
schmichaelha, its just 4pm on a friday, and i'd love to get a confirmation e-mail before i head home for the day00:01
schmichaelit'd make my weekend :)00:01
fale_schmichael: here is already the w/end xD00:02
fale_I'm going sleeping. GNight all ;)00:04
schmichaelfale_: night, thanks for the help00:06
fale_schmichael: yw ;)00:06
schmichaelit's been over an hour since i dput'd a package, and i still haven't received a confirmation mail.  just wondering if i should worry00:51
schmichaelrunning dput again reveals the package has in fact been uploaded, and an earlier attempt yielded a rejection email almost instantly00:52
maxbschmichael: .changes file signed? signed with the right key which you have associated with your launchpad account?01:04
schmichaelmaxb: yes01:05
maxbhmm. Then you really ought to have got an email within 5 minutes or so01:06
schmichaelmaybe i reloaded the old broken version again by accident01:07
schmichaelk, uploaded my patched version01:07
schmichaelstrange, it let me reupload a rejected version but didn't re-notify me01:08
schmichaelwell let's see if this works :)01:08
schmichaelmaxb: k, just got a rejection notice for my new version :(01:11
schmichaelCould not find a PPA named 'schmichael' for 'schmichael'.01:11
schmichaelmaxb: but it looks like i've created the ppa just fine: https://launchpad.net/~schmichael/+archive/ppa01:11
schmichaelthis is my .dput.cfg line: incoming = ~schmichael/schmichael/ubuntu/01:12
maxbit is wrong01:20
schmichaelmaxb: any hints? :(01:21
schmichaeli just followed this page: https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading01:22
maxbIf you visit the link to your PPA that you posted above, it tells you how to upload to it01:22
maxbOn a decently modern Ubuntu release, you should not need any custom dput config at all01:23
schmichaelmaxb: then why does the wiki say i should? :(01:26
maxbBecause it's out of date? :-)01:27
schmichaelmaxb: thank you!01:31
=== abentley1 is now known as abentley
ketilOkay - i ran 'debsign' on my changes file (debuild hadn't done this, it seems, and for some reason, signing changes manually with gpg isn't good enough), and I can now dput without -u.  As always dput seems to work, but that doesn't really mean anything. How long should I wait before expecting uploaded packages to appear?08:00
ketilAnd the answer is: a few minutes.  Yay!08:02
=== sayakb_ is now known as sayakb
=== carlos__ is now known as carlos
wektwhat package target is used to report bugs on launchpad itself? or how do you report bugs on launchpad?10:33
wgrantwekt: https://launchpad.net/launchpad/+filebug10:35
RenatoSilvaIs there a way to delete a duplicated bug caused by your drunk browser?13:23
tsimpsonnot really, just mark it as a duplicate or as invalid13:30
RenatoSilvaisn't it deleted after expiration (status -> incomplete) ?13:31
tsimpsonbugs aren't deleted13:31
tsimpsonits status can be changed, that's it13:31
tsimpsonno problem13:32
baccenfutter Sorry, there was a problem connecting to the Launchpad server.15:43
baccenfutterTry reloading this page in a minute or two. If the problem persists, let us know in the #launchpad IRC channel on Freenode.15:43
baccenfutterThanks for your patience.15:43
* zsquareplusc misses a link to "site status" in the topic15:50
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zsquarepluscaccessing help.launchpad.net gives me a proxy error page from yangmei.canonical.com15:50
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mdkezsquareplusc: I've reported it, thanks16:07
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Ismaelhi: I've got an authentication problem in Launchpad, I've registered with OpeinID but now it's asking me a password I don't have and when try to recover or register again the system get mad because my user exists and not exists at the same time (I'm a Schrodinger cat )17:37
kikoIsmael, hmm, you may need to register with a new email address and merge the accounts18:09
Ismaelkiko:  thanks, I'll try18:11
Ismaelkiko: where is that merge option? :-m18:16
IsmaelSorry, something just went wrong in Launchpad.18:20
IsmaelWe’ve recorded what happened, and we’ll fix it as soon as possible. Apologies for the inconvenience.18:20
Ismael(Error ID: OOPS-1386B2037)18:20
Ismaelthis is what I got when ask merging with my other email :-m18:20
maxbThe relevant people tend not to be around at weekends. File a support request at https://answers.launchpad.net/launchpad/+addquestion18:22
Ismaelmaxb: I did; thanks!18:40
sproatyI've made my own PPA, and installed the archive/repository on my system. I just uploaded a new version, "update manager" in ubuntu detected the update, but under changes it says "failed to detect distribution". Is this a problem with my package or my OS22:08
maxbsproaty: If you mean the changelog preview from within update manager, that can only work with the primary archive.22:39
maxbPPA changelogs are not published to changelogs.ubuntu.com22:40
sproatyah thanks, maxb - I did see a bug filed about the issue https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/update-manager/+bug/38371522:53
ubottuLaunchpad bug 383715 in update-manager "When updating from a ppa description says "Failed to detect distribution"" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:53
=== sayakb_ is now known as sayakb
slideDoes anyone know of a how to/tutorial for creating a deb source package?23:28
feniixI dont know if its a feature or a misconfig23:33
feniixbut if you do http://ppa.launchpad.net23:33
feniixyou get full directory listing23:34
feniixif you use https it does a RW to launchpad.net23:34

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