
kendrickHi, I'm having an overheating issue that starts somewhere between 2.6.31-11 and 2.6.31-14 on an acer aspire 5315. Where can I properly fill this bug? I tried following the online guides but i guess because this is the beta version "ubuntu-bug linux" tells me this is not a genuine Ubuntu pakage.02:03
maxbit is not because its a beta that it says that02:37
maxbtry ubuntu-bug linux-image-$(uname -r)02:38
maxbkendrick: ^02:38
kendrickwhat kernel image would i use if i only know that the bug lies somewhere between -11 and -14 or should i try to narrow it down myself first?02:41
Womble2It's a Keybuk!03:12
KeybukIt's a Womble!03:12
lamontkendrick: I might file it against -14 and mention that it worked in -11, and is broken in -1403:28
lamontthough in any case, you'll be filing it against the 'linux' package, not the binary03:28
kendrickI wrote about an overheating problem I am having on kernel 2.6.31-14 and I was wondering: when I send my problem information using "ubuntu-bug linux-image-2.6.31-14-generic" should I be booted up in that kernel?05:34
jjohansenkendrick: that is the easiest way05:47
Darxusinstall: cannot stat `debian/linux-bfs-image-2.6.31-14bfsbfq1-generic-pae/boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-14bfsbfq1-generic-pae': No such file or directory10:22
DarxusThat's a discouraging error.10:23
DarxusFound my problem.10:57
DarxusI renamed the pae package linux-bfs (incorrectly) and the virtual package linux-bfs-bfq.  And it was... transitioning between them.10:57
DarxusI need to un-hardcode this stuff.10:57
xteejxHi guys, I am triaging bug 425756, it's against the kernel, to do with hardware detection, I've set it Triaged as I believe there is enough information for someone to look at it. Can someone from Kernel Team confirm there is enough information please?12:12
ubot3Malone bug 425756 in linux "[regression karmic] cd/dvd drive not detected" [Medium,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42575612:12
xteejxnote: its a regression from hardy12:12
b2bfhi everybody. i maybe messed up with libraries and when i try to compile my kernel it returns with drivers/built-in.o: In function `con_init':vt.c:(.init.text+0x1969): undefined reference to `.L1454'  anyone may help?15:40
DarxusAfter karmic is released, you guys will accept a patch to make the linux source package name less hard coded, right?  Renaming it every release is painful.17:25
dtchenit's linux.17:26
dtchenare you referring to the _binary_ package linux-source-2.6.foo?17:26
Darxusdtchen: I've been making a patched version named linux-bfs-bfq.17:27
DarxusAnd there is a bunch of stuff in the package for automating renaming, but it's not used in a lot of places.17:27
DarxusI'm just talking about changing it so I only have to modify the package name in a couple places.17:28
dtchenwell, sure, i'm certain patches would be reviewed17:29
DarxusA big part of the problem is, "linux" is far from a uniq string I can just search and replace on.17:30
feniixCan anybody tell me or point me to a how to on how to force the make-kpkg command create the .dsc .diff.gz and .changes files to uploadad to ppa using dput?21:21
Darxusfeniix: That's probably an inappropriate way to create something for upload to a ppa, even if it's possible.21:22
feniixI have applied the con kolivas patch to the latest 2.6.31 kernel from karmic and I would like to be able to upload it to ppa (or do I need to create those files manually?)21:22
feniixoh :/21:23
Darxusfeniix: I'm doing the same, properly :)21:23
feniixwhat would be the appropiate way?21:23
DarxusI already did 2.6.31-13 with v.303, I'm currently updating to 2.6.31-14 with v.304.21:23
feniixcool :)21:23
Darxusfeniix: Well, the hard way is to patch the existing linux sourc package that produces basically all the ubuntu kernel packages.  Which is what I do.21:24
Darxusfeniix: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/42492721:24
ubot3Malone bug 424927 in linux "include Brain fuck Scheduler" [Wishlist,Confirmed] 21:24
Darxusfeniix: It looks like my test build will be done soon.  I expect to upload the new version within an hour, so the new stuff will be available today.21:24
feniixI did a git clone from the ubuntu git karmic repository 21:25
Darxusfeniix: I actually dropped my version with just bfs and am now doing bfs+bfq.21:25
DarxusI've never used git :P21:25
Darxusfeniix: I'd really appreciate testing of the new version later today.21:27
feniixok, I am already running 304. but would be more than willing to try yours21:29
feniixso far no issues21:29
DarxusYeah I haven't had any problems.21:29
feniixI am on a T61  intel gfx 4gigs (ubuntu 32)21:30
ubot3feniix: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: mismatched tag: line 1978, column 821:30
DarxusI've been running it since I got it to build, 8 days.21:30
Darxusfeniix: Looks like you found a bug in ubot3.21:30
feniixI am on a T61  intel gfx 4gigs (ubuntu 32)21:31
ubot3feniix: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: mismatched tag: line 1978, column 821:31
Darxusubuntu 3221:32
Darxus(ubuntu 32)21:32
feniixhave you notice big improvements using bfq against cfq?21:32
feniixI am on a T6121:33
feniix  intel gfx 4gigs21:33
feniix  intel gfx 4gigs (21:33
feniix  intel gfx 4gigs (ubuntu 32)21:33
feniixT61  intel gfx 4gigs (ubuntu 32)21:33
ubot3feniix: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: mismatched tag: line 1978, column 821:33
Darxusfeniix: No.  But I haven't tried.  I suspect it would be easier to notice goinb back to CFQ.21:33
feniixT61  intel21:33
feniixT61  intel gfx21:34
DarxusIt built.  212 minutes.21:34
feniixT61  intel gfx 4gigs21:34
feniixT61  intel gfx 4gigs (21:34
feniixT61  intel gfx 4gigs (ubuntu21:34
feniixT61  intel gfx 4gigs (ubuntu 3221:34
ubot3feniix: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: mismatched tag: line 1978, column 821:34
feniixgo figure21:34
feniixT61  intel (ubuntu 3221:35
feniixT61  intel gfx (ubuntu 3221:35
feniixT61  gfx 4gigs (ubuntu 3221:35
ubot3feniix: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: mismatched tag: line 1978, column 821:35
feniixT61  4gigs (ubuntu 3221:35
feniixT61  gfx 4gigs (ubuntu 3221:36
feniixT61  gfx 4gigs (ubuntu 3221:36
feniixT61  intel gfx 4gigs (ubuntu 3221:36
DarxusVery weird.21:36
ubot3feniix: Error: Could not parse XML returned by Ubuntu: mismatched tag: line 1978, column 821:36
feniixT61  gfx 4gigs (ubuntu 3221:37
DarxusTest booting.21:37
feniixsee you21:37
feniixleave a message when the ppa is uploaded21:37
Darxus$ uname -a21:40
DarxusLinux dancer 2.6.31-14bfsbfq1-generic #48 SMP Fri Oct 16 22:11:17 EDT 2009 i686 GNU/Linux21:40
Darxus$ dmesg | egrep -i "bfs|bfq"21:40
Darxus[    0.553546] io scheduler bfq registered (default)21:40
Darxus[    1.497336] BFS CPU scheduler v0.304 by Con Kolivas.21:40
DarxusBuilding source package, which takes about 5 minutes, then I'll upload, then launchpad with spend a few hours building.21:41
feniixDraxus: can you tell me the process of building the package the way you did?22:07
feniixDraxus: apt-get source linux-image (and then modify it and apply patches?)22:07
Darxusfeniix: It's in the bug I gave you a link to.22:08
Darxusfeniix: I uploaded the source package.  1 hour till it starts building, then about 3 hours to build.22:09
Darxusfeniix: If you don't care about renaming the package it's easy.22:09
feniixcool, found that part22:09
DarxusMake sure you get the stuff about disabling ABI and modules checks.  That's a pain.22:09
feniixYeah saw your messages22:28
feniixI will wait for your ppa first, and then will try to see how does the build process work22:29
feniixat first I thought you uploaded binary only packages to the ppas, but now I see its a continuous build system and builds the packages itself22:30
DarxusYeah.  It won't let you upload binaries.22:37
DarxusAlthough dput will let you, and then you'll get an email that you suck.  Annoying.22:37
DarxusYou get an email that your upload was accepted or rejected.  And if a build fails.  I wish you got one when all builds completed.22:38
=== AdamSchackart is now known as PlainFlavored
feniixif you use ppa.launchpad.net without https23:32
feniixyou get access to full directory listing23:32

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