package18:32
android87Thats my last option. IRC would be my fav/quick/reliable option18:32
russlarand you should have everything you need18:32
russlarsorry, I'm a fan of RTFM18:33
android87and what is RTFM??18:33
russlarread teh * manual18:33
android87okay how different is Linux from Mac, I mean do they have these same scripts and cli???18:34
android87Is it better than Linux??18:34
android87Oh.. I see18:34
russlaros x is based (loosely) on BSD18:35
android87oh.. okay18:35
russlarmost of linux userspace has its roots in BSD18:35
russlarso 90% of stuf works teh same18:35
android87cuz there is someone who is ready to share his macbook (tiger) for 3 months with me18:35
russlartiger is a fairly solid os18:36
russlaras a server platform, I perfer workign on it to leopard18:36
android87I'm mean I has good looks and those graphics is so spectacular, man I jus love it18:36
russlarleopard tends to be a bit more gui-happy18:36
android87Well, after 3 days I would be using Mac os for the first time18:37
russlarand mac effectively killed cron in leopard18:37
android87Tiger !! And you say it's good eh??18:37
russlaras a desktop, I prefer leopard18:37
android87which one off these is the latest stuff??18:37
russlardepnds on teh hardware18:38
russlarhow old is the mac?18:38
android87I mean Os Tiger or leopard18:38
android877 Months18:38
android87thats what he said18:38
russlar7 months and it has tiger?18:38
russlarthat's not right18:38
android87I don't know man !!!18:38
android87As I've never worked on it18:39
russlarleopard was released in cot 200718:39
russlartiger was released in 200418:39
android87Is has one of those WiFi Airport thinh on it and I don't know what not !!18:39
android87He says that it's good if you do a lot of Graphics and Animation stuff18:39
russlarit is18:40
android87I have a Desktop and a Laptop. I've customised my desktop according to my need18:40
android87Desktop has Vista Home Premium with 4GB DDR2 Ram and 320 Gb Hdd with nVidia 8500 GT Graf Crd18:41
android87I installed Ubuntu Ultimate Edition on it and I experience the best graphics I could ever imagine18:42
android87It was as though vista was like a child in terms of Visual Effect when I looked at Ubuntu Ultimate Edition,18:42
android87Man these guys really work hard to keep linux alive. I work on Windows as I've no Choice when playing PC games !!18:43
russlaryou'd be amazed what properly caffinated people are capable of18:43
android87what do you do russlar?? You're a very interesting person18:44
android87I hope Mac can play all those popular MMOPRG games???18:45
=== jon is now known as Guest95613
satyacan i install ubuntu and kubuntu at the same time using two cd's19:12
EagleScreensatya: you only need one CD19:14
satyai have kubuntu cd and installed it too but i want to install GNOME at the same time , can i install it using the ubuntu cd19:16
EagleScreenif want Ubuntu & Kubuntu int he same system installation, you only need one19:17
EagleScreenyou can Install Ubuntu Desktop by your internet connection installing package ubuntu-desktop19:19
satyabut i dont have fast internet connection so i cant download much19:19
EagleScreenit is less than download the Ubuntu CD19:20
JontheEchidnaEagleScreen: re: your kcm_touchpad issues, run the initial cmake like: "cmake ../ -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr", from your install log it's installing to /usr/local19:21
EagleScreenthanks JontheEchidna, what relationship do you have with kcm_touchpad?19:21
chemichello! who knows how to lisen f inet radio http://cluster.quantumart.ru/broadcast/default.aspx?media=station0419:22
JontheEchidnaEagleScreen: none, just was browsing the comments and saw yours19:22
EagleScreenok i will try now19:22
JontheEchidnait would be nice if we could get that in for 10.0419:22
EagleScreensatya: if you want to install also Gnome from CD, you cannot use the Ubuntu Desktop installer CD, you need the Alternate CD19:23
EagleScreenyes, sure JontheEchidna19:24
satyais there any way i can install GNOME using ubuntu cd19:24
EagleScreenJontheEchidna: I was running "cmake CMakeLists.txt" to it build19:27
EagleScreentherefor, JontheEchidna, now, must I pass two arguments to cmake?19:29
JontheEchidnaEagleScreen: mkdir build, cd build, then use the command I gave you19:29
JontheEchidnathen make, make install19:29
JontheEchidnaand kbuildsycoca4 for good measure to make sure KDE sees the new module19:29
JontheEchidnabut as it stands I don't think KDE looks in /usr/local by default19:29
artem_what sup19:31
EagleScreensorry, but should make work inside "build" directory?19:31
artem_I couldn't install back track 4!!!19:32
satyawhere can i get alternate cd19:35
EagleScreenokay, kcm_touchpad compiled and working, thanks19:35
luis_Hello people, is there an openoffice version of microsoft publusher?19:36
EagleScreensatya: for waht version?19:38
visheshHI! I'm using KDE 4.3 and it seems kinda unstable. At times it just freezes or becomes really really slugish, that I have to restart the X-Server. Or sometimes it will just freeze that I have to manually restart the computer. Is there any way I can dubg whats going on, and see whats causing this?19:41
EagleScreensatya: a new Ubuntu and Kubuntu version is expected in 12 days, you may want to wait for it19:43
jamesjedimasterluis_: no, there isn't19:43
luis_jamesjedimaster: and something similar? or i will have to wine publisher?19:43
EagleScreenvishesh: that can be by graphic drivers problems19:43
satyaok i'll wait, thanks btw19:43
visheshEagleScreen: Yea, that might be it. I have a crappy Intel graphic card. Otherwise my comp isn't that bad.19:44
EagleScreenvishesh: Intel works pretty well for me woth 2.9.0 driver19:45
zimonvishesh: what gpu? GMA965?19:45
jamesjedimasterluis_: i didn't find anything similar, so you can try with wine19:46
visheshzimon : Intel G35 Express Chipset.19:47
zimonvishesh: hm ok ... i thought those are supposed to work quite well19:47
al_can someone remind me how to get rid of too many flash plugins?19:47
visheshNah, I've always had problems with this one. Flickering issues when I was developing OpenGl apps. Even Compiz doesn't work properly.19:48
Hemo Hi , i have problem with bluetooth ,, after uograde from kde 4.1 to 4.3 the bluetooth was disable19:48
visheshI think I'll have to buy a Nvidia one. :-( Or do you think it could be something else?19:48
zimonvishesh: i'm having serious rendering issues with qt4 applications. don't know whether it's caused by the intel driver or qt, though19:49
EagleScreenvishesh: are you in 9.04 "jaunty"?19:50
visheshEagleScreen: Yup. But I did manually add the KDE4.3 repositary.19:51
EagleScreenthat does not fix nothing because you keep your old graphics driver and you do not have the lastest Qt libraries19:51
Hemo Hi , i have problem with bluetooth ,, after uograde from kde 4.1 to 4.3 the bluetooth was disable19:52
visheshEagleScreen: But I doubt that would make a difference. It's not like I'm using unstable stuff. My main concern is when the computer totally hangs (Keyboard & Mouse) and I have to manually restart it.19:52
EagleScreenvishesh: Kubuntu 9.10 will be realeased in 12 days, it has a new intel driver and new Qt libraries, I am almost sure it will finish your problems, it did it for me19:52
visheshEagleScreen: Qt apps seem to run fine in mine. Apart from Okular -- that jams up my comp quite frequently.19:52
EagleScreenor vishesh, you can test the beta19:53
visheshEagleScreen:  I guess I'll wait. Or can I .. hehe.. exactly what I was asking.19:53
EagleScreenvishesh: you can test 9.10 beta Live CD, download it from www.kubuntu.org if you want19:54
visheshEagleScreen: Thanks, Maybe I will.19:54
=== stevepearce_ is now known as stevepearce
Hemo Hi , i have problem with bluetooth ,, after uograde from kde 4.1 to 4.3 the bluetooth was disable19:56
SphinxHello, I experience quite lot of problems with nearly only default kubuntu installation (saw kopete, yakuake crash in few minutes) is there some general problem or is it just me?20:00
SphinxI ask here, because this is a computer which normal user should use20:00
zimondon't use kde 4 then, imho20:00
zimonit's not exactly what i'd call stable20:01
Sphinxzimon: I thought that is the default kubuntu environment, is there any other version? Or more stable setup?20:01
EagleScreenKubuntu 8.04 is the lastest stable for many people20:01
EagleScreenand next will be 10.0420:01
SphinxI like KDE look (even version 3)20:01
BluesKajzimon, kde4 is stable , where have you been ?20:01
Sphinx8.04 isn't Jaunty, I suppose20:01
EagleScreenKDE4 is stabilizing much in each new version thya release20:02
SphinxEagleScreen: so Jaunty is testing?20:02
zimonBluesKaj: just labelling it as stable doesn't make it stable. it's really not stable here20:02
EagleScreenSphinx: yes and not20:02
Sphinxwell, I am used to debian stable/testing/unstable, gentoo stable/testing so, could you explain me kubuntu situation?20:03
Hemo Hi , i have problem with bluetooth ,, after uograde from kde 4.1 to 4.3 the bluetooth was disable20:03
SphinxHemo: what do you mean disabled?20:03
EagleScreenUbuntu release a LTS version each 2 years, that versions are really stable20:04
EagleScreenlastest is 8.04 and next will be 10.0420:04
SphinxEagleScreen: ah, so 8.04 shold be rock stable?20:04
HemoSphinx, not work20:04
SphinxHemo: do you use KDE? and KDE applet?20:04
EagleScreenSphinx: 8.04 should, but Kubuntu 8.04 is KDE3 version20:04
HemoSphinx, even the lamp is not work :\ and bluetooth icon beside the clock is diseperd20:05
SphinxHemo: lamp?20:05
EagleScreenfor instance you will have bluettoth working in 8.0420:05
HemoSphinx, i use kubuntu 9.04 and kde 4.3 and i use kdebluetooth20:05
EagleScreenand surely also will in 10.0420:05
BluesKajzimon, not stable where ,...what version of kubuntu are you running ?20:05
SphinxEagleScreen: so there is more effort for debugging and testing in 8 and 1020:05
HemoSphinx, sorry for my language i mean the light20:05
zimonBluesKaj: 9.04 .. kde 4.2 first, then kde 4.320:06
EagleScreennot, just a LST mark the final of a release and development cycle20:06
zimonBluesKaj: but it's no kubuntu-specific issue. kde 4.2 on fedora and gentoo were just as annoying20:07
SphinxHemo: no problem,20:07
SphinxHemo: Do you have kdebluetooth installed?20:07
BluesKajheh zimon , i'm on 9.10 and kde4 is working just fine , the are some dev apps that may be unstable but it's in beta and to be expected20:07
EagleScreenkbluetooth 0.4 seems to be better and it may work well, it is included in 9.1020:07
HemoSphinx, yes20:07
zimonBluesKaj: yeah. 9.10 will be my last try on kde 4. if i still hate it i'll buy a mac20:09
visheshI was fidling arond with the Effects, and the "Sharpen" & "Explosion" Effect aren't being rendered. I get error messages at times. You think this would have something to do with my Graphic card?20:09
* BluesKaj shrugs20:09
EagleScreenzimon: it shoud be 10.04 LTS20:09
Sadlyhello, i would love to know how to TURN On the wireless swith20:09
Sadlyin 9.04 kubuntu, please20:10
zimonEagleScreen: maybe .. but that'd mean waiting another 6 months :-/20:10
BluesKajSadly, which network manager20:10
SphinxHemo: Try configuration panel and search it for bluetooth20:10
Sphinxmaybe bluetooth devices should be confiugured20:11
EagleScreenSadly: you will have 9.10 in 12 days it is very improved and all in 9.04 should update20:11
SadlyBluesKaj I don't know the name into english...20:11
HemoSphinx, sorry but im newbe ,, how i do it ?20:11
SadlyEagleScreen, I can see the only error here.... The internal ANTENNA is Turn OFF.... no about configuration..20:12
SadlyAnyway 9.04 must be have that too instalated... my Pc is 2003 one.20:12
SphinxSphinx: okay, click on menu icon (the one probably on left down corner), then there will be something like system configuration item20:12
SphinxSphinx: Eh20:13
SphinxHemo: Do alt-F2 and run kbluetooth4-devicemanager20:13
Hemois running20:13
Hemobut nothing happen20:13
Sphinxis there any device configured?20:14
Hemo :\20:14
BluesKajSadly, perhaps the people at #kubuntu-es can help you better in your native languge20:14
SphinxHemo: and which device do you want to make working?20:14
BluesKaj!es | Sadly20:15
ubottuSadly: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.20:15
SphinxWhen is nex stable expected?20:15
Hemo:\ i want make bluetooth work , before upgrade kde is working20:15
Sadlythank u BluesKaj, but the only person here who usually answer.. the another day finished crazy... cuz it is really weird20:16
SphinxHemo: I see, as someone said here, in 10 days, there sohuld perhaps be upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10, maybe it will be fixed, I am sorry not to help more20:16
SadlyI know my english is horrible... but the helpless doesn't know about lenguague... xD20:16
HemoSphinx, no never mind :D Thanks alot20:16
Sadlyplease, can someone tell me about wireless swchit20:17
SphinxHemo: look, I know I was solving this a month ago, there is some trying and it can be done, I do now remember well how I overcame it20:18
SphinxSadly: are you beginner?20:18
Sadlyyes, a lot.20:18
SphinxSadly: okay, for how much time have you used linux?20:18
SadlyThree days20:18
SphinxSadly: so a complete newbie, okay20:19
Sadlycan i be helped cuz' that?20:19
SphinxSadly: do you have hardware switch of your notebook (is it notebook?20:19
SphinxSadly: of course20:19
SphinxSadly: it just helps to tell it first20:19
Sadlyi have the Intel ipw2100 Wireless20:20
Sadlybut it doesn't work20:20
Sadlyi just read the problem20:20
SphinxSadly: okay, do you have the hardware switch on it?20:20
visheshSadly: Does it have a switch somewhere? You know, to switch the wireless on ? (usually blue in colour)20:20
Sadlyyes, it is20:20
SadlyIt is TURN ON.20:20
Sadly(Wait a minute) I need go to the bath20:21
SphinxSadly: okay, sorry for asking again and again, we are just debugging so se sant to be sure20:21
Sadly1 sec20:21
visheshSphinx: He's gone to have a bath? And he asked us to wait 1 sec?20:22
BluesKajvishesh, I think he meant, "gone to the bathroom"20:23
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visheshBlueEagl1: Oh! Hehe.. I'm a retard at times! Ignore me :-)20:24
Sphinxvishesh: I hope he did, because otherwise he should read some netiquette20:24
BluesKajvishesh, his native languge is spanish but insists on asking his questions in here , he obviously isn't getting much help at #kubuntu-es20:25
=== kudomarkos is now known as Sadly
SadlyI am ready20:28
SadlyAre you here yet???20:29
SadlyI was telling, YEs, My Wireless is swicht on...20:29
SadlyIt is a button.. ON-OFF, and it is ON.20:29
SadlyBut it appears as OFF in the Network managar20:30
SadlyxD Am i talking alone?20:30
BluesKajSphinx, ?20:31
visheshNo, I'm just wondering how I can help.20:32
Sadlyok... i only was to the bath...20:32
lenI can never get kword 2 (qt4 version) to run, because I always get "Can not find needed text component, KWord will quit now."  I keep thinking the problem will be solved the next time koffice2 is updated, but it never fixes it.  I am obviously missing a dependency that isn't auto selected for some reason.  Anybody know what package this "text component" is in?20:32
SadlyxD he desappeared..20:32
kunnu531Hi, I am new to this channel and I need some help20:34
kunnu531I have hardy 8.04 version20:34
SphinxSadly: I am present now20:34
kunnu531and when ever I log into KDE session I get an error client-error-bad-request CUPS server error20:35
SphinxSadly: do you know how to use terminal?20:35
kunnu531And this doesn't happen in Gnome20:35
tormodwhere does Knetworkmanager store its settings (network parameters) for broadband modems in particular?20:35
Sadlyyes Sphinx20:35
kunnu531for for using terminal20:35
Sadlytell me, and i will so you paste.ubuntu...20:35
SphinxSadly: could you tell what is in /etc/network/interfaces ?20:36
SphinxSadly: and also paste output of ifconfig20:36
SphinxSadly: and ifocnfig -a20:36
Sadlyohmmmm to see interfaces.... kdesudo kate /etc/network/interfaces or something in that way?20:37
Sadlyok, it is running.20:38
Sadlyin that moment interfaces say:20:38
Sadlyauto lo20:38
Sadlyiface lo inet loopback20:38
SphinxSadly: it is better to paste it somewhere20:39
Sadlyit was only 2 lines..20:39
SphinxSadly: Okay20:39
SphinxSadly: it is okay, how about ifconfig?20:39
Sadlymy ifconfig: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/295668/20:40
Sadlyand my ifconfig -a: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/295670/20:41
SphinxSadly: okay, I need also output of lshw20:42
SphinxSadly: but yes, you are probably missing some hw modules20:43
Sadlyi just re-installed 8.04, and up to 8.10, and up to 9.04 beta..20:44
Sadlyit say : Warning you must to do with SUPER-USER20:45
Sadlyah, the password20:45
SphinxSadly: yes and also lsmod20:45
Sadlyhere: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/295675/20:46
Sadlyand lsmod... 1 sec please20:46
Sadlyhere: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/295676/20:47
SphinxSadly: sudo modprobe ipw220020:48
Sadly1 sec20:48
Sadlydon't say anything20:49
SphinxSadly: great, now ifconfig -a again20:49
Sadlyand sudo modprobe iwp2100 ask me the password... and don't do anything20:50
Sadlyoh ok20:50
SphinxSadly: linux/unix commands sometimes do not print anything if all is ok20:50
Sadlyhere http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/295678/20:51
SphinxSadly: they are more loud if there is some error20:51
Sadlyah, ok... xD20:51
Sadlyhere: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/295679/20:52
Sphinxuname -a20:53
Sadlya line: Linux kudomarkos 2.6.28-15-generic #52-Ubuntu SMP Wed Sep 9 10:49:34 UTC 2009 i686 GNU/Linux20:53
Sphinxdmesg |tail -n 5020:53
Sadlythat symbol20:54
Sadlyin the keyboard20:54
Sadlyoh, near 120:54
Sadly1 sec20:54
SphinxSadly: sudo modprobe ipw210020:54
Sadlydmesg: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/295681/20:55
Sadlythat time sudo modprobe ipw2100 doesnt ask me the password20:56
Sadlynothing to read.20:56
SphinxSadly: no problem, it keeps the password few minutes20:56
SphinxSadly: again ifconfig -a20:56
=== odysseus is now known as Guest56925
jazzy_dhi everyone20:58
Sadlyhere: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/295682/20:58
jazzy_dIm using jaunty20:58
Sadlyhello jazzy_d, welcome20:58
jazzy_dand Im interested into kernel upgrade20:58
jazzy_dthanks Sadly20:58
jazzy_dhow to do that?20:58
jazzy_dthe update manager shows 4 packages for linux kernel as blocked20:58
SphinxSadly: some strange things are happening, is there any reason why your link connects on and off20:59
Sadlymy link connects on and off?21:00
Sadlyi can't understand what you mean21:00
Sadlythe gestor is telling me every moment "Your are connect221:01
Sadly"you are connect"21:01
SphinxSadly: look in the dmesg output, there is quite frequent line eth0 link up and eth0 link down21:01
=== Guest56925 is now known as odysseus
=== odysseus is now known as Guest72160
SphinxSadly: give me iwconfig -a21:02
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SphinxSadly: sorry iwconfig21:02
Sadlydo you think am i able to see what happened in that lines?? I am absort with so than letters!!21:02
Sphinxno -a21:02
Sadlyok... iwconfig21:02
SphinxSadly: absort?21:02
Sadlysorry... "shocked"21:02
=== patrick is now known as Guest91574
Sadlyhere: http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/295685/21:03
SphinxSadly: well, those letters tells you about the situation, it tells you really well what is happenning, and that what is in your dmesg tells that your eth0 interface is periodically connected and disconnected (bad cable, connector)?21:04
SphinxSadly: great, all shold work now, try to plug it on in your panel21:04
SphinxSadly: click network management21:04
Sphinxthen wireless ...21:05
Sadlyyes but i need to know about "Computer language" and... in addiciton "English Computer language" it is weird to me, yet.21:05
Sphinxjazzy_d: Hi, what is the problem?21:05
jazzy_dSpinx I dont know how to update the kernel21:05
SphinxSadly: well, english computer language is quite logical21:05
Sphinxjazzy_d: jazzy_d are you a beginner?21:06
jazzy_dyep, Im newbie21:06
Sphinxjazzy_d: for how much time have you been using linux?21:06
SadlyIt say: WLAN INTERFACE: Desconnected.... and if i go to find my connection ... i can see anything (even Neighbourd connectiosn)21:07
jazzy_dI have been using several times21:07
SphinxSphinx: is it working?21:07
jazzy_dalso freebsd21:07
SphinxSadly: does it work?21:07
Sadlysorry, no21:07
jazzy_dI was trying to install gentoo from scratch21:07
Sphinxjazzy_d: okay, are you familiar with debian/ubuntu packaging system, aptitude?21:07
jazzy_dbut i couldnt set the lilo correctly21:08
SphinxSadly: tell me what do you try21:08
Sphinxjazzy_d: so the problem is lilo, not installation of kernel image?21:08
SphinxSadly: what do you try to make it running (click here, click there ...)21:08
SadlyYesterday Eagle... made me to do a lot of things... even we were editing interfaces in Kate21:08
jazzy_dno no... Im on kubuntu now21:08
jazzy_dand Im having a issue with my gma 500 vga21:09
Sphinxjazzy_d: I would propose you to change to grub than lilo, it is considered to be newer and more powerfull21:09
Sadlyok, I go to network manager, and i press in... well TO DO A NEW NET (i don't know the exact term at english)21:09
Sadlythen i press in Wireless Tab..21:09
Sadlyi press ADD NEW ONE21:09
jazzy_dI know... kubuntu comes with it21:09
Sphinxjazzy_d: if you know the name of wrong installed package try dpkg-reconfigure <package-name>21:09
Sphinxjazzy_d: and write us what it tell21:10
Sadlythen i can write the ESSID, and the Password21:10
kunnu531I have hardy 8.04 version,and when ever I log into KDE session I get an error client-error-bad-request CUPS server error, And this doesn't happen in Gnome21:10
Sadlyor, to PRESS into a button which must be show me the LINES i can pick up21:10
jazzy_dbut how to upgrade to 2.6.30 kernel21:10
Sadly(mine and the neighbourds)21:10
Sadlybut it doesn't appear21:10
Sadlyand if i write for my self21:11
Sadlydoesn't work too21:11
SphinxSadly: Have you clicked on Enable wireless in Network Manager (the icon in taskbar)21:11
Sphinxjazzy_d: well,21:12
Sadlyyes, it is marked21:12
Sphinxjazzy_d: why do you need 2.6.30?21:12
SphinxSadly: do you use encrypted connection ?21:12
jazzy_dSphinx, because I had read that it iproves my intel gma 500 functioning21:12
SadlyWEP password.21:13
Sadlydo you mean that, really?21:13
Sphinxjazzy_d: ah, okay, then you need to compile it as it is not present in kubuntu right now21:13
Sadlyi have a number of 14 digits21:13
Sadly13 digits21:13
klechuhello boys and girls21:13
jazzy_dso from where do I need to download it?21:14
jazzy_dIs there any easy way on going on?21:14
SphinxSadly: yes, that can be problem, try aptitude search wpa21:14
jazzy_dlike script that does it all...21:14
SphinxSadly: myabe wifi works, but WPA part no21:14
Sphinxjazzy_d: well, it is pretty automatized21:15
SadlyI can't understand what do you mean..... what is the WPA part?21:15
klechucould any one of you give me a hint on how to activate xinerama on 9.10 ?? when I connected the second screen (with different resolution as the first) I got One desktop with resolution equals to larger screen resolution and part of it on the second ....21:15
Sadlyand what is aptitude search wpa?21:15
SphinxSadly: it searches packages with wpa in name21:15
Sadlyoh in the terminal...21:16
Sadlyok i will see what it say21:16
Sphinxjazzy_d: download sources ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/v2.6/linux-2.6.31.tar.bz221:16
Sphinxjazzy_d: then unpack it and install kernel-package21:17
Sadlyand what i do with that?21:17
jazzy_dapt-get install kernel-package21:17
Sphinxjazzy_d: yes21:17
jazzy_dconfigure, make,make install21:17
Sphinxjazzy_d: no, there is make-kpkg which will compile all and make debian package for you21:18
Sphinxjazzy_d: so you do not need to modify lilo/grub config by hand21:19
Sadlyok, thank very much for trying to help Sphinx, you are really cute, and cool, Thank u muchly21:19
Sadlyi don't want to disturb anymore21:19
SphinxSadly: no21:19
SphinxSadly: wait, I want to solve it :-)21:19
SadlyHugs from spain everybody, Good Night!!21:19
Sadlydo you?21:19
SphinxSadly: yes, can you configure the wifi router yourself?21:19
SadlyI did it in windows xp... years ago..21:20
SphinxSphinx: it would be nice to test your wifi against non WPA router just to know if it works21:20
CPrgmSwR2I am having an issue with KPackageKit for karmic kolla21:20
Sadlybut here no...21:20
jazzy_dbtw, gentoo 10 (that I had tried) comes with 2.6.30 & didnt came up with vga probs21:20
SphinxHell, konversation :-/21:21
SphinxSadly:  it would be nice to test your wifi against non WPA router just to know if it works21:21
=== kb is now known as Guest17808
CPrgmSwR2I am having an isue with kPackageKit "You do not have the necessary priviledges to perform this action."21:21
klechuCPrgmSwR2 -> as I remember there is a note somewhere it is not working correctly yet ....21:21
kunnu531Hi Everyone,I have hardy 8.04 version,and when ever I log into KDE session I get an error client-error-bad-request CUPS server error, And this doesn't happen in Gnome21:22
klechuat lest there was about a week ago ;)21:22
Sphinxjazzy_d: Gentoo is very bleeding edge distribution, Ubuntu commes with more integration effort21:22
SadlyI can't change router configuration now, my brothers are doing a Work in the another laptop..21:22
Sadlythey need Internet Wifi... in that moments..21:22
jazzy_dyep, but I couldnt make it boot21:22
CPrgmSwR2klechu: I c21:23
SadlyAnyway I need to have diner..21:23
SphinxSadly: aptitude search wpasupplicant21:23
SphinxSadly: paste me result21:23
Sphinxjazzy_d: what could not you make it boot?21:23
Sadlyi see that wpasupplicant when you told me before21:24
Sphinxjazzy_d:  do you have the sources?21:24
SphinxSadly: and was it installed?21:24
Sadlybut i write apt-get install wpasupplicant..21:24
CPrgmSwR2klechu: if karmic could solve that issue and the networking issue where none of the propriatery drivers are installed it would be awsome21:24
Sadlyand it doesn't permit me21:24
klechureally noone could give me any hint on how to activate xinerama ??21:24
SphinxSadly: ah yes, sudo apt-get install wpasupplicant21:24
SphinxSadly: all you need to do as root is with sudo21:25
SphinxSadly: on ubuntu/kubuntu/xubuntu21:25
Sadlyok, it is installing..21:25
Sphinxjazzy_d: so what is the situation? Do you need help with compilation?21:25
SphinxSadly: do you use KDE4?21:26
SadlyIt say: wpasupplicant is here already in his newest version21:26
Sadly(but into spanish)21:26
SphinxSadly: strange21:26
Sadlyi don't know what KDE4 is.21:26
SphinxSadly: so sudo su -21:26
klechuCPrgmSwR2: I hope it will - I just jumped for 9.10 beta from 8.04 and I see biiiig difference even though it is still beta21:26
SphinxSadly: now, you will be logged in as root, so be carefull what you will do, noone will stop you21:27
Sadlysudo: su-: command not found21:27
SphinxSadly: no, sudo<space>su<space> -21:27
klechuunfortunetely some time in the way the Xorg configuration have changed and I cannot connect my laptop to plasma the way I used to in previous system21:27
Sadlyohm... now i am root..21:27
SphinxSadly: now iwlist eth1 scanning21:27
Sadlywith NOW, too?21:28
SphinxSadly: eh, no, okay from now I will do it like # iwlist wlan0 scanning ... which will mean execute what is after #21:28
Sadlyeth1      No scan results21:28
Sadlythank u21:29
SphinxSadly: are you sure that the wifi is available now?21:29
Sadlyyes, my brothers are in another laptop working with internet..21:29
SphinxSadly: I mean all seems to be okay so is it possible that the wifi router is down?21:29
Sadlyno, it is not.21:29
SphinxSadly: does it work to anyone else there?21:30
CPrgmSwR2klechu: I just hope they can resolve the issue in 13 days before the final release21:30
SphinxSadly: can you verify that the wifi works by using another computer/mobile phone ..?21:31
SadlyI am telling you, my brothers are using internet with the wifi...21:31
SadlyI am with the cable here..21:31
Sadlythey are using my wifi connection.21:31
SphinxSadly: okay, so another try: # ifconfig eth1 up21:32
Sadlybut, i need to use the wifi connetion in that Kubuntu laptop, and give them the cable..21:32
SphinxSadly: # iwlist eth1 scan21:32
Sadlyfirst # nothing21:32
Sadlysecond # eth1      No scan results21:32
SphinxSadly: this is really strange, your wifi works, is enabled, but can not detect networks21:33
CPrgmSwR2klechu: I fixed my problem21:33
Kaj!info wicd | Sadly21:33
ubottuSadly: wicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.9-2 (jaunty), package size 247 kB, installed size 1860 kB21:33
CPrgmSwR2klechu: you have install policykit at the command line21:33
klechuCPrgmSwR2: The only thing I am suprised about is that I have a small problem with DNS when using home router I had ... 7.04 ...21:33
SphinxSadly: yes, like if they were not present21:33
CPrgmSwR2klechu: I have no DNS issue21:33
klechuthe problem only occures when I am using my home router ;)21:34
Sadlywait some seconds please, and read UBOTTU, he is telling something maybe he has an idea21:34
CPrgmSwR2klechu: that is a router issue then21:34
KajSphinx, pls don't mind my interject here, but perhaps wicd might work21:34
jazzy_dSphinx, Im still downloading the kernel, my net connection is 30kbps currently21:34
CPrgmSwR2klechu: If I am correct, you should have an issue on a windows box as well with DNS21:34
Sadlyuhmmmm Sphinx, tell me how can i do a screenshoot in Kubuntu, i want to show you something..21:34
SphinxKaj: I think that his problem is in other thing21:34
jazzy_dSphinx, I will ask you later21:35
Sphinxjazzy_d: ah, okay21:35
klechuon the other hand I had it in version 7... then this problem disapears and now its back21:35
Sphinxjazzy_d: try man make-kpkg to see what can you do with it21:35
klechuno problem on windows, no problem on previous versions of &buntu ;)21:35
CPrgmSwR2klechu: Oh, then I am wrong21:35
SphinxKaj: look, he has wifi enabled, module loaded, hw switch on, can do ifconfig eth1 up but he can not detect any network21:36
klechubut thats d-link ... evarything is posible ..21:36
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klechunow I really hope someone could hint me on how to activate Xinerama21:37
CPrgmSwR2klechu: Oh that piece of #$%&21:37
KajSphinx, yes i've ben following your conversation, and I switched to wicd for the same reson ..non detection of wifi broadcst from routers21:37
CPrgmSwR2klechu: Have you tried googling it21:37
SphinxSadly: give it a try and let us know the result21:37
klechu(I am bypassing dns problem entering my providers DNS server address directly to resolv.conf)21:37
kunnu531Hi Everyone,I have hardy 8.04 version,and when ever I log into KDE session I get an error client-error-bad-request CUPS server error, And this doesn't happen in Gnome21:38
SphinxKaj: that does not make sense to me, but we will see21:38
CPrgmSwR2klechu: That sounds a lot like a router issue21:38
klechuI tried but allmost all I found is for old versions of Xorg21:38
Sadlysphinx: http://imagebin.org:80/6818421:38
Sphinxkunnu531: is cups server running?21:38
kunnu531yes ists running21:38
Sadlysphinx: try to see the WLAN window "disconnected" WHYYY??21:38
kunnu531I ahve restarted the servicesd also21:38
CPrgmSwR2klechu: so you only ahve one monitor working right now21:38
KajSphinx, network manager is known to have lots od problems on some wifi cards21:39
SphinxSadly: what will happen if you switch the hw switch off (please paste image too)21:39
SphinxKaj: oh, I dod not know that, but his was working okay21:39
klechuCPrgmSwR2: main screen on laptop works - I hoped to connect hdtv screen and I failed21:39
Sphinxkunnu531: how21:39
Sphinxkunnu531: ?21:39
kunnu531you mean the command21:40
CPrgmSwR2klechu: got it21:40
kunnu531sudo /etc/init.d/cupsys restart21:40
xhhi! cannot install kdelibs5-dev in kubuntu 9.04; i get "depends on.. but is not going to be installed: automoc,  libqt4-dev, libqt4-opengl-dev"; i am using kde 4.3; here is my sources.list - http://dpaste.org/VsAc/21:40
Sphinxkunnu531: okay, is there somwthing in logs?21:40
CPrgmSwR2klechu: have you tried droping out of xserver and executing start -- +xinerama?21:40
CPrgmSwR2klechu: http://www.ibiblio.org/pub/Linux/docs/HOWTO/Xinerama-HOWTO21:41
CPrgmSwR2you should check this page out21:41
kunnu531sphinx:when i did that i haven't got any error21:41
Sadlysphinx: http://imagebin.org:80/6818621:41
klechuCPrgmSwR2: That is the hint I was looking for -thank man21:42
SphinxSadly: there must be some misconfiguration in WPA or something21:42
SphinxSadly: can you try the program Kaj proposed?21:42
CPrgmSwR2klechu: It amazes me what google can answer21:43
Sadlyuhmmm sudo apt-get kaj-proposed??21:43
Sphinxkunnu531: I mean from the time of KDE errors21:43
klechuCPrgmSwR2: In old versions it was done in xorg.conf ... but it is not here any more in new version21:43
Sphinxkunnu531: or see ~/.xsession-errors21:43
CPrgmSwR2klechu: you can still do it in xorg.conf21:43
kunnu531I am using the KDE for the first time so I am not sure,21:43
kunnu531ok looking now21:43
SphinxSadly: no :-) # sudo apt-get install wicd21:43
CPrgmSwR2klechu: Add Section "ServerFlags"21:44
CPrgmSwR2klechu: Option "Xinerama" "true"21:44
CPrgmSwR2klechu: EndSection21:44
Sadlythe KAJ pack can't be found.21:44
klechuok - I will try to paste something together using old working xorg.conf21:44
CPrgmSwR2klechu: but starting it from command line helps to diagnoise errors that could be happening during startup of the x server21:44
SphinxSadly: no problem :-)21:45
klechunevertheless thanks - CU21:45
kunnu531sphinx: when i did that getting no such file or directory21:46
kunnu531sorry got that info one sec21:47
Sphinxkunnu531: the file .xsession-errors does not exist in your home directory?21:47
kunnu531sphinx: Sorry i found that so how can i send you the log?21:48
KajSadly, open software- sources package manager and make sure all the sources are enable (boxes checked) except the cdrom and , then sudo apt-get update, in the terminal21:48
Sphinxpaste it eg with pastebininit21:48
SphinxSphinx: it will paste it on some site and tell you link to it21:49
kunnu531sphinx: sorry not aware how to do that please guide me21:51
kunnu531got it how to do that one min21:52
Sphinxkunnu531: apt-get install pastebininit21:52
Sphinxkunnu531: okay21:52
kunnu531sphinx:http://paste.ubuntu.com/295707/  here is the log21:54
SphinxKaj: he asked you personnaly?21:54
KajSphinx, I was trying to help him yesterday ,but he had to leave before we could finish setup21:55
Sphinxkunnu531: I see no problem, can you try ps aux |grep cups ?21:56
SphinxKaj: ah, okay21:56
SphinxKaj: I really see no problem with his setup, maybe he found some bug21:56
kunnu531sphinx: here is the output phanidhar@phanidhar:~$ ps aux |grep cups21:57
kunnu531root     27258  0.0  0.0  68264  2288 ?        Ss   02:11   0:00 /usr/sbin/cupsd21:57
kunnu53194056    29103  0.0  0.0   4188   736 pts/3    S+   02:26   0:00 grep cups21:57
kunnu531sphinx: but i won't get this error when i login to gnome it happnes only in kde21:57
Sphinxkunnu531: okay, I just wanted to be sure21:58
kunnu531Sphinx:Oh! ok21:58
Sphinxkunnu531: well, I would try to run some printer configuration tool21:59
SphinxSphinx: to check if it knows about printers ...21:59
kunnu531sphinx: could you please let me know which tool I can run21:59
KajSphinx, the widget network manager would only intermitently see any wifi networks with this laptop on jaunty until I installed wicd, which sees all networks that my other wifis see in our neighbourhood.22:01
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SphinxKaj: yes, but nor iwlist scanning produced any results22:02
Sphinxkunnu531: well, I would try Alt-F2 and start writing printer22:03
Sphinxsome tool will appear22:03
SphinxKaj: and iwlist is quite low level tool, not the widget, so it should produce some output22:04
KajSphinx, iwlist is used by network manager as a back end, I'm sure22:04
kunnu531sphinx: I haven't got any tool when i did that?22:05
kunnu531sphnix: is there any specific tool has to be installed to run this ?22:05
Sphinxkunnu531: I would propose kde-printer-applet and system-config-printer-kde22:06
Sphinxkunnu531: both packages22:06
kunnu531sphinx: let me try installing these packages22:06
SphinxKaj: yes, but it is designed for basic kernel functionality22:07
Sphinxkunnu531: no problem22:07
SphinxSphinx: then restart KDE session22:07
KajSphinx, did he do a ifconfig?22:07
SphinxKaj he did it to see that eth1 is on and up22:07
SphinxSphinx: then he did iwconfig to see that it is wireless interface22:07
xhin kde4.3 dragging windows to other desktop does not seem to work and there is no setting in System Settings > Window Behavior; is there a way to get it back?22:08
kunnu531sphinx: I have installed system-config-printer-kde but the other package I couldn't able to find the package22:08
SphinxKaj: see http://paste.ubuntu.com:80/295668/22:09
Kajyeah that's what I mean about network manager as intermittent..it's partly broken in the kernel source for some cards22:09
Kajessid isn't working22:10
Sphinxkunnu531: oh, never mind, system configuration is necessary, not the applet22:10
SphinxKaj: do you know which cards?22:10
Sphinxkunnu531: so make Alt-F2 and write print and it sohld appear22:11
Sphinxshould, sorry22:11
KajSphinx, sorry not sure22:11
SphinxKaj: he ahd quite basic ipw220022:11
* Sphinx trains his fingers to write better22:12
Kajjaunty seems to have more wifi probs than karmic22:12
SphinxKaj: strange, maybe simple kernel downgrade would help him22:13
Kajupgrade maybe:)22:13
SphinxKaj could you tell him to try if gets back?22:13
jazzy_dSphinx, I just unpacked the kernel & installed kernel-package22:13
jazzy_dwhat to do next?22:13
SphinxKaj: no, he mentionned problems after upgrade22:13
Sphinxjazzy_d: install also libncurses-dev22:14
SphinxKaj: perhaps22:14
Kaj Sphinx ,I'll help him install wicd since i'm a convert to it22:14
Sphinxjazzy_d: then unpack sources to /usr/src/linux22:14
SphinxKaj: okay, I tried to use it now, but it produces some dbus related errors22:15
kunnu531sphinx:Unable to find anything related to printer and also is there anyway to find printer tool using GUI ?22:15
Sphinxjazzy_d: or better to /usr/scr/linux-<version>22:15
jazzy_dSphinx, the kernel sources should go to22:16
Kajok Sphinx , just updated and will brb , gotta reboot22:16
Sphinxkunnu531: nor in the main menu?22:16
kunnu531sphinx: in the main menu where to find ?22:17
Sphinxjazzy_d: well, yes, it should be in /usr/src/linux but I am not sure if there is not any files yet22:17
Sphinxkunnu531: I have system setup (in my language when click on it22:18
Sphinxkunnu531: you need system settings22:18
Sphinxkunnu531: then advanced and printer configuration22:18
kunnu531sphinx:Yeah I open system settings and found printer configuration22:18
jazzy_dSphinx in usr/src, there are two linux headers 2.6.28-1122:18
Sphinxkunnu531: try to see what is configured there22:19
Sphinxkunnu531: if it shows what is in cups22:19
Sphinxjazzy_d: okay, then to /usr/src/linux-source-2.6.3022:20
kunnu531sphinx: I have the tabs like settings,policies,access contyrol,installed options,printer options,job options22:21
jazzy_dSphinx, I moved the kernel to /usr/src/linux-2.622:21
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Sphinxjazzy_d: as you wish, just make sure /usr/src/linux points to that22:21
Sphinxkunnu531: yes, see printers22:21
Sphinxkunnu531: just look around do not change things22:22
Sphinxkunnu531: maybe log out and log in (KDE might lack this package)22:22
Sphinxehm, might lacked it22:22
jazzy_dSphinx there are 2 linux-header folders in /usr/src22:22
jazzy_dthey mind anything?22:23
Sphinxjazzy_d: once you have source, no need to use headers22:23
Sphinxjazzy_d: headers are used if you do not have source and need to compile module22:23
jazzy_dWhat to do next?22:24
Sphinxjazzy_d: okay, now cd to the directory22:24
jazzy_dI have just linux-2.6.31 when i ls here22:25
jazzy_dwhats next?22:25
Sphinxjazzy_d: so change to it22:25
Sphinxso that for pwd you will have ... -2.6.31/22:26
SphinxSphinx: now, make yourself root22:26
kunnu531sphinx:tried still no luck :(22:26
Sphinxkunnu531: you tried to log out and log in?22:26
Sphinxcould you paste somewhere the image of the error?22:26
jazzy_dSphinx, i didnt understood22:27
kunnu531sphinx:simply question how do i take printscreen in kde ?22:27
Sphinxjazzy_d: just do pwd and see if you are in right directory22:28
jazzy_dit shows22:28
Sphinxkunnu531: try printscreen, it could work, or run gimp and do acquire image22:28
Sphinxjazzy_d: and ls .22:29
Sphinxjazzy_d: so cd linux-2.6.3122:30
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Sphinxjazzy_d: then give grep do_initrd /etc/kernel-img.conf22:31
Sphinxjazzy_d: we are nearly there22:32
Sphinxjazzy_d: any output?22:33
jazzy_ddo_initrd = yes22:33
Sphinxjazzy_d: nice22:33
Sphinxnow, do you want to make some changes in usual kernel confgiuration?22:33
Sphinxjazzy_d: do you need it?22:34
jazzy_dif needed?22:34
jazzy_dI think I can boost it22:34
Sphinxokay, then sudo su -22:34
Sphinxyou will be root then22:34
jazzy_dim as root22:35
Sphinxjazzy_d: now make-kpkg --menuconfig --initrd kernel_package modules_package22:36
jazzy_dUnknown option: menuconfig22:36
tormodwhy do this as root? use fakeroot22:36
Sphinxjazzy_d: make-kpkg --config menuconfig --initrd kernel_image modules_image22:37
Sphinxjazzy_d: you will have opportunity to change some settings if you do not want to, press on exit and compilation will start22:38
Sphinxjazzy_d: then you will have several deb files in parent directory22:38
Sphinxinstall them with dpkg -i <file> and it will be done22:38
Sphinxjazzy_d: do you see wat to do?22:39
Sphinxjazzy_d: what is not clear?22:39
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jazzy_dwhen I exit menu-config what to do?22:40
Sphinxjazzy_d: nothing, it will continue22:41
Sphinxjazzy_d: it is only an opportunity for last change22:41
jazzy_dFailed to create a ./debian directory: No such file or directory at /usr/bin/make-kpkg line 1048.22:41
emtiyellow all22:42
Kajpurple , emti22:43
emti310 man !22:43
Sphinxjazzy_d: yess22:44
Sphinxjazzy_d: ls .22:44
Kajemti, don't use IM lingo here pls22:44
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emtiIM = what this shortcut means ?22:44
Sphinxemti: instant messaging22:45
jazzy_dls shows debian dir22:45
emtioki doki22:45
luis_Hello people, is there an openoffice version of microsoft publisher?22:45
Kaj!english | emti22:45
ubottuemti: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat22:45
Sphinxluis_ sorry?22:46
Sphinxluis_ ah yes, you mean the program22:46
Kajemti, no offence just setting the ground rules22:46
Sphinxluis_ http://www.osalt.com/publisher could help22:47
Sphinxjazzy_d: only debian dir?22:47
jazzy_darch     debian         include  lib          README          sound22:48
jazzy_dblock    Documentation  init     MAINTAINERS  REPORTING-BUGS  tools22:48
jazzy_dCOPYING  drivers        ipc      Makefile     samples         usr22:48
jazzy_dCREDITS  firmware       Kbuild   mm           scripts         virt22:48
jazzy_dcrypto   fs             kernel   net          security22:48
FloodBotK2jazzy_d: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:48
Sphinxjazzy_d: next time use pastebininit, but sorry for not telling you before22:48
Sphinxjazzy_d: could you do make oldconfig ?22:49
jazzy_dSphinx, kernel compression mode: 1gzip, 2. bzip2, 3. lzma?22:50
Sphinxjazzy_d: it asks?22:50
Sphinxah, no22:50
Sphinxjazzy_d: no, do Ctr-C to end it22:50
emtiCtrl+d  ?22:50
SphinxSphinx: now copy the old kernel config from /boort/config-<something> to .config22:51
Sphinxemti: what is wrong with that car?22:51
emtiwitch /dev/car ??? :P22:51
jazzy_dSphinx, the previous line is for me?22:52
Sphinxjazzy_d: yes, I am sorry for talking to me :-)22:52
Sphinxemti: I see just progbably wrong link22:53
emti2 mutcha alcohole and marihuana... shit happens...22:53
* emti is known as SPECTACOR22:54
jazzy_dSphinx, its /boot/config-2.6.28-11-generic22:54
jazzy_dis it ok?22:54
Sphinxjazzy_d: yes, should be22:55
Sphinxjazzy_d: importand is to place it to .config22:55
jazzy_dwhere I should copy it?22:55
jazzy_dwhere is .config22:55
Sphinxto the directory where debian dir is22:56
Sphinxjazzy_d: cp /boot/config-... /usr/src/linux-2.6/linux.../.config22:56
Sphinxnow make-kpkg --config oldconfig --initrd kernel_image modules_image22:57
jazzy_dahh   ok22:57
Sphinxjazzy_d: linux.../.config22:57
jazzy_dit asks again about compression22:58
Sphinxjazzy_d: then gzip23:00
jazzy_dSphinx, RCU: 1. Classic, 2. Tree-based?23:01
Sphinxjazzy_d: is there some default value?23:01
lucas__can someone tell me whats the best kde web browser??23:01
Sphinxjazzy_d: okay, it will ask you many thing, keep the default values23:01
jazzy_dMemory Resource Controller Swap Extension(EXPERIMENTAL)? y/n23:02
Sphinxlucas__: that sounds like a flame :-)23:02
Sphinxjazzy keep default23:02
jazzy_dit doesnt shows whats default23:02
Sphinxlucas__: why do you want the best?23:02
lucas__i kist dont know23:02
jazzy_dso no?23:02
lucas__i mean23:02
Sphinxjazzy_d: try enter23:02
lucas__i use konqueror23:02
lucas__but i have some problems with facebook and gmail23:02
Sphinxlucas__: yes, it is not that bad, usually firefox or opera is no 123:03
lucas__so... i just dont want to use gtk apps23:03
Sphinxopera is qt4 based23:03
Sphinxlucas__: try opera and you will see, I can use it for gmail with no problem23:04
jazzy_dSphinx, nice tip *23:05
Sphinxjazzy_d: yes, there is allwas recommended setting if you do not know what you are doing23:05
Sphinxjazzy_d: actually this is not joke, it is real for linux kernel23:07
lucas__ill give it a shot, konqueror with webkot23:09
Sphinxlucas__: well, you allwasy can use firefox23:10
homoboyhi all23:13
homoboyi got an error in the package manager "E: dpkg was interrupted, you must manually run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' to correct the problem.23:14
homoboyE: _cache->open() failed, please report.23:14
kaddihave you run 'sudo dpkg --configure -a'?23:15
homoboykaddi, no I havent23:15
kadditry it, it might resolve your problems :)23:15
homoboyok, it worked. thanks, kaddi!23:16
kaddiyw :)23:16
MTGapWhy has Koffice on the kubuntu backports not been updated to beta 323:17
CPrgmSwR2I have no sound with kubuntu 9.1023:19
KajCPrgmSwR2, ask in #ubuntu+123:20
tiesi cannot open exe files how do i convert or open these files23:27
jamesjedimasterif they are windows files, with wine23:28
tieswhat do u mean with wine im new to ubuntu23:29
Kajties, exe files aremwindows executables, to use them in linux install wine23:29
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu23:29
Kubuntiacinstall wine from the package manager. Then click on them. They may, or may not work.23:29
tiesok thank you23:29
KubuntiacIf you *can't* get the .exe working realise there's usually another program on Kubuntu that does the same kind of thing23:31
homoboyhi yall again23:33
homoboyi got another error message. this time in firefox. I was typing in the search toolbar and got this: ASSERT: *** Search: _installLocation: engine has no file!23:34
homoboyStack Trace:23:34
homoboy0:ENSURE_WARN(false,_installLocation: engine has no file!,2147500037)23:34
FloodBotK2homoboy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.23:34
homoboyany ideas?23:35
Sphinxhomoboy: I would suggest to ask on firefox channel23:36
bottigeramarok works with HDMI audio output but dragonplayer does not - any idea why?23:40
Sphinxhomoboy: kk?23:40
homoboySphinx: kk means ok got it23:41
Gatekeeperhi folks23:42
Gatekeeperhow do I test a new xorg.conf?23:43
MTGapUh just log out of your current session Gatekeeper23:49
jagadeesh every time urxvt, on start up, points to ~/Documents23:58
jagadeeshhow do I change that to ~23:58

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