
bazhangbruenig is still banned?02:28
bazhangmaco, :)03:25
ubottubazhang called the ops in #ubuntu+1 ()04:01
ubot3In ubot3, songliang said: what is you name??04:59
ubottumaco called the ops in #ubuntu (Demi-God flood/troll)05:05
ubottumaco called the ops in #ubuntu (Demi-God flood/troll AGAIN)05:08
bazhangnightshade is suggesting some wildly inappropriate methods for getting hw id05:28
bazhanghe seems to outright trolling in -ot now06:27
mneptokhe threatened to "hack the channel" and take it over earlier.06:29
mneptok(in #u)06:29
bazhangI caught the tail end of that; now he is recommending some nasty stuff in -ot06:29
mneptokhe was displeased that ops were not as fast to respond as he wants06:29
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about currentissues08:14
elkymneptok, i missed most of that i imagine...09:17
mneptoki warned him a few times about off-topicness and such09:17
mneptokthe language was the last straw. but just a kick.09:18
elkythe nick is familiar to me, so...09:18
ubottuportland called the ops in #ubuntu ()09:28
Xcellas we all know.. ##politics is and has been out of control.. that being said. please re-alocate control to the proper control as that it can be controlled. I realize  that it is difficult to be controlled through subjugated  authority as being said.     that being said.. please allocate proper authority so as that it mightbe authoritized properly.. the present authority is and has not been authorative in both nature and morale.. id like to see.. me10:16
Xcellas well as any one allocated to be capable  to be able to such tasks.. subsequently  swooly is not and has not been willfully up to the task.please update all tasks to me and or allocated persons.... please check logs for further informations10:16
Xcellthank you for your time and efforts10:17
Xcellyes.. its a crappy room.. bu t its a time saver. and has assets10:18
Xcellim sorry to post such nonsense  but i have the muscle to make this room .. being you folks give me the allocation.10:19
Xcelljust give me the go ahead.. and ill make this room work.. thank you.10:20
Xcelltrust me.10:20
XcellI dont play games.10:20
Xcellnuff said.10:20
Xcellill make this room an asset10:21
XcellI dont play10:21
XcellI believe in conformity.. the right way\10:22
Xcellits about time freenode made its game right10:23
Xcellrock on people..10:23
XcellI (can) make the room work.. just give me the chance10:23
Xcellof cource allot of people say this10:24
Xcelljust do it10:24
Xcellim out.. u know me.. mail me.  im out10:24
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
XcellI guess everyone is out10:37
Xcelllook folks.. im like you.. to tell the truth.. but lets be plain.. some can and some willfully cant.. lets giggy with it.10:39
tsimpsonXcell: we don't have anything to do with ##politics10:39
tsimpsonand you are struggling to make sense10:39
Xcelltsimpson-  tell me.. if i have to ill make an exceptional monetary inception.. lets consolidate this situation.. thanks.10:40
tsimpsonas I said, we have nothing to do with it, so consolidation in this particular instance or instances similar to will be unable to be done in this way10:41
Xcellits not about opinionb.. as politics has it.. and im sorry its got this far.. pretty sad as it goes.. im sorry to havs to complain10:42
Xcellim so sorry10:43
tsimpsonif you have issue with one of the channels outside of the authority for the Ubuntu community please take it to the appropriate authorities. namely those responsible for the specific channel or those for the network10:43
tsimpsonie: #freenode10:43
Xcelland thpse would be?10:43
tsimpsonbest place to ask is in #freenode10:44
Xcellplease dont brush me off.. who might that be?10:44
tsimpsonXcell: if you have no further issues here, we have a policy of no idling, which means that we would like you to /part10:52
tsimpsoncan't be sure, but I'm guessing they speak a quite "elaborate" language, which does not translate well to english10:56
tsimpsonthough I was unsure if they were just trying to confuse10:57
bazhanghe seems to think this channel had something to do with ##politics, judging by his comments in #freenode10:58
MenZabazhang: And judging by his language, his homepage is Google Translate11:07
ubottuprince_jammys called the ops in #ubuntu (Xcell, random spamming.)11:13
gnomefreakwhat are we doing with xcell?11:13
gnomefreaki saw a little bit of the convo11:14
MenZaI'm sure he has no bad intentions, he's just fairly disruptive.11:14
gnomefreakmaybe try asking him to join here and go through it again since im guessing he didnt understand the warning11:15
MenZaI think his understanding of English is fairly... broken.11:16
MenZamneptok: heh11:16
MenZamneptok: 71-84-35-31.dhcp.mtpk.ca.charter.com11:16
MenZaMight I suggest a forward, Amaranth?11:23
MenZaSeems to be a person with no clue how IRC works11:23
AmaranthMenZa: a forward here?11:23
AmaranthI think it's just a spammer but sure, why not11:24
MenZaJudging by the nickchanges and such, I think it's someone who wants to use the name 'Mira', has no clue how IRC works, and doesn't speak English very well11:24
MenZaAs 'Miia' is a Finnish name, and kotinet.fi is a Finnish ISP, perhaps someone with a bit of Finn-fu can talk to them.11:24
MenZa(all IIRC/AFAIK)11:25
=== Mira is now known as Guest55137
bazhangnice quit message11:42
elkyanother +f candidate11:43
bazhangMira, hi11:44
=== Mira is now known as Guest45724
bazhangmiia, hello11:52
gnomefreakare you kidding! he just annoying now11:56
elkywho the what the?11:56
gnomefreakyeah him with the nicki changes11:56
gnomefreakbazhang: the 2nd one11:58
=== Mira is now known as Guest98739
gnomefreakGuest98739: please stop changeing your nick11:58
bazhanggnomefreak, they seem to be the same judging from the ip address11:58
elkytopyli, can you try talk to mira when she returns?11:58
gnomefreakbazhang: ah ok i missed that11:59
naliothgnomefreak: perhaps you should suggest they choose a nick that's not being auto-enforced?11:59
gnomefreakauto-enforced like a script?12:00
tsimpsonwith nickserv12:00
bazhangxyz is now known as guestabc12:00
bazhangerr 123412:00
topylielky: i will ask what's going on12:03
topylibtw what *is* going on? :)12:03
gnomefreaknick changes if not anything else12:04
topyliok i'll try to help with the identity crisis12:04
naliothgnomefreak: /msg nickserv help set enforce12:17
gnomefreaknalioth: thanks looking12:25
MenZaelky: re #css: chaos reigns everywhere but #ubuntu-*15:32
MenZasometimes I think freenode is turning into efnet.15:34
MenZamm, trolling.15:38
elkyMenZa, #css is especially foul these days. used to be ##php that was that awful, but they grew up15:38
MenZathey did? wow.15:38
MenZamaybe I should join that channel again.15:38
MenZabut yes, #css is horrid.15:38
elkyymmv, of course.15:38
MenZa##linguistics is a pretty scary place too.15:38
gnomefreakdidnt the bot used to be able to do a !lastseen $NICK?15:53
gnomefreak!seen nekosolteradyne15:54
ubottuI have no seen command15:54
gnomefreakok neither work15:54
gnomefreakok going back to being away need to get things done. please see #kubuntu-offtopic for more info on the seen command15:57
tsimpsongnomefreak: !seen hasn't existed since before ubottu, it wasn't in the code I took over17:26
gnomefreaktsimpson: ok thanks17:42
* gnomefreak out17:42
ubottuIn ubottu, IdleOne said: multiflash is To set which flash version/implementation is to be used by default, use sudo  update-alternatives --config xulrunner-addons-flashplugin17:56
bazhangXcell, hi18:42
KB1JWQwilker is trolling.18:43
KB1JWQin #ubuntu18:43
Xcellbazhang-  why was i penalized for protocal.. in telling someone to google an app?.. im a simple man here to help your organization.. im confused as ive seen it done time after time to not consume the rooms critical resources and to confirm to the client how to learn search methods.. please know i am only a simple helper.. thanks18:45
bazhangKB1JWQ, cheers :)18:45
bazhangXcell, just google it is not a solution. Period.18:45
Xcellwe both know this.. but to help folks to learn and to not take up the rooms volunteers critical time.. some simple solutions adhere to a ggoogle solution.. agreed?18:47
Xcellthen im confused18:47
bazhangif you wish to find a ubuntuforums link for them then you may do so.18:48
bazhangusers *know* about google.18:48
bazhangthe point of the resource is to help people, not re-direct them to google.18:49
Xcellbazhang-  i love helping folks learn.. and some times instead of baby sitting a known simple situation. a simple solution is a google search.. pardon me for being wrong.. trust me.. im not in any way fighting protocal.. im only trying to help simplify the solutions and to eliviate fustrations to the ubuntu solution.18:50
Xcellmy apologizes18:51
XcellI only know from fustrations in the ubuntu solutions came from google.. and yes.. it is difficult to new comers18:51
Xcellbut the difficulty comes from difficulty.. this is the learning curve from learner ship18:52
bazhangthey have google already. they may not the requisite skills to use it however.18:53
Xcellagreed.. but this is a known philosophy.. searching a known solution usually gives an answer.. why not give them the ability to search and then give a solution.. time after time ive seen ops give the last term as a solution.. am i out of place?.. and why.. being i am a convenient helper18:55
bazhangXcell, please refrain from giving any advice if it consists only of 'google it'18:56
ubottuWhile Google is useful for helpers, many newer users don't have the google-fu yet. Please don't tell people to "google it" when they ask a question.18:56
bazhangthanks very much.18:57
Xcelli will refrain from helping in any way.. being that i feel threatened for a ban.. thank you for your time and efforts18:58
bazhangif google it is your only way; that is your choice however.18:58
Xcelli feel threatened.. that is my personal position.18:59
bazhangXcell, thanks for joining to discuss this.18:59
Xcellam i free to ferther help?19:00
Xcellvia the question. from experience.. we both know who is able.19:02
Xcelllets be frank.. can i feel free to help?19:02
bazhangXcell, did you understand what I said about Google it as advice?19:03
Xcelli am a retired electronic engineer.. i am well capable.. and yes.19:03
Xcellthen can i count on given mistakes in company protocol?19:04
bazhangsome folks dont have the technical skills to find solutions ; that is why we need to find the most helpful links for them, either via the wiki, help pages , or google.19:05
Xcellneither of are perfect.. this is why i ask19:05
bazhangand I thank you for joining.19:05
Xcelli need assurance of a no ban for my personal implimentations for solutions in protocol19:06
Xcellim not ur enemy19:08
Xcellso.. ill continue19:08
bazhangXcell, no one threatened you with a ban to my knowledge; I just asked you to come here when you indicated you wished to discuss this issue via PM; I felt it better to have a clear and transparent discussion about channel policy wrt google as a solution19:08
Xcelland thanks19:08
bazhangthanks to you.19:08
ubottuIn ubottu, LjL said: !no bugs is <reply> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:21
bazhang!no bugs is <reply> If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:23
ubottuI'll remember that bazhang19:23
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:23
bazhangmiia, hi20:06
miiahow are you20:08
bazhangmiia, you are forwarded here from #ubuntu20:08
bazhangmiia, you and mire and roni-riku were in the channel earlier, correct?20:09
bazhangerr mira20:10
miiayou speak finnish20:13
macoaw our Miia isn't here. they could Finn together20:14
macoer...speak Finn20:14
bazhangtoplyi does20:15
bazhangmiia, you mira and roni-riku were in #ubuntu earlier, and now forwarded here20:19
miiamira is fi.vehkat20:20
bazhangand suomihullu is roni-riku?20:21
miiayes kyllä20:22
miiawhere are you from?20:23
bazhangkolme olit toimivat typerä # ubuntu aiemmin, ja ehdotti mennä # ubuntu-fi, mutta pitää vaihdat kutsumanimet eikä kuunnella pyyntöjä lopettaa.20:24
bazhangOnko selvä?20:25
bazhangOnko selvä? miia ?20:25
bazhangdo you understand?20:27
miiaeikö me enää jutella voidaan mennä ubontuun20:28
bazhangSuomenkielinen keskustelu (K)Ubuntusta kanavilla #ubuntu-fi ja #kubuntu-fi20:29
bazhang# ubuntu on Englanti tukea vain20:30
miiahi maco20:31
bazhangwell that is the best that I and google translate can offer20:32
miiawhere are you from?20:32
bazhangas miia does not wish to acknowledge what was said, I think we should wait before removing the ban forward til toplyi has a chance to speak with her20:34
miiafinnis please20:38
bazhangmiia, see above ^^20:39
miiano no no no no20:39
miiahow old are you21:04
Seeker`is that really relevant?21:11
ubottuguntbert called the ops in #ubuntu (evilaim (threatens))22:07
=== KB1JWQ is now known as KB1JWQ_
=== KB1JWQ_ is now known as KB1JWQ
ubottujoaopinto called the ops in #ubuntu (amilliabilliremi unable to communicate and flooding the channel)23:52

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