[13:51] hello folks..Surfing on my personal page, I noticed that my laptop is registered 2 times [13:51] how can I check the right one? [14:12] also if I try to rename a folder, it rename back to name.u1conflict [16:20] hello. is the bug in the title why I can't seem to add my second jaunty computer? [16:46] On the website I'm getting a 404 error on the contacts page [16:49] trothigar: ditto [17:27] hi [17:29] I can't get connected to ubuntuone using the desktop client [17:29] the notification icon appears but nothing else [17:33] jgbanco: check the first link in the title if you are using jaunty [17:34] *jgblanco - sorry [17:34] Im getting a 404 not found here https://one.ubuntu.com/contacts/ is this just not implemented yet? [17:35] Oh I should have read the above comments [17:36] fagan: me too [17:36] thanks gnuts, sorry for not reading the topic [17:36] Strange, id say it isnt implemented [17:40] Maybe it's deactivated if you share no directory [17:45] I am sharing the directory [20:28] does canonical have a policy regarding developing programs for ubuntu one [20:29] Im making a program and I could use ubuntu one in it for something cool [20:30] ill ask tomorrow, the canonical guys are probably not working at the moment [20:33] what are you wanting to do? [20:38] I am making a parental control system. I want parents to be able to share the blacklists with each other via ubuntu one [20:39] And have a backup for themselves too :) [20:41] cool [20:41] the protocol is open source [20:46] so you don't need to do anything special to write another app that uses it, other than abide by the rules of the license [20:47] if you want to contribute code into ubuntu one, you need to sign the canonical contributor's agreement [20:58] Well I dont think ill have to submit code to ubuntu one itself id say I could work around it