
jayferdcan anybody help me with an install question?00:25
jayferdi promise it's interesting00:30
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jayferdokay so here's my situation: http://paste.ubuntu.com/295047/01:06
jayferdeasier-to-read version:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/295055/01:08
jayferdbasically, is it possible to do an install from a partition on the main hdd?01:12
Balsaquehey pete i'm installing xubuntu07:08
Balsaque_Pete_ the xubuntu seems to be going right in my dimension...07:18
Balsaquewow half in at 15 minutes07:22
Balsaque95% at 24 minutes...wow07:26
Balsaquewell _Pete_ilike the desktop better-and she went in under22 minutes07:31
_Pete_Balsaque: ?07:47
Balsaquei am on 2 puters at once07:47
Balsaqueplus th g4 lapper just installed xubu07:48
Balsaquebut need a fliipin connector to go online07:48
Balsaqueunless i do i lil surgery on this 8200 over here...noticed it has a 10/100 on her07:50
Balsaque_Pete_ are you on xubuntu jaunty?07:54
_Pete_Balsaque: not any more07:59
Balsaque_Pete_what are you using07:59
_Pete_= my favourite07:59
Balsaquenever heard of that one?08:00
Balsaqueis that kubuntu08:00
_Pete_currently kubuntu = kde408:01
_Pete_I dont like kde4 at all08:01
Balsaquecross platform..08:03
Balsaqueso what made you chooes it over the bazillions out there08:03
_Pete_simple: it works (as I want)08:04
Balsaquedoes it have terminal?08:04
_Pete_of coz08:05
Balsaquei saw the big clock on it looked a lil like puppy mixed with vista home premium too me08:06
Balsaquethat was me on there!08:07
Balsaquei like the system monitor on the side cool08:07
Balsaquethere are so many of these...i cant decide which one ilike08:07
_Pete_it is gkrellm08:07
_Pete_.. apt-get install gkrellm08:08
Balsaquei loaded onw with xp pro sp3, i ubuntu 904 i xubu and 3 more to go08:08
Balsaquei want all 7 to be different08:08
Balsaqueplus one leopard forgot the g408:08
Balsaquethen that ole 400mgz i have been usin willget puppy or something really lightweight08:09
Balsaqueit coughs a lil on ubun08:09
Balsaque like this linux stuff because i really despise anti virus software and i dont use any on my ubuntu08:12
Balsaqueas i click thru the xubu it really seems just like ubuntu...but if its quicker ill like it better08:13
Balsaquesays intel R   pentium R 4 cpu 2.4ghz    49.2 disk space    496.9 memory (weird numbers-not what my invoice says?)08:16
Balsaquesays xubuntu used up 1.708:16
Balsaquehmmm....60gig hd minus 1.7 + 49.2 ???thats some weird math08:17
Balsaqueopps meant 60-1.7=49.2?08:17
Balsaquehow can xubuntu take only 1.7...but drop my disk  space from 60 down to 49.208:18
_Pete_what's the point?08:25
_Pete_just use it if works08:25
_Pete_wondering (stupid) number is not going to get you anywhere08:25
Balsaquewhen you put a OS in a mchine that uses 1.7 of the disk, how do you get down to 49.2....there is no point, i am asking you if you know why, if you don't then i really don't care.08:27
_Pete_I dont08:28
_Pete_because of this:08:28
_Pete_Filesystem            Size  Used Avail Use% Mounted on08:28
_Pete_/dev/mapper/vg0-root  1.2T  699G  460G  61% /08:28
_Pete_and coz this happens to be raid0 with 4 sata-drivers08:31
_Pete_it's also fast08:31
Balsaquewell since i can't leave well enoough alone i am going to get real stupid and start taking parts of one computer so i can get this lil xubu on the internet...08:33
_Pete_good luck08:33
Balsaquefrom what i can see you just reach in there grab the flippin ehternet 10/100 and rip er out straight up!08:34
Balsaqueno swrews at all08:35
Balsaqueis out and it didnt break yet08:36
Balsaquejust wont go in the new one dmmmmit08:49
sabatMy WindowManager seems to have disabled itself somehow. and everytime I reboot it runs Krusader.08:49
sabatI'm not sure what happened here.08:50
sabatany ideas on how to get my wm back?08:50
Balsaquei wish i could help you i have no idea what you are talking about08:56
Balsaquenew ti linux myself08:56
homebrewciderHi, I'm wondering if someone can help me. I have a server running xubuntu 8.10. It has a 40g HDD, and a 1 TB HDD, which must be formatted in FAT32 (for a PVR). I have it mounted where I want it (media/data) but only root can read/write to it. I would like to get it user RWable. In my main PC I have a FAT32 formatted drive, but the options on fstab don't seem to get the server 1 tb user RWable. Can anyone help please?09:10
Balsaq_Xubuwow this is really reallly really fast09:30
Balsaq_Xubuhey _techie_ i just pulled off major flippin surgery-where the heck were ya09:31
Balsaq_Xubugues i can wipe out balsaque....hang on09:32
Balsaq_Xubuthis is way too cool...time for a cold one09:36
_Techie_what did ya do?09:39
_Techie_dangit, this is why i wish i had my bouncer online09:40
Balsaq_Xubui took the ethernet out of the 8200 and tossed it in one of the 8250's because the 8250's only have what looks to be an rj45 plug hole and  i installed xubu and threw it in where the old 400mgz dell was09:41
_Techie_wait, a standard adsl internet router uses rj4509:42
Balsaq_Xubui duuno thats why i took the ethernet out of the 8200 never saw that other type maybe it would of worked looks a lil bigger so i just used a oart that looked like the thing in the back of my old timer09:43
_Pete__Techie_: yo09:43
_Techie_yo pete, howzit09:43
_Pete_trying to wake up09:43
_Pete_am here09:43
_Pete__Techie_: do you want ircproxy ?09:44
_Techie_hey bal, can you pastebin me the output of lspci please09:44
_Pete_I am currently using bitlbee09:44
_Techie_yeah, i had one set up on my australian server but thats offline while its tranferred09:44
Balsaq_Xubuno friggen clue howto do it09:44
Balsaq_Xubuwhat out put?09:45
_Techie_all of it09:45
Balsaq_Xubuwhat is it? what for?09:45
Balsaq_Xubuis that the driver page09:45
_Techie_it gives me the output of your devices09:45
Balsaq_Xubuso go to terminal and type  that09:45
_Techie_if you want me to get you a command to auto do it i can09:46
Balsaq_Xubuwhat is that09:46
Balsaq_Xubuhang on do i type sudo 1st09:46
_Techie_lspci | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us09:47
_Techie_if it needed sudo i would have asked09:47
_Pete__Techie_: cool, your skillz do amaze me :)09:47
_Techie_lol, i didnt write that command09:48
_Techie_but i do understand how it works09:49
Balsaq_Xubui don't have any skills...09:49
_Techie_oh yeah, i had a question about bitlbee, is it able to keep 2 users connnected to the same account in sync?09:49
Balsaq_Xubuok its ready now tell me what the f it is09:49
_Techie_lspci lists all pci devices09:50
_Pete__Techie_: only tried with one MSN, but I guess yes09:50
_Techie_the other alternative is ZNC, that comes with the ability to use plugin modules09:51
Balsaq_Xubugonna have to instal curl09:51
Balsaq_Xubuand it tells me how09:51
_Techie_yeah, sudo apt-get install curl09:51
Balsaq_Xubuwhat is it in a nutbag...i mean nut shell09:52
_Techie_pete, ever done any work with sendmail servers?09:52
_Pete__Techie_: no09:52
_Techie_which part do you want me to explain bal?09:52
Balsaq_Xubunot everything just what is curl09:53
_Techie_curl is a way of sending data using GET and POST09:54
Balsaq_Xubui mean dont i know my pci's when i put it in there were none except the vi card09:54
_Pete__Techie_: you know nc is better?09:54
_Techie_huh, nc... sorry if i seem to be lacking concentration, im at a mates place watching a movie09:55
_Techie_what is nc?09:55
_Pete_wrong move09:55
_Pete_put them to learn linux instead09:56
_Techie_they are linux folks09:56
_Techie_they are the people who got me started09:56
_Pete_NC(1)                                                              BSD General Commands Manual                                                              NC(1)09:56
_Pete_NAME nc - arbitrary TCP and UDP connections and listens09:56
_Pete_man nc09:56
Balsaq_Xubuthis one is ten time 50 times faster than my old timer09:56
_Pete_very powerfull tool09:56
Balsaq_Xubuwhen i called dell they sad it has a good vid card too nvidia09:57
_Techie_yeah, thats why im getting you to output lspci09:57
_Techie_coz i reckon you could probably run compiz quite happily09:57
Balsaq_Xubuwhat will i do with compiz...hear that name all the time09:58
_Pete_Balsaq_Xubu: you should think otherwise09:58
Balsaq_Xubui gotta mess with t for awhile ist i wonder if it will elet me play youtube vids09:58
_Pete_Balsaq_Xubu: like -> what would I like to do=09:58
_Pete_when you know that09:58
_Pete_then you can seek best tools for that09:58
Balsaq_Xubuprfound...thank you Pete!09:59
_Pete_if you, like you try to, do otherwise around09:59
_Pete_it's pointless09:59
Balsaq_Xubuoh i will just figuring some things out here all new09:59
_Pete_then again, what is your point?10:00
_Pete_obiviously you have one10:01
Balsaq_Xubustill not sure what you are asking me but whatever it is i am sure you put a lot of thoought into it10:02
_Pete_but Balsaq_Xubu can you say what iti is?10:02
Balsaq_Xubui don't recall trying to make a point just now10:02
_Pete_maybe I am trying to be realistic again10:02
_Pete_but since is part of my job, hard to not do so10:03
Balsaq_Xubuok now i see what you mean pete: ist decide what i want the puter to do...then pick out the best downloads10:05
_Pete_something like that10:05
_Pete_you should know how to use it10:06
_Pete_not how it can use you10:06
Balsaq_Xubumy main goals are: online videos, speed, speed, speed, email , word processing and so far that is it10:06
_Techie_the second one is already achieved10:06
Balsaq_Xububut its so fast now i guess forget the speed10:06
_Pete_well spoken on computers10:06
_Pete_best way to achive those is money10:06
Balsaq_Xubuive never seen speed like this10:06
Balsaq_Xubui returned a quad core w/ 6g ram and vista and it wasnt as fast10:07
Balsaq_Xubuyou'll have to excuse my exuberance10:07
Balsaq_Xubuthis thing is from 200310:08
_Pete_you are looking back10:09
_Pete_I am looking forward10:09
_Pete_I dont care what was 200310:09
_Pete_but are very intresting to see like +5 years from now10:09
Balsaq_Xubui wnt a new one but the new quad vista computer was so cheap it really turned me off maybe you have had better luck with the new ones10:10
Balsaq_Xubumaybe the i7 will be good10:10
_Pete_there's no luck needed10:11
_Pete_only money10:11
_Techie_or skill10:11
_Pete_with later you get first10:11
Balsaq_Xubupete maybe you can cut me am loan10:11
_Pete_Balsaq_Xubu: no thanks10:12
_Techie_so pete, what do you actually do for a job anyway?10:12
_Pete_I code programs for n90010:14
_Pete_like this10:15
Balsaq_XubuPete are you part of the ubuntu staff10:18
_Pete_Balsaq_Xubu: no10:18
Balsaq_Xubuyou seem to prefer this channel or do you frequent others10:19
_Pete_as said10:19
_Pete_I like xfce10:19
_Pete_but more I like old kde3.xx10:20
_Pete_but more likely I like my current job10:20
_Pete_where everything you come with is hitech-very-new10:20
_Pete_Balsaq_Xubu: so your thinking of how to put some old-dated comp to work is quite irrelevant for me10:21
_Techie_quite relevant to me though, its what i do10:22
Balsaq_XubuPete: you have made that clear so put some earplugs in if i meantion the age of my computer what can i say10:22
Balsaq_Xubui like the new ones toobut they kinda lost me there when they just kept growwing the footprint of th OS10:23
_Pete_I had have access to computers like10:23
_Pete_64cpus & many gigas mem10:23
Balsaq_Xubuits like they want you to but a loaded computer and 3 years later its seem like junk again10:23
_Pete_but after all10:24
_Pete_it doesnt really matter10:24
_Pete_Balsaq_Xubu: well that is known fact10:24
Balsaq_Xubuso you seem so well versed incomputers but when iwas installing a few people came in with soemquestions and i noticed you remained silent10:25
_Pete_Balsaq_Xubu: it is mostly coz I dont understand your english10:26
Balsaq_Xubuso Techie did you check shpping rates?10:32
_Techie_on the whole box it would be killer10:33
_Techie_welcome back bal10:38
Balsaq_Techie_  it wont play the online vids says i need flash..wich is best: yum for linux, tar.gz for linux, rpm for linux, deb for ubuntu 8.04+  ??10:39
Balsaqi suppose i can experimant10:40
_Techie_you will want the .deb10:41
Balsaqbut i am on xubuntu 904 now10:41
Balsaqok thanks doing it10:41
Balsaqdo i want to open   or    save10:43
_Techie_then open it10:43
Balsaqhmmm wil have to study says dpendency not satisfiable10:49
Balsaqprolly casue they want 512 ram and even though i have it xubu says i have 496?10:49
Balsaqi have all the other requirements and more10:49
Balsaqi am going to put it up to 1g ram soon10:49
Balsaqmaybe 210:49
Balsaqeither that or they want ubuntu10:50
Balsaqno biggie ill figure it out10:50
Balsaq_Techie_it loks like i have to do terminal sudo command i found on adobe...11:09
Balsaqthe about restricted...ever do it11:09
Balsaqwhats the command to make sure there is no flash in here now Techie11:10
Balsaqfrsh install really cant be here huh11:10
_Techie_if you havent installled flash, then theres no flash11:10
Balsaqok and i guess we all assume that the built in choices are not the way too gi huh11:11
Balsaqcan you play the vids Techie?11:15
Balsaqthe terminal command from adobe didnt work11:15
Balsaq_techie_ do you know the terminal command to see what i did  install11:21
janhousewhere do I put xfce themes?11:27
knomejanhouse, ~/.themes or /usr/share/themes11:30
janhousethx :)11:30
janhousecan I use themes from gnome?11:30
knomedepends on if you mean icon themes or window decoration themes11:34
knomeor gtk themes11:34
Balsaqanyone here know how to instal flash11:39
knomesudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree ?11:40
Balsaqthanks knome will try now11:41
Balsaqsays cant find the package11:44
Balsaqdo i need to go insynaptic and find it first knome11:44
Balsaqor add remove? ill look i guess lost11:45
knomeyou have to enable multiverse -repositories11:45
knomeyou can do that in for example, synaptic11:47
Balsaqi just installed xubu and now i see they want me to do the updates,,,this may be why i am having trouble?11:50
Balsaqwhaddya think knome11:50
Balsaqmay as well take em and then see what happens11:51
nic1hello..does xubuntu support skype?12:03
_Techie_yes, there is a version available12:03
nic1_Techie_, can you please tel me that version?12:03
nic1i am trying to install but getting stuck with errors12:04
_Techie_do you want 32bit or 64bit?12:04
_Techie_http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-beta-ubuntu-32 for 32bit12:05
_Techie_http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-beta-ubuntu-64 for 64bit12:05
nic132 bit12:06
_Techie_then the first link is for you12:07
nic1i downloaded it, wen i tried to install, it tells check the permissions12:08
_Techie_when installing applications you need to use your sudo password12:09
nic1 i dint install with apt-get right?12:09
nic1i am actually using xfce session, not xdesktop exactly12:09
_Techie_doesnt make a difference12:10
nic1kind of confused, can yu please tel me lil clear12:10
_Techie_follow this link http://www.skype.com/go/getskype-linux-beta-ubuntu-3212:10
_Techie_it will ask you if you want to save a file12:10
_Techie_save it12:10
_Techie_run that file12:10
nic1i saved it, when i tried to run install the package i am getting error12:11
_Techie_what error12:11
nic1package might be corrupted or you do not have permissions12:11
_Techie_it should prompt you for your password for sudo12:12
nic1i am not getting you12:12
_Techie_okay, other alternative... im not sure on syntax but try12:13
_Techie_sudo apt-get install /path/to/file12:13
nic1both are different right? install the package is through GUI, and the other one is in the terminal..12:13
nic1sudo apt-get install /home/username/skype-ubuntu-intrepid_2.1.0.47-1_i386.deb , i ran this, file exists inthat location, but it tells package does not exist12:14
_Techie_im getting comfused here12:15
_Techie_when running from the CLI it says the file does not exist12:16
_Techie_and when running from GUI, it doesnt ask you for your password and return invalid permissions12:16
_Techie_thats wack12:17
_Techie_my laptop has xfce and even that asks for my password12:17
_Techie_anyway, i need to get some sleep, its past midnight12:19
janhousehow can I make xfce's network manager manage my eth0?12:23
janhouseI have fresh xubuntu install12:23
janhouseI have to write sudo ifconfig eth0 up and then sudo dhclient to make internet work12:24
_Techie_it should manage it automatically12:24
janhousewell, it doesn't12:24
janhousexubuntu jaunty12:24
_Techie_it should appear in the drop down menu on the top bar12:24
janhouseit doesn't12:24
janhouseany ideas?12:24
_Techie_nope, but you could use a script to manage it12:25
_Techie_anyway, goodnight #xubuntu ill see you in the morning12:28
janhouseit had something in /etc/network/interfaces12:28
janhouseI commented it out and will se what happens12:28
janhouseon gnome you had to do it to make network-manager manage it12:29
Balsaqficed it thank youknome plays all the online vids peret and got all the sound on...now i know how to help someone do it...it was the updates holding me back and the that sudo command just forced it12:29
knomeBalsaq, okay.12:29
Balsaqi gotta master the terminal..the terminal just took control and forced it12:30
Balsaqknome you are the man....12:31
knomeBalsaq, ;)12:32
knomeBalsaq, thanks12:32
Balsaqi owe you12:32
Balsaqwhere can i buy the book of terminal commands?12:35
Balsaqwe have barnes and noble here12:35
knomeBalsaq, i suppose you could get some *really* cheap ones from amazon.*12:36
Balsaqwell for this i would spend the xtra bucks if i knew there was a book that really covered it well12:36
knomewell, tbh, the best way is to read from internet12:37
knomemanual pages etc. cover the commands really well, and they could change from time to time12:37
Balsaqok, i could print the pages and make my own12:37
Balsaqi really want to nail it12:37
Balsaqwhen i typed that non free thing the thing just lit up12:37
knome"24 used from $0.35"12:38
Balsaqwow ill have to see which one includes all of it12:40
knomehttp://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_ss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=ubuntu+command+line&x=0&y=0 <- these also12:40
Balsaqid do a used if it had all of it of course maybe the write up new ones all the time12:40
knomemight be a bit more expensive, but they are newer and cover ubuntu, apparently12:40
Balsaqyeah ill get the good one if it has more12:42
Balsaquntil you master terminal its like drowning12:42
knomei think the latter will cover *buntu* better12:42
Balsaqtell me is buntu style linuc considered the best or most modern?12:43
Balsaqi just started a week or 2 ago12:43
Balsaqi am hooked12:43
knomemmh, well it has the lowest learning curve, i think12:43
Balsaqso its linux for dummies12:43
knomea bit maybe12:43
knomeubuntu is based on debian, so they have a lot in common12:43
Balsaqsee i have a puppy linux disc too i am getting ready to learn...that prolly hard vore huh?12:44
Balsaqprolly have too hook up everything with terminal on that one12:45
knomewell puppy is harder, yeah12:49
knomelunch, bbl ->12:49
Balsaqok thanks again12:49
janhousehow can I drag shortcuts to programs from menu to panel?13:29
janhouseseems like it is impossible13:29
knomejanhouse, you can't in xfce13:32
nikolamjanhouse, you can use quicklauncher in panel to star applications13:32
janhouseand where can I manage startup apps?13:32
janhouseI want to run compiz on startup13:32
janhouseand skype13:32
nikolamright click on lanel, you can add launcher for bigger icon13:32
nikolamyou could put them on .bashrc file in home dir Or open settings manager and select autostarted applications13:34
nikolamthen click add and add them janhouse13:35
janhousecool, thx :)13:38
janhouseCan I enable compiz in settings manager?13:38
janhouseor I have to run compiz --replace13:38
janhouseand is there some task manager like on gnome where I can see what programs are running and have options to kill them13:40
janhousewith gui13:40
nikolamjanhouse, you can continue to use system monitor from gnome13:41
janhouseok, thx13:41
nikolamas a metter a fact, with using xfapplet xfce applet, you can also continue to use even gnome applets inside xfce13:42
nikolampackage is named gnome-system monitor13:42
nikolamas here with me, compositing is turned on in settings manager> window manager tweaks> compositor13:43
janhousehow can I add gnome panel applets to xfce panel?13:43
nikolamafter that you turn compiz on (i don`t turn it on regular basis so I would need to look for that)13:43
nikolamyou just add xfapplet applet to xfce panel13:44
nikolamand from there you just choose installed gnome applets :)13:44
nikolam(previously installed with synaptic, of course)13:44
janhousenikolam, window manager tweaks is empty for me13:50
nikolamjanhouse, what version you installed?13:52
nikolamof xubuntu?13:52
nikolami am on hardy 8.04/LTS14:02
nikolamjanhouse, we have great wiki, btw, wiki.ubuntu.com14:04
nikolamalso ubuntuforums.com is plce fith tons of answers :)14:04
nikolamubuntuforums.org , sorry :)14:05
skaviciousHello guys!15:12
skaviciousHOlaaaaa! hellooo! how are ya!?15:13
nikolamskavicious, nice, and you? :)15:18
janhouseok, great15:22
janhousenow it works good enough15:22
janhouseonly sad thing is that xfce main menu is kind of slow15:22
janhouseit should keep the contents of it in ram or something15:23
janhouseon machine with 254mb ram and pentium 4 processor it is kind of slow15:23
nikolamjanhouse, i know, menu is slow a bit15:24
nikolamjanhouse, also it was leaking memory in previous versiond, i think now that is fixed15:25
nikolamjanhouse, check out its memory usage after few days of uptime with no logout15:25
nikolamjanhouse, i think you can set that application menu is invoked with right click on desktop, that way it is there only when needed etc15:26
likemindeadRAM's cheap. I'd up the RAM to _at least_ 512MB, janhouse.15:26
janhouseit is not my computer. I am installing it for friends.15:26
janhouseyes, I will tell them to buy more ram.15:27
nikolamyes, more cheap ram is best upgrade15:27
janhouseSome time ago I used pentium 2 computer with slackware and xfce15:27
janhousehad ~128mb ram15:27
janhouseit was sooo slow but I had fun learning to use linux :)15:28
janhousethis year I got rid of MS WIndows. Feel happy now :D15:29
likemindeadI haven't used Windoze /at all/ in 2+ years now. :-)15:31
baudsmkI just installed Xubuntu Karmic and many of the applications dont work. For example, users-admin15:47
baudsmkI get the error: Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.015:47
baudsmk@baudsmoke:/usr/bin$ users-admin15:47
baudsmkNo protocol specified15:47
baudsmk(users-admin:3015): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display: :0.015:47
likemindeadI'm sure it'll be sorted out by Oct 29th, baudsmk, when the official final release is.15:50
likemindeadDid you submint a bug report?15:50
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots15:50
baudsmkIf I have Windows XP and Xubuntu installed on the same hard disk but different partitions can Xubuntu access the Windows XP partition?15:52
baudsmknm, I figured it out15:55
baudsmksudo mount /dev/sda1 ./test15:55
ubottuTo view your Windows/Mac partitions see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AutomaticallyMountPartitions - For write access, see !NTFS-3g or !FUSE15:56
baudsmkI would like to access my cell phone via USB15:58
baudsmkit has a FAT file system15:58
ubottuntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions16:00
baudsmkNothing in https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ works16:04
mhall119I need some XFCE help16:16
mhall119is anyone in here familiar with the way Xubuntu starts XFCE?16:16
ArtyI installed XFCE on my Ubuntu a few months ag16:20
Artyand it screwed up my login screen16:20
Artynow in login preferences, I can't change the theme of the login screen16:20
Artydoes anybody know what is wrong?16:21
ArtyThe option to change the theme isn't there.16:21
baudsmkI am guessing something with gdm16:21
ArtyIt's not in gdmsetup16:21
Artyit's -supposed- to be apparently, but now it isn't16:22
mhall119is the option there, just disabled?16:22
ArtyIn the window "Login Window Preferences"16:22
Artyand I click on the "Local" tab16:22
Artyand there's nothing about themes, but in the screenshots I see they are.16:23
Artyit's just Style, Background, Behaviour, logo, Menu Bar, and Welcome Message16:23
Artynothing else.16:24
ArtyOh, nevermind16:24
ArtyFigured it out, feel so stupid now16:24
Artyit's because i had the "Plain" style selected, not the "Themed" style16:25
scoi am a new xubuntu user. i came here for help16:29
scoi have installed the latest xubuntu stable version on my laptop16:30
scoall the hardware seems to be supported, but my volume wheel does not control the volume16:31
scomy laptop is a toshiba satellite a30016:31
baudsmkYour volume wheel needs software16:31
baudsmkgive me a minute16:31
scothank you16:31
scoare you still here, baudsmk?16:40
baudsmksorry, I thought you were in a diff channel16:40
scono worries. what can i do to fix this problem?16:41
baudsmkit will require some searching around on the web for the hot key support. Does your mute button work? ...other keys?16:42
ubottuIf you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » If that fails, you can report bugs manually at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+filebug - Bugs in/wishes for the bots can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots16:42
scoaccording to the keybaord, pressing FN + ESC toggles mute16:43
scobut when i press it, nothing happens16:43
scolet me try my other hotkeys16:43
sconone of my FN hotkeys work16:44
scothey all work fine in windows. i guess windows came with the right software16:45
baudsmksome of the hotkeys can be changed. For example I set my Windows_Key+D to show my desktop. That was easy.  I forget the packages to install to do more elaborate shortcut keys16:45
scohow do i make WIN + D do show desktop? i miss that feature too16:46
scoright now i'm searching for toshiba linux hotkey support. thanks for your help so far. i guess i just didn't know what to look for16:47
baudsmkIm looking for it again, hang on16:48
knomesco, see Application -> Settings -> Keyboard -> Application Shortcuts16:48
baudsmksettings editor is another place to look16:48
baudsmkunder keyboard-shortcuts16:48
baudsmkI think they call the Windows Key "<super>"16:49
knomeyes, because the key is not a "windows" key in all keyboards, and imo shouldn't be in any kb16:49
baudsmkUnder Settings --> Window Manager16:51
scoi am in Settings > Window Manager16:52
scoin the Keyboard tab there is a line that says "Show Desktop <ctrl><alt>D"16:52
scowell, i don't know how to changef it to "<super>D", but at least now i know there is another shortcut for it16:54
baudsmknot in my settings. Must be because I am using Karmic Koala I just installed it16:54
baudsmkdouble click it then press the keys you want to change it to16:55
baudsmksetting the keyboard is confusing16:56
baudsmkso many choices16:56
baudsmktoo many keyboard tabs in difference places16:56
scoyeah, lol16:56
scodouble-clicking the option doesn't seem to let me change it16:56
scodouble clicking the line displays a wee window that tells me the mane of the shortcut and the keyboard command, but doesn't let me edit it16:57
scoit does let me 'clear' the shortcut, though. weird16:58
baudsmkin that wee window just type16:58
baudsmkit is listening for you to set the key combination16:58
scookay, it's set to "<super>d" now16:58
scothanks, it works16:58
scothat window is confusing though. maybe it should explain itself better16:59
baudsmkI noticed even sudo /usr/bin/xfce4-settings-editor doesnt let you edit the settings lol16:59
baudsmkoh, I can Edit but not Add16:59
scoabout the hotkey problem btw, i found something that might work17:00
scosome software called FnFX17:00
scohasn't been updated since 2004, though17:01
scoand i have to install it manually, from source :(17:01
baudsmkdid you install the programs hotkeys, hotkey-setup, and/or autokeys in the package manager?17:01
sconot unless they were preinstalled17:01
baudsmkinstall fnfxd from the package manager17:02
scois that the one in Applications > System > Synaptic Package Manager?17:03
baudsmkthat is your all-in-one software super wizard with god like power17:04
scoi'm starting to warm to how linux manages its software17:04
scowindows equivalent of a package manager is only good for removing apps17:05
scookay, fnfxd is installed17:05
scobut my mute key still does not work, or my volume wheel17:05
baudsmkit uninstalls the software that you must pay for.  Not a good thing or you wouldnt have paid for it17:05
baudsmksco, is it working yet?17:07
baudsmkI have an idea for you, create a new shortcut key command and when it listens move the volume wheel17:13
scolol, my laptop crashed so unceremoniously17:13
scothe suspend hotkey does work. my laptop suspended, but when i tried to revive it, it froze with a black screen and the music was looping17:14
scobut apparently not all the hotkeys work. so let's try your new idea17:14
baudsmkaumix -v -2 works the lower the volume17:14
baudsmksudo apt-get install aumix17:15
scosweet, every time i type that in the console, the volume lowers itself17:15
scoi think aumix is already installed17:15
scowhat is the increase volume command?17:15
scoso -v is for volume and +-n is increment/decrement by n17:16
baudsmkyah, let me know if that works for you17:16
scowell, both the commands certainly work, but how do i bind them to something that is simple to use?17:17
scowhat you said earlier?: "I have an idea for you, create a new shortcut key command and when it listens move the volume wheel"17:17
scoi will try that17:18
baudsmkafter you attempt that I will attempt a sleep mode17:19
baudsmkI wnat to know if that works for you17:19
scoi will let you know if the volume wheel thingy works. i do it in the keyboard shortcuts menu item, right?17:19
scoyay! my volume wheel works now!17:20
scothank you17:20
scohang on, i am going to write a note for myself to remind how to do this17:21
scookay, written up17:29
sconow you were going to help me set up the sleep button?17:29
scothank you for the help i got here. i realise that baudsmk isn't here anymore, but i thank him anyway17:42
rrmmDoes gigolo work for other people in 9.10? Mine will not open a file explorer, it tells me that the protocol is unsupported iirc, sorry not on my laptop right now.17:54
rrmmbbl on laptop to discuss this issue later :-D17:57
kunnu531Hi, I am new to this channel and I need some help20:46
kunnu531 I have hardy 8.04 version20:46
kunnu531and when ever I log into KDE session I get an error client-error-bad-request CUPS server error20:46
kunnu531And this doesn't happen in Gnome20:47
Sysiask #kubuntu20:47
kunnu531any ideas or suggestions please20:47
kunnu531ok thank you20:47
Sysihere we know about xfce20:47
kunnu531got you if I have any issues with NX can I ping in this channel ?20:48
_Pete_kunnu531: NX ? what is that?20:48
Sysiask here, someone give ansver if anyone are present who know about that20:49
kunnu531It's an software used for connecting to linux machine from MAC or Windows20:49
kunnu531It's an Graphical interface20:50
_Pete_so, what is your problem?20:50
kunnu531I use this software for connecting to my linux machine from windows20:50
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Alex001Hi. I little new to Ubuntu/xubuntu. Could you please tell me the major difference between the two, if both have installed the Compiz-Fusion (which seems quite nice)?23:09
Sysii didn't get compiz to work with xfwm, i need to install emerald23:10
Sysithere are some effects available on xubuntu by default. but if you want compiz and have power to run that, get ubuntu23:11
Alex001Otherwise? Any super-good-reason too choose xubuntu?23:11
Alex001compared with ubuntu.23:12
Sysiif you like xfce, or you have little of RAM23:12
Sysii just like xfce, i have gnome and kde also and this is the right for me23:13
baudsmokeI also use Xubuntu but I tried kde and I dont like it23:14
baudsmokeand I dont like Dolphin file manager23:14
Alex001On my wifes computer I installed the 8.04 xubuntu a long time ago. And the other day I just played around - installed compiz, activated hardware acceleration, installed a package with all necessary stuff for flash/sound etc. And I was amazed at not having any problems.23:14
Alex001So I was thinking about installing Ubuntu/Xubuntu on my machine too. (I have the W2008Srv. right now.)23:15
Sysii had compiz but then i noticed it's not nice and put it off23:15
Sysiopacity is enough for me23:15
Alex001But. I read somewhere about speedincrease with xubuntu, compared to ubuntu.23:15
Sysilogin is faster23:15
Alex001So the only difference is the window-manager?23:16
Sysibut if you're interested, install all desktop enviroments and see which you like the most23:16
baudsmokeAnyone know of a tool to convert avi to mp4 etc??23:16
Alex001Sysi: Install all, and then take them away? I don't wan't any rubbish left behind.23:17
Sysiit's still better than wondering and speculating23:17
Sysii can't tell what you like23:18
Alex001Sysi: "but if you want compiz and have power to run that, get ubuntu". Did you write that because you didn't get compiz to work, or is there another reason?23:18
baudsmokeI am almost certain xfce will be your choice and 9.10 Karic Koala makes is really nice23:18
baudsmokethe derivitives are updated more often23:19
Sysicompix integrates better with gnome23:19
Sysiand it comes by default23:19
Alex001Sysi: Ah, okay.23:19
baudsmokeXubuntu and Kubuntu have more updates and more bug fixes23:19
* Sysi ♥ xfce23:20
Alex001baudsmoke: The "derivitives"?23:20
Alex001baudsmoke: You mean gnome/kde/etc?23:20
Sysieverything but gnome?23:21
baudsmokeI mean Xubuntu and Kubuntu are derivatives of Ubuntu23:21
Alex001Okay. Seems like 9.10 with xfce in two weeks then.23:21
Alex001baudsmoke: So they are updated more often? (!)23:22
Alex001Seems strange23:22
Sysii usually get daily build couple days before23:22
Sysithere won't be lot of updates still23:22
Alex001Any other differences? Or good reasons for Xubuntu?23:22
baudsmokeright. Software updates will come in quicker.  I suppose it is because the Ubuntu people are busy making the main distro23:23
Sysii think it's stupid that xubu and kubu are separated from main distro23:24
Sysiany other distro don't that23:24
Sysi* dont do23:24
Sysisorry it's bit late here, i'm may not on my sharpest23:25
baudsmokeno doubt. Kubu is not even a recognized distro only has status of "supported"23:26
baudsmokeprolly because it sucks23:27
baudsmokeHave you tried Linux Mint yet? I have no blank cdr's but I want to try it out.23:27
Sysiusb-stick ♥23:27
baudsmokeI dont have.23:28
baudsmokeI tryed it install Xubuntu into Windows had it would not let me login with my password.23:28
Sysiwubi? that's evil23:28
Sysilots of problems with that23:29
baudsmokeI also tried VirtualBox but I removed it I think I just had the video card memory at 4mb, I just have increased it to 30mb23:29
baudsmokeI'l try again this time In Linux23:31
baudsmokeI wanted to try FreeBSD23:31
Sysii first try even half of hundreds of different linuxes :P23:32
Alex001Is there any difference in the programs being installed with Xubu?23:33
Sysithere are some differences23:33
Alex001If it's two different "companies"/communities doing ubuntu and xubuntu there should be more differences then the w-managers.23:33
Sysixchat is by default but rhythmbox is replaced by some listen23:34
Alex001Or maybe I got the idea of Xubu/ubu wrong?23:34
baudsmokeand gedit, kedit, and mousepad23:34
Sysithat's just what i said about nameing23:34
Alex001Did any of you see the article about the engineer at IBM who made a computer with Ubuntu start in 5 secs.?23:35
Sysixubuntu could/should be more lightweight but it's not very much currently23:35
Alex001Sysi: Naming. Got your point!23:35
Alex001Ah, ok.23:35
Sysibad english exists also..23:36
baudsmokeI just noticed there is an xedit program and it rocks23:36
Sysii often use nano23:36
Alex001About the 5 sec boot. I was wondering how to really speed up the process. That article didn't say much about how to do it - but then, maybe IBM did some experimenting and doesn't want to tell how to do it.23:37
Sysithat's about how you measure it23:37
Sysii've seen 6secs on bootchart with default ubuntu23:37
baudsmokemaybe just stripped it to the bones floppy disk size23:37
Alex001Hmm... I understood it was with a w-manager running. I could be wrong.23:38
Alex001(I once installed a Pentium 4 with Win98. It booted around 30-35 secs. So it should be possible, if one leaves out the "junk". Then, maybe, the "junk" are necessare applications for security and the alike.)23:40
baudsmokeWindows 95 boots in 5 secs23:40
Alex001Sysi: Whats bootchart?23:40
Alex001Hehe. That's really nice!23:41
baudsmokeI used to run Windows 95 on a 75mhz Pentium 1 with 8-16mb of ram23:41
Sysibootchart is program to measure boot time23:42
Sysiit's on repositories23:42

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