
* jdong quietly blames upstart/udev and reboots00:00
jdongit IS kinda cool when btrfs can tear down a pbuilder as fast as reiserfs did00:26
geserpbuilder on tmpfs :)00:37
jdonghaha that's what I used to do00:42
jdongthe downfall was what to do about the aptcache ;-)00:42
jdongand then there's those obscene builds like openoffice :)00:44
jdongnot saying btrfs handles that any better00:44
jdongHOLY CRAP thunderbird final linking balloons a lot of RAM!00:48
TheMusobdrung: I will have a look at eclipse on powerpc. I use sbuild, so I can replicate an eenvironment where arch all packages don't get built.01:12
TheMusoI can also look on amd64/i38601:13
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trip0what's the procedure for submitting a patch to a package?06:29
tonyyarussoCan anyone tell me the name of the site that a lot of FLOSS devs use for collecting donations?  I'm totally blanking on the one I'm thinking of...07:07
fabrice_sptrip0, yes: open a bug report, attach the debdiff, and subscribe Ubuntu Sponsors for Universe07:14
trip0tonyyarusso: paypal?07:16
tonyyarussotrip0: I was thinking of something that would show progress towards a goal.  I'm hoping I'll recognize the name if someone comes up with it, but it's not just the payment service itself.  (ie you could use paypal to make a donation on foo)07:16
fabrice_sphi fale08:11
faleI tried to bring libboost from debian to a ppa... but it fails with this error: http://launchpadlibrarian.net/33809173/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.boost1.40_1.40.0-2ubuntu0_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz any idea?08:11
geserfale: one problem is, that it tries to build with python2.4 (karmic has python2.6 as default)09:37
falegeser: I have to force the installation of python 2.5 and the compile of it?09:50
geserfale: it already installs python2.5 and python2.6 via build-depends but somewhere force it to use python2.409:52
geser"Detecting Python version... 2.609:52
geserbut later -I"/usr/include/python2.4"09:53
geserperhaps the 'echo "using python : 2.4 : /usr ;" >> user-config.jam' causes it09:54
geserfale: you might want to look at the patch to boost1.38 to see what's needs to be changed to build with the current python versions in ubuntu (http://launchpadlibrarian.net/26972978/boost1.38_1.38.0-6_1.38.0-6ubuntu1.diff.gz)09:57
falegeser: I see.. than I'll try to make it using 2.509:58
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falegeser: I'm creating the package... soon I'll upload it.. and wait to see if I fixed it :)10:26
geserfale: if you use pbuilder you can test it yourself if you don't want to wait on the PPA builders and only upload it when you're done10:27
falegeser: :) I'll install pbuilder, than :)10:29
jetienneq. what is the correct directoryh to put a python executable ?10:34
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geserlike any other executable, /usr/bin10:45
* fale is compiling... hoping the best10:49
falegeser: If it does compile correctly, I could try to push boost 1.40 in lynx?10:50
jetiennegeser: nothing special because it is noarch ?10:57
falejetienne: nope10:58
jetienneok thanks10:58
faleagain http://launchpadlibrarian.net/33823851/buildlog_ubuntu-karmic-i386.boost1.40_1.40.0-2ubuntu1_FAILEDTOBUILD.txt.gz :(11:00
geserfale: it took me some time to realise that with lynx you not meant the text webbrowser but the next ubuntu release (lucid) :)11:01
falegeser: ops, I call (wrongly) lynx... I'll try to change behave ;)11:02
geserfale: as boost1.40 is Debian unstable it will get auto-synced once lucide opens but will need the fix you're working now on11:02
falegeser: oki ;)11:03
falegeser: I rebuilted it... but it seems that there are problems with enums :(11:03
falegeser: I think is an error in some config, because debian is able to compile it ( http://packages.debian.org/sid/libboost1.40-dev )11:04
geserfale: don't forget that debian still builds with gcc 4.3 as default while ubuntu uses already gcc 4.4 as default11:07
falegeser: that can be a huge problem...11:08
falegeser: an OT question: because ubuntu and debian are very similar and bring packages back and forth... woudn't be easyer to have a unique repo?11:09
geserI'm not saying that this might be the problem but as there are differences in the toolchain between debian and ubuntu, a package which builds in debian might fail in Ubuntu for different reasons11:10
geserfale: not really possible, as e.g. Debian and Ubuntu have different speed of development (e.g. Debian releases once in around 2 years, while Ubuntu once every 6 months)11:11
faleI see11:12
geserand trying to coordinate which version went when into to common repo would be pretty hard11:13
faleI see11:15
geserDebian uses gcc 4.3, Ubuntu gcc 4.4; Debian uses eglibc 2.9, Ubuntu already eglibc 2.10; Debian catched now up to Gnome 2.28 like in Ubuntu, and so on11:16
falegeser: well, I don't think that debian is behind because they want it, but more because they don't have enough human-power to do everything11:17
jetienneq. what is the control files's Architecture for python code ? i tried any and all11:21
joaopintojetienne, it should be "all" if it's entirely python11:21
jetienneok thx11:21
joaopintothere are some efforts in progress to synchronize the toolchaing between Debian and UBuntu11:23
jetienneq. is there a way to make dh_make not to ask interactive questions ? especially the "are you sure" ones11:53
joaopintojetienne, man dh_make11:57
jetiennejoaopinto: you mean yes or no ?11:57
joaopintojetienne, I mean it's on the manual, we can help you but we are not a replacement for the man11:58
jetienneok :)11:58
jetiennejoaopinto: well if you dont wanna help this is ok11:59
jetiennejoaopinto: and yes/no wont kill you11:59
jetienneand dont assume i didnt read it11:59
jetienneno hard feeling11:59
joaopintojetienne, If I didn't want to help I would not have answer you, which I did with a pointer to the answer11:59
jetiennewell i will wait and ask again12:00
jetienneas i read the "pointer" you refer to12:00
jetienneDepends: ${shlibs:Depends}, ${misc:Depends} <- where can i find the definition of those macro ?12:01
joaopintojetienne, man deb-substvars12:04
jetiennejoaopinto: well if you dont have anything to say except rtfm, please ignore me12:05
joaopintohum, misc:Depends is not described on the manpage, it's used by debhelper, not sure for which purposes12:08
jetiennethe first part is not defined either12:08
joaopintoyes it is12:09
joaopinto       shlibs:dependencyfield12:09
joaopinto              Variable settings with names of this form are generated by dpkg-shlibdeps.12:09
joaopintoit is set to the list of shared libraries identified by dh_shlibdeps12:09
jetiennethis is not a description this is a single line saying nothing :)12:09
jetiennelike what it is doing ?12:10
joaopintojetienne, at the bottom of the man page there is a section with other relevant pages, I guess you want to understand what is dpkg-shlibsdeps is about12:10
joaopintoman dpkg-shlibdeps12:10
jetiennei want to make a deb and find help to do so :)12:11
jetiennei do understand you are a rftm person12:11
joaopintojetienne, to summarize, the shlibs varialble will be replaced with the package names that provide the share libaries used by binaries on your package12:12
jetiennethis is ok please ignore me, please12:12
jetiennelets be civil12:12
joaopintojetienne, if you want to create a .deb without learning manuals, you are on the wrong place12:13
jetiennejoaopinto: well many people here are ok to help12:13
joaopintothe only people feeling offended is you, I am just answering to your questions, and you don't like the help :)12:13
jetiennejoaopinto: well ok. please ignore me12:13
joaopintojust ignore the answers if you don't like them, other people on the channel may like :)12:13
jetiennei dont want to fight :)12:13
joaopintojetienne, I don't like to ignore people, again, you are the one offended, feel free to ignore me :)12:14
jetienneim not offended, just not willing to fight with somebody who think rftm is more important than coc12:14
jetiennethis is ok12:15
joaopintoI am not simply rftm, I am pointing the specicif manual pages you should read related to your questions :)12:15
jetiennejoaopinto: yeah right. credible12:15
jetienneyou are right12:15
jetiennenow please ignore me, you are discouraging other people to help12:15
joaopintojetienne, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete - it also describes the purpose of those variables you have asked about12:17
jetiennePLEASE IGNORE ME12:17
joaopinto!caps | jetienne12:17
ubottujetienne: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.12:17
jetienne!coc | joaopinto12:18
ubottujoaopinto: The Ubuntu Code of Conduct to which we ask all Ubuntu users to adhere can be found at http://www.ubuntu.com/community/conduct/12:18
jetiennesee if you can read that12:18
joaopintoI have read and signed, tks :)12:18
jetiennewell honor your word then12:21
jetienneok will be back during the week12:22
jetienneq. how to update the debian/changelog automatically ?13:45
joaopintojetienne, use the dch utility13:46
joaopintojetienne, dch -i or dch -a13:46
joaopintojetienne, man dch for more details13:46
jetiennejoaopinto: ok sorry i will have to ignore you as you keep intervinning.13:47
jetienneno hard feeling just trying to be productive13:47
joaopintoman, you must have serious problems, you get the answers and still complaining about it :)13:49
directhexyeah, wtf?13:49
iulianOh well, he obviously doesn't like reading manual pages.14:07
jetiennedebchange -i doesnt work if it is a native package. as opposed to what the man page say14:09
iulianAre you sure you're reading the right man page?14:13
iulian"Increment either the final component of the Debian release  number or, if this is a native Debian package, the version number."14:14
jetienneyep and this add ubuntu214:14
geserjetienne: what was the original version, what did you get and what did you expect to get as version?14:35
jetiennegeser: the original version ? not sure to undersand this is a code of mine im packaging. i used dh_make --single --email myname@gmail.com --native to generate it14:36
jetienne--increment added ubuntu suffix even i used --native, as opposed to the man page14:37
jetiennebut honnestly i would not have complain without the rftm episode i experienced14:37
geserwhy did you use --native? it's mostly for software written only for Debian/Ubuntu14:37
jetiennegeser: because this is only for ubuntu14:38
geserjetienne: the package or the software?14:38
geserdch applies by default the ubuntu versioning scheme on Ubuntu14:39
jetiennegeser: this is ok, writing my own script to update changelog fix it14:39
jetiennegeser: not according to the manual :)14:39
gesertrue, it does it always as it hard to difference between modifying Debian packages and Ubuntu-only packages14:41
geserbut even then it's a good idea to use the ubuntu postfix if it's not clear from the package name that the package is Ubuntu-only14:41
geserjust curious: what kind of application is it, that it will only be useful to Ubuntu and not Debian too?14:42
jetienneis there a tool parsing "debian/changelog" able to give the current version14:43
jetiennegeser: we do not plan to support debian by lack of time to support/test it14:43
joaopintojetienne, but some on Debian may decide to adopt your package, and if you make it native your are just making their life harder14:49
ys___hi, I need some help with the ppa building system, can somebody help me?15:03
ys___I'm trying to build a package but it's current build status is "Dependency wait"15:04
ys___what should i do now?15:04
jetienneys___: wild guessing. maybe you depend on a .deb which is not available, and the build assume it will, and so wait for it15:10
ys___the build assume it will? when?15:11
jetienneys___: no idea. i was wild guessing15:11
ys___oh, thanks15:11
jetiennedebchange -b --changelog changelog --newversion "0.01build`date +%Y%m%d%k%M%S`" "Automatic packaging" <- im focusing on this kind of thing :)15:11
ys___i don't understand that15:14
randomactionys___: you should probably look at the build log and see which build-dependency is missing. probably you mistyped the package name, or try to depend on a package not available in Ubuntu15:14
ys___Missing build dependencies: libgconf2.24-cil15:15
ys___oh, that's truth15:15
ys___thank you, i'm retrying :)15:18
dtchenzul: WRT whois: you probably need to update config.h's VERSION macro, too15:49
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dtchenzul: http://pastebin.com/dc948ea615:59
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LLStarkshi. wicd needs a package update and there's also the problem that the dbus daemon it relies on won't load.17:29
ubottuLaunchpad bug 454067 in wicd "wicd released a month ago" [Undecided,New]17:29
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LordMetroidMaster of the Universe please take a look at the CouchDB package installation dependencies, they are broken and couchdb can not be installed properly nor launched due to this19:47
dtchenjdong: you have a macbook 5,1 , correct?20:00
dtchen(or rather, anyone with a macbook 5,1 running os x)20:00
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jdongdtchen: macbookpro 5,220:02
dtchenjdong: does jack sense work in current Karmic?20:04
dtcheni'm having a heckuvatime finding the drivers for Darwin20:04
dtchennot even sure they're exposed, but i'm looking for the init verbs for 5,1 and 5,220:05
jdongdtchen: no, jack sense doesn't, I have a LP bug open regarding that...20:08
dtchenjdong: i'll need some info from the mac os x side20:08
jdongdtchen: but yeah I have the system booted into OS X right now if you need me to grab anything from it20:08
dtchenjdong: since i'm unfamiliar w/ os x, i don't know offhand if the init verbs are exposed anywhere20:09
jdongok lemme poke around a bit20:09
dtchenjdong: if we can find those, we can pretty easily patch it in using the new patch infrastructure for HDA20:10
dtcheni.e., we write a text file and put it in /lib/firmware/$(uname -r)/foo, and you pass the filename to snd-hda-intel patch=foo20:10
dtchenanyhow, let me know if you find anything; i'm offline until tomorrow afternoon. i need a break from this sound mess.20:11
jdongdtchen: sounds good (haha sorry for that awful pun); you'll hear from me if I find anything that looks useful20:15
jdongdtchen: the only thing that looks remotely "useful" is http://jdong.mit.edu/~jdong/AppleHDAPlatformDriver.kext_Info.plist within the driver...20:19
jdongdtchen: seems like some sort of mapping, though I don't have the knowledge to make heads or tails out of it20:19
jdongone of the most eye opening XML files I've seen in a while too....20:20
jdongdtchen: might be old news to you, but various internet noise like http://bbs.pcbeta.com/redirect.php?tid=349924&goto=newpost seems to have insight on what the big-blobs-of-BASE64 mean.20:22
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quidnuncIs checkinstall safe if the installer is untrusted?20:41
quidnuncIn other words, will checkinstall provide a reasonable degree of protection by installing in a chroot?20:41
jdongis it even safe if the installer is trusted?20:41
joaopintoquidnunc, is just as safe as the install20:42
jdongbut the answer is no20:42
superm1jdong, the old problems that plagued it have been fixed AFAIK20:42
jdongcheckinstall I believe uses LD_PRELOAD to trap attempts to install stuff, to divert them to a deb package20:42
quidnuncjoaopinto: I thought it used a chroot so it wouldn't actually touch my filesystem20:42
superm1(security wise)20:42
superm1it still won't produce policy compliant packages of course20:42
jdongsuperm1: oh, I was unaware of that...20:42
joaopintoquidnunc, the install is regular, it just tracks the installed files and builds a .deb from it20:43
jdongbut even a chroot is inappropriate for UNTRUSTED installers.20:43
jdongroot can still circumvent chroots :)20:43
joaopintoa root process running from a chroot can break it ?20:44
quidnuncI basically want to see what the installer is going to try to do and manually grant it permissions but I also want to use checkinstall so I can easily uninstall it afterwards20:44
jdongjoaopinto: absolutely20:44
joaopintoquidnunc, make -n install20:44
jdongjoaopinto: in fact the truly concerned sysadmin doesn't even want to run non-root users unconfined in a chroot...20:44
quidnuncjoaopinto: It is a binary installer20:44
joaopintoquidnunc, run it from a chroot :)20:44
jdongquidnunc: you can log what the installer does by putting an apparmor null complain profile around it :)20:45
jdongthen your audit logs will spew over everything the installer is doing.20:45
quidnuncjdong: Yes I thought of that but it will actually do those things. I don't want it to do those things because I want to use checkinstall to make sure I can uninstall it.20:46
quidnuncjoaopinto: Isn't that what checkinstall does?20:46
jdongcheckinstall will do it for cooperating installers.20:47
jdongif you're concerned about a *malicious* installer, then no.20:47
quidnuncI guess I would want some kind of combination of checkinstall and apparmor20:47
jdongthat's a much more challenging situation20:47
joaopintoquidnunc, no, checkinstall does not install over a chroot20:47
jdongyou can use checkinstall in a chroot with apparmor protection :)20:47
jdongthough that's a pain to set up ;-)20:47
quidnuncjoaopinto: But it doesn't actually install right?20:49
quidnunccheckinstall says it has fstrans20:51
quidnuncAn --fstrans options "causes the install to proceed in a temporary directory, thus not actually touching your system"20:51
joaopintoit does install, i mean, with the default options, i am not familiar with thtat option20:52
mrooneyYokoZar: what do we do about bugs like http://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20288 where the user can't file it in Ubuntu because it's the PPA version but upstream says it is our problem?23:14
ubottubugs.winehq.org bug 20288 in -unknown "Parser error : PCDATA invalid Char value 17" [Normal,Closed: invalid]23:14
ScottKmrooney: If it's in a PPA, it's not "our" in the sense of MOTU's problem.23:16
mrooneyI meant "our" in the larger Ubuntu sense :)23:16
ScottKI think PPA problems are the problems of the PPA owner23:20
jdongmrooney: hopefully the PPA owner has set up a launchpad product or some other way to track bugs then23:46
jdongI know the Mozilla team and some Kubuntu PPA documents suggest filing Ubuntu bugs on their PPA packages, and heck even that practice seems somewhat controversial around here23:46
ScottKThe difference in those cases is that the same people maintain the packages and they are generally used as prestaging for stuff going into the archive.23:56
jdongright, forgot to mention that :)23:58

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