
ccheneycjwatson: thanks00:01
jdongwhy doesn't /dev/fd exist on this new Karmic install... :-/00:06
jdongthat is supposed to be a symlink to /proc/self/fd, no?00:07
jdongsymlinking worked (tm)00:08
xxtjaxxHi I'm trying to add my key to the keyserver but currently it seems like it doesnt work with gpg --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --send-keys any help would be great00:17
xxtjaxxCan somebody help me get my keys on the keyserver?00:22
xxtjaxxAh now it works for got to add the key name when sending my key sorry for bothering you guys00:23
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slangasekok... why is upgrading udev hanging?01:50
slangasekunpleasant things to see output by your initramfs:02:02
slangasekudevadm trigger is not permitted while udev is unconfigured.02:02
jdongis the /dev/fd symlink nonexistent for anyone other than me on Karmic?02:25
TheMusojdong: I have it02:25
TheMusoamd64 here02:25
jdongjust fresh installed a Karmic image today and *cough* (converted it to btrfs... don't look here)...02:25
macoi have it amd64 and ext4 as well02:26
jdongI'll blame it most possibly on my crackpot config then :)02:26
jdongand work up the un-laziness to boot up the karmic daily sometime $soon02:26
lamontso why is it that my karmic laptop now prefers wlan0 over eth0?02:48
* lamont runs apport-collect, and decides that, no, he won't give it complete control over his launchpad account. at least not tonight03:11
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ccheneydoko_: done with the upload to chinstrap04:26
jdstrandkirkland: ok good, then I'm not crazy04:51
slangasekjdstrand: surely that's orthogonal ;)04:52
jdstrandslangasek: heh. you always keep me honest :P04:55
YokoZarFound a nasty problem in current karmic -- apparently my / partition is filling up continuously because the log file is way too huge.  /var/log/syslog.1 is 600 something megabytes at the moment08:26
ebroderWhat are the chances of syncing kerberos-configs from Debian at this point? The version in Ubuntu still includes a krb4-config08:26
mattnmorning - current karmic daily live-cd isn't able to enter X with my mobile nvidia card09:16
mattnis that a known issue?09:16
mattnerm - sorry, not nvidia -wrong notebook. it's an ati mobility radeon x60009:19
mattngetting a stacktrace from somewhere in libglx.so (GLXInitExtension)09:20
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xxtjaxxHi whats the ubuntzu equivalent to debians unstable?10:20
joaopintoxxtjaxx, ubuntu uses a different model, the current dev version is ubuntu karmic10:22
xxtjaxxok tahnks10:23
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xxtjaxxhi i get this failure when dputting my stuff to launchpad http://pastebin.ca/1624753. Why could this be?10:54
siretartxxtjaxx: don't upload binaries, lp accepts sources only10:58
xxtjaxxhmm still cant write it11:02
siretartxxtjaxx: the .upload file is not supposed to be uploaeded. the .changes file is the important one11:04
xxtjaxxyeahbut it didnt write the file for some reason11:05
xxtjaxxwhat section do you have for kde apps about multimedia11:06
pittiScottK: it looks a bit confusing that you called it twice?13:08
pittiScottK: but otherwise the events get picked up, so it's not a low-level kernel problem13:08
geserbdrung: re eclipse build: my guess it's because of the common-install-indep target13:53
geserthe amd64 build complains about missing files in /usr/share. the missing files are the images moving in this target from /usr/lib/ to /usr/share13:53
bdrunggeser: yes. your hint was sufficent13:54
bdrungthx for that13:54
geserand this target isn't called on amd64 (and others)13:54
bdrunggeser: i have fixed in in the git repo and testing it now. will upload -0ubuntu4 soon.13:54
siretartdoes kubuntu also use pulseaudio by default?15:41
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ScottKpitti: I did call it twice just so I could remember which was the lid open and which was the lid close.16:03
ScottKpitti: Any suggestions on which packages I should look for changes in (I don't know a lot about this part of the system)?16:04
dtchenScottK: mind uploading a FTBFS fix for whois for me, please? http://pastebin.com/dc948ea616:08
ScottKdtchen: Heading off to do some stuff.  Ping me in a couple of hours if no one else got it in the meantime.16:09
dtchenScottK: sure thing, thanks16:09
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mbieblHi, this might be a bit OT, but what's the best way to fully automatically deploy Ubuntu 9.10 on Desktops/Workstations?16:25
mbieblI started reading into FAI until I noticed that it had been removed for karmic16:25
chrisccoulsonkees - i left this screensaver test cycling all night on my jaunty machine, without a single crash16:30
chrisccoulsonso i think that the issue only seems to have affected karmic16:31
siretartmbiebl: depends on what you mean with 'the best way'. AFAIUI you have 3 options: 'd-i preseeding', 'kickstart' and 'fix FAI for karmic' :-)16:31
mbieblsiretart: could I use the sid packages on karmic? Are there alternatives to FAI that you know of?16:34
azeemmbiebl: 17:31 < siretart> mbiebl: depends on what you mean with 'the best way'. AFAIUI you have 3 options: 'd-i preseeding', 'kickstart'16:35
mbieblsiretart: what I need is, deployment over the net, installing a custom set of packages, push configuration to the client (like e.g. the hostname) or the config for libpam-mount16:36
siretartmbiebl: the biggest problem with fai in ubuntu is the kernel. we always had big trouble with unionfs over NFS. AFAIUI nobody has tried karmic's kernel yet, though.16:37
mbiebland setting up the user16:37
siretartsounds pretty much doable with d-i preseeding16:37
mbieblsiretart: got a good howto somewhere, otherwise I'd just start investigating in that direction myself16:39
siretartif you want to use FAI, you could setup an FAI server under debian, and use an ubuntu karmic bast.tar.gz. that *should* work16:39
siretartd-i preseeding is documented in the d-i manual16:39
mbieblsiretart: ok, thanks16:40
ccheneyslangasek: ping18:53
ccheneyslangasek: aiui doko uploaded OOo sometime this morning after testing it, i think its being held by the freeze though18:53
ScottKccheney: It is18:54
ccheneyScottK: ok18:54
EvanCarrollI think i found an issue in karmic with my Atheros driver being software switched off, not responding to Fn+<F5> the thinkpad key sequence.19:20
EvanCarrollright-click enable driver also doesn't work19:20
EvanCarrollI've fixed this problem through the new rfkill interface, to turn it on19:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 395358 in linux "thinkpad fn+f5, Asus fn+f2: regression, rfkill toggling in the kernel instead of userspace" [Medium,Won't fix]19:22
EvanCarrollnevermind found the report19:22
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dotblankHi there I just installed my updated remastered livecd on my laptop and and im speechless. I love you guys.. This is just incredible. NEVER have I seen such an awesome release20:24
cjwatsonit's nice to get praise for a change; obviously we normally only hear about it when things are going wrong. Thanks!20:26
jdongdotblank: indeed, thanks for the kind words :)20:26
dotblankI mean this is amazing... everything works out of the box.. nothing wrong... its just plain awesome20:27
dotblankNow only if adobe could be as awesome as you guys are.... and get 64 bit flash proper20:28
jdongflash is a bit of a 64-bit headache right now in Karmic20:29
cyberix_Is the operation of Ubuntu installer explained somewhere?20:29
jdongI'd guess somewhere in ubiquity's source20:29
cyberix_Is first boot somehow different from later reboots?20:29
dotblankwell the flash 10 pre release is ok20:30
jdongit segfaults firefox pretty often for me20:31
dotblankI just installed cheese and my webcam is upside up.. its always been upside down even in vista20:35
cyberix_dotblank: Maybe it is upside down?20:37
dotblankcyberix_, well its built into my laptop but in 9.04 and in vista it played back the camera upside down.. the only fix was using cheese's v flip option but it was annoying because its not system wide so it did not help with skype or any other program. I spent 2 months trying to fix and never found a solution20:39
cyberix_dotblank: I'm talking about the physical object20:39
dotblankyea its inside my laptop monitor20:40
dotblankI cant flip it20:40
dotblankwithout flipping my laptop20:40
cyberix_The folks assembling your laptop probably installed it upside down then20:41
dotblankbut then why does it work now20:43
jdonghaha two bugs make a fix.20:43
AdamSchackartdotblank: like i said yesterday, flip your laptop and video output upside down20:48
AdamSchackarttyping will be extremely awkward, but you gotta do what you gotta do amirite?20:48
dotblankAdamSchackart, but its fixed now... just how... how did it know!20:50
cyberix_I need to find out why direct rendering does not work.21:08
cyberix_It works, if I run Karmic from live cd21:08
cyberix_so it cannot be a software bug unless someone broke it since beta was released21:08
cyberix_I have no /etc/X11/xorg.conf file21:09
cyberix_so it cannot be that21:09
cyberix_I did not have this graphics card when I originally installed Ubuntu21:10
cyberix_Is the installation different for different hardware?21:10
cyberix_Is there a guide for steps to be taken after swapping your graphics adapter to another model?21:11
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tormodcyberix_, wrong channel, I can help you in #ubuntu-x21:33
slangasekccheney: yes, and binutils is still in the queue, so OOo shouldn't be accepted just yet22:32
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Laneyam I likely to get a sync of ndesk-dbus through now? fixes 377672 which causes crashes23:13
LaneyI'll just request it23:21
ccheneyslangasek: ok thanks :)23:51

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