
hsarcivlt, what do u mean what client?00:00
hsarcivlt, im using ubuntu....server is windows00:00
mgv2can you tell me how to completly remove pulseaudio?00:00
TuNiXare you talking about VNC?00:00
vlthsarci: What client program are you using? rdesktop?00:00
TuNiXapt-get uninstall pulsaudio-common00:00
The_Doctormgv2: Wait a week and upgrade and try again...00:01
jerknextdoormavity: yeah, i just had the same problem.  and the reason i uninstalled it was because the menus were all screwed up.00:01
hsarcivlt, i don't think so..its just called "terminal server client". im on kbuntu but i think this is the one that comes with gnome...00:01
jamiejacksonMy home router can see the hostname of both UbuntuMachineA and UbuntuMachineB. However, from UbuntuMachineC (my laptop), I can only resolve UbuntuMachineA by hostname. What might be the problem?00:01
mavityit seems like wine doesnt completely remove itself and ubuntu is getting confused00:01
mgv2The_Doctor, in windows i had a similar problem - latley someone told me that the microphne works very low but i dont know how to change it00:01
vlthsarci: Have you tried Ctrl+Alt+Return for leaving fullscreen mode?00:02
hsarcivlt, thats what i do, then i close the window...but then the terminal server client program acts like it wasnt expecting the connection to be closed and it pops up and error message and asks me to reconnect...00:03
hsarcivlt, im just assuming that theres another way to tell the program to actually close the conncetion00:03
vlthsarci: sorry, I don't know what they put as a wrapper around rdesktop and how to tell it to disconnect.00:04
tuffax1can anyone assist me with package sharing on a local network?00:06
Ziber[root@bravo ~]# ssh alpha00:06
ZiberYour account has expired; please contact your system administrator00:06
ZiberHow do I revert locking?00:07
ubddoes mk2fs has an option to fill with all zeros?00:07
crypt-0it works with cheese, but mplayer and ffmpeg just get garbage from it, it is a logtech00:08
vltZiber: Oops, didn't know that. `passwd -u`00:08
Zibervlt: thanks.00:08
vltubd: You can use `shred` before `mkfs`.00:08
Ziber  -d, --delete                  delete the password for the named account <-- I think thats the one I should use?00:08
pejo_What package contains the iso-8859-1 locales in Ubuntu 9.04?00:09
vltZiber: Yes, sounds better. But check that you can't login locally w/o password at all then.00:09
mavityjerknextdoor:  did you ever figure it out00:09
ubdvlt does shred also work for free space00:09
vltpejo_: "locales" I think00:10
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pejo_vlt, if i dpkg-reconfigure locales I only get UTF-8 ones, and C. Do I need to do something else?00:10
vltubd: When you run it _before_ mkfs the whole block device will filled with random or zero data00:10
Zibervlt: I cant :)00:11
annoiaHow do I prevent modules from being loaded at startup? I have a broadcom wireless netcard and I need to use the wl driver. However, the b43 drivers are loaded, blocking the card.00:11
vltpejo_: `locale-gen iso-8859-1`?00:11
vltpejo_: But I don't know how to "activate" it if `dpkg-reconfigure` doen't work ...00:12
hey_joehow would i go about changing the start level of NIS?00:12
hey_joefrom whatever it is to later in the chain...?00:12
pejo_vlt, any idea why someone made it so hard to get the iso-8859-1 stuff? There seems to be plenty of UTF-8 stuff.00:12
zulfiok i downlond it whats next?00:13
vltannoia: put it into /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist00:13
annoiavlt - Nice, thanks!00:13
bazhangzulfi, is it finished installing? close firefox and restart it00:13
pejo_vlt, ah! locale-gen sv_SE. Thank youj!00:14
hey_joehow do i change start levels?00:14
hey_joei figured it out (/etc/default/nis)00:15
theoomy delete key is not working.. how to map it..00:15
frogzooI need yacc for gutsy - yet I don't see a "yacc" package - what's the ubuntu alternative, byacc?00:16
SchneeSchwarzfrogzoo: bison00:18
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pejo_vlt, I'm going to sound like a crazy man here but I just installed ubuntu and it seems I can only ssh to each host once. After I've been connected to them and disconnect they stop responding to ping. Other servers that I haven't connected to still responds.00:19
LaireTMMy idea was to mount the FTP on my homeserver and give acces over samba. With this line in the fstab file I mount it:00:20
LaireTMcurlftpfs#<user>:<password>@<ftpserver> /media/ftp_markus fuse rw,allow_other,noauto,user 0 000:20
LaireTMIt mount the FTP Folder, but the problem is, that I cant make changes. When I open a file on the FTP and edit it, I can't save the file.00:20
vltpejo_: Don't connect to my server then ;-)00:21
Scunizifrogzoo: gutsy? you sure?  it's end of life.. time to upgrade00:21
pejo_vlt, heh, ok - I'll be careful so I don't take out all of internet.00:22
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frogzooScunizi: yeah I know but, I just need something that will build openwrt atm00:22
Scunizifrogzoo: I'm not sure where they put them but I think the repo's for eol releases are still around someplace00:23
vltpejo_: Name an example of a server not responding to your ping.00:23
frogzooScunizi: I've found the repo, just figuring out if I need btyacc or byacc or whatever00:23
alemanhello are you there00:24
Scunizifrogzoo: sorry I don't have an answer to that one..00:24
Scunizialeman: no00:24
frogzooScunizi: np, thx man00:24
Scunizialeman: hello is gone for the day00:24
pejo_vlt, dexter.ludd.ltu.se00:24
alemanhello are you there00:24
vltpejo_: It's answering my pings00:25
alemanok sorry don't know how to work this00:25
alemani am new to ubuntu and i needed some help00:25
Scunizialeman: no problem.. type your question and if anyone knows the answer .. then they will.. we're all volunteers here.00:25
vlt!ask | aleman00:25
ubottualeman: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:25
alemanthere are lot of things i want to do that i used to do with windows00:25
alemanok thank u00:25
pejo_vlt, I realize the machine is up, and I connected just fine to it minutes ago.00:26
alemanhow can i get my linksys wusb300n to work with ubuntu00:26
Billiardaleman: what is not working?00:27
alemanmy linksys wireless wusb300n is not working00:27
vltpejo_: ssh has a -v option00:27
rpinzonhi there, when i'm choose the version to download(64bits), i get a link with "amd64" in the url, it's a version only for amd processors? I don't know what version is better to me, i have core 2 duo T7250 and it's 64bits.00:27
alemani need drivers or i need to install it to ubuntu00:27
Billiardaleman: routers do not have drivers00:27
jribrpinzon: no, amd64 is the name of the architecture00:27
alemanit is a wireless adapter and it does have a driver00:28
Billiardaleman: o sorry i thought it was a router00:28
alemanit is ok00:28
vltrpinzon: And it is the correct one for Intel's 64bit CPUs too.00:28
pejo_vlt, yes, it gets to "Connecting to dexter.ludd.ltu.se ..port 22." and then nothing.00:28
Scunizialeman: probably no need for a driver.. just plug it in.. up by the clock will be a network icon ... click it and enable wireless00:28
alemanit is plugged in and there is no network icon00:29
Billiardaleman: idk you might be able to get some help from this guide http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=530772&highlight=wusb300n00:29
dragonhow do i find out what package provides the binary `whois`?00:29
rpinzonthanks jrib and vlt, in this case i will get it because i'm using Jaunty 32bit now00:29
annoiavlt - Ok, it works for when I use modprobe, but the ssb module is still loaded at startup.00:30
William-Ubuntucan i change the number show in Place -> Recent documents?00:30
William-Ubuntuit is too little00:30
William-Ubuntuanyone can help me?00:30
pejo_dragon, dpkg -S /usr/bin/whois00:31
Sparkiewhats the helpbot called here lol00:31
vltannoia: _Could_ be it is already loaded in initrd. Then you'd have to update it now.00:31
dragonpejo_: thanks!00:31
vltannoia: Then the blacklist entry is applied to initrd too00:31
Scunizialeman: this might be a buggy network adaptor.. check out this link https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsWirelessNetworkCardsLinksys#USB00:31
aleman2nd question my dvd player doesn't work i already unistall and renstall but can't play my dvds even tried vlc player too00:32
vltpejo_: Can you ping other hosts?00:32
pejo_vlt, yes, www.ludd.ltu.se works for example. (Haven't connected there)00:32
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Scunizialeman: playing a dvd requires licensed codecs that are transparent in windows because you've already paid for them in the price of your dvd software or windows.. I'll give you a link for what you need in ubuntu..00:33
Scunizi!dvd | aleman00:33
ubottualeman: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats00:33
vltpejo_: You can ping www.... but not dexter...?!?00:34
vltpejo_: What if you type the IP manually?00:34
lilzeushow do I map to a ubuntu drive/share in Windows?00:34
alemani already dowlaoded codex from ubuntu too but it didn't work00:34
vltlilzeus: Network or local drive?00:35
vltaleman: Can you check an unencrypted DVD?00:35
hash_pejo_ cat /etc/resolv.conf00:35
lilzeusvlt: I want to be on a windows machine and access a drive/folder/directory whatever that is on my ubuntu machine00:35
vltlilzeus: Via network?00:36
pejo_vlt, that works. When i type "host dexter" I get the ip back reversed.00:36
lilzeusvlt: yes00:36
nils-hmm can I disable network manager for certain interfaces?00:36
lilzeusvlt: they are both on the same network00:36
vlt!samba | lilzeus00:36
ubottulilzeus: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.00:36
lilzeusah, ok, thanks...will give it a try00:37
larkinwere can I get Ubuntu 10 beta??00:37
alemanwhere is unencrypeted dvd00:37
pejo_hash, it's using the builtin stuff in some crappy router (linksys?) I have. I've been using that device for years though with other operating systems.00:37
larkinwere can I get Ubuntu 10 beta??00:37
larkinwere can I get Ubuntu 10 beta??00:37
larkinwere can I get Ubuntu 10 beta??00:37
FloodBot3larkin: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:37
lilzeusvlt: I am in synaptic, which samba do I need?00:38
lilzeusvlt: I have 9.0400:38
vltaleman: In your DVD shelf?00:38
vltlilzeus: Just "samba"00:39
lilzeusvlt: samba4?00:39
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elementzi am confused: while compiling mpd, it asks for glib-2.6. but when heading over to gtk.org, the latest stable glib release seems to be 2.2. am i confusing something?00:40
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puffInteresting point, re: DVD codec licenses... I wonder if it would be feasible to open a software company that sells open source applications that use properly licensed codecs.00:40
vltlilzeus: There seem to be two versiona available. I'd go for "samba".00:40
lilzeusvlt: what does the little ubuntu symbol next to the checkbox mean in synaptic?00:40
hash_lilzeus> mount -t cifs //ip/share /mnt/ -o user=user00:40
shannonWTF IS THIS???100:40
puffAnd I wonder if you could make the license user-specific, so once a user buys one, they have the right to download the codec for other operating systems.00:40
puffEr, right to use the codec, that is.00:40
hash_lilzeus> smbfs install00:40
SBallmerwindows 7 sucks00:40
shannonyou guys are stupid00:40
BaGySBallmer, :)00:40
* TruckBalls waves penis in the air00:41
crashandburnhmmm... SBallmer sez windowz 7 sucks... i wonder if there's anyting to it00:41
vltlilzeus: Don't know. Maybe that pkg comes from the Canonical maintained repo.00:41
jayferdis there a slightly less crowded room where i can get a question answered?00:41
vltHawttDawgg: He wants it the other way round I think00:41
mnainesjayferd: Try #ubuntu-offtopic00:42
lilzeushash_: what is the difference between 'samba' and 'smbfs'?00:42
IdleOnejayferd: they will probably send you back here. what is your question00:42
mnainesjayferd: You can also ask in here, I am sure someone in here can help00:42
jayferdmnaines: but i'm on topic...00:42
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vlt!ask | jayferd00:42
ubottujayferd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:42
jorikjayferd: enochlophobia?00:43
mnainesAww, vlt beat me to it00:43
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:43
mnainesjorik: Could also be agoraphobia00:43
usserlilzeus, smbfs allows you to mount windows shares as if they are local directories00:43
jayferdokay lemme type it up real quick00:43
vltlilzeus: samba is the server, smbfs a client for accessing shares from windows machines00:44
sunny007I have a problem with mysql installation. AppArmour thing fails to load. Any help would be great.00:44
jerknextdoori'm looking for advice on my thinkpad r51 overheating with 9.04.00:44
lilzeusthen smbfs is what I need...thanks all00:44
usserjerknextdoor, install cpufreq and scale it down if you dont already do that00:44
mnainesjerknextdoor: Laptops are always prone to overheating.  Best advice is to get a cooling stand for it.00:44
mnainesjerknextdoor: Make sure your laptop's CPU supports scaling first00:45
cpjr72can windows mount ext3 or 4?00:45
sunny007I have a problem with mysql installation. AppArmour thing fails to load. Any help would be great.00:45
alemanis the network adapter automatically enable when you plug them in or we have to open something00:45
lilzeusonce I install smbfs, where can I find it?00:45
mnainesaleman: It should auto-enable when you plug it in00:45
windwhinnycpjr72>with some software,it can mount ext300:45
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ussercpjr72, it can mount both of them but only as if they are ext2 filesystems, ie no journaling, no extents.00:46
sunny007I have a problem with mysql installation. AppArmour thing fails to load. Any help would be great.00:46
cpjr72thanks you guys, I guess I need to ntfs my shared "data" drive then :-)00:46
mnainescpjr72: Actually, just use Samba00:46
alemanhow do i get to sudo00:46
usserlilzeus, you dont have to find it or configure it or anything, just type mount -c cifs //server/share /localmount -o username=<remote user>00:46
vltlilzeus: I read your first description as if you needed samba ... nm ... After installing you can use it with `mount`.00:46
sp00karmic comes out on the 20th?00:47
cpjr72mnaines, I thought samba was a networking thing?00:47
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sunny007aleman, type su00:47
alemansudo ndiswrapper -i netmw245.inf00:47
mnainescpjr72: Samba allows you to share files over a network between multiple operating systems, yes.00:47
cpjr72mnaines, I'm duel booting and want my downloads, music, etc00:47
cpjr72only 1 pc00:48
sunny007I have a problem with mysql installation. AppArmour thing fails to load. Any help would be great.00:48
lilzeususser: where //server/share is the directory on ubuntu I want to share, and /localmount is what?00:48
mnainescpjr72: Why are you dual-booting?00:48
cpjr72mnaines, because of games mainly00:48
mnainescpjr72: Linux HAS games00:48
sp00When does karmic come out?00:48
cpjr72mnaines, not stuff like prototype, new wolfenstien :-)00:49
mgmuscariis there a way i can change the start order of things that start with my x session in jaunty?00:49
mnainescpjr72: Check Tremulous, Sauerbraten (sauerbraten is more like wolfenstein), and others00:49
mgmuscarispecifically gdm00:49
usserlilzeus, no smbfs is a client not a server. if you want to share directories from a linux machines, you need samba package00:49
sunny007I have a problem with mysql installation. AppArmour thing fails to load. Any help would be great.00:49
jerknextdoorusser: mnaines:  after reading some forum posts i'm thinking its related to an ubuntu-thinkpad fan speed issue.00:49
cpjr72mnaines, actually I'm partly using ubuntu to hide from playing too much of that crap, I like having tetris in my OS, brings me back to 1990 :-)00:50
SJr When I mute my computer, I get static on Ubuntu 9.04?00:50
mnainesjerknextdoor: Alas, all laptops have a fan speed issue.  It is not the speed of the fan per se, its the small size of the fan.  Not enough airflow to maintain a specific temperature for any length of time00:50
bastid_raZorcpjr72: you want to mount your ntfs partitions in ubuntu?00:50
cpjr72bastid_raZor, I knew I could do that, I wasnt sure if I could just use the ext3 in windows tho00:50
cpjr72m$ is so closed mined00:51
sp00is the release of Karmic on the 29th still going as planned? Will i have to do a fresh install in order for my system to work 100% properly?00:51
jerknextdoormnaines: i realize that.  but this didnt happen in 8.04 or when i ran knoppix.  it happened in 8.10 and persists after a clean install of 9.04.00:51
bastid_raZorcpjr72: windows does have issues reading ext3 but i think there is a way.00:51
ussersp00, no fresh install is not required00:51
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mnainesjerknextdoor: Even my Toshiba Satellite has problems staying cool if I don't use a stand to prop it up so air can flow through the vents.  The laptop smokes after a while if I use it on my bed or without the stand00:52
vltcpjr72: You could use vfat for that shared file system.00:52
cpjr72bastid_raZor, not worth the headache since ubuntu can handle the ntfs.. its just mainly for a shared dump spot on my PC00:52
bastid_raZorhttp://www.fs-driver.org/ cpjr7200:52
mnainesbastid_raZor: I used a program for Windows that allows the mounting of Linux file systems by assigning them a drive letter, but you have to google "Linux File System for Windows"00:52
frog there is a router, to that i dont have an access. [how] can i check its port range fowarding?00:53
lilzeusso, I am 'sharing' the folder, how do I access it in Windows?00:53
mnainesfrog, if you don't have access, you can't check its settings00:53
hsarciis it normal to have a bunch of processes called "apport-kde" running at one time?00:54
mavityi have this folder under the wine app (gui menu) that no longer serves a purpose.  how i delete it?  where is this located?00:54
frogthough there are any Tricks to reach the goal00:54
mnaineshsarci: Yes.  I use Gnome, and its common to have several Gnome and Compiz processes running at one time00:54
usserlilzeus, if you share it with samba, just type \\ip of the ubuntu\sharename in windows explorer address bar00:54
hsarcimanines, cool...thanks00:55
Alan1hey :)00:55
trismhsarci: it means you have kde apps that are crashing (apport-kde generates crash reports)00:55
mnainesfrog, the only way is to bruteforce the password on the router, but that is both illegal and something we do not assist with nor advocate00:55
usserlilzeus, but generally if you configure everything properly your ubuntu box should show up in my network places00:55
lilzeususser: I just clicked on the folder and went to sharing, is that 'samba'?00:55
hsarcitrism, oh...so should i kill those processes?00:56
jayferdokay here goes00:56
jayferdso i gave my friend some advice, which i think i'm discovering upon testing is wrong, but for no good reason.00:56
jayferdhe had a real dinosaur, a computer that couldn't boot from cd or usb; he wanted to install xubuntu.  i told him he could attach the HDD to another computer, partition it the way he wanted, but with a small partition on the end for the livecd environment; then he could boot the livecd from the main HDD on the dinosaur.00:56
jayferdSo I tried this myself, on a computer i'm reviving.  I used the following partition scheme (sizes approximate):00:56
FloodBot3jayferd: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:56
jayferdsda1 10G ext400:56
jayferdsda2 25G ext400:56
frogmnaines: i ic00:56
usserlilzeus, thats a bad way to do it! it is samba, but its a gimmick. dont use that tool. Configure sharing properly its not hard00:56
Ademanare there any plans for a dbus interface for panel applets?00:56
Alan1http://paste.ubuntu.com/295048/ can i please get help with this?00:57
lilzeususser: my ubuntu box does not show up in network places in windows00:57
jayferdmy bad.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/295047/00:57
mavityhow do i delete a folder from wine?  it keeps displaying this program i no longer use.00:57
usserlilzeus, configure samba sharing properly00:58
lilzeususser: how do I do that?00:58
mnainesAlan1: I do not know why you used pastebin to ask the question.  You could have just typed it all out here on one line00:58
cscho0415hey i have a linux box and a linksys router... im currently on vacation and forgot to turn my firewall off... my firewall only allows 2 ip's to ssh, one is its own ip the other is my other house.. is there away to tunnel through my linksys router (i can connect to that) to get access00:58
cscho0415i also have apache running and inspircd00:58
Alan1I tried upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10 from 9.04, the installation downloads everything fine, crashes during installing the distribution, and now my computer will not boot up (I'm running Ubuntu dual boot, neither Vista or Ubuntu will start). Whenever I boot Ubuntu it loads and then gets stuck at a black screen with one dash on the top left corner. When I try boot Vista it just goes straight back to bios load and back to dual boot screen. Is there00:59
mgmuscarican you change the start order of applications that gnome2 loads?00:59
bazhangAlan1, #ubuntu+1 for karmic support00:59
mnainescscho0415: If you can go back into the router configuration and set it to allow your laptop by hostname, it would work00:59
KnifeySpooneyCan anyone help me with my issues with fullscreen? Thread: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129314100:59
Alan1bazhang: ok thanks, i wasnt too sure whether this counts as 9.04 or 9.10 support01:00
vltjayferd: Where exactly is you r swap space?01:00
froghmm, ok... if for example i wish to use 6881, but it is not in port forwarding range, is there any way to use this service tho?01:00
cscho0415mnaines: my router allows it however my linux box has a firewall that does not01:00
jayferdright now the partitions are in the order listed, so the swap is between sda2 and sda301:00
theoomy delete key is not working on ubuntu 8.04.. is there any command to map it ???01:01
lilzeususser: the name of the ubuntu machine is 'ubuntu-webserver'01:01
usserlilzeus, http://www.howtogeek.com/howto/ubuntu/install-samba-server-on-ubuntu/01:01
mnainesfrog, most routers offer a stateful firewall by default, so unless the router is specifically set to block the service and unless the program does not use uPNP, it will work without needing to configure the router01:01
usserlilzeus, also look at !samba01:01
usser!samba | lilzeus01:01
ubottulilzeus: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.01:01
vltcscho0415: You could use ssh's forwarding feature.01:01
usserlilzeus, https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html01:02
cscho0415vlt: how exactally do i use that01:02
mnainescscho0415: Have you tried an SSH Tunnel to your Linux box?01:02
cscho0415mnaines: i dont know how to do that01:02
frogmnaines: i strongly suppose , that it was amnually blocked01:02
vltcscho0415: `ssh -L 2222:remotehost:22` for example01:02
cscho0415vlt: ill try01:02
vltcscho0415: `ssh -L 2222:remotehost:22 your.linksys.router`01:03
Sia-if you have ubuntu base and fluxbox just, can you upgrade to next version from commandline?01:03
cscho0415vlt: wait so if my ip adress is 12.34.567.899901:03
cscho0415what do i do01:03
usserSia-, yes just replace all occurences of jaunty to karmic in /etc/apt/sources.list01:03
bazhangSia-, sure01:03
usserSia-, do sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade01:03
sp00I installed the new deluge and now it does not run, do any of you have this problem?01:03
bazhang!upgrade | Sia-01:03
ubottuSia-: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading01:04
vltcscho0415: Then connect to you rlocal port 2222: `ssh -p 2222 localhost` ehich will be forwarded to "remotehost"01:04
Sia-usser, aha thnx is like debian :)01:04
bazhangusser, that is not a wise or recommended way to do it01:04
vltcscho0415: specify "my"01:04
Sia-bazhang, thnx too01:04
frog343/j #linuxhelp01:04
usserbazhang, why not?01:04
usserbazhang, i always did it like that.01:04
mnemonic76Has anyone ever seen a mouse "offset" problem? In other words, the pointer is not where the mouse actually selects?01:05
cscho0415vlt: im a bit confused sorry... so i start of with ssh -L 2222:remotehost:22 and replace remotehost with my ip address?01:05
vltcscho0415: specify "my" please01:05
mnainesmnemonic76: Yes, I see it all the time in games.  It is usually caused by an incorrect refresh rate01:05
vltcscho0415: What is "my" in you rexample?01:05
Sia-bazhang, the link you send me is about ubuntu with gnome and update manager i said just commandline and not ubuntu server!01:06
cscho0415vlt: id rather not post my ip address on here just use 123.345.653.678 as an example01:06
vltcscho0415: Yes, but is this your final target or the hop you need to tunnel through?01:06
mnemonic76mnaines: can you tell me how to fix that? I am going crazy trying to find a howto that HELPS!01:06
bazhangSia-, you wish for server?01:06
mnainesmnemonic76: Does this occur on the desktop or in games?01:07
Sia-bazhang, no, i have ubuntu as base system and just fluxbox no desktop ...etc01:07
vltcscho0415: from your vacation do `ssh -L 2222:finaltarget:22 your.home.address`01:07
gOLDfeeshAlright, how about now? anyone here work with Bitpim and Jaunty?01:07
cscho0415vlt: thanks thats what i needed01:07
purplefooli have newly installed ubuntu and am having a lot of problems with a jumpy video.  this is for films and games...both of which worked perfectly before.  is there a way to adjust the video card?01:07
mnainespurplefool: Did you enable the video card drivers?01:07
vltcscho0415: When the connection is established run the `ssh -p 2222 localhost` command01:07
bazhangSia-, I see, well having fluxbox counts as a desktop (ie GUI)01:07
mnemonic76mnaines: It's the desktop... I actually installed ubuntu for my brother in law at my house with MY mouse, and monitor, and now his mouse and monitor are acting this way... so you are probably on the right track.01:08
cscho0415vlt: im gonna try01:08
purplefoolmnaines, how do i go about doing that?01:08
Sia-bazhang, i use X01:08
frogzoohmm - I can't upgrade to hardy cos the gutsy repos have disappeared... :(01:08
mnainesmnemonic76: Is he using a CRT or LCD monitor?01:08
julian-Anyone know where I can find IMG versions of Koala?01:08
cscho0415vlt: i did "ssh -L 2222: my.external.ip"01:08
mnainespurplefool: System>Administration>Hardware Drivers01:08
mnemonic76mnaines: It was INSTALLED on an LCD mon, and now connected to CRT...01:09
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gOLDfeeshI'm having issues with bitpim and USB if anyone can help me that'd be greatly appreciated. I looked up the bitpim USB linux guide, and followed everything there. Even tried running bitpim as room. detects everything just won't detect the phone. Anyone know what I can do to get it to work?01:09
Jorici'm tired of installing nvidia driver (from site) to ubuntu it says missing nvidia-glx or something how to fix01:09
mnainesmnemonic76: That may be where the problem is.  The refresh rate on the CRT has to be higher or else its bad on the eyes01:09
mnainesmnemonic76: That higher refresh rate is causing the problem01:09
mnemonic76mnaines: Where do I change that?01:10
purplefoolmnaines, this always reports that there are no proprietary drivers on the system...01:10
vltcscho0415: I'm not sure if you really need forwarding. You can also just use your router's shell to establish a new connection to the final target ...01:10
cscho0415vlt: thats what i need to do but idk if my router has a shell01:10
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mnainesmnemonic76: Put simply:  Unless you want your friend to go blind, you can't.  CRTs have to run at least 85Hz refresh rate or higher to be nice to the eyes, while LCDs don't need to be set more than 60Hz01:11
vltcscho0415: Ok then use forwarding. Your router has no shell but allows ssh access?01:11
mnainespurplefool: What kind of video card do you have?01:11
purplefoolgads...think it is an on-board deal...didn't have the money for a real one.01:12
gOLDfeeshI'm thinking of downgrading or switching to fedora if I can't get this to work.. it's rediculous01:12
vltjayferd: There's no "between" for using block devices for file systems or swap space :)01:12
cscho0415vlt: its my router thats teh problem... i have ubuntu firewall on my linux box and it only allows local ip's, the external ip, and 1 other ip to ssh in01:12
cscho0415its not my router thats the problem*01:12
mnemonic76mnaines: But if I would have installed Ubuntu on his machine at his apartment with his CRT and mouse, it would have installed fine I am certain... I guess I don't get why I cant fix it.01:12
jayferdhm okay, i guess i'll try moving the swap space to the end01:12
mavitywhat directory does wine pull its programs from?01:12
vltjayferd: No, you need a partition for swapspace.01:13
purplefoolmnaines, sorry...forgot to write to you...am using an on-board video chip set01:13
jayferdah okay01:13
jayferdit's probably on like sda4 or something01:13
mnainesmnemonic76: Because the problem is the refresh rate.  ANY operating system install defaults to settings for a 60Hz refresh rate, so if you're running a CRT at 85Hz refresh rate, there are always going to be problems.  Only way to fix it is to upgrade to an LCD01:14
Sia-bazhang, i think the solution from usser worked fine, if you have not another solution!?01:14
jayferdthe actual partition names are a little more scrambled, since i created them in a different order01:14
mnainespurplefool: That is probably the problem.  I do not know if Linux is very friendly with onboard video cards01:14
purplefoolmnaines, the thing is that the old install from ubuntu was through windows...now that windows is not involved i have this video problem.01:14
mnemonic76mnaines: Thanks.01:14
mnainespurplefool: That is probably the cause then.  Try doing a clean install from a CD instead of through Windows01:15
sunny007I have a problem with mysql installation. AppArmour thing failed to load. I disabled it. but still mysql always gives password not correct though I have resetted password a few times just to be sure01:15
jayferdi think the boot image is on sda1 (at the end), the / partition is on sda2 (at the beginning), the /home partition is sda3, and swap is on sda401:15
DarkSagehi! i was getting an error... symbol errno, version GLIBC_2.0 not defined in file libc.so.6 with link time reference... and then i found that a possible solution would be export LD_ASSUME_KERNEL=2.4.21... but now no nothing functions at all.... anyone can help me?01:15
sp00i installed the new deluge 1.2 and now it doesn't load up01:15
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sunny007I have a problem with mysql installation. AppArmour thing failed to load. I disabled it. but still mysql always gives password not correct though I have resetted password a few times just to be sure01:16
purplefoolmnaines, no no, that is what i have done.  BEFORE it was through windows and now it is a clean install.01:16
bazhangsp0 installed from where01:16
vltjayferd: When you have decent network connection you can also just use `debootstrap` to install ubuntu to a file system.01:16
mnainespurplefool: Methinks its the onboard video card01:16
spObaz, using aptitude upgrade01:16
perlsyntaxWhat does this mean? E: couldn't find pckage build-dep01:16
purplefoolmnaines, through windows it just took over the config from windows.  on its own it is not doing it correctly.01:16
Billiardmavity: are you talking about the wine menu in your programs list?01:16
perlsyntaxi try do this apt-get install build-dep python2.601:17
spOno one in here uses the new deluge?01:17
bazhangspO, this is jaunty? I dont see that version in Jaunty01:17
perlsyntaxAnyone know/01:17
smokiehey guys, is there a way to customize the ssh motd with colors and such?01:17
mnainespurplefool: Again, methinks its the onboard video card.  I am not going to repeat myself again, nor am I going to tell you what you want to hear.01:17
purplefoolmnaines, well, lets say that i cannot afford a new video card...how would i go about configuring the  on-board stuff?01:17
cscho0415vlt: is there a way to "tunnel" to make my ip look like
spObaz, type aptitude update , then type aptitude dist-upgrade01:17
mnainespurplefool: Alas, I do not mess with overclocking.  Please find someone else.01:17
bazhangspO, are you using 9.0401:17
perlsyntaxit work on my laptop not the desktop.01:18
vltcscho0415: If your router has an IP like that on the LAN side, yes.01:18
perlsyntaxwhere can i find the package build-dep?01:18
cscho0415vlt: it does...01:18
cscho0415vlt: do u want the router model #01:18
sunny007I have a problem with mysql installation. AppArmour thing failed to load. I disabled it. but still mysql always gives password not correct though I have resetted password a few times just to be sure01:18
vltcscho0415: no01:18
spObaz, absolutely, i am using jaunty01:18
mnaines!repeat | sunny00701:18
ubottusunny007: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.01:18
jayferd vlt: ...right.  but that won't set up the xfce4 environment, would it?  i've never used debootstrap before01:18
cscho0415vlt: ok... what do i do01:19
vltcscho0415: Can you connect to your router from outside?01:19
Billiardperlsyntax:  apt-get build-dep python2.601:19
Piciperlsyntax: build-dep isn't a program. Are you trying to install or see a package's build-dependencies?01:19
perlsyntaxit work on my laptop01:19
cscho0415vlt: i can get to the settings page (aka from the lan side)01:19
spObaz, try https://launchpad.net/~deluge-team/+archive/ppa01:19
perlsyntaxwhere that01:19
bazhangspO, ah from a PPA01:19
vltjayferd: you can debootrap, then in the debootstrapped install run aptitude to install xfce ... very easy01:19
perlsyntaxPici,What you mean?01:20
vltcscho0415: Can you connect to your router from outside _now_?01:20
bobbob1016I can't get facebook chat to load.  This is on my desktop running Kubuntu Jaunty 64bit, and netbook running EasyPeasy 1.5 32bit (Jaunty based), any ideas?01:20
perlsyntaxyes i am01:20
Brando753whats better ATI or NVIDA video cards for ubuntu, (has the fewest problems)01:20
cscho0415vlt: yes as i just said i can get to the settings page01:20
Piciperlsyntax: 'Yes' wasn't a valid answer to the question I wasked.01:20
mnainesBrando753: Nvidia all the way01:21
perlsyntaxthen why it work on my laptop then?01:21
bazhang!give me a test01:21
ubottuOh no, I won't, I'm not like some of those nasty scripts' users!01:21
vltcscho0415: Sorry, I need a little more detail ... I thought you're not in the LAN currently?01:21
IdleOnePici: install Empathy it use telepathy you can then read minds :)01:21
PiciIdleOne: :P01:21
cscho0415vlt: im not but i set my router so i can connect to the router settings page if i know my ip and a specific port as well as a user name and pass01:22
cscho0415vlt: so i can connect to i01:22
perlsyntaxPici,I try to build python
mnainesBrando753: nvidia chipsets seem to have the fewest problems in Ubuntu01:22
vltcscho0415: Can we use pm?01:22
cscho0415vlt: yes please01:22
=== |Brenden| is now known as Brenden`
Brando753does the GeForce GTX 295 1792MB 896 graphic card work without problems?01:23
mnainesBrando753: It should work fine, but you have to enable the proprietary drivers for it01:23
Billiardperlsyntax: apt-get build-dep python2.601:23
IdleOne!hardware | Brando753  look see if it is listed01:23
ubottuBrando753  look see if it is listed: For lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection01:23
mavityBilliard:  yeah01:24
jayferdvlt: i could do that; i'll keep looking, though, because that's not the most satisfying solution.  I would have hoped ubiquity would have some command-line option to just use the existing partition table so it doesn't have to unmount anything.01:24
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mavityBilliard:  sorry for the delayed response01:24
perlsyntaxnot working01:24
mnainesIdleOne: I use nVidia cards.  They work fine with Ubuntu.  All I have to do is enable proprietary drivers.  My card is several generations older than his01:24
Billiardperlsyntax: what is the error01:24
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lilzeususser: you there?01:25
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Billiardmavity: if its not removed automatically, i think the entries are stored in one of the .reg files in ~/.wine user.reg maybe01:25
IdleOnemnaines: ok, just thought that list was an accurate if not complete list he could check01:25
Alan1I tried upgrading to Ubuntu 9.10 from 9.04, the installation downloads everything fine, crashes during installing the distribution, and now my computer will not boot up (I'm running Ubuntu dual boot, neither Vista or Ubuntu will start).01:25
Alan1Whenever I boot Ubuntu it loads and then gets stuck at a black screen with one dash on the top left corner01:25
Alan1When I try boot Vista it just goes straight back to bios load and back to dual boot screen.01:25
Alan1Is there any way to fix this short of a reformat of the ubuntu harddisk?01:25
FloodBot3Alan1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:25
Brando753its not listed :(01:25
lilzeususser: I followed the instructions here: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html#samba-fileserver-configuration01:25
IdleOneBrando753: as per mnaines it "should" work fine01:26
mnainesIdleOne: Yeah.  Usually when it comes to post-7800-series nVidia cards, there aren't many problems with Ubuntu.  All you have to do is enable proprietary drivers01:26
lilzeususser: but I am still unable to locate the ubuntu share from Windows01:26
Brando753it is a brand new $500 video card, im trying to make sure it will work before i buy it :)01:26
mnainesBrando753: If its brand new, I do not see why it won't work01:27
perlsyntaxunable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg01:27
IdleOneperlsyntax: use sudo before the command01:27
mnainesBrando753: nVidia usually has a habit of making their drivers apply to entire generations of video cards, so the current drivers should work properly with that card01:27
vltjayferd: I don't know ubiquity. I have done all of my installs using debootstrap in the last months ;-)01:28
mnainesBrando753: Everything from the 7800 series up until today should work just fine with the 180 drivers01:28
lilzeuscan anyone help me configure samba to share a folder with a Windows machine on local network?01:28
luckyonehello all, quick question01:28
perlsyntaxsame thing i was in root01:29
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IdleOneperlsyntax: close out any other package manager you may have running01:29
PhaseAny ideas on why any audio I play in any media player (vlc, quodlibet, audacious, etc) skips? Using 9.04.01:29
Alan1can anyone help me with this http://paste.ubuntu.com/295068/01:29
cozzhello is anyone there01:29
bazhangcozz, yes01:29
perlsyntaxthat the prob01:29
SzajbusFRee sBNC in #Szajbus for all01:29
|alkasmolik|HI I am having issues with a slow external USB hard drive. My usb thumb drive works as usb 2.0 so i know it works. The external drive warms me in dmesg, device not running at top speed, and to plug it into a high speed hub! i also cannot unload ehci_hcd or uhci_hcd. any solutions? or work arounds?01:29
PhaseNot sure what relevant audio information would be required, or how to get it though01:29
bazhangSzajbus, no ads here01:30
IdleOneAlan1: #ubuntu+1 for karmic support01:30
Brando753anyone know a wifi card that works really well in ubuntu all the ones i get for ubuntu are always glitchy01:30
mnaines|alkasmolik|: Are you using a cable that can support USB2 speeds?01:30
Alan1it isnt karmic support, i just want to repair my 9.04 system IdleOne01:30
PhaseMy Atheros card works fine01:30
|alkasmolik|mnaines: the cable says usb 2.0 on it...01:30
djungelkraemhow do i install something from source-code?01:30
bazhangcozz, do you have an ubuntu support question01:31
mnainesBrando753: Linksys seems to be the one with the least amount of problems01:31
jorikdjungelkraem: ./configure && make && make install, so read the README01:31
|alkasmolik|mnaines:  i also tested with another cable i am positive is usb 2.0 that i borrowed01:31
PatrickStarKarmic beta X server freezes up on me, but I'm not sure how to properly report the bug. I have a launchpad account now, and have put in a couple bug reports with the automatic reporting help tool that sprang up when something crashed, but that doesn't happen now as the screen is frozen and I have to reboot. It happens as soon as I drag something on the screen.01:31
mnaines|alkasmolik|: It could also be that the drive itself was set for a slower speed.  I do not mess with USB hard drives much as I prefer External Serial ATA01:32
IdleOneAlan1: the problem I think you have is your now stuck in between jaunty and karmic because the upgrade never completed. best bet is to backup any important data and do a fresh install. unless someone has a better idea01:32
bazhangcozz, random chat in #ubuntu-offtopic01:32
|alkasmolik|mnaimes its advertised to run usb 2.0 speeds01:32
|alkasmolik|mnaimes also 1000kb/sec is that heard of for speeds on an external usb drive?01:33
Alan1IdleOne: Is there any way I can back up my settings? or should i just reconfigure everything01:33
cozzbazhang where do u live?01:33
Ademanare there any plans for a dbus interface for panel applets?01:33
bazhangcozz, please /join #ubuntu-offtopic01:33
IdleOneAlan1: again I think you should ask in #ubuntu+1 and see if they can get you sorted.01:33
Szajbusbtw who known what is sBNC :D01:33
Alan1IdleOne: k thanks01:34
bazhangSzajbus, no ads here01:34
Szajbusi no ads01:34
UnixDawghow do I hard set a ip on ubuntu server01:34
IdleOne!es | julian__01:34
ubottujulian__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.01:34
|alkasmolik|Timing cached reads:     2 MB in  2.01 seconds = 1018.84 kB/sec01:34
|alkasmolik| Timing buffered disk reads:    4 MB in  4.02 seconds = 1019.99 kB/sec01:34
bazhangcozz, type /join #ubuntu-offtopic01:34
cozzbazhang how do i join01:34
mnaines|alkasmolik|: I usually get somewhere around 2000kB/sec for USB2.0 transfer rates, so those speeds are rather slow01:34
MrWizeGuy1983i'm not sure what jw player is or how to get rid of it but it has shown up on my firefox01:35
IdleOnejulian__: no problem :)01:35
MrWizeGuy1983does anyone know how to get rid of jw player?01:35
mnaines|alkasmolik|: I am averaging 15 megabytes per second transfer speed to USB2.0 devices01:35
Blueyi've never heard of that --01:35
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LinuX2halfhow do I delete an ipod drive?01:35
mavityBilliard:  im having trouble located wine in that directory01:35
mnainesLinuX2half: Unplug it?01:35
ynkdoes anyone have some experience with setting up a VPN client?01:35
MrWizeGuy1983Bluey i'm not sure what it is, but i looked it up and it doesn't appear in synaptic at all01:36
vaguerant_Windows XP/Ubuntu Jaunty dual boot, sharing a common partition for media files. My common partition has disappeared from Ubuntu from what I can tell, but still reads fine under Windows. It still appears in gparted without showing any errors, with "unmount" greyed out, although the drive is not mounted. Any ideas?01:36
SzajbusLinuX2half : use unplug01:36
djungelkraemjorik, i dont understand01:36
IdleOneLinuX2half: unplug it or right click and unmount01:36
BlueyMrWizeGuy1983: a new one on me01:36
Billiardmavity: it is called .wine, by default you cant see hidden files, you can still type it into your address bar01:36
bastid_raZormavity: ~/.wine01:36
jorikdjungelkraem: if you dont understand howto read a readme, dont build from source01:36
mavityyeah it's not there01:36
|alkasmolik|mnaines: yes that is why i am concerned! you can imagine how excruciatingly painful it is to copy a 700mb file. lol i wanted to try to unload ehci_hcd module and reloat id, but it tells me FATAL: Module not found !!01:36
mavityBilliard:  I know it's hidden.. but it isnt there01:36
LinuX2halfI can't, I need root power to do that..?01:36
purplefoolcan someone tell me how to find out what video chipset i have on my motherboard?  just tried a system test but that is mainly greek for me...01:36
vltUnixDawg: edit /etc/network/interfaces01:36
Billiardmavity: if you are using wine its there01:37
Blueypurplefool: there's always removing the cover and looking...01:37
mavityshouldnt ls -la show it?01:37
lilzeuscan anyone help me with file sharing?01:37
mnaines|alkasmolik|: 1018.84 kB/sec is roughly equal to 8MB/sec...Unfortunately, that is the problem with USB.  It does not run at the advertised speeds01:37
LinuX2halfAnd its not in the /etc/fstab folder....01:37
cozzsorry hazbang i'm confused01:37
bastid_raZorpurplefool: lspci | grep VGA01:37
lilzeusI am trying to configure samba01:37
JPerlowpurple: did x not auto-configure on your system?01:37
purplefoolBluey, yes, but it is a chipset, not a card01:37
|alkasmolik|mnaimes are we talking megabytes or megabits?01:38
mnaines|alkasmolik|: Save your money and buy a drive with eSATA.  Transfer rates on eSATA easily reach 60MB/sec or more, and you can copy 1.6GB of music or pictures in just a couple minutes01:38
JPerlowpurple if you know what type of mainboard it is you should be able to find that out01:38
mnaines|alkasmolik|: Megabytes01:38
purplefoolbastid_raZor, thx...that did it01:38
Blueypurplefool: you are correct use bastid_raZor suggestion01:38
|alkasmolik|mnaines: no esata ports on this old laptop lol01:38
Billiardlilzeus: what seems to be the prob01:38
|alkasmolik|mnaines: how is 1000kb/sec 8mb/sec?01:39
mnaines|alkasmolik|: Does it have PCMCIA or ExpressCard?01:39
lilzeusBilliard: I have followed these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html#samba-fileserver-configuration but have had no luck01:39
|alkasmolik|mnaines:  1mb = 1024kb?01:39
lilzeusBilliard: my Windows machine still has not managed to 'see' the ubuntu/samba share01:39
mavityBilliard:  i dont know if im just having one of those days or not.. but i retyped ls -la and it showed up.  sorry.01:39
|alkasmolik|mnaimes yea it does actually, forgot about that01:39
mnaines|alkasmolik|: Which one?  PCMCIA or ExpressCard?01:39
vltlilzeus: Can your windows amchine ping the ubuntu host?01:39
Blueylilzeus: can both machines ping each other?01:39
Alan1Hi, I'm running Ubuntu from the disk, tryign to back up files, but it says I don't have permission, any help?01:39
lilzeusI will try it01:40
|alkasmolik|mnaines:  i am  sure it has tobe pcmcia i ma not sure01:40
purplefoolcan anyone help me figure out how to use the video chips?  would like to watch a video or 2 sometimes.01:40
lilzeusI think they can, I might have done this before01:40
vltAlan1: use sudo to get admin permissions01:40
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lilzeusvlt, Bluey: the windows machine can ping the ubuntu machine01:41
Alan1vlt: can i use sudo in the GUI somehow? im not sure how to move files using terminal (im a noob)01:41
edulacomadreja i have something like (while true; do nc -l -p 2000 -c "date"; done)& running on a pc01:41
edulacomadreja and...01:41
edulacomadreja exec('nc 2000', $data);01:41
edulacomadreja inside a php in a lamp server01:41
edulacomadreja why is $data empty?01:41
edulacomadreja the apache user in ubuntu server is www-data01:41
FloodBot3edulacomadreja: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:41
Blueylilzeus: can the ubuntu machine ping the windows machine?01:41
nightshadeneed some help: for multi-screen setup, I have an HMD working with my s-video out port, but when I turn it on, the screen (on my HMD) has this thingie like its slowly burning out each time on the edge of the screen.  I think this is because gnome-display-preferences is not giving me the right refresh rate, but that's the only one it will let me choose from (30 Hz) How do I enter it manually?  Is there a config file somewhere?01:42
mnaines|alkasmolik|: http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E1683920000501:42
Billiardlilzeus: you have tried entering \\ipaddress\sharename into windows explorer addressbar?01:42
vltlilzeus: Ok, what happens when you type "\\your.ubuntu.ip" into the browser on the windows machine?01:42
vloxhow do you change the mac address of your box, or of your NIC?01:42
|alkasmolik|mnaimes still the issue of, if its not a highspeed device, then why does it tell me it is? and why wont it load as a highspeed device?01:42
kermitvlox: temporarily, with ifconfig01:42
LinuX2halfwhy I  can't unmount ipod even though its not connected?01:42
IdleOneLinuX2half: plug it back in then unmount it01:43
vloxvlox: is that ifconfig's only function?01:43
dddFFFSia: are you try to upgrade to Karmic?01:43
mnaines|alkasmolik|: That card is a PCMCIA to eSATA adapter card for laptops.01:43
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!01:43
lilzeusall: the ubuntu machine can ping the windows machine01:43
lilzeuswill try the browser thing next01:43
Blueylilzeus: okay I'd check the host files on each machine next01:44
vloxkermit: is that ifconfig's only function?01:44
Blueylilzeus: sudo cat /etc/hosts01:44
kermitvlox: no01:44
kermitvlox: man ifconfig01:44
mnaines|alkasmolik|: USB's claims of "high speed" are false.  Not all USB drives operate at the advertised speeds01:44
vloxi cant make sense of those manuals01:44
lilzeuswhere do I find my share name?01:44
Blueylilzeus: i forget wher the file is stored in windows01:44
LinuX2halfldleOne: I don't have root power01:44
lilzeusis it in the smb.conf file?01:45
BlueyLinuX2half: sure you do - use "sudo" to temp. gain root power01:45
|alkasmolik|mnaimes its really pathetic. lol but i remember seeing higher speeds in past kernels. what kernels? i forget. But i used ot get at least 5 - 10 mb/sec speeds! now its taking 15 minutes to copy a 700mb file!01:45
Blueylilzeus: no /etc/hosts -- you man have to edit that and put in the hostname and ip of the windows machine....01:45
vltvlox: "hw ether ad:dr:es:s" with ifconfig or in /etc/network/interfaces01:45
thedude42lilzeus, yes, samba shares are in the smb.conf file01:45
LinuX2halfldleone: so I type in sudo unmount /media/dev/srd0?01:45
fearfulDoes anyone know where I can change the configuration of Nicotine-plus to allow more than 1 download at the same time?01:46
Alan1vlt: is there a way to obtain permissions for copying the files using the GUI? or do i hav to move it in terminal01:46
gOLDfeeshI'm having issues with bitpim and USB if anyone can help me that'd be greatly appreciated. I looked up the bitpim USB linux guide, and followed everything there. Even tried running bitpim as room. detects everything just won't detect the phone. Anyone know what I can do to get it to work?01:46
lilzeuswhat is the share name?01:46
BlueyAlan1: gksudo nautilus01:46
LinuX2halfldleone: it said command not found.....01:46
lilzeusis it the path?01:46
necroforestWould it be possible to "upgrade" from Debian to Ubuntu using apt?01:46
lilzeusI used these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html#samba-fileserver-configuration01:46
IdleOneLinuX2half: umount without the n01:46
thedude42lilzeus, if you haven't created a share, there won't be anything there01:46
vltAlan1: I don't know. What live CD are you running?01:47
bazhangnecroforest, no01:47
Blueylilzeus: did you set the samba password?01:47
vloxvlt: does eth0 go in the place of ether?01:47
Alan1im running ubuntu01:47
vltvlox: no, "ether is the device class"01:47
lilzeusputting the IP into a browser in Windows, example, yields my Apache default page which says "It works!"01:47
nightshadeSorry, I was gone.  Did anyone answer my question yet (not pressuring)01:47
vltvlox: no, "ether" is the device class01:47
Alan1Bluey: that opened up a GUI, but i dont think it gives me root privilages on my other hardisk01:48
lilzeusBluey: no, where/how do I do that?01:48
thedude42lilzeus, yay! apache is working01:48
|alkasmolik|nightshade cttrl +f ur name scroll up have a look01:48
BlueyAlan1: yes id does...01:48
lilzeusthedude42: yes, it is. But I already knew that...lol01:48
LinuX2halfldleone: don't know what to type...?01:48
Blueyi don't have samba installed - I think it's smbpass iirc01:48
thedude42lilzeus, if you want to browse to the samba share, open internet explorer (or a regular explorer window) and put \\
LinuX2halfldleone the ipod drive icon seemed to be located in my computer folder and in my desktop01:48
fearfulDoes anyone know where I can change the configuration of Nicotine-plus to allow more than 1 download at the same time?01:49
drbobbsorry if this is OT, but has anyone tried using the C4580 or F4580 AIO printers by HP? of course I wanna know whether they play nice with linux01:49
vloxvlt: what does that mean?01:49
Alan1Bluey: oh i see i haev to edit the privileges now, thank you so much01:49
lilzeusthedude42: I have, and I just told you what I get when I do that...I get the Apache default page which say "It works!"01:49
vltvlox: Have you read `man ifconfig`?01:49
bazhanghttp://linuxprinting.org drbobb check here01:49
vloxi said the mans dont make any sense to me01:49
IdleOneLinuX2half: sudo umount /media/dev/srd001:50
drbobbbazhang: I know that site. I'm asking here because I found nothing of substance on the web01:50
shawn_Im installing Ubuntu 8,04 server edition but when I get to the step to "Select and install software" it fails any reasoning behind this?01:50
thedude42lilzeus, you included \\ before the IP?01:50
LinuX2halfldleone it said command not found01:50
bazhangdrbobb, if it says functional then its good; paperweight, then not01:50
lilzeusthedude42: yep01:50
thedude42lilzeus, even in a regular explorer window?01:51
lilzeusI am on a KVM, so I am able to go back and forth quickly01:51
lilzeusthedude42: yep, I have even tried that01:51
thedude42lilzeus, then something else is wrong, because that should force a browser query and not ask for anything on port 8001:52
drbobbbazhang: you didn't read what i wrote did you01:52
LinuX2halfldleone: it said srd0 is the CD Drive not the usb port01:52
thedude42lilzeus, try going through my network places01:52
vltvlox: It says "ifconfig interface options". Then look at section OPTIONS, you'll find the hw ether part I already posted.01:52
drbobbthe f4580 is not on the linuxprinting printers list at all01:52
lilzeuswow, it seems to be working now01:52
vloxvlt what is hw ether?01:53
thedude42lilzeus, yes, windows networking is often a mystery.....01:53
drbobbthe c4580 is on the list, but it's no longer manufactured01:53
lilzeusthe name of the share is...share01:54
lilzeushow do I change that...lol01:54
thedude42lilzeus, how did you add the share in the first place?01:54
bazhanghttp://www.openprinting.org/show_printer.cgi?recnum=HP-Photosmart_C4580 drbobb 'works perfectly'01:54
LinuX2halfhow do I unmount an ipod drive?01:54
lilzeusthedude42: I followed these instructions precisely https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/samba-fileserver.html#samba-fileserver-configuration01:54
drbobbbazhang: that's cool but it's out of stock in most places01:55
lilzeusI copied and pasted their code01:55
LinuX2halfI can't seem to unmount it using the sudo command01:55
vltvlox: Please read the section in the manpage I pointed to.01:55
drbobbbazhang: on the other hand, the hplip site suggests network connectivity does not work between this printer and linux01:55
shawn_Im installing Ubuntu 8,04 server edition but when I get to the step to "Select and install software" it fails any reasoning behind this?01:55
KnifeySpooneyIn seahorse, how do I automatically allow a default keyring? A popup to enter the default keyring for my wireless network comes up every time I restart.01:55
LinuX2halfI can't seem to identify my usb port.....??01:55
thedude42lilzeus, right so look in smb.conf, the share definition should be there somewhere, after the [share] declaration01:56
nightshadeDoes anyone know how to manually enter a refresh rate in gnome-display-preferences?01:56
bazhangdrbobb, no idea, I just say what that link above said; a look at the ubuntuforums may suggest more01:56
lilzeusthedude42: do you mind if I go private and send you the [share] declaration?01:56
drbobbbazhang: it does not, that happens to be the reason I'm asking here01:56
thedude42lilzeus, sure01:57
BilliardLinuX2half: sudo umount  /path to were ipod is mounted01:57
Gaduhow can I adjust balance between left and right speaker?01:57
drbobbbazhang: I was hoping for a first-hand account, not advice that I search the web01:57
vloxhw class address01:58
vlox              Set the hardware address of this interface, if the device driver01:58
vlox              supports  this  operation.   The keyword must be followed by the01:58
vlox              name of the hardware class and the printable ASCII equivalent of01:58
vlox              the  hardware  address.   Hardware  classes  currently supported01:58
vlox              include ether (Ethernet),01:58
FloodBot3vlox: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.01:58
vloxvlt that's what it says01:59
FeasibilityStudyHello, anyone here having issues with AppArmor not generating and saving profiles properly (in Karmic)?01:59
bazhangFeasibilityStudy, #ubuntu+1 for karmic support01:59
FeasibilityStudybazhang: thanks02:00
ynkIf a file exists but could not be read, is it an issue of permissions or something else entirely?? :/02:00
bazhangynk, which file02:00
porter1If I have a serial connection to Ubuntu, which tty will bring me to a typical login prompt, rather than leaving on the loading terminal?02:00
ynkbazhang, i created a config "profile" in an effort to setup a VPN client to my campus. i'm trying to connect with the file i created and all i get is "The profile specified could not be read."02:01
nightshadeCould the op please tell me wether flooding is okay when it's a private message instead of on the main IRC?  Since they could close that out, it's probably not as bad, right?  Correct me if I'm wrong.02:01
KB1JWQnightshade: With permission, go nuts.02:01
KB1JWQWithout permission, they'll likely /ignore you.02:02
vltvlox: What's the problem then?02:02
nightshadewell, if they ignore me, at least that's not as bad as getting kicked off.02:02
bazhanghttps://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN ynk this may be helpful02:02
ynkbazhang, ah thanks buddy! :]02:02
nightshadeSo, I take it nobody knows how to do it?02:03
Prodegonightshade: note that you can still send PMs fast enough you get kicked off02:03
bazhangnightshade, do what02:03
Prodegobut most clients will make sure that doesn't happen by slowing down the messages02:04
Prodegoso it should be fine02:04
nightshademanually change the refresh rate on gnome-display-preferences.02:04
nightshadeinstead of using the drop-down-menu02:04
vloxvlt what's the hardware class of a wifi card, and what do they mean ascii equivalent?02:04
nightshadeProdego: but, that would require a script, which I am not enough of an asshole to write.02:05
ynkbazhang, hmm. perhaps the "chmod a+x" on my file is probably the vital step i missed. it doesn't exactly explain that step. what is a+... never mind. i'll do more research on the command "chmod". :P02:05
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions ynk  this may something02:06
bazhangerr have02:06
ynkgot it.02:06
vloxvlt what's the hardware class of a wifi card, and what do they mean ascii equivalent?02:08
proxieNetworking question ... if anyone's around.02:08
vltvlox: On top of all possible ecryption wifi cards are talking ethernet too. The ascii equivalent is the 12:34:56:78:90 notation02:08
proxieWhen I use the UI to configure a static IP address for my eth0 ...02:09
proxieIt doesn't seem to store that configuration in the /etc/network/interfaces file ... is that true?02:09
coffeejanyone have any luck with creative webcam ID 041e:0x4055?02:09
ubuntu2does anyone know how to install adobe flash player or java on ubuntu?02:10
bazhangubuntu2, the ubuntu-restricted-extras package includes those02:11
winterswiftbazhang: just typing that :)02:11
vloxok so if i reset the mac address of my box should it disconnect from the network temporarily, vlt?02:11
bazhangwinterswift, :)02:11
vltvlox: i think it won't let xou change the hw address when the interface is up.02:13
ubuntu2bazhang: I already have that installed. but my flash capabilities are limited02:13
generaldisarrayi have the error "The Composite extension is not available" when I try to enable desktop effects on Jaunty 9.04 FWIW I have dual monitors and am using the 'NVIDA' X Server Manager gui app to configure things.. anyone know how to fix this and get compiz working? are the dual monitors causing this?02:14
vlts/xou/you (German kbd layout)02:14
jalmeidahi, ubuntu mans =)02:14
winterswiftubuntu2: then close your browser, open the terminal, and type: sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree02:15
ubuntu2bazhang: I'd like to get the program directly from adobe02:15
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jalmeidacould i play warcraft3 on ubuntu from wine?02:16
jalmeidathis is possible?02:16
Billiardjalmeida: check the wine appdb02:16
winterswiftubuntu2: for direct from adobe, go here: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/02:16
LeNsTRjalmeida: yes02:16
LeNsTRwork aweswome02:17
eeinhmm I have no audio on my 1000H eeepc with 9.0402:17
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LinuX2halfhow to umount ipod drive?02:20
LinuX2halfI can't seem to find the direction to my computer...?02:20
bobsomebodyhello ubuntu02:20
jalmeidaBilliard what is this appdn on wine?02:20
prince_jammys!appdb | jalmeida02:20
jalmeidais a version?02:20
ubottujalmeida: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help02:20
vltLinuX2half: WHat happens on right click -> unmount?02:20
Billiardjalmeida: google "wine appdb" first result02:20
frank3ly_somebody help me please, im having a problem with my laptop i could join into my local address but i have not access to internet02:21
vltfrank3ly_: `ip r`02:21
bobsomebodyis it possible to execute a script each time a network interface goes up or down?02:21
vltfrank3ly_: run that command and look for "default"02:22
jalmeidathanks =)02:22
frank3ly_ip r02:22
winterswiftjalmeida: it's a database of all the tested wine programs, with their test results and overall functionality02:22
vltbobsomebody: /etc/network/if-up.d/02:22
jalmeidais possible play with garena?02:22
frank3ly_ok i see default02:22
frank3ly_now what ?02:22
vltfrank3ly_: _You_ can see it, I don't ;-)02:23
frank3ly_default via dev eth002:23
bobsomebodyvlt, do i just add the script to the file?02:24
vltfrank3ly_: `ping`02:24
frank3ly_is pinging02:24
vltbobsomebody: That's a directory you can put scripts in. They're executed in alphabetical order.02:24
bobsomebodyoh ok02:24
frank3ly_64 bytes from .....02:25
vltfrank3ly_: `ping` (a google IP)02:25
ubuntu2winterswift: what do I do once I get to that website?02:25
frank3ly_is ok02:26
frank3ly_is pinging02:26
vltfrank3ly_: `ping google.com`02:26
winterswiftubuntu2: it should offer you an option to select the OS you're running (select linux), then download the tar.gz file on the next page02:26
frank3ly_nothing broth02:26
vltfrank3ly_: `cat /etc/resolv.conf`02:26
vltfrank3ly_: look for nameserver02:26
vltfrank3ly_: `nslookup google.com`02:27
Freeaqingmefrank3ly_, it should probably be 'nameserver' instread of ''02:27
ubuntu2winterswift: once I download it, what do I do? its not an executable02:28
pistymanhey yall02:28
frank3ly_in nslookup02:28
vltfrank3ly_: no02:28
winterswift:/ working on that - ill run a virtualbox of ubuntu really quick and try it02:28
frank3ly_in the resolv.conf is nameserver
pistymani am nearly cool on linux02:28
pistymani just need a couple more things to work02:28
pistyman1. how do i get youtube vids to work?02:29
vltpistyman: You're free to add them ;-)  It's open source.02:29
pistymanhow can i play dvds's?02:29
bazhang!flash > pistyman02:29
ubottupistyman, please see my private message02:29
vltpistyman: install flash02:29
frank3ly_nslookup print connection timed out; no servers could be reached02:29
bazhangget the libdvdcss2 package from medibuntu.org pistyman02:29
ubuntu2winterswift: did you get my last post?02:29
kr1shi, how can i force that a sshfs folder (assigned in fstab) will automaticly created if i have a network connection02:29
pistymanwow hi again ubottu ) you are a mad c!@t02:29
vltfrank3ly_: That's your problem. The nameserver isn't responding. You need to use another one for resolving hostnames02:30
frank3ly_how i do taht02:30
phyrrus!ot #02:30
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ot #02:30
pistymanheeeelll yeah ))))02:31
phyrruslol it works!02:31
pistymanits working02:31
winterswiftubuntu2: yes, one moment while i look at it02:31
pistymani am always surprised when it works ))02:31
vltfrank3ly_: edit resolv.conf (sudo) and add or replace the nameserver02:31
ubuntu2winterswift: ok. thankyou02:31
paulsidney_Please help.  I am having an problem with my sound card.  I have 9.04 running on a hp dv-4 1120us.  The problem is that my sound plays but loops into broken static.  Even on startup the ubuntu drums play repeatedly for about a minute at the login screen.  The rest of my sounds are indecipherable slush.  I have tried upgrading to the ASLA but it wont unpack or compile the files.  This is a clean install to an unpartitione02:31
paulsidney_d HD (previously Vista 64)  I have tried everything I know to do and have gotten nowhere for two strait days.02:31
winterswiftubuntu2: do you know if ubuntu supports the .YUM file?02:31
frank3ly_for what02:31
ubuntu2winterswift: I dont know02:31
IdleOnewinterswift: it doesn't. ubuntu uses .deb02:31
vloxvlt every time i try to edit resolv.conf it resets upon restart02:32
vltfrank3ly_: A nameserver that will work ;-)02:32
winterswiftubuntu2: download the .deb file instead of the tarball02:32
Freeaqingmewinterswift, there's a program called 'alien' what you can use to convert .yum packages to .deb packages that ubuntu knows. Doesn't always work, but if you're lucky... ;)02:32
frank3ly_i dont get it02:32
=== mike is now known as Guest33052
pistymanis ubottu a bot?02:32
IdleOnefrank3ly_: what are you trying to install?02:32
IdleOnepistyman: yes02:32
vltfrank3ly_: You could ping the google ip, So your connection is fine. You just can't resolve names.02:33
pistymanfuck :D02:33
IdleOne!language > pistyman02:33
ubottupistyman, please see my private message02:33
winterswiftFreeaqingme: theres already a .DEB supplied by adobe this time :)02:33
frank3ly_what should i do02:33
pistymani been talking to that mofo for a week :D02:33
vltfrank3ly_: I guess if you type the ip you successfully pinged in your browser you'll see the google page ...02:33
Guest33052how do i get into xfce channel02:33
LjLpistyman: tone down the language, will you?02:33
IdleOnepistyman: please watch the language or you will end up being banned02:33
frank3ly_i belive u men02:33
phyrrus /join #xfce02:33
ubuntu2winterswift: I get "error: a later version is already installed"02:33
frank3ly_but i want access links02:33
phyrrusif it is a channel02:33
pistymanare they all bots that are telling me to tone down?02:34
ubuntu2winterswift: but I want the adobe version02:34
phyrrus!ot frank3ly02:34
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ot frank3ly02:34
bazhangpistyman, no02:34
IdleOnepistyman: no just ubottu02:34
LjLpistyman: no, they are not.02:34
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!02:34
IdleOnephyrrus: enough with the ot02:34
vltfrank3ly_: You need to find a nameserver (or run your own).02:34
phyrrusits fun02:34
winterswiftubuntu2: :/ i think you should have the adobe version, if you successfully installed the restricted packages02:34
MrWizeGuy1983i've been trying for a while and can't figure out this problem i'm having02:34
IdleOnebecause he isn't off topic. we are explaining something to him and you keep spamming the channel with the same factoid02:34
pistymanshould be able to use them words though..02:35
MrWizeGuy1983when i play some flash videos it uses something called jw player (which i can't find to delete) even though i've tried telling it to use xine or gstreamer02:35
ubuntu2winterswift: ok. but I still have limited funcionality. my popups dont work in mozilla02:35
Guest33052please help i got xfce  igot mo 3.5 and i need to run ie tab02:35
winterswiftubuntu2: try uninstalling the restricted maybe and try it again? :/02:35
MrWizeGuy1983can anyone help? this jw player is driving me nuts02:36
winterswiftubuntu2: are you running firefox 3.5?02:36
vltfrank3ly_: http://www.dnsserverlist.org/02:36
pistymanaight, flash still isnt working and i downloaded all that poo02:36
Guest33052both win and linux02:36
IdleOnepistyman: restart your browser?02:36
pistymandone that02:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ifuse02:37
pistymanit works..02:37
pistymanbut it doesnt02:37
dabbishrhytmbox sometimes causes my computer to completly freeze, can't move the mouse or nothing. any pointers to why that is?02:37
ubottuFor discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents02:37
LinuX2half!BIOS cd02:37
Guest33052been there i set it up to run in ie engine and it just colses02:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about BIOS cd02:37
phyrruseverybody, you can get ubuntu support at http://csupport.co.cc/forum as well as here02:37
LinuX2half!boot from cd02:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about boot from cd02:37
pistymanif you want to add me to skype i can show you how it looks with a screen shot02:37
ubottuThe "man" command brings up the Linux manual pages for the command you're interested in. Try "man intro" at the  command line, or see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal | Manpages online: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/02:37
LinuX2half!man tiger02:37
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about man tiger02:37
pistymanwait. i see you can send files here02:38
LinuX2half!burn cd02:38
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about burn cd02:38
IdleOneLinuX2half: please stop02:38
vltLinuX2half: You can /msg ubottu02:38
madohowdy folks!02:38
IdleOneLinuX2half: use /msg ubottu02:38
frank3ly_thank you02:38
IdleOne!burn > LinuX2half02:39
ubottuLinuX2half, please see my private message02:39
samferryhey guys02:39
frank3ly_but i just have02:39
frank3ly_one more job02:39
ubuntu2winterswift: its ok. I got it to work for now. thanks again for your help!02:39
frank3ly_for you please02:39
samferryanyone know if there was a new dhclient update that broke something?02:39
frank3ly_i wanna install my wifi card02:39
vlt!punctuation | frank3ly_02:39
ubottufrank3ly_: Punctuation is good, but its overuse hurts readability:  Please refrain from adding many ?'s or !'s to the end of your sentences.  See also !enter02:39
Lenin_Caterr:d3d:resource_init Out of memory!02:39
winterswiftubuntu2: 'welcome :)02:39
samferryfor some reason i can't get my debian/ubuntu boxes to stay online (retain a dhcp lease)02:39
pistymanIdleOne: can i show you the screenshot?02:39
IdleOnepistyman: sure, use a pastebin02:40
IdleOne!paste | pistyman02:40
ubottupistyman: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!02:40
kr1s!paste | kr1s02:40
ubottukr1s, please see my private message02:40
frank3ly_someone could please help me, i need to install wireless internet drivers to my hp pavilion dv6000 on ubuntu 9.0402:40
mattgyverhow can i add an application to my path?02:41
lilzeusso, it would seem that if you plug in a usb thumb drive or similar usb drive, and then unplug it without ejecting it, ubuntu stops recognizing any usb drive you try to plug in...what give?02:41
kr1sI need to start a script if i get a network connection and start another script if i lost it. How do i do that?02:42
winterswiftfrank3ly_: i assume you have wired internet currently?02:42
edbianmattgyver: What do you mean?  I don't think what you asked makes any sense.  Are you working in a terminal?02:42
winterswiftfrank3ly_: have you checked the Restricted Drivers?02:42
vltkr1s: Put scripts in /etc/network/if-{up,down}.d/02:42
mattgyveredbian, i mean so that i can just run the app name as opposed to navigating to the directory and running the application02:43
frank3ly_mmm where02:43
winterswiftfrank3ly_: under System > Admin i think02:43
edbianmattgyver: The proper place to put that is in /usr/local/bin02:43
mattgyveredbian, yeah i guess i could just do that, that works02:43
frank3ly_ohh.. yes but there only is the nvidia graphis driver02:43
mattgyverI thought there was a way to add it to like .bashrc or something to just set the path there02:43
edbianmattgyver: That would be the "proper" way to do it :)02:43
edbianmattgyver: I'm not aware of anything like that02:44
kr1svlt: but if-up,down will started if the interface go up or down. Not if a connection is established, or?02:44
pistymanok here it is http://imagebin.org/6810502:44
vltkr1s: Depends on what "established" means for you.02:44
mattgyveredbian, I had to do it once before, i just cant remember what i had to do02:44
pistymanblack, dont load02:44
kr1sif ping www.google.com works :)02:45
edbianmattgyver: Mmm, if you remember let me know.  I'm interested02:45
kr1si need to mount a sshfs sftp folder02:45
mattgyveredbian, I got a giant ubuntu book here, i guess i should look in it ';) i read it in there02:45
edbianmattgyver: There's an idea! lol02:45
mattgyveractually i got several nix books, heh02:45
mattgyverjust a bum i guess02:45
marshaHello!  Anyone here using Silverlight under ubuntu?02:45
winterswiftfrank3ly_: this help? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=2568302:46
lilzeuswhat is with ubuntu not playing well with usb drives?02:46
vltlilzeus: Never had problems with usb drives on linux02:46
marshaHello!  Anyone here using Silverlight under ubuntu?02:46
bazhanglilzeus, right click unmount?02:46
vlt!anyone | marsha02:47
ubottumarsha: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?02:47
lilzeusvlt: well, if you simply unplug them, suddenly ubuntu is extremely slow to recognize any new usb drive you plug in02:47
Dougdoug4Netgear Rangemax WN121T driver device software for Ubuntu 9.01?02:47
marshaHas anyone gotten silverlight to work under ubuntu?02:47
bazhangDougdoug4, there is no 9.0102:47
lilzeusbazhang: and even after I eject, it takes a very long time to be recognized when plugged back in02:47
vltlilzeus: Did you unmount the file system before unplugging it?02:48
sivahow to convert ext3 to ntfs (want to play with PC BSD), cannot find the way02:48
sivanow using jaunty in one partition02:48
IdleOne!gparted | siva02:48
ubottusiva: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php02:48
pistymansorry i got disconnected02:48
lilzeusvlt: no, of course not, its a usb flash drive02:48
mattgyveredbian, http://www.troubleshooters.com/linux/prepostpath.htm02:48
bazhangsiva, pc-bsd does not use ntfs02:48
pistymancan you see what i pasted?02:48
IdleOnepistyman: not sure why it is not loading for you.02:48
pistymanits just black02:49
haven489im trying to install Java onto my ubuntu 9.01 and when i try and put in my pa$$ interminal with the "su" command it wont do anything when i type any answers all?02:49
lilzeusI should be able to plug it in, and unplug it with no problems02:49
sivatried using live CD installation, and it did not see any other ext3 partition - but did see NTFS02:49
marshaHas anyone gotten silverlight to work under ubuntu?02:49
bazhanghaven489, use sudo, and do you mean 9.1002:49
edbianmattgyver: Thanks! :)02:49
winterswiftfrank3ly_: also try verifying that ubuntu can see your card, if not look around for the drivers - i must be off for now, sorry, but send me a private message and ill get back to you later - :)02:49
sivasorry once again, how do I use gparted - give me a site to see, that is enough02:49
bazhang#ubuntu+1 for 9.10 haven48902:49
vltlilzeus: You can plug it in and out w/o problems. But when you mount a file system on it you have to unmount it before unplugging.02:49
haven489bazhang thanks02:49
marshasiva what are you trying to do?02:49
mattgyveredbian, this way the app isnt available to all users.. not that you couldnt change the perms anywa..02:50
IdleOnesiva: google gparted I think it's gparted.org02:50
edbianmattgyver: Yes I see02:50
scunizimarsha: moonlight is the silverlight for linux02:50
sivajust wanted to use PC BSD - not to compare02:50
lilzeusvlt: but I am plugging it in/out, and it causes problems...if I do that, it takes forever for anything else plugged in to be recognized02:50
sivai am new to LINUX02:50
sivabut pretty much enjoying it02:51
marshascunizi: I went to a website to listen to music online and it popped up a box to install silverlight - it recognized I was running linux..02:51
bazhangsiva the gparted livecd can do that02:51
pistymani aint enjoying it02:51
marshasiva you want to only run pc bsd?02:51
scunizimarsha: interesting.. did it offer a linux install?02:51
sivathanks, how do i use gparted02:51
bazhangsiva burn iso to cd, start up with live cd02:51
marshascunizi: it said to install "Silverlight"02:51
sivawant to run PC BSD - but dont want to remove Jaunty,  I use it for office work.02:52
LinuX2halfcan grub bootloader had an option to see which drive can I boot to?02:52
IdleOnemarsha: then it is a windows users only site it seems. kinda sucks02:52
sivathanks bazhang - you have answered for my next question02:52
scunizimarsha: check out moonlight.. it's opensource02:52
marshaIdleOne: maybe if I use the firefox user agent switcher..02:52
vltlilzeus: You could open terminal windows runnibg `watch -n 1 lsusb` and `tail -f /var/log/syslog` and see what happens when (un)plugging02:52
sivai do have PC BSD iso onto a CD.02:53
marshascunizi: will do Thanks!02:53
bazhanghttp://www.go-mono.com/moonlight/ marsha02:53
IdleOnemarsha: like scunizi said. look up moonlight and install it.02:53
ibuclawmarsha,  fyi @ moonlight: http://blog.bodhizazen.net/linux/how-to-moonlight/02:53
marshasiva you need to make a new partition by running gparted from a live cd, then reboot the live cd and install pc bsd02:53
bazhangsiva, they a support channel here on freenode iirc02:53
bastid_raZor jmeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee02:53
marshaibuclaw: thanks02:53
sivathanks marsha & bazhang.02:54
sivai will come back later if any problem occurs02:54
bazhangsiva #pcbsd02:54
sivaby the way while partitioning can I also change the file type while partitioning02:54
lilzeusvlt: so which command do I use in the terminal?02:54
ibuclawsiva, be careful there... they might bite =)02:54
bazhangbastid_raZor, you okay?02:54
jrglasgowfor some reason the NetworkManager is not showing up in the notifications area, any suggestion how to get it back?02:55
sivabut will always stick with ubuntu - always02:55
sivatop class02:55
sivaevery member of my office just fallen in love with02:55
haymakerhey quick question has anyone recently been getting problems retrieving packages from canonical/ubuntu?  not even all files just a few like upgrades to ubuntu one or nvidia packages02:55
sivai am not a computer person02:55
ubuntu2does anyone know where archive manager is?02:55
haven489no help in #ubuntu+1, bazhang02:55
bazhanghaymaker, some have complained recently with the karmic beta coming out02:55
bastid_raZorsorry bazhang .. my 3 year old likes to type :\02:55
musikgoatubuntu2: what do you mean?02:55
bazhanghaven489, be patient02:55
scunizihaymaker: you might want to change the repository it uses02:56
haymakerubuntu2: its sort of an automatic thing like double clicking a RAR file02:56
ibuclawhaven489, one min, I'll look in.02:56
haymakerubuntu2: but if you go into edit menu i think its in there somewhere02:56
marshainteresting - I switched user agent to IE 8 and went to website and it thought I was running windows IE8 - user agent switcher works good!02:56
haymakerscunizi: thanks02:56
sivanow that Jaunty is stabilised (at least for my laptop) should I upgrade to Koala soon02:56
musikgoatubuntu2: its called file-roller, its not enabled in the menu by default, but you can add it in system -> prefs -> main menu02:56
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IdleOnesiva: wait until the 30th02:56
ubuntu2it didn't go automtaically. it asked me to specify the application to open with02:57
sivano I am not talking about any particular dates, but I feel even Jaunty is too good for most of the applications02:57
sivaexcept for my inbuilt webcam (Lenovo 3000 G530) everything works perfectly02:58
lilzeusvlt: "forcibly attempting to lazy unmount"02:58
mgmuscarii've got an ide raid card and i'm trying to put ubuntu on this box02:58
sivathanks to all02:58
bazhangsiva, then try the live cd if you wish after the 30th, but if you are happy stick with Jaunty02:58
coolcathi, I think I've got some problems with java, I am not to watch any youtube movies anymore ... there's only one black screen instead . Any Idea how to fix this?02:59
mgmuscarihowever when i go to install ubuntu, it sees the drives as /dev/sda and /dev/sdb02:59
mgmuscariis this normal?02:59
sivathanks once again02:59
scunizisiva: at least for 18 months until it's end of life02:59
ubuntu2musikgoat: I dont have an edit menu02:59
mgmuscarii've set up a mirrored set through the raid bios on my card02:59
UnixDawgok I have ubuntu 8.0402:59
musikgoatubuntu2: i didn't say edit menu03:00
UnixDawgI need php5-zend and php5-pdo03:00
UnixDawgI have been told there is a repo with them in it03:00
ubuntu2musikgoat: well how do I get to edit03:01
lilzeusvlt: when I plug it back in, I get this: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 3203:01
musikgoatubuntu2: System -> Preferences -> Main Menu03:01
lilzeusvlt: then this: device descriptor read/64, error -11003:01
musikgoatubuntu2: you want to have Archive Manager available in your program list, right?03:01
lilzeusvlt: then that last message repeats03:01
lilzeusvlt: then it says: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd and address 3303:02
ubuntu2musikgoat: yes03:02
sdegutistestthis is fascinating.03:02
vltlilzeus: Does it behave the same when unmounting the file system first before unplugging?03:03
marshamoonlight works great!03:03
marshathanks for all the help!03:03
lilzeusvlt: it runs through and tries several addresses, I see a message that it is not running at top speed, then finally it works03:04
vltmgmuscari: What did you expect? Only one drive?03:04
lilzeusvlt: you want me to unmount and then plug back in again?03:04
mgmuscarivlt: i expect to see my raid set show up here, not both disks...03:04
ubuntu2musikgoat: actually, i've already used archive manager in the past when it opens automatically, but for some reason it didn't open auto this time03:04
vltlilzeus: Yes, to check if it runs faster then.03:04
musikgoatubuntu2: what are you trying to do?03:04
mgmuscarivlt: instead i see both disks including their model numbers - the card's bios states that it installs the disks as something else03:05
lilzeusno difference03:05
lilzeusits trying various addresses03:05
Wolfcastleis it ok to install i386 deb packages in ubuntu amd64?03:05
mgmuscarion boot i also don't see these showing up as devices on any ide buses03:05
tazztrying to pre-order from https://shipit.ubuntu.com/ I get "You have already received our maximum number of allowed shipments. Please download the CD image and record it yourself. "03:05
tazzany clue whats they max limit for shipment is ?03:06
vltlilzeus: You could check another usb drive. If it's the same maybe there's a problem with the usb driver and your hardware.03:06
lilzeusvlt: meaning the motherboard, not the drives...they appear to work fine under windows03:06
ubuntu2musikgoat: i'm trying to install java from the website03:07
vltmgmuscari: Ubuntu recently switches to sdX names for IDE dirves too. That doesn't solve the RAID problem though ...03:07
fufu1how do i create an alias to change working directory to my public_html directory, and show a long  list the index.html file03:07
mgmuscarivlt: yeah, i knew that much, but this is vexing me... i'm wondering if i just try to set up on one of the drives03:07
ubuntu2musikgoat: i downloaded the file, but it wont open automatically03:08
mgmuscariwill the card handle the mirroring properly....03:08
mgmuscaritrying to do raid 1 here03:08
fufu1i want to call the alias "gogogo"03:08
musikgoatubuntu2: what is the file extension?03:08
vltfufu1: `ln -s target alias`03:08
fufu1? what03:08
coolcathi, I think I've got some problems with java, I am not to watch any youtube movies anymore ... there's only one black screen instead . Any Idea how to fix this?03:08
lilzeusvlt: trying a different drive now03:08
violetblood_install the flash player03:09
violetblood_not java03:09
vltmgmuscari: If you want raid and your raid hardware isn't supported you can run software raid in linux kernel (which works well btw)03:09
fufu1vlt isnt it something like alias gogogo='cd /home/user/public_html ls -l index.html'03:09
tuffaxdoes anyone know how to fix bad header lines in apt-proxy?03:09
mgmuscarivlt: i can see my raid controller with lspci03:09
vltfufu1: Ok, I didn't understand what you really wanted ;-)03:10
KnifeySpooneyHow do I trap my mouse within a set of coordinates on the screen?03:11
lilzeusvlt: it takes a little over 30 seconds for devices to be recognized, whether ejected or not03:12
fufu1vlt: do you know how to add two commands to a single alias? I want to change to a folder and then list a file03:14
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
violetblood_alias __ & __03:14
bastid_raZorfufu1: seperate the commands with &&03:14
violetblood_alias name __&& __03:14
fufu1ok thnks03:15
mgmuscariif a vlt: how do i set up software raid then03:15
vltfufu1: Or just `alias gogogo='cmd 1; cmd 2'`03:15
vltmgmuscari: `mdadm --create /dev/md0 --level=1 --raid-devices=2 /dev/first_disk_or_partition /dev/seond...` for example03:16
mgmuscarihmm ok03:17
mgmuscarii'm going to try recreating the raid set and copying the contents of the first drive to the second before i do that03:17
mgmuscarithanks vlt03:17
vltmgmuscari: Do you need the raid just for data or do you want to run the whole OS on it?03:18
KnifeySpooneyWhenever I restart Ubuntu, I get a popup asking to enter my encryption key for the keyring for my wireless network. This is really annoying. How do I set it to get the password without confirmation?03:21
bigtom21485anyone know of a good movie file converter for ubuntu?03:21
KnifeySpooneybigtom21485: try ffmpeg03:21
davidma22I'm manually doing my partition... what should the "mount point" be for a dual boot installation?03:22
scunizidavidma22: are you manually doing the partitions?03:22
bazhangbigtom21485, handbrake03:22
NazLSex Can I click Login http://www.chatvebiz.tr.gg03:23
NazLSex Can I click Login http://www.chatvebiz.tr.gg03:23
FloodBot3NazL: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.03:23
scunizidavidma22: you're going to need a minimum of 2 partitions for the install.. preferably 3.. but 2 works.. for the OS and your data is root symbolized by "/" .. the other is /swap03:23
AnirbanHazrahow to force Ubuntu to remove a folder even if it is not empty ?03:24
scunizidavidma22: if you want to create a seperate partition for all of your personal data then "/" should be 8-12 gigs.. /swap at 2x of your ram ... and the rest /home03:24
macobazhang: thankies03:24
pshr_!info xapi03:25
ubottuPackage xapi does not exist in jaunty03:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about xapi03:25
bazhangpshr_, please /msg ubottu03:25
davidma22Hm. Okay, I have a previous installation of 64-bit ubuntu, that I'm trying to overwrite.. there's the main partition, then 3 that say "ntfs", and another that says "linux-swap"03:25
n8tuserAnirbanHazra->  rm -Rf03:26
=== violetblood_ is now known as violetblood
davidma22I'm overwriting with 32bit, so do I need to delete the "linux-swap" as well as the main one?03:27
* StavroM just installed 9.10 today - didn't survive a reboot03:27
fufu1how do I use the 'cut' command to select the first line of a text file ?03:28
macofufu1: i think cut is for columns03:28
macofufu1: you could use "head -n 1"03:29
fufu1i see03:29
macofufu1: like: head -n 1 foo.tt03:29
AnirbanHazran8tuser: Thanks , it worked03:29
UnixDawgI need php5-pdo and pdo_sqlite is there a repo with it in it03:29
UnixDawgfor 8.04.303:30
callnetti have a big problem03:30
bazhangcallnett, in karmic?03:30
callnettbazhang: hi again03:31
bazhangcallnett, in 9.10 karmic?03:31
callnettbazhang: the same problem : i cannot install nothing yes it is03:31
bazhangcallnett, the support channel for karmic is #ubuntu+1 (not here)03:32
callnettso i have to live the place03:32
bazhangcallnett, /join #ubuntu+103:33
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KnifeySpooneyWhenever I restart Ubuntu, I get a popup asking to enter my encryption key for the keyring for my wireless network. This is really annoying. How do I set it to get the password without confirmation?03:34
callnettbazhang: i am over there but nobody want to help me03:35
GothFreak27my system crashed during a dist-upgrade, whats the command to restore the upgrade process and fix any errors the crash might have caused?03:37
MoTecKnifeySpooney: http://davestechsupport.com/blog/2009/01/16/how-to-remove-ubuntus-password-keyring/03:41
MoTecit's a security risk, tho03:41
katakaioGothFreak27: Have you tried sudo update-manager -d" first?03:41
drakeup time03:42
monty_hallI'm running jaunty and am unable to use the mic under wine, anybody having this problem too?03:42
drakesv uptime03:42
codyHow do i make it to where i can use xSANE as a normal user? i can run it as sudo, but not as my own account03:43
GothFreak27thats the connand to run a dist upgrade, I was in the middle of that when amarok bit the dust and froze my whole system.. how do I recover the update? it was about 3/4 done downloading the update and dont want to wait for it all again..03:43
codyGothFreak27: Same happened to me03:43
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fufu1how do I use the pipe command to remove leading space of lines>?03:43
MoTecKnifeySpooney: Or, if you keyring password is the same as your login password...  sudo apt-get install libpam-keyring03:43
MoTecKnifeySpooney: then: echo "@include common-pamkeyring" | sudo tee -a /etc/pam.d/gdm03:43
neoTheCathas anyone had any problems with UrbanTerror suddenly losing sound, then when trying to exit, totally freeze?03:43
GothFreak27it was amarok that did it, not apt03:44
katakaioGothFreak27: Yes - I thought your system was broken during the update. If you just don't want to download the files again, then I'm out of good news :-/03:44
codyHow do i allow myself, as a normal user, to use xSANE with my USB connected printer? If i run it as sudo i can use it, but not as a normal user03:44
GothFreak27I also cant get JACK working at all in jaunty03:44
zcherusI am in deep need of help, I am trying to remove xubuntu AND kubuntu, but it's trying to remove my plesk also03:44
zcherusi used this guide: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnomehardy - why would it want to remove plesk?03:45
bazhang!puregnome | zcherus03:45
ubottuzcherus: If you want to remove all !KDE packages, type « sudo apt-get remove kdelibs4c2 kdelibs5-data && sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » into a !terminal03:45
zcherusthanks bazhang let me see if that will work03:45
zcherusno go03:46
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zcherusi messed up, i never used nothing but command line on this machine03:46
zcherusand then i had to get some sort of gui so i opted for xubuntu which was terrible experience03:46
Guest90007what channel is for people who are brand new for ubuntu?03:47
MoTeci like xubuntu :(03:47
zcherusi still can't remove most of xubuntu stuff, guide @ http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnomehardy wants to remove my plesk as well and that's unacceptable03:47
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wookienzi have an ubuntu machine that runs off a compact falsh card. Any way the mobo died and im trying to restore the fs. I am running a virtual box ubuntu instance and i need some info on how to create a new fs on another dirve and then extract the CF img to the new drive. Any pointers to websites?03:48
codyhow come i can not use the following command: echo 'none /proc/bus/usb usbfs auto,devmode=0666 0 0' >> /etc/fstab as sudo?03:48
KnifeySpooneyMoTec: Thanks! My keyring password is the same as my login. Do you know if this will work if my computer automatically logs me in?03:48
Silver_SwordsGuest90007, you're here.03:48
bastid_raZorcody: echo blahblah | sudo tee blahblah03:48
Guest90007daz - its me Stronze. i reinstalled ubuntu on his computer03:48
zcheruslong story short, now i am stuck with xubuntu, kubuntu and ubuntu, and no way to remove them and i have 0 disk space03:48
codybastid_raZor: Okay, so what would be the correct command?03:48
DaZGuest90007: and? :f03:48
MoTecKnifeySpooney: not sure.. but i assume so.03:48
Guest90007silver_sword - thanks.wasnt sure if this was it or another channe03:48
zcherusi have to do something cuz all my work is there (sure i do have backup, but i dont have time for that now as i have to ship something monday morning)03:49
Guest90007daz - giving you the update03:49
KnifeySpooneyMoTec: Ok, thanks.03:49
DaZGuest90007: remove him from sudoers03:49
zcherushow the hell do i free some space without killing plesk?03:49
DaZbefore he breaks it again ;f03:49
mb_again_zcherus: not sure about most, but if you have some swap you can make it into space03:49
Guest90007daz - LMAO03:49
bastid_raZorcody: echo 'stuff to be echoed' | sudo tee /place/to/be/put03:50
zcherusmb_again_ : its pretty tight, whole disk is 20 meg, but i do have another hd that i could plug in03:50
frank3lyhello there im having problems with apt get i could install anything03:50
frank3lycould not03:50
DaZzcherus: meg? :o03:50
zcheruserr 20 gigs03:50
DaZfrank3ly: cool03:50
frank3lyis not cool03:51
zcherusanyhow, i have one 120 gb disk laying around somewhere that i could plug in03:51
frank3lyi cannot use synaptic03:51
frank3lyneather apt-get03:51
zcherusbut i know it's not just gonna work like that, there's something to be done to tell my ubuntu to use new space and frankly i dont have idea what03:51
zcherusso any pointers are appreciated03:51
frank3lycan somebody help me ?03:51
* bitsweeper is testing aircrack-ng03:51
zcherusi need to get rid of 0 disk space asap because i cannot work and i am screwed up bigtime if i dont finish this03:52
mb_again_zcherus: im thinking you might need a bit of room to get an unistall going. You can add some more removable drive space, maybe you can mount it and use it for temp space for the unistaller. I expect if you installed stuff, you can at least uninstall part of it the same way03:52
bazhangfrank3ly, please paste.ubuntu.com with the errors from sudo apt-get update03:52
codysomebody help me with this: http://pastebin.ca/1624496 that file does not exis03:52
zcherusmb_again_ whenever i try to uninstal kubuntu or xubuntu it wants to remove my plesk as well, thats the whole problem03:52
frank3lyi will be :S hard cause the errors are on my laptop and thing that im gonna install is the network manager03:52
zcherusi plugged in 16gb flash drive which is empty03:53
zcherusmy last option is to backup everything03:53
codybastid_raZor: Thank you so much, now can you help me with this? http://pastebin.ca/1624496 That file does not excist03:53
bazhangfrank3ly, you have not networking presently on that computer?03:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cut03:53
frank3lyi messed up03:53
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal03:53
frank3lythis i was changing network manager to wicd03:53
bazhangfufu1, please /msg ubottu03:53
mb_again_zcherus: plesk is beyond me. Sorry.03:53
zcheruseither on flash or via network and then reinstall, but setting up plesk again and all domains will take me more time then i have to finish what i am doing which means i am a dead man comes the monday morning03:54
frank3lybut i got a problem with the apt get and now something is stuck03:54
LinuX2halfHi Everyone, I want to ask if its possible that I can select which drive to boot from the GRUB bootloader...?03:54
omeddragondoes someone knows how to install webos quick installer for the palm03:54
bazhangfrank3ly, without errors to troubleshoot it is very hard to help you03:54
zcherusmb_again_ plesk is running fine all this time, it's just that removing kubuntu-desktop for example tries to remove plesk as well - no idea why03:54
zcherusone question though03:54
frank3lythe problem is03:54
zcherusif i removed it and then installed back all the packages that are plesk related, it would work right?03:54
codygotta restart real quic03:55
frank3lyit seems that synaptic is running and i cannot access to another app that use it03:55
bazhangfrank3ly, then close synaptic03:55
frank3lyi cannot03:55
frank3lyhow i do that03:55
bazhangfrank3ly, is synaptic running? open a terminal and type top03:56
sagacii'm having trouble playing dvds, i've installed all the restricted codecs etc, but when i open a dvd the program opens but promptly closes03:57
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frank3lyno is not:S03:57
mb_again_zcherus: i think that is a scary idea. I would be adding some disk space to make the system usabel for whatever it does. and possibly some surgical unistalls of xxxbuntu components. your installer should be able to list back all the things installed. Try removing components that are irrelevant to the machien03:57
bazhangfrank3ly, then sudo apt-get update in the terminal and paste.ubuntu.com with the error message03:58
zcherusmb_again_ there comes the problem, I always used command line only, never even bothered with gui, so I dont have idea where to go, what to read, what to do. I am only familiar with command line as all I do is web related, so most I ever needed was to maybe edit crontab and things like that.03:58
mb_again_xcherus: another concept entirely: can you make a full and usable backup of the machine as it is? If so, you can do that then go to town with your scary Idea knowing that if it blows up you can be back where you are now.03:59
=== MsgServer is now known as Dougdoug4
mb_again_zcherus: which command? apt? aptitude? somthing else?03:59
zcherusmb_again_ right now i am trying to remove some crap, just so i get enough to backup stuff03:59
zcherusi backed up all domains, but because there's no space, plesk can't even gzip them and i cant download em04:00
bazhangsagaci, and you installed the package libdvdcss2 from medibuntu.org ?04:00
frank3lyunable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-missing04:00
zcherusi tried with aptitude right now04:00
sagacibazhang: yep04:00
zcherusand its nto looking good04:00
jobanybody here with knowledge of fluxbox?04:01
zcherusi freed up like 14 megs, removing some crap, biggest problem is that i dont have idea what is what except my usual stuff, plesk/apache/mysql/php etc, so i am afraid that i will remove something that i shouldnt and PAF i am dead person04:01
carpediemjob: been a long while, I used to use it as my primary DE04:01
frank3lysome index files failed to download they have been ignore, or old ones used instead04:01
jobthere is a way to change windows decoration can't remember how04:01
=== toby_ is now known as tobyn
carpediemjob: definitely.  It's in the right-click menu, or at least used to be04:02
jobnot styles04:02
AJC_Z0job: fluxbox is a window manager, not a decorator04:02
frank3lysome index files failed to download they have been ignore, or old ones used instead04:02
carpediemjob: the fluxbox window borders are part of the styles, unless you're running Compiz or Metacity instead04:03
bazhangfrank3ly, what version of ubuntu04:03
AJC_Z0You would have to configure gdm to use it, I think04:03
jobi know but there is a small program that change windows decorations i used it before.  cant remember the name04:03
zcherusi do have a backup but backup is about 10 days old, and in last 5 days i worked close to 100 hours :S04:03
jobi tried fluxbox IRC but nobody there04:04
Silver_Swordsjob: i think all linux wizards are here. =)04:05
mb_again_zcherus: use the temp disk to get your current backup done and safe. Take a deep breath and clean it up04:06
zcherusyeah thats what i am going to do, just need to free some more space so system can breathe04:07
bastid_raZorzcherus: possibly get rid of some of the .gz logs in /var/logs/04:07
jobmaybe i am not explaining myself very well.04:08
zcherusif you got any names of crap packages that come with kubuntu it would be helpful04:08
zcherusbastid_raZor think i already clearead the logs, but good idea, let me check it up04:08
cody___PROBLEM: Whenever i boot, i get the message that my home directory appears to be /home/cody, but it could not be found, do i want to use / instead? I click no, then it gives me the error: "Users $HOME/.dmrc file is ignored... It should be owned by the user and have 644 permisions. What is wrong?04:08
concretesledgecould someone please tell me what the problem is?04:09
cody___I am on LiveCD right now04:09
jobthe area of the app with file-edit-and such is kind of dull without the decoration.  about  years ago i used fluxbox then i had to install a little program to give gnome decoration to apps04:09
joeb3_cody___, does /home/cody exist? Is user cody the owner?04:09
cody___joeb3_: Both should be yes, i will mount the partition that has /home on it to see if something happened04:10
jobkind just remember the name of the program04:10
LinuX2halfso I have an windows installation CD, but GRUB doesn't seem to noticed the disk.....so is there a way to work around this situation?04:10
cody___joeb3_: Yes, /home/cody exists.04:10
cody___I edited my fstab file, could that be it?04:11
joeb3_cody___, ls -l /home.  does cody own cody?04:11
cody___joeb3_: Would that command still apply since i am on a live cd?04:11
joeb3_cody___, dare I ask what you did to fstab/04:11
cody___joeb3_: haha. I added /proc/bus/usb to it04:11
concretesledgehttp://yfrog.com/1rscreenshot1ip help NO SOUND04:11
joeb3_cody___, so remove it. Sounds like /home is not being mounted.04:12
macleodrconcretesledge - what system is missing sound?04:12
callnettbazhang: r u still here?04:12
cody___joeb3_: Okay, how would i do so? I am on the liveCD04:12
concretesledgemacdleodr onboard NVIDIA HDA04:12
concretesledgeit was working minutes ago04:12
bazhangcallnett, yes04:13
macleodrconcretesledge - ok but what hardware?04:13
joeb3_cody___, mount the hard drive and edit the fstab.04:13
concretesledgemacleodr,  i installed a sound card that worked for a while, then stopped .. now i have no sound at all04:13
cody___joeb3_: I will be allowed to without being sudo?04:13
concretesledgemacleodr, the sound hardware?04:13
joeb3_cody___, you can sudo from the livecd04:13
callnettbazhang: so i did everithing how u ask04:13
concretesledgeHDA NVidia Sound Card04:13
cody___joeb3_: I found out what happened!!! For some reason, when i had it add the line to fstab, it removed everything else04:14
cody___how do i *gulp* how do i restore it?04:14
concretesledgemacleodr, HDA NVidia Sound Card04:14
macleodrcon...edge - I was just wondering if you were on a macbook like me... sound works for headphone jack but not speakers.04:14
concretesledgeno IBM04:14
concretesledgethe sound was working just fine before04:14
LinuX2halfCan GRUB boot CDs?04:14
cody___LinuX2half: Yes04:15
joeb3_cody___, if you don't have a backup, create it manually.  Use /etc/fstab on the livecd as a guide.04:15
cody___as long as your BIOS supports it04:15
cody___joeb3_: Okay, cause i never expected that hehe I will c/p04:15
mordocaiLinuX2half: Why not just use your BIOS boot menu?04:15
cody___in a way04:15
Dantoniccan I play a different region DVD in ubuntu?04:15
Dantonicplay or copy04:16
LinuX2halfcody__: Really but someone at the linux channel tells me GRUB can't boot Cds04:16
kiamoMy filesystem corrupted, can I fix it with the 9.10beta live cd?  or will I have to download 9.04?04:16
icarus-cLinuX2half: you need to specify the proper hd id to grub04:16
icarus-ckiamo: what filesystem04:16
LinuX2halfHard Disk Identification?04:16
cody___joeb3_: Uh oh... i remember mine being very different :(04:16
icarus-ckiamo: try a e2fsck -fy  first04:17
cody___i have 3 partitions. One for the system of ubuntu, one for /home, and one for the linux swap.04:17
cody___the /home and system partitions being ext4 file systesm04:17
jetscreamerLinuX2half: you want to look at grub204:18
jetscreameri heard grub1 can't boot cd's04:18
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kiamoicarus-c, would it be wise to make a DD image of the partition first?04:18
macleodr9.10 on macbook - big upgrade caused reset, now latest kernel (31-14-generic) doesn't find initramfs - anyone else have this problem?04:18
heinzes1after update to karmic, none of the programs in /etc/xdg/autostart are run anymore. how can I get them to start again?04:18
LinuX2halfalright let me check online first....04:19
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub204:19
jetscreameroh ok04:19
jetscreamerwell then04:19
sagaci!karmic | heinzes104:19
ubottuheinzes1: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+104:19
TheRealmezquitalanyone knows if there's a channel for mixx?04:19
TheRealmezquitalforget it, i found the mixxx channel04:19
icarus-ckiamo: meaning less if the filesystem is corrupted..04:19
heinzes1sagaci, I know, I just don't find a way to activate it again04:20
caseydHey All, www.footballfandom.com if you are a NFL Football Fan! Support this Vetran owned business please!! :)04:20
jetscreameryou can 'probably' get grub2 from the restricted or something.. i wouldn't know that04:20
jetscreamers/that/that,\ though/04:20
jetscreamerthat looks punny04:21
hsarciwhats the best p2p prog from linux?04:21
LinuX2halfwell thanks any04:21
DantonicIs it possible for me to play a DVD from a different region?  I have an Italian DVD and would like  to play it under 9.04 here in the US04:22
heinzes1is there a setting in xubuntu to turn on/off the autostart from /etc/xdg/autostart?04:22
TheRealmezquitalDantonic, yes, you will have to encrypt it and store the DVD in your hard drive04:23
TheRealmezquitalDantonic, i meant to say you have to unencrypt it first04:23
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats04:23
DantonicTheRealmezquital, If I simply copy the DVD with K9copy onto another DVD will it get rid of the region protection?04:23
LinuX2halfI don't see any features that says CD drive bootable...04:23
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto04:23
TheRealmezquitalDantonic, look at jetscreamer  ' s post04:24
jetscreamerDantonic: probably.. not positive04:24
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub204:24
jetscreamertry /lastlog04:24
hsarciDoes anyone know of a good p2p program???04:24
Dantonicjetscreamer, thanks, looked at that post and installed that restricted formats package, and it still won't play04:24
TheRealmezquitaljetscreamer, is it possible to play DVD's from different regions on a computer using ubuntu?04:24
bazhang!p2p > hsarci04:24
ubottuhsarci, please see my private message04:24
DantonicI guess I'll try copying see what happens04:25
liviowebbrasilians here04:25
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.04:25
liviowebyer man04:25
hsarcilol bazhang, i was looking for a personal opinion04:25
bazhanghsarci, ask bestbot in #ubuntu-bots , please dont take polls here04:26
TheRealmezquitalDantonic, I dont know what K9copy does but if all it does is copy the DVD then the DVD replica will be the same as the new one, you have to unencrypt the DVD first for you to remove the region protection, that's what I had to do when I had the same problem04:26
liviowebsorry man04:26
jetscreamerDantonic: i usually use mencoder or avidemux for video stuff... with xine, iirc you can set the region code(w/o actually changing the code written on the rom? of the dvdPlayer) but i can't swear to it04:26
TheRealmezquitaljetscreamer, so it is possible to play DVD's from different location codes using ubuntu then?04:27
jetscreamerDantonic: you can rip the region code off the dvd when you rip it.. that 'can' invole actually re-encoding04:27
CyberKitsuneHello, my iPod mounts as read-only, how do I mount it read-write?04:27
bazhanglivioweb, /join #ubuntu-br04:27
gamerx /join #ubuntu-br04:27
gamerxbeat you04:27
TheRealmezquitallivioweb, if you speak english you can ask away in here, you dont have to be brasileiro just communicate in english to stay04:28
jetscreamerTheRealmezquital: you 'can' ... but i can't swear 'you' can... depends on how much trouble you are willing to go to i would imagine04:28
liviowebsim eu falo ingle anr speak portugues ;/04:28
kaeserDoes this ggz thing really works? I've never played any games there. Is this fake? (I've tried some)04:29
ubuntu_hi, my computer went to low res i think 640x480 and it wont go normal again or let me use the nvidia drivers04:29
jetscreamersame answer :)04:29
* jetscreamer returns to lurk mode04:30
ubuntu_does anyone know why it wont let me start the nvidia drivers04:30
Dantonicjetscreamer, thanks actually k9copy uses mencoder I believe04:30
icarus-cubuntu_: how did you install the nvidia driver?04:30
Nattgewdoes the computer wait until gdm's postsession script is done running before shutting down?04:31
ubuntu_just automaticallt through the OS04:31
coz_ubuntu_,    ok did you reboot the system after doing that?04:31
ubuntu_every time i reboot ubuntu enters low res mode04:31
coz_ubuntu_,   in terminal    lspci | grep -i vga04:31
ubuntu_01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV44 [GeForce 6200 TurboCache(TM)] (rev a1)04:32
K1LL9can someone help me write a init.d script for a ircd ?04:32
liviowebtuto instal moden sony ericson 30004:32
coz_ubuntu2,  ok  and in the terminal    nvidia-settings04:32
coz_ubuntu_, sorry that was for you ^^04:32
jetscreamerDantonic: actually i think i looked at k9copy once... i forget. you might check out avidemux if you make this kind of thing a habit, or find it useful. it's probably avilable in restricted, or the normal ones.. not sure though.04:32
ubuntu_You do not appear to be using the NVIDIA X driver. Please edit your X configuration file (just run `nvidia-xconfig` as root), and restart the X server.04:32
jetscreamersimple to use04:33
coz_ubuntu_,  ok   in that terminal   sudo nvidia-xconfig04:33
ubuntu_i have tried that nvidia-xconfig04:33
ubuntu_and restarted, and made no difference04:33
coz_ubuntu_,  mmmm04:33
jetscreamerdid you make sure your nvidia chipset is supported in the driver version you are trying to install?04:33
ubuntu_jetscreamer, it was working fine before04:34
AnirbanHazra how can I redirect 123.abc.com to xyz.com/467/ by editing dns records ?04:34
K1LL9can someone help me write a init.d script for a ircd ?04:34
coz_ubuntu_,  ok go back to  system/administration/hardware drivers04:34
coz_ubuntu_,  it was working fine before what?04:34
ubuntu_just did a package update and restarted04:35
jetscreamerubuntu_: less /var/log/Xorg.0.log and .. err.... which packages?04:35
yoophglupdid you activate the driver from the system->admin->hardware drivers04:35
ubottuXEN is a virtual machine monitor for x86 that supports execution of multiple guest operating systems with unprecedented levels of performance and resource isolation. Information on installing it for Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Xen04:35
ubuntu_ok the driver is not activated, ill try using an old driver04:36
yoophglupjust activate it04:36
coz_ubuntu_,  what driver version are available  in hardware drivers04:36
icarus-cubuntu_: you need to stick with the 173xx iirc04:36
zcheruspray for me, backing up plesk dump04:36
icarus-cnewer nvidia drivers have dropped support for your card04:37
ubuntu_ok i will choose 173, i also have 180 and 9604:37
coz_ubuntu_,  ah any of those drivers should work with that card04:37
ubuntu_although it was working fine with 180 before04:37
coz_ubuntu_,  the 180 should work fine  what I would do first is disable that driver...restart...then reinstall it04:37
metrizquick question: i installed xubuntu on ubuntu server and its booting to the gdm, how do i set it to boot to console04:38
coz_ubuntu_,  I would also in a terminal do    sudo apt-get update  then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade before reinstallation of that driver04:38
ubuntu_how do i disable it, because it says they arent activated, i think it is already disabled04:38
icarus-coops, yea 180 supports geforce6000 too04:38
coz_ubuntu_,  in hardware drivers there should be a disable button04:38
LinuX2halfwhy I insert a Cd and my computer defines it as a blank CD?04:39
yoophglupthats because its already not activated04:39
ubuntu_just says this driver is not activated for all three04:39
amv6356I run Ubuntu and I can't get 3D graphics working04:39
BlueyLinuX2half: is it a blank cd?04:39
metrizquick question: i installed xubuntu on ubuntu server and its booting to the gdm, how do i set it to boot to console04:39
yoophglupJUST activate one and restart04:39
coz_ubuntu_,  ok  then try reinstalling it04:39
amv6356GLXinfo says Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".04:39
DantonicTheRealmezquital, jetscreamer, thank you very much for your help, gotta go I'll try out your suggestions.04:39
ubuntu_should i uninstall the drivers from synaptic?04:39
coz_ubuntu_,  but04:39
amv6356Is there some software I'm missing or something?04:39
coz_ubuntu_,   first do sudo apt -get update04:39
coz_ubuntu_,  then sudo apt-get dist-upgrade04:39
metrizanyone know?04:40
ubuntu_sure, so uninstall, then reinstall or just reinstall?04:40
coz_ubuntu_,  reinstall  after updating04:40
amv6356lspci says my graphics chipset is "VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 07)04:40
TheRealmezquitalDantonic, no problem, i did it successfully in windows but that was quite a while ago, it's quite simple though04:40
ubuntu_thanks ill try it now04:40
metrizquick question: i installed xubuntu on ubuntu server and its booting to the gdm, how do i set it to boot to console04:40
d33dis ubuntu looking for contributors?04:40
amv6356I've checked the X.Org logs and there are no errors or anything.04:41
ubottuTo contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://www.ubuntu.com/community/participate04:41
metrizquick question: i installed xubuntu on ubuntu server and its booting to the gdm, how do i set it to boot to console04:41
LinuX2halfbluey: yes it is04:41
coz_metriz,  I am not sure04:41
BlueyLinuX2half: then yes it is supposed to say that...04:41
coz_metriz,  why is it you want to boot to console?04:41
arschgameisali du habasch gahts guet?04:41
BlueyLinuX2half: it's ready and waiting fof you to do something with it --04:41
LinuX2halfbluey: well the cd is an installation cd so it isn't suppose to be blank...04:41
d33dwhy is everything so "RO-BOT-TIC" lets use a bot for everything, maybe I want some user interaction with another person from the Ubuntu community?04:42
BlueyLinuX2half: ooops!04:42
bazhangarschgamei, english here please04:42
BlueyLinuX2half: have you tried another cd?04:42
yoophglupmetriz: one time or all the time?04:42
tecywiz121Hey, just looking for a point in the right direction, my Synaptics touch pad is not working, but usb mice are, just upgraded my fglrx04:42
jetscreamermetriz: /etc/X11/default-display-manager controls it, /etc/init.d/?dm is the actual startup script for the program... gdm 'probably. you can edit the default-display-manager file and just empty it out if you want (back it up first eh)04:42
coz_d33d,  what was the issue again?04:42
coz_d33d,  i didnt see the post04:42
ubuntu_coz_, i am running dist-upgrade now.. it has a while to go... which command should i run for reinstall?04:42
bazhangd33d, they would point you to that link04:42
d33dcoz_, i wanted to know if ubuntu is looking for contributors?04:43
LinuX2halfbluey: yes, an Cd-r and I write an iso image inside and its still blank...04:43
coz_ubuntu_,   no command just go back into hardware drivers and install it from there after the update04:43
* jetscreamer doesn't say no who in their right minds wants ppl to give them money04:43
d33dno one can answer "yes we are and here's how! with an enthusiastic Join our Community?04:43
coz_d33d,   money contributors or code contributors?   both I think are welcome :)04:43
BlueyLinuX2half: what programme did you use to write the iso?04:43
arschgameiich wott e banane04:43
LinuX2halfbluey: the problem is that GRUB can't seem to boot from the disc04:43
bazhangd33d, as this is a support channel for existing installs, we tend to give out links as such04:44
LinuX2halfbluey: well I use windows wizard in my other computer to write it04:44
OpenBluntSurgeryhey how do I add a new user through the gui? the add user button is grey'd out04:44
BlueyLinuX2half: from the CD or from your hard drive?04:44
gamerxOpenBluntSurgery, you need to click unlock04:44
LinuX2halfbluey: from the optical drive (CD)04:44
BlueyLinuX2half: ahh not familiar with that.....04:44
OpenBluntSurgerygamerx: ?04:44
yoophglupclick UNLOCK04:44
gamerxOpenBluntSurgery, click it click it, on the add user window at the bottom, cant miss it04:45
BlueyLinuX2half: I use Nero in both windows and linux -- same interface - zero re-learning04:45
SpreadsheetIf I upgrade to 9.10 now, and then the final release comes, can I still upgrade to the final release?04:45
OpenBluntSurgeryclick to make changes, got ya04:45
gamerxOpenBluntSurgery, hth04:45
camlinhere comes my bot04:45
Magnesiummetriz: After gdm loads, you can press ctrl+alt+backspace and then ctrl+alt+F104:45
bazhangcamlin, which bot04:46
LinuX2halfbluey: well it seems that when I insert an music CD, the computer won't noticed it though04:46
OpenBluntSurgeryso i just installed ubuntu on my new lappy04:46
OpenBluntSurgerypretty cool stuff04:46
gamerxOpenBluntSurgery, same lol :004:46
camlinum, just a bot that does nothing and sits around but, if you give it op it does stuff04:46
gamerxOpenBluntSurgery, what laptop you get?04:46
bazhangcamlin, what nick?04:46
BlueyLinuX2half: can you pastbin the output of:  cat /etc/fstab04:47
LinuX2halfbluey: And someone told me that I can use chain loader to boot windows OS directly but I want to boot it from the CD......04:47
Magnesiummetriz: Okay, better solution to stop it every time: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=91527804:47
gamerxanyone can help me with kismet please?04:47
BlueyLinuX2half: well your computer bios has to be set to boot off the cd -- that might be your problem -- most systems are set up to boot off the hard drive first...04:48
SpreadsheetAlso, I have firefox-3.5 in Jaunty. I turned off the anti-aliased fonts which are enabled by default in jaunty, however firefox is still using anti-aliased fonts04:48
SpreadsheetHow do I change this?04:48
OpenBluntSurgerygamerx: here are the specs on it http://pastebin.com/m6345c95004:49
CyberKitsuneHello, I have an HFS+ Formatted iPod, Ubuntu mounts it as read-only, how can I mount it as read-write? I tried googleing without success.04:49
MagnesiumSpreadsheet: Have you completely restarted firefox after you made the change?04:49
LinuX2halfbluey: well if thats the problem that it would be already resolved....but things go wrong all the time so.....even though the optical drive is in first order by default, I suspect that there's something else going on, UUID=80f73154-5559-4603-866f-2282bc7456dc / ext3 defaults 0 104:50
LinuX2halfUUID=ac99ff4b-becc-4ad1-bceb-2437705e69ba swap swap sw 0 004:50
LinuX2half/dev/sr0 /mnt udf,iso9660 defaults 0 004:50
SpreadsheetYes, I have turned off anti-aliased fonts for a while now and I have restarted the computer04:50
bazhangcamlin, please dont run bots in here without permission; was mdeonte your bot?04:50
OpenBluntSurgerygamerx: got it for 920$ shipped04:50
gamerxOpenBluntSurgery, haha friggen nice, obviously you have wiped: Genuine Windows Vista Home Premium with Service Pack 1 (64-bit)04:50
SpreadsheetIt is really annoying to have every other application have normal fonts except ff04:50
gamerxOpenBluntSurgery, USD?04:50
OpenBluntSurgerygamerx: yeah i didnt even try it, just installed the beta04:51
OpenBluntSurgerygamerx: yea04:51
BlueyLinuX2half: you should have something that looks like this:  /dev/scd0       /media/cdrom0   udf,iso9660 user,noauto,exec,utf8 0       004:51
yoophglupyou can get a refund for the windows if you request it04:51
gamerxOpenBluntSurgery,  1 002 Australian dollars :)04:51
OpenBluntSurgeryyoophglup: hows that?04:51
gamerxOpenBluntSurgery, thats really cheap...04:51
yoophgluphold on i'll give ya link04:51
LinuX2halfbluey: it seemed that your output doesn't match my own....04:52
OpenBluntSurgerygamerx: there was a coupon for 250$ off i found and 250$ instant rebate -- slickdeals.net04:52
yoophgluphttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windows_refund   -good luck04:52
Blueyfor the guy with the ipod try this -- mount -o remount rw /dev/ipod (or whatever it's called)04:52
gamerxOpenBluntSurgery,  so it was originally about 1500, hmm good value :04:53
=== TaTas is now known as TaTasKan
LinuX2halfbluey: mine's are /dev/sr0 /mnt/ udf,iso9660 defaults 0 004:53
OpenBluntSurgerygamerx: yeah04:53
BlueyLinuX2half: that should work...04:53
OpenBluntSurgerygamerx: i was looking all over for a native 1920x1080p laptop and this was the best deal04:53
arschgameimnt -o loop04:53
MagnesiumSpreadsheet: Okay try launching it like this: GDK_USE_XFT=0 firefox04:54
arschgameimy dad was sunOS my mother linux, and im a linos04:54
BlueyLinuX2half: mine is a dvd looks like your's is a cd....04:54
arschgameisome of my friends call me solux04:54
gamerxOpenBluntSurgery, hmm fully sick, does the webcam work in linux, and i love the sounds of that backlit keyboard04:54
ubuntu_ok coz_ the upgrades just finished downloading and it is installing now, i will restart, enable the nvidia hardware driver and restart again. brb04:54
LinuX2halfbluey: okay...but does that tell me that the cd is able to boot...?04:54
SpreadsheetSame thing04:54
OpenBluntSurgerygamerx: looks like the webcam is working fine.. everything is fine except for the fingerprint scanner04:54
OpenBluntSurgerygamerx: which is no big deal04:54
gamerxOpenBluntSurgery, how do you access the image from the webcam, i can never seem to get it to work04:55
BlueyLinuX2half: no - I'd try another disc -- if you have a bootable windows cd - and if tht works then that tells us the linux cd is bad -- if that doesn't work then it's probably bios04:55
ubuntu_Errors were encountered while processing:04:56
ubuntu_ linux-headers-2.6.28-15-generic04:56
ubuntu_ linux-headers-generic04:56
MagnesiumSpreadsheet: Hmmm, don't know then. Here's what I was looking at: http://www.linuxhowtos.org/Tips%20and%20Tricks/firefoxnoaa.htm04:56
LinuX2halfbluey: well the linux Cd is bootable at the GRUB process but not Windows CD though....04:56
SpreadsheetI'll read that04:56
BlueyLinuX2half: grub is NOT involved in booting a cd --04:56
LinuX2halfbluey: so the BIOS is responsible for the CD.....?04:58
OpenBluntSurgerygamerx: well i havent tried a program but dmesg shows as its loading     8.509298] input: HP Webcam as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb2/2-4/2-4:1.0/input04:58
BlueyLinuX2half: yes...04:58
BlueyLinuX2half: if you're getting to grub it's too late in the game --04:58
jobThe program I was looking for to change the appearance of apps in fluxbox is gtk-chtheme.  there are about three of them.  I am sure my explanation let me down.04:58
shawn_LinuX2half you can run those live CDs without even GRUB installed04:58
SpreadsheetThat guide looks old04:58
MikeChelenthe swap usage is constantly near maximum (2600/2900mb) even though there is plenty space on the disk, is this a problem?04:58
LinuX2halfbluey: but like I tell you the LIVE CD worked but the windows is another story........04:59
Blueyshawn_: yes...thanks..04:59
MagnesiumSpreadsheet: Yeah, I know, but I though it might still work. No luck?04:59
shawn_Bluey sarcasm?04:59
ubuntu_thanks coz_ it works fine now, all i had to do was the dist-upgrade and part of that process was to install the 173 nvidia drivers, restarted, works fine04:59
IdleOneLinuX2half: you are trying to boot a copy of a windows cd?04:59
SpreadsheetI saw this Ubuntu Zilla thing04:59
Blueyshawn_: not at all04:59
SpreadsheetIt upgrades ff to the latest release04:59
SpreadsheetIt might work04:59
BlueyLinuX2half: dunno == sorry I couldn't help04:59
LinuX2halfldleOne: yes, its an copy...04:59
LinuX2halfBluey: thanks anyway05:00
shawn_Bluey Oh okay.  I thought you were being sarcastic since I stated the obvious but it hadnt been said and I didnt know if he realied X_X05:00
IdleOneLinuX2half: I suspect your copy is not bootable.05:00
TazManiachi guys05:00
Blueyshawn_: not today...but I am fluent in sarcasm05:00
iarpanyone have an idea why there would be like 16 sshd processes running at once, and like 14apaches in ps -A. Only 2 ppl are ssh connected and neithor of us are using apache05:00
shawn_Bluey Haha arent we all xD05:00
LinuX2halfldleOne: Really? How do  I know it for sure that its not a bootable disc?05:00
Blueyshawn_: indeed05:00
ubuntu_iarp, somebody is hacking you05:00
OpenBluntSurgeryso i think im going to try out this compizfusion stuff05:00
LinuX2halfldleOne: so if I try to use this windows cd then it won't work with ANY computer correct?05:01
gamerxOpenBluntSurgery, sweet, my stats are here: input: http://bit.ly/15SjTd05:01
kust0miarp: Apache keeps a minimum number of children open. There should be a setting in the config file somewhere for it.05:01
MagnesiumSpreadsheet: Maybe...don't know why firefox is an exception to the universal anti-aliasing settings, though.05:01
SpreadsheetI installed firefox-3.505:01
iarpas for sshd?05:01
OpenBluntSurgerygamerx: are you using irssi?05:01
SpreadsheetThis might be a problem with that release05:01
IdleOneLinuX2half: well make sure bios are set to boot from cd, ( ubuntu live cd boots so bios are set correct ) then popin the "windows" cd and try to boot it, if it doesn't you have a problem.05:01
MagnesiumSpreadsheet: Why do you want to disable antialiasing anyway?05:01
kust0miarp: are you using scp or anything?05:01
gamerxwhats the dmesg command to find video (wecam) devices :)05:01
SpreadsheetI don05:01
Spreadsheet't like the look of it...05:01
gamerxOpenBluntSurgery, whats that?05:01
iarpkust0m: i did yesterday to xfer a crap load between an old linux server and this new one05:02
OpenBluntSurgerygamerx: its a terminal based IRC client, kinda cool05:02
TazManiacI need some help with a sound issue.  Can someone help me?05:02
IdleOneLinuX2half: yes if the cd is not bootable it wouldn't work with any computer05:02
macoIdleOne: what? "ubuntu live cd boots so bios are set correct"????05:02
gamerxOpenBluntSurgery, hang on05:02
iarpkust0m: but the old ones shutdown now and not connected05:02
macoIdleOne: regardless what's on the CD, the BIOS has to be set to boot from CD05:02
kust0miarp: unless they didn't exit that shouldn't be causing it. i'm not sure.05:02
LinuX2halfldleone: well clearly that my computer won't give me a clue of what to press to boot from the CD.....05:02
IdleOnemaco: if the bios are not set to boot from cd the ubuntu cd wont boot05:02
=== carlos is now known as Guest55577
nightshadeFrom the top of one's head, does anyone know what the function or class to to read from a file in python is?  I forgot.05:02
MagnesiumSpreadsheet: Really? It's kinda funny, I'm trying to *get* antialiasing to work on all my programs (only working on some).05:02
yoophgluptaz whats your issue05:03
iarpkust0m: would they exit automatically or would i have had to have done something05:03
IdleOneso if the ubuntu cd boots it's safe to assume the bios are correct05:03
SpreadsheetLooks like the ubuntuzilla wants to install 3.0 :S05:03
macoIdleOne: oh ok. your sentence looked like "regardless how th bios is set, ubuntu cds will boot but windows cds require that you set the bios properly" and i was kinda O_o at that05:03
TazManiacjust installed latest ubuntu on a virtual machine and have no sound05:03
OpenBluntSurgerygamerx: try this dmesg |grep Webcam05:03
SpreadsheetWell, bye05:03
TazManiacit doesnt seem to recognise that I have a inbuilt soundcard05:03
IdleOnemaco: :) sorry I didn't phrase that well05:03
Sp0tteh-Hey all, when i setup my display settings using System -> Preferences -> Display, it asks me to log off and log back in, but when i do the settings a set arn't applied. Still show as default (Mirror Screens). Any ideas?05:03
kust0miarp: they should terminate on their own i believe. try 'ps auxwww | grep ssh', see if it tells you anything. you might want to check netstat for open connections to port 22.05:03
MoTecTazManiac: What kind of virtual server?05:04
OpenBluntSurgerycan you use wildcards in grep?05:04
OpenBluntSurgerycause dmesg |grep *web* is not working?05:04
TazManiacSun xVM virtualbox05:04
Demi-Godtrolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled...05:05
Demi-God...trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled...05:05
MoTectry setting the sound to Also or pulseaudio05:05
Demi-God...trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled...05:05
FloodBot2Demi-God: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:05
OpenBluntSurgeryban plz05:05
MoTecALSA, rather..05:05
callnettbazhang: i love u , i love ubuntu05:05
gamerxpl bann demi-god05:05
maco!ops | Demi-God flood/troll05:05
ubottuDemi-God flood/troll: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!05:05
nightshadeoh fuck!05:05
MoTecThis is a virtualbox setting...  Settings > Audio05:05
=== wookienz_ is now known as wookienz
nightshadeI'm outa here!05:05
maco!ohmy | nightshade05:05
icarus-ciarp: run a  "who" command05:05
tecywiz121update to my earlier question: it seems there is no device file for the touchpad, but it is present in "/proc/bus/input/devices"05:05
ubottunightshade: Please remember that all Ubuntu IRC channels share the same attitude of providing friendly and polite interaction with all users of all ages and cultures. Basically, this means no foul language and no abuse towards others.05:05
yoophgluphave you tested all your sound settings under system->preferences->sound05:05
kust0mOpenBluntSurgery: you have to put it in single quotes i think05:05
iarpicarus-c: i did, only shows myself and a friend logged in05:06
icarus-ciarp: you should be fine05:06
MoTecTazManiac:  In virtual box, go to settings > audio.. It defaults to null, pick Alsa or pulse05:06
OpenBluntSurgerykust0m: you know how I can tell what version of ubuntu I am running?05:06
macoOpenBluntSurgery: lsb_release -a05:06
stealth-anyone know how to increase the javascript speed on firefox in linux? Facebook laggs SO much on my pentium 4 system, which seems not right to me.05:06
nightshadeIs it possible to get a virus from IRC (besides getting annoyed by a troll) Am I safe?05:06
MikeChelennightshade: it depends what you do05:06
iarpicarus-c: i figured so, just found it weird to have so many open for 2 people05:07
TazManiacThanks.  I will give it a go.  Just noticed the settings on the VM program.  Audio is set to disabled.  I can't change it until I get out of linux though.05:07
nightshadeI mean, they're idiots, but they can copy/paste from sites easily.05:07
ubuntu_if you accept an incoming file maybe05:07
MoTecnightshade: make sure your client is configured not to accept DCC05:07
MikeChelennightshade: if you accept a file transfer, a file may be downloaded to your system. if you run that file, it will execute with your current user access05:07
icarus-cstealth-: recompile firefox & xulrunner with optimized flags maybe?05:07
wookienzif i want to move an entire filesytem from one drive to another do i need to partitiotn thae sam as the previous one? can i just dd a copy of the original drive to another drive?05:07
nightshadeuhhh, how do I do that (sorry if I sound like a noob)05:07
Magnesiumnightshade: if you transfer files using irc perhaps. But just test...no risk that i know of05:07
Demi-Godtrolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled05:07
Demi-Godtrolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled05:07
Demi-Godtrolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled05:08
FloodBot2Demi-God: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:08
Demi-Godtrolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled trolled05:08
nightshadedemi god, please don't be annoying.05:08
icarus-ciarp: the number of processes won't do any harm :P05:08
MikeChelennightshade: if you download a file and are careful not to run it, then it should not be able to harm the system05:08
MoTeche just wants attention.. ignore him05:08
maco!ops | Demi-God flood/troll AGAIN05:08
ubottuDemi-God flood/troll AGAIN: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!05:08
=== med2 is now known as FiremanEd
Sp0tteh-when i setup my display settings using System -> Preferences -> Display, it asks me to log off and log back in, but when i do the settings a set arn't applied. Still show as default (Mirror Screens). Any ideas?05:08
nightshadeChan-op, get him outta here!05:08
MoTecif a channel op was paying attention he'd already be kicked/banned...05:08
Magnesiumdemi-god is gone now...he left05:09
datzHi, I'm trying to sort out a problem of no sound with the browser if the media player is open, and no sound with the media player if the browser is open and has played sound. Can someone help me?05:09
MikeChelennightshade: what irc program are you using, xchat?05:09
tecywiz121datz, what media player are you using?05:09
MikeChelendatz: do you know what sound card you have?05:09
IdleOnemneptok: paying attention? :)05:09
nightshadeIs there a function where we can vote on the op, so when nobody's here, somebody can take over and do it for him?05:09
nightshade(or her)05:09
datzit doesn't matter, none will work05:09
MoTecscreen + irssi forever :)05:09
tecywiz121datz, oh, and are you using flash in the browser?05:09
datzMikeChelen, I'm not certain05:09
datzyes, flash05:09
mezquitaledatz, if you find your answer please send me a private message05:10
MikeChelendatz: which media players have you tried?05:10
OpenBluntSurgerynice ubuntu found my nvidia driver05:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about asound05:10
datzvlc, and...totem05:10
nightshadeNext time this happens, I will hack the channel, get rid of the troll, and give it to one most deserving.  Sound fair?05:10
tecywiz121datz, flash hogs the audio server, and nothing else can use it while its open... so far I don't know any workarounds other than closing the browser05:10
IdleOnelol nightshade05:10
ubottuPulseAudio is a sound server intended as a drop-in replacement for !ESD - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio for information and installation instructions05:10
datztecywiz121, awh man, that's so uncool05:10
Magnesiumnightshade: hacking..fair...yeah, those are about equal ;)05:10
IdleOnenightshade: #ubuntu-ops if you feel like complaining about/to them05:10
ubuntu_nightshade: ill hack you in a minute05:11
macoMagnesium: wher "left" means tonyyarusso removed him05:11
nightshadewell, it's like guns.  They can be used for bad things, and they can be used for good things.05:11
ryguyHello, how would I auto-mount internal drives on boot in 9.04?05:11
tecywiz121datz, you might be able to get pulseaudio to emulate alsa, and get flash to use that, but I have never had success with that05:11
mneptok!offtopic > nightshade05:11
ubottunightshade, please see my private message05:11
datztecywiz121, I read some people had fixed it by uninstalling and reinstalling adobe flash, didn't work for me though.05:11
Magnesiummaco: yeah, didn't see that till i hit enter05:11
mneptoknightshade: drop it, before i get *really* annoyed05:11
macotonyyarusso: thanks ;)05:11
gamerx_lolz im using irssi lol :005:11
datztecywiz121, ok, since it sounds complicated and didn't work for you, I'll skip it.05:12
macotecywiz121: er thats the default config05:12
nightshadeSo, who needs help with something I have any idea about?05:12
datztecywiz121, is this a bug that can be fixed with upcoming releases?05:12
Magnesiumnightshade: that depends on what you have an idea about05:12
ryguyme =p05:12
tecywiz121maco, blinks, then how does flash block access to the soundcard?05:12
gamerxnightshade, hmm what Magnesium said05:12
nightshadeWell, when somebody asks something I know, I'll answer.05:12
datzmezquitale, I'll try to find the sound chip05:13
MoTeci know so little when someone asks something i know i'll mock them... (kidding)05:13
gamerxnightshade, whats the dmesg command to show video devices?05:13
nightshadeotherwise, I'll idle.05:13
tecywiz121datz, I'm actually not that familiar with it, I'm just dropping in for some help too :P05:13
macotecywiz121: shouldnt in jaunty... maybe hardy....05:13
preecheris there a way in ubuntu to list the progs that only run in a terminal to be listed uder the applications and then when clicked on to automatically open a terminal05:13
ZykoticK9ryguy, look into fstab - that determines what gets mounted on boot.05:13
gamerxnightshade, like webcams05:13
datztecywiz121, ok05:13
yoophgluphow can i close all windows at the same time?05:13
tecywiz121datz, sorry about that05:13
nightshadegamerx: either "man dmesg" or "info dmesg" should tell you05:13
MikeChelendatz: maybe try OSS with http://packages.ubuntu.com/jaunty/flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound ? no guarantees :)05:14
ryguyZykoticK9: yeah I saw fstab but I'm worried I might mess something up. are there any GUIs for doing this kind of thing?05:14
nightshadeMan/info and google will be thy saviors when starting with linux.05:14
ZykoticK9ryguy, for fstab - not that i'm personally aware of05:14
yoophglupi always end up with like 50 open windows on 4 sides of desktops and i have to restart to close them all or click each one close. is there anyway to close all open windows???05:14
ltcabralhey guys... do u know any package that will install my dell devices drivers?05:14
MikeChelenpreecher: menu items can launch command line programs05:14
datzMikeChelen, thanks, taking a look05:15
tecywiz121Anyone know where the dev file for my touchpad went?05:15
MoTecgamerx: try dmesg | grep audio05:15
preechermine dont even list command line progs in the menu05:15
=== BoxMagnet is now known as NCIS-AGENT
MoTecmy ubuntu box has no sound..05:15
gamerxmotech, nothing05:15
icarus-cryguy: /etc/fstab05:15
MoTecgamerx: if that doesn't work just do dmesg | less and look thru everything.. won't take long...05:16
ryguyZykoticK9: ahh I found one that just worked perfectly - pysdm05:16
ryguythanks anyways05:16
jorddoes anyone know if xubuntu 9.04 (jaunty) w/ grub2 1.96 will boot w/ ext4 /boot partition?05:16
NCIS-AGENTUUID has made ubuntu usable for me.05:16
nightshaderyguy: no, but I think worst case scenario, you'll wind up with a root terminal (hopefully you have a root password) and if you back it up on your root directory, you can copy it on there, and it will be as good as it was before you messed with it.05:16
MagnesiumMikeChelen: sounds like he's having problems like only one program with sound at a time...so i'm guessing that OSS might not help...almost like that's what his problem is now05:16
icarus-cyoophglup: logout :P05:16
yoophgluphehe yeah that works too05:16
gamerxmotech, could it be: [    1.021055] pci 0000:06:00.0: Boot video device05:16
nightshadeThat's the worst thing that's ever happened to me when I messed with stuff05:16
MikeChelenryguy: also see "disk management" in add/remove05:16
MoTecgamerx: nope, that's a videocard :)05:16
gamerxMoTec, okay im doing  |less now05:17
yoophglupi use to hit cntrl alt backspace but that doesn't work anymore05:17
datzMikeChelen sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree-extrasound  ?05:17
MikeChelenMagnesium: ah thats true, would it be better for him to switch to pulseaudio or something?05:17
NCIS-AGENThow do I completely remove all elements of xfce ?05:18
nightshadeyou should always make backups before you mess with ***ANYTHING*** in linux!!!05:18
datzMagnesium, you're right, only one app at a time05:18
nightshadeoverdid the orange.05:18
MagnesiumMikeChelen: That's exactly what I was thinking. I can't remember...I think Jaunty uses Pulse by default, but for some reason my computer was using alsa05:18
nightshadeNCIS-AGENT, carry on.05:18
NCIS-AGENTnightshade, ?05:19
gamerxMoTec, how about this then: [    9.700215] uvcvideo: Found UVC 1.00 device CNF7231 (04f2:b073)05:19
gamerx[    9.701959] input: CNF7231 as /devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:1d.7/usb2/2-5/2-5:105:19
ZykoticK9yoophglup, think it's been replaced with ctrl+Print Screen+k (you can switch it by researching Don'tZap or something)05:19
nightshadeI thought doing that would make my point, but apparently it was overkill at this point [blush]05:19
MikeChelenMagnesium: does alsa have the same problem as oss? if pulseaudio works with flash, that is probably best05:20
MoTecgamerx: if you're looking for audio you can ignore any line that says anything about video :)05:20
nightshadecool, russian.05:20
NCIS-AGENTnightshade, i dont use xfce anymore yet i feel like stuff is still running nd thats the login splash etc.05:20
gamerxmotech, sorry i thorght i said i was looking for my webcam xD05:20
datzI've read that updateing to the lastest version of adobe flash might help, I would guess that the latest version in the repos isn't the very lastest from adobe, might updating to the very latest help?05:20
nightshadewell, um I don't know that one, sorry.05:20
yoophglupcool i'll check05:20
MoTecgamerx: oh, sorry.. i thought you were looking for audio card.. i fail05:20
Magnesiumdatz: MikeChelen: i think alsa and pulse both support two programs at once...not completely sure though05:21
gamerxmotech, no its all good, so would that be it then?05:21
nightshadeactually, mabie I do.  Hold on...05:21
NCIS-AGENTnightshade, figured, thanks ;-D05:21
NCIS-AGENToh yea!/05:21
NCIS-AGENTi can figure it out05:21
MoTecgamerx: it's gonna be a usb device, most likely.. try lsusb05:21
NCIS-AGENTjust lazy i guess anymore05:21
brian1what is the solution to full screen video?05:21
nightshadejust take the source version, and look at the makefile and figure out where it puts stuff when it installs, and delete all of that.05:21
brian1What is the solution for full screen video. the video is choppy05:22
MagnesiumMikeChelen: datz: yeah, just checked...alsa and pulse shoule both work to give you more that one sound at once.05:22
bazhangNCIS-AGENT, you want pure gnome?05:22
nightshadeor, just say "make remove" or "make uninstall" if it has that (Never fooled with it, but usually that works)05:22
yoophgluptrying this right alt + printscreen +k05:22
bazhangnightshade, not likely with ubuntu package management05:22
brian1can someone help me?05:22
nightshadeoh, I'm actually used to fedora.05:22
FAJALOUHi I just turned on my system and my wireless internet is not working.  I am running ath9k drivers, and it was working before, I have tried two different kernels and no luck, i was thinking that it was because of maybe me removing something important?  I would appreciate help.  WICD just sticks on "validating authentication"05:23
Theexpertsbrian1: For which one you want full screen video ?05:23
nightshadeI just like how ubuntu supports all my hardware.05:23
Magnesiumbryan1: what do you mean by full screen video?05:23
gamerxMoTec, thanks its: Bus 002 Device 004: ID 04f2:b073 Chicony Electronics Co., Ltd05:23
gamerxMoTec, just fyi xD05:23
brian1for example when i go on youtube full screen it goes choppy05:23
yoophglupit worked05:23
datzMikeChelen, looking for the audio chip, the board is a GA-P35-DS3L05:23
yoophglupthanks helped me out05:23
NCIS-AGENTbrian1, thats ur flash plugin05:23
Magnesiumbryan1: Are you using compiz?05:23
MikeChelendatz: who is the manufacturer?05:23
brian1i need that? alright i will get it05:24
MoTecgamerx: good deal.. lsusb did it, then05:24
nightshadeApparently, I know more than I thought I did.  woot!05:24
NCIS-AGENTbrian1, no, you dont need compiz105:24
Theexpertsbrian1: check this link http://www.mouserunner.com/FF_Tips_Full_Screen.html05:24
Magnesiumbrian1: No No No! using compiz can that problem05:24
nightshadewhat's the latest qhestion?05:24
Magnesiumthat's why i was asking05:24
datzMagnesium, I should install pulse or alsa?05:24
iintensalsa ;305:24
bazhangNCIS-AGENT, you wish to remove all of xfce?05:25
Magnesiumdatz: I think either should work...05:25
datzMikeChelen:  Realtek ALC88805:25
nightshadeit should say on there.  Just (if you have acess to it) take down as many of the writings on the chips, and google them.  You should find something, I guess.05:25
NCIS-AGENTbazhang, yea this was an xfce install, but now i use gnome05:25
Magnesiumdatz: but since there's a nice howto for pulse here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio05:25
Magnesiumyou might try that first05:25
brian1nope i still have the problem05:25
bazhanghttp://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome NCIS-AGENT05:25
brian1full screen video05:26
datzok, thanks  Magnesium05:26
FAJALOUHi I just turned on my system and my wireless internet is not working.  I am running ath9k drivers, and it was working before, I have tried two different kernels and no luck, i was thinking that it was because of maybe me removing something important?  I would appreciate help.  WICD just sticks on "validating authentication"05:26
gamerxanyone know a nice program that lets you take pictures using a webcam?05:26
bazhanggamerx, cheese ?05:26
FAJALOUgamerx: cheese05:26
Magnesiumno problem datz05:26
FAJALOUgamerx: camorama too.05:26
brian1the video becomes choppy when its full screened05:26
Magnesiumbrian1: what's your video card?05:26
gamerxbazhang, FAJALOU: sudo aptitude install camera cheese ?05:27
FAJALOUgamerx: camorama05:27
brian1lol, do i have to reinstall drivers?05:27
bazhanggamerx, camorama iirc05:27
nightshadeturn off your computer, ***GROUND YOURSELF TO THE CASE*** and take out your card.  Set it on the table, and get a notepad and pen, and look at all the chips.  Write down the white writing on them, and your best rendition of the logo, and google as much of it as you can find.05:27
coffeejsince updating to karmic beta, i have no sound. "grep Codec /proc/asound/card0/codec*" returns "No such file or directory"05:27
bazhangnightshade, that is hardly necessary05:27
nightshadethat's what I do.05:27
gamerxbazhang, whats iirc, sorry for being a noob :005:27
bazhangcoffeej, #ubuntu+1 for karmic support05:27
NCIS-AGENTbazhang, nice one.05:27
MoTecnightshade: actually, the fcc id is the way to go05:28
brian1is google your computer id05:28
nightshade(except, I use a laptop) but with desktops I do05:28
bazhangnightshade, please dont suggest things like that here05:28
brian1ya lol05:28
nightshadeoh, I didn't think that mattered.  Well, learn something every day.05:28
Magnesiumbrian1: well, I hope not. But if you've got an old card (like a radeon) that might be the problem05:28
gamerxbazhang, FAJALOU im installing both now, thanks05:28
Magnesiumbrian1: *old* radeon I mean05:28
coffeejbazhang: thank you05:28
NCIS-AGENTnightshade, that was funny05:28
MoTecnightshade: fcc id is unique for each card.  and every card is labeled with one.. that will tell you, with one easy google, what it is.05:28
brian1no its not old05:28
brian1do i need to install drivers again?05:29
nightshadeNCIS-AGENT: what was?05:29
Magnesiumbrian1: What card is It???05:29
gamerxnightshade, i lold05:29
NCIS-AGENTnightshade, your recommendation05:29
brian1i just dual OS window to ubunto05:29
bazhanggamerx, if I recall correctly05:29
nightshadecool, but I really thought it was valid advice.  (woot on being a successful commedian though!)05:29
Magnesiumbrian1: you probably don't have to reinstall drivers05:29
gamerxbazhang, cheese is what i was after, thanks05:30
FAJALOUHi I just turned on my system and my wireless internet is not working.  I am running ath9k drivers, and it was working before, I have tried two different kernels and no luck, i was thinking that it was because of maybe me removing something important?  I would appreciate help.  WICD just sticks on "validating authentication"05:30
bazhangnightshade, please take random chat to #ubuntu-offtopic05:30
Magnesiumbrian1: try running this in a terminal: glxinfo | grep direct05:30
nightshadebazhang: sorry.  I'm trying not to deviate, but it seems like the friendlyness is making me too cheerful05:31
discordcan anybody tell me how to get dvd playback in 9.10?05:31
lbaroudihi i want to build my ip6 network at home can someone advice plz ??05:31
discordI ran the libdvdread3.sh05:31
bazhangdiscord, karmic support in #ubuntu+105:31
Magnesiumnightshade: lol, too cheerful...05:31
nightshadediscord: I don't think that's possible with linux.05:31
brian1get fences failed: -105:31
brian1param: 6, val: 005:31
brian1direct rendering: Yes05:31
discordbazhang: thanks05:31
brian1use wine05:32
Magnesiumbrian1: alright, now try glxinfo | grep vendor05:32
nightshadeFrom what I heard, windows has special contracts to be able to do that or something.05:32
nightshadeso unless you're a 1337 h4xx0r, it's probably impossible.05:32
brian1get fences failed: -105:32
brian1param: 6, val: 005:32
brian1server glx vendor string: SGI05:32
brian1client glx vendor string: SGI05:32
brian1OpenGL vendor string: Tungsten Graphics, Inc05:32
FloodBot2brian1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:32
Balsaqhow do i change my password for my ubuntu OS?05:32
brian1go to system05:32
nightshadeI know that one, balsaq.05:33
nightshadedo you mean for root, or your password?05:33
Magnesiumbrian1: Ah, SGI means that your card is not using drivers...they're using the generic mesa drivers.05:33
nightshadebalsaq: lol on your nick.05:33
Magnesiumbrian1: So you might need to reinstall05:33
Balsaqmy password to get into ubuntu05:33
brian1where do i get the drivers?05:34
amv6356startx is giving me an error about how it can't find a compatible nvidia glx extension.05:34
nightshadeprobably your password.  Did you forget it?05:34
brian1since is ubuntu05:34
Balsaqthe Q is silent...balsaaah05:34
bazhangBalsaq, you forgot it?05:34
amv6356But I'm not running an nVidia chipset, I'm running an Intel chipset.05:34
Magnesiumbrian1: What card do you have!!!05:34
bazhang!password | Balsaq05:34
ubottuBalsaq: Forgot your password? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword What's the root password? See !sudo. Don't see *** in password prompts? That's normal. Sudo doesn't ask for your password? It remembers you for several minutes. Please use strong passwords, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/StrongPasswords05:34
Balsaqi know my password but want too change it05:34
FAJALOUHi I just turned on my system and my wireless internet is not working.  I am running ath9k drivers, and it was working before, I have tried two different kernels and no luck, i was thinking that it was because of maybe me removing something important?  I would appreciate help.  WICD just sticks on "validating authentication"05:34
amv6356How do I tell Ubuntu I'm running an Intel graphics card?05:34
ubuntu_Hello Everybody! This is #ubuntu support channel. How can I assist you?05:34
iarpi'm having a problem with vsftpd, what is local_umask actully do, the man page doesnt explain a while lot for me, like is it the chmod setting for files i upload?05:34
bazhangubuntu_, hi05:34
ubuntu_hello bazhang05:35
nightshadeIf you forgot it, you'll probably need a program called jack the ripper.  Go onto another computer, and type ssh (your computer) and then use john the ripper to get in.  Then, type passwd and change it.05:35
Balsaqnightshade i did not forget it, i want to change my password that let open up my ubuntu OS when i turn on the computer05:35
Magnesiumbrian1: 'cause where you get the drivers depends on your type of card05:35
nightshadeessentially, you're hacking into your own computer, but it's not illegal if it's ***YOURS***05:35
brian1Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 95005:35
Magnesiumbrian1: Hmmm...I've never have to set up Intel graphics before.05:36
MoTecBalsaq: go to a shell and type passwd05:36
bazhanghttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword Balsaq05:36
Magnesiumbrian1: Let me take a little look05:36
Balsaqdidnt lose it05:36
brian1do i get the drivers the same way for windows?05:36
MoTecBalsaq: gotta be a way in the GUI, too.. But I don't know it.   I'm a command line kind of guy.05:36
arschgameiim unaware to write05:36
MikeChelenBalsaq: at the startup screen hit escape, and pick the root terminal option05:36
arschgameisomeone can read me?05:37
bazhangBalsaq, its the same idea though05:37
nightshadethen, just log in, and go into a terminal, which should be in the applications menu, and once in, type "passwd" It should ask you for your current password, then what you want to change it to.  Press enter both times, and it's done.05:37
Balsaqroot terminal option WTH05:37
bazhangbrian1, get from hardware drivers  system administration hardware drivers05:37
FAJALOUHi I just turned on my system and my wireless internet is not working.  I am running ath9k drivers, and it was working before, I have tried two different kernels and no luck, i was thinking that it was because of maybe me removing something important?  I would appreciate help.  WICD just sticks on "validating authentication"  I am getting in the logs that wlan0 is not ready??? help please!05:37
gamerxarschgamei, i read you05:37
Magnesiumbrian1: I can answer that...not really. They would be in a repository, so you would install through built in ubuntu tools05:37
iarpif i were to chown a folder to my username, would everything thats put into it afterwards be in my users ownsership?05:37
MikeChelenBalsaq: read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LostPassword05:38
Balsaqbazhang that me be the easest way i dont want to do a root termial option05:38
gamerxiarp, iirc yes05:38
FAJALOUand that the direct prove to AP timed out...?05:38
brian1so what do i type?05:38
bazhangbrian1, you are on 9.04 ?05:38
Balsaqok ill read the lost password stuff thanks all05:38
MoTecBalsaq: just as easy as going to a terminal and typing passwd05:38
gamerxiarp, if you chown then put stuff into it it should be yours05:38
MikeChelenBalsaq: wait you have not lost your password?05:38
bazhangthen follow the instructions I gave above brian105:38
Balsaqsure is terminal blows05:38
MoTecBalsaq: hehe, you're typing here.. is typing 5 characters in a terminal really taht hard?05:39
nightshadeOK.  go to the terminal menu (probably on the top of your screen.)  You see the menu when you click on it.  Then go to accessories.  Same thing, but it pops left-to-right.  Now click "terminal."  Type "passwd"05:39
iarpgamerx: since root owns it atm, would it give me shit if i changed it to mine..i'm thinking of doing this to /var/www because i can't upload or do anything to the folder without chmodding it to 777 and then going back to 75505:39
MikeChelenBalsaq: open terminal and type "passwd" then follow instructions05:39
Balsaqok trying it ty05:40
Magnesiumbrian1: I gotta go...but there's other folks who can help you out.05:40
MoTecnot much to it, really :)05:40
gamerxiarp, yes i did that to mine too, its fine05:40
nightshadethank god...05:40
brian1darn it05:40
Billiardiarp you could change the owner of /var/www to the group www-data and add yourself to the www-data group05:40
iarpgamerx: aight thx05:40
MoTecwow.. google says there is no ubuntu gui for password change.05:40
MoTecfail. tbh05:40
nightshadenot to brian, to balsaq05:40
brian1anyone know how to get a graphic driver?05:40
nightshadebut, maybe to brian too.05:40
brian1Intel® Graphics Media Accelerator 95005:40
brian1my videos become choppy when it goes full screen05:41
nightshadeI mean magnesium05:41
Balsaqworkin on it05:41
gamerxiarp, just do sudo chown [username] /var/www, also when i put files into it sometimes you have to modify permissions so that "others" is "read-only"05:41
nightshadebalsaq: it's not that hard.05:41
gamerxiarp, not sure why this happens but if "others" isnt read only obviously people browsing your site will just see "dead" images05:41
Magnesiumnightshade: huh? whats to me?05:41
iarpgamerx: Billiard's idea sounds better to me since i have 1 other user that'd need the access and is having the same problem as me05:42
iarpgamerx: ya i found that out the hard way, kept wondering why the hell i could include() files in my php scripttill i noticed nobody could read05:42
gamerxiarp, sorry i didnt see his post, but yes thats a good idea too05:42
FAJALOUHi I just turned on my system and my wireless internet is not working.  I am running ath9k drivers, and it was working before, I have tried two different kernels and no luck, i was thinking that it was because of maybe me removing something important?  I would appreciate help.  WICD just sticks on "validating authentication"  I am getting in the logs that wlan0 is not ready??? help please!  I am getting also alot of direct probe to AP05:43
gamerxiarp, yes me too lol :005:43
nightshadeuse fedora for your desktop OS for a while, then start using ubuntu and you feel like a genius.05:43
piershey could anyone help me with skinning some panels in ubuntu, i want to use a different theme for the panel to the default theme without it changing the other elements, ie the controls? thanks guys05:43
datzSeems like a no go with pulse audio guys, any other suggestions?05:44
arschgameii think tom cruise are a stupid scientologists, you can compare the scientology with islamists, they try to overtake the world05:44
brian1piers: http://art.gnome.org/faq.php05:44
mezquitaledatz, alsa05:44
mezquitale!ot | arschgamei05:44
ubottuarschgamei: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!05:44
nightshadepiers: well, I don't think I could teach you how to customize all that on the IRC, but you could probably find it somewhere in the gnome documentation (on the website I've never been to)05:44
datzmezquitale, ok05:45
Balsaqbrb....checking it05:45
hassanakevazirIs there bitorrent client that streams video on ubuntu?05:45
nightshadearschgamei: Don't talk politics, religion, or dirty jokes (all of which you have encompassed) on the IRC05:45
piershmm thanks, ive tried changing the elements using GNOME colour chooser but wud be easier if i could just use a dif theme for the panel05:46
nightshadehold on, toying with panel...05:46
mezquitalearschgamei, it's ok to talk politics, religion and dirty jokes, just not in here, this is ubuntu's support channel, if you have any questions about ubuntu feel free to ask away, thanks!05:46
brian1piers: please read http://www.gnome.org/05:46
piersbrian1 thanks ive read a lot of that documentation and its aimed at quite a low level (altho i am a bit of a noob myself), doesnt seem to specify how you could use a different theme for the panel05:47
FAJALOUHi I just turned on my system and my wireless internet is not working.  I am running ath9k drivers, and it was working before, I have tried two different kernels and no luck, i was thinking that it was because of maybe me removing something important?  I would appreciate help.  WICD just sticks on "validating authentication"  I am getting in the logs that wlan0 is not ready??? help please!  I am getting also alot of direct probe to AP05:47
nightshadepiers: You could probably resize a favoured image (possibly a sword) and go to [rt-click panel] -> [properties] -> [background]05:48
iarpis there anyway to display all groups created on a machine not just the ones a users in05:48
nightshadeFAJALOU: Please don't flood, and ask the question directly or use a pastebin.  Please and thank you.05:48
FAJALOUnightshade: that is the question...05:48
piersthats an option but it doesnt change the colour of the menus when they drop down05:48
nightshadeoh, sorry.05:49
nightshadepiers: brb, toying with panel some more...05:49
ZykoticK9iarp, "cat /etc/group" lists all groups on a system05:49
piersbut you're right, i should definately incorporate a sword somewhere05:49
iarpZykoticK9: ty05:49
FAJALOUnightshade: help would be nice :)05:49
n2diyOO calc can't play with a gnumeric file? OO opens the gnumeric file as a document, and I can't find an import option?05:49
mezquitaleFAJALOU, is the wireless router youre connecting to in your control and possession?05:49
FAJALOUmezquitale: yes05:50
nightshadeI was thinking about that, but I couldn't find any good pics.  Get back to me if you can find some! ;)05:50
bazhang!ot > nightshade05:50
ubottunightshade, please see my private message05:50
hassanakevazirFAJALOU, what is your wireless card (lspci | grep Wireless ) . and what kernel you are currently using? ( uname -r )05:50
mezquitaleFAJALOU, what utility are you using to connect to your router?05:51
FAJALOUhassanakevazir: current jaunty kernel (.25-15 generic)  wireless card AR5008 driver:  AR5416 cguoset,05:51
FAJALOUhassanakevazir: *chipset05:51
mezquitalehassanakevazir, FAJALOU said it used to be working05:51
FAJALOUmezquitale: wicd05:51
FAJALOUmezquitale: it totally worked last week; the last time the laptop was booted...05:51
FAJALOUmezquitale: i was working on some stuff, however, for backups, and I am wondering if aptitude removed something important:  and I am looking back tthough in my kern.log and it has connected before... but with a different AP name?  so maybe it is associating a wrong AP name with the router?05:52
FAJALOUmezquitale: hassanakevazir: it is now using the correct AP address...05:53
gamerxBalsaq, SO DO I !!!!05:53
Balsaqi own it now TY05:53
FAJALOUmezquitale: hassanakevazir I just got a "privacy configuration mismatch and mixed-cell disabled- disassociate.05:54
Balsaqheck i may as well change my flippin password every week now...05:54
hassanakevazirFAJALOU, Not sure, you can try removing your router's security, see what happens? Donnu05:54
FAJALOUhassanakevazir: others are connected; that would be not a good idea with others connected,, unfortunately05:55
mezquitaleFAJALOU,  sounds like it's a bug with your app but you can try connecting manually05:55
FAJALOUmezquitale: what if i cleared my /etc/wicd/wireless-settings.conf ?05:56
FAJALOUb/c it has configuration stuff, and if i remove it then maybe it will reset?05:56
FAJALOUmezquitale: definitely a bug.. .somewhere :)05:56
FAJALOUmezquitale: recently we have been getting outages, that wouldn't change MAC addresses would it though?05:56
mezquitaleFAJALOU, that wouldnt change MAC addresses LoL05:57
FAJALOUmezquitale: yah just realized that.05:57
FAJALOUmezquitale: oh well just cleeared that anyways.05:57
mezquitaleFAJALOU, if you do get outages then releasing the IP and then requesting an IP again would fix it05:57
ryguyWhen I press the 'Home' key in gedit, the text cursor goes to the beginning of the line instead of the beginning of the code on the line. is tehre any way to fix this?05:57
FAJALOUmezquitale: how so?05:57
FAJALOUmezquitale: right now i am on the network;;; on a different computer...05:58
mezquitaleFAJALOU, dont know, lets just say that I've been getting outages as well and I had to release ip and renew it, something about dns and a gateway05:58
mezquitaleFAJALOU, dns and gateway, check the dns and gateway on both computers05:59
Balsaqwell now i have one more big favor to ask, i want to replace my 400mgz dell with a 2.4mgz now and then put a g4 lapper here to chat while we do a ubun install on the 2.4 in case i get bunged up05:59
FAJALOUmezquitale: huh changing the wireless-settings didn't do anything....06:00
Balsaqi have the ubu disc and the 2.4 here06:00
thefinn93/msn NickServ identify janeway06:00
FAJALOUmezquitale: what if i accidentally deleted wpa-supplicant?06:00
yawasarehi therer06:00
yawasarenew into ubuntu06:00
yawasareand i need help with ltsp06:01
n2diyOO calc can't play with a gnumeric file? OO opens the gnumeric file as a document, and I can't find an import option?06:01
mezquitaleFAJALOU, that would have done it as well, looks like you know more than I do, you learn more by making mistakes, that's what people say LoL06:01
alkisgyawasare: better join #ltsp06:01
yawasarewho is in ther house thats familar with ubuntu ltsp server06:01
Balsaqi guess that means no06:01
yawasarealkisg: are you familar with ti06:02
FAJALOUwould someone be so kind as to post their /var/run/wpa_supplicant on pastebin for me?  please?06:02
alkisgyawasare: yes06:02
yawasarecan i ask you a question06:02
n2diyOk, so OO won't play with gnumeric files, will it play with abiword files?06:02
alkisgyawasare: better join #ltsp06:03
FAJALOUoh wait I am on a computer that has it on there.06:03
FAJALOUmezquitale: so how should I go about re-adding it?  I am looking in /var/run and wpa)supplicant is definitely a folder, not a file?06:04
datzHumm, bad news guys neither pluse nore alsa worked. :(06:05
=== ThomasHC1 is now known as xTHOMASx
datzMikeChelen, Magnesium, no other thoughts?06:05
FAJALOUmezquitale: so how should I go about re-adding it?  I am looking in /var/run and wpa)supplicant is definitely a folder, not a file?06:06
MikeChelendatz: did pulse work for regular audio?06:07
datzThis is how I installed alsa http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/08/how-to-upgrade-to-alsa-1020-on-ubuntu.html06:07
datzMikeChelen, yes06:07
datzI hope this problem gets fixed at some point for a release..I guess it would be the audio drivers that need work>06:08
mezquitaleFAJALOU, you are using a set up I am not familiar with, I suggest you try asking the same question at another time and maybe someone that knows the answer will help you06:09
FAJALOUmezquitale: what exactly is the question?? lol06:10
datzMikeChelen, this is a common problem, or one only for my chipset?06:10
mezquitaledatz, that is the only reason I use ubuntustudio, audio is awesome in ubuntustudio06:10
datzmezquitale, humm, never heard of it...oh well, can't abondon this setup.. too much time. :)06:10
FAJALOUmezquitale: it is just refusing to connect?  i just reinstalled wpasupplicant06:10
datzI have to take a look at it06:10
ltcabralhey guys... do u know any package that will install my dell devices drivers?06:10
mezquitaleFAJALOU, i usually use the utilities in ubuntu, if they dont work I file a bug report, network-manager works just fine for me and even better in karmic06:10
FAJALOUmezquitale: lol i have never had good luck with nm06:11
MikeChelendatz: there is likely some workaround, unsure what it might be though06:11
datzme want06:11
datzI dual boot to vista, so I need some incentive not to use it. :)06:12
mezquitaleFAJALOU, try it in karmic, it's awesome06:12
MikeChelendatz: so flash worked okay with pulseaudio?06:12
Balsaquej #xubuntu06:12
datz MikeChelen, well I tried playing an MP3, that worked, when I tried to watch a youtube vid, no audio, so I tried alsa06:12
FAJALOUhi everyone, I am trying to get my laptop, which was working, to connect to the internet, but I am getting an error that says privacy configuration mismatch and mixed-cell disabled - disassociate.  Can anyone tell me what this means???06:12
SuspectZerohow can i figure out the size of a folder and its contents through cli?06:13
mezquitaledatz, if you have the resources(hard drive space) then I suggest you try ubuntustudio06:13
navapSuspectZero: `du`06:13
datzmezquitale, thatn isn't an OS?06:13
* datz researches06:13
john38Ubuntu x86 (32bit) can support xeon quad core? will it see 4 processor?06:13
MikeChelendatz: ah ok, so flash audio did not work at all with pulseaudio06:13
datzjohn38, sees all 4 of q6600 cores06:13
FAJALOUmezquitale: there is still no folder in my /var/run/  that is wpa_supplicant...06:14
mezquitaledatz, yes it is an Os, it's a flavor of ubuntu, you could try installing it on ubuntu using synaptic and see if it works06:14
datzMikeChelen, well, I suspect if I had closed the media player, it would have worked06:14
=== ryan_ is now known as ardiansyahmakass
datzmezquitale, interesting, it is a front end, like gone or KDE that I can just install over my prexisiting install?06:15
mezquitaleFAJALOU, you have more experience than me, sorry, i'm quite sure someone has the answer you are seeking just not at this moment right now, I suggest you try logging in at another time06:15
datzmezquitale, what ever program I start first is the one that works06:15
john38datz: what about multithread, will it be supported for all of them?06:15
FAJALOUhi everyone, I am trying to get my laptop, which was working, to connect to the internet, but I am getting an error that says privacy configuration mismatch and mixed-cell disabled - disassociate.  Can anyone tell me what this means???06:15
mezquitaledatz, go to synaptic and see what it tells you, search for "ubuntustudio"06:15
MikeChelenmezquitale: does ubuntu studio use pulseaudio or jack by default?06:15
datzoops MikeChelen*06:15
FAJALOUhassanakevazir: do you have any idea about what I am getting???06:16
datzmezquitale, ok will do thanks06:16
datzjohn38, try the live cd06:16
MikeChelendatz: its just hard because maybe pulseaudio was not working with flash at all06:16
mezquitaleMikeChelen, ubuntustudio is just like ubuntu except it has a real time kernel, it can use both alsa and pulseaudio, the difference is it actually works in ubuntustudio06:16
mezquitalehence = ubuntustudio06:16
datzMikeChelen, I really should have tried to use pulse seperatly..I did not06:16
datzfor flash*06:17
datzIt probably would have worked seperatly06:17
* datz checks to see if alsa works with flash06:17
MikeChelendatz: yeah check the same thing with alsa06:17
mgmuscarihi, my pulseaudio server has somehow become completely screwed up06:18
mgmuscariwhen i mark it for removal06:18
mezquitaleMikeChelen, I didnt read your question correctly, sorry, by default I am not sure which one ubuntustudio uses but you can pick and choose, I use alsa and it works like a charm06:18
mgmuscarinow it tells me that it's going to remove ubuntu-desktop... big deal?06:19
mgmuscarithis is a meta package, right?06:19
datzoh no, alsa doesn't seem to work at all with flash06:19
datzI did notice this on install: " WARNING!!! The mixer channels for the ALSA driver are muted by default!!!06:19
mezquitaleahem alsa works just fine with flash in ubuntu*studio* I rest my case06:19
datzIs that what might be the problem?06:19
* datz finally takes a look at ubuntu studio06:20
wolf23help me please~06:20
mezquitaledatz, the only problem with ubuntu studio is that you have to have resources i.e. hard drive space, ubuntustudio does not have a "live" version06:21
MikeChelenmezquitale: ah interesting, wonder how the config might differ from vanilla ubuntu06:21
MikeChelenmgmuscari: yes that is a meta package06:21
MikeChelen!ask | wolf2306:21
ubottuwolf23: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:21
mezquitaleMikeChelen, rt kernel, ability to dedicate memory specifically for audio appz for starters06:21
datzUbuntu Studio Desktop Package <-- mezquitale06:21
hsarciwhy does dolphin always ask me for my samba share password multiple times when trying to access a samba....i definately am using the right password, and sometimes it even displays the folder contents if i hit cancel06:22
mezquitaledatz, sounds like you have a winner\06:22
wolf23i bring a new router wireless,and someone stole from my connection,can anyone help me please to add a password for security plz!06:22
bazhang!info ubuntustudio-desktop06:22
datz mezquitale, I have more space and resources that I know what to do with.06:22
ubottuubuntustudio-desktop (source: ubuntustudio-meta): Ubuntu Studio Desktop Package. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.52 (jaunty), package size 8 kB, installed size 36 kB06:22
mgmuscariMikeChelen: i don't really understand why ubuntu-desktop has a dependency on pulseaudio, but whatever...06:22
bazhangmgmuscari, its safe to remove06:22
MikeChelenwolf23: that is in the router config page, check your manual or visit the manufacturers website06:22
mgmuscarithat's what i thought06:22
MikeChelenmgmuscari: thats how metapackages work, it depends on a bunch of other packages and thereby causes them all to be installed06:23
wolf23MikeChelen,  there is a cd coming with the router,but i dont know if it works with ubuntu?06:24
mgmuscarii just didn't realize that pulseaudio is apparently considered park of ubuntu desktop06:24
datzmezquitale, 123 GB free on this disk06:24
datzThink that should be enough06:24
mezquitalewolf23, forger about the CD06:24
osmosishow do I get the automatic folder sharing in Nautilus to work. I shared the folder, but dont see anything on the network.06:25
=== DaZ_ is now known as DaZ
mezquitaledatz, ok go ahead and install ubuntu studio then, I have a 500 gb sata HD in my desktop with a 100gb usb hd as a backup06:25
wolf23mezquitale,  so how could i put a password for security plz?06:25
MikeChelenwolf23: probably the cd is unneeded06:25
mezquitalewolf23, can you use the internet wireless with your router as it is right now?06:26
datzmezquitale, nice... here 160GB drive just for ubuntu, also 1TB and 150GB 10K drive for vista06:26
wolf23mezquitale,  yes06:26
sixthzhi, after installing ubuntu with wubi i get an "root file system not defined." error msg that wont let me do anything but hard reset06:26
ltcabralhey guys... do u know any package that will install my dell devices drivers?06:27
mezquitaledatz, thanks for making me puke, I have about 40 gigs dedicated to xp, the rest is ubuntustudio and virtualbox06:27
LeNsTRlsusb -v06:27
mneptokltcabral: add the Dell partner repository to Synaptic06:27
datzmezquitale, don't go bulimic on us now.06:28
MikeChelenwolf23: what is the brand and model for your router?06:28
datzmezquitale, ok looks like it installed...not calling for a restart..?06:28
datzthings seem the same. :P06:28
mezquitalewolf23, ok first change the SSID on both your router on your laptop and then go to your router and disable SSID broadcast on your router and let me know if you are still able to connect06:28
mezquitaledatz, you have to restart, I suppose06:29
hsarcidoes anyone know why dolphin always ask me for my samba share password multiple times when trying to access a samba folder that is on a windows pc????...i definately am using the right password, and sometimes it even displays the folder contents if i hit cancel06:29
datzirssi in screen on diff pc, brb06:29
wolf23MikeChelen,  wireless router dir- 28006:29
sixthzhi, after installing ubuntu with wubi i get an "root file system not defined." error msg that wont let me do anything but hard reset06:30
wrapstercan I upgrade to 64Bit ubuntu? live?06:30
mneptokwolf23: there is usually a web interface for configuration, you should call DLink06:30
wrapstersomething like live upgrade06:30
sebsebsebsixthz: It's probably a good idea to avoide Wubi, because people can get weird issues with it.  Installing with real partitions isn't difficult, and better in the long run.06:31
Mehedii can not download vlc media player. it shows............ Unable to lock the download directory. what can i do?06:31
bazhangwrapster, from 32 bit?06:31
wolf23mezquitale,  in windows you can protect your router for anyone cannot stole from you ,but now in ubuntu peoples stole with their laptops from me :(06:31
bazhangwrapster, no full reinstall required06:31
osmosisI followed the instructions here, but still now samba shares to be found.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba#Server Configuration06:32
mneptokwolf23: the desktop OS has *nothing* to do with router security06:32
mneptokwolf23: call DLink06:32
Mehedii can not download vlc media player. it shows............ Unable to lock the download directory. what can i do?06:32
mezquitalewolf23, a router is a router, a router doesnt change regardless of the OS06:32
mneptok!repeat > Mehedi06:32
ubottuMehedi, please see my private message06:32
Mehedii can not download vlc media player. it shows............ Unable to lock the download directory. what can i do?06:33
datzmezquitale, ok seems like it made the switch, no flash audo though. :(06:33
mneptok!repeat | Mehedi06:33
ubottuMehedi: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.06:33
sixthzsebsebseb when i try to install with a real CD, i get an error something about sr0 which is runnning in a loop06:34
mneptokMehedi: please do not make me tell you again06:34
wolf23mneptok,  so what can i do now? i need to add the password for security06:34
lstarnesMehedi: can you pastebin the full output that you get when attempting to install it?06:34
mneptokwolf23: call DLink06:34
mezquitaledatz, go to "add/remove" and try installing support for mp306:34
sebsebsebMehedi: Have you got Synaptic open or  maybe update manager, when trying to get it on the command line?06:34
MikeChelenMehedi: if you are installing from command line use "sudo apt-get install vlc"06:34
TehedraI've installed php in ubuntu jaunty06:34
Tehedrawhere abouts would i find the php.ini file?06:35
Billiardwolf23: i can help you setup the router if you want to pm me06:35
MehediThe following NEW packages will be installed:06:35
Mehedi  libass1 libdca0 libdvbpsi4 libebml0 libenca0 libfaad0 libiso9660-506:35
Mehedi  liblua5.1-0 libmatroska0 libmodplug0c2 libmpcdec3 libsdl-image1.206:35
Mehedi  libswscale0 libtar libtwolame0 libvcdinfo0 libvlc2 libvlccore0 libx264-5906:35
Mehedi  mozilla-plugin-vlc vlc vlc-data vlc-nox vlc-plugin-esd06:35
Mehedi0 upgraded, 24 newly installed, 0 to remove and 348 not upgraded.06:35
FloodBot2Mehedi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:35
sebsebsebsixthz: I don't know, but there are ways to install without a CD and without Wubi06:35
mezquitalewolf23, you can secure your router through the following means 1. obscurity 2. password. 3. password and obscurity06:35
sebsebseb!install |  sixthz06:35
ubottusixthz: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate06:35
mneptokmezquitale: or MAC address filtering.06:35
wolf23mezquitale,  thanx i try06:36
datzmezquitale, not sure what I am looking for..06:36
mezquitalemneptok, thanks, I knew I forgot one! I use that as well06:36
SoftwareExplorerHow much of an ubuntu install can be safely backed up via rsync?06:36
datzmezquitale, I just see applications06:36
Mehedii can not download vlc media player through comman line. it shows............ Unable to lock the download directory. what can i do?06:36
mezquitalewolf23, you can secure your router through the following means 1. obscurity 2.MAC filtering 3. password. 4. obscurity, password, and MAC filtering06:36
sebsebsebsixthz: Also it's good to check the downloaded ISO that it has downloaded properly,  and then after woulds you should be able to do the disk check on the CD as well to make sure nothing is wrong with the psyical CD06:36
lstarnesMehedi: you don't need to keep repeating06:37
sebsebseb!md5sum |  sixthz06:37
ubottusixthz: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows06:37
mezquitaledatz, so you have sound just not with flash?06:37
lstarnesMehedi: could you please paste the full output that you get to http://paste.ubuntu.com ?06:37
Mehedii can not download vlc media player through command line. it shows............ Unable to lock the download directory. what can i do?06:37
mezquitaledatz, I suggest you give it a rest then and tomorrow at different time intervals go to #alsa and tell them youre having a problem hearing sound with alsa and flash06:38
MikeChelenMehedi: what command are you using to install?06:38
chilli0Where is chromes temp file ?06:38
datzmezquitale, good call, thanks for all your help, and that of others06:38
sebsebsebMehedi: When doing that are any of the graphical software installation programs open?06:38
mezquitaledatz, but before you do that I suggest you go to the "sound" applet in "system-->preferences"06:39
chilli0Does anyone know where Chromes temp file is?06:39
sebsebsebMehedi: Ok probably not the issue I thought it might be06:39
Omar87I want to install JVM, but I'm not what is the name of the package in the repos. Any help please?06:39
Mehedi i am using this command to download vlc media player .sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-esd mozilla-plugin-vlc06:39
MatiaDoes anybody know what's is wrong with the computer when it couldn06:40
mezquitaledatz, something else you can try is going to go to command line and type "alsamixer" and rise the volume in your speaker06:40
chilli0Does anyone know where Google Chromes temp file is?06:40
Matiawhen it couldn't let videos to play?06:40
lstarneschilli0: you don't need to keep repeating your question; I'm pretty sure most of us have seen it already06:40
chilli0lstarnes:  Still no responces..06:41
bazhangMatia, what sort of videos? youtube? or other06:41
navapchilli0: Have you actually looked for it?06:41
lstarneschilli0: maybe nobody knows, or maybe someone is looking for an answer06:41
Matiayeah youtube and other06:41
bazhangMatia, this is 9.04?06:41
lstarneschilli0: unless/until someone has an answer or another question for you, you might not get a response06:41
Matiathis happened when i updated the manager, i think06:41
lstarneschilli0: fwif, I'm trying to find it too06:41
chilli0navap:  Yes i have.06:42
Matiai think it is 8.0306:42
mezquitaledatz, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20402206:42
Matiai,m not sure let me check06:42
bazhangMatia, lsb_release -a in terminal06:42
Tehedrahow do i change ubuntu to be a default of utf8 encoding06:43
Matiawhat is that?06:43
Tehedrainstead of ISO-886106:43
navapchilli0: Sorry, I forgot I'm in an ubuntu channel. It's quite easy to find on Windows.06:44
Matia_bazhang u still there?06:44
chilli0navap: ok.06:44
bazhangMatia_, yes06:45
Matia_do you still know what is the with the computer06:45
Matia_my computer06:45
lstarneschilli0: ~/.cache/google-chrome/06:45
bazhangMatia_, type lsb_release -a in the terminal and tell us the version06:45
lstarneschilli0: chrome also keeps its config in ~/.config/google-chrome/06:46
Mehediwhen i try to install vlc media player through command it shows...........m@ubuntu:~$ sudo apt-get install vlc vlc-plugin-* mozilla-plugin-vlc06:46
chilli0ok thanks lstarnes06:46
bazhangMatia_, please keep it here in channel06:46
MehediReading package lists... Done06:46
MehediBuilding dependency tree06:46
MehediReading state information... Done06:46
MehediNote, selecting vlc-plugin-ggi for regex 'vlc-plugin-*'06:46
MehediNote, selecting vlc-plugin-esd for regex 'vlc-plugin-*'06:46
FloodBot2Mehedi: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.06:46
chilli0lstarnes:  Not working for me.... Says not tuere o=06:46
SoftwareExplorerIs there any parts of an ubuntu install's file system that will not backup up properly if I use rysnc to do it?06:47
lstarneschilli0: are you using chrome, or chromium>06:47
chilli0lstarnes:  its ~/.cache/chromium/ xD Thanks thoe.06:47
chilli0My bad for saying chrome , i didnt think it was availbe yet.06:47
lstarnesMehedi: you need to go to http://paste.ubuntu.com/, paste the output there, then give us the link to the resulting page06:47
lstarneschilli0: I'm using google's official packages for chrome06:47
joker2u> can anyone give me an idea why this does not work? tr -s ':,(' '\),(' dump.txt  or thi06:48
Matia_what is the terminal, i,m sorrry but this is my first time using this06:48
truthpusher000anyone help with easy iso windows on linux06:48
leaf-sheep!terminal | Matia_06:48
ubottuMatia_: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome) or K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE).  Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:48
tecywiz121hey, i think i found the source of my problems!  To recap, a bunch of unrelated hardware stopped working (mouse, sound, etc)  and it turns out the device files for said hardware was not where the programs expected them.  I symlinked my mouse dev files, and now it works, but I don't think that's the proper solution.  Any ideas for a fix?06:48
bazhangtruthpusher000, you can check the wine appdb06:48
bazhang!appdb > truthpusher00006:48
ubottutruthpusher000, please see my private message06:48
joker2u> can anyone give me an idea why this does not work? tr -s ':,(' '\),(' dump.txt  or this  sed -i 's/,(/),(/g' dumpdb.txt  both are suppoed to do the same thing, but after I do them, I can no longer see what is inside the file?? and I am not entirely sure the syntax for tr is correct.  I am trying to modify a 9 gig file.06:49
truthpusher000i tried to install it, didnt work06:49
Exuroanybody have experience using ISPConfig ?06:49
truthpusher000what method should i use06:49
antionella_please anybody help me out here06:49
bazhangtruthpusher000, there are native linux version, you may wish to try those (not easy iso but similar functionality)06:50
joker2uI used sed to change   (sql data)  new line  (more sql data)  new line  (different sql data)    to   ->   (sql data),(more sql data)   but goofed and it became (sql data,(more sql data,06:50
winterswiftantionella_: state your problem -  i didnt see it before06:50
MehediThe Paste you are looking for does not currently exist.06:51
antionella_i tried to play the videos on youtube and other but couldn't06:51
MikeChelenSoftwareExplorer: everything your user can access should backup okay06:51
osmosisI followed the instructions here, but still now samba shares to be found.  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SettingUpSamba#Server Configuration06:51
osmosisany help?06:52
antionella_winterswift, you there?06:52
truthpusher000ill re-phrase this, because im a newb, i repartitioned an external 500gb storage drive to be bootable and want to simplifiy the interface and config jumper settingsd06:52
winterswiftantionella_: explain specifically, i.e. theres just a blank white box there, nothing plays, etc.06:52
antionella_the videos and youtube couldn't be played after i updated the manager thing06:53
Gothfreak27I have a big problem now.. My system crashed in the middle of setting up the new upgrades to 9.10.. now I reboot to a termanal and run dpkg --configure -a and it says the file system is read only.. I can usualy fix that with the cdrom but I have no cd drive on this computer... any other way around it?06:53
SoftwareExplorerMikeChelen: I have my /home and a different partition and I back it up w/ rsync regularly. But i'm wondering if bad things would happen if I ran rsync with sudo and tried to copy /06:53
winterswiftantionella_: you mean after you ran update manager?06:53
gamerxhey guys06:53
antionella_winterswift yes06:54
truthpusher000since im asking if anyone needs booting or harddisk conv advise pm me06:54
winterswiftantionella_: do you have any idea what you updated exactly?06:54
antionella_winterswift: this is my first time using this and i'm so confused06:54
joker2u> can anyone give me an idea why this does not work? tr -s ':,(' '\),(' dump.txt  or this  sed -i 's/,(/),(/g' dumpdb.txt  both are suppoed to do the same thing, but after I do them, I can no longer see what is inside the file?? and I am not entirely sure the syntax for tr is correct.  I am trying to modify a 9 gig file.06:54
joker2uI used sed to change   (sql data)  new line  (more sql data)  new line  (different sql data)    to   ->   (sql data),(more sql data)   but goofed and it became (sql data,(more sql data,06:55
Blueyi run a backup script as a cronjob -- it runs as root - the only problem is, if you restore it's owned by root - easily fixed with chown -r06:55
winterswiftantionella_: hmm...thinking...what version of ubuntu are you running?06:55
antionella_i think it's the 8.03?06:55
MikeChelenSoftwareExplorer: everything should be readable, however im not if it can be restored to a new system06:56
winterswiftantionella_: 8.04 hardy?06:56
antionella_yes, i think that's the version06:56
BilliardBluey: when you backup you can keep the original permissions06:56
winterswiftantionella_: if you just got it, it's 9.0406:56
SoftwareExplorerMikeChelen: so you're saying it might not restore properly06:57
datzmezquitale, just got back, tried the above, no luck06:57
apersonwhy can I turn my headphones off, but not my pc speakers?06:57
antionella_winterswift: it's used i got it from ebay06:57
gamerxi cant get any themes to work06:58
datzmezquitale, what about restoring original driver to get flash sound while waiting for a fix?06:58
winterswiftantionella_: wait - are you saying you bought the disc?06:58
sajiaperson, don't you have a mute button?06:58
apersonsaji, it mutes both06:58
antionella_winterswift: i'm sure it's 8.0406:58
avanif someone has time i have a few questions06:58
gamerxavan, yes?06:58
=== al3k|out is now known as al3k
avanim trying to install ubuntu06:58
apersonsaji, I hvae a checkbox for just the headphones, checked the headphones are on06:58
gamerxavan, ok06:59
avanokay ill give you the whole story06:59
Blueyfwiw -- you can find out what version of ubuntu you are running by doing a sudo cat /etc/issue06:59
avanbasically i was using winxp06:59
sajiaperson, where do you see that ccheckbox?06:59
avani found out one of the system files was corrupt06:59
avanso i was going to use windows 706:59
antionella_winterswift: no i do the person who sold it to me included the disc in the package06:59
BilliardBluey: you shouldnt have to sudo06:59
apersonsaji, in Volume Control06:59
gamerxavan, ok :007:00
BlueyBilliard: I stand corrected!07:00
gamerxavan, then what/?07:00
apersonsaji, Device: HDA NVidia (Alsa mixer)07:00
sajiaperson, Oh the mute cheack box you mean.. right?07:00
avanbasically that didnt work07:00
gamerxavan, is it not working?07:00
antionella_winterswift: so do you know what's wrong?07:00
avanit said that it couldnt copy over certain files07:00
winterswiftantionella_: okay, ill give you a link to the new flash player in a moment07:00
avanso i decided to install ubuntu07:00
gamerxavan, do you mean the linux installation?07:00
clientthere is a message in my quassel irc client that says that i have a registered name and i ve to change it , do i ve to register that this message is away because i changed the name some times07:01
gamerxavan, so you mean the win7 install?07:01
avangamerx no i meant the win7 install07:01
apersonsaji, just trying to point out that I only have the checkbox for the alsa mixer, not pulse or oss07:01
antionella_winterswift: ok thanx07:01
avannow im talking the linux install07:01
gamerxavan, hehe ok :007:01
datzmezquitale, overlooked thread, checking it out now07:01
gamerxavan, so linux worked?07:01
avanbasically now when i go to install it gives me the error that it cant copy over certain files07:01
sajiaperson, every one has only one check box only...07:01
avanno it didnt gamerx07:01
Mehediwhen i try to install vlc media player it shows.....Unable to lock the download directory. what can i do?07:02
apersonsaji, the alsa one is the only one with a checkbox for it, all the others don't have it07:02
gamerxavan, are you able to do the disk integrity check, iirc its still there?07:02
avani am able07:02
gamerxavan, can you do that then :)07:02
lbaroudiwhat a best and good advice for ubuntu antivirus and is it a good idea to have one07:02
avanthe disc integrity is 100% fine07:02
avanalready did07:02
gamerxavan, oka07:02
avanand i did a mem test07:02
avanand thats 100% pass07:02
Mehediwhen i try to install vlc media player through command line it shows.....Unable to lock the download directory. what can i do?07:02
sajiaperson, if you want specific mute buttons just go to the volume control button besides the mute button..07:02
avani cant figure out what the problem is07:02
winterswiftantionella_: http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/otherversions/ select the Linux option, then download the .DEB file07:03
gamerxavan, so windows xp says it was corrupt then windows 7 refused to installed and now ubuntu wont, dosent that make you think it may be a  hardware problem?07:03
antionellawinterswift: where is that Linus option?07:03
avanbut its not my processor07:03
gamerxMehedi, you need to close any other installations you have open07:03
avanits not the hard drive07:03
apersonsaji, sweet, I just muted my pcm and unmuted it, and now my sound is messed up07:03
avanits not the ram07:03
avanits not the mobo07:03
gamerxMehedi, such as synmaptic, or anything liek that07:03
avaneverything in my computer is new07:03
winterswiftantionella: in the drop-down menu07:03
FloodBot2avan: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.07:03
RumoI have a question: Im having two computers. One with windows xp and internet and the other one with ubuntu. because its an dialup-connection theres no way to go on the internet with ubuntu. But is there a way to connect the two computers by a cable -> and make it so to go on the internet with both computers?07:04
gamerxavan, how do you know this?07:04
sajiaperson, what is your sound not working now?07:04
apersonsaji, I just get static07:04
FAJhi i am getting the following error:  privacy configuration mismatch and mixed-cell disabled - disassociate  can anyone help me please?  i have an ath9k module and a chipset of ar5418.  please help!07:04
avanbecause everything is brand new07:04
BlueyRumo: if one mache has 2 ethernet cards, yes...07:04
BilliardRumo: yes an ethernet cable and enable internet connection sharing on the windows machine07:04
apersonsaji, sudo service pulseaudio restart doesn't fix it either07:04
avanand it was all working up until like 3 days ago07:04
=== Berzerker- is now known as Berzerker
avani really dont want to have to buy more new shit07:05
gamerxavan, okay, but you can still get doa things :), anyway, what does the error in the linux install sa?07:05
sajiaperson, try changing the device from the dropdown..07:05
lstarnesaperson: I think ubuntu uses invoke-rc.d, not service07:05
datzmezquitale, that link doesn't specify a fix, correct? just identifies the problem?07:05
apersonlstarnes, for everything else it uses service07:05
avanhere, my girlfriend is bitching that she is hungry i have to go get food with her, ill be back in like 10-15 minutes07:06
winterswift!language | avan07:06
ubottuavan: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.07:06
gamerxavan, okay07:06
avani appologize07:06
gamerxavan, and yes watch those fingers lol07:06
BlueyRumo:  it depends on how the non-dialup computer is setup - you need to have 1 free ethernet port free -- so that takes 2 cards, OR 1 if you use usb port to connect to the internet07:06
avanim used to talking in other irc chans07:06
gamerxavan, its all good07:06
Mehediwhen i try to install vlc media player through command line it shows.....Unable to lock the download directory. what can i do?i am not doing any other installation and my synaptic package manager is also closed07:06
RumoBluey: the win-comp has a USB-modem so do I need only one ethernet card and a cable?07:06
gamerxavan, and maybe try prefixing wiht gamerx,?07:06
gamerx :007:06
avanwell shes going to get ready to get food so i have a few minutes :P07:07
gamerxavan, okay07:07
apersonrestarting alsa doesn't fix it either07:07
winterswiftantionella: got that installed yet?07:07
BlueyRumo: are you try to share the windows machines connection or ubuntu?07:07
sajiaperson, tell me what you did now? i mean before getting the static..07:07
apersonsaji, nevermind, I'm an idiot07:08
BlueyRumo: if you connect to the internet with a usb connect, you only need one ethernet port...07:08
apersonsaji, I must have not noticed turning the PCM all the way down07:08
LoafersUbuntu help pages overload?07:08
apersonsaji, but I still can't seem to mute just the speakers07:08
avanokay brb07:08
avanthanks just a min07:08
truthpusher000anyone know how to make os system faster tweak ram and power distribution and such07:08
gamerxsure k07:08
RumoBluey: do I need a special cable? I hear something of two kind of cables cross and nocross...07:08
antionella__winterswift: what now?07:09
gamerxRumo,  any cable should do they auto detect these days07:09
BlueyRumo: you shouldn't -- they are called crossover cables - it depends on the ethernet card...07:09
sajiaperson, that was great going... :)07:09
winterswiftantionella: run the .deb file07:09
apersonsaji, actually, I'm not an idiot, muting/unmuting the pcm does cause static, but moving the slider a tad restores it07:09
winterswiftantionella: should work :/07:09
BilliardRumo: crossover, but new devices are smart enough to use either cable07:09
winterswift!ping | winterswift07:09
ubottuwinterswift, please see my private message07:09
BlueyRumo: yes most cards auto detect otherwise youd need a crossover cable - and they aren't that expensive07:10
Loafers!ppa < Loafers07:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ppa < Loafers07:10
Loafers!ppa > Loafers07:10
ubottuLoafers, please see my private message07:10
gamerxbluey, you do realize theres been at leat 5 responses to the question xD07:10
RumoBluey: ok Bluey thank you very much07:10
gamerxBluey, im loling :007:10
Billiardhe only listens to bluey lol07:10
Blueygamerx: i should put the setup on pkill-9.com - it's easy using webmin07:10
tehbautpreference poll: vmware or virtualbox?07:11
gamerxtehbaut, virtualbox07:11
Blueyand windows has a wizard so it's pretty easy to do on that side to07:11
gamerxtehbaut, virtualbox OSE :007:11
Loaferstehbaut, virtualbox07:11
gamerxbluey, is that your site?07:12
Blueyyes pkill-9.com07:12
gamerxbluey, frigging wicked  :007:12
saji!support |tehbaut07:12
ubottutehbaut: The official ubuntu support channel is #ubuntu. Also see http://ubuntu.com/support and http://ubuntuforums.org07:12
Blueygamerx: it's all the things I've learned07:12
gamerxbluey, cept some of your immages overlap the theme xD07:12
Blueythe microlol does I know...07:12
saji!offtopic >tehbaut07:13
ubottutehbaut, please see my private message07:13
Mehediwhere is Dr. Willis?07:13
=== vatts[off] is now known as vatts
Blueygamerx: somebody asked me how to do envelopes - and I said - you know somebody else will ask this...07:13
tehbautheh, joykill07:13
antionellawinterswift: u still there?07:14
gamerxbluey, i noticed that, [in 10 easy steps] :O, i might start doing the same thing on my site too, gxhs.info07:14
winterswiftantionella: yes, did you get it installed?07:14
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!07:14
Blueythe hardest thing to fix - was my scanner - that took 6 months - second hardest - the ups - that took 3 months07:14
apersonsaji, I went through every single dropdown and option, I even tried the other pulseaudio volume control to no avail07:14
apersonI can't mute just my pc speakers for the life of me07:14
Blueygamerx: what's your site's url?07:14
gamerxbluey, no registration :'(07:14
gamerxbluey, www.gxhs.ws07:15
sajiaperson, well doesn't the speaker mute by itself, when you plugin the headphone?07:15
antionellawinterswift:no my file system is full so i have to get rid of some files in order to do that07:15
Blueygamerx: very nice!07:15
apersonsaji, no07:15
gamerxbluey, ty :0,07:15
gamerxbluey, its hoted on linux xD07:16
antionellawinterswift: those files were the belonged to the previous owner, i think they're about this computer07:16
gamerxbluey lol took me a while rofl07:16
apersonsaji, in fact, I've never had an ubuntu desktop/laptop that I've been able to configure it to do that07:16
Blueygamerx: mine's hosted with liquenox - which uses linux07:16
sajiaperson, so that's the problem you're having..07:16
winterswiftantionella: you can order free cd's of the new ubuntu version from canonical - i would recommend getting one07:16
Blueygamerx: ru really in samoa?07:16
sajiaperson, In my laptop by default, it worked out, and normally it does...07:16
Blueymy ftp has a .cx tld07:17
apersonsaji, doesn't on my hp.  I can't blame ubuntu, it's prolly some crappy audio drivers07:17
gamerxbluey, where the f*** does it say that xD, im in australia07:17
apersonbut still!07:17
gamerxOpenBluntSurgery, hey mate /007:17
Blueythe address http://production.gxhs.ws/  .ws is somoa07:17
sajiaperson, Which is your Ubuntu version?07:18
gamerxbluey, ohh no i just like short uri's07:18
Blueygamerx: ah so07:18
gamerxOpenBluntSurgery, ohh hey there :007:18
winterswiftantionella: if you dont have enough space to install flash player, i would also recommend reformatting your hard drive and installing that free disc i told you about07:18
gamerxbluey, you should have registration on your site...07:18
rytyI have a problem where my PC will freeze up07:18
rytyI'm running ubuntu 9.04 64-bit07:19
Blueygamerx: how would people get to it other wise?  unless they used the ip addy...07:19
truthpusher000can u format and config a usb drive for faster loads07:19
rytyit usually happens with the flash player plugin running, but I experienced it once without it running07:19
Blueytruthpusher000: yes - two things07:19
gamerxbluey, get to where?07:19
enduser000hello, it is possible to install ubuntu on a gpt disk?07:19
Blueytruthpusher000: use ext2 file format, (non journaled), and noatime on the mount07:20
antionellawinterswift: thank you very much for your assistance will u be in this chatroom tomorrow?07:20
Blueyenduser000: what is gpt?07:20
winterswiftantionella: yes, do you plan to fix it eventually?07:20
truthpusher000wat app to format07:20
apersonsaji, 9.04 x6407:21
rytyBluey, I think he means the partition table layout07:21
enduser000Bluey: gpt is a partition table07:21
antionellayes, i'm planning to do that07:21
rytyGPT versus MBR07:21
Blueyenduser000: okay not heard that term -07:21
enduser000does anyone know if I can use ubuntu and gpt?07:21
truthpusher000last time i inserted a usb drive it crashed my bios07:21
winterswiftantionella: you can also download and burn a copy free if you have a CD burner07:21
sajiaperson, 64 bit Ubuntu.. Maybe that's why problems in the driver...07:21
apersonsaji, I doubt it :)07:22
winterswiftantionella: but the easiest way would be to reformat, or at least clean the hard drive down to only ubuntu, then upgrade ubuntu using to 9.04/9.1007:22
avanhey im back gamerx07:23
antionellawinterswift: oh ok07:23
avanyou still here07:23
gamerxavan yeah07:23
avanso where were we?07:23
winterswiftantionella: did you buy a computer with ubuntu?07:23
gamerxavan, whats the error?07:23
apersonsaji, I think I give up on it for now.  I'll just hit the power on my speakers, but thanks anyways07:23
antionellawinterswift: no, i bought it online it still look new07:24
winterswiftantionella: do you have any idea what the cpu/ram specs are?07:24
sajiaperson, Why are you using 64 bit Ubuntu? any performance increase?07:24
antionellawinterswift: nope07:24
winterswiftantionella: where did you get the ubuntu disc? just getting things straight here07:25
apersonsaji, I used to encode dvds and yes, there is an increase07:25
apersonsaji, also, I have four gigs of ram07:25
antionellawinterswift: i got it with the computer07:25
leaf-sheepsaji: There are nothing wrong with taking full advantages of your hardwares.07:25
antionellabut it's not the 9.04 disc, it's the 8.0407:25
sajiaperson, with 4 GB of RAM that's a good decision...07:25
winterswiftokay, so you got a used computer with the ubuntu disc?07:25
the_spiriti ve delete nick serv message is that a problem for me07:25
avangamerx basically that a specific file (different files, but the error comes up multiple times) cannot be copied over from the disc07:25
sajileaf-sheep, my point was not that.. Well aperson understood it.. With only high RAM capability its useful....07:26
winterswiftantionella: okay, so definitely reformat the hard drive using the ubuntu installer since you have the disc, then i can tell you tomorrow how to upgrade it07:26
gamerxavan, im not too sure, have you tried another optical drive?07:26
apersonsaji, as I said, in media apps there is an increase07:26
leaf-sheepthe_spirit: No. It is not a problem. You do not have to be registered to use #ubuntu07:26
apersonsaji: also you get to use your full bus speed07:26
winterswiftjust send me a private message, ill leave my status as Away07:26
avangamerx yes07:26
antionellawinterswift: oh wait this is small it doesn't have the dvd thing to use the disc07:27
sajiaperson, that's right...07:27
gamerxavan, hmm07:28
winterswiftantionella: what do you mean it cant use the disc?07:28
antionellait doesn07:28
gamerxwinterswift, i think the netbook dont have a dvd drive in it07:28
gamerxwinterswift, maybe xD07:29
leaf-sheepantionella: You have a USB stick?  You can install Ubuntu via USB too.07:29
antionellawinterswift: it doesn't include any dvd rom, the computer doesn't include that07:29
winterswiftgamerx: its a netbook :/?07:29
the_spiritand for other channels do i have registered?07:29
bullgardHow can I inhibit the expansion to emoticons on a ChatZilla display screen?07:29
gamerxwinterswift, is it, thats what i could gather from the convo...07:29
gamerxavan, im not too sure07:29
apersonmy only pain for x64 has been flash, and now that we have x64 flash I haven't had an issue07:29
the_spiritdont wanna do that07:29
leaf-sheepthe_spirit: Most of the channels do not require any registrations.07:29
antionellawinterswift: oh yes, it doesn't include the dvd rom07:30
winterswiftantionella: is this a desktop or a laptop?07:30
leaf-sheep!usb | antionella07:30
ubottuantionella: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent07:30
sebsebsebdatz: Yes what about it?07:30
sajiaperson, I have 2GB ram... Will it be useful for me to switch to the 64bit edition?07:30
the_spirithow cant you write so red07:30
antionellawinterswift: what's the difference?07:31
datznvm, guess that's not what antionella needed07:31
apersonsaji: what sort of desktop user are you?07:31
sebsebsebthe_spirit: testing this is red yes?07:31
leaf-sheepthe_spirit: Because your nickname came up.  Anybody that call you by your nickname will appear differently so you can see the messages are for you.07:31
gamerxavan, since its all the OS's that have issues, maybe you need to take it back (the pc), or do some dedicated hardware tests07:31
antionellawinterswift: it is a laptop sorry07:31
the_spiritok i understood07:31
gamerxwinter, are you able to handle that question xD07:31
apersonsaji: if you plan on upgrading to the latest ubuntu when that hits, I'd say try it.  It *is* the future07:31
sebsebsebthe_spirit: yes most/all  IRC clients do  name highlights when messages have your name in them07:31
avangamerx how does one go about doing dedicated hardware tests?07:32
antionellawinterswift: u still there?07:32
Blueyhey truthpusher000 needs help with reformatting a hard drive, not my strong point - can someone help?07:32
winterswiftantionella: mini-laptop or regular-size?07:32
Blueyonly way I know how to do it, is with the bootable install cd.07:32
gamerxavan, like test the components induvigily, maybe its a better idea to take it back to where you got it and tell them your issue07:32
sebsebsebtruthpusher000: system > administration > partition editor07:32
gamerxantionella, its called a netbook..07:32
sebsebsebtruthpusher000: delete the partition apply the changes,  and there you go07:33
sebsebsebtruthpusher000: when on the Live CD07:33
=== Guest61895 is now known as ZeldaExpert
avangamerx i built it on new-egg07:33
Blueyahh see I don't have then --07:33
avanand they dont exactly have a store near me07:33
the_spiritsavas youre also on quassel07:33
sebsebsebtruthpusher000: when deleting an Ubuntu partition07:33
ZeldaExpertI'm in a sort of predicament....07:33
antionellagamerx: okay, it's a notebook07:33
sajiaperson, I already ow downloading the Ubuntu 9.10 beta for installation...07:33
datzBluey, try gparted maybe?07:34
RobotCowhow do i get rid of the ubuntu theme for firefox so it doesnt block personas addon (new for firefox 3.5)07:34
Sander1Hey al07:34
ZeldaExpertThe classic "I need to get rid of GRUB" type...07:34
sebsebseb!karmic |  saji07:34
ubottusaji: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+107:34
winterswiftantionella: you should use the netbook remix then - http://www.canonical.com/projects/ubuntu/unr07:34
Blueymight have to install gparted....truth07:34
leaf-sheepRobotCow: Did you try applying a different Firefox theme?07:34
datzBluey, live cd07:35
sebsebsebBluey: Gparted is on the Live CD by default, it won't however be in instals by default07:35
Sander1I have installed falsh play but he had an error...07:35
Blueydatz -- thanks...07:35
NCIS-AGENThow do I make gnome-terminal keep only one running instance?07:35
RobotCowleaf-sheep, yes and those blocked as well. i just want the default.07:35
Sander1so i thought i install again but i cant07:35
ZeldaExpertHow can I get rid of Grub so I can delete my Ubuntu partition and have only 1 OS so that I can repartition everything again.07:35
datzBluey, good luck07:35
Sander1so how can i delte flash?07:35
apersonsaji, if you're curious about it, the best way to find out is to try it :)07:35
Chinkldzwhere is smb.conf07:35
Blueysebsebseb: yup I have that here"   http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=5107:35
the_spiriti had rezize my hdd with qparted and i had to reinstall kde07:35
apersonChinkldz, /etc/07:35
sebsebsebZeldaExpert: see above at  what I sent to truthpusher00007:35
sajiaperson, ya...07:35
leaf-sheepRobotCow: I don't know what personas addon but I'm checking it out.07:35
truthpusher000hey, how do i check my computer specs for this??07:35
apersonChinkldz, my bad /etc/samba/smb.cnf07:36
NCIS-AGENThow do I make gnome-terminal keep only one running instance?\07:36
sajiaperson, the problem is that now i'm into my semester project, so i can't take chances.... But Beta Ubuntu is ok.. LOL.07:36
truthpusher000im trying to see specs07:36
sajiNCIS-AGENT, what do you mean?07:37
ZeldaExpertLittle bit more elaboration on this due to me getting sick of seeing the Error screen of GRUB if I delete my Linux partition.07:37
apersonChinkldz, fwiw: almost all of your configuration files are going to be in either /etc/ or /home/youruser/07:37
Mehedii can connect internet using gnome ppp dial up tool through my edge modem in ubuntu 8.10. but ubuntu 9.04 does not show my network name/can not recognize my network.what can i do?07:37
sebsebsebZeldaExpert: well yes07:37
NCIS-AGENTsaji, force gnome-terminal to only have one open window07:37
sebsebsebZeldaExpert: that's meant to happen07:37
leaf-sheepRobotCow: The addons worked for me.  Nice themes.07:37
Blueyokay happy trails all07:37
NCIS-AGENTsaji, i always end up with alot running07:37
sebsebsebZeldaExpert: your trying to make it so only Windows will boot up I assume?07:37
RobotCowleaf-sheep, yes they are. however i cant get rid of that stinking default theme for ubuntu in firefox. what theme are you using?07:37
Sander1how can i delete thing from ubuntu >07:37
leaf-sheepNCIS-AGENT: You could use package 'terminator'07:38
apersonsaji, it isn't like x64 is going to crash on you.  I've been using the x64 since two releases ago and haven't had much issue07:38
sebsebsebZeldaExpert: you don't need to pm07:38
truthpusher000how can i view specs please help about to make major decision based on specs07:38
sajileaf-sheep, that's exactly the opposite of his need.. right..07:38
sebsebsebZeldaExpert: a  tiny bit of Grub  is left on the MBR07:38
sajileaf-sheep, ?07:38
the_spiritdo i have to write this ":" behind the name to get it lightin for the person i write to07:38
leaf-sheepRobotCow: Personally, I use ChromiFox Basic -- but to get it working with the said plugin, I have to use Default (Tango).07:38
RobotCowleaf-sheep, they are different than themes. they are personas, new in ff 3.5, worked fine in windoze07:38
gamerxSander1, you just predd delete, or right click and move to garbage bin07:38
sebsebsebZeldaExpert: and it points to  your  no longer there  Ubuntu partition07:38
Mehedii can connect internet using gnome ppp dial up tool through my edge modem in ubuntu 8.10. but ubuntu 9.04 does not show my network name/can not recognize my network.what can i do?07:39
sebsebsebZeldaExpert: hence why nothing will boot up07:39
sajiaperon, but what if i have hardware driver issues like you...07:39
Sander1but i cant find the flash back...07:39
RobotCowleaf-sheep, im going to try removing firefox-gnome-branding07:39
sajisorry.. aperson but what if i have hardware driver issues like you...07:39
sebsebsebZeldaExpert: so you can  just re install Ubuntu, and  put on Grub again :)07:39
Sander1becuase i installed flash but he had an error07:39
apersonsaji, it's not an x64 problem07:39
NCIS-AGENTleaf-sheep, i read the man for that, but i could not figure out to how to do this?07:39
apersonsaji, it's a driver problem in general07:39
wookienzhow do i install grub on my new hard drive which i have copied an old fs to?07:39
leaf-sheep!info terminator | saji07:40
ubottusaji: terminator (source: terminator): multiple GNOME terminals in one window. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.12-2 (jaunty), package size 120 kB, installed size 1064 kB07:40
phris there some simple way to put a bootable .iso dvd image onto a usb stick so i can install from that instead of burning an actual dvd?07:40
bullgardHow can I inhibit the expansion to emoticons on a ChatZilla display screen?07:40
leaf-sheepsaji: Multiple Gnome terminals in one window? :)07:40
NCIS-AGENTwookienz, grub-install /dev/device07:40
Sander1and now i cant find it back07:40
sajileaf-sheep, ya i know...07:40
RobotCow!grub wookienz07:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grub wookienz07:40
ZeldaExpertYou see, I can't boot up anything unless I reinstall Ubuntu.07:40
Dr_Willisphr:  use unetbootin to make a bootable flash drive from an iso image07:40
Mehedii can connect internet using gnome ppp dial up tool through my edge modem in ubuntu 8.10. but ubuntu 9.04 does not show my network name/can not recognize my network.what can i do?07:40
sajileaf-sheep, I think i got his requirement wrong.. Sorry..07:40
RobotCow!grub @ wookienz07:40
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about grub @ wookienz07:40
Dr_Willisphr:  or theubuntu 'usb-creator tool'07:40
leaf-sheepRobotCow: It's a default theme. It won't hurt to leave it alone.07:40
RobotCow!grub > wookienz07:40
ubottuwookienz, please see my private message07:40
Chinkldzapearson: Took me a while to get far enough07:40
ChinkldzShould all work now07:40
the_spiritleaf-sheep can you see the light over the text07:41
RobotCowleaf-sheep, it blocks the top from seeing the personas and now i can only see the personas at the bottom of FF07:41
NCIS-AGENTleaf-sheep, so what do you recommend07:41
ChinkldzLet's just hope I can copy over all the videos from the share before my laptop runs out of battery07:41
leaf-sheepNCIS-AGENT: You install and run terminator.  Use it instead of gnome-terminal.  It's similar, really.07:41
NCIS-AGENTleaf-sheep, ok.07:41
sajiNCIS-AGENT, install Ubuntu-tweak, then you can install terminator etc.. easily and manage all your repositories automatically and more easily..07:41
leaf-sheepNCIS-AGENT: Give it a fair chance.  See what you think of it first.07:41
NCIS-AGENTsudo apt-get install ubuntu-tweak07:41
Mehedii can connect internet using gnome ppp dial up tool through my edge modem in ubuntu 8.10. but ubuntu 9.04 does not show my network name/can not recognize my network.what can i do?07:41
Dr_WillisNCIS-AGENT:  terminators replaced gnome-terminal for me. >:)07:42
NCIS-AGENTDr_Willis, ok.07:42
leaf-sheepRobotCow: I'm thinking you have multiple addons that may be the root of the problem, not the Default theme.07:42
sebsebsebZeldaExpert: in reply to your pm, you  need  to  re install Grub, or let the Windows CD fix the MBR, so  that bit of Grub that is left gets removed07:42
Dr_WillisNCIS-AGENT:  but i missed the original question/problem07:42
NCIS-AGENTDr_Willis, only one gnome-term window07:42
ChinkldzGnome-terminal has transparency :P07:42
sebsebsebZeldaExpert: re install Grub, I meant  Ubuntu,  or even another distro if you want07:42
RobotCowleaf-sheep, im pretty sure i have all the same exact addons in windoze, ugh, ill figure it out07:42
leaf-sheepRobotCow: How many addons?07:42
Sander1how can i install flash again if he say tht it is on my computer (ut he had an error so not complete i guess) ??07:42
pistymanError: Wrong architecture 'i386'07:43
Mehedii can connect internet using gnome ppp dial up tool through my edge modem in ubuntu 8.10. but ubuntu 9.04 does not show my network name/can not recognize my network.what can i do?07:43
pistymanwhats this mean?07:43
sajiNCIS-AGENT, gnome-terminal has tab feature... But not tiling like terminator... :)07:43
phrDr_Willis i don't seem to have either of those?07:43
KB1JWQpistyman: What's uname -a say in terminal?07:43
bazhangpistyman, for an installer disk or other07:43
phri have to download and build?07:43
ChinkldzWell thanks, and cya!07:43
leaf-sheepRobotCow: I have 11 or 12. Try disabling all themes and see what happen!  If that works, then you know it's not the theme.  Start enabling two or three addons at a one time.  As to narrow down to the particular addon.07:44
RobotCowleaf-sheep, 9, but one is that ubuntu one i cant remove07:44
=== nitrohax is now known as Guest84468
Sander1how can i install flash again if he said tht it is on my computer (ut he had an error so not complete i guess) ??07:44
kiamoI just started running fsck.ext3 on my corrupted filesystem and its asking me: "Deleted inode 164331 has zero dtime.  Fix<y>?"07:44
pistymani dont understnad what you are talking about07:44
kiamoshould I go for it?07:44
pistymani just want it to work..07:44
Boohbahkiamo: go for it...07:44
kiamowhat does it even mean lol07:44
=== Guest84468 is now known as Nitrohax
bazhangpistyman, want what07:45
the_spiritive a problem too07:45
Mehedii can connect internet using gnome ppp dial up tool through my edge modem in ubuntu 8.10. but ubuntu 9.04 does not show my network name/can not recognize my network.what can i do?07:45
Dr_Willisphr:  unetbootin is installable on 9.04+ or go download it at the unetbootin homepage it has versions for other os's also07:45
KB1JWQpistyman: What are you doing that gets that error?07:45
the_spiritwhen i klick on a link sometimes it pops the konqueror but i want the firefox to pop up07:46
NCIS-AGENTDr_Willis, i dont see an option in terminator for keeping only one instance?07:46
Dr_WillisNCIS-AGENT:  never noticed that feature. never really wanted it.. it could be a command line option.     could check the terminator forum also.07:46
Dr_WillisNCIS-AGENT:  terminator is basically a python wrapper around gnome-terminal.   So its very customizeable07:47
pistymani am installing a cad program07:47
pistymanbut it dont work07:47
RobotCowpistyman, which one07:48
RobotCowpistyman, wine?07:48
=== vatts is now known as vatts[off]
leaf-sheep!away > vatts[off]07:49
ubottuvatts[off], please see my private message07:49
* gamerx cant play dvd's07:49
Nitrohaxgamerx needs to install the restriced extras07:49
bazhang!medibuntu > gamerx07:50
ubottugamerx, please see my private message07:50
sajiNCIS-AGENT, maybe this link can help you.07:50
pistymanhere robotcow07:50
sajiNCIS-AGENT, https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/3251507:50
truthpusher000anyone info on wine install made easy07:51
Sander1I am instlling flash now but now he is done and have an ERROR  E: ttf-mscorefonts-installer: subproces post-installation script    what to do now ??07:51
Bergerac-FleurtrucMuche, apt-get install wine07:51
truthpusher000wat is trucmuche07:51
truthpusher000an app07:52
Dr_Willis!wine | truthpusher00007:52
ubottutruthpusher000: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu07:52
Bergerac-Fleurwhoops,, I meant to say truthpusher00007:52
Bergerac-Fleurif you want the bleeding edge version of wine, add the repo in your source.lst07:53
Dr_Willistruthpusher000:  'sudo apt-get install wine'   You may want to enable teh winehq repos to allow you to use the latest wine versions.07:53
leaf-sheepNCIS-AGENT: You could try adapting a better practices with terminal.  For me, I leave multiple terminals running in a separate workspace.07:53
Dr_Willisleaf-sheep:  :)  Yep.. thats one good way to stay organized.07:53
gamerxNitrohax, what package from there do i need?07:53
Dr_Willisleaf-sheep:  i use the 2nd monitor for that. :)07:54
leaf-sheepDr_Willis: >:}~07:54
Sander1What can id o about the error E: ttf-mscorefonts-installer: subproces post-installation script ???07:54
truthpusher000its asking for password07:54
truthpusher000wat to do07:54
Nitrohaxgamerx> sent msg07:55
leaf-sheepDr_Willis: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHFS works for you?07:56
oldmani got a problem with visicalc07:56
truthpusher000im dumd07:56
oldman!call kb1jwq07:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about call kb1jwq07:56
Xhr0nokb1jwq = 007:56
truthpusher000dumb lol07:56
KB1JWQoldman: Oh?07:57
KB1JWQYeah, I'm swift.07:57
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!07:57
oldmanmy visicalc crashes with qemu for unknow reason07:57
Dr_Willisleaf-sheep:  'The requested URL could not be retrieved'07:57
oldmananytime when i try to add a new line it crashes07:58
leaf-sheepDr_Willis: Ahh I see. It was functioning fine half hour ago! I'll use Google caches! :007:58
Dr_Willisleaf-sheep:  thers not a lot to using sshfs :)07:58
Sander1I have the error E: ttf-mscorefonts-installer: subproces post-installation script07:59
Sander1What to do ??07:59
leaf-sheepDr_Willis: I never can remember the commands. :307:59
oldmanhmm nobody helps me with visicalc07:59
kiamook so I ran fsck on my corrupted fs and now im getting a disk error before grub even loads08:00
ZeldaExpertDoes anyone here know how to set up a modem08:00
Dr_Willisleaf-sheep:  i made an alias  to print out a summary of commandussage, sshfs --help is to verbose and the basic ussage always gets scrolled away08:01
leaf-sheepSander1: Try "sudo dpkg --configure -a"08:01
oldmana bell modem?08:01
phrDr_Willis, thanks08:01
oldmanzeldaexpert: a bell?08:01
Dr_Willisleaf-sheep:  usage: sshfs [user@]host:[dir] mountpoint [options]08:01
oldmanok type atz08:01
oldmanin a modem terminal08:02
Sander1What is sudo dkpg?08:02
oldmanthats karate for programs sander108:02
prassyyhello everybody, I'm trying to compile my first kernel module. It gives an error after make... any help?08:02
Dr_WillisSander1:  sudo is command to run things as root... 'dpkg' is a package manager command.08:02
oldmansudo = su system user = Do do it08:02
phrit's weird that these things are so gui-fied and they're distributed as binaries.  i was figuring on a 5 line shell script or some such08:02
Dr_Willisphr:  for what? puting an iso as a bootable flash drive? that can be a rahter complex task. depending on the disrto.08:03
Dr_Willisphr:  ive seen some live cd's where youjust copy the cd iso files to flash.. and install syslinux. done.08:03
Dr_Willisphr:  others need more tweaking08:03
truthpusher000is it ok to insert usb that was formatted on windows08:04
=== pete_ is now known as Guest38263
Bergerac-Fleurtruthpusher000, yea08:05
leaf-sheeptruthpusher000: *nix can read Windows formats, yes.08:05
phrdr_willis i'm trying to install fedora from usb... but this looks so complicated i think i'll do a few contortions to burn a dvd and use that08:05
phromg, download instructions:08:05
=== bambam is now known as Guest1228
phrgit clone git://unetbootin.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/unetbootin08:05
phrcd unetbootin08:05
phrgit checkout 66a03d84902ddde5a128c6e38cd3d7c36dcdf8ef08:05
tsukasa_hey all08:05
FloodBot2phr: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.08:05
Bergerac-Fleurphr, might be a wrong boot option08:06
toefurdoes anybody know of a alternative vdpau for ATI??08:06
Dr_Willisphr:  all ive ever done with unetbootin is plug in flash drive.. run unetbootin.. point it to the proper iso file and let it run.08:07
Dr_Willisphr:   takes about 4 min for unebootin to do its work and ya got a bootable flash drive.08:07
tsukasa_quick question, not alsa specific - i installed alsa from the repos, and then grabbed a svn copy and installed that. even with apt-get remove alsa, it's still apparently finding the old version somewhere according to /proc/asound/version after a reboot. i remember there being some file somewhere that you could edit to tell the system to search a different path first when loading those sort of driver files, any idea which file that08:07
Dr_Willisphr:  unetbootin is downloadabel in binary form for many disrtos and for windows08:07
Dr_Willisphr: no need touse gig.08:08
Sander1where can i find sudo ?08:08
leaf-sheep!sudo | Sander108:08
ubottuSander1: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)08:08
Dr_WillisSander1:  its a standard command.08:08
leaf-sheep!dpkg | Sander108:08
ubottuSander1: dpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.08:08
toefurand if not... do you know if the nvidia 9600 ran well with ubuntu08:08
=== toby_ is now known as tobyn
RobotCowhi pistyman08:10
L3dPlatedLinuxwhats the new repo?08:10
leaf-sheeptoefur: I'm guessing no.  Check for your card on http://http.download.nvidia.com/XFree86/Linux-x86/1.0-9755/README/appendix-a.html  -- Also, check with #nvidia08:10
phrdr_willis yeah i guess i could use the binary, it's just weird enough that i'm usually more comfortable compiling things like that myself08:11
stealth-if the command "free" is showing 5076 as the entry for my ammount of free ram. Does that only mean I have 5mb of free ram? or am I misinterpreting something here? It is a rather old system08:11
huwenfenghi, i am running 8.04, and i want to install a new 9.04 in another partition on my computer. but i got only an ISO file , no CD. and i got a 2G of usb disk. can i make it using all these thing? or can i install it right from the ISO???? any method or url??08:11
leaf-sheephuwenfeng: You can use USB Startup Disk Creator.  It's in Preferences/Administration.08:12
MenZa!usb | huwenfeng08:12
ubottuhuwenfeng: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:12
MenZaleaf-sheep: 1upped!08:12
leaf-sheepMenZa: The links are dead right now. :(08:12
=== Guest38263 is now known as NCIS-AGENT
phrfedora has a command line thing that dumps the iso to a usb stick but its yum package doesn't run under ubuntu and i haven't bothered trying to find the source08:13
huwenfengleaf-sheep: in 8.04, no such USB Startup Disk Creator.08:13
MenZaleaf-sheep: Oh :(08:13
pistymanhow to install it?08:14
pistymanit dont work08:14
pistymanget some architecture prob08:14
phr8.04 is supposed to be LTS too, sigh08:15
pupsijoin #ubuntu-ua08:15
leaf-sheephuwenfeng: I suppose you will have to use unetbootin08:15
huwenfengleaf-sheep: yes, i am trying to use this method, but is there any method to just install from the ISO? for example, using the starting GRUB to boot from the ISO file on the disk??08:16
LaibschI have a couple of connections in Network manager that I cannot edit.  Does anybody have an idea why that could be the case and what I have to do change/delete them?08:16
x3k0Hello I have visual effects set to none, but when I click on an item in a window list to minimize the window, an ugly black rectangle animation appears.  Can I remove ugly animation?08:17
leaf-sheephuwenfeng: I wouldn't know about that -- You can upgrade your system using the ISO but you specifically wanted it on a different partition.08:17
L3dPlatedLinuxok both  of my two repos fail whats the one i should be using08:17
Dr_Willisx3k0:  I recall some gconf2  setting to do that.. but not done it/tryed it in ages..08:17
huwenfengleaf-sheep: yes, of course in another partition, in case of configuration prolblem!08:18
phrok, my basic plan is burn fedora DVD, swap out hard drive, install fedora on new drive, put old drive in USB dock and restore user files from it.08:18
Dr_Willisx3k0:  sounds like a video driver issue/glitz leaving artifacts08:18
Dr_Willisphr:  ive missed how this is #ubuntu related. :)08:19
phri'm running ubuntu right now ;)08:19
x3k0ok, i check gconf, i just wished the window disapeared period. no animation, saves battery :)08:19
leaf-sheep!unetbootin | huwenfeng08:19
ubottuhuwenfeng: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent08:19
ShapeShifter499is there a ubuntu offtopic channel?08:20
leaf-sheep!ot | ShapeShifter49908:20
ubottuShapeShifter499: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:20
phrso i was trying to find the ubuntu tools for bootable usb.  but that unetbootin thing just seems too windows-ish for my tastes :)08:20
pistymanok yall08:20
oldman!ot | oldman08:20
ubottuoldman, please see my private message08:20
pistymanwhy doesnt my architecture work?08:20
lilzeusmy internet/network connection suddenly will not work, can someone help?08:21
oldmanmaybe because static failures?08:21
bazhangpistyman, for what; be specific08:21
pistymani dunno but i am tired of nothing working08:21
Dr_Willisphr:  what version?08:21
pistymanintalling this http://www.cycas.de/check.php?s=en&sys=lin08:21
bazhang!work | pistyman08:21
ubottupistyman: Doesn't work is a strong statement. Does it sit on the couch all day? Does it want more money? Is it on IRC all the time? Please be specific! Examples of what doesn't work tend to help too.08:21
pistymani cliked linux version08:21
RobotCowleaf-sheep, what version of ff are you using?08:22
pistymani clicked install08:22
lilzeusno network card works in my 9.04 install, suddenly, and unexplained after a restart...is that specific enough?08:22
leaf-sheepRobotCow: Gecko/20091007 Ubuntu/9.10 (karmic) Firefox/3.5.308:22
pistymanthen it came up with some architecture thing in red saying it doesnt work08:22
lilzeusactually, the network adapters 'work' but they do not connect to the network08:23
Billiardpistyman: you are running x64?08:24
lilzeusplease, can someone help?08:25
Billiardpistyman: did it give you a .deb download?08:25
lord_of_computinHow can we alter the refresh rate while using vesa?08:25
Billiardpistyman: dpkg -i --force-architecture package.deb08:26
Billiardpistyman: run that command replace package with the name of the .deb file you downloaded08:26
d4r3Hey, I was running Ubuntu Hardy 8.04 and it has crashed today with all my data stuck....08:27
d4r3the error message on the screen is08:27
d4r3sh[2740] general protection eip:bf8a8fd8 error:008:27
d4r3init: rcS main process (2740) killed be SEGV signal08:28
Billiardpistyman: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47479008:28
pistymanrequested operation requires superuser privilege08:28
bazhangpistyman, use sudo08:28
pistymanthis is what i get when i do what you say08:28
d4r3can someone help? I tried google alot but there ain't any sulution08:28
Billiardpistyman: sorry put sudo at the beginning08:28
lstarnespistyman: put sudo before the command08:28
oldman1.14 billion dollars depth08:28
bazhangoldman, ??08:29
jedcpistyman, sudo dpkg -i --force-architecture package.deb08:29
lord_of_computinSiS760 and linux, anyone has a solution for it?08:29
d4r3LiveCD is also not working08:29
oldmanmarc shuttleworth08:29
lilzeuscan anyone get my network cards working again?08:29
bazhang!ot > oldman08:29
ubottuoldman, please see my private message08:29
pistymanf this08:29
lilzeusgood, eh is gone08:30
d4r3can someone help me getting my ubuntu running back up again?08:30
lord_of_computinSiS760 and linux, anyone has a solution for it?08:30
lilzeusso, suddenly, after a restart, no network card seems to work properly...help please?08:30
lord_of_computinseems not...08:30
oldmanyeah throw your machine away lord08:30
d4r3init: rc-default main process (2741) killed by SEGV signal08:30
huwenfengoh, i give up and use UNetbootin, GRUB2 may will make it to boot from an ISO file08:30
lord_of_computinoldman:  :(08:30
lord_of_computinoldman: i know asus sucks08:31
lord_of_computinoldman: they saved away a buzzer too08:31
Viking667Quick question. Where the heck is hamachi?08:31
oldmanhamachi is a zeroconf VPN08:32
Viking667I can't seem to find it in Ubuntu repositories at all, nor Mandriva repositories for that matter.08:32
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hamachi08:32
Viking667oldman: that's correct. I know _what_ it is, but I thought Ubuntu might have it.08:32
oldmanyou can install it by yourself, its relatively easy08:33
Viking667yeah, I know. It seems I did that over on my Mandriva machine.08:33
Concretesledgehow do i setup su08:33
Concretesledgein ubuntu 9.0408:33
Viking667Only problem is, it's not managing to log in any more.08:33
oldmanwhat errormsg?08:33
lilzeusplease help get my internets back...lol08:34
oldmanok first tuncfg, then type hamachi start08:34
oldmanthen hamachi login08:34
Viking667oldman: thank you for that. Where do you get all these neat links from? http://justgoogeit.damn.it/08:34
oldmanthen hamachi go-online network08:34
truthpusher000anyone need help with bios pm08:34
Viking667heh. It's the hamachi login that's failing08:34
oldmanviking: from goa'uld08:34
truthpusher000bios help offer before i log off08:34
Viking667from ..... who??08:35
oldmanviking: i need at least a errormsg from your hamachi08:35
* lucent wanders in with a glass of red wine08:35
Viking667heh. "Logging in...... failed"08:35
oldmanmy alterego (aquired by my goauld told it)08:35
dynamiteny guru's free? having a lot of probs :(08:35
oldmanviking667 seems to be your hamachi key failed08:35
youssefgood morning. Is Ubuntu-bugs the best place to report bugs and have hints to solve them?08:35
lucentdynamite: I'll bite, whats the problem?08:35
oldmanviking go to home/youruser/.hamachi08:36
dynamitehold on a sec08:36
oldmanand delete the stored keys08:36
d4r3can someone please point me to the right channel to get some help recovering my crashed Ubuntu installation08:36
youssefI have upgrade to Karmic Koala. And it freezes usually when using Firefox. I can move the mouse, but windows and menus do not react. ctrl-alt-fX, ctrl-alt-del ctrl-alt-bhackspace do not work08:37
lucentd4r3: I'm up for it if you want to hit me via privmsg08:37
Viking667oldman: the client.{pri,pub} files?08:37
dynamitelucent... having some issues trying to install proftp08:37
lucentgetting out of trouble is one of my talents as it applies to linux08:37
oldmandel both08:37
Viking667roger. Then?08:37
=== vatts[off] is now known as vatts
Viking667I've stopped hamachi already...08:38
yousseflucent, do you have a better solution in my case than powering-off my computer?08:38
oldmanthen hamachi-init08:38
lucentyoussef: one sec, I'm going to look and see if I can read what your problem was08:38
Viking667youssef: try this:    Alt-PrintScreen-R08:38
oldmanhamachi start08:38
youssefthanks lucent08:38
Viking667then  Ctl-Alt-F108:38
Viking667oldman: thank you.08:38
oldmanhamachi join network password08:39
youssefViking667, ctrl-alt-f1 do not work then08:39
oldmanhamachi go-online network08:39
lucentyoussef: the "zap" has been disabled so ctrl+alt+backspace won't work unless you've (re-)enabled it08:39
oldmanhamachi login08:39
lord_of_computinwould someone mind explaining why SiS760 works under Windows but not Linux? If yes how...? I have searched for it but got no expository ideas.08:39
youssefhow can I re-enable it?08:39
phoenixandthorHello everyone. I found a problem whereby if I'm running a java applet (especially runescape), The applet seems to "steal" my sound card! sound from more then one app at a time works, but not with java08:39
Viking667oldman: that exact phrase?  go-online  network?08:39
Viking667what if I don't know what the "name" of the network is?08:40
oldmango-online thenetwork name08:40
kbpNewbie here. I wants to copy some audio CDs. Does anyone know what is the most recommended program? thanx alot :)08:40
Viking667ah. that's the problem. I don't have a list of network names.08:40
oldmanviking667 ah08:40
lucentyoussef: I think there's a new program just for doing that, it's "dontzap" maybe? let me see08:40
oldmanthen you have to create a new network08:40
navaplucent: How do you enable ctrl+alt+backspace?08:40
phoenixandthorah.... sound juicer?08:40
Viking667dontzap --disable08:40
Viking667(as root)08:40
phoenixandthorI think Brasero can also rip CDs08:40
oldmanhamachi create08:40
youssefthanks lucent08:41
lucentnavap: I'm looking, it may have changed08:41
lilzeuscan anyone help me with my network card problem?08:41
phoenixandthorand mayber rythymbox?08:41
truthpusher000no drivers detected , any help? ( external re-portioned drive)08:41
oldmanok please consider the man08:41
Viking667oldman: err, there aren't any man pages to the copy of hamachi that I have here.08:42
phoenixandthorNow, how do I get java to use pulseaudio?08:42
truthpusher000no drivers, please help lol will not install from hp site using this syste,08:42
oldmanwhatever the manual is kept short and simple08:42
truthpusher000i want to play wow08:42
lucentnavap, youssef: I can't easily find how to re-enable the Zap feature on Xorg X11... some google search will help, let's see what we find08:42
lilzeuscan anyone see my messages?08:42
youssefthanks all. I found https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap08:42
Viking667lilzeus: I can see you. I'm just not answering.08:43
youssefthanks a lot lucent and all08:43
sagacihow do you launch an application in a terminal without it being stuck to the terminal08:43
anonHey guys. Need a little help with installing MySQL Server from the ubuntu repos. "dpkg: error processing mysql-server (--configure):"08:43
lilzeuswell, thanks, I guess08:43
Viking667lilzeus: mainly because I don't know (1) what you're asking, and (2) how to answer08:43
Ali_nzany testdisk experts here? what does bad relative sector mean?08:43
navaplucent: Thanks for looking.08:43
anonsagaci, depends on most of the apps. but you can run it with & at the end08:43
Viking667I know you want help with your network card, but I don't know WHAT help you want.08:43
lilzeusViking667: my network card/internet will not work after a restart, I even tried an extra card, still nothing08:44
lilzeusViking667: I am on a second machine, connected via KVM08:44
Viking667hm. Have you tried a power-off and restart?08:44
Viking667I find that's what I have to do to my wife's machine.08:44
lilzeusViking667: several times, like I said, I even installed other cards08:44
kbpapt-get install Gnomebaker -> cant find packages. ???? (Ubuntu 9.04)08:45
Viking667lilzeus: so, what card is it?08:45
phoenixandthorlilzeus, if you are using networkmanager, I think its a known problem that it may just quit for no apparent reason08:45
oldmanweidmanns heil08:45
anonkbp, check your repos. I did that same thing and it worked just fine.08:45
phoenixandthorI replaced networkmanager with wicd on my 9.04 box08:45
kbpanon: thanks :) let me check it08:46
lilzeusViking667: original was onboard card, extra I installed/tried was a linksys08:46
lilzeusphoenixandthor: so uninstall networkmanager?08:46
phoenixandthorlilzeus, are using using wireless (wlan) or a network cable (ethernet)08:46
Viking667and none of them work?08:46
anonHey guys. Need a little help with installing MySQL Server from the ubuntu repos. "dpkg: error processing mysql-server (--configure):"08:46
tntcis there a way to make it so that the maximize/minimize/close buttons are larger than normal in ubuntu?08:47
lilzeusViking667: correct, I cannot get internet/networking08:47
tntcsome gtk setting like for the scrollbars?08:47
lilzeusphoenixandthor: wired08:47
Viking667lilzeus: I'll leave you in the capable hands of phoenixandthor08:47
mneptoklilzeus: did you try booting to a prior kernel?08:47
kiamook so I ran fsck on my corrupted fs and now im getting a disk error before grub even loads, is there anything else I can try?08:47
phoenixandthorOkay, did you already verify whether or not your network card was detected?08:48
lilzeusmneptok: what prior kernel?08:48
lilzeusphoenixandthor: yes, they appear to be detected, and installed08:48
mneptoklilzeus: the GRUB memu should offer you a choice of kernels08:48
sabatrunning xubuntu, and my window manager seems to have died. whatever wm xfce uses isn't running.08:48
lilzeusmneptok: unbuntu is the only system installed08:48
phoenixandthorwhat happens when you open a root terminal and then run ifconfig?08:48
lucentnavap: IMO it's a little strange but the Zap feature is configured from the Gnome keyboard layout preferences, or a similar setting in KDE08:48
mneptoklilzeus: that does not matter08:48
sabatI can't close apps and stuff, I can't resize windows...08:49
mneptoklilzeus: reboot, and press <esc> to enter the GRUB menu when prompted08:49
niallIs anyone else running windows 7 RC with ubuntu?08:49
mneptoklilzeus: choose an earlier kernel08:49
navaplucent: There are CLI methods of enabling it on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/DontZap08:50
lilzeusphoenixandthor: I see the network card's configuration, with an IP address and everything...however, my router does NOT see it08:50
niallSo I cleaned out my computer case tonight, put my PC back together and Windows wont load. Yet Ubuntu is on the same HDD.08:51
oldmanzuckerbrot und peitsche08:51
icerootniall: #windows08:51
lucentniall: did you remember to put the bugs back into the computer? (joking)08:51
mneptokiceroot: +#08:51
icerootmneptok: its a redidrect08:51
niallLucent: lol08:51
lilzeusphoenixandthor: I have the router pulled up here, it shows NO IP address for the other ubuntu box08:51
lilzeusah crap08:52
lilzeushe quit08:52
RobotCowhow can i get the default theme of firefox in ubuntu?08:52
niallanyone got advice as to how to get Linux (any distro) to read my second hard drive?08:52
oldmanrobotcow: install wine and run firefox on wine08:53
RobotCowniall, man mount08:53
Dr_Willisniall:  check 'sudo fdisk -l' see if fdisk sees it.. if so.. moun tit via fstab or command line08:53
icerootoldman: ....08:53
Billiardniall: sure you just need to mount it? is it an internal drive?08:53
mneptokRobotCow: ignore that08:53
RobotCowffffffffffffffffffff that shouldnt be necessary08:53
icerootRobotCow: download the theme from mozilla.org08:53
lucentniall: the Windows boot process (unrelated to Ubuntu) defines a "boot.ini" system file on the NTFS filesystem root (or maybe FAT32 if you're living in a cave) that refers to a specific IDE channel08:53
mneptokoldman: please stop prattling and giving bad advice08:53
oldmanmneptok: i am getting mad, ff is running faster on wine but why?08:53
niallBilliard, it is an internal drive08:53
lucentniall: it's very sensitive and I can only offer that someone who actually supports Windows would know what to do from there on08:53
icerootoldman: becasue the windows-version is using another render-engine08:54
niallLucent, I like both Windows and Linux, they're both great at different things, no need to flame.08:54
oldmaniceroot strange08:54
tc2[sleep]some girls is online now?08:54
mneptokoldman: do you have all the same extensions and add-ons in both versions08:54
oldmanmneptok: i have no add-ons08:54
lilzeusmneptok: should I choose a safemode or the other regular one?08:54
iceroot!ot | tc2[sleep]08:54
ubottutc2[sleep]: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!08:55
tc2[sleep]I nedd a girl help08:55
mneptoklilzeus: the other egualr one08:55
iceroottc2[sleep]: stop that08:55
mneptoktc2[sleep]: stop that08:55
Boohbahtc2[sleep]: only a real-life girl can help08:55
lilzeusmneptok: no change08:55
lucentBoohbah: resist! it's a trap08:55
leaf-sheepFor Software Sources (or /etc/apt/sources.list), do I need Source Codes? I'm assuming no because we're downloading binaries all times.08:55
tc2[sleep]but ubuntu is the great channel of the mirc08:55
mneptoklilzeus: that's not enough time to boot and get a DHCP lease08:55
Viking667leaf-sheep: you don't, no.08:55
oldmani think the code generated with GCC on win32 is faster compared to GCC to nix, maybe compiler settilgs i dunno08:56
icerootleaf-sheep: you dont need the source-repo08:56
Boohbahtc2[sleep]: what does your choice of irc client have to do with the channel?08:56
icerootoldman: as i said, firefox is using another render-engine on windows08:56
leaf-sheepViking667, iceroot: Thanks for clearing that one up!08:56
tc2[sleep]Boohbah IUHAU yeah, sorry, I hav good intentions08:56
lilzeusmneptok: oddly, every single 192.168.1.xxx address I put into the browser displays Apache's default "It works!" webpage08:56
nialleither way, it wasn't my kid08:56
icerootoldman: if you dont trust me, have a look at google and heise08:56
oldmaniceroot: yeah what is heise?08:56
mneptoklilzeus: cache issue?08:56
icerootoldman: h-online is the english version imo08:56
leaf-sheepViking667, iceroot: Any suggestions on why are those repos being enabled by default?08:57
mneptoklilzeus: pastebin the output of ifconfig08:57
niallhow old everyone be?08:57
icerootoldman: www.h-online.com08:57
Viking667leaf-sheep: no idea, sorry. But you don't normally need deb-src repos08:57
lilzeusmneptok: how? the machine does not have internet08:57
mediadatahi all...08:57
icerootleaf-sheep: hm, maybe for kernel-headers but i dont know08:58
mneptoklilzeus: sudo invoke-rc.d networking restart08:58
oldmaniceroot: i use midori for now08:58
navapniall: There are 1300+ people in here, it's probably a safe bet to assume you have a representitive of almost every reasonable age ;)08:58
mediadatamy ubuntu can't ping to pc win*, can help me... ?08:58
icerootmediadata: but can ping other pcs?08:58
mediadataping my self it's ok ( reply )08:58
mediadataiceroot: yup...08:58
oldmaniceroot: webkit is lot faster than any gecko08:59
mediadataiceroot: i use ubuntu jaunty08:59
niallnavp, in fairness I had people over who left me alone with a lot of booze, so I just want to meet some new friends lol08:59
mneptok!offtopic > niall08:59
ubottuniall, please see my private message08:59
icerootmediadata: so you only cant ping one win pc but all others?08:59
mediadatai still try with 1 pc win*08:59
mneptokmediadata: disable Windows firewall08:59
icerootmediadata: maybe the firewall is blocking something08:59
mediadatawin* is dissable08:59
lilzeusmneptok: invoke-rc.d not found09:00
icerootmediadata: same subnet?09:00
mediadatano firewall...09:00
mediadataiceroot: win = - ubuntu =
mneptoklilzeus: are you using Ubuntu?09:00
icerootmediadata: nmap  tells what?09:00
icerootmediadata: can you ping ubuntu from win-pc?09:00
mediadataiceroot: wait...09:00
mneptoklilzeus: invoke-rc.d is installed by default on every Ubuntu system09:00
oldmanldxe and midori works perfect together09:01
* lucent takes bets on software firewall from windows side of things blocking ICMP09:01
mediadataiceroot: no..09:01
docmaxlol, wine runs GRID! lol09:01
lilzeusmneptok: sorry, spelling mistake, it said 'ignoring unknown interface eth1=eth1'09:01
icerootmediadata: then check your cables, router/switch/hub09:01
icerootmediadata: subnet is ?09:01
lucentdocmax: I'd have to search to find out what GRID is09:01
mneptoklilzeus: sudo dhclient eth009:01
mediadataiceroot: yes..09:01
lilzeusmneptok: eth0?09:01
mneptoklilzeus: yes09:02
mediadataiceroot: i test with lan-test the cable it's ok09:02
icerootmediadata: is there something else you can try to ping? like a router?09:02
oldmangrid gay related immune defficiency09:02
niallObottu, well i asked a couple of questions about the OS that everyone failed to answer, so I was just looking to meet new friends, is that a bad thing now?09:02
mneptokoldman: stop09:02
icerootniall: in the support-channel, yes09:02
mneptokoldman: please don't make me ask again09:02
oldmanthats wikipedia entry09:02
mediadataiceroot: no, pc win* - switch - box ubuntu09:03
lilzeusmneptok: no such device09:03
icerootmediadata: cross-over cable?  paste the output of ifconfig to pastebin09:03
docmaxlucent, ups sorry, its a heavy game09:03
mneptoklilzeus: eth1 looks like it has no working driver09:03
mneptoklilzeus: if it worked previously, boot to the previous kernel09:03
lucentdocmax: okay - thanks, wasn't easily findable on google search09:03
mediadataiceroot: ok, pastebin.com ? ( sorry my english not good... ?09:03
iceroot!paste | mediadata09:04
ubottumediadata: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!09:04
nialliceroot, I came in asking for help and nobody had a solution for my question09:04
lilzeusmneptok: should I try the original onboard adapter and restart?09:04
niallSO i thought I'd be social09:04
icerootniall: maybe the question was bad :)09:04
mneptoklilzeus: yes. use the interface that previously worked09:04
* oldman isst eine banane09:04
lilzeusmneptok: ok09:04
nialliceroot, but it really wasn't, I've used Linux for over 4 years and something like this never happened to me09:05
BlouBlou!ot > oldman09:05
ubottuoldman, please see my private message09:05
icerootniall: and what is "this"?09:05
docmaxlucent, its "Race Driver GRID"09:05
oldmani still have some issues with visicalc09:05
Viking667What's a 3D game on Linux, folks?09:05
icerootoldman: stop your spam09:06
niallIceroot, I am running windows 7 RC and and Ubuntu, I cleaned out my case tonight and only ubuntu will boot09:06
mediadataiceroot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/295288/09:06
oldmaniceroot: sauerbraten is a game09:06
sash_iceroot: sauerbraten is a 3d game in linux09:06
icerootniall: ##windows09:06
the_spirit_oldman: in the neo or where?09:06
lucentdocmax: the website makes noise, uh... hold me? I'm scared.  (thanks and I am joking009:06
the_spirit_oldman: or is that a browser for more09:06
icerootoldman: ok sorry09:06
niallIceroot, windows and ubuntu are on the same HDD09:06
icerootoldman: sounds like wolfenstein :)09:06
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oldmanthe_spirit_: in the matrix09:06
the_spirit_sauerbraten sounds german09:07
oldmaniceroot: no its like nothing else09:07
docmaxis there a game which runs BETTER on wine than on windows?09:07
icerootthe_spirit_: it is09:07
niallICeroot, so i thought it was an interesting issue, I already know the fix09:07
oldmansauerbraten is something to eat09:07
lucentdocmax: arguably halflife (1)09:07
oldmanyeah meat plow09:08
Billiarddocmax: idk about a game but dvdshrink ran about twice as fast on linux for me09:08
oldmansauerbraten is like spam09:08
mneptokoldman: your non sequiturs are becoming most tiresome.09:08
nialllucent: ooooooooooooooh you mentioned half life and that doesn't run under linux09:08
Billiarddocmax: also some old old games run better on wine09:08
mneptokoldman: that was the last warning you will get.09:08
concrete-I'm trying to use synaptic, but it says that apt-get or aptituse might be running and it casnt open. I can't see any processes with apt-get or aptituse. What should i do?09:08
sash_concrete-: does the update-manager update something at the moment?09:09
docmaxstarting halflife 2 right now09:09
docmaxlets see09:09
concrete-sash_: no09:09
oldmanmneptok: someone was asking for a 3d game and i said sauerbraten sounds like spam, spam is spiced ham09:09
lilzeusmneptok: no change09:09
lucentconcrete-: you could try logging out and logging back in, for want of a better workaround09:09
mediadataiceroot: i think my eth2 is up ( sorry i'm newbie )09:10
lucentconcrete-: the other possibility is that you're running without priveleges09:10
icerootmediadata: eth2? hm09:10
lucentagh I messed up that spelling badly09:10
concrete-lucent: no im running as sudo09:10
CHESLYNhi guys09:10
oldmanwell im to old for ubuntu09:10
Viking667I'M using Ubuntu09:10
* lucent covers eyes from blinding upcase09:10
CHESLYNhow can i make me 'root' or add me to it?09:10
mediadataiceroot: yup, i dno't know why eth209:10
iceroot!sudo | CHESLYN09:10
ubottuCHESLYN: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)09:10
mediadataiceroot: i only have 1 eth09:11
icerootmediadata: but eth2 sounds very strange if using only one nic09:11
lucenticeroot: could be firewire09:11
mediadataCHESLYN: sudo -s -H --> become a 'root' but not suggest...09:12
jorddoes anyone know if xubuntu 9.04 (jaunty) with grub2 1.96 will boot with ext4 formated '/boot' partition using kernel 'vmlinuz-2.6.28-15-generic'?09:12
icerootlucent: but nic should be eth009:12
mneptoklilzeus: what interfaces does ifconfig report as having IP addresses?09:12
oldmangerman tv is very special, stefan raab is running ubuntu on his desk09:12
lilzeusmenptok: eth009:12
concrete-lucent: ah well... i was only trying to instal apache mysql and php5, i'll do it someotherday09:12
icerootoldman: never seen he is running it09:12
lucenticeroot: it depends on when it was first uh... summoned?  is that the right way to describe this09:12
lucentnetwork interfaces get - eheh... summoned - and then are remembered by the udev system and scripts associated with the erm.. summoning09:13
docmaxhl2 runs on wine =)09:13
lilzeusmneptok: eth009:13
niallHey you guys know why we will never have "the year of the Linux desktop"?09:13
mneptoklilzeus: sudo dhclient eth009:13
lucenti.e. you call for charizard and pikachu appears, but the udev system is like ah, I know you... you are being crafty, ha I will calll you eth0!09:13
concrete-i'm just about to install dreamweaver on my pc09:13
mneptokconcrete-: this is 2009, not 199909:14
lucentif you need I can dig up where that is assigned from in /etc09:14
docmaxanyone knowing a document managament system under linux?09:14
CHESLYNmediadata: after i execute that command it shows /home/username# what must i do now?09:14
lucentdocmax: for yourself, a small business, or a corporation?09:14
icerootdocmax: have a  look at alfresco, its an enterprise document content management system09:14
concrete-mneptok: i know, its the 2004 MX edition, when it was owned by macromedia. I cant afford nything new09:15
lilzeusmneptok: ok,now what?09:15
niallFor fuck's sake09:15
Viking667CHESLYN: that means you're root user. Be very very careful with that sword, sir. While you figure out what it's for.09:15
mneptoklilzeus: nslookup cnn.com09:15
concrete-!language |niall09:15
ubottuniall: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.09:15
* lucent whistles party foul on niall09:15
niallconcrete, words never hurt anyone09:15
docmaxlucent, for myself09:15
concrete-howya: that used to be my nickname09:15
lucentlilzeus: also 'dig' vs. 'nslookup'09:15
Viking667niall: bullshit.09:16
mneptokniall: they're about to hurt your ability to /join this channel09:16
Viking667and sorry to the rest of the channel, but he's out and out wrong.09:16
lilzeusmneptok: timed out09:16
niallViking667, interesting way to call me out for swearing09:16
silentsurferhi everyone09:16
elkyViking667 and niall, both please watch your language.09:16
mediadataCHESLYN: just type sudo -s -H09:16
Ali_nzis there a easy way to for example schedule 3 commands to run consecutively?09:16
CHESLYNViking667: so if i want to remove my username how?please09:16
* mojo_o shakes head09:16
lucentAli_nz: run them, in a row?09:16
howyaoops, ive launched opera and now i have two nicks! soz ppl!09:17
lucentAli_nz: the semi-colon breaks between commands09:17
icerootmneptok: thx09:17
lilzeuslucent: timed out09:17
lucentAli_nz: echo one; echo two; echo three09:17
sash_Ali_nz: program1 && program2 && program309:17
Ali_nzlucent: just the answer i was looking for - thanks09:17
sash_Ali_nz: parallel would be program1 & program2 & program309:17
lucentsash_: conditional is a bit of a detail though09:17
lucentdouble ampersand means run this if the previous command completed with an error code of zero09:18
sash_well, ok09:18
Ali_nzsash: thanks, but i am thinking of same disk testing software, parallel would be a bad idea :-)09:18
sash_youre right09:18
mneptoklilzeus: did the machine seem to get a DHCP lease?09:18
mediadataiceroot: another suggest for me about can't ping with another pc ?09:18
the_spirit_CHESLYN: what you want to do?09:18
lilzeuslucent, mneptok: what I don't understand is how every 192.168.1.xxx address I put into a browser displays the Apache default "It works!" page09:18
mneptokniall: now, behave.09:18
lilzeusmneptok: it does to itself, by my router never shows it09:19
defendguinhey I was trying to use the network manager feature where i can connect to my cell phone via bluetooth.  I have paired the devices and i believe my phone supports it but the option isn't showing up in NM applet09:19
Ali_nzi wish you could do virus removal of a ntfs drive from within linux. that would be soooo cooll09:19
icerootmediadata: no, i have not seen a paste of ifconfig yet and now i have to go to a football-match09:19
lucentlilzeus: that's kind of funny, isn't it? did you make any changes to firewall policy?09:19
Lint01each time I'm opening my partitions, system says that operation is privileged and asks for password, how to switch that s*t off?09:19
lilzeuslucent: no09:19
mneptoklilzeus: what else could be assigning a DHCP lease besides your router?09:19
mediadataiceroot: ok... thanks...09:19
lilzeusmneptok: no idea09:19
CHESLYNthe_spirit_: i made me 'root' now i dont wanna be 'root' any more09:19
mediadataiceroot: http://paste.ubuntu.com/295288/09:20
niallmneptok, sorry I never realized that all other IT geeks were such Christians09:20
BlouBlouCHESLYN: so open and close terminal09:20
lilzeusmneptok: router shows NO IP address for that computer09:20
BlouBlouCHESLYN: close and open sorry09:20
lucentLint01: o_O09:20
lucentLint01: what is it you want to disable?09:20
mediadataCHESLYN: type exit09:20
Lint01the password prompt for mounting damned partitions09:20
the_spirit_CHESLYN: it goes away after some minutes09:21
lucentLint01: might be a bug09:21
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lucentLint01: otherwise it's just a precaution you can't do much about09:21
CHESLYNthanks guys09:21
linuxuz3rwassup ubuntu09:21
Ali_nzhey, does anyone know, if for example Kaspersky Internet Security would work under wine?09:21
linuxuz3rwhen is karmic koala going to be released?09:21
whatAvast! works natively.09:21
icerootAli_nz: you dont need something like that09:21
BilliardAli_nz: that wouldnt work well09:21
BlouBlou!karmic | linuxuz3r09:22
ubottulinuxuz3r: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:22
iceroot!karmic | linuxuz3r09:22
lucentLint01: if you added your username to the 'disk' group and logged out and back in again, it wouldn't ask you for permission, but any program would then have access to any disk device09:22
Viking667Ali_nz: why not use some other solution? clamav is pretty good.09:22
Viking667... and is Linux-based already09:22
sattamAli_nz: why you nead kasperksy ?09:22
Viking667there's even a clamav-win09:22
Ali_nzViking667: would it work on NTFS drives?09:22
lucentlinuxuz3r: "karmic roadmap" something like that09:22
Viking667Ali_nz: ugh.09:22
lucentlinuxuz3r: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule09:23
Viking667Ali_nz: you're trying to run a ntfs filesystem from wine, you'd better know what the hell you're doing.09:23
Lint01what do you mean, 'have access'?09:23
sivanghi all09:23
linuxuz3rso on the 29th its going to be the standard release... not the beta anymore09:23
Viking667err, not run,   run from09:23
vattsso ubuntu 9.10 is now STABLE OUT or its still beta?09:23
sivanghow can I Setup my ubuntu machine to do NAT from my eth1 iface to ath0 ?09:23
Viking667apparently that's the case, yes. the 29th09:23
sivangand back, for that matter09:23
BlouBloulinuxuz3r: yeah09:23
whatLint01: what?09:23
lucentLint01: there's a reason it asks for your password mate09:23
sivangI'm trying to follow several howtos but none of them work09:23
lilzeuslucent: give up?09:23
vattsich, DU  ya :P09:23
lucentLint01: w/o the security, any program can write to your block devices09:23
Lint01there's no reason to ask me for password for mounting device09:24
vattsthere is.09:24
Viking667actually, there is.09:24
whatVery much so.09:24
Viking667Device access is ALWAYS restricted to root.09:24
the_spirit_vatts: what languafǵe is that09:24
lucentlilzeus: your description isn't enough information, and I'm not really sure what kind of information I would need to advise you09:24
Viking667(with small liftings for local audio, etc etc)09:24
the_spirit_youre always joking09:25
vattsthe_spirit_, which lang... oh, german? no need to study it, just go around the corner09:25
vattsthe_spirit_, btw, which charset is this?09:25
lilzeuslucent: I can ping myself09:25
Ali_nzwhat i am getting at is this. sometimes friends bring round computers (all windows machines) and complain running slow/not booting etc. standard tests seem to be a surface test, test partition tables, and check for viruses, and mybe first of all, run ddrescue to image the drive. what would be great sould be to que all these tests and walk away. I can do everything fromwithin linux at the moment bar the virus scan09:25
Lint01how exactly being able to mount device gives you write access to it?09:25
sivanganybody has a good link for it ?09:25
lucentLint01: some devices (like USB remmovable storage) should have work-arounds in place to authenticate and mount the partitions desired09:25
vattsich_, ya, du!!! stop :P09:25
Viking667Lint01: because it just does.09:25
=== ich is now known as teflon
Viking667The ability to mount means you have the ability to write. End of, unless you've got other ACL-stuff added, i.e. SELINUX, etc09:26
lucentLint01: i.e. if you get a message asking you to authenticate when you insert a USB flash drive, that may be a bug because there should be a system in place to allow that09:26
Lint01I want to mount my local disk partition09:26
mediadatawhy my pc win* can't ping with my box ubuntu ?09:26
Viking667If his user is in the group that's allowed to mount, that may be allowable.09:26
lucentLint01: local hard disk partition should ask you to authenticate09:26
Viking667But then only root can add to that list of members of that group09:27
lucentLint01: that's a policy setting, and I don't think we're there yet in Ubuntu-land to set a policy to allow you to mount that without an active authentication09:27
lilzeuslucent: in fact, every address which starts with 192.168.1.xxx returns a ping09:27
lucentlilzeus: that sounds really odd09:27
* Viking667 blinks09:27
lilzeuslucent: no kidding!09:27
Ali_nzso will any of these linux antivirus packages scan antfs drivs?09:28
BilliardLint01: you can add an entry in your fstab so your partition is automatically mounted on boot09:28
ubottuHelp! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!09:28
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!09:28
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete09:28
Viking667Ali_nz: so, what you want is: a scanner that'll scan a ntfs drive?09:28
Ali_nzViking667: yes09:28
Viking667If you can _mount_ the ntfs filesystem from the drive, then clamav can scan the filesystem09:28
Viking667... but you'll only be able to scan as root... which is as it should be.09:29
Lint01so when devices are mounted on boot, they don't need to have root password? why do they need it after?09:29
lucentlilzeus: sounds complicated, no incentive here to help out sorry09:29
Viking667Lint01: they're moutde by the root user, by default.09:29
icerootLint01: because the boot-process is running as root09:29
Ali_nzViking667: clamnav work good? work from cli?09:29
Viking667it works from cli, yes.09:29
lilzeuswell that sucks09:29
Viking667lilzeus: hm? whatsucks?09:29
lilzeusViking667: my problem is complicated and I can't get help09:30
Ali_nzViking667: is it reliable?09:30
Lint01I see we're stuck in '70 here. hell09:30
lucentthis is *nix after all09:31
lucent1970's forever?09:31
Viking667Ali_nz: reasonably.09:31
Viking667Put it this way, I don't think it's any more unreliable than most other offerings out there maintained by the community09:31
lucenteventually the PolicyKit should get a round of documented procedures for configuring things like mounting local disk partitions09:31
Ali_nzhaha - ok09:32
lucent'til then we're kind of stuck with secure by default09:32
Ali_nzViking667: and is there a linux equivelant o Malware Antibytes?09:32
Viking667lucent: probably, yes. Though I haven't started dealing with PolicyKit yet.09:32
whatAli_nz: sounds fun but09:32
Viking667Ali_nz: I've never heard of that, so I can't comment.09:32
lilzeusugh, so much for ubuntu09:32
whati dont think theres dollars for development for us09:32
lucentViking667: it's like watching all of what you thought you knew about *nix swirl around in a toilet, whoosh09:32
lilzeusI tried, I really did09:32
Viking667lucent: he he he09:33
Ali_nzViking667: its more targeted at, well, malware asopposed to virus09:33
lilzeusare there more reliable distros of linux?09:34
Ali_nznot quite sure what the diff is but it picks up stuff that antivi doesnt09:34
Viking667lilzeus: heh. Depends.09:34
Viking667Most of them depend upon how you set them up.09:34
BlouBloulilzeus: if we are in #ubuntu is because we this ubuntu is the best ;) (or maybe I think it)09:34
lucentlilzeus: distro of linux doesn't do much good if your network is bologna :)09:35
lilzeuswell, my 'network' is not the problem...I am here after all :)09:35
lucentfor diagnosing problems my favorite tools now are an Ubuntu LiveCD and a System Rescue CD boot (sysresccd.org)09:36
lucentSysResCD mostly because it's not Ubuntu and I can cross-examine problems that would possibly be from the sauce patches into the Ubuntu Linux kernel09:36
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Lint01is there some kind of WordPad in Ubuntu?09:40
fahadsadahlucent: I have an OHNOESPROBLEM kit.09:40
fahadsadahLint01: gedit or kate09:41
lucentLint01: 'gedit' but it's kind of ... sluggish?09:41
fahadsadahlucent: Ubuntu discs, procmon (for Windows), etherkiller (sentimental value)09:41
lilzeusI restarted and I am at the prompt with networking...any ideas?09:41
Dr_Willisabiword is a nice WYSISYG word processor09:41
fahadsadahlilzeus: Ideas for what?09:41
Pirate_Hunterlucent: leafpad09:41
lucentah ha!  yeah leafpad is neato09:41
Viking667Lint01: there are a few nice-ish editors. I use vim, but that takes some getting used to.09:42
pqrstuvI have ubuntu server edition cd.Does server edition have desktop environment?09:42
Viking667no, but that  doesn't stop you from adding one.09:42
Billiardpqrstuv: by default no09:42
lilzeusfahadsadah: networking stopped working suddenly, nic works fine, but for some odd reason when I ping every address starting with 192.168.1.xxx I get a return09:42
BlouBloupqrstuv: no, it hasn't got x installed by default09:42
Lint01kate is for KDE and gedit, leaf etc are Notepads09:42
lucentlilzeus: tracepath
lucentpaste to pastebin09:42
Pirate_Hunterpqrstuv: no but you could put a desktop afterwards09:42
Viking667pqrstuv: problem is, when you grab server edition, you normally know what you're doing and don't NEED a desktop.09:43
fahadsadahlucent: Isn't it traceroute?09:43
Lint01I need something that works with odf and allows tables and formatting09:43
lucentfahadsadah: traceroute historically yeah09:43
Viking667I use mtr too.09:43
lilzeusso which?09:43
fahadsadahpqrstuv: sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop09:43
lilzeustracepath or traceroute?09:43
fahadsadahAnd in future, don't get server edition.09:43
fahadsadahlilzeus: Either.09:43
lucentI'm into tracepath for the v6 variant tracepath609:43
Viking667I wasn't even aware of tracepath until now.09:43
Pirate_Hunterpqrstuv: just like Viking667 said still it isn't that different from desktop if you know how to go about in command line09:44
lilzeuslucent: send failed09:44
BlouBloupqrstuv: I recommend you install desktop edition, and then install server's packets manually if you need it09:44
* Viking667 was insane. 09:44
Lint01vim does WYSIWIG formatting?09:44
Pirate_HunterBlouBlou: he/she can do that just by using tasksel09:45
MenZaLint01: no.09:45
MenZaLint01: the lighest wordpad-like thing you'll find is probably abiword.09:45
Pirate_Hunterpqrstuv: use sudo tasksel and choose ubuntu desktop if server isn't your thing09:45
MenZaBut if you're going to use that, you may as well use OO.o Writer.09:45
Viking667I installed normal Ubuntu, then grabbed UbuntuStudio DVD, added it as a media, then pulled in all the packages I wanted from it.... muahahahahaha09:45
lucentLint01: abiword is pretty close yeah09:45
Dr_WillisFor 99% of my needs abiword works.09:45
Lint01lightest? it's 30 MB, like M$ Word09:46
Dr_Willis!info abiword09:46
ubottuabiword (source: abiword): efficient, featureful word processor with collaboration. In component main, is optional. Version 2.6.6-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 2899 kB, installed size 7808 kB09:46
Viking667Lint01: by the way, do you need formatted text, or just plain text?09:46
lilzeuseven in this mode, every address starting with 192.168.1.xxx returns a ping09:46
pqrstuvWhat's the benifit for not having any desktop environment in server edition?09:46
* lucent hands Lint01 aloe vera09:46
lucenthere, you just got burned.09:46
MenZaLint01: Why bother with half-way editors? WordPad has tons and tons of limitations. It's like a boiled-down Word.09:46
Dr_Willispqrstuv:  more space for your ftp server :)09:46
Viking667Lint01: use vim09:47
lilzeusI think it was recovery mode?09:47
Lint01of course I do need formatted text and maybe tables09:47
MenZaIf you insist on rich formatting, use a Word Processor (i.e. OO.o Writer, Abiword). If you just want *text*, use a text editor (like gedit, vim, emacs, etc.)09:47
Viking667Then OO.o Writer09:47
lilzeusand I chose the option with networking09:47
lucentlilzeus: your network is fubar09:47
lucentlilzeus: I mentioned this already09:47
lucentlilzeus: the cause is not easy to figure out09:47
lilzeuslucent: what do you mean 'network'?09:47
lilzeusafter all, I am here, on a different ubuntu install, on a different machine, on the same network09:48
Pirate_Hunterpqrstuv: most say you are saving resources which may be true09:49
lucentlilzeus: I suggest what I said already, boot a sysresccd.org environment live from CD and try that to rule out any Ubuntu specific kernel problem09:49
lilzeuswell, I have the ubuntu CD09:49
Lint01Dr_Willis, 12 to install|upgrade, 0 to remove; 23.3 MB will be used <- is it 7808 kb? stop lying please09:49
Viking667Lint01: heh.09:50
Pirate_Hunterlilzeus: did you uninstall any extra components such as ubuntu-base still I don't get what is the actual problem with the network other than it is not working09:50
Viking667Let me guess, 7.8Mb to download, but 20Mb when unpacked?09:50
MenZaSoundsa bout right, Viking667.09:50
lucentlilzeus: it not working, that is not helpful.  You will need to find out when it works, and on the SAME hardware, then we can rule out the problems09:50
o0splitpaw0oAnyone know if I can chroot into a directory while logged in? I am building a mini cluster here. taking directions from microwulf directions, but it tell me "chroot: cannot change root directory to /bin/bash: Not a directory". I am attempting to Get a Kernel and initrd Into Place for PXE. Suggestions?09:51
MenZaLint01: You're not counting in dependencies.09:51
lucento0splitpaw0o: ah, the syntax is chroot directory shell-command09:51
lucentI think09:51
Viking667o0splitpaw0o: uh,.....09:51
lucento0splitpaw0o: chroot /mnt/blahlinux /bin/bash09:52
lucentsomething like that - are you doin' it wrong?09:52
o0splitpaw0olucent, right, that's what I am attempting09:52
lucento0splitpaw0o: and "/bin/bash" in that example would be in /mnt/blahlinux/bin/bash09:53
lucentnot everybody understands chroot09:53
kelohippihey. how can i check from the image file of ubuntu 9.04 that is it 64 or 32 bit version. i forgot which one i downloaded. :P09:53
lucentkelohippi: md5sums maybe?09:53
Billiardkelohippi: you could check the md5, yes09:53
o0splitpaw0olucent, ah ok. let's see here..09:54
o0splitpaw0olucent, example like this then eh?: sudo chroot /nodes/nfs/node1/bin/bash09:54
lucenthm yeah so sudo chroot /nodes/nfs/node1 /bin/bash09:55
lucentthere must be a whole working system there of libraries and programs to support the new root environment09:55
gamerxcan anyone help me with kismet set-up?09:56
Billiardgamerx: sure09:56
o0splitpaw0olucent, ah well that is the issue then. I am going to go over these notes again. I don't see it mentioning to copy anything over or profiles09:56
lilzeus2well, here I am09:56
pompatoHi everyone! I'm trying to install apache2 from synaptics. it's installed by i experience the following issue: it can't load the shared library libmysqlclient_r.so.15 (no such file)09:56
lilzeus2I am using the Ubuntu CD09:56
kelohippihmm. im running windows and dont have md5sums installed. any other way?09:57
lilzeus2everything works09:57
gamerxBilliard, i tried to install it in synaptic but it had on startup09:57
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows09:57
lilzeus2lucent: you still here?09:57
tavoexcuse me, where could i get hardware support from?09:57
lucentgamerx: normal Ubuntu install (Gnome kinda stuff) you'll need to do /etc/init.d/network-manager stop; service avahi-daemon stop; killall wpa_supplicant09:57
vattswhich noisy away messages!09:57
vattsdid i do anything?!09:57
tavoI mean I have problems whith my usbs09:57
lucentthat's for karmic which is due out in a few days09:57
lucentgamerx: other distros have different ways of doing what I just said09:58
gamerxBilliard, so i uninstalled it from synaptic and dled the one from their sitte09:58
alex87anyone else spent all day on the computer doing nothing?09:58
gamerxlucent, why would i do that?09:58
Billiardgamerx: you need to setup a source09:58
dynamitealex87.... right here!!!=D09:58
kelohippiaight. thanks09:58
lilzeus2so, if I am able to connect to the internet, and everything works fine when using the Ubuntu LiveCD, what does that mean about my install?09:58
pompatoHi everyone! I'm trying to install apache2 from synaptics. it's installed by i experience the following issue: it can't load the shared library libmysqlclient_r.so.15 (no such file)09:58
vattssomebody tell me what did i do when i shutted down xchat on my laptop09:58
lucentgamerx: kismet wants some pretty specific control over the wifi interface and there's three things using the interface already preventing this09:59
gamerxBilliard, lucent i have the install files on my desktop and a term open to them i have run ./configure and it gives me this:09:59
alex87dynamite, hehe, bloody addiction09:59
lucentwpa_supplicant, network manager, and usually avahi-daemon09:59
patbhey got an issue my network traffic keeps showing up in my dmesg making it hard to see whats goin on with the sytem at other times is there any way to stop the packet information from being shown09:59
vattsleaf-sheep: what the hax did i do.09:59
Dr_Willisvatts:  triggered an 'away' script proberly.. which is normally just a annoyance09:59
gamerxlucent, this will only drop my wireless not wired?09:59
vattsDr_Willis: can i get output?09:59
Dr_Willisvatts:  no big deal. just explore your client and disable 'awway' message09:59
lucentit will drop everything gamerx09:59
lucentI see no good way to just drop the wireless10:00
vattsit is not client, since it's bnc and it should do this NEVER10:00
gamerxlucent, well then its not a good idea to do that when im on irc10:00
lucentwish there was a kinder gentler way :P10:00
Dr_Willisvatts:  perhaps its a BNC featrue then10:00
lilzeus2lucent: I have restarted using the LiveCD and it works, what should I do now?10:01
lucentgamerx: kismet should be in the repo10:01
Dr_Willisvatts:  bnc sees you are not conneted to it.. so IT says to us you are 'away'10:01
lucentlilzeus2: which livecd?10:01
vattsDr_Willis: thing is10:01
lilzeus2lucent: Ubuntu10:01
vattsi logged on bnc here, went upstairs, logged on laptop, chatted, dislogged and came downstairs.10:01
vattsi was connected here all the time10:01
vattsand bnc should do this oNLY when last client goes *poof*10:01
vattsso sorry for epic failz10:01
lucentlilzeus2: maybe uh, 'ifconfig -a' and write down the interface names and the mac addresses for each interface name10:01
gamerxlucent, it is but it gives me an error when i run "kismet" form term10:02
Dr_Willisvatts:  i dont use bnc.  No idea. check their docs.. or you perhaps was using 2 differnt nics.10:02
vatts*d*d*d*d* cold...10:02
* patb hey got an issue my network traffic keeps showing up in my dmesg making it hard to see whats goin on with the sytem at other times is there any way to stop the packet information from being shown10:02
vattsDr_Willis: niet ^^10:02
Billiardgamerx: did you setup a source10:02
lucentgamerx: as it should...10:02
Dr_Willisvatts:  i perfer 'znc' :)10:02
lucentpatb: you can change your log level10:02
vatts<vatts> so ubuntu 9.10 is now STABLE OUT or its still beta? <<that was from craptop10:02
vattsDr_Willis: it is znc :D10:02
lucentpatb: sounds weird though, are you playing with firewalling?10:02
gamerxBilliard, lucent, how would i go about that10:02
PaulogramHey, I am trying to use the partitioner of ubuntu live CD to make place for a windows installation. What format should I use in gparted? XFS, JFS or ReiserFS ?10:02
vattsruby_on_tails: hehe nice nix :P10:02
patbi use firestarter10:03
ruby_on_tailswhen I set my status in pidgin as busy my ubuntu also shows busy why ?10:03
ruby_on_tailsvatts: thanks :D10:03
patbit happened when i installed a wpa supplicant10:03
vattsruby_on_tails: i hate RoR :D10:03
Billiardgamerx: you need to change the kismet config and setup a source with your wireless card type and such10:03
Dr_WillisPaulogram:  none of those.. leave it unallocaated.. or vfat/ntfs for windows.10:03
lucentpatb: from console, I mean a virtual console like without X11, it's SysRq (Alt+PrintScreen) and then one of your number keys10:03
ruby_on_tailsvatts: I am neutral, I just do PHP10:03
ruby_on_tailsjust a nick :P10:03
* vatts </3 php^^10:03
lucentpatb: I think 8 is really verbose and '1' is less verbose10:03
vattsit's cold here10:04
gamerxBilliard, can you tell me how to do that, i installed it thru the repo again10:04
vatts15˚ room temperature10:04
vattsand outside 210:04
* vatts freezes10:04
FloodBot2vatts: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.10:04
ruby_on_tailsI started an IRC channel on freenode, why am I not the admin there ?10:04
pompatocan someone read me?10:04
ruby_on_tailslike FloodBot2 is here ?10:04
gamerxvatts, nice :0, its 40 deg here10:04
ruby_on_tailspompato: no10:04
vattsruby_on_tails: whic10:04
vattsgamerx: F or C?!10:04
ruby_on_tailswhat which ?10:04
vattsi said in C -_-10:04
lilzeus2lucent: what is 'pan0'?10:04
vattswhich chan, ruby_on_tails10:04
gamerxvatts, c :010:04
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:04
lucentruby_on_tails: wrong channel? this is Ubuntu community channel10:04
pompatoruby_on_tails: ok, then I guess I should leave10:04
vattsgamerx: where Oo10:04
lucentlilzeus2: pan? I don't rightly know10:04
ruby_on_tailspompato: no keep trying until someone can read you :D10:04
gamerxvatts, australia, north australia10:04
vattseh, sure!10:05
lucentpersonal area network but I don't know why it's there10:05
ruby_on_tailsvatts: it's a dummy channel to learn10:05
gamerxvatts, australia, north australia :)10:05
vattsyou go swimming when santa claus comes :D10:05
lilzeus2lucent: it was one of the devices that showed up in the 'ifconfig -a'10:05
vattsgamerx: europe!10:05
patbfound a solution just needed to be pointed in the right direction10:05
vattsruby_on_tails: which as name :P10:05
Lint01does vim able to replace line ends by regex?10:05
ruby_on_tailslucent: hmm k10:05
gamerxvatts, nice :010:05
Billiardgamerx: what is your wireless card10:05
pompatoI have installed apache2 from synaptic. it's installed by i experience the following issue: it can't load the shared library libmysqlclient_r.so.15 (no such file)10:05
vattsLint01: sure, just read manual for it :)10:05
lilzeus2lucent: 3 were there, eth0, lo, and pan010:05
PaulogramDr_Willis: thereis no option vfat/ntfs, I am using 9.04 Live CD10:05
lilzeus2lucent: only eth0 and pan0 had HWaddr10:06
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »10:06
lucentlilzeus2: okay :)10:06
xukunI got a new pc with vista installed already but I would like to use the installed vista as virtual image and use it in kvm+qemu. How can I make an iso file of the vista install and use it?10:06
gamerxBilliard, i dont know can you give me the appropriate dmesg command10:06
lilzeus2lucent: ok, I wrote them down, now what? lol10:06
pompatoI have installed apache2 from synaptic. it's installed correctly, but i experience the following issue: it can't load the shared library libmysqlclient_r.so.15 (no such file)10:06
ruby_on_tailsvatts: #testDummy10:06
Dr_WillisPaulogram:  then leave it unallocated and let windoss format it.  - windows cant install to ext/xfs/whatever.. it has to format it to ntfs or fat.10:06
XcellI need a administrator listed room..10:06
Blacksimonisntead of using a virtual HD, you can assign it to a real HD?10:06
lucentlilzeus2: one more thing to do is poke your iptables and save the output or just make a note10:06
Blacksimonand use another one for your install of ubuntu i guess10:06
lucentlilzeus2: iptables -L10:06
lilzeus2lucent: Operation not permitted10:07
XcellI need an op\10:07
Billiardgamerx: try lspci10:08
Dr_WillisXcell:  try #ubuntu-ops10:08
lucentlilzeus2: ahem, with sudo10:08
xukunanybody please?10:08
Xcelltx dr10:08
gamerxBilliard, 05:00.0 Network controller: Atheros Communications Inc. AR928X Wireless Network Adapter (PCI-Express) (rev 01)10:08
lucentit's time for another glass of red wine, ladies and gentlemen, I turn to drugs because of you lovely people10:08
lilzeus2lucent: not much to the output10:08
Billiardgamerx: iwconfig what is your wireless device named10:09
lilzeus2lucent: Chain INPUT, FOWARD, OUTPUT all say the same thing (policy ACCEPT)10:09
lucentlilzeus2: cool, that's normal10:09
lilzeus2lucent: now what? :)10:10
lucentlilzeus2: now on the same hardware, go back into the thing that is broken and repeat that comparing your notes about interface names and hwaddr's and the iptables10:10
gamerxBilliard, wlan0??10:10
gamerxBilliard, is that what you wanted?10:10
lilzeus2lucent: ok, here goes10:10
Billiardgamerx: yes10:10
lucentlilzeus2: yep, btw did you muck around with ndiswrapper at all by chance?10:10
gamerxBilliard, thank goodness :010:11
Billiardgamerx: open your kismet config file its probably in /etc/kismet10:11
gamerxwhats the command to install xchat?10:11
gamerxBilliard, okay10:11
disappearednganyone familiar with how I can download multiple files from megauploader or rapidshare ?10:11
lstarnesgamerx: sudo apt-get install xchat10:11
Viking667gamerx: depends. Ubuntu, or RPM-based?10:11
Viking667(or Debian)10:11
gamerxViking667, its all good10:11
gamerxViking667, just needed to yell at my friend cus hes stupid, but then again i had to ask :p10:12
lucentdisappearedng: that's a little off topic, funny you mention that I wrote a script to um, do things, to stuff10:12
sifohello all :P10:12
lucentdisappearedng: it's got nothing to do with your question10:12
disappearedngwell I don't want to decrypt the url scheme used by them, I am asking whether there are existing working apps anyone can recommend10:13
Viking667lucent: hm. written in smalltalk, that'd be:   do: things to: stuff.10:13
lucentViking667: ha, I like :)10:13
lucentmust be the wine talking10:13
Billiardgamerx: see the sources line10:13
disappearedngyou using wine ?10:13
lucentdrinking wine10:13
sifoask! will ubuntu 9.10 support usb serial modem automaticly?10:13
lucentC&T Front Porch Merlot 200510:13
gamerxBilliard, im looking now10:13
xukunis it possible to make an .iso image from my current vista so can use it as KVM Virtual Machine in ubuntu?10:13
Viking667uh, probably not.10:14
lucentsifo: not totally sure, but the karmic release will have improvements in the network manager applet settings10:14
Billiardgamerx: there is a default none none source replace it with  ath5k_ag,wlan0,Atheros10:14
gamerxBilliard, xD: source=none,none,addme   just make it: source=wlan0?10:14
sifolucent:thanks for the info10:14
gamerxoh ok10:14
lorenzhi gamerx10:14
gamerxlorenz, hi10:14
xukunanyone please? yes or no will do?10:15
gamerxlorenz, what r u upto?10:15
gamerxBilliard, ohh damn need to open it with sudo :010:15
sifoask! will compiz in ubuntu 9.10 support vga sis or s3 chipset?10:15
pompatoI have installed apache2 from synaptic. it's installed correctly, but i experience the following issue: it can't load the shared library libmysqlclient_r.so.15 (no such file)10:15
rsksifo: most likely not without a miracle10:16
lucentpompato: package you're looking for would have "mysql" and "mod" in the name10:16
rsksifo: theese card are not meant to do anything compizlike10:16
pompatolucent: so what should I do?10:16
siforsk :thanks10:17
Billiardgamerx: then run sudo kismet_server, then kismet_client, if no errors10:17
lucentpompato: there's some code in apache directives to look for libmysql on the system and bail out if it's not found10:17
gamerxBilliard, okay hang on10:17
lilzeuslucent: only difference is in that pan0 device, the HWaddr do not match, iptables -L was the same10:17
lucentpompato: presumably you just have to get mysql set up correctly - is it?10:17
lucentlilzeus: the heck is pan0 anyways, now i'm curious10:18
pompatolucent: maybe, but I had already installed libmysql10:18
pompatoI retry10:18
lilzeuslucent: it says its an ethernet10:18
lilzeuserr, let me see what I can copy10:18
TmiI just checked my services and apparently both gdm and kdm is on .... since I use gnome it should be no problem to just turn of kdm in the services list right?10:18
lucentlilzeus: okay pan0 is probably some bluetooth like technology10:19
sifoaks! is there any ubuntu variant that include the nvidia/ati driver?10:19
lilzeuslucent: Linkencap:Ethernet is what it says10:19
naser67how can i move /opt to another partition ?10:20
lilzeuslucent: this machine is older than bluetooth...lol10:20
BlouBlounaser67: you shouldn't do it10:20
rsksifo:  every version of ubuntu has had drivers for nvidia and ati by default10:20
lucentlilzeus: was it always broken? did you do something to set this off?10:20
naser67BlouBlou: how come?10:20
lilzeuslucent: I restarted my machine10:20
lorenzask! how do i mount C: on startup?10:20
lucentlilzeus: could have been a bad software update10:21
lilzeuslucent: the last thing I installed was samba stuff10:21
naser67BlouBlou: why?10:21
BlouBlounaser67: well, opt is a part of ubuntu file-system, if you move it from ubuntu partition, ubuntu surelly will have several problems10:21
Billiardlorenz: you can add an entry to your fstab to mount your windows parition on startup10:21
lucentBlouBlou: I don't have an /opt :P10:22
lorenzBilliard: im a noob ...10:22
lilzeuslucent: is there a way to view all the latest things I have installed by date installed?10:22
lucentlilzeus: thinking...10:22
naser67BlouBlou: but , i extract xampp in /opt and when i have to reinstall ubuntu , all of my data is lost10:22
Viking667lilzeus: let me guess... on a Ubuntu-based system?10:22
naser67BlouBlou: sorry for my english10:22
lilzeusViking667: yes, of course10:22
BlouBlounaser67: no problem for english10:22
lucentlilzeus: my apt kungfu is not that good10:22
=== phnom_ is now known as phnom
grawity/var/log/apt/ ?10:23
lucentpretty decent question though, any ideas about sorting installed packages by date installed?10:23
lilzeuslucent: mine is nonexistent10:23
grawity(Just guessing)10:23
Viking667lilzeus: hm. Then that's a wee bit of a problem. Check dates on:  ls -l /var/lib/dpkg/info/*.list10:23
BlouBlounaser67: ok, if you haven't got any data, you can remove it10:23
lucenterg... wiggly compiz window drag not fun when drunk10:23
Viking667sort THAT by date...10:23
BlouBlounaser67: or move10:23
grawitylucent: QOTD.10:23
lucentit's horrible!10:24
naser67BlouBlou: how can i move ?10:24
lilzeusViking667: brb to try that10:24
BlouBlounaser67: <<sudo nautilus>> (without <>) in a terminal, then move normally10:24
lucentlilzeus: most likely culprit I think could be a kernel driver10:25
Dr_Willisrunning nautilus as root.. can cause issues... close it out as soon as you are done doing your rooty tasks. :)10:25
lucentlilzeus: have any previous kernels you could boot?10:25
xukunguys is there really no one who can help me with my question?10:25
lucentlilzeus: did you keep them around?10:25
xukunis it possible to make an .iso image from my current vista so can use it as KVM Virtual Machine in ubuntu?10:25
naser67BlouBlou: ok , let me ask another question ?10:25
lilzeusViking667: that list was huge, and unusable10:25
vltnaser67: I'd mount the other partition to /mnt/tmp, then mv everything from /opt/ to /mnt/tmp, unmount /mnt/tmp and then finally mount it to /opt.10:25
lilzeuslucent: no idea, and no idea10:26
Dr_Willisxukun:   I would say NO. for various reasons10:26
BlouBlounaser67: sure, ask it10:26
Dr_Willisxukun:  you could make a .iso yes..but using it in  a VM will proberly have issues10:26
Viking667lilzeus: you want to sort by date. There's a parameter for ls to sort by date.10:26
naser67BlouBlou: how can i backup my ubuntu?10:26
lucentxukun: we're kind of hanging out for Ubuntu10:26
lilzeuslucent: when I get into grub, I see 2 normal ubuntu installations, both have some safe mode or whatever, and then something else10:26
BlouBlou!backup | naser6710:26
ubottunaser67: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning10:26
kbpIs there anyway to "map" domain name to internal LAN? Let says when I enter www.youtube.com, instead showing up www.youtube.com, it shows up a page on (which is the server)10:26
Viking667lilzeus: your question was: what are the latest packages I've installed... right?10:26
lucentlilzeus: oh, not a whole list?10:27
vltxukun: No iso image, but of xourse you can make a copy using dd or dd_rescue (which I'd recommend)10:27
naser67ubottu: tnx guy10:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about tnx guy10:27
BlouBlounaser67: ubottu is a bot10:27
=== ich is now known as teflon
Viking667ubottu: ubottu10:27
ubottuHi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi - Usage info: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuBots10:27
xukunDr_Willis, thanks10:27
lucentnormal -18, safemode -18, normal -11, safemode -11, normal -03, safemode -0310:27
lilzeuslucent: well, yes, a list, its like this: ubuntu, ubuntu safe mode, ubuntu, ubuntu safe mode, then something else10:27
lucentoh cool10:27
lucentpick one of the older earlier normal mode ones10:28
Dr_Willisxukun:  windows wont like being changed from one 'machine' to another.. so it will trigger the MS-ANti-piracy-restrict-your-rights stuff10:28
naser67BlouBlou: oh, i made a boo-boo :D10:28
grawitylilzeus: "Something else" might be memtest86, a memory check tool?10:28
Dr_Willisxukun:  thats one big issue.10:28
lilzeushow do I know which ones are 'earlier'?10:28
lilzeusgrawity: yeah, that sounds right10:28
BlouBlounaser67: you're welcome :)10:28
=== chaky_ is now known as chaky
darkjackaho1hi there.. h.a.n.d.10:28
lilzeushow many SHOULD there be? lol10:28
xukunvlt, would that work? If I make a copy of my current vista install and use it as a virtual macine?10:28
grawitylilzeus: "Earlier" ones simply have smaller version numbers.10:29
xukunDr_Willis, I see10:29
lilzeusgrawity: ok, will give it a shot10:29
lucentlilzeus: well I cleaned mine up so I only have the kernel I'm running10:29
lucentbut you might have a few different versions there10:29
Viking667xukun: your problem is: the virtual machine has different hardware to your real machine. Your Vista will go nuts10:29
vegombreihey guys ... my computers making this really strange sound its definately the hdd ... how do i scan for errors or bad sectors?10:29
lucentlilzeus: if it won't boot, no harm done just reboot and try a different one10:30
leaf-sheepIs it possible for me to ssh/access based on the machine name on local network? I want to avoid IP addresses.10:30
grawityleaf-sheep: Three ways.10:30
lucentvegombrei: bad sound = should not leave it powered on10:30
grawityleaf-sheep: 1) Ubuntu comes with Avahi installed, so try using "machinename.local"10:30
xukunViking667, so that is no go10:30
lucentpop that bad boy into the freezer and get ready to extract the data to a larger drive heh10:30
grawityleaf-sheep: 2) If you install samba (for Windows file sharing), you'll also get Windows' name resolution (so "machinename" will work)10:31
lucentdisclaimer that my advice might actually cause more harm than it helps10:31
naser67BlouBlou: http://brasscannon.com/diary/movepart.html10:31
grawityleaf-sheep: And 3) /etc/hosts10:31
vegombreilucent: oh .. but is there a utility that scans the drive?10:31
Viking667Well, there was ONE way of doing it I heardof for XP... dunno how it works for Vista though...10:31
Viking667Creating a hardware profile under Windows...10:31
lucentvegombrei: loosely speaking, no10:31
naser67BlouBlou: chek this , what's c0t0d0s6 ?10:31
vltxukun: You can run that cloned windows ... but windows will proably refuse to work.10:31
grawityViking667: Hardware profiles have been removed in Vista.10:31
Viking667But don't actually activate it until you're on your other OS...and other virtual machine's environment.10:32
Viking667grawity: oh, crap.10:32
leaf-sheepgrawity: Pass on #3 because I'd have to set them up manually. I'm looking into #1 + #2.10:32
grawityleaf-sheep: Any Windows boxen in the network?10:32
lucentvegombrei: I've had Seagate brand drives go bad, and I got a vendor utility from Seagate and ran that, and it scanned the drive for errors10:32
matteo1990hi all, i had a problem with resolution on my pc and now i haven't in the avaible options the resolution that i had when i installe dubuntu. How to restore those settings?10:32
BlouBlounaser67: I don't know10:32
Viking667naser67: sounds like logical partition on first cdrom, on first controller.10:32
lucentvegombrei: if the hardware is going bad, not much can be done about it10:32
xukunvlt, I see thanks10:32
leaf-sheepgrawity: There are. I don't know if they're set up for sharing though.10:32
vltleaf-sheep: 4) Run a DNS server that resolves names to IPs10:33
grawityleaf-sheep: They still use the same name resolution method as samba does.10:33
lilzeusthere were 2 kernels: 2.6.28-15-generic and 1.6.28-11-generic, I am in 11 and the same problem exists10:33
lucentlilzeus: good info thanks10:33
JanitaHi !10:33
grawityleaf-sheep: Btw, Avahi is an implementation of Apple's Bonjour (which comes built in to Mac OS X, and is available for Windows too)10:33
docmaxCOMPIZ is GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!10:34
ninsqhi xD10:34
lilzeusI will restart into 15 and see what happens10:34
lucentdocmax: it churns my stomach tonight10:34
docmaxbut i still need a document management system10:34
leaf-sheepgrawity: I liked the .local thing -- It's much easier. :310:34
=== Amaranth_ is now known as Amaranth
grawityleaf-sheep: Both are easy, IMO10:34
roni-rikucan every body hear me!!10:34
lucentI haven't the wherewithall to configure it to something less unfriendly toward drunks10:34
grawityleaf-sheep: The second method is simply to install samba, no configuration needed. And you don't even need the .local suffix that way.10:35
lucentlilzeus: uh... I don't know10:35
vlt!ask | roni-riku10:35
ubotturoni-riku: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:35
Dr_Willisroni-riku:  hi. :)10:35
leaf-sheepgrawity: Testing....10:35
Dr_Willisroni-riku:  No we cant hear you.10:35
lucentlilzeus: are you game for trying to install the Karmic beta and see if it works?10:35
lucentlilzeus: newer kernel10:35
Lint01is there a driver for VHDs in Ubuntu?10:35
Xcelldr whats the ops room?10:35
Dr_Willisroni-riku:  speak louder into the mouse.10:35
grawityXcell: Channel ops or network ops?10:36
Dr_WillisXcell:  #ubuntu-ops perhaps?10:36
roni-rikuDr_ Willis HOw are you10:36
grawityXcell: Ops of this #ubuntu channel hide in #ubuntu-ops. The operators of the entire Freenode network (called "staffers" here) are in #freenode.10:36
Xcellok tx10:36
ShapeShifter499I have two computers, one I use, and one mom uses, I want to make it so that while my mom is or isn't using the computer I can access files from it where ever my first computer gets internet, how do I do this?10:37
anybudyis 50 mb partition enough for /boot partition?10:37
grawityleaf-sheep: Also, from my experience, Samba on Linux has been more stable than Bonjour on Windows, regarding name resolution10:37
lilzeuslucent: I restarted into 2.6.28-15-generic and the same problem is there10:37
lilzeusno internets10:37
leaf-sheepgrawity: Muchas gracias!!10:37
lucentlilzeus: oh10:37
lilzeuslucent: should I try the 'recovery mode'?10:37
lucentlilzeus: I don't think there's any networking in recovery mode10:37
lucentmight be though10:38
Dr_Willisanybudy:  proberly. i normally use 100mb. but i rarely ever get it 20% full... i rarely bother with /boot these days on its own parittion10:38
leaf-sheepgrawity: I always have to access router configuration to view a list of attached devices.  That was pain in the butt. :(10:38
grawitylucent: There is, once you run dhclient (and the recovery mode does that for you)10:38
matteo1990hi all, i had a problem with resolution on my pc and now i haven't in the avaible options the resolution that i had when i installe dubuntu. How to restore those settings?10:38
lucentlilzeus: if you get back to the configuration (livecd?) where it worked, check the kernel version 'uname'10:38
lucent'uname -a'10:38
lucentgrawity: cool info, great10:38
darkjackaho1hi there, and have a nice day, who can help me with my mic10:38
anybudyDr_Willis: I need to boot into windows anytime, even I format my "/" partition.10:39
darkjackaho1doesn't work integrated and external got a noise10:39
Dr_Willisanybudy:  I keep linux onits own hd withits own bootloader there.. so  do what you want. :)10:39
lucentDr_Willis: a space?10:40
lord_of_computinThe SiS760 GPU on my ASUS board heats up when I use default VESA driver. Is it because of any misconfiguration?10:40
lucentI'd like to buy a sentence structure (joking)10:40
roni-rikuHi miia10:40
darkjackaho1hi there, noone can help me??10:40
Dr_Willislucent:  or a keyboard with a not so flakey space key10:40
lucentDr_Willis: almost willing to offer a donation10:40
vltanybudy: It's enough. Just care you remove older kernels if necessary10:41
Dr_Willislucent:  i got a whole box of keyboards.. but im testing out this ibm one i got for $1 :)10:41
lucentshipping for a Model M from chicago to indiana... hmm10:41
Dr_Willislucent:  think of it as bandwithconservation10:41
anybudyDr_Willis:(thank you) cos of that I need a separate boot partition,does  any system update cause a need  for more disk space on boot?10:41
lucenttwitter has me on edge sorry about that10:41
lucentI'm like tweetarded now10:41
roni-rikuDr_Willis how are you10:41
Dr_Willisanybudy:  every kernel takes up a little more space. a few mb.10:41
lilzeuslucent: so you want me to run LiveCD again?10:42
Dr_Willisanybudy:  50mb should be ok. 100mb definatly ok.10:42
lucentlilzeus: wouldn't hurt to know which version of the kernel your system does indeed work with10:42
Dr_Willisanybudy:  my last /boot partition was 2gb. so i could keep some live cd's also on there for 'rescue' work10:42
Dr_Willis!ot | roni-riku10:42
ubotturoni-riku: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!10:42
lilzeuslucent: what was it, lname?10:42
lucentlilzeus: while you're there a 'netstat -l' and 'route' could be cool10:42
anybudyDr_Willis: very good idea10:43
lucentlilzeus: 'uname -a'10:43
miiaHi roni-riku10:43
matteo1990hi all, i had a problem with resolution on my pc and now i haven't in the avaible options the resolution that i had when i installe dubuntu. How to restore those settings?10:43
abongileHi All I am new to linux but trying to learn. I can't get into Mythbuntu Control Centre I get "Failed to run /usr/share/mythbuntu-control-centre/bin/mythbuntu-control-centre as user root. And Unabale to copy the user's Xauthorisation file. Please help.  I noticed this after having followed some on-line instructions to mount my second internal hard hard drive.  It is now mounted and have put some data on it.  I am afraid of rebooting ju10:43
lucentI don't have any clever way to remember that10:43
roni-rikuHi miia10:43
CornwallScouts4_wer are uo10:43
Dr_Willisanybudy:  grub2 is supposed to be able to boot iso files :)  that will mean i need more space  in /boot/ soon heh.10:43
ZeddeI have a question about sources.list, http://get.bitlbee.org/devel/ tell me to add a line there , I have done it and saved the file. then I run apt-get update. I see the host I added in the list but when I try to search for the pkg on the site nothing come up10:43
lucentabongile: pulling the plug out of the wall probably is not a good idea10:43
Dr_Willisanybudy:  be cool to be able to boot and install the os from grub210:44
lord_of_computinThe SiS760 GPU on my ASUS board heats up when I use default VESA driver. Is it because of any misconfiguration?10:44
Viking667bye all.10:44
lilzeuslucent: do those commands now and compare to LiveCD?10:44
CornwallScouts4_wer are uo10:44
lucentabongile: rebooting with ctrl+alt+delete and then waiting some minutes, will safetly unmount any partitions / filesystems10:44
lucentlilzeus: cool, yeah10:44
ortsvorsteherCornwallScouts4_: whats your preferred language?10:44
roni-rikuHi miia10:45
lucentlilzeus: at least you learn something, I don't try to be unhelpful here, just not sure what else to suggest10:45
anybudyDr_Willis: wow!exactly! but I dont know if it will be hard to search and install on boot partition... Need to search for it.10:45
lucentlilzeus: those commands will give you more info about the things I think could be important to find out what is going on10:45
abongilelucent: But what's causing the error message when I try to launch the mythbuntu-control centre, I should mention the reason I needed mythbunto control centre was because live tv had stopped working.10:45
lucentabongile: I'm not a mythbuntu support guy10:45
lucentalso I just don't know10:46
anybudyDr_Willis: Thank you very much. g. bye.10:46
lucentyou ask me about linux though and I can help with any of the 200+ commands that I have learned about :)10:46
darkjackaho1hi there, who can help me with my mic sound? i use jj x86 with gnome10:46
grawitylucent: It's not how many commands you know, it's how you use them that matters.10:47
lucentgrawity: sparingly.10:47
ortsvorsteher!details | darkjackaho110:47
ubottudarkjackaho1: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."10:47
abongileLucent: ok what is Xauthority? It's quiet at the Mythbuntu and Mythtv users side but really need help!10:47
lucentgrawity: I saw a one-liner the other day that walked 'stat' output on all files reported by 'find' into 'awk' to sum the apparent filesizes10:48
lucentmind numbingly elegant10:48
lucentI'm not happy with the output of 'du' in a lot of use cases10:49
matteo1990hi all, i had a problem with resolution on my pc and now i haven't in the avaible options the resolution that i had when i installe dubuntu. How to restore those settings?10:49
Sakara_I am using ubuntu server as a base for my laptop with a very light weight display manager10:49
minthey guys, i've been having this debate for the last couple of days, i've been doing some research and i wonder if you could help me and tell why vanilla ubuntu and not linux mint, for example?10:49
niko47lucent use df -h10:49
Sakara_can anyone tell me a way of saving networking profiles from cli10:49
grawitylucent: Like this? find -type f -exec stat -c %s + | awk '{ n=n+$1 } END { print n }'10:50
lucentniko47: -h doesn't change the behavior of counting blocks and assuming the crap is multiplied by a hard constant of 512 ;P10:50
roni-rikusurkee kone10:50
lucentdu is short for dumb in my opinion having used it a number of years, no offense to the authors10:50
niko47about df then :P?10:50
ortsvorsteherSakara_: did you try ifconfig? and for the route netstat -rn. there will be an output which nic has which config10:50
niko47roni-riku no mitäs :P?10:50
grawitylucent: 'du' actually reports how much a file takes on the disk, not its exact size.10:51
benovicafter a (852 m 30 s) scan clamscan tells me there is 1 infected file of Scanned files: 155677 - but does not tell me which file is infected - what to do?10:51
lucentthere's --apparent-size option but it counts directory entries at whim10:51
lucentso I never know what the heck it's going to output10:51
Sakara_ortsvorsteher: I can do that yer but I use my laptop at work, home and university all with different wireless and ip addresses i have to use10:51
obiwan_hiiii !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!10:51
Sakara_suppose making bash scripts for each location i visit is possible10:51
lucentgrawity: yeah, which equates to '0' size on any ecryptfs entry10:51
roni-rikuaa moi niko4710:52
roni-rikusurkeita koneita10:52
lucentgrawity: it's so 199810:52
lilzeuslucent: I copied the results from the defunct system, do you want to see them?10:52
Sakara_but I don't like that the passkey to my home network will be in plain text10:52
niko47miten niin ?10:52
darkjackaho1ortsvorsteher:  i have a problem to registrer a audio file captured with internal mic, my external don't work as have to. i ear a noise that is not good now that i live in another country and with skype i can't talk. i'm running ubuntu 9.04 jj x86 with gnome. first time i installed it i had a problemwith alsa, but now i can ear all. i'm not a newbie but i need help to solve this trouble. sorry for my bad english, i'm not a native.10:52
darkjackaho1 ;) thanks to all wanna help me. cheers10:52
lucentlilzeus: sure yeah privmsg and/or pastebin prefered10:52
minthey guys, i've been having this debate for the last couple of days, i've been doing some research and i wonder if you could help me and tell why should i choose vanilla ubuntu and not linux mint?10:52
roni-rikuon vaa mut missä asut10:52
ortsvorsteherSakara_: sure. with ifconfig you can configure your nic too. try man ifconfig. after that you can write bash script with your needs in it10:52
lucentfaster chanops! kill kill!10:52
BlouBlou!repeat | mint10:53
ubottumint: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.10:53
roni-rikuok meikäki10:53
jaychoui am back10:53
obiwan_hey grawity , i'm still noob and yesterday i didn't notice ur query, just thank you 4 info about cloaks hehe now i got one10:53
Sakara_ortsvorsteher: Thanks for your help. Thats a great idea would not have though of it had i not have spoken to you.10:53
ortsvorsteherdarkjackaho1: which is your mother language?10:53
roni-rikumitä harrastat niko4710:54
* docmax is searching for a document management system. any ideas?10:54
niko47mitäs tässä tietokoneen värkkäämistä.. :P10:54
ortsvorsteher!msg ubottu !cookie10:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:54
lucentuh, nautilus10:54
darkjackaho1ortsvorsteher: italian, but no problem with english, spanish, and a bit of french (worse i know)10:54
lucentwhat do you want it to manage anyways if it's just you10:54
ortsvorsteher!it | darkjackaho110:54
ubottudarkjackaho1: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)10:54
bazhangniko47, english please10:55
ortsvorsteherdarkjackaho1: i have no idea about the mic problem, may you ask in italian channel too10:55
niko47ok... here cannot speak own language ?10:55
darkjackaho1i know but i don't find an answer10:55
bazhangniko47, you and roni-riku are finnish?10:55
darkjackaho1ortsvorsteher: very gentlemen, i think my english is not so bad10:55
BlouBlouniko47: here only in english10:55
roni-rikuwe can speak english too10:55
BlouBlouroni-riku: *only* english10:56
niko47can private chat count too ?10:56
roni-rikuok ok10:56
darkjackaho1i'm writing only in english10:56
bazhangniko47, PM in whatever language you wish10:56
ortsvorsteherdarkjackaho1: so try again ask the channel, i have no idea sorry :)10:56
JasseTbazhang: we all are10:56
Dillizarhey where can i find deb file for eagleusb10:56
darkjackaho1i've tried before to meet u here10:56
darkjackaho1just to try first in my m.l.10:56
roni-rikuwait please10:57
niko47pm roni-riku... -_-10:58
roni-rikuwait please11:00
niko47what program irc you using roni ?11:02
darkjackaho1hi there:  i have a problem to registrer a audio file captured with internal mic, my external don't work as have to. i ear a noise that is not good now that i live in another country and with skype i can't talk. i'm running ubuntu 9.04 jj x86 with gnome. first time i installed it i had a problemwith alsa, but now i can ear all. i'm not a newbie but i need help to solve this trouble. ;) thanks to all wanna help me. cheers11:04
lucentdarkjackaho1: http://shop.skype.com/headsets/iss-talk-5115-everyman-headset.html  works in linux, easy and simplest solution11:05
lucentdarkjackaho1: trying to fix what is inside your computer is going to be sadness and tears11:06
ShapeShifter499I have two computers, one I use, and one mom uses, I want to make it so that while my mom is or isn't using the computer I can access files from it where ever my first computer gets internet, how do I do this?]11:06
lucentdarkjackaho1: ubuntu or anything else, I mean, if you want Skype then ... you need a headset11:06
=== Mira is now known as Guest99893
lucentShapeShifter499: no easy solution that I can think of11:07
obiwan_hey guys, one question what's the ubuntu equalizer? i'm trying to play some good music but bass sounds low, neither totem, or alsamixer, or rythmbox have an option, how can i do it?11:07
lucentShapeShifter499: the techie way would be to configure SSH access into there11:07
Dr_WillisShapeShifter499:  and what OS is mom's pc using? Uubntu?11:07
mrwhaleshey, pls are there any unix programmers out there11:07
Dr_Willismrwhales:  100000's of them11:07
niko47some has why ?11:07
lucentfrom that you could run commands or tunnel VNC and mount SSHFS from FUZE via Gnome11:07
ShapeShifter499Dr_Willis: yes ubuntu 9.04 for powerpc11:07
mrwhaleshey, pls are there any unix programmers out there11:08
darkjackaho1lucent: thanks for consider me. so i got this problem 'couse of a problem in alsa i think11:08
Dr_WillisShapeShifter499:  ssh and 'sshfs' are proberly the way to go11:08
niko47what like program u need or script ?11:08
lucentdarkjackaho1: I think, a few euros to spend on a headset is an easier way to get your Skype working11:08
ShapeShifter499Dr_Willis: how do I configure?11:08
Dr_Willis!ssh | ShapeShifter49911:08
ubottuShapeShifter499: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSHHowto for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)11:08
mrwhalesi want to ask about unix programming11:08
mrwhalescan anyone help me out11:08
lstarnesmrwhales: then ask already11:09
ortsvorsteher!ask | mrwhales11:09
ubottumrwhales: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:09
rskmrwhales: what's unix programming? sounds pretty vauge11:09
darkjackaho1lucent: my headset works very well, with others os is ok but i prefere to use a good os for all not a bad os only for call11:09
mrwhalesim studying software engineering but im in love with linux now, i am in the right course coz im thinknig about specilizing in unix11:10
MenZa!ot | mrwhales11:10
ubottumrwhales: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:10
GuidMorrowunable to get exclusive lock HELP11:10
FloodBot2roni-riku: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:10
Xcell!fcc rukes11:10
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fcc rukes11:10
Xcell!fcc rules11:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fcc rules11:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about FCC11:11
MenZa!msgthebot | GuidMorrow, Xcell11:11
ubottuGuidMorrow, Xcell: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".11:11
mrwhalesok, im using songbird and it keeps getting gray screen how can i stop this11:11
lucentdarkjackaho1: I have the same problems as you, here11:11
prince_jammys/msg ubottu to test things.11:11
=== Guest99893 is now known as mira
miiamitää ron-riku11:11
MenZa!fi | miia11:11
ubottumiia: Tämä kanava on tarkoitettu vain englanninkieliselle keskustelulle. Jos haluat suomenkielistä apua (K)ubuntun ongelmiin, liity kanavalle #ubuntu-fi / #kubuntu-fi :-)11:11
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fccrules11:11
lucentdarkjackaho1: when I make a call then I don't use Ubuntu because of problems, the support is not very good for built-in mic11:11
MenZaXcell: Please desist.11:11
=== mira is now known as Guest42358
Xcelli am the fcc youy will desist11:12
Xcellpay attention11:12
darkjackaho1lucent: but with external is better than notthing, if i fix this last one, all is ok for now11:12
Dr_Willismrwhales:  compiz turns a window 'grey' when the app gets 'hung/paused/stuck' for a  set amount of time as an indicator that the app is haung.11:12
Xcelli am here for a test11:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fcc11:13
MenZaXcell: This channel is solely for Ubuntu support. Please refrain from spamming the channel with other topics.11:13
prince_jammys!ops | Xcell, random spamming.11:13
ubottuXcell, random spamming.: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!11:13
Dr_Willismrwhales:  its a 'feature' :)11:13
GuidMorrow!ot | Xcell11:13
ubottuXcell: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!11:13
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about abort11:13
gnomefreakwin 1011:13
darkjackaho1lucent: and with external one have u solved?11:13
AmaranthXcell: Do you have anything useful to contribute to the channel?11:13
Dr_Willis!love > Xcell11:13
ubottuXcell, please see my private message11:13
lucentdarkjackaho1: yes, a "USB" headset makes it work very good11:14
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Theexpertsi have problem in display in ubuntu 9.04, can any one help me?11:14
lucentthe reason is that new audio device (it must be working with linux!) then it works and you do not rely on broken internal sound device11:15
gfvheloow there11:15
MenZaTheexperts: Try to be a bit more verbose than that.11:15
darkjackaho1lucent: and if i got a problem with alsa, wow can it solve a problem?? i don't understand11:15
prince_jammysMIRJAMI: try to decide on a nickname, and stop spamming.11:15
Theexpertsi have problem in display in ubuntu 9.04, can any one help me?11:16
MenZaTheexperts: I repeat. Try to be a bit more verbose. And please don't repeat your question so quickly.11:16
nic1hi..i installed skype..i am getting this error: " /usr/bin/skype.real: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libQtDBus.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv "  did any face the same error??11:16
newuserguys where can I upload a screenshot?11:16
lucentdarkjackaho1: if "A" does not work, then get "B" and "B" works11:16
leaf-sheepTo those who never used a cronjob before, I'm trying to obtain a "Select best editor" ASCII ART.  Will somebody be kind enough to run "crontab -e" and copy/paste the ASCII for the script I'm working on?11:17
Amaranthnewuser: imageshack.us11:17
lucentdarkjackaho1: so we forget about making internal sound work11:17
newuserimageshashack is full of damn adds11:17
lucentdarkjackaho1: get a headset with its own usb-audio device, this will work with your computer11:17
Amaranthnewuser: Please don't swear11:17
Amaranthnewuser: it's the best you're going to get though, unless you want to use twitpic or something11:18
leaf-sheepnewuser: http://imagebin.ca/11:18
Amaranthleaf-sheep: that one is always so slow though :/11:18
BullHornXhow can i get flash to properly work in firefox 3.0.14?11:18
leaf-sheepAmaranth: Really? I personally use ImageShack (with help of Gnome-Do!)11:18
darkjackaho1lucent: if i don't solve quickly, i'll buy it. thanks11:19
nic1hi..i installed skype..i am getting this error: " /usr/bin/skype.real: symbol lookup error: /usr/lib/libQtDBus.so.4: undefined symbol: _ZN14QObjectPrivate15checkWindowRoleEv " did any face the same error??11:19
miiaHow are you? mira11:19
Amaranthnic1: Do you have libqt4-dbus installed?11:20
nic1Amaranth, yes i have libqt4-dubs installed11:20
Amaranthnic1: what version of ubuntu are you using?11:20
GuidMorrow!skype > nic111:20
ubottunic1, please see my private message11:20
huwenfeng9.04 got problem in grandr, i can not drag one screen above the other screen11:20
nic1Amaranth, i use 9.0411:21
Amaranthnic1: do you have nessus installed?11:21
Amaranthnic1: the wiki page GuidMorrow sent you mentions a similar problem when using nessus11:21
nic1Amaranth,  no11:21
nic1what is nessus?11:22
Theexpertswhen i am login in ubuntu, there is no display...11:22
Amaranthnic1: I think it's some kind of security scanner11:22
GuidMorrow!ot > Mira11:22
ubottuMira, please see my private message11:22
=== Mira is now known as Guest15213
prince_jammyssame spammer.11:23
Balsaqneed help installing flash11:23
MenZa!flash | Balsaq11:23
ubottuBalsaq: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash11:23
nic1Amaranth, shall i install nessus??11:24
Amaranthnic1: no, it is known to cause such problems, not fix them11:24
ShapeShifter499Dr_Willis: I'm getting stuck at the bottom of-----> https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html11:24
* docmax is searching for a document management system. any ideas?11:24
nic1Amaranth, any suggestions how i will be ablet to fix this?11:25
Amaranthnic1: oh, are you using 64-bit ubuntu?11:25
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: The chmod 644 thingy thingy?11:25
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: no the step above it11:26
Amaranthnic1: if so make sure ia32-libs and lib32asound2 are installed11:26
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: What about it? What problem are you facing?11:27
Balsaqwent to the link to installflash, say i cant find the plug n installer11:27
nic1Amaranth, how can i check how many bit ubuntu i am using? mine is i68611:27
lstarnesnic1: uname -m11:27
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: I don't know how to use that command11:27
Amaranthnic1: dpkg --print-architecture11:27
Amaranthnic1: if it says amd64 you're using 64-bit11:27
lstarnesnic1: x64_64 is 64-bit, iX86 is 32-bit11:27
Balsaqdo i have to 1st do something in synaptic to then be able to installflash??11:27
incidenceEh, I'm starting to hate Banshee. It just says "Parameter name: length Argument is out of range."11:27
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: I'm just getting this---------->                                      /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found11:28
nic1dpkg --print-architecture, gives i38611:28
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Something like "ssh-copy-id johndoe@"11:28
nic1then my sys is 32 bits11:28
Amaranthnic1: ok then that's 32-bit and I have no idea what the problem is, sorry11:28
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep:where do I get that info11:28
Balsaqneed help installing flash11:28
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: What information?  I typed it out.11:28
nic1Amaranth, i was trying to install ia32-libs, is it not there in synaptic?11:29
AmaranthBalsaq: In synaptic click on search and search for "ubuntu-restricted-extras" then install that package11:29
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: It's a simple command.  Run it.  And you should get information about checking authorized keys and such.  Then you try and ssh in.  Should be working fine.11:29
Amaranthnic1: That package only exists for the 64-bit version (it's 32-bit libraries for compatibility with 32-bit apps like skype)11:30
nic1Amaranth, what are those two packages that you have suggested me to install?11:30
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: hold on11:30
Amaranthnic1: Both of those packages are 64-bit only, 32-bit doesn't need them11:30
Balsaqok Amaranth but tried it nterminal11:30
Balsaqwill try your way11:30
nic1Amaranth, ok11:30
AmaranthBalsaq: terminal is fine too, just run `sudo aptitude install ubuntu-restricted-extras`11:31
AmaranthBalsaq: you can also find it in Applications->Add/Remove :)11:31
_jim__jimanyone use gyachi ?11:31
prince_jammys_jim__jim: provide some details about your problem, and hopefully someone who knows about it will help you.11:33
Amaranthnic1: the only reference to this error I can find on google is people using 64-bit and someone having a problem with a different application and asking for help in this channel almost exactly a year ago (and they got no answer either)11:33
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: Idk what I'm doing, I'm still geting this---------->                                      /usr/bin/ssh-copy-id: ERROR: No identities found11:33
mcdaydaviesite lad11:33
Amaranthnic1: I doubt it'll help but try `sudo ldconfig` then run skype again11:33
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mcdaydaviesi luv xchat11:34
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Run "ssh-keygen"11:34
_jim__jimprince_jammys, i cant find a d/load for intrepid11:34
Amaranthnic1: The only other thing I can think of is you're using a version of skype that for some reason requires the Qt 4.6 beta but that wouldn't make any sense11:34
nic1Amaranth, running sudo ldconfig and then skype gives the same for me11:34
prince_jammys_jim__jim: you mean there is an application "gyachi" that you want to install, but don't find it in the repositories?11:35
_jim__jimyeah prince11:35
Amaranthnic1: I guess it's time to ask ebay/skype for help11:35
nic1what is Qt 4.6 beta? can i find that in the synaptic of 9.04 ubuntu?11:35
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: ok and then?11:35
lucentwishing I could tag people coming through who are easy to help11:35
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Try the earlier command.11:35
BalsaqAmaranth all the restricted extras are already colred in meaning it looks like they are already doen?11:35
nic1#skype, is not available i guess right?11:35
_jim__jimjust wondered if anyone used it11:35
Amaranthnic1: no, it's not in 9.04 as it was just released a couple days ago (and is not stable/supported)11:35
Amaranthnic1: You'll probably need to find some kind of email help on the skype website11:36
Amaranthnic1: Hopefully they'll be able to help you within a week11:36
BalsaqAmaranth ther restricted stuff is all checked off in synaptic11:36
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: now I'm getting connection refused11:36
_jim__jimanother question ....can you update just one package say pidgin ? ..like apt-get update pidgin ?11:36
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Be more specific with errors. It is likely because you recently generated a new pair of keys.11:37
Amaranth_jim__jim: apt-get install pidgin will update it11:37
lstarnes_jim__jim: sudo apt-get install pidgin11:37
AmaranthBalsaq: No idea then, sorry11:37
_jim__jimwhat version is in the repositiories ?11:37
Dr_Willis!info pidgin11:37
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: hold on, what do I do with the keys? move one to the other computer?11:37
ubottupidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.5.5-1ubuntu8.4 (jaunty), package size 507 kB, installed size 1616 kB11:37
lstarnes_jim__jim: which version of ubuntu are you using?11:37
_jim__jimimnot sure i d/loaded awhile ago11:38
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Yes, with the ssh-copy-id command.11:38
Balsaqthanks for trying Amaranth11:38
_jim__jimido i tell ?11:38
ShapeShifter499but how?11:38
lstarnes_jim__jim: check lsb_release -a11:38
Baxt0raptitude sucks11:38
Balsaqanyone else know how to instal flash11:38
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: but how?11:38
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: You might want to try and ssh in.  If the ssh failed (mismatched), do "rm ~/.ssh/known_hosts"11:38
lstarnes!info pidgin intrepid11:38
ubottupidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.5.2-0ubuntu1.4 (intrepid), package size 546 kB, installed size 1952 kB11:39
lstarnes_jim__jim: pidgin 2.5.2 is the version in 8.10's repositories11:39
_jim__jimyeah dont think that works with yahoo anymore11:39
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: well I got a different port than its showing11:39
Sagaci_jim__jim: it's easy to see what you have installed via synaptic package manager11:39
Baxt0rso who here isnt a virgin?11:39
SagaciBaxt0r: that isn't appropriate11:40
lstarnes_jim__jim: there may have been a patch for 8.10's version11:40
rskBaxt0r: trolling in #ubuntu-offtopic11:40
bazhangBaxt0r, please desist11:40
_jim__jimyeah lstarnes where would i look for it  ?11:40
lstarnes_jim__jim: in the repositories?11:40
_jim__jimok ill have alook else i try and install from source11:41
purplefoolwould anyone know how to get ubuntu to work with following graphic chips?  "VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RS690 [Radeon X1200 Series]"11:41
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Different port?  Where are you getting the informations from?11:41
lstarnes_jim__jim: there might be something in the intrepid-backports repo, but I'm not sure11:41
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: nvm, I was using the command on the wrong computer11:41
obiwan_hey guys, one question what's the ubuntu equalizer? i'm trying to play some good music but bass sounds low, neither totem, or alsamixer, or rythmbox have an option, how can i do it?11:41
_jim__jimok thanks for trying lstarnes11:42
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: got it now11:42
bazhangBaxt0r, did you have a support question11:42
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Could you do something simple for me? :311:43
purplefoolswitchgirlEEE, i believe thanks are in order...will see:)11:43
prince_jammys"slow down and read the ssh howto url" ?11:43
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: To those who never used a cronjob before, I'm trying to obtain a "Select best editor" ASCII ART.  Will somebody be kind enough to run "crontab -e" and copy/paste the whole "Select best editor" ASCII ART for the script I'm working on?11:43
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: There. Up. :)11:43
switchgirlEEEpurplefool: google is amaizing :11:44
purplefoolswitchgirlEEE, been googling for 3 days and have got crossed eyes...your page is a new one for me though.11:45
Night_ElfHi all. What could you recomend as a flash format streaming server? I am looking at red5 ( http://www.red5server.org/ ) it is written in Java which I'd like to avoid. Any hints for something else ?11:47
j1mp492i have 2 ubuntu to choose from when i start the computer after an upgrade, how do i get rid of the old one?11:48
lucentNight_Elf: I think red5 is pretty much it11:48
bazhangj1mp492, two kernels?11:48
lucentNight_Elf: you could go with the proprietary solution and pay a lot of money for that11:48
Night_Elflucent: seems like the alternatives are not plenty ?  ...11:48
j1mp492bazhang: think so, i can choose 2 ubuntus, 2 safe mode, 2 memtest but the other one is just an old version11:48
Night_Elflucent: well no. I'd preffer open sourced stuff :)11:49
bazhangj1mp492, best practices is to keep an extra one around11:49
lucentNight_Elf: naturally. just saying it like I heard11:49
RS-232Hi all11:49
j1mp492bazhang: what? i just want 111:49
* lucent lifts DTR high11:49
Night_Elflucent: all right. I'll keep on reading for red5 then11:49
bazhangj1mp492, then you can remove with synaptic package manager11:50
leaf-sheepj1mp492: You can change the timing of grub boot menu from 3 seconds to 0 seconds.  That way you won't see them.11:50
leaf-sheepj1mp492: But then again, bazhang is right. It's good to have old kernels just in case.  Some people upgraded their kernels and reboot. Something went wrong. Frozen. CPU overshot or whatever it is.11:51
Night_Elfj1mp492: I'd actually like some older kernel around. Just in case the current and latest one gets damaged or anything for whatever reason. With an older one you'd still start the machine up11:51
leaf-sheep!kernel | j1mp49211:51
ubottuj1mp492: The core of the Ubuntu Operating System is the Linux kernel: see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel - You shouldn't have to compile your own, but if you're convinced you do, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile - See also: /msg ubottu stages11:51
leaf-sheepIt's the heart! :)11:51
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)11:51
=== eldamar_ is now known as eldamar
j1mp492leaf-sheep: i duelboot windows..11:52
j1mp492leaf-sheep: they dont take memory? :)11:52
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Night_Elfj1mp492: dualbooting you mean ?11:53
Night_Elfj1mp492: well, not in the sense you mean. You can only have one kernel working at a time. The other one, just is a couple of files on disk. No biggie, if you ask me11:54
j1mp492Night_Elf: okey then i keep it11:55
Night_Elfj1mp492: which is the recomended thing to do11:55
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ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep:AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its driving me nuts, I can get shell access using ssh from computer one to computer two but I don't want that I want file access  from computer two to computer one11:58
qetuRtjena mors!11:58
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: New to Ubuntu?11:58
qetuRskulle behöva mounta ett network drive11:58
grawityShapeShifter499: Install openssh-server to computer one, too. ssh _does_ give you file access.11:58
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep:no but I'm new to ssh11:58
Hz0anybody who can help11:59
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep:I have installed it on both computers11:59
=== soulnet-4 is now known as eca
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: I'm thinking that it would be best choice to use samba or if you do want to use ssh, then you could use Nautilus's Connect To Server.11:59
cripplerHi. I am installing minimal/bloatware free Ubuntu 9.04. What is the difference between apt-get install gnome or apt-get install gnome-core ?12:00
emiltrying to share folders?12:00
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep:ok what about access from anywhere with internet?12:00
kbpI need help in CHMOD: I would like to apply CHMOD recursively to a folder, but only to group permission only, and leave user permission and creator permission unchange (let say group has rwx permission). Is it possible?12:00
=== darkjackaho is now known as Guest68979
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Okay. You want ssh then. In that case, if you're behind a router, you'll need to set up port forwarding from router to your machine.12:00
grawitykbp: First, yes. g+rwx12:00
grawitykbp: Second, "user permission" and  "creator permission" are the same thing.12:01
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: And from anywhere in the WORLD, you can ssh in, or use any clients that supports ssh.  Learn to use Filezilla too for GUI File Transfers.12:01
grawity!info gnome > me12:02
emilanyone here suing mythtv?12:02
=== fabio is now known as fabio_
kbpgrawity: thank you :) - oh i meant owner and viewer - so g stand for group. I guess o+rwx will apply to the owner, so what the other command left?12:02
rskemil: maybe try #mythtv12:02
emil@leaf-can you use sanba and ssh at the same time?12:02
leaf-sheepAh. I was thinking suing, not using.12:02
emilthanks rsk12:02
grawitykbp: u is user (owner, creator). g is group. o is others (world).12:03
kbpgrawity: oh I see. I've written it down. Thanks alot :)12:03
leaf-sheepemil: Yes you can.  They're the different protocols... just like with http, ftp, ssh, imap, etc.12:03
babyjuhello...I am trying to create a local mirror...the problem I am having is that apache will not allow me to get to all the packages....I have symlinks turned on but I keep getting access denied...any help appreciated12:03
* lucent gives up on trying to help a lost soul12:03
emilgot it thanks12:04
lucentkbp: there's a few ways to do that12:05
lilzeusI guess I am the 'lost soul'...thanks12:05
lucentkbp: I like grawity's way the best so no comment further :)12:05
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: I have two router/dsl boxes, one that gives wifi through out the house, and one that gives the main source of internet, can I just port forward on the wifi box?12:06
xharx2my xubuntu is sometimes crashing when i try to go to suspend; reisub, no reaction. what can be the reason. installation on nettop without hd?12:06
babyjuthis path fails for me when I publish my mirror via apache "ubuntu/pool/universe/p/policykit-gnome". I can ls the folder and see the symlinked files but get nothing from the browser.12:07
lucentxharx2: "suspend-to-ram" or "suspend-to-disk" ?12:07
BaGyxharx2, try first to hilbernate...afterthis try suspend12:07
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: You can do what you want to.  Every setup is different. If you have multiple *nix in the house, you want to set up different port for each different machine so the router know this PORT is for the specific machine, and this different PORT is for the laptop, etc.12:07
xharx2suspend to ram12:07
xharx2its happening only sometimes12:08
emili think you need to port forward from your modem and you router (wifi)12:09
emilthis will come in useful when you are accessing your server outside your network12:09
ShapeShifter499ok on my port forwaring page its asking for a server ip address should I make one up or use the same as the computer where the files are going to be ssh from?12:10
damjan__I am traying to find /etc/iftab file , but there is no one12:10
ShapeShifter499ok on leaf-sheep:my port forwaring page its asking for a server ip address should I make one up or use the same as the computer where the files are going to be ssh from?12:10
leaf-sheepTo those who never used a cronjob before, I'm trying to obtain a "Select best editor" ASCII ART.  Will somebody be kind enough to run "crontab -e" and copy/paste the ASCII for the personal script I'm working on? Many thanks.12:10
jribdamjan__: why?12:10
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: ok on my port forwaring page its asking for a server ip address should I make one up or use the same as the computer where the files are going to be ssh from?12:10
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!12:11
emilwhich page are you in? the router or the modem?12:11
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: I do not know your router/modem at all.  Do see http://portforward.com/12:11
ShapeShifter499emil: wifi router12:11
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: its a netgear router12:11
emilyou need to place your computer ip12:11
emilmake sure your ip address is static12:12
jribdamjan__: the name for your network interfaces is specified in /etc/udev/rules.d/ somewhere.  10-network.rules iirc12:12
jribdamjan__: but are you using an up to date ubuntu version? What you describe was an old bug12:13
adaptrjust remove them all and let udev redetect12:13
ShapeShifter499emil: I'm a big noob at this, how to I tell if the computer I'm ssh from is at a static ip?12:14
emilare you suing 9.04?12:14
lucentShapeShifter499: static or not static IP is not easy to know12:15
ShapeShifter499emil: yea12:15
digiforWhat would cause my laptop battery to be discharging at zero rate even though it is connected to power?12:15
emilsystems -> preferences -> netowrk conections12:15
MR_OShi all , having trouble with mounting HFS+ non-journalized disk in Write mode on ubuntu 9.0412:15
MR_OSany 1 able to mount HFS+ in Write mode in ubuntu?12:16
digiforMr_OS (X) I assume. There is a way. wait one12:17
bazhangMR_OS, perhaps hfsutils or hfsplus can help12:18
MR_OShfsutils is a package?12:18
bazhangMR_OS, yep12:18
Hz0can anybody help me12:19
bazhangHz0, ask a question12:19
digiforHz0, Best to just ask the question12:19
MR_OSbundle of thanks digifor , bazhang i will check and get back :)\12:19
* leaf-sheep helped Hz0.12:19
ShapeShifter499ok I purged openssh-server and openssh-client and reinstalled, now I can connect and get a shell on both computers12:19
Hz0i just met a person12:20
emilnice to hear that12:20
ShapeShifter499now what do I need to do to share files ?12:20
Hz0and he was able to tell my router password12:20
Hz0n my laptop model12:20
Hz0n all12:20
Hz0how he do dat12:20
BlouBlou!enter | Hz012:20
ubottuHz0: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:20
digiforMR_OS this might help: http://abhinay.wordpress.com/2009/04/12/repair-fix-mac-hfs-partition-using-ubuntu-cd/12:20
Hz0he even knew i use ubuntu12:20
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Considering getting no-ip or dynsdns too so you don't have to remember the IP address.  "ssh shapeshifter@no-ip.org" will pinpoint to your IP.12:21
BaGyHz0, try use bfuteforce to crack router pass12:21
prince_jammysHz0: someone in your network?12:21
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: so wait do I install something new? cuse I don't know how to use that command12:23
ShapeShifter499I'm getting refused connections12:23
leaf-sheepHz0: I'm guessing you never set up your router password and/or are running unsecured Wireless where a goat with a laptop can leech off your Wifi without your permission.12:23
damjan__This is my situation, I have a router and PC with two network card. One is wired and second is wireless. When I turn up bouth of them up, I cant get to internet, I think this is hapening because application dont know which card to use. What is a proper way to configure route for network card, that bouth of them can function12:23
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: What? From where to where? Please be more specific. If you can do it fine in local network, then it's likely the problem with port forwarding / firewall.  The message simply aren't getting across.12:25
xharx2gibt es in xubuntu irgendwo versteckt systemklänge, die man benutzen kann?12:26
jord does anyone know if xubuntu 9.04 (jaunty) with grub2 1.96 will boot with ext4 formated '/boot' partition using kernel 'vmlinuz-2.6.28-15-generic'?12:26
Guest68979who have time to help me? i'm not a newbie but i've just to fix a little problem with external microphone ('couse internal doesn't work), thanks12:26
damjan__okapi, a can ping bouth of them, the LAN is not problem12:26
boscopxharx2: this is an english channel12:26
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: well using "ssh shapeshifter@no-ip.org" isn't working12:26
lostanddepressedjord: i use it, and it works just fine12:26
grawityShapeShifter499: Because you must use your own computer's hostname, not the one of no-ip.org12:26
ShapeShifter499(where shapeshifter is my username of computer)12:26
damjan__The problem is geting outh of LAN12:26
boscopxharx2: im eigenen interesse solltest du english sprechen, wenn dich jemand verstehen soll ;)12:27
grawityShapeShifter499: If you do have a no-ip.org account, then your hostname might be shapeshifter.no-ip.org or something like that.12:27
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Oh don't use it now.  You need to set it up first before you're able to do that.12:27
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: -.-12:27
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ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: ok12:27
grawityShapeShifter499: Try shapeshifter@ for now.12:27
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leaf-sheepgrawity: ._.12:28
Take0nGuys is it possible to change the gnome-panel's color on the whole gnome-panel (including the menu clock notify etc)?12:28
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Take0nI changed properties to solid color and transparency level but it just changed the middle of the panel.. the menu, notify clock etc are still colored as the theme12:29
lucentTake0n: those parts are not the panel12:29
lucentTake0n: that's up to... the app or Gtk theme12:29
Take0nlucent, I know.. is there a way to change them as well?12:29
lucentmaybe if they're the same toolkit based apps like Gtk12:29
Take0nI see.. where are the gtk themes located? maybe I can change it from there..12:30
lucentTake0n: that's a little beyond what I know how to do12:30
lucentI just know roughly where stuff is and hope you can throw the dart :)12:30
blitzer320quick question i forgot where the xorg config file is12:30
lucentblitzer320: it's gone for recent versions of Ubuntu12:31
lucentyou can create one and it will get used12:31
lucentmaybe /etc/X11/xorg.conf12:31
Take0nthanks lucent I will give it a try google is our best friend!!12:31
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blitzer320thanks i think i'm gonna have to delete it after i update from jaunty to karmic12:32
lucentTake0n: heed that there's different theme engines for Gtk 1.x and Gtk 2.x12:32
nic1i have a debian package in my home directory and like t?o install that wth apt-get..how can i do that12:33
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lucentTake0n: not that I know anything using Gtk 1.x anyways12:33
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BullHornXi cant click buttons (pause, play, volume, etc) in youtube. any ideas?12:33
prince_jammysnic1: dpkg -i pack.deb12:33
jribnic1: is it a package for your ubuntu version specifically?12:33
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: ok I signed up to no-ip.org'12:33
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prince_jammysnic1: well, sudo the above.12:33
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jribnic1: double click on it or what prince_jammys said12:33
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: now what? (after I install the app)12:33
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Don't worry about it right now. Can you ssh into your own IP as grawity mentioned earlier?  Did it work.12:33
lucentBullHornX: not using Adobe Flash ?12:33
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lucentBullHornX: "swfdec" or "gnash" won't work very good with Youtube12:34
BullHornXlucent: i think i am, ive installed flashplugin-nonfree12:34
nic1does any one have any idea about this error: " dpkg: error processing skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.47-1_i386.deb (--install):12:34
nic1 trying to overwrite `/usr/share/skype/sounds/CallConnecting.wav', which is also in package skype-common12:34
lucentBullHornX: oh, then I'm not really certain12:34
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BullHornXim having similar problems in zynga poker lucent12:34
grawityShapeShifter499: Btw, I also tried sshing to your IP - it's shown as "filtered". In other words, blocked by your firewall.12:34
BullHornXim pretty sure its some flash player problem, im just too noob to figure it out myself12:35
lucentnic1: horrible packaging effort12:35
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Alright, then sure, sign up for no-ip account, do install no-ip12:35
lucentnic1: sorry to hear you ran into that12:35
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nic1lucent, so i can not come out of this error now?12:35
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: on which computer?12:35
lucentnic1: not easily12:36
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: It does not matter because both will obtain external IP.12:36
lucentnic1: it kind of sucks.   you can look into forcing overwriting of conflicting files, see manual page for dpkg 'man dpkg'12:36
ShapeShifter499but what about the computer with the files I want to ssh?12:36
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Eg, you only have one WLAN IP, but multiple LAN ips.12:36
ShapeShifter499I use only wlan12:37
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Assuming you set up port forwarding to your computer.  In other word, ssh to no-ip is same thing as ssh to your actual IP.12:37
grawityShapeShifter499: I'd suggest fixing your firewall first, as with your current configuration, you won't be able to ssh in from anywhere.12:38
ShapeShifter499I'm lost12:38
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Install it on the computer.  What other computer/laptop are you using?12:38
bensteHi, I'm searching a NAS arround 150€ which is compatible to ubuntu, for listening music with Rhytmbox and Banshee, but also performing backups, and having webinterface access, so. adivses for me ?12:39
* grawity feels ignored12:39
leaf-sheepgrawity: He said he ssh in (with the external IP) just fine.12:40
ShapeShifter499I have only two computers a apple powerbook g4(has the files I want to ssh) and a acer aspire one 8.9 inch netbook(computer where I want to access ssh files)12:40
RumoHI @ ALL!!!          ->  I have two computers, one with dial-up internet + windows xp and one with ubuntu 9.04 64 bit. because theres no way to go with ubuntu to the internet i connected the two by ethernet-cable but nothing happens. What to do to go with ubuntu over ethernet and other computer (dial-up and win xp) to internet?12:40
grawityleaf-sheep: But he _is_ on the same IP, so different firewall rules apply.12:40
obiwan_hey guys, one question what's the ubuntu equalizer? i'm trying to play some good music but bass sounds low, neither totem, or alsamixer, or rythmbox have an option, how can i do it?12:41
mnemonicaAnyone in here very familiar with JACK, Qsynth, and the like?12:41
ShapeShifter499the apple will be used by my mom but she will never touch the files/folders I want to ssh12:41
xharx2are there any systemsounds in xubuntu i  can use for eg xchat?12:42
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: You installed a mac ssh server? Do listen to grawity too. :312:42
bensteobiwan_: did you try VLC - this one is coming with a native EQ12:43
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ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: both computers have a version of ubuntu 9.0412:43
mnemonicaAnyone in here very familiar with JACK, Qsynth, and the like?12:43
bensteobiwan_: and possibly one other here may know whether pulseaudio has the abillity of an grafic EQ12:43
KalumbaDo I need to completely uninstall and reinstall network-manager in order to manage it again? After I upgraded to Karmic Beta I have been unable to do anything about the default connection. I can't edit or delete it even as root! I can't connect to the Internet with it even though it worked before. I have to use pppoeconf. What can I do to restore control?12:43
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RumoHI @ ALL!!!          ->  I have two computers, one with dial-up internet + windows xp and one with ubuntu 9.04 64 bit. because theres no way to go with ubuntu to the internet i connected the two by ethernet-cable but nothing happens. What to do to go with ubuntu over ethernet and other computer (dial-up and win xp) to internet?12:43
amgarchIn9how do I disable ubuntu-one applet from starting every time I log into KDE and also requesting the keyword passwrod from me?12:43
Husioxek: are you there?12:45
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Can you screenshot the port forward setup and link it for me and grawity?12:46
lucentever get the sense that users coming from a Microsoft system background are just trying to screw with your head when they ask for help?12:46
mechdavelucent, nope12:47
lucentI'm too jaded, then. :/12:48
jamiewanlucent: they need help cause they;re the ones who've been screwed with lol12:48
lucentha, okay, I get that =)12:48
leaf-sheepgrawity: Remember our conversation earlier about the samba?12:49
RumoHI @ ALL!!!          ->  I have two computers, one with dial-up internet + windows xp and one with ubuntu 9.04 64 bit. because theres no way to go with ubuntu to the internet i connected the two by ethernet-cable but nothing happens. What to do to go with ubuntu over ethernet and other computer (dial-up and win xp) to internet?12:49
leaf-sheepRumo: Do you prefer a Germany channel?12:50
Rumoleaf-sheep: why?12:50
emilcoz you sound german?12:51
leaf-sheepRumo: Based on your location, I'm asking you because there are channels for that.12:51
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.12:51
Rumobut there are less users than here...12:51
KalumbaDo I need to completely uninstall and reinstall network-manager in order to manage it again? After I upgraded to Karmic Beta I have been unable to do anything about the default connection. I can't edit or delete it even as root! I can't connect to the Internet with it even though it worked before. I have to use pppoeconf. What can I do to restore control?12:52
leaf-sheepRumo: Okay. Do explain about your problem more details.12:52
Rumoleaf-sheep: ok12:52
Rumoi have an internet connection with a 56k modem (no DSL or UMTS available...)12:53
Rumothis modem is connected by USB to a win xp computer12:53
Rumoand internet works fine but slowly12:54
hsarciis there a way to edit mouse "speed" independant from mouse "acceleration"?12:54
Rumobut i want to go on the internet with my second ubuntu computer12:54
fernandohernandeholaaaa alguien de España?12:55
Rumoand now i connected the two computers with a ethernet cable....12:55
gamerxrumo, how goes the quest with dial-up?12:55
Rumobut i dont know how to configure it so that it works12:55
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gamerxrumo, is someone helping you?12:56
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about fprint12:56
emilrumo are your 2 computers connected to a router?12:56
Rumogamerx: now i go to internet with my first comp (win xp) and try to connect the two computers....12:57
leaf-sheepRumo: Sounds like you need to set up briding on Windows XP so any network devices connected to Windows machine can receive networking.  This is kinda Windows thing.12:57
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep, grawity: here is the screen shot of the port forward screen       http://tinypic.com/r/nwg4ee/412:57
leaf-sheepRumo: Looks for err... "Bridge".  I think you can right-click and bridge.12:57
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep, grawity: its done in firefox while its in full screen12:57
Rumoleaf-sheep: a little more detailed please...12:58
gamerxrumo, yes did you share the connection?12:58
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Create a new connection for ssh.  Port 22.12:58
emilrumo is are your 2 computers connected via a router?12:58
leaf-sheepRumo: Ask gamerx.  He seems to know what he's doing. I'm assuming he have Windows XP.  I do not run Windows XP.12:59
Rumoernil: no12:59
emilare you using a crosscable?12:59
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: but what about the ip?12:59
gamerxleaf-sheep, you can only bridge high-speed (ethernet) connections iirc, [rumo]12:59
emili'm thinking we can enable share internet12:59
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: On your Apple machine, run "ifconfig eth0" (assuming it's connected to the router via cable), that's your IP.  Oh you didn't set up static IP as someboody once mentioned?13:00
emilin windows13:00
gamerxrumo, if you wait two minutes ill boot my virtual machiene13:00
JuJuBeeI need some assistance getting an ethernet card working.  I just added a new Gig card and cannot get it to obtain an IP address13:00
Rumogamerx: ok13:00
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: nope no static ip13:00
gamerxrumo, so what computer are you on at the moment, im guessing the windows xp?13:00
Rumogamerx: both comp are on (and infront of me)13:01
hsarciis it possible to clear a specific package dependancy using apt-get?13:01
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Well, don't worry about that.  Run "ifconfig eth0" and get the IP.  Put that in the router configuration.  Set port 22 to the said IP.13:01
peehi, I want to create archives with cronjobs. how I can create them easy everytime with a other filename?13:01
emil@gamerx - i think rumo needs to check if he's using a crosscable rj4513:02
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: well I did setup no-ip13:02
gamerxrumo, okay im just starting my vm, i havent had it running in months plz wait xD13:02
gamerxemil, that may be but most modern devices can auto-detect the cable type13:02
Rumogamerx: im glad and wait for pleasure...13:02
gamerxrumo, have you got both crossover and straight-thru?13:02
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: that command13:02
trijntjeHi all, I have a problem with my laptop. When I insert the live cd it loads the restricted drivers for it, but ifconfig -a doesnt show anything. Do I need to activate my wireless card or something?13:02
obiwan_BentJ:  yeah i know vlc i just thought there 'd be any way to equalize in totem, i don't like to install too many software13:03
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: just giving me the info of what eth0 is not the ip13:03
llutzpee: make "date" part of filename13:03
emili know =) but he's connecting via dial up =(13:03
Rumogamerx: someone told me crossover is not nessasary...13:03
obiwan_sry i meant benste13:03
JuJuBeepee do you have a script that cron executes already13:03
emil@rumo are those new computers?13:04
gamerxemil, so what exactly would be the difference, he is having a RJ-45 cabl;e between both computers, and the winxp one is connecting to dial-up with a RJ12 modem?13:04
peellutz: tar -cf archive$date.tar file.text?13:04
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: I got it13:04
peeJuJuBee: no13:04
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: ifconfig eth0 | grep "inet addr"13:04
leaf-sheepOh alright.13:04
bensteobiwan_: so you'd beter google for an EQ of pulseaudio13:04
emilhe might have an oldNIC13:04
gamerxemil, tru...13:04
bensteobiwan_: pulseaudio is the soundserver used for all playbacks13:04
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: Is it safe I'm doing this on wifi13:04
llutzpee: tar cf $(date'+formatofyourchoice').tar13:04
bensteobiwan_: If you found something would be kind of you to let me know13:04
gamerxRumo, are the computers rather new (<3yrs)13:05
Artikul8u there?13:05
JuJuBeepee I would create a shell script that does the archiving and use date as part of the name as llutz already suggested...13:05
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peellutz: thx.13:05
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: I don't have any wires hooked to the comps, just power cord13:05
stsmwhy can't ubuntu see my windows 7 NTFS partitions :s13:05
Rumothe one with ubuntu is totally new (1 month)13:05
peeJuJuBee: I'm a newbie at shell scripts. but I will google for it.13:05
llutzpee: use "man date" to find your format-vars13:05
stsmthis is extremely strange13:05
Rumothe other is very old13:05
trijntjeon ubuntu 8.04 live cd, the atheros wireless driver gets loaded, but ifconfig -a only shows eth0 and lo, how can i debug this?13:05
emilhow about the windows?13:05
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Sure. You might lose some connections when the routers get refreshed or something similar, but really... no.  Yes, you'll be fine.  It's just a port forwarding.13:05
ubuntu_pee: seach cronjob13:05
gamerxrumo, plz preceed your text with my name thnkx :)13:06
leaf-sheep!cronjob | pee13:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about cronjob13:06
Rumogamerx: the one with ubuntu is totally new (1 month)13:06
leaf-sheep!cron | pee13:06
gamerxrumo, how old?13:06
ubottupee: cron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm13:06
Rumogamerx: the other is very old13:06
lucentstsm: NTFS partitions must be cleanly unmounted or they will be ignored13:06
JuJuBeepee:   try reading http://troy.jdmz.net/cron/13:06
Rumogamerx: 8 years13:06
stsmlucent: well i just shutdown windows so :s13:06
gamerxrumo :O13:06
gamerxrumo, okay so you need a crossover cable13:06
JuJuBeeAnybody help me with a network card not getting dhcp address?13:06
emil@gamerx thats a problem13:06
Rumogamerx: 1 month (ubuntu computer)13:06
gamerxemil, you were right xD13:06
lucentstsm: you may have to boot, shutdown, boot, shutdown13:07
ubuntu_JuJuBee did you type dhclient eth0?13:07
gamerxrumo, yes you need a crossover cable :013:07
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: ok what do I use TCP or UDP or both?13:07
Rumogamerx: ok13:07
gamerxrumo, do you have one?13:07
Rumogamerx: and it is plug-in ??13:07
stsmlucent: ok will just try again13:07
lucentstsm: there's 2 full cycles involved to cleanly chkdsk and unmount a ntfs partition from windows13:07
emili suggest check if the cable your using is cross over13:07
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Err, to be honest, I don't know what protocol it uses, but both won't hurt.13:07
amgarchIn9anybody managed to combine *automatic* login with password-less setup of the wireless in 9.10?13:07
gamerxrumo, it looks exactly the same exept the wires are wired differently13:07
lucentamgarchIn9: can't be done, that I know of13:08
JuJuBeeubuntu_:  yes13:08
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Turned out to be TCP. Both will be fine.13:08
gamerxrumo, so the wired used for sending are swapped with the recieve wires on one end...13:08
jamiewanRumo: prolly better to get rj45 crossover connector and use 2 ethernet leads, cheaper13:08
lucentamgarchIn9: it's not exactly a bug either, it's a limitation of passwordless login13:08
amgarchIn9lucent: I know it was the case in 9.04, also not in 9.10?13:08
Rumogamerx: can i cut the cable and fix it in other sequence?13:08
trijntjeArtikul8, wzzp?13:08
ShapeShifter499leaf-sheep: ok, and I set the begin port at 22 and the end port at 22?13:08
ubuntu_JuJuBee well then u should get an address from the dhcp server13:08
JuJuBeeubuntu_: not working...13:09
hsarcidoes anyone know how to ignore one specific package dependancy?13:09
lucentamgarchIn9: oh that I haven't tried in a while but I don't see why it would have been improved or how it could be improved13:09
gamerxrumo, crossover and ethernet cables are fairly cheap, our showp sells them for $513:09
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499: Yes.13:09
emil@rumo you can only do that if you have an rj45 crimpling tool13:09
ubuntu_does it return anything after you type dhclient eth013:09
gamerxrumo, but technically yes13:09
gamerxemil, i think he means just cut it in the middle..13:09
lucentamgarchIn9: passwordless login works by logging you in without knowing the password, and the authentication for the keyring works by having the password13:09
lucentamgarchIn9: take your pick13:09
gamerxemil + rumo, whitch is a pritty bodged job xD13:09
Rumogamerx: can i cut the cable and fix it in other sequence? ---> number 1 with 8 and 2 with 7 and so on???13:09
emilthat's a bit risky13:10
ubuntu_JuJuBee, try ifconfig eth0 down, then ifconfig eth0 up, then dhclient eth013:10
JuJuBeeubuntu_: DHCPDISCOVER statements... but doesn't appear to be getting an addresss13:10
gamerxemil + rumo, yes it is, you could fry your network card13:10
JuJuBeek, hang on13:10
jamiewanrump rj45 crossover connector about 2 bucks13:10
stsmso i have the same problem13:10
gamerxrumo, you need a crossover cable13:11
Rumogamerx: what means fry?13:11
ubuntu_JuJuBee, it should be set by default in ubuntu to search for a DHCP server, which version are you using?13:11
stsmthe ubuntu installer cannot see my windows 7 partitions....13:11
gamerxrumo, check if the colours of the wires (in the ends) are the same sequence or different on either end13:11
JuJuBeeubuntu_: using jaunty13:11
stsmi never ever had this issue before with dualbooting with xp or vista13:11
lucentRumo: fry is to stick something in hot oil like "french fries"13:11
gamerxrumo, fry = dead nic13:11
stsmany suggestions?13:11
gamerxlucent, i rofl :)13:11
leaf-sheepstsm: It is not a bug, that's a feature. :)13:11
lucentRumo: it also means damage in computer world13:11
stsmits just seeing my intire disk unallocated :s13:11
ubuntu_JuJuBee, did you try those commands?13:11
leaf-sheepstsm: What version?13:11
gamerxlucent, you never fail to amaze me xD13:12
stsmeaf-sheep: 9.0413:12
stsmlatest stable13:12
JuJuBeeubuntu_: at one point it did get an address in the 208.67.112 range, but it was connected to a router that should have given a address13:12
lucentgamerx: English is the truly amazing FAIL.13:12
JuJuBeeubuntu_: yes, no luck13:12
ubuntu_i have had to cut a cable and rewire it to a crossover cable beofre :) works fine13:12
JuJuBeeubuntu_: this is a new card.  Could be driver issue...  If I boot into winblows the card gets a correct IP13:12
llutzuse luster terminals :)13:12
Rumogamerx: i cut some cables in past stick it through a wall and put it together --> all was ok and fine....13:13
geirhastsm: Sure it's looking at the right harddrive? Does ''fdisk -l'' show the windows partitions?13:13
gamerxrumo, then go for it13:13
ubuntu_JuJuBee, is it fine if you set a static address?13:13
stsmgeirha: yep right drive13:13
gamerxrumo, i can find you a guide if you like13:13
stsmalso looked with gparted13:13
gamerxrumo, han gon13:13
JuJuBeedoesn't appear to be13:13
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep: chatzilla is not letting me use ShapeShifter499 but is letting me use ShapeShifter499_13:13
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep: so this is me now13:13
Rumogamerx: i would be glad...13:13
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499_: Welcome back.13:13
ubuntu_JuJuBee, just search for a different driver to use13:13
stsmgeirha: the intire HD is unallocated space in linux, but it boots windows just fine lol13:13
geirhastsm: And the drives show up with the correct size?13:13
stsmgeirha: yeah13:14
llutzRumo: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ethernet_crossover_cable13:14
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep: ok so now what?13:14
JuJuBeeubuntu_: I  went to Realtek and downloaded and installed latest driver13:14
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep: got everything up13:14
gamerxrumo, not sure if this is of any help: http://bit.ly/45kG5a13:14
gamerxrumo, its the one on the bottom of that page13:14
trijntjeon ubuntu 8.04 live cd, the atheros wireless driver gets loaded, but ifconfig -a only shows eth0 and lo, what should I do to get my wireless working?13:14
Rumogamerx: and llutz:  thanks a lot !!!!!!!!!!!13:15
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499_: It's mostly about testing stuffs. Try "ssh shape@external-ip" -- and "ssh shape@shifter.no-ip.org"13:15
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep: what about my account at no-ip13:15
ubuntu_trijntje, unfortunately it appears there is no driver for your card13:15
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499_: Dod you install no-ip?13:15
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499_: And configured?13:15
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep: yes13:15
ShapeShifter499_but I did not use the ip the site gave me13:16
gamerxrumo hth, make sure you got the sequence right xD13:16
geirhastsm: Seems you're not the only one http://www.bauer-power.net/2009/06/how-to-dual-boot-windows-7-and-ubuntu.html13:16
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep: but I did not use the ip the site gave me13:16
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499_: What do you mean? You don't use the IP?13:16
geirhastsm: It sounds like windows 7 is partitioning in a non-standard way13:16
Rumogamerx: ok ;-)13:16
trijntjeubuntu_, then why does the restricted device driver gets loaded?13:16
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ShapeShifter499_well they gave me a ip different to the one my comp has right now13:16
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stsmgeirha: i guess thats what leaf-sheep menat with "thats a feature not a bug"13:16
stsmgeirha: thanx13:16
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep: well they gave me a ip different to the one my comp has right now13:17
gamerxrumo, once you have done that come right back :013:17
ubuntu_trijntje, it is not funtioning properly cause u should have wlan0 there or something try reinstalling the drivers13:17
lucentstsm: GPT?13:17
lucentstsm: you could try 'parted'13:17
grawitylucent: Even GPT is standard.13:17
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499_: http://ubuntulinuxhowto.blogspot.com/2006/06/dynamic-dns-no-ip.html13:18
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep: I'm quite confused13:18
stsmlucent: no geirha is correct13:18
lucentoh bugger to hear13:18
Rumogamerx: ill send you a private message13:18
trijntjeubuntu_, its in a live environment. Wireless stopped working on winXP so I thought i'd see if ubuntu could use it.13:18
ubuntu_tijntje, it sounds like a hardware issue13:19
rittyanIn ubuntu 9.10 are port open or closed by default? I cannot seem to access my laptop from another box even though ufw is disabled and port I am trying connect to is open (i.e. somebody is listening)13:19
ubuntu_try a different wireless card or use it in a different pc13:19
geirhastsm: The latest version of gparted may have a work around, so grabbing the latest gparted live CD may allow you to manually prepare the ubuntu partitions13:19
blitzer320okay i just upgraded to karmic hoping that the new ati driver would make cairo-dock's background transparent but it hasn't can i get any help13:19
grawityrittyan: 9.10 comes with a firewall, but it's disabled by default and everything is open.13:19
rittyangrawity: thank you13:20
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gamerxwhats the command on par with ipconfig /renew (refresh all ip addresses)13:20
Dr_Willisrittyan:  can they ping each other?  this is on a lan or over the internet?13:20
stsmgeirha: yeah ill probably get it fixed with googling and trying stuff13:20
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LaireTMHello, i got the tip to use this line in fstab to mount a ftp folder:13:21
LaireTM//host/share /mnt/share cifs username=user,password=pw,uid=useruid 0 013:21
rittyanDr_Willis: yes they can13:21
LaireTMbut what i have to write at uid?13:21
rittyanDr_Willis: lan13:21
leaf-sheepgrawity: Remember our conversation earlier about samba, avahi, cloud.local and whatnot? What about http protocol?13:21
grawityleaf-sheep: What about HTTP?13:21
ubuntu_gamerx: try ifconfig eth0 down, then ifconfig eth0 up13:21
Dr_WillisLaireTM:  cifs is not for ftp.13:21
jribLaireTM: that mounts a samba share...13:21
leaf-sheepgrawity: Is there something similar for HTTP? (eg, http://mps.local/) as to avoid specific IPs -- as long as they're on local.13:22
Dr_WillisLaireTM:  and  uid is for the users id. try echo $UID to see your users uid.13:22
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep: ok I'm good13:22
grawityleaf-sheep: Name resolution, whether it is samba, avahi, /etc/hosts or DNS, works at system level, and affects _all_ programs.13:22
Dr_WillisLaireTM:  theres other tools to mount ftp servers as local directories.13:22
grawityleaf-sheep: So if both boxen have Avahi/Bonjour, everything - ping, $BROWSER, ssh - should be able to use that.13:22
hsarcidoes anyone know how to ignore one specific package dependancy?13:23
jribhsarci: why?13:23
LaireTMDr_Willis i tried:13:23
LaireTMcurlftpfs#<user>:<password>@<ftpserver> /media/ftp_markus fuse rw,allow_other,noauto,user 0 013:23
LaireTMit works but i cant edit files in the folder13:23
hsarciive installed qsynergy which has a package dependancy on synergy but im using it with synergy-plus instead13:23
ubuntu_i see that gamerx typed ifconfig eth0 down lol...13:24
skyn3they guys i want to ask this for long , but how and where i can learn about ubuntu for good13:24
hsarcibut anytime i do anyhting with apt-ge tor aptitude it brings up the fact that qsynergy depends on synergy13:24
jribhsarci: file a bug and fix the source package would be the best way13:24
Blob'ello, I have an odd problem where every time I start a new terminal, it also starts up thunderbird13:24
trijntjeskyn3t, system -> help and support?13:24
hsarcijrib, its not really a bug...13:24
ubuntu_skynet wtf?13:24
bazhanghttp://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/ hsarci13:24
grawityubuntu_: Learn to tab-complete nicknames.13:25
hsarcijrib, not really skilled enough to fix source13:25
skyn3ttrijntje : yes13:25
BlobI got the lightning addon installed on it and have connected it to the taskbar clock applet13:25
leaf-sheep!avahi > leaf-sheep13:25
Blobany ideas why it does this?13:25
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about avahi13:25
grawityBlob: Maybe you have Thunderbird somewhere in ~/.bashrc or like?13:25
jribhsarci: it's a text file that list dependencies.  Take 5 minutes to learn the syntax and do it right.  Otherwise you need to resort to a hacky solution anyway13:25
ubuntu_grawity, thanks13:25
trijntje!enter | blob13:25
ubottublob: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:25
dawidhi all13:26
skyn3ttrijntje : i need to learn this man im losing some jobs becaouse of that13:26
jrib!packaging > hsarci13:26
ubottuhsarci, please see my private message13:26
jrib!source > hsarci13:26
ubuntu_grawity, i only just started using xchat, my other client didnt do that13:26
Blobgrawity: I'll take a look13:26
grawityubuntu_: Almost all clients do that... what was the "other" one?13:26
skyn3ttrijntje : i know a litle bit , but litle bit wonr help13:26
hsarcijrib, i know what a source is....13:26
leaf-sheepgrawity: What is the essential packages for avahi? I don't think my home server have it. I'm guessing avahi-autoipd ?13:26
ubuntu_grawity, its was called CGI:IRC13:26
jribhsarci: I didn't tell you what a source is.  I told you how to fetch the source package and rebuild it13:26
pqrstuvubuntu_: What's "CGI:IRC" ?13:27
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep: ok I'm trying "ssh shapeshifter@shapeshifter.noip.org" and its hanging13:27
trijntjeskyn3t, that is a good place to start, have you read it?13:27
Rumogamerx: how long is 1/2 inch in cm??13:27
Catalinhello all13:27
ubuntu_pqrstuv, uhh, an IRC client based on CGI, lol13:27
grawityleaf-sheep: -autoipd is part of Avahi, but it does something else - it's used for zeroconf IP configuration, as a fallback where neither static IPs or DHCP are working.13:27
Catalincan someone assist me please with a small problem?13:27
skyn3ttrijntje : yes13:27
bazhangCatalin, please ask13:28
grawityleaf-sheep: So it's not needed.13:28
SagaciRumo: about 1.252cm13:28
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499_: Ping your no-ip.org.  If it's different IP (from your external IP) then no, you need to update your no-ip.13:28
Catalinbazhang, i want to install identd on xchat in Ubuntu 9.0413:28
Blobgrawity: it was ^^; had changed the locale language for thunderbird and accidentally copy&pasted lil' extra there too13:28
grawityleaf-sheep: Using ping for name resolution is bad.13:28
trijntjeskyn3t, than you know quite a bit about how ubuntu works. If you want more specific information you should search the web13:28
leaf-sheepgrawity: What do you suggest other than pinging?13:28
Blobgrawity: thanks, that settled it13:28
skyn3ttrijntje : also i have ubuntu running on VMware on my Windows13:28
grawityleaf-sheep: 'host', of course. (Or 'dig', or - to test /etc/hosts|avahi|nbns - getent hosts foo)13:29
hsarcijrib, before I do this, do you know of any way possible to allow synergy to control a windows vista machine even if its at the login screen? otherwise, do you know of any other input sharing program that can do so?13:29
jribhsarci: nope13:29
Catalinbazhang, any ideeas how i do that?13:29
pqrstuvIs broadband internet connection must for sendmail configuration?13:29
jribpqrstuv: no13:30
LaireTMDr_Willis wich tools you mean?13:30
hsarcijrib, ok thanks13:30
grawitypqrstuv: If you expect to receive lots of spam - yes. Otherwise no, a MTA can run on dialup.13:30
DjAngo23Hey everyone, i'm looking for some more option for the cp or mv command in Ubuntu. The man is complete enough, but i want some more options, for example : prioritization, pause, resume after reboot,13:30
grawitypqrstuv: I'd say, stay away from sendmail though. postfix is more secure and much easier to configure.13:30
pqrstuvI have dial up. Can i install and configure sendmail?13:30
jribpqrstuv: why do you want sendmail?13:31
grawitypqrstuv: It does not matter what internet connection you have. You still can have sendmail or whatever you want.13:31
grawitypqrstuv: But read my previous message.13:31
Catalindoes anyone knows how to install ident on Xchat(Ubuntu 9.04) ?13:31
grawityCatalin: Install the "oidentd" package.13:32
Dr_WillisCatalin:   normally these days - ident servers are rarely needed.13:32
Dr_Willisand are often considered a security hole.13:32
Catalinfrom synaptik package13:32
grawityDr_Willis: Security hole? Why? O_o13:32
Dr_Willisgrawity:  its basically yet another outdated unneeded service to have more exploites for.13:33
leaf-sheepgrawity: Got it! http://cloud.local/ worked! avahi-daemon wasn't installed on HTPC.13:33
Catalini`m an irc operator in a server and i need that ident13:33
grawityDr_Willis: Yeah, how exactly would you exploit it?13:33
Dr_WillisCatalin:  using ident as a 'security' feature - is rather insecure.13:33
BoohbahCatalin: sudo apt-get install oidentd13:33
azHi. Iam from IRAN.13:33
grawityDr_Willis: identd, finger, and such - they aren't needed often, but they are so simple there's little to exploit.13:34
BoohbahDr_Willis: if the man wants to stab himself in the face i will supply the knife :)13:34
Dr_Willisgrawity:  it was designed to help identify and make more things secure. but its easially spoofed,.13:34
Dr_WillisGive him a spork!13:34
grawityDr_Willis: Not when you don't have root, no :]13:34
azwhere are you from?13:34
Catalinthank you guys13:34
Dr_Willistheres a 5 line perl 'identd' server out i used years ago. :)13:34
digital-rougehello all i gpt an odd problem i need to solv involving firefox13:35
digital-rougeanyone help?13:35
Boohbahdigital-rouge: yes, what is it?13:35
Dr_Willisthus ends the history of identd 101 lesson I guess. :)13:35
digital-rougewell i got multipul tabs opening when i start fire fox and i have choosin the start with homepage option13:35
cppkingwhat's the meaning of IRAN13:35
digital-rougeand disabled the start from last session option13:36
grawitydigital-rouge: Are you sure you don't have two homepages set?13:36
Boohbahdigital-rouge: try to ctrl-q quit firefox and then start it again13:36
digital-rougepretty sure i typed in just one13:36
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Boohbahcppking: i don't think that is relevant to ubuntu13:37
digital-rougenope 2 tabs stillopening last pass and my google home page i set13:37
grawityBoohbah: He's asking about az's message.13:37
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep: you still there? I got the command "ping shapeshifter.noip.com" to work13:38
cppking~~~he is right13:38
Boohbahgrawity: oh, yes13:38
grawityShapeShifter499_: It's no-ip, not noip.13:38
digital-rougegrawity: did not work13:38
ShapeShifter499_grawity: I know13:38
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499_: What IP?  Is it same as http://whatismyip.com/ ?13:38
emili suggest try using his ip, instead of setting up an ddns13:39
emilhe mishgt get confused13:39
ShapeShifter499_so now how to I link a folder?13:40
ShapeShifter499_through ssh13:40
Dr_WillisShapeShifter499_:  ln -s onething otherthing13:40
grawityShapeShifter499_: If you're running GNOME, open Places -> COnnect to Server13:41
Dr_WillisShapeShifter499_:  or were you ashing how to connect via ssh to a location? :) see what grawity  said.13:41
ShapeShifter499_but don't you have to tell what folder to share or not?13:41
Dr_Willisor use the 'sshfs' command line tool13:41
Dr_WillisShapeShifter499_:  for ssh. it can access anything the user can access13:41
Dr_WillisShapeShifter499_:  its not samba :)13:41
MJ94grawity: ...13:42
grawityMJ94: ?13:42
Dr_WillisBrad!  Janet!13:42
MJ94grawity: CN hater? :(13:42
grawityMJ94: No, I just left.13:43
=== LeNsTR is now known as LeNsTR|away
MJ94grawity: Forever?13:43
digital-rougeboobah: didt work13:43
digital-rougeanyone got any other ideas?13:43
newproggie/set irc_conf_mode on13:43
MJ94grawity: People are wondering what happened, can you pop it and say something?13:44
MJ94grawity: Sine's gone.13:44
ShapeShifter499_SWEET!!! :D13:44
grawityMJ94: I know about that one, I was an admin of it.13:44
ShapeShifter499_it works13:44
reZohi, how do i make my computer wake up from standby mode?13:45
MJ94grawity: Crispy's back, his wife's back.13:45
ShapeShifter499_grawity: now do I have to have openssh-server installed on the computer that is receiving the files?13:46
grawityShapeShifter499_: No, only the client (which already comes with Ubuntu).13:46
Dr_Willishmm... cant say i ever rried just the clients installed. I always install openssh server on every box :)13:46
ShapeShifter499_grawity: so I won't mess up anything if I "sudo apt-get purge openssh-server" ?13:47
grawityShapeShifter499_: You shouldn't - but I would keep the server installed, in case you want to access your PC someday13:47
Sagaciwhat programming language(s) should i look into if i want to learn code to understand how ubuntu works13:47
grawitySagaci: Most of everything is written in C and C++13:48
grawitySagaci: But some things are written in Python, many are just 'bash' scripts, and there might be pieces of Perl somewhere.13:48
Sagacigrawity: so what should i do13:48
grawitySagaci: Learn some C13:49
MJ94I got impersonated by my old friend and old business partner on a project (on cn). He flooded my channel, reset my points and fucked everything up. I reported his IP to Cobi, he went to Council to *line him. Nobody responded so he was going to operpower :) Fahad and nathan made a big deal. That's not right. They did what they thought was right DDoSed him... That's not a cool thing. Cobi's an oper for a reason. You can't be a smart ass, and say "oh,13:49
MJ94 not being lined, cobi won't do it. It'd be opepr abuse, and since I can't do it neither can he!". BTW, council's being reformed, grawity. See the wiki.13:49
FloodBot2MJ94: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:49
ShapeShifter499_grawity: is it safe, in the sense of hacking, to keep openssh-sever?13:49
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trijntjePython is easier to learn as a first language i believe13:49
grawityShapeShifter499_: As long as your password isn't "foo123"13:49
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ShapeShifter499_grawity: password to my computer?13:50
grawityShapeShifter499_: Yeah13:50
grawityShapeShifter499_: Besides... incoming connections require "port forwarding". (If you ever used BitTorrent, you'll understand.) And if you configured your router to forward port 22 to the other computer, your own isn't accessible from outside (unless you also set up another port).13:51
LaireTMperhaps somebody here can help me: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-users/2009-October/198885.html13:51
ShapeShifter499_grawity: my pass is 9 characters long is that good? and I never had to port forward to use bittorent13:51
GuidMorrowdon't know what happened, but ubuntu tried to connect to update manager and locked down apt13:52
grawityShapeShifter499_: Yeah, that's good - but look up "dictionary attacks".13:52
Dr_WillisShapeShifter499_:  many torrent clients and ruters can auto-forward as needed. :)13:52
grawityGuidMorrow: Locked down how?13:52
ShapeShifter499_dictionary attacks........uh oh13:53
ShapeShifter499_how do I change a user pass13:53
GuidMorrowI thought this thing was supposed to notify the user before DOWNLOADING updates13:53
grawityShapeShifter499_: But like I said, your own PC probably isn't accessible yet.13:54
MJ94grawity: Come back, before CN turns into Cluellium.13:54
GuidMorrownot like M$ and the surprise "gold shield"13:54
boris-i hear good things about win7đ13:54
leaf-sheep!windows | boris-13:55
ubottuboris-: For discussion on Microsoft software, or help with same, please visit ##windows. See http://launchpad.net/distros/ubuntu/+bug/1 http://linux.oneandoneis2.org/LNW.htm and /msg ubottu equivalents13:55
boris-whys that13:55
grawityIMO, updates (especially on Windows and Ubuntu) should be as automatic as possible (unless the user disables them). Since most users of these two OSes are nooblets in terms of computing experience, the OS has to take care of itself.13:55
ShapeShifter499_grawity: what do you mean?13:56
GuidMorrowbut times before, I'd look around, and there's already a Windows update being downloaded, and when it isn't even on a Patch Tuesday13:56
ubuntulovercan i get ubuntu 10 beta??13:56
bazhangubuntulover, no13:56
voxboris-: this is the ubuntu support channel, not a microsoft discussion channel13:56
GuidMorrowbut that's not the point, how do I tell Ubuntu to notify me of updates before I install them?!13:56
leaf-sheepubuntulover: Wait 6 months, you can!13:56
bazhangubuntulover, you may mean 9.10 though; discussion in #ubuntu+113:57
voxubuntulover: ubuntu 9.10 beta?13:57
grawityGuidMorrow: I think that one is in "Software Sources">13:57
joaopintoGuidMorrow, ubuntu does not install any updates without an action from you13:57
ubuntuloveryes , vox i mean ubuntu 9.10 beta13:57
voxubuntulover: yes, you can download it from ubuntu.com13:57
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep , grawity: thanks for the help13:57
swiftarrowHi all... the inevitable question: Should I upgrade to 9.10?  What are the benefits (besides the advertised ones)?13:57
leaf-sheep!karmic | swiftarrow13:58
ubottuswiftarrow: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:58
GuidMorrow"Only notify about available updates"13:58
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499_: Good luck!13:58
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep , grawity: now I'm a bit smarter and know what and how to use SSH13:58
bazhangswiftarrow, wait two weeks and try livecd; discussion in #ubuntu+113:58
BadElvisduring install, i chose for the partition /dev/sda6 the mountpoint /usr/local13:58
GuidMorrowproblem is, why does it show a taskbar item instead of a notification?13:58
BadElvisnow i wonder which the actual folder is, that contains the files on /dev/sda613:59
ubuntuloverthanks, vox your a lifesaver13:59
grawityBadElvis: Depends on where did you mount it.13:59
voxubuntulover: bear in mind that it's still beta for another 2 weeks13:59
BadElvisgrawity: during install i chose as mount point /usr/local13:59
MithranBadElvis: Should be /usr/local, then.14:00
ubuntuloverwere can i get ubuntu netbook remix in an .iso format14:00
ubuntu_that channel will be packed after the official 9.10 release14:00
ubuntu_i mean this channel14:00
grawityBadElvis: Well check /etc/mtab (for current mounts) and /etc/fstab (for mounts done on boot)14:00
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep , grawity: two quicky questions, If my mom uses the computer and forgets not to turn it off because of the SSH, SSH will reset its self when the computer turns back on right?14:00
ubuntuloverwere can i get ubuntu netbook remix in an .iso format14:00
matthijshey, could someone help me getting a .jnlp file to run14:00
ubuntu_ubuntulover: let me google that for you14:00
matthijsall of the sudden it aint working anymore14:01
grawityShapeShifter499_: You mean sshd, the server? It's automatically configured to run at startup.14:01
ubuntulovervox, i am a developer. do i use betas all the time14:01
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499_: Yes. As long as sshd is part of the startup scripts, sure.14:01
William-Ubuntu /msg NickServ identify william14:01
ubuntu_ubuntulover: i'm joking sorry google it yourself :P14:01
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep , grawity: how do I tell if it has been configured to start at boot?14:01
bazhangubuntulover, the only iso for unr is karmic beta14:02
BadElvisgrawity: it says /dev/sda6 /usr/local. does this mean everything in /usr/local is on /dev/sda6 and everything i put in /usr/local will be copied to /dev/sda6 ?14:02
grawityShapeShifter499_: It's in /etc/rc5.d/14:02
leaf-sheepgrawity: Not /etc/default? :314:03
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grawityleaf-sheep: I have no idea about that. (Happy with rc.conf in Arch.)14:03
grawityBadElvis: Well... yes.14:04
ubuntuloveri don't care if it's beta. i'm a developer AND a beta tester , Vox14:04
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep , grawity: I see a file in /etc/rc5.d named s16ssh14:05
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep , grawity: I think that means I'm good?14:05
bazhangubuntulover, further karmic discussion in #ubuntu+114:05
grawityShapeShifter499_: Yeah.14:05
UnixDawgI have a issue wuth some php5 modules missing14:05
UnixDawgthat I need14:05
BadElvisgrawity: that is what i thought, but im confused because there are some things in /usr/local that i dont know where they came from14:05
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499_: Lot of things are already automatically to run at bootup in Ubuntu.  So you should not worry for most situation.  That mean no-ip too.14:05
grawityBadElvis: Things such as?14:06
UnixDawgis the a repo where the extra php5 modules are kept ?14:06
hsarci_is there any way to disable desktop swittching by using the scroll wheel? I use a laptop and i accidentaly slide my finger over the scroll area all the time14:06
grawityhsarci_: Install CCSM, run it, disable scrolling in the "Viewport Switcher" plugin.14:06
grawity!ccsm > hsarci_14:06
ubottuhsarci_, please see my private message14:06
hsarci_ccsm is in the repos?14:07
BadElvisgrawity: directories, e.g. bin, etc,lib, lost+found, sbin, share, ...14:07
grawityBadElvis: Those are supposed to be in /usr/local/.14:07
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep , grawity: one last question, how bad will this effect my mom if she plays a game off the net(like ones found on pogo.com) and at the same time I'm streaming, downloading, or uploading a file to the hard drive and I'm at another place(school, library, etc.)?14:07
psinetichey can anyone help me with a video problem? i'm trying to play a video (.avi file) and it keeps giving me an error14:07
UnixDawgI need the fallowing php modules14:08
UnixDawgphp5-xmlwriter php5-xmlreader php5-posix php5-sqlite php5-pdo_sqlite  php5-pdo php5-php_mysql php5-xml php5-xmlrpc php5-jason php5-iconv php5-hash php5-simplexml php5-pcre php5-filter php5-dom php5-session php5-spl pear14:08
castwhat error14:08
BadElvisgrawity: but does this mean, they are on /dev/sda6?14:08
grawityBadElvis: /usr means "Unix Shared Resources", if I remember correctly - it is where the system puts all programs, libraries, and resources (icons, sounds, themes). [Except for the very important things, which go directly to /bin and /lib]14:08
UnixDawgbut i dont find them in the repos14:08
psinetici get this:14:08
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep , grawity: I don't want my mom yelling at me saying that she couldn't play her favorite game cus it was slow14:08
castgrawity: nah,14:08
psineticThe requested plugins are:14:08
psineticIntel Indeo 4 decoder14:08
grawitycast: ?14:08
UnixDawgwhere can I get these php5 modules14:09
castgrawity: user, usr14:09
lorenzask! how do i set firefox to default?14:09
grawityBadElvis: And yes, if you have mounted /dev/sda6 to /usr/local, then everything you see in /usr/local is actually in /dev/sda6.14:09
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep , grawity: my internet speed at home is between 60k-150k14:09
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499_: Think about it. You're sshing in via wireless.  It's slow already that way. It's good for getting files/homework/etc. Streaming? Lol. I'm assuming you're not downloading/uploading gigantic files, are you?14:09
henrypainteris there a way ot find a program that works with a specific tuner card?14:09
psineticcast, did you see the error? The requested plugins are:14:09
psineticIntel Indeo 4 decoder14:09
grawitycast: You sure? Thanks.14:09
* grawity updates notes14:10
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep , grawity: no just small music files, videos, etc.14:10
henrypainterfor viewing cable tv hopefully...14:10
BadElvisgrawity: thanks14:10
grawity"small videos", riight.14:10
henrypainterPHC3-100/NAQ/FM/AV/RC TV Tuner Card PCI Interface14:10
hsarci_grawity, do you know if simple-ccsm is available in kde?14:10
lorenzask! how to set firefox as default??14:10
grawityhsarci_: Haven't used KDE, so... I don't know.14:10
chilli0Does anyone know if i can get jkain for ubuntu?14:10
grawityhsarci_: In any case, simple-ccsm won't help you with that scroll problem.14:10
UnixDawgno answer means no one knows14:10
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499_: You should be okay.  Remember, this is all new to you so you will have more time to learn what you can do and what you can't do. It's easier to do everything in terminal as to keep things minimal and simple.14:11
chilli0Does anyone know if i can get jkain for ubuntu? ( Doesnt work in wine)14:11
bazhanghsarci_, sure it is, but kde4 already has effects14:11
castgrawity: http://lists.freebsd.org/pipermail/freebsd-chat/2003-December/001717.html14:11
bakarat_how do i prevent "update manager" from popping once at least once a day?14:11
castgrawity: first thing i found on google..14:11
grawitybakarat_: How about updating?14:11
shylentbakarat_, why, update your packages, of course :)14:11
bakarat_grawity, i cba to keep all my vms up to date14:11
psineticcast: ? did you see the error i posted regarding the playing of this .avi video?14:11
grawitycast: Noted.14:11
perlsyntaxwhere can i find pygtk on ubuntu 9.4 in apt-get?14:11
llutzlorenz: update-alternatives -config x-www-browser14:11
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499_: For instance, it's best to use nano to jot down something -- a reminder -- as oppose to bring X and gedit (GUI) over the connection so you can get a text editor or your firefox (yes, even with bookmarks and everything, the way it is on your computer) appearing on the other side.14:12
bakarat_grawity, shylent in this case i'm talking bout virtual machines, not my main machine14:12
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bakarat_is there any way to turn it off?14:12
llutzlorenz: ask before you pm someone14:12
amilliabilliremibakarat like what grawity  try updating14:12
lorenzllutz: sorry14:12
bakarat_amilliabilliremi, i don't want to update my virtual machines14:12
lorenzllutz: can i pm you :)14:13
llutzlorenz: keep it in the channel14:13
perlsyntaxwhere can i find a pygtk deb?14:13
amilliabilliremiif you dont there are holes that can be hacked through14:13
psineticcan anyone help me out? i'm getting an error when i open this .avi file. the error is: "The requested plugins are:14:13
psineticIntel Indeo 4 decoder"14:13
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep , grawity: ok, I like it so far and it works by doing Places--->connect to server---->then selecting ssh and putting in the need info14:13
shylentbakarat_: you can go to settings and set it to two weeks or something like that14:13
perlsyntaxSomeone got to know.14:13
lorenzllutz: ok links open in chrome... now i uninstalled it and they dont open at all anymore... i cant set ff to default in settings...14:14
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep , grawity: well thanks for the help for getting ssh working14:14
shylentbakarat_: settings button in the update manager GUI14:14
bakarat_shylent, uh, i turned "automatic updates" off on one machine and to two on another, it keeps popping up14:14
trismperlsyntax: apt-get install python-gtk214:14
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep , grawity: I got to go, its late where I'm at14:14
llutzlorenz: update-alternatives -config x-www-browser14:14
bakarat_shylent, to two weeks*14:14
perlsyntaxthanks i thought i had it14:14
ShapeShifter499_leaf-sheep , grawity: bye14:14
amilliabilliremik see ya ss499_14:14
psineticwell....i guess no one knows the answer to this problem then. ok.14:14
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499_: I see.  Then I think it'll be a great idea that grawity and I get to sit down and discuss your punishment.14:14
ShapeShifter499_whoa whoa.......what????14:15
amilliabilliremivery funny leaf-sheep14:15
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ShapeShifter499_what did I do?14:15
leaf-sheepShapeShifter499_: Just go to sleep. Goodnight. :)14:15
UnixDawgcan anyone point me to where the list of extra repos is so I can find my missing php5 deps14:15
wolf23please help me!14:16
William-Ubuntuwhen i start xchat , it shows Couldn't look up your hostname  what's that mean?14:16
psineticanyone have any idea how to fix this problem with a missing codec for playing .avi files? it won't take long, but i can't find the answer on google...anyone?14:16
bazhangwolf23, ask a question14:16
UnixDawgit means its not finding a fqhn14:16
Iceman_Bgreetings, Im having a problem with Amarok on 9.04. I can get sound from other players but not from within Amarok. how do I fix this ?14:16
bazhangpsinetic, did you install w32codecs14:16
perlsyntaxTrim,I install python by source and it wil not find the python-gtk2 it is installed.14:16
psinetici dunno, this is a fresh install. the other one crashed and i had to reinstall it14:17
psineticwhat's the terminal line for installing w32codecs?14:17
perlsyntaxi get this error14:17
chilli0Does anyone know if i can get jkain for ubuntu? ( Doesnt work in wine)14:17
bazhangpsinetic, go to medibuntu.org and get it then14:17
perlsyntaxFile "hello.py", line 3, in <module>    import pygtkImportError: No module named pygtk14:17
lilzeusis there a dhcp release/renew for ubuntu?14:17
wolf23bazhang,  thanx, but i have open the router configuration site, i add the security wpa2 and after that i try to connect the laptop from my router it shows an red X mark why?14:17
grawitylilzeus: dhclient14:17
psineticmediuntu.org is not loading fo rme14:18
perlsyntaxodd i thought it came with the update.14:18
psineticfor some reason14:18
perlsyntaxAny ideas?14:18
bazhangpsinetic, medibuntu.org14:18
bakarat_i kinda liked the old way ubuntu notified you of updates -> with an icon at the top right...can i enable that again?14:18
llutzpsinetic: medibuntu.org14:18
spirosviisport bill14:18
trismperlsyntax: it is likely that the pygtk deb isn't in a place that the python you installed from source can see it14:19
psineticand i just go into the howto repository?14:19
amilliabilliremiBakarat:it already does14:19
Iceman_Banyone know how I can get sound from Amarok? sound is working fine from other sources14:19
llutzpsinetic: yes14:19
bazhangpsinetic, you download the deb file14:19
chilli0Does anyone know if i can get jkain for ubuntu? ( Doesnt work in wine)14:19
bakarat_amilliabilliremi, uh not anymore here since 9.04? it just pops up the annoying update manager, but if you close it, there is no notification until the update manager pops up again14:19
psinetici'll do that right quick, brb14:20
amilliabilliremibakarat: well it does 4 me14:20
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bakarat_amilliabilliremi, you on 9.04?14:20
ubuntu__hi, .... it seems that i accidentally removed my \home partition .... is there a way to create a new one ????14:20
bakarat_accidently deleted /home? :|14:20
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amilliabilliremihi bakarat14:21
ZatchariusYou can delete your user and create a new one with the same name14:21
ubuntu__bakarat_, yes, i was trying to remove the root partition so taht i would have a primary partition free ..... i chose the \home instead ....14:21
joaopintobakarat_, mkdir /home14:21
psineticbazhang, i installed w64codecs (i'm on ubuntu 9.04 64bit).14:21
psinetici tried to open the vid again14:21
joaopintobakarat_, sudo cp -a /etc/skel /home/youruser14:21
joaopintobakarat_, sudo chown -R user:user /home/youruser14:22
bakarat_joaopinto, hehe, not me m8 :)14:22
amilliabilliremiyo tttt14:22
joaopintoops sorry14:22
bazhangpsinetic, and you have ubuntu-restricted-extras package as well ?14:22
joaopintowas for ubuntu_ :P14:22
psineticthat's there on the same site?14:22
ubuntu__joaopinto, woiuld that work for a new \home partition as well >>>14:22
joaopintoubuntu__, yes14:22
amilliabilliremitry putting kubuntu on with ubuntu14:22
ubuntu__thank you .... xD14:22
bazhangpsinetic, no that is via synaptic package manager or apt-get on the command line14:22
bakarat_ubuntu__, btw, "\" is windows only, every sane os uses "/" :p14:23
hsarci_anyone using kde in 9.10? know how to change themes?14:23
ubuntu__oh wait ... can i do that from a live CD ???14:23
psineticbazhang, i'm really new at this, sorry. what do i type into command line to get what you're saying done?14:23
ubuntu__bakarat_, right :P ...14:23
amilliabilliremiget kubuntu from kubuntu.org for free14:23
grawitybakarat_: Fanboys of anything are disliked here.14:23
bakarat_grawity, that's good to know, keep 'em out i say!14:24
bazhangamilliabilliremi, there is no need for that; kubuntu-desktop will achieve it14:24
hsarci_i am a fanboy fanboy, yes thats right...i am a fanboy of people who are fanboys14:24
hsarci_hence, i am the ultimate fanboy14:24
dalfzi have a Dell M1730, and the microphone input is extremely low, and i don't have an "enable +20dB boost" or similar. any tips?14:24
bazhanghsarci_, #ubuntu-offtopic please14:24
bakarat_grawity, i think it's quite amazing you got "fanboy" from a comment about back and forward slashes14:24
grawitybakarat_: If I recall correctly, Multics, the father of Unix, used >, and ITS had :14:24
bazhangpsinetic, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras14:24
bakarat_grawity, that is awesome, please do continue14:24
grawitybakarat_: From the "every sane OS" part, yeah. (Which implies only Unix is sane.)14:25
bakarat_grawity, o right, that makes me a fanboy, i see, well spotted14:25
hsarci_bazhang, <bakarat_> grawity, that's good to know, keep 'em out i say! and <bakarat_> ubuntu__, btw, "\" is windows only, every sane os uses "/" :p and etc...14:25
Iceman_Bhow do I hide joins from this channel ?14:25
bazhangIceman_B, which client14:25
ubottuTo ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS14:25
bazhangIceman_B, ^^14:26
Iceman_Bah, thanks14:26
Iceman_Bthere we go, much quieter now14:26
amilliabilliremihow do you silence XChat IRC 2.8.614:27
bazhangamilliabilliremi, right click channel, or check in preferences14:28
erUSULamilliabilliremi: right click on the channel tab14:28
mestoI am looking for the key systcl14:29
jribmesto: what?14:29
amilliabilliremibazhang & erUSUL: where is the channel tab14:29
mestoI am looking for   sysctl14:29
jribmesto: why?  It's a command.14:29
psineticbazhang, it installed. but the file still isn't playing, it's giving me the same error.:  The requested plugins are:14:30
psineticIntel Indeo 4 decoder14:30
bazhangamilliabilliremi, on the left side, where the channels are listed14:30
chilli0Does anyone know if i can get jkain for ubuntu? ( Doesnt work in wine)14:30
mestono it's a place in the files system14:30
mestoI want to change something in net.ipv6.conf.default.use_tempaddr14:30
William-Ubuntuhow can i upgrade to ubuntu 9.10 when it is released ?14:30
William-Ubuntuneed i install again?14:30
jribmesto: can you answer my first question?  "Why?"14:30
bazhangWilliam-Ubuntu, keep upgrading, discussion in #ubuntu+114:30
jribmesto: permanently?14:30
lilzeusWhy when I put in router) Apache displays the default page?14:31
mestoI say : bacause I want to change something in net.ipv6.conf.default.use_tempaddr14:31
jribmesto: permanently?14:31
jrib!who | mesto14:31
ubottumesto: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:31
amilliabilliremiWilliam-Ubuntu: Open  update manager  once 9.10 is released14:31
erUSULmesto: /etc/sysctl.d/ /etc/sysctl.conf14:32
mesto=>jrib = I want to test14:32
davidscotthi everybody, i have a real probleme with my wifi conexion, maybe with ip or i don't know. i can conect on any wifi, but on other no. do you know why? anybody can help me?14:32
UnixDawgI need help on ubuntu server getting the fallowing modules14:32
jribmesto: then just use the sysctl command14:32
UnixDawgphp5-pdo php5-pdo_sqlite php5-pdo_mysql php5-soap php5-xml php5-xmlrpc14:32
cousin_mariohaving a problem with cups-pdf: http://pastebin.com/d6674617b14:32
amilliabilliremiBazhang: ok found it.... now what?14:32
William-Ubuntuit is close to oct 2914:32
jribmesto: its man page includes example usage14:32
UnixDawgis there a repo for these files14:32
mestojrbi => where is the sysctl command ?14:32
mestoin a console ?14:32
jribmesto: yes...14:32
bazhangamilliabilliremi, right click channel name14:32
psineticwilliam-ubuntu, seriously, just use the other channel. they can answer all your questions.14:32
mestojrbi !14:32
davidscotthi everybody, i have a real probleme with my wifi conexion, maybe with ip or i don't know. i can conect on any wifi, but on other no. do you know why? anybody can help me?14:33
W9ZEB-LarsI don't suppose anyone can point me at what key combination I may have hit to inverse the colors on all things GTK?14:33
cmphello every body - ? can any one tell me how to make a backup from my Kmail and save it in case if i lost my account on hotmail ???????14:33
jribW9ZEB-Lars: try #compiz14:33
mestojrbi => do u know what I  have to write to move my configuration ?14:33
amilliabilliremiok thanks bazhang14:33
jribmesto: read sysctl's man page.  It tells you how to use it and includes examples.14:33
psineticbazhang, it installed. but the file still isn't playing, it's giving me the same error.:  The requested plugins are: Intel Indeo 4 decoder14:34
Dr_WillisW9ZEB-Lars:  thats a compiz setting. You could install/run ccsm and see what key combo its set to. (i normally dont use compiz)14:34
gamerxhehe, im using irc in pidgin, and it SUCKS....14:34
davidscotthi everybody, i have a real probleme with my wifi conexion, maybe with ip or i don't know. i can conect on any wifi, but on other no. do you know why? anybody can help me? please :(14:34
mestojrib: thanks a lot14:34
cousin_mariopsinetic: 64 bit?14:34
gamerx<3 x-chat im going back now lol14:34
cmphello every body - ? can any one tell me how to make a backup from my Kmail and save it in case if i lost my account on hotmail ???????14:34
bazhangpsinetic, not sure about that, you may need to transcode it14:34
psinetici have no idea what transcoding even is14:34
cousin_mariodavidscott: "to any wifi but not on other ones"?14:34
Dr_WillisW9ZEB-Lars:  seems tobe super-m and super-n here.14:34
Cyrano_De!irssi | gamerx14:34
Boohbahcmp: hotmail should have a page about pop3/imap server settings14:34
ubottugamerx: Irssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen14:34
bazhangpsinetic, change from one format to another14:34
lilzeuswhy doesn't my internet work?14:35
W9ZEB-LarsDr_Willis: thank you!!! :)14:35
psineticit's a .avi, other avi files play fine, i don't see why this one doesn't play14:35
cousin_mariobecause avi is merely a container14:35
cmpi have done it Boohdah,   but i want to save this backup as if i lost my Ubuntu - so i can have it back again14:35
cousin_marioit can be used with several codecs14:35
bazhangpsinetic, when you right click properties does it say xvid or some other14:35
psinetichang on14:36
psineticbazhang, AVI video (video/x-msvideo)14:36
bazhangpsinetic, which app have you tried to play it with14:36
UnixDawgO well I guess no one knoes14:36
UnixDawgthansk anyways14:36
psinetictotem, mplayer, movie player, vlc media player14:37
psineticdoesn't work in any of them14:37
Boohbahcmp: /home/cmp/.kde3.5/share/apps/kmail/mail/inbox/cur/14:37
cousin_mariopsinetic: post the output of mplayer on pastebin14:37
psineticcousin_mario, uh....huh?14:37
cmpand what after this Boohdah, ?14:37
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BullHornXis there a way to seperate language? i mean, when i edit the font in Appearance, it sets one font to all languages. i want to use one font for enlgish and another font for hebrew14:38
cousin_mariopsinetic: try `mplayer yourfile.avi` and copy what it says on pastebin.com14:38
psineticok, one sec14:38
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Boohbahcmp: that directory is your inbox. proceed as you will.14:40
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psineticcousin_mario, what the....i typed "mplayer" and then dragged the file into terminal so it'd have an exact location and it said it couldn't find the file. so then i tried to cd to the drive and specific folder, and it said it couldn't fine it. wtf?14:41
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kantorhi, it is possible to enable mouse support for the tty console (those appearing when you press the CTRL+ALT+Fx combinations), like to have a mouse pointer when you are in a ncurses application  ?14:41
disismtHappy Diwali to all!14:42
erUSUL!info gmp14:42
ubottuPackage gmp does not exist in jaunty14:42
bazhangkantor, why do you need that14:42
cousin_mariopsinetic: where is it located?14:42
erUSUL!info gpm | kantor14:42
ubottukantor: gpm (source: gpm): General Purpose Mouse interface. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.20.4-3.1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 209 kB, installed size 548 kB14:42
kantorbazhang, I just want to test something . . .14:42
cousin_marioanyone using cups-pdf ?14:42
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psineticcousin_mario, it's located in: /media/My Book/Icons/14:42
kantorubottu, ok thanks14:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ok thanks14:42
erUSUL!anyone | cousin_mario14:43
ubottucousin_mario: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?14:43
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hsarci_should i install gnome and remove kde?14:43
Boohbahdisismt: thank you for your kind wishes! Happy Diwali to you too!14:43
cousin_mariopsinetic: cd /media/My\ Book/Icons14:43
Boohbahhsarci_: http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/puregnome14:44
cousin_mariohaving a problem with cups-pdf: http://pastebin.com/d6674617b14:44
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!14:45
FabianCan anybody speak german?14:45
hsarci_Boohbah, but what if i started with kubuntu?14:45
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.14:45
bazhanghsarci_, what version14:45
hsarci_bazhang, 9.1014:46
bazhanghsarci_, the beta?14:46
Boohbahhsarci_: the command on the linked page will safely remove kde and install gnome, starting with kubuntu.14:46
hsarci_bazhang, yes the beta...final isnt out yet14:46
psineticcousin_mario, http://pastebin.com/d691bdf6a14:46
bazhanghsarci_, #ubuntu+1 for karmic support14:46
Boohbahhsarci_: oh sorry, package names will be slightly different14:46
hsarci_Boohbah, so i cant simply copy/paste that command?14:48
liveoutloud2daygrub problem here....  Installed Karmic Beta on a machine with a 160G HD that had Windows on it, and now it just says   Grub      error: out of disk     grub rescue>    Any ideas?14:48
liveoutloud2daygrub problem here....  Installed Karmic Beta on a machine with a 160G HD that had Windows on it, and now it just says   Grub      error: out of disk     grub rescue>    Any ideas?14:48
FloodBot2liveoutloud2day: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.14:48
cousin_mariopsinetic: the binary codec doesn't seem to be available: did you install non-free-codecs ?14:48
erUSUL!karmic | liveoutloud2day14:48
liveoutloud2dayInteresting thing is that Windows had only seen 128G of the drive and I installed in the remainder of the drive (48bit LBA?)  How do I fix?14:48
ubottuliveoutloud2day: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:48
bazhangliveoutloud2day, #ubuntu+1 for karmic support14:48
voxliveoutloud2day: join #ubuntu+1 for karmic support14:48
cousin_mariopsinetic: and, are you on 32 or 64 bit?14:48
Boohbahhsarci_: it may produce undesired results, but it will definitely install gnome.14:49
psineticcousin_mario, i did what bazhang told me to do. i'm using 64 bit14:49
cmpBoohdah,  i cant find the folder that you told me about  ...14:49
Sarajevothis is my pic http://img126.imageshack.us/img126/2571/photowl.jpg14:49
Sarajevotake a look14:49
cousin_mariopsinetic: I wasn't here yet when he told you, anyway I've encountered this issue myself14:49
Sarajevoand tell me, am I hot14:49
psineticoh ok14:49
skxHello, does Ubuntu support encrypting root and home encryption during installation? What happens when there's a new version? Do you have to reinstall Ubuntu (like suse) or can you updgrade it live?14:49
cousin_mariopsinetic: there is no 64 bit version of the indeo codec, so merely installing the codec pack won't cut14:49
skxjust two fast questions, no details needed :)14:49
psineticwhat do i have to do then?14:50
voxskx: yes/you just upgrade/no14:50
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skxvox, so you need to reinstall the whole system every time new version is out?14:50
cousin_mariopsinetic: I never solved it, I suppose you'll have to run the 32bit version of mplayer and also install w32codecs, but it's hypotetical14:50
voxskx: no14:50
skxvox, ok, I misread it, thanks!14:50
voxskx: no dramas14:50
psineticcousin_mario, how do i get the 32 bit version of mplayer? :S14:51
cousin_mariopsinetic: you'll have to tinker with apt, but I'm no expert on the matter14:51
cousin_marioperhaps you could follow some guide to install firefox 32 bit that was out a while ago14:52
psineticlast time i tinkered with anything i crashed my entire system. that's not gonna happen again. *sigh*, guess half my videos are unplayable14:52
bazhangpsinetic, is this a recent install14:52
bazhang32 bit will work on that system as well14:52
ubuntu_could i have multiple distributions use the same /home partition?14:53
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linuxim use ubuntu 9.10 64 bit and all run great :) linux ftw guys !14:53
psineticbazhang, well how do i get the 32 bit? i don't think it'll just install with sudo apt-get install myplayer14:53
joaopinto!karmic | linux14:53
ubottulinux: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:53
bazhangpsinetic, I meant the OS14:54
UnixDawgare there any extra php repos that are not in the apt-get repo file14:54
erUSULUnixDawg: no afaik14:54
UnixDawgthere are some php5 mods I need14:54
psinetici'm not reinstalling this OS again unless i have to. i'm sick and tired of it crashing on me and having to reinstall it. i'm starting to feel like it's just as crappy as windows with all the damn problems i'm having with it.14:54
MenZapsinetic: Nice attitude, that'll get you far.14:55
UnixDawgnot all the mods are in the repos14:55
psineticMenZa, sorry, i wasn't trying to be rude14:55
erUSULUnixDawg: which is missing ?14:55
UnixDawgphp5-pdo php5-pdo_sqlite php5-pdo_mysql php5-soap php5-xml php5-xmlrpc php5-json php5-xmlwriter php5-xmlreader php5-posix php5-sqlite  php5-iconv php5-hash php5-simplexml php5-pcre php5-filter php5-dom php5-session php5-spl14:55
bazhangpsinetic, okay, just responding to the 'half my videos' comment, hate to see you lose them14:55
MenZapsinetic: heh, we all get like that sometimes. *huggles*14:55
UnixDawgand I need them all14:55
Boohbahpsinetic: sorry to hear ubuntu is not for you... happy travels!14:55
shylentUnixDawg: I am sure, all of those are in the repos. You've probably installed the wrong package. Which is the package you've installed?14:56
psineticwell it's just that every time i turn around there's another problem14:56
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erUSUL!info php-sqlite | UnixDawg maybe they just have a different name14:56
ubottuUnixDawg: Package php-sqlite does not exist in jaunty14:56
ubuntu_hi, does anybody know if i could i have multiple distributions use the same /home partition?14:56
UnixDawgI have lookd and non of the pdo are there14:56
erUSUL!info php5-sqlite | UnixDawg maybe they just have a different name14:56
ubottuUnixDawg: php5-sqlite (source: php5): SQLite module for php5. In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.6.dfsg.1-3ubuntu4.2 (jaunty), package size 33 kB, installed size 148 kB14:56
shylentUnixDawg: I am sure, there is a metapackage that will include all that stuff as dependencies14:56
bazhangUnixDawg, did you apt-cache search php14:56
UnixDawgnot on jaunty14:56
UnixDawgI am on
UnixDawgand I am using server not desktop14:57
erUSUL!info php5-sqlite hardy14:57
ubottuphp5-sqlite (source: php5): SQLite module for php5. In component main, is optional. Version 5.2.4-2ubuntu5.7 (hardy), package size 33 kB, installed size 148 kB14:57
Boohbahshylent: i haven't seen one14:57
psineticfirst it's my graphics, have to fix that, then i can't find any messengers that use webcam, finally found one, but then the webcams still dont' work on them, then i run a piece of software that practically cripples my system and I don't even know how to fix it. then i got all these little bugs that just keep popping up. it's just driving me insane because i jsut want a computer that works, but i just have to fix every little thing left and right, it's14:57
psinetic just VERY frustrating.14:57
UnixDawgbut I need the pdo14:57
psineticsorry, that was a little much14:57
UnixDawgpdo pdo_sqlite and pdo_mysql14:57
UnixDawgand I dont find them14:57
Boohbah# php -m |grep pdo14:58
BoohbahUnixDawg: default ubuntu php5 includes them14:58
UnixDawgok I have pdo_mysql14:58
UnixDawgbut no pdo_sqlite14:58
UnixDawgroot@ubuntupbx:/# ls /usr/lib/php5/20060613+lfs/ curl.so  mcrypt.so  mysqli.so  mysql.so  pdo_mysql.so  pdo.so  sqlite3.so  tidy.so  xmlrpc.so  xsl.so14:59
UnixDawgno pd_sqlite14:59
Boohbahsudo apt-get install php5-sqlite14:59
kuseHow do I build gtk-sharp? The autogen.sh --prefix=/path/to/mono tells me to use bootstrap instead, how does bootstrap work?15:00
erUSULkuse: why not install from repositories ?15:00
UnixDawgok that got that15:00
kuseerUSUL: i'm building a parallel mono env. from trunk15:01
UnixDawgbut now php5-xml15:01
BoohbahUnixDawg: anything else? i am familiar with LAMP stack on ubuntu. there is also #ubuntu-server for further discussion15:01
ys___hi, I need some help with the ppa building system, can somebody help me?15:01
UnixDawgok I am down to these modules15:02
erUSULys___: #ubuntu-motu ?15:02
UnixDawgphp5-soap php5-xml php5-json php5-xmlwriter php5-xmlreader php5-posix php5-iconv php5-hash php5-simplexml php5-pcre php5-filter php5-dom php5-session php5-spl15:02
ccfonteshow do I remove "Applications" name (start like button in the left upper corner) from the taskbar? I just need the icon15:02
ys___thanks erUSUL15:03
erUSULUnixDawg: ?15:03
UnixDawgstill alot of modules missing15:03
UnixDawgphp5-soap php5-xml php5-json php5-xmlwriter php5-xmlreader php5-posix php5-iconv php5-hash php5-simplexml php5-pcre php5-filter php5-dom php5-session php5-spl15:03
UnixDawgbtu i have the sqlite now15:04
LeonBrusselsccfontes: right click it, first uncheck the lock item and then  right click again and click remove. Then right click the panel, add to panel and then in the list there is a thing that just looks like an ubuntu icon - can't remember what it's called - that has all the 3 menus that you have normally united into one icon15:04
kokosis anybody from poland?15:06
rsk!pl | kokos15:07
ubottukokos: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.15:07
UnixDawgI am apt-cache searching and not finding the modules15:07
tehbautanyone know of any apps that track user activity (windows open, etc)15:07
ccfontesLeonBrussels: great it works. the name is "menu bar", for having just the icon and also the other two adjacent buttons, I guess I have to manually add them. many thanks!15:07
rsktehbaut: top?15:07
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tehbautsomething similar to www.chrometa.com15:07
rsktehbaut: maybe it work in wine?15:08
tehbautI'm not going to use wine15:08
erUSULUnixDawg: i can not help further, sorry :|15:08
gswindleWas wondering if someone could help me with a problem? Im tring to get rid of the need for ./ before running a script does anyone know how one would do that?15:09
tehbautwas hoping to find something native, perhaps even something that runs on python15:09
rsktehbaut: i've never come across such application, but i guess you can chek up on mediumsized companies and ask what they use15:09
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Murph1i've got a problem with my ubuntu hardy15:09
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rsk!ask | Murph115:10
ubottuMurph1: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:10
ccfontesLeonBrussels: there arent the other buttons alone. guess one cant have everything15:10
trismgswindle: all you need to do is add . to your path15:10
wsch NTFS partitions?how can i get ubuntu to recognise my windows15:10
wschhow can i get ubuntu to recognise my windows 7 NTFS partitions?15:11
gswindletrism how do i do that?15:11
trismgswindle: export PATH=$PATH:.15:11
gswindlein .bashrc?15:11
trismgswindle: yep15:11
gswindlekk thanks15:11
kelohippishould i use aptitude instead of apt-get after clean ubuntu install?15:11
grawitykelohippi: Both are okay, they use the same database and everything.15:12
wschkelohippi: shouldnt mather they do the same thing15:12
LeonBrusselsI have a problem. I am looking for a picture management app for my mum. Her workflow right now is to copy over the pictures manually into a folder that she gives a name to - usability nightmare and her photo folder is a mess already. F-Spot is way too complicated - I know tags are powerful and everything, but I don't want to spend ages explaining it to my mom - she has to be able to just select a few photos from her camera, type in a na15:13
LeonBrusselsand then get a photo album with that name. Also Slideshows in F-Spot don't seem to work.it flickers and then crashes. Perfect would be something that works exactly like iPhoto on the mac. I use it myself and it just works for me. Any ideas?15:13
gswindletrism thanks it worked15:13
LeonBrusselsAnd that message was probably too long so you didn't get half of it...15:14
Murph1i have a problem with ubuntu hardy x64. if i want to install something it doesnt works.if i try to install sth. in the terminal with apt i get this for example:15:14
Murph1user@user-laptop:~$ sudo apt-get install xchat15:14
Murph1Paketlisten werden gelesen... Fertig15:14
Murph1Segmentation faultwird aufgebaut... 50%15:14
kelohippijust wondering cause im reading some old forums about the subject.. that mixed use of aptitude and apt-get can cause some bad stuff happen15:14
FloodBot2Murph1: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:14
rsk!de | Murph115:14
ubottuMurph1: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.15:14
wschanyone happen to know how i get my windows 7 NTFS partitions to show up in gparted?15:14
UnixDawgI still need these ph mods15:14
UnixDawgphp5-xml php5-json php5-xmlwriter php5-xmlreader php5-posix php5-iconv php5-hash php5-simplexml php5-pcre php5-filter php5-dom php5-session php5-spl15:14
Murph1thank you15:14
kelohippiand also i read about aptitude being better at uninstalling programs15:15
UnixDawgIcant find them15:15
gswindleis there a way to turn of all the system messages here?15:16
bazhanggswindle, which client15:16
OldFarterHi i'm running ubuntu 8.04 LTS on good old twirl platter drives15:16
r3duxgrins @ twirl platter15:16
r3duxCrank the handles15:17
OldFarterI recently got my self a Stand Still Disk15:17
unopUnixDawg, have you looked for them on the PEAR archive?15:17
UnixDawgI am so close ta finished server if  can get these php5 mods15:17
trismLeonBrussels: I have no idea what iPhoto is like, I use gthumb, it is pretty simple. You could also try picasa, it is basically like fspot but more polished15:17
kelohippiso should i be concerned about mixed use of apt-get and aptitude?15:17
OldFarterwhich could also be my car at times SSD15:17
grawitykelohippi: apt-get and aptitude both do the same thing.15:17
r3duxkelohippi: No.15:17
BoohbahOldFarter: what are you babbling on about?15:18
grawitykelohippi: They both also rely on dpkg to do the actual job (unpacking, copying, removing files).15:18
kelohippiaight thanks15:18
OldFarterWell getting to the point:  i installed Ubuntu 9.04 on my ssd and its remarkably unstable15:18
UnixDawgif its a php module it should be php5-15:18
r3duxOldFarter: That's a remarkable thing to say... sure it's not your hardware?15:19
kelohippigrawity: ok thanks for the info15:19
unopUnixDawg, have you looked for them on PEAR?15:19
skavicioushello people!15:19
skavicioushow are ya!?15:19
BoohbahOldFarter: which ssd do you have?15:19
OldFarterGraphics freze inputs freze and a bit later everything freze15:19
skaviciousHey! please... you atention please!15:19
OldFarterCrossair  "extreme" 32gb15:19
voxskavicious: just ask your question15:20
grawityskavicious: #ubuntu is for help with the Ubuntu Linux system. Offtopic chatter goes to #ubuntu-offtopic.15:20
grawityskavicious: If you have a question, just ask.15:20
OldFarter yes Corsair15:20
OldFarterisn't hat a jewish food thing?15:21
BoohbahOldFarter: haven't used one personally. tried 9.10?15:21
Joe__anyone know how to get xchat to display non-ascii letters (ie chinese/korean/etc)?15:21
grawityJoe__: Go to Network Settings.15:21
MattPTurnerIs there anyway to not have to type my keyring on Network Manager everytime my computer boots up in order to connect to my wireless connection? I'm using Jaunty.15:21
grawityJoe__: In there, choose your network (Freenode), and click "Edit".15:21
skaviciousok ok... i dont have any question, just wanna show you all ubuntu users some thing that have me so offset.. there is some kind of "movement" that is using our loved LOGO!15:21
unopJoe__, use the right font?15:21
grawityJoe__: Under "character set", select "UTF-8".15:21
UnixDawgnot finding them15:21
OldFarteris it out yet?15:21
UnixDawgso I am stumped15:21
grawityunop: DejaVu Sans Mono is the default, and it has really good Unicode support.15:21
grawityJoe__: Then save your changes and reconnect.15:21
r3duxMatt, mine works fine in jaunty - yours obv has some issues. Add the file which has your netpass to your keyring15:22
OldFarterThis disk is one of the cheapest ssd thingies but booting is crazy fast15:22
skaviciousok.. whats the offtopic channel?15:22
Joe__grawity thanks, not sure how I missed that15:22
OldFarterfrom grub to login  i cant enven reach for my cofecup15:22
grawityskavicious: #ubuntu-offtopic, as it has been told a few times already.15:22
shawnpsI'm running 64bit 9.04, is there a reason why when I click on the network manager icon and try to add a VPN, I can't click the "Add" button?15:22
AscavasaionHOw do I connect to a wireless network?  Do I need to find the wireless network's IP or something?15:22
skavicious@grawity thanx!15:23
OldFarterif i get the 9.10 beta15:23
OldFarterwill i have to reinstall in two weeks?15:23
cprofittit appears the help.ubuntu.com and wiki.ubuntu.com are having some issues... not sure if any Canonical Sys Admins are here or not.15:23
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MattPTurnerIs there a help file/topic to add the file for my netpass to my keyring?15:24
r3duxMatt - you can spec it in /etc/network/interfaces .. but Network Manager does use that to store credentials - I'm not sure where they are stored of the top of my head15:26
UnixDawgI am stumped15:27
MattPTurneralright, many thanks r3dux15:27
raven_hi - i need to install ubuntu on a system with 32 mb ram - is possible to enable swap before i try to install it so that it does not panic? tnx15:27
grawityraven_: Ubuntu on 32 MB will be swapping like hell. I would recommend using something lighter :|15:28
perlsyntaxdoes anyone know where i can get emacs 23 deb?15:29
backharlowhow to stop gnome file chooser from showing hidden files15:29
OldFarterraven_,  see slax.org15:29
legend2440OldFarter: no by the time all the updates are out you will have the 9.10 final. no need to reinstall15:29
ubuntu_or puppy15:29
BullHornXhow can i add applications to auto startup in ubuntu? i found the application for doing that in system -> preferences, but i dont know what the 'command' should be for stuff like xchat or pidgin, etc15:29
OldFarterlegend2440, thank you15:29
grawitybackharlow: Right-click, disable "Show hidden files"15:29
raven_grawity, how to enable swap?15:29
grawityBullHornX: "xchat" for Xchat, "pidgin" for Pidgin.15:29
BullHornXthat simple?15:30
MenZapretty much yeah15:30
OldFarterGood thing about having two disks i just pop back into 8.04 if 9.10 aint doing my thing15:30
BlueLightIs there a good free firewall somewhere, now that Sygate is owned by Symantec?15:30
BoohbahBlueLight: iptables15:30
chungX32BullHornX --> An easy way is to use rcconfig15:30
BlouBlouBullHornX: yes, wich programm do you want open at start?15:30
chungX32*sorry, its "rcconf"15:30
BullHornXwhat is rcconfig chungX32?15:30
BlueLightDoes it work in windows?15:30
BoohbahBlueLight: no, but this isn't windows15:31
BoohbahBlueLight: for windows support /join ##windows15:31
chungX32Open a terminal, type15:31
chungX32sudo apt-get install rcconf15:31
BullHornXi used the preinstalled app Startup Applications, i guess it works15:31
BlueLightHe he..15:31
chungX32Then run it typing...15:31
BullHornXill need to relog to test15:31
chungX32sudo rcconf15:31
pelmenguys, anyone knows, how do i grow ISO image ? it is 1.44mb now, i wanna make it at least 5 ?15:31
chungX32And you'll see...15:31
chungX32Its very easy...15:31
BullHornXno such command it says15:32
chungX32sudo apt-get install rcconf15:32
backharlowgrawity: thank you, any way to change default directory away from home?15:32
office__sorry for the interruption here15:32
BullHornXyeah im doing it right now chungX3215:32
Boohbahpelmen: sudo apt-get install dvd+rw-tools15:32
grawitybackharlow: Default directory for what?15:32
Boohbahpelmen: and use the command 'growisofs'15:32
pelmenBoohbah: ok15:32
office__need to know any solutions for my integrated webcam to be shown in skype in Jaunty15:32
HiTMANHi i was wondering if someone here would know how to fix this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47181115:32
perlsyntaxDoes anyone know about a emacs 23 PPA?15:32
pelmenBoohbah: thanks, i'll give it a try15:32
perlsyntaxthat works15:33
raven_grawity, ?15:33
perlsyntaxSomeone got to know.15:33
backharlowgrawity: default directory the file chooser first goes to because my home is large and it takes a long time.15:33
grawityraven_: It is enabled automatically.15:33
grawitybackharlow: The only way I know, is to have a tidier homedir...15:33
raven_no the kernel panic starts because of the low ram there is nothing swapped15:33
grawityraven_: Use the "alternate install CD"15:34
office__need to know any solutions for my integrated webcam to be shown in skype in Jaunty15:34
backharlowgrawity: thanks, turning off hidden did help tremendous although it was a non-obvious trick15:34
Boohbahoffice__: good luck. tried ekiga?15:35
office__do not know how to use it - i am totally new to linux15:35
kokosi have ATI catalyst, but i don't know where, anybody know how i can use it? :>15:35
kokosits my first-contact with ubuntu15:35
kubancdoes anybody know why county doesnt start at startup ( i put yount in session with starting command usr/bin/counta and also county, no of them works). and also it messes my gnome-daemon15:36
wilbefastHi guys - just re-partioned and dual-booted Windows XP (1st, 50Gigs) and Ubuntu (2nd, 200Gigs): Suddenly Ubuntu is really slow - has the got something do to with the dual boot?15:36
wilbefastThis is my 3rd time reinstalling Ubuntu15:36
office__one thing i can tell here, this IRC chat channel is so buzzing that i do not know whether someone is answering to me or to some one else15:36
trismoffice__: they will prefix their post like this if they are speaking to you15:37
pelmenBoohbah: quick follow up. growfs only allows to append more files to ISO image. But i kind a need just add empty space...15:37
masqueradeoffice__: thats why you can adress users directly15:37
pelmenBoohbah: Shoul i make empty files and then delete them ?15:37
office__thanks sir15:37
office__tried cheese & camerama - all says "no device detected"15:38
kubancdoes anybody know why conky doesnt start at startup ( i put yount in session with starting command usr/bin/counta and also county, no of them works). and also it messes my gnome-daemon15:38
wilbefastI'm also having a lot of trouble with youtube videos - I've install all the plugins for firefox and the flash package with synaptic but performance is still laughable15:38
perlsyntaxdoes anyone know where i can get a emacs 23 deb?15:38
woowI wanna find the ip of visible wifi box how could I15:38
kermiti have 3 different laptops of 3 different brands, and previewing screensavers frequently crashes ALL of them15:39
perlsyntaxwhere can i get a emacs 23 deb??????15:39
trismkubanc: I add a conky & line to my .xsessionrc15:39
trismkubanc: not 100% sure that will work with gdm, I use startx15:39
perlsyntaxi don't know what so hard about me asking,.15:40
grawityI don't know what so hard about you googling.15:40
office__Integrated Webcam - Not working in skype in Jaunty - but works in XP15:40
office__any help here, please15:40
frank3lyhello i have a probem guys, i was installing wicd by console but was interrupted and know i can not use apt-get, synaptic or any other app like that15:40
grawityfrank3ly: What error do you get?15:41
frank3lyunable to fetch some archives, maybe run apt-get update or try with --fix-mising15:41
HiTMANHi i was wondering if someone here would know how to fix this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47181115:41
grawityfrank3ly: Well, have you ran apt-get update or tried apt-get with --fix-missing?15:41
Boohbahperlsyntax: http://www.google.com/search?q=emacs+23+deb+ubuntu+ppa15:42
Boohbahperlsyntax: are you feeling lucky?15:42
perlsyntaxthank you15:42
MAAAADCan you recommand a good caldav server for jaunty, best would be if it uses dovecot's auth like postfix15:42
Boohbahperlsyntax: is google beyond your ability?15:42
swindleany suggestions for an IRC client?15:42
trismswindle: irssi15:42
grawityswindle: Xchat and irssi.15:42
swindlegreat thanks15:42
frank3lywhen i try apt-get update showed up failed to fetch all the sources15:42
perlsyntaxlol what15:43
frank3lyand re-print: you may to run apt-get update to correct these problem15:43
perlsyntaxnot funny15:43
perlsyntaxi been looking on google my freind.15:43
perlsyntaxi found this but how do i install it with the key15:43
perlsyntaxi have a hard time installing the key.15:44
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grawityperlsyntax: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver pool.sks-keyservers.net --recv-key key-id15:44
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frank3lysomebody will help me?15:46
bassoBah i lost sound again on my macbook :(15:46
mgv2it seems that there is a problem with the microphone - there is nothing that could actually heard out of it - i tried to change devices too15:46
Boohbah!ask frank3ly15:46
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ask frank3ly15:46
HiTMANHi i was wondering if someone here would know how to fix this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47181115:46
Boohbah!ask | frank3ly15:46
ubottufrank3ly: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:46
UnixDawgok I am still not finding all the php5-modiles I need15:47
UnixDawgphp5-xml php5-json php5-xmlwriter php5-xmlreader php5-posix php5-iconv php5-hash php5-simplexml php5-pcre php5-filter php5-dom php5-session php5-spl15:47
BoohbahUnixDawg: what are you missing?15:47
=== tachyon is now known as connectionfailur
LaireTMHello, i have a entrie in my fstab wich mount a ftp folder. But i have to execute mount -a after evry reboot to mount it15:47
BoohbahUnixDawg: sudo apt-cache search php5-15:47
UnixDawgyes and not finding them15:48
frank3lyi was installing wicd by console with apt-get but it got interrupted since that i cannot install anything and when i try to run apt-get install, update, etc i got this message:  failed to fetch... you may run apt-get update15:48
perlsyntaxi see no key for the web site odd.15:48
grawityperlsyntax: What web site?15:49
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UnixDawgthey seem to not have been made15:49
perlsyntaxi see there before and it not there now.15:49
Padhuoffice_: Model number of your netbook15:49
UnixDawgand I nee them15:49
grawityperlsyntax: It's right there, under "Signing key"15:49
Halitechfrank3ly, you can try sudo dpkg --configure -a or sudo apt-get update -f15:50
perlsyntaxi see it now15:50
BoohbahHiTMAN: sudo apt-get install libc6-dev build-essential15:50
frank3lyi already did it15:50
connectionfailurHi all, why would my Lucent WaveLAN have stopped responding after an upgrade to 9.04?15:50
BoohbahHiTMAN: download psybnc source, untar, ./configure, make, make install15:50
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connectionfailur"device not managed" in my menu15:50
hardcampaBeats me why people still insist on using apt-get15:50
Halitechfrank3ly, did it work?15:50
Padhuswindle: Pidgin itself have an IRC client. You may use firefox add-on chatzilla15:50
grawityhardcampa: And why not?15:50
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Halitechfrank3ly, what happened or what message did it give you?15:51
hardcampagrawity, if you use aptitude and you remove it will remove the dependencies as well15:51
grawityhardcampa: So?15:51
hardcampathose files that you pulled in alongside the package you installed15:51
swindlehow do i hide system messages (ones preceded by a *) on xchat?15:51
hardcampaSo you get a cleaner system15:51
fisukhi, could somebody tell me what has happened to http://help.ubuntu.com/community15:51
frank3lyreading... building.. reading.. 0 installed, 0 to remove and 251 not upgrade15:51
frank3lyexist a way to restore my system ?15:52
Halitech!pastebin | connectionfailur paste the output of lspci in15:52
ubottuconnectionfailur paste the output of lspci in: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic15:52
Halitechfrank3ly, run sudo apt-get upgrade15:52
UnixDawgany other ideas of how to get them for hardy15:52
Boohbahfisuk: canonical web server cache error?15:52
frank3lya lot of failed to fetch...15:53
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UnixDawgBoohbah ?15:53
office__all these joining & leaving entries distracts a lot - can it be shown seperately in the side, or do not show it at all15:53
grawityoffice__: In what IRC client?15:53
UnixDawgif I could find the php 5.2.4 src I could build them15:53
IdleOneoffice__: what client are you using?15:53
HiTMANBoohbah do you really think that will do it?15:53
BoohbahHiTMAN: yes15:53
Halitechfrank3ly, dumb question but just in case, is it the same machine you are on now and does it have a connection if not the same machine?15:53
LaireTMHello, i have a entrie in my fstab wich mount a ftp folder. But i have to execute mount -a after evry reboot to mount it. How can I automate this?15:54
blightanyone know of a good way to remote control windows machines - something that will download and install to the "client" easily with the min amount of config15:54
frank3lyis not the same machine, is an laptop and i was trying to change the network manager for wicd.. and now i have nothing to control my network thats why i want to know if exist a way to restore my system or my network manager15:54
gunknownI have a problem with wine. The windows size of the application is almost zero, and i cannot see the content of the window. Unfortunately its impossible to resize the window, so i cannot press the buttons in it (its an installation window). Anybody any ideas what i could do?15:55
connectionfailur@ubottu (or anyone) output of lpsci http://paste.ubuntu.com/295506/15:55
raven_grawity, i now started from the alternate cd - but where/how to enable the swap?15:55
grawityraven_: It will be enabled automatically after installation, if you create a swap partition.15:55
Halitechfrank3ly, can you use dhclient to connect?15:55
frank3lyhow i know that?15:56
fisukBoohbah, well that was helpful :p15:56
office__here only, and i am using XCHAT15:56
raven_grawity, but i need to enable it before the install because when it loads the ramdrive-files the kernel panics because of low ram15:56
Halitechconnectionfailur, don't see the device there, is it internal or a usb card?15:56
raven_grawity, possible to enable it using any special boot-parameter?15:56
BoohbahUnixDawg: sudo apt-get source php515:56
UnixDawgI was told to use 8.0.4 server due to 9.0.4 had threading issues15:56
connectionfailurHalitech- its PCMCIA15:56
Halitechfrank3ly, are you trying to connect with a wireless card or wired?15:56
office__anyway i will try to bring up my integrated webcam in jaunty issue later15:56
connectionfailurby the way this was working fine previously15:56
Boohbahfisuk: you would have to ask canonical... contact their support department?15:57
Halitechconnectionfailur, it should show in lspci then, is it plugged in?15:57
connectionfailuryes, one green light15:57
UnixDawgand it puts it in /usr/src right15:57
Halitechconnectionfailur, unplug it, plug it back in and run dmesg | tail -n15:57
trismraven_: just save yourself the hassle, pull out the hard drive, install to that on a system with more ram, then put it back. Just make sure you do a command line install, because gnome is not booting with 32mb of ram15:58
barkha_nxpertshey guys!!! hello :)15:58
[John]i need some help15:58
barkha_nxpertsi'm newbea to ubuntu..15:58
HiTMANBoohbah -bash: ./configure: No such file or directory15:58
joaopintoraven_, ubuntu is not expected to run with such a low RAM, choose another distro15:58
jeroen_oops I did a sudo chmod -R 644 ~15:59
jeroen_what are the normal rights ?15:59
joaopintojeroen_, that is BAD15:59
wertik_rusbad bad)15:59
joaopintojeroen_, you can't recover from a chmod -R15:59
grawityjeroen_: find ~ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} +15:59
jeroen_how do I fix it ?15:59
swindleanyone know how to hide System messages in xchat?15:59
BoohbahHiTMAN: you need to cd to the source directory after it's untarred.15:59
joaopintojeroen_, on a file basis, you can't15:59
peewhy tar -cfj backup.tar.gz blar/ is not working?15:59
frank3lycan i install network manager with live cd ?15:59
grawityjeroen_: That command should fix16:00
swindlewhy is my name grey?16:00
HiTMANBoohbah i know i did that.16:00
Boohbahpee: tar cjf backup.tar.gz blar/16:00
trismraven_: joapinto has an excellent point, as it is, I barely get ubuntu working on this system with 64MB16:00
jeroen_sudo chmod -R 755 ~16:00
Boohbahpee: flag order matters to tar, f flag must come last16:00
joaopintopee, j is for bz2 files, you want cfz for .tar.gz16:00
[John]i have a problem .. i instal for first time Ubuntu .. and i don;t know what i do but i logoff or switch user and i got black screen .. and now i can't sign in back ony through recovery mode in the terminal.. anyone can help me?16:00
grawityjeroen_: NOT THAT.16:00
peeBoohbah: yeah. thx.16:00
Boohbahpee: joaopinto: that too :)16:00
ArtyHi guys, I need help, I can't change my GDM theme, and the instructions online do not work.16:00
joaopintojeroen_, that will set every file with 755, including non executable ones16:00
joaopintoArty, are you using karmic ?16:01
ArtyI cannot find the option to change themes on gdmsetup16:01
frank3lythank you for everything guys but im gonna format and reinstall ubuntu16:01
jeroen_ok thx16:01
ArtyI have regular Ubuntu that comes with Gnome, but I use fluxbox as my window manager.16:01
connectionfailurOK there is some activity in the PCMCIA area http://paste.ubuntu.com/295509/16:01
fisukBoohbah, well yeah.. the problem is that i can't find any contact information from the site... well thanks anyway :)16:01
grawityjeroen_: find ~ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} + ; chmod 700 ~/.gconf ~/.gnome2 ~/.gnome2_private ~/.local ~/.config ~/.mozilla;16:02
connectionfailurlooks like I have an eth1 now16:02
joaopintograwity, what about .sshd ?16:02
raven_ok i'll try it this way16:02
joaopintoops. .ssh16:02
[John]someone can help mme or not16:02
connectionfailurstill have "device not managed"16:02
grawityjoaopinto: I doubt he has one.16:02
cordorhow to recovery lost+found?16:02
fisukanother question, how can i invoke phonon settings? i'm using gnome and i need to configure the multimedia backend for kaffeine16:02
joaopinto!anyone  | [John]16:03
ubottu[John]: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?16:03
jeroen_grawity, doesnt work16:03
kristofferganyone can explain why a "Brother HL 1430" printer is not discovered by ubuntu when it works on a slackware from 200116:03
[John]i have a problem .. i instal for first time Ubuntu .. and i don;t know what i do but i logoff or switch user and i got black screen .. and now i can't sign in back ony through recovery mode in the terminal.. anyone can help me?16:03
[John]i have a problem .. i instal for first time Ubuntu .. and i don;t know what i do but i logoff or switch user and i got black screen .. and now i can't sign in back ony through recovery mode in the terminal.. anyone can help me?16:03
FloodBot2[John]: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:03
grawityjeroen_: I don't accept "Doesn't work" as an answer unless you explain exactly what doesn't work - any error messages or what?16:03
joaopintokristofferg, we can't explain but you could search for a bug report or report it16:03
ubuntu_kristofferg, goto the brother website and download the deb package16:03
Artyjoaopinto No, I am using Ubuntu 8.1016:03
joaopintoArty, you mean 9.10 ?16:04
jeroen_grawity, -exec missing16:04
Artyjoapinto sorry for the delay in response, i had to look it up16:04
connectionfailurThe new "Network Connections" app doesnt make much sense to me16:04
Artyjoapinto no, I'm using Intrepid16:04
joaopintoah ok :|16:04
grawityjeroen_: find ~ -type d -exec chmod 755 {} \;16:04
Artyjoapinto Intrepid Ibex, it says16:04
UnixDawgConfiguring extensions checking whether to enable LIBXML support... yes checking libxml2 install dir... no checking for xml2-config path... configure: error: xml2-config not found. Please check your libxml2 installation.16:04
joaopinto!karmic | connectionfailur16:04
ubottuconnectionfailur: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:04
UnixDawgbut I have libxml2 installed16:04
HiTMANBoohbah: can you try complie it for me...16:04
joaopintoUnixDawg, you need the -dev package16:04
jeroen_grawity don't you need too tee sudo rights/16:05
grawityjeroen_: No, because _you_ own your homedir.16:05
jeroen_ah k16:05
jeroen_ok now it's running16:05
Artyjoapinto I downloaded a GDM theme, I can't find a way to select/change the theme in gdmsetup, or Login Window Preferences.16:06
aaron111Helo does anyone know how to configure my audio settings in Ekiga16:06
connectionfailurubottu: that could be good. everything else runs great except this old WaveLAN16:06
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:06
hey_joei just configured bind for local use, and i can ping all hosts from all clients, however i cant seem to ping the domain...16:06
jeroen_grawity can i also chmod 700 to .* ?16:06
jeroen_to get all those config files16:07
ArtyCan someone tell me where to go to change the login screen?16:07
=== qu is now known as ce_cri17
jeroen_grawity, instead of  chmod 700 ~/.gconf ~/.gnome2 ~/.gnome2_private ~/.local ~/.config ~/.mozilla;16:08
IdleOneArty: System>Administration>Login Window16:08
ArtyIdle0ne: I went there, but there's no options to change the theme or anything like that.16:08
jeroen_grawity, thanks anyways, pm if you still have some pointers16:09
ArtyIdle0ne: I even ran gdmsetup from the command prompt, but it's the same thing16:09
jeroen_I'm going to eat16:09
dassoukiwhat does this error mean ---> apt-get update16:09
dassoukiE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/apt/lists/lock - open (13 Permission denied)16:09
connectionfailurCan someone explain "Network Connections" Preference. Why do I need to provide SSID names?16:09
IdleOneArty: theme, go to System>Prefs>Appearance16:09
coffeeji have printer set to share and the client set to show shared printers, but its not showing up16:09
UnixDawgwhat the command for making php modules16:09
Ascavasaiondo you have to have a registered nick to ask Qs now?16:09
UnixDawgI just went blank16:09
IdleOneArty: not sure how to change the login window theme but see !eyecandy16:10
ArtyIdle0ne: the theme for the login screen, not gnome16:10
HiTMANHi i was wondering if someone here would know how to fix this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=47181116:10
Halitechdassouki, means you need to run the command as sudo16:10
coffeejhow do i find the ip address for the printer?16:11
IdleOneArty: I was right the first time. you should have a tab called Local in System>Administration>Login Window16:11
tredi have a quick question, can i get tightvnc server to show desktop 0 instead of desktop 1? i want it to show the same thing on client side that x11vnc shows16:11
=== punkyHat is now known as funkyHat
ArtyIdle0ne: I clicked that, but there was no option to change the theme16:12
ryguyhow would I add to /etc/apt/sources.list from bash?16:12
dassoukiHalitech: ahh i was running under postgres .. so it was asking me for the postgres rather than my usename's password16:12
connectionfailurOK so I have my waveLAN showing up as eth1... how to point it at a wireless network?16:12
UnixDawgwhats the command in php to make each module 1 by one ?16:12
grawityryguy: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list16:12
IdleOneArty: I know you can change it, just don't remember how in 8.1016:12
IdleOne!eyecandy | Arty16:13
ubottuArty: Find your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://themes.freshmeat.net/browse/58/ - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy16:13
IdleOne!it | michele16:13
ubottumichele: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)16:13
ryguygrawity: No, I mean add a specific repo to sources.list without opening an editor16:13
grawityryguy: sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list <<< "deb http://blah/ blah"16:13
grawityryguy: Or, echo "deb http://blah/ blah" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list16:14
Halitechryguy, I think echo <repo to add> >> /etc/apt/sources.list will work16:14
ryguyHalitech: ahh yes, thats the one i was looknig for16:14
connectionfailurIs there a way to see SSID names of networks without the networking menu?16:14
ryguythank you Halitech and grawity16:14
Halitechryguy, just make sure you have it in the proper format when you add it16:15
ArtyIdle0ne: I went to Login Window Preferences, and clicked on the local tab. Everything that is there is there, with the exception of the options to add/select themes. Why is that?16:16
ArtyIdle0ne: I remember it used to being there, but I changed something and now it isnt...16:16
IdleOneeasier to use nano then add ### my repos that will break system #### deb blah blah to sources.list some repos have funky names and hard to remember what they are for16:17
ArtyWhat is wrong with my login window?!?!16:17
IdleOneArty: I don't know16:17
NitrohaxIs there a project leader for #ubuntu?16:17
IdleOneArty: what did you change?>16:17
ArtyIdle0ne: I installed fluxbox and XFCE, that's all I did.16:17
IdleOneNitrohax: mark Shuttleworth16:17
shawn_How can I partition a hard drive thats not mounted from within Ubuntu server?16:17
tenko20xxhello, I have a question concerning the ubuntu netbook remix, is there another channel for that or should i present my question here?16:18
NitrohaxIdleOne> And getting a priject cloak from hi mprob not goign to be easy16:18
IdleOneArty: try #xubuntu maybe16:18
Halitechshawn_, fdisk should do it16:18
IdleOne!cloak | Nitrohax16:18
ubottuNitrohax: Many Ubuntu IRC channels prohibit access from !proxies such as TOR due to a high level of abuse. You can however obtain a hostmask cloak: see http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks16:18
connectionfailurIll have to come back. thanks all that advised16:19
shawn_Halitech whats that?16:19
thomasmCan anybody help me with a shell script ?16:19
IdleOneNitrohax: you mean a ubuntu cloak?16:19
Halitechshawn_, command line disk partitioning tool16:19
NitrohaxYeah ubuntu project cloak16:19
IdleOneNitrohax: like member/ubuntu/nitrohax? see !member16:19
thomasmI'm trying to run a command with spaces from inside a variable. This is what I'm trying to do http://pastie.org/65869616:20
claudegreetings - using karmic beta from a usb stick - what do i need to install/run to be able to log into a text console? (i need to install the nvidia beta driver)16:20
Nitrohax!memeber > nitrohax16:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about memeber16:20
UnixDawghow do I make all the modules into .deb ? is there a script to split them up ?16:20
UnixDawgfor php516:20
Nitrohax!member > >nitrohax16:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about member >16:20
IdleOne!member > Nitrohax16:20
ubottuNitrohax, please see my private message16:20
Nitrohaxsee how it is. LOL. brb16:20
llutzthomasm: try single quotes, ex=' gnome-terminal --tab -e \"ssh -l username ip-address\" --title=\"title\" '16:21
AscavasaionCan you not use a wireless router as a network gateway?  HOw do I do that without logging into the thing with a password?  I just want to use the wireless connection for a gateway.16:21
shawn_halitech: sudo apt-get install fdisk?16:22
Halitechshawn_, it should be installed by default16:22
shawn_Halitech how do you run it?16:22
Halitechshawn_, its been ages since I've used it in the command line, maybe look at cfdisk instead .. man cfdisk16:23
hsarcii accidentally remove my battery monitor from the top panel in gnome and i cant find it in the list to add it back to the panel....any ideas?16:24
NitrohaxHalitech> are you trying to partition?16:24
llutzAscavasaion: no queries please16:25
HalitechNitrohax, no, shawn_  is16:25
n8tuserAscavasaion-> it can be used as a gateway16:25
ArtyIdle0ne: I figured it out, it's because I had the "Plain with face browser" style selected, not the "Themed"16:25
Nitrohaxdon't use fdisk, use gparted it's easier to see it with grpahic16:25
Nitrohaxwhat format are you trying to format too?16:25
=== scboxmeer is now known as broodje
shawn_Nitrohax ext2 for a DATA drive16:25
HalitechNitrohax, he's on a server so assuming no gui to see16:25
Ascavasaionn8tuser, do you not need an IP to use it as a gateway?16:26
Nitrohaxyeah fdisk would be easier. not hard might take a couple times16:26
n8tuserAscavasaion-> off course you do16:26
bobbyd_I'm trying to install a 32bit rpm on Jaunty using alien, but I can't work out how to force it to ignore the architecture, any ideas?16:26
=== broodje is now known as pizzabroodje
bobbyd_on Jaunty 64 even :)16:26
Halitechbobbyd_, what are you trying to install?16:26
pizzabroodjemy name is pizzabroodje16:26
Ascavasaionn8tuser, and how do you ascertain the IP of the router?16:27
jribbobbyd_: what are you installing?  You've just finished listing a bunch of ugly hacks16:27
Nitrohaxhsarci> how did you remove the battery icon?16:27
bobbyd_Halitech: Lacie 4L lightscribe burning software16:27
n8tuserAscavasaion-> whose router? the one infront of you?16:27
hsarcii rightclick and press remove16:27
hsarcion accident16:27
voxbobbyd_: you're trying to install a 32-bit package on a 64bit operating system?16:27
IdleOneusing alien16:27
thomasmllutz: This is the error now : Failed to parse arguments: Unknown option -l16:27
hsarciNitrohax, i go back to "add to panel" but its not there to choose16:27
bobbyd_jrib: yep, there doesn't seem to be a 64biit version of it16:27
bobbyd_vox: yes, it should work, but I can't get it to convert16:28
voxbobbyd_: er. it's not going to work.16:28
Nitrohaxhsarci> it's there, it's listed as battery charge monitor. do you haeva  fully charged battery?16:28
voxbobbyd_: you have two choices. a: setup a 32bit chroot, or b: sit in the corner and cry16:28
bobbyd_vox:I just installed the basic text-based 32bit version by forcing it and that works. AMD64 chips can run 32bit code16:28
bobbyd_vox: I'll just convert it on my 32bit machine16:29
bobbyd_vox: :)16:29
n8tuserAscavasaion-> any host can become a router, thats why i asked which one ?16:29
tenko20xxi'm using ubuntu netbook remix on an eeepc and cannot install the eeepc-acpi-scripts because it depends on a package that is not available16:29
grawitybobbyd_: ia32-libs16:29
Ascavasaionn8tuser, No, it is in another building.16:29
voxbobbyd_: i'm aware of that. but your o/s is expecting a 64bit program16:29
Nitrohaxhsarci> make sure that you also have it checked on under the power management options menu16:29
aaron111Helo does anyone know how to configure my audio settings in Ekiga16:30
llutzthomasm: tried single quotes without escaping (\")?16:30
hsarciNitrohax, my battery is not fully chraged16:30
voxbobbyd_: the fact the cpu handles 32bit is essentially irrelevent here16:30
bobbyd_vox: right, so if I can convert the rpm to a 32bit package, then i can force it after that16:30
grawityvox: A sane 64-bit OS, be it Windows or Linux or Mac OS X, can run 32-bit binaries provided the required libraries are installed.16:30
bobbyd_vox: so I'll use my netbook :D16:30
grawityvox: In Debian Linux, that would be the ia32-libs package.16:30
Nitrohaxok, did you find it to add to the panel yet?16:30
eaxHi there, where's MySQL (the database files) stored? I need a copy of it very very quick16:30
=== eax is now known as Guest22553
Wutwutprobably one of the easier questions --> I've got so many icons on my desktop that the icons won't be displayed on my desktop. (Ubuntu 9.04) .. lol. I just want to put some of them in a folder. Ideas?16:30
Wutwutjust looks empty16:30
shawn_Nitrohax I used fdisk and created a partition but it didnt ask what type of file system I wanted for it16:30
hsarciNitrohax, also, ive checked under power management and i have seleceted "always display icon"16:30
bobbyd_eam: you want to back it up?16:31
voxok, i'll shut up16:31
=== Guest22553 is now known as eaxexe
eaxexeHi there, where's MySQL (the database files) stored? I need a copy of it very very quick16:31
bobbyd_eam: if so, if mysql is running, use mysqldump: http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/backup-methods.html16:31
Nitrohaxshawn_>that should be the second step on picking the code that correspondes to the format.16:31
grawityeaxexe: mysqldump.16:32
thomasm+ ex='/usr/bin/gnome-terminal --tab -e "ssh -l root" --title=title'16:32
n8tuserAscavasaion-> what are you after?16:32
thomasm+ /usr/bin/gnome-terminal --tab -e '"ssh' -l root '"' --title=title16:32
thomasmFailed to parse arguments: Argument to "--command/-e" is not a valid command: Text ended before matching quote was found for ". (The text was '"ssh')16:32
Nitrohaxhsarci> did you look back ad right click>add to panel> battery charge monitor?16:32
thomasmThis is the what I get with bash -x argument16:32
FloodBot2thomasm: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.16:32
eaxexegrawity: Is that a program or a function?16:32
xray7224hey ccfontes16:32
hsarciNitrohax, yes i did that 10 minutes ago after i checked power manager before i even came in here and asked....if it was easy to figure out i wouldnt have asked16:32
ccfonteshi xray722416:33
grawityeaxexe: A program.16:33
hsarciNitrohax, im gonna restart as soon as im done with my current apt-get16:33
shawn_nitrohax The start and end cyllinders?16:33
Ascavasaionn8tuser, I am accessing the router via wired connection now... and I would like to use the wireless connection rather.16:33
ccfonteshow can I only view tasks in taskbar from the current workspace?16:33
Nitrohaxshawn_> depends on how many cylinders you have on the drive.16:33
shawn_Nitrohax well what do I do to make it ext2?16:34
n8tuserAscavasaion-> tell me more about the network layout, a drawing will tell a thousand words.. which is which?16:34
Nitrohaxi belive you can also in put *Gb where *=number of gigs16:34
PadhuIOK application is available in ubuntu 8.1016:34
Nitrohaxone sec, let me run thru it on a old hd, and i'll walk you thru, been a bit on that16:34
thomasmllutz: i've updated the pastie16:34
thomasmits the same error16:34
hsarciNitrohax, its called "noitification area...but thanks16:35
Nitrohaxhsarci> well i have done it three timeo n my computer removed it and put it back on there.16:35
UnixDawgis there a easy way to gen deb ogf the module I need ?16:35
UnixDawgfor use on other systems16:35
Nitrohaxoh so you mean you tok out the whole, volume and everything else. NP16:35
llutzthomasm:  ex=' gnome-terminal --tab -e "ssh username@ip-address" --title="title" '16:35
Ascavasaionn8tuser, I access network through a wingate machine that has a router attached to it.  I would like to access the router using my notebook's wireless NIC instead of the cable.16:35
shawn_Nitrohax The HDD is completely wiped I just want to set up an EXT2 filesystem mounted to /DATA for the whole disk16:36
n8tuserAscavasaion-> tell me more about the network layout, a drawing will tell a thousand words.. <-- do this, its easier to discuss drawings16:36
=== flyfly1 is now known as flyfly
wschfdisk can see my partitions but gparted cannot16:36
Nitrohaxmkfs.ext2 /dev/drive16:36
wschhow cann i fix this?16:36
Nitrohaxlet me double check that16:36
thomas__003 xdcc send #5516:36
wschit are NTFS partitions made by windows 716:36
Ascavasaionn8tuser, A drawing?16:36
n8tuserAscavasaion-> yes16:37
grawitythomas__: We have no XDCC bots here.16:37
n8tuserAscavasaion-> draw boxes dont need to be so fancy16:37
Ascavasaionn8tuser, Where?16:37
ccfontesoh, I found my answer. thanks anyway people16:37
n8tuserAscavasaion-> use the tools you may have to draw, i dont know what you've got.. be creative16:38
Nitrohaxshawn_> yeah that worked for me16:38
Ascavasaionn8tuser, You are pulling my leg hey?  heehe16:38
AshvalaHey ppl!16:38
Ashvalajust a little16:38
Nitrohax$mkfs.ext2 /dev/M<yourdrive>16:38
n8tuserAscavasaion-> nope, it will help discussing issues easier16:38
mmm3396Hi! Help me. I have installed samba-doc. Where and how I can view this doc? I'm novice... And I have very poor English. :)16:38
Ashvalacant use sound on games, whereas I can use it elsewhere16:38
obiwan_hi, just a quick question, how can i rearrange the windows in irssi? for example, i got ubuntu related channels in window 1 and 10. I want put them together, so i'll take 10th w to 2nd one, how can i do that?16:38
Ascavasaionn8tuser, What is there to draw... my computer and a router.16:38
n8tuserAscavasaion-> if you refuse, then i can mis-interpret what you have, and give you wrong advise16:39
Nitrohaxwsch> do you have them mounted thru ubuntu?16:39
voxobiwan_: /win move <number>16:39
thomasmllutz: its the same error. But if I run it in console it works but not inside the bash script16:40
shawn_Nitrohax now how do I mount it?16:40
obiwan_hanxxx vox !!!16:40
=== ring1 is now known as ring0
Nitrohaxshawn $mount /dev/<yourdrive>16:40
voxobiwan_: no probs16:41
n8tuserNitrohax-> missing info one needs the mountpoint too16:41
Nitrohaxyour right16:41
Nitrohaxso i can be stupid sometimes16:41
Nitrohaxshawn_> you have to make a mount point first16:44
Nitrohaxhttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingANewHardDrive go to mount the drive section and it's all listed for you16:44
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
Ashvalabuzz, help please! cant use sound on games, can use elsewhere! please help!16:46
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
NitrohaxAshvala> games thru wine?16:47
Nitrohaxshawn_> did that help you?16:47
Ashvalanitrohax: Nope, not atall, Cant use it anywhere, like on Frets on fire for eg.16:47
shawn_Nitrohax well its mounted but my permission is denied to write files to it16:48
Nitrohaxshawn_>   sudo chown -R USERNAME:USERNAME /media/mynewdrive username is your username16:48
NitrohaxAshvala> but it works everywhere else/16:49
AshvalaNitrohax> That is correct. I can play music, and listen to yt16:49
shawn_Nitrohax tried that already16:49
Nitrohaxshawn_> hmm..16:50
=== john is now known as Guest78041
Nitrohaxthat should work.16:51
thomas__001 xdcc send #216:51
Sajjadhi i have a question about installing xp after ubuntu. anybody can help me?16:51
NitrohaxAshvala> did you go into the volume properties and make sure all the slides are turned up?16:52
AshvalaNitrohax> I am listening to metallica atm,  :)16:52
Ashvalanitrohax> So, they will be up!16:52
AscavasaionAshvala, As long as it is not Death Magnetic... yuck!16:52
AshvalaAscavasaion> I am listening to Master Of Puppets. :)16:53
NitrohaxAshvala> not all of them maybe up. certain ones controll certain things sometimes. might want to check before going to more advanced command lines first16:53
AshvalaNitrohax> aumix user here :)16:53
AshvalaNitrohax> I am on xubuntu16:54
AscavasaionAshvala, Good!  now that is music!16:54
joaopinto!est | usuario_16:55
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about est16:55
joaopinto!es | usuario_16:55
ubottuusuario_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.16:55
NitrohaxAshvala> sorry i'm not the good with KDE yet16:55
NitrohaxAshvala> and xfce either.16:55
AshvalaNitrohax> psst. aumix is commandline. :)16:55
grawityusuario_: Turn off CapsLock, okay?16:56
NitrohaxAshvala> psst.. not that good at aumix either16:56
pshr_when ever i start up it asks me to enter password for default key ring the application <> wants to access how to get rid of this16:56
claudei'm using karmic beta from a usb stick - what do i need to install/run to be able to log into a text console? (i need to install the nvidia beta driver)16:56
grawitypshr_: Remove the password from that keyring?16:57
AshvalaNitrohax> Gl, start learning :D16:57
pshr_grawity, how ?16:57
voxclaude: just press ctrl-alt-F116:57
erUSUL!karmic | claude16:57
ubottuclaude: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+116:57
grawitypshr_: 'seahorse' (Accessories -> Passwords)16:57
grawitypshr_: Look in the "Passwords" tab, where all keyrings are listed.16:58
tehbauthow do I profile the system to get my TV card details and such?16:58
NitrohaxAshvala> oh don't worry i'm sure i'll be good at it very soon16:58
pshr_Aye.. grawity done..^_^16:58
erUSULtehbaut: lspci or lshw16:59
tehbautok, thanks16:59
Sam18anyone using luks to crypt his /home dir? on bootup i get asked for my passphrase, i enter it and then _it gets printed to the console log_, which is visible before gdm (jaunty) or xsplash (karmic-beta) starts!!! when i switch to tty8 while on the desktop, the passphrase still resides there... is anyone else experiencing this problem? i faced it on my jaunty-desktop and my karmic-beta netbook -.-17:00
microcaiIs there any one who ever tried Brain F* Scheduler ?17:00
TheexpertsCan I register a channel on an IRC network?17:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about podcasts17:01
erUSULTheexperts: ask in #freenode17:01
pshr_Good player for playing podcasts behind the proxy ?17:01
aj_444I'm trying to install Gimpshop but when I hit install in the package manager I get an error message. help?17:01
TheexpertsCan I register my nick on an IRC network?17:02
erUSUL!register | Theexperts17:02
ubottuTheexperts: Information about registering your nickname: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname . Registration help available in #freenode17:02
Theexpertsok tq17:03
thomasmI'm trying to install thunderbird in ubuntu 8 I'm getting the error libstdc++so.5 not found17:03
pshr_I guess itunes aint still available for *nix17:04
erUSULthomasm: using synaptic does not work ?17:04
pshr_I need a good podcast player :( which can support video playback17:04
erUSULthomasm: or « sudo aptitude install thunderbird »17:04
erUSULpshr_: banshee ?17:04
thomasmI dont have root access. i'm trying it in my office. i'm not used to evolution.17:05
pshr_erUSUL, does it have any problems for proxy etcetera ?17:05
thomasmerUSUL: I'm using the tar.gz17:05
erUSULpshr_: dunno; i use it from home. just install and try if it does not fit you remove17:06
* pshr_ :)17:06
erUSULthomasm: if you do not have  admin privs you can not install the libs either so you are somehow sc**ed17:06
thomasm:). I'll contact my sysadmin then17:07
erUSULthomasm: maybe the portable version (i do not know if there is portable TB for linux though )17:07
pshr_thomasm, guess your office is using proxy tried it ?17:08
coffeeji need help setting up a network printer17:08
axisyshow do I make the multi-finger click on touchpad work ?17:09
axisysthis is my new laptop hp 6730b17:09
claudeerUSUL: thanks for the tip ; vox: i had tried that, but thanks too!  off for dinner...17:09
coffeeji have the host computer set up to share and the client set to search for shared printers, but it still doesn't show up17:09
UnixDawgI need the proper way on deb to make these modules17:10
UnixDawgphp5-xml php5-json php5-xmlwriter php5-xmlreader php5-posix php5-iconv php5-hash php5-simplexml php5-pcre php5-filter php5-dom php5-session php5-spl17:10
UnixDawgreally they are php-extensions17:11
jorgerosahello all17:11
thomasmI'm going to contact my sysadmin. Thanks everyone.17:11
UnixDawgbut if I make them from src it instaklls them in /usr/local and thats not where deb wants them17:11
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Dr_Willisthomasm:  take him out to lunch.17:11
UnixDawgi need these php extensions17:11
Dr_WillisUnixDawg:  you could tell the source to install somewhre else then /usr/local. or link To them from where  'deb' wants them.17:12
jribUnixDawg: there's a standard way to build those on debian/ubuntu.   I recall doing it though I don't remember how.  Should be easy to find17:13
DanFoxDaviesIs there anybody here who can help me with Wine?17:13
=== monumental is now known as lukjad007
wschgparted cannot see my NTFS partitions created by windows 7, i also tried the latest stable and testing gparted liveCDs, no luck, however fdisk -l outputs this: http://pastebin.com/m63d930b317:14
wschso how do i install ubuntu?17:14
bassoI can try DanFoxDavies :317:14
IdleOneDanFoxDavies: #winehq is a beter place to ask17:14
DanFoxDaviesCheers. I need to get Lego Digital Designer 3.0.9 working in Wine ASAP...17:14
joaopinto!wine | DanFoxDavies17:14
ubottuDanFoxDavies: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu17:14
ArtyHey, is it a good idea to upgrade to the new distribution?17:14
obiwan_ 17:14
joaopinto!karmic | Arty17:15
ubottuArty: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:15
jribArty: depends what you mean by "new distribution"17:15
ArtyI'm still using 8.10, but should I upgrade to 9.04?17:15
ArtyOr is upgrading a complicated process that I shouldn't think about?17:15
IdleOneArty: if you want to. but if your happy with 8.10 stick with it17:15
ArtyI don't want to mess anything up17:15
IdleOne!upgrade > Arty17:15
ubottuArty, please see my private message17:15
wschArty: it may mess stuff up17:15
wschit messed stuff up before for me17:15
wschso take backups17:15
skyn3tQuestion : what the best virtual machine for ubuntu?17:16
wschskyn3t: what do you mean?17:16
jribUnixDawg: aren't alot of those packages in the repositories?17:16
DarkMasterHaloskyn3t: Try out VirtualBox17:17
DanFoxDavies*wanders off to #winehq*17:17
wschskyn3t: you mean for running other OSes under ubuntu or to run ubuntu under windows or something else17:17
stillbourneI can't seem to get grub2 to boot windows. I placed the entry into 40_custom but now it doesn't display a menu at all it boots straight to kernel.17:17
IdleOne!hi | anao17:17
ubottuanao: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!17:17
skyn3twsch : ubuntu under windows17:17
anaodo anyone knows to install xserver-xorg without hal and consolekit at jaunty17:18
skyn3tVMware take too much space and always give me hard time17:18
wschskyn3t: virtualbox is ok, but vmware server is also free and ok, i would go for virtualbox17:18
DarkMasterHaloskyn3t: You can use VirtualBox.  I find VirtualBox way better than VMware server :P17:18
Dr_Willisstillbourne:  check  /etc/default/grub    for a line like --> #GRUB_HIDDEN_TIMEOUT=017:18
Dr_Willisstillbourne:  that will Unhide the grub menu17:18
anaovmware-server is very slow17:18
wschthey both work fine but i also prefer virtualbox17:18
skyn3tDarkMasterHalo : thats i want to hear17:18
Dr_Willisstillbourne:  dont forget to rerun update-grub after changing grub vconfigs17:19
DarkMasterHaloskyn3t: +, It is user friendly :)17:19
anaoat bridged mode network host17:19
tehbautskyn3t: how does it give you a hard time?17:19
skyn3tlithgt and faster right17:19
stillbournety Dr_Willis17:19
wschtehbaut: getting it cracked probably :p17:19
=== lukjad007 is now known as monstermash
wschfor some reason lots of people frefer vmware workstation (because its not free i guess)17:19
DarkMasterHaloskyn3t: It is about 60MB installed.17:19
tehbautoh, but vmware server is free17:19
anaoi did setup vmware-server on a phenom-x4-940 server and it was very slow17:19
tehbautanyway I'm going to attempt to try running osx on virtualbox17:20
wschtehbaut: most people still prefer the non free workstation simply because its not free17:20
wschi mean free as in free beer btw lol17:20
tehbautheh, of course17:20
skyn3ttehbaut : VMware tools every update i have to re-install that crap17:20
skyn3tDarkMasterHalo : thats good for light and faster virtualmachine17:20
cornwallHi, has anyone ever gotten their NVidia drivers to not tear with Compiz?17:20
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code17:20
cornwallI have vsync enabled for everything and it still tears17:20
cornwallit's not bad, but it's annoying17:21
DarkMasterHaloskyn3t: Well, I'm running Ubuntu and Windows 7 here on my Fedora box :P17:21
natnatnathi I have this http://paste.ubuntu.com/295538/ problem. Does anyone know how to solve the dependencies. I tried sudo apt-get -f install but it returned an error.,.,17:21
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »17:21
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skyn3tDarkMasterHalo : im on w7 and ubuntu with Virtualbox i just finished the installation17:22
Halitechnatnatnat, how are you trying to install and what version of OO and what version of Ubuntu?17:22
marko-_-why are there no infos in xorg.conf?17:22
dayoi'm trying to install torque and i get this error: http://pastebin.com/m15f93b57  can someone pleas help?17:22
=== monstermash is now known as monztermash
skyn3tdamn VMware crash again17:22
natnatnatHalitech: Jaunty17:22
Halitechmarko-_-, because everything gets automagically configured17:23
Halitechnatnatnat, what version of OpenOffice?17:23
marko-_-yes but what if i want to configure it manualy Halitech ?17:23
marko-_-like the resolution17:23
UnixDawgis there not a repo with these php extensiobns ?17:23
UnixDawgphp5-xml php5-json php5-xmlwriter php5-xmlreader php5-posix php5-iconv php5-hash php5-simplexml php5-pcre php5-filter php5-dom php5-session php5-spl17:23
jribUnixDawg: did you read what I told you last?17:23
IdleOne!search php5-xml17:23
UnixDawgthey keep me from my project17:23
natnatnatHalitech: OO 3.017:23
Halitechmarko-_-, then edit /etc/X11/xorg with the editor of your choice and add what you need17:23
cornwallWho here is using nvidia restricted?17:23
marko-_-Halitech, no i can't because it's all fucked up and changed17:24
Halitechnatnatnat, did you download the tarball from OO17:24
marko-_-it's all different17:24
marko-_-than it was, do you understand me?17:24
natnatnatno I didnt download anything17:24
anaodo anyone knows the Bug-Solution of consolekit ?? multiple instances up to 70 sleeping17:24
Halitechmarko-_-, dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg might reset it17:24
marko-_-i don't have a problem with it, everything's working fine17:24
skyn3tDarkMasterHalo : are u able to use Virtual Effects on ubuntu with VirtualBox17:24
marko-_-just wondering if i wanna do it manually17:24
marko-_-where do i do it17:24
marko-_-because this sucks17:24
FloodBot2marko-_-: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:24
DarkMasterHaloskyn3t: Hmmm, no but you may be able to do so on Windows.17:25
natnatnatHalitech: I just want to sort out the dependencies so that my update manager and apt-get would work again..17:25
Halitechmarko-_-, then use gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf17:25
marko-_-you still don't get it17:25
natnatnatBecause it doesnt work now. because of the unsatisfied dependencies17:25
DarkMasterHaloskyn3t: I don't know if they implemented OpenGL support for Linux host yet17:25
Halitechnatnatnat, you need all the parts of open office17:26
natnatnathow do I install it?17:26
marko-_-Halitech, http://pastebin.com/m2d82bf14 if i wanted to change here now the language or resolution, how do i do that since there are practicaly no sections17:26
quockhanh@find book17:26
Halitechmarko-_-, you manually add them and hope xorg actualy uses it17:26
skyn3tDarkMasterHalo : oh ok , thanks for the heads up17:27
skyn3tDarkMasterHalo : i nmeed to learn how to use ubuntu very well17:27
marko-_-whatever, you don't get it, in the old xorg.conf you had sections so you just changed the numbers didn't had to add anything, in this xorg i need to add sections and all17:27
Dr_WillisProgress... :)   people get mad no matter what happens.17:27
Padhuopenoffice 3.0 from oo website works properly17:27
marko-_-Dr_Willis, are you reffering to me?17:28
natnatnatwhy didnt sudo apt-get -f install work? it said: http://paste.ubuntu.com/295541/17:28
Dr_Willismarko-_-:  if you have an old xorg.conf from that box saved you could use it.17:28
Dr_Willismarko-_-:  i had to do that on 9.10 to tweak a few things17:28
marko-_-i'm just wondering17:28
marko-_-why is that17:28
marko-_-i have no problems17:28
PadhuUbuntu Package also fine.17:28
marko-_-and i know i sound like a spoiled kid but wasn't it better the way it was?17:28
DarkMasterHaloskyn3t: Well, Ubuntu Developper focus on a user friendly distribution with as little command line as possible.  So, it is not that hard, once you will learn how it works, every other distro are almost the same17:28
Dr_WillisPeople ahve been complaining for years that xorg.conf is too complex and buggy and needs tobe automated.. now on several of my box's i dont enve need an xorg.conf17:28
Dr_Willismarko-_-:  no it was not better the way it was.17:29
skyn3ttehbaut : check this out , this is one of those problem i have with VMware http://i35.tinypic.com/2ez372c.jpg17:29
marko-_-well Dr_Willis thanks for the help17:29
Dr_Willishaving to alter xorg.conf to add/change somtning because i added a wacom tablet  was definatly NOT better.17:29
skyn3tgot remove that crap now :)17:29
UnixDawgany devs willing to help me with the ext  i need17:29
UnixDawgor is it going to be a waste of time ?17:29
tehbautskyn3t: frozen, or?17:29
marko-_-listen Dr_Willis it's cool that it does everything automatic, of course it is, but i thought that if you wanted to do stuff manually when something breaks17:29
epplehow to run Gallery Remote ?17:29
marko-_-how can't you get it17:29
marko-_-i think i sound very reasonable17:30
Dr_Willismarko-_-:  then theres the hal/fdi files you change  but thats slowly changeing.17:30
skxI am installing ubuntu from alternate cd and have just configured lvm but I am unhappy with it and would like to get rid of it, how do I do it from the partitioner in the installator?17:30
skyn3ttehbaut : yes , and sometimes i need to restart like 2 o 3 times17:30
epplei installed Gallery remote, but how can i run it now, where resides?17:30
marko-_-ok Dr_Willis thanks17:30
skxCurrently it says lvm is in use so no changes can de done17:30
poseidonI was looking online.  Apparently Firefox runs faster in windows than linux?  Why is this?17:30
Dr_Willismarko-_-:  9.10 is doing some changes in that area.  theres lots more changes on the horizion for X to come I imagine.17:30
marko-_-yea i have 9.1017:31
jorviscan anyone who has flash working in firefox under 9.04 tell me if they can see the extjs chart on this page? http://www.extjs.com/deploy/dev/examples/chart/stacked-bar-chart.html17:31
bazhangmarko-_-, you are using karmic?17:31
Ranakahsupport for 9.10 #ubuntu+117:31
marko-_-i'm not asking for support Ranakah did you even saw what i asked?17:31
UnixDawganyone ?17:31
erUSULjorvis: me17:31
Dr_Willison 9.10 i had to copy my old xorg.conf over so the nvidia-settings tool could proplery 'tweak' it..  thats going to be an issue when its released.17:31
UnixDawgis there a ubuntu-server channel17:32
bazhangmarko-_-, seems you are asking for support on xorg with karmic ; #ubuntu+1 for that17:32
skyn3tDarkMasterHalo : how is your Display drive on ubuntu ( VirtualBox ) do u have proper drive on it ?17:32
erUSULjorvis: but is a javascript example not flash17:32
marko-_-bazhang, no i'm not asking for any support17:32
marko-_-read my lines17:32
jorviserUSUL - oh, I thought it was rendering via flash17:32
bazhangmarko-_-, then chat in #ubuntu-offtopic17:32
mnainesUnixDawg: Type /join #ubuntu-server17:32
jorvisI can't figure out why it doesn't work for me17:32
erUSULjorvis: i tried with ff3.5 maybe in 3..0.x does not work well17:32
DarkMasterHaloYes, You have to install the Virtualbox tools.  You will get mouse integration, display driver, dynamic window resize and several things there17:33
jorviserUSUL - are you sure it's not a flash render?  if you right click on it the menu says 'Playing' and 'Enable Audio'17:33
marko-_-bazhang, it's a question that doesn't have to do with versions17:33
vakhi all17:33
bazhangmarko-_-, its not support then it does not belong here.17:33
iarphow long does it usually take ubuntus source package servers to pickup on new program releases17:34
vakwhat was the channel name for the ubuntu karmic?17:34
erUSULjorvis: it does not appear to be17:34
bazhangvak, #ubuntu+117:34
Jagwire#ubuntu+1, vak17:34
vakthx guys!17:34
tehbautskyn3t: just be thankful you don't have to mess with setting up a hac'17:34
DanFoxDavies#winehq has 174 people in it, most of whom are silent and the few that are talking are ignoring me too :(17:34
erUSULjorvis: and it is a site devoted to JS so it makes no sense to use flash17:34
IdleOneDanFoxDavies: they may not know the answer.17:35
IdleOnebe patient17:35
DanFoxDaviesThey could at least say something.17:35
skyn3ttehbaut : let's see how VirtualBox works for me stead VMware17:35
Dr_WillisDanFoxDavies:   the way people act on irc.. makes that  unlikely17:35
jribDr_Willis: on irc, that's not how it works.  It doesn't really make sense for 178 people to say "I don't know"17:36
IdleOneDanFoxDavies: would you rather have 175 people say they don't know or 1 person who knows and helps you?17:36
DanFoxDaviesIdleOne: fair poijnt.17:36
nubuntui can ping other boxes on my network, but cannot see shared printers or folders.  what should i dop?17:36
DanFoxDaviesStupid keyboard17:36
erUSUL!samba | nubuntu17:36
ubottunubuntu: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.17:36
Dr_Willisjrib:   Yep..and if someone makes a comment.. then the 'asker' jumps on  the commentator..   like a  leach wanting more and more answers.. :) even when the origianl answer was 'i dont know'17:37
nubuntuerusl: both are ubuntu17:37
jorviserUSUL - it is rendered via flash.  If you right click the image and go to 'About' it says 'Swfdec 0.8.2 - Play Flash content in your browser'17:37
nubuntudo i still need samba17:37
ranjithkhi all.. when is Karmic Koala going to be released?>17:37
jrib!karmic | ranjithk17:37
ubotturanjithk: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+117:37
voxranjithk: two weeks17:37
IdleOneOct 29, but now that you asked it has been moved back a week17:37
skyn3tDarkMasterHalo : check this out maybe u can give me some advice about Nvidia drivers on VTbox http://i37.tinypic.com/314qlqd.jpg17:38
iarphow long does it usually take ubuntus source package servers to pickup on new program releases17:38
erUSULjorvis: well i can not right click on it. nothing pops up17:38
=== monztermash is now known as lukjad007
ranjithk@ubottu, @IdleOne: Thanks, one doubt: "In 9.04 there was a compatibility issue of ubuntu with  Intel chipset, any idea about Karmic Koala? Is it resolved?"17:39
Dr_Willisiarp:  if you mean for example for  9.04 to have its xchat updated from 5.6 to 5.9   normally it dosent. ubuntu dosent do constant updated except in special cases17:39
Dr_Willis!release | iarp17:39
ubottuiarp: Ubuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases17:39
bazhangranjithk, karmic discussion in #ubuntu+117:39
Dr_Willisiarp:  theres backports and the ppa repos for  unofficial updates of pckages if you need somting specific17:39
DarkMasterHaloskyn3t: Did you try the command nvidia-xconfig ?17:39
IdleOneranjithk: I think some of the issues have been resolved. look at the release notes, might have some info. #ubuntu+1 for more support17:40
skyn3tDarkMasterHalo : no17:40
DarkMasterHaloskyn3t: Try running it as root and see what it does.  Were you running this VM in Vmware before ?17:40
skyn3tDarkMasterHalo : im on VirtualBox now :)17:41
iarpthe program update was released this morning, i tried just downloading it and following the installations ./configure, make, make install but i always get long lists of errors on make install17:41
tehbautis there a list/search for apt-get?17:41
erUSULtehbaut: apt-cache search17:41
bazhangtehbaut, apt-cache search package/term17:41
IdleOnetehbaut: apt-cache search17:41
DarkMasterHaloskyn3t: Ok, but you ran this VirtualMachine with VMware before, that maybe be why, I would try the command nvidia-xconfig as root and see.  Otherwise, I would just uninstall the nvidia driver and install Virtualbox tools17:42
Dr_Willisiarp:  you have to install all the various dependencies for the program to recompile it.17:42
Dr_Willis!compile | iarp17:42
ubottuiarp: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)17:42
tehbautok, I'm trying to run virtualbox, but I'm being told to run '/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'17:42
tehbautdoesn't work though17:42
tehbautno such file/dir17:42
UnixDawgthis is becoming a pain that someone has not made all the exten for php5 in deb pkgs17:42
Dr_Willisiarp:  depending on the program there may be a 'ppa' repository with updated versions17:43
tehbautany tips?17:43
Dr_Willis!ppa | iarp17:43
ubottuiarp: With Launchpad's Personal Package Archives (PPA), you can build and publish binary Ubuntu packages for multiple architectures simply by uploading an Ubuntu source package to Launchpad. See https://help.launchpad.net/PPAQuickStart.17:43
jribtehbaut: pastebin what you ran and the actual ouput17:43
UnixDawgand no one seems to know how to help me do it correctly with src17:43
DarkMasterHalotehbaut: Did you run it with as root (sudo) ?17:43
iarpDr_Willis: i'll look over that ty17:43
nubuntudo i still need samba to network folders across 2 linux boxes?17:43
Dr_Willisnubuntu:  you could use nfs or sshfs/ssh17:44
Dr_Willisnubuntu:  or samba.. or all 317:44
DarkMasterHalonubuntu: You can use NFS shares.17:44
tehbautDarkMasterHalo: virtualbox? no, I ran it from the menu: Applications > Accessories > VirtualBox17:44
Ozzyanyone know why the brightness on my monitor doesn't work?17:44
DarkMasterHalotehbaut: Ok, try running the command sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup and see what it does17:44
jribUnixDawg: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/php5/+bug/9360317:44
jribUnixDawg: and I've been trying to help you, but you ignored the last 2 things I told you so far17:45
tehbautDarkMasterHalo: that's what I did run, and it says 'no such file or directory'17:45
DarkMasterHalotehbaut: hmm, Have you tried reinstalling VirtualBox, maybe the file was removed by mistake ?17:46
jorvishow do you get firefox to use the official adobe-flashplugin for encoding instead of swfdec-mozilla?  I have both installed17:46
tehbautDarkMasterHalo: if I run 'virtualbox' from the terminal, it says 'The character device /dev/vboxdrv does not exist'17:46
tehbautand I just installed it today17:46
tehbauteven setup two machines... but now I want to run one of them17:47
DarkMasterHalotehbaut: Ok, try reinstalling it, maybe the package was kind of corrupted17:47
tehbautthat happens?17:47
DarkMasterHalotehbaut: Well, it is possible17:47
IdleOne!flash | jorvis17:47
ubottujorvis: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash17:47
jorvisIdleOne - thanks, when I click that it tells me that it's already installed17:48
tehbautDarkMasterHalo: I installed it from Add/Remove Programs17:48
jorvisIdleOne, but when I right click a video it tells me that swfdec 0.8.2 is being used17:48
DarkMasterHalotehbaut: Have you tried reinstalling it ?17:48
jribjorvis: just remove the package for swfdec...17:48
IdleOnejorvis: I don't remember the command to reconfigure java. jrib probably remembers it17:48
jorvisIdleOne - why java?17:49
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jorvisjrib - removing17:49
IdleOneerrrr sorry nevermind jorvis was thinking of java17:49
jribIdleOne: oh you're right, for flash you can just use sudo update-alternatives *something-with-flash*here*  (jorvis)17:49
tehbautDarkMasterHalo: I installed from Add/Remove... is there no option to reinstall? I have to remove and install again?17:49
IdleOnejrib: that is the one17:49
IdleOnejrib: that works for java also correct?17:50
gamerxhey guys17:50
jribIdleOne: java has a lot of alternatives related to it so there is update-java-alternatives17:50
jribIdleOne: !multijava is the factoid :)17:50
IdleOnejrib: thank you. I'll try to remember it17:50
DarkMasterHalotehbaut: Yes, but your settings will remain there, basically, the /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup is the command to build the kernel module has well as devices in the /dev directory.  You need the vboxdrv file in order for virtualbox to run properly17:51
IdleOnejrib: maybe figuring out the correct command and adding a multiflash factoid would be good17:52
tehbautDarkMasterHalo: I think I had to install dkms first, which I did do17:52
tehbautlooks like it's working now :)17:53
jribIdleOne: sure, I'm not on ubuntu right now, but maybe jorvis can tell us if he discovered the correct name of the "alternative"?17:53
jorvisI got it17:53
jorvisudo update-alternatives --config xulrunner-addons-flashplugin17:54
DarkMasterHalotehbaut: Okay..., I don't know what is dkms :P, maybe it is related to Ubuntu only, I'm on Fedora :P17:54
bazhang!info dkms17:55
ubottudkms (source: dkms): Dynamic Kernel Module Support Framework. In component main, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 56 kB, installed size 376 kB17:55
docmaxhello, my compiz effects are gone =(17:55
DarkMasterHalobazhang: Hey hey, thanks for the info :P17:55
bazhangDarkMasterHalo, yw17:55
bazhangdocmax, re-enable them then?17:55
soreaudocmax: If you want to join #compiz, I can help you there17:56
jtbandesI have an iMac with a dead internal HDD, so I installed 8.04 on an external hard drive which uses Apple Partition Map, but I can't seem to boot from it. How do I install grub on it, or what do I need to do?17:56
nubuntusamba is installed (as clicking "share" in properties doesn't prompt to download) but I still can't see my other box on the network.  suggestions?17:56
bazhangjtbandes, dual booting with refit?17:57
IdleOnejorvis: that command gave you a choice of which flash to use17:58
kelohippido u guys think 64-bit ubuntu is supported enough?17:58
jtbandesbazhang: no, default bootloader. OS X is on the internal HDD, but that's dead.17:58
jtbandesbazhang: I've tried grub-install on the external HD but it says unknown partition signature; not found or not a block device18:00
bazhangjtbandes, you used gparted or the ubuntu partitioner for this? was not clear when you said apple partition map (hfs+ ?)18:01
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jtbandesbazhang: APM is a partition scheme. Used gparted to make the partition and the ubuntu installer to format it18:02
SamatrosI've deleted my /tmp folder on accident. What should it be?18:03
russlar_it should be /tmp18:03
SamatrosPermissions on it?18:03
MudMcGreedyhere is a cool one for you : I uninstantiated from both the add/remove and the sympathetic package installer fire fox from my system ( ubuntu 9.04) and it still comes back and tries to run as the default browser- yes I have rebooted18:04
SamatrosThank you both!18:04
Samatros;# Frans, I've already beaten you to it.18:04
russlarjust an empty dir at teh root level18:04
Samatroswith permissions drwxrwxrwt18:04
ryguyI installed grub 2 and rebooted and I got greeted with grub throwing "Error 15" at me. So I followed the ubuntu wiki guide "Recover Grub After Windows Installation" because that has worked for me before (on grub 1, though) and now when I boot up I just get greeted with a grub command line interface that looks like "grub> "18:05
bazhangryguy, on jaunty?18:06
FrantropyRusslar: i already did that, it has those permissions. yet ubuntu won't boot18:06
jtbandesbazhang: gparted recognizes it but I can't seem to install grub.. Do I even need to to make it boot off it?18:06
ryguybazhang> Karmic, but I dont see why it would matter much18:06
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LoafersWhat's up with the Ubuntu help pages?18:07
colibrialegreHello leaders!18:07
IdleOneLoafers: they try to help18:07
Frantropytmp is showing up as green in ls, as opposed to other directories, though. not sure why18:07
LoafersIdleOne, Uhhhh well they're not up right now18:07
shawn_I need help with mounting a Partition that I created with gparted and giving myself acess to writing on it18:07
IdleOneLoafers: server might be down18:07
Hz0Hola everyone18:08
colibrialegrekisses from Spain18:08
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ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:09
Akuma_sWhats the difficult to mount the partition shawn_?18:09
shawn_akuma_s well I do "sudo mount /dev/sdb1 /DATA"  when I change directory to it and try to write a file18:10
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shawn_akuma_s when i try to writ the file it says permission denied18:10
typecastFrantropy: this is because of the directory permissions. if you create any directory with permissions set to chmod a+rwx <directory-name>, it will be printed in green with ls18:10
russlarshawn_: do an ls -l /DATA18:10
Frantropytypecast: so my /tmp/ permissions are wrong then?18:11
russlarshawn_: sounds like the perms on it ar 755, owner root18:11
typecastFrantropy: no, they are correct18:11
maynards-girlif I used split to split a file, how do I join it back together?18:11
shawn_russlar: Permission denied ?????????????????? ? ? ? It actually has those question marks and then it says lost+found18:11
Frantropytypecast: that weirds me out, because ubuntu still wont boot18:11
typecastFrantropy: everyone needs to have the permissions to read, write and execute fieles in /tmp18:12
russlarshawn_: you're doign an ls -l form inside the folder, do this: ls -l / | grep DATA18:12
typecastFrantropy: do you have any error message?18:12
Frantropyin gdm (in karmic) gnome power manager says the config file is missing. no further error messages, except it won't go past gdm18:13
saftsackhow can i modify my /etc/hosts regarding of an ip from an eth device?18:13
Frantropyonly thing i can figure is that 1. it's something to do with /tmp or 2. lack of free space18:13
Akuma_sI need advice, my network services are up but don't work for the user, only for root... anyone?18:13
russlarsaftsack: huh?18:13
saftsackbackground: i want my own hostname to be connected with the ip which was assigned by dhcp18:13
grawitysaftsack: The format of /etc/hosts is: "ipaddress hostname"18:14
typecastFrantropy: can you log in at the console?18:14
saftsackgrawity, yes but i get my ip from a dhcp. so it isnt static18:14
shawn_russlar: drw-rw---- 3shawn admin 4096 2009-10-17 12:4318:14
ryguyCan anyone help me out with a grub 2 problem?18:14
Frantropytypecast: you mean in recovery nide? yes18:14
Frantropyif you mean xterm in gdm, no18:14
grawitysaftsack: Why don't you just use for it? /etc/hosts won't affect any other computers, only your own18:14
Akuma_sMake your question ryguy..18:15
saftsackgrawity, i need it for ipsec.conf. there i entered my hostname so that i can use my ipsec tunnel on every generic lan which has dhcp18:15
saftsackgrawity, so would be bad18:15
ryguyI installed grub 2 and rebooted and I got greeted with grub throwing "Error 15" at me. So I followed the ubuntu wiki guide "Recover Grub After Windows Installation" because that has worked for me before (on grub 1, though) and now when I boot up I just get greeted with a grub command line interface that looks like "grub> "18:15
grawitysaftsack: I guess you'll have to edit the config of dhclient, to auto-modify /etc/hosts18:16
typecastFrantropy: did you check whether it is a problem with to little free disk space when you booted in recovery mode?18:16
Frantropytypecast: not sure how to do that (in rec. mode atm tho)18:16
shawn_russlar What now?18:16
Frantropyon a broken android phone with just terminal ;)18:16
maynards-girlif I used the "split" command, how do I put the pieces of the split back together?18:16
russlarshawn_: what was teh output of ls -l / | grep DATA18:17
grawitymaynards-girl: cat file1 file2 file3 > file18:17
shawn_russlar: drw-rw---- 3shawn admin 4096 2009-10-17 12:4318:17
maynards-girlgrawity, thanks!18:17
russlarshawn_: sudo chmod 770 /DATA18:17
russlarshawn_: directories need execute permission18:17
saftsackgrawity, supersede host-name, thanks ;)18:17
grawitysaftsack: No, 'supersede' only makes it use the one in /etc/hostname instead of the one from DHCP.18:18
grawitysaftsack: But doesn't affect /etc/hosts in any way.18:18
russlarshawn_: and that makes it so only you (and other members of teh admin group) have access to /DATA18:18
shawn_russlar: Okay that works I can write files to it now18:19
Akuma_sI need advice, my network services are up but don't work for the user, only for root... anyone?18:19
grawitysaftsack: But dunno, maybe you'll find a way to make it work... In any case, sed -i "s/^\\([0-9.]\\+\\) \\(foohost #dhcp\\)$/$NEW_IP \2/" /etc/hosts, if you're gonna script it.18:19
Akuma_sryguy, seems that something is wrong with the grub.conf file...18:19
ryguyAkuma_s: I cant seem to even find the grub.conf file18:20
ryguyAkuma_s: Im on the live cd right now, should I mount my filesystem and do sudo grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg  ?18:20
ibuclawryguy, which version of ubuntu?18:21
martin__hey there18:21
marco__hi. the sound volume  of my ubuntu system is too low. i already changed the sttings of the mixer to the max but still, too low. is there a way of changing the volume?18:21
ryguyibuclaw: karmic18:21
martin__i have a fresh install of karmic daily and i have a delay upon opening any tcp connection18:21
shawn_How can I tell what program Im using to run my FTP server I forget which it is18:21
martin__it resolves the correct ip for a hostname18:21
fefi"fgrun-1.5.1" wie installiert man das auf ubuntu?18:22
martin__but then waits like 15-30 seconds before it connects18:22
martin__or before it gets a reply18:22
LjL!de | fefi18:22
ubottufefi: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.18:22
grawityshawn_: Find out what process is listening on the ftp port -- sudo fuser -n tcp ftp; you'll get a PID.18:22
saftsackgrawity, thanks ;)18:22
Akuma_sryguy, Better try to use the backup file if you have it at hand...18:22
ibuclawryguy, I think all karmic support questions are still to be discussed in #ubuntu+1 until release date (or somewhere near before)18:22
saftsackgrawity, what means #dhcp in your script?18:22
peeps123I installed xampp but it wont display the gui all I get is "it works"18:22
verteksis there an iso with some additional packages?18:22
grawitysaftsack: It's just a comment, to avoid changing the wrong line in /etc/hosts (in case there are two lines with the same hostname)18:23
ryguyibuclaw: Yes I know but my problem isnt karmic specific18:23
shawn_Grawity I want to know the actual program though18:23
ryguyAkuma_s: Backup file...? =/18:23
grawityshawn_: Once you get the PID, run "ps uwww the-pid"18:23
erUSULshawn_: sudo lsof -i :ftpport18:23
saftsackgrawity, $NEW_IP is this a variable from dhclient?18:23
saftsackso can i simply add the line with foo_host = my own host to dhclient.conf in the script area?18:24
ibuclawryguy, okies, well, the first thing to run if grub2 fails is: sudo update-grub18:24
grawitysaftsack: It's a variable from your script. (I don't have dhclient, so I don't know how do you actually script dhclient...)18:24
shawn_grawity does vsftpd sound right?18:24
Akuma_sryguy, usually when system changes anything in grub.conf it makes a backup file in the same directory...18:24
grawityshawn_: Yes.18:24
erUSULshawn_: yep the --> very secure ftp daemon18:24
shawn_Alrighty thanks. :)18:24
ryguyibuclaw: I'm on a liveCD so Im getting the error 'sudo update-grub'18:24
ryguyAkuma_s: There is no grub.conf file in my_filesystem/boot/grub/18:25
saftsackgrawity, ah ok but thanks for the sed line :)18:25
marco__hi. the sound volume  of my ubuntu system is too low. i already changed the sttings of the mixer to the max but still, too low. is there a way of changing the volume?18:25
Frantropyanyone have an idea how i find out the amount of free space on my boot partition from a terminal?18:25
vertekscan i install ubuntu without installing grub?18:25
erUSULFrantropy: df -h | grep 'boot'18:25
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shawn_grawity do you happen to know the name of the vsftpd config file?18:26
russlarverteks: not if you want to boot18:26
SladeFrantropy: df -h /boot18:26
grawityverteks: It might be possible. But you still need some bootloader - grub, lilo, etc - to boot. (Windows' ntldr is not going to work.)18:26
FrantropySlade & erUSUL: thanks.18:26
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Akuma_sryguy, sorry, is called menu.lst...18:26
frank3lyhello i want install my wireless card drivers for my hp pavilion dv600018:26
verteksthere's a trick to make ntldr work18:26
ryguyWTF? the 'grub' command gives the error 'find /boot/grub/stage1'18:26
Frantropywow, 0 bytes free. damn ubuntu and the way it handles free space18:26
ryguyAkuma_s: I checked for menu.lst as well =/ Nothing18:27
frank3lyhow i install wireless card drives for a hp pavilion dv6000 ?18:27
AmbrNewlearnerHello, I'm trying to connect to a system over internet using OpenSSH. I can connect to localhost and other systems connected to my LAN...but I cannot connect to another systems on Internet....Why is it so?18:27
brankoHello there.18:27
erUSULfrank3ly: what wifi chip does that laptop use ?18:27
ibuclawryguy, grub2 doesn't use menu.lst18:27
ryguyibuclaw: yes I know18:27
frank3lyis broadcom something like that18:27
ibuclawryguy, mount the filesystem18:27
Frantropytypecast samatros and russlar: also thanks!18:27
Xcell!omy | ryguy18:27
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about omy18:27
AmbrNewlearnerMind you, other systems on internet are running OpenSSH and are willing to allow me to connect using OpenSSH18:27
AmbrNewlearnerAny ideas?18:27
SladeFrantropy: np :)18:27
Xcellrguy please stop wtf18:28
ryguyXcell: stop what? what am I doing?18:28
erUSULAmbrNewlearner: coulb be a lot of things . maybe those remote system do not have opensshd enabled or have a firewall that block ssh or have sshd on a different port or....18:28
Xcelllanguage= wtf18:28
ryguyoh grow up18:28
Xcellbe patient18:28
TheCheezecan anyone point me to a .deb for firefox 3.5.3 x64?18:28
Xcelloh rly?18:28
erUSUL!ff35 | TheCheeze18:29
ubottuTheCheeze: Firefox 3.5 Final is available for Jaunty by installing the package firefox-3.5 and firefox-3.5-gnome-support | FF3.5 is referred to as Shiretoko in your UI, see http://is.gd/1reB3 for an explanation | Hardy & Intrepid: http://is.gd/1jkNY18:29
brankoI would like to check if my printer has any ink/toner left but if I go to Administration - printing and I click on a MP190 - properties ink/toner leves I get: Marker levels are not reported for this printer. It's urgent for me to check with software if ink/toner is empty. Can someone suggest me a tool that handles thhis?18:29
marco__I just installed ubuntu 9.04 and sound is at the minimum level. I vave to put the volume of the speakers to the max and do the same on the mixer. is there a command line application where I can change the volume?18:29
SladeTheCheeze: just go to getfirefox.com18:29
Sladeand download the tarball18:29
Sladeextract to /usr/local18:29
Xcellwatch your mouth son18:29
Sladeupdate all your launcher references18:29
ryguyXcell: alright haha18:29
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grawitySlade: Or use Ubuntuzilla, which does all the job for you.18:29
Xcellthis is a family channel18:30
AmbrNewlearnererSUL: Ther other system has OpenSSHd running and they are using default 22 port....Any other ideas?18:30
umiohi, laptop freezes after standup (lspci | grep = VGA 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10] )... any solutions known?18:30
Sladegrawity: sure. I like the lazy way too. But i recommend the long way so that people learn how to do thing18:30
* Slade remembers minix18:30
gamerxryguy, you got told :)18:30
erUSULAmbrNewlearner: somwwhere in the middle there is a router/ firewall that block ssh connections18:30
shawn_When I downloaded vsftpd did it not come with a config file attatched because I cant seem to find it in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf where the guide says it should be18:30
erUSULAmbrNewlearner: it would help if you posted the error you get from the ssh client18:30
umiosorry standup = standby18:31
AmbrNewlearnererUSUL: The other system is a home Ubuntu deafult system.....18:31
gamerxanyone know if its possible to change the boot logo "ubuntu"18:31
rskgamerx: sure.18:31
grawityAmbrNewlearner: Btw, since you're saying OpenSSHd every time - you mean it doesn't happen with other sshds? :)18:31
gamerxrsk, with?18:31
rskgamerx: however you want18:31
ubottuPrinting in Ubuntu is done with cups. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Printers - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters - http://linuxprinting.org - Printer sharing: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NetworkPrintingFromWindows18:31
AmbrNewlearnererUSUL: I never tried other sshd's ;)18:31
erUSUL!usplash | gamerx18:32
ubottugamerx: To select the usplash artwork you want, use "sudo update-alternatives --config usplash-artwork.so && sudo update-initramfs -u" - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/USplashCustomizationHowto for adding your custom artwork18:32
AmbrNewlearnergrawity: I never tried other sshd's ;)18:32
Xcellryguy-   state your problem civilly18:32
JPSmanthank you erUSUL - custom splash yay18:32
erUSULAmbrNewlearner: again it would *really* help if you posted the error you get from the ssh client18:32
grawityAmbrNewlearner: Anyway, erUSUL was asking about the error message you get. (If you don't get any, connect with ssh -v)18:32
erUSULJPSman: no problem18:32
brankoAny ideas how can I check ink/toner level on my HP190???? I've installed drivers but I don't know how to check level???18:33
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JPSmanbranko, the drivers may not be able to know the ink levels of your printer18:33
russlarbranko: what about the HPLIP app?18:33
vertekscan i install it on a HFS+ partition?18:33
erUSULbranko: if it is an hp printer try installing the various hplip programs/packages18:33
=== jagwyre is now known as jagwire
erUSULverteks: install what ?18:33
brankoerUSUL: lile wat*18:34
brankoerUSUL: like what?18:34
marco__about my question I found the solution on internet: alsamixer and "sudo alsactl store"18:34
erUSULverteks: no; hfs+ is not an unix (posix) filesystem18:34
sa000any one got some expertise in php-syslogng18:34
erUSULverteks: and support in linux is very limited18:34
Akuma_sI need advice, my network services are up but don't work for the user, only for root... anyone?18:34
erUSUL!find hlip | branko18:34
ubottubranko: File hlip found in texlive-doc-en18:34
erUSUL!find hplip | branko18:35
ubottubranko: Found: hpijs-ppds, hplip, hplip-data, hplip-dbg, hplip-doc (and 1 others)18:35
magdatohello, somobody knows about archives *.pmp?18:35
sa000i didnt find any thing on google18:35
sa000really need some help18:35
Xcellgoogle it18:35
marco__is it possible to upgrade from ubuntu 9.04 to ubuntu 9.10 beta?18:36
bazhangXcell, please dont suggest that here18:36
Xcellnot u sa00018:36
ablysswhats the problem sa00018:36
ovyi have a webcam from microsoft VX-1000 does it have drivers for ubuntu?18:36
daevskiOoook -- My ubuntu just randomly started working in only one speaker. (I ran a speaker test on my receiver and both speakers are working, so I think it's ubuntu) How can I go about fixing this?18:36
brankoerUSUL: I already have installed hplip18:36
erUSULmarco__: yes; ask in #ubuntu+118:36
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daevskiI'm testing sound with youtube and xmms. both only have the left channel playing.18:36
Xcellbazhang-  from rooms experience it works... no worries mate.18:37
erUSULbranko: System>Preferences>hplip toolbox18:37
marco__thanks erUSUL18:37
sa000Xcell: I am using the lastest configuration doc.  perl /var/www/html/logzilla/scripts/contrib/dbgen/dbgen.pl .. Error: Unable to read config variables from /var/www/html/logzilla/html/config/config.php18:37
bazhangXcell, no. dont do it period.18:37
gamerxrsk, rsk, the link ubottu dont work18:37
umiohi, laptop freezes after standby (VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10] )... any solutions known?18:37
daevskiGuest30748: hello18:38
ovysomeone told me microsoft webcams are not supported on linux. is that true?18:38
erUSULbranko: also there is a hp-levels command18:38
gamerxovy, doubt it18:38
Guest30748any 1 know how to make a partition?18:38
erUSUL!gparted | Guest3074818:38
ubottuGuest30748: gparted is a !GTK/!Gnome !GUI partitioning program. Type « sudo apt-get install gparted » in a console to install it - A GParted "live" CD is available at http://gparted.sourceforge.net/livecd.php18:38
Xcellbazhang-  can i pvt u?18:39
brankoerUSUL: I don't find "HPLIP" under system preferences18:39
Armageddonis there any application to partition HDD's and format them like gparted ?18:39
daevskiAnyone know why only one speaker channel is working for me? Just started this morning...18:39
erUSULbranko: ok; then use the hp-levels command ??18:39
brankoerUSUL: error: No device selected/specified or that supports this functionality.18:39
erUSULArmageddon: what's wrong with gparted ??18:39
ArmageddonerUSUL, doesn't format to NTFS18:40
daevskiFIXED it. never mind. 'twas  a cable loose!18:40
noob0815hi guys does anybody know how to repair xsane?18:40
russlarArmageddon: mkfs.ntfs3g?18:40
erUSULbranko: :| i get a device communication error :((18:40
erUSULArmageddon: install ntfsprogs18:40
erUSUL!info ntfsprogs18:40
ubottuntfsprogs (source: linux-ntfs): tools for doing neat things in NTFS partitions from Linux. In component main, is optional. Version 2.0.0-1ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 262 kB, installed size 672 kB18:40
LinuX2halfhow do I mount my CD...?18:40
noob0815i modified some things for my new scanner18:40
zulfihow do i get wine anybody18:40
erUSUL!software | zulfi18:40
LinuX2halfIt said there's no media but I just insert a CD in!!18:40
ubottuzulfi: A general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents18:40
russlarzulfi: apt-get install wine18:40
noob0815aptitude install wine ?18:41
ArmageddonerUSUL, will that make gparted format to NTFS ?18:41
AmbrNewlearner1erUSUL: Did you suggested anything? Actually, my connection got down and I got disconnected from IRC.....and  IRC logs are still not up to date :(18:41
erUSULAmbrNewlearner1: yes18:41
LinuX2halfhow do I mount my CD?18:41
=== eldamar_ is now known as eldamar
brankoerUSUL: how can I Check what's my printer URI?18:41
russlarArmageddon: parted only partitions disks18:41
erUSULAmbrNewlearner: i said that it would *really* help if you posted the error you get from the ssh client18:41
russlarArmageddon: formatting is done by mkfs18:41
wilkermeu mouse não funciona. Alguém poderia me ajudar?18:41
Xcellbazhang-  an i pvt u?18:41
wilkermeu mouse não funciona. Alguém poderia me ajudar?18:41
wilkermeu mouse não funciona. Alguém poderia me ajudar?18:41
trismbranko: did you install hplip-gui? I get a gui for it under System/Preferences/HPLIP Toolbox18:42
wilkermeu mouse não funciona. Alguém poderia me ajudar?18:42
AmbrNewlearner1The problem is that I just get a blank screen if I try to connect to another system18:42
wilkermeu mouse não funciona. Alguém poderia me ajudar?18:42
KB1JWQwilker: Please stop flooding that over and over.18:42
trismbranko: shows ink levels on the supplies page18:42
noob0815how can i clean the whole scanner thing?18:42
bazhangXcell, please /join #ubuntu-ops if you wish to discuss18:42
AmbrNewlearner1erUSUL: After sometime, I get connection timed out error :(18:42
LinuX2halfhow to mount my CD?18:42
sa000Xcell: any suggestion ?18:42
wilkernew ubuntu 9.10 and 9.1118:42
brankotrism: no I haven't I'm installig it now18:43
wilkernew ubuntu 9.10 and 9.11 in CD18:43
erUSULbranko: right click on the and choose properties18:43
wilkerI have the new ubuntu 9.10 and 9.11 in CD18:43
erUSUL!pt | wilker18:43
ubottuwilker: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.18:43
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount18:43
Armageddonwilker, you Gmout-iso18:43
Armageddonwilker, use Gmout-iso18:43
bazhangwilker there is not a 9.1118:43
wilker\channel #ubuntu-br18:43
grawitywilker: The command is /join18:44
brankotrism: if I go to system preferences and click on a hpdevice manager I get No Innstalled HP devices found...18:44
verteksLinuX2half: mount /mnt/cdrom /dev/sda18:44
noob0815does anybody know how to repair xsane?18:44
Akuma_sProblem networking solved, just needed to restart server douh! :P18:45
trismbranko: can you print to the device?18:45
umiohi, laptop freezes after standby (VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV350 [Mobility Radeon 9600 M10] )... anybody can help?18:45
erUSULArmageddon: time out; that looks like someone is dropping the ssh connections. maybe your own firewall does not permit outbound ssh connections or a firewall in the other end ?18:45
brankotrism: I've download and installed drivers from printer's home page... so I can print18:45
brankotrism: but my b/w colour is bad and I would like to chceck if it's really empy18:45
erUSUL!es | sarkoceles18:46
ubottusarkoceles: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.18:46
LinuX2halfit said special device is non-existent18:46
=== wertik_ is now known as wertik_rus
ArmageddonerUSUL: really ?18:46
erUSULArmageddon: sorry wrong nick18:47
Armageddonit's ok18:47
brankotrism: any ideas?18:47
celthunderbranko so you can print to it or no?18:48
brankocelthunder: yes18:48
trismbranko: not sure, you may need to use the hplip drivers to use the software, my hp works fine with the hpijs drivers that come with ubuntu18:48
brankoWell I had to install it from their page18:49
r3duxMmm, drivers18:49
brankoand now I would like to see if my ink/toner is empy or not or how much left is colur in it?18:49
r3duxIt's not empty! It just makes you want to think i [BULLET TO THE HEAD FROM PRINTER INK MANUFACTURERS]18:50
celthunderoh theres lots of ways of making your printer not care about how much ink isnt in it.  I think the easiest was putting tape over the sensor that tells it the cartridge is empty18:50
celthunderwhich btw on most cartrides is about half way up so it's usually good for a lot of printing yet18:51
ZoeyMarieCan someone help me figure out why programs see my audio interface, but won't record sound from it?18:51
brankoNow I'm in http://localhost:631/printers/ I can see under Printers my printer. But I can't see ink/toner levels!!18:52
=== bluebottle is now known as Guest73470
JPSmanIm running ubuntu in VirtualBox...what are the name of the packages from synaptic for the guest additions?18:52
BilliardJPSman: i dont think the guest additions are in the repos18:52
axisysanyone can help me w/ two finger tap on touchpad? it is not working for hp 6730b running ubuntu 9.0418:52
svanevithi, can you tell me where I can find comunicators which are compatibile with ICQ and jabber to download?18:53
metallimiestoy en ubuntu ar18:53
celthundersvanevit, pidgin18:53
grawitysvanevit: Pidgin.18:53
grawitysvanevit: Empathy too.18:53
svanevitthis is a name or place?18:53
trismJPSman: it is either virtualbox-ose-guest-source or virtualbox-ose-guest-utils18:53
celthundersvanevit, name18:53
grawitysvanevit: And if you're trying Pidgin, make sure you're using the latest version from http://pidgin.im/download/ubuntu - that one supports video with Jabber.18:53
CornwallScouts1hi whats your name18:53
JPSmantrism: thank you :OD18:53
CornwallScouts4hi blackbinary18:54
svanevitto all : )18:54
metallimialguien que hable en castellano18:54
gamerxi get this error, how can i get pyhton, i tried python-all18:54
gamerxError: Dependency is not satisfiable: python-support (>= 0.90.0)18:54
metallimipor favor18:54
CornwallScouts1hi guys is anyone gonna talk to me18:54
CornwallScouts4hi johannessm6418:54
JPSmanWhat is your questions CornwallScouts4 ?18:55
JohannesSM64hi CornwallScouts118:55
verteksgamerx: i think python is installed by default in ubuntu18:55
JPSmanverteks, no it isn't18:55
CornwallScouts1wat u up 218:55
Slart!info python18:55
ubottupython (source: python-defaults): An interactive high-level object-oriented language (default version). In component main, is important. Version 2.6.2-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 138 kB, installed size 624 kB18:55
CornwallScouts4sitting next to u18:55
CornwallScouts4hi nico1083818:56
Slart!info bash18:56
ubottubash (source: bash): The GNU Bourne Again SHell. In component main, is required. Version 3.2-5ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 565 kB, installed size 1236 kB18:56
CornwallScouts4hi myers18:56
MyersHey everyone, need help to find out how to save my Terminator terminal settings.18:56
gamerxJPSman, how do i go about installing it?18:56
zulfiwitch wine do i need because it shows me 4 kinds of wine here on my package manger18:56
CornwallScouts1hi zulfi18:56
macozulfi: just grab the plain "wine" one18:57
trismgamerx: it is probably already installed, although if it isn't, you would just do an apt-get install python18:57
zulfithat it18:57
trismgamerx: try typing python, it should bring up the interactive prompt18:57
CornwallScouts1hi trism18:57
sa000no help18:58
CornwallScouts4hi dasmazw18:58
CornwallScouts4i mean das maze18:58
CornwallScouts1wat scout group are u from then zulfi18:58
zulfiafter that what do i do next18:58
CornwallScouts4hi gabriela18:58
CornwallScouts4hi jemark18:58
CornwallScouts1hi maco18:59
CornwallScouts4hi avig18:59
macoCornwallScouts4: it is not necessary to hi to every person in the channel...18:59
zulfiwat scout group are u talking about18:59
avigthere are 1400 odd of us18:59
CornwallScouts4i wan tot18:59
CornwallScouts4i mean want to19:00
JPSmanIm running ubuntu in VirtualBox...how can i change the desktop's resolution?  its stuck on 800x60019:00
avigyou need to install the Guest Additions19:00
CornwallScouts4hi avig were are u from19:00
ZoeyMariewhy is audio not being recorded, when my audio interface is being recognized?19:00
CornwallScouts1hi jpsman  were do u come from then19:00
avigyou can get them from the Sun site, or through the VBox UI19:00
JPSmanI think cornwallscouts4 is a bot, could someone please kick it?19:00
CornwallScouts4i am not a bot19:01
Guest30748whats the best linuc os?19:01
CornwallScouts1you got that right\19:01
Guest30748linux os19:01
CornwallScouts4i can come op dfnfis19:01
joaopinto!ot  | Guest3074819:01
ubottuGuest30748: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:01
zulfii dont see wine yet19:01
L1nUX1z3Rcan anyone tell me where the python room is??19:01
verteksZoeyMarie: you need to change the audio input19:01
trismL1nUX1z3R: #python19:02
L1nUX1z3Rtrism, which server is it?19:02
ZoeyMarieverteks: in preferences > sound? Because there, when I test it, nothing happens...19:02
Amjadhow to be a distributor vpn19:02
verteksZoeyMarie: try changing between ALSA and OSS and to find the one that works19:03
trismL1nUX1z3R: this one, freenode19:03
L1nUX1z3Rtrism, ty19:03
CornwallScouts4is anyone from england19:03
trismL1nUX1z3R: I believe you need to register your nick to get in though19:03
llutz!ot | CornwallScouts419:03
ubottuCornwallScouts4: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:03
CornwallScouts4ok bye19:03
CornwallScouts1Hi Amjad, what scout troop are you from?19:04
L1nUX1z3Rtrism, can you help me with a small problem??19:04
llutz!ot | CornwallScouts119:04
ubottuCornwallScouts1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:04
shawn_When I downloaded vsftpd did it not come with a config file attatched because I cant seem to find it in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf where the guide says it should be19:04
svaneviti'm new and I wonder how to install this pidgin? any comends for terminal gravity?19:04
avigsudo apt-get install pidgin19:05
avigshould install it for you19:05
noob0815hey guys i made these things: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=93361619:05
noob0815and now my scanner doesnt work19:05
L1nUX1z3Rtrism, im trying to print an integer together with a string...im getting errors19:05
shawn_For an FTP server if I want to chroot a user so that he cannot access system files but still allow him access to /media how woudl I do this19:05
avigThere are tutorials all over the net on chrooting. If you're having difficulty with it, it's far easier to offer help with that kind of thing on a forum, since tehre's a lot of wandering off and trying stuff19:06
trismL1nUX1z3R: print "blah" + str(2)19:06
trismL1nUX1z3R: or, if you're using python 3, you would need to put that in parens19:06
svanevitE: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)19:07
svanevitE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?19:07
svanevit Sudo apt-get install doesn't work19:07
CornwallScouts1Does anyone want to talk?19:07
LjL!ot | CornwallScouts119:07
ubottuCornwallScouts1: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!19:07
log`svanevit, close down synaptic19:07
Billiardsvanevit:  small s on sudo?19:07
avigThat sounds like something else is using the dpkg bakcend. Things like synaptic or aptitude, are either of them open?19:07
Amjadhelp me pls19:07
AmjadWhat method of fitting a vpn19:07
fokuslee302Hi ALl Q; lsmod show some of the used to be 0, does that mean module is not loaded? if so how do i show only used modules? thx abunch19:07
log`or whatever else it is that is open and accesing /..dpkg19:07
avigfitting a vpn?19:07
L1nUX1z3Rtrism, i dont want to change the int to a str...19:07
trismL1nUX1z3R: to print it out, it must be a string19:08
L1nUX1z3Ri want to concatenate19:08
brankoNow I'm frustrated... I've installed drivers for canon pixma mp190 from their official site. And now even cups won't give me ink/toner report. Is it even possible to see ink/toner report if the printer isn't HP?19:08
quidnuncIs there no longer an easy way to report bugs outside of apport?19:08
trismL1nUX1z3R: you can't concat a string and an int, without converting the int to a string19:08
Amjadinstallation *19:08
LjL!bugs | quidnunc19:08
ubottuquidnunc: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots19:08
L1nUX1z3Rtrism, okay...will do that...mmhhh...19:08
ZoeyMarieverteks: it seems to be working under preferences > sound; but it's not working in Jack... thoughts?19:08
=== riku is now known as Teknkik
quidnuncLjL: thanks19:09
L1nUX1z3Rtrism, thanks...worked :)19:10
sahilski wanna know about pdf conversion to postscript???19:10
sahilskhow we can convert a pdf to pdl code??19:10
llutzsahilsk: use pdf2ps19:10
sahilskllutz: actually i want this feature in my site19:11
sahilskso, i wanna know how one can do this,on a linux server???19:11
LjLwrite php (or whatever you use) code that calls pdf2ps...?19:12
sahilsk!google pdf2ps19:12
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about google pdf2ps19:12
quidnuncLjL: Actually that filebug link no longer sends you to a bug report page directly. That is basically what I want. I'm putting in the package name manually in the URL provide in that "How to report bugs" wiki page19:12
LjL!info pdf2ps19:12
ubottuPackage pdf2ps does not exist in jaunty19:12
sahilsk!info pdf2ps19:13
ubottuPackage pdf2ps does not exist in jaunty19:13
llutzsahilsk: package ghostscript19:13
quidnuncLjL: ghostscript19:13
sahilskyes...this what i am talking about19:13
llutz!info ghostscript | sahilsk19:13
ubottusahilsk: ghostscript (source: ghostscript): The GPL Ghostscript PostScript/PDF interpreter. In component main, is optional. Version 8.64.dfsg.1-0ubuntu8 (jaunty), package size 775 kB, installed size 3468 kB19:13
zulfii need help on wine anybody19:13
Lau_JensenI have a Macbook 1.1 with ATI graphics card. This fails with the current video driver when frame buffers are employed - where can I find an alternative driver?19:14
gamerxzulfi, join #winehq19:14
avigDepends, which is the 'curren't driver' you're using?19:14
JonathanDoh, there it is.19:14
sahilskactually i need to do two things . first to convet pdf to ps and then ps to an image, on a server....would u recommend me tutorial or article where i can get more info on that???19:14
zulfion what ?19:14
avigand, mor epertinently, where did it come from?19:14
quidnuncSo is there no longer a direct "file bug" link that will let me specify that package name?19:14
noob0815i have deleted all files in /etc/sane.d19:14
vavarhow can i make lynx store the settings i change?19:14
log`what if you wanted to convert to PCL?19:14
noob0815how can i fix that please?19:14
Lau_Jensenavig, no idea, standard xserver-ati thing19:14
vertekszulfi: use synaptic and search for "wine"19:14
quidnuncsahilsk: Use convert.19:15
avigAre there downloads from teh ATi site? I've lost track of who;s offering them and who isn't19:15
bazhangzulfi, you need help installing wine?19:15
quidnuncsahilsk: One step. Part of imagemagick19:15
Lau_Jensenavig, I'll check it out and get back to you19:15
noob0815i have deleted all files in /etc/sane.d19:15
gamerxzulfi, /join #winehq19:15
noob0815how can i fix that?19:15
bazhangzulfi, from the command line or via synaptic package manager19:15
ZoeyMariewhy is preferences > sound freezing up when I try and test my sound capture?19:15
zulfiwhere do i find winehq19:15
vavarwith lynx - if i change the character set - it won't remember the settings.. how can i change that?19:15
boritekhello i would like to use drpython and install some plugins like autocompletion for it, but i get an error, if i try to update the plugin list for any mirrors!! How can i resolve that???19:15
avigreinstall sane?19:16
bazhanghttp://appdb.winehq.org zulfi19:16
sahilsk!info imagemagic19:16
ubottuPackage imagemagic does not exist in jaunty19:16
sahilsk!info imagemagik19:16
ubottuPackage imagemagik does not exist in jaunty19:16
sahilsk!info imagemagick19:16
ubottuimagemagick (source: imagemagick): image manipulation programs. In component main, is optional. Version 7: (jaunty), package size 84 kB, installed size 304 kB19:16
quidnuncI believe I typed in correctly19:16
zulfii got the package but what do when i have it19:16
noob0815avig i tried to remove sane and install sane again but it wont work19:16
bazhangzulfi, for the channel it is #winehq19:17
avigyou'd need to purge19:17
grawitynoob0815: use "purge" instead -- such as, apt-get remove --purge sane19:17
avigto remove all teh config19:17
LjLquidnunc: probably not, since the page we're redirected to (which is down now, but i checked the google cache) says "To file a bug against a specific package use a url similar to the following, http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/PACKAGENAME/+filebug?no-redirect, where PACKAGENAME is the name of the source package about which you want to file the bug"19:17
quidnuncMy question is why can't I file a bug directly from the launchpad package bugs page anymore?19:17
quidnuncLjL: That's crazy19:17
avigelse it'll just keep you the same config you've already got (which you deleted)19:17
LjLquidnunc: i agee19:18
noob0815grawity: so what should i write in the command line?19:18
avigapt-get remove --purge sane19:18
zerwasHow can i see which Catalyst version i am running?19:18
avigwith 'sudo' at the beginning if you're nyt root19:18
sahilskquidnunc: i dont need any image manipulation liberaries.. actually what i need is a server side solution which i can use in site so that i can convert pdf to ps and then to an image. So ,that i can create a ONLINE DOC READER.  please throw away ur extra knowledge here..:(19:19
avigI thought imagemagick did pdf input?19:19
grawitysahilsk: How about pdf -> image directly?19:19
sahilskis it possible??19:19
sahilski mean on a server side.....19:20
trismsahilsk: poppler-utils has pdftops19:20
vertekszerwas: in the Catalyst Control Center19:20
sahilsk!info poppler-utils19:20
ubottupoppler-utils (source: poppler): PDF utilitites (based on libpoppler). In component main, is optional. Version 0.10.5-1ubuntu2.2 (jaunty), package size 73 kB, installed size 292 kB19:20
=== niki77 is now known as nikola77
=== jesse is now known as Guest49787
sahilskgrawity ???19:20
Guest49787how do i get a nick name for xchat?19:21
sahilskhow once can convert pdf to image directly ,???19:21
quidnuncsahilsk: The convert command can convert from pdf directly to an image. No knowledge-throwing-away needed19:21
quidnuncsahilsk: convert foo.pdf foo.jpeg19:21
log`Guest49787, type in /nick whateveryouwant19:21
noob0815avig: the /etc/sane.d/ is empty (after uninstall with purge and install again)19:21
sahilskso , can i call this command via javascript or php on my linux server hosted site???19:22
avigimagick is a php library which is basically a wrapper of imagemagick19:22
sahilsk!info convert19:22
ubottuPackage convert does not exist in jaunty19:22
trismsahilsk: convert is part of imagemagick19:22
avigconvert is provided by imagemagick19:23
quidnunc(For the last time)19:23
avigimagick provides some php functions with which you can do things like convert in php19:23
sahilskgreat....thanks......god bless ur brains for ever , for someone like me to use it again.19:23
sahilskthanks guys19:23
robersonfoxhi people19:24
robersonfoxHow do I remove the encryption from my directory?19:24
* BaGy afej xD19:24
robersonfoxHow do I remove the encryption from my directory?19:25
avig 19:25
robersonfoxHow do I remove the encryption from my home directory?19:25
avigI'd imagine the easiest way would be to copy the data into a non-encrypted dir and use that as your ~19:25
avigI don't know if there's a more proper way of doing it, though, I've never looked19:26
Xcellgood day folks.. i feel threatened being here.. god bless you.19:26
robersonfoxHow do I remove the encryption from my home directory?19:27
llutzrobersonfox: [20:25:59] <avig> I'd imagine the easiest way would be to copy the data into a non-encrypted dir and use that as your ~19:27
avigI'd imagine the easiest way would be to copy the data into a non-encrypted dir and use that as your ~19:27
avigI don't know if there's a more proper way of doing it, though, I've never looked19:27
=== avig is now known as lordandmaker
robersonfoxllutz: its secure?19:27
ultramarinрусские есть19:28
llutz!ru | ultramarin19:28
ubottuultramarin: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke19:28
|mentman|I know its kinda off topic, but dose anyone know of any video players i can emmbed into my webserver that will play from a folder of videos, and can select the video i want from the player interface?19:28
jorgerosarobersonfox:  I've found this: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117905519:29
ultramarinrussian super mens19:29
robersonfoxllutz: jorgerosa tanks19:29
dnoHey all19:30
JPSmanwhat program does ubuntu use to remote desktop to another PC?19:31
JPSmanor what programs exist for this?19:31
grawityJPSman: vino/vinagre (VNC client/server).19:31
grawity!info vino19:31
ubottuvino (source: vino): VNC server for GNOME. In component main, is optional. Version 2.26.1-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 145 kB, installed size 2476 kB19:31
* grawity always forgets which one is the server.19:32
JPSmangrawity: thank you19:32
verteks!info xmame19:32
ubottuPackage xmame does not exist in jaunty19:32
grawityJPSman: And for connecting to Windows PCs, rdesktop and tsclient (rdesktop GUI)19:32
verteks!info sdl-mame19:32
ubottuPackage sdl-mame does not exist in jaunty19:32
maynards-girli installed firefly, but it's unable to find any songs. any suggestions on getting it working?19:33
dnoDoes anyone have some direction on upgrading Karmac from 2.6.31-13 to 2.6..31-14?19:34
=== spaz_ is now known as Guest87317
bazhangdno, #ubuntu+1 for karmic19:34
dnoI am upgrading an HP 100019:34
dnoyes sorry Karmic19:34
mcnellisI recently installed 9.10 and when I installed gvim-gnome when I'm typing a function name or a variable name I hit ctrl+n the window blinks instead of showing me my options to auto-finish what I'm typing19:35
mcnellisI think it might be trying for New Window? I'm not sure though b/c no new window is created...19:36
=== jc is now known as Guest20298
sahilskhey , guys, javascript is for client side ...i can use it to call linux command..can i??19:36
grawitysahilsk: No.19:36
bazhangmcnellis, the support channel for karmic is in #ubuntu+119:36
grawitysahilsk: JavaScript does not have _any_ access to the system.19:36
mcnellisOkay thanks bazhang I'm not sure it's specific to Karmic, but I'll ask there as well19:37
ManDaySo I disabled "Wireless" with a right-click on the network-manager icon and thus the icon disapeared. Question is: How to re-enable wireless without the icon?!?19:37
mcnellisI upgraded from 8.10 so I perhaps someone from 9.04 had the same issue?19:37
sahilskgrawity: ok. what scripting languagae u suggest ????19:38
timbersomeone knows if there's a way to create a binding for open the App menu on gnome? without the gnomenu19:38
grawitysahilsk: Client-side? There's only one, JavaScript.19:38
bazhangManDay, can you see it with ifconfig in the terminal (ie wlan0 or the like)19:38
dnoHow do you upgrade 9.10 without the internet or cd?19:38
ManDaybazhang, see what?19:39
bazhangdno, please ask in #ubuntu+119:39
bazhangManDay, your wireless device19:39
luis_Hello people, is there an openoffice version of microsoft publisher?19:39
sahilskgrawity:  no no, actually i need to use imagemagick lliberary for  linux server hosted site.19:39
timbersomeone knows if is there a way to create a binding for open the App menu on gnome? without the gnomenu19:40
grawitysahilsk: Server-side? PHP has imagemagick.19:40
dhiaeldeen1i have a small question about OpenOffice 3 , the text cursor is selecting by letters , whenever i type it writes over the text i have not between the text letters , how can i fix this ?19:41
zleapdhiaeldeen1, press insert on the keyboard,19:41
dhiaeldeen1what is this called ?19:41
zleapit should then display ins, rather than ovr on the bar thing at the bottom19:41
dhiaeldeen1it worked19:42
sahilskgreat.....and would u mind ,if i ask little more on this topic. Actually i am good in python as compare to php. so , would u recommend me some other language other than php..and close to python..please...19:42
dhiaeldeen1but what is it called ? , thanks .19:42
gamerxany reason why my webcam image may be "laggy"19:42
gamerxon my other laptop its fine19:42
scboxmeerHi everyone19:42
gamerxscboxmeer, hi19:42
trismsahilsk: why not just use python then? there are tons of web frameworks for it19:43
sahilskpython for web development ......sound new to me...lemme search..thanks Trism.19:43
nils_sahilsk: check out django19:44
skxHow to make pc speaker go silent when ubuntu is running? Without turning beeping off in every single application -- globally?19:44
Lau_Jensensahilsk, take a look at compojure, that might be better :)19:44
nils_skx: cut the cable to the speaker? ;)19:44
ManDaybazhang, anything?19:44
Appiahyou can blacklist the pc speaker module , or use xset (xset b off) to turn it off19:44
ManDaygot disconnected19:44
bazhangManDay, did you open a terminal and type ifconfig ?19:45
ManDaybazhang, the wireless device has vanished19:45
netbraincan anyone tell me what is going on with xen in ubuntu`?, i mean, is xen about to be phased out?19:45
skxAppiah, thanks! will this xset hold? I mean, won't it turn on again after reboot?19:45
keri_when i turn my computer on and it tries to start up it says this,  kinit: No resume image, doing normal boot........  Ubuntu 8.04.2 Keri-laptop tty1  keri-latop login:   i do that  and password.  then tells me when the last time i was on and keri@keri-laptop:~$    what do i put there19:46
Appiahhttp://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonVsPhp sahilsk check this out19:46
Appiahskx: nope it wont19:46
skxAppiah, not cool, still thanks19:46
heismarkHow do I get Ubuntu to find the wireless network?19:46
sahilskappiah: on which framework google is running??19:46
llutzkeri_: any command you like19:47
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Lau_Jensensahilsk, Appiah, you gotta check this out instead http://blog.bestinclass.dk/index.php/2009/10/python-vs-clojure-evolving/19:47
Appiahsahilsk: no idea19:47
keri_like what so i can get back on and make sure all my stuff still there19:47
heismarkShouldn't Ubuntu scan for wireless networks and present the options?19:47
IdleOnekeri_: you want a GUI type startx19:47
Appiahfor web development I know people would prefeer php19:47
bazhangManDay, do you recall the chipset19:47
keri_ok so what do i do19:48
HemoHi , i have problem with bluetooth ,, after uograde from kde 4.1 to 4.3 the bluetooth was disable19:48
sahilsknp...hey guys, which framwork Google is running??19:48
TimothyAI have a question; Should I be worried about Remote-Anything running on my ubuntu distro? :|19:48
sahilskdgango,compojure ??19:48
ManDaybazhang, can we please try an easy way? I've just unchecked "Wireless" in the network manager. Cant be breaking the whole thing, can it...!19:48
clearscreensahilsk: what?19:48
DanRigbythis is a complete off topic and random question, but does anyone remember the name of an old us cell phone provider that had a little alien for a logo? (they no longer exist)19:49
sahilskclearscreen : i mean as google is written in python, so it must be using some framework. what is it ??19:49
bazhangManDay, what about re-checking it (enable wireless) and restarting19:49
keri_IdleOne, what do i put there so it will start up19:49
IdleOnekeri_: starx and hit enter19:50
trismsahilsk: much of google is indeed written in python, but it is all custom stuff as far as I know19:50
IdleOnekeri_: ^^19:50
keri_i have a oragne screen19:50
ManDaybazhang, the question that i keep asking is HOW TO RECHECK it!19:50
ManDaysince the network-manager has vanished at all19:51
keri_oragne screen and nothing else19:51
mindnullreadd the network manager19:51
bazhangManDay, the nm-applet in the top panel?19:51
ManDaymindnull, what?19:51
ManDayyes bazhang19:51
ManDayin the notification area19:51
bazhangManDay, right click add to panel ?19:51
vertekskeri_: press CTRL+BACKSPACE19:52
ManDaybazhang, it is in the notification area (it is, unless it vanished) which is alreadyx there19:52
HemoHi , i have problem with bluetooth ,, after uograde from kde 4.1 to 4.3 the bluetooth was disable19:53
ManDaynm-applet did the job19:53
bazhangManDay, got it back?19:53
kpHi, How to get  public-key for http://ftp.debian.org/19:55
OpenBluntSurgeryso I have ubuntu installed  - what cool things can I do now?19:55
bazhangkp, for ubuntu?19:55
kpbazhang, right19:56
Ali_nzcan someone please remind me, how do I find and remove extra flash plugins? my web pages are not displaying flash19:56
enzotibAli_nz: dpkg -l | egrep 'flash|swf|gnash'19:57
bazhangkp, why do you need a public key for debian19:57
keri_Verteks:   ctrl+backspace did nothing  still oragne screen and nothing else19:57
b1shopif i make changes to gnome's menu.  where are those changes kept?19:57
vertekskeri_: press CTRL+F419:57
docmaxhow can i connect to an ad2p device?19:57
vertekskeri_: you should get the login19:58
keri_getting nothijng19:58
vertekskeri_: press CTRL+ALT+F419:58
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kpbazhang, i am trying to install applications from third party software repository that is from debian. while reloading the Package Manager i use to receive an error message say public key required19:59
Ali_nzenzotib: thanks. two are installed libswfdec and swfdec-mozilla - which one to remove?19:59
keri_that takes me back to login and password and i do that then tells last time i login and keri@keri-laptop~$19:59
OpenBluntSurgeryanyone have sugguestions on cool stuff to do?19:59
bazhangkp, mixing debian and ubuntu repos?19:59
vertekskeri_: type: sudo gdm20:00
kpbazhang, right20:00
trismAli_nz: remove both and install flashplugin-nonfree20:00
MrAlexandrois there a channel more spesific for help with creating a autorun menu for usb disks, i do not know where to start20:00
bazhangkp, better to find the equivalent one for ubuntu20:00
Sladekeri_: what's the problem? i just walked back here. Maybe I can help20:00
Ali_nztrism: nonfree?20:00
kpbazhang, could you please suggest if any?20:00
keri_gdm command not found20:00
JPSmani am having problems compiling the necessary kernal modules for the geust aditions for ubuntu for the virtualbox.  Could someone take a look at my vboxadd-install.log found at this http://pastebin.ca/1611896 ?20:01
trismAli_nz: it is the one from adobe (the package just downloads it from them and installs it)20:01
bazhangkp, what is in the repos that you wish to add ?20:01
Sladekeri_: apt-get install gdm20:01
trismAli_nz: those other ones are attempts to reimplement flash, and if you use them, you will find most flash apps broken20:01
EnissayMy Kingston usb key is not detected on ubtuntu 9.0420:01
BlueyEnissay: mine works fine.....20:02
Sladetrism: what are you trying to do?20:02
BlueyEnissay: have you tried it on a different usb port?20:02
trismSlade: not trying to do anything, just telling Ali_nz the correct flash package to install if he wants Adobe Flash20:02
EnissayBluey, lol, i tried it about 10 times, and it just works when u answered20:02
BlueyEnissay: mayebe I should ask what do you mean by USB key?20:03
kpbazhang, I don't know which repository is equivalent for ubuntu apart from canonical. Please let me know the list of repository.20:03
boritekhello i would like to use drpython and install some plugins like autocompletion for it, but i get an error, if i try to update the plugin list for any mirrors!! How can i resolve that???20:03
Sladeanyone wanna recommend any good screenlets/desklets?20:03
EnissayBluey, nvm, it's ok now, I have this one http://www.lingualearn.co.uk/LLimages/Kingston_Flash.jpg20:04
BlueyEnissay: I have the 8 g version of tht20:05
bazhangkp, there are partner repositories (seen via system administration software sources) as well as personal package archives (PPA's install at your own risk) for more esoteric packages that may be hard to find20:05
keri_Slade,   when i turn my computer and it tries to start up and it says this,  kinit; no resume image, doing normal boot.   keri-laptop ttyl  then has log in and password and i do that then it tells me when i was login last and then has keri@keri-laptop:~$20:05
Sladekeri_: startx20:05
Sladetry that :)20:05
keri_slade we put in startx and then i get a oragne screen only20:05
russlarkeri_: if you hit crtl+alt+f7, do you gat a gui?20:06
Sladekeri_: sudo tail -f /var/log/messages/Xorg.0.log20:06
Sladeis where errors are20:06
Sladecheck that20:06
vertekskeri_: the gdm file is missing20:06
keri_i get a organe screen20:06
keri_ok how do i get it20:07
Sladekeri_: ctrl alt F220:07
ubottuError: Your hostmask doesn't match or your password is wrong.20:07
Sladesudo tail -f /var/log/Xorg.0.log20:07
* Slade pets ubottu20:07
vertekskeri_: apt-get install gdm20:07
mneptokkeri_: lspci | grep VGA20:07
Sladeanywho, i gotta run20:07
Sladebbiab - Flash Foward is on :D20:08
mneptokverteks: it's not clear that GDM is missing20:08
kpbazhang, Yes I can see other partner repositories. Could you please let me know if there are any further suggestions.20:08
russlarwhat about a dpkg-reconfigure gdm?20:08
mneptokkeri_: the first step is to tail your X.org log and to find out what video device you have20:08
mneptokkeri_: lspci | grep VGA20:09
darkhamhi people, using jaunty in a fujitsu siemens20:09
Frankishis there a decent snes emulator that works on ubuntu?20:09
bazhangkp, well there are repositories for wine, and the PPA I spoke of (though all of those are at your own risk)20:09
mneptokFrankish: zsnes20:09
darkhami've a click in the woofers20:09
darkhamevery 5-6 sec20:09
keri_ok what i am i looking for20:09
Frankishi didnt know zsnes was available. thanks20:09
mneptokkeri_: what did you get as output?20:09
obiwan_hi, please 1 question, when i ^Z a terminal process, it gets stopped in the bg, how can i resume it but IN THE BACKGROUND? i don't wanna type fg and then make bg again20:10
mneptokkeri_: did it tell you what vendor makes your video card/chip?20:10
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russlarobiwan_: type bg after you ^z20:10
keri_there is no output20:10
mneptokkeri_: lspci20:11
obiwan_yeah russlar but i told fg moves it to the foreground, then i need to bg again, how can i simply say resume that process in the bg?20:11
mneptokkeri_: look for anything rleated to video20:11
russlar^z, them bg20:11
donkanybody here using TuxGuitar?20:11
kpbazhang, Yes I understand bit don't want to go on own risk. I looking for Adobe Dreamweaver for Ubuntu and trying all the all the possible way to install on Ubuntu but failed. Could you please let me know any other method of getting the dreamweaver20:11
dogdogcatdogjoin irc.freenode.org20:11
obiwan_but then it goes foreground20:11
russlarfg will resume in the foreground, which you don't want20:11
obiwan_i don't want it in foreground20:11
obiwan_ok ok  i get it20:11
bazhangdogdogcatdog, you are here20:11
steveohey guys I am in need of help20:11
russlarobiwan_: right, but bg will resume in background20:11
obiwan_ty russlar hehe i was a lil confused hehe sry and thanx20:12
russlarobiwan_: DON'T type fg20:12
Blueysteveo: sup?20:12
keri_i do not see anything about video20:12
LaireTMHello, i try to to check if a folder exist, but i get the error: -d: command not found:20:12
trismkp: maybe http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20030520:12
LaireTMif (-d $d)20:12
keri_i see cardbus bridge20:12
steveoits my wifes computer I just installed Ubuntu on her system and she can play some of her games on facebook20:12
LaireTMthen echo yes20:12
FloodBot2LaireTM: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.20:13
mneptokkeri_: do you know who makes your video card?20:13
steveolike Bejewelled20:13
Blueysteveo: and?20:13
keri_it was working early i was taking off tux paint and while it was doing that my boyfriend shut the computer off and now i have this problem20:13
steveomy guess is she needs directX installed but I cant get it in from the terminal20:13
kptrism, thank you, let me go through the suggested forum20:14
darkhamhi people, using jaunty in a fujitsu siemens20:14
darkhamevery 5-6 sec20:14
darkhami've a click in the woofers20:14
mneptoksteveo: DirectX is a Microsoft product for Microsoft OSes. Ubuntu is not a Microsoft OS.20:14
bigtom21485anyone know about ubuntu on ps2?20:14
keri_the laptop is IBMthinkpad20:14
mgv2why i cant connect the internet in guest?20:14
anonHey guys. Is there an equivalent of "TeamViewer" on Ubuntu? (Not using wine, and not VNC)20:14
BurkeoneHi. I am using 8.04 and have a Problem concerning my sound. Only totem and Rhythmbox play audios, flash, amarok and vlc do not, though. Also totem and RB are not listet in  volume control in Pulseaudio20:14
Blueysteveo: what we're mixing apples and oranges here -- direct x is windows and ubuntu is linux -- so what are you talking about?  windows or linux?20:14
steveoI no that but is there anything like that for ubuntu20:14
russlarkeri_: is it one of the ones with "switchable" graphics?20:14
darkhamhow can leave it?20:14
steveojust that type of program that she can run it20:14
bazhangkp, aptana studio may be what you are looking20:15
mneptokkeri_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure -pigh xserver-xorg20:15
steveok here is how it worked ill start over sry20:15
Blueysteveo: okay what are you trying to do under linux?20:15
LaireTMHello, i try to to check a folder, but i get the error: -d: command not found: http://paste.ubuntu.com/295653/20:15
bazhangsahilsk, ??20:15
techouse|lappyany idea why i have no text showing up in an application run with mono on ubuntu 9.10 but i have text showing up on Debian Squeeze?20:16
techouse|lappyit's kinda important...20:16
kpbazhang, I am not much aware of aptana studio. But dreamweaver is webpage designing software(I hope you know it).20:16
bazhangtechouse|lappy, #ubuntu+1 for karmic20:16
mneptoktechouse|lappy: Karmic questions in #ubuntu+1 please20:16
jebbluethink steveo wants games like bejewled? if it's a windows game then it might run under Wine or the commercial Cedega20:16
JPSmanIf i wanted to start a new thread in the forums about compiling kernel modules for virtual box guest addition errors, which forum subset should I start it in?20:16
Blueyjebblue: ahh it's a crap shoot with wine...20:16
steveoshe had version 7.2 installed and I got a copy of 9.04 and did the build for her when she had the earlier version her facebook ran with no probs bejewelled, farmville and so on now she just gets a blue screen instead of the game20:16
llutzLaireTM: [] not ()20:17
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^y_emkidzu-ithello I'm new to ubuntu I cannot connect to the web20:17
techouse|lappybazhang: is mono different in 9.04?20:17
bazhang!html | kp you may consider these20:17
ubottukp you may consider these: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/20:17
jebblueBluey: totally20:17
Blueysteveo: did you install flash?20:17
keri_pigh is not installed an no info is available.20:17
bazhangtechouse|lappy, no idea sorry20:17
steveono unless it was on the disc20:17
netbrainsteveo: apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:17
JPSmanshould I post under general help or installation and upgrades?20:17
techouse|lappyi doubt it is :P20:17
russlarkeri_: type exactly this: sudo dpgk-reconfigure -pohigh xserver-xorg20:17
^y_emkidzu-itcan you help me please??????????20:18
mneptokkeri_: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg20:18
Blueynetbrain: thanks...20:18
steveok i will try it brb20:18
Blueysteveo: that might be your problem --20:18
netbrainBluey: did i do something wrong?20:18
trijntje!details | ^y_emkidzu-it20:18
ubottu^y_emkidzu-it: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."20:18
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^y_emkidzu-itI cannot use web on ubuntu20:18
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victor__Hi all20:18
Blueysteveo: I couldn't get thinks like wordscrapper to work on facebook or youturbe to work without flash20:18
LaireTMto check a folder if[-d folder] is the right command?20:18
victor__I have this problem when starting apache220:18
victor__/usr/sbin/apache2: error while loading shared libraries: libmysqlclient_r.so.15: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:18
victor__can anyone help me?20:18
grawityLaireTM: Almost. if [ -d "folder" ]20:18
OpenBluntSurgerywhat is a decent dock for ubuntu???20:19
myzhello my autocomplete is not working in evolution any ideas on how to fix the problem i am using jaunty20:19
steveolaurie@laurie-desktop:~$ apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:19
steveoE: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13 Permission denied)20:19
steveoE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?20:19
kpubottu, bazhang thanks a lot. Let me go through those editors and check if that is one I am looking for.20:19
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:19
steveois what popped up20:19
Blueymyz: I use thunderbird - sorry don't know20:19
provoloneagainIn what package can I find the cube datatype for postgresql ?20:19
LaireTMgrawity to check i used: d='home' and if[-d $d]20:20
provoloneagainI have installed postgresql-contrib to no avail20:20
trijntjesteveo, put sudo in front of the command20:20
grawityLaireTM: See my previous message.20:20
grawityLaireTM: if [ -d "$d" ]; is what it should be20:20
netbrainsteveo: put sudo in front of the command20:20
victor__cazzo c'e' qualcuno che mi sa aiutare dio boia?20:20
LaireTMgrawity ok20:20
steveooops sry I am new to this to so I have to teach her20:20
victor__can someone help me please?20:20
netbrainsteveo: sudp apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree20:21
jebbluei use flash downloaded straight from Adobe works great20:21
BurkeoneI am still using 8.04 and have a Problem concerning my sound(and Pulseaudio). Only totem and Rhythmbox play audios, flash, amarok and vlc do not, though. Also totem and RB are not listet in  volume control in Pulseaudio20:21
Blueyvictor__: we can try20:21
netbrainsteveo: then you have to restart firefox20:21
victor__Bluey: my problem is this20:21
victor__/usr/sbin/apache2: error while loading shared libraries: libmysqlclient_r.so.15: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:21
netbrainsteveo: err... sudo not sudp20:21
trijntjesteveo: when you have the time, you should read a bit in system -> help and support, it explains a lot20:21
keri_asking use kernal fremebuffer device interface?20:21
Blueyvictor__: I know what apache is, but don't have enough knowledge to help you...20:21
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pingo-boa tarde20:22
trismvictor__: do you have package libmysqlclient15off installed?20:22
Guest34895can any one help me install this theme http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php?content=99669 it says You don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "file:///usr/share/themes"20:22
Blueybonus dias?20:22
steveoawsome worked thanks20:22
victor__Anyone who has knowledge enough to help me to figure out why can't my apache2 find libmysqlclient?20:22
trismvictor__: that is where that library is according to my quick dpkg -S search20:22
victor__trism: I think yes20:22
netbrainvictor__: did you compile yourself?20:22
victor__but let me check20:22
BurkeoneGuest34895 make sure you are root20:23
victor__no netbrain I used apt-get20:23
alabdGood day everyone , How to take picture from software windows's in desktop ubuntu ?20:23
LaireTMgrawity i get the error: No such file or directory. Here the code: http://paste.ubuntu.com/295660/20:23
donkanybody here using TuxGuitar?20:23
netbrainvictor__: well, you could always try to run the command ldconfig and see if that resolves it.20:23
Blueyalabd: what exactly are you trying to do?20:23
grawityLaireTM: First, its [ ], not ( )20:23
jebblueGuest34895 i dont recommend installing themes as root just go to desktop right click change desktop background...20:23
victor__netbrain: it's there20:23
grawityLaireTM: And second, you seem to have completely ignored my both messages -- the space before and after [ is _required_20:24
netbrainvictor__: what's there?20:24
jebblueGuest34895 then theme | install20:24
victor__root@ubuntu-server:~# ldconfig libmysqlclient15off20:24
victor__/sbin/ldconfig.real: percorso relativo 'libmysqlclient15off' usato per costruire la cache20:24
grawityLaireTM: http://paste.ubuntu.com/295661/20:24
victor__it means relative path 'libmy....' used to build the cache20:24
mgv2why i cant connect the internet in guest?20:24
netbrainvictor__: only "ldconfig"20:24
tommy_oMGcan any help me install this theme http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php?content=99669 is says an error You don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "file:///usr/share/themes"20:24
victor__it tells nothing netbrain20:24
netbrainvictor__: that should update your libraries20:24
victor__then I try again20:25
netbrainvictor__: and then try to restart apache20:25
victor__netbrain: no way, apache2 can't start20:25
LaireTMgrawity: thx very much20:25
vertekstommy_oMG: extract it to ~/.themes20:25
myzmy autocomplete is not working in evolution using jaunty20:25
victor__netbrain: /etc/init.d/apache2 restart -> fail20:25
netbrainvictor__: well, guess im out of suggestions then. try to purge both apache and mysql20:25
netbrainvictor__: and then reinstall20:26
victor__and how could I do ?20:26
victor__to purge it?20:26
netbrainvictor__: apt-get purge package-name20:26
victor__simply uninstalling then?20:26
victor__ok, but I already uninstalled them today... and reisntalled twice20:26
victor__I try with purge20:26
netbrainvictor__: or dpkg -P20:26
gamerxwhenever i get a notification in pidgin, my speakers crackly, it happens on 2 laptops20:26
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LaireTMgrawity: can you tell me how combine text an varibel? in php i write: $i = 'text'.$var20:27
Blueygamerx: I turned off all sounds in pidgin - too annoying for me20:27
nitinis there any channel for android discussion20:27
grawityLaireTM: If you use double quotes, then it's simply i="text$var" (but i="text${var}" is better)20:27
gamerxbluey, lolz :), did it ever crackle?20:27
Blueygamerx: no20:27
victor__no eay..20:28
victor__no way*20:28
gamerxbluey, ohh hey can you help me with vsftpd?20:28
trismnitin: #android20:28
Blueygamerx: sure private message ok?20:28
dattai had kde for some time now i feel like it is bothering me more than it should have been helping me20:28
dattahow do i uninstall kde, any help?20:28
nitinthanks man20:28
gamerxbluey, fine20:29
kristofferg_i f... up my apt settings. Any easy way to reset completely?20:29
netbraindatta: google it.20:29
icevesselwhat  /.  is used for?20:29
dattanetbrain: i did and got the response of puregnome but it seems it will remove or reinstall my gnome too20:29
gamerxbluey, i actually have to go now20:29
netbraindatta: just remove gnome aswell and then reinstall by apt-get install ubuntu-desktop20:30
grawityicevessel: /. or ./ ?20:30
Blueygamerx: okay some other time20:30
tommy_oMGcan any help me install this theme http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php?content=99669 is says an error You don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "file:///usr/share/themes"20:30
netbrainicevessel: /.? or ./20:30
icevesselgrawity: i mean slash dot20:30
gamerxbluey no its all good20:30
netbraingrawity: oh lol-20:30
fredrik_hello all. I just bought a VGA->Scart cable but I can't get Ubunto to recognize my TV. Any Ideas on how to solve that?20:30
tommy_oMGcan any help me install this theme http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php?content=99669 is says an error You don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "file:///usr/share/themes"20:30
phpc0any idea on how to use usb for ram on this os20:31
kristofferg_phpc0 usb for ram?? speed is not important huh ^^20:32
linuesaHi folks, can I ask a question about tracker. I really like tracker, but CPU goes up after every search request for about 14 seconds (and during this time, no more search request possible). I am on ubuntu 9.04....20:32
netbrainlinuesa: sounds like a bug20:32
netbrainlinuesa: u should probably file a bug report.20:32
tommy_oMGcan any help me install this theme http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php?content=99669 is says an error You don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "file:///usr/share/themes"20:33
netbraintommy_oMG: open the file with "gksu file-roller /path/to/file"20:34
linuesanetbrain: really? nobody had this? its trackerd who's busy then. But shouldn't be, after a simple search request. the indexing is over.20:34
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netbrainlinuesa: the application shouldnt be unresponsive for 12 seconds. no..20:34
theadminThere are ways to connect to Ipods on Ubuntu right?20:35
linuesanetbrain: thanks. Ok. I will do a bug report then.20:36
netbrainlinuesa: before you start, check if there exists bug reports on the subject20:36
nimda1hi there, when installing "Mutt" i see the following error.  "configure: error: no curses library found"20:37
rsknimda1: why didn't you use apt-get install mutt?20:38
theadminnidma1: You need additional software to compile it20:38
theadminBut better do what rsk said20:38
nimda1RSK - i am trying to install from source20:38
rsknimda1: if you do have a valid reason for compiling it thou, use sudo apt-get build-dep mutt and it will have all libs20:38
rsknimda1: i can tell20:38
LinuX2halfI want to know if there's a way to sync an ipod touch20:39
rskLinuX2half: define sync20:39
dattai think puregnome had worked fine20:40
Gr1nreaperI have a question about conkyrc, can someone help?20:40
Gr1nreaperI already tried it in the conky channel, but nobody seems to be alive there20:40
trismLinuX2half: gtkpod has some initial support, but the touch needs to be jailbroken for it to work (according to their homepage)20:41
kristofferg_need help for hacking a gibson, who's with me?20:41
LinuX2halfrsk: sync as in identifying the device and add music similar to itunes20:41
LinuX2halfJailbroken!!!! I don't want that its risky for my warrantly20:42
rskLinuX2half: i've heard itunes works in wine while back so i'd say it would work20:42
trismLinuX2half: I don't blame you, just telling you what it said20:42
LinuX2halfrsk; ONLY works with wine with minimal patches or no patches, correct?20:43
fredrik_Can you force ubuntu to use VGA port instead of laptop screen? I have bought a vga->scart cable but Ubuntu doesn't recognize it. If I connect a monitor on VGA port it workes.20:43
rskLinuX2half: i dont think you need any patches20:43
tommy_oMGcan any help me install this theme http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php?content=99669 is says an error You don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "file:///usr/share/themes"20:44
tommy_oMGit still says that20:44
grawitytommy_oMG: That page says: If you want to make this theme only available to yourself, then decompress the file to ~/.themes/20:44
grawitytommy_oMG: So do it, and the theme will be installed.20:44
tiomatt# madrid20:44
LinuX2halfrsk: huh? I'v checked online saying that itunes versions 7.6 worked perfectly but only with no patches.....20:45
drfreematommy_oMG: sudo file-roller and extract it to /usr/share/themes20:45
LinuX2halfrsk: I've no idea what patches meant...?20:45
LinuX2halfrsk: but I think it had something to do with bugs20:45
slapcould anyone tell me how to make the Weather Report panel icon go through a proxy instead of connecting directly to the internet?20:45
DelanoI've tried to start gnome, but it doesn't load any of my bars20:45
DelanoThis has happened to me before20:46
DelanoIs it a bug in gnome?20:46
drfreematommy_oMG: gksu file-roller and extract it to /usr/share/themes20:46
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:46
esteeven_hello firdau520:47
slapfirdau5: who are you addressing that to?20:47
firdau5good morning esteeven_20:47
firdau5to all, slap20:47
DelanoHow do I get my gnome bars back?20:48
firdau5which one?20:48
slapfirdau5: that's very unusual20:48
Ddordahello. is it possible to import pidgin logs to empathy?20:48
trism!panels | Delano20:49
ubottuDelano: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »20:49
Takyoji[mobile]Got a Dell Mini 10v preinstalled with Ubuntu. Boots straight to desktop, but for admin tasks, I don't know of the password20:49
grawityDdorda: If they use the same log format. (Which I highly doubt...)20:49
slapcould anyone tell me how to make the Weather Report panel icon go through a proxy instead of connecting directly to the internet?20:49
firdau5nevermind, slap20:49
Delanotrism, doesn't work, tried that20:49
grawityTakyoji[mobile]: Reboot, you should get the boot menu with "Recovery mode" in it.20:49
Ddordagrawity: maybe there's a script or something?20:49
Takyoji[mobile]Alright, thank you20:49
grawityTakyoji[mobile]: Choose that, and in the next menu scroll down to "root shell".20:49
firdau5grawity, he / she is already logout20:50
grawityfirdau5: Yeah :| I hate when they do that.20:51
grawityfirdau5: I have set my IRC client to hide joins/parts.20:51
firdau5yeah.. me too20:51
slapcould anyone tell me how to make the Weather Report panel icon go through a proxy instead of connecting directly to the internet?20:51
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DaimonicName me  a standard font of ubuntu!20:52
slapgrawity: firdau5: doesnt that make a lot of problems for you20:52
grawityDaimonic: DejaVu {Sans,Sans Mono,Serif}20:53
LinuX2halfwhy does some of the exe. applications doesn't work....with wine?20:53
Daimonicgrawity: thanks!20:53
erUSULLinuX2half: becouse nothing is perfect. not even windows ;)20:53
erUSUL!appdb | LinuX2half20:53
ubottuLinuX2half: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help20:53
guntbertslap: doesn't it take "system settings"?20:53
jebblueslap: only way I can think of is change your system settings but that affects all apps20:54
unnheulucool dual monitors work fine with ubuntu20:54
harleyhey everyone20:54
harleyi have a problem to fix my speakers !20:54
slapguntbert: jebblue: i dont want to change everything. just weather report20:54
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linuesaok, a little bit more information about my trackerd problem. After reading a bit in launchpad and going back to command line tool I discovered that the effect is due to the heavy .pdf file where the search hit is in. It seems that the tracker-search-tool, after indicating a hit is going through the file and gives the context of the hit. In this case, the heavy pdf file needed 14 seconds to be parsed.20:54
harleyi'm running karmic in a hp pavillon20:55
guntbert!karmic | harley20:55
ubottuharley: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:55
linuesaWhen I do the same search with command line "tracker-search", the same hit in the same file is instantaneous.20:55
surfinhi everybody, anybody knows where user init script lies? i need to edit what apps run at logon, tnx!20:55
linuesaok, for me, the thing is solved. is nevertheless odd.20:56
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slapguntbert: jebblue: i dont want to change everything. just weather report20:56
jebblueslap: yep well i dunno but good luck :)20:56
trismslap: the weather report app doesn't have a pref for it, you have to change the settings for gnome20:57
slaptrism: how?20:57
Guest53199 im trying to mount a LV from a LVM RAID configuration. lvscan shows that the intented lv is active. However when trying to mount (/mount /dev/debian/debian-root /mnt -t ext3), the20:57
Guest53199                    error: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/mapper/debian-debian--root, missing [...] is returned.20:57
Besatung juve20:57
Besasi kaloni20:58
Besamir jeni20:58
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Besasi flitet ktu ore20:58
firdau5Besa, Nanda kore?20:58
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trismslap: System/Preferences/Network Proxy?20:59
Besafirdau5 qfar thua ti20:59
slaptrism: that changes proxy settings for EVERYTHING i just want Weather Report proxied21:00
firdau5Besa, actually I dont understand whats you're talking about.. I just said 'Why this' in japanese... hehe21:00
trismslap: and I just told you, the weather report app doesn't have a pref for it, it is all or nothing21:00
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ssv1994how to get E1750 modem working with ubuntu?21:00
firdau5hi ssv199421:00
firdau5which version of Ubuntu are you use?21:00
Besafirdau5 hahahahha as un spot kuptoj ty hiq21:00
Bruscathis channel is bloated21:01
ssv1994I am using 9.04, but I will use 9.1021:01
guntbert!en | Besa21:01
ubottuBesa: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat21:01
firdau5thats good21:01
* Slade contemplates upgrading to ubuntu 9...i'm still using 8.0421:01
guntbert!ot | firdau521:01
ubottufirdau5: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:01
firdau5you can use Network Manager to handle the modem driver21:01
SladeActually, what are the dangers of updating gnome by compiling from source?21:02
firdau5just plug and play21:02
Besafirdau5 sa keq qe nuk kuptohemi21:03
jebblueSlade: I wouldn't try it21:03
ssv1994If I will plug the modem in to my system, it won't have the Internet without problems21:03
martinikihola alguien habla español21:03
erUSUL!es | martiniki21:03
ubottumartiniki: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:03
Sladejebblue: why not? I'd like to get the latest gnome desktop running on my box21:03
firdau5ssv1994, can you see a network / wireless network icon at your panel?21:04
jebblueSlade: just saying I wouldn't try it, just MO :)21:04
Sladejebblue: ok, how can i get the latest version of gnome then?21:04
DeathCrawlerUbuntu Karmic freezes again. =/21:04
jebblueSlade: next Ubuntu release I guess?21:05
Besaciaoo te gjith klm tung21:05
guntbertDeathCrawler: #ubuntu+121:05
firdau5do you mean the network is intermeten when use the modem?21:05
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jebblueSlade: actually if I were to try it I'd remove gnome that is default from the repos then go to town I guess21:05
haymakerhttp://imgur.voxcdn.com/8w0uB.png  <- does this look close enough to the ubuntu CoF logo in your opinion?21:05
jebblueSlade: and back up everything that starts with .g in home21:06
tommy_oMGcan any help me install this theme http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php?content=99669 is says an error You don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "file:///usr/share/themes"21:06
tommy_oMGcan any help me install this theme http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php?content=99669 is says an error You don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "file:///usr/share/themes"21:06
tommy_oMGcan any help me install this theme http://xfce-look.org/content/show.php?content=99669 is says an error You don't have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "file:///usr/share/themes"21:06
trismSlade: it is just kind of involved, because the latest gnome depends on the latest gtk which depends on the latest glib and you're just updating alot of things usually21:06
FloodBot2tommy_oMG: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:06
firdau5hi ShapeShifter49921:07
BlouBlou!flood | tommy_oMG21:07
ubottutommy_oMG: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:07
MrSchmodo ppl still do folding@home? do you guys do it?21:07
guntbert!ot | MrSchmo21:07
ubottuMrSchmo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:07
Sladetrism: so i'd be safer upgrading to the latest version of ubuntu right now...21:07
firdau5MrSchmo, sometimes21:07
trismSlade: definitely21:07
Sladeis there an upgrade guide, or even better, an upgrade tool?21:08
kevdogSlade: What do you want to upgrade?21:08
cpjr72MrSchmo, I used to do a small farm but the electric bill got to be too much, and my GPU was never that stable when they went to that so I gave up21:08
ShapeShifter499I need help, I did an upgrade and now the display is all stretched out and the display manager is not correctly, how do I fix this21:08
guntbert!upgrade | Slade21:08
ubottuSlade: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/upgrading21:08
netbrainSlade: update-manager -d21:08
Sladekevdog: ubuntu 8.04 to ubuntu latest21:08
kevdogSlade: sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude safe-upgrade   ?? Is this not good enough?21:08
erUSUL!upgrade | Slade21:08
firdau5Slade, System --> Administration --> Update Manager21:09
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Sladefirdau5: it says my system is up to date..21:09
Sladebut i want to get ubuntu 9 instead of 821:09
erUSULSlade: Got to System>Admin>Software>sources21:10
kevdogSlade: Yes you can upgrade with the dist-upgrade command but from my personal past experience -- sometimes or most of the time things break when you do this and you end up re installing.  It sucks when this happens but seems IMO to be the rule and not the exception21:10
stinkywhat is the apt-get command to clean up broken and unnecessary packages?21:10
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firdau5Slade, better you get a fresh install21:10
stinkyapt-get clean?21:10
drakeapt-get install21:10
kevdogSlade: sudo aptitude dist-upgrade21:10
drakewhat ever21:10
ShapeShifter499*not correctly detecting my screen21:10
trismSlade: you need to upgrade to 8.10 then you can upgrade from that to 9.0421:10
drakei need help with metasploit21:10
erUSULSlade: in the third tab (updates) in the botton. distributions updates choose Normal Editions21:11
jebblueSlade: un Softtware Sources on the Updates tab what is listed in Release upgrade?21:11
erUSULSlade: close the dialog and open the update-manager again21:11
SladeSays new release 8.10 is available21:11
Sladewhen i use update-manager -d21:11
Sladewith an upgrade button21:11
jebblueSlade: then trism has a good point21:11
Sladedo i chance it?21:11
erUSULSlade: there you go. first upgrade to 8.10 then to 9.0421:12
MrSchmoanyone having issue with ff 3.0.14 where the browser redo my pervious search automatically. example i was viewing a page and scrolling, my ff automatic did a search on a keyboard i just used perivously21:12
kevdogSlade: good luck -- it might work but something will probably break >)21:12
erUSULSlade: you can not do 8.04 --> 9.04 directly21:12
SladeerUSUL: is it safe to hit that upgrade button? It's not gonna...break....anything is it?21:12
trismSlade: I've upgraded from the past several versions without problems, although I'm planning a full reinstall once 9.10 comes out21:12
Sladealright, here we go....21:12
* kevdog says -- Dont blame me when something goes haywire!!!!21:13
erUSULSlade: nothing is perfect. upgrades are designed to be safe but s**t happens21:13
firdau5(singing 'arabian nights')21:13
jebblueI upgraded each one since 7.04 minor issues sometimes but it works - only OS I've ever seen that reliable21:13
kevdogSlade: Hope you backed up anything you wanted!!!21:13
Sladeall my music and stuff is on my windows drive21:13
Sladeso i can safely say that's all i need21:13
stinkyThe following packages have unmet dependencies:21:13
stinky  libavformat-dev: Depends: libavcodec-dev (= 3:0.svn20090303-1ubuntu6) but it is not going to be installed21:13
stinky  libswscale-dev: Depends: libavutil-dev (= 3:0.svn20090303-1ubuntu6) but it is not going to be installed21:13
stinkyE: Broken packages21:13
FloodBot2stinky: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.21:13
Sladeand i moved my pictures and stuffs and my home folder over..21:14
erUSULSlade:  i can say that i only installed ubuntu twice since i tried it first beta in 2004. and one reinstall was to change to 64 bits :)21:14
stinkyhit my middle mouse21:14
andbelohi all, nautilus is showing a LVM2 mount point from an internal hard-drive. How can I hide it or avoid that?21:14
Abaddon1Could anyone tell me what piece of software is at work when I adjust the volume of my speakers using my laptop's HP quickplay (touch screen) buttons? Thanks...21:14
ShapeShifter499anyone know?21:15
Sladewell, im going to try it21:15
firdau5good luck Slade21:15
jebblueSlade yep good luck, should be fine overall21:15
skxI have a regular soundcard and a usb headset (both recognized by Ubuntu), how do I make the headset a default device>21:16
feniixCan anybody tell me or point me to a how to on how to force the make-kpkg command create the .dsc .diff and targ.gz files to uploadad using dput?21:16
Sladewell, it's upgrading...21:18
SladeSetting new software channels....21:18
jebblueskx: check if you have the PulseAudio Manager installed, System | Sound and Video Pulseaudio Device Chooser21:19
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Sladewow, it says it's gonna take a few hours to upgrade...21:21
dennis_gut abend21:21
Sladesigh let's do it21:21
darkhamhi people, using jaunty in a fujitsu siemens21:21
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darkhami've a click in the woofers21:21
darkhamevery 5-6 sec21:21
skxjebblue, system? under system I have preferences and administration21:21
dennis_hi together,21:22
guntbert!hi | dennis_21:22
ubottudennis_: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!21:22
jebblueskx: sorry look for the Sound and Video menu21:22
jebbluei don't use the 3 menu thing i use the ubuntu icon menu21:22
dennis_when will xfce4-menueditor included in xubuntu?does anyone know?thx21:23
Sladewow, 1433 packages to download21:24
Sladethat is...alot  :D21:24
ShapeShifter499I need help, I did an upgrade on my ubuntu system and now the display is all stretched out and the display manager is not correctly detecting my display, how do I fix this21:24
dennis_version of ubuntu and xorg ?21:24
ShapeShifter499I think so21:25
guntbert!who | dennis_21:25
ubottudennis_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)21:25
erUSULdennis_: better ask in #xubuntu i guess. i do not use xubuntu21:25
guntbertShapeShifter499: upgrade to which version?21:25
kunnu531Hi Everyone,I have hardy 8.04 version,and when ever I log into KDE session I get an error client-error-bad-request CUPS server error, And this doesn't happen in Gnome21:26
ShapeShifter499guntbert: just a normal update-manager update/ugrade21:26
kunnu531any suggestions please21:26
firdau5CUPS Server = mean your printing, kunnu53121:27
guntbertShapeShifter499: on which ubuntu version are you after the upgrade?21:27
erUSUL!es | Quique21:27
ubottuQuique: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.21:27
obiwan_tios losabies? ha palmao el tikitaka21:27
ShapeShifter499guntbert: the same version 9.0421:27
obiwan_sry wrong window21:27
skxjebblue, there is some sound menu that let me choose my headset (OSS) and it seems to be working, same headset with alsa returns some garbage error21:28
kunnu531firdau5: I am not printing anything for now but when i login i get this error21:28
kunnu531when i login to kde session will get this error21:28
skxjebblue, but then the volume control does not work, although there is a nice applet in the corner showing that it should21:28
guntbertShapeShifter499: ah ... that are updates - upgrades are from one ubuntu version to the next - hence my questions21:28
porter1Hey all, I'm working on a touchscreen based implementation of Ubuntu, but I was wondering if there's any way to get gdm to display a keyboard for the user to enter their password?21:28
erUSUL!hi | Quique21:29
ubottuQuique: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!21:29
KuroganeHello, any1 can help me to install pure-ftp i have a error http://pastebin.com/d5f86135021:29
jebblueskx not sure, if the device is shown then I would expect the volume to also, check https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio - there is a discussion about device choosing there21:30
ShapeShifter499guntbert: oh...ok...lol so how do I fix my display problem?21:30
darkhamhow can i download only the packages with all dipendencies with apt?21:30
Sladeis installing the latest KDE less difficult than installing the latest gnome?21:30
darkhamapt-get download21:31
llutzdarkham: man apt-get21:31
skxjebblue, I am looking at that, thanks for the tip anyway21:31
andbelo@Slade: I see no difference21:31
jebblueskx welcome, the device chooser works for me when I use it to pick various devices good luck!21:31
Quiqueam are of mexico21:31
Pyrophelia2 questions please:  Is it possible to run some kind of virtual machine ontop of osx 10.5 or 10.6 so I can have Ubuntu and windows 7 on seperate monitors?  If there is no such thing, how is mac version of Ubuntu these days?  Last time I tried it the drivers were lagging21:32
=== mwti_ is now known as mwti
erUSULKurogane: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pure-ftpd/+bug/15706221:32
guntbertShapeShifter499: sorry, no idea, but tell us: what video card, what driver are you using?.... maybe someone will step in21:32
erUSULKurogane: you have to run « sudo modprobe capabilities » before installing pure-ftpd21:32
nimrod0Pyrophelia, you could run virtualbox21:32
kunnu531 Pyrophelia: I think you can use Vmware Fusion for21:33
=== yamokidzu-it is now known as kenh_noob-it
kunnu531installing ubuntu and Windows 721:33
Pyropheliathanks I'll look into it21:33
AutoMatriXhi folks21:33
Pyrophelianimrod0, Virtualbox was exactly what I was looking for.  Thanks.21:34
ShapeShifter499guntbert: I'm using a netbook with an intel graphics 945 and intel atom n27021:35
DanThirstwould any one be willing to help me get an onboard SD card working?21:35
Iimitkwhen i open a file thru the terminal using $ gedit path/to/file the terminal halts until exiting from gedit. how can i alter that behavior?21:36
ShapeShifter499guntbert: as for the driver....I know it may be xserver-org-intel21:36
AutoMatriXDanThirst, check out first if it is compatible .... some motherboards are not21:36
tumiiHow do i get WiFi working on acer aspire one a150 (ubuntu 9.04 im using, i just did a fresh install)21:36
DanThirstAutoMatriX: huh, its a laptop21:36
wildc4rdevening all21:36
ShapeShifter499guntbert: correction xserver-org-video-intel21:36
AutoMatriXDanThirst, if is a toshiba, I wish you good luck .... those drivers wer not released, I think21:37
LeonBrusselsIimitk: gedit /path/to/file &21:37
LeonBrusselsthe & is the key21:37
guntbertShapeShifter499: you might want to put your question to the channel again. Make sure to provide as many details as possible - all in one line :)21:37
DanThirstAutoMatriX: it is, it just seems like i've had them working before21:37
CLIdiotjust checking in - is Ubutnu 9.10 going to fix the flash full-screen problems? Will I actually be able to use my media computer for streaming video again?21:37
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IimitkLeonBrussels: thanks. what does it do particularly? pass the file by value? ;)21:38
AutoMatriXDanThirst,  I've had them working under winthings but never under ?nix21:38
guntbert!9.10 | CLIdiot21:38
ubottuCLIdiot: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:38
DanThirstYeah maybe it was windows i had it working21:38
AutoMatriXDanThirst, that's what I feared21:39
LeonBrusselsIimitk: appending the & causes something to go into background, detach from your current terminal21:39
DanThirstunacceptable some one has got to have them working21:39
IimitkLeonBrussels: thanks again. is there a reference to such terminal global options?21:41
ShapeShifter499I need help, I did an update on my ubuntu system and now the display is all stretched out and the display manager is not correctly detecting my display, how do I fix this? I have the acer asipre one 8.9 inch netbook with a intel atom n270 and intel graphics 945 card21:41
guntbertDanThirst: ask the manufacturer for drivers21:41
DanThirsttexas instrument ?21:41
* DanThirst ponders21:41
sajiI upgraded to ubuntu 9.10 beta version. It now shows a white screen only.. Can anyone help?21:42
tumiiHow do I get WiFi working on Acer aspire one a150 on 9.04?21:42
DanThirstneed to reconfigure xorg21:42
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:42
jebblueShapeShifter499 it appears there is a community around that might be of help:  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne21:43
erUSULtumii: what wifi chipset does that laptop has ?21:43
jebbluetumii see the link i just posted to ShapeShifter499 good luck!21:43
rajwhy cant i play any movies? even with codecs and everything . not 1 single player is opening up. i can listen to music but videos AVI/MPEG dont work and the player wont open up .. is this cause on my graphics driver?? help anyone?21:44
LeonBrusselsIimitk: Dunno, my knowledge is also just learning by doing... One other nifty trick I know that also works for anything you run in terminal. While an app like gedit is running in the terminal (so the terminal is blocked), you can do ctrl + z and it will stop. Then when you type "bg" into the term, the program you just stopped will continue running, but in the background, so you can use your terminal for other things.21:44
tumiierUSUL: I think it has the athros (or similiar)21:44
tumiijebblue i did not see any link21:44
erUSULtumii: System>Admin>hardware drivers ?21:44
jebbluetumii https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AspireOne21:44
rajwhy cant i play any movies? even with codecs and everything . not 1 single player is opening up. i can listen to music but videos AVI/MPEG dont work and the player wont open up .. is this cause on my graphics driver?? help anyone?21:44
erUSULraj: could be... try "mplayer -vo x11 video_file"21:45
kbpIs there away to update domain name record in Ubuntu? I have point my domain to new server (different IP) but when I ping that domain, Ubuntu still shows up old ip address21:45
tumiierUSUL: i turned that driver on21:45
tumiiim gonna reboot21:45
SunnyPxssyraj, what kind of player did u test?21:45
n8tuserkbp you have your own dns? did you wait long enuff for it to update?21:46
judibeeflhi everyone21:46
rajerUSUL i tried that. i tried VLC Mplayer and GNOME player none of them open up21:46
kbpn8tuser: I have used various sites on net to Ping and Check DNS, they all returns the new web host address21:46
kbpn8tuser: s/returns/returned21:46
DanThirstbwhahahah im going to try http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=42072121:46
n8tuserkbp the last one not returning the correct may not be updated yet?21:46
kbpn8tuser: is there a way to see which one is not updated in Ubuntu? tracert?21:48
raj:S. is it cause of my none SSE CPU chip? and the nvidia drivers? i know i cant get opelgl/3D desktop working with AMD athlon . none sse. but could that be the cause of non working video players?21:48
trismIimitk: check out the bash reference manual for more information http://www.gnu.org/software/bash/manual/bashref.html21:48
judibeeflI am looking for development assistance21:48
daedaluzI have a stupid question, but I just can't figure out how to make buttons in Nautilus smaller. :/21:48
james_jacksonis this the right channel to go to to ask about an operating system problem?21:48
n8tuserkbp im not sure which one are you checking, which dns server you use to dig or nslookup?21:48
erUSULjames_jackson: if that OS is ubuntu; yes21:49
n8tuserjames_jackson-> give ita try21:49
erUSUL!ask | james_jackson21:49
ubottujames_jackson: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:49
teknozwizardIs it possible to learn or work with Microsoft Visual Basic 2008 in Linux?21:49
james_jacksonim having problems with windows media player21:49
james_jacksonit wont start up and im sure its os related21:49
guntbertjudibeefl: this is no developper channel21:49
tumiijames_jackson, if the os youre talking about is ubuntu21:49
erUSULjames_jackson: ask in ##windows21:49
n8tuserjames_jackson-> those are windows apps yes?21:49
james_jacksonwhats ubuntu?21:50
raj:S. is it cause of my none SSE CPU chip? and the nvidia drivers? i know i cant get opelgl/3D desktop working with AMD athlon . none sse. but could that be the cause of non working video players??21:50
teknozwizardjames_jackson: Ubuntu is a Linux derivative.21:50
judibeeflis there a developer channel?21:50
* erUSUL suddenly smells a strong troll 21:50
n8tuserteknozwizard-> to read only  yes, but to execute it, you will need a windows os21:50
james_jacksonwhats linux?21:50
n8tuserjudibeefl-> try #c21:50
* erUSUL rasies his "Do not feed the troll" sign21:50
guntbertjudibeefl: what language?21:50
firdau5can we install ubuntu on an old cisco machines?21:51
firdau5anyone got experience?21:51
teknozwizardn8tuser: I've got a partitioned drive. One side for Vista (soon to be Windows 7), and the other side for Ubuntu. I was just wondering if it was still possible to learn VB 2008 in Ubuntu and then pull it over onto the Windows side and run it. A friend of mine wants me to learn Visual Basic 2008 for him for some strange reason.21:51
erUSULfirdau5: cisco makes routers not computers ;)21:51
kbpn8tuser: I used dig & nslookup and it turns out that both of them return the OLD name server and they haven't been updated yet. Is that because of Ubuntu or because of the DNS system in the world?21:51
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n8tuserteknozwizard-> dont know how you learn things without testing, but certainly you can learn from the book i guess, not sure if you'd be able to debug without running it21:52
guntbertteknozwizard: look into monodevelop21:52
judibeeflgunther: i am a beginner, so not sure where to go in that respect21:52
n8tuserkbp its the dns server you are using that has not received updates21:52
jayprohey all... anyone know of any type of bluetooth program that can be used as a replacement to this: http://www.bonphi.com/bh-0102010.html21:52
firdau5erUSUL> firdau5: cisco makes routers not computers ;) <---- this is mission impossible..21:52
guntbertjudibeefl: you want to learn *which* programming language?21:53
Iimitktrism: thanks. this is big though necessary :)21:53
SladeerUSUL: how long did it take u to upgrade?21:53
rizwananyone know how to setup x-server on dual-head(with nvidia) one desktop spans on both monitors (maximizing a window spans it to both monitors)21:53
ConfidentiaLis the ubuntu 9.10 beta notebook remix only available as iso? and not img?21:53
erUSULSlade: depends on your net connection. it has to dl a lot of data21:53
rizwanby this i mean that two monitors really behave as one (as apposed to twinview where they work closely but not as one)21:53
kbpn8tuser: thank you :)21:53
* AutoMatriX bye folks21:53
teknozwizardfirdau5: He was saying it nicely. What he said translates into - Cant be done because you'd have to completely reconfigure the hardware in the Cisco router to make it a computer, which probably won't happen, and so it's best to just use real computers, and not try to make computers out of routers.21:53
erUSULSlade: i usually use the alternate disk dl via torrent to save myself some of that data21:54
Saviqguys, can I download the usb-creator.exe from somewhere? it's not on the studio install dvd21:54
judibeeflGunther: a language I can use to develop educational games and tools for teachers21:54
Saviqand I need to have a working usb stick with ubuntu studio installer21:54
=== jade is now known as Guest79134
adamonline45hello!  Does anyone know why an e1000 network card would be capping at roughly 100Mb/s?21:54
n8tuserjudibeefl-> many too choose from, python is one, with qt or tk for graphics21:55
krusckeI just installed ubuntu and i can't open any programs why?21:55
teknozwizardjudibeefl: Why would you want to do that? The teachers in the US are slow and lax. They lack the ambition they once had and students are graduated high school now dumber than when they first began. What makes you think teachers will care what you develop for them?21:55
n8tuseradamonline45-> is the existing network really 1gig?21:55
LeonBrusselsConfidentiaL: If your netbook does not have a cd drive, you can simply use usb-creator on the desktop (System -> Administration I think)21:55
guntbert!ot | teknozwizard21:55
ubottuteknozwizard: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!21:55
dhiaeldeen1in open office , i have R1 , how can i make the one subtext ?21:55
teknozwizardSaviq: Try your SPM.21:55
Saviqteknozwizard: I mean the .exe21:55
judibeeflteknowizard: Ever heard of "I have a dream?'21:56
teknozwizardSaviq: I didn't know Ubuntu could run exe's...hrm...21:56
Saviqteknozwizard: do you know what the tool is at all?21:56
teknozwizardjudibeefl: I have, but dreams are useless in the US unless you've got lots of money.21:56
guntbertdhiaeldeen1: ask in #openoffice-org please21:56
n8tuserjudibeefl-> go for it, but this is not a development channel, go visit #c or #python21:56
adamonline45n8tuser: It is, yes :)  I can get higher speeds between my laptop and my desktop on the same subnet, but the server seems to have some sort of limit...21:56
Saviqteknozwizard: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick21:56
teknozwizardSaviq: Yeah. I saw it install on my machine from the DVD.21:56
teknozwizardSaviq: Just use the DVD.21:56
Saviqif I had a dvd available, I'd use it21:57
n8tuseradamonline45-> is the nic negotiating with another nic? you know they have to negotiate a speed right?21:57
Saviqand the file isn't there on studio install cd21:57
erUSULteknozwizard: 1) if that exe is a mono program it works 2) if it is a supported by wine program it also works21:57
erUSULteknozwizard: :P21:58
teknozwizarderUSUL: Well.....nee-ner nee-ner =P21:58
Saviqand I don't have any other .iso available and no connection to download another image :/21:58
adamonline45n8tuser: Hmm, I'd presume it is negotiating, if it has to! :)  I'm not sure what it's negotiating as...21:58
teknozwizarderUSUL: I'm quickly forgetting about Wine, to be honest. Simply because I'm finding out that Ubuntu is so much cooler and much better than Windows ever was or shall be.21:58
queso_What is the type of relationship between Debian and Ubuntu?  Is Ubuntu simply based off of Debian and built on top of it?  I'm trying to figure out the difference.  If I installed Debian instead of Ubuntu, what's the difference?21:58
teknozwizardSaviq: But you've connection to IRC, but not to dl another image? (scratches head confused)...DudE! You're a wizard!21:59
Saviqteknozwizard: how much bandwidth do you think IRC requires?21:59
teknozwizardqueso_: When I was toying with the differences, I mainly just saw graphic differences and slight differences in functionality.21:59
Saviqand how much does downloading a CD image?21:59
sebsebseb!debian |  queso_22:00
ubottuqueso_: Ubuntu and Debian are closely related. Ubuntu builds on the foundations of Debian architecture and infrastructure, with a different community and release process. See http://www.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/relationship - Remember, !repositories meant for Debian should NOT be used on Ubuntu!22:00
teknozwizardSaviq: Iunno. Never paid too much attention. Never peaked my interest too much. I'd say the fastest way to get another DVD is just to go to your local Borders or Barnes & Nobles and get the DVD outta the mag.22:00
Saviqteknozwizard: unless it's 11 PM and the nearest Barnes & Noble is about 1.5 thousand kilometers away22:01
sebsebsebqueso_: Debian Stable is well  stable, meaning a bit behind,   with the kernel and such.   Ubuntu is based on the testing Debian repo and then does it's own changes or something like that.22:01
Saviqand any other blank media is far enough22:01
Chubakka84hi guys22:01
Saviqnot to mention a shop that's open at this hour22:01
Chubakka84i got a problem regarding my wirlesslan interface22:01
Saviqwell, thanks for nothing22:01
queso_sebsebseb: Aah, okay, thanks for explaining that22:01
Chubakka84its gone after installing and delting ndiswrapper22:01
Chubakka84how can i reenter it22:01
sebsebsebqueso_: Yeah Debain can't even do  Ext4  yet as far as I know,  unless something special is done to it22:01
SladeerUSUL: what happens if the internet connection gets interrupted during the package download... will it auto-resume?22:01
trijntje!enter | Chubakka8422:02
ubottuChubakka84: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:02
Chubakka84xcuse me22:02
erUSULSlade: it should but it never happened to me22:02
teknozwizardSlade: I know I'm not erUSUL, but it should auto-resume. Mine did, problem was it corrupted some of the files. It's like - for me at least - it just skipped right over certain files and resumed downloading at a different spot.22:02
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adamonline45man, i'm so excited to be getting ubuntu back on my workstation!  Using virtualbox with dedicated raid-0 raptors 8)22:02
SladeerUSUL: ah, it's just cause im connected to the wrong wireless router,a nd the signal strength is low22:03
Sladeso this is gonna take FOREVER...22:03
* Slade misses his wired cable internet connection22:03
teknozwizardSlade: I just learned about that kind of stuff! Just because the signal strength is low doesn't mean a poor connection.22:03
judibeeflteknowizard: which magazine ?22:03
Slade9 hrs left for download....22:03
queso_Can someone point me to a document that describes the process that takes place when you do a distribution upgrade? Like from 9.04 to 9.10, what happens?  Does it only upgrade those packages already installed, does it install new packages?  Which settings does it wipe clean and which does it save, and how does it decide, etc.?22:04
judibeeflnt8user:  thank you for your helpful in put22:04
adamonline45man i'm still on 6.06 on my server...22:05
evilaimUgh, feel like a mean guy...22:05
kevdog6.06 -- awesome22:05
evilaimSome kid was just asking me about using ubuntu and Linux...22:05
guntbert!ot | evilaim22:05
evilaimSo he asks if there are any good torrent sites for downloading the software...22:05
kevdogevilaim: isn't ubuntu Linux?22:05
judibeefladamon: you run a server.. which program does that?22:05
ubottuevilaim: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:05
geekbuntu_(ubuntu is windows 8 pre-release)22:05
evilaimYa, but I was talking about the kernel and all that22:05
evilaimSo no, Linux != ubuntu...22:06
evilaimbut ubuntu == Linux;)22:06
judibeeflGeek LOL22:06
guntbertevilaim: please take that to #ubuntu-offtopic22:06
adamonline45judibeefl: What do you mean which program?  It depends...  Nothing that's open through the hardware firewall though, lol ;)22:06
* evilaim punches guntbert in the throat22:07
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guntbert!ops | evilaim (threatens)22:07
kevdogis there a command to list all installed packages that I could then restore the packages once ubuntu is upgraded?22:07
ubottuevilaim (threatens): Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!22:07
judibeefllol  This whole ubuntu program has sent me to learn more about it.22:08
kevdogThat's awesome!22:08
evilaimthat seems a bit excessive22:08
evilaimjudi, ubuntu program?22:08
evilaimyou mean the OS?22:08
trismkevdog: dpkg -l | grep ii22:08
judibeeflyes evilaim22:09
evilaimYa, it's really nice.22:09
kevdogtrism: Could I then use this list to restore from?22:09
rajwhy cant i play any movies? even with codecs and everything . not 1 single player is opening up. i can listen to music but videos AVI/MPEG dont work and the player wont open up .. is this cause on my graphics driver?? help anyone? through the terminal when i run it it says CPU doesnt support SSE. I have an athlon ... help anyone?22:09
evilaimI'm beta testing this 9.10.  It's beautiful, few issues but I'm sure on the 29th it will be really nice22:09
judibeeflI was an avid windoze user until I came across this22:09
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:10
trismkevdog: well, you would need to just cut out the package name22:10
judibeeflnot sure which version I have  i just got it22:11
LjLevilaim: you've been told to move offtopic chat to #ubuntu-offtopic, but not only were you rude to the one telling you that - you keep being offtopic22:11
evilaimjudi, most likely 9.04.22:11
LjLthat's not very acceptable.22:11
Guest52276hello i was wondering how ca i update my drivers. I use to use vista home premium two days ago i switch to ubuntu 9.04. I clicked on hardware drivers. It said i have no proprietary driver. I want to watch video but the quality sucks. Also when i use the web it look lame. How can i add or update drivers on my system? Plz someone i need help22:12
judibeeflAh  that sounds familar. evilaim. what is different in 9.10?22:12
evilaimljl, you're being off topic22:12
evilaimplease take it to PM or to #ubuntu-offtopic.22:12
evilaimThank you22:12
=== jbuncher_ is now known as jbuncher
Guest52276hello i was wondering how ca i update my drivers. I use to use vista home premium two days ago i switch to ubuntu 9.04. I clicked on hardware drivers. It said i have no proprietary driver. I want to watch video but the quality sucks. Also when i use the web it look lame. How can i add or update drivers on my system? Plz someone i need help22:12
BlueyGuest52276: what kind of card do you have?22:13
fokuslee302HI ALL Question i use lsmod to list all modules loaded if the use is 0 does that mean its not loaded or just not being used at the moment22:13
rajwhy cant i play any movies? even with codecs and everything . not 1 single player is opening up. i can listen to music but videos AVI/MPEG dont work and the player wont open up .. is this cause on my graphics driver?? help anyone? it says none sse cpu in the termnal .. anyone?22:13
judibeeflGuest: System Menus: Administrator: Update Manger22:13
Guest52276im not sure. Im not a big technological person. bluey I have gotten all the updates from update manager but it says i have no propitiatory drivers22:14
Blueyraj: what kind of graphics card do you have?22:14
guntbertfokuslee302: it is  loaded but not used by another module22:14
judibeeflproprietary ?22:14
BlueyGuest52276:  and raj:  do an lspci | grep VBA22:14
trismkevdog: dpkg -l | grep ii | cut -f3 -d' ' seems to work22:15
Blueyoops lspci | grep VGA22:15
Guest52276h do you do that22:15
Blueyat the terminal window22:15
kevdogtrism: Is there a better way to format the output of the dpkg -l output?  The second column which lists the output seems to be cut at so many characters22:15
judibeeflwhat does that do Bluey?22:15
_Tristanis there a bash command to rotate a window 90 degrees?22:15
fokuslee302guntbert, thx abunch22:15
_Tristanusing gnome22:15
Blueyjudibeefl: that tells us the graphics card being used22:15
guntbertfokuslee302: np :)22:16
judibeeflBluey: thanks :)22:16
Guest52276i dfid bluey nothing happen22:16
Blueylooks something like this:  lspci | grep VGA22:16
Bluey00:0d.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GeForce 6150SE nForce 430 (rev a2)22:16
BlueyGuest52276: hmm don't know how to help -- sorry22:16
tcoenraadi've got a problem getting a shortcut key to work22:17
Guest52276thanks anyways22:17
tcoenraaddo you got any advise?22:17
Guest52276Can someone help me22:17
Guest52276hello i was wondering how ca i update my drivers. I use to use vista home premium two days ago i switch to ubuntu 9.04. I clicked on hardware drivers. It said i have no proprietary driver. I want to watch video but the quality sucks. Also when i use the web it look lame. How can i add or update drivers on my system? Plz someone i need help22:17
FloodBot2Guest52276: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:17
kevdogtrism: Thanks for command -- but are all these packages installable using apt-get?22:17
tcoenraadhow can i make a shortcut that launches a bash-script?22:18
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trismkevdog: I would assume so unless you installed some manually with dpkg22:18
Guest52276hello i was wondering how ca i update my drivers. I use to use vista home premium two days ago i switch to ubuntu 9.04. I clicked on hardware drivers. It said i have no proprietary driver. I want to watch video but the quality sucks. Also when i use the web it look lame. How can i add or update drivers on my system? Plz someone i need help22:18
tcoenraadany time i try tu use the shortcut a windows popups and stops immediately22:18
tcoenraadhow can i make a shortcut that launches a bash-script?22:18
fokuslee302Guest52276, please stop flooding the channel, wait a frew minutes to see if someone can help you22:19
trijntjetcoenraad, just create a launcher with the path to the script22:19
_Tristancan I get compiz to rotate a window 90 degrees?22:19
soreau_Tristan: Yes, with freewins22:19
tcoenraadcan i start the launcher with a short key?22:19
queso_If I wanted to try some different linux distributions, what's the best virtual machine to do that with?22:19
kevdogtrism: I mean some packages installed with apt-get include dependencies and such -- I don't think this list actually provides the packages themselves, but rather the contents of the packages -- or maybe I'm way off base22:19
judibeeflhow i change forums again?  been a while since I have used IRC22:19
erUSULqueso_: virtualbox22:19
tcoenraadthe launcher itself owkrs22:19
zamaraxanyone else have recent problems with the 4965AGN for N draft networks only?22:20
soreau_Tristan: If you have 9.04 or later and join #compiz I could tell you how to get freewins plugin22:20
n8tuserjudibeefl->  /join #channel22:20
tcoenraadthough any short cut with exact same location doesn't fucntion22:20
queso_erUSUL: What's the difference between virtualbox, zen, and virt-manager?22:20
erUSULjudibeefl: chatrooms ? you join them via "/join #chatromname"22:20
judibeefln8tuser: again TYVM :)22:20
erUSULqueso_: zen does not exist is xen22:20
queso_erUSUL: er, Xen22:20
zamaraxI just can't see any N networks, this was all working fine 2 days ago22:20
Blueytokuslee32:  he got no output from doing on lspci | grep VGA don't know how to proceed22:20
erUSULqueso_: virtualbox is user friendly with a gui etc..22:21
queso_erUSUL: okay, thanks :)22:21
trijntjetcoenraad, what's the difference between a launcher and a shortcut?22:21
tcoenraadmy shortkey is CTRL+ALT+= and it's binded to 'bash switcher.sh'22:21
tcoenraadsorry, meant short key22:21
n8tuserzamarax-> what do you have? i didnt quite follow22:21
ShapeShifter499guntbert: if your there, I fixed my display problem, I used the program "ubuntu tweak" to add the "Ubuntu X (Unstable)" repo which allowed me to update to the newer unstable xorg drivers, which fix my problem22:21
Gaming4JCHey all, I just installed the new linux kernel (2.6.28-15) from the Update Manager, and upon reboot I have no graphic acceleration for my proprietary radeon drivers I installed. It doesn't even detect them, so I'm currently in the old kernel now. Any suggestions on how to get graphics acceleration with the new kernel? :)22:21
trismkevdog: I believe that command should list every installed package, whether you manually installed it, or it was a dependency22:21
kevdogtrism: Im now trying to format the output you gave me so it will remove the newlines or carriage returns so I can list all the packages on one line or so -- so that I can feed it to apt-get22:22
trijntjetcoenraad, try replacing bash with sh22:22
DragginGood evening - I have questions about UNR - can I ask them here or is there a specific room I should rather go to?22:22
Gaming4JCsry accidently closed the window.22:23
Gaming4JClol >_<22:23
jebbluekevdog alsoi might try aptitude show22:23
zamaraxN8tuser I have the intel 4965AGN wireless card which I know how horrible support in the kernel, and as of 2.6.22 everything was working fine, well recently 2 days ago all wireless N network do not appear in the network manager, however all G networks do22:23
DanThirst1could some one tell me if this is throwing out errors because its an old script or because I'm missing something http://pastebin.com/dad81b69 ?22:24
tcoenraad@trijntje doesn't make any difference22:24
skxHello, I am trying to bind keyboard shortcuts in gnome (System -> Preferences -> Keyboard shortcuts) and it does not let me use super ("windows" key) in combination with other, is there any way to force that?22:24
n8tuserzamarax-> am not even sure there are open source drivers for N... you may have to use ndiswrapper with windows drivers22:24
guntbertShapeShifter499: glad it worked for you :)22:24
trijntjetcoenraad, in that case I dont know, sorry22:25
rajdoes anyone know a workaround for none sse cpu and nvidia cards? i have an athlon i cant play videos coz i have a none sse cpu chip WTH? help anyone?22:25
kevdogjebblue: show what?22:25
zamaraxhrmm, I can give that a try, it just doesn't make sense how it was working and now not, I will explore the ndiswrapper route22:25
tcoenraadagain: how can i make a short key that launches a bash-script?22:25
tcoenraadbecause every time i try it just gives a popup of a terminal22:25
Gaming4JCSoo... does anyone know why I have no graphic acceleration on kernel 2.6.28-15 but still have it on 2.6.28-11?  :)22:26
n8tusertcoenraad-> do you have a working popup now?22:26
erUSULGaming4JC: -11 has the apropiate module -15 does not ?22:26
trismkevdog: you should just be able to do a sudo apt-get install `cat package_list.txt` or whatever you called the file22:26
tcoenraad@n8tuser no, it just popups with a blank screen, and shut itself down22:26
judibeeflHo do I get identified as a user for a chat group?22:27
erUSULGaming4JC: what graphjic card and driver are you using and how you installed said driver ?22:27
raveni mux some video streams with ffmpeg but it freezes after the length of the shortest clip - what could i do? tnx22:27
n8tusertcoenraad-> do you have a working popup now?  a working one, not one you are trying to create22:27
sebsebsebGaming4JC:  probably/maybe, because your graphics card isn't set up for the newer kernel22:27
trismkevdog: without any special formatting...now, what it will do with already installed packages in the list, I don't know22:27
tcoenraadsomething like just a gnome-terminal?22:27
Gaming4JCerUSUL: I installed the graphics driver using proprietary drivers from ATI Radeon.22:27
dsnydersHi all!  Bash question.  I have an app that takes a byte.  I want to pass a string one char at a time.  How do I do that?22:27
tcoenraad@n8tuseryes that works22:27
Kallel_1hi, can someone help me?22:27
kevdogtrism: I think with already installed packages it will just skip them?  Wont it?22:27
trismkevdog: yep, just tried it22:28
erUSULGaming4JC: from the ati website ? or using the ones in the repositories ?22:28
skxok, does anybody know how to bind super in combination (for example super+1) as a keyboard shortcut in gnome?22:28
dsnydersKallel_1, Not until you ask a question.22:28
Gaming4JCerUSUL: So it is possible it's not configured, yet it says it's working properly from the catylst control panel even though it's not. ATI's website, the one in the repos didn't work at all.22:28
n8tusertcoenraad-> then right click to see properties and copy similar to point to the script22:28
guntbertdsnyders: there is #bash for such questions :)22:28
rgrAnyone know if there is a way to have the damn nvidia driver feed the second head even if the second head is "turned off"? Its a real pain. I have a customer I gave a ubuntu system but if his TV is not on (well, the "switch" is selecting a different source of his tv) when Ubuntu boots then the driver reconfigures itself and the tv twinview "clone" is disabled needing manual intervention to re-enable it.22:28
tcoenraadi did, still gives no result22:28
trismkevdog: you may need to delete missing packages from the list by hand though, it was complaining with my test file about a couple package name typos (and exiting)22:28
dsnydersguntbert, Thanks.  I'll pop over there.22:28
erUSULGaming4JC: you have to rinstall the drivers averytime the kernel changes ( maybe there is a way to automate this i dunno)22:29
Kallel_1well, I changed x.org video configuration to 'radeonhd' instead of glfx22:29
Kallel_1and now... I can't see Ubuntu22:29
Kallel_1ATI radeon HD 365022:29
tcoenraadshortcut: bash switcher.sh22:29
tcoenraadshortkey: bash switcher.sh22:29
tcoenraadin xbindkeys clicking 'run action' does the action it supposed to, but when i press the keys...22:29
Kallel_1I tried to dpkg-reconfig , but still22:29
Kallel_1not working22:29
Gaming4JCKallel_1: Are you able to get into recovery mode (via grub boot menu) and select reconfigure Xorg? :)22:30
n8tuserKallel_1-> did you save a back up copy?22:30
kevdogtrism: I'm trying to run the list through my machine now -- Came back stating no new packages needed to be installed22:30
Kallel_1yes I tried to reconfigure it, but not working22:30
Gaming4JChmm you'll need to uninstall it.22:30
Kallel_1n8tuser: no :(22:30
Kallel_1*sounds like a bad sign*22:31
trismkevdog: that should be true, since they're all already installed right?22:31
n8tuserKallel_1-> boot from livecd and copy the xorg.conf file pehaps?22:31
Gaming4JCKallel_1: Do you know the name of the package you installed? It is possible to remove it from any open terminal, that's how I repaired mine after installing the wrong drivers. :P22:31
kevdogtrism: Yes -- got a name of a package that I can add to the list that I might not have?  I want to manually add one and see what happens22:31
rootlinuxusrokay, as suggested earlier, I have dreaimg.nbh on my sd card, and have tried to downgrade donut G1 to a rootable format - but when i boot to flash dreaimg, it says no image, do I need to rename it perhaps?22:31
rootlinuxusrerr >_> wrong screen.22:32
Gaming4JCerUSUL: How might I reinstall the drivers for my ATI Radeon btw? It says it's already installed so that kind of makes it strange.22:32
trismkevdog: I used zsnes, someone mentioned it earlier22:32
stinkyWould making an ubuntu distribution dedicated to surfing for porn anonymously violate the GPL license? (we are going to call it "Lubeuntu" btw)22:32
erUSULGaming4JC: i really dunno. never used ati installer. with the nvidia installer you just rerun it22:32
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
cpjr72stinky, I find 9.10 works fine for that22:33
Kallel_1Gaming4JC: hmmm, I think I only reconfigured the x.org, cause the openGL windowed kept blinking22:33
guntbert!ot | stinky22:34
ubottustinky: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!22:34
Gaming4JCKallel_1: It sounds to me like you installed the wrong files, and do to that it keeps grabbing them. :\ You'll need to get the name of the packages and remove them, I had a code some place that did that for me...22:34
DreamwalkerI'm an ubuntu user but also a student ... what is the difrence between ubuntu and edubuntu?22:34
raveni mux some video streams with ffmpeg but it freezes after the length of the shortest clip - what could i do? tnx22:35
erUSULDreamwalker: selection of packages in default install22:35
Kallel_1Edubuntu is not a version of Ubuntu22:35
daedaluzDreamwalker: packages22:35
kevdogtrism: Added the nitendo emulator package zsnes: And guess what --- definitely picked up the package and is now installing it!!  Wow!! Can't believe that actually worked!!22:35
Kallel_1Ubuntu is a package22:35
Kallel_1containning several stuffs22:35
ubottuEdubuntu is an Ubuntu derivative aimed at schools and educational institutions. For more info, see http://www.edubuntu.org22:35
starcannonDreamwalker: pre-installed apps and some theming. You can get all the apps included in edubuntu in ubuntu as well, just depends on how much you want the computer preconfigured for school22:35
trismkevdog: excellent22:36
Kallel_1yes indeed22:36
zambawhen trying to ssh to one of my hosts, i get the following error: ssh_exchange_identification: Connection closed by remote host22:36
kevdogtrism: I hope I can use this method when upgrading to karmic :)22:36
zambawhat's causing this?22:36
Dreamwalkerso what you are saying is that i could download the apps i want on my normal ubuntu distro and have the same effect?22:36
starcannonDreamwalker: yes22:36
BlueyI've posted some useful debugging info here:  http://pkill-9.com/wordpress/?p=127  if you can think of anything else - let me know... thanks22:36
erUSUL!find edubuntu22:36
ubottuFound: app-install-data-edubuntu, edubuntu-artwork, edubuntu-desktop, edubuntu-desktop-kde, edubuntu-docs (and 2 others)22:36
Dreamwalkerok :) sweet22:36
russlarDreamwalker: yup. aptitude install edubuntu-desktop22:36
trismkevdog: it may be a bit more work for that, because it also includes in the list specific package versions, which may not be available in karmic22:36
Kallel_1you can install eduubuntu through the22:36
erUSULDreamwalker: installing edubuntu-desktop sould be enough ...22:37
trismkevdog: apt-get was choking when I made a couple typos, so you may need to delete the ones it complains about from the list when you try22:37
Dreamwalkeri'm using a netbook so i'm gonna stick with ubuntu netbook remix i think22:37
dsnydersHi all!  ktorrent slows down my machine intolerably.  Is there a less intensive torrent program?22:37
Dreamwalkeror is that something completely difrent22:37
Kallel_1Deluge is a good torrenter22:38
starcannonDreamwalker: yeah, just grab the individual applications you want, no point in grabbing everything, just get what you need22:38
Gaming4JCdsnyders: Transmission? lol...22:38
Kallel_1WINE / µtorrent22:38
Kallel_1utorrent / WINE *22:38
Dreamwalkervery nice22:38
russlarktorrent ftw22:38
Dreamwalkerthx for the info22:38
erUSULdsnyders: tweak the options ? max open connections; torrents active; etc22:38
kevdogtrism: I might have to do that:  I compile a lot of programs from scratch -- and to go back and collect the needed dependencies again -- Well that would be hell -- Hopefully this method will work since its one of the main reasons I'm holding back from upgrading22:38
trismkevdog: yeah I understand, I'm finally doing a complete reinstall come karmic, so I'll have to do that too22:39
unimatrixhow do i check whether my speakers are mapped in the right way?22:39
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apersonthere is #ubuntu :)22:40
aza_speaker-test command22:40
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apersonwait a minute22:40
apersonwrong channel22:40
unimatrixaza_: speaker-test is all messed up, it plays on two speakers at a time22:40
russlaraperson: you're in #ubuntu22:40
cafreeI got a new keyboard (ms ergonomic) and now my function keys don't work.  I have the model set to the wireless ergonomic 7000, which was the closest I could find.  Is there something else I should use?22:40
IDWMasterHas anyone been experiencing slowdowns with apt-get recently?22:41
Kallel_1cya (and thanks for help)22:41
aza_did you try man speaker-test22:41
amdFANBOYhi, ff3.0 is making me nuts, i want to go to 3.5, i've seen so many how-tos, that i don't know what to do.  whats the best way?  thanks!22:41
=== eBolorama is now known as ebolarama
russlaramdFANBOY: apt-get install firefox-3.522:42
IDWMasterJust install the firefox-3.5 package22:42
trismamdFANBOY: it will appear as Shiretoko in your menu22:42
amdFANBOYthats it eh?  do i make it my default?  etc?22:43
Gaming4JCamdFANBOY: install firefox-3.5 from synaptic. It'll install shiretoko then you gotta brand it using some commands found here... getting link22:43
logankoesterreally Gaming4JC ? i think that is out of date22:43
kennyGhello guys!22:43
Gaming4JCamdFANBOY: https://files.getdropbox.com/u/612498/firefox35-branding-commands.txt (run that in a terminal after installation and it will be ff3.5)22:43
logankoesterfirefox-3.5 installs as firefox for me now22:43
logankoesternot shiretoko22:43
Gaming4JCworked for me just yesterday22:43
guntbert!hi | kennyG22:43
ubottukennyG: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!22:43
Gaming4JCit isn't?22:43
logankoesteri've done it on 2 systems recently22:44
al_where can I get the howto for xchat22:44
raveni mux some video streams with ffmpeg but it freezes after the length of the shortest clip - what could i do? tnx22:44
logankoesterand not had that happen22:44
kennyGWhat is a good instante message application for Ubuntu please ?22:44
trismamdFANBOY: to make it the default, use System/Preferences/Preferred Applications, set it to custom and make the command firefox-3.5 %s22:44
kevdogtrism: I guess I can use the sed command to remove the lines in the file I don't want -- Like cat list.txt | sed '/zsnes/d' > new_list.txt22:44
BlueykennyG: pidgin22:44
IDWMasterKopete and Empathy are good messaging clients.22:44
amdFANBOYtrism: sweet22:44
=== luis__lopez is now known as luis_lopez
amdFANBOYwhen i go to install apt is telling me that its going to uninstall java?22:44
logankoesteri like pidgin kennyG, but i hear it's being deprecated for some reason22:45
logankoestergnome integration stupidity i think22:45
luis_jamesjedimaster: and something similar? or i will have to wine publisher?22:45
kevdogtrism: or sed -i '/zsnes/d' list.txt22:45
al_ELLo where can I get the howto for xchat?22:45
luis_Hello people, is there an openoffice version of microsoft publisher?22:45
amdFANBOYThe following packages will be REMOVED: java-common{u} odbcinst1debian1{u} sun-java6-bin{u} sun-java6-jre{u} unixodbc{u}22:45
IDWMasterkennyG: What messaging service do you plan to use; there's lots of different Instant Messaging programs that are unique to their service providers.22:45
Gaming4JCI installed it on some one's computer last night and it kept showing as shiretoko still without that branding22:45
DragginEvening again!22:45
kennyGIDWMaster, multiple accounts..22:45
trismkevdog: oh, was just looking at the man page and apparently if you include -m it will ignore missing packages22:46
kevdogtrism: Is that for apt-get or aptitude?22:46
DragginDon't mean to be a nuisance, but was still wondering whether this is the right channel to seek advice about Ubuntu Netbook Remix or whether there is somewhere else I should rather go and look...?22:46
raveni mux some video streams with ffmpeg but it freezes after the length of the shortest clip - what could i do? tnx22:46
logankoesterluis_: have you tried scribus?22:46
kennyGThank you guys!22:46
Gaming4JCal_: terminal, "man xchat"?22:46
logankoesterluis_: http://linuxappfinder.com/package/scribus22:46
apersonrusslar, I realize that now, I though I was in #reddit and someone was complaining about there sound, I was going to point them here :)22:46
guntbertal_: click on help/get help online22:47
Lenin_Cathow do you restart alsa-utils?22:47
kennyGOh, how about a good irc client for Ubuntu ?22:47
logankoesterluis_: er, http://www.scribus.net/22:47
apersonLenin_Cat, sudo service alsa_utils restart22:47
logankoesterkennyG: irssi or xchat22:47
kennyGCould someone recommend me one please ?22:47
logankoesteri prefer irssi22:47
ftwkennyG: irssi22:47
russlarkennyG: dunno about a gnome app, but konversation is quite good22:47
IDWMasterI like xchat.22:47
kevdogkennyG: chatzilla?22:47
trismkevdog: I take it back, I can't get it to work22:47
Lenin_Catalsa_utils: unrecognized service22:47
Gaming4JCkennyG: Pidgin, but you gotta get the new one from GetDeb.Net ;)22:48
russlar!me feels like the only kde user in the room22:48
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:48
logankoestera kid freestyling on my train just rhymed bitch with itself 4x in a row22:48
logankoesteri think thats cheating22:48
logankoesterkids these days22:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about lang22:48
iarpi'm having a problem with LVM, i added 2 hdd's to a volume group and expanded it and it says it's the proper size to go across all drives, but ubuntu still reports the old size22:48
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about swearing22:48
tcoenraadhow can i run a bash script with a short key?22:48
Gaming4JClolz >_<22:48
windwhinnyrusslar , i used to use KDE22:49
logankoesterGaming4JC: that sounds like a big yes on the swearing from pointlessrulebot! *grins n thumbs up*22:49
kennyGcan I use sudo apt-get install pidgin for example ?22:49
legion!hi! could someone remind me the irc address of the ubuntu karmic channel (celebrating)22:49
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:49
logankoesterkennyG: yes22:50
Gaming4JCkennyG: You can but the one in the repos are pretty old.22:50
kennyGGaming4JC, and if I download from GetDeb.Net will I be able to install it ?22:50
Gaming4JClegion: Isn't it #ubuntu+1 (as in the title here)?22:50
arthurjohnsonlegion: #ubuntu+122:51
kruykazei just ordered a karmic cd but it didn't ask if i wanted 32 or 64 bit will it come with both on 1 cd?22:51
kennyGGaming4JC, I mean as a newbie :P22:51
kraitoi can't open email when i send it from ubuntu to windows, can someone help?22:52
ltcabralhey guys can anyone help me to install my intel graphic card driver in ubuntu? my drivers cd only supports windows :(22:52
Gaming4JCkennyG: yes. Simply choose the right one for your system. Or if you don't feel comfortable with GetDeb.Net Pidgin has it's own repository you can add here:22:52
Gaming4JCThen all you'll need to do is run sudo apt-get install pidgin.22:52
FloodBot2Gaming4JC: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.22:52
Blueykraito: what email clients are involved?22:52
unopkruykaze, no, it's probably the 32bit version - if it didn't mention which architecture22:52
vgeltcabral, why you need drivers?22:52
kraitogmail, but i also used yahoo | bluey22:52
tcoenraadhow can i run a bash script with a short key?22:52
kruykazeunop, so no way to get the 64 bit cd?22:53
unopkruykaze, actually, the filename should tell you which architecture it is22:53
Blueykraito: so your send what to whom?22:53
kennyGOk, I will try it. Thank you again guys ! ;)22:53
unopkruykaze, sure there is22:53
Gaming4JCkennyG: No problem, have fun. :)22:53
project-2501Massively struggling to set up shared folder between ubuntu 9.04 host and VMware xp client, PLZ somebody whose done this before, share some tips!22:53
kruykazeunop, i just ordered a physical cd from canonical22:53
unoptcoenraad, what do you mean by "short key" ?22:53
ltcabralvge: my game wont work without the graphic card installed22:54
unopkruykaze, hmm, i'm not sure about shipit, i'd be quite surprised if you couldn't order a 64bit CD22:54
stinky_I need to make a CMYK color PDF file for our advertisement. Scribus is crashing on my for some reason. is there another way to convert a .PNG file to a CMYK .PDF file? TIA :)22:54
tcoenraadshort key as crtl+alt+=22:54
kraitoi send a document .odt file witch is openoffice from my google account to my yahoo account and tryed to open it on a windows computer. | bluey22:54
tcoenraadunop ^22:54
vgeltcabral, what game are we talking about22:54
kruykazeunop, i know it's weird22:54
unoptcoenraad, ohh, you mean assign a bash-script to a key combination ?22:54
tcoenraadis it possible?22:55
unop!shortcuts | tcoenraad22:55
ubottutcoenraad: Keyboard shortcuts can be set in System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. If your multimedia keys don't work with that, try the 'keytouch' package, explained at http://keytouch.sourceforge.net - See !Keyboard for changing layouts22:55
ltcabralvge: Heroes of Newerth... the new warcraft Dota22:55
tcoenraadi tried22:55
azmhai. Someone know where is the thread about fps/oc graphic card on ubuntu forums ?22:55
tcoenraadit only gives a popup of a terminal22:55
Sandkingi just stumbled upon something that reminds me ubuntu logo and i wondered what you people think about it http://www.saaseed.org/site/workshop.html22:55
azmcant find it22:55
unoptcoenraad, what does your script do exactly?22:55
tcoenraadi'm sorry, i meant short key vs short cut22:55
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
zulfii need to now how to get wine, i have the package for wine i just don't no what to do from there, so please any one can help me to install it better?22:55
tcoenraadit switches monitors off and on22:56
tcoenraadbecause i'm using a laptop with vga output22:56
amilliabilliremineed help im a pro22:56
trismzulfi: unless you absolutely need the latest wine, you can just do a sudo apt-get install wine22:56
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unoptcoenraad, well, does the script work ok when run from the terminal?22:56
tcoenraadyes, it does22:56
zulfii check that ok22:56
Gaming4JCltcabral: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/new-intel-graphics-drivers-for-ubuntu-9-04-jaunty.html22:56
tcoenraadit even works when i'm using 'run action' in xkeysbind-config22:56
unoptcoenraad, ok, how are you calling the script from the "Keyboard shortcuts" thing?22:57
trismzulfi: otherwise, you might want to add one of the wine repos http://www.winehq.org/download/deb22:57
tcoenraadwell 'Switcher'22:57
ltcabralGaming4JC: thank you22:57
unoptcoenraad, you might need to specify the full path -- if it's not in the standard PATH22:57
tcoenraadit's command is  'bash switcher.sh'22:57
amilliabilliremiyes it is22:57
guntbert!ask | amilliabilliremi22:57
ubottuamilliabilliremi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:57
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.22:57
zulfiyes!! thank u yo22:58
Gaming4JCltcabral: np. Make sure you backup the Xorg files before installing that "xserver-xorg-video-intel" driver  though. :)22:58
tcoenraadi can use ~/switcher.sh or the whole /home/twan/switcher.sh?22:58
unoptcoenraad,  either will do, as long as the script is set executable.22:58
amilliabilliremitco enraad22:58
amilliabilliremiis better22:58
tcoenraadhow can i set it executable?22:59
unoptcoenraad,  chmod +x ~/switcher.sh22:59
tcoenraadused some chmod, but these changss didn't work22:59
OpenBluntSurgeryhas anyone tried hellanzb?22:59
tcoenraadit still popups and hides22:59
Gaming4JCHmm, I still don't know how to resolve my problem. Reinstalling ATI drivers for the new kernel even tho the old one alreadly has them installed. :P22:59
amilliabilliremiyes i have22:59
unoptcoenraad,  well, do this anyway to make sure -- then change the keyboard shortcut to call just ~/switcher.sh  -- rather than 'bash switcher.sh'23:00
unoptcoenraad, and you shouldn't be getting any popups - for a terminal atleast.23:00
tcoenraaddidn't make the difference23:00
tcoenraadno it's more that the program opens and closes immediately thereafter23:01
* falkinski is testing23:01
unoptcoenraad, what program?23:01
OpenBluntSurgerycan someone direct a message towards me? testing irssi23:02
paultagOpenBluntSurgery, Hello there23:02
unop!ot | OpenBluntSurgery,23:02
ubottuOpenBluntSurgery,: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:02
erUSUL!hi | OpenBluntSurgery23:02
ubottuOpenBluntSurgery: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!23:02
tcoenraadunop terminal23:02
trismtcoenraad: shouldn't that be bash -c ~/switcher.sh23:02
raveni mux some video streams with ffmpeg but it freezes after the length of the shortest clip - what could i do? tnx23:02
unoptrism, no, just ~/switcher.sh23:02
Slade!hi erUSUL23:02
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about hi erUSUL23:02
Gaming4JCg2g all cu ;)23:02
Slade!hi | erUSUL23:03
tcoenraadunop, trism it needs bash because of a if contstruct that doens work if I don23:03
ubottuerUSUL: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!23:03
unoptcoenraad, now that really makes  me wonder if you've set the right command up for the keyboard shortcut23:03
* Slade love ubottu :)23:03
tcoenraadwhen i command 'gnome-terminal'23:03
tcoenraadit opens the terminal23:03
Sladetcoenraad: as it should :)23:03
unoptcoenraad, well,  make sure the script has a shebang that says   #!/bin/bash23:03
rskOH SHI--23:03
tcoenraadof course ;)23:03
tcoenraad'she bangs '?23:04
=== darkjackaho is now known as Guest17102
unoptcoenraad, a shebang is the first line of a script that identifies which interpreter will be used to run the script.23:04
Termeahow can I UPDATE fldigi 3.03 to version 3.12.423:04
russlartcoenraad: #!/some/shell23:05
ftwunop: do you have to use the whole shebang?23:05
unopftw, i'm not sure what that means -- i'll just say, you have to use a shebang that makes sense to the shell/kernel23:05
ltcabralwhat can i use to play wmx?23:05
bostongeek24i need help23:05
erUSUL!ask | bostongeek2423:05
ubottubostongeek24: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)23:05
tcoenraadunop ah23:06
tcoenraadhuh? that's weird, it did open a terminal, but when i now give that command it doesn't matter (set in ccsm)23:07
bostongeek24i am trying to burn 9.0.4 desktop remix to a disk when i frist tried to use windows disk burner it was saying that the file was corrupted so i tried another program that burnt the image but the disk is not bootable is there something wrong with the images?23:07
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cody_What is the command to disable the annoying pcspkr beep ubuntu loves so much?23:07
Billiardsudo rmmod pcspkr23:07
bostongeek24i tried two different servers to get the image23:07
kevdogWhy is Leroy Jenkins so famous?23:08
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bostongeek24@kevdog its a WoW thing23:08
Billiardcody_: you can put it in the blacklist to not enable it at boot23:08
kevdogYea WOW -- but who is Leroy Jenkins?23:08
bostongeek24does anyone know whats going on?23:08
rootlinuxusrhow can i launch the screensaver from a shellscript?23:08
bostongeek24@kevdog its a spoof video that someone made23:09
cody_Billiard: KK thanks, how do i set it in blacklist?23:09
docmaxhello, i'm searching for a document management system under linux23:09
bostongeek24@kevdog youtube leroy jekins23:09
kevdog@bostongeek24: I've seen the vid: but who is the spoof on?23:09
Billiardcody_: /etc/modprobe/blacklist i believe, you can see the format of lines in there its pretty simple23:09
tcoenraadunop any other idea?23:09
HanIs there a specific karmic koala channel?23:09
cody_Billiard: Okay thanks23:09
bostongeek24@kevdog no hes a finctional character23:09
purplefoolis it possible that using 32-bit ubuntu on a 64-bit system would cause my on-board video chipset to not be used/recognized correctly?23:09
zaoul1Is it possible fore me to change the passphrase for my encrypted file system? how can I do this?23:10
bostongeek24@kevdog leroy is the guy that gets them killed23:10
kevdog@bostongeek24: only in the game?23:10
guntbert!karmic | Han23:10
ubottuHan: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:10
zaoul1purplefool: naa, seems unrelated23:10
Billiardcody_: its /etc/modprobe.d/blacklist.conf23:10
bostongeek24uh can someone help me with my problem?23:10
Billiardbostongeek24: what is your problem23:10
cody_Billiard: sudo gedit it?23:10
kevdog@bostongeek24: Thanks -- Ive seen the video but #1 can't figure out what Leroy did to make them all die -- and why is that stupid video so famous?23:11
unoptcoenraad, i'm still wondering what  command you used for your shortcut23:11
zaoul1arg damn it, I finally switched to Ubuntu... installed a couple weeks ago and now a new version is comming out .. ARGGG23:11
guntbert!ot | kevdog23:11
ubottukevdog: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:11
tcoenraadbash switcher.sh23:11
Billiardcody_: yea that will work23:11
tcoenraadthe shortcut works, the shortkey doesn't23:11
le1hi!, how do i watch videos with dual audio, ??23:12
bostongeek24@billiard i am trying to burn a disk for destop remix when i first downloaded the image from unbuntu.com  windows disk burner said that file was currupted so i download again from another server same thing so i tried a different program which burnt the file but the disk is not bootable23:12
Billiardwhere did you download bostongeek2423:12
Hanguntbert, cheers23:12
cody_Billiard: Done, thanks a ton :) Tha sound gets SO annoying, and ubuntu seems to love it lol23:12
bostongeek24@Billiard ubuntu.com23:12
Billiardcody_: yeah i disable it too lol23:12
kevdogguntbert: Thanks for tip :p23:13
cody_Billiard: Lol, like, when i shut down my computer, i get just around 20 beeps within 1 second! lol :p23:13
bostongeek24@billiard so is the images currputed or soemthing?23:13
Billiardbostongeek24: you tried a different mirror? whcih program did you use to burn the 2nd time23:13
guntbert!md5sum | bostongeek2423:14
ubottubostongeek24: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows23:14
Billiardyou can check the md5 on the download to make sure its not corrupt bostongeek2423:14
bostongeek24@Billiard yes i used a different mirror and i used imgburn the second time23:14
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unoptcoenraad, it shouldn't be 'bash switcher.sh' , it should just be   ~/switcher.sh  # nothing else, no gnome-terminal, nothing23:15
Billiardbostongeek24: check the md5 to make sure its good, so we know its not a burning problem23:15
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bostongeek24@Billiard ok23:15
RoyallMy Update Manager is doing a Distrobution Upgrade23:15
project-2501Anyone here a guru at setting up VMWare, I'm having a bitch of a time getting file sharing set up. Any help would be very greatly appreciated as I am at my wit's end! :(23:15
RoyallWhy? Isn't it 12 days until .10?23:15
tcoenraadunop if i use that my bash file is being executed the wrong way, cause bash handles if/else in an other manner than sh does (which will be used when u do'nt give any options)23:16
unoptcoenraad, that's why you make sure the script has the right shebang, for bash23:17
unoptcoenraad,  #!/bin/bash23:17
tcoenraadthough it starts with that shebang ?23:18
unoptcoenraad, ^^ make sure that it your first line on the script23:18
unoptcoenraad, yes, the shebang ensure the script is run by bash and not sh23:18
FireVisorHi, I want to mount an ISO image file in Ubuntu but I can't get it to work. I tried to follow this tutorial http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DYFtJML0lSM but it got me nowhere. Could someone help me? (Private chat would be great, thank you very much!)23:18
tcoenraadoh wait, there is '#/bin/bash'23:18
tcoenraadnot with the !23:18
booleQuick quesetion, how do I get Ubuntu 9.04 live to recognize my external USB HD?  It doesn't show up in "lsusb".  Just the root hub.23:18
trismFireVisor: sudo mount -o loop file.iso /mnt23:18
gostoffHi, i have problem watching youtube videos, the video lags23:19
gostoffanyone know what it could be?23:19
Tarrokhelo . wt is better way to backup my files with rsync??? in other words, wt is the commands to keep all original infomations of the files?23:19
tcoenraadunop it gives now a failure23:19
macgeek21@billiard md5 are the same23:19
trismgostoff: hd youtube videos? they kind of lag for me too, the linux flash player is a bit slower than on windows23:20
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unoptcoenraad, ok, what's the failure?23:20
Billiardmacgeek21: you know how to boot from a cd?23:20
gostofftrism: even when its not hd23:20
tcoenraadi'm using dutch, but there is something like 'there is a failure while executing (switcher.sh) which belongs to key (ctrl+alt+equal)23:20
NemesisDwhich .rc directory would i put a startup script that runs autossh?23:20
macgeek21@Billiard yes23:20
Billiardmacgeek21: also you burned the image to the cd, not the added the .iso file onto the cd23:21
macgeek21@billiard yes i used imgaburn to burn the image to a dvd23:21
Billiardmacgeek21: i would think dvd would work also but i always used a cd, and i g2g cya23:22
booledoes Ubuntu 9.04 recognize usb 1.1 devices?23:22
ZoeyMarieI'm trying to run jack, but it's telling me "`default' server already active"23:22
trismgostoff: are you using the adobe flash player? (package flashplugin-nonfree)23:22
ZoeyMariewhy is it doing that?23:22
gostofftrism: yes im using adobe flash 1023:23
Tarrokhelo . wt is better way to backup my files with rsync??? in other words, wt is the commands to keep all original infomations of the files?23:23
n8tuserZoeyMarie-> what does that do? what does it serve?23:23
unoptcoenraad, and you're absolutely sure the command you gave was   ~/switcher.sh  # not just switcher.sh ?23:23
trismgostoff: no idea then23:23
tcoenraadunop yes, i mistyped that part23:23
gostofftrism: okay, thanks anyway23:23
ZoeyMarien8tuser: jack is an audio server... or something like that. :/ sorry I can't explain it better.23:23
zaoul1where can I find load time options for modules when you modprobe?23:24
zaoul1that is... a list of the options for a specific module23:25
FireVisortrism:  Thank you!23:25
unopTarrok, there's an app called dirvish - backs up your files in a vault, uses rsync to give you a sort of time-machine i.e. you can revert a file to what it was say a year ago, etc23:25
m_lawgot a stupid question: when i look at how much space I have used on a hard drive it shows up as 248 Gb but all the files on the Hard Drive only add up to 228 GB can anyone tell me why ?23:25
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unoptcoenraad, i'm not sure then -- just make sure your command it right -- and that this same command runs from the terminal23:26
zaoul1m_law: I believe some space is 'wasted' for the partitioning information .. 'inodes' ?23:27
zaoul1zaoul1: it can also depend on block size23:27
wathekHello all23:27
FireVisortrism: Sorry for bothering you again, but is there a limit to how many ISO's you can mount at one time?23:27
n8tuserZoeyMarie-> when you check the ps for process statuses does it already shows up?23:27
stroyanm_law:  The answer really depends on how you are looking at "how much space" is used.  There are three important effects. sparse files are larger than on-disk size.  small files can pad out to a minimum block size.  Hard linked files can appear twice in the filesystem but once on the disk.23:27
Tarrokunop, you were very helpfull23:27
m_lawzaoul1: I have a 20gb diffrence23:27
wathekI got a question is it better for my Core2Duo T5800 to install Ubuntu 64Bits or 32Bits ?23:28
ZoeyMarien8tuser: ps?23:28
tcoenraadunop if i try the short cut '~/switcher.sh' it gives the error 'file doesn't exist'?23:28
Tarrokunop, ;)23:28
n8tuserFireVisor-> not that am aware of, perhaps not enuff inodes..buts thats..23:28
n8tuserZoeyMarie-> yes, to check for processes running on your system, man ps23:28
ZoeyMarien8tuser: when I type ps into terminal, it isn't there.23:28
m_lawstroyan: what's the most reliable way I can look at how much space i am taking up on my hd23:28
ZoeyMariejack isn't there, I mean.23:28
zaoul1m_law: you are looking at df -h ?23:29
ZoeyMarien8tuser: it started saying that after it crashed the last time that I ran it.23:29
n8tuserZoeyMarie-> okay, but it still give you a status of what again? another instance is running?23:29
Andrili tried the 64bit of Ubuntu and noticed alot of packages haven't been updated to 64bit so i stuck with the 32bit no problens yet23:29
FireVisorn8tuser: k, will there be problems when trying to install a game that makes you change CD's?23:29
stroyanm_law:  The "df" command is good about showing how much space on disk is used.23:29
ZoeyMarie"default server is already active"23:29
n8tuserZoeyMarie-> look around /var/lock and remove a lock file there if any23:29
Guest34211hey all, i'm trying to change my "read only" ntfs external HD to read/write and change ownership too, but nothing I do works. I've tried using the GUI. I think I need to install a ntfs driver, but unsure where to get the right one for ubuntu 9.0423:29
n8tuserFireVisor-> i dont know, i have not installed games23:30
slideDoes anyone know of a how to/tutorial for creating a deb source package?23:30
w30m_law, probably  file system overhead. like the file system would be more for 50 10 kg files than one 50 kg file23:30
zaoul1Guest34211: fire up synaptics and get ntfsprogs23:30
n8tuserZoeyMarie-> rather look in /var/run23:30
ZoeyMarien8tuser: the only file in there is .ramfs... should I delete that?23:30
zaoul1Guest34211: well23:31
n8tuserZoeyMarie-> where ? in /var/run?23:31
mstkI'm having some problems installing ubuntu onto an old computer that was reformatted ages ago and just lying around.  It doesn't seem to be able to boot from USB and the CD drive doesn't even seem to be connected, despite having power23:31
Guest34211zaoul1: I have it already23:31
ZoeyMariein /var/lock... var/run has a lot23:31
mstkare there any alternative installation options?23:31
zaoul1Guest34211: ntfsfix is a no go?23:31
n8tuserZoeyMarie-> then look for the pid that matches your jack23:31
Guest34211zaoul1: no go23:32
n8tusermstk-> old mobos dont support booting from usb23:32
trismFireVisor: the limit would be based on the number of loop devices available. from what I can tell, the max is 823:32
zaoul1Guest34211: where is it mounted? what are the perms on the directory? how did you mount it?23:32
trismFireVisor: by default unless you increase it in the loop driver23:32
FireVisortrism:  Thanks, 8 should be more than I'll ever need anyway23:32
ZoeyMarien8tuser: what's pid? process id? I'm not seeing anything in var/run that makes me think it's jack... the .ramfs is in there, too... shrugs... ?23:33
mstkn8tuser - in the BIOS, there's a selection to prioritize places to boot from.  There are actually four different USB options.  USB-HDD, USB-CDROM, among others23:33
mstknone of them work23:33
n8tuserZoeyMarie->  i dont know, look in the help pages of jack perhaps?23:33
tcoenraadunop if i try the short cut '~/switcher.sh' it gives the error 'file doesn't exist'?23:33
log`mstk, sometimes external usb drives aren't under the usb-hdd option but need to be configured as a hard drive23:34
n8tusermstk yes, the usb drive has to be formatted into one of those that your mobo recognizes, common in the old days is usb-hdd zip i believe23:34
log`like on the hp i have at work i need to set the primary disk to my Kingston Datatraveler and boot from HDD23:34
mstkn8tuser and log - anywhere i can look to find instructions for that?23:35
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Krahazikhello, i am new to Linux and working with my first installation of Ubuntu. I have accidentally turned off graphical login and i am now stuck in the command-line interface.23:35
n8tusermstk only google is one i know of :P23:35
log`it's going to be specific to p much every individual mobo23:35
log`i'd say trial and error.23:35
booleHas anyone known 9.04 to be problematic for usb devices on old hardware, and that 8.04 might work better?23:35
mstkn8tuser - haha thanks.23:35
tcoenraadunop if i try the short cut '~/switcher.sh' it gives the error 'file doesn't exist'?23:35
n8tuserKrahazik-> re-install once more, dont take that much time, a learning process anyways23:36
Krahazikso ther eis not way to restor the GUI from the command line then?23:36
n8tuserKrahazik-> for being new, we will be spending tons of hours .. so may as well re-install its too new for you anyways23:37
stroyanKrahazik:  There is a way.  But it would depend on how you turned the GUI off.  You could try "sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart".23:37
KrahazikI'll give that a try.23:38
jackdawhi, can anyone give me some pointers on how to track down a stuttering audio problem23:38
fcf_user9I need help23:38
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fcf_user9Neither Update manager nor add/remove works23:39
slemanhi guys23:39
fcf_user9on Update manager I get this23:39
Krahazikthat looks like it might have done the trick23:39
fcf_user9Could not initialize the package information  An unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information.  Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:  'E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'23:39
chemjeffHi all - I have a question about booting my ubuntu system - it hangs when it gets to the "Running local boot scripts (/etc/rc.local)" stage - what do I do?23:40
Guest34211zaoul1: I dont know where it is mounted. the perms are drwxr-xr-x  1 root root    21 2009-09-05 08:45 disc 3. "disc 3" is the name. here is the ls for the subdirectory. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/295753/. I mounted it through the GUI.23:40
fcf_user9I need help!23:40
pcccHello, I'm trying to run a script as a particular user, and I'm using 'sudo -u someuser command', and the shell responds "env: -u: No such file or directory". How come sudo is not getting my -u parameter?23:40
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magngohi guys23:41
fcf_user9Could not initialize the package information  An unresolvable problem occurred while initializing the package information.  Please report this bug against the 'update-manager' package and include the following error message:  'E:Encountered a section with no Package: header, E:Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status, E:The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.'23:41
fcf_user9how do i fix this ^23:41
zaoul1Guest34211: what is the output of: mount ?23:41
Guest34211zaoul1: root is the user for the directory, "99" is the user for the subdirectories. I want to change the owner to "a"23:42
pcccfcf_user9: I think you just need to run as root. So run "sudo apt-get ..." instead of "apt-get ..."23:42
magngoI have an ATI card and I want to install the driver. I have dialup so I want to get the link of the proprietary driver from Syntapic so I can download it from the cyber cafe23:42
magngowhat's the name of the ATI driver package in Synaptic?23:42
DeathCrawlermagngo: fglrx23:43
DeathCrawlerI think23:43
log`ati-video and ati-radeon i believe23:43
cody_Hello all. I just install nvidia-71-glx and i need to run sudo nvidia-xconfig but terminal reports there is no such command, what is wrong23:44
DeathCrawlerlog`: This is the Open Drivers23:44
log`the ones you said or the ones i said?23:44
log`i heard fglrx was still unstable23:44
fcf_user9HOW DO I FIX THEM?23:44
joaopinto!caps | fcf_user923:44
ubottufcf_user9: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.23:44
DeathCrawlerBut is faster than ati-radeon23:44
cody_Hello all. I just install nvidia-71-glx and i need to run sudo  nvidia-xconfig but terminal reports there is no such command,  what is wrong23:44
mstkjust a quick clarification on this wiki page: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromWindows : "Download the ALTERNATE ubuntu-installer CD from http://www.ubuntulinux.org/download/ and save the .iso file in the root directory of first partition of your hard drive."23:44
mstkby this, they mean C:\, right?23:44
pcccfcf_user9: you need to be logged in as root23:45
magngoDeathCrawler: log` which driver to download now?23:45
jedcfcf_user9, are you doing this with the graphical update manager?23:45
magngoDeathCrawler: I'm confused23:45
joaopintomagical, just install fglrx from the repositories23:45
joaopintoops, was magngo23:45
cody_Hello all. I just install nvidia-71-glx and i need to run sudo  nvidia-xconfig but terminal reports there is no such command,  what is wrong23:45
fcf_user9jedc: idk i'm new to ubuntu23:45
log`magngo, i'd go with the stable ones but hey , if ppls say fglrx works fine go for that23:45
judibeefltired evil?23:45
magngojoaopinto: thnx23:45
netbraincody_: apt-get install apt-file: apt-file update; apt-file search nvidia-xconfig23:46
jedcfcf_user9, you are not typing something into a terminal window to do this though, right?23:46
fcf_user9Terminal window?23:46
amilliabilliremijedc is awesome at this thanks23:46
DeathCrawlerjoaopinto: but is instable23:46
cody_netbrain: No package with the name nvidia-xconfig23:46
mstkfcf_user9 - like, doing this through text and command-line, not with windows and buttons23:46
joaopintoDeaCon, it is what ?23:46
Guest34211zaoul1: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/295756/23:46
amilliabilliremiwhat joapinto23:46
joaopintoDeathCrawler, I have been using fglrx without any issues23:46
Guest34211zaoul1: btw. I'm on a Mac machine23:47
Krahazikok I got back into the GUI but when I reboot I am back to the command line.23:47
pcccI am trying to run "sudo -i -u munin /usr/share/munin/munin-update" but I get "env: -i: No such file or directory". How to fix? Thanks23:47
jedcfcf_user9, ok, go to Applications->Accessories->Terminal and click on it23:47
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amilliabilliremiis it really unstable23:47
fcf_user9jedc: now what23:47
joaopintoDeathCrawler, if you need 3d, you need fglrx, and like I said, it is quite stable for me23:47
cody_netbrain: But i know there is because nvidia-71-glx says i need to run it23:47
log`unsupported by canonical at least.23:47
jedcfcf_user9, try typing "sudo apt-get update" and then pressing enter (in the terminal window)23:47
DeathCrawleri have problems23:48
amilliabilliremicanonical is good at least better than windows23:48
pcccI am trying to run "sudo -i -u munin /usr/share/munin/munin-update" but I get "env: -i: No such file or directory". How to fix? Thanks23:48
amilliabilliremiwhat are the problems23:48
fcf_user9jedc: Hit http://security.ubuntu.com jaunty-security Release.gpg                      Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty Release.gpg                                Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty-updates Release.gpg Hit http://security.ubuntu.com jaunty-security Release Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty Release   Hit http://security.ubuntu.com jaunty-security/main Packages         Hit http://archive.ubuntu.com jaunty-23:48
netbraincody_: well, is nvidia-xconfig part of nvidia-glx package then?23:48
DeathCrawlerwhen i restarted X23:48
cody_netbrain: It should have been23:48
fcf_user9Reading package lists... Error! E: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.23:48
DeathCrawlerubuntu freezes23:48
joaopinto!ot | amilliabilliremi23:48
ubottuamilliabilliremi: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:48
cody_netbrain: But obviously it was not23:49
amilliabilliremiwhat about when you restarted23:49
fcf_user9jedc: Reading package lists... Error! E: Encountered a section with no Package: header E: Problem with MergeList /var/lib/dpkg/status E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.23:49
OpenBluntSurgeryhow do i install the simple ccsm ? the regular ccsm is confusing as hel23:49
netbraincody_: then search with apt-file23:49
cody_netbrain: No such command as apt-file23:49
jedcfcf_user9, yes, that is an error :( give me a sec while i google it.23:49
netbraincody_: apt-get install apt-file: apt-file update; apt-file search nvidia-xconfig23:49
amilliabilliremijedc i have a question23:49
stroyanKrahazik:  Perhaps you changed the default run level.  Or perhaps you removed the gdm startup from the default run level.  Do you have any idea how you disabled the GUI?23:49
cody_netbrain: Oh, okay23:49
Guest34211zaoul1: sorry, here's my paste. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/295760/23:50
cody_netbrain: Ill do that after envyvg installs23:50
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cody_envyng i mena23:50
netbraincody_: envy? oh boy.23:50
jedcamilliabilliremi, hmm?23:50
fcf_user9You guys need like 5 support channels23:50
cody_netbrain: Im desperate to intall the nvidia proprietory driver23:50
fcf_user9because of so many users23:50
stroyanfcf_user9:  The scary question is "how did you get into that situation?"  It may be that you could get the apt-get system working again by copying a backup of the /var/lib/dpkg/status file into place.23:50
amilliabilliremicanoncial wont work23:50
cody_netbrain: I know that envy is iffy at best23:50
fcf_user9stroyan: Ubuntu stopped responding23:51
netbraincody_: then dont use envy..23:51
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Guest79881Can someone help me with a wine problem?23:51
netbraincody_: its pretty easy to install the propriatery driver without23:51
cody_netbrain: I need the nvidia proprietory driver, not the opensource nv drier23:51
jedcamilliabilliremi, ??23:51
amilliabilliremihow can i get canonocial to work jedc23:51
joaopintoamilliabilliremi, please write a proper question in english, or search for a channel for your language23:52
zaoul1Guest34211: you can read off of it? sdb3 is your ntfs right? its showing mounted as a hfsplus?23:52
stroyanfcf_user9:  First save the file that you have with "sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status /saved_status" . Then "sudo cp /var/lib/dpkg/status-old /var/lib/dpkg/status" .23:52
fcf_user9what file?23:52
cody_netbrain: I have tried: the driver from nvidia and sh nvidiadrivername.run and it damaged all video of ubuntu, forcing me to restore. I am now trying the driver in apt23:52
amilliabilliremiwhy hfsplus though23:52
netbraincody_: apt-get install nvidia-glx-xxx nvidia-settings should do the trick23:52
joaopinto!ops | amilliabilliremi unable to communicate and flooding the channel23:52
ubottuamilliabilliremi unable to communicate and flooding the channel: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) -  elky,  imbrandon, DBO, gnomefreak, Hobbsee, rob, Madpilot, CarlK, crimsun, ajmitch, tritium, Nalioth, thoreauputic, apokryphos, tonyyarusso,  PriceChild, Amaranth, jrib, jenda, nixternal, Myrtti, mneptok, Pici, Jack_Sparrow, nickrud, jpds, bazhang, jussi01, Flannel or ikonia!23:52
Guest34211zaoul1: I can read off it23:52
jedcfcf_user9, try typing "sudo rm /var/lib/apt/lists/* -vf" and then when its done "sudo apt-get update"23:53
netbraincody_: use package manager, dont go to nvidia.com to download drivers23:53
jedcamilliabilliremi, i dont know what that is23:53
DeathCrawlerWhat is the difference between the Wine 1.2 and Wine 1.0?23:53
cody_netbrain: That is what i just did, the package manager, installed nvidia-71-glx (the one for my card) and now it tells me to run nvidia-xconfig which doesnt exist?23:53
DeathCrawlerWine1.2 is better?23:53
Guest34211zaoul1: what is sbd3?23:53
amilliabilliremisorry for bugging you jedc23:53
netbraincody_: and what did apt-file say?23:54
joaopintoDeathCrawler, bug fixes23:54
cody_netbrain: apt-file is running as of now23:54
zaoul1Guest34211: your ntfs partition?23:54
cody_apt-file is updating i mean23:54
fcf_user9jedc: it's getting something23:54
jedcfcf_user9, that seemed to work for some people see http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-863742.html23:54
zaoul1Guest34211: disc 2 or 3? is the ntfs?23:54
netbraincody_: what version of ubuntu are you running?23:54
cody_netbrain: 9.0423:54
amilliabilliremidoes anybody know how to get Canoncial working on an ibm thinkpad A22e23:54
DeathCrawlerjoaopinto: Wine1.2 is beta, Wine is "stable".23:54
ianm_anyone ideas on the cause of a "VIDIOCGCHAN: Invalid argument" error from ruby-v4l on a device (/dev/video0) which works fine in Cheese?23:54
fcf_user9jedc: W: Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release i386 (20090420.1)/dists/jaunty/main/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs  W: Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release i386 (20090420.1)/dists/jaunty/restricted/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by AP23:55
fcf_user9W: Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release i386 (20090420.1)/dists/jaunty/main/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt-get update cannot be used to add new CD-ROMs  W: Failed to fetch cdrom://Ubuntu 9.04 _Jaunty Jackalope_ - Release i386 (20090420.1)/dists/jaunty/restricted/binary-i386/Packages  Please use apt-cdrom to make this CD-ROM recognized by APT. apt23:55
joaopinto!pastebin | fcf_user923:55
ubottufcf_user9: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic23:55
Guest34211zaoul1: disc 323:55
fcf_user9too many people posting lines23:55
Guest34211zaoul1: disc 2 works fine23:56
jedcfcf_user9, see my private message23:56
zaoul1Guest34211: Interesting, I know you said you are on a mac but it is showing as a 'hfsplus' which is a apple type file system. Are you sure it is ntfs? Is it a windows partition? You could try to umount /media/disc3\ 3 .. then: ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/disc\ 323:58
pcccHey, sudo as user isn't working for me: "sudo -i -u munin /usr/share/munin/munin-update" yields "env: -i: No such file or directory". How do I fix this?23:58
zaoul1err ... ntfs-3g /dev/sdb3 /media/disc\ 323:58
cody_netbrain: apt-file takes forever to update :p gonna go grab somethin to eat while it is, i will inform you when it is done23:59
zaoul1or mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sdb3 /media/disc\ 323:59
netbraincody_: k.23:59
vinoohow can i make nautilus hide some files with the extensions i want? i tried to put *.extension in the .hidden file but it didnt worked23:59

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