[00:20] hi, what is the package to install ATI drivers in kubuntu? [00:20] (i'm using karmic, and the hardware drivers app isn't working) [00:22] fglrx-driver [00:23] thanks [00:23] Sphinx, this kernel compiling takes a long time [00:23] what I need to do next? [00:24] or thats it? [00:40] jazzy_d: well, when it is finished, just install packages in /usr/src/linux-2.6 by dpkg -i <....deb> [00:40] Sphinx: after that reboot and try new kernel === LjL-Temp is now known as LjL [01:15] hellow all === peter is now known as Guest5872 [01:18] How do i install the gtk dev libraries/headers? in kubuntu [01:18] i think kubuntu should seriously think of changing the network manager [01:31] The "Firestarter" program has disappeared from my start menu - any thoughts about why? [01:37] what's firestarter? [01:38] ok found that out [01:43] does any1 know what i can do to remove the 4 blocked updates thing? [01:47] alguien habla español? [01:49] T_T [02:16] #ubuntu-co [02:46] hola [02:46] alguien habla español [02:55] help???? [02:56] alguien k hable español?!?? [03:00] !es | esker [03:00] esker: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es. [03:01] ubottu: no me puedes ayudar tu? [03:01] Error: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :) [03:09] hey does anyone know something similar to commitmonitor on windows? you add svn repositories to it and it pops up a notice when there is a new commit [03:12] i can sleep beter now..finally got kubuntu working gr8 :P === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [03:31] hey guys, i cant open chm... ive tried kdechmviewer but it open the chm and dont show me much of it it says something about ms-its... no idea whats wrong [03:36] guys!! i cant open chm with kdechmviewer, any ideas?? [04:28] Does anyone know how to edit the xorg.conf file, so I can get a better rsolution for my ati card....Im using 9.04 / kde 4.3.3 [04:29] linuxguy: what drivers are you using? [04:29] i'm using the ones from amd's website, and don't have a problem [04:31] russlar: ive not tried them........ive got compiz working gl screensavers etc.......but im stuck without a 1280x1024 resolution [04:31] linuxguy: install the ctalyst drivers from amd.com [04:32] you'll get the ati control panel, which can do everything graphics related [04:32] comparable to the ati control app on windows [04:33] russlar: thanks will do and thanks === root is now known as Guest83620 [04:35] russlar: ok its downloading now.......is it eassy to install?..no killing of X etc? [04:35] there are instructions... hang on a sec [04:36] http://wiki.cchtml.com/index.php/Ubuntu_Jaunty_Installation_Guide === vorian_ is now known as vorian [04:37] start in teh installing drivers manually section [04:41] This newbie needs a description of how to manage the startup sequence...I'm using Hardy Heron...System preferences doesn't appear...trying to access system->preferences->sessions->Startup programs tab...joseph [04:41] russlar: ive just found out according to the list my 9500 card isnt supported or are they just saying that? [04:42] probably [04:43] have you tried whatever driver the system pops up and tells you to use? [04:43] russlar: its blank the hardare driver list [04:45] russlar: si i only follow the manual section.....ignore the rest? [04:46] errr.,.... not if that doc says that the 9.7 driver won't work on your card [04:47] how can i tell what version of xorg i have pls? [04:47] <_genuser_> Hello People. [04:47] <_genuser_> My keyboard is totally not typing anything in X. [04:47] <_genuser_> but my mouse works fine. [04:48] <_genuser_> in console 1, I can use my keyboard.... [04:48] <_genuser_> anybody ot a clue? Should I just reboot? [04:48] linuxguy: sudo dpkg -l xserver-xorg [04:53] russlar: oh well my xorg is only 1.7 som,ething and not 9.3 [04:53] no..... what's the entire version string [04:54] 1:7.4~5ubuntu18 [04:54] ? [04:54] oh i see.......but it still wont work? [04:54] no [04:54] it won't [04:54] the older ati driver does not support ubuntu 9.04's xorg [04:57] looks like ive an excuse to go spend money now on new pc stuff :( [04:58] but im due for new stuff soon...........hmm i wonder if i droped down to 8.10........installed the driver and them updatedd to 9.04 might do the trick? [04:59] no, upgrading will upgrade teh xord [05:02] russlar: ive just seen something thos instructions relate to a 1.6 xorg file mine is 1.7.4 [05:05] * russlar away === per is now known as Guest66403 === drea is now known as Guest41771 [06:08] allo === per is now known as Guest88011 [06:22] i installed kubuntu 9.04 [06:22] after installation it gave me only option to run memtest [06:22] there was no vmlinuz in the /boot directory [06:23] i booted using Live CD and then chroot installed the latest kernel [06:23] now, i am getting different error when booting the installed kubuntu [06:23] fsck: symbol lookup error: fsck: undefined symbol: blkid_get_cache [06:23] and the root disk is mounted as read only [06:23] not able to continue === hemathor_ is now known as hemathor [07:20] i can't see my dow [07:20] sorry, i cant see my download screen in my knoqueror [07:23] how to see download window in konqueror? [07:52] hello everyone [08:00] why cant i select the start with hidden main window in kopete [08:00] ? [08:07] is there an edit i can make in console 2 to raise my screen resolution? i set it too low and now plasma is crashing and i cant set it back to my old resolution [08:23] Has anybody got Eclipse to work with Karmic 64bit? I doesn't start and closes right away when I start it [08:35] is there an edit i can make in F2 terminal window to change my resolution back to 1680x1050? i set it too low and now plasma is crashing before i can try to reset it [08:42] buenas [08:42] alguien que hable español?? [08:43] no hable [08:43] sorry [08:43] tred spanish? [08:44] hola [08:44] necesito una auda [08:44] ayuda [08:45] only english, sorry [08:46] cjrondon66: #kubuntu-es [08:46] ok thks === fernando is now known as Guest35313 === Guest35313 is now known as fernando_mukeka [08:57] opa bom dia internautas === Symon is now known as SymonGax [08:59] alguem do brazil aae? === fernando_mukeka is now known as nando [09:27] Bonjour à tous. Je suis sur la 9.10 Beta et j'essaye d'utilisre stasks de kde-look.org [09:27] mais nrien ne s'affiche ! Une idée ? [09:28] is kubuntu for people who want something like windows [09:29] !fr | compaq [09:29] compaq: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [09:29] Excuse me, I didn't understand that it was in english... So I restart. [09:30] Balsaq: it has a similar interface to windows, with one main menu. but there are differences [09:30] try the LiveCD and see if you like it [09:30] I'm having some issues with staks on Kubuntu 9.10 beta. It doesn't display anithing, does someone have any idea ? === compaq is now known as Diablal [09:34] hey u all === Me is now known as Guest37679 === someone is now known as Guest5362 [09:37] Hi from Berlin, [09:37] I'm sitting on a corrupt KUBUNTU: [09:37] since an update I do see white frames on a black screen. This is because of the Plasma-desktop effects. [09:37] Does anyone know, in which config-file I can find the switch to turn off desktop-effects from outside KDE?? [09:37] Guest37679: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. === Guest37679 is now known as jemand === compaq is now known as Diablal [09:59] Hello, I'm trying to compile smooth tasks but It does not detect my version of cmake. find here the error : http://paste.ubuntu.com/296011/ . The problem is that i've cmake 2.6.4 installed... [10:01] Diablal: you need the KDE development files, at least kdelibs5-dev [10:02] maybe kdebase-workspace-dev, kdebase-runtime-dev and/or libplasma-dev too [10:03] Ok, but the problem is that it installs a lot of dependencies with the -dev suffix and I'd like to keep a stable system... [10:03] Maybe I should not compile this program [10:03] and try to find a .deb file. [10:09] It's ok, thanks gyus I found a .deb here : http://usoftx.wordpress.com/deb/ === Me is now known as Guest62729 [11:02] Sphinx, compiling done, now what? [11:04] Hey! Does anyone know how to remove installed SuperKaramba widgets? [11:05] Sphinx, the full command please [11:11] Hello, I somehow fall into PulseAudio troubles, I found many pages, but I am unable to make it working. Is there any reliable howto/troubleshooting for [K]ubuntu? [11:11] jazzy_d_: do you have package? [11:11] jazzy_d_: ls /usr/src/linux-2.6/ [11:14] Sphinx, linux-image-2.6.31_2.6.31-10.00.Custom_i386.deb [11:15] nice, I wrot you the command yesterday, but again dpkg -i [11:15] dpkg -i linux-image-2.6.31_2.6.31-10.00.Custom_i386.deb [11:15] ?? [11:15] jazzy_d_: yes [11:16] then reboot [11:16] ok [11:16] and you should see new entry in grub/lilo [11:19] guys i've got a really annoying problem. i have karmic atm and i can't click in the right click menus. every time i'm trying to click menus exit without take the "click". further if you hold the left click in the right click menu the mark region go crazy up and down without remain in a proper selection so you can't click on an exact selection. [11:20] i've tryied turing off the kwin effects, installing compiz with emerald as a windows manager and the problem still persists [11:26] Thanks Sphinx, now its working much better [11:30] jazzy_d: no problem [11:30] jazzy_d: actually what was the reason you wanted it? [11:32] anyone ever had a problem with clicking in the right click menus? [11:34] Sphinx, my vga is working much better now, Intel GMA500 [11:37] Sphinx, previously it was sloow [11:37] :) [11:38] oka [11:38] jazzy_d: well, perhaps you should try some more optimizations to make your kernel faster [11:39] like setting CFLAGS [11:39] its good now [11:39] where I should put that [11:39] jazzy_d: just for your information that it is possible [11:39] ? [11:40] in gentoo I had put -march=nocona -O2 -pipe [11:41] and you use 32bit version of ubuntu? [11:41] yep, just its kubuntu jaunty [11:47] i've just noticed the if i navigate with the keyboard and click enter in the Right-Click Context menu it works fine but when i'm trying to click with the mouse the menus just closes. anyidea what could be the problem? [11:49] bye [11:55] hi === kb is now known as Guest66081 [12:07] need help!!! [12:07] i installed nvidia driver in ubuntu ultimate 2.3 [12:07] i have 17'' monitor... [12:08] in gnome it is not supporting but it is running well under kde with resolution og 1280 X 1024 [12:09] any one to help me .. [12:21] Hi === eugen is now known as Guest11088 [13:48] ciao === christian is now known as Guest43836 [13:48] !list [13:48] This is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » [13:48] o_o [13:49] ...lol [13:50] * Sahkolihaa face palms. [13:59] helllo [14:04] hi :) === kb is now known as Guest53483 [14:07] does anybody know how I can easily install QT4.6 under kubuntu (I use a kde trunk install) [14:08] "please" of course :) === gabry_ is now known as gabry [14:19] how can i change the fonts use by my putty client ? === dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates [14:22] hello [14:23] hello === dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk [14:49] HELLO EVERYONE [14:50] hiyas [15:00] Sphinx [15:00] are you here? [15:01] jazzy_d yes [15:31] hi guys, How I turn on the sound on aMSN and Skype 2.0? If I call to my friends, I don't hear them! How I solve this problem? [15:32] guitar-tony: doesn't skype have its own sound troubleshooter, try using that [15:33] xh: what is? I wanna speak with my friends :( [15:36] guitar-tony: do you have sound in other apps? did you try running alsamixer to unmute the channels? [15:37] I haven't Alsamixer [15:37] I've PCM [15:37] I must install it? [15:37] guitar-tony: maybe, but first check in skype Options > Sound Devices [15:38] emm, where is it Option? :D [15:38] guitar-tony: click status icon > Options [15:39] where status icon??? :'( [15:39] guitar-tony: the blue icon with the 'S' letter in the bottom [15:40] there isn't S [15:40] aaaaah [15:40] I think that I found it [15:40] ciao [15:41] then?? [15:41] chi puo darmi una mano [15:41] mamma non è una canale italiano [15:41] non riesco a giocare [15:41] a dark orbit [15:41] mi dice connessione al server non va [15:41] guitar-tony: then Options > Sound Devices and try adjusting that [15:41] una cosa del genere [15:41] ah [15:41] riuscite [15:42] e bo [15:42] nessuno gioca a darkorbit [15:42] xh: done [15:42] ? [15:43] ok [15:43] now Install alsamixer? [15:43] guitar-tony: try to make it work using the options you have there [15:45] nope [15:45] don't work [15:48] guitar-tony: ok, what version of kubuntu you have? [15:48] ubuntu ultimate 2.3 x86 [15:50] guitar-tony: hm, i have no idea of what it is, so it is not kubuntu then, right? then you would better ask in the #ubuntu channel instead, because i think the default sound engine in ubuntu is pulseaudio [15:51] solve! [15:52] guitar-tony: congrats! [15:52] eheh tnx, I've read on the web xD [15:55] another problem xD [15:56] so, I've "tuxguitar", but I cannot hear the sound of the notes, how I solve this? [16:03] In kubuntu 9.04, how can I get rid of Network Manager? [16:14] whitehill, install wicd , it will replace network manager [16:22] BluesKay, I installed it and the daaemon is running. Where's the GUI? [16:24] whitehill: log out and back in [16:24] I installed karmic from a alpha CD and installed all updates. Now after a reboot I don't have X anymore. It says that it can't find any displays. Any idea how I can fix that? [16:26] ciao [16:26] !list [16:26] This is not a file sharing channel (or network). If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot » [16:27] Hello, I need to find information of KDE startup script or logs to debug some strange behaviour, I was told that kubuntu has its own scripts/logs. Could anyone tell where to find it [16:27] ? [16:30] Sphinx: klog file viewer [16:30] robin0800_: I will try [16:34] robin0800_: isn't klog for hamradio [16:34] ? [16:38] #channels [16:38] hey guys [16:39] hey siki [16:39] how to change the color of the folders with oxygen theme? [17:16] hello, i set up kubuntu as a dual boot on my macbook pro and can not get it to connect to the network, can anyone help me with this? === john is now known as Ghone [17:25] hello! [17:25] hello, anyone willing to help me with a problem? [17:25] I've recently downloaded noteedit. It works, but i can't get the midi-playback working. what do i have to configure to output the song? [17:28] ciao === robin is now known as Guest23454 [17:50] Next issue with 9.04. When I try to run xclock, it says "Error: Can't open display: localhost:0 [17:53] hello [17:54] Y a-t-il des franchouillards de connectersur ce bazar ? Heu, c'est la première fois que j'utilise ce gendre de "truc"... [17:55] dois-je aller chercher Majax ? [17:55] ya quelqu'un ????? [17:56] hé ho ? "ferme ta gueule répondit l'écho" ????? [17:57] !fr | Zeltron27 [17:57] Zeltron27: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr [17:57] Ok ! j'atais perdu... Merci === kudomarkos is now known as Sadly [18:09] Hello [18:09] Sadly: Hi sadly, what is the status of you problem? [18:10] status? [18:10] I am in the same moment. [18:10] just installed ubuntu on my netbook, but when I start it says 'gave up waiting for root device' [18:10] but i am in 8.04 right know [18:10] Sadly: and no problem? [18:11] why? [18:11] yes,the problem IS yet.. [18:11] xD [18:11] Sadly: yes, I thought so [18:11] I had to format my pc.. [18:11] Sadly: why? [18:11] cuz Kubuntu were crazy... cuz wicd instalation.. [18:11] how crazy? [18:12] first: no Cable Ethernet connection [18:12] second: Screen crazy [18:12] my screen showed and dis-showed things.. [18:12] and really fast... [18:13] i un-plugged my battery and my plug to QUIT [18:13] xD [18:13] I thought there must be some problem (from your dis/re-connections) [18:13] when i restarted... WIcd doesn't show my ethernet cable connection [18:14] bye [18:14] i don't know [18:15] but in blogs.... and forums, all people has the same problem with older wifi/bluetooth intel laptops [18:15] and i am sure Koala Karmik doesn't repair that.. [18:15] Sadly: look, NetworkManager and wicd do the same thing - it tries to make automatic configuration of network interfaces available, but it is somehow build on lower programs [18:15] cuz they talked about a lot of kubuntus with the same problem [18:16] yeah, i am sure wicd and network does the same, but network see the cable connection, and wicd say me eth0 is empty [18:16] or whatever word used... i don't remind [18:16] ... [18:16] :( [18:17] I thougth maybe if i reinstall driver and firmware [18:17] it works [18:18] Sadly: no [18:18] no? [18:18] well, people in blogs and forums said NO too [18:19] i am tired of working.. in this.. [18:19] Sadly: That is what I try to tell you, those tools are ususally built on lower programs like ifconfig, iwconfig and iwlist [18:19] Sadly: so if you want to debug it, and you have some WiFi with unencrypted access, you can easily verify if drivers are ok [18:20] i don't have any wifi un-encrypted access in house [18:21] Sadly: For unencrypted WiFi, you can set it up with command line [18:21] .. [18:21] sorry i don't want to change this configuration. [18:22] Sadly: no, these commands change just current state and have no influence after reboot [18:22] I only want my ipw2100 showed me a list of the wifi red of neighbourg and mine, and then CHOOSE mine. [18:23] I can't change nothing about the passwords etc... cuz my brothers are in the another pc... [18:23] ... [18:23] not for a while? [18:24] not for any moment, at least in week-end [18:24] i've gratefully for your help [18:25] but i don't want to push that.. [18:25] Sadly: no problem [18:25] Sadly: I am not sure where you connect from [18:25] Sadly: maybe there can be an internet coffee [18:26] what? [18:26] I am in my house... with the ethernet cable.. [18:26] and my brothers are in the another Computer with WIFI conexion (windows vista) [18:26] i am not in a cyber-coffee [18:27] hi, I just tried upgrading kde to 4.3.2 (linked from kubuntu homepage), but get an error in the middle, which says to try using "apt-get install -f". when I do that, I get another error "trying to overwrite `/usr/lib/libkephal.so', which is also in package kdebase-workspace-bin". how do I complete the installation? [18:28] Sadly: yes, but the problem is that you can not try your ipw on unprotected Wifi [18:28] Sadly: so you can not verify if the problem is in wpasupplicant or whatever [18:28] Sphinx: maybe there is some better logging on NM [18:29] Sphinx, in some days will be KOALA KARMIK..out, I will try UPDATING my Kubuntu till KOALA.. [18:29] if it is not working yet [18:29] i will ask you [18:30] and i will do what you are talking about [18:30] Sadly: well, but that wont change things much I suppose [18:30] (with your help, i hope) [18:30] there will be some problem in configuration [18:30] I suppose that too... but EagleSweet told me... the hopeness. [18:31] just installed ubuntu on my netbook, but when I start it says 'gave up waiting for root device'... anyone, help, please? [18:31] Sphinx: look ipw2100, 2200 ... is VERY common card, so that really lot of people would be annoyed if there was any error [18:31] anyway you usually are here... i can come back one day and tell you... "TODAY I CAN CHANGE WHATEVER YOU ARE TELLING ME" [18:31] then... it will try [18:31] Sadly: okay, well, I am here the third day :-) [18:32] i know it is common card, I think another posibilities..It is too the BlueTooth card... [18:32] Sadly: no, just onboard [18:33] Well, I hope you had a goooood night, and you were enjoying the week-end, I need to do brushclean and homeworks [18:33] thanks for everything [18:33] see you soon. [18:33] xD GOOD NIGHT EVERYBODY HERE!!!! [18:34] g'nite. [18:34] can anyone help out? [18:34] amik: perhaps [18:35] amik: which program do you use for upgrading? Are you beginner or advanced? [18:35] advanced user, but not linux proficient (yet). used apt-get [18:39] hmmm.. I may have managed to get it along by playing around (and modifying) some report in some forum... I hope it works [18:39] see u after the restart! (and thanks in any case :-) ) === LjL-Temp is now known as LjL === melomane_ is now known as melomane [18:57] hi [18:57] i have a problem with Vodafone USB modem [18:57] the password and username is ok, but it keeps on hanging up during connecting [18:58] not much in logs [18:58] Sphinx: no problem [18:59] it looks as if it connected, then disconnected for no apparent reason [18:59] millun: if you use ppp, I would try to turn on verbose logging and see what is happening [19:00] i do use ppp [19:01] millun: then I would propose to search in configs for more verbose logging [19:01] Anyone know how to set my Firefox font to be the same as KDE? I just tried this: http://faqs.pcbsd.org/index.php?action=artikel&cat=9&id=281&artlang=en and it doesn't seem to work. [19:02] in /etc/ppp/options if i assume correctlyu? [19:03] may be === Maniac is now known as Guest29848 [19:14] ciao [19:23] hi new to linux wondering how to install third party apps off a cd? thanks [19:24] what 3rd party apps? [19:24] i'm trying to install nmap i have it on mac and win, but don't understand the installation process on kubuntu [19:25] hi, I have a problem with removable devices: I mounted a ntfs flashdrive yesterday with "sudo mount ...." after unmounting it, it still remained as mounted in the device manager and now other flash devices are no longer recognized when inserted. how can I fix that? [19:27] which version of Kubuntu are you using? [19:27] anyone here having issues with the search and locate on 9.10 netbook beta? [19:27] latest [19:28] 9.04 [19:28] mfraz74: 9.10 [19:28] callMeTom: probably betterask in #kubuntu-netbook or #ubuntu+1 [19:29] go into system > Kpackagekit and search for nmap [19:29] hey do any of you use avidemux converter? [19:29] ok thanks [19:30] i used to use it quite a bit [19:30] thanks after installation i tried that and it gave me negative results but it's there now. cheers [19:31] cool. do you know how to convert an avi to an mp4 with it? [19:31] isn't there an option in one of the menus to convert to ipod etc? [19:31] you could also try winff [19:32] ya. but it gives me an error saying it couldn't select the mp4 codec or something like that [19:36] have you tried using Google to find the answer? === christoph_ is now known as natschil === Kira_L is now known as Kira_Light === kudomarkos is now known as Pocjo [20:27] Helllooooo I want my AMAROK play mp3... but everytime i try to install libxine-extracodecs i got an ERRROR [20:27] please, help. [20:30] Pocjo, libxine1-ffmpeg [20:30] what error and what version of kubuntu? [20:32] error at spanish [20:32] Sin embargo, los siguientes paquetes lo reemplazan: [20:32] libxine1-ffmpeg [20:32] E: El paquete libxine-extracodecs no tiene candidato para su instalación [20:32] Pocjo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation. [20:34] any help please? [20:35] do you need to have multiverse and universe enabled? [20:35] maybe [20:35] but i think they are able.. [20:36] how can i see it? [20:37] cat /etc/apt/sources.list [20:39] does anyone in here know where i can find info on getting video4linux installed/running on kubuntu? [20:39] specifically, i want to use a webcam [20:40] v4l should be installed already [20:40] mfraz74, Pocjo alt+f2, kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources.list is easier to edit and save [20:40] yes, but What am i to "write"? [20:41] inside that file text [20:41] if you're having problems with webcams in jaunty, i'd wait for karmic. mine doesn't work with jaunty but does with karmic [20:41] hmm. [20:41] Pocjo, make sure the deb lines wirh universe and multiverse have no # infront [20:41] have a look for lines that have multiverse and universe,then make sure they're not commented out [20:41] should it be auto recognized when i plug it in? === hans_ is now known as X^rAY [20:43] Hi Guys, this a good place for to get some help with Grub2 on Kubuntu 9.10? [20:43] should be, what does dmesg |tail say when you plug it in? [20:44] X^rAY: you realy should ask in #ubuntu+1 [20:45] X^rAY: qmike's guide on fubuntuforums.net [20:45] mfraz74: hmm. looks like it detected it [20:45] well, except it failed to query something [20:45] Sound, I'll check over those places so. Cheers! [20:47] what webcam is it? [20:48] logitech orbit MP [20:49] think you may have to wait until karmic to get it to work as everything seems to moving from v4l1 to v4l2 [20:49] hmm. is there a karmic kubuntu build available? [20:50] robin0800: Getting closer, cheers man! [20:50] Take it easy all! [20:50] karmic is alpha at this point, right? [20:50] JakeSays: no beta [20:50] Thank You A Lot [20:50] gorgeous and cute people [20:51] thanks, bye [20:51] ah ok. maybe i'll give it a spin then [20:51] JakeSays: only till thursday then RC1 [20:51] karmic is currently beta [20:54] any1 know of a download manager that has a resume support when connection is down or after a power fialure? [20:55] are there karmic installers yet? [20:55] tried kget but after power failure all the downloaded part vanished so couldn't resume it.. and does not download from multiple sources === ipwnu is now known as GWillakers === kb is now known as Guest56276 === Szadek_ is now known as Szadek [21:32] weeeeeeeeee [21:39] hello folks [21:49] hello === ubuntu is now known as sakekasi [21:49] hello [21:49] hi [21:49] do any of you guys know if kubuntu karmik is gonna have xsplash? [21:51] sakekasi, http://linuxpoison.blogspot.com/2009/10/ubuntu-910-will-use-xsplash-and-not.html [21:51] thanx [21:51] i kno that [21:51] sakekasi, google is you friend :) [21:51] but will kubuntu? [21:52] cuz i m on the livecd [21:52] for the beta [21:52] and it uses usplash [21:55] sakekasi, you manged to get here , so try google-linux [21:55] ok [22:06] hmm. so is there any good webcam sofware for kubuntu? [22:13] so i install karmic beta, and it has 401 updates! [22:15] are there any good email clients that interface with gmail really well ? [22:15] kmail is ok, but sometimes I reply from gmail web gui, and kmail doesnt understand that a message has been replied to [22:25] i seem to have knocked out my desktop settings background changer widget, any idea what i can do to get it back? [22:27] tred, try system settings appearance [22:28] err desktop [22:29] ive looked all thru appearance and desktop. screensaver is there, but background seems to have vanished. i used it before to set a custom background color [22:30] it should be on same list as screensaver if i remember right [22:34] i think im gonna do a reinstall anyway, maybe i can just just use a colorpicker to get the values for my desktop [22:49] !upgrade-manager [22:49] Sorry, I don't know anything about upgrade-manager [22:49] !update-manager [22:49] Sorry, I don't know anything about update-manager [23:01] Can someone help me [23:01] I run vista normally and when i try to boot kubuntu it shuts down my comp while its copying files [23:02] Hello [23:03] Help Please. [23:03] * LackOfEpiphany sucker punches AaronCampbell in the face! [23:04] Anyone [23:06] anyone here [23:11] If anyone can help me with the Kubuntu startup plz msg me. I have about 20 minutes before i have to work [23:13] hi, I've upgraded to kde 4.3.2 but at the end it says plasma-widget-network-manager has been kept back - how do I finish the upgrade? [23:18] good luck getting anyones attention amik [23:19] amik: try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade [23:19] Hi folks [23:19] hi milo [23:19] please does anyone know a tool to download dailymotion videos from the terminal? [23:20] milo: I don't, sorry [23:20] Mamarok: Ok. Thanks anyway ;) [23:21] milo: you are welcome [23:25] Mamarok: that's what I did, but it's still kept back [23:25] amik: then just be patient, you lack another dependency [23:26] amik: it even tells you what is missing, so if the package doesn't exist in the correct version you need to wait [23:26] Mamarok: wait for what? [23:27] amik: for the lacking dependency [23:27] they released kde 4.3.2 two weeks ago, could it still be missing? [23:28] amik: I just read that this is a dummy transitional package, you probably can just remove it [23:28] aptitude show plasma-widget-network-manager tells you all :) [23:29] since they made some changes to the kcm module that would explain it [23:30] amik: are you running Jaunty or Karmic? [23:30] Jaunty [23:31] could you pastebin the output of your apt-get install plasma-widget-network-manager command, please? [23:33] hmmm. I think it just installed it. [23:33] nice :) [23:33] when I did the dist-upgrade it installed a gazillion kde packages, and this one was left behind. [23:34] Silly me, didn't think of specifying it exlicitly - I thought that's what a general dist-upgrade does... [23:34] hi [23:34] well, it is not amongst the default packages to isntall, and it's a transitional dummy package, so you don't really need it === deus is now known as deusr [23:34] amik: no problem [23:34] ok then. thanks very much! [23:35] amik: you are welcome :) [23:35] :) [23:37] Someone can tell me why the networkmanager of Kubuntu 9.04 does not work [23:37] right, ie you can not create a new wired connection and operation. [23:37] Also because you can not configure the DNS directly into resolv.conf? [23:38] deusr: I am not exactly the networking specialist here, what KDE version do you have? [23:42] Mamarok: 9.04 [23:43] deusr: no, the KDE version :) [23:43] 9.04 is the distribution version [23:43] hum, sorry, 4.2 [23:43] deusr: the default 4.2.2? [23:43] yes [23:44] deusr: well, then you can't use the network manager, it has a bug in that version, but there are newer versions available in the jaunty-backports repository [23:44] so you would get KDE 4.2.4 and some bugfixes [23:49] hi all [23:49] guys, can I assign a different keyboard layout to different applications ? [23:49] I would like to switch the layout whan I click on a window [23:50] zmitya: I don't think so, no, but you can predefine different layouts and have a switcher in the SysTray [23:51] Mamarok: ok, thanks! [23:51] people [23:51] Mamarok: that is fine, I wanted to avoid the click, because I write to office in hungarian in HU layout, but usually I use US layout [23:52] and I mess up everything always :( [23:52] ok, I can accept it, but I just wanted to be sure that I don't miss it [23:52] thanks