
ftadtchen, is there a way to tweak bass/tremble/etc in p-a?01:14
dtchenfta: not in Karmic's01:15
dtchenfta: there is in git HEAD01:15
ftadtchen, i think i will buy a new motherboard for my desktop, do you recommend a specific sound chipset that would save me from all the troubles i have? (and not bring me new troubles)01:18
dtchenfta: hmm, just about all of them will give you headaches, unfortunately.01:24
ftadtchen, what about real sound cards then?01:25
dtchenfta: to be honest, I've been grappling with laptop HDA for so long that I can't recommend a separate peripheral aside from pro-audio ones01:26
dtchenfta: X-Fis are problematic01:26
dtchensome of the older new C-Medias are quite good01:27
ftaif you were to buy a desktop, what would you buy?01:27
BUGabundonot intel, not realtek, not ati, not neforce01:29
dtchenhonestly, I'm really not the best person to recommend a desktop, sorry01:29
BUGabundobed time01:43
BUGabundosee you guys tomorrow01:43
rippschromium-browser stopped working. I keep getting segfaults and '[3:4:744296084:ERROR:/build/buildd/chromium-browser-] pipe error (9): Connection reset by peer04:33
rippsI have a backtrace, would it be more appropriote to file it on the chromium bug tracker? or is it a ppa issue?04:40
gnomefreakits to damn early09:50
eagles0513875gnomefreak: tell me bout it i have started with my day fighting with a bsod and now reinstalling some stuff10:00
eagles0513875before u say anything only reason im on vista is due to me being a gamer10:00
eagles0513875ill be back10:01
gnomefreakeagles0513875: playstation/xbox/nitendo/wii ect... are for games pc's are for the fun things like fixing broken apps10:01
eagles0513875hehe i have linux on my laptop10:01
eagles0513875once i get win 7 im going to duel boot10:01
eagles0513875need to get all my data off this hard drive10:01
eagles0513875ill be back10:01
gnomefreaka free win 7 would be great but some how i doubt it will be free10:02
gnomefreakeagles0513875: k10:02
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub210:11
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »13:28
gnomefreakfta2: asac you around?14:53
gnomefreaktbird 3 is messed up something bad14:54
gnomefreakit looks like its gone now15:00
gnomefreakdebian 54717315:01
ubottuDebian bug 547173 in iceweasel-scrapbook "iceweasel-scrapbook: Compatibility with firefox 3.5" [Wishlist,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/54717315:01
gnomefreakdebian 54872715:42
ubottuDebian bug 548727 in icedove "icedove: Icedove (or Iceweasel) crashes when join a file" [Important,Closed] http://bugs.debian.org/54872715:42
gnomefreakav`: your email was accepted to mailing list15:48
av`gnomefreak, ?15:48
gnomefreakav`: ah it was your bug report on debian15:49
av`yeah :)15:49
=== pace_t_zulu is now known as Ioannis
=== Ioannis is now known as pace_t_zulu
=== asac_ is now known as asac
[reed]asac: NSS/NSPR for _this_ release21:37

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