
nigel_nb_enatom_: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-power-manager/+bug/23536300:00
enatom_nigel_nb_, would i need to restart my laptop, after applying such changes ?00:00
nigel_nb_enatom_: thats the link to bug00:00
nigel_nb_enatom_: they've never closed it00:00
tdizzle86Is there anyone that can help me install a netgear wireless adaptor in ubuntu 8.04?00:01
Billiardtdizzle86: what model number, lspci might tell you00:01
sblunixtdizzle86: I've not used one before, but I don't think it's too complicated of a prospect00:02
tdizzle86Its a usb wn121t00:02
EnissayHi guys, how can i extract a rar file with unrar in a folder with same name and in same diractory?00:02
sblunixtdizzle86: may I recommend https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/WirelessCardsSupported00:02
Deathcorecan someone help me with ubuntu 9.10 netbookremix? I use the netbookremixdesktop and want to rename a application!00:03
harjotare there any credit card systems for linux?00:03
harjotsomething that people type in a pin etc... and stores "money" (its a little game that would be more fascinating if this was possible)00:03
harjoti started this fun thing for my family, which is fake papaer mooney00:03
harjotim stuck on the part where they have to enter the number i put on their card00:03
harjotand im not very good at c/ but am alright at bash00:03
harjotim trying to get the people in my family easy accress to a sort of ccredit card bank system ting00:04
Stumpiehello, I am trying to get onto the usenet, does ubuntu have a usenet server I can log into? all the free ones on google are invalid TIA00:04
harjotbut dont know how to go about it00:04
jarHas anyone noticed that Firefox and QT apps maintain the default freetype settings despite changing them in GNOME?00:04
jarIn Karmic anyways00:04
claude47_harjot mean card reader.. -_- ?00:04
Halitech!9.10 | jar,00:05
jarIf anyone knows how to make Firefox follow GNOME's freetype settings let me know. ;)00:05
ubottujar,: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:05
harjotnaaa.. to expensive, more like user input since they get excited when they have to be ''involved''00:05
jarubottu, Thanks.00:05
ubottuYou're welcome! But keep in mind I'm just a bot ;-)00:05
tdizzle86I tried to use ndiswrapper to install the adapter.  The driver is installed, but wlan0 doesnt appear when I ran ifconfig.00:05
jarer, Halitech00:05
Take0nis there a tool for resizing images that's only for that purpose? terminal based or not.. I just don't want to open gimp for 100 images if I want to resize them all at once..00:05
Goosetovwhen I install compiz , it doesn't show up in system/preferences ...what gives ?00:05
harjotubottu, lol00:05
ubottuPlease don't use "LOL" and "OMG" and so forth on a regular basis. This is IRC, not IM, and using those lines on their own is not required, and it is rather annoying to the rest of the people in the channel; thanks.00:05
harjotubottu, omg00:05
erUSULTake0n: mogrify or convert from imagmagick package00:06
harjotubottu, omg00:06
harjotubottu, annoy00:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about annoy00:06
harjotubottu, annoyed00:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about annoyed00:06
erUSUL!ccsm > Goosetov00:06
claude47_ndiswrapper install driver but u need original sys driver setup file install it..00:06
ubottuGoosetov, please see my private message00:06
mobi-sheepharjot: Having them typing in numbers manually -- There always are typos.  Card reader!00:06
harjotubottu: hello00:06
ubottuHi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!00:06
Take0nerUSUL, so I have to install imagmagick and then mogrify?00:06
IdleOne!botabuse > harjot00:06
ubottuharjot, please see my private message00:06
erUSUL!fishing | harjot00:06
ubottuharjot: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".00:06
claude47_when is installed can ifconfig wlan0 up..00:06
Deathcoreis someone in here that use ubuntu netbook remix? pm me!00:06
mobi-sheepDeathcore: Ask the real question.00:06
erUSULTake0n: no imagemagick only. that will install the two binaries convert and mogrify00:07
harjotno card reader00:07
Deathcorecan someone help me with ubuntu 9.10 netbookremix? I use the netbookremixdesktop and want to rename a application!00:07
harjoti cant get one00:07
harjotand i want them to type in slightly shorter numbers00:07
Take0nit seems I have already installed imagemagick.. how do I launch it?00:07
harjotthan real ones00:07
Goosetoverusul, thanks boss00:07
harjotabout 4-7 didgite00:07
DaZTake0n: it's a bunch of console apps ;f00:07
claude47_random rumber ?00:07
sblunixdeathcore: may I recommend #ubuntu+100:07
erUSULTake0n: convert and mogrify are cli utilities00:07
mobi-sheepDeathcore: Right-Click on the app and Properties? Change the name.00:08
Take0nooh I see00:08
shaunhey guys im using gnome and the thing keeps locking up00:08
Take0nthanks erUSUL :)00:08
harjotso any ideas?00:08
shaunhow do i remove and reinstall gnome?00:08
claude47_gedit is leafpad smaller ?00:08
* harjot waits00:08
mobi-sheepclaude47_: Leafpad is smaller in filesize. Leafpad --> 705k    Gedit --> 2,122k00:09
EnissayHi guys, how can i extract a rar file with unrar in a folder with same name and in same diractory?00:09
claude47_harjot try echo $RANDOM get 1-32k  :P00:09
claude47_thx mobi00:09
Deathcoremobi-sheep: when i rightklick there is only open and remove :]00:10
=== crunchbang is now known as Guest86883
mobi-sheepDeathcore: I see. How about Main Menu under Preferences?00:10
erUSULTake0n:  for f in '*.jpeg'; do mogrify -options $f; done00:10
claude47_what jpg script you makeing ?00:11
harjotclaude47_: lol that will work for making numbers up manually even though i could do it myseld00:11
harjotso now im stuck00:11
mobi-sheep!enter | harjot00:11
ubottuharjot: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!00:11
hsarciis there any possible way to tweek the power settings even more? something similar to kde's power manager perhaps?00:12
ubuntnewi have 2 ubuntu computers on a home network, but they can't see each other.  Any help would be appreciated00:12
harjotmobi-sheep: i have now read that you will take every opportunity to !ubottu against people00:12
erUSULTake0n:  drop the '' ;) → for f in *.jpeg; do mogrify -options $f; done00:13
claude47_u need same ip address makeing seeing ohters like 192.168.0.x ips00:13
Billiardubuntnew: can they ping eachother00:13
harjot!botabuse > mobi-sheep00:13
ubottumobi-sheep, please see my private message00:13
harjot!botabuse > mobi-sheep00:13
harjot!botabuse > mobi-sheep00:13
harjot!botabuse > mobi-sheep00:13
FloodBot2harjot: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.00:13
ubuntnewyeah.  which has me more confused00:13
mobi-sheepharjot: Because you're wasting our time with your silliness.  The message 'f' and '.' does not contribute to anything.00:13
harjotf refers to the spelling correction00:14
kozhi people, i need convert menu items from KDE to Gnome, it is possible?00:14
sblunix!kick harjot00:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kick harjot00:14
sblunixlol :P00:14
harjotand how do you quote ''our'' time ?!?00:14
Halitechharjot, not to mention that I doubt most see what you are trying to do as being an ubuntu issue other then you are running ubuntu00:14
claude47_ubuntnew "ifconfig eth0 192.168.0.x netmask broadcast 192.168.0.x" try this..00:14
harjot!kick harder sblunix00:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:14
harjot!kick-harder sblunix00:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)00:14
andre__j #ubuntu-de00:14
claude47_i using this seeing xp->ubuntu..00:15
erUSULandre__: /j #ubuntu-de00:15
claude47_and charing ics and files..00:15
sblunixharjot: I'm afraid we're not really scripters here, and this isn't really an Ubuntu glitch, why not try the ubuntu forum for coding help?00:15
harjotuve said...00:15
harjotBut do you know of any programs00:15
harjotthat i could change and fiddle with00:16
harjotmain components should be something like00:16
harjoton the server00:16
harjotshould be:00:16
harjota thingy that shares the info about money etc.. and passwords..00:16
kozanyone can help me? i need converter KDE 3.5 items menu, to gnome menu00:16
mobi-sheepharjot: Please keep everything on one line.  It's less annoying that way.00:16
harjotan online databsase whihc might work00:17
erUSULharjot: really move to #ubuntu-offtopic. unless you have a real support question00:17
ubuntnewthe only network that shows is windows... but there isn't a win network00:18
harjotis there a program or something that makes designing webpafges easy, since i have a thought about working this thing00:18
sblunixharjot: why not try www.webs.com?00:18
Jordan_U!html | harjot00:18
ubottuharjot: html is HyperText Markup Language, used to build web pages. WYSIWYG editors: KompoZer (was Nvu), Iceape Composer, Amaya - Development environments: Bluefish, Quanta+, Screem - For a howto on HTML coding, see: http://www.w3schools.com/00:18
sblunixwithout the ? mark -_-00:18
harjotokay i will try]00:19
claude47_i have one but i try remember that name..00:20
claude47_frist letter is n... -_- only 3 letters..00:20
sblunixGoosetov: ?00:20
harjothow would i run an apache server on the computer here and make it like webs.com except that i use the webs.com thing to make it?00:20
claude47_web making program..00:21
puffAnyoneknow mencoder?00:21
mobi-sheepclaude47_: KompoZer00:21
claude47_harjot cannot be 2 same address in dns...00:21
sblunixharjot: None of us know, this is NOT an HTML or web support IRC, this is an Ubuntu IRC, may I recommend some googling?00:21
claude47_no smaller name..00:21
=== kaie is now known as Guest62177
AriadnaXhello, how do i use unallocated space in my disk  (got dual boot). I want to expand my "/" partition00:21
harjotsblunix: im doing that at the same time00:21
claude47_n x x...00:22
mobi-sheepclaude47_: http://net2.com/nvu/00:22
claude47_yeah thx00:22
Take0nerUSUL, thank you very much!!00:22
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:22
hsarciis it possible to do finger print login?00:22
erUSULTake0n: no problem00:22
mobi-sheepclaude47_: Wrong link (spam).  This is correct --> http://www.nvu.com/00:22
haven489i am test that right now00:22
erUSULTake0n: cli powa! XD00:22
puffI'm trying to use mencoder to compress a video downloaded from a tivo, I get:  Too many video packets in the buffer: (1046 in 8405100 bytes). Maybe you are playing a non-interleaved stream/file or the codec failed?00:22
Take0nyeah! :P00:23
claude47_puff try cache ?00:23
ZloboMiR_82another question00:23
puffclaude47_: Hm?00:23
claude47_normal cache is about 1024 *8...00:24
mnemonicaHey, anyone care to help me with some sound issues involving JACK, qsynth, vkeybd, and the like?00:24
ZloboMiR_82How to change my default encoding ubuntu-wide? Like Regional Settings in Windows? I would like CP-125100:24
claude47_but it can change too..00:24
erUSULmnemonica: probably more help in #ubuntustudio00:24
mnemonicaHmm, alright. Thanks erUSUL, I'll take a gander over there. :)00:24
erUSULZloboMiR_82: cp-1251 is a windows thing00:24
ZloboMiR_82No, it is not :)00:25
ZloboMiR_82windows-1251 is a windows thing00:25
ZloboMiR_82It is just the code page number00:25
ZloboMiR_82Just not all apps allow to set it00:26
claude47_mencoder -cache 1024 puff try.. :P00:26
ZloboMiR_82And it is annoying00:26
quimkaosis it this dificult to do a simple thing like using a dual monitor system in ubuntu?00:26
=== dennisp is now known as dennisP
mobi-sheepquimkaos: no.00:26
=== PhantomLink is now known as ^Phantom^
mobi-sheep!dualmonitor | quimkaos00:26
ubottuquimkaos: Information about dual-head on linux can be found on http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/DualHead - See also !Xinerama00:26
puffclaude47_: Thanks.00:26
erUSUL!xinerama | quimkaos00:27
ubottuquimkaos: xinerama is an extension to !X to use two or more physical displays as one large virtual display. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/XineramaHowTo - See also !DualHead00:27
^Phantom^I have created a two-part archive with File-roller.  It is in 7z format.00:27
ZloboMiR_82Hi Phantom00:27
sparkyhey, we're trying to dig into ubuntu for the first time, the default client download distribution. Does it support live boot or is it installation only?00:27
fearfulWhat's the wine IRC channel?00:27
puffclaude47_: Hm, same error...00:27
sparkythe one called desktop00:27
^Phantom^it named them file.7z.001 and file.17.002 though00:27
quimkaosi'm trying for 1 hour or more... i succeded and rebooted and no dual monitor again....00:27
erUSULsparky: is a livecd00:27
erUSULfearful: #winehq00:28
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu00:28
sparkyok, so it can do both live and installation correct?00:28
ZloboMiR_82sparky: It supports live boot00:28
sparkyit can do both right?00:28
mobi-sheepsparky: If you're downloading Live Desktop, then it's a livecd.  Ubuntu comes in multiple ISO tailored to different needs.00:28
erUSULsparky: yes00:28
^Phantom^will others be able to open that archive after I send both parts to it?00:28
mnemonicaHey, erUSUL, the ubuntustudio channel is kind of dead at the moment. Know of any other sound geek hotspots?00:28
Halitechquimkaos, did you set it up on a live cd?00:28
sparkythank you guys!00:28
ryan_join #winehq00:28
^Phantom^Or do i need to rename the first one file.7z without the .001 part?00:28
Halitechquimkaos, did you install the driver for your video card?00:28
erUSULmnemonica: no; sorry. maybe there is jack or alsa spcialized channels00:28
quimkaosi keep geting the same error00:29
ZloboMiR_82Sorry for spamming, what about changing the default encoding? :P00:29
quimkaosyes hali00:29
douglanyone know the keys to control snes9x games?00:29
^Phantom^fileroller doesn't open them :(00:29
claude47_"mencoder tivo://tivohost/1544095 -ovc divx4 -oac mp3lame -o stream.avi  "00:29
mnemonicaerUSUL, alright, thanks. I think there's an ALSA channel on another server. I'll poke around there. Thanks again.00:29
Halitechquimkaos, what error are you getting and what video card do you have?00:29
quimkaoscan' write the config file00:29
trism!locale | ZloboMiR_8200:29
ubottuZloboMiR_82: To set up and configure your locales, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LocaleConf00:29
quimkaosunable to create new x config00:30
ZloboMiR_8210x trism00:30
claude47_if mencoder dont help try ffmpeg..00:30
mgolischquimkaos: nvidia-settings?00:30
ubuntnewany more thoughts on my wireless issue?  can ping, but they are not visible to each other00:30
erUSULmnemonica: there is an alsa channel here00:30
mgolischquimkaos: run it using gksu00:30
ZloboMiR_82permissions | quimkaos00:30
mgolischquimkaos: like gksu nvidia-settings00:30
claude47_ubuntnew wireless need lot settings..00:30
quimkaosnow it's saved ("i think")00:32
quimkaosreboot time00:32
ZloboMiR_82ok, read the --usage for locale. Please gimme the right command for cp-1251. Don't want to s*rew smth :)00:32
DaZrebooting for xorg00:33
* DaZ lol'd ;f 00:33
ubuntnewjust went wired on both boxes and still the same result00:33
^Phantom^Are there any archive programs for ubuntu that can create split archives with the filename.part.{ext} style?00:33
mgolischubuntnew: visible in what way?00:33
DaZ^Phantom^: 7zip00:33
^Phantom^rather than filename.{ext}.001, etc style00:33
claude47_then is need firewall settings..00:33
erUSUL^Phantom^: use split00:33
^Phantom^I created a 7z with fileroller and i can't open the split one.00:34
ZloboMiR_82Phantom: There should be a bulk rename, however this is a step more00:34
ubuntnewi have folders set to share on both boxes, but they don't show up.  Network only has the "Windows Network" which doesn't exist, showing00:34
mgolisch^Phantom^: what did you use to split it?00:34
claude47_iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m multiport -s 192.168.0.x --destination-ports 445,135,136,137,138,139 -j ACCEPT00:34
^Phantom^mgolisch: File roller00:34
claude47_ubuntnew firewall block normal share folders..00:35
claude47_but iptables change, can change that...00:35
Billiard^Phantom^: you could create a script to change numbing format of all the files00:36
ZloboMiR_82trism, pls give me the command for cp-1251. Can't understand the command help00:36
w3rd_OOXML support for openoffice, anybody got suggestions?00:37
erUSULmcce11: /j #winehq00:37
ZloboMiR_82mccell:  /join #wine00:37
cavalcanteBoa noite00:37
DaZZloboMiR_82: winehq [;00:37
erUSULw3rd_: it is supported afaics. not that i use it much but the support to open office 2007 docx is there00:37
erUSUL!br | cavalcante00:38
ubottucavalcante: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Obrigado.00:38
cavalcantegostaria de saber se podem me ajudar, estou com um erro quando abro o gerenciador de pacotes00:38
dragonWhy would ntp daemon not keep the time in sync as expected? http://pastebin.com/f2fd0611700:38
erUSULcavalcante: vaia a #ubuntu-br00:39
ZloboMiR_82hablad ingles por favor00:39
w3rd_erURSL: for .docx sure, but im running into issues with pptx00:39
erUSULcavalcante: Obrigado00:39
w3rd_Presentation gurps, and afiak ubuntu versions have issues..00:39
mgolischdragon: does it sync with some timeservers at all?00:40
dragonmgolisch: looks like it never did00:40
sblunixw3rd_: if you want, zamzar.com is very useful for conversion when all else fails00:40
w3rd_hmm.. have to check it out..00:40
mgolischdragon: did you configure it to do so?00:41
w3rd_was hoping that i could use something withing openoffice as i plan to roll out for multiple users00:41
mgolischdragon: like did you set any timeservers in its config file?00:41
dtrane33hey for some reason i am not all my other desktops are grayed out in the bottom right hand of the screen and i can only open one desktop?00:41
hikenboothello I have a radeon 7000 and was wondering for game support on wine crossover cedega scumvm , etc. am i better off using the propriatary ati driver or the open source driver?00:41
dragonmgolisch: /etc/ntp.conf looks normal, with 0.us.pool.ntp.org, 1.us.pool.ntp.org etc. listed in it.00:41
erUSULhikenboot: for such an ld card i think that the free radeon driver is your only option.00:42
DesmondOn a scale of 1 to 10 how stable would you all consider Karmic?00:42
mgolischw3rd_: what do you expect? not even ms manages to do it right. office 2007 document will never look the same in and older office even when using their converter packt thing00:42
Halitechhikenboot, if you are using 9.04 then the open source driver is your only option00:42
hikenbooterUSUL I have an option to downgrade the xserver as well00:42
dragonDesmond: 8.300:42
ZloboMiR_82dragons: Editors or users score? :P00:43
hikenbootdoes the open source driver run opengl?00:43
Desmonddragon, would you say thats enough for a switch? or would you suggest waiting it out for a bit?00:43
erUSULhikenboot: yes in a 7000 it will00:43
ZloboMiR_82I would suggest waiting00:43
hikenbootok thanks so i should be able to get games and the dynamic destop working00:43
ZloboMiR_82When it is ready, it won't be "Not recommended for production machines"00:43
dragonDesmond: if you have time to fix things if they break, then go ahead.00:44
mgolischdragon: hm, id ntpdate then start ntpd, but still if your time looses time too quickly ntpd wont be able to fix it00:44
Desmonddragon, thanks00:44
mgolischaehm your clock00:44
hikenboothad a problem due to opengl getting some of the games such as Last Chaos working and was hoping this would solve the problem00:44
mgolischmust suck to be a ati user00:45
PlainFlavoredis anyone else having their system hang on shutdown with 9.04?00:45
BoxMagnetwhat is the command to copy a whole partition to a new disk?00:45
dragonmgolisch: did that. I'm concerned about ntpd losing time again.00:45
PlainFlavoredabout half the time i have to hard shutdown00:45
erUSULBoxMagnet: use partimage ?00:45
mgolischdragon: is this real hardware?00:45
mgolischdragon: i often had timekeeping problems with virtualisation software00:46
erUSULBoxMagnet: or play with dd (at your own risk ;D)00:46
claude47_some know http://www.overclockersclub.com/reviews/sapphire_hd4870_vapor_x/ is good display card ?00:46
dragonmgolisch: it's real.00:46
dsnydersPlainFlavored, I don't need 9.04 for that.  I just need to leave ktorrent and firefox running long enough.00:46
w3rd_sblunix: zamzar, nice recommendation00:46
BoxMagneterUSUL, im getting a sata disk soon want to copy ubuntu from my old ide to it.00:46
BoxMagnetgoing to be on a pci-sata card00:46
mgolischpartimage or maybe just do filelevel backups using tar or rsync00:47
dragonmgolisch: time difference in my machine could be attributed to a day-long power outage a week ago, but that should have been covered up.00:47
=== banister`sleep is now known as banisterfiend
claude47_dd best way copy hh old to better hh tryed and worked..00:47
kennyHHow do I know the last Eclipse version available for Ubuntu ?00:47
BoxMagnetyea what is wrong with DD i have used it in the past00:47
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports.00:47
sblunixw3rd_: just trying to help00:47
dragon!info eclipse | kennyH00:48
ubottukennyH: eclipse (source: eclipse): Extensible Tool Platform and Java IDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.2.2-5ubuntu3 (jaunty), package size 126 kB, installed size 420 kB00:48
erUSULBoxMagnet: is easy to foot yourself in the foot but if you are comfortable using it go for it00:48
savidI've popped in the ubuntu 9.10 live CD to check it out on my laptop, and my laptop doesn't last very long due to it not cooling properly (it completely freezes up, my caps-lock and num-lock keys are flashing,  and the computer gets extremely hot. ).  Any ideas why this is happening?00:48
BoxMagneterUSUL, ok.00:48
sblunix!ubuntu+1 | savid00:48
ubottusavid: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+100:48
kennyHhow do I download it? I am facing some troubles on my actual version00:48
dragonkennyH: it's 3.2, and upstream latest is 3.5. I'd recommend downloading it and placing it in /usr/local/lib/eclipse/00:49
BoxMagnetwhats an example DD command for copying a whole disk00:49
claude47_dd if=/dev/hdx of=/dev/hdy00:50
daf_Nautilus has stopped loading on startup so I have no icons on my desktop until I open a nautilus window. Using Jaunty, anyone know where nautilus should load from so I can check that it's still there?00:50
erUSULBoxMagnet: dd if=/dev/sdx of=/dev/sdy <<< not so comfortable after all ;)00:50
claude47_copying means how fast your harddrive is it..00:50
BoxMagneterUSUL, dd if=/dev/hdx of=/dev/hdy00:51
BoxMagnetdd if=/dev/hdx of=/path/to/image00:51
dragonkennyH: visit eclipse.org for help downloading it. Pick the linux version for your architecture, download it, untar it, and mv it to /usr/local/lib/00:51
claude47_Restore Backup of hard disk copy00:51
BoxMagnetcomfortable ;-D just rusty00:51
erUSULBoxMagnet: if you are doing an image yes00:51
BilliardBoxMagnet: you should only copy one disk to another if the disck are exactly the same00:51
BoxMagnetBilliard, they are not, but i want to copy ubuntu from one old IDE to a new SATA II00:51
BoxMagnetuse part image instead?00:52
claude47_then is00:52
BilliardBoxMagnet: you shouldnt really use dd for that00:52
claude47_dd if=/dev/hdx of=/dev/sdx00:52
claude47_old hhd->new hhd00:52
BoxMagnetso dd wont work for 2 dif drives ?00:52
claude47_if= input of=output..00:52
dragon!who | BoxMagnet00:52
ubottuBoxMagnet: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)00:52
mgolischdepends smaler -> bigger00:52
BilliardBoxMagnet: it will work if it is smaller, but then you will have to resize the partitions00:52
mgolischbut not the other way arround00:52
BoxMagnetthe old is much smaller00:52
daf_BoxMagnet you can also use cp with the preserve attribs flag (boot from the cd)00:53
BilliardBoxMagnet: then it will work, after coping you will have to resize the partition to the full size of the disk00:53
claude47_ide using hda or hdb then sata using sda or sdb..00:53
BoxMagnetBilliard, ok,00:53
uiohi.mayb i know what is the problem of sys/stream.h NO such file or directory00:53
hedkandiguys if I write a bit of gnu software, how would I get someone to sponsor it?00:53
BoxMagnetim getting a promise sata pci controller00:53
BoxMagnetsaid to work by default in 9.04.00:53
kzettsquick question00:53
erUSULclaude47_: all disks use sdxx in recent (a couple of years even more) distros00:54
uiomay i know what is the cause of the error message: sys/stream.h : No such file or directory, sys/ptem.h: No such file or directory ?00:54
hedkandiwhat's ati in the context of discs?00:54
claude47_hmm sd[letter][number] right ?00:55
ech0s7i would that for one directory every files that i create have all the same permission, how can i do?00:55
erUSULclaude47_: yes00:55
daf_BoxMagnet http://www.faqs.org/docs/Linux-mini/Hard-Disk-Upgrade.html00:55
BoxMagnetdaf_, thnks00:55
uioany suggestion of any missing packages?00:55
L3dPlatedLinuxwas wondering how I would find dosbox config file or if anyone knows where it is?00:56
erUSULech0s7: not possible. permissiosn of a created file get set by the umask of the user/process creating it00:56
erUSULuio: libc-dev ? you have build-essential installed ?00:56
claude47_fast way copy old -> new livecd then dd fast way.. -_-00:57
BoxMagnetdaf_, very helpful, thanks. now if my pci sata cntroller works with my bios to be bootable ill be overjoyed.00:57
erUSULech0s7: you can make all files created under a folder inherit the group of that folder00:57
ech0s7erUSUL: it's possible, i have found a way: ACL00:58
BoxMagnetclaude47_, i hear ya ill probably follow that guide00:58
uioerUSUL: you mean libc-dev packages?00:58
BoxMagnetjust to be safe.00:58
claude47_-_- is only choise.. :P00:58
erUSULuio: yes00:58
uioerUSUL: which one should i select to install00:58
uioerUSUL: when i did sudo apt-get install on libc6-dev, it gives me libc-dec has no installation candidate00:59
erUSULech0s7: we where talking normal unix permissions.00:59
AstrayHow would I go about disabling my laptop speakers when I plug in external speakers?  I checked in the sound preferences under output devices and it only shows one device00:59
erUSULuio: install build-essential00:59
uioerUSUL, i just tried that and it return me already the newest version00:59
dtrane33hey for some reason i am not all my other desktops are grayed out in the bottom right hand of the screen and i can only open one desktop?01:00
erUSULuio: what program ask for that headers ?01:00
erUSUL!find sys/stream.h01:00
ubottuPackage/file sys/stream.h does not exist in jaunty01:00
erUSUL!find stream.h01:00
ubottuFile stream.h found in anjuta-common, anjuta-dev, asterisk-doc, autoconf-archive, bzr (and 237 others)01:00
quimkaosmmmm now i have 2 mouses?? 1 for eache x-screen01:00
erUSULo.0! 237 ???!!!01:01
uioerUSUL: i am compiling a test suite01:01
zroyschhow do i make an ssh/sshfs connection not timeout01:01
ech0s7erUSUL: ACL is not standard ?01:01
uioerUSUL: and this os_unixx.h file return me those error of sys/stream.h, sys/ptem.h and sys/systeminfo.h01:01
claude47_ctrl+c or quit or q or ctrl+d01:02
erUSULech0s7: is not the traditional unix permission system. is is supported recently01:02
uioerUSUL: http://pastebin.com/d64ad35ac01:02
bobinoI can't find any info on those  usb device errors: read/64, error -11001:03
uioerUSUL, how can i solve this problem01:03
AstrayHow would I go about disabling my laptop speakers when I plug in external speakers?  I checked in the sound preferences under output devices and it only shows one device01:03
erUSULuio: sorry i dunno what may be the problem01:03
uioerUSUL: any referecne which I can get some insights?01:03
dattathere is something wrong with my system, because when i select the human-clearlooks theme, it says the required gtk+theme 'human clearlooks' is not installed01:04
erUSULuio: the doc of that testsuit should list dependencies01:04
dattai just installed one with ubuntulooks, but cant find the human clearlooks theme and now because of that i cant even use aero01:04
DaZuio: what are you trying to build? ;f01:04
* erUSUL needs sleep01:04
uioerUSUL,DaZ: i am trying to run a test suite of GNU VIM01:05
lstarnesuio: vim is not a gnu project01:05
vigoerUsul> get some rest01:05
lstarnesuio: it doesn't even use a gnu license01:05
uiookie.my mistakes.but im trying to execute the vim test suite01:06
vigobobino: Trued lspci?01:06
bobinovigo: no01:07
bobinovigo:how do I go about that?01:07
bobinovigo: my keyboard and mouse are not responding when I boot ubuntu01:08
vigobobino: I am not certain if it will help, but will or may give you an idea of the pci devices and what there set is.01:08
vigobobino: What version?01:08
bobinovigo:everuthing is fine on vista01:08
bobinovigo: jaunty jackalope01:09
dattaplease anyone help me get a aero theme in my system01:09
dattai have been trying this for days now01:09
dattai am looking over from this site http://gnomestyle.blogspot.com/2007/05/make-ubuntu-look-like-vista.html01:09
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dattaif this is not going to help me please tell me so that i could get it working01:09
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LinuX2halfcan someone help me check to see if there's any wrong with my log? http://www.ubuntu.pastebin.com/d4de6ac301:10
vigobobino: Is your hardware listed in or on the Ubuntu Hardware page?01:10
rattbig up your self01:10
Mike_LaMarwho knows C++01:10
rattc or asm is my filed01:11
bobinovigo: what is that page, i'll check right away01:11
vigodatta: Tried compiz or desklets or such stuff?01:11
Mike_LaMarhow to tell between integer and non integer?01:11
stercordisdainfully avers that he knows C very will.01:11
AstrayHow would I go about disabling my laptop speakers when I plug in external speakers?  I checked in the sound preferences under output devices and it only shows one device01:11
dattavigo: no just that tutorial up and stuck with the emrald part01:11
vigobobino: let me pull it up, this is a fresh install....01:11
Mike_LaMarhow to tell between integer and non integer?01:12
ratti was search nasm ebook for linux  so can i get little help?01:12
shauno_Mike_LaMar: an integer is just a whole number.  1, 2, etc.  if you can count it on your fingers without bleeding, it's an integer01:12
Mike_LaMarC++ I mean01:13
vigobobino: This is a good place to start: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport/01:13
Mike_LaMarshauno C++01:13
shauno_Mike_LaMar: ah, I thought that was too easy.  you got me there, I don't know how c++ handles types01:13
kzettsi installed ubunt 9.04 on my eeepc and the sound from flashplayer is rediculously low01:14
kzettsany ideas01:14
Mike_LaMarthanks Shauno01:14
bobinovigo: thanx :)01:14
kzettspcm colume is 100x01:14
vigodatta: ubottu know, but let me look it up on the forums, just saw some like thing earlier...01:14
vigobobino: You are welcome.01:14
dattavigo: i am searching over for a long time01:14
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puffHm, there's an x264 package in apt, do I still need to get and build from source according to http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78609501:15
kzettsany solution for my sound issue?01:15
LinuX2halfit seemed that my computer doesn't detect SMP motherboard and local apci also FWH01:15
DaZpuff: this post is old; f01:16
bobinovigo: I have a DELL computer so...I guess my hardware is not compatible01:16
puffso tha tmeans I can just sudo apt-get install ffmpeg x264?01:16
LinuX2halfwhen I restart the computer, I check the log viewer to see if there's any conflict and I found some errors that give me concerns01:16
LinuX2halfTo view the complete list: http://www.ubuntu.pastebin.com/d4de6ac301:16
vigobobino: Maybe not yet, there are always work arounds.01:17
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bobinovigo: I would need the work arounds then...my hardware is not listed01:17
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vigodatta: Do you have Compiz running?01:17
kzettssound colume of flashplayer is considerably lower than the other audio on my pc, any solutions?01:17
dattavigo: do i need it?01:18
LinuX2halfHas anyone found anything thats abnormal?01:18
Miles_How can I get the default cd/dvd burner in ubuntu to burn an iso image onto a dvd-rw?01:19
vigodatta: From the Forums it looks like a few or many have used Compiz to good effect.01:19
MenZaMiles_: Ask it to burn a disc image.01:19
dattaokay going to try that thanks01:19
vigobobino: is it an lspci device?01:19
Miles_It says it's not possible with the current set of plugins, MenZa.01:19
bobinovigo: quite frankly I don,t know what a lspci device is...01:20
Th_DoctorMiles_: try using k3b01:20
kzettscould someone please help me with my flashplayer sound issue?01:20
LinuX2halfit mostly like concerned that with that my computer can't detect intel cards of some sorts01:21
vigobobino: errm, uhmm http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/jaunty/man8/lspci.8.html01:21
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LinuX2halfThere's also seem to have an low memory corruption on my BIOS01:22
LinuX2halfit also seemed that there's some resource that can't be detected01:23
bobinovigo: can I type this in the command prompt of vista?01:24
zopiacwhen i try to unmount a device, it tellsme that there is a process using it. how do i see what process is using it?01:25
vigobobino: Not really, you can, but those are *nix specific, sorta. Those are for Ubuntu.01:25
LinuX2halfHas anyone viewed http://www.ubuntu.pastebin.com/d4de6ac3?01:26
andypiperzopica: you could use lsof at the command line01:26
bobinovigo: right....I can't type anything in ubuntu...my hardware is niot functionning01:26
sabat_how can I tell if I am running 64 or 32bit ubuntu? I used wubi01:26
celthundersabat_, uname -a01:26
zopiacandypiper: i tried but it didnt tell me anything. ill read the man page, brb01:26
andypiperwhere does the UNR (netbook) discussion happen - on this channel or another?01:26
MenZaandypiper: This channel.01:26
vigobobino: Try a Live-CD, or have you yet?01:26
andypipermarvellous :-)01:27
bobinovigo: did not try that though01:27
zopiacandypiper: i want to unmount the volume mounted at /media/disk-1, and i tried using 'lsof /media/disk-1' is this not right?01:27
andypiperso with Empathy being the default IM client in Karmic... and as an IRC client too... it would be nice if it wouldn't blink the status icon all the time when chat is going on in IRC01:28
bobinovigo:I'll boot with the cd and i'll be back01:28
andypiperzopiac: try lsof | grep /media/disk-101:28
quimkaoshow can i restart x without reboting?01:28
vigobobino: sounds good01:28
HodappCan I make my GNOME desktop show back up without restarting GNOME? I had to kill gnome-screensaver because after I entered my password it just sat there waiting without letting me in or telling me the password was wrong01:29
Miles__How can I erase all the data on my CD-RW when Ubuntu calls it blank?01:29
MenZaquimkaos: Open a terminal and do < sudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart >01:29
Hodappand right now all that shows up is a white screen on the desktop01:29
MenZa!dontzap | quimkaos01:29
ubottuquimkaos: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.01:29
MenZaAlso, that ^01:29
zopiacandypiper: it tells me this " rhythmbox 21210     zopiac    7r      REG       8,33    5010155     5704 /media/disk-1/Pictures/12.jpg" what does this mean? that rhythmbox is trying to access it?01:29
zopiaci quit rhythmbox and lsof is not telling me anything anymore, i guess that was it . . . weird, though01:30
andypiperzopiac: yes, it look like rhythmbox is running and has that image open, or did and hasn't let go of it yet. Quit rhythmboc01:30
andypiperodd to have it pointing at an image01:30
zopiacbut i hadnt touched rhythmbox since i put the volume in... odd indeed01:31
dattacan anyone help me change my theme in gnome? i am having a pain in the neck now01:31
malcolm_0997is there any voice recognition software for ubuntu01:31
ubottuGNOME is the default !desktop environment on Ubuntu. To install it from Kubuntu or Xubuntu, type « sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop » in a !terminal.01:31
zopiacmalcolm_0997: yes, but it probably is hardly useful01:31
malcolm_0997how do i use it01:31
malcolm_0997and /or get it01:32
dattai want to know how to change it, because before i would just drag and drop the package in the theme manager but it doesn't work  now01:32
zopiacmalcolm_0997: google it? idk, it shouldnt be too hard to find, if you look. if you;ve already lookd, i dont know what to say01:32
vigodatta: Do you have the settings on Normal, or whatever?01:32
kennyHThank you guys!01:33
dattai have none01:33
dattawhen i put it to normal it gives me a error that it could not be done01:34
zroyschhow do i make an ssh/sshfs connection not timeout01:34
RanDom33I just bought a wireless printer... set it up.. to connect to my wireless access point.. gave it my wep key ..etc. Router gives it an Ip address of 192.168.1.x, i can print from my windows xp machine that I set it up with. How do I connect with my ubuntu laptop to get it to print?01:34
vigodatta: Right Click a space on Desktop. on top is Visual Effects.01:34
stercorMy system sometimes runs like molasses in January.  I used the System Monitor to find out where the problem might be.  Looks like it's the CPU.  I have an Intel Pentium 4 Processor 524 with Hyperthreading Technology enabled.  Is that a dog of a processor?01:34
dattavigo yeah there is does not work01:35
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dattasomething is wrong with my themes01:35
tvjudgeon My Jaunty box,  make a raid. It works, I reboot --its gone. Using mdadm RAID10 help???01:35
zopiachow do i check what a volume is in /dev/ ?01:35
stercorjabagawee: What does removing the underscore suffix from your nick signify?01:35
zopiaci have a flash drive connected but have no idea what its /dev/ name is01:35
vigodatta: Are a few choices there, to enable or make some work you need Compiz or Desklets, or whatever you prefer.01:36
jabagaweestercor, it means i changed from my alternate nick to my usualy nick01:36
dattadesklets would be better for my graphics card01:36
tvjudgezopiac try typing mount and see if it shows up there01:36
dattaso i would actually prefer that more01:36
stercorjabagawee: k.  I thought it might be an 'away' thing.01:37
Billiardzopiac: if you have given your flash drive a name you can use `ls /dev/disk/by-id -l`01:37
zopiacthanks tvjudge01:37
zopiacit worked01:37
vigodatta: That package is in Synaptics or can be gotten with CLI or terminal.01:37
tvjudgeyw zopiac01:37
Billiardzopiac: sorry by-label i meant01:37
tvjudgeit mounts by a thing called fuse zopiac to media/[disklabel] as the mount point.01:38
vigoI have to go work on a neighbors box now, Thank you all and have fun!01:38
ana_I am having trouble in jaunty boots up fine but when i reach the desktop the screen become white and there is nothing I can do i use alt-print-k. It happens all the tim01:38
dattatyping cli gives me a lot of options in synaptics01:38
dattanot sure which one to download though01:38
ana_My other laptop fails to go to the GUI desktop01:39
Zatchariusana_: Can you get to a different tty?01:39
ana_I tried failsafe gnome the same thing happened.01:39
tvjudgeanyway has anyone here had any luck or experience with mdadm. I made 3 raids on this box and all 3 were gone after reboot01:40
Zatchariusana_: Bootup normally to the white screen and pretty ctrl+alt+F401:40
Zatchariusana_: press*01:40
Zatchariusana_: Do you get a prompt?01:40
dattaisn't there any way please with the themes01:41
ana_Zatcharius: I can get to a terminal prompt.01:41
Zatchariusana_: Is this a fresh install?01:41
ana_no its a old install the problem started after a recent update from xorg01:42
CShadowRunCan anyone help me? I'm trying to watch a video but it says that it couldn't find a plugin to decode Windows Media Audio 901:43
ana_Zatcharius: I tried what you suggested its just giving me a blank screen.01:43
Zatchariusana_: Well get to a terminal and enter sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg01:43
Zatchariusana_: The problem is most likely with your video driver01:44
Zatchariusana_: Also, do you have an nvidia card?01:45
quimkaoswell i give up from this distro...01:45
ana_No I have a intel gma x3100 the one which got left out by jaunty..01:45
coz_quimkaos,  give up??01:45
MrWizeGuy1983isn't control alt backspace supposed to rest X?01:46
coz_quimkaos,  why give up?01:46
DaZ!dontzap | MrWizeGuy198301:46
ubottuMrWizeGuy1983: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.01:46
quimkaoseven to setup a dual monitor is hard01:46
coz_quimkaos,  ati or nvidia card?01:46
Mp5x11hi there01:46
Zatchariusana_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=117202201:46
quimkaoseverytime i nead to modify an php file from apache i have to do SU01:46
coz_quimkaos, in terminal    nvidia-settings01:47
quimkaosi did it already01:47
Zatchariusana_: Or http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-newbie-8/white-screen-of-death-in-ubuntu-post-nvidia-driver-install-558913/01:47
quimkaosbut now i have 2 pointers01:47
coz_quimkaos,  go to   "X Server Display Configureation"01:47
quimkaosefects are disabled01:47
ana_Zatcharius: I am on X310001:47
coz_quimkaos,   make sure both monitors are recognized there01:47
domoalright, so i have a drive that was a dynamic disk in windows.. fdisk spits errors about it having a gpt signature.. so i took some advice earlier and used parted.. but it doesnt show any partitions, so i created a new one, and fdisk still says theres a gpt signature.. what do i do?01:48
MrWizeGuy1983thanks DaZ01:48
coz_quimkaos,  then click the secondary monitor...set the resolution  then click "Configure"  click  Twinview   then apply01:48
quimkaosthey are01:48
coz_quimkaos,  see if that is what you want01:48
quimkaosthat duplicates de same monitor01:48
coz_quimkaos,  well it shouldnt duplicate the monitor unless you have set  separate xscrens in the xorg.conf file01:49
quimkaossudo /etc/init.d/gdm restart01:50
jodeI just installed Ubuntu 9.04 and I cant get the sound working.  What can I do to resolve this.  The computer is an Acer Aspire 50501:50
coz_quimkaos,   is this a clean install of ubuntu 9.04  ?01:50
terryHow do I share files from a windows box running windows 7, so that I can access them on my linux box? It used to work before I upgraded to Windows 7. (big mistake)01:51
kiyourajode, did you check for sound card drivers? are you using ALSA or OSS?01:51
jodekiyoura: How do I figure that out?01:52
kiyourajode, lsmod01:52
jodekiyoura: I think I am using ALSA.01:52
Nexinityhey can some1 tell me plz how to switch the channel?01:52
crazy2kHello. I decided to upgrade to Karmic. However it's downloading at 1/4 of my bandwidth's capacity. Is there a way to make it go faster? Use a different mirror?01:52
kiyourajode, you probably have to unmute it01:52
Billiardterry: this is more of a windows question i can help you in pm if you want01:53
kiyourajode, run amixer and unmute your sound01:53
terrySure Billiard01:53
jodekiyoura: I do not understand amixer01:54
coz_jode,  in terminal type   alsamixer01:55
kiyouracoz_, that's not the same as amizer?01:55
coz_kiyoura,  not really   alsamixer gives you a sort of gui representation of sliders01:55
kiyouraoh, ok01:56
coz_jode,  if anything is muted  just  move with arrows buttons to highlight that volume control and hit the letter  "m" on the key board to un mute or mute01:56
coz_jode,   controls are done with arrow buttons01:56
jodecoz_: no channels are muted01:57
coz_jode,  ok check  PCM slider to be sure it is up01:57
quimkaosanyway of making www folder in apache workable without using SU01:57
Sonjacan a 2-way sync utility like Unison be setup to be automatic01:57
coz_jode,  use the up or down arrows to adjust the volume01:57
Sonjalike whetever i edit a file on my desktop, it resyncs with my netbook, etc.01:57
coz_jode,  also be sure that alsamixer has identified your card ...it should list it at the top01:57
jodecoz_: it is up01:57
m0r0nHey, my internet is slow on Ubuntu but faster on Windows, anyone know how to toggle the settings to make it work better?01:58
jodecoz_: Card: HDA ATI SB01:58
coz_jode,   ok you may want to go into system/preferences/sound and check what is enabled there01:58
coz_jode,  test each of the settings and use the pulldown menus to set the audio preferences01:58
coz_jode,  ok01:59
coz_jode,  I am on karmic right now and the menus dialogs are a bit different here01:59
jodecoz_: I am doing this now01:59
ZiberFrom ubuntu 9.04, I want to mount the share folder of a windows computer on my LAN. How would i do that?01:59
Krahazikok is there a way to change where Ubunto looks for software updates? For some reason it seams to be hardcoaded or something to look to my other desktop ofr its software and its making it impossible to chekc or updates or use the package manager.01:59
crazy2kHello again. I decided to upgrade to Karmic. However it's downloading at 1/4 of my bandwidth's capacity. Is there a way to make it go faster? Use a different mirror?01:59
rickasaurushi guys,  I was wondering how to start pulseaudio at startup01:59
Izinucsrickasaurus: should be automatic02:00
rickasaurusit seems to be starting with gnome instead02:00
coz_Ziber,  if no one can answer here  you might want to try the   ##linux channel for a broader infor02:00
jodecoz_: nothing worked.02:00
Izinucsrickasaurus: gnome is what you look at.. pulseaudio is a backend server02:00
coz_jode,  ok then I am going to suggest going to the   #alsa channel ...just type     /join #alsa   where you type in here02:00
rickasaurusI know but when I boot my computer and ssh in02:00
rickasaurusI type aplay -l and it shows no soundcards02:00
rickasaurusbut after I log in02:00
rickasaurusit shows both of them02:00
rickasaurusthis is in jaunty02:01
coz_Ziber,   I am a real dunce when it comes to this stuff :)  so I suggest   ##linux  channel  just type    /join ##linux  where you type here02:01
Izinucsrickasaurus: so when you boot and then ssh in have you started the gui at that point  or just turned the machine on and let it sit at the uname & password prompt?02:02
rickasaurusit's in gdm02:02
clearscreenZiber: use samba's smbmount02:03
clearscreenZiber: going to be somehing like smbmount //computer/share /your/mount/point02:03
Izinucsrickasaurus: not sure what to do from here. maybe someone else can pick it up02:03
rickasaurusI sound probably just post on the forums02:04
rickasauruss/sound/should :)02:04
noelferrreiracan anyone help me with dual monitor config? i have a second monitor (lcd TV) connected int the hdmi and i am using 'separate x screens'. however i can't move any application for that seconf monitor. even if i open some aplication in the second monitor it starts in the main monitor. how can i open aplications in the second monitor using for example 'DISPLAY=:0.1 [application]' command?02:04
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Izinucsrickasaurus: someone here may know02:05
ziomusAny1 know good convertor avi to mpeg02:05
sblunixziomus: if you feel like outsourcing http://www.zamzar.com is fine02:06
Izinucsziomus: handbreak.fr02:06
Izinucsziomus: that is www.handbreak.fr02:06
ziomusHandbreak is bad02:07
Izinucswhy do you say that?02:07
ziomusWhen i convert movies i play it in my car it cuts02:07
rezdHandbreak works for me.02:07
Izinucsme too02:08
seljeanyone here uses ebox?02:08
coz_handbrake is  reall nice02:08
rezdI have converted movies for the iPhone with no problems.02:08
rezdBesides handbreak is only using tools to give a GUI.02:08
rezdWhat is ebox?02:09
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox02:09
coz_ziomus,  i would definitly check out handbrake02:09
rezdYou need to install libdvdcss if you want to convert encrypted DVDs.02:10
ResistolWhen buying a new laptop, what parts do I need to avoid so that flash video (youtube, hulu, etc) will play without horrible framerate/stutter/tearing?  All of my computers so far have the issue (2 laptops, 2 desktops) - is it intel?  nvidia?  linux in general?02:10
Sonjawhat's the deal with Mint linux? they are trying to make "Ubuntu, but Better" type thing?02:11
IzinucsSonja: that belongs in #ubuntu-offtopic02:11
rezdebox: I use an editor to configure the servers I work on. Is it like webmin?02:11
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Izinucsrezd: yes02:11
ziomus_I will configurate handbreak then02:11
ronartoshow can I save my current gnome desktop settings to /etc/skel to be used by new users???02:12
Izinucsziomus: insatll the libdvdcss first..02:12
Izinucs!restricted > ziomus02:12
ubottuziomus, please see my private message02:12
Izinucs!dvd > ziomus02:12
ziomus_U didnt send me any privet msgs ;/02:13
Izinucsziomus: it's accepted when it's from ubottu.. less chatter in the channel..02:14
ziomus_Umm. How about puting few mpeg movies converted into single dvd.02:14
rezdlibdvdcss is more then just restricted. You seem to have to run a script to install it.02:14
Izinucsrezd: one of those links takes you to an ubuntu dirivitive with a repo to install it.02:15
ziomus_I have few converters02:15
ziomus_I have deve program02:15
noelferrreiracan anyone help me with dual monitor config? i have a second monitor (lcd TV) connected int the hdmi and i am using 'separate x screens'. however i can't move any application for that seconf monitor. even if i open some aplication in the second monitor it starts in the main monitor. how can i open aplications in the second monitor using for example 'DISPLAY=:0.1 [application]' command?02:15
ziomus_I think thats whst its called02:16
rezdWhich graphics card do you have noelferrreira?02:17
trismnoelferrreira: might have better luck with twinview02:17
noelferrreiradon't like twinview trism02:18
Izinucsnoelferrreira: are you using xinerama?02:18
PCTeacher012Hey, i am trying to install the nvidia propritary driver. Whenever i change in xorg.conf to make it driver nvidia and not nv, it tells me: "(EE) failes to load: /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//nvidia_drv.so" Then "(EE) Failed to load module "nvidia" and finally "(EE) No drivers available." What do i need to do to get it to work?02:18
noelferrreirano Izinucs i disabled it but i had the same problem with xineramq02:18
PCTeacher012i tried in terminal: "modprobe  nvidia" but it didnt work02:19
PCTeacher012it succeded but i still get that error02:19
IzinucsPCTeacher012: you need to uninstall the nvidia bits you see installed in synaptic.. then install the propriatory driver after gdm has been stopped.. you can't install it while th gui is running02:19
ziomus_Do you guys know how to burn multiple mpeg into single dvd. And be able to choose what video u want to pick?02:19
noelferrreirai just want to open VDR or mplayer and watch the full screen in the second monitor, that' all, trism Izinucs rezd02:19
PCTeacher012Izinucs, Okay, so how do i install it when not in GUI?02:19
voxziomus_: that's dependant on the dvd player02:19
Izinucsziomus_: check out LiVeS at www.getdeb.net02:20
fcuk112_PCTeacher012: http://www.pastie.org/66002302:20
PCTeacher012Izinucs, And should i just remove or completely remove it?02:20
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trismnoelferrreira: no idea, I use twinview to do that02:20
noelferrreiraIzinucs, i think xinerama pans the second monitor with a lower resolution to the main monitor. i want to use native resolution in the second moinitor02:20
IzinucsPCTeacher012: ctrl+alt+F2 to get to a TTy and login.. then sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop .. then if the installer is saved on the desktop.. cd ~/Desktop02:21
ziomus_I have it in my car. Its in dash kenwood 510 i think plays mpeg format02:21
PCTeacher012Izinucs, Okay, i will do that. Let me get the driver from their site real quick02:21
IzinucsPCTeacher012: after that it's... sudo sh Nvid<hit tab for auto completition>02:21
m0r0nHey, my internet is slow on Ubuntu but faster on Windows, anyone know how to toggle the settings to make it work better?02:21
Bruce1Hi. Having a really minor soundcard issue since I updated to 9.10 beta. Sound works fine but every now and then I just hear i really small pop/crack.02:21
PCTeacher012Izinucs, okay i will02:21
crohakonI though ubuntu used kde mainly?02:22
ziomus_Bruce i have the same thing02:22
IzinucsPCTeacher012: look at screen and irssi for irc access and termainal access with no gui02:22
PCTeacher012Izinucs, I am completely removing the nvidia-glx-71 file02:22
ziomus_Like when you play movies or sound02:22
PCTeacher012Izinucs, I have irssi installed.02:22
IzinucsPCTeacher012: good .. do you have screen installed?02:22
ziomus_Sometimes it doesnt play righr?02:23
PCTeacher012Izinucs, nope. What is that?02:23
Bruce1ziomus, its not exactly that. Sound seems to be working fine, but every now and then i hear a random pop/crack02:23
IzinucsPCTeacher012: it allows you to run irssi and switch between various terminals.. but for this install you can to that with ctrl+alt+f2 and/or F3 and/or F4.. save screen for another time to get use to .02:24
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Bruce1I can't tell if the pop cracks are random, or if they are being triggered by some event02:24
PCTeacher012Izinucs, Okay, i will. Now, how do i remove .ko files?02:24
ziomus_Bruce everytime u log in to ubuntu ur sound mutes?02:25
IzinucsPCTeacher012: ?? .ko? that's typically related to kde libraries.. if your in synaptic and search for nvidia you'll see all the packages there..02:25
Bruce1Nope, ziomus that's not what happens. I think we have different bugs.02:26
PCTeacher012Izinucs, Okay, removed everything. Now. I have the nVidia RIVA TNT2 Model 64 Pro. On nvidia's driver page, in product type: legacy, there is both RIVA and TNT2. Which one do i chose?02:26
IzinucsPCTeacher012: what card do you have?02:26
PCTeacher012Izinucs, nVidia RIVA TNT2 Model 64 Pro02:26
PCTeacher012AGP 32MB 3D02:26
PCTeacher01232MB AGP 3D*02:27
IzinucsPCTeacher012: hang on looking..02:27
PCTeacher012Izinucs, Okay02:27
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PCTeacher012Izinucs, I just want the right driver so nothing goes wrong :p02:27
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ziomus_Anyone know since i updated to 9.10 my sound go crazy everytime i log in into ubuntu the sound mutes. The sound goes on and off   in firefox when i want to watch movie the sound goes off02:28
PCTeacher012ziomus_, go to #ubuntu+1 for 9.1002:28
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ziomus_I have the 9.04 or sometimg. Is that 9.10. I updated it from 8.1002:29
IzinucsPCTeacher012: looks like this one http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_71.86.11.html02:29
PCTeacher012#ubuntu is only for and LTS that is to now, and the most current version. 9.10 is not supported in this channel02:29
PCTeacher012Izinucs, I dont have AMD, i Have Intel02:29
PCTeacher012and ziomus_, go to about ubuntu in system02:30
PCTeacher012Read for "Thank you for using $Ubuntuversion"02:30
IzinucsPCTeacher012: hand on.. that's the 64 bit.. the amd link and driver are for the intel as well..02:30
PCTeacher012Tell me the version it says02:30
PCTeacher012Izinucs, Okay, i have 32 bit x86 computer with intel02:30
ziomus_Lol i am on my phone. Driving from pa02:31
ziomus_But its as i remember 9.0.402:31
PCTeacher012ziomus_, Oh, okay, let me know when you are at your computer *chuckle*02:31
ziomus_I think its 9.0402:31
ziomus_Something with 402:32
PCTeacher012ziomus_, then we can help you in this channel since it is 9.04 (not me in particular since i have no idea what is wong lol)02:32
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PCTeacher012ziomus_, Then it is likely 9.04. Unlikely that it is 8.04 lol02:32
PCTeacher012Do you remember if the codename was "Jaunty Jackalope?" or not?02:32
IzinucsPCTeacher012: this should be the right one.. look at the page and on the left there is a link for "supported devices".. when that opens look at the very bottom of the list. http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_amd64_71.86.11.html02:32
ziomus_Yea 9.04 cause i uploded from 8.1002:33
malcolm_0997isi t an goood idea to install open box on ubuntu02:33
IzinucsPCTeacher012: also have you just installed? if so have you fully updated the system?02:33
PCTeacher012Izinucs, Yes, it is fully updates02:33
ziomus_Jaunty i havr02:33
quimkaoswere can i config visual effects?02:33
malcolm_0997I want to use open box buti  dont know if its an good idea02:33
ziomus_So anyone can help me withe sound02:34
trismquimkaos: System/Preferences/Appearance on the visual effects tab02:34
PCTeacher012Izinucs, http://www.nvidia.com/object/linux_display_ia32_71.86.11.html is the one that is mine lol. I have Intel (ie the ia32)02:34
ziomus_It goes crazy the sound goes on and off02:34
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quimkaosther you only have 3 options02:34
episodiccan anyone tell me if crossover is working well in karmic koala?02:35
quimkaosther's no other way02:35
PCTeacher012Izinucs, and: The 71.86.xx driver supports the following set of GPUs: ... Riva TNT2 ....02:35
trismquimkaos: if you want more control you can install compiz-settings-manager02:35
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PCTeacher012Izinucs, So not i am going into TTY02:36
episodicanyone know anything about crossover on karmic?02:36
Flannelepisodic: #ubuntu+1 for Karmic questions, thanks02:37
trismquimkaos: sorry that should be compizconfig-settings-manager02:37
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quimkaosaaa there you are02:38
barqsI have two computers, one desktop, one laptop. The desktop is running windows 7, and the laptop is running ubuntu 9.04. How would I go about setting up and connecting to my windows pc from my laptop using a remote desktop connection?02:39
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LinuxGuy2009Anyone have experience with Jack audio connection kit? The whole idea is to get it to run for as long as possible without clicks and dropouts right?02:41
Random832is there a way to find out what is stopping me from hibernating?02:41
crohakonHow do I get the latest nvidia drivers?02:43
crohakonOr rather, where do I get the latest nvidia drivers?02:44
DaZcrohakon: nvidia.com02:45
crohakon=) You know... I really should have thought of that...02:45
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto02:45
krusckeis there a word describable i can download for ubuntu02:45
crohakonOkay, next question... How do I get pandora to work? =(02:46
DaZcrohakon: pandora? ;f02:46
crohakonit does not seem to work in linux version of firefox02:47
kennyHHow do I zip a file ?02:47
cappicardthis new hard drive is too quiet... i can't even hear it working. lol abit disconcerning while booting up vista02:47
DaZWe are deeply, deeply sorry to say that due to licensing constraints, we can no longer allow access to Pandora for listeners located outside of the U.S.02:47
Billiardbarqs: i believe there is a package called rdesktop for remote desktop02:47
DaZwell, i can't help you ;f02:47
cody__Izinucs: Okay, so i install the nvidia package, then ran nvidia-xconfig as sudo, and now i get this error: (Sorry for doing multiple lines, but im in TTY02:48
ari_stresskennyH: use Places > Browse to your file/dir and Righ-Click > Create Archive02:48
cody__(EE) Failed to load module "type1" no module exists02:48
cody__(EE) failed to load module "freetype" no module exists02:49
cody__(EE) Failes to load module "nvidia" No module exists02:49
DaZcody__: only lines with (WW) are really bad ;f02:49
cody__(EE) No Drivers02:49
DaZwait, wrong02:49
cody__DaZ: Haha, well, still, i can not do anything :p02:49
hipitihopIf I have a pc stalling while loading grub and then falls back to grub prompt, how can I tell what's up ?02:49
DaZcody__: modprobe nvidia?02:49
cody__so Izinucs What should i do?02:49
kennyHari_stress, thank you so much! :)02:49
cody__Daz ill try that02:49
crohakonI know when I used opensuse (just installed unbuntu over it) I had to install codex stuff to get pandora.com to work correctly. Any idea where I should look for unbuntu?02:49
DaZcrohakon: isn't pandora in flash?02:50
cody__restart x DaZ02:50
crohakonI have no idea, DaZ.02:50
ari_stresshipitihop: did you do anything like installing another OS or have abnormal power shutdown?02:50
crohakonI just listen to it... never really cared how it worked. =(02:50
krusckeis there a word descrambler ?02:51
DaZcrohakon: it's flash02:51
DaZso you don't need codecs02:52
jessehow do i get rid of a partition with gparted?02:52
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Holyi have a question about CrunchBang linux o.o02:52
MenZa!ubuntu | Holy02:52
ubottuHoly: Ubuntu is a complete Linux-based operating system, freely available with both community and professional support. It is developed by a large community and we invite you to participate too! - Also see http://www.ubuntu.com02:52
crohakonwell, reboot for nvidia... bye02:52
cody__okay DaZ following errors: Failed to load module type1 (no module exists) failed to load freetype (no module exists) failed to load /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers//nvidia_drv.so. failed to load module nvidia (loader failed). No drivers available02:52
MenZaHoly: We can only support Ubuntu here.02:52
MenZaFor Crunchbang, try #crunchbang - or whereever they hang out.02:53
DaZcody__: you don't have the driver02:53
cody__DaZ: I just installed it02:53
Holyaccording to the site its based off of ubuntu02:53
cody__DaZ: And ran nvidia-xconfig02:53
Guest95833how do i get rid of a partition with gparted?02:53
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DaZcody__: well, you have but something is wrong02:53
DaZit's 4 am here :f02:53
IdleOneHoly: it is based off ubuntu but the specifics are not ubuntu so ask #crunchbang02:53
cody__DaZ: Well, i can see that lol. i tried modprobing freetype and type1 but i get module $modulename not found.02:54
cody__DaZ: and modprobing nvidia did not help02:54
DaZls /usr/lib/xorg/modules/drivers/02:54
cody__DaZ: Okay brb02:54
DaZcody__: because freetype and type1 aren't for modprobing02:54
arrrghhhdoes anyone use pulse to either multicast or unicast sound?02:54
quimkaosany sugestions for a good php editor for ubuntu?02:54
PolarinaI got the same problem on some Mitac computer, the last known ubuntu version that the sound card works is 7.10.02:54
PolarinaSorry about that.02:55
cody__DaZ: nvidia_drv.so does exist02:55
cody__DaZ: and ooooooooooh okay02:55
DaZcody__: cd /lib/modules;find|grep nvidia02:55
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Guest48382how do i get rid of a partition?02:56
cody__DaZ: okay (and it is actually /lib/xorg/modules ;)02:56
DaZcody__: ?02:56
cody__DaZ: The location is not /lib/modules but /lib/xorg/modules02:57
cody__and what do i type?02:57
DaZcody__: /lib/modules02:57
cody__DaZ: i didnt know that existed as well *chuckle* what command do i  type now?02:57
DaZone is kernel module, other one xorg driver02:57
cody__DaZ: aaaaaaaaah okay02:57
cody__DaZ: what command now? grep | nvidia?02:57
DaZcody__:  cd /lib/modules;find|grep nvidia02:58
DaZcopy, execute and paste the output ;f02:58
MenZahint: he wants < find . | grep nvidia >02:58
MenZaor maybe not.02:58
* MenZa goes to bed while he can still stand.02:58
cody__DaZ: there is multiple .ko and nvidia files in it. (BTW, i can not cp the result as i am in TTY)02:58
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cody__DaZ: if you need me to cp i can cp the xorg.conf to my home folder and use the backup02:59
magikidIs there any way to restart X from the command line since they took backspace away?03:00
cody__to cp the result*03:00
DaZcody__: nano xorg.conf and change driver "nvidia" to driver "nv"03:00
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox03:00
DaZit's in /etc/X11/03:00
Random832okay, since LinuxGuy2009 who was so eager to jump on a PM won't help me, does anyone know how to increase the space available for hibernating?03:00
cody__DaZ: Uhm, can i do that it tty?03:00
DaZcody__: nano is cli text editor ;f03:00
macoRandom832: boot from a live cd and use GParted on the CD to make your swap space larger03:00
cody__DaZ: Got it, and Driver "nvidia" is what it is already03:00
LinuxGuy2009Random832: If you dont have an equal amount of free hdd space equal to amountg of installed ram then upgrade the hdd.03:00
Random832it's clearly not using the swap space, since it sometimes _does_ work and i only have like 8mb swap03:01
DaZcody__: and change it to nv ;f03:01
cody__DaZ: Okay03:01
cody__restarting GDM now03:01
DaZnow it should "work"03:01
Random832will hibernate work with a swap file in a normal filesystem, or does it have to be a partition03:02
macoRandom832: for now, it has to be a partition03:02
LinuxGuy2009Random832: swap file is for when you run low on physical ram03:02
Random832is there a way to make it use a partition ONLY to hibernate?03:02
Random832@LinuxGuy2009, you clearly have no clue how hibernation works, so can you just stop?03:02
macoRandom832: there is experimental swap file support which *may* be turned on in karmic (i'm not sure)03:02
Random832@maco, ok, is there a way to make it use a swap partition _only_ to hibernate, and not for normal paging?03:03
cody__DaZ: It is in a resolution of 680x420?03:03
LinuxGuy2009Random832: Im sorry I do use hybernate it saves everything in ram including all running apps to disk.03:03
cody__:( It look horrible03:03
Random832since otherwise no matter how big i make it there's the possibility it runs out03:03
cody__It looks like windows D: xD03:03
DaZcody__: nv doesn't limit resolutions03:03
Random832@LinuxGuy2009, it's not just "to disk", it's to a swap partition on linux and to hiberfil.sys on windows. A very _specific_ place on disk03:03
DaZbut ubuntu sucks :F03:03
Random832and you almost had _me_ doubting it used the swap partition >:(03:03
cody__DaZ: Well, it is right now. I can not choose 1080x920 (or the default)03:04
macoRandom832: suppose you could "swap off" while youre working then turn it on for hibernate... but why is there a possibilty it runs out? it should not be using 10gb of swap for example. youd just be thrashing03:04
DaZpastebin the output03:04
cody__more to do with xorg.conf i suppose?03:04
DaZcody__: getting nvidia driver to work03:04
Random832@maco, something doesn't have to be thrashing to use a lot of swap - it could just allocate and not use for a long time. Even if it's unlikely i'd rather be certain03:04
DaZ!find wgetpaste03:04
ubottuPackage/file wgetpaste does not exist in jaunty03:04
cody__DaZ: I know. But do i need to edit something in xorg.conf to allow the better resolution?03:04
macoRandom832: standard sizing is 2-3x the size of ram. so if you have 2gb ram, 4-6gb of swap. that should fit all of ram in there...it shouldnt use 6gb of swap AND 2gb of ram03:05
cody__!find pastebinit03:05
LinuxGuy2009Random832: Do you have a seperate root and home partition?03:05
ubottuFound: pastebinit03:05
Random832and i don't want to have to have 10gb of swap to begin with03:05
macoRandom832: i usually go with 2x. so i had 2gb ram when i installed and have 5gb swap. though now i have 4gb of ram...03:05
cody__DaZ: What do i need to do to get a higher resolution?03:05
Random832if standard sizing is 2-3x the size of ram, why did the installer only give me 800mb of swap for 3gb of ram03:05
DaZcody__: nvidia-xconfig --mode=resolution03:05
mobi-sheepmaco: That is old skool.03:05
macomobi-sheep: why?03:05
mobi-sheepmaco: Because in the past, we didn't have lot of RAM memory to begin with.03:06
LinuxGuy2009maco: 2-3x size of ram is a very old rule of thumb for 1GB or less of system ram. if you got 3 or 4gb of ram you dont even need a swap.03:06
cody__DaZ: Restarting GDM03:06
macoLinuxGuy2009: yes you do, if you want to hibernate03:06
macomobi-sheep: 2x is sensible. 1/2 is where it hibernates to. 1/2 is where it pages to.03:06
crohakonSo, I cannot hear any sounds. I just installed unbuntu.... How do I enable sound?03:06
mobi-sheepcrohakon: Try "sudo alsactl init"03:07
DaZcrohakon: you have to buy ubuntu ultimate03:07
macoDaZ: lies03:07
macocrohakon: DaZ is joking03:07
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DaZmaco: thank you, cpt. obvious!03:07
Random832i don't get why it's such a huge thing to ask for to have dedicated hibernate space instead of having to pray that swap doesn't overflow into it03:07
crohakonI am aware.. I may be a noob... but not that ignorant. =)03:07
macocrohakon: check your mixer levels. master, pcm, front....any of those are a common culprit03:08
DigitalKiwicorrection, you have to buy ubuntu ultimate from me ;D03:08
macocrohakon: hey its feasible...03:08
Random832is there a way to automatically make it swapon before hibernate and swapoff after hibernate?03:08
Random832*after resume i mean03:08
macocrohakon: ie958 or something like that...thats another mixer element people tend not to know to check03:08
BilliardRandom832: you could change the swapiness so it doesnt swap as much03:08
crohakonmaco: First thing I checked. =)03:08
mobi-sheepRandom832: Yes, you can. Ubuntu Ultimate have that feature! Go and buy it. :303:09
cody__DaZ: Still in that resolution03:09
DigitalKiwiRandom832: have you actually had any problem hibernating or jut being paranoid?03:09
macocrohakon: neither speakers nor headphones have any output?03:09
DaZcody__: just ignore it03:09
Random832@DigitalKiwi, yes i have had problems hibernating (but that's on only 800mb swap which is what the installer gave me)03:09
macowhat is with all the Ubuntu Ultimate jokes?03:09
crohakonmaco: correct, no out put at all.03:09
Random832@Billiard, doesn't change the basic issue which is when total memory usage exceeds the available swap space03:09
crohakonUnknown hardware: "HDA-Intel" "Generic 10de ID 5" "HDA:10ec0663,104319a3,00100001 HDA:10de0005,10de0101,00100000" "" ""03:09
cody__DaZ: I cant ignore the resolution :( Its what i look at 24/703:09
crohakonthats what that command above returned03:09
macocrohakon: yeah thats not the sort of info needed....03:10
macocrohakon: what command?03:10
voxthe next person who mentions "ubuntu ultimate" or some sort of paid-for ubuntu gets a free removal.03:10
crohakonsudo alsactl init03:10
Random832whatever, i'll set up the partition to be 4gb and forget about it until the next time i fail to hibernate03:10
DaZcody__: i told you to use it because ubuntu doesn't ship wgetpaste in the repos and i need that  command output03:10
mobi-sheepcrohakon: Run 'alsamixer' and ensure everything is toggled on -- If you see any blue/gray 'M' -- Press 'm' to unmute to get green '00' then ESC to save.03:10
cody__DaZ: Okay, so what do i do right now that you need?03:10
cody__let me log in to GDM irssi03:10
DaZcody__:  cd /lib/modules;find|grep nvidia03:11
macocrohakon: oh. er...ok dunno why you were told that, but whatever. "ubuntu-bug -p linux" then file the bug. then run "apport-collect -p alsa-base 12345" (replace 12345 with your bug number) to attach audio debug stuff to it03:11
Random832@vox, hey i was the target of the joke and i could still appreciate the humor - why so serious?03:11
DigitalKiwi<3 Joker03:11
mobi-sheepmaco: You're using Karmic?03:11
cody___DaZ: I am now in GUI. what do ya need me to do03:11
DaZcody__:  cd /lib/modules;find|grep nvidia03:11
macomobi-sheep: yes03:11
DaZcody__:  cd /lib/modules;find|grep nvidia03:11
crohakonmaco: no luck03:12
Random832anyway, i gtg - that being the reason i wanted to hibernate anyway... later everyone03:12
macocrohakon: no luck what?03:12
macocrohakon: im telling you to file a bug03:12
DigitalKiwibai Random83203:12
Ap0llohey im having issues with ecryptfs, my private files arent mounting for what ever reason03:12
crohakonmobi-sheep: nothing was muted.03:12
cody___DaZ: Pastebining now03:12
mobi-sheepmaco: Okay. ubuntu-bug is not installed for final releases.  It is for development releases. In that case, he would have to install the package. ;303:12
mobi-sheepcrohakon: No sounds? :<03:12
cody___DaZ: This is the result: http://pastebin.ca/162847503:13
macomobi-sheep: O_o i thought it was a standard package. especially since bug reporting via launchpad web UI is disabled...03:13
DaZcody__: lspci|grep VGA03:13
mobi-sheepmaco: Also, I believe that goes same for apport.03:14
macomobi-sheep: apport is installed always. it just doesnt automatically launch in released versions03:14
cody___DaZ: http://pastebin.ca/162847803:14
crohakonmobi-sheep; no sounds. =(03:14
macomobi-sheep: since it had 189 processes last night using 4GiB of memory, i rather wish it didnt automatically launch in development ones either03:14
DaZcody__: riva?03:14
cody___DaZ: Yep. Old03:14
DaZcody__: what driver version?03:15
Ap0llohey im having issues with ecryptfs, i cannot access my home files03:15
cody___DaZ: 71.89.xx03:15
cody___i dont remember last 2 numbers03:15
DaZdoesn't matter ;f03:15
cody___DaZ: xD03:15
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DaZi hate this emoticon.03:15
cody___DaZ: any ideas as to how to fix this?03:15
Ap0llohey im having issues with ecryptfs, i cannot access my home files what so ever03:15
mobi-sheepcrohakon: Meh. I should give you the !sound factorid.03:16
mobi-sheep!sound | crohakon03:16
ubottucrohakon: If you're having problems with sound, first ensure ALSA is selected, by double clicking on the volume control, then File -> Change Device (ALSA Mixer). If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files, see !Players and !MP303:16
cody___DaZ: and lol03:16
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:16
cody___ubottu is a bot panlin03:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about is a bot panlin03:16
Ap0llohey im having issues with ecryptfs, i cannot access my home files what so ever03:16
cody___and dang, that site never helped me03:17
panlinI am just a new user of ubuntu03:17
cody___DaZ: do you got any ideas?03:17
cody___panlin: Welcome to the wonderful world of ubuntu ^_^03:17
cody___Your welcome ;)03:17
DaZcody__: maybe it's not supported anymore <:03:18
zopiaci can't figure out how to mount my Flash Drive as read/write :\03:18
DigitalKiwicody___: you're*03:18
cody___DaZ: I know it is :( 71.89.xx reports it is lol. It is in supported devices03:18
cody___DigitalKiwi: Okay. Ill retype it :p03:18
cody___panlin: You're welcome ;)03:18
DaZcody__: maybe xorg doesn't03:18
DigitalKiwitoo many codys03:19
cody___DaZ: nooooo can i get an older version of xorg and still have it work with 9.04? or maybe.. does xubuntu have compiz?03:19
cody___or something like it anywya03:19
panlinI think compiz is not useful03:19
soreaucody__: Yes, you can run compiz in xubuntu03:20
DaZcody__: you can get nouveau03:20
cody___panlin: once you use it enough, it is super worth it03:20
cody___DaZ: What is nouveau?03:20
panlinmost of the time,we do not need it03:20
DaZcody__: and xubuntu uses the same xserver03:20
cody___panlin: Cause it makes ubuntu all shiny :303:20
DaZopen source nvidia driver.03:20
DigitalKiwijust about any tiling wm > compiz03:20
cody___DaZ: O_O is it better than nv03:20
panlinyou are right, but it can make system unstable03:20
cody___DigitalKiwi: aaah okay :p03:20
cody___panlin: if you get an unstable version of compiz :p03:21
panlinmy video card can play compiz03:21
mobi-sheeppanlin: You're unstable. :P03:21
DigitalKiwiisn't that all of them? :P03:21
ring0if i add a script to /etc/cron.daily will it automatically be run or do i have to do anything else with it?03:21
DaZcody__: pastebin whole xorg log03:21
panlinmaybe it because you vedio card03:21
cody___panlin: Mine probably can, if i could get nvidia driver to work and not use the danged nv driver03:21
cody___DaZ: where is xorg log?03:21
panlinif new driver can not, old driver can not03:21
panlinbut can down the video drover03:22
ryan_Does anyone know how to disable the bell in rxvt-unicode?  I've added "set bell-style none" to my .inputrc but that did not work.03:22
cody___panlin: nv is an opensource driver for nvidia, and sucks bad03:22
cody___DaZ: ill get it03:22
barqshow do i connect to a windows 7 remote desktop from my ubuntu machine? i tried rdesktop, but i keep getting unable to connect errors03:22
cody___uhm... daz. I have xorg.0.log, xorg.1.log, xorg.2.log. which do i choose?03:23
cody___and xorg.3.log03:23
DaZcody__: check them for 'nvidia'03:23
cody___DaZ: *chuckle* okay03:23
ari_stressbarqs: maybe you need activate the rdesktop first in windows703:23
Izinucsbarqs: try terminal server client.. same menu..03:23
cody___DaZ: xorg.0.log was it ;)03:24
DaZcody__: pastebin ;f03:24
haven489ubuntu rocks -end of line-03:24
panlinubuntu can make the video card work, if not, you should install the driver by youself03:24
DaZubuntu sucks eof03:24
cody___DaZ: Here ya go: http://pastebin.ca/162850403:24
cody___DaZ: I wub ubuntu :303:24
rattkrkenzi kikriki evri dej03:25
rattjes i krk03:25
cody___panlin: I am installing driver myself. And it totally failed over my comp03:25
zopiachow do i mount my volume read-write? it keeps mounting read-only03:25
rattany croatia people here?03:25
panlinthat's strange03:25
panlinhow you install the driver, you follow the instruction?03:25
cody___I'm thinking of moving my comp to xubuntu since my comp has 256MB sDRAM. though EVERY program reports 512 MB Ram *chuckle*03:25
cody___panlin: Yes, i did03:26
kadajettHello I have a question03:26
* mobi-sheep chuckles too under pretentious 03:26
panlinmaybe lack some *.so*......03:26
cody___panlin: Made sure X was not running, sh Nvi*.run, let it compile module etc...03:26
kadajettIf you guys and gals don't mind03:26
cody___panlin: nvidia_drv.so exists ;)03:26
cody___!ask | kadajett03:26
ubottukadajett: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:26
mobi-sheepkadajett: What is it that your inquiring mind are dying to ask?03:27
sparkyif one wants to do dual boot with windows as the other os. Does one install wndows first or ubuntu first to do it?03:27
xpistoshey couls someone give me a hand mounting my samba shares? I keep getting an error message.03:27
mobi-sheep!dualboot | sparky03:27
ubottusparky: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - MACs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot03:27
kadajettok :) well first off, I have been through the forums already... I have a dv4 1225 laptop and my sound wont work03:27
ryan_Out of curisoity, what IRC clients are people using?03:27
trismryan_: irssi03:27
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mobi-sheepsparky: Read up.  It have been suggested thousand times that installing Windows goes first.03:27
Izinucsryan_: xchat, weechat, irssi and many others.. irssi here.03:27
panlinbut my thinkpad z61t works03:27
sparkygot it03:28
xpistosryan_: pidgin and finch03:28
cody___DaZ: I think im just going to replace xorg.conf with old xorg.conf (original) and restart system (Every single GUI section is user, :0, :1, :2, and :3.03:28
cody___so bbs03:28
panlineverything goes well03:28
cody__im still here on TTY2 btw03:28
ryan_I'm using irssi and have bitlbee going for instant messaging.  I tried finch for a short time, but couldn't get used to how it was virutally a text-based GUI application.  Do you kind of get used to that?03:28
cody__DaZ: Restarting now03:29
DaZhave fun03:29
kadajettIm fairly new to linux which is obvious :P But I followed instructions on the forums but no deal03:29
jodeI just installed Ubuntu 9.04 on an Acer Aspire 5050 and the bluetooth is not working.  How can I get this wroking?03:30
Izinucsjode: did you do all the updates?03:30
panlinI have problems :(03:31
panlinERROR: "fbcon_is_softback" [drivers/video/console/bitblit.ko] undefined!03:31
panlinwhat's this?03:31
cody__im install xubuntu-desktop ;)03:31
jodeIzinucs, yes03:31
* Izinucs points to a box stating Win703:31
panlini try to built kernel03:31
BerserkurCan someone clarify... Is it still recommended to use the hdaps module from tp_smapi or is the kernel module in karmic sufficient?03:32
DaZcody__: yes, 71.86.11 doesn't support xserver 1.6 ;f03:32
sIRCtesting homemake client sIRC03:32
crohakonYou know... one thing I must say for opensuse... I never had this damned problem with sound.03:32
zopiachow do i mount my flash drive as read/write?03:32
kadajettU have a sound problem too???03:32
cody__DaZ: D: Dang, well, im install xubuntu, it is more fit for my system *Chuckle* gonna go eat dinner now ;)03:32
kadajettThats why im here03:32
crohakonkadajett: I have no sound.03:33
crohakonJust installed ubuntu for the first time.03:33
crohakonAnd being a fairly novice user this technical stuff hurts my brain.03:33
The2morrowManHow does Ubuntu (8.04 LTS or 9.04) compare to Debian lenny for a server? Speaking security/stability.03:33
mattgyverzopiac, it depends on what permissions you want root, owner, and others to have, but using chmod03:34
Izinucskadajett: crohakon double click the sound icon up by the clock in the top right of the screen.. make sure 1> it's not muted 2> that all sliders are at the top03:34
crohakonIzinucs: Already checked that...03:34
mattgyverzopiac, chmod 666 is rw for all03:34
kadajettThey are03:34
Izinucskadajett: crohakon with the same window open click edit and preferences.. you'll see more "items" you can enable for viewing.. move those sliders up as well.03:35
Spirits-Sightcan someone help me get my webcam to stream in mplayer03:35
Spirits-Sightit gives a erro when trying to access in on dev/video003:36
zopiacmattgyver: i have my drive mounted at /media/disk-1, and when i input 'sudo chmod 666 /media/disk-1 -R' the drive remains read only03:36
BlueySpirits-Sight: you got farther then I did...03:36
DaZzopiac: what fs? ;f03:36
zopiacDaZ: fat1603:36
crohakonIzinucs: I have tried all that as well.03:37
mattgyverzopiac, have you tried without -R?03:37
DaZhuh :f03:37
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: What are the permissions on /dev/video0 ? (ls -l /dev/video0)03:37
zopiacmattgyver: yes03:37
Izinucszopiac: how about sudo chmod -R 666 /media/disk-103:37
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dmhwhat are the maximum number of ports supported in ethernet bonding?03:37
brandon_can someone tell me how to get flash working03:37
brandon_in karmic03:37
mattgyverbrandon_, download and install the .deb from adobes website, thats the best way03:37
ubottuTo install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash03:37
brandon_thanks matt03:37
kadajettIzinucs: I already looked throught that :) I think it has something to do with my drivers with linux03:38
Spirits-SightBerserkur: it says root "crw-rw-rw-+ 1 root video 81, 0 2009-10-18 18:20 /dev/video0"03:38
F_MadisonI have a corrupt file system, and I need to mount the partition so that I can fsck it, I'm in livecd but I can't remember the correct mount command, and my google skills are apparently more lacking than usual this evening, I'm running on like 3 hours of sleep, could someone assist please?03:38
zopiacok, now it is read-write, but only for root03:38
Berserkurzopiac: Make sure you're a part of the correct groups. You shouldn't have to change permissions03:38
Izinucskadajett: could be.. sound function is wierd on different machines.. some disable pulseaudio and reinstall alsa..03:39
BlueyF_Madison: hang on a sec...03:39
F_MadisonBluey, sure thanks03:39
miles95wat happing ??03:39
brandon_im really liking karmic03:39
brandon_my intel gfx problems have been fixed in karmic03:39
DigitalKiwineed to mount to fsck... >.>03:39
kadajetthow do I reinstall alsa?03:39
Izinucszopiac: also if you're not listed as the owner of the disk then sudo chown <username>:<username> /media/disk-103:40
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: Try sudo usermod -G -a video YourUser03:40
BlueyF_Madison: this will remount /  mount -o remount rw /03:40
Izinucs!audio > kadajett  but expect breakage sometimes03:40
ubottukadajett, please see my private message03:40
Spirits-SightBerserkur: YourUser is my log name right?03:41
BlueyF_Madison: as read/write03:41
kadajettoh sry man didnt see it :P03:41
zopiacIzinucs: chown: changing ownership of `/media/disk-1': Operation not permitted03:41
xpistoshey could someone give me a hand mounting my samba shares? I keep getting an error message.03:41
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: And log out and back in03:41
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: Yes03:41
Sirisian_After making a kernel without using the package way and you have the vmlinux file how do you make the corresponding ramdisk? Does it have something to do with update-initramfs? The README doesn't seem to explain this part03:41
Izinucszopiac: you have to use sudo in front of the command03:41
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: You are adding yourself to the video group with that command03:41
zopiacIzinucs: i did; i did exactly as you said but replaced <username> with a username03:42
xpistosI can access my laptop shares  from the server but not the other way.03:42
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: You can also do it via "System -> Administration -> Users and Groups" if you're using Gnome03:42
Izinucszopiac: "a" username? or your username?03:42
Spirits-SightBerserkur: it says "usermod: group '-a' does not exist"03:42
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Izinucszopiac: wierd..03:42
DaZSpirits-Sight: gpasswd -a user group03:43
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: Try swiching the flags -> usermod -a -G video youruser03:44
obiwan_hi got  a question, i search and search and all i find are openvpn servers howtos, what i need is a client howto to connect to my university vpn server, pptp based03:44
mattgyverzopiac, what kind of device is it, a HDD?03:45
jodeI can't find any tutorials on how to get bluetooth working in an acer aspire anyone here have suggestions?03:45
Spirits-Sightbe back Berserkur03:45
zopiacmattgyver: flash drive03:45
=== Commie_Cary is now known as Lenin_Cat
obiwan_jode don't know, but for macs theres a ubuntu official page showing how to fix some problems, i guess there's another for acer one, it's a pretty common netbook03:46
Dracofodderits been a long time since I tried installing dual boot (linux and windows), does the installer have a way to resize the windows partition, or do I need to free up some disk space with other tools first?03:47
Berserkurobiwan_: Have you tried network-manager-pptp plugin?03:47
BlueyDracofodder: it should allow you to resize the windows partition03:47
BlueyDracofodder: what they don't tell you is - tht when you go to boot windows after re-sizing - you're going to get a bunch of windows errors - it'snormal - and windows will fix them....03:48
obiwan_Dracofodder: , if you got empty space you can resize, but if it's full you'll need to clean it up first03:48
DracofodderBluey: thanks, I was planning to give the install a try tomorrow, got a new laptop from work, but I cannot just wipe the whole thing and put something useful on it.  I have to have their stuff available.03:49
Berserkurobiwan_: sudo apt-get install network-manager-pptp - And after that you should be able to connect to pptp servers via the "nm-applet"03:49
obiwan_Berserkur: , i didn't know about that pluggin, but anyway i *** hate nm hehe and openssh works great, so i thought openvpn would03:49
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Sirisian_okay I think I figured it out. Each kernel needs it's own ram disk so I can just use update-initramfs -c -k 2.6.28-15 to make a new one right and rename it so it matches the kernel give or take and then run update-grub and it should make everything work right? It's odd that the kernel readme doesn't explain this stuff.03:49
Dracofodderobiwan_: thanks, figured that. new machine, should be good.  I was just worried I would have to go huntin some third party resizing tool. its been years since I have had to be careful to preserve the windows stuff.03:50
BlueyDracofodder: best of luck03:50
DaZSirisian_: you can do this without a ramdisk03:50
DaZsomehow [;03:50
miles95how is every103:50
obiwan_xP i think my thanks were to Bluey  !:D03:51
Sirisian_DaZ, you're very helpful :P I'm just looking for the correct way. Apparently this is supposed to be one of those "obvious" steps that doesn't require documentation03:51
Berserkurobiwan_: Well you can always just install the pptp client03:51
Omen20hi. I've always heard 32bit OSs top out at around 3GB of RAM. What does 64bit Ubuntu top out at?03:52
obiwan_thanks to me? nope, i mean that draco thanked me instead of you  haha it's surely a typo xd03:52
Spirits-SightBerserkur: it says "An erro occurred   Location not found" thats what mPlayer is saying when I try and stream the webcam into it http:///dev/video003:53
obiwan_Berserkur: ok, but can't i do it with openvpn? openssh works just so good.... hehe03:53
Zaptorman how the hell are tarballs even usefull? they are just stupid its like u need the sudo apt for it to install anything03:53
Blueydoes anyone know any linux media players that will decode closed captioning on DVDs?  Totem and mplayer do NOT!03:54
cody__rebooting into XFCE03:54
jph_2 questions: 1.) If my SSH session, for lack of a better word, "times out" when I don't do anything for a bit; how do i change that "timeout" time?  2.) now that a session has timed out, when i start a new session and run the command 'who' it returns 2 users both me... How do i log the other dead session out?03:54
Sirisian_DaZ, do you know how to do it with the ramdisk way? I'm getting an error like "update-initramfs: failed for /boot/initrd." ...03:55
DaZSirisian_: i don't but ramdisk is easy03:55
obiwan_jph_: about second i got no answer, about first maybe in the ssh config file /etc/ssh/ssh_config there's some entry for time out03:56
DaZSirisian_: i'm using mkinitcpio and it's just -g path03:56
DaZbut i'm not sure if ubuntu has it ;f03:57
jph_ok i will go look right now03:57
jph_anyone else?03:57
metalacHey guys, not a linux newbie, but have a weird problem.  My board's SATA can't work without the acpi=off option during boot, so i decided to use the add-on sata card instead, but for some reason i still have to do acpi=off any idea why?  i think acpi=off is causing my problems witch are basically slow I/O be it sata, usb etc.  Thanks03:58
psinetichey guys. I'm trying to get gyachi to encode webcam screenshots automatically. i went ahead and ran in terminal: sudo apt-get install mencoder and it installed, but i can't seem to find any instrucitons on what to do after that. anyone can help please?03:58
Zaptorso i have got a question... who makes linux stuff? is it like universitys or what?03:58
psineticzaptor, it's everyday people like you and me03:58
Sirisian_DaZ, I guess I find it odd that the README explains how to set everything up but doesn't explain how to set up the ram disk. Can you just use ramdisks between kernels if they are the same kernel version or something?03:58
DaZZaptor: it just magically appears03:58
psineticanyone know any answers to my question?03:59
DigitalKiwilinux software is like dwarfs, they just pop up from holes in the ground03:59
Spirits-SightBerserkur: it says "An erro occurred   Location not found" thats what mPlayer is saying when I try and stream the webcam into it http:///dev/video0  I ran the cmd u said and switched the flag and it worked, restart system and get the above errror03:59
DaZSirisian_: you should use your own ramdisk imo :f03:59
Sirisian_DaZ, can I just make a copy of another one? I mean the command doesn't work apparently to make a new ramdisk.04:00
psinetichey guys. I'm trying to get gyachi to encode webcam screenshots automatically. i went ahead and ran in terminal: sudo apt-get install mencoder and it installed, but i can't seem to find any instrucitons on what to do after that. anyone can help please?04:00
obiwan_i didn't remember your nick Berserkur thanks to spirits i can ask again :P do you know how openvpn can join pptp vpn networks? if not, then i can try pptp04:00
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: Ok, then it's not a permission problem. Show me the mplayer command04:00
vtec_Hey my speakers keep randomly stop working, I have ALSA I took out pulse audio a few months ago, but like when I turn my pc on I hear the Ubuntu log on sounds but sometime when I go to my music player (Rythmbox) or youtube, my sound doesnt work, ive tried using sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart and the problem keeps happening04:01
Spirits-SightBerserkur: I am doing it from the GUI user open location04:01
psinetichey guys. I'm trying to get gyachi to encode webcam screenshots automatically. i went ahead and ran in terminal: sudo apt-get install mencoder and it installed, but i can't seem to find any instrucitons on what to do after that. anyone can help please?04:01
DaZSirisian_: you can try, but it makes compilation pointless imo <:04:01
Sirisian_DaZ, what do you mean?04:02
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Sirisian_hmm DaZ I'm getting somewhere I tried passing kernel version 2.6 and it said "kernel 2.6 too old for initramfs on i386"04:03
jph_obiwan_: thanks but i just read that file... didn't see anything about time out? any other ideas?04:03
DaZidk ;f04:04
psineticonce i install a new application, where do i go in linux to find it?04:04
jph_wait i might have lied04:04
DaZpsinetic: menus or console04:05
panlinlocate **04:05
psineticdaz, no, i mean browsing it04:05
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: Right... Well, I haven't tried a webcam from mplayer. Have you tried vlc?04:05
Spirits-SightBerserkur: I just tryed using the term also and not able find location or something like that04:05
DaZpsinetic: list package files04:05
Spirits-Sightone sec will try04:06
vtec_Hey my speakers keep randomly stop working, I have ALSA I took out pulse audio a few months ago, but like when I turn my pc on I hear the Ubuntu log on sounds but sometime when I go to my music player (Rythmbox) or youtube, my sound doesnt work, ive tried using sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart and the problem keeps happening04:06
psineticDaz, I=ubuntu newbie, and i have no idea what you just said04:06
psineticif i'm using nautilus, how do i find my apps04:06
crohakonHow do I get root access in my terminal window?04:06
Spirits-SightBerserkur: what do I type for that program?04:06
vtec_croha type sudo before your command04:06
psineticcrohakon, sudo -i04:06
metalacHey guys, not a linux newbie, but have a weird problem.  My board's SATA can't work without the acpi=off option during boot, so i decided to use the add-on sata card instead, but for some reason i still have to do acpi=off any idea why?  i think acpi=off is causing my problems witch are basically slow I/O be it sata, usb etc.  Thanks04:07
kadajettHey I downloaded a program and I got a .so file04:07
kadajetthow do i use it?04:07
DaZmetalac: unfortunately this channel is for newbies >:04:07
thiscomputerdoes any one know how i can change the names of the applications menu and perhaps get the windows key to launch the applications menu04:07
panlincp *.so /usr/lib ???04:07
vtec_thiscomputer right click applications on ur panel and then hit preferences04:08
Sirisian_DaZ, I got it working. Thanks for helping me to bounce ideas around04:08
metalacDaZ: damn :), but mine is definitely a newbie problem, i just can't figure out what is wrong04:08
psinetichow do i find my applications using nautilus (browsing for them directly)04:08
Mike_lifeguardHi, I'm trying to get svnserve up & running, but it is denying authentication attempts from clients when the client is definitely using the correct password. Has this been encountered before?04:08
kadajettUmmmmm well I downloaded flash tar . gz04:08
kadajettand I got an so file04:08
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durtpsinetic, binaries are usually installed to /usr/bin04:09
psineticthank you04:09
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: sudo apt-get install vlc04:09
DaZmetalac: have you tried any other distro? :f04:09
jph_Ok I have a section in sshd_config talking about lifetime and size of ephemeral version 1 server key dose that have anything to do with my issue04:09
metalacDaZ: nah, not on this box, but I just found this: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingACPI might help me narow down what the real problem is since acpi=off is kind of broad04:09
panlincopy it to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins04:10
obiwan_jph_: i searched a little and can't find anything helpful, but i read that servers can timeout clients if they not work in some time, maybe you're getting fired by the server04:10
psineticGAH!!!! it's not even in there >_> i'm trying to set mencoder to automatically encode my webcam screenshots in the yahoo messenger alternate, gyachi. >_>04:10
panlinkadajett , copy copy it to /usr/lib/mozilla/pluginsit to04:10
Spirits-SightBerserkur: I did that and ran vlc dev/video0 and got this http://pastebin.com/d1aeb5fdb04:10
obiwan_please anyone will help me to join a vpn pptp net with openvpn?04:11
panlinkadajett,copy it to copy it to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins04:11
jph_obiwan_ thats what it acts like04:11
obiwan_i love openssh so i'd like to use openvpn04:11
DaZpanlin: lolwut?04:11
obiwan_jph_: what i found is a setting for keeping alive connections, if you don't do antyhing in a time, yuor client sends a signal to esver so it won't throw you out04:12
psineticnvm looks like no one knows anything about mencoder or gyachi in here. i'll just go back to google where no one knows anything about it there either.04:12
kadajettohhhh tyyyyyy lol04:12
kadajettproblem #100000 fixed lol04:12
panlinthen you can use flash player04:12
kadajettIll remember that :P04:12
DaZpanlin: i herd you like copying04:12
DaZso i put cp in your cp so you can copy while you copy ;f04:13
panlinthanks :(04:13
DaZcool dots04:13
panlinoh my god, my english is poor04:14
BlueyI'm trying to find a Linux Media Player that will decode closed  captioning on DVDs. closed captioning != subtitles  I have tried:  totem, mplayer, and vlc -- they do subtitles, but NOT  closed captioning.04:14
panlinthen you can use smplayer04:14
Blueypanlin: not tried that one...04:14
Mike_lifeguardBluey: Would you please make sure there is a bug filed against VLC for that? It should do it.04:14
kadajettit said I dont have the right permitions04:15
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panlinwhen i use slackware, it works well04:15
vtec_Hey my speakers keep randomly stop working, I have ALSA I took out pulse audio a few months ago, but like when I turn my pc on I hear the Ubuntu log on sounds but sometime when I go to my music player (Rythmbox) or youtube, my sound doesnt work, ive tried using sudo /etc/init.d/alsa-utils restart and the problem keeps happening04:15
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: Just open vlc normally and select Media -> Open capture device04:15
BlueyMike_lifeguard: not a bug -- it's a feature that's not present04:15
pfifohow can i broadcast pre-recorded video clips to an rtmp server, specifically livecast.com04:15
psinetichey guys. I'm trying to get gyachi to encode webcam screenshots automatically. i went ahead and ran in terminal: sudo apt-get install mencoder and it installed, but i can't seem to find any instrucitons on what to do after that. anyone can help please?04:15
psinetichey guys. I'm trying to get gyachi to encode webcam screenshots automatically. i went ahead and ran in terminal: sudo apt-get install mencoder and it installed, but i can't seem to find any instrucitons on what to do after that. anyone can help please?04:15
FloodBot2psinetic: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.04:15
Mike_lifeguardBluey: Sure, but we still call them bugs (it is shorter that "enhancement request")04:16
obiwan_jph_: ServerAliveInterval 5 for example to send every 5 idle seconds a signal to server04:16
panlinwhen you built mplayer, you can get mencoder04:16
crohakonhow do I change file permissions without being logged into root?04:16
Blueyvlc version VLC media player 0.9.9a Grishenko04:16
MindSparkhi, does anyone know what exa/axa/uxa in the driver section of xorg.conf are ?04:16
kadajettpanlin: it says I dont have the right permissions04:16
bostongeek24is there a problem with 9.0.4 netbook remix04:16
bostongeek24i cannot burn the image to a cd04:17
panlinwhat permissions?04:17
pfifocrohakon, same as if you were root, chmod, but it only works on files you own04:17
Spirits-SightBerserkur: Your input can't be opened: VLC is unable to open the MRL 'v4l2://dev/video0'. Check the log for details.04:17
bostongeek24when i try i get an error saying the file is currpted04:17
kadajettidk lol I tried draggin and dropping it04:17
bostongeek24the md5 checksum is the same04:17
obiwan_jph_:  echo ServerAliveInterval number_in_seconds >> /etc/ssh/ssh_config04:17
pfifohow can i broadcast pre-recorded video clips to an rtmp server, specifically livecast.com04:17
bostongeek24but when i try to burn a fedora image it works fine04:17
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: Paste that into a terminal and try the same thing again: LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so" vlc04:17
psineticpanllin, that doesn't tell me how to encode the files, or set gyachi how to do this automatically04:17
bostongeek24so i think there some there wrong wit the netbook remix images04:18
obiwan_jph_: watch out for >> , not >, second will kill your file04:18
panlinI'am , i dont know04:18
obiwan_please anyone will help me to join a vpn pptp net with openvpn?04:18
psineticdoesn't seem like anyone else knows either. go figure04:18
Spirits-SightBerserkur: here the things thats confusing, I can see the video in guvc?04:19
Berserkurobiwan_: I don't think pptp is supported by openvpn04:19
bostongeek24can someone help me?04:19
obiwan_Berserkur: but vpn is for pritave networks right?04:19
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit04:19
obiwan_Berserkur: my university has a vpn ,04:19
ubuntuHello, i tried to create a bootable usbdrive (persistent) i used the "usb startup disk creator" through a liveCD but im not sure if it will be persitent, because on boot it asks if i want to install or04:19
kadajetthow can I change root files?04:19
kadajettit wont give me permission04:20
bostongeek24can someone help me please04:20
Berserkurobiwan_: pptp is a microsoft protocol and it's rather unsecure. The encryption is weak04:20
pfifowelcome back everyone04:20
MindSparkok, now that we're back...04:20
MindSparkhi, does anyone know what exa/axa/uxa in the driver section of xorg.conf are ?04:20
ubuntuus this a netsplit04:20
bostongeek24i need help04:20
bostongeek24can somene help me04:20
ubuntuboston with what?>04:20
obiwan_Berserkur: yeah, but i'm just a student i can't ask them to change it04:21
ubuntuim scared haha04:21
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: Yes, the thing is; There is a specific library that programs should be using for webcam support but not all packages have been modified to use it04:21
Mike_lifeguardMindSpark: They are different acceleration methods04:21
obiwan_Berserkur: anyway, if openvpn is a vpn client, it should join vpn networks right?04:21
Mike_lifeguard!intel | MindSpark04:21
ubottuMindSpark: Ubuntu 9.04 has a known regression for some Intel graphics support. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/IntelPerformance and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1130582 for more information.04:21
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about FloodBot304:21
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macoBerserkur: meaning v4l?04:22
Mike_lifeguardMindSpark: That will have info04:22
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: So some programs work and some dont, right now. You should be able to run them with this LD_PRELOAD thing in the front04:22
Berserkurmaco: Yes04:22
MindSparkMike_lifeguard, thanks !04:22
bostongeek24@ubuntu i am trying to burn netbook remix to an dvd but the program im using is saying the image is currpted but the md5 checksum is the same however i tried burning a fedora diisk using the same program and it works so i think theres a problem with netbook remix images04:22
bostongeek24@ubuntu i tried different mirros04:22
brok4wait was that a netsplit?04:22
Spirits-SightBerserkur: what I am trying to do is get zoneMinder to work and was told if can't get work in other program it would be easer to get it work with other program then it should be fine in Zone Minder04:22
brok4Hello, i tried to create a bootable usbdrive (persistent) i used the "usb startup disk creator" through a liveCD but im not sure if it will be persitent, because on boot it asks if i want to install or "try"04:23
crohakonOkay, so I finally got sound to work... however, not with my head phones. Kind of. I have to not fully plug my head phones in to hear sound from them. They work fine in windows.04:23
LinuX2halfCan GRUB boot CDs?04:23
Berserkurobiwan_: That's fine. You can use a linux pptp client04:23
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Berserkurobiwan_: But openvpn does not support pptp to my knowledge04:23
brok4i think lilo does? i might be wrong...04:23
shawn_Anybody know anything about tunneling browser traffic through SSH on Ubuntu>?04:23
pfifobostongeek24, try burning it in a different program04:23
obiwan_Berserkur: ok then04:24
panlinyou can use k3b04:24
bostongeek24@pfiflo i did04:24
obiwan_Berserkur: i'll try pptp brb to tell u hehe04:24
bostongeek24@pfiflo the disk wont boot then04:24
brandon_Anyone around able to help me with a webcam issue..?04:24
testehi all04:24
pfifobostongeek24, can you mount the image?04:24
bostongeek24@pfifo haven't tried04:25
bostongeek24@pfifo how do i do that04:25
pfifobostongeek24, sudo mount -o loop image.iso /mnt04:25
bostongeek24@pfifo im using windows to do this not linux04:25
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bostongeek24can someone try download netbook remix and see if they can burn the image04:26
testewhere is file of configuraction to inetd on ubuntu?04:26
pfifobostongeek24, ohh, then you cant mount it04:26
brok4im booted into the usb right now... is there anything i can do to get grub or lilo or anything on here04:26
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brandon_Looking for help with a webcam04:27
dfthow can I reset hte startup manager settings?04:27
brok4whats up brandon_04:27
pfifobostongeek24, dose your file end with .iso or .img04:27
dftI was mucking around with a new splash screen and buggered everything up04:28
bostongeek24@pfifo .img04:28
bostongeek24@pfifo im redownloading it using firefox instead of ie04:28
dftnow all I get is the boot text04:28
pfifobostongeek24, thats not meant to be burned to a cd, its meant to be copued to a flashdrive (sort of)04:28
bostongeek24@pfifo so how do i burn it?04:29
pfifobostongeek24, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromImgFiles04:29
pfifofollow that link04:29
DigitalKiwibostongeek24: you don't burn it04:29
Spirits-SightBerserkur: did you get my last post?04:29
bostongeek24thanks evetyone04:30
bostongeek24that definetly solves the problem04:30
brok4Any help04:30
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: Yes, I'm just playing around with my webcam04:30
pfifohow can i broadcast pre-recorded video clips to an rtmp server, specifically livecast.com04:31
gafirHello, I would like to know the command to free space in /tmp -- thanks for your help04:31
Spirits-SightBerserkur: thanks04:31
joseph_how do I switch to root in terminal?04:31
X-Sleepy-XHi! Why is it that in the main menu the shortcut for GIMP uses gimp-2.6 %U but when I use that command as a keyboard shortcut GIMP complains about the directory?04:31
pfifojoseph_, `sudo -s`or `su`04:31
hipitihopIf I have a pc stalling while loading grub and then falls back to grub prompt, how can I tell what's up ?04:32
brooksbpdoes anybody here use dwm?04:33
Jordan_Uhipitihop: No error message?04:33
pfifohipitihop, possibly cheak out /boot/grub/menu.lst and see what exactly your trying to boot04:33
panfisthow do i install a newer kernel04:33
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pfifopanfist, through update manager04:33
panfistpfifo ahead of the distro04:34
panfisti need a driver that requires 2.6.3204:34
Jordan_Upanfist: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/MainlineBuilds?action=show&redirect=KernelMainlineBuilds04:34
gafirbtw: freeing space in /tmp means removing files correct?04:34
pfifopanfist, if you really want todo that youll have to compile by hand04:34
panfistthanks jordan_u04:34
Jordan_Upanfist: np04:34
panfistpfifo if thats what i gotta do, then thats what i'll do04:35
joseph_what should /etc/modules be chmod as?04:35
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: try LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so" mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:fps=30:device=/dev/video0 tv://04:36
pfifojoseph_, 064404:36
peterrrhi people04:36
pfifojoseph_, thats what mine is by default04:36
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: You might need to correct some typos in there04:36
joseph_perfect, thanks =)04:37
Spirits-SightBerserkur: that worked, now will that make things work in other apps or not?04:38
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: No, this only shows you the webcam04:38
Spirits-SightBerserkur: it worked :-)04:39
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: Putting this LD_PRELOAD="/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so" in front of webcam programs will often make things work04:39
bobinoProblem connecting usb devices on jaunty jackalope keep getting device descriptor /64 error 11004:40
xpistoshey guys, I installed LXDE but when I am in GNOME it is using pacman as my file manager and I want nautilus as the default fm in gnome?04:40
gafirwhat is the command used to know % free of a directory? Thanks04:41
pfifogafir, freespace of a directory? to get freespace for every 'partition' use `df -h`04:41
mrnicelupeBy the sounds of it he wants to clear it out, pfifo?04:42
pfifogafir, boot up a live cd, mount your partition and then delete everything in /tmp, to make things even tidier, add an entry in /etc/fstab to mount a tmpfs on /tmp04:43
peterrrhey guys, I'm new to Linux and I'm trying to partition an external hdd so I can wr on Linux and Mac, is there such file system that allows that?04:43
bobinoneed work around for dell keyboard and mouse not loading with jaunty jackalope04:43
StockBrianbobino, generic Dell k/m ?04:44
pfifopeterrr, i use fat32 for win/linux compatibilty, i assume mac supports fat3204:44
shauno_peterrr: I believe the mac's filesystem should work fine, as long as you don't opt for the 'Journaled' option04:44
peterrrpfifo, yes, but you can't transfer files over 2GB04:44
bobinostockbrian: I believe so yes04:44
pfifopeterrr, windows has drivers fr ext2/3, there are probbally something similar for mac04:45
bobinostockbrian: how do I find out?04:45
XStatikAnyone here have any suggestions for what to use to run a mail server on ubuntu04:45
StockBrianbobino, are they both USB?04:45
bobinostockbrian: yes04:45
anarki2004anybody know why one of my HDDs is no longer visible? It was initially visible but inaccessible and now I cant see it at all. I remember the original error mentioning something about the partitions on the drive04:46
pfifoXStatik, yes, i use EXIM4 for sendmail binary for use with php5's mail() function, it installed smoothly and was up and running in no time (that is if your looking for a MTA)04:46
peterrrshauno: I'll give it a shot, but I partitioned this drive before using MAC and it was READ-ONLY04:46
StockBrianbobino, I've seen generic Dell K/M's load up fine on many versions of Linux. Forgive the silly question but you've done all the silly troubleshooting like swapping USB ports and stuff?04:46
crohakonI have sound, but if I plug in my headphones I hear nothing. Any ideas on why it is not working? I already checked to make sure they were not muted. They work fine in windows.04:47
bobinostockbrian: I just don't want to have to buy logiteck or microsoft04:47
bobinostockbrian: yes04:47
shauno_peterrr: I've had it working in the past, with 'mac os extended', but no case-sensitive or journaled.  I don't remember what it took, however04:47
XStatikpfifo, just looking for something i can run with a drupal system so users can register and make accounts04:47
XStatikThe registration system isnt working because my server doesnt have a mail system going on it04:47
shauno_peterrr: you can use ext2 via macfuse also, if you want to try the other way around04:47
necr0tikanyone know about configuring proftpd? I am having some issues when I issue a MKD, it says the perms are wrong when I log in as adminftp. config @ http://pastebin.com/f163e5c6b04:48
pfifoXStatik, drupal is php right, exim4 works great, let me see if i can find that howto i followed04:48
bobinostockbrian: in the boot sequence the errors strart popping up after ''loading blue tooth''04:48
peterrrshauno: nothing less then ext4, what I read ext2 corrupts files badly so as ext3, just read about it, didn't test it04:49
StockBrianbobino, I'm not sure that's related.04:49
Spirits-SightBerserkur: is there something I can do to fix this so that that not need to be done?04:49
bobinostockbrian: then I get device can't read adress 4 or somethibng like that04:49
BerserkurFor hdaps; What is the recommended module to use. Is it the kernel one (2.6.31) or is it still the tp_smapi modules?04:49
pfifoXStatik, no, i cleared my history, but the only think i had to do is allow remote email in the configuration, and the configuration was ncurses based so it was a breeze04:49
* cappicard watches XP install in virtual box04:50
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: Not that I know of. I don't know to much about this webcam stuff. It will be fixed in future releases. For now I think you need to use it that way04:50
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: It's not that horrible. Just do LD_PRELOAD="toLazyToTypePath" <program>04:52
BerserkurWithout the <> of course04:52
webbb82im trying to compile  the raptor menu  but i get a error can someone take a look at this its pretty small  please04:52
SilverFo1I'm trying to help a friend fix a sound problem remotely, and it seems as though su can use the sound device, but my user cannot.  I've able to run a player with sudo successfully, but not as my user account: http://www.pastebin.ca/162869904:53
pfifoso many comcast users in here, poor guys04:53
SilverFo1is this because I'm not in a needed group, or because something in /dev has the wrong permission/ownership?04:53
Spirits-SightBerserkur: I don't see how to do this with zoneminder04:53
Spirits-Sightits a web interface04:53
StockBrianbobino, Keyboard and mouse do not work? Are both plugged independently into USB ports/04:54
webbb82it says  include could not find load file:04:54
webbb82    NepomukAddOntologyClasses04:54
bobinostockbrian : yes, everuting works fine when I boot in vista04:54
bobinostockbrian: its only ubuntu...04:55
BerserkurSilverFo1: Try sudo usermod -a -G audio YourFriendsUser04:55
StockBrianbobino, understood. thanks..   one sec04:55
necr0tikanyone know about configuring proftpd? I am having some issues when I issue a MKD, it says the perms are wrong when I log in as adminftp. config @ http://pastebin.com/f163e5c6b04:55
hipitihopJordan_U: not anymore afaik, kids reckon it was complaining about not enough disk space but when I grabbed the drive (it is a usb attached hdd) and looked on my machine it seemed to have plenty of freespace... now just sits at loading grub then drops to prompt04:55
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BerserkurSilverFo1: And log him out and back in04:56
FlannelBerserkur, SilverFo1: `adduser username group` is easier than usermod04:56
SilverFo1Berserkur: that was it.  Thanks, you saved me some time randomly trial/erroring.  :)04:57
SilverFo1Flannel: does that work with existing users though?04:57
pfifohipitihop, can you get it to boot through the grub menu?04:57
Jordan_Uhipitihop: From the prompt try running "configfile (hd0,0)/boot/grub/menu.lst"04:57
BerserkurSilverFo1: You're welcome04:57
FlannelSilverFo1: Yes.  useradd when used as "useradd username group" adds username to group04:57
webbb82and it says CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:9 (include):04:58
webbb82  include could not find load file:04:58
crohakonAnyone know a good place to get gnome themes?04:58
DaZcrohakon: gnome-look? :f04:58
BoxMagnetcrohakon, gnome-look.org04:58
BoxMagnetarg parrot.04:58
Jordan_Ucrohakon: art.gone.org also04:58
pfifowebbb82, are you trying to compile something from scratch?04:58
Jordan_Ucrohakon: *art.gnome.org04:59
webbb82raptor menu from source04:59
webbb82pfifo, this is what im doing    http://www.raptor-menu.org/download04:59
Spirits-SightBerserkur: I just found this does this help in figure out how to make it work just by doing mplayer /dev/video005:00
Spirits-Sightmplayer tv:// -tv driver=v4l2:width=640:height=480:device=/dev/video005:00
DaZ!find raptor05:00
ubottuFound: libraptor1, libraptor1-dev, libraptor1-doc, raptor-utils, kraptor (and 1 others)05:00
DaZpf ;f05:00
pfifowebbb82, im not familiar with raptor but my biggest problem with compiling packages on ubuntu is having to install all the -dev packages, like for example php needs libjpeg which i have on my system but the include files are in a package called libjpeg-dev05:00
BerserkurFlannel: Thanks, will check that out05:00
StockBrianbobino, don't paste back, but try "lsusb" in the terminal, are any devices showing error?05:01
steve2can anyone help me with my ubuntu 9.04 im new to this software05:02
bobinostockbrian: in the vista command prompt?05:02
pfifowebbb82, it says its still expermental, but did you install kdelibs from the svn?05:02
Lance342  /j linux05:02
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: No, you either always use the command that I gave you or put the settings into a config05:02
StockBrianno, the linux terminal.05:02
StockBrianum.. like the Linux Command Prompt05:02
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: You can probably put it into ~/.mplayer/config05:02
bobinostockbrian: I can't get in Linux because my mouse and keyboard are not responding...05:03
keith_I have 2 mouse buttons mapping to the same thing. anyone know how to fix that?05:03
Jordan_Usteve2: Ask a question and if anyone can help they will :)05:03
StockBrianbobino, ah.. sorry, I assume it's not a laptop..05:03
pfifowebbb82, yeah it says you need to get the absolute latest source for kdelibs, which requires you to use subversion to fetch the package05:03
bobinostockbrian: no05:03
Spirits-SightBerserkur: thanks05:03
bobinostockbrian: desktop05:03
webbb82pfifo, ddo you know where i can find that05:04
steve2wondering why I cant put my password into my terminal when I am trying to install somthing05:04
DaZlatest stable kdelibs <:05:04
StockBrianbobino, many internet searches show that after booting into Linux, unplugging and replugging keyboards sometimes works.05:04
Flannelsteve2: You can, it just doesn't display anything while you're typing it for security reasons05:04
StockBrianbobino, it's not a solution, but it might allow further troubleshooting.05:04
Rabbitbunnysteve2: It doesn't show what you type, you are typing.05:04
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: You could make a script and put it in /usr/local/bin05:04
=== shauno_ is now known as shauno
steve2I just typed in k ill check05:04
pfifowebbb82, no not off the top of my head, i would goto kde.org and take a look around the site, look for the development snapshots05:04
bobinostockbrian: at one poitn I saw the LED flash for a split second un der my mouse...but that it05:05
steve2just says try again05:05
steve2its blank05:05
Rabbitbunnysteve2: enter the user password, not the root password.05:05
steve2thats what I am trying to do the curser doesnt move nothing its like my keyboard freezes05:06
bobinostockbrian: worst case scenario: i'll have to buy a new mouse and keyboard05:06
steve2I just reinstalled with a clean install05:06
Rabbitbunnysteve2: Right, the cursor won't move.05:06
Rabbitbunnysteve2: quit looking at the screen and type it.05:06
steve2i typed it in and it just says try again i only used 1 pass when i set it up so I figure that should be it05:07
StockBrianbobino, yeah, without any inquiries to linux, I can't see what's wrong. I suggested digging more around the internet for options.. many say unplug-replug works...   Good Luck.05:07
mb_again_bobino: when you hit numlock/capslock/scrolllock on your keyboard does the light change state?05:07
bobinostockbrian: cab you give me some references I could use?05:07
StockBrianbobino, sure one second.05:07
steve2now it worked thanks05:08
pfifosteve2, its definatly your keyboard, try putting it in the dishwasher to clean it ;)05:08
kilocan anyone tell me where/how I can create a new crontab?05:08
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: try sudo echo "#/bin/bash" > /usr/local/bin/webmplayer ; sudo echo "LD_PRELOAD=\"/usr/lib/libv4l/v4l1compat.so\" mplayer -tv driver=v4l2:fps=30:device=/dev/video0 tv://" >> /usr/local/bin/webmplayer05:09
steve2lol this is my 3rd one in the last year damn kids keep pulling off my desk05:09
bobinomb_again: didn't try that05:09
pfifokilo `man corntab` rtfm05:09
bobinomb_again: when I try to type my password...nothing happens though05:09
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: Nevermind that. I'll give you a pastebin05:09
steve2thanks guys im out05:09
ChrononSo, after rebooting my Eee PC running Jaunty won't run in anything but 800x600.  I restored xorg.conf and it didn't help.  I currently suspect my monitors.xml needs fixing. . .05:10
mb_again_kilo: crontab -e will edit the crontab of the current user. When you save the file you will have a new crontab. It is usually better for hourly/daily scripts to link them into cron.hourly etc and let the system babysit them05:10
pfifoChronon, i have an eeepc and have always used the exact same xorg.conf for all installs, works like a charm05:10
ChrononYeah.  I don't think it's an xorg.conf problem.05:11
StockBrianbobino, one good one I use all the time is https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bugs05:11
Sirisian_When I use make to create a kernel rathern the package method the file type of vmlinux is "ELF 32-bit LSB executable, Intel 80386, version 1" Shouldn't it be: "Linux kernel x86 boot executable RO-rootFS, root_" ?05:11
=== Sirisian_ is now known as Sirisian
Chrononpfifo: The current one and my backup look the same.  Restoring my backup xorg.conf didn't help.05:12
mb_again_!xorg > Chronon05:12
ubottuChronon, please see my private message05:12
pfifoChronon, well im still using 8.04 on my eee, so i cant really say for sure. I can pastebin my xorg.conf if you like05:12
BerserkurSpirits-Sight: Are you still there?05:12
bobinostockbrian: wow thanx....so much info...hours of reading...fun05:13
kilomb_again_, how do I link them? I'm trying to get GNUCash to check stock prices daily / hourly... I have the command, just need to know how to let the system run it every so-often05:13
mb_again_Chronon: ubuntu generally sidesteps the xorg files and sets up the screen anohter way05:13
Chrononubottu: I'm consulting the link you sent me.  Thanks05:13
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:13
zcat[1]hmmmm.. if I preorder karmic cds from shipit I'm not going to have them in time for a release party on the 31st am I?05:14
pfifoubottu, your sexy and intelligent05:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:14
StockBrianbobino, It's all searchable... Good Luck.05:14
distrohopperubottu: you just have low self esteem05:14
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:14
ubottuPlease investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".05:14
crohakonWhats a good mp3 player?05:15
StockBrianWindow Media Player.05:15
distrohoppercrohakon: do you want something minimal? audacious05:15
Rabbitbunnycrohakon: rhythmbox05:15
prince_jammys!players | crohakon05:15
ubottucrohakon: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs05:15
zcat[1]ROFL wmp...05:15
pfifoi use mplayer for litterally everything05:15
Sirisianoh that's why I get a vmlinux and a vmlinux.o file. Maybe I'm not supposed to use the make command? I'm just following the readme though which looks like it's wrong then.05:15
pfifowinamp runs perfect in wine too05:15
mb_again_kilo: write the shell script (perl bash whatever) the normal way so it does the work and either writes the result to a known location or prints it as standard output. Put the script in /usr/local/bin. When all is working clean, you go to, say, /etc/cron.hourly/ and do ln -s /usr/local/bin/myworkerscript that creates the symlink. Then the cron process picks it up just after every hour and runs it. As said above, details in all the man05:15
mb_again_ pages05:15
|biovore|mplayer is nice.. it will even play pancakes.. :-P05:15
mankashis there any package like avimerge05:16
peterrrI like Audacious05:16
distrohopperI think this channel has no sense of humor05:16
prince_jammysit has a smidgeon05:16
mb_again_kilo: if you have the script output the results to standard output (write them) then cron will mail you the results05:16
distrohopperone time at band camp..05:16
zcat[1]I used to like amarok but then they 'improved' it and it really sucks now.05:16
peterrrdistrohopper: it's a teradork channel ;)05:17
kilomb_again_, ok thanks... I think I get it...05:17
distrohopperlol peterrr05:17
=== Mike_ is now known as Guest71841
anon^_^Is anyone familiar if theres a key combination to lock the screen --> screensaver05:18
anon^_^rather than selecting it in the top right corner05:18
|biovore|locks the screen05:18
pfifoanon^_^, yeah alt+f405:18
anon^_^Thanks lbiovorel05:18
distrohopperpfifo: that worked back in the day with mIRC05:18
zcat[1]anon^_^, alt-L05:18
anon^_^pfifo, not falling for that05:18
kilomb_again_, couldn't I just copy the script directly into /etc/cron.hourly?05:18
pfifo|biovore|, thanks that will come in handy05:18
mb_again_(wow it does, thanks pfifo)05:19
pfifokilo, yes05:19
kilopfifo, ok cool, thx05:19
pfifokilo, chmod 0755 too05:19
panfistis there an easy way to benchmark basic 2d performance?05:20
mb_again_kilo: sure you could do that, but then I would have to find out where you live and come over and kill you. Using a symlink dodges certain errors.05:20
StockBrianQUESTION: I have an RPM package to install but Jaunty doesn't recognize it. Any help?05:20
Roastedwhats the terminal command for adding a user to a group05:20
zcat[1]StockBrian, alien?05:20
kilomb_again_, LOL ... thanks05:20
mneptokStockBrian: what is the package?05:20
zcat[1]!alien | StockBrian05:20
StockBrianArchive Type not supported.05:20
ubottuStockBrian: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)05:20
pfifoStockBrian, get the *.deb package05:21
RabbitbunnyRoasted: addgroup groupadd, something like that.05:21
mneptok"dangerous" being an understatement05:21
StockBrianpfifo, thanks, I'll try.. not sure if it's offered.05:21
pfifodebian > redhat05:21
Naddixi have been having some trouble with the iwl3945 drivers and was trying to install ipwraw-ng drivers but am getting module error05:21
distrohopperTest #151, how to get kicked from #ubuntu.. say VAGINA!05:22
pfifoTest 151: Failed05:23
distrohopperfo sho05:23
distrohopperI'm actually in shoock05:23
distrohopper*shock too05:23
Naddixis it posible to install a older kernel in a newer version of ubuntu05:23
Jordan_UNaddix: Yes but there might be problems, why?05:24
pfifoNaddix, yes, are you talking 2.4 tho?05:24
Naddixwell just cause im not sure how to go about this ipwraw driver05:24
pfifoNaddix, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68836705:26
hipitihoppfifo: it doesn't actually get to the menu.05:26
Jordan_Uhipitihop: Did you try the command I gave you?05:27
pfifohipitihop, are you trying to use it with aircrack or just use the card?05:28
FloodBot2Rikcardo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:28
crohakonHow do I get that neat 3d cube effect?05:28
pfifoohh my bad, 2 different people05:28
Naddixpfifo thanks i will see what happens05:28
kilowhat would this tag to at the end of a crontab?  "  /dev/null 2>&1"05:28
hipitihopJordan_U: not yet, machine not handy, going to see it now.05:28
zcat[1]kilo, sends output and errors to /dev/null so you don't get an email every time it runs05:29
FloodBot2Rikcardo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:29
kilozcat[1], sweet... thank you!05:29
hipitihoppfifo: not sure what you mean..... this machine worked fine for a while booting from this usb hdd (only hdd on machine). then started to develop this problem05:30
FloodBot2Rikcardo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:30
quimkaosguys i installed apache, everything seams to work good but i can't wright anything in www folder? what can i do? do i nead to re-enable root or something?05:30
zcat[1]sigh, can an op please just ban the flooder already?05:30
FloodBot2Rikcardo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.05:30
kilook, so in a crontab (if I'm making a generic one) the first few digits are the time? so like "0 16 * * 5 " is 16:00 on fridays?05:31
MrDarkUserhi, I05:31
hipitihopJordan_U:  would it still be (hd0,0) even though it is a usb attached drive ?05:31
pfifohipitihop, off the top of my head i bet the UUID in menu.lst dosent match the UUID of the drive, but it could also be that it cant find the kernel or initrd.img05:31
Jordan_Uhipitihop: If it's the only drive then I think yes, but try tab completion to list the drives05:32
hipitihoppfifo: so is it just as easy to boot from live cd desktop and somehow reinstate without losing current installation05:32
usser_kilo, that is correct05:33
MrDarkUserm using the ppa for intel xorg on a dell mini 9 ... ubuntu 9.04,  and the last update made it so it doesn;t run at full screen resolution.  I regenerated the xorg.conf using dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg   and it still only runs at 800x600 ... xrandr doesn;t show 1024x600 as an option... and I believe its using fb mode rather than intel05:33
pfifohipitihop, no, you just need to ensure that you menu.lst has the correct info in it.05:33
MrDarkUserI don05:33
pfifohipitihop, and that your kernel and initrd are on the drive05:34
kilousser_, thank you.05:34
MrDarkUsert know how to check what server is reallyt running...   I looked at the logs, and that.s why I think its fb05:34
Jordan_UMrDarkUser: /var/log/Xorg.0.log05:35
K_DallasHi guys! Is it easy to install Ubuntu (9.10 for instance) on a new MacBook? Any guides/tutorial ? Thanks05:36
jwfoxjris it possible to have the openssh daemon listen on 2 different on ip's with different ports?05:36
domohuge problem: installed ubuntu 9.10 beta.. trying to copy windows to a samba share from a windows box, and it fails with "too many files currently in use"05:36
domocopy files to *05:36
Jordan_U!karmic | domo05:36
ubottudomo: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+105:36
domoill download it on 29th05:36
domoand it will fail05:36
hipitihoppfifo: & Jordan_U: This time it seems to have got further complaining about having to run fsck manually so doing so now. possibly the drive is having problems05:37
pfifoMrDarkUser, try using 'displayconfig-gtk' that works for me05:37
zaouljwfoxjr: probably would need to run two different sshds05:37
pfifohipitihop, ohh thats an easy fix, run e2fsck on your drive05:37
Jordan_UK_Dallas: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBook05:37
K_DallasJordan_U, excellent. Thank you05:37
jwfoxjrzaoul: but probably wouldn't be too tough to have spawn multiple daemons?05:37
Jordan_UK_Dallas: np05:37
MrDarkUserpfifo: thanks, installing now, using netbook remix05:37
zaouljwfoxjr: probably need to edit /etc/init.d/sshd , make two start() functions and have the second load a secondary /etc/ssh/sshd.conf05:39
MrDarkUserpfifo: it won't install, not available, I have universe, multiverse etc enabled05:39
jwfoxjrzaoul: thanks - I'll give it a shot05:39
pfifoMrDarkUser, came on my system by default05:39
MrDarkUserpfifo: 9.04 netbook?05:39
naddixpfifo no luck05:40
DaZerror: net/ieee80211.h: No such file or directory :f05:40
pfifoMrDarkUser, im on 8.04, im not sure what package its in05:41
DaZ!find ieee80211.h05:41
ubottuFile ieee80211.h found in linux-headers-2.6.28-11, linux-headers-2.6.28-11-generic, linux-headers-2.6.28-11-server, linux-headers-2.6.28-13, linux-headers-2.6.28-13-generic (and 11 others)05:41
DaZdo you have linux-headers? :f05:41
pfifonaddix, looks like your missing a development package05:42
naddixi got the headers05:42
KajrosI am curious why is it when Grub loader boots up it shows 2 versions of ubuntu but I only have 1 installed?05:43
n8tuserMrDarkUser-> does your menu.lst has  fb  or vga settings?05:43
n8tuserKajros-> its only on the menu, you get to choose05:43
pfifoKajros, the second entry is recovery mode05:43
BlueyKajros: It's the previous kernel versions05:43
Jordan_UKajros: Those are older kernel versions. Whenever there is a kernel upgrade the old versions are kept in case there is a problem with the new one, you can always boot the old one if you need to05:44
BlueyKajros: I had issues with v 15 and had to use v 14 for awhile - this easily gave me that option05:44
KajrosThanks just curious made me feel a bit uneasy lol05:44
BlueyKajros: naw, that's normal....05:45
StockBrianQUESTION: What's the equivalent to "ipconfig" in a Linux prompt?05:45
macoStockBrian: ifconfig05:46
lilzeusif you install hardware, like a sound card, does ubuntu recognize it and automatically install the drivers for it?05:46
BlueyStockBrian: ifconfig05:46
KajrosJust making sure. I rather enjoy Ubuntu Netbook Remix switched over from LinuxMint05:46
=== jade is now known as Guest95938
StockBrianthanks thanks and thanks05:46
pfifoi use 'ip addr' myself05:46
StockBrianpfifo, oo. I'll try both05:46
Blueylilzeus: if it's one that is recognised - yes05:46
lilzeusBluey: how do I tell?05:46
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection05:46
Pelolilzeus, yes it will unless it is very very new from a company that's making weird drivers then you might find some new issue05:46
macolilzeus: drivers are usually generic so the same driver is used for all audio devices05:46
Blueylilzeus: the hardware compatibility list05:47
=== Mike is now known as Guest31565
StockBrianpfifo, that does seem a lot cleaner05:47
lilzeusBluey: where is that?05:47
nathan406can someone help install my ati radeon x1200 series card on ubuntu05:47
lilzeusI will look it up05:47
lilzeusits a Soundblaster Audigy05:47
Blueylilzeus: scroll up, it's right after I did the !hcl05:47
Pelo!hcl > lilzeus look for a private windows05:47
ubottulilzeus, please see my private message05:47
pfifoifconfig dosent come standard on all distros, but ip seems to always be there05:47
Pelolilzeus, soundblaster should be fine05:48
lilzeusdid soundblaster get bought out?05:48
lilzeusI don't see them on the list05:48
Blueylilzeus: not that I am aware of they are owned by creative05:49
lilzeuscreative labs05:49
Pelolilzeus, that list is mostly problem hardware and solutions,05:49
Pelolilzeus, your soundblaster card should work without issue,  soundblaster has been around long enough05:49
Blueylilzeus: I have a creative zen -- their equiv. of an ipod -- works well with gnomad205:49
lilzeushmm, I don't have any sound05:50
KajrosAnyone currently using Ubuntu netbook Remix?05:50
nathan406can someone help install my ati radeon x1200 series card on ubuntu05:50
Pelolilzeus, got an onboard soundcard on your mobo ? get into the bois and disable it05:50
brijithyesterday I installed ubuntu 9.10 ... Everything seems fine except my mobile broadband connection05:50
Pelo!ati | nathan40605:51
ubottunathan406: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto05:51
lilzeusPelo: I have done that05:51
Pelobrijith, 9,10 is a beta ask in #ubuntu+105:51
Jordan_U!karmic | brijith05:51
ubottubrijith: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+105:51
lilzeusthe sound on it didn't work either...but that was a known issue05:51
nathan406ubottu: thanx, gonna check it out05:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)05:51
lilzeuscan I see if ubuntu recognized and installed the sound card?05:52
joshspylilzeus i believe ati offers the drivers on their web site.05:52
Pelolilzeus, hold on05:52
lilzeusfor a soundblaster audigy?05:52
Pelolilzeus, that wasn'T for you ,  this is  gnome-device-manager  put that in the terminal see if you can find your soundcard in there05:53
joshspyohh i thought you were talking about the x1200 graphics card.05:53
bastid_raZornathan406: in 9.04 i have the package xserver-xorg-video-radeon installed.. 3d and some openGL work fine.05:53
Blueywow I was curious this doesn't tell me much:  00:05.0 Audio device: nVidia Corporation MCP61 High Definition Audio (rev a2)05:53
lilzeusPelo: put what in the terminal?05:53
crouchingpenguinrunning xubuntu hardy. have conky 1.5.1. need conky 1.7.1 can someone advise a repository or location for suitable binary?05:53
Pelolilzeus, open a termianl and type or copy  this  >  gnome-device-manager05:53
nathan406bastid_raZor: really05:53
pfifobluey, i have the same card on my PCChips a15G mobo05:54
nathan406bastid_raZor: can you tell me how to get it done05:54
lilzeusnot installed05:54
Jester86hey is anyone on here?05:54
Blueypfifo: I have an hp system maybe a year old...05:54
PeloJester86, several ppl are yes05:55
Jester86i need some quick help.. i know its not software related but I need someone to help me decide on a laptop05:55
kilook, so if I have a script link in /etc/cron.hourly, it'll run the script every hour (on the hour presumably) as if I had typed "./[script]" ?05:55
* Take0n kalimorning greece05:55
mneptokJester86: PM me05:55
PeloJester86, try asking in #hardware05:55
bastid_raZornathan406: which version of ubuntu are you on?05:55
lilzeuswtf just happened?05:55
Jester86its more of just a judgment call Pelo05:55
lilzeusI was just logged out05:55
nathan406bastid_raZor: 9.0405:56
Pelolilzeus, you got disconnected,  put this command in the terminal    sudo apt-get install gnome-device-manager  that will install it05:56
pfifokilo, yes it should, so long cron.hourly stuff is listed in crontab to be run, also ensure crond is actually running05:56
lilzeusPelo: I was logged out for some reason05:56
PeloJester86, mneptok offered to help05:56
bastid_raZornathan406: install that package then relog.05:56
mneptokJester86: i'm willing to provide help, but not on-channel, as it's offtopic05:56
Pelolilzeus, it happens05:56
lilzeusPelo: my install does not require me to log in05:56
Jester86i tried to PM u mneptok05:56
nathan406bastid_raZor: i am dont want to05:56
kilopfifo, sorry, ultra new user here... how do I ensure that?05:57
Pelolilzeus, are you running as root ? bad idea but it's your funeral , apt-get install gnome-device-manager05:57
nathan406bastid_raZor: the screen is going to turn blank05:57
pfifopsaux | grep crond05:57
PeloJester86, give him time he's a busy guy05:57
nathan406bastid_raZor: i did it before05:57
* Pelo hasn'T does this in a while , this place is realy hectic 05:58
kilopfifo, or would I just be better off creating a crontab with a timestamp on it?05:58
crouchingpenguinis my only option to compile from source?05:58
lilzeusnot sure I I am logged in as root05:58
lilzeusI think its done05:58
Pelocrouchingpenguin, to compile what from source ? usualy no , look in menu > system > admin > synaptic package manager05:58
MrSchmoanyone know of good addon for firefox to remember your last open pages/taps. firefox built in setting always seem to get wipe for me05:58
pfifokilo, they both work equally well, wait a few hours and see if it updates, if not then start trouble shooting05:58
t0show do i remove the login screen on startup? where i can just log straight into ubuntu05:59
bastid_raZornathan406: you've installed the radeon driver before?05:59
kilopfifo, kk, thanks!05:59
Pelolilzeus, then put gnome-device-manager in the terminal and see if you can find your audio card in there05:59
lilzeuscan't find it05:59
Pelolilzeus, close it , in the terminal type lspci  see if you see the card listed05:59
Pelolilzeus,  is this an internal card or a usb one ?06:00
teolicyHi. I'm moving from OSX to Ubuntu, and am trying to replace my old apps with new. One of the apps I'm missing is OSX's "Secure note" feature, where I can use my password to access a few text only notes, view/edit them, and when I close them they're re-encrypted.06:00
lilzeusno joy06:00
lilzeusI think I may try a different slot06:00
crouchingpenguinPelo: i have installed conky 1.5.1. it is the latest version in my repositories. i need one point seven or later. im hoping someone knows of a more up to date repository. new to ubuntu. running xubuntu hardy.06:00
nathan406bastid_raZor: yes and wen i restart the screen was blank and kept that way and i had to uninstall it from the command line06:00
felixsullaWhat do I need to save all my programs/packages and load them on a new Ubuntu installation?06:00
surgyhey my dpkg is locked06:00
teolicyI used it mostly for passwords, but not only. I feel the various password managers I sampled are clunky, what more, that I'd prefer something usable from the commandline. VimCrypt is cumbersome and forces me to type the password twice. Other suggestions?06:01
surgycan you help me?06:01
Pelolilzeus, turn off the comp, open the box and make sure the card is properly slotted in06:01
t0salso i just installed ubuntu 9.10 beta and i seem to be missing the icons in system menu06:01
ubottudpkg is the Debian package maintenance system, which together with apt forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit.06:01
Pelosurgy, you have another package manager opened , close all of them06:01
bastid_raZornathan406: you sure you have the x1200 card? lspci | grep VGA06:01
=== DaZ is now known as pasculhaxxur
felixsullaWhat do I need to save all my programs/packages and load them on a new Ubuntu installation?06:01
bastid_raZor!clone felixsulla06:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:02
Pelocrouchingpenguin, try www.getdeb.net see if you can find it there , if not you'll need to compilie it manualy, ask in #conky for help06:02
bastid_raZor!clone | felixsulla06:02
ubottufelixsulla: To replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate06:02
lilzeusPelo: the case it open, I just installed the card, its quite solid06:02
crouchingpenguintyty, Pelo06:02
crohakonhow do you use screenlets?06:02
ravinduAre there any free capacity planning software for Linux?06:02
nathan406bastid_raZor: how do i check that06:03
Pelolilzeus, any jumpers you need to set ? any power you need to plug into the card directly ? check the card's documentation , if it is plugged in , it should at lest show up in lspci06:03
bastid_raZornathan406: lspci | grep VGA  .. type that in a terminal06:03
lilzeusPelo: I will try a different slot06:03
Peloravindu, can you be a bit more explicit ?06:04
nathan406bastid_raZor: its a acer aspire 551706:04
Pelolilzeus, best of luck06:04
nathan406i know that much06:04
ZykoticK9felixsulla, also FYI packages are stored in /var/cache/apt/archives -- copying this folder can save a lot of downloading :)06:04
bastid_raZornathan406: i think you have the HD card. i have 5515.06:04
bastid_raZortry the radeonhd driver instead.06:04
Peloravindu, check for keywords in menu > applications > add/remove at the very bottom06:04
crohakonHow do I use screenlets in gnome?06:05
crouchingpenguini have a new problem. it needs libc6. ive been down this road before and i usually end up breaking my system.06:05
Pelolater folks,  got to go to bed06:05
crouchingpenguini have a feeling this package is made for karmic :\06:05
ravindu<Pelo> i can not understand06:05
ravinduI want to get reports on server utilization in a servers in system06:06
nathan406bastid_raZor: wow! i have the Radeon HD 3200 Graphics card06:06
ravindulike IBM CDAT tool?06:07
testeHI ALL.06:07
testei need help of tcp/ip06:07
Goosetovcan anyone explain how I would add a script at boot time ? specifically the post made by blackr2d on 09/10/02 ...how do I do what he is saying on here : https://bugtrack.alsa-project.org/alsa-bug/view.php?id=340306:08
lilzeusPelo: sound works, it was the slot06:08
matthew1I have a hard drive that I took out of my previous laptop. It is now in an external case. I want to format it but I can't figure out how. I try to delete things but somethings are "undeletable". Any ideas?06:09
testeHelpe - me? please!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!06:09
testei need help of tcp/ip protocol ;/06:09
pfifoteste, what is the question?06:09
Jordan_Umatthew1: You can use gparted to format it06:09
lilzeusI just wish the onboard sound worked...06:10
i_xCan you guys help me install a bootloader on my USB with ubuntu. i installed it through a ubuntu live CD06:10
i_xusing the program preinstalled on the live CD06:10
ElijahCMenifeeAHHA! have gotten ldap working in karmic for logins and autofs had to report bug in autofs-ldap wrong permissions on file kept autofs from connection to ldap06:10
matthew1Jordan_U...so I have to use the live cd?06:11
Goosetoveffff sometimes it's hard to get help on here06:11
testei need book of tcp/ip advanced... what i find about subject only benniger...06:11
^Phantom^Is there any way to restart the service that reads sd cards in an sd card slot?06:11
testepfifo, i need book of tcp/ip advanced... what i find about subject only benniger...06:11
Jordan_Umatthew1: You can't format a drive you are booted from, but if you can unmount all of the partitions then you can use gparted without a liveCD06:11
crouchingpenguinokay... compiling from sorce. ./configure checks compiler default output filename, but has a configure error: c compiler cannot create executables06:11
ElijahCMenifeenow the only problem is my home directory settings do not play nicely with my real home directory from my OpenSolaris ZFS->NFS export for Desktop and so fourth...06:11
matthew1Jordan_U...ok I got it thank you!06:12
Jordan_U!build | crouchingpenguin06:12
ubottucrouchingpenguin: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)06:12
Jordan_Umatthew1: np06:12
pfifoteste, well there is the whitepaper google search RFC793 and RFC79106:12
pfifoteste, that should be all you ever need as far as 'advanced' goes06:13
babaki installed graphic card but now when i want use visual effec this error appear Desktop effect could not be enable06:13
testehmm ok... i read tutorial of tcp/ip benniger... is hard find text advanced.06:14
nathan406bastid_raZorRadeon HD 3200 Graphics card. What do you suggest that i do06:14
=== sscoble is now known as theholiz
Jordan_Ubabak: What graphics card?06:14
pfifotest, anytime you see the word 'protocol' there is a RFC white paper to describe it in detail so programmers can implement it06:14
babakJordan_U: gtx 26006:15
Goosetovcan anyone explain how I would add a script at boot time ? specifically the post made by blackr2d on 09/10/02 ...how do I do what he is saying on here : https://bugtrack.alsa-project.org/alsa-bug/view.php?id=340306:15
testethanks anyway06:15
nigel_nb_Goosetov: what script is that?06:15
crouchingpenguinall this crap for pretty conky rings. maybe i should reassess my priorities >.<06:15
redwoodI have a question regarding UNR 9.10 Beta and the broadcom 4312 wifi card- after two days, I still cannot get it to show any networks06:15
NeoTubNinjacrouchingpenguin: that is false06:16
pfifoGoosetov, put the script in /etc/init.d and link it to /etc/rc2.d/SXXmyscript where XX is a number 00-9906:16
Jordan_Ubabak: Have you tried System > Administration > Hardware Drivers?06:16
babakJordan_U: yes06:16
testepfifo, OK thank!06:17
Goosetovpfifo ... i'm very n00b... more detail please06:17
testepfifo, OK thanks!06:17
Jordan_U!karmic | redwood06:17
ubotturedwood: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+106:17
nigel_nb_Goosetov: check this link out http://nixcraft.com/shell-scripting/956-script-file-run-when-linux-boot.html06:17
NeoTubNinjababak: what about System > Administration > Nvidia X server settings06:17
nigel_nb_should help you06:17
Goosetovthanks boss06:17
babakNeoTubNinja: there is no problem in nvidia x server setting06:18
pfifoi just took my sleeping pills, time for sweet sleep06:19
NeoTubNinjababak: I faintly remember about 6 months ago I had something similar and had to reset to the default x-server settings06:19
MadSeaDogany big poker site compatible linux?06:20
prince_jammysMadSeaDog: pokerstars works under wine.06:20
pfifoMadSeaDog, i play myspace poker natively06:20
babakNeoTubNinja: how can reset x-server?06:20
pfifoMadSeaDog, yeah you can always install ie6 under wine06:21
crouchingpenguinouch... this thing cant locate my X any ideas?06:21
crouchingpenguinhave updated my compiling stuff and now it hangs and says it cant find X06:21
hsarcihow do i stop lock screen on resume?06:21
lilzeusthis is going to sound strange but, youtube insterts some kind of hidden space in all the comments...if you copy/paste a person's comment into a comment of your own(a reply) it puts that space in, but Youtube rejects it because of the weird space character...how do I get those to show up in a simple text editory, notepad in windows does06:21
MadSeaDogok thanks folks... see ya on the poker room...06:21
lilzeusgedit does not show the character06:22
babakhow can restart x-server?06:22
crouchingpenguinhold on.. ill pastebin the output06:22
testepfifo: how i to start one daemon with inetd?06:22
pfifobabak ctrl+alt+backspace06:23
prince_jammyslilzeus: they are likely carriage returns.06:23
NeoTubNinjababak: yes, but i was referring to the settings06:23
pfifoteste, sorry, im not familiar with inetd, try `man inetd` and see if that helps06:23
redwoodthe karmic irc channel seems to be... dead06:23
NeoTubNinjababak: you can do it through the nvidia by going to x server display config and hitting reset i believe06:23
testepfifo: ok thanks06:23
lilzeusprince_jammys: I don't think they are, the occur in the middle of lines06:24
naddixwell pfifo i been workin on this for 3 days, so i think im just going to stick bt3 for this stuff06:24
NeoTubNinjababak: i would try to make a backup of your /etc/X11/xorg.conf because i think thats what its resetting, not sure if it backs it up automatically06:24
prince_jammyslilzeus: cat -e the_file_with_what_you_copied  and see what appears.06:24
pfifonaddix, i got lucky my eeepc just worked with aircrack06:25
babakNeoTubNinja: when i use ctrl+alt+ backspace nothing do06:25
naddixwell my card does but injection is not right06:25
pfifonaddix, have you tried any of the livecds?06:25
naddixoh yeah, injection works perfect in bt306:26
naddixbut not 406:26
NeoTubNinjababak: that just resets the server, do you have the nvidia server settings open?06:26
nathan406how do i install ati radeon hd 3200 graphics driver06:26
babakNeoTubNinja: no06:26
naddixthere is still a issue with the iwl driver and injection06:26
NeoTubNinjababak: you have it though right?06:26
naddixbut ipwraw is perfect for me06:26
nathan406can some one me install ati radeon hd 3200 graphics driver06:27
naddixI just hate bootin into another os06:27
lilzeusprince_jammys: this exposes the character, here is what it looks like in the terminal "M-oM-;M-?"06:27
pfifook i have to go06:27
NeoTubNinjanaddix: i love booting into windows, its the best part of my day06:27
testesomeone know tcp/ip advanced to me take doubt?06:27
naddixi dont use windows06:27
NeoTubNinjanaddix: every virus is like a present06:27
prince_jammyslilzeus: yuck. i wonder what that is.06:27
NeoTubNinjanaddix: christmas all year long06:27
lilzeusin notepad it looks like a square06:28
erpoI just got a kernel panic (everything locked up, flashing capslock light). How can I find the cause?06:28
prince_jammyslilzeus: probably a multibyte character like the fancy << >> quote characters.06:28
lilzeusfor some reason, in gedit and other text editors, it is hidden, yet it remains there when you copy it back06:28
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quimkaosany sugestion for an virtual cd for ubuntu?06:29
Jordan_U!iso | quimkaos06:29
ubottuquimkaos: To mount an ISO disc image, type « sudo mount -o loop <ISO-filename> <mountpoint> » - There is a list of useful cd image conversion tools at http://wiki.linuxquestions.org/wiki/CD_Image_Conversion - Always verify the ISO using !MD5 before !burning.06:29
lilzeusI think I recall it being something like an empty space character?06:30
Kajros1Why do you like windows so much?06:30
lilzeuszero width space?06:30
testeOk, i m out bye bye all.06:30
lilzeusI think its unicode?06:31
lilzeusis there an app in ubuntu that can view unicode characters?06:31
erpolilzeus: Character map?06:32
nigel_nb_lilzeus: Character map...install it from Synaptics06:33
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lilzeuserpo nigel_nb: the character map which is under Accessories?06:33
eisenhowercould someone tell me how to change the default browser in ubuntu?06:34
lilzeushow do I use character map to view characters I have copied into a gedit document?06:35
ElijahCMenifeeeisenhower, what do you find under System->Preferences->Preferred Applications?06:35
eisenhowerElijahCMenifee, ty06:36
DigitalKiwi10100100 sparky06:36
lilzeusin html it is &820306:36
sparkyhe he06:36
hkaishello all06:37
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hkaissince few days my sound is missing. any hints? I hava a T61 lenovo06:38
joshspyas least you had sound at one point...06:38
RadicalRQuick question, have anyone been reporting NTFS disks being turned to RAW disk after force mounting them in Linux?06:38
kraitoi can't mount my ipod?06:39
alex87hey guys, what is the difference between the ati and radeon drivers?06:39
kraitodoes anybody know how to get the original source.list that ubuntu had? i think that might be the problem i changed it so i could have more things to download.06:40
hkaisjoshspy: yes it was working fine for months on 9.04. I think there has been an update of a soundlib in the past days. maybe...06:40
RadicalRHmm, I take it that's a negative then?06:42
RadicalRThis is troublesome.06:42
joshspyi have not encountered that problem in a ibm before06:42
kraitoi can't mount my ipod, can anyone help to refer me to a different room?06:42
joshspykraito: what is the error06:43
hkaiskraito: sorry, but I am not using a product from the golden cage ;;-)06:43
firevaihi eveyrone... i have a Hp compaq cq40 laptop and am having sound issues, and dvd playback issues.. can someone help pleeeeease?06:44
hkaiskraito: http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/09/mount-iphone-ipod-touch-in-ubuntu-how.html06:44
=== jade is now known as Guest14326
hkaisgoogle maybe help06:44
nithinlooking for a good mp3 player for ubuntu with equilizer, can anybody suggest?06:44
firevaii cant get alsamixer to come up either.. i get an error06:44
firevaii've googled, and forumed myself almost to death06:44
hkaisfireval: maybe a similar issue to mine?06:44
joshspyis th cq40 a newer laptop?06:45
hkaisI have lost my sound after it worked for months06:45
nithinWilliam-Ubuntu: does it have equilizer?06:45
lilzeuswhen adjust Main Menu items, why when I check Debian does it not show up?06:45
MrDarkUsern8tuser: no, my menu.1st does not, I haven06:45
firevaiyeah sound worked the other day and had to reinstall, and now it doesnt.. i found a fix, and redid it, but now it wont work..06:45
firevaialsamixer wont show.. and i believe i have everything set right06:45
William-Ubuntunithin i don't know, i just feel it is good for me06:45
MrDarkUsert modified it even.  Only 9.04 netbook... but i am probably breaking things by trying the ppa for intel06:46
lilzeusor the one that says 'Education'06:46
nithinWilliam-Ubuntu: yeah its good, having a nice search too.. But i am looking for an app having eq06:46
ZykoticK9nithin, Songbird (available from getdeb) has an equalizer now06:46
hkaisis there a install history of debs?06:47
nithinWilliam-Ubuntu: ooh.. thanks, i will have a try06:47
kraitothat's weird i went to places> and then click on my ipod and it mounted it.06:47
kraitois suppose to mounted automaticaly, right?06:48
joshspyyes if it is a mass storage device06:48
firevaiso any ideas why my alsamixer doesnt show?06:48
DareDevil0Hola alguien ha usado gns3 en ubuntu?06:48
kraitoalso my firefox turned to shiretoko, is that normal?06:48
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durt!es | DareDevil006:49
ubottuDareDevil0: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.06:49
necr0tikanyone know about configuring proftpd? I am having some issues when I issue a MKD, it says the perms are wrong when I log in as adminftp. config @ http://pastebin.com/f163e5c6b06:49
DareDevil0durt, sorry06:49
DareDevil0Does anybody has use gns3?06:50
ZykoticK9kraito, shiretoko is firefox3.5 in Ubuntu06:51
psypher246hi all, pls help. i have several issues with karmic on my dell mini 9. nr 1. turned on autologin and now i cannot get back in. is there a way to turn it off via console?06:51
ZykoticK9psypher246, ask the same question in #ubuntu+1 <- Karmic support channel06:52
hkaishere one person more with the sound issues http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=129411506:52
psypher246k cool06:52
hkaissame here, I think it is since libsndfile1 upgrade via ubuntu-update06:53
hkaisthe sound has gone06:53
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lilzeuscan gedit display utf-8 characters?06:58
CoJaBo-Aztecit should06:58
lilzeusor rather, can it be set up to expose zero-width spaces?06:59
lilzeuszero-width non breaking space07:00
lilzeusnotepad doesn't know how to display them, and so exposes them as the empty-box character07:00
lilzeusI would like to be able to see them07:01
kd0feo?join #ubuntu,beryl07:01
kd0feois anyone else able to get in that chan?07:01
=== jony123_away is now known as jony123
KajrosAnyone on UNR thats having issues with videos playing correctly?07:05
lilzeusis there an app which can expose zero-width spaces?07:08
Blueylilzeus: I'll bite - what's a zero-width space?07:08
lilzeusBluey: its a utf-8 character07:09
lilzeussome call it a zero-width nonbreaking space07:09
Blueylilzeus: I know what utf-8 is...07:09
Blueylilzeus: but I'd never heard the phrase "zero-width" character...do you mean null?07:10
lilzeusso apps which know how to display a zero-width space character will show you nothing...it will be invisible, apps that don't, like notepad, replace it with something else so you can at least find them07:10
CoJaBo-AztecIts a 0-width charactor.07:10
CoJaBo-AztecWhich show up as junk in the most unexpected places lol07:11
lilzeusno, I do not mean null07:12
lilzeusCoJaBo-Aztec has got the idea :)07:12
lilzeusI need to find them, so I can eliminate them07:12
* CoJaBo-Aztec also hates nonbreaking spaces. Basicly- they show up as spaces, unless they dont :P07:13
MrSchmohey guys there is going to be a new version ubuntu coming out in a matter of days. how do you guys do a fresh update and have your pervious setting intact. i think do a upgrade might be buggy07:13
forceflo1MrSchmo: uninstall all packages you don't need07:13
lilzeuscommonly abbreviated zwsp07:14
forceflo1MrSchmo: remove residual config using synaptic07:14
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CoJaBo-Azteclol @ image07:15
ghostbrcomo leio os arquivos capturados pelo kismet07:15
ghostbre tem como eu ler o que as pessoas estão escrevendo07:15
mcmlxxiI have a problem. whenever I plug in my usb flash drive, tracker applet gives me an error saying it can't index stuff. why?07:15
ubottuPor favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.07:16
c0l2ehow can I refresh the gnome desktop in ubuntu ??07:18
c0l2eI mean using it in a script07:18
nigel_nb_c0l2e: how do u want to refresh?07:20
* ElijahCMenifee is away: I'm busy07:21
nigel_nb_c0l2e: the same as F5?07:21
Kalidarni've got a qt application here, packet tracer it's a binary application it seems that the fonts in it don't want to anti-alias although VLC and everything else tha'ts Qt does just fine.07:21
Kalidarnis that because it's using binary libs that came with it? i used getlibs to get the libs for it as it's a 32bit application (and im running it on an amd64) system07:22
Kalidarnseems to listen to the set theme07:22
Kalidarnin qtconfig07:22
nigel_nb_!ask | sami__07:23
ubottusami__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:23
mneptoknigel_nb_: ummm ... i don;t thik that was the factoid you wanted07:24
jony123How do i change a files owner.  whats the command?07:24
Appiahchown jony12307:24
mneptok!hi | sami__07:24
ubottusami__: Hi! Welcome to #ubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!07:24
nigel_nb_mneptok: ooops07:24
nigel_nb_sami__: sorry07:25
sami__this is the first time to login this Xchat , they told me might got help here07:25
sami__is that right ?07:25
nigel_nb_sami__: yes it is07:25
mneptoksami__: quite right. but you have to ask a question forst.07:25
sami__i have little problem with graphics in ubuntu 9.0.407:26
Kalidarnmore detail plz07:26
nigel_nb_sami__: what exactly is happening?07:26
sami__i cant change the resolution07:27
mneptoksami__: if you waer glasses, be sure they are on your head.07:27
c0l2e nigel_nb_: i'm creating a script with something that create's symlink07:27
nigel_nb_sami__: whats your graphics card?07:27
Kalidarnsami__: people will get pissed off if they have to prompt you for every bit of info07:27
Kalidarnand won't bother helping you.07:27
Kalidarnso you need to say what your problem is/hw etc what you've tried etc.07:27
sami__sorry for being late because english is not native language07:27
mneptokKalidarn: be patient with new users, please.07:27
c0l2e nigel_nb_: and after the script the folder link display odd like it's not available.. but when you refresh.. its good.. so I just need to add the refresh action in my bash script07:28
sami__my card is nvidia fx 550007:28
mneptoksami__: look in the menus at the top under System > Administration > Hardware drivers07:28
revengewhats the easiest way to upgrade my dosbox 0.72 to 0.73 in terminal?07:28
revengei installed it on add/remove programs07:29
Kalidarnalso due to the large amount of users leaving and joining channel it's best to put all your info in one message not spread it out amongst 5 or 6 or it gets lost.07:29
Kalidarnpeople don't usually scroll through flood07:29
sami__<mneptok> i look on it the driver is activated07:29
nigel_nb_c0l2e: I'm still hunting for something07:30
Shaan7_I have a Microdia CCD PC Camera (PC390A) webcam which is listed at http://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/USB_GSPCA_SONIXJ.html . So how to install the drivers?07:30
mcmlxxiI have a problem. whenever I plug in my usb flash drive, tracker applet gives me an error saying it can't index stuff. why?07:30
mneptoksami__: install the nivida-settings package07:30
KalidarnShaan7_: try enabling the required chipset stuff in kernel07:30
Shaan7_Kalidarn: how to do that ?07:31
Kalidarnor probing the moduled07:31
sami__you mean the x server setting ??07:31
mneptoksami__: sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings07:31
Kalidarnit might not be in the actual default kernel Shaan7_07:31
mneptoksami__: ^^ in a terminal ^^07:31
KalidarnShaan7_: you need to possibly recompile your kernel and make sure it's above 2.6.2807:32
sami__if you mean x server setting ,it's installed already07:32
Kalidarn"modprobe gspca_sonixj" should be enough07:32
mneptoksami__: no, i mean the specialized package for adjusting the settings of nVidia cards07:32
Shaan7_Kalidarn: ok btw the kernel is 2.6.28-15-generic07:32
* ElijahCMenifee is back (gone 00:11:29)07:32
sami__also i cant change the resolution from there07:32
sami__ok i'll try07:32
mneptok!away > ElijahCMenifee07:32
Kalidarngo into the kernel ie /usr/src/linux07:32
ubottuElijahCMenifee, please see my private message07:32
Kalidarnit should be and do make menuconfig07:32
Kalidarnand then check in the menu for CONFIG_USB_GSPCA_SONIXJ07:32
Kalidarnand then make && make modules_install (although there's probably a specific thread on how to compile a kernel in ubuntu)07:33
KalidarnShaan7_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Kernel/Compile07:33
sami__it tells >>>>>> nvidia-settings is already the newest version.07:33
nigel_nb_c0l2e: nothing07:33
Shaan7_Kalidarn: ok, thanks will follow that ...07:33
nigel_nb_c0l2e: I have no clue07:33
KalidarnShaan7_: it looks like actually u can access it through linux-headers packages07:34
mneptoksami__: look in the System menu for the nVidia settings preferences07:34
KalidarnShaan7_: If you want to install a new kernel without compilation, you can use Synaptic, search for linux-image and select the kernel version you want to install.07:34
KalidarnShaan7_: look for that module it might be installed.07:35
Shaan7_Kalidarn:"linux-image-2.6.28-15-generic" is installed. what else to look for ?07:35
sami__i didn't find , just the nvidia x server setting is there !!07:35
wobutuhow to make menu like openuse gnome's?07:35
mneptoksami__: and does your monitor support the resolution you are trying to use?07:36
lilzeusI'm looking for an app which will expose zero-width spaces, anyone know of one?07:36
sami__i think that the problem is in the xorg.conf file07:36
sami__am using LCD 21 inch monitor07:37
sami__it works with windows perfectly07:37
sami__but here is i went to display option it tells that the monitor is unknown !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:38
hsarcican open office open .doc files or .docx files?07:38
springsteensami__ : in terminal, type gksu nvidia-settings and then you set from there07:38
Shaan7_Kalidarn: "look for that module it might be installed." what will the name be like ?07:38
sami__springsteen also cannot  !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:39
chemjeffHi!  Does anybody have a moment for an X windows/Open GL question?07:39
sami__but here if i went to display option it tells that the monitor is unknown !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:40
sami__but here in ubuntu if i went to display option it tells that the monitor is unknown !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!07:40
mcmlxxiwill firefox-3.5 come with karmic?07:40
insmodBluey: here?07:41
hsarcican open office open .doc files or .docx files?07:41
Blueyinsmod: sup?07:41
insmodBluey: I figured out how to make ubuntu play nice with the vid card07:41
sami__any clue ????????07:41
chemjeffAnyway I am trying to run a program requiring OpenGL and I get the error: Xlib:  extension "GLX" missing on display ":0.0".  What does this mean?07:41
Blueyinsmod: what did it turn out to be?07:42
insmodBluey: funny only happened on 9.04 no other07:42
springsteensami__ : u have problem with screen resolution?07:42
Polarinachemjeff: Try installing the restricted drivers first.07:42
insmodBluey: no idea i installed 9.10 worked with 8.x so I figured 9.10 should -- and it does07:42
wobutulooking for opensuse-like menu under gnome.07:43
chemjeffPolarina: Which restricted drivers?07:43
Blueyinsmod: wow that's weird - thanks for passing that along!07:43
Polarinachemjeff: What restricted drivers are available to you? ;)07:43
sami__springsteen >  i can't change the resolution even from the nvidia x server setting !!!!07:43
insmodBluey: I installed 9.04 4 times never worked even with the nv driver07:43
chemjeffPolarina: I am not sure what you mean.  How can I find this information?07:43
springsteensami__ : i told you before you should open the terminal and then type gksu nvidia-settings and then you choose the screen resolution you desire and then apply and close07:43
Blueyinsmod: I remember you saying that....07:43
sami__yes i did07:44
Polarinachemjeff: System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers.07:44
chemjeffPolarina: Do you mean nvidia drivers?07:44
Shaan7_Kalidarn: I tried the menuconfig thing it said "This feature depends on another which has been configured as a module. As a result, this feature will be built as a module." when i tried to include the driver. What to do?07:44
tehbautwhen I try to make a new login in a window, I get an error about X failing07:44
Polarinachemjeff: Yes.07:44
sami__i can't change from there also07:44
Taroven1sami__: Does it not change the resolution at all, or does it change but then revert later?07:44
insmodBluey: which is funny because they say they don't modify debian that much -- but debian worked07:44
tehbautany ideas on what the issue could be, and how to fix it? (the error suggests something may be wrong with the X config)07:44
chemjeffPolarina: I am not using a Nvidia card.  System -> Administration -> Hardware Drivers yields that I have no proprietary drivers in use.07:44
Polarinachemjeff: Are there any drivers you can install?07:45
tehbautI do have rotation set to CW in xorg.conf if that might be an issue07:45
chemjeffPolarina: I used to have a Nvidia card but it failed and now I am just using the onboard video card.07:45
chemjeffPolarina: No.07:45
Blueyinsmod: truly weird. - but otoh I've had some horror stories too - things worked on SuSE but NOT ubuntu07:45
sami__there are no high resolution just there are two options 640x43007:45
Polarinachemjeff: Does the onboard card support OpenGL?07:45
sami__and the other is lower than07:45
chemjeffPolarina: I don't know.  How would I know if it does?07:45
crazy2k_I deleted my xorg.conf and I thought it would be regenerated, but it wasnt't. However, when I restarted X, everything worked perfectly. xorg.conf isn't needed anymore?07:45
insmodBluey: :) cheers07:45
Polarinachemjeff: What onboard card do you have?07:46
chemjeffPolarina: I don't know.  How would I find this out?07:46
Polarinachemjeff: Pastebin the output of lspci.07:46
glickexcuse me, what could cause my desktop to sudenly not be able to establish a network connect to a wired router?07:46
ActionParsnipcrazy2k: hal does a lot now, you can still use it though if you need the control07:46
chemjeffPolarina: I get: VGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation 82915G/GV/910GL Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 04)07:46
glickafter i enabled susepend after 1 hour of inactivity i got problems07:46
chemjeffPolarina: How do I pastebin?07:47
sami__<Taroven1> are you with me please ??07:47
glickhowever, even after i do a complete reboot, it cant establish a network connection07:47
ActionParsnipglick: router turned off, break in cable, kernel dumps the driver, dhcp fail after lease expires07:47
Polarinachemjeff: http://codepad.org/07:47
sami__<Taroven1> i entered the nvidia x server setting there are just two options for resolution and they are too low !!!!!!07:48
Shaan7_I have a Microdia CCD PC Camera (PC390A) webcam which is listed at http://cateee.net/lkddb/web-lkddb/USB_GSPCA_SONIXJ.html . So how to install the drivers?07:48
Blueyinsmod: I spent 6 months trying to figure out why my scanner worked with SuSE and mmmVista, but NOT ubuntu07:48
chemjeffPolarina: http://codepad.org/UhtBtqYC07:48
ActionParsnipsami__: did it give an error about not finding the driver?07:48
insmodBluey:what was it07:48
Taroven1sami__: Weird. My displays autodetected just fine.07:49
insmodBluey: xsane is good07:49
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Polarinachemjeff: Pastebin the output of glxinfo.07:49
sami__the driver insttaled correctly07:49
ActionParsnipsami__: ok then run: gksudo nvidia-settings    you can then click "Write to X config file"07:49
Guest6242smuxi enters here by default haha, and im an ubuntu user to boot. ;]07:49
Blueyinsmod: in desperation I copied the .sane files from suse to ubuntu - and it worked -- I don't know the original problem in ubuntu - but that fixed it - only took 6 months to figure out...07:49
ActionParsnipsami__: you can then run: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf      and make the resolution whatever you like07:49
chemjeffPolarina: http://codepad.org/Vu6UTtnn07:50
Taroven1sami__: If you're getting low options for your resolution settings, that usually means that the monitor's accepted resolutions aren't being detected.07:50
insmodBluey: ah you had to edit the config07:50
Blueyinsmod: when I compared the files one used the usb reference, and one didn't07:50
Taroven1sami__: I had the same problem with an ATI card till I changed over, but I have no idea how I fixed it. >.>07:50
insmodBluey: hmm07:50
Polarinachemjeff: Pastebin the content of /etc/X11/xorg.conf07:51
Blueyinsmod: SuSE used the usb reference, but NOT ubuntu  and that fixed it..07:51
chemjeffPolarina: http://codepad.org/9Kr8GRDZ07:51
insmodBluey: cool debian thinks my web cam is the scanner07:51
sami__i think the problem is with the xorg.conf file07:51
sami__because there are now more details on it07:52
Blueyinsmod: I never got my webcam to work - they wanted my to d/l an old version of the compiler - the whole thing made no sense07:52
Polarinachemjeff: Append the following to the bottom of /etc/X11/xorg.conf:  http://codepad.org/qL78ka4T07:52
insmodBluey: uvc webcams I find the best07:52
insmodBluey: I use cheese07:52
sami__i tried to put the high resolution and restart the machine i got the "out of range " message on the screen07:53
Taroven1Got an evil script issue if anyone can help out... I'm trying to set a script up to spawn 6 terminals at startup. When I run the script manually it works fine, but if it's run at startup only one terminal starts at all.07:53
Blueyinsmod: I have a logitech webcam07:53
chemjeffPolarina: Okay so do I need to recompile the program?07:53
Polarinachemjeff: No, just restart the computer. If the X server refuses to start for some reason, delete these lines you appended.07:53
ActionParsnipsami__: sounds like you have the wrong driver installed for your nvidia card07:53
tehbautwhen I try to make a new login in a window, I get an error about X failing... any ideas on what the issue could be, and how to fix it? (the error suggests something may be wrong with the X config, and I do have rotation set to CW in xorg.conf if that might be part of the issue, but just curious to see if anyone else has experienced the same issue with window-based logins)07:54
insmodBluey: is it uvc -- no they write there own drivers07:54
chemjeffPolarina: Okay, be right back!07:54
Blueyinsmod: let me see if I can find the page just a sec07:54
ActionParsnipsami__: what is the output of : lspci | grep -i vga07:54
Shaan7_Polarina: Kalidarn told me that "modprobe gspca_sonixj" should work for my camera. I did it, do i need to do some insmod thingy after that ?07:55
kostashi se olous07:55
PolarinaShaan7_: You got the wrong person.07:55
sami__<ActionParsnip> 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation NV34 [GeForce FX 5500] (rev a1)07:55
sami__this is the output07:55
ActionParsnipsami__: ok which driver did you install?07:55
Shaan7_Polarina: err. sorry for being impatient, asked because Kalidarn seems to be away.07:56
PolarinaShaan7_: I don't even know what you're talking about. :P07:56
sami__<ActionParsnip> same07:56
sami__<ActionParsnip> version 17307:56
macoadamsubuntu: cat?07:56
DesertEaglehello all07:56
ActionParsnipsami__: sounds good to me, tried the 180?07:56
kostaseinai kaneis edo?07:57
Shaan7_Polarina: ok, just in general manpage says that modprobe adds/removes modules. so, is it customary to run some insmod after that ?07:57
DesertEagleanyone know why my mouse keeps acting up? it seems like after a while, it just won't grab window focus07:57
PolarinaShaan7_: A module should work from the moment it is modprobed.07:57
adamsubuntuubuntu? im on wubi its a virtual07:57
Taroven1Got an evil script issue if anyone can help out... I'm trying to set a script up to spawn 6 terminals at startup. When I run the script manually it works fine, but if it's run at startup only one terminal starts at all.07:57
sami__<ActionParsnip> i tried but it can't installed correctly i dont know why !!!07:57
maco!gr | kostas07:58
ubottukostas: #ubuntu-gr και #kubuntu-gr για Έλληνες χρηστές  /  #ubuntu-gr kai #kubuntu-gr gia Ellhnes xrhstes07:58
DesertEagleTaroven1: where are you launching it from?07:58
want_to_learnu got an error07:58
ActionParsnipsami__: try: sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia*; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-18007:58
DesertEaglewant_to_learn: i did?07:58
Taroven1DesertEagle: I've got the script in my home directory, added the startup entry via System-Preferences-Startup Apps07:59
sami__<ActionParsnip> i should do one by one right ????07:59
want_to_learni got an error srst failed errno=16 ata=107:59
Taroven1DesertEagle: The script does run, but only the first terminal is started out of 6.07:59
Jester86yay for ebay :) and getting laptops more than half off :)07:59
want_to_learnon ubuntu 8.10 and i cant boot to my kernel...they prompt me to ash and what should i do07:59
ActionParsnipsami__: no, the ;s mean it can be all one line07:59
tehbautanyone know of any reasons why I cannot move Thunderbird from Internet to Office in the Main Menu editor?08:00
DesertEagleTaroven1: pastebin your script08:00
Taroven1DesertEagle: One moment08:00
sami__ok i'll try to see08:00
ActionParsniptehbaut: do you mean move your settings, or the actual app itself?08:01
Jester86I just bought a laptop w/ an intel c2d 2.0ghz, 4g ddr3, Nvidia 9600M ... think it'll be able to support ubuntu? ;)08:01
sami__<ActionParsnip> it's begin to download now !!08:01
tehbautthe app shortcut (in the main menu(08:01
tehbautit's the only app that I cannot seem to move08:01
ActionParsniptehbaut: or do you mean in just the menu08:01
Taroven1DesertEagle: http://pastebin.com/d4a312e1f08:01
tehbautjust in the menu08:01
amaureaI suddenly have an odd problem with the header pthread.h: whenever I include it, even in an otherwise empty program, I get error messages starting at line 390: "/usr/include/pthread.h:390: error: expected ‘,’ or ‘...’ before ‘*’ token". This is with version 4.3.3 on ubuntu. Said line is part of the declaration of pthread_attr_setaffinity_np, and is the first place in the while where the type "cpu_set_t" appears.08:01
Taroven1DesertEagle: Tried with and without the amps at line ends08:01
ActionParsnipsami__: it basically removes ALL nvidia stuffs, then will install you the 180 driver from fresh08:01
anaojwm windowmanager autostart problem solved08:01
anao add jwmrc <StartupCommand>program</StartupCommand>08:02
ActionParsniptehbaut: tried alacarte08:02
tehbautno, what's that?08:02
DesertEagleTaroven1: have you tried with only one per line?08:02
sami__<ActionParsnip> lest hoping this will solve the situation !!!!08:02
ActionParsnipsami__: me too08:02
Taroven1DesertEagle: Ack, no, gimme a sec to try that. XD08:02
DesertEagleTaroven1: ok, LOL08:03
tehbautbtw, I'm not entirely fond of the default panel functionality in 9.04 ...it's okay but very quirky08:03
chemjeffPolarina: Thank you, it worked like a charm!08:03
Polarinachemjeff: Great! :D08:04
sami__<ActionParsnip> after that i should restart the machine right ???08:04
tehbautActionParsnip: ah, yes looks like I am using alacarte (which is where I'm having the issue)08:04
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ActionParsnipsami__: indeed08:05
chemjeffGood night08:05
sami__<ActionParsnip> so how can i return to here ???  cuase i dont know how i entered heheheh !!!!08:05
ActionParsniptehbaut: its usually just drag and drop, if that fails, just make a new launcher in the right place and delete the stubborn one08:05
ActionParsnipsami__: load your client and join irc.freenode.net08:05
tehbautok, but I /was/ trying to avoid that :P08:06
amaureaactually, never mind. I tracked it down to a conflict between two different versions of sched.h08:06
ActionParsnipsami__: you can then join #ubuntu08:06
sami__<ActionParsnip> ahaa08:06
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Taroven1DesertEagle: That worked, but the sleep isn't firing.08:06
Taroven1DesertEagle: I can live with that. =P08:06
DesertEagleleave 2 for the sleep line08:07
DesertEagleshould work08:07
firdau5I saw much offtopic words08:07
DesertEagleif not... you'll live with that :P08:07
DesertEagleanyone know why my mouse keeps acting up? it seems like after a while, it just won't grab window focus08:07
Taroven1DesertEagle: Hehe, yeah, just wanted to make sure the terms were starting after compiz kicked in, but it turns out they do with no timer anyway08:07
DesertEagleTaroven1: glad it worked for ya08:08
Taroven1DesertEagle: Are you sure clicks are working at all when it starts acting up?08:08
DesertEagleyeah, but not on the window i click them on... but rather the previous one08:08
babakin update manager when i check for update this error appear  W: GPG error: http://packages.medibuntu.org jaunty Release: The following signatures couldn't be verified because the public key is not available: NO_PUBKEY 2EBC26B60C5A278308:08
tehbautwhat is the name of that nautilus extension pack that supports running a new terminal instance from the currently browsed folder (among other things)08:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about gpgkey08:09
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:09
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about key08:09
DesertEaglei have to constantly right click on the root window to get it aligned08:09
firdau5sorry all08:09
ActionParsnipbabak: sudo apt-get install medibuntu-keyring08:09
firdau5I got prove08:09
firdau5I got problem08:09
ActionParsnipbabak: i suggest you read guides to the end, you may break your system08:09
navap!ask | firdau5 08:09
ubottufirdau5 : Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)08:09
Taroven1DesertEagle: Afraid I can't help ya there... I'd say it sounds like a driver issue but I really have no idea.08:09
ActionParsnipbabak: you will get a warning but the medibuntu-keyring gives the gpg key for the repo08:10
DesertEaglei appreciate the intention :)08:10
firdau5my Network manager didnt start automatically everytime when I boot up the ubuntu08:10
tehbautwhy does Synaptic Package Manager display the 'get screenshot' button if there is no screenshot available? :/08:10
DesertEagleit seems noone can figure it out :(08:10
ActionParsnipfirdau5: add nm-applet to your startup items08:10
DesertEagletehbaut: to taunt us08:11
lilzeusActionParsnip: hello08:11
firdau5how to?08:11
FluxDIs there a way to restrict a certain application from accessing the internet?08:11
tehbautalso, there should be a pref to just download the screenshot :/08:11
ActionParsnip!startup | firdau508:11
ubottufirdau5: To add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot08:11
surfzoidi would like to use the "create USB OS" tool, and use the function, keep space to save data, (an USB running system) , what is the best ISO to download for that ?08:11
DesertEagleFluxD: yes08:11
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto08:11
babakif i want know what versio of ubuntu have use what command write?08:11
ActionParsnipFluxD: you could set its to have a proxy of some made up IP, it wont connect then08:11
Taroven1tehbaut: It's more efficient that way. While a little confusing, from a programmer's perspective it's a choice between yet another check when the package's description is loaded or the more cpu-friendly "Let's just display the button and try to load the screeny anyway" approach.08:12
ActionParsnipbabak: lsb_release -c08:12
FluxDActionParsnip, what if it doesnt have proxy support?08:12
lilzeusActionParsnip: do you know of an app which can expose zero-width spaces, the unicode character, so that I can delete them?08:12
DesertEagleFluxD: block it by port08:12
ActionParsniplilzeus: grep possibly08:12
FluxDDesertEagle, how do I figure out what port it uses?08:12
ActionParsnipFluxD: then you will have to configure your firewall to block the app / port it uses08:13
tehbautTaroven1: as I said, there should be a preference that allows auto-downloading (just so we can minimize the annoyance) ;)08:13
FluxDI want to block it before it connects to internet?08:13
Taroven1tehbaut: Agreed, heh.08:13
firdau5i got no 'session' on my preference panel08:13
mneptokDesertEagle: do you have FFM turned on?08:13
lilzeusActionParsnip: is grep a gui app?08:13
DesertEaglemneptok: what's that?08:13
mneptokDesertEagle: Focus Follows Mouse08:13
FluxDlilzeus, a gui version fo grep is gnome-search-tool08:13
ActionParsniplilzeus: hell no08:14
babakActionParsnip: for more info what command use example version ..... ?08:14
mneptokDesertEagle: System > Prefs > Windows08:14
DesertEaglemneptok: where do I check?08:14
DesertEaglelet me check08:14
ActionParsniplilzeus: all commands with real power are in cli08:14
ActionParsnipbabak: i dont understand the question08:14
mneptokActionParsnip: that's a bit of an overstatement08:14
Taroven1tehbaut: On the bright side, the software center in 9.10 does load the screenshot every time a package is selected. Click the image to zoom in, etc.08:14
ActionParsnipbabak: you can use: lsb_release -a; uname -a    if you wish08:14
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lilzeusis gnome-search-tool in synamptic?08:15
aporetici don't suppose there's any reason why i should be unable to switch icon themes in my fresh 9.10 install?08:15
ActionParsnipaporetic: you can switch them all you like, if yuo need help with 9.10 head to #ubuntu+108:15
lilzeusis it called tracker-search-tool in synaptic?08:15
surfzoidit is this one http://ubuntu.mirrors.proxad.net/jaunty/ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img ?08:15
DesertEaglemneptok: i'm running OpenBox, does that make a difference?08:16
DesertEagle(i get obconf when i click on Sys>Prefs>Windows)08:16
Taroven1lilzeus: gnome-search-tool is included in gnome-utils08:16
mneptok!info gnome-search-tool08:16
Taroven1(which is on synaptic)08:16
ubottuPackage gnome-search-tool does not exist in jaunty08:16
Taroven1!info gnome-utils08:16
ubottugnome-utils (source: gnome-utils): GNOME desktop utilities. In component main, is optional. Version 2.26.0-0ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 4809 kB, installed size 20528 kB08:16
Taroven1That one.08:16
DesertEaglewhy don't people like locate? it rocks! :D08:16
tehbaut|Taroven1: is the new Software Center a merge of Synaptic and 9.04's Add/Remove Apps?08:16
mneptokDesertEagle: yes. make sure you have "<followMouse>no</followMouse>08:17
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mneptokDesertEagle: yes. make sure you have "<followMouse>yes</followMouse>"08:17
Taroven1tehbaut: Kinda. It's a much more intuitive version of 9.04's Add/Remove.08:17
ActionParsnip!info findutils08:17
ubottufindutils (source: findutils): utilities for finding files--find, xargs. In component main, is required. Version 4.4.0-2ubuntu4 (jaunty), package size 376 kB, installed size 1528 kB08:17
mneptokDesertEagle: that's from my rc.xml08:17
DesertEaglemneptok: i'll check08:17
Taroven1tehbaut: It's easier to use and find things in, has more packages, etc.08:17
adamsubuntuim on xchat08:18
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Taroven1adamsubuntu: Hullo.08:18
tehbautTaroven1: well as you probably know, Synaptic PM has a ton of pkgs08:19
tehbautbut I assume most of them have no screenshot anyway :P08:19
adamsubuntutimed out omg08:19
DesertEaglemneptok: but that just made the window focus get grabbed on mouse over, rather than on click ( i prefer it to get focus when i click)08:19
Taroven1tehbaut: Yeah. I never do count on a screeny when I'm in synaptic looking for something.08:19
adamsubuntuwho uses msn?08:19
adamsubuntucuz i do08:19
adamsubuntuyes i do08:20
tehbautTaroven1: does SC support upgrades, like newer versions of FF, etc (although I assume FF won't have any yet, since 3.5 is the current stable)08:20
DesertEaglewhat's your question then?08:20
adamsubuntudunno whats yours08:20
illioI'm sitting in the live cd right now, attempting to do a manual LVM encrypted setup (I need to do it like this, because the alternative cd only does it for you if you use the entire disc.. an option I don't have since I have to have Windows with Bitlocker along side this... I'm running into one issue with the official guide though.. When using modprobe to do this: "sudo modprobe dm-mod" I get this: "FATAL: Module dm_mod not found." .. any idea why that08:20
illio be happening? I've installed cryptsetup, initramfs-tools, hashalot and lvm208:20
Taroven1tehbaut: Actually not sure. I haven't messed with it too much, but I don't see an obvious option to check for upgrades.08:20
DesertEagleknow how to fix a window focus issue i'm having?08:20
mneptokadamsubuntu: do you need assistance with something? this is a support channel.08:20
sami__<ActionParsnip> are you there ??08:21
adamsubuntuwho uses mebo?08:21
adamsubuntui do08:21
ActionParsnipsami__: sup08:21
sami__i did what ever you said08:22
mneptokadamsubuntu: please stop polling what people use. if you have a support question, ask it. if not, use #ubuntu-offtopic.08:22
DesertEaglemneptok: well it seems that switching back and forth fixed the issue.... for now :(08:22
sami__but after restarting i got no driver on the hardware list08:22
Taroven1illio: Try "modprobe -l dm-mod" just in case08:22
ActionParsnipsami__: but does nvidia-settings    work ok?08:23
Taroven1illio: Also try with an underscore instead of a hyphen just in case08:23
sami__also not work08:23
illioTaroven1: hmm.. no return.. what was -l supposed to do?08:23
=== rsc____ is now known as rsc___
adamsubuntuim using wubi08:23
illioTaroven1: oh, so returning nothing is in this case a bad thing :-)08:23
illioTaroven1: underscore didn't help either08:24
Taroven1illio: Yeah. Try with a wildcard in there, ie: modprobe -l dm-*08:24
Taroven1actually modprobe -l dm*08:24
Taroven1Might get a lot of results, but SOMETHING should pop up08:24
sami__<ActionParsnip> so how !!08:24
illioTaroven1: dm-crypt, dm-zero, dm-raid, dm-mem-cache, dm-region_hash, dm-message, dm-loop and dm-bbr .. dm-crypt I've already loaded08:24
ActionParsnipsami__: can you uit with the exclamation marks, its very redundant08:25
ActionParsnipsami__: try with nvidia-glx-96 instead08:25
illioTaroven1: removing the - gave dmfe, dm9601, dm1105, dmx3191d and dme1737 with the things I said before also08:25
sami__i didn't got your point08:25
Taroven1illio: It's definitely not installed then.08:26
ActionParsnipsami__: sudo apt-get --purge remove nvidia*; sudo apt-get --purge autoremove; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get install nvidia-glx-9608:26
tehbautare there any decent screenshot apps that support scrolling windows/regions?08:26
mneptokillio: the LVM encryption on the alternate installer encrypts partitions, not disks08:26
tehbautlooking for a good techsmith replacement08:27
illioTaroven1: any idea how to get it installed? .. According to the official Ubuntu page here, it was supposed to be in the packages cryptsetup, initramfs-tools, hashalot and lvm2 .. somewhere.. But apparently it isn't.08:27
Taroven1illio: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/lvm2/+bug/343147 ... there's a start.08:27
sami__<ActionParsnip> ok i'll do08:27
Taroven1Ah ha08:27
illiomneptok: No .. the only way to make it install encrypted LVM for you is to use the entire disc.. checked the alternative installer yesterday..08:27
FluxDtehbaut, I know one for firefox08:27
Taroven1illio: "Load the LVM module - modprobe dm-mod. You can skip this step in Jaunty (9.04) because the dm-mod module is compiled into the kernel."08:27
tehbautFluxD: I really need one for the whole system08:28
illioTaroven1: oh.. nice :-) ..thanks.. hadn't seen that08:28
Taroven1illio: Glad to be of service. Hopefully that helped.08:28
mneptokillio: incorrect08:28
Taroven1Well, helps.08:28
illioTaroven1: I believe it did :-) ..08:28
Taroven1Cool. :)08:28
mneptokillio: LVM encryption should not include /boot, as you may need a kernel for LVM disaster recovery08:28
mneptokillio: that's obviously impossible if you encrypt the entire disc.08:29
illiomneptok: then show me where, because according to every guide I've seen the alternative installer assumes it can use the entire disc..08:29
mneptokillio: i'm using it now08:29
illiomneptok: well of course it can't encrypt /boot.. but it still demands the entire disc to setup encrypted lvm.. it doesn't allow you to have other systems running alongside Linux08:30
=== anthony is now known as Guest87121
mneptokillio: it *can* encryot /boot. you just shouldn't.08:30
illiomneptok: you won't be able to boot if you do.. so that would not make much sense08:31
mneptokillio: like i say, i'm using dm-crypt now. and only 2 of 4 partitions are encrypted08:31
illiomneptok: just found the direct quote from the interface (Under Partitioning method:): "Guided - use entire disk and set up encrypted LVM" ..08:32
Jordan_Uillio: That if you choose guided08:33
Jordan_Uillio: You can still choose to instead set it up manually08:33
illioJordan_U: yeah okay.. sure that you can do.. but the installer still doesn't really do it for you.. that's not really much easier than just doing everything yourself form the live cd.. but sure if that's what mneptok meant, then yes.. then you can use the alternative installer08:34
=== kb is now known as Guest15893
hsarciis there a better menu for gnome???08:36
DaZhsarci: which menu ;f08:38
hsarciDaZ, the application launcher menu08:38
DaZhsarci: slab08:38
hsarciDaZ, ill look it up08:39
hsarciDaZ, also, do you know about getting avant intalled on karmic?08:39
DaZhsarci: i'm not a gnome person08:39
Blarghey. For some reason, thunderbird starts up before compiz, and thus prevents compiz and desktop in general from loading up, so I have to close thunderbird before I can do anything else. (Ubuntu 9.04 and thunderbird2+lightning addon that is connected to gnome-panel clock applet). Any ideas how to solve this, got no idea what to even google for....08:39
ActionParsniphsarci: sudo apt-get install avant-window-navigator     i believe08:42
ActionParsnipBlarg: make a script to launch thunderbird, but have a sleep command at the tart of it08:43
hsarciActionParsnip, yeah i just tried that too, thanks08:43
de9ine|twoI'm trying to install ubuntu 9.04 but the installer dies and leaves me with a blackscreen and "_" without a prompt after /casper/initrd.gz..........[...] ready08:43
ActionParsnipde9ine|two: did you md5 test the iso?did you run the cd self-verifier08:43
BlargActionParsnip: but I don't wanna start thunderbird at all in startup08:44
ActionParsnipBlarg: then take it out of your startup items / ~/.config/autostart08:44
Blargit isn't there08:45
ActionParsnipBlarg: then go into the startup items menu and tell gnome to not remember the items you had running08:45
BlargActionParsnip: kk, I'll try that08:46
patbamhi, i'm getting constant short freeze-ups (no mouse response, screen freezes) on my fresh jaunty install, makes the system mostly unusable. trying to figure out what the problem is; suspecting maybe firefox or flash but...08:46
BlargActionParsnip: atm, it isn't set to remember the items I had running ._.08:47
ActionParsnippatbam: when it unfreezes, open a terminal and run: dmesg | tail08:47
patbamActionParsnip: ok08:47
Blargstill only thunderbird does this, for some reason08:47
patbamActionParsnip: what about just running dmesg |tail -f08:47
ActionParsnipBlarg: not sure then those are the 3 things I know will make stuff run at startup08:47
ActionParsnippatbam: because we only need the last few lines surrounding the freeze08:48
ActionParsnippatbam: if yuor command gives better info, go for it08:48
Blarg...and startup, at least before, starts the desired apps after the desktop (and compiz) had loaded08:49
patbamActionParsnip: ok, will get a pastebin link in here when i get some data. thanks08:49
patbamActionParsnip: hmm, just got a freezeup but nothing came up in dmesg08:50
Blargany ideas what to google for? what could this be related to? so far I've only found about problems where it doesn't start at startup as desired08:51
patbamActionParsnip: xorg seems to be showing up a lot in top, could that be relevant?08:51
ActionParsnippatbam: very possibly08:51
surfzoidnobody never use the USB creator tool ?08:52
ActionParsnippatbam: have you installed video card drivers?08:52
patbamActionParsnip: not that i know of, it's just a standard install08:52
AppiahI used it surfzoid08:52
Appiahand I'm sure plenty more people have08:52
ActionParsnippatbam: that may be why, get your video drivers installed fully and it should help08:52
patbamone datum that mightbe relevant is that i bough the monitor (a samsung 16:9 ratio) and the machine separately08:52
patbamActionParsnip: hmm interesting08:53
lilzeuscan anyone help me use a filter I installed to remove u+FEFE from the paste-buffer...maybe assign it to a keyboard shortcut?08:53
patbamok i will try to figure out my video card08:53
surfzoidAppiah: what is the best iso to download, to have an USB key with ubuntu on it and be able to save pref and data ?08:53
ActionParsnippatbam: lspci | grep -i vga     will tell you what it is (bets its some intel rubbish)08:53
Blueyinsmod: are you here?  internesting news08:53
Appiahsurfzoid: I dont understand how an iso could be better then another one?08:53
patbamActionParsnip: 01:05.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon 210008:53
ActionParsnippatbam: 2nd choice08:53
AppiahI dont see what that has to do with the USB Creator tool at all08:54
patbam :)08:54
sahilskis it possible to search item in a image??08:54
ActionParsnippatbam: k lets wesearch how we get this on08:54
surfzoidAppiah: because some iso are live, dvd .... and i see an USB iso for netbook !!08:54
Appiahwell select the one you want to use then08:54
patbamActionParsnip:  found this: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver (thanks so much for your help, btw)08:54
Appiahcheck the box and use the slider to select how much space you want to use08:54
Appiahif you dont like it you can just download another iso and use it08:55
AppiahIt's not like a CD-R which you cant change08:55
sahilskpdf to image and then searching into it. is it possbile??08:55
AppiahI never used a netbook so I cant say good or bad about it08:55
surfzoidAppiah: what about http://ubuntu.mirrors.proxad.net/jaunty/ubuntu-9.04-netbook-remix-i386.img i m not sur to understand if i can use the live cd one and will be able to save data or if i use the NRU08:56
ActionParsnippatbam: cool, np man08:56
patbamActionParsnip: should i try installing ATI binary X.Org driver? it's in synaptic08:56
ActionParsnipits free to try, you can always uninstall it08:56
patbamActionParsnip: okay, i think i will give that a shot now08:57
surfzoidAppiah: so if i take the http://ubuntu.mirrors.proxad.net/jaunty/ubuntu-9.04-desktop-i386.iso i will use the tool and after i will boot on the usb pen, answer a few pref question, and then the next time it will boot as an normal ubuntu install on all PC ?08:57
Appiahit would be the same as if you made it into a CD08:58
Appiahwith saved files08:58
paolob_Hi guys! older ubuntu versions had a menu item to configure shared volumes (nfs), but I can't find it in jaunty. Has it been removed?08:58
Appiahplaces -> connect to server paolob_ ?08:58
mattgyverpaolob_, do you mean like sharing folders?08:59
icarus-c_how to specify the file browser to be opened in GNOME Places on the menu ?08:59
paolob_mattgyver, yes08:59
Appiahsurfzoid: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent here's a wiki for all your LiveUSB needs09:00
paolob_Appiah, no, that item only connects to servers09:00
icarus-c_how to specify the file browser to be opened in GNOME Places on the menu ?09:00
mattgyverpaolob you should be able to right click the folder in nautilus and select 'sharing options'09:00
surfzoidAppiah: so you mean, each time i will boot on the USB, i will setup all, keyboard langue ....09:00
Taroven1Anyone tried compiling Grumbel's xboxdrv under 9.10? I'm getting a build error.09:00
Appiahsurfzoid: no , please read the link09:00
mattgyvericarus-c_, do you want to add menu items?09:00
mattgyveror like, add folders in the places menu, im confused09:01
KB1JWQ!karmic | Taroven109:01
ubottuTaroven1: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+109:01
icarus-c_like when i clicked Places ->  Documents,  thunar jumps out instead of nautilus09:01
Taroven1KB1JWQ: Quite aware.09:01
mattgyverAhh... that i dont know but maybe check within the gconf-editor09:01
Taroven1Nobody's responding there though =P09:01
mattgyvermight be a key you can change there to call thunar as opposed to nautilus09:01
KB1JWQTaroven1: AKA "We don't talk about that here."09:01
sami__ActionParsnip > are you there ??09:02
mattgyverpaolob_, ive learned over time that nautiuls really kinda just sucks for file sharing, if you have the time to figure it out look into setting the shares up directly within samba's smb.conf09:02
icarus-c_mattgyver: and it opens nautilus if i click on icons on desktop09:03
mattgyvericarus-c_, maybe you can go into preferred applications in the preferences menu somewhere09:03
mattgyverno you cant09:04
mattgyverhey icarus-c_ i think i found it out09:04
icarus-c_mattgyver: huh?09:04
mattgyveropen gconf-editor and go to desktop>gnome>applications>component_viewer09:05
mattgyverchange exec to 'thunar %s'09:05
icarus-c_mattgyver: i'm looking at browser O.o09:05
mattgyverbrowser would be for internet though09:05
paolob_mattgyver, I haven't smb, but nfs shareas09:05
icarus-c_mattgyver: well, actuall i want to use nautilus09:05
icarus-c_mattgyver: and it is already nautilus %s there09:06
mattgyveryeah it should be09:06
mattgyverSo...You dont want to change nautilus to thunar?09:06
abhilashm86Promote ubuntu 9.04, add tweet ribbon ubuntu symbol to your profile photo,http://twibbon.com/join/ubuntu-910-karmic-koala-3,go on twitter users, make it success09:06
icarus-c_mattgyver: interesting thing is that when i click on Places -> Documents,  it opens thunar instead of nautilus. but if i click on desktop icons, it opens nautilus for me09:06
abhilashm86Promote ubuntu 9.04, add tweet ribbon ubuntu symbol to your profile photo of twitter,http://twibbon.com/join/ubuntu-910-karmic-koala-3,go on twitter users, make it success, its really cool to do..............09:07
mattgyvericarus-c_, do you really need both, my next thought is remove thunar all together09:07
mattgyverim not really sure why you have both anyway, are you on xubuntu?09:07
icarus-c_mattgyver: sh....  i'm on Arch09:08
mattgyverOh okay, its our secret09:08
icarus-c_it is the number of people on this channel attracted me :P09:08
mattgyverIts hard to say why its doing it, is thunar the default in arch?09:09
=== dejavu is now known as ergun
Signeanyone wants lockerz invites?09:09
mattgyveri want a google voice invite :(09:10
icarus-c_mattgyver: there is no default09:10
mattgyvericarus-c_, oh okay, im not too sure then, im fresh out of ideas09:10
icarus-c_mattgyver: isn't google voice doesn't support linux ?09:10
mattgyvericarus-c_, that i dont know but probably not, i need it for my android phone though09:11
scorpionfoothello, anyone fancy solving my random ubuntu problem?09:11
icarus-c_scorpionfoot: ask directly09:11
icarus-c_mattgyver: is android sexy?09:11
paolob_mattgyver, nautilus in karmic doesn't have that options for sharing any more09:12
mattgyverit gets better and better ;)09:12
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icarus-c_mattgyver: i was about to build it but it doesn't like Java jdk6....09:12
scorpionfootcirca 2005 medion mim2120 laptop , intel graphics i think 915 no backlight09:12
icarus-c_mattgyver: and is there proper C++ support on android yet?09:12
Lintwhy Ubuntu cannot show current date properly in the end of 2009?09:12
enochhi all09:12
testeHi all.09:13
goodboyis there chinese man ?09:13
enochi have to install ubuntu on an ex "windows-pc"09:13
testeI need help.09:13
icarus-c_goodboy: 說英語09:13
enochis  better to install the 9.04 or the 9.10 beta?09:13
scorpionfoottried using 9.04 and 8.0409:13
scorpionfootsame result even with live cd09:14
testesomeone help me?09:14
icarus-c_enoch: if you think you are good, go with 9.1009:14
mattgyvericarus-c_, that i kdont know09:14
icarus-c_enoch: but don't cry like baby when you got issue on your own09:14
scorpionfootalthough at start of live cd picture is backlit09:14
testesomeone mean of inetd?09:14
scorpionfootand start of boot after install09:14
icarus-c_mattgyver: i heard that android doesn't even got iostream09:14
enochicarus-c_: i'm good but the pc is not for me, i wanna know if it will be upgraded right when the stable release will be out09:14
Lintwhy Ubuntu cannot show current date properly in the end of 2009?09:14
scorpionfootmany thanks if anyone can help me09:15
mattgyvericarus-c_, dunno, all i can tell you is that for a mobile platform its the best there is09:15
icarus-c_enoch: helping other to install? from my experience, it is better to install LTS for them09:15
NehtaroHello.  Could someone help me with a problem I have involving sound?09:15
icarus-c_mattgyver: yay Open source ~.~09:15
icarus-c_mattgyver: + linux kernel09:16
testeok i exit09:16
testebye bye09:16
scorpionfootdo laptop intel gpus work with ubuntu?09:16
purplefoolmy video chip-set has an access_control.file at /dev/dri/card0.  here there is a file but i cannot access it or change it.  is this normal?09:16
pkhow to install lamp on kubuntu?09:17
enochicarus-c_: thanks09:17
icarus-c_pk: just apache + mysql + php/perl09:17
scorpionfoot@pk full circle , the free ubuntu pdf mag on the net did a good lamp article09:18
icarus-c_scorpionfoot: you mean integrated chip ?09:18
NehtaroI'm hoping yes.  I'm running 9.10 beta, fully updated.  My left speaker is much, much more quiet than my right; I've gone to sound preferences and balanced out the left and right speakers, and the problem persists no matter what hardware profile I use, or sound I listen to.09:18
macopk: install tasksel, then run "sudo tasksel" and select "LAMP Server"09:18
scorpionfootyeah icarus, as in an intel gma 91509:18
icarus-c_scorpionfoot: intel chip usually works fine09:18
* icarus-c_ should study english grammar ...09:18
pkis it good to give sudo apt-get install php httpd mysql php-mysql?09:18
macointel's a lovely manufacturer who actually releases open drivers09:19
icarus-c_maco: yay yay09:19
scorpionfooti am about to try karmic but after that if backlight still doesnt work after boot splash i will have to go back to eindows09:19
lstarnespk: you should use apache2 instead of httpd and add libapache2-mod-php09:19
Nehtaroanyone think they can help me out, at least identify whether the speaker has lost potency or it's a software issue?09:19
icarus-c_maco: i will buy laptop only with intel chip&graphics09:19
macoicarus-c_: ditto on wireless09:19
icarus-c_maco: sure thing :P09:20
macoicarus-c_: both my laptops are intel wireless/graphics09:20
scorpionfootthis laptop mim2120 is about 200509:20
icarus-c_but sadly i havn't buy any laptop yet..09:20
pki gave install php apache2 libapache2-mod=php mysql php-mysql      but got error  "couldnt find package php"09:20
scorpionfootall i did was standard install of ubunut then run updates09:20
icarus-c_at least its not up to me to make the decision09:20
macopk: just do the tasksell thing i said09:20
scorpionfootshould i have to manually add a gfx driver?09:20
purplefoolNehtaro, had this problem with windows a long time ago and it turned out the speakers where bad...how old are yours and do they work with other systems?09:20
macopk: it gets all the pieces09:20
icarus-c_pk: maybe php509:21
icarus-c_not sure09:21
icarus-c_scorpionfoot: No.09:21
pkhwo to install taskcell?09:21
scorpionfooton launchpad i have seen many mentions of backlight problems with intel yet cant find a fix09:21
ketaraxif i install 8.04, will dist-upgrade to 9.04 first get 8.10?09:21
icarus-c_scorpionfoot: that would be about acpi, not intel driver09:21
lstarnesketarax: you will need to manually go to 8.10 first09:21
icarus-c_*i suppose09:22
scorpionfootso i should just look at  acpi settings somewhere ?09:22
icarus-c_scorpionfoot: well, bundling with acpi settings is quite geeky09:22
Nehtaropurpefool: they're about 4 years old, and didn't have problems until recently.  Of course, I've had Ubuntu for a while, so it's probably either a problem with 9.10 or the speaker just dying down.  I have no other computers or OSes to test it with, but would testing it in virtualbox work?09:22
pkmaco : how to use tasksell?09:22
scorpionfooti have mac os leopard on my pc if that tells you im a geek haha09:22
scorpionfootproblem is i have about 6months ubuntu experience but only vms09:23
macopk: "sudo apt-get install tasksel && sudo tasksel" then just use space/arrows/enter to select LAMP09:23
icarus-c_scorpionfoot: you thief!09:23
scorpionfoothey i bought leopard and the apple sticker is on the case -jobs aint got a thing on me!09:24
macoscorpionfoot: sure you dont have a button for it somewhere? my intel-based laptop has a "turn off the backlight now" button09:24
scorpionfootyes i do on the keyboard -u mean like a fn and F5 key?09:24
macoscorpionfoot: yeah usually a fn key09:24
macoscorpionfoot: maybe you just need to press that09:25
Nehtaropurplefool: it's a Creative SBS260 fyi09:25
scorpionfoothaha as if i havent tried those keys already09:25
icarus-c_scorpionfoot: maybe http://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Acpid#Laptop_Monitor_Power_Off09:25
scorpionfootatm im having to hook up a crt display09:25
maco*shrug* ok ten09:25
macowell im going to bed. good luck.09:26
=== vlt is now known as bobby_tables
scorpionfootcheers anyway maco adios09:26
pktasksell   : aptitude failes(100)     this error after pressing lamp server09:26
scorpionfootthanks icarus09:26
LintWhy Ubuntu doesn't have system-wide internationalization support in 2009?09:26
icarus-c_scorpionfoot: espanol? : P09:27
icarus-c_scorpionfoot: but apparently you come from UK09:27
scorpionfootno english but say adios a lot to peeps09:27
drgonzohello all09:28
scorpionfootsorry for the confusion09:28
icarus-c_scorpionfoot: yea, adios is sweet :P09:28
purplefoolNehtaro, what i was thinking is that it could be your speakers...not sure what a sbs260 is but if your speakers work elsewhere then that would help with diagnosis...09:28
drgonzoanyone know if it's possible to get a microphone working with a CA0160 Card and pulseaudio?09:28
scorpionfooti have just read that link icarus however does that deal with enablinbg the backlight09:28
=== bobby_tables is now known as vlt
scorpionfootthe bit u had anchored seems to refer to lid states09:28
Nehtaropurplefool: alright, I'll hook them up with a laptop tomorrow or something.  Thanks for your help09:29
LintIs there an applet for Gnome to show current date and time? Standard one is junk09:29
icarus-c_scorpionfoot: i'm not sure whether that arch stuff is compliant with ubuntu09:29
scorpionfootlint get google desktop widgets for linux09:29
LintI don't want widgets. I want a gnome-panel applet09:30
scorpionfootah well i have just seen a bit of code saying force on09:30
scorpionfootso i will try that anyway09:30
scorpionfootdr pepper...whats the worst that can happen lol09:30
scorpionfootfair enough lint09:31
icarus-c_scorpionfoot: backup the whole acpi conf folding before :P09:31
scorpionfootanyone using the karmic alphas on intel gpus?09:32
m0RrEscorpionfoot: karmic beta09:33
scorpionfooton a laptop morre?09:34
m0RrEVGA compatible controller: Intel Corporation Mobile 945GME Express Integrated Graphics Controller09:34
m0RrEeee pc 90109:34
scorpionfootwhats year u get the latop?09:34
m0RrEthis year09:34
scorpionfootdid you  use ubuntu versions earlier than karmic on it?09:35
scorpionfootif yes id the backlight work fine?09:35
Flannelscorpionfoot, m0RrE: Karmic discussions should happen in #ubuntu+1, thanks09:35
icarus-c_scorpionfoot: working?09:35
=== eli_ is now known as Elirips
scorpionfooticarus when i said done to copying i thought it had copied09:35
nutterpcgeneral question guys, is there an easy way for me to update my system from i686 to x86_64 without reinstalling?09:35
nutterpcdidn't think so, was hoping :P09:36
scorpionfootbut in gnome i click copy on acpi folder then go to click paste yet it is greyed out...?09:36
Viki27Hello , when i compile package using the make command . can i force "make" to use other version of g++ ? such g++-4.1 ?09:37
icarus-cscorpionfoot: working?09:37
clocksys1i'm trying to install vlc from PPA rep, but can't figure out the apt-sources part09:38
koolheadclocksys1: add the repository to your /etc/apt/sources.list file09:39
goodboy_is there chinese man?09:39
=== Ricky_ is now known as Guest78317
scorpionfootback sorry please type last msg to meagain anyone09:39
clocksys1koolhead: right, this is the locations how should this be formatted > https://launchpad.net/~c-korn/+archive/vlc/+packages09:40
icarus-cscorpionfoot: got it working?09:40
* icarus-c wonders how many people is in the ban list on this channel09:41
koolheadclocksys1: what does sudo apt-cache search vlc gives you09:41
clocksys1koolhead: oh nevermind i just found a drop down that gives me the format09:41
koolheadclocksys1: :P09:41
clocksys1it shows the .9 version09:41
clocksys1lol yeah missed the drop down menu on the page09:42
scorpionfooticarus i just found this link09:42
scorpionfootso im working on it still right now09:43
fcuk112_!cn | goodboy_09:43
ubottugoodboy_: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:43
* silver-bullet wishes he understood Chinese... beautiful looking language, eh?09:45
nutterpcpart of the many wonders of installing a new kernel, fine tuning it to your liking09:45
scorpionfootnope didnt help09:45
icarus-csilver-bullet: i can teach you that :P09:45
scorpionfootwhich file in acpi governs the backlight settings09:45
goodboy_me too09:45
silver-bulleticarus-c: Thanks for the offer, but I'm not clever enough :(09:46
icarus-csilver-bullet: 您好 means Hi (formal)09:46
jvainiohello, i have problems with adding anything to my internet blog... and to go around this i am trying to use windows with vmware, but its a pia to do it......... can i get this working09:46
=== MadMax is now known as MaxSid
icarus-csilver-bullet: copy these 2 symbols and tell people to can speak chinese09:46
jvainioi mean, when i go to add picutres the system just wont see any files09:46
jvainioalthough there are lots09:46
jvainiosame with videos09:46
optimizerhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xz0PaPpmGa8 <-- anyone know if the language is japanese or korean?09:47
icarus-coptimizer: ja[s09:47
icarus-coptimizer: japs09:47
jvainiodoes anyone know why my system is not seeing the picture or video files while trying to add them on a website, as they show up normally when i just look them locally - they are of supported formats so that cannot be it....... heeeelp09:49
=== peter is now known as Guest91529
purplefoolhas anyone here ever used envyng before?  does it work with chip-sets?09:55
clocksys1koolhead: ok got the rep and key added, can u explain this part? > You can update your system with unsupported packages from this untrusted PPA by adding ppa:c-korn/vlc to your system's Software Sources09:55
Ispanaklhi, installed gnomenu but its search function on panel is inaccessable. any idea how to activate it?09:56
=== abc_ is now known as Guest47385
wavezI'm not getting any sound in my new Ubuntu install. The tests say, "Could not open audio device for playback". My computer is an XPC. I'm trying to determine the audio chipset. One page says it has, "6-channel audio via 865G ICH5 and RealTek ALC650 codec"09:58
wavezdoes that mean 865G ICH5 is my chipset?09:59
LSD|NinjaNT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME. What causes it and what can I do about it?10:00
luiX_i'm trying to make a metadistro based on Ubuntu Server Hardy (because of the LTS) but i'm having touble adding some packages to my custom cd, i have to get the debs i want to include, but... is it the same if i get the packages (.deb) from an Ubuntu Jaunty? or can i just change the sources.list files to hardy to get them? any ideas?10:00
gsevili have ATI xpress 200m, use opensource driver, when resume from suspend, the screen splash , must restart the machine, how can I fix this?10:01
rabidweezlegsevil, don't suspend ;)10:05
frogzoogsevil: basically - don't suspend or use the proprietary driver10:07
vincenzo_buongiorno chi mi può aiutare10:09
denndaHi. How do you checkout http://public.kitware.com/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/?root=CMake ? I never did something with CVS up to now, and the quick n dirty guide fails to explain this 'intuitive' tool (am familiar with svn, git, hg, bzr tho...)10:09
mobi-sheepDoes anybody here use XBMC and was able to get their PS3 Bluetooth remote control to work?10:09
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)10:10
icarus-cIspanakl: right click @ panel -> Add item?10:12
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mattgyverI know you can do this manually but, is there a package that lets you dock a window to the desktop... like embed it into the wallpaper?10:13
akeripper_should you remove nvidia drivers if you are temporary switching to a ati card?10:15
blinkizHi. Am trying to automate installation of a package from repository. It asks three questions with debconf style. I know I can pre define these answers with debconf-set-selections. problem is, I don't know the string to set with debconf-set-selections. How can I find out what the package are questioning about? I guess it's in the source package and debian directory?10:15
mattgyverakeripper_, you probably dont need to you, might just require that you temporarily disable the card... probably someplace in x.org10:16
mattgyveri think i mean xorg, im really tired10:16
wavezwhy do I need to compile libs after I download (or compile) my ALSA driver?10:17
icarus-calsa driver?...10:18
icarus-cakeripper_: yes you better remove nvidia driver10:19
wavezsound driver10:19
icarus-cakeripper_: coz afaik, nvidia comes with their own libgl10:19
icarus-cwavez: what is your sound card10:19
scorpionfootim getting karmic10:19
icarus-clspci -v10:19
icarus-cscorpionfoot: is it 9.10?10:20
scorpionfooti will return on here in an hour or 2 to let u know if the karmic kernel fixes backlight issue10:20
wavezicarus-c: lspci -v10:20
wavezicarus-c: SMBus: Intel Corporation 82801EB/ER (ICH5/ICH5R)10:20
gsevil scorpionfoot: what backlight issue?10:21
wavezicarus-c: the realtek website indicated that I should download ALSA 0.9.410:21
scorpionfootintel gpu backlight issue in most kernels on many laptops10:21
the_undefineddoes ubuntu 9.04-desktop ship with a running apache2 by default?10:22
the_undefined(or in other words: Where can I find a list of pre-installed packages?)10:22
icarus-cwavez: better forget about downloading driver from vendor's website with linux...10:23
mattgyverthe_undefined, no apache is not included with 9.04-desktop, i dont even think its included with server10:23
lucentthe_undefined: dpkg --get-selections10:23
lucentsomething like this10:23
icarus-cwavez: what is the output of  sudo "lspci -v"10:24
the_undefinedmattgyver, lucent: thanks, Then one of the hundred packages I just installed had a dependency it should not have had10:24
scorpionfootin a few icarus and cheers for all your help so far10:24
mobi-sheepthe_undefined: Take a peek at ubuntu-desktop10:24
icarus-cscorpionfoot: adios10:24
scorpionfoothaha adios10:24
wavezicarus-c: which item in the output am I looking for? I don't see any mention of sound10:25
lucentthe_undefined: Ubuntu as an OS is a pretty fast moving target10:25
lucentwho's to say right or wrong on how to install... anything at all?10:25
jpdsthe_undefined: The desktop CD does not come with Apache, no.10:26
lucentyou'll try things repeatedly until you find a method that works for you10:26
icarus-cwavez: Audio10:26
the_undefinedI figured it out. Seems like the 'php5' package installed it, I guess I just want php5-cgi & php5-cli anyway10:26
the_undefinedso thanks for the help10:26
lucentI saw a mouse (and not the computer kind)10:27
lucentwaiting for it to snare itself in one of my many peanutbutter laced death machines of epic trap-i-ness10:27
frogzooMars Bars works pretty good too10:28
* lucent takes note10:28
wavezicarus-c: it only lists the host bridge, VGA, 5 USB controllers, PCI bridge, ISA bridge, 2 IDE interfaces, SMBus, Ethernet, and FIreWire10:28
whyzhey. anyone sees any difficulties in replacing dhclient with dhcpcd?10:29
mattgyverwavez, what are you trying to find again?10:29
frogzoowhyz: one's a client, one's a server...10:30
whyzfrogzoo, no, dhcpd is the server, dhcpcd is the client10:30
roothDoes anyone know how to disable the blinking of the WLAN-LED on my HP Compaq 8710w laptop? Whenever there is traffic on the WLAN the LED blinks, and since it is located on the top of the keyboard/computer it bugs me =( Did not have this in my older installation, 7.10, some things may ...10:30
rooth... have happend since then though =)10:30
wavezmattgyver: trying to make my audio work. Can't figure out what chipset I have.10:30
lucentrooth: electrical tape. yo.10:30
roothlucent: =)10:30
lucentI point out the most easiest way that is easy, and lazy.10:31
frogzoorooth: take a look in /etc/acpi10:31
lumisrooth: electric tape worked for me too =3 do it10:31
frogzoopfft @ fixes in hardware10:31
lucentthere's no reason to warn you away from hacking your software10:31
ActionParsnipyo yo yo10:31
lucentit's just a pain10:31
tstebutId like to do aptitude search on an exact name10:32
frogzootstebut: apt-cache search ###10:32
lucenttstebut: use regexp?   like uh aptitude search ^exactname$10:32
tstebutthat's all, is it possible, cause the FM don't help10:32
tstebutoh ok10:32
roothfrogzoo: ok, thx *looking*10:33
tstebutyeah I like your regexp tip, yhank you all10:33
mattgyverwavez, sorry i was afk, try an lshw (might need to install it) and look for the multimedia section, see if that helps10:34
lucentI grep therefore I am.... lazy.10:34
wavezmattgyver: np. Thanks, I'll try that.10:34
ActionParsniplucent: i'd say smart, rather than lazy :)10:34
ActionParsnipdo servers like mondays these days?10:35
mattgyverwavez, the more i look through my output the less i think its gonna show10:36
wavezmattgyver: it looks a lot the same as the lspci list. I notice *-serial UNCLAIMED10:36
mattgyverthe chipset anyway... it might show you enough detail to figure it out10:36
wavezdescription: SMBus10:36
wavezcould that be related?10:36
mattgyverI dont think so10:37
wavezsome of my searches indicated that the ICH5 chipset (?) is related to my audio10:37
wavezI'll paste it. It's from a page which lists specs on my pc10:37
wavezaudio: "6-channel audio via 865G ICH5 and RealTek ALC650 codec"10:37
tstebutOh, I've got a list of packages to install , that are available on Oracle, RedHat and Suse (oracle), but I can't find exact correspondance in aptitude repo on my Ubuntu....what 'd be the good practice for me to install'em ?10:38
zirodaytstebut: manually10:39
tstebutaptitude show libaio110:40
* sampaths wave10:40
mattgyvertstebut, if there are rpm's available anywhere for them you could use alien to install them10:40
ubottuRPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)10:42
nutterpcif my Core2 does support LM (Long Mode) I can still use the AMD64 install disc to install a 64bit distro can;'t i?10:42
acalvois the keyserver.ubuntu.com down?10:43
acalvocan't get a gpg key10:43
jvainioumm i am downloading a .rpm for vmware player10:43
jvainioshould i have taken .bundle file instead10:43
c4ptis anyone having a problem with gunzip with .tar.gzś on koala?10:43
jvainioor what10:43
jvainioif rpm will not install for this ubuntu10:44
mattgyverjvainio, i dont even know what a .bundle file is so i think the answer is no10:44
mattgyverBut... what is vmware player?10:45
roothfrogzoo: what's the tosh-prefix on some of the entries in /etc/acpi ? I fail to see where too look for the LED-blinking, all I see are the events that'll happen once I press the key(s) and how I can remap those.10:45
jvainioit is a software for running windows under linux10:45
jvainioand i want to use windows because this piece of .... doesnt want to show my pictures when i try to add them to an internet site10:45
jvainioeg. the files show ok in the file browser10:46
jvainiobut when i try to go to the site and press add and then go to the dir, no files10:46
frogzoorooth: grep -i led * ?10:46
mattgyverjvainio, so its just vmware then10:46
jvainioeven though they are of supported format10:46
mattgyverI prefer virtualbox10:46
mattgyverand its in the repos10:46
mattgyverwait, no its not, its on suns site as a .deb10:46
jvainiomattgyver - i think its a lighter version or osmething, as i have only seen vmware on windows before and it was of a different look10:46
* Blizzerand huggles ubottu10:46
reeniginEesreveRwhat is the difference between A-Record and CNAME?10:47
mattgyverno pda10:47
roothfrogzoo: so the way to move forward would be too look at the Asus-entries even though I have a HP/Compaq?10:47
jvainiobut yeah the reason why i am using vmware is a stupid thing10:47
jvainioi figure no-one here can know answer to my superadvanced question10:47
jvainiowhich is too bad..10:47
mattgyverjavinio, ask10:47
frogzoorooth: could well be10:47
mattgyverim sure i cant, but try10:47
mattgyverreeniginEesreveR, im no expert but I think an A-Record is in reference to website hosting10:47
roothfrogzoo: OK, I'll dig further, thank you for the pointer.10:48
frogzoorooth: another thing, try 'ps aux |grep ledcontrol'10:48
mattgyveran A-record is the highest level website, and i think somehow someway always prioritized by DNS servers.. something crazy like that.10:48
wavezmattgyver, icarus-c, I gotta hit the hay. Thanks for your help fellas. Any quick suggestions where I should begin my searching when I'm able to work on this next time?10:48
VilinyHey, im running crunchbang from a usb stick here - how can i access remote windows shared files? I need to contact a file server but i haven't found any way to browse the network10:48
jvainiomattgyver is it ok to private message you10:48
mattgyverjvainio, yup10:49
ArkoldThoshow I can use a remote controller that came with the computer with Kubuntu?10:49
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patbamActionParsnip: that driver didn't work out as planned, i'm on a livecd now :)10:50
patbamActionParsnip: can i uninstall that driver from this livecd?10:50
ActionParsnippatbam: if you boot to recovery root console from grub, you can remove the package there using apt-get10:51
=== JaredWigmore is now known as JaredW
patbamActionParsnip: ah... i shall look up how to do that. i just ended up wtih a bit of fuzz on a black screen, btw.10:51
frogzoorooth: or yet again, it may be an option passed to the driver10:52
ActionParsnippatbam: esc when grub shows up, select recovery mode, select root10:52
patbamActionParsnip: ah ok. off to try that. thanks!10:52
mobi-sheepDoes anybody here use Deluge GUI to access their headless server?10:54
fantomashi all10:55
fantomasI can't make Ubuntu access WebDAV while cadaver successfuly logs in and lists files. One more broken thing in Ubuntu?10:55
fantomasIt tells me: HTTP Authorization Required. While I definitely specify username and password10:56
roothfrogzoo: no hit on ledcontrol, unfortunately. I think you're right that it is a driver thingie. I'm amazed though that there is so few relevant hits on Google for this issue.10:57
frogzoorooth: http://lists.us.dell.com/pipermail/linux-precision/2008-February/001316.html10:58
sampathsHow does mplayer ubuntu package block gnome screensaver, by changing the original code, or by heartbeat-smd10:59
lumissampaths: heartbeat command I think11:00
hellmitreanybody know much about dancer-ircd?11:01
hellmitrejust set up an IRC server on my home machine and I want to set up ops and get nickerv working11:02
Vilinyhow can i pass username and password with fusesmb?11:02
lucentViliny: it's not in the man page?11:03
O__ohow to change setting in gconf-editor?11:03
mattgyverO__o; i think you have to run as root, but run gconf-editor and make the change and close11:04
icarus-cmattgyver: no11:04
O__osudo gconf-editor?11:04
mattgyvericarus-c, am i wrong?11:05
icarus-cO__o: run as the user you want to make change11:05
mattgyvero ok11:05
icarus-cgconf are user specific11:05
icarus-cif you do sudo gconf-editor, it would change the config for root11:05
icarus-cO__o: just run gconf-editor11:05
einstein1969i have a question for kernel rt. I wont use a clocksource=acpi_pm (now use TSC) for overclock my FSB. There is problem with this clocksource?11:06
O__obut when i check /apps/compiz/general/screen0/options/sync_to_vblank in gconf-editor, the next time i open gconf-editor it is unchecked again11:07
lucentO__o: something is unchecking it.11:08
lucentthat's the logical answer here11:08
O__olucent, what is?11:08
lucentin more direct terms, you're good to modify that with gconf-editor11:08
O__odo u guys experience some screen tearing when playing back video?11:09
lucentbut the underlying setting is being set another way11:09
lucentO__o: amongst other visual glitches, sure11:09
O__owhen i boot into windows all video r fin11:10
lucentam running intel gma hardware though11:10
icarus-cO__o: maybe something else is doing that?11:10
icarus-cO__o: that is about xorg driver option11:10
icarus-cmaybe EXASync could solve it11:10
O__oi have geforce 7600 GT11:11
icarus-cconsult nvidia manual11:11
O__ogeforce7600 GT using non-free driver, screen tearing with or without compiz11:11
O__ointel crappy card in dell netbook with ubuntu but no screen tearing11:12
O__ois it just nvidia?11:12
icarus-cis it just intel is nearly perfect :P11:12
O__ointel is crap i cant play HD video there11:13
lucenticarus-c: it only made me wait 2 years to get proper compiz support11:13
icarus-cintel got UXA :D11:13
lucentyeah that too11:13
lucentstill an occasional glitch here and there11:13
lucent1420n inspiron dell11:14
andypiperdon't suppose anyone has thought about making an Ubuntu theme for Chrome yet11:14
coz_andypiper,  Chrome   you mean google chrome?11:14
lucentI know Googlers who still cling to Firefox heh11:15
andypiperto which I suppose the answer is, it's non-free so...11:15
coz_andypiper,  well as far as I can see  google chrome uses the gtk2 theme you h ave  going11:15
O__ocan u install chrome browser in ubuntu?11:15
andypiperwell... yes but it looks wrong on UNR11:15
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coz_O__o, yes11:15
Fish__O__o, why would u want that?:D11:15
andypiperI installed a darker theme to match Dust and Human Netbook a bit better but the tabs are still blue11:16
coz_O__o,   http://www.ghacks.net/2009/06/06/install-google-chrome-on-linux-and-why-you-should/11:16
O__ojust wanna try it out11:16
andypiperI find Firefox chews cpu on the Aspire One11:16
eracoonwhen will ubuntu rule the world?11:16
Fish__eracoon, TOMORROW!11:17
eracoonof course11:17
coz_eracoon,  the more you advertise it and show people what it can do the more it will rule :)11:17
icarus-cO__o: maybe give  AccelMethod  exa  & EXASync yes a try?11:17
O__oubuntu is so great and easy to use but dont know why people keep using windows11:17
icarus-cO__o: or nvidia-settings11:17
lucentandypiper: *huge* improvements are being made in Firefox resource usage with newer codebase, that is to say it was pretty damn embarassingly sluggish in most releases that people are using today :/11:17
eracoonI allready converted 3 users :P11:17
icarus-cO__o: those people are helpless11:17
O__oicarus-c, what r those11:17
coz_O__o,   applications  for windows and many games11:17
icarus-cO__o: xorg.conf stuff11:17
eracoonthe rest is not ready to be unplugged... from windows11:18
icarus-cbetween, it is not just ubuntu is easy to use anyway11:18
andypiperlucent: don't get me wrong I'm a FF fan... but it just seems to spin my CPU when I'm not touching it11:18
lucentUbuntu is not all that amazing, either, just to be honest11:18
coz_eracoon,  very cool    but explain to them that linux is "essentially " virus free and spyware free and ALL of the software is free11:18
lucentit sucks less than the alternatives that I have seen11:18
lucentif it breaks, I can fix it11:18
lucentI mean really fix it like change the code11:19
icarus-cO__o: try nvidia-settings first11:19
O__oicarus-c,  how?11:19
icarus-cO__o: run  nvidia-settings11:19
lucentthe people I know who cling to windows installations have no desire to use their computer anyways11:19
lucentthey just want to get through their work day without something going horribly wrong11:20
O__oi dont have that11:20
zetheroowhy do I get a command not found message when doing this: sudo ./AlsaUpgrade-1.0.x-rev-1.16.sh -i11:20
coz_O__o,   in a terminal      lspci | grep -i vga11:20
lucentzetheroo: no slash bang?11:20
O__ocoz_, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation G70 [GeForce 7600 GT] (rev a1)11:20
coz_zetheroo,  dont use the ./11:20
zetheroocoz_: tried that already11:21
coz_O__o,  ok and did you install the nvidia driver?11:21
O__ocoz_, yes11:21
einstein1969i have a question for kernel rt. I want use a clocksource=acpi_pm (now use TSC) for overclock my FSB. There is problem with this clocksource and rt patch?11:21
zetheroolucent: slash bang?11:21
coz_O__o,   open a terminal    nvidia-settings11:21
lucentzetheroo: sudo su;  then you want to do /bin/sh ./commandname11:21
O__ocoz_, there is no nvidia-settings11:21
Weust`_hi, is there a reason why ubuntu has a 'rename' in /usr/bin that is a perl script while on another distro this is a elf-binairy (they act differently....)11:22
icarus-czetheroo: do you have that in your $PWD ?11:22
coz_O__o,  how did you install the nvidia driver?11:22
Weust`_which kind of sucks for scripts11:22
icarus-czetheroo: and have you chmod +x ?11:22
O__ocoz_,  in administration | hardware drivers11:22
coz_zeroXten,  or right click that .sh  permissions and tick the execute  box11:22
Prunewhat is an emacs editor?11:22
lucentzetheroo: I would add that running anything as root is probably setting a course for FAIL island11:22
jribWeust`_: why does it suck for scripts?11:22
zetheroolucent: ok that's working11:22
icarus-cPrune: http://www.google.com/search?q=emacs11:22
coz_O__o,  and did you reboot the system after installing that driver?11:23
Weust`_jrib: for instance: rename 'foo' 'bar' * does not work in ubuntu11:23
coz_O__o,  open system/administration/hardware drivers  and see if it is activated11:23
O__ocoz_, of course, i have it enable like a year ago11:23
lucentzetheroo: "slash bang" is a phrase, maybe it is ...  programmer, or admin phrase11:23
Prunethanks icarus11:23
zetheroolucent: yeah well I have done this about 3 times in the past and its safe ... but I still would like it to work without the sudo so part11:23
lucentzetheroo: normal user won't know what that means11:23
coz_O__o,  then you should have nvidia-settings11:23
jribWeust`_: right, because as you noticed they are different programs.  You can usually find debian/ubuntu's rename as prename in other distros.  Try mmv to get similar functionality11:23
icarus-cWeust`_: forget that rename and just  mv11:23
O__ocoz_, it is activated11:23
prince_jammysWeust`_: the rename utility is nonstandard. i think there are two major ones (what you mentioned) don't use it if you need it to be portable11:23
=== sivel_ is now known as sivel
coz_O__o,  then I dont understand...nvidia-settings should be installed along with that11:24
icarus-cWeust`_: mv  fileA  newname11:24
coz_O__o,  which driver version did it install?11:24
O__okelvin@orz:~$ nvidia-settings11:24
O__oThe program 'nvidia-settings' is currently not installed.  You can install it by typing:11:24
O__osudo apt-get install nvidia-settings11:24
O__obash: nvidia-settings: command not found11:24
FloodBot1O__o: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:24
O__oi dont know how to check version number11:24
coz_O__o,  then  sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings11:24
lucentzetheroo: when a file is set with the +x executable permission bit, then your shell will read the first bytes from it as you try to execute it11:24
coz_O__o,  however that is odd it was not installed automatically along with the driver11:25
Weust`_jrib: it is a script on a server, but the rename that it has, i don't know from which package it comes11:25
icarus-czetheroo, lucent and have the #!/usr/bin/perl at the first line (correct me if i'm wrong)11:25
lucentzetheroo: if the first bytes are hash bang .... it uses this path to execute the file11:25
icarus-ci mean ..11:25
jribWeust`_: check the source on that distro...11:25
lucentzetheroo: #!/bin/bash11:25
icarus-cthe thing gonna interpret the script11:25
O__ocoz_, i installed it now11:25
O__ocoz_, whats next?11:25
lucentzetheroo: like that in a script, with execute, and it will do /bin/bash /path/to/your/script11:25
coz_O__o,  ok now run it   nvidia-settings11:26
coz_O__o,   what are you wanting to do with this ?11:26
erUSULlucent: the shebang thing is done by the kernel not by the shell afaik11:26
icarus-cWeust`_: mv  fileA fileB  == renaming11:26
O__oi dont know11:26
jribWeust`_: for instance on arch, rename seems to be part of util-linux-ng11:26
coz_O__o,  oh :)11:26
SmokeyD1hey people, what is the default screenshot app for ubuntu/gnome?11:26
lucenterUSUL: ORLY? :o11:26
O__oi experience screen tearing when playing video11:26
SMSshock4itaj 4uzhije sms vsego za 0.15 sant. -- >  www.chitay-sms.tk11:26
SMSshock4itaj 4uzhije sms vsego za 0.15 sant. -- >  www.chitay-sms.tk11:26
FloodBot1SMSshock: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:26
coz_O__o,  well with nvidia settings you can  set up dual monitors with twinview if you have a secondary monitor or change resolutions of your monitor on the fly11:26
Weust`_jrib: it is an SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 10 SP111:26
jribWeust`_: so use whatever tools suse provide to find out where it comes from11:27
icarus-cO__o: find your way out to install nvidia-settings11:27
Weust`_basically i need to achief this: strip a certain string from an filename11:27
O__oicarus-c, i have installed it now11:27
Weust`_or i should use sed with an forloop11:27
Weust`_but rename 'tostrip' '' * IS NICE11:27
lucenterUSUL: I'll leave it to you if you would like to support that notion with document or URL link :P11:27
prince_jammysWeust`_: 's/tostrip//' *11:28
jribWeust`_: use whatever tool you want.  The rename in ubuntu uses regex, so... rename 's/tostrip//g' *11:28
lucentWeust`_: global?11:28
Weust`_yeah but isn't ther a _universal_ way that works on all distro's? whatever rename version it has11:28
einstein1969hi, there is any way to measure the clock tick?11:28
Weust`_kind of stupid the rename (perl version) does not support the old syntax11:29
Weust`_lucent: global what ?11:29
prince_jammysWeust`_: no. you'd have use the shell (or sed, or whatever) to work with the text, and then mv.11:29
erUSULlucent: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shebang_(Unix) <<<11:29
lucentWeust`_: sed -e 's:find:replace:g'11:29
lucentthat's global11:29
jribWeust`_: they are different programs.  You can't assume a program is the same if it has the same name unless there is some sort of standard11:29
lucentthanks erUSUL11:29
* lucent stabs gnome-terminal11:29
erUSULlucent: you know i was about to use the let me google that for you website but wikipedia is enough11:30
Weust`_jrib: ok, but i did expect that if a utility like rename gets reinvented, it is at least compatible with the other syntaxes11:30
jribWeust`_: apparently rename.ul on debian/ubuntu should be the util-linux rename that I'm guessing you are talking about from suse.  Or use mmv which is similar11:30
Weust`_but i'll guess i'll loop trough filenames and sed them out11:30
erUSULlucent: before you jump; in linux the program loader is part of the kernel and no they are not refering to the shell11:30
lucenterUSUL: unless I am mistaken, this ... oh11:30
Weust`_i'll man mmv11:30
lucenttoo late, I am in the ocean ;P11:31
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent11:32
O__odo you guys have Sync to VBlank on display device checked or not?11:32
erUSULlucent: :)11:32
icarus-ceinstein1969: what do you mean ?11:33
Weust`_btw jrib this seems to work also11:35
Weust`_for i in $(ls); do echo mv $i ${i/foo/}; done;11:35
Weust`_to remove foo from sting11:35
jribWeust`_: sure11:35
prince_jammysfor i in *; do mv "$i" "${i/foo/}"; done11:35
Weust`_prince_jammys: it was just test :)11:36
einstein1969icarus-c, i want understand how to measure the current CONFIG_HZ, and the relation whit the parameter clocksource=acpi_pm or tsc.11:36
Balsaqthank you ubuntu techs...i have ironed out most of my issues with your help, thank you.11:36
* erUSUL just found out that rename has alternatives in ubuntu o.011:37
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icarus-ceinstein1969: no idea11:38
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mobi-sheepAnybody know what port Avahi use to discover devices?11:41
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O__oif i change something in nvidia-settings, do i need to re login to see effect?11:43
ActionParsnipO__o: no, click apply and its applied11:44
idenzeltest msg11:44
ActionParsnipO__o: if yuo write the settings to the x config file you will need to restart X to test11:44
Pef^advice is to run it fm terminal with sudo nvidia-settings usually it wont be able to tave the configuration to x otherwise11:44
AlvinwareWhere to find monopoly game for ubuntu?11:44
Pef^crap i cant spell =/11:45
lucentAlvinware: there's a monopoly like game but the name I forget11:45
ActionParsnipAlvinware: http://gtkatlantic.gradator.net/screenshots.html    http://kapitalist.sourceforge.net/screenshots.html11:45
frogzoogtkatlantic - Game like Monopoly11:46
ActionParsnipor get a nes emu and play it on there :)11:46
AlvinwareActionparsnip, yeah, gtkalantic, but after the installation, it didn't show up in the game menu, and is the server in it is correct, cause no people?11:47
nikolamAGAIN that update makes my computer totally USELESS during background package install..11:47
ActionParsnipAlvinware: you can use alacarte to makethe menu item11:48
HazeFazesry :)11:49
nikolamlike we don`t have multitasking on Linux anymore, if regarding moments of package installing, Grrr11:49
HazeFazeidenzel: what are you testing?11:49
AlvinwareActionParsnip, If i plan to try the Kapaitalist, i should download the client, not the server, right?11:49
ActionParsnipAlvinware: no idea, i simply found the links11:50
hsarciI just executed "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade" then I restarded and now when I click on a folder from "Places" menu i get an error saying "no application is registered to handle this file". Nautalis is still installed and it works fine. any ideas?11:54
bernardohi guys... firefox only opens here with sudo privileges, any idea why?11:55
bernardoif I try to open from shortcut, it says starting firefox and then dies11:55
hsarcibernardo, you try reinstalling?11:56
bernardoyes, I have tried11:56
hsarcitry purge?11:56
fantomasIs there a quick way to switch language of UI to EN?11:57
hsarcisudo aptitude purge firefox* && sudo aptitude install firefox11:57
Fishiehello ppl, is there a way to Force Quit fullscreen programs?11:57
fantomasI'm posting a problem to ubuntu forums and need dialogs in English11:57
FishieFor example, I was playing Frets on Fire :) but then it crashed, and I had to force shut down my PC11:57
bernardook, will try that, thanks11:57
hsarciI just executed "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade" then I restarded and now when I click on a folder from "Places" menu i get an error saying "no application is registered to handle this file". Nautalis is still installed and it works fine. any ideas?11:58
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jvainiohey anyone has any idea why virtualbox is not booting my image11:59
jvainioit boots like half11:59
jvainioeg the first windows loading bar goes11:59
jvainiobut then nothing, just a blank black screen11:59
jvainioand ive been waiting for like 30mins now11:59
bernardonope, purging didn't work11:59
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arandFishie: hmm, what i would do is switch to tty (ctrl+alt+F2 {ctrl+alt+F7 to get back}) and then use the "killall" command or a combination of "ps" (get process number) and "kill" (send (termination) signals to process number)12:00
bernardohi guys, firefox only works here if I do sudo firefox, else it goes starting firefox for 15s and then nothing happens12:01
bidossessibernardo, run the command in a console and see what debug info it gives you12:01
bernardobidossessi, which command? `firefox`?12:02
bidossessibernardo, obviously :)12:02
arandFishie: or if the whole desktop has locked up it can normally be restarted by using alt+sysreq(/printscreen)+K12:02
bernardonothing happens, it goes to the next line bidossessi12:02
bidossessibernardo, i suggest moving your .mozilla folder to .mozilla-bak and trying again12:04
bernardobidossessi, where is it located please?12:04
bidossessibernardo, in your home folder12:04
bernardowow bidossessi, that worked!12:05
bernardowhy such weird bug bidossessi? thanks a lot12:05
bidossessibernardo, well, you will have temporarily lost all bookmarks and extensions, so i suggest getting them back one by one from your backup mozilla folder to minpoint which one created the problem12:06
AlvinwareHow to remove Kapitalist?12:06
bidossessiAlvinware, install 'communist'? lol12:06
bernardobidossessi, no worries, I didn`t have much installed... thanks a lot!  cya12:06
deepakhi guys.. how do i configure my pidgin to be able to send file to gtalk client??12:06
cappizsomeone knows of a good php / mysql music streamer/jukebox?12:07
AlvinwareKapitalist is a monopoly-like game.12:07
bidossessiAlvinware, did you install it through synaptic?12:07
quimkaosdeepak is that possible with the gtak client12:07
quimkaoscouse i was never able to12:07
milligan_Could anyone recommend me a program or similar that could pop up a reminder on my monitor on day X at time Y with a message I specify?12:07
heoa____What can be the reason that the command "lprm -Pprinter -" does not work?12:08
Alvinwarebidossessi, no, i installed it from .deb package download from it website.12:08
deepakquimkaos: ya that's possible with a gtalk client.12:08
enatom_How do i Eject a CD ?12:08
Eliripsmilligan_: can't you do at with the calendar from evolution?12:08
enatom_The FN keys on my laptop are not being recongized12:08
deepakquimkaos: but with pidgiin that gives file transfer error.12:08
kennyG_I am looking forward to a google wave accound, could someone invite me please :)12:08
enatom_How do i eject my CD12:08
enatom_Hod do i remove my CD12:08
quimkaosright click on cd  >unmoutn12:08
bidossessideepak, gtalk uses an implementation of xmpp. since you are in different subnets,  you'll need to check which proxy google uses for media transfer...12:08
jribkennyG_: please don't ask for that here12:08
Gravitonenatom_: Right-click the icon on your desktop and press "eject"12:08
milligan_Elirips, I don't use evolution12:08
kennyG_jrib, ok, sorry12:09
quimkaosyap deepak12:09
milligan_Elirips, doing to give kalarm a go.12:09
deepakbidossessi: means google doesnt use xmpp servers.12:09
Eliripsmilligan_: yes, or the calendar from kontact, or something like this..12:09
enatom_Graviton, its not coming out, there is not Eject, only unmount12:09
quimkaosdeepak maybe it works with anouther protocol like msn12:09
enatom_How do i get my CD out ?12:10
enatom_There is no eject button12:10
quimkaosnot with gtalk i think12:10
enatom_and unmount does nothing12:10
bidossessideepak, gtalk is xmpp with a few additional whistles and bells12:10
ikoniaenatom_: "eject" is the command12:10
fcuk112_enatom_: is there a small hole on your drive?12:10
ikoniaenatom_: you need to make sure you don't have anything using the device12:10
hsarciI just executed "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade" then I restarded and now when I click on a folder from "Places" menu i get an error saying "no application is registered to handle this file". Nautalis is still installed and it works fine. any ideas?12:10
enatom_a hole fcuk112_ ?12:10
enatom_ikonia, i have a CD in there12:10
fcuk112_enatom_: on your dvd drive.12:10
fcuk112_enatom_: the physical drive.12:10
enatom_ikonia where do i write the command12:10
gajopcan anyone please post their /etc/init.d/pulseaudio script? my current distro doesn't have it, and i'd like to see how it's done somewhere else so i can adapt it to my own12:10
bidossessigajop couldn't google help for that?12:11
deepakthere must be something that helps me configuring it that way .. a 3rd party software or so ..12:11
ikoniaenatom_: open a terminal12:11
gajopbidossessi: maybe, i'm just getting bug reports for it :P12:11
enatom_fcuk i do not have a hole in my drive12:11
Gravitonenatom_: Try opening a terminal and type in eject12:11
ikoniaenatom_: control your language12:11
enatom_yeah the eject command WORKED!!12:12
enatom_im using ubuntu 9.1012:12
enatom_man, ubuntu has a long way to go, for being mainstream12:12
ikoniaenatom_: 9.10 discussion should be in #ubuntu+112:12
enatom_ok ikonia12:12
quimkaoslol couse of the eject?12:12
Alvinwarebidossessi, i recall my memory back, use sudo apt-get remove kapitalist, then complete it with ubuntu tweak.12:12
enatom_quimkaos, my brightness control doesnt work either12:13
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Alvinwarelol, in here, i help myself, lol.12:13
enatom_but i wont bother with asking fr help with that one12:13
Eliripsgajop: http://pastebin.com/m109ff6ed12:13
deepakeveryone: can i ask any of my queries related to ubuntu here ??12:13
quimkaosyours or the screen brightness12:13
gajopElirips: thanks12:14
hsarciI just executed "sudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude dist-upgrade" then I restarded and now when I click on a folder from "Places" menu i get an error saying "no application is registered to handle this file". Nautalis is still installed and it works fine. any ideas?12:15
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Pef^hsarci, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=51071 ?12:16
Pef^i think its mentioned in that thread somewhere, might be usefull to read12:17
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lorenz_ask! how do i install flashplayer amd 64 on jaunty??12:19
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icarus-clorenz_: grab the 64bit alpha from adobe12:20
erUSULlorenz_: the same way you do in 32 bit. installing flashplugin-nonfree package12:20
lorenz_icarus-c: i didn't find any...12:20
KenBW22does anyone know an app that can back up SMSs from a phone's sent box12:22
ziroday!flash | lorenz12:22
ubottulorenz: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash12:22
ActionParsnipKenBW22: depends how they are seen to ubuntu, if the inbox is simply a file, you can copy iy12:23
ActionParsnipKenBW22: it will vary wildly so you will have to investigate whats what first12:23
KenBW22ActionParsnip: I can use Wammu for backing up the messages but it doesn't transfer the dats and times - only for the inbox12:24
ActionParsnipKenBW22: its not something I do tbh12:25
GutZuWiSSeN_hmmm .. i just updated to karmic .. and got a problem with pidgin: i cant receive messages. (but i can send them) .. any ideas?12:25
ActionParsnip!karmic | GutZuWiSSeN_12:26
ubottuGutZuWiSSeN_: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:26
GutZuWiSSeN_k sorry :)12:26
CJ_____babak, hey!12:28
tehbautdoes 7zip or rar packages work with the nautilus context menu shortcut?12:29
tehbaut(extract here)12:29
babaki update my kernel to 2.6.28-15 my previous version was 2.6.28-11 on 2.6.28-11 i installed graphic card now in new version i have problem with graphic card now do i have to another install it in new kernel?12:30
ActionParsnipbabak: you may need to configure it, did you use envy by any chance?12:32
Neremorhello! when i try to mount an iso, i get this error: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/loop0, missing codepage or helper program, or other error12:32
babakActionParsnip: i don't config it how can i do?12:32
icarus-ctehbaut: you need to install 7z and unrar12:33
RadicalRQuick question, have anyone been reporting NTFS disks being turned to RAW disk after force mounting them in Linux?12:33
ActionParsnipNeremor: sudo mount -o loop /path/to/file.iso /mount/point12:33
Neremorto mount i'm using this comand: sudo mount -o loop -t iso9660 isofile.iso /media/targetdir12:33
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ActionParsnipbabak: what is the output of: lspci | grep -i vga12:33
RadicalRI have seen one such report on the forums.12:33
icarus-clorenz: google adobe 64bit flash12:33
icarus-clorenz: google adobe 64bit flash linux12:34
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lorenzicarus-c: can i pm you?12:34
icarus-clorenz: ok12:34
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babakActionParsnip: 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: nVidia Corporation GT200 [GTX260-216] (rev a1)12:35
icarus-clorenz: put it in ~/.mozilla/plugins12:35
ActionParsnipbabak: http://webupd8.blogspot.com/2009/08/how-to-install-nvidia-190xx-drivers-in.html12:35
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ActionParsnipbabak: the 185 is stable, the190 is beta12:35
xandhello all, can anyone please help me with a white screen issue with compiz due to Xorg somehow reverting back to Vesa driver ?12:35
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gamerxhey guys12:37
gamerxwhere does flash.so go (plugin)12:38
gamerxfor mozzila12:38
ActionParsnipgamerx: it can go in ~/.mozilla/plugins12:39
quimkaosanyway to import firefox/thunderbird configurations from an instalation in a windows partition?12:40
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gamerxActionParsnip, im wondering, if i put it there it does not work12:41
gamerxdebug1, night12:42
icarus-cquimkaos: maybe copy the config file from My Documents12:42
ActionParsnipgamerx: you need to uninstall the flash packages you have installed12:42
gamerxActionParsnip, hang on12:42
ActionParsnipgamerx: all, including gnash and swfdec12:42
icarus-cnot sure what things are like on windows12:42
icarus-cgamerx: have you tried ?12:42
ActionParsnipgamerx: and flashplugin-installer flashplugin-nonfree, aLL out12:42
Exilehey guys I've just had to do a reinstall of my server and I used webmin. last time I was in here someone suggested something better, does anyone have any idea what that may have been?12:43
ActionParsnip!webmin | Exile12:43
ubottuExile: webmin is no longer supported in Debian and Ubuntu. It is not compatible with the way that Ubuntu packages handle configuration files, and is likely to cause unexpected issues with your system. See !ebox instead.12:43
Halitech!ebox | Exile12:43
quimkaosfor bookmarks i can just export it to a html and acc too12:43
ubottuExile: ebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox12:43
Exileebox thats it12:43
Exilecheers mate12:43
Exileforgot what it was called12:43
quimkaosnot 4 folders and mails12:43
gamerxActionParsnip, im uninstalliung them now12:44
ActionParsnipgood, thats why it didnt work12:44
xguruis there such thing as free voip on ubuntu?12:46
Exileanyone know why 'sudo apt-get install ebox-all' isnt working in 9.04?12:46
fcuk112_xguru: you mean like skype?12:46
quimkaosjust 1 more thing we can update to 9.10 from 9.04 or we nead upgrade?12:46
Exilenever mind 'sudo apt-get install ebox' seems to work12:47
joaopinto!kamirc | quimkaos12:47
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about kamirc12:47
xgurufcuk112_: yes something like skype, but i thought they charged $30 for incoming and $38 for outgoing12:47
joaopinto!karmic | quimkaos12:47
ubottuquimkaos: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+112:47
Halitechquimkaos, it would be an upgrade12:48
Halitechxguru, skype is free for computer to computer calls, calls to landlines are usually around 5cents or less a minute depending on where you call12:49
xgurufcuk112_:  i guess it would be alittle different then skype, computer to lan line, so in that case i guess there isn't a free service :)  ?12:49
debug1Wonder if Ubuntu 9.10 will be able to support the Intel DP43TF MB.12:49
Halitechxguru, http://www.skype.com/prices/12:49
xandhello all, can anyone please help me with a white screen issue with compiz due to Xorg somehow reverting back to Vesa driver ?12:49
amigamiai have a feeling that my server has been compromised and i think i need to start with a new one. is seveas here?12:54
amigamiai know it has been compromised i can tell by the activity with iptraf and top12:55
ActionParsnipamigamia: try setting the driver in xorg.conf to what you expect12:55
amigamiawhat do you maen ationparsnip?12:55
xgurufcuk112_, Halitech : chick this out.    http://www.ghacks.net/2009/07/24/make-free-calls-from-your-computer-with-google-voice/12:55
amigamiawhat is the diff command used for?12:56
amigamiawhy would squid be hanging so badly?12:56
ActionParsnipamigamia: gksudo gedit /etc/X11/xorg.conf    set the driver line to what you expect (you said it was switched to vesa)12:56
ActionParsnipamigamia: comparing 2 files12:56
PiciActionParsnip: You're responding to the wrong person.12:56
amigamiano i didint actoinparsnip12:56
amigamiai am on a different plane of meditation12:57
amigamiawell this diff is running at like 70%12:57
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amigamiai dont know what for?12:57
debug1Wonder if Ubuntu 9.10 will be able to support the Intel DP43TF MB.12:58
icarus-cdebug1: you may grab the kernel and try12:59
Picidebug1: 9.10 discussion is in #ubuntu+112:59
amigamiai see all these udp connections and i dont have a clue what they are or where they are from?12:59
amigamiawhy are they here?12:59
amigamiathey are like from romania and north korea. why?13:00
mgolischno idea13:00
DelvienIs there any way to change the brightness on an LCD (laptop) manually? I cannot change the brightness with FN keys...13:00
ActionParsnipamigamia: if you are torrenting, that willl do it13:00
amigamiai am not torrenting13:00
amigamiai did13:00
PiciYou seem to be able to tell that they are there, what program is using them?13:00
amigamiado you think that is the problem?13:00
amigamiai was torrenting13:01
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!13:01
frogzoo1Delvien: look in /etc/acpi13:01
* root 13:02
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oclaudiozciao a tutti13:02
amigamiado you think that the torrenting is what attractied all this activity?13:02
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amigamiado you think i am infected?13:02
amigamiai feel i probably have to reimage.13:02
amigamiaany comments?13:02
Delvienfrogzool doesnt have anything really....13:02
gdm_diehello. i just installed 9.10 , and i cannot get in X window. gdm dies and try to restart again and again13:02
ActionParsnipamigamia: depends what apps you are running, you need to dig around to see whats running and where it connects13:02
gdm_diewhere is the log file ?13:03
Picigdm_die : Please join #ubuntu+1 for Karmic/9.10 support/discussion.13:03
ActionParsnip!9.10 | gdm_die13:03
ubottugdm_die: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+113:03
Viki27Hello , after i compiled package using "make & make install" how can i remove the package ?13:03
icarus-camigamia: infected...13:03
amigamiaactionparsnips what can a run to determine that?13:03
Piciamigamia: Does sudo netstat -taunp say the program that is using those connections?13:03
icarus-cViki27: I'm afraid *you can't*13:03
Delvienfrogzool only specific laptop model stuff13:03
icarus-cViki27: that's why we need package13:03
ActionParsnipamigamia: ps -ef | less     will help13:03
amigamiais there like a catchall type thingy i can do?13:04
amigamiais there some command i can use to make some kind of something?13:04
gdm_diePici: thanks13:04
icarus-cViki27: *unless* you install to a special root  like  ~/.local13:04
amigamialet me tri pici thank you13:04
* ale_ hi13:04
amigamiathat diff is running again13:04
amigamiait is up to 90% mem13:05
ActionParsnipwhom owns the process?13:05
amigamiatop says so13:05
amigamiait just came back again13:05
amigamialet me look13:06
amigamianow squid is showing up again13:06
ActionParsnipno, what user is the owner?13:06
amigamiait dissapeared again13:06
icarus-cmaybe run a "who" command  first if you don't feel good :P13:07
amigamiaseems like something is funny with postfix13:07
RanDom33Can anyone help me with setting up my wireless printer? I have tried every option with CUPS, used generic and the driver that is listed for my printer and it still will not work. The printer does work though as i can print from my xp machine.13:07
amigamiai ahve to load another putty brb13:07
dA-kiNgI got some problem, can someone help me please?13:07
icarus-cRanDom33: have you started the cups daemon?..13:07
Pici!ask | dA-kiNg13:07
ubottudA-kiNg: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:07
HalitechRanDom33, what printer?13:07
RanDom33Halitech, brother mfc-495cw13:08
icarus-cRanDom33: and have you select a proper driver for your printer?13:08
marcrieraHello everybody. I'm looking for a software to deploy unatended versions of debian, ubuntu and windows to a bunch of blades. Anyone is using 'something' to manage large racks of servers. Open source is requiered by our fundation policy. thanks13:08
dA-kiNgI got a problem, which that is, i install ubuntu in the pc and in that pc the internet connection is by wireless, and i have the cd to install but the ubuntu dont execute the cd, its gives some error. :\13:09
RanDom33icarus-c, * Restarting Common Unix Printing System: cupsd                         [ OK ] ? so i am guessing it is running13:09
RanDom33icarus-c, i have selected the driver that was installed from the drop down list.. i downloaded one from the Brother website13:09
RanDom33icarus-c, and that is the one i have been selecting, i also tried generic... and also cups-pdf13:10
icarus-cdA-kiNg: don't miss the most important part, what is the exact error?13:10
* raid0 alloz 13:10
icarus-cRanDom33: what printer is it13:10
dA-kiNgicarus-c can you wait 2mn , ill check it ok?13:10
amigamiai dont understand what it is revealiing. i probably need to just put in a new drive and install fresh i think.13:10
HalitechRanDom33, I don't see a linux driver for that machine13:10
amigamiathen i can mess about with the other one and hopefully save some of the emails and stuff.13:10
RanDom33icarus-c, brother mfc-495cw... i used the guide on the brother website and it failed13:10
icarus-cmarcriera: i don't understand totally, but maybe virtualization?13:11
RanDom33Halitech, there is one on the brother website13:11
RanDom33Halitech, http://solutions.brother.com/linux/en_us/download_prn.html#MFC-495CW  i used that.. but it didnt work13:11
HalitechRanDom33, sorry, just found it, they have it buried ... http://solutions.brother.com/linux/en_us/before.html .. did you follow the instructions they have listed?13:12
amigamiait came back again13:12
amigamiait says root is running diff13:12
icarus-cmarcriera: i don't understand what is meant by "unattended version"13:12
marcrieraicarus-c: virtualization is not an option. We play with CUDA and GPU , with virtualization we loose lot's of MIPS and this makes a great difference13:12
amigamia 3317 root      18   0  288m 209m  388 R  1.0 85.2   0:03.30 diff13:13
amigamia85.2 % memory13:13
RanDom33Halitech, yes.. i have tried all that.. and then some... about 12 hours or so of working on it13:13
joaopintomarcriera, try clonezilla13:13
dA-kiNgicarus-c the error is about13:14
marcrieraicarus-c: by unatended I mean a kind of PXE deployment, something that I can prepare and then I use it as many times as I need. I know I can do some anaconda scripts for Redhat based distros , but we play with debian and ubuntu, so I don't know if there is something like redhat-network or redhat-satelite on debian based distros13:14
HalitechRanDom33, you say you are trying to do it wirelessly, do you have the IP address of the printer?13:14
RanDom33Halitech, i will even go through and do the directions again, if you like13:14
marcrierajoaopinto: clonezilla. mmm I'll check it out.13:14
dA-kiNgit says that i havent the zip file or something, its opens with Archive manager :\13:14
RanDom33Halitech, yes. its assigned via dhcp by my wireless router.
amigamiawhat is beam?13:14
icarus-cdA-kiNg: i hate you13:15
abhilashm86i'm getting a suexec error while installing mooshak, http://pastebin.ca/1629571 see this error, how to solve that error?13:15
babaki update my kernel to 2.6.28-15 in new kernel alt+f2 not work  ehat is problem?13:15
HalitechRanDom33, do you know if it has a web interface you can try to load in a web browser?13:15
gamerxis there any way to use my fingerprint scanner for anything usefull on linux13:15
RanDom33Halitech, that i do not know about13:15
RanDom33i can try13:15
icarus-cbabak: if you want to switch from X session to tty console, you need  ctrl-alt-f[1..6]13:16
amigamialet me start to rebuild13:16
dA-kiNgicarus-c why u hate me ?13:16
HalitechRanDom33, try it and see13:16
RanDom33Halitech, no web interface13:17
icarus-cdA-kiNg: that *exe* pissed me off13:17
icarus-cwubi huh?13:17
HalitechRanDom33, can you ping the printer?13:17
RanDom33Halitech, printer has an lcd screen on it.. so have to do everything through that13:17
RanDom33Halitech, yes, i can ping.. and nmap shows that it is the printer13:17
HalitechRanDom33, ok, in cups, can it find the printer if you search for new printers?13:18
hsarcidoes rc.local run after resume?13:18
abhilashm86any help freinds? what is suexec error?13:18
RanDom33Halitech, i was going back through those directions again.. wanted you to see something.. i will pastebin.. one second13:19
Halitechabhilashm86, looks like it doesnt know what m2 is and is saying to install as sudo13:20
HalitechRanDom33, okay13:20
RanDom33Halitech, http://pastebin.com/d7ac6311f13:20
babakicarus-c: also ctrl+alt+ f(1--6) not work in new kernel13:20
abhilashm86Hailtech: so what should i do now?13:20
RanDom33Halitech, that was on step 4 of these instructions http://solutions.brother.com/linux/en_us/instruction_prn1a.html13:20
HalitechRanDom33, looks like the issue is right here "package architecture (i386) does not match system (amd64)"13:21
RanDom33Halitech, there was no 64 bit driver13:21
abhilashm86Halitech: even if i do it as sudo ./install, the error is same..........13:22
RanDom33Halitech, the printer shows up in cups13:22
RanDom33Halitech, it just does not work13:22
HalitechRanDom33, trying to get a 32bit driver working on a 64bit OS is not going to work very well if at all13:22
xandhello all, can anyone please help me with a white screen issue with compiz due to Xorg somehow reverting back to Vesa driver ?13:23
DexterLBhello. I followed this guide: http://tinyurl.com/c5p63g13:23
RanDom33Halitech, sigh.. so solution is run vnc server on my xp machine... and print from it? ;)13:23
DexterLBI did the step sudo tune2fs -O extents,uninit_bg,dir_index /dev/XXXX13:23
DexterLBbut now when I try to do an e2fsck fsck says that doing an e2fsck on a mounted filesystem can cause severe damage.13:23
DexterLBBut this is partition is mounted to /home so gparted doesn't allow me to unmount it. What should I do?13:23
FloodBot1DexterLB: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.13:23
HalitechRanDom33, it might show up but if it can't use the 32bit driver in your 64bit OS, its not going to work13:23
DexterLBsorry about flooding :S13:24
HalitechRanDom33, that or get a machine that has 64bit support13:24
grawityDexterLB: Usually, when dealing with system partitions, you need to boot from a LiveCD (which has its own virtual /)13:24
hylmanhave anyone tried karmic moblin remix?13:24
DexterLBcan I do this now?13:24
soreauxand: Can you come to #compiz so we can help you with the white screen problem better?13:24
DexterLBor if I shutdown something bad will happen?13:24
grawityDexterLB: If you have the Ubuntu install disk, just insert it and reboot. Then run gparted.13:24
abhilashm86Hailtech: hey the error was in install script it was /usr/sbin!! i changed it to /usr/bin, all installed, good day:)13:24
RanDom33Halitech, well i just bought that printer.. so cant really get another.. i could run ubuntu in a 32 bit vm and print right?13:25
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William-Ubuntuoh, god, i don't know how to change the default size of gnome-terminal13:25
HalitechRanDom33, you might be able to take it back, just tell them it doesn't work with your system ... not sure how the vm would work13:25
RanDom33Halitech, well i do appreciate it ;)13:26
William-Ubuntui resized it close and open again, it return13:26
HalitechRanDom33, at least now you know why its not working :)13:26
RanDom33Halitech, haha.. well i do appreciate it13:27
hsarcidoes ANYONE know how to run a command after resuming?! it cant be that hard....ive been trying to figure it out for 3 days now13:27
babakmy alt+f2 key not work how solve problem?13:27
yangerdoes ubuntu64 require all the software to be in 64bit? or can it run 32bit processes as well?13:27
xandyanger: 32-bit should be ok13:27
hylmanis this the right place to ask about karmic moblin?13:27
xanddepending on what it is13:27
yangerxand shoutcast?13:28
Halitechbabak, what kind of keyboard?13:28
pshr_nVidia graphic card screen flickers for every few seconds why ?13:28
hsarcidoes ANYONE know how to run a command after resuming?! it cant be that hard....ive been trying to figure it out for 3 days now????????13:28
Halitech!patience | hsarci13:28
ubottuhsarci: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.13:28
hsarci!patience | hsarci13:29
ubottuhsarci, please see my private message13:29
pshr_nVidia graphic card screen flickers for every few seconds why ?13:29
babakHalitech: it worked but when i update my kernel alt+f2 not work13:29
Halitech!patience | pshr_13:29
ubottupshr_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.13:29
hsarciHalitech, i said ive been asking for 3 days....you dont think thats paitience?????13:30
hylmanis karmic moblin remix going to be released on the same day with karmic ubuntu?13:30
hsarciwho are you, king of ubuntu channel?13:30
mankashdoes anybody  know any software to  merge avi files13:30
Halitechbabak, thats fine but what kind of keyboard13:30
VVhiteMANubuntu 9.04 don't recognize left ALT on hp 6715b .. how to fix it ???13:30
xandyanger: I'm not familiar with that program... I'd suggest trying it13:30
xenon_when i hibernate in karmic koala, it rather goes into sleep mode. can someone help?13:30
grawityhsarci: Neither are you.13:30
babakHalitech: microsoft13:30
xandmankash: mencoder, if you mean join them together?13:30
VVhiteMANubuntu 9.04 don't recognize right ALT on hp 6715b .. how to fix it ???13:30
icarus-cbakarat: ctrl-alt-f213:30
grawityhsarci: /etc/acpi.d/ has the ACPI event scripts, including on-resume, IIRC.13:30
Halitechhsarci, but whats the point of continuing to ask if no one answers you?13:30
icarus-cbabak: ctrl-alt-f213:31
icarus-csorry bakarat13:31
Halitechbabak, is there a key in the upper right beside the Fn keys that says F Lock ?13:31
babakicarus-c: not work13:31
hsarciHalitech, grawity, of course im not king, thats why i dont use ! commands on people.....point of reasking is incase no one saw my question in the first place...13:32
Halitechhsarci, and when your last post is still on the screen, people can see it13:32
VVhiteMANubuntu 9.04 don't recognize right ALT on hp 6715b .. how to fix it ??? please help somebody !!!13:33
hsarciHalitech, my screen is the same as yours? or the same as everyones in the world? cool i didnt konw that13:33
hsarcigrawity, theres no /etc/acpi.d/ only /etc/acpi13:33
meffhey its shyla meffs wife does anyone know him here?13:35
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meff meff passed away this morning. thanks to all who knew and loved and supported him. I  k now he relied on this channell for help with his server and hope he helped those here as well13:38
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Halitechmeff, sorry to hear that and my condolences on his passing13:39
cak054rest in peace13:39
fcuk112_meff: sorry to hear that, may he RIP.13:39
meffthanks fcuk112_ i really ap preciate it13:40
Prunehaving a heck of a time finding a suitable editor.  nano is installed but won't run for some reason.  other two aren't quite to my taste.   is emacs suitable for non-programmers to use?13:40
Pruneis emacs complicated?  I want something that's like BBedit is over on the mac13:41
sweettiehello everyone13:41
sweettiehello mery13:41
merynu entiendoooo13:42
pshr_meff, my condolences to him13:43
Linoobhey I have a wierd network configuration.. my server has a LAN ip and has a internet IP assigned at the external router.. so ethernet configuration of that server has only LAN IP and now I want to host a half life dedicated server on it.. and I'm trying to bind that server to its external IP its shopwing me an error because half life couln't find that external IP in the ethernaet configuration13:44
Feueriedâñåì ïðèâåò )13:44
Linooband If I bind it to internal IP its not working from internet13:44
grawityLinoob: Try to bind it to (this means "all IPv4 interfaces")13:45
Linoobsure let me try it and shall ping you back13:46
Feueriedãîâîðèò êòî íèòü ïî ðóññêè ?13:47
Linoobgrawity: hlds wet well but the hlds port is open only when I do nmap on local iP adn not internet IP13:47
Linoobgrawity: but the namap oninternet IP still shows the port 80 web server13:47
c10ud8hey, does anyone know a good media server for streaming videos to a ps3 for ubuntu13:47
Linoobgrawity: sorry about my typos. Have a bad keyboard here.13:48
mattgyverc10ud8, might not be the best but you could probably look into jinzora, xbmc, geexbox (perhaps), or actually.. you can stream with VLC13:49
mattgyverVLC has a web inteface too..13:49
c10ud8oh k so i just use the ps3 web browser?13:49
mattgyverYeah, pretty much13:50
c10ud8for xbmc web ui13:50
c10ud8sound good?13:50
tj83_I have a general question. I use Evolution mail. I think its pretty ok, I realize it may not be the best. It serves all my needs except one.  I use Evolution on my laptop as well as my desktop, How can I keep my Contacts that I add albeit from the laptop/desktop sync'd? If I add new contacts to my laptop they are not added to the Desktop. :( ideas?13:50
mattgyverIve never used xbmc but its suppose to be really good, it was made for xbox, now used on everything..13:50
c10ud8oh yeah i used to have it on my modded original xbox its awesome13:50
mattgyverhowever, i dont know if xbmc has a web interface13:50
c10ud8its come a long way since i used it13:51
mattgyverYeah if your familiar with it its probably the best way to go13:51
mattgyveryeah, it basically rivals windows media server13:51
Prunehaving a heck of a time finding a suitable editor.  nano is installed but won't run for some reason.  other two aren't quite to my taste.   is emacs suitable for non-programmers to use?13:51
Prune I want something that's like BBedit is over on the mac13:51
mattgyverAnd its very close to mythbox capabilities now a days13:51
hsarcidoes ANYONE know how to run a command after resuming?13:51
mattgyverPrune, what about pico?13:51
mattgyverI think thats pretty basic too13:52
Prunetj83, I keep all my contacts on a server, in a text file, so I can access from any of my computers.13:52
Prunepico, I'll check13:52
mattgyverPrune, it might already be installed by default too13:52
tj83_Prune, hmm... so you ssh to get email addresses? seems like hassle. what if you couldnt?13:52
Prunemattgyver, doesn't look like pico's available, even in adaptic manager.   I'll look to download.  Hope you can help me install.13:53
c10ud8what is a good http proxy for ubuntu13:53
BilgeHow could I get a single file from a package without installing the entire package?13:54
Bob_DoleI'm setting up an LTSP server, and I'd like to know if it is possible for all users to have the same username, and still be able to run the same program on every machine. Firefox sees it is being run, and won't open. (so I don't literally have 1000+ accounts on a single machine)13:54
Bob_Dolec10ud8: I use privoxy, but squid is good too13:54
Prunetj83, here on ubuntu, I open my server in the morning, then its a window on my    home page.... double click on whichever address database I want and it opens.   then I get the address.  if adding, I just save directly up to server.   ask if question13:55
c10ud8Bob_Dole, can you limit the bandwidth for different logins13:56
Bob_Dolec10ud8: that isn't the problem13:56
Bob_Dolec10ud8: oh, you're responding to my answr xD13:56
c10ud8yeah.. lol the 2nd one13:56
Bob_Dolec10ud8: I don't use advanced features. :/13:57
hexecutewhats a good irc client to use, preferably not a terminal one?13:57
Bob_Dolehexecute: xChat.13:57
Halitechhexecute, xchat is nice for me13:57
zaggynlxchat is okay13:57
zaggynlthough screen + irssi is bliss13:57
iwm_eddiehexecute: Xchat-gnome is simple13:58
hexecutethanks, I just installed irssi, but Im abit lost :)13:58
zaggynltakes some getting used to13:58
c10ud8i use xchat13:58
iwm_eddieIrssi is only useful with screen13:58
iwm_eddieWell mot only, but very useful with screen13:58
dA-kiNgWhat is this "open a Terminal..."?13:59
dA-kiNgOpen a terminal ?13:59
grawitydA-kiNg: Click it and see.13:59
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c10ud8dA-kiNg, a terminal is a black thing that executes commands14:00
iwm_eddieIt opens a text console in the current folder14:00
dA-kiNgIm getting a problem with my wireless card14:00
dA-kiNgAnd here says to open a terminal14:00
dA-kiNgits like Ms-dos right ?14:00
c10ud8yeah sort of14:00
brian_endpointis there a significant difference between 9.10 beta and the production release *once* the production release is final... IOW, if I've installed 9.10 beta is there any reason I would need to wipe it and re-install when 9.10 final is out or is making sure I've updated any changed packages sufficient?14:00
Bob_Dolein that it doesn't have graphics, yes, it's like MS-DOS, dA-kiNg, but it is much more powerful.14:00
grawitydA-kiNg: It's a command line - a little like Windows' "Command Prompt", or MS-DOS command.com, but very different.14:01
c10ud8click applications>accessories>terminal14:01
c10ud8and u will see14:01
kLiNiKaLor press ALT+F2 and type xterm :)14:01
dA-kiNgOk, coz im have problems with my wireless card, cant install it. ( http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-79914.html )14:01
Bob_DoleI'm on a command line only system right now. :/14:01
grawitykLiNiKaL: gnome-terminal is prettier. (This is #ubuntu, remember)14:01
kLiNiKaLtrue lol14:01
c10ud8i use guake terminal its awesome14:02
c10ud8press f12 and boom it flips down from the top semi transparent14:02
grawityc10ud8: F12? Why not ~?14:02
kLiNiKaLyeah i use that also14:02
kLiNiKaLpersonally i use OpenBox, so i dont have Gnome-Terminal :)14:02
c10ud8grawity apt-get install guake14:03
c10ud8kLiNiKaL, what is openbox?14:04
grawityc10ud8: thanks, but 1) I already tried guake, tilda, and yakuake; didn't like them. 2) I have no apt-get. 3) Quake used the ~` key, that's why I was wondering.14:04
c10ud8oh.. hm well i guess you could change the trigger key14:05
kelohippigrawity: sorry but why not have apt-get?14:05
grawityc10ud8: It's your own preference which key to use. I was just wondering.14:05
kLiNiKaLopenbox is not really for the faint hearted or linux newcomer c10ud814:05
erUSULbrian_endpoint: when 9.10 final is out making sure you've updated any changed packages is sufficient14:05
grawitykelohippi: Because I'm not using Ubuntu...14:05
Bob_DoleSo, re-asking about the LTSP thing, tell me if I'm doing it a bit too early. I'm at a high school, setting up an LTSP server. I want every student to use 1 account, "student" but when I attempted that, and tried to open firefox on multiple clients, firefox complained it was already running, and wouldn't open on the second client. There's ~1000 students at this high school, I don't want to have to give them all accounts.14:05
brian_endpointerUSUL: thanks!14:05
c10ud8kLiNiKaL, sweet ill check it out14:05
grawitykelohippi: I'm just helping here sometimes.14:05
ubottuIf you installed a Alpha/Beta/RC version of Ubuntu 9.10 (Karmic Koala) and have been keeping it up to date, then you are already running the latest version of Karmic. To make sure, type « sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade » in a console.14:06
kelohippigrawity: hehe. aight. i was just wondering cause im just installing my first ubuntu.14:06
gamerxwhenever i go to guest session it just goes black screen, and i have to do a forced shutdown to get back14:07
tehbautanyone have any tips for watching netflix instant movies on ubuntu?14:08
gamerxcan soneoine hlp me14:08
gamerxwhat r they?14:08
gamerxtehbaut, what r they14:08
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RanDom33Halitech, just wanted to update ya.. i got the printer working.. with some help... turns out with the 32 bit libs it will work ;) its up and running14:12
HalitechRanDom33, cool, what did you do to get it working?14:13
sajiGlowball, Hi..14:13
GlowballWould 11 GiB be large enough as root directory to have both GNOME and KDE installed?14:13
RanDom33Halitech, installed the 32 bit libraries14:14
HalitechRanDom33, the ia32-libs?14:14
sajiGlowball, for the base system that may be enough, but a larger parttion will be nice if you want to use diff. software...14:14
RanDom33Halitech, yes i do believe that is what it was.. i can check though14:15
RanDom33Halitech, yes that is the correct ones14:15
bastidrazorGlowball: yes, doing a dist-upgarde later on may be a bit tight.14:15
HalitechRanDom33, ok, I think thats the name, glad it worked for you, I'll have to keep that tidbit locked away in case it comes up again14:15
GlowballI could add 2GiB more if I replace my swap partition though..14:15
sajiGlowball, How much RAM do you have?14:16
RanDom33Halitech, not a problem, just wanted to update ya ... i appreciate your help ;)14:16
bastidrazorGlowball: 11GB should be fine. just monitor your usage.14:16
Glowball4GiB, so actually, I rarely use my swap14:16
GlowballI won't be using KDE very intensively anyway, so I won't have a lot K-apps installed14:16
zz__Does there have any chinese?14:16
zetheroomy webcam is no longer working in Jaunty14:16
HalitechRanDom33, welcome and thanks for letting me know14:17
Glowball4GB* and 2GB* btw, but that doesn't matter *that* much14:17
tehbauthow fast is 7z decompression, anyone know?14:17
zetheroowas working fine and then I did an update and now its useless14:17
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sajiGlowball, with 4 GB ram you need not have the Swap partition at all, but if you're using the hibernate feature that may be required...14:18
Sonjadoes Ubuntu One work on other distributions of linux?14:18
sajiGlowball, that does mind... What if 1GB??14:18
GlowballAbout that: my laptop doesn't hibernate when there are applications open..14:18
GlowballSaji: I know it does, but not 'that much' ;)14:18
sajiGlowball, I think for hibernation we require a swap parttion as large as the RAM size or more....:)14:19
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GlowballSo that's why14:19
bastidrazorGlowball: swap is really important if you plan on suspending your box.l14:19
GlowballThanks, I'll make it 4GB then :)14:19
sdwrageHey all14:19
GlowballGoing to re-install on 9.10 anyway14:19
sajiGlowball, sure try it...14:19
sajiGlowball, That's better than updating.. I screwed up my system for some time by updating..14:20
bastidrazorsaji: hibernation uses the harddrive, suspend uses RAM.14:20
sdwrageI am opening my terminal and I hit up but it just adds in this: ^[[A14:20
sdwrageanyway to fix that?14:20
SonjaI'm looking at PowerFolder, Ubuntu One and SpiderOak as easy ways to keep my netbook and desktop documents always synced14:20
GlowballSaji: it's mostly because I want to reconfigure my disk usage and because it's a safer way to upgrade to ext414:20
sajibastidrazor, sure. that's exactly what i pointed out...:)14:20
sajiGlowball, 9.04 works well with ext4..14:21
GlowballI know, just haven't upated yet14:21
joaopintoGlowball, it's better to backup and reformat the FS14:22
GlowballAnd with 9.10 coming, I could just do it on reinstall14:22
sajiGlowball, I'm saying that it is better to reinstall than update..14:22
GlowballJoaopinto: I'm planning to do that ;)14:22
sajiGlowball, Atleast till the official release my opinion is not to update, but reinstall...14:22
GlowballSaji: I know, but it's more waste of time14:22
sajiGlowball, surely.. I had updated, and it took more time for me to fix things up.....14:23
GlowballSaji: I never use beta OS's, except in a VM14:23
erUSULSonja: dropbox ?14:23
sajiGlowball, Tht's the best decision..14:23
GlowballSo yes, I'll wait till the official release ;)14:23
emilyshi guys. can you help me installing grumblr? http://themactep.com/grumblr/14:24
sajiGlowball, I used Beta OS for the first time...:)14:24
emilysi try but it says the command not found14:24
sajiGlowball, ya..14:24
emilysthank you14:24
Halitechemilys, what command is not found?14:25
sdwrageI am opening my terminal and I hit up but it just adds in this: ^[[A14:25
sdwrageanyway to fix that?14:25
GlowballBtw, in case you were interested: those 'great boot speeds' of Windows 7 appear to be bullshit: it's faster at showing the desktop, but I've read an article saying it takes even longer than Vista to be ready for action.14:26
emilysHalitech : do you see the url i give ? i paste the line on terminal but it says command not found14:27
HexTasy_yay, I R WINNER. got 9.04 live-desktop to netboot with NFS on my powerpc's14:27
Halitechemilys, yes I have the page open but which command are you trying to run that it says is not found?14:27
sajiGlowball, that's great news...;) Windozz is alwys bullshit..14:27
sdwragecan anyone help me with my above issue?14:27
GlowballHow did 9.10 progress btw?14:27
bastidrazoremilys: did you do the 2nd part of that page? you have to copy a few things and make a symbolic link for the binary to run14:27
emilys$ sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev rubygems ruby-gnome2 libxml-ruby  libxml2 libxml2-dev libopenssl-ruby14:28
emilysbash: $: command not found14:28
sajiemilys, simply command not found.. or a specific command is told?14:28
sajiemilys, ok..14:28
jribemilys: no $14:28
emilysand what should i do to make it works?14:28
Sonjadoes 64bit ubuntu still have problems with Flash and things like that?14:28
jribSonja: no14:28
Sonjai remember a year ago i was told to install 32 bit on my 64 bit computer14:29
jribSonja: (not for a long time actually)14:29
sajiGlowball, As good as 9.04 with ext4... Much much faster than Vista.... Less than 20 secs...14:29
Sonjathanks jrib! so not since which version of ubuntu?14:29
jribSonja: yes, that's the default setup still.  Though adobe has released a beta 64bit version of the plug-in as well14:29
jribSonja: years14:29
eikeanyone know the easiest way to dual boot windows7 and ubuntu (9.10) on one 160gb hard-drive (fresh install)? should i use the win7 shrink tool or gparted?14:29
GlowballLess than 20s?14:29
GlowballThat's great :)14:29
ZiberHow can I make shared network directories on ubuntu?14:30
GlowballWhen somebody says "I'd check it, but I don't have time, it'll take too long for me to boot", it's always fun to say "Oh, I'll boot mine, we'll have plenty of time" (a)14:30
silbermmhas anyone else had trouble with ubuntu one on Karmic?14:30
jrib!karmic | silbermm14:30
ubottusilbermm: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+114:30
silbermmthx jrib14:31
emilysjrib : thanks, sorry i'm new with ubuntu things.14:31
jribemilys: notice your prompt already has a dollar sign :)14:31
SirStan2jrib: thats because ubuntu comes iced out and pimped to the 9's14:31
IdleOne!flash64 > Sonja14:31
ubottuSonja, please see my private message14:31
emilysjrib : yep. it is now downloading14:31
jribSirStan2: heh14:32
SirStan2real users have a  '#' prompt anyways.14:32
Sonjathanks IdleOne14:32
SirStan2sudo is for wimps.14:32
Sonjai'm learning Ruby and playing a lot in it14:32
Sonjamakes me want to switch back to linux14:32
Sonjawindows is not the best environment for that kind of development14:33
lavishhi all14:33
SirStan2OSX seems to be the best supported in terms of toolsets for Ruby14:33
lavishwhy pypanel has been removed from jaunty? It was there on intrepid...14:33
sajiGlowball, ya less than 20secs, and they're now aiming for 10 secs...14:34
GlowballSaji: I know, I hope they make it :)14:34
SirStan2Coldboot is overrated.  I want my 'PC' operating system to resume from S1 or S3 as fast as a mac.14:34
zetherooanyone know how to get a webcam to show better picture? My picture is super dark14:34
shift_wreckzetheroo, try using more ambient light14:35
SirStan2shift_wreck: is that a hardware fix?14:35
Dr_Willisive notice some kinds of lights make mycam greenish also.14:35
pshr_zetheroo, see if this helps14:35
pshr_!cam | zetheroo14:35
ubottuzetheroo: Instructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras14:35
=== IdleOne is now known as KarmicOne
zetherooshift_wreck: got plenty of light already14:36
zetheroopshr_: yeah been through that14:36
pshr_then i pass..:)14:36
zetheroovery upsetting that hardware which worked in a previous release simply stops working in the next14:37
zetherooanything but stable14:37
shift_wreckzetheroo, your saying that even with direct light pointed at your face it is still too dark?14:37
sajiGlowball, I too hope for that...14:37
=== KarmicOne is now known as LucidOne
shift_wreckzetheroo, we call it "progress" :)14:38
sajiBut even now Ubuntu is far better in boot time versus any Window version...14:38
zetherooshift_wreck: believe me when I say there is plenty of light - I should not need a light shooting right in my face!14:38
zetherooshift_wreck: and as I mentioned already, it was working fine previously14:38
shift_wreckim just trying to understand the nature of your problem. not trying to be a smart a$$ necessarily...14:39
SirStan2zetheroo: Is there a toolkit for your camera to adjust the sensitivity?14:40
kottletthi! I want to write init.d scripts for two services, where the second service depends on the first one. is there a how-to around for telling the system this dependency? so if I restart the first service, the second service is automatically restarted, too?14:40
zetherooSirStan2: would be nice if there was ...14:40
Dr_WillisYou might want to learn how to do 'upstart' scripts for them kottlett  - the init.d stuff is getting phased out.14:41
zetherooseems like webcams and Linux is still generally a black hole14:41
emilysjrib : Couldn't find package  libxml214:41
gamerxhey when i select guest session all i get is a black screen, anything anyone can think of?14:41
Dr_Williskottlett:  updstart has the dependency stuff you are looking for.14:41
zetheroofunny thing is that this webcam is supposed to be fully supported14:42
HexTasy_http://hob-games.com/images/ubuntulive-ppc.png  - woot14:42
kottlettDr_Willis: is it already in us in 9.04? and in older releases, this needs to be handled manually?14:42
=== appleman is now known as Data`
zetherooand I guess it was supported until I updated the system .... :(14:42
Dr_Williskottlett:  upstart is gettting phased in more and more with each release. 9.10uses it for many of the services.14:43
Dr_Williskottlett:  one of the main features of it was 'depenecndy' type checking for services14:43
shift_wreckdoes "cheese" have a lite/dark setting?14:43
Dr_Williskottlett:  9.04 i think uses it for a few services14:43
kottlettDr_Willis: thx, how has it been done before? I can remember, that restarting hal, also restarts dbus (or vice versa)14:44
Like!msh | Like14:44
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about msh14:44
Likehi & help any one know what is msh interface14:44
Dr_Williskottlett:  hal is also getting phased out in 9.10 :)   Ive never had tomess with the init stuff much.14:45
kottlettDr_Willis: ok... thx :)14:45
luisthey... can anyone help me to mount a partition?14:46
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount14:47
saji!mount |luist14:47
ubottuluist: please see above14:47
luistsaji: see what above -.-14:48
sajiluist, the help link given by ubottu...14:49
luistsaji: there is not link for me... he just said: luist: please see above14:49
mgmuscaridoes anybody know a way to recover an email password from thunderbird?14:49
sajiluist please see-14:50
dorgan1anyone around that can help me to solve this, it should be too involved.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/hardy-backports/+bug/403562 I was able to get prevu to compile the packages but when i try to install them I am getting the error listed on the bottom of that page14:50
sajiluist, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount14:50
olvapi cannot read in mysql channel. i cant identify me14:50
luistsaji: thanks14:50
sajiluist, sure.. np...14:50
olvapi cannot type in mysql channel. i cant identify me14:50
luistsaji: does it change anything that is a raid partition?14:51
sajiluist, I guess not?14:51
luistsaji: ok14:51
sajiluist, Unless you mess with the parttion tables, a simple mount wuld do nothig wrong..14:51
andypiperhmm so what are the chances of making Karmic Atom-ready before release and fixing this bug - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/29647814:51
luistsaji: ok i mounted... do i have to edit that fstab thing to keep it mounted after reboot?14:52
=== choonming_ is now known as choonming
sajiya... you have to... for a permanent change..14:53
SIM_EUHello ppl14:53
pcassianohello everybody!14:53
=== verzel`` is now known as verzel
olvapany ones how do i can identify in mysql channel? i already register14:54
dorgan1anyone around that can help me to solve this, it should be too involved.  https://bugs.launchpad.net/hardy-backports/+bug/403562 I was able to get prevu to compile the packages but when i try to install them I am getting the error listed on the bottom of that page14:54
LordDarthHow can i disable the tracker ?14:55
SIM_EUproblem with laptop keyboard14:55
=== rene is now known as Guest95338
=== LucidOne is now known as IdleOne
Data`anyone know any channels I can play hangman in? or word guess?14:56
Data`a little lemon juice always helped me fix raw electrical circuits14:57
Like! mesh | Like14:57
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about mesh14:57
luisthey... my resolution is at 1280x720 (16:9) how can i change it to 1600x900 since Display doesn't have this option?14:59
shift_wreckluist, man xrandr15:00
=== mistrynitesh_ is now known as mistrynitesh
Thoriajoin openerb15:02
sirGuestA while ago I changed an option that made windows that the cursor is not over to turn opaque. Where do I find that option to change it back?15:06
=== D is now known as Guest41575
zetherooyes another how to bites the collective dust15:08
luisthey.. how do i set root password15:08
ArabussirGuest: do you use compiz ?15:08
jandroI just installed debian squeeze on a macbook pro 3.1. Does anyone know if the mactel-linux kernel patch is a necesary thing? or is it just an outdated patch?15:09
IdleOne!root | luist15:09
ubottuluist: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo15:09
luistIdleOne: that doesnt answer my question -.-15:10
IdleOnewill it allow you to fly if you have a root password?15:11
IdleOnesudo is not good enough?15:11
=== thunderstruck is now known as gnomefreak
trippsshello. i have a gateway laptop with broadcom b43 wifi built in. has run wifi flawlessly since gutsy gibbon. since i updated from heron to jaunty, it has been almost unusable. constantly drops even on open waps. ideas?15:12
avshhi . i am using ubuntu for first time. after installing and tring to boot from ubuntu, screen appers like attwntion 74k/59hz. out of raNGE15:12
avshand scrren stays over there15:12
avshwhat t osolve that problem15:12
temporarytaohi,hi, i know i'm supposed to ask this at ubuntu+1 but no one's answering there. so i'll try my luck here: i can no longer automount usb drives after a recent 9.10 update. can someone help please?15:12
Arabusluist: the reason for the reluctance of telling you how to set the root password is, that most people do not think through their intentions when wanting to set it15:13
cordorFailed to fetch http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/pool/main/x/xorg-server/xserver-xephyr_1.6.4-2ubuntu2_i386.deb 404  Not Found [IP: 80]15:14
cordoris it broken?15:14
luistArabus: The fact is that i work in a company where there MUST be a default root password for any distro that i use... so its not like i can choose. But i already found out how. Thanks.15:14
Diplomaticguys i need to edit the .htaccess file to rewrite url.. do i put the .htacess in the directory or do i edit the site enabled in apache215:15
IdleOneWell there is a reason not to set root password i.e default root password, means more then one person has that password and things will get broken.15:15
trippsshello. i have a gateway laptop with broadcom b43 wifi built in. has run wifi flawlessly since gutsy gibbon. since i updated from heron to jaunty, it has been almost unusable. constantly drops even on open waps. ideas? i am running b43 drivers through fwcutter.15:16
=== patrick is now known as Guest75757
happysmacki use b4315:16
^mNotIntelligenthello everyone15:16
grawityIdleOne: You obviously haven't heard of places that insist on using telnet instead of ssh, or passwords instead of pubkeys, or...15:17
avsh_hi . i am using ubuntu 8.10 for first time. after installing and tring to boot from ubuntu, screen appers like attention 74k/59hz. out of rangeand scrren stays over there, how  to solve this problem15:17
kilois anyone familiar with how to active /etc/cron.hourly to run (every hour...)? It's not running at all... The script that's in there works just fine.15:17
trippsshappysmack, are you using fwcutter proprietary drivers or something else?15:17
happysmackand i found if not worried about packet injection the wl driver provides more stable usage and more sensitive to connections15:17
IdleOnegrawity: so your agreeing with me15:17
happysmacki usually use b43 patched for injection15:17
trippsshappysmack, where do I find those?15:18
happysmackwhich ones15:18
trippsshappysmack, wl drivers and/or one patched for P injection15:18
ArabusIdleOne: Problem is that some companys do not like the lessened usably that comes with some security issues. Even if you as administrator advise against ist - if management demands it there is no arguing :-/15:18
grawityIdleOne: I'm just saying that many places do stupid things "because I said so" and don't want to hear anything against... no point in trying to change that.15:18
happysmacki got the info for the b43 patched from remote-exploit forums15:18
IdleOneArabus: grawity understood15:19
t0sis there a way to take a screenshot with the system menu clicked down? it wont let me prntscreen if ive clicked the menu15:19
sirGuestarabus: yes, I do use compiz15:19
anomie2hi - my sound was taken out with most recent ubuntu updates. any suggestions?15:19
Diplomaticguys i need to edit the .htaccess file to rewrite url.. do i put the .htacess in the directory or do i edit the site enabled in apache215:19
pcassianoHi! How could I change my nickname color (from gray to another?)15:20
^mNotIntelligenthow do i add a windows mounted partiton to the "locate" commands database ? so that "updatedb" should add all the files in all windows partitons as well15:20
happysmackanyone here using a gigabeat with rhythmbox?15:20
sirGuestA while ago I changed an option that made windows that the cursor is not over to turn opaque. Where do I find that option to change it back?15:20
mnainespcassiano: It is green on my end15:20
grawitypcassiano: You cannot. IRC doesn't have "nickname colors", it's just your IRC client that shows them. And all clients I know, assign colors randomly.15:20
ArabussirGuest: try opening System > Preferences > Advanced Desktop Effects Settings. there should be a couple of Plugins that allow the opaque effect. For example the ADD Helper from the Accessibility Plugins.15:20
anomie2Ubuntu 9.04 .  Odd thing is that it happened on 2 different machines - update the kernal & sound couse out.15:20
grawityt0s: There are a few ways. One would be to install a screenshotter tool that can be a little more automated than the one from GNOME... for example, install 'scrot', then run 'scrot -d 5' and it will give you a 5 second delay before doing the actual screenshot.15:21
ArabussirGuest: the Opacify plugin could also be responsible for this15:21
pcassianoThanks @grawity15:21
sirGuestarabus: thanks! I will try that15:21
t0sthanks grawity15:22
grawitypcassiano: You might want to browse the Options window - maybe you'll find something there.15:22
Diplomaticguys i need to edit the .htaccess file to rewrite url.. do i put the .htacess in the directory or do i edit the site enabled in apache215:22
grawityDiplomatic: Both will work - but .htaccess is probably easier.15:22
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats15:22
mnainesgrawity: I talked to a few companiemen who said they literally had to beg their boss into letting them run Linux in the workplace15:22
Diplomaticgrawity put the .htaccess in the root directory?15:22
grawitymnaines: I'm not surprised at all...15:22
shift_wrecki need to edit a SQLite2 database. anyone know how i might go about doing it?15:22
grawityDiplomatic: /var/www, I guess.15:22
=== malnilion_ is now known as malnilion
anomie2thanks will check it out.15:23
Likehi any one emulating xo here15:23
sirGuestarabus: Where would I find opacify? I looked in appearance preferences, but could not find it15:23
grawitysirGuest: It's in Compiz settings. Install this:15:25
grawity!ccsm  | sirGuest15:25
ubottusirGuest: To enable advanced customization of desktop effects in Ubuntu: install 'compizconfig-settings-manager' or 'simple-ccsm'. If you install the latter, a new option will appear in your appearance properties - See also !compiz - Help in #compiz15:25
luisti was told to mound my nis home dir with mount -a and disable nscd... how do i disable it?15:25
ArabusAh that might be possible - the current compiz package also installs the compizconfig-settings-manager. had not thought of the fact that it might not be installed15:26
=== jacob_ is now known as Guest29212
sourogerioolá bom dia15:27
IdleOne!pt | sourogerio15:27
ubottusourogerio: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:27
trippsshow do I submit a bug report about jaunty?15:28
hermano_quebrei meu apt... alguem me ajuda?15:28
IdleOne!bug > trippss15:28
ubottutrippss, please see my private message15:28
=== Nightw0lf is now known as Nightwolf
hermano_alguem pode me ajudar com meu apt15:29
IdleOnehermano_: #ubuntu-br o #ubuntu-pt por favor15:30
trippssIdleOne, thanks. how do I figure out what package contains my proprietary broadcom wifi driver?15:30
IdleOnetrippss: don't know sorry15:31
=== sivel is now known as sivel_
=== sivel_ is now known as sivel
trippsshow do I go back to whatever driver was being used for my wifi from heron? it may be deprecated but it at least worked.15:35
tehbautis there a system profiler in ubuntu?15:36
SirStan2tehbaut: what is a 'system profiler' ?15:36
Travis-42I'm trying to configure php's suhosin in ubuntu 9.04, but it's configuration settings (set by me in php.ini or default) don't seem to show up in phpinfo(), what might I be doing wrong15:36
SirStan2Travis-42: are you editign the correct php.ini? (which are you editing)15:37
trippssmake that ibex. I want to roll back to the broadcom driver that worked in ibex; the new drivers render my laptop almost unusable in jaunty15:37
tehbautSirStan2: OSX has an app called "system profiler" that displays all the hardware details15:37
Travis-42SirStan2: /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini and then restarting apache after15:37
SirStan2tehbaut: what system details would you like?15:37
tehbautat the moment, just cpu15:37
SirStan2cat /proc/cpu15:38
SirStan2Travis-42: that /should/ do it.15:38
tehbautSirStan2: no such directory15:38
tehbautfile or directory*15:38
SirStan2sorry, cat /proc/cpuinfo15:38
pcassianoNow I'm using XChat. Which IRC client do you use?15:38
IdleOnetehbaut: you can install hardinfo15:38
trippsstehbaut, cat /proc/cpuinfo15:38
SirStan2pcassiano: Colloguy15:38
Travis-42SirStan2: yea, but the only suhosin information that shows up in phpinfo() is "suhosin.log" stuff15:39
goabhi all. Is there a way to view the "comment" of a samba share on the network with nautilus? Can't find anything about that :(15:39
pcassianoCan I install 'Colloguy' via apt-get?15:39
SirStan2pcassiano: no .. its for OSX15:40
=== UF-Gast394 is now known as ubuntu
pcassianoHow about the IRC clients for Ubuntu?15:40
SirStan2xchat ?15:40
luisthey... can anyone help me configuring my NIS? i already mounted my home (but i dont have access to it) and configured the fstab15:40
grawitypcassiano: Xchat, irssi, Konversation.15:40
IdleOnepcassiano: xchat for GUI, irssi for command line client15:40
=== ubuntu is now known as ubuntu_ger
Diplomaticguys i need to put the .htaccess file to rewrite url.. do i put the .htacess in the main directory or do i edit the site enabled in apache215:41
pcassianoYes, I'm using XChat (GUI); Are there another IRC client, GUI-based?15:41
pcassianoGUI-based = Gnome-based ;)15:42
IdleOnepcassiano: none worth trying15:42
Picipcassiano: xchat or xchat-gnome15:42
IdleOnexchat is the bees knees15:42
yoanis1hi there15:42
yoanis1running ubuntu 9.04 on Macbook Pro and sounds goes to headphones and no to speakes15:42
yoanis1anybody experiencing a similar issue15:43
trippsstrying to see if ipv6 is the issue in jaunty. all forum threads say to disable it by modifying /etc/modprobe.d/aliases and turning ipv6 alias off. I don't have that file in jaunty. ideas?15:43
DiplomaticHelp please15:43
pcassianoXChat 2.8.6. I'm using default Gnome.15:43
Travis-42wait.. phpinfo says that the server is protected with the suhosin patch, but aptitude will let me install php5-suhosin (says it's not installed). why would this be?15:44
kiloLOL, so I created a crontab to update gnu cash and it deletes my entire finance file everytime it runs... any suggestions? (the code reads   */5 * * * *gnucash --add-price-quotes /[myfinancefilelocation] > /dev/null 2>&115:44
mnaines!repeat | Diplomatic15:44
ubottuDiplomatic: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. You can search  https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org while you wait.15:44
=== someone is now known as Guest97941
IdleOneDiplomatic: I believe grawity answered you earlier15:44
Diplomaticguys i need to put the .htaccess file to rewrite url.. do i put the .htacess in the main directory or do i edit the site enabled in apache215:45
Diplomaticidleone is was not correct and he was unsure15:46
mnainesDiplomatic: We tried to help you.  We are not going to tell you what you want to hear.15:46
sami__hi there15:47
SirStan2Diplomatic: also; try #httpd15:47
The_Lord_Of_The_how to set a CPU core to work with a specified application?15:47
xbbI ran cake bake myproj but it didn't create app directory which I thought it would, did I do something wrong?15:47
sami__i have problem with graphics can any bobby help me please ??15:47
IdleOne!ot > Drule15:47
ubottuDrule, please see my private message15:47
xbbwrong channel15:47
DruleSure, no problem.15:48
The_Lord_Of_The_suppose I have 4 cores and I want to let an application to run on a specified core15:48
The_Lord_Of_The_ho to do that? ^15:48
pqrstuvWhat's the command to search a package recursively using find command ?15:48
sami__today morning i entered here but i didn't found a solution to my problem15:48
SirStan2The_Lord_Of_The_: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/setting-processor-affinity-certain-task-or-process.html15:49
SirStan2The_Lord_Of_The_: the term you want is "cpu affinity"15:49
Bridger987Quick question:  I just installed Ubuntu One-- I want to try it out, as it's becoming a standard app with 9.10-- but when I right-click on the tray icon, and click "Connect", nothing happens.  Does anyone know what the problem might be?15:49
=== ^Einstei2 is now known as ^Einstein
sami__any body please ?15:49
phisher1welp, I don't know what the hell I'm doing wrong, but the 1.6 java plugin is now failing for me on amd64.. running 9.0415:50
phisher1i've completely uninstalled and reinstalled anything to do with java, and it just sits there when trying to load any java applet15:50
phisher1about:plugins in firefox shows the plugin is loaded, yet every applet fails to load. openjdk and iced-tea plugin is NOT installed15:50
Halitech!ask | sami__15:50
ubottusami__: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:50
IdleOne!details | sami__15:50
ubottusami__: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."15:50
pqrstuvprince_jammys: What's the command to search a package recursively using find command ?15:50
phisher1any ideas? I'm really at the end of my rope here.15:50
sami__my problem is that i can't change the screen resolution15:51
sami__it's too low15:51
sami__even the driver is activated15:51
sami__my vga driver is NVIDIA fx 550015:51
legend2440phisher1: in terminal type   sudo update-alternatives --config java  is sun java selected?15:52
phisher1legend2440: yes15:52
phisher1*+        1    /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-sun/jre/bin/java15:52
sami__the installed diver version is 17315:52
kiloLOL, so I created a crontab to update gnu cash and it changes my finance file to html everytime it runs... any suggestions? (the code reads   */5 * * * *gnucash --add-price-quotes /[myfinancefilelocation] > /dev/null 2>&1)15:52
pqrstuvWhat's the command to search a package recursively using find command ?15:52
sami__today some body here told me to install the 18015:52
pqrstuvSearching a file.15:52
sami__but it makes the problem complicated so i went back to 17315:53
legend2440phisher1: try this site to test java   http://java.com/en/download/help/testvm.xml15:53
sami__any clue ????????15:53
phisher1legend2440: javatester.org fails15:53
phisher1legend2440: that site is just loading and loading.. no java coming up15:54
phisher1also, jcontrol crashes15:54
hsarciive got a general question, who maintains and releases new versions of the linux kernal source code???15:55
AviramHey guys15:55
AviramI tried to get the Cube Desktop working , till now I used the normal 2 desktops15:55
Aviramwhich I can move by scrolling up and down15:55
Avirambut when I enabled the Cube thingy15:55
AviramIt's working when I rotate15:56
Avirambut only 2 desktops15:56
AviramHow do I make it as it's supposed to be? :D15:56
BaGyAviram, go to compiz settings manager15:56
zega_sami_: take a look at the Xorg log file located at /var/log/Xorg.0.log it may give you some info. about the issue15:56
phisher1holy crap15:56
erUSULAviram: configure 4 desktops15:56
BaGyAviram, and go to Genera15:56
phisher1I just ran firefox as root.. java works.15:56
BaGyAviram, and go to General15:56
Aviramthen ?D:15:56
BaGyfind number of desktops15:56
sami__still no answer !!!!!15:57
BaGysami__, private :)15:57
zega_sami__:  take a look at the Xorg log file located at /var/log/Xorg.0.log it may give you some info. about the issue15:57
phisher1well I'll be damned15:57
kilook, I have a very noobish question... if I'm in terminal, how do I go to a deeper directory? (like I'm in /home and I want to go into /[username], instead of typing out cd ..      cd /home/[username)15:58
soreauAviram: Basically you wan the number of Desktops set to 1 and the number of horizontal viewports set to 4 for cube15:58
enzo2alguien habla español aqui???15:59
soreauAviram: So there in Gen Opts>Desktop Size you want 4-1-115:59
erUSUL!es | enzo215:59
ubottuenzo2: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.15:59
soreau! es | enzo215:59
AviramDid it15:59
AviramI have 4 desktops15:59
nexes_devsi, hablo espanol.15:59
Avirambut when I use the cube15:59
Aviramstill only 215:59
FloodBot1Aviram: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.15:59
enzo2ok gracias15:59
AviramI mean rotate it15:59
enzo2me paso a ubuntu es15:59
hsarcianyone know the command to see what kernel vesion you have?16:00
soreauAviram: Do any settings in ccsm take effect at all?16:00
BaGyAviram, try alt+F216:00
Picihsarci: uname -a16:00
BaGycompiz -- replace16:00
legend2440phisher1: is sun-java-plugin  installed?16:00
BaGycompiz --replace16:00
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zega_hsarci: uname -a16:01
hsarcizega, thanks16:01
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trippssseems from reading the forums that b43 being broken in jaunty is fairly common . . . ugh16:02
phisher1legend2440: yes, sun-java-plugin is installed16:03
WolfcastleIs there a good reason to install jack?16:03
phisher1legend2440: did you see what I said above?16:03
WolfcastleI'm using renoise and apparently it want's me to install it16:03
legend2440phisher1: yes works as root16:03
phisher1legend2440: I just tried.. it works when I run firefox as root!16:03
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phisher1legend2440: make sense of that?16:03
phisher1legend2440: I tried with a new user I just created, it failed16:03
phisher1legend2440: so I don't think its anything to do specifically with my normal user account. But what woucl be preventing a non root user from executing the plugin??16:04
BaGysami__, ???16:06
sami__no change my friend !!!!!!!!!!!!16:06
sami__what is the  xD ??16:07
legend2440phisher1: did you check the permissions for the .mozilla folder in your home directory?16:07
CarlFKwhy doesn't the python package include the python binary?  http://packages.ubuntu.com/hardy/all/python/filelist16:07
phisher1legend2440: proper, 700 user:user16:08
trippssso i disabled ipv6 on jaunty - hopefully that will relieve my b43 issues. we shall see16:09
legend2440phisher1: start firefox as regular user and type  about:plugins in the  address bar  is java  enabled?16:09
phisher1legend2440: yes it is16:09
hsarciis there anyway to change the ubuntu icon on the applications menu???16:10
legend2440phisher1: this seems to be same problem as yours   http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=125856816:11
AviramWhen I set it to 4 horizon.... It's just the same screen16:12
Aviramin the cube16:12
phisher1I see they removed ubuntu-restricted, then it worked.. I will try that.16:12
legend2440phisher1: are you using ubuntu  x64?16:12
legend2440phisher1: read post 13 on second page16:12
AviramBaGy..? D:16:13
CarlFKwhat is the apt command to list the files in a package?16:13
erUSULCarlFK: dpkg -L CarlFK16:13
Aviramhalp? :C16:13
DiplomaticGuys for virutual host is www.mysite.com gonna affect www.mysite.com/smf or do i need a seperate virtual host if i want to add rewrite to smf16:13
erUSULCarlFK: dpkg -L packagename16:13
* erUSUL brainfart16:13
phisher1legend2440: yup, and post #12 I'm experiencing the same also16:14
Aviramanyone here..?16:15
BaGyAviram, try compiz --replace16:15
tehbautmy numlock seems to have stopped working, any ideas why?16:15
tehbautit's very annoying :)16:16
legend2440tehbaut: try  shift+numlock key16:16
tehbautbrilliant, thanks legend244016:16
sami__any body professional with xorg.conf ??????16:16
tehbautwonder what caused that issue16:16
qe2eqehow can I tell which URI a usb label printer might be at?16:17
sami__any body professional with xorg.conf ?????? how to change resolution in it ??16:17
erUSULqe2eqe: it is in the properties of said printer in System>Admin>Printers16:18
qe2eqeerUSUL, I'm sorry... I'm running xubuntu, i'm not sure where to find that16:18
Halitechqe2eqe, use CUPS .. http://localhost:63116:19
erUSULqe2eqe: use a browser --> http://localhost:631/printers/16:19
psineticok, guys, if you can, i really really need some help here. It's past midnight here, and I'm trying to setup an alarm on ubuntu to play a song really loud to wake me up in the morning (i have serious issues waking up in the morning). I'm active duty military over seas and I simply can't be late anymore. PLEASE help me if you can :(16:19
qe2eqeHalitech, erUSUL wow, thanks. and also more wow.16:20
Halitechpsinetic, run a cron job?16:20
psinetici don't know how16:20
ubottucron is a way to schedule execution of software/scripts. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CronHowto  -  There is also a decent Howto at http://www.tech-geeks.org/contrib/mdrone/cron&crontab-howto.htm16:20
erUSULpsinetic: use a command line player like aplay or mpeg123 or mplayer16:21
qe2eqesami__, you might not need to edit your xorg.conf. What steps have you taken?16:21
psineticalright, one sec (i was really looking for something more GUI based though), but this should work i guess16:21
bulldogjoin #dvdcovers16:22
qe2eqeHalitech, erUSUL, unfortunately, i need to know the URI to tell cups what it is. Cups just retells me my own dirty little lies about where the printer really is.16:22
erUSULpsinetic: i think there is some gui editros for cronjobs...16:23
psinetici think i found one. "Scheduled Tasks"16:23
psineticthanks guys!!!16:23
legend2440psinetic: read about audacious-plugins-extra in synaptic  it includes   Other plugins like the Alarm plugin.16:23
psineticit's just too late to be reading anything16:24
psinetici need a quick fix so i can go to sleep16:24
psinetici have to be up in five hours16:24
sami__any body professional with xorg.conf ?????? how to change resolution in it ??16:25
legend2440!res | sami__16:27
ubottusami__: The X Window System is the part of your system that's responsible for graphical output. To restart your X, type « sudo /etc/init.d/?dm restart » in a console - To fix screen resolution or other X problems: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Config/Resolution16:27
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ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs16:29
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iBLuCKyhey can someone help me with 9.04 graphic card problems.....?16:29
Arabus!ask > iBLuCKy16:29
ubottuiBLuCKy, please see my private message16:29
iBLuCKy9.04 graphic card problems16:31
kiaas2Is it possible to assign NICs as eth0 and eth1 after another nic, which has been removed, had it before?16:31
kiaas2iBLuCKy, is it an ATI card?16:31
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psineticthis is impossible....why hasn't anyone just created a single application meant entirely to play songs as alarms at a specific time and date?16:31
ubuntu_hey how to mount a drive here?16:32
kiaas2psinetic, I believe that is called kalarm16:32
iBLuCKyno nvidia geforce 7300 le16:32
psinetici just installed kalarm, and it doesn't play my songs16:32
psineticit only plays wav files16:32
kiaas2psinetic, it plays my songs fine, even ones that aren't wav16:32
ubuntu_(xubuntu live)16:32
LordBurritoG'day.  Do I understand correctly that "Ubuntu server" contains no GUI support or applications?16:32
kiaas2LordBurrito, correct. X isn't installed by default.16:33
ChousukeLordBurrito: depends on what you mean by "contains". they're all available, but not installed by default.16:33
grawityLordBurrito: It doesn't come with any installed, yes. But it uses the same Ubuntu repositories, and you can install everything manually.16:33
grawityLordBurrito: But a fresh install is text-only.16:33
LordBurritoOk, thanks.16:33
iBLuCKyit says it's having a problem with pulseaudio or something16:33
enthdegreeWhy does rhythmbox fail to fetch my podcasts? )c:16:33
kiaas2iBLuCKy, Pulseaudio has nothing to do with graphics cards.16:33
LordBurritoI like the graphic package management utilities.  Makes things faster & easier, IMO.16:34
LordBurritographical, even16:34
grawityLordBurrito: Tried aptitude?16:34
LordBurritograwity: That's what I used on my laptop, yes16:34
iBLuCKywell it wont let me use the extra graphic in 9.0416:35
iBLuCKybut i can in 9.1016:35
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LordBurritograwity: I may be going back to Ubuntu on my laptop.  I was talked into trying Mandriva but have encountered all kinds of flakiness.16:35
psinetickiaas2, i tried it, but it gave me a syntax error16:36
psineticwhat kind of command line code should i input in the box to get it to open the file with default player16:36
iBLuCKycan someone please help i have tryed to upgrade to 9.04 about 4 times now and everytime it goes crazy after i install the graphics card16:36
LordBurritoGood Lord: How do y'all manage to maintain a convo here with all these join/quit messages?16:36
LongeFluchtcan someone point me in the direction for instruction on how to install the util-linux packages as recommended at http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto#For_people_who_are_running_Ubuntu16:37
kiaas2LordBurrito, big enough screens and fast enough eyes16:37
Slartpsinetic: try "gnome-open" if you're using gnome16:37
Slartpsinetic: as in "gnome-open your_awesome_file.something"16:38
addisonjLongeFlucht, apt-get will do it16:38
psineticslart, it's just sitting there16:38
psineticgnome-open /home/psinetic/wake.mp316:38
SlartLordBurrito: you can configure your client to not show them.. I think most regulars do that16:38
LongeFluchtaddisonj: so just "sudo apt-get install util-linux"16:39
Slartpsinetic: what app usually opens if you double click a mp3-file?16:39
LordBurritoSlart: I've a Perl app for that.  Looking at it now.16:39
psineticmedia player16:39
addisonjnot sure if that is the package name or not, but basically yes16:39
Slart!quietirssi | LordBurrito16:39
ubottuLordBurrito: To ignore joins, parts, quits in irssi:  /ignore #ubuntu +JOINS +PARTS +QUITS16:39
SlartLordBurrito: that's just for irssi.. other clients might do it differently16:39
addisonjnot sure if that is the package name or not, but basically yes16:39
roger21hi there16:40
babakwhat's professional software for write cd or dvd ?16:40
roger21i would like to set the trashcan to be not used by apps16:41
Slartbabak: professional? what kind of features are you looking for?16:41
psineticslart, it opens it in kalarm, it's supposed to just open the file16:41
roger21or something like size limit = 016:41
marek_hi, is it possible to change icon in bottom left corner (show desktop)? i woudl ike to change it appearance16:41
Slartpsinetic: right click the file in nautilus.. select properties and then choose which program should open mp3-files16:42
roger21but i don't have the graphical interface for that, how can i set that like in a text file or something ?16:42
psineticalright i got it16:42
psinetictotem /home/psinetic/wake.mp316:42
addisonjso, guess i am going to make the jump to 9.1016:42
addisonjbeta is stable enoughs for me16:42
roger21nobody ?16:43
speedhunt3rhi, i'm trying to install drivers and I execute an autogen.sh from the driver provider and it gives an error : autoreconf command not found16:43
babakstamina: all features example write or erase all kind of dvd and can make mp3 disk or video disk or ....16:43
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psineticlater guys16:43
LordBurritoOk, so, assuming I want to go with Ubuntu server: 9.04 or 8.04 LTS?  I like to avoid upgrading as long as possible, so I'm kinda thinkin' 8.04 LTS...16:45
roger21speedhunt3r, you need to install autoconf16:45
roger21and you probably need lots more16:45
sebsebsebLordBurrito: yes 8.04 is recommended for proper servers, since it's the LTS16:45
LordBurritoBtw: Roles will be a web/ftp server on the 'net, and another a secure mailserver--also directly on the 'net16:45
LordBurritosebsebseb: Tnx16:46
addisonjalso LordBurrito join #ubuntu-server for server related discussion16:46
sebsebsebaddisonj:  what  LordBurrito   asked here is fine for here16:46
duffydackive got this vbox vm that Ive made quite a large hd for which I dont need to be that big anymore so ive made another vm hd smaller and have made partitions on it, so now can i just copy everything over with the cp command? im booted into a livecd btw16:46
addisonji know, but for continued questions, figured he might like to know there is a channel just for that :P16:47
sebsebsebaddisonj: ok16:47
alchamechhello everyone16:47
sebsebsebduffydack: Ubuntu as host?16:47
sebsebsebduffydack: a vm for what?16:47
sebsebsebduffydack: you don't do stuff to vm's on a live cd16:47
LongeFluchtaddisonj: how can I figure out the package name?16:48
Ana_Mariahi all has somebody exp. with openssl? I have on my machine some certificates and like to fetchmail my gmail account if i test the CA with openssl .... -CApath hie told me thats Verified Code:0 but with fetchmail i got always a 29807:error:14090086:SSL routines:SSL3_GET_SERVER_CERTIFICATE:certificate verify failed:s3_clnt.c:951:16:48
c4pti am having a problem configuring the nvidia-settings control panel to use twinview and have both of my monitors in 1024x768 the crt will display this resoloution but the lcd on the other hand seems to go the 1280x1024 no matter what i seem to do to try and change it weather i edit the xorg.conf with nano or use the nvidia-settings gui with gksudo and replace xorg.conf with it16:48
LongeFluchtaddisonj: I know the link where they are all located http://ext4.wiki.kernel.org/index.php/Ext4_Howto#For_people_who_are_running_Ubuntu16:48
alchamechcan anyone tell me how to make a tv wonder catd work with ubuntu please?16:48
duffydacksebsebseb, its an ubuntu vm, I just wanna copy it to a smaller virtual hd....16:48
LongeFluchtaddisonj: but don't know how to install then in one shot16:48
c4ptif anyone could help me with this it would be greatly appreciated16:48
sebsebsebduffydack: hmm so Windows is your host?16:48
duffydacksebsebseb, no16:49
sebsebsebduffydack: booted on a live cd???  you mean you got the ISO booted in the vm or?16:49
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addisonjah well they want you to download that package at the provided link16:49
duffydacksebsebseb, yes, in the vm... so the partitions were not in use, just in case16:49
LongeFluchtaddisonj: there are about a dozen of them16:49
BigMaoHi there, I just accidentally uninstalled a package on my server.  I can't reinstall the package from the repository, because of unmet dependencies.  Is there any way I can roll back my action? Thanks16:49
babakstamina: all features example write or erase all kind of dvd and can make mp3 disk or video disk or ....16:49
sebsebsebduffydack: you should have gone with dynamically expanding which is the default for virtual hard disk, then you can basically put nearly whatever size is available,  and the vm can expand to that size as long as you have enough psyical hard disk space.16:50
LongeFluchtaddisonj: DL and install them individually?16:50
sebsebsebduffydack: when you set up the vm you should have done what I just said16:50
resnoBigMao: do you keep backups of your data?16:50
BigMaoresno, I back up my data, but I don't manually backup the .deb packages16:50
sebsebsebduffydack: so if you had done like 10GB for  Ubuntu let's say,   the actsaul virtual hard disk by default will have only taken up about 1GB of psyical hard disk space16:50
LongeFluchtaddisonj: the list of packages is here ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/linux/kernel/people/tytso/ubuntu-fixed-util-linux/16:50
BigMaoFor some reason, the .deb packate isn't present on the root filesystem16:51
BigMaoI think I know the version number ... but I can't find the .deb file on the internet16:51
LordBurritoNobody's answering me over in -server16:51
iBLuCKy [HowTo] Fix Ubuntu Jaunty (9.04) Intel Graphics Problem and pules audio problem when i install graphic drivers??16:51
addisonjyes i am looking, i would guess they are nice and put it in the .dev package, so util-linux_2.13.1-5ubuntu2.1_i386.deb16:51
sebsebsebduffydack: by the sounds of it you have done fixed storage,  and now want things smaller?  or you did dynamically expanding, but  you think  your vm is taking up more psyical hard disk space, than it really is?16:51
duffydacksebsebseb, i know, but I thought what the hell,  and I didnt wanna manage a dynamic dick..16:51
babakwhy arch command not work?16:52
natschilLordBurrito: what's the issue?16:52
axisyshow do I reinstall networkmanager .. it was removed while I was testing wicd16:52
speedhunt3rhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/296933/ can someone plz tell me why this driver is not compiling?16:52
Likegood nigth16:52
LordBurritoGot some Dell 1750 rack-mount servers with PERC 4/Di RAID controllers.  Any show-stoppers on this platform with 8.04 LTS?16:52
h32Lghi everybody16:52
Mike_lifeguardHow can I see all the users who are in a given user group?16:52
addisonjLordBurrito, now THAT would be a question for  #ubuntu-server16:52
sebsebsebduffydack: What's your host by the way?  Maybe there is a way to change a  fixed storage to dynamically expanding, I don't know,  #vbox would be the place to ask about that16:53
LordBurritoaddisonj: Tried it.  Not getting any answers.16:53
duffydackok ive just gone with it, cp -av * /media/disk-1/  ( i was at the /media/disk/ prompt as su)16:54
sebsebsebduffydack: I am not sure what your trying to do16:54
duffydacksee what happens16:54
resnowhere is a good source for bash commands?16:54
babakarch command is right?16:54
sebsebsebduffydack: you probably need to create a smaller  virtual hard disk16:54
sebsebsebduffydack: and dynamically expanding, if you want less psyical space taken up16:55
LongeFluchtaddisonj: think that did it...16:55
LongeFluchttold me I was downgrading16:56
LongeFluchtso based on the ext4 wiki, that sounds about right16:56
duffydacksebsebseb, im using jaunty as host... vbox jaunty vm with a 20gig vm hd static.. i made a smaller vm hd, formatted as needed, now just copying everything over to the 2nd vm hd16:56
Shawn-Is there any way to configure Pidgin to use a SOCKS5 proxy?16:56
duffydacksebsebseb, couldnt use dd because its going to a smaller vbox hd..16:56
sebsebsebduffydack: your running jaunty as host, but also in vm?16:56
duffydacksebsebseb, im running various vm`s..16:57
duffydackI just wasnt sure if this would work, the only reason Im asking ... im going for it anyway..16:57
sebsebsebduffydack: ok16:58
_BuBUDo someone knows about a limitation in the number of groups a user can belong ?16:58
duffydacki know i`ll have to do grub on it later...16:59
=== Launchpad is now known as Whitor
sebsebseb_BuBU: I don't think there is a limitation for the amount of user groups  you can be in, but maybe there is17:00
_BuBUsebsebseb: seems there is..17:00
addisonj.... how many groups are you a part of?17:01
leeb9972can i install the apps used on Backtrack on ubuntu?17:01
_BuBUin fact that's for the user apache17:01
savidWhat's the command to restore default configuration files for a package?17:01
_BuBUit belongs to all groups of my customers17:02
Mike_lifeguardIs there any way to search for PPAs for a particular package?17:02
_BuBUand if I set cust01:group01 and 0640 for a given file17:02
_BuBUit is working for starting list of my customers..17:02
_BuBUbut not after a certain number of groups for apache user..17:03
hxwxwhxhxahi all, i need little help, it is about ubuntu 8.10 vpn connection. anu suggestions?17:03
addisonjwow, so you are trying to give per user access only via apache17:04
addisonjno _BuBU17:05
_BuBUbasically I'm using suphp so each site is ran under its given user17:05
_BuBUbut for other files like html, images, ... apache user has to be autorized to read17:06
_BuBUso I made apache belongs to each group of each customer users..17:06
savidI just removed the /etc/postgresql conf because I wanted to restore the default,  and I uninstalled postgresql and re-installed it,  but now it's not re-creating the /etc/postgresql dir?17:06
trismsavid: did you purge it?17:07
* Garaf went to sleep17:08
savidtrism,  yes, I did apt-get remove --purge postgresql17:08
Kirschhi all, when i try and SFTP into a box, i get logged off, i saw an error about /etc/default/locale not existing and read that i should run update-locale, now i don't get an error at all, i set my LogLevel to DEBUG in my sshd_config and i still don't get an error, here's my log: http://pastebin.com/m3dd4267417:08
c4pti am having a problem configuring the nvidia-settings control panel to use twinview and have both of my monitors in 1024x768 the crt will display this resoloution but the lcd on the other hand seems to go the 1280x1024 no matter what i seem to do to try and change it weather i edit the xorg.conf with nano or use the nvidia-settings gui with gksudo and replace xorg.conf with it17:08
mercutio22how can do I run a filesystem check?17:11
Kirschmercutio22: fsck17:11
mgolischc4pt: does xrandr display that resolution for the lcd?17:12
mercutio22Kirsch: I want to run it on an external device. Is it possible?17:12
mgolischit probably was not validated as a valid mode17:12
c4ptmgolisch: just shows screen 0:17:12
c4ptmgolisch: screen 0 being the crt17:12
_BuBUfor my "user group in" problems: http://www.j3e.de/ngroups.html17:13
c4ptmgolisch: with ubuntu display preferences both monitors work fine.17:13
savidtrism, any ideas?  I can't seem to figure out how to get the missing conf files back17:13
_BuBUand on my box:17:13
_BuBUcat /proc/sys/kernel/ngroups_max17:13
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c4ptmgolisch: with nvidia display preferences it forces it into 1280x1024 no matter what17:13
hxwxwhxhxahi all, i need little help, it is about ubuntu 8.10 vpn connection. any suggestions?17:13
c4ptmgolisch: and with xrandr it wont even show the other display at all. (the modes)17:13
_BuBUbut apache still can't read html files even if in the group17:13
mgolischis it twinview?17:14
mgolischxrandr doesnt understand that17:14
addisonj_BuBU, instead of making apache a member of the groups, just give apache ownership and group ownership to individual groups17:14
c4ptmgolisch: give me a moment17:14
mgolischc4pt: maybe you should read the xorg logfile, it might tell why it doenst accept 1024x768 as a valid mode for the lcd17:14
c4ptmgolisch: which file17:15
_BuBUaddisonj: ok but there will be another limit ? as this time that would be apache user that will belongs to lot's of group !17:16
trismsavid: not sure yet, trying to find out17:16
Kirschwhen i try and SFTP into a box, i get logged off, i saw an error about /etc/default/locale not existing and read that i should run update-locale, now i don't get an error at all, i set my LogLevel to DEBUG in my sshd_config and i still don't get an error, here's my log:  http://pastebin.com/m3dd4267417:16
Kirschmercutio22: i believe u can pass a /dev/xxxxx to fsck17:17
Kirschmercutio22:  or a mount point17:17
addisonjhm? then you don't even need to bother, apache is owner, so it has owner access, where as groups will have their own access, they are seperate17:17
_BuBUaddisonj: also when user put files with their customer account it will not be owned by the apache user !17:19
_BuBUaddisonj: eheh ! I'm not really newbies..17:20
usr13How can I re-install grub from CLI?17:20
usr13grub-install hda  ?17:20
_BuBUaddisonj: and what I'm trying to do does work on other distros ! :)17:20
usr13grub-install ________?17:20
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usr13rictec: Commmand Line Interface.17:20
rictecthere you do grub enter17:21
addisonjwell i can't imagine ubuntu being that different, it is debian flavored,17:21
dios_miohow can i make shiretoko my default browser?17:21
trismsavid: figured it out, sudo apt-get purge postgresql postgresql-8.3 postgresql-common; sudo rm -rf /etc/postgresql /etc/postgresql-common; then sudo apt-get install postgresql; that regenerated all the config for me17:21
usr13rictec: and then what?17:21
icarus-cisn't shiretoko just firefox?17:21
rictecfind /boot/stage117:21
usr13I need to write the boot instructions to MBR.17:21
dios_mioicarus-c: yes but it installs side by side with firefox..17:21
rictecinside grub17:22
usr13rictec: install ___________?17:22
_BuBUaddisonj: ok thx ! will try to find out...17:22
icarus-cdios_mio: i mean they are the same thing afaik..17:22
rictecsetup is the install17:22
dios_mioicarus-c: yes, but shiretoko is still not default17:22
icarus-cdios_mio: well, run shiretoko and set it as default browser in Edit17:23
rictecsetup (hd that as boot/grub on it)17:23
dios_mioicarus-c: no working17:23
icarus-cdios_mio: Preferences17:23
usr13rictec: hd0   hda  hd0,0  /dev/hda  ?...?...?17:24
dios_mioicarus-c: wont work man17:24
rictecusr13 you have to find where /boot/grub/stage1 is17:24
rictecdo grub on cli17:24
rictecthen find /boot/stage1/menu.lst17:25
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savidtrism,  looks like the only mention of /etc/postgresql/ is in the postrm file?17:25
rictecthe result put in root (hdx)17:26
usr13/boot/grub/stage1 is on hda117:26
usr13But actually hda517:26
usr13is on hda517:26
rictecboth the are the some disk17:26
usr13oh no.. hda5 is swap  hda1 is linux17:27
natschilHello. What is the best way to convert music from one filetype to another without losing metadata?17:27
rictecrun grub and do this root (hd   them press tab17:27
ActionParsnipnatschil: if you convert from a lossy type to another lossy type you will loose quality17:27
ActionParsnipnatschil: what are you converting from/to and i'll see if i can find anythig17:28
rictectell me what autocomplete returns17:28
natschilActionParsnip: apple music(.m4a) files to mp3 files that can be played by most standard mp3 players... vlc does the job, but it looses metadata such as the artist etc..17:29
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triyo_I have a dual screen setup on my new Ubuntu 9.04 installation. nVidia Card with latest driver updates. All looks good except when I open any "App" on my secondary screen, it actually show up on my primary screen17:29
anarki2004ok then...I'm trying to install "parted magic" but when I try to copy the folder from the *.iso, it tells me I don't have permission. How do I get permission?17:29
ActionParsnipnatschil: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=13841917:29
triyo_am I missing something?17:30
natschilActionParsnip: wow, that was quick thanks.17:30
ActionParsnipnatschil: you could add to the script to copy the tags from the m4a's and set them in the resulting mp3s17:30
ActionParsnipnatschil: jeeves is fast :D17:30
=== Kirsch is now known as [BRB]Kirsch
triyo_and I'm running the "Seperate X screen" mode17:31
ActionParsnipnatschil: not sure about tags though, you may need to add extra intelligence17:31
natschilActionParsnip: I will see what I can find out.17:31
ActionParsnipnatschil: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=12298317:31
thiebaudetriyo_, did you open nvidia-settings?17:31
anarki2004one of you guys should just come to my apartment and do this for me17:32
trismsavid: yeah, I don't know, it is strange17:32
ZykoticK9natschil, check out "soundconverter" it seems to keep tags during conversion and supports m4a and mp3.  good luck.17:32
^mNotIntelligentis anyone using any vpn service in ubuntu?17:32
^mNotIntelligentI want to use hotspot on ubuntu? any idea how to do that?17:32
triyo_thiebaude: yup I did and I set the mode to "Seperate X screen" and I saved the settings using sudo..17:32
thiebaudetriyo_, detect displays? also17:33
stef1I can't play a .xvid.avi file I use VLC to play it, have tried another player too, what m I doing wrong?17:33
natschilZykoticK9: ActionParsnip: soundconverter looks even better than the bash scripts, I'll see whether that does the job.17:33
thiebaudetriyo_, i seen robbie ferguson at category5.tv setup 2 monitors17:33
ActionParsnipnatschil: if you can do oe file, you can let it rip on all your files using a script :)17:33
stef1I can play .avi files17:34
ActionParsnip!codecs | stef117:34
ubottustef1: For multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats17:34
rictecstef1 avi is a box inside are codes17:34
triyo_thiebaude: The dispaly works 100% on both screens. Its just when I open any app on "secondary" screen it actually opens on "primary" screen instead. For example calc app should open on my 2nd screen where I click it from menu. Instead it shows up on 1st sreen17:34
natschilActionParsnip: providing it's not a gui that's doing it....though those will probably have a "batch convert" feature if they are any good.17:34
thiebaudetriyo_, ahh, ok, but there might be info at category5.tv search dual moniotrs17:35
ActionParsnipnatschil: true but simple shell scripting to repeat taks on a bunch of files is a serious advantage of the terminal17:35
usr13anyone know how to re-install grub?17:35
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:35
usr13ActionParsnip: tnx17:35
c4ptmgolisch: yo17:35
c4ptmgolisch: http://pastie.org/66077817:36
natschilActionParsnip: yes, but they are harder to remember and find than guis, but they generally are more powerful.17:36
c4ptmgolisch: it says setting it to 1024x768 but it still goes to 1280x1024 (in the logs)17:36
ActionParsnipnatschil: thats why one you work some out you make them into scripts you can use again and again17:36
rictecusr13 do what i told you to its easy17:36
anarki2004can somebody tell me how to give my user profile unrestricted admin rights?17:36
anarki2004keeps on telling me i don't have permission for th ings17:37
ActionParsnipanarki2004: make sur eit is in the admin group17:37
Halitech!sudo | anarki200417:37
ubottuanarki2004: sudo is a command to run programs with superuser privileges ("root"). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (Gnome, XFCE), or !kdesudo (KDE)17:37
ActionParsnipanarki2004: you can then use sudo / gksudo for stuff when you need admin access17:37
mgolischc4pt: it ignores the mode because the edid settings horzync value would exclude that resolution17:37
anarki2004i've only seen sudo in the terminal17:37
ActionParsnipanarki2004: by default, the first user you make IS a member of the admin group17:37
mgolischc4pt: you might need to manualy devine modes17:37
c4ptmgolisch: so how should i go about this?17:37
anarki2004are you referring to that command line?17:37
Halitech!gksudo | anarki200417:37
ubottuanarki2004: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)17:37
mgolischor just disable getting the edid for thats creen17:38
c4ptmgolisch: resoloution modes?17:38
w0ls0ncan anyone recommend a torrent program other than transmittion that encrypts packets?17:38
ActionParsnipanarki2004: gksudo is for running gui apps like gedit and nautilus with admin power17:38
mgolischi think the oiption is NoEdid "1" or so17:38
c4ptmgolisch: ok ill try17:38
c4ptmgolisch: be back in a moment17:38
anarki2004i need nautilus...17:38
ActionParsnipw0ls0n: ktorrent if you do not mind the Qt libs17:38
dreamyanyone tryng to make 3d with the sis (672fx) card .. here?17:38
Halitechanarki2004, gksudo nautilus17:38
natschilActionParsnip: sometimes, though I generally end up putting all of my fancier methods of doing stuff into a folder called "devel", which suffers from chronic disorganisation syndrome :)17:38
w0ls0nActionParsnip: not at all17:39
ActionParsnipnatschil: i have /usr/share/scripts where I put my goodies :)17:39
* Xtreme_Great loves ubuntu!17:40
rictecusr13 http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=21082017:40
ActionParsnipw0ls0n: install away, ktorrent has a web interface too, you may need to install php5-cli to get it working17:40
ActionParsnipw0ls0n: azureus may perform encryption too, might wanna check that out17:40
=== [BRB]Kirsch is now known as Kirsch
* thiebaude away17:41
rictecw0ls0n: deluge17:42
ActionParsnipdreamy: try telling xorg.conf to use   Driver "sis'17:42
dreamydoes anyone know what channel can i join... to ask questions about my SIS 3d card ?17:42
ActionParsnipdreamy: in the Section describing the video card17:42
dreamyActionParsnip: but i dont think my SIS is making 3d with on linux with whatever driver17:42
ActionParsnipdreamy: its possibly not supported17:42
ActionParsnipdreamy: can you provide the output of: lspci | grep -i vga17:43
^mNotIntelligentwhats wrong in this command : locate *enrigue*.mp3|head -n4|xargs -0n1 mpg123 , locate is able to find the files but when I'm finally passing thta to xargs its saying "No such file or directory"17:43
dreamyActionParsnipo: unfornatly my PC with the SIS .. doest has a linux now..17:43
ChrisBuchholzHi, I have installed a lamp server on my karmic beta machine, and now I need to be able to access a outside mysql database. I have already changed the bind-adresse in /etc/mysql/my.cnf according to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP but i still cannot connect. I get the same error as before, which is: http://pastebin.com/m3d79a5ed17:43
maco^mNotIntelligent: possibly theres a space in the file name?17:43
ActionParsnipdreamy: ok17:43
dreamyActionParsnip: but id like to chat About SIS  and 3d.. maybe on XP .. ive tryed #sis .. but no luck17:44
ActionParsnipdreamy: #ubuntu-offtopic   may entertain it17:44
^mNotIntelligentmaco, to fix that I'm using the -0 option with xargs , that should take care of that , right?17:44
ActionParsnipdreamy: or in ##windows17:44
dreamyin that channel.. i was already .. ty ;)17:45
maco^mNotIntelligent: mm yeah...maybe mpg123 $(locate *enrigue*mp3 | head -n4)17:46
rictecChrisBuchholz and the port 3306 is open? no firewall blocking it?17:46
ActionParsnipcould use find -exec instead17:46
ChrisBuchholzhow can i check?17:46
ChrisBuchholzrictec: how can i check?17:46
braden_anyone know of a way to disable a local keyboard and mouse remotely?17:47
ActionParsnipbraden_: are they usb?17:48
braden_no :(17:48
rictecChrisBuchholz iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT17:48
rictecits just open17:48
nanaminwhere would I go to provide feedback on 9.10 beta?17:49
grawitynanamin: #ubuntu+117:49
^mNotIntelligentmaco, that's not working either17:49
braden_ActionParsnip, think i could remap all the keys to null, and back?17:49
JustNEOhello everybody17:50
ActionParsnipbraden_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=457503217:50
ActionParsnipbraden_: may help17:50
nanamingrawity: thanks17:50
came0how do I make a program exectuable from any directory in a terminal?  I think I add a symbolic link to the program in my /usr/bin right?  but I cant find an article on google17:50
^mNotIntelligentmaco, btw, your last suggestion is right i think. I'm taking care of that in xargs only, I think i should do the same for the previous commadn as well using -print0 option...what you say?17:50
JustNEOcan somebody help me a little?17:50
maco^mNotIntelligent: give it a shot. cant hurt17:50
ActionParsnipcame0: as long as its marked executable and in your $PATH it will be fine (/usr/bin is in $PATH)17:51
rictecChrisBuchholz didnt see the question  sudo iptables -L checks for it17:51
ChrisBuchholzrictec: didn't work either, i'm afraid17:51
came0ActionParsnip: ah, so I should add the directory to my $PATH?17:51
ActionParsnipcame0: a symlink to an existing file is also ok as long as the file linked to is marked as executable17:51
ActionParsnipcame0: no need, just use the ones already in use17:51
ActionParsnip!ask | JustNEO17:52
ubottuJustNEO: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:52
^mNotIntelligentmaco, now i tried this: locate *enrigue*.mp3|head -n4 -print0|xargs -0n1 mpg123 but -print0 is messing with head and I'm getting this error -> head: invalid option -- 'p'17:52
ChrisBuchholzrictec, I ran the "opening" command but it is still not working. iptables -L don't give me anything about 330617:52
resnoi am trying to make a bash command that will open a termianl window and issue commands to the new window. How do I pass coammnds to it?17:52
Mike_lifeguardHi, how can I set useradd to put users into the 'users' group instead of their own group by default? I've set USERGROUPS=no in /etc/adduser.conf but it seems to have no effect17:53
maco^mNotIntelligent: sorry, i dunno. try the find -exec thing someone else mentioned17:53
mgolischresno: that depends on the terminal17:53
JustNEOI just installed a version of Ubuntu and now my computer doesn't start. It's something with the BootLoader, error 1717:53
resnomgolisch: i am using gnome-terminal17:53
mgolischresno: its -e for gnome-terminal i think17:53
JustNEOwhat can I do?17:53
rictecChrisBuchholz so mysql is only listen to localhost?
ActionParsnipJustNEO: did you md5 test the iso you downloaded? Did you run the CD self verifier? Did you burn the CD as slowly as you could17:53
ActionParsnipJustNEO: is it a proper install or have you used wubi?17:54
trism^mNotIntelligent: I get it to work with just xargs mpg123 (no switches)17:54
ChrisBuchholzrictec, oh, no, i don't think so. It says http://pastebin.com/m4630813b17:54
mgolischrictec: by default mysql only listens on a unix socket it doenst do tcp at all17:54
ZykoticK9rictec, for remote MySQL access this might be a helpful link http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/how-do-i-enable-remote-access-to-mysql-database-server.html17:54
resnomgolisch: how would i go about finding info about it? i am not sure what to google for.17:54
^mNotIntelligentmaco, thanks a lot...will tyr that now17:54
mgolischresno: google for what?17:54
JustNEOThe CD is ok and I installed it with the installer from desktop17:54
^mNotIntelligenttrism, is it? wow...lemme try that.. thanks btw17:54
JustNEOIt is 7.1017:55
resnomgolisch: when i tried that i got an error, cant issue child command or something17:55
ActionParsnipJustNEO: so you used wubi.exe ?17:55
ActionParsnipJustNEO: 7.10 isnt supported any more17:55
rictecChrisBuchholz try that link17:55
ubottuUbuntu 7.10 (Gutsy Gibbon) was the seventh release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: April 18th, 2009. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.17:55
JustNEOthe same problem is with 8.04 and others...17:55
mgolischresno: works for me17:55
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JustNEOit is somethind wrong with the bootloader..17:55
mgolischresno: what did you pass to it?17:55
ActionParsnipJustNEO: ok have you trid booting to the liveCD again to reinstall grub?17:56
ActionParsnip!grub | JustNEO17:56
ubottuJustNEO: GRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:56
macoJustNEO: keywords "GRUB Error 17"  to describe your problem17:56
resnomgolisch: i passed it to change directories. let me play with it a bit, i just noticed man for it as well17:56
JustNEOActionParsnip: how can I reinstall grub?17:56
wangchungfyi there is a bash channel17:56
mgolischresno: that wont work, cd is not a binary its a shell builtin17:56
^mNotIntelligenttrism, this dint work for me: locate *enrigue*.mp3|head -n4 |xargs  mpg12317:57
resnomgolisch: ok, i see.17:57
resnomgolisch: how can i make it be in a certain directory?17:58
trism^mNotIntelligent: maybe you can do for FILE in `locate *enrigue*.mp3|head -n`; do mpg123 "${FILE}"; done17:58
ActionParsnipJustNEO: read the factoids17:58
ubottuGRUB is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto17:58
braden_ActionParsnip, dont think that is going to work17:58
rictecJustNEO http://www.sorgonet.com/linux/grubrestore/17:58
braden_you would think there would have to be a way to do it17:58
mgolischresno: you can set the new terminals cwd using --working-directory "/some/path"17:58
ActionParsnipbraden_: why, grub is all outta whck so we need to put it right17:58
I7uoHeokai need a help. i'm russian. i can win iPod nano 8GB if you help me. please register and upload photo -> http://vk.com/reg1051946 . 14 users need. (sorry, my english is very bad)17:59
ricteci re-install grub every week or so17:59
NET||abusehuh,, just saw this script for batching up creating python + glade  apps called quickly that's coming out on karmic? it's not out for jaunty seemingly.17:59
braden_ActionParsnip,  im still talking about disabling the keyboard17:59
NET||abuseinteresting,, but is it just strictly for mess projects?17:59
JustNEOCan I write MBR without losing my data?18:00
ActionParsnipJustNEO: sure18:00
ActionParsnipbraden_: its a bit messy18:00
braden_so should i be able to do this?18:00
^mNotIntelligenttrism, from the command line ?18:00
macoNET||abuse: might be a #ubuntu-offtopic topic ;) i think its for rapid prototyping, but no reason you cant build off of its output18:00
patrick62140je suis un nouveau18:00
qe2eqewhat should i enter as the root login/password for cups interface @ localhost:631 ??18:00
macoJustNEO: yes18:00
Pici!fr | patrick6214018:00
ubottupatrick62140: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr18:00
braden_echo authorize = 0 > /sys/class/input/input018:01
rictecJustNeo important data need to be backuped .....do it18:01
trism^mNotIntelligent: yeah18:01
anarki2004so what software do most ubuntu users utilize to play proprietary media?18:01
trism^mNotIntelligent: I forgot a 4 in the head -n4 part18:01
anarki2004ie. mp3, wma, etc18:01
rictecanarki2004 VLC for me18:01
macoanarki2004: just install ubuntu-restricted-extras18:01
anarki2004i WAY too much to convert to ogg18:01
ChrisBuchholzrictec: i looked in the link and tried the mysql -u username ipadresse -p which said "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'xxx'@'localhost' (using password: YES)" which much mean that i was connected but just denied access, right?18:01
rictecno acess try root18:02
JustNEOThanks for all your help!! If I need help again, I'll be there. Thanks again!!18:02
mbeierlanyone here use gtkpod and the "play now/enqueue" commands?  I'm trying to figure out a rhythmbox-client command to do "play now" but I can't seem to get the "%s" part right...18:02
ActionParsnipanarki2004: i use mplayer, its one of the oldest and best18:02
docmaxhi, ALT + F9 minimizes my windows... how can i disable it?18:03
ActionParsnip!player | anarki200418:03
ubottuanarki2004: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs18:03
SonjaWubi will install Ubuntu from Win ? it will install Ubuntu as a sort of Win program? Or onto a separate partition or hdd i can boot from in the future if I want to abandon my Win hdd?18:03
ricteclol ubittu18:03
Halitech!wubi | Sonja18:03
ubottuSonja: Wubi is an Ubuntu installer for Windows users that allows you to install and uninstall Ubuntu like a Windows application, in a simple and safe way. http://wubi-installer.org/support.php for troubleshooting. Please file bugs at http://launchpad.net/wubi/+filebug.18:03
ActionParsnipSonja: wubi installs ubuntu as an app18:03
JustNEOI'll backup it.  bye-bye now!!18:04
BlueSherpais there a way to force the full reinstallation of samba on ubuntu?  the config files got removed and I'm trying to restore everything to default configuration - apt-get install samba crashes saying that it couldn't start samba18:04
ActionParsnipSonja: if you want rid you can use add / remove programs18:04
Sonjai watn to install the full ubuntu on a different hdd18:04
Sonjafrom windows18:04
^mNotIntelligenttrism, is this okey? : for FILE in `locate *enrigue*.mp3|head -n4`; do mpg123 "${FILE}"; done18:04
Sonjaor from the .iso somehow18:04
icerootBlueSherpa: dpkg-reconfigure samba18:04
BlueSherpaiceroot: cool, thx =)18:04
ActionParsnipSonja: then you want a full Jaunty ISO to install to the blank disk (or disk you do not mind deleting the partitions from )18:04
trismmbeierl: yeah, I was having problems with that and gpodder, I would have to play the track in gpodder twice, once to add it to the rhythmbox library, and the second time would play it...I just switched to audacious instead18:04
icerootBlueSherpa: with sudo of course i forgot18:04
BlueSherpaiceroot: of course =)18:05
rictecanyone here on karmic already?18:05
SonjaActionParsnip but that requires burning the .iso to a physical disc to boot from?18:05
ActionParsnipSonja: or a USB stick to install that way18:05
trism^mNotIntelligent: looks right18:05
icerootrictec: #ubuntu+118:05
resnomgolisch: i get the error " There was an error creating the child process for this terminal".18:05
SonjaActionParsnip ah yes boot from usb might be what i want to do18:05
docmaxok got it, thanks18:05
ActionParsnipSonja: sure, or a usb stick18:05
wangchung!find abs18:05
ubottuFound: abuse-frabs, libclass-dbi-abstractsearch-perl, libclass-dbi-plugin-abstractcount-perl, libdbix-abstract-perl, libemail-abstract-perl (and 3 others)18:05
BlueSherpaiceroot: oop - it reported:  samba is broken or not fully installed18:05
^mNotIntelligenttrism, i think that is okey...but there seems to be some problem with mpg123, its saying " [readers.c:893] error: Cannot file From: No such file or directory" ...lemme google that18:05
BlueSherpaiceroot: I tried "apt-get purge samba; apt-get install samba"18:05
Sonjai would just store the .iso on the usb as a file?18:05
Sonjaor there's a special way to make a bootable usb from an .iso ?18:05
braden_anyone know how to remotely disable a local keyboard and mouse?18:05
mbeierltrism: urrg.  Thanks ...  It seems that the problem is that gtkpod requires the %s to be on its own or it won't substitute it18:06
icerootBlueSherpa: hm18:06
icerootBlueSherpa: that was my next idea...18:06
resnomgolisch: i am issuing this command  "gnome-terminal -e --working-directory "/CVS_All/""18:06
ActionParsnipSonja: http://www.pendrivelinux.com/usb-ubuntu-904-persistent-install-windows/18:06
mgolischresno: use it without the -e unless you realy execute some command18:06
BlueSherpaiceroot: I tried going into synaptics and it ended up with the same result18:06
^mNotIntelligenttrism, the logic is okey...you know why...when i tried the same command for some different song..which is actually not available..it didnot give error..just went silent..that means commnad is okey...somethign is wrong with mpg12318:07
sjdhi. i came looking for help to interface a garmin usb device to gpsbabel18:07
dbuggerHey guys, can anyone tell me how can I make my KODAK ESP-3 Printer work? :(18:07
sjdim having troubles. the device is not detected by gpsbabel. any clue18:07
ActionParsnipdbugger: run:   lsusb   you will get an 8 character hex code identifying the device, wesearch that18:07
Sonjahow is wubi different from something like colinux?18:07
mbeierlDOH!  rhythmbox-client --play-uri can work without the "=" and then gtkpod will parse out the %s and ... it works!!!18:07
Sonjathanks for the link ActionParsnip18:08
resnomgolisch: thanks! thats got me going the right direction.18:08
dbuggerBus 001 Device 007: ID 040a:4031 Kodak Co.18:08
trism^mNotIntelligent: can you play any of the songs you're locating by manually typing mpg123 path_to_file? because the command seems to work fine for me, even with tracks with spaces in their names18:08
ActionParsnipSonja: colinux appears to run just the apps in the same desktop as the host OS, wubi allows you to effectively dual boot18:09
BlueSherpaiceroot: is there a way to use dpkg to purge / install samba?18:09
trismmbeierl: great, I gotta try that with gpodder18:09
BlueSherpaiceroot: maybe it'll work better than apt-get18:09
ActionParsnipdbugger: ok so the ID is 040a:403118:09
hsarcidoes anyone know how to automatically execute a given command or script after resuming?18:09
sjdwhat should i do? anybody have any clue?18:09
Sonjaah, so colinux might be more seamless18:10
Sonjaif i wanted to use both OSes18:10
mbeierltrism: was delightfully surprised that there was an alternate.  So %s in gtkpod translates to the filename, but it won't if the %s is attached to ANYTHING else (ie: play file:%s)18:10
ubottuTo add programs to start up when you log into your Gnome session go to System>Preferences>Sessions and use the Startup Programs tab. For more information, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AddingProgramToSessionStartup - See !boot for starting non-interactive programs at boot18:10
dbuggerActionParsnip, so what now?18:10
ActionParsnipdbugger: i websearched the code and its not coming up, see what you can find18:11
O__oguys check this out http://www.cooliris.com/product/18:11
vgej #fluxbox18:12
O__oubuntu should have this18:12
dbuggerActionParsnip,  are you telling me it's not possible to use this printer in Ubuntu?18:12
ActionParsnipSonja: well yes as the wubi will give you 2 options, windows or ubuntu and you will use which you want18:12
ActionParsnipdbugger: from my quick websearch its not looking great18:12
ActionParsnipdbugger: why dont you have a try too18:12
sjdneed help on using a garmin gps device in ubuntu18:12
dbuggerActionParsnip, Im not sure what to do with those hex numbers :S18:13
gswainphp-pdo in jaunty?18:13
ActionParsnipdbugger: put them in a swebsearch like you do with any other websearch18:13
ActionParsnipdbugger: then start adding extra words to try refine the search18:13
hsarcidoes anyone know how to automatically execute a given command or script after resuming?18:14
resnohsarci: where are you running the command from?18:14
resnohsarci: like a bash command?18:14
gswainphp-pdo in jaunty?18:14
dbuggerseems like there's no driver for this one :(18:15
dbuggerAwesome, I have to go back to windows to print :p18:15
ActionParsnipdbugger: hardly suprised, kodak suck18:15
ActionParsniphsarci: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=90715118:15
sjddoes anyone have any idea on using a garmin usb gps device on ubuntu jaunty18:15
grawityhsarci: Resuming from _what_?18:15
w0ls0nhello all. I just downloaded ktorrent to seed my torrents and I added the ones I already had ... and now ktorrent is saying "Invalid data from tracker". How do I fix this?18:16
dbuggerActionParsnip, I had hope in the ubuntu geek comunity to have found a solution :)18:16
sjdsomebody help me! please18:17
ChrisBuchholzrictec: have you any experience with opening up for ips to connect to the mysql server by, via phpmyadmin? I'm hosted by surftown, and I'm afraid phpmyadmin is my only chance of changing anything with the database, but i cant find where to change allowed ips to connect18:17
ActionParsnipdbugger: keep your ear to the ground. I doubt kodak will budge on anything.18:18
ZykoticK9w0ls0n, "Invalid data from tracker" is typically a communication problem between you and the tracker host.  try the same torrent file in Transmission or Vuze and see if it works - don't think it's a problem with continuing your already downloaded stuff.  good luck.18:18
wangchungsjd, repeating every few seconds will not help you get an answer18:18
dbuggerActionParsnip, that means not deleting my windows partition :D18:19
ANTRat!ask | sjd18:19
ubottusjd: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)18:19
ANTRatoh he did ask18:19
ActionParsnipdbugger: yep, or you can buy a better printer18:19
Take0nThe "ctrl+alt+backspace" combination, is it disabled by default on jaunty?18:19
BlueSherpaiceroot: figured it out18:19
ActionParsnip!dontzap | takeon18:20
ubottutakeon: To re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.18:20
dbuggerActionParsnip, Maybe after I assault some bank :D18:20
ZykoticK9Take0n, alt+printscreen+k18:20
BlueSherpaiceroot: samba dependencies were in place - I had to remove them before purge completely cleaned the system and made way for apt-get install samba18:20
Take0nmy question is if it IS disabled or not18:20
Take0nby default18:20
PiciTake0n: Yes, its disabled.18:20
ActionParsnipyes the default is disabled but it can be re-enabled18:20
ZykoticK9Take0n, it's been changed18:20
Take0nWell, I don't remember installing anything or enabling it.. but it still works :+18:21
Take0nthat's why I'm asking18:21
w00khey guys, i was gonna install java wtk , it asked me the path for the java interpreter, i have openjdk6 installed, i gave the path as /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin , but it gives me a error that it is not a suitable java interpreter , should i install anyother interpreters?18:22
anarki2004anybody feel like helping me with getting partition magic up and running?18:22
ThraeAlright, I'm trying to follow http://wiki.debian.org/DebianIPv6, but I'm getting a bit confused. Verizon gives me an IPv6 address on my external NIC. How do I setup /etc/network/interfaces so I can ping6?18:22
ActionParsnip!ot | anarki200418:22
ubottuanarki2004: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!18:22
ZykoticK9anarki2004, ask in ##windows18:22
fission6anyone here, i am having the following issue, sox formats: no handler for detected file type `audio/mpeg'18:22
anarki2004ok thanks18:22
rictecChrisBuchholz maybe the user phpmyadmin has not access to do what you want18:23
ChrisBuchholzrictec, yes, i was guessing that too. Well, i guess i'll just have to host the database on localhost then18:23
ChrisBuchholzrictec, thanks for the help anyways!18:24
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ZykoticK9fission6, audio/mpeg like a video file?  sox in an audio handler.  if you just type sox by itself on the cli it lists "Audio Format Support" and mpeg isn't really there, mp2 mp3 mp4 is.  good luck man.18:25
rictecphpmyadmin doesnt do user checks so you have to use a user that is inside mysql18:25
Take0none more question guys.. and sorry if I'm pain in the ass.. I have enabled compiz and cube rotation.. it worked 5 mins ago with ctrl+alt+left arrow or right arrow but suddenly it stopped.. I want to try and initiate it again and the combination is ctrl+alt+button1.. which button is this button1?18:26
fission6ZykoticK9: i want to convert mp3 to wave, sox audiofile formats does not uincluide mp[1-4]18:26
pmcclellandI'm having some trouble getting mod_python to work with 9.10 can someone give me a hand?18:26
ActionParsnipTake0n: the one you click stuff with to open it18:27
ZykoticK9Take0n, mouse over your desktop background -- hold down ctrl+alt and click-n-hold your left mouse button (assuming your right handed)18:27
Take0nleft mouse button?18:27
ActionParsnipTake0n: if you are a righty, yes18:27
Take0noh okay18:27
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Take0nbut it still won't work :\18:27
crohakonSo, why is it that I can only use 24bit color and not 32bit color?18:27
ZykoticK9fission6, type "sox" on the cli - i'm just reading what i see on my screen18:27
Take0nI didn't disable it or something.. and everything ooks fine in compizconfig settings18:28
indian_munndahello everyone can anyone here help me in installing ORACLE LITE 10g??????18:28
jovedoes anyone what is the latest Ubuntu version ?18:28
ActionParsnipTake0n: then disable the plugin and re-enable it, see if its better, or switch out compiz with: metacity --replace    then run: compiz --replace18:28
fission6AUDIO FILE FORMATS: 8svx ............ dvms f4 f8 fap f mat mat4 mat5 maud nist ogg paf prc..18:28
ActionParsnip!9.10 |jove18:28
ubottujove: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+118:28
ZykoticK9jove, 9.04 (but in a little while 9.10 is being released)18:29
Koterpillar_I installed UNR and disabled the on-desktop launcher. How do I get desktop icons (~/desktop) back?18:29
indian_munndaActionParsnip: can you help me?18:29
ActionParsnipKoterpillar_: run nautilus maybe18:29
jovethx everyone!18:29
ActionParsnipindian_munnda: no, or I would have replied18:29
ubottuIf you -must- install oracle .... here's a good place to start: http://www.oracle.com/technology/tech/linux/install/xe-on-kubuntu.html18:29
indian_munndaActionParsnip: ok no problm dude18:29
ZykoticK9Koterpillar_, use gconf editor and check for nautilus setting regarding "manage the desktop" or something similar!18:29
strangerhi there - does anybody know were i can download skype version 1.x for ubuntu? the new beta version 2.x doesn't work correctly under jaunty18:30
w00khey guys, i was gonna install java wtk , it asked me the path for the java interpreter, i have openjdk6 installed, i gave the path as /usr/lib/jvm/java-6-openjdk/bin , but it gives me a error that it is not a suitable java interpreter , should i install any other interpreters?18:30
rictecfission6 install soundconverter and try18:30
Koterpillar_stranger, you can get 2.0 stable, which works fine18:30
fission6rictec: i shall try thanks18:31
LogicFanstranger, i use the beta on jaunty, its been working so far :)18:31
LogicFanthe 64bit beta in fact18:31
Koterpillar_ZykoticK9, I think there is something in session startup18:31
strangerno the beta doesn't work under my jaunty. got much problems with calling were I sometimes hear a horrible noise18:32
fission6rictec, no luck18:32
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strangeranybody the same issue?18:32
luskcalooking for help with getting a usb modem to work on jaunty having trouble with the PPPD18:33
HagusWhere should I ask about using powerpoint prepared using oo3 on ubuntu but displayed using data projector using vista?18:33
Hagusthe basic problem is that I have some whitespaces showing up as boxes.18:33
docmax_hi there, i need a quick smart mp3 player for ubuntu... like billy or foobar200018:33
ActionParsnipHagus: could install openoffice on vista too18:33
rictecfission6 why?18:33
orbisvicisthere used to be a page for "doing everything imaginable to packages via cli" management , now I cant find it ?18:34
ActionParsnipdocmax_: mplayer or aplay will play it at cli18:34
ActionParsnipdocmax_: orvlcnox18:34
Koterpillar_!aptitude | obrisvicis18:34
ubottuobrisvicis: aptitude is another terminal-based front-end to APT. Like other APT front-ends, it can install/remove packages and their dependencies (on Dapper and earlier, however, only aptitude keeps track of unused dependencies). See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptitudeSurvivalGuide18:34
HagusHave done ActionParsnip - just occurred to me that I should use its powerpoint viewer rather than the MS one.18:34
fission6rictec: i installed soundconverter, still get error18:34
ActionParsnipHagus: makes sense to me18:34
luskcalooking for help with getting a usb modem to work on jaunty having trouble with the PPPD18:35
HagusHowever, the white-space does not show up either on the screen in ubuntu NOR on vista - only when projected :(18:35
ZykoticK9Koterpillar_, verify in gconf editor that /apps/nautilus/preferences/show_desktop is checked - took me a while to find it...18:35
Take0nit still won't work (I tried disabling and reenabling them) I also tried metacity --replace and then compiz --replace18:35
HagusThe screen version is fine18:35
rictecfission6: didnt see what error?18:35
fission6sox formats: no handler for detected file type `audio/mpeg'18:35
HagusIt must be to do with the driver for the data projector, I guess.18:35
Koterpillar_ZykoticK9, thanks! it works18:36
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HagusActionParsnip: I shall try your tip.  It will be tomorrow evening before I know if it works though.18:37
axisyswhat is the bets method to wipe out old disk.. i have it plugged in through usb18:37
HagusThanks for it anyways :)18:37
BlueSherpahow do you find the name of a process attached to a specific port?18:37
erUSULaxisys: wipe out ? secure deletion ?18:37
erUSULBlueSherpa: lsof -i :portnumber18:37
BlueSherpaerUSUL: thx18:37
axisyserUSUL: yes secure deletion18:38
luskcalooking for help with getting a usb modem to work on jaunty having trouble with the PPPD give me code 19 when it terminates the PPP Deamon18:38
docmax__ActionParsnip, orvlcnox ???18:38
erUSULaxisys: sudo dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdx18:38
Koterpillar_axisys, dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sdX18:38
Koterpillar_axisys, double-check the driver letter; change to if=/dev/urandom to be paranoid18:38
erUSULaxisys: sudo dd if=/dev/urandom of=/dev/sdx if you are really paranoid ?18:38
ultratekdoes swat work with samba4?18:38
erUSUL!info wipe | axisys18:39
ubottuaxisys: wipe (source: wipe): Secure file deletion. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.21-6 (jaunty), package size 42 kB, installed size 136 kB18:39
axisysit is mounted as usb with a usb to ide cable18:39
krzyhoohi there guys18:39
Koterpillar_axisys, my advice stands18:39
erUSULKoterpillar_: stop eading my mind :P18:39
=== LiENUX is now known as LiENUS
ActionParsnipdocmax__: or vlcnox    its a cli interface to vlc18:39
axisyswell my of=/media/disk ?18:39
docmax__it should be x-based18:40
erUSULaxisys: no you have to use the device file18:40
Koterpillar_axisys, no18:40
docmax__like billy or foorbar18:40
ultratekActionParsnip: does swat work with samba418:40
Koterpillar_axisys, type mount and see which one is it18:40
erUSULaxisys: grep disk /proc/mounts18:40
ActionParsnip!player | docmax__18:40
ubottudocmax__: Audio (Ogg, MP3...) players: Audacious, Banshee, Beep Media Player, Listen, Quod Libet, Rhythmbox, Exaile, XMMS2 (GTK/Gnome based) and Amarok, JuK (Qt/KDE based).  Video players: Totem, Xine, MPlayer, VLC, Kaffeine - See also !codecs18:40
docmax__stay away from samba4!18:40
axisysKoterpillar_: of=/dev/sdb1 per mount command18:40
fission6rictec: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2818210&group_id=10706&atid=110706 i think this is my issue but don't know how to fix18:40
axisysKoterpillar_: yep that is what i did .. thanks18:40
KaiForceany way to make the remote desktop active prior to login?18:40
ActionParsnipultratek: no idea, i always use shh and /etc/samba/smb.conf    much easier imho18:40
ultratekActionParsnip: shh?18:41
axisyserUSUL, Koterpillar_ so how is wipe different from dd ?18:41
Trevizedo you know how to limit users disk space?18:41
erUSULTrevize: enable and manage disk quota18:41
mgolischTrevize: quotas?18:41
Koterpillar_axisys, no idea what that "wipe" is. dd wipes whole disk18:42
ActionParsnipultratek: ss over, nano /etc/samba/smb.conf   add / modify the share, then restart the samba service18:42
axisysKoterpillar_: ok18:42
ultratekActionParsnip: how do i restart ?18:42
ActionParsnipultratek: sudo /etc/init.d/samba restart18:42
KaiForcei'm managing a machine remotely using remote desktop, however if the machine is rebooted, it goes to the login screen and doesn't accept remote desktop (vnc) connections until I log it in.  Is there any way to change that?18:42
KaiForcewipe is a program for disk/file wiping18:43
ultratekActionParsnip: ty18:43
trismKaiForce: if you're using the gnome remote desktop, it requires a logged in session, so you may need to use another vnc server18:43
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axisysKaiForce: have you used it? does it wipe secure and faster than dd ?18:43
KaiForcetrism:  ok thanks18:43
ActionParsnip!info scrub18:44
ubottuPackage scrub does not exist in jaunty18:44
KaiForcei have used it, never even thought to use dd for disk wiping18:44
rictecfission6: there is the solution to that on a comment18:44
KaiForcespeed depends on the level of wiping (i.e. how many passes)18:44
ActionParsnip!info dban18:45
ubottuPackage dban does not exist in jaunty18:45
Koterpillar_axisys, dd is the most basic tool for moving bytes. Wipe automates that for you18:45
ultrateki cant access swat it says unable to connect18:45
ActionParsnipaxisys: the ultimate boot cd has a tool that flips the bits 7 times and is suitable for the MoD18:45
ActionParsnipaxisys: depends if you wear a tinfoil hat or not18:46
zaoulSynaptic does not generate a package script of all my files... the file only has #!/bin/sh in it?18:46
axisysKoterpillar_: i have a 250GB 5400 rpm ide laptop disk.. so dd might take very long18:46
KaiForceActionParsnip:  yep :)18:46
axisysthat disk is connected w/ a usb-to-ide cable18:46
Koterpillar_axisys, you mean, _any_ operation with bytes18:46
Koterpillar_you simply cannot make it faster by using a magical program18:46
hwildeany experts on ramdisks here ?18:47
KaiForceaxisys you could do a full disk encryption on it, that would be an effective wipe18:47
rictecfission6: open a teminal and do what he said and try sox --without-magic18:47
ActionParsnipaxisys: all drives are IDE, it shouldnt matter as long asthe kernel can see the disk or partition18:47
axisysKaiForce: i want to give it another user to use it..18:47
^mNotIntelligent hello friends, I'm using this command to see all the active internet connections: netstat -anpe --inet ..but it shows the ip addrs. is there any way to get the same result but the web address instead of raw ip address18:47
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raven_hi - will the soundsystem changes that sound will be possible simultaneously from parallel applications?18:47
KaiForceaxisys:  you don't want to remove the current partitions?18:47
morphlesi tired to connect a camcorder (DV) through firewire, in /var/log/messages i get erors like this then connecting: " ieee1394: Error in SelfID stage, resetting  ;  ieee1394: SelfIDs failed root check ; ieee1394: Stopping out-of-control reset loop ; ieee1394: Warning - topology map and speed map will not be valid " anyone has any idea what could be the problem? i think that mi firewire chipset might be not fully supported, or maybe there si problem with camc18:47
hwilde^mNotIntelligent, don't use the -n option that is   No Hostname Resolution18:47
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Koterpillar_axisys, if=/dev/zero might be slightly faster and will be enough18:48
Koterpillar_^mNotIntelligent, why -n?18:48
axisysKaiForce: i do want to remove the partitions ..18:48
KaiForcehow about /dev/random?18:48
KaiForcesudo cat /dev/random >/dev/sdb (or whatever the disk is)18:48
Koterpillar_KaiForce, urandom, otherwise you'll have to generate randomness yourself all the time, or the writing will stop18:48
KaiForceKoterpillar_ - did not know that, thank you.18:49
hwilderamdisk?  anybody?18:49
KaiForceencrypting the disk won't prevent him from using it axisys18:49
rskhwilde: i'l take one18:49
^mNotIntelligenthwilde, yes abslutely ..thanks guys ...18:49
axisysKaiForce: it wont?18:50
^mNotIntelligentKoterpillar_, thanks dude18:50
hwilde^mNotIntelligent, type    man netstat    to read the manual18:50
KaiForceno, if you are destroying the partition table, he'll need to repartition anyway18:50
helpmehey.. how do i copy hidden files? if i use . it counts as any character and not really a .18:50
BlueSherpaanyone know how to fix this samba error?  tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME18:50
hwildehelpme, -a18:50
helpmehwilde: thanks18:50
BlueSherpaI try smbclient //server/share -U testuser and I get the error  tree connect failed: NT_STATUS_BAD_NETWORK_NAME18:51
axisysso encrypt and the destroy the partition ?18:51
fission6supported .... lu mat mat4 mat5 maud ni ...18:51
axisysKaiForce: ^18:51
^mNotIntelligenthwilde, yep...tx18:51
KaiForceencrypt the entire disk.  forget the partition table, when you do a full disk encryption it will be gone anyway.  Make sure you unmount them first though18:51
Koterpillar_axisys, KaiForce, all this encryption is basically overwriting the disk. /dev/zero is the fastest and easiest way.18:52
rictecwho is panic cleaning a disk?18:52
KaiForceKoterpillar_ is correct, just depends on your level of paranoia18:52
crohakonOne thing I have noticed... and this is true for both hulu.com and pandora.com... for some reason any streamed media I play always cuts off after a few minutes. I did not have this issue with opensuse or windows.18:52
axisysKoterpillar_: well looks like if=/dev/random is what I will do.. thanks for all the feedbacks18:52
fission6rictec: i just got lame, and it works?18:52
hwildecrohakon, did you check the power management18:52
=== Koterpillar_ is now known as Koterpillar
KaiForce /dev/urandom axisys18:53
helpmehwilde: cp -ar didnt copy hidden files :(18:53
Iimitkhello all. sound is working on my ubuntu 9.04 but it's too quiet. how can  itroubelshoot this?18:53
axisysKaiForce: thats what i meant.. doh!18:53
hwildehelpme,  cp -a copies hidden files.  you have to use ls -a to see them18:53
crohakonNo, it is not the screen turning off or the system going into suspend. The stream just stops. I have it opened in the back ground while I am doing other stuff.18:53
rictecfission6:i dont use sox you have to try it18:53
trismhelpme: are you really having problems copying them?, in bash ? matches a single character, not .18:53
fission6what do you use18:54
trismhelpme: I can copy them just fine with cp .hidden_file_name new_file_name18:54
hwildecrohakon, I have streams running all day and they never stop...   sounds like it's timing out or going to sleep18:54
^mNotIntelligenthwilde, but its taking way too long to get the exact names...i guess its doing dns mapping for each raw ip and thats why its taking too long...18:54
hwilde^mNotIntelligent, that's correct18:54
crohakonhwilde; pandora got to the point that it would cut the stream every like 1 minute and I would have to refresh. I finally gave in and just hooked up my xHD and played mp3s lol18:54
hwilde^mNotIntelligent, that's why -n is an option :)18:55
crohakonAny ideas on why I would be having this problem? Same happens when watching shows on hulu.18:55
hwildecrohakon, do you have all the updates?18:55
cpjr72I vote searching google for video conversion to be the worse, next to the word warez.. so much bad and crapware results18:55
crohakonAs far as I know18:55
hwildecrohakon, is your network administrator killing your connection18:55
trismcrohakon: videos on hulu play just fine for me as long as I let them buffer a bit first18:55
^mNotIntelligenthwilde, rightly said...18:55
IpSe_DiXiTwas wondering if anyone had an idea on how to install gta4 on ubuntu, googled it for a while but no luck in finding anything... maybe some of u could post me a link? or give me some clues? thx18:55
erUSUL!appdb | IpSe_DiXiT18:56
ubottuIpSe_DiXiT: The Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help18:56
hwilde^mNotIntelligent, if you just want to lookup one ip type    host <iphere>18:56
crohakonI highly doubt it considering I am at home and using charter and I never had the problem with vista or opensuse.18:56
cpjr72is there a open source way to make DVD's from divx/xvid?  I used to use ConvertToX for windows18:56
rictecIpSe_DiXiT what is gta4?18:56
hwildecrohakon, sry I don't know anything further other than you should be able to stream fine, that's not expected behavior18:56
IpSe_DiXiTerUSUL: already read on the web that wine's kinda incompatible with it and maybe cedega will work instead, but i need a step-by-step guide18:56
Shawn-Is there anyway to configure Pidgin to use SOCKS5 Proxy?18:56
IpSe_DiXiTrictec: grand theft auto 418:56
dream_im finding this rather odd - UNR only picks up one SD card and only ONE slot...any ideas?18:57
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rictecIpSe_DiXiT its a game lol ok18:57
KaiForcecrohakon:  in terminal, are there any errors when you "ip -s link show"18:57
^mNotIntelligenthwilde, okey..thanks ...but you know..even without that n flag for some ips its not able to get the exact names and they are left as such18:57
crohakonip -s? Go into terminal and type "ip -s"?18:57
erUSULcpjr72: qdvdauthor; devede ?18:57
KaiForcetype ip -s link show18:57
cpjr72erUSUL, ill check em out, thanks18:58
axisysKoterpillar: so I should dd multiple times ?18:58
crohakonForgive me, I am a novice to linux. Trying to decide if it is worth swtiching away from vista.18:58
erUSULIpSe_DiXiT: ask in a cedega specific forum/channel18:58
^mNotIntelligenthwilde, but using the command you mentioned I'm able to get the domain names in a jiffy18:58
KaiForceoh this was a longshot anyway, forget it18:58
Koterpillaraxisys, as many as you like18:58
Koterpillarpersonally, i'd find one pass enough18:58
junruhDo you know what xubuntu is?18:59
crohakonKaiForce; How do I know if there is an error? I do not understand a thing that passed back at me.18:59
^mNotIntelligentjunruh, xfce+ubuntu = xubuntu18:59
Dream-UbuJunruh: xUbuntu is XFCE not debain :), thats asmuch as i know18:59
crohakonKaiForce; Wait, nevermind, all of the error columns report 0 errors18:59
junruhah, okay...18:59
KaiForcein the "errors" column, are there any non-zero values18:59
ricteccpjr72: http://www.kdenlive.org/18:59
grawityDream-Ubu: Ubuntu, and all Ubuntu versions, are Debian-based.18:59
KaiForceok then network interface looks good18:59
Walakyszia mindenkinek19:00
Dream-Ubugrawity: well, that told me ^^ shows im still learning19:00
^mNotIntelligentjunruh, and simlary kde+ubuntu=kubuntu and the rest....19:00
grawityDream-Ubu: Ubuntu uses GNOME as the desktop environment, Kubuntu - KDE, Xubuntu - Xfce. But they're all Debian-based.19:00
erUSUL!debian > Dream-Ubu19:00
ubottuDream-Ubu, please see my private message19:00
junruhthanks, bye. I have to feed my cat.19:00
crohakonAlso, a big disappointment, netflix does not work with linux.19:00
^mNotIntelligent!xfce | junruh19:01
ubottujunruh: Xubuntu is Ubuntu with Xfce instead of !GNOME. More info at http://www.xubuntu.org and http://wiki.ubuntu.com/Xubuntu/ - To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install xubuntu-desktop » - Join #xubuntu for support - See also: !Ubuntu and !Xubuntu-Channels19:01
cpjr72rictec, thx19:01
BullHornXextracting/decompressing RAR files is SLOW on ubuntu. anyone had this issue?19:01
sebsebsebcrohakon: it's a website isn't it?19:01
sebsebsebcrohakon: videos on it or something?19:01
^mNotIntelligentBullHornX, i've never face such probs19:01
Dream-Ubualmost right - ish...within reason19:01
KaiForce!debian >KaiForce19:01
ubottuKaiForce, please see my private message19:01
[003aLinux]info [003aLinux]19:02
BullHornX^mNotIntelligent, i just got ubuntu a few days ago and its the first RAR archives that im working with. this is irritatingly slower than on windows!19:02
rskcrohakon: google mythflix might be it19:02
BullHornXive tried both the archive manager and the terinal unrar app19:02
crohakonsebsebseb; Netflix is a internet dvd rental site, but you can also stream movies instead of having them sent to your house. It has a really nice selection for 8.99 a month. And considering I do not have cable TV and will not pay 50+ for it... netflix comes in handy.19:02
sebsebsebcrohakon: yes I think I heard about  them no longer providing Linux support or something like that19:03
ricteci will be back ...later19:03
creek23hi, should Swap be mounted on specific directory?19:03
c4ptmgolisch: yo19:03
KaiForcecreek23:  no19:03
erUSULcreek23: sewap is not mounted19:03
trismBullHornX: well the archive manager just uses the terminal unrar so it isn't surprising they are the same19:03
c4ptmgolisch: basically NoEDID true didnt work19:03
erUSULcreek23: in fstab in the mount point colummn you put "none"19:04
junruhCan you tell me something about supertuxkart?19:04
BodsdaHi, can I make grub try and boot whatever cd is in the drive? like a (cd0,0) or something?19:04
c4ptmgolisch: but i tried other options and now the monitor will only display 640x480 properly...19:04
c4ptmgolisch: so.19:04
crohakonsebsebseb; It is because they use silverlight 2 by MS19:04
c4ptmgolisch: i need to somehow edit the edid.bin and insert it into xorg.conf19:04
grawityBodsda: I think it's (cd0) actually...19:04
creek23erUSUL: im currently logged at Live Session19:04
^mNotIntelligentBullHornX, to be frank...i've been using RARs for quite a long time ...and never faced such problems...what exactly that contains, btw? that should not be an issue though19:04
crohakonsebsebseb; Only Win and Mac support19:04
creek23installing Ubuntu19:04
sebsebsebcrohakon: there's Moonlight  for Linux  for Silverlight rubbish19:04
Bodsdagrawity: sweet, but what about the kernel line?19:04
creek23its asking me where to mount the SWAP19:04
crohakonsebsebseb; Yes, but moonlight is a port of silverlight 1, not silverlight 219:05
c4ptmgolisch: but when i dump the edid with nvidia-settings and try to parse the file for monitor resoloution info it doesnt output it19:05
Koterpillarand there's, actually, Silverlight for linux19:05
sebsebsebKoterpillar: is there?19:05
BullHornX^mNotIntelligent, its a series of 15mb RAR files with a .AVI video in it19:05
Dream-Ubunetbook remix - AA1 cardslot know issues?19:05
BullHornXa tv show episode19:05
junruhc4pt: Please read my message.19:05
BullHornXits ~100mb per ~1.5minutes slow19:05
erUSULcreek23: if you want to activate swap just do « sudo swapon /dev/whatever »19:05
^mNotIntelligentBullHornX, and how slow is that compared to windows ?19:05
Koterpillarsebsebseb, yes, you go to silverlight site and see19:05
c4ptjunruh: supertuxart?19:05
BullHornXthats at least x5 slower :/19:05
sebsebsebKoterpillar: you sure it's not just Moonlight?19:05
^mNotIntelligentBullHornX, ooh...thats taking too long...19:05
* mneptok groans19:05
trismBullHornX: that seems really slow, I just did a 600MB multipart rar yesterday and it took maybe 10 seconds19:06
junruhI can't install this game!19:06
BullHornXsee! what am i doing wrong?19:06
mneptokwhy are people so stupid? a .avi file in a compressed archive format. absoutely brain-dead.19:06
BullHornXi have a fresh copy of ubuntu, 2 days old19:06
Koterpillarsebsebseb, sorry, it is indeed Moonlight19:06
BullHornXits compressed in RAR into pieces, so incase one piece of corrupted, you dont need to redownload the entire thing19:06
BullHornXjust one 15mb part19:06
^mNotIntelligent!details | junruh19:06
ubottujunruh: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."19:06
Strife89mneptok: A very good question for which there is no answer.19:07
sebsebsebcrohakon: Maybe Silverlight works in Wine19:07
mneptokBullHornX: and i'm guessing it's a torrent?19:07
BullHornXit was a torrent, yesw19:07
c4ptmgolisch: you still around?19:07
sd32great...skype 2.1 beta requires pulse audio...that kills it for me19:07
mgolischc4pt: http://www.edwiget.name/content/view/144/26/19:07
mneptokBullHornX: torrents do checksums. if a file fails a checksum, the torrent client downloads ONLY THAT FAILED PIECE.19:07
^mNotIntelligentBullHornX, mneptok : torrents...yeh they do such things...19:07
mgolischc4pt: that explains basicaly how you edit the edid.bin19:07
Strife89Karmic is just 11 days away, right?19:07
Koterpillarsebsebseb, then you need a browser in wine19:07
creek23erUSUL: when I set _blank_ to mount point at ubuntu installation's SWAP, its asking me to fill it up... should i place /tmp or something?19:08
sebsebsebStrife89: 29th October is the release19:08
c4ptmgolisch: thanx ill look into it...19:08
^mNotIntelligentStrife89, right19:08
sebsebsebKoterpillar: yep you can do that as well19:08
Strife89sebsebseb, ^mNotIntelligent: :)19:08
Koterpillarsebsebseb, i mean you have to. it's a plugin19:08
Strife89^mNotIntelligent: Interesting nick. :)19:08
sebsebsebStrife89: what?19:08
^mNotIntelligentStrife89, :-)19:08
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Strife89sebsebseb: Just a smile. :) I'm excited about this release.19:09
BullHornXthats not the point of the problem though.. the point ^mNotIntelligent and mneptok is that ubuntu unrars real slow and i cant find a reason nor solution19:09
sebsebsebKoterpillar: or  Windows virtual machine if you want, with enough RAM19:09
macoBullHornX: using free or non-free unrar?19:09
kakazzaHow do I turn off uh... 3D effects in Ubuntu 9.04?19:09
^mNotIntelligentBullHornX, it might be a bit slow..but not they way you mentioned x5...thats horrible19:09
ZykoticK9Easter egg "apt-get moo" :)19:09
kakazzaI guess that's waht compiz does/is19:10
BullHornXmaco ive tried non-free unrar i think19:10
Koterpillarkakazza, system - settings - appearance19:10
BullHornX^mNotIntelligent, is swear it is that slow :|19:10
^mNotIntelligentBullHornX, i dont know what exactly is causing the problem in your case19:10
Strife89The only thing I'm worried about is that it'll probably be FAR better to wipe the partition and do a clean install. Is this recommended or not?19:10
sebsebsebStrife89: I am not  exited about it, but I have been testing it since alpha 4,  the next one though 10.04 is the next Long Term Support, so that should be a prettygood/interesting release19:10
^mNotIntelligentBullHornX, something else is wrong I guess....19:11
KoterpillarBullHornX, there's lots of threads online about rar being slow19:11
anilalurHi ! when I try to wake my laptop from sleep it just crashes, I knw its some buggy driver. but how can I find out ?19:11
xyrohey everybody19:11
^mNotIntelligentStrife89, sebsebseb: I'm eagerly waiting for 10.04 , thats LTS one...19:11
BullHornXKoterpillar, im trying to find something useful but noting yet19:11
aoupiWhat is a good application to watch HUGE images in? (130M jpeg 2000 file)19:12
anilaluraoupi: jasper19:12
Strife89aoupi: WTF??? A 130 MB JPEG?!19:12
aoupiStrife89: i know!19:12
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aoupianilalur: thanks19:12
Bodsda!wtf > Strife8919:12
Strife89aoupi: Wow. o.O19:12
ubottuStrife89, please see my private message19:12
erUSULcreek23: put none as a said previously19:12
dewmanLOL...Moo....Thats great19:12
Strife89Bodsda: Sorry about that. ^^;19:12
anilaluraoupi: but seriously 130MB j2k ! :)19:12
Bodsdano worries, just keep it clean :)19:13
Strife89aoupi: Where on planet Earth did you get/create such a monstrosity?19:13
trism130MB isn't that bad, high res print work can get that large easily19:13
xyroDoes someone know of an FTP client (GUI) that supports sftp with public key?19:13
aoupiStrife89: space image :)19:13
anilaluraoupi: wait a min, it should be motion j2k ! for the video19:13
jason_froebexyro - filezilla19:13
^mNotIntelligentaoupi, Strife89 : lol19:14
Strife89aoupi: What with, a personal telescope or something?19:14
aoupiStrife89: so wasn't created on earth :D19:14
Strife89aoupi: Oh.19:14
aoupiStrife89: http://www.uahirise.org/ESP_014426_207019:14
anilaluraoupi:  LOL19:14
Strife89aoupi: I'm almost afraid to click that.19:14
Strife89aoupi: :)19:14
anilalurbtw can anyone tell me how to debug sleep n wakeup !19:15
aoupianilalur: but jasper is a converter19:15
xyrojason_froebe - thanks. very helpful. this time, more than google was19:15
aoupiStrife89: that link is ok, that's not the image :)19:15
Strife89aoupi: Ah. :)19:15
anilaluraoupi: there is a open GL based viewer in that19:15
aoupiwell, gqview couldn't handle it19:15
aoupianilalur: oh ok, I'll look deeper then19:16
badnerd_hey  peeps19:16
Strife89aoupi: Out of curiosity, which one's the big 'un? (or is it on the site?)19:16
aoupiStrife89: click JP2 quicklook19:17
aoupiand there the big ones are19:17
rconanhi... I'm having some trouble with a soundblaster extigy under jaunty... all the osund output is distorted19:17
Strife89aoupi: You said it was 130 MB, right?19:17
KaiusHey, peeps. I've just switched from Windows XP to Ubuntu. But Ubuntu wiped out my DVD drive, though the CD drive is still working. Anything I can do about that?19:17
aoupiStrife89: yea19:17
Strife89aoupi: Then what's this *165 MB* file??19:18
KoterpillarKaius, what do you mean by wiped?19:18
aoupiStrife89: :D19:18
anilaluraoupi: I don't knw, jasper may take for ever :) you may have to view smaller versions of the same image :D19:18
KaiusIt doesn't work anymore. Ubuntu can't read it.19:18
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zaoulKaius: does not read dvds?19:18
zaoulKaius: what are you using to read the dvd?19:19
aoupianilalur: I tried jiv now, it failed19:19
zaoulKaius: video dvd?19:19
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aoupianilalur: http://pastebin.com/mc68c28c19:19
KaiusAny kind of DVD.19:19
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zaoulKaius: just using file manager?19:19
IpSe_DiXiThi guys, serious prob here, at every boot i get this "dev/disk/by-uuid xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx does not exist. dropping to a shell" here it suggests to perform some commands which i do "ls /dev" and "cat /proc/modules" then type "exit" and it finally loads the root disk and correctly boots (even if one of my hard drives is gone). checked my menu.lst and the uuid's correct, also on the fstab, same uuid. googled it for a while but none of the p19:19
IpSe_DiXiTossible solutions worked, i tried a couple. need help, thanks19:19
anilaluraoupi: what you can do is, use the options to decode n view smaller versions of the image19:19
KaiusIt just doesn't exist as far as the pgm knows.19:20
aoupianilalur: ah I'll try that19:20
indian_munndacan anyone here please help me in installing ORACLE LITE 10g? I have read many articles but nothing is working for me.......:(19:20
raven_hi - will the soundsystem changes that sound will be possible simultaneously from parallel applications?19:20
c4ptmgolisch: i understand the guide to hex edit the .bin but the problem is this when i parse-edid edid.bin i dont have Mode anywhere in the output   http://www.pastie.org/66089419:20
KoterpillarIpSe_DiXiT, happened to me when that ID was an SD card which was slow to load.19:21
zaoulKaius: what program?19:21
Strife89aoupi: It took Irfanview 45 seconds to open the 130 MB image..... XD19:21
zaoulKaius: what do you expect to happen? you need to elaborte more19:21
KaiusSorry. I didn't mean pgm. I meant OS.19:21
aoupiStrife89: :)19:21
IpSe_DiXiTKoterpillar: could u explain it further plz19:21
anilalurStrife89: you must be having one hell of a machine :)19:21
aoupimaybe feh wil work19:21
Strife89anilalur: Do you mean that in a good or bad way?19:22
zaoulKaius: open up a term and type... dmesg | grep sr019:22
zaoulKaius: put the output in a pastebin19:22
KaiusI go to Places >Floppy Drive > and after that I get nothing. But CDs play just fine19:22
fjordlordI have a problem watching videos in firefox on my laptop, it "lags" even more when put on fullscreen, any idea?19:22
anilalurStrife89: real good way !19:22
Strife89anilalur: Oh? How long does it take your machine to load it?19:23
anilalurStrife89: may be another hour !19:23
zaoulKaius: floppy drive? places --> computer --> DVD ROM maybe?19:23
indian_munndacan anyone here please help me in installing ORACLE LITE 10g? I have read many articles but nothing is working for me.......:(19:23
mgolischc4pt: the edid just gives the vertical refresh and horizontal sync values based on which the xserver validates modes19:23
ZykoticK9IpSe_DiXiT, try doing an "ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid" verify that the ugly long numbers match what you have configured in Grub AND be sure those links to ../../sdX# exist.  good luck.19:23
zaoulindian_munnda: how did you try to install it?19:24
IpSe_DiXiTZykoticK9: could u be more specific plz19:24
anilaluraoupi: yeah I forgor, irfan view has jasper library, it should work19:24
zaoulindian_munnda: source?19:24
KoterpillarIpSe_DiXiT, is that ID in fstab?19:24
IpSe_DiXiTZykoticK9: cuz i said i checked menu.lst and fstab already, what do u mean for "those links"?19:24
c4ptmgolisch: http://www.pastie.org/66090319:24
IpSe_DiXiTKoterpillar: sure it is19:24
c4ptmgolisch: new paste19:25
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c4ptmgolisch: i dont get that when i parse-edid19:25
KaiusIf I put a DVD in the drive, the Floppy Drive window doesn't open at all. But it does for a CD.19:25
indian_munndazaoul: i got a zip file of ORACLE LITE 10g from oracle .com. and now i have extracted that in a folder and i m running runinstaller file ie. ./runinstaller19:25
KoterpillarIpSe_DiXiT, you can try changing the mount entry to /dev/XXX instead19:25
BlueSherpawhat's the setting that I need to change so that XP workstations browsing network neighborhood will see my samba shares?19:25
ZykoticK9IpSe_DiXiT, type "ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid" and you should get a list of shortcuts each a long name and pointing to "../../sda1" for example -- when you do the "ls -l" where any of the results red?19:25
aoupianilalur: oh do you know any jasper based image viewers I can try out?19:25
Strife89anilalur, aoupi: I should mention that I tried to zoom in, and it doesn't seem to be working.19:25
TimReichhartcould anybody help me on getting mythtv setup on ubuntu server 8.0419:25
erUSUL!samba | BlueSherpa19:25
ubottuBlueSherpa: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:25
anilalurfjordlord: it looks like some intel driver prob, not been able to solve it myself19:26
TimReichhartbecause everytime I run mythtv-setup I get this error: (zenity:24722): Gtk-WARNING **: cannot open display:19:26
indian_munndazaoul: i m running ubuntu 8.0419:26
IpSe_DiXiTZykoticK9: nope, they're all blue, even my disappeared hd appears in that list19:26
anilaluraoupi: long time since I worked on jpeg2000, need to look19:26
fjordlordanilalur, yea maybe... but i have a AMD Turion X219:26
BlueSherpaerUSUL: I got SWAT working.  I can manually go to the share with smbclient, but the shares don't show up in network neighborhood - any idea why?19:26
fjordlordbut maybe its nvidia19:27
mgolischc4pt: and the mode still doenst validate using that edid dump?19:27
c4ptmgolisch: ill try19:27
c4ptmgolisch: give me a moment19:27
erUSULBlueSherpa: not really just pointeing out the official docs19:27
BlueSherpaerUSUL: np, thx19:27
hwildeBlueSherpa, can you manually mount them19:27
BlueSherpahwilde: yea19:28
dpacguys need some help here. I had 1GB free in my home directory in the morning, its 116kb right now. Where did the space go? I didn't download anything, nor did I install anything19:28
BlueSherpahwilde: I have to specify the ip tho19:28
ZykoticK9IpSe_DiXiT, well your grub doesn't match up to one of those uuid values then.  it would be GREAT if you could pastebin - but i understand that might not be possible given your current boot situation ...19:28
zaoulindian_munnda: hold on im downloading it19:28
SirStan2dpac: du -hs *19:28
zaouldpac: logs? mail?19:28
erUSULdpac: tracker cache ? or thumbnails cache (whatched a lot of pr0n? ;P) ? check with Aplicactions>Accesories>Disk use analizer19:29
indian_munndazaoul: its around 450 mb dude19:29
zaoulindian_munnda: so?19:29
indian_munndazaoul: whats your  transfer rate?19:29
rconancan anyone suggest why alsa loads my only soundcard as card1 instead of card0 and doesn't have a default pcm or ctl device19:29
zaoulindian_munnda: 700kbps19:29
anilaluraoupi: try blender and digiKam on KDE19:30
indian_munndazaoul: OMG :P i t took 5 hours to me for downliing that setup....:)19:30
dpacerUSUL: lol, no. Thanks, I'll reply with my results19:30
aoupianilalur: ok :)19:30
ZykoticK9dpac, in a terminal in your home directory if you use "du -sh *" it will list everything in your home directory and the size19:30
zaoulindian_munnda: sorry :p19:30
indian_munndazaoul: where are you from ?19:30
IpSe_DiXiTZykoticK9: no no, i can pastebin from another pc, just tell me what to do and ill do it19:30
zaoulindian_munnda: florida19:30
erUSULdpac: Aplicactions>Accesories>Disk use analizer is a graphical up. very nice to spot this kind of things19:31
indian_munndazaoul: you mean US right.19:31
zaouldpac: kdirstat is pretty sweet too19:31
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indian_munndazaoul: US ISPs rocks man.19:31
ZykoticK9IpSe_DiXiT, pastebin the output ls "ls -l /dev/disk/by-uuid" and your /boot/grub/menu.lst file19:32
dpacZykoticK9: I did that, just found that my download directory is using 9GB and thats all19:32
^mNotIntelligentguys, anyone using public vpn ?19:32
ZykoticK9dpac, so what's in the download dir?  9GB of stuff...19:32
SirStan2ZykoticK9: porn duh.19:33
dpacZykoticK9: full of movies, ebooks, video lectures, video tutorials19:33
IpSe_DiXiTZykoticK9: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297023/19:33
SnakDocI was considering the Karmic upgrade a little early are there any major bugs in the release ?19:33
ZykoticK9dpac, do you only have a 10GB drive?  did you set a 10GB quota or something?19:33
indian_munndazaoul: i have calculated time for your download and it says it should take 10-15 mins to download that setup.....:)19:33
KaiusKarmic Beta takes forever to boot up... on my box, at least.19:34
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amcsiwhat is the most lightweight ubuntu distribution?19:34
Hsarcii typed "sudo reboot" into my terminal now everything is jakced up.....any ideas?19:34
SnakDockaius :( any certian thing it hangs up on ?19:34
zaoulindian_munnda: im at 4 min... 275 of 45019:34
anilaluramcsi: fubuntu :)19:34
indian_munndazaoul: really great man......:P19:34
dpacZykoticK9: I had made a 20GB  unallocated space for Ubuntu, and it shows 13G for home directory, the rest is being used as Swap, I guess19:34
macoHsarci: is it in the middle of rebootin, maybe?19:34
amcsiisn'T fubuntu unstable?19:35
indian_munndazaoul: are you a working guy?19:35
ZykoticK9amcsi, xubuntu is the most lightweight mainstream ubuntu -- there is even a command line *buntu though...19:35
zaoulindian_munnda: yea, but im not at the data center right now19:35
indian_munndazaoul: i m in some company or wat19:35
KaiusSnakDoc: Nothing in particular. It's just that the process takes twice as long in Karmic as in Jaunty.19:35
amcsiso basically the window manager is what counts?19:35
Hsarcimaco, no it rebooted fine, but when it came back online i was at a screen with nothing but a terminal in the top left corner19:35
savidI'm getting this apache error for my vhost:  "Permission denied: /var/www/.htaccess pcfg_openfile: unable to check htaccess file, ensure it is readable "      --  Why is it looking for .htaccess in /var/www?  I don't even need one there...19:35
zaoulindian_munnda: data center I could hit like 2MB/s19:35
aoupianilalur: hrm, digikam also gave error: cannot decode code stream19:35
indian_munndazaoul: are you a DBA?19:35
SnakDockaius ok i was reading it was suppose to be faster other issue ?19:36
aoupianilalur: are there any jpeg2000 libraries besides jasper?19:36
Hsarcimaco, it was an all black screen no window borders couldnt move the terminal around but terminal worked fine...then i typed in gnome-session and i got to the desktop but it was missing my panels19:36
KaiusSnakDoc: I'm going to dl it again on the 29th and see if that problem's been corrected.19:36
IpSe_DiXiTZykoticK9: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297023/ here the ls -l and the menu.lst thanks for your help :)19:36
zaoulindian_munnda: jr admin19:36
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anilaluraoupi: most open source can only decode basic version, if it's advanced you must go for prop stuff, check the wiki19:36
Hsarcimaco, then i rebooted again it it was back at the all black screen with terminal in the left corner19:36
indian_munndazaoul: which company ?19:36
macoHsarci: did it have a text or graphical login screen?19:36
anilaluraoupi: there are , but jasper is the standard19:37
aoupianilalur: ok, thanks :)19:37
zaoulindian_munnda: government contractor19:37
SnakDockaius i was thinking about upgrade now to avoid traffic that day of everyone updating19:37
Hsarcimaco, graphical and i have auto login19:37
indian_munndazaoul: great man...really great ...:)19:37
ZykoticK9IpSe_DiXiT, sorry, missed it the first time - but was looking over it -- do you remeber what error you are getting?  So far I don't see anything wrong.19:37
anilaluraoupi: someone here told, it works on irfanview, why don't you try it ?19:37
KaiusYou can try it. I'm just relating my experience.19:37
aoupianilalur: because I don't have windows :)19:37
zaoulindian_munnda: indeed19:37
zaoulsavid: maybe you have one there anyway and the permissions are wrong?19:38
anilaluraoupi: what did jasper say ?19:38
indian_munndazaoul: i have heard that people in US get their wages/salaries on week basis?19:38
savidzaoul,  no it is not there19:38
zaoulindian_munnda:  biweekly19:38
aoupianilalur: http://pastebin.com/mc68c28c19:38
macoHsarci: oh...no idea how to change to "failsafe gnome" with auto-login...can you log out?19:38
IpSe_DiXiTZykoticK9: sure -->  at every boot i get this "dev/disk/by-uuid xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxx does not exist. dropping to a shell" here it suggests to perform some commands which i do "ls /dev" and "cat /proc/modules" then type "exit" and it finally loads the root disk and correctly boots (even if one of my hard drives is gone)19:38
indian_munndazaoul: in INDIA we wait till te month ends ....:)19:38
ZykoticK9IpSe_DiXiT, what are the xxx?  we need to know which one it's failing on.19:39
anilaluraoupi: oh ! do you have imagemagick ? I want to try, but my bandwidth  :(19:39
zaoulindian_munnda: thats horrible19:39
aoupianilalur: yea, should I try convert?19:40
fission6is there a vnc client i can get for ubunut19:40
IpSe_DiXiTZykoticK9: ba818c65-48b7-4bba-baa6-9c64f6a5524e (which is the ext3 on which ubuntu's installed, basically itz root)19:40
zaoulindian_munnda: ok hold on its finished19:40
indian_munndazaoul: hmm holding19:40
aoupianilalur: get same error (error: cannot decode code stream19:40
zaoulsavid: well if you have a virtual host and its looking in /var/www something is wrong right there already19:40
rileyHey all.. having a bit of an issue... again. I am running  linuxmint, and currently cannot get it to boot. I am getting an error with the xorg. It is saying that there is an issue, asks me if id like to fix it.. but it wont let me in. i already ran fsck.. it came back clean19:40
aoupiI'll try uninstalling jasper and see what it falls back to19:40
zaoulsavid: deff check your perms on everything, and relating to the user in apache19:40
aoupior is that very stupid? :)19:41
zaoulsavid: check for strange symlinks too19:41
anilaluraoupi: ouch, try gimp as a last option, or buy a prop software :)19:41
aoupianilalur: gimp failed too sadly19:41
Hsarcimaco, sorry i got busy...yeah i can log out i think...its on my laptop though an battery is dead atm and i dont have a charger with me19:41
SchmittyI have a newb question because I don't install much fro command line and when I do it usual works. I am trying to ./configure and it fails sayign it could not find libpcap. In a usual install process where would one go to manually put the path to the binaries for missing dependencies because it is installed.19:41
ZykoticK9IpSe_DiXiT, those numbers all match, mystery continues.  i'm not sure what to suggest?19:41
aoupianilalur: hehe yea19:41
IpSe_DiXiTZykoticK9: me neither what to do :D19:41
macoHsarci: well try logging out and choosing failsafe gnome on the login screen19:42
anilaluraoupi: I guess they all use jasper :D19:42
macoHsarci: whenyou get battery19:42
klejsomeone alive19:42
indian_munndazaoul: so any solutions?19:42
Mike_lifeguardHi, if someone sent me their ssh public key as ---- BEGIN SSH2 PUBLIC KEY ---- ... can I just take the inner part, remove linebreaks and put that into .ssh/authorized_keys ?19:42
zaoulSchmitty: usually the ./configure would have a --with-libpcap=/path/to option19:42
zaoulindian_munnda: extracting.. hold on19:42
rileyanyone available to help me out?19:43
anilaluraoupi: what is the extension ?19:43
aoupianilalur: jp219:43
aoupianilalur: found this thread about jasper http://lists.osgeo.org/pipermail/gdal-dev/2007-October/014431.html19:43
zaoulSchmitty: check somewhere like.. /usr/share/lib/pcap .. ? or do a find .. its somewhere in /usr though19:43
IpSe_DiXiTZykoticK9:  i really dont get it, itz been working well for months, 2 days ago it woke up and decided that it didnt want to find the root's hd's uuid and it didnt want to "see" one of my disks... i wouldnt be here if hours of googleing were giving some good feedback or if i could solve the mystery with my own knowledge19:43
c4ptmgolisch: i edited the edid it didnt work because the monitor mode info isnt there to edit19:43
Schmittyzaoul, it's in usr19:43
c4ptmgolisch: i did however edit the hex exactly like the guide said that you sent me19:44
savidOk, I created a /var/www/.htaccess file, made it 777, and I'm STILL getting the error?19:44
Schmittyzaoul, where can i get a list of configure options?19:44
zaoulindian_munnda: ok so you exported ORACLE_HOME?19:44
Hsarcimaco, what can I do after choosing failsafe gnome to get my desktop back???19:44
indian_munndazaoul: yes sir19:44
zaoulSchmitty: ./configure --help19:44
mgolischc4pt: ? the edid doenst contain that19:44
macoHsarci: well im guessing failsafe has a better chance of working than default19:44
macoHsarci: so it might actually work19:45
Schmittyzaoul, ok cool19:45
atealthaanyone know why /etc/rc.local doesn't run on bootup? /etc/init.d/rc.local is set, /etc/rc.local execution bit is set, and /etc/rc*.d/ all have S99rc.local linked19:45
mgolischc4pt: it only contains the horzsync and vertrefresh values against whoch xorg validates the suggested modes19:45
anilaluraoupi: JP2 is not advanced, looks like the file is too big for jasper19:45
indian_munndazaoul: i have set ORACLE_HOME as ORACLE_HOME=/opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/Db_119:45
aoupianilalur: yea :(19:45
mgolischc4pt: if it still doenst work look at the Xorg.0.log and see what it doenst like about 1024x76819:45
JPSmanHi, trying to learn linux here and I read you can start a process with the    at    command, but i'm having some problems.  I set something like gedit to run a minute from now and nothing happens.  What am I doing wrong with the   at   program?19:45
rileyanyone familiar with xorg issues?19:46
zaoulindian_munnda: ok and what error are you getting?19:46
macoJPSman: did you check with "atq" that it was scheduled properly?19:46
Hsarcimaco, i dont want to just use failsafe though?19:46
indian_munndazaoul: it says "Oracle Database Lite installation requires ORACLE_HOME to be set. Please set it and retry again.19:46
erUSULJPSman: at <enter> writte your command even various lines <crtl + d>19:46
zaoulindian_munnda: k.. hold on19:46
macoHsarci: at least check with that to be sure its your config thats broken and not something more major19:47
c4ptmgolisch: http://www.pastie.org/66093519:47
erUSULJPSman: at sometime_in_the_future <enter> writte your command even various lines <crtl + d>19:47
c4ptmgolisch: look at the edid from my other monitor now the one with mode http://www.pastie.org/66093219:47
c4ptmgolisch: see.19:47
Hsarcimaco, well how can i check config?19:47
anilaluraoupi: ok you have 2 option either go for java based jj2000 or try kakadu , I am very sure kakadu will do it :)19:48
c4ptmgolisch: the monitor i am trying to edit the edid for doesnt have Mode embedded in it so i cant make the edid a different resoloution19:48
Hsarcimaco, im thinking that im just gonna to "sudo apt-get remove ubuntu-desktop && sudo aptitude install ubuntu-desktop"19:48
JPSmanmaco: I have.  I run atq and I get        3 Mon Oct 19 11:48:00 2009 a JPSman19:48
Hsarcimaco, that may fix it19:48
anilaluraoupi: http://www.kakadusoftware.com/Downloads.html19:48
macoHsarci: that wont change your configuration files in $HOME19:48
aoupianilalur: thanks19:48
Hsarcimaco, so im f'ed in the a?19:49
=== Guest32072 is now known as klees
JPSmanerUSL: I have and it looks like the job is queued up right with  atq19:49
macoHsarci: try the failsafe gnome and see how it goes. if it works, its something in your config files (probably ~/.config)19:49
IpSe_DiXiTZykoticK9: what about trying a recovery of the system? i also performed a "touch /forcefsck" which it did at next boot with no errors so far, recovery check?19:49
indian_munndazaoul: remember, i m installing that on ubuntu 8.0419:49
mgolischc4pt: ? xorg complains because tzhe horzsync + vertrefresh values from the edid are not compatible with the sugested resolution 1024x768 thats why you either disable edid check alltother and provide modes manualy or manipulate the edid to have horzsync and vertrefresh values that would allow for the desired resolution19:49
zaoulindian_munnda: k19:50
dennycI think my grub broke, when I restart my computer it just restarts again and again when it gets to 'loading grub 1.5".  The screen turns black, and it just restarts.  I have ubuntu and windows 7 installed on it, and I've never had this problem before.19:50
Hsarcimaco, ok ill do that whne i get some juice back in the laptop...thanks19:50
c4ptmgolisch: if i disable edid i am only limited to 640x48019:50
ZykoticK9IpSe_DiXiT, doesnt' the live CD have an option for booting first HD?  tried that - if it does?19:50
zaouldennyc: did you recently install win 7?19:50
c4ptmgolisch: but i will try to disable edid and put the value for vert and horiz in19:50
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zaoulindian_munnda: I need java.. its downloading19:50
zaoulindian_munnda: JDK that is19:51
fcuk112_hey guys my tweetdeck just shuts down when it tries to connect to the network, anyone got any idea how to fix this?19:51
dennyczaoul: nope, ive restarted it quite a few times without a problem.  if it matters, I just installed tversity on win7, restarted because it said so, and now it just restarts over and over19:51
JacobTmy system freezes up when i do anythign w/ user names19:51
zaoulindian_munnda: seems you could get started on it too.. sudo apt-get install sun-java-jre19:51
indian_munndazaoul: yup i know, dude can u tell me how can i check whther java is installed on my machine or not?19:51
IpSe_DiXiTZykoticK9: the thing is, now i am chatting from this pc, didnt have to use the laptop, because after that procedure i posted u b4 (cat /proc etc.etc.) it does loads ubuntu and i am now using it with no probs at all, indeed i dont understand19:51
dennyczaoul: it doesnt even get to the grub menu though which makes me think its grub not windows problem19:51
silbermmhow can I tell apt-get to ignore mysql upgrades?19:52
zaouldennyc: put the ubuntu cd in.. boot off of it... do recovery... reinstall grub19:52
IpSe_DiXiTZykoticK9: now it works as usual, if i reboot or turn off and back on it gives that prob19:52
aoupianilalur: hah, seems linux version doesn't include kdu_show :D19:52
dennyczaoul k thanks19:52
ubottuTo install a Java runtime/interpreter on Ubuntu, look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java - For the Sun Java runtime install sun-java6-jre from the !Multiverse repository19:52
dennyci dont have to leave because im on the mac19:52
zaouldennyc: reinstall grub to the entire drive sda not just sda119:52
ZykoticK9IpSe_DiXiT, now that's strange.  Well best of luck.19:52
anilaluraoupi: haha decode n view :)19:52
zaouldennyc: sweet19:53
aoupianilalur: I'm afraid the decoded bmp will eat my HD :D19:53
c4ptmgolisch: brb19:53
GlobalnetWhat is better, Ubuntu or windows7 ?19:53
Schmittyzaoul, i used ./configure --with-libpcap=/usr/lib/ and got this error "configure: error: pcap.h not found in /usr/lib/" I have libpcap install and I reinstalled it just to make sure, the locate pcap.h command brings up nothing.. shouldn't have pcap.h have come with libpcap package?19:54
rileyi am getting an issue with my xserver it is saying it may be configured wrong however it wont let me configure, anyone know a fix?19:54
zaoulGlobalnet: ubuntu of course19:54
anilaluraoupi: as I told earlier, decode a low res image :) or pipe it into imagemagik to convert directly into jpeg19:54
rskGlobalnet: the one that works best for you19:54
indian_munndazaoul: even i m installing jre19:54
rsk!best | Globalnet19:54
ubottuGlobalnet: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.19:54
aoupianilalur: I'll try piping it :)19:54
IpSe_DiXiTZykoticK9: thanks for ur help19:54
zaoulSchmitty: locate is based upon the whereis db... do a find /usr -name pcap.h19:54
JPSmanerUSL:  is gedit too  "gui"  for  at   to run?  is at used mostly for running lower level programs?19:55
silbermmhow can I tell apt to ignore a certain package during upgrades?19:55
zaoulSchmitty: /usr/share/pcap/include ?19:56
Schmittyzaoul, it came up with nothing19:56
erUSULJPSman: i can not think on a situation where you want to run an editor somewhere in the future...19:56
erUSUL!tab | JPSman19:56
ubottuJPSman: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.19:56
Schmittyzaoul, no pcap folder within share19:56
^mNotIntelligentbye guys19:56
sahilskhow to search item in image?19:56
zaoulSchmitty: find / -name pcap.h ? :-D19:57
zaoulSchmitty: you might need to be root also19:57
erUSULJPSman: but yes i spect gui programs to fail in at19:57
anilalursahilsk: like what ?19:57
Schmittyzaoul, k19:57
zaoulindian_munnda: installing jre19:57
indian_munndazaoul: yes sir i m installing sun-java6-jre19:57
JPSmanerUSUL:  any suggestion of something I could run with  at  to test to see if it'll work?  I can't think of anything that doesn't have a gui19:57
zaoulindian_munnda: this is  a new install so I dont have anything19:57
sahilskanilalur: i used imagemagick to convert pdf to image,but how can i search strings in the final output image?19:58
zaoulindian_munnda: NOOo 5!19:58
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indian_munndazaoul: sorry didnt get u sir19:58
erUSULJPSman: aplay /usr/share/sounds/question.wav19:58
sahilskanilalur: do i first need to find the string in the PS and then convet it to the image ??19:58
erUSULJPSman: make sure you have the speakers on ;)19:58
=== awo is now known as b49
bladeHello people hopefully a simple question. If i install the test ubuntu now will it be the same as the final release or will it update to the final release19:58
JPSmanerUSUL:  got it thanks :O)19:58
zaoulindian_munnda: i'm pretty sure it needs jre 5...19:59
b49how do you login as root?19:59
anilalursahilsk: you can't do that in an image, yeah try searching it in pdf/ps19:59
erUSUL!root | b4919:59
ubottub49: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo19:59
zaoulindian_munnda: apt-get install sun-java5-jre19:59
indian_munndazaoul: so should i stop that ?19:59
aoupianilalur: piping didn't work, it made a file called '-' instead :D it was only 270M though so much better than I thought19:59
aoupianilalur: thanks for all your help!19:59
zaoulindian_munnda: yea19:59
anilaluraoupi: hehe good luck with jpeg2000 :) it's always messy20:00
dennychow do i reinstall grub in linux mint live cd20:00
indian_munndazaoul: stopped20:00
JPSmanerUSUL:  HEY it worked thank you :OD20:00
dennyci actually have linux mint not ubuntu20:00
erUSULJPSman: no problem20:00
indian_munndazaoul: now installing 520:00
dennycbut theyre somewhat the same20:00
erUSUL!mint | dennyc20:00
ubottudennyc: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mintsupport), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), crunchbang (support in #crunchbang)20:00
zaoulindian_munnda: I am pretty sure ORACLE_HOME will be the destination it is installed to, so I mkdir /OLITE and then export ORACLE_HOME=/OLITE  of which I got 'you need jre5' message20:00
b49erUSUL: but im reading instructions for something that wants me to login as root20:00
erUSUL!mintsupport > dennyc20:01
ubottudennyc, please see my private message20:01
lordlucanShipit won't let me order karmic...it says I've requested too many (2)...is this a mistake?20:01
sahilskanilalur: look at the google doc reader . it also provide a search field. But if you see the source code, it's actually a image <--pdf. how i suppose to search a string in ps and again refresh the image??20:01
erUSULb49: do the instructions with sudo20:01
erUSUL!rootshell | b4920:01
ubottub49: Using !sudo with single commands is preferable in most circumstances. However, if you really need a root shell, use « sudo -i » (other variants of this commands are redundant and/or potentially dangerous)20:01
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about out20:01
dennycok, how do i do recovery in ubuntu?20:01
ubottuIts out! http://www.ubuntu.com/getubuntu/download20:01
indian_munndazaoul: i m installing it for the first time do i'll mirror your setup.....:20:01
ubottuTo rescue a broken system, boot the alternate install CD and select "Rescue a broken system"20:01
erUSUL!grub > dennyc20:01
ubottudennyc, please see my private message20:01
anilalursahilsk: What google doc shows you is an image, n what they have in background for search is PDF!20:02
sahilskanilalur: not getting . could u plz elaborate a little??20:02
Schmittyzaoul, nothing found for pcap.h, very wierd huh?20:02
lordlucanShipit won't let me order karmic...it says I've requested too many (2)...is this a mistake?20:03
anilalursahilsk: if you really want to search for a string in an image, find a text recognition thing20:03
ubottuKarmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+120:03
zaoulSchmitty: indeed... what is the source app again?20:03
erUSULlordlucan: karmic is not out yet; what do you spected to order ?20:03
anilalursahilsk: its very complex ! what's ur purpose ?20:03
indian_munndazaoul: wait a minute i m coming back20:03
Schmittyzaoul, ettercap20:03
sahilskanilalur: to copy google doc reader20:03
Schmittyzaoul, pcap.h should have come in libpcap i would have thought20:04
zaoulSchmitty: ettercap is in apt-get...?20:04
Schmittyno I am installing it from their website20:04
anilalursahilsk: :) ok so you want a web interface for ur pdf ?20:04
zaoulSchmitty: ok..20:04
sahilskanilalur: some kinda extension for CMS.20:04
c4ptmgolisch: no luck :(20:04
anilalursahilsk: ok you can do this, front end you can show the image!20:05
c4ptmgolisch: i put the horz and vert it wants in Xorg.0.log into the xorg.conf and disable edid horz and vert check goes into 640x48020:05
indian_munndazaoul: i m back sir, and installing java 5 now20:05
anilalursahilsk:  backend you can search for the string in pdf, n map it to the front end20:05
c4ptmgolisch: ....20:06
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sahilskanilalur: fronthend is not a problem, problem is of search field.  so, u mean search in the pdf and highlight that string by some color and refreshed the image in the fronthend ??20:06
zaoulSchmitty:  dpkg -l | grep libpcap ?20:06
anilalursahilsk: yap20:06
dennyczaoul: do I boot into livecd?20:06
fcuk112_hey guys my tweetdeck just shuts down when it tries to connect to the network, anyone got any idea how to fix this?20:06
dennycor is it before that?20:06
c4ptmgolisch: wait i meant i take out the no edid option and leave no vert or horz check and it goes into 640x480...20:06
zaouldennyc: for? refresh me, I'm helping a few people at a time20:07
c4ptmgolisch: if i leave the noedid option and take out the check vert or horiz it goes into 1280x102420:07
sahilskanilalur: But don't u think finding a string ,refreshing a image ,will take time ?? I think i need to use AJAX here. rt??20:07
erUSUL!ot | sahilsk anilalur20:07
ubottusahilsk anilalur: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!20:07
Schmittyzaoul, one moment20:07
rileyis there anyway to reset your x server? mine is saying its configured wrong, but it wont let me change anything20:08
mgolischc4pt: id probably still cant validdate the mode or you just didnt tell it to use 1024x76820:08
erUSULriley: 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure -phigh xserver-xorg'20:08
anilalursahilsk: yeah right its #ubuntu , lets take this off !20:08
sahilskerusul | ubottu , we are discussing relevant info. I need to know the tool for pdf to ps and ps to image ....20:08
c4ptmgolisch: in the nvidia settings it will only show a maxium of 640 by 480.20:08
dennyczaoul: reinstalling grub20:08
c4ptmgolisch: but the horiz and vert are for 1024 x 76820:09
c4ptmgolisch: in the xorg.conf20:09
rileyerusul: once i do that should i just restart?20:09
zaouldennyc: ah.. yea just insert the cd, reboot.. at the main option screen youhave the "install" .. below it is "rescue broken system"20:09
JPSmansahilsk: pdf to ps?  what is ps?20:09
erUSULriley: restarting X is enough20:09
trismsahilsk: poppler has tools for pdftops, didn't we just discuss this the other day? I feel like I've been here before20:09
erUSULJPSman: postscript20:09
rileyerusul: i am on a livecd right now, it wouldnt let me boot due to the x configuration20:10
rileyerusul: would that command have fixed my issue?20:10
erUSULriley: oops then we do not cnaged anything in the ubuntu hard disk install20:10
erUSULriley: boot into recovery mode and there there is an option to repair X try that20:11
anilalurhow can I debug s2ram n wakeup n find the buggy driver ?20:11
AscheelI have a problem with Samba + Network-Manager.  Samba starts up at boot time, but a network isn't yet configured because Network-Manager starts at login-time.  Samba fails to start because no network is configured.  Is there a way around this?20:11
c4ptmgolisch: hmm even though i set the values for horiz and vertical in the xorg.conf they still show up as the wrong thing when i acquire the new edid and then parse it20:11
dennyczaoul: didnt get that option so i booted into livecd, anyway to reinstall grub from there>20:11
c4ptmgolisch: doesnt make sense.20:11
sahilsktrism: i  know u buddy...but ghostscript is only for pdf . i need to convet .doc, xml, .rtf,.odt format too.20:11
rileyerusul: is it called repair x?20:11
rileyerusul: the recovery scares me :(20:11
c4ptmgolisch: without the nvidia drivers using ubuntu drivers i can display 1024x768 no problem20:11
c4ptmgolisch: 1024x768 is the max my monitor can do20:11
erUSULriley: yes something like that20:11
anilalursahilsk: good luck with that !20:12
c4ptmgolisch: as soon as it goes higher than 1024x768 its not decipherable20:12
sahilskthanks anilalur.20:12
c4ptmgolisch: its a 720p 26" lcd...tv20:12
mgolischc4pt: ? aquire the edid? the edid info is read out of your monitor, your monitor doenst care shits for whats written in your xorg.conf file20:12
rileyerusul: thanks20:12
yester64may i ask if someone knows a good algebra learning software?20:12
indian_munndazaoul: dont go sir its installing 50% done and will take 8 min more.....20:12
zaoulindian_munnda: ok20:13
c4ptmgolisch: what can i use besides nvidia-settings to get the edid?20:13
c4ptmgolisch: obvisouly something is afoul with the nvidia-settings acquire edid20:13
mgolischc4pt: yeah that might be, or the non nvidia drivers just doesnt care for the reported edid20:14
mgolischand uses the modes regardless20:14
trismyester64: well, not so much learning software, but wxmaxima is very useful for checking symbolic manipulations20:14
zaoulindian_munnda: ah ok so you do need the full backend for ORACLE_HOME.. what was that first directory you exported?20:14
c4ptmgolisch: is there a tool i can use to get the edid.bin besides nvidia-settings?20:14
daeronhi everyone20:14
trismyester64: as well as graphing functions20:15
daeroni've got a problem with network manager in ubuntu 9.0420:15
Delvien Hi, having issues getting my LCD brightness to change, my FN buttons do not work, and within /proc/acpi/GFX0 the "brightness" script only has <not supported> Yet I cannot change the brightness via FN buttons or in the bios (no settings, handled by OS)20:15
yester64yes, that would be great20:15
zaoulc4pt: read-edid ?20:15
c4ptzaoul: not working right...20:15
mgolischc4pt: read-edid?20:15
indian_munndazaoul: first i exported /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/Db_120:16
indian_munndazaoul: as ORACLE_HOME20:16
c4ptzaoul: mgolisch give me a moment20:16
daeronis there anyone who can help me to understand why my network-manager doesn't work no more?20:16
zaoulindian_munnda: what are the directories just under /opt/oracle ?20:16
indian_munndazaoul: no directory there i have made these directories manually.....20:17
mgolischzaoul: thats where the oracle installer installed the stuff, as it installs multiple components they are put into dedicated dirs20:17
mgolischlike the database, the clusterware etc20:17
mgolischdepending on what you install20:17
metasyshow do i add an user to sudoers?20:17
zaoulmgolisch: well ORACLE_HOME should be /opt/oracle right?20:18
indian_munndametasys: add user to /etc/sudoers file20:18
yester64you know i am so happy that i made the switch to linux. don't even know why i was so long on windows.20:18
metasysindian_munnda: thanks20:18
ZykoticK9MetaBot, users don't really get added to sudoers (that's for something else), put your user in the admin group20:18
indian_munndazaoul: i think that was for me not mgolisch?20:19
mgolischzaoul: no it should be the root of the oracle database install in this case product/foo..bar/db_something20:19
indian_munndametasys: mention not20:19
zaoulmgolisch:  ok .. indian_munnda has /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/ as it20:20
indian_munndazaoul: ok dude20:20
zaoulmgolisch: but he still recieves export oracle home error20:20
indian_munndazaoul: so should i export it now?20:20
c4ptzaoul: mgolisch no i meant to dump edid to a .bin.....20:20
mgolischwhat are you trying to fo anyways?20:20
zaoulmgolisch: ah.. install Oracle Lite20:20
timposeyWill AMD64 download of ubuntu 9.04 work with intel 64bit processors?20:20
zaoulmgolisch: indian_munnda is20:20
c4ptzaoul: mgolisch besides using nvidia-settings20:21
zaoulc4pt: read-edid20:21
c4ptzaoul: i have parse-edid and get-edid20:21
Picitimposey: Yes.  AMD created the 64bit specification that both intel and amd use, so it is named after them.20:21
zaoulindian_munnda: I believe that should be the right ORACLE_HOME... after that it will ask you for the JAVA15_HOME and that will be at JAVA15_HOME=/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun20:22
indian_munndazaoul: download is complete now installing java520:22
timposeypici thanks... just seemed weird so now I know20:22
Take0nguys I installed dontzap and I did sudo dontzap --disable20:22
Take0nbut ctrl+alt+backspace doesn't work20:22
Take0nshould I enable it instead?20:22
hardcampahmm why am I in win... rebootin20:23
mgolischTake0n: you did did restart x11 right?20:23
Take0nI did a logout login20:23
indian_munndazaoul: you mean /opt/oracle/product/10.2.0/Db_1???? or ?OLITE??20:23
mgolischTake0n: that should do i guess maybe you need to restart gdm20:23
ubottuTo re-enable the Ctrl+Alt+Backspace combination that restarts your X server, you can install the "dontzap" package and use the command « sudo dontzap --disable ». The combination Alt+SysRq+K can also be used to obtain a similar effect.20:23
zaoulindian_munnda: I seem to be reading conflicting reports..20:23
c4ptzaoul: mgolisch http://www.pastie.org/66099520:23
indian_munndazaoul: didnt get you sorry20:24
mgolischc4pt: do that as root20:24
mgolischc4pt: like put sudo infront20:24
c4ptmgolisch: i am root.20:24
c4ptmgolisch: im in root terminal.20:24
alkisgI don't see debconf, coreutils and other packages in the repositories. Is there some special repository that has those?20:24
erUSUL!info coreutils20:24
ubottucoreutils (source: coreutils): The GNU core utilities. In component main, is required. Version 6.10-6ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1958 kB, installed size 11084 kB20:25
zaoulindian_munnda: I seem to be reading different settings for it... some say you just make a directory for it..others say you point it to oracle20:25
erUSULalkisg: it is there20:25
mgolischc4pt: what does get-edid output?20:25
c4ptmgolisch: by itself?20:25
alkisgerUSUL:  alkisg@alkis:/etc/apt$ LANG=en apt-cache policy coreutils20:25
alkisgcoreutils:   Installed: 6.10-6ubuntu1   Candidate: 6.10-6ubuntu1   Version table:  *** 6.10-6ubuntu1 0         100 /var/lib/dpkg/status20:25
alkisgIt isn't in the repos20:25
indian_munndazaoul: yeah its too confuing20:25
c4ptmgolisch: http://www.pastie.org/66099720:26
erUSULalkisg: i get 500 http://es.archive.ubuntu.com jaunty/main Packages20:26
yester64does anyone know ushare?20:26
indian_munndazaoul: anyways java5 is installed, should i export it too20:26
erUSULalkisg: it is there. Something wrong with your sources ?20:26
zaoulindian_munnda: yea20:26
alkisgerUSUL: I'll try with the es.* as a source, thanks20:26
erUSULalkisg: or your mirror ?20:26
erUSULalkisg: es is for spanish mirrors20:27
alkisgerUSUL: could be the mirror. /me looks...20:27
erUSULalkisg: Go to system<Admin>Software Sources first tab and change the mirror20:27
obiwan_hey guys i got a problem, i thought it would be my macbook model, cause it usually works pretty bad with ubuntu, but i see it's a common issue. WHen i plug my audio headphones jack, it keeps playing sometimes the internal speakers, i've got some embarassing situation so how can i fully disable the internal speakers?20:27
zaoulindian_munnda: aha....!20:27
c4ptill be back later....20:27
indian_munndazaoul: you got it?20:27
zaoulindian_munnda: I'm on to something20:28
indian_munndazaoul: can't we export it for permanent?20:29
zaoulindian_munnda: yea you can put it in your .bashrc20:29
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indian_munndazaoul: got any solutions sir?20:31
zaoulindian_munnda:  you have a oraInst.loc file anywhere?20:32
indian_munndazaoul: nopes20:32
sahilskFooBar WhizBang???20:33
indian_munndazaoul: no oraInst.loc file anywhere in the system20:33
zaoulindian_munnda: well install/oraparam.ini seems interesting also DEFAULT_HOME_LOCATION20:34
zaoulindian_munnda: Im sorry though I need to get going20:34
zaoulindian_munnda: hope you figure it out soon20:34
zaoulindian_munnda: youll deff need java jre though20:34
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indian_munndazaoul: when u will come back?20:35
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indian_munndazaoul: give me a time20:35
dyfdoes anyone know if current implementation of pulseaudio on ubuntu got any better?20:36
indian_munndazaoul: just give me a ime when u will be available again20:36
zaoulindian_munnda: maybe tomorrow ... im on and off here a lot so.. you should see me again20:36
indian_munndazaoul: any specific time we can meet?20:36
indian_munndazaoul: because its too late in night here20:37
Crash1hdshouldnt which apache show me where it is?20:37
KaiForcei'm getting input output error #5 when trying to mount cifs file shares from ubuntu (2 different machines).  This worked until recently - anyone know if an update (ubuntu or MSFT) might have affected this?  The logs say "no logon server available) but the DC is up and no issues with it20:37
zaoulindian_munnda: not so much my schedule is crazy, im going to bed now at 4pm for my graveyard shift at 12am - 12pm20:38
zaoulindian_munnda: ill see ya20:38
VotingI am moving to using Ubuntu on the server. I have been using RealVNC to remote into a Red Hat machine successfully for many years. I have set up TightVncServer on an Ubuntu 9.4 machine, and a accessing it via my RealVNC client, with SSH port forwarding. The response time for commands is fine, but it takes way too long to paint the screen, which makes scrolling unacceptably slow. Will it help to use a different vnc server ? Perhaps RealVNC or Vnc4 ? Or settings c20:38
Hajexwireless detector is removed from tool bar .. how can I retrieve it?20:38
sajiindian_munnda, what's your problem? me too from india..20:38
indian_munndazaoul: ok sir no problm, anyways thanks for you kind help cya again20:39
KaiForceVoting:  try different settings maybe?20:39
indian_munndasaji: i m trying to install ORACLE LITE 10g but not succeded yet20:39
VotingKaiForce: what seetings are you thinking of?20:39
sajiindian_munnda, In ubuntu?20:39
indian_munndasaji: yeah in ubuntu 8.0420:40
Zuz|Kubuntuhey, anyone know how I would find the software i installed called Ekiga on "Kubuntu"?20:40
sajiindian_munnda, Via Wine?20:40
KaiForcedon't recall offhand, but when I was doing same with remote to OSX I changed (encoding?) and i found something faster20:40
indian_munndasaji: no man i have a linux version of OLITE20:40
rileyok, i am still locked out of my machine. Heres where i am at: was downloading files, checked transmission, all said read only system. this happens to me a lot i thought, ok, fsck. It came back clean. then gave me an xserver issue. just went and forced a fix on the x via the xfix in the recovery.. no luck..20:40
rileymy mount shows all are rw..20:41
Crash1hdshouldnt which apache show me where it is?20:41
sajiindian_munnda, ok man.. Let me check that...20:41
tehbautis it possible to install an rpm package in vanilla jaunty?20:41
indian_munndasaji:  i have download a linux verion of OLITE of around 450mbin size from oracle.com20:41
erUSUL!rpm | tehbaut ç20:41
ubottutehbaut ç: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)20:41
indian_munndasaji: i have setted up its ORACLE_HOME and JAVA!%_HOME but its not working20:42
indian_munndasaji: it says "Oracle Database Lite installation requires ORACLE_HOME to be set. Please set it and retry again.20:42
tehbauterUSUL: well I have a tgz archive as well, but have never installed anything in that way before20:43
indian_munndasaji: any ideas?20:43
sajiindian_munnda, Try reading this-http://www.akadia.com/services/ora_linux_install_10g.html20:43
erUSULtehbaut: what are you trying to install ?20:43
syn2finI updated Ubuntu 9.04 with the latest xorg ati driver.  This caused the screen to flicker from time to time, and by the end of the day, I could no longer start X.  A reboot did the trick.  Has anyone heard of a problem like this?  I saw nothing on the Ubuntu Forums.  A reboot fixed the problem, but I hope this will not be a recurring problem.20:43
tehbautvmware server20:43
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com (or !pastebinit for CLI) | For pasting !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin Please give us the URLs for your posts!20:43
t0sanyone mind helping me install http://grub.gibibit.com/20:43
indian_munndasaji: its not opening20:43
sajiindian_munnda, What's not?20:44
erUSUL!vmware | tehbaut20:44
ubottutehbaut: VMWare is not available in the Ubuntu repositories. Consider using !QEmu or !VirtualBox as alternatives. Instructions for installing VMWare manually are at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware20:44
indian_munndasaji: the link u gave me is not opening20:44
indian_munndasaji: it says firefox doesnt supoport it20:44
tehbauterUSUL: yeah, I have to use vmware for osx support20:44
sajiindian_munnda, I have opened it right now..20:44
indian_munndat0s: wat problm you are facing?20:45
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trismtehbaut: you could use the tar.gz version instead20:45
tehbautfound this tho: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VMware/Server20:45
t0sindian_munnda, just trying to install, what am i suppose to do with the iso file?20:45
tehbautit just feels so manual20:45
sajiindian_munnda, Read this-20:46
sajiindian_munnda, http://paste.ubuntu.com/297063/20:46
indian_munndasaji: oh i did a silly mistake i coied "this-" too with the link...:)20:46
sajiindian_munnda, That's too great...20:47
sajiindian_munnda, ya..LOL/20:47
trismtehbaut: I agree, but it works, and it isn't like vmware gives you alot of other options (other then begging them to make some debs)20:47
DelvienHow do I change the LCD brightness by command line?20:47
sajiindian_munnda, First visit that pastebin link, it has the specific line for you..20:47
illioI'm having a bit of trouble getting my system up and running. I created a full backup of an ubuntu system af few days ago, put up a new system on a new harddrive and copied in the data as described by http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=35087 .. Everything initially seems fine, but after restarting I get Grub op, can start loading up, can put in the encryption code (I use encrypted LVM), but then after having typed in and gotten an accept o20:47
illio password, I start getting a bunch of errors with commands not existing, no such file or directory etc. etc .. Any idea how I would correct that?20:47
indian_munndasaji: yeah reading20:47
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sajiindian_munnda, ok..20:48
trismtehbaut: it does include an uninstall script too20:48
tehbauttrism: well ubuntu is gaining in server popularity I suppose, but of course redhat/centos are probably among the most popular20:49
sajiDelvien, Read this-      http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-999497.html20:49
w0ls0nany left 4 dead fans around?20:50
Hajexnetwork manager is deleted from panel .. how I can recover it?20:50
isoIm now using a ubuntu live cd, but from a usb stick. Is it possible to save my settings before i log off? Like systemsettings, program shortcuts and so on?20:50
BlueSherpaanyone know how to resolve a netbios conflict between two servers configured with samba as domain masters?20:50
Delviensaji that would work, but /proc/acpi/vga/lcd~~~ no longer exist20:51
Delviensaji and the files that say brightness in "/proc/acpi" only have "<not supported>" in them20:51
sajiDelvien, I found that out too... tried it now..20:52
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Delviensaji which is a major problem, because I cannot adjust the brightness. I know ubuntu is adjusting the brightness because when i boot up and it is plugged in, after grub, the brightness goes to high, if its unplugged and i boot up, it dims it down20:52
sajiDelvien, In my system too the ouput is same-saji and the files that say brightness in "/proc/acpi" only have "<not supported>" in them20:52
indian_munndasaji: i have created tat file named as gentic20:52
sajiindian_munnda, then?20:53
DelvienI dont know what to do :(20:54
indian_munndasaji: the other link u gave me says to do "ORACLE_BASE=/export/home/oracle"20:54
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indian_munndasaji: is export a directory20:54
matsjest ktos??20:54
sajiDelvien, WHy not use the laptop butons?? No buttons?20:54
matsjakis polak może20:54
Neremorhello! my center speaker of my 5.1 system isn'T working anymore. I'm using pulseaudio. Now i would like to use vlc to play a dvd, but because talking is outputet via the center speaker, i can't hear any voice. the rest of the dvd sound is working off course.20:55
Neremorany idea how to fix that?20:55
sajiindian_munnda, Both are from same link..20:55
Fish__Hello people, I've got a new hard disc and I want to copy my old ubuntu to this new hard disc, how can I do that in the best way?20:55
sajiindian_munnda, export is a command.20:55
indian_munndasaji:  i mean /export is it a directory above home?20:56
Zuz|Kubuntuhey, anyone know how I would find the software i installed called Ekiga on "Kubuntu"?20:56
emil_why doesn't my desktop extra visual effects___20:56
erUSULFish__: use partimage to copy the paritions over to the new disk ? or use clonezilla20:56
sajiindian_munnda, the .genetic is a script.20:56
erUSUL!effects | emil_20:56
ubottuemil_: Compiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz20:56
indian_munndasaji: but i never use export as /export20:56
erUSULemil_: enable them in System>Preferences>apearance|| Effects20:56
Fish__erUSUL, will try20:56
ziomusHello i need convert avi extension to mpeg-2 do you guys recomand any programs?20:56
Delviensaji, the laptop buttons do not work20:56
sajiindian_munnda, Where is it told to use export as /export?20:56
erUSULziomus: ffmpeg via winff ?20:56
Delviensaji I have tried them, all the other fn buttons work, but not brightness20:57
sajiDelvien, oh..20:57
indian_munndasaji: shall i create the sub folders of the folder oracle in home directory?20:57
ziomusDont understand wut program20:57
erUSUL!info winff20:57
ubottuwinff (source: winff): graphical video and audio batch converter using ffmpeg. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.45.1-1ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 1417 kB, installed size 4008 kB20:57
indian_munndasaji; i saw this ORACLE_BASE=/export/home/oracle that is why i asked...sorry for stupid questions20:57
indian_munndasaji: i m a new be20:57
ziomusI use jsunty20:58
rileycan anyone help with an xserver issue?20:58
ziomusHandbrake but there is no option to convert it to mpeg-220:58
sajiindian_munnda, I'm using ubuntu for more than a year now. But never Oracle... Let me try to find it out(if possible..)..20:59
ortsvorsteher!anyone | riley20:59
ubotturiley: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?20:59
sajiindian_munnda, Was that BAi or Bi? :)20:59
vltZuz|Kubuntu: All software pkgs should be available on k/x/ed/ubuntu.20:59
hydrozenwhat's a simple ftp server to install on ubuntu? which ideally doesnt use the linux accounts users but a seperate list of users?21:00
dpicis somebody here experienced with dvgrab?21:00
indian_munndasaji: :) but it say permission denied when i m executing the script21:00
rileyive tried posting my "real" question... no one seems to know.see21:00
dpici'm trying to capture from a DV camcorder21:00
ziomusJust when i go to video codec i got x264 mpeg-4 and xvideo and mpeg-4 ffmpeg21:00
sajiindian_munnda, do you have the script already?21:00
Zuz|Kubuntuvlt  i know this isnt the kubuntu channel but do you know how to find it on Kubuntu?21:00
ziomusAny1 .avi to mpeg-221:00
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indian_munndasaji: no u gave me na, in the pastebin....21:01
purplefooljust found out i could use this 'cat /proc/cpuinfo' to find out about my cpu...is it possible to use this command to find out about the graphic chip-set or card?21:01
sajiindian_munnda, ok.,,21:01
rileyi am currently locked otu of my linuxmint install. It will not let me boot up due to a misconfigured xserver. i ran the repair from the recovery mode and it seemed to get me farther, now i can get to the log in however it logs out immediately saying that "my session lasted less than 10 seconds"21:01
indian_munndasaji: i copied those contents in the file21:01
sajiindian_munnda, the comlete guide to Oracle installation in Linux is at http://download.oracle.com/docs/cd/B19306_01/install.102/b15660/toc.htm21:01
indian_munndaytoo much21:02
ziomus.avi format to mpeg-2 need help do you guys recomand any programs?21:02
sajiindian_munnda, Let's leave that aside for now, continue trying.. If not solved then you will have to refer it..:)21:02
JPSmanis the scheduling priority number something you set, or is the nice number the only thing you can set?21:02
indian_munndasaji: where u from?21:02
sajiindian_munnda, Kerala and you?21:03
zanberdohaving trouble getting my new nvidia gt220 video card working. Anyone have experience with this particular model?21:03
indian_munndasaji: i m in DELHI21:03
indian_munndasaji: u in calicut kya?21:03
sajiindian_munnda, My blog- saji89.blogspot.com21:03
voxguys, this is for ubuntu support21:03
vltZuz|Kubuntu: `aptitude install ekiga` should do it.  There's a graphical pkg manager on KDE too. I think it'S called "adept"21:03
sajiindian_munnda, Not in calicut, but studying in a colg affiliated to Univ of calicut..21:04
voxfor general chitchat go to #ubuntu-offtopic21:04
ziomusAny1 avi to mpeg-2 i really need help21:04
sajiindian_munnda, Kyon poocha?21:04
ubottuLinux Mint is not a supported derivative of Ubuntu, please seek support in #linuxmint on irc.spotchat.org21:04
sajiindian_munnda, Know Calicut?21:04
indian_munndasaji: one of my friend is doing MCA in calicut in NIT. He is from DELHI....:)21:04
forsaken64Hi I have problems with my nm-applet21:04
voxsaji: last warning.21:04
sajivox, ok,..21:04
indian_munndasaji: one of my friend is in calicut thats y21:04
sajivox, I'm sorry...21:04
forsaken64Could you help me?21:05
sajiindian_munnda, stop it..21:05
indian_munndasaji: he says calicut is a gay city.....:), is it right?21:05
BoxMagnetforsaken64, if you tell us whats wrong21:05
pistymanhow do i get my wifi working on ubuntu?21:05
voxindian_munnda: that goes for you too21:05
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ziomusI need help to i need program that will conver my avi extension to mpeg-2 format.21:05
indian_munndavox: oops sorry......:(21:05
BoxMagnetpistyman, what kind of card is it.21:05
sajivox, he is a newbie....21:05
sajivox, I'm sorry for him too..21:06
vltziomus: ffmpeg21:06
BoxMagnet!ops saji21:06
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ops saji21:06
ziomusWhat abou handbrake?21:06
pistyman card says  IEEE802.11b/g21:06
voxBoxMagnet: its fine, settle down21:06
coz_pistyman,  video card?21:06
erUSULpistyman: we need the chipset it uses21:06
pistymanwifi card21:07
coz_pistyman,   ah21:07
BoxMagnetpistyman, is it a broadcom ?21:07
BoxMagnetbroadcom,intel,atheros,buffalo, etc21:07
erUSULpistyman: yep broadcom? atheros ? intel?21:07
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erUSULpistyman: lspci | grep -i net21:07
BoxMagnetI have a samba share that I cant see for the life of me, i have checked all the settings.... tried rebooting samba service. and fully rebooting both machines...21:08
_NeNe_25hi , ubuntus live cd?21:08
BoxMagnetand it worked yesterday!21:08
ziomusWhat do you guys think about handbrake. But there is no option to convert it to mpeg-221:09
BoxMagnetziomus, i use avidemux21:09
BoxMagnetfor conversion.21:09
ziomusIs it good?21:09
pistymanthis is the card21:10
BoxMagnetpistyman, where did you get that looks kind of generic.21:10
BoxMagnetbut usually generic is good for linux...21:11
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pistymanfrom ebay21:11
pistymanyeah she is cheap )21:12
grendal_primeanybody using backuppc ?21:12
grendal_primei have it set up and working but it keeps backing up much more than i would like21:12
coz_grendal_prime,   I am not  using that at all ...sorry21:13
BoxMagnetpistyman, does that cd have any linux stuff on it?21:13
ziomusWhen i go open and choose the avi movie21:13
babakwhere can i get best games with high graphic?21:14
ziomusIn the left side there is video dow audio and format21:14
BoxMagnetpistyman, is the card in the machine now?21:14
grendal_primeok coz_ thanks...umm..ill remove you from the list of 1500 users on here right now (if i have to do this by process of elimination i will damn it...hehehehe)21:14
Um_cara_qualquerfolks... i can't burn audio cds, this is what shows when i try: http://img340.imageshack.us/i/capturadetela1s.png/21:14
coz_pistyman,  have you looked at some of the guides on settings up wireless?   http://www.linux.com/news/enterprise/networking/8259-making-wireless-work-in-ubuntu    http://www.beginlinux.com/desktop_training/ubuntu/1096-ubuntu-wireless-setup    http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=44367621:15
BoxMagnetpistyman, ok, put it in?21:15
grendal_primeseriously though thanks for letting me know.21:15
pistymannow it is21:15
BoxMagnetpistyman, it is pci?21:15
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Um_cara_qualquersays it's done but it's nothing in it21:15
forsaken64The nm-applet dissapear when the machine starts21:15
coz_grendal_prime,  sorry guy21:15
ziomusBoxmagnet i am lookin for mpeg-2 but there is in option mpeg a+v mpeg video21:15
ziomusWhich i have to pick21:16
DigitalKiwigrendal_prime: i'm not using it either, you may remove me from your list21:16
ziomusMpeg video21:16
pistymanyeah pci21:16
HexTasy_Um_cara_qualquer: check debug info21:16
pistymanboxmagnet, it is pci21:16
BoxMagnetziomus, i think thats it.21:16
BoxMagnetpistyman, ok. lspci | grep -i net21:16
ziomusWhat about in the right side video and audio21:17
ziomusDo i have to do there anything?21:17
BlueSherpaanyone know what difference there would be in sharing files from a windows computer versus sharing from a ubuntu / samba system?21:17
BoxMagnetseleect what you want to use21:17
paulovictorhello, i've a problem. When I will mount a CD/DVD, a mensage of no permission. Help me...21:17
grendal_primehold on DigitalKiwi im still printing....can you let me know in about 10 min?21:18
DigitalKiwiI might not be here/remember but I can try21:18
pelegIs there a way to force the gnome calendar (the one that appears when you click the clock) to show the task colours according to the calendar colours of Evolution's calendars, or elsewise control it?21:19
webbb82after installing flashplugin-installer  would ioi have to logout and then backin to get it to work21:19
BloodIm actually under the stable ubuntu version. I have the 2.6.28kernel. can i upgrade to the 2.6.30 kernel (it supports new stuff on my laptop)21:20
BoxMagnetpistyman, did you do that command21:20
Um_cara_qualquerHexTasy_, check it out21:21
elabi3hi! somebody know how to install the tdt usb Avertv TwinStar A825, it's a new model of Avermedia, and i don't know how to install... i need help please!21:23
hyperstation_my evolution cannot send email. how to solve it?21:23
douglcan anyone suggest any resources besides google for mame in ubuntu... cant seem to get my logitech rumble pad 2 working in xmame(sdl) under ubuntu21:24
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr21:24
HexTasy_Um_cara_qualquer: I dont' think it burned right.  not sure tho21:24
HexTasy_bad drive?21:24
BlueSherpaany idea why I'd be able to log into samba by IP, but not by host name?21:24
NemesisDis there a directory where i could put a startup script rather than in a specific rc file?21:24
Um_cara_qualquerdon't think so, i burn dvds with no problem21:24
trismBlood: well, in 11 days karmic will be out, and I believe that includes 2.6.31, otherwise you could build your own if you're feeling adventurous21:25
elabi3hi! somebody know how to install the tdt usb Avertv TwinStar A825, it's a new model of Avermedia, and i don't know how to install... i need help please!21:25
trism!kernel > Blood21:26
ubottuBlood, please see my private message21:26
hyperstation_helllooo...my evolution cannot send email. how to solve it?21:26
zambaopen source alternative/replacement for sharepoint?21:26
Bloodi do believe there is a 2.6.30 kernel available  no ?21:26
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seyfarthHey guys I have a strange question. On my old windows laptop for school, I had edited the host files to redirect facebook.com to go to How can I do this on my new ubuntu netbook that I'm using for school?21:28
trismBlood: yes, there is, 2.6.31 is the latest one released though21:28
HexTasy_Um_cara_qualquer: are you trying to burn a direct copy of a protected DVD?21:28
BloodWell, i just want the 2.6.30. i had it under debian.21:29
Um_cara_qualquernot a DVD, a cd21:29
Um_cara_qualquerand no21:29
Bloodi believe i just need to update my sources.list and do a aptitude install kernel 2.6.30 ?21:29
Um_cara_qualquernormal audio trakcs21:29
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trismBlood: no, there is no kernel package for 2.6.30 out (for jaunty anyway)21:30
AJC_Z0seyfarth: Are you trying to make your web browsing more pleasant by filtering the web?21:30
itsmegbseyfarth, try: sudo gedit /etc/hosts21:31
BloodTrism => and what about some testing version of ubuntu ?21:31
trismBlood: yes, I said a few lines ago, ubuntu karmic has a package from 2.6.3121:31
* benpro bye :)21:32
trism!9.10 | Blood21:32
ubottuBlood: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+121:32
sblunix!karmic | Blood21:32
sblunixaww I fail21:32
HexTasy_Um_cara_qualquer: well it's my guess that you're trying to burn a store bought DVD, because the debug info complains about a microscopic small track size.  try a different DVD image.21:32
sblunixWelcome to #ubuntu , May I take your order?21:34
americandatacomI'm having trouble with update manager21:34
sblunixWhat seems to be the problem?21:34
Ghoulyes, 2 pepperonies and a coke21:34
americandatacomE:Type '‘deb' is not known on line 62 in source list /etc/apt/sources.list, E:The list of sources could not be read.21:34
sblunixamericandatacom: I'll pastebin some instructions, hold on a second21:35
erUSULamericandatacom: you edited that file ? it has a syntax error21:35
Um_cara_qualquerHexTasy_, i used the same cd for all attempts21:35
erUSULamericandatacom: paste the file in pastebin.21:35
erUSUL!pastebin | americandatacom21:35
ubottuamericandatacom: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic21:35
americandatacomno , just installed it on my laptop21:35
Zuz|Kubuntuvlt you still there?  sorry i already have it installed, i just cant find the program to use it anywhre on kubuntu21:36
sblunixamericandatacom: Here are some instructions http://pastebin.com/d646179ad21:37
jagjrmy dvdrw drive isnt workins21:37
jagjrit used too21:37
jagjrnow it isnt21:37
erUSUL!gksudo | sblunix21:37
vltZuz|Kubuntu: You can run any program from a terminal or press Alt+F221:37
ubottusblunix: If you need to run graphical applications as root, use « gksudo », as it will set up the environment more appropriately. Never just use "sudo"! (See http://psychocats.net/ubuntu/graphicalsudo to know why)21:37
sblunixerUSUL: true :\ I forgot I told him to use gedit21:38
sblunixoh well21:38
zerwascan somebody suggest a way to webcam chat with someone who is using Windows?21:38
sblunixzerwas: may I recommend tokbox.com ?21:38
erUSULzerwas: wich protocol? msn?21:38
pistymanso.. can anybody else help to get this wifi working?21:38
jagjrpistyman whats wrong?21:39
zerwaserUSUL> hm.. anything but MSN; i'm using it right now. the quality is horrible.21:39
jagjrcan someone help me with my DVDRW drive?21:39
zerwaserUSUL> if the windows user could use google talk, that would be brilliant21:39
zerwassblunix> hm, a web service? ... i don't know :(21:40
alabdgood day everyone ,which software can write ubuntu + all installed softwares on it into a cd ?21:40
sblunixzerwas: I find it's a bit high quality, unless you're trying to do an impressive video call, otherwise, use Skype or Google Talk21:40
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erUSUL!info partimage | alabd21:40
ubottualabd: partimage (source: partimage): backup partitions into a compressed image file. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.6.7-2ubuntu1 (jaunty), package size 275 kB, installed size 964 kB21:40
rskalabd: any cdburner application21:40
zerwassblunix> Too bad there is no working app that can handle google talk video chat :(21:41
KajrosAnyone currently running Ubuntu Netbook Remix?21:42
tehbautI was able to get vmware installed, but heh... I screwed up the serial number due to a bug in the script21:42
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about netbookremix21:42
tehbautcan I edit some config file directoy?21:42
addisonjwell woot, just changed out raid controller and now my SAN is doing what it should hooray!21:43
alabderUSUL: is it possible to install that image in  or just it is back up ?21:43
pistymanwell i got this wifi card right, and i dont know how to make ubuntu recognise its there21:43
KajrosAww....Its not too shabby just runs slow after some time21:43
erUSULalabd: you can restore it from a livecd to the parition21:43
pistymanor install it21:43
pistymanwhatever the right word is21:43
alabdrsk any cd burner can make image that can be installable in future ?21:43
JPSmanwhen I call vmstat 1 - under the cpu section, what is the  'wa'  column?21:44
rskalabd: that's not what you asked21:44
rskalabd: that i do not know21:44
erUSULJPSman: man vmstat --> wa: Time spent waiting for IO. Prior to Linux 2.5.41, included in idle.21:44
alabderUSUL:  not restore , make cd from ubuntu + all softwares that is istalled on it to install somewhere else ?21:44
coz_alabd,  if the cd burner is not  broken is some way yes it should butn it for later use just fine21:44
erUSULJPSman: next time *you* read the man page ;)21:45
erUSUL!remaster | alabd21:45
ubottualabd: Interested in remastering the Ubuntu !live CD? See: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/LiveCDCustomization or use tools such as http://uck.sourceforge.net/ or http://linux.dell.com/wiki/index.php/DRU_Disc_Remastering_Utility21:45
alabdcoz_:  rsk does it  make cd from ubuntu + all softwares that is istalled on it to install somewhere else ?21:45
alabderUSUL:  does remaster  make cd from ubuntu + all softwares that is istalled on it to install somewhere else ?21:46
JPSmanerUSUL: any way to open a commands man page in gedit?21:46
JPSmanfrom the terminal that is21:46
RoastedQUESTION - So, I decided today I wanted to be adventuresome and I managed to delete my linux partition from windows XP on my dual boot work laptop. How can I get ubuntu back?21:46
elabi31hi! i need help with a tdt usb21:47
Bloodand, i installed the world community grid thing from the site (not from the debian package, because i couldnt because the ftp is blocked at school) how can i launch it ? I managed to launch it, but i cant remember what i typed :/21:47
erUSULJPSman: no; you can use yelp (system>help and support) to view man pages21:47
coz_alabd,  that I am not sure of guy21:47
erUSULJPSman: yelp man:vmstat21:48
elabi31hi! i've bought the AvetTv TwinStar A825, the new model of Avermedia's usb tdt and i don't know how to install on ubuntu... i need help21:48
MrDustyHey guys what is a good rdp client for gnome/ubuntu ?21:48
ikoniaelabi31: do you know if it's supported on linux?21:49
JPSmanerUSUL: haha NICE thank you21:49
ikoniaMrDusty: the stock one supplied within the ubuntu repo's21:49
elabi31i don't know...21:49
ikoniaMrDusty: search the repos for rdesktop21:49
ikoniaelabi31: that's the first thing you need to check out21:49
MrDustyikonia, ahh rdesktop danke.21:49
ahvazihey guys, I'm having a bit of trouble with my webcam (which was working yesterday) am running 9.04, using logitech webcam (supported), and installed uvcvideo drivers. when I run lsusb I can see it listed, but /dev/video* doesn't exist and luvcview returns ERROR opening V4L interface: No such file or directory. Any ideas?21:49
Catalinhello to all of you21:49
=== funkyHat is now known as funkyBass
JPSmanRoasted: pop in the live cd and reinstall it21:49
Catalincan someone assist me with a small problem?21:50
ikoniaCatalin: you'll get better support if you ask your question21:50
RoastedJPSman - Do I have to reinstall it? I mean ALL of my data is backed up. But isn't there a way to rescue the partition table within LInux without dumping the data?21:51
erUSULRoasted: testdisk or gpart can rescue lost paritions21:51
erUSUL!info testdisk | Roasted21:51
ubottuRoasted: testdisk (source: testdisk): Partition scanner and disk recovery tool. In component universe, is optional. Version 6.10-1 (jaunty), package size 1451 kB, installed size 4532 kB21:51
erUSULRoasted: testdisk works in windows too21:51
erUSUL!info gpart > Roasted21:51
CatalinWhen i try to use "remote desktop viewer i receive an error such as : "connection to hosts was closed"21:51
Catalinikonia, what should i do to fix this error21:52
X-Sleepy-XJPSman: Maybe something like this: man gedit 2>&1 | tee man_gedit_output.txt21:52
n8tuserCatalin-> that is not clear from that error?21:52
RoastederUSUL - I have a livecd handy. I can just pop it in my laptop and recover the partition from within there?21:52
erUSULRoasted: yes; you should be able.21:52
ikoniaCatalin: normally suggests the remote server is refusing your connection21:52
erUSULRoasted: on the testdisk website there is a step by step how to21:52
RoastederUSUL - Ill give it a shot. Does GParted work for Windows workstations too to recover partitions?21:52
Catalinhow come? i have to 2comps and when i try to access the other one ..i receive that error21:53
erUSULRoasted: gparted is a pertition editor. gpart != gparted.21:53
ikoniaCatalin: sounds like that one is refusing you21:53
erUSULRoasted: testdisk is a nicer tool than gpart (less user friendly)21:53
RoastederUSUL - Yes, I know. I just wasnt sure if GParted had the ability to recover EXT2/3/4 partitions but maybe not NTFS, thats why I was curious.21:54
Catalinany idee what i have to do to fix that issue?21:54
spydonCatalin, have you ever been able to access it from that computer?21:54
ikoniaCatalin: look on the server as to why21:54
erUSULRoasted: both tools recover the partition table. no matter what is inside those paritions21:54
alabdhow to make cd from ubuntu + all softwares that is installed on it .. to install somewhere else ?21:54
Catalinon windows, yes. only in ubuntu i cannot21:54
sladenahvazi: if it was working yesterday, undo whatever you did21:54
Catalinikonia, where  i should look?21:55
ikoniaCatalin: mabe client incompatability21:55
spydonCatalin, do you use like vncviewer in windows?21:55
Catalinikonia, both my comps using ubuntu 9.04 right now21:55
=== funkyBass is now known as funkyHat
ahvazisladen: I'm not sure if I did something; I didn't install any packages. is there a reason why /dev/video0 might suddenly disappear?21:55
ikoniaCatalin: do the both use compatible client server ?21:56
m0r0nAnyone know how to bypass Hulu's region restriction21:56
Catalinspydon, yes21:56
fantomashi all21:56
Catalinall i want is to connect to my other computer under Ubuntu21:56
spydonCatalin, install vncviewer in ubuntu too and try if it works21:56
fantomasHow to tell Ubuntu to use a specific Cipher for SSH when mounting via Connect to server?21:56
=== sblunix is now known as sblunix[AWAY]
* sblunix[AWAY] is away... Don't say anything important without him...21:57
n8tuserfantomas-> man ssh,  i believe its the -c option21:57
Catalinspydon, on both of my computers?21:57
fantomasn8tuser: damn, this is Ubuntu21:57
erUSUL!away > sblunix[AWAY]21:57
ubottusblunix[AWAY], please see my private message21:57
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=== sblunix[AWAY] is now known as sblunix
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* sblunix is back.21:57
spydonCatalin, vncviewer is the client21:57
fantomasn8tuser: things go in their own way!21:57
n8tuserfantomas-> i dont know what you meant21:58
spydonCatalin, install it on the computer that you want to use to connect to other computer with21:58
fantomasn8tuser: of course I know how to use -c option, I asking - how to do this in Ubuntu21:58
spydons/other/the other21:58
sblunixbut  Idid use the command /away [reason] -_-21:58
sblunixand you forced it to bring me back21:58
fantomasn8tuser: Connect to Server UI dialog... thereis one in Ubuntu. Then it mounts via sshfs21:58
n8tuserfantomas-> both ends has to match the encryption type21:58
Catalinok thank21:59
Catalini should try that21:59
diesel_I recently disabled the sound card in my bios and enabled HDMI sound.  The onboard was /dev/snd/pcmC0D0 while the new HDMI is /dev/snd/pcmC0D3.  All of my audio is still trying to go to /dev/snd/pcmC0D0.  How do I reconfigure all my audio to go to /dev/snd/pcmC0D3?22:01
diesel_I have a workaround to just create a symbolic link from /dev/snd/pcmC0D0 to /dev/snd/pcmC0D3, but this feels really hackish22:01
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=== sblunix[AWAY] is now known as sblunix
KnifeySpooneyI'm trying to burn an iso to a cd in Ubuntu. I get a popup asking if i want to burn the contents of the file or burn the file itself.. I should choose 'burn the file' right?22:03
jvainiohello, i have a strange problem! When i go to my webblogs site and try to go and add pictures to my blog, i cannot because when i press the add button and then navigate to the directory where the pictures are, they don't show up, e.g. no files!! But when i just use the file browser, there are files in that directory, all in a format supported by the website.22:03
diesel_KnifeySpooney: burning the file will leave you with the ISO on the cd and not the exploded contents of the iso22:04
KnifeySpooneySo if I want the CD to be bootable do I want the exploded contents?22:04
KnifeySpooneyok, thanks22:04
Tasjis there any linux version of xfire?22:05
Zuz|Kubuntuman Adept tells me this software is installed butI cannot find it anywhere...  Anyone know a way to find out?  im talking about Ekiga22:05
Zuz|Kubuntuim on kubuntu by the way22:05
quontrex_ashimicould someone tell me why my evolution email Send And Receive Would Greyed out?22:05
torrancewhey guys can anyone give me some help finding the module my wireless kb/mouse use?22:05
erUSULquontrex_ashimi: you are working in disconnected mode22:05
xiongtorrancew, We will need much more info.22:06
torrancewhappy to give22:06
erUSULquontrex_ashimi: the little button in the right bottom corner of the screen that looks like two plugs22:06
torrancewthe past few times i've come in, no one has been active, so i didn't want to waste my time and screen real estate if that was the case again22:06
torrancewi have a logitech s-510 wireless dekstop22:06
quontrex_ashimimuch better thank you22:07
torrancewand on 64-bit ubuntu (and possibly debian, though it's been a few months since i've run pure debian on that machine), occasionally, the mouse will cease to work, and the keyboard's media buttons also fail22:07
eVias|Pariscan anyone help upgrade my feisty fawn to a 7.10 (at least=), old-releases packages won't be accepted22:08
torrancewdon't care about the media buttons, and i do spend most of the day in a terminal, but no mouse is very frustrating when i do reach for it22:08
n8tusereVias|Paris-> upgrade seems never were a success, a new install would be preferable22:08
torrancewrunning ubuntu jaunty, 64 bit, latest kernel22:08
xiongtorrancew, what happens when you search for "logitech linux driver", perhaps with "s-510" and/or "wireless" thrown in?22:08
torrancewproblem happens on any kernel22:09
torrancewa whole lot of useless, mostly22:09
eVias|Parishmm n8tuser my cd driver is out of use22:09
eVias|Parisif there is no other possibility, i will have to get one rented but i wanted to ask before :)22:09
* xiong looks22:09
n8tusereVias|Paris-> you dont need to have a cdrom, you can boot the iso from your existing ubuntu install22:10
eVias|Parisomg you just saved my life22:10
eVias|Parisdude :D22:10
eVias|Parisgot a little hint how< to do it ?22:11
innocivIs there a way to downgrade my mysql with apt-get when I did apt-get upgrade to upgrade it?  The new version is screwing up22:11
eVias|Paris(not the wholoe thing, like just the app name to use)22:11
torrancewthe problem never happened on 32-bit versions (been running the kb/mouse since 07, and on linux since before then), but as soon as i got a 64 bit proc, and tried 64 bit kernels, it started happening22:11
n8tusereVias|Paris-> look for tutorials on squashfs, but here is one good enuff  http://www.nabble.com/boot-from-a-ISO-in-HD-or-uncompressed-squashfs-td19570734.html22:11
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doutixc'est pas french ici ?22:12
eVias|Paris# ubuntu-fr22:12
xiongtorrancew, Have you checked the batteries?22:12
ubottuCe canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr22:12
eVias|Paristhanks n8tuser22:12
torrancewxiong, many many times22:12
doutixok merci22:12
xiongtorrancew, You say that you usually have function now. You have only intermittent failure. Correct?22:13
Zuz|Kubuntuman Adept tells me this software is installed butI cannot find it anywhere...  Anyone know a way to find out?  im talking about Ekiga22:13
torrancewcertain things definitely provoke it to fail22:15
n8tusertorrancew-> i dont own a 64bi system, what enhancement you get using 64bit instead of 32 bit?22:15
torrancewrunning half-life 2 on wine, for example, will kill it in < 5 minutes22:15
KB1JWQn8tuser: More than 4 gigs of RAM, for one.22:15
torrancew64 bit kernels can support more ram than 3222:15
jvainioI've asked my question manymany times here for a duration of few days.... nobody seems to know the answer... i guess i have to go to the last resort - SOLVE IT WITH WINDOWS BECAUSE THIS PIECE OF ... LINUX DOESN'T WANNA COOPERATE ;-F22:15
tienFolks, I just installed Ubuntu 9.x and don't know how update the IRC, after running SW update pkgs....How could I make all pkgs installed updated ?22:15
n8tuserisnt 3gig of ram enuff for you guys?22:16
innocivIs there a way to downgrade my mysql with apt-get when I did apt-get upgrade to upgrade it?  The new version is screwing up22:16
zzattackhi, I can't get my mdadm raid0 array to initialize properly after a reboot. how would i debug this?22:16
torrancewn8tuser, not when i own 822:16
fantomastorrancew: running games on Linux is waste of time22:16
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n8tusertorrancew-> thats the risk you take,22:16
fantomastorrancew: about >4Gb - agreed of course22:16
torrancewfantomas, thanks for the opinion, however, my mouse fails in more than that one case22:16
torrancewand it is always quite frustrating22:17
embrikI have installed dhcpserver on my hardy 8.04 lts - but my client wont connect to the internet - they get ip-addresse from eth1 on the server. Why don't they connect?22:17
n8tuserembrik-> can you draw a network layout of yours? a pix is worth a thousand words..22:18
n8tuserembrik-> hard to tell frm what you described so far22:19
fantomastorrancew: about 5 years ago I believed wine, cedega has a future. Now I see I was wrong22:19
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torrancewfantomas, why do you say that? wine has come so far in that time22:19
fantomastorrancew: after months of fighting with Windows games on linux22:19
xiongtorrancew, I have no specific advice. In general, I suggest breaking out a notebook and hammering on the failure scientifically to discover exactly what provokes it. Then get the failure to happen constantly and continuously. Meanwhile, try to track down (from within your system) exactly what driver is now in use; then (on the net) backtrack to see what it should do/does and perhaps who/whom to blame.22:19
lennyhey there22:19
fantomastorrancew: maybe now the situtation has changed... of course22:20
torrancewfantomas, without a doubt. i don't use it often, and the discovery with wine/half-life 2 was mostly me seeing how wine was holding out these days, but it's definitely gotten a better foothold22:20
innocivIs there a way to downgrade my mysql with apt-get when I did apt-get upgrade to upgrade it?  The new version is screwing up22:20
torrancewi think that xp's long lifespan helped those guys catch up22:21
embrikn8tuser: one server - one switch - two nic on server - dhcp listens on eth1 - gives ip to one client on eth1 - server connects to the internet on eth0 - eth0 is dhcp - no errors in dhcpd.conf nor syslog22:21
torrancewxiong, thank you22:21
lennyjust purge it and install the old version via debpackage22:21
xiongWine is pretty important. There will always be a need for it. That said, I don't want to soak in it.22:21
torrancewxiong, do you have any advice on how to pursue that?22:21
n8tuserembrik-> can you draw a network layout of yours? a pix is worth a thousand words..  please do this so i dont get confused22:21
lotus123hello i need some assistance here..22:21
torrancewxiong, @wine, agreed22:21
fantomastorrancew: yeah, and now ppl will move to W7, and poor wine guys will have to rewrite most of their code :(22:21
lennywhats up lotus?22:22
embrikn8tuser, I don't know how I can draw it here?22:22
torrancewi have little to no peronal use for wine, but i respect the work that those guys put into that, and i sure couldn't imagine doing it myself22:22
n8tuserembrik->  just draw boxes and lines, then put the label and ip addresses.. thats should tell a lot22:22
embrikn8tuser, OK, and post it where?22:22
etohello guys it is possible to show22:22
n8tuser!pastebin | embrik22:22
ubottuembrik: pastebin is a service to post multiple-lined texts so you don't flood the channel. Ubuntu pastebin is at  http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from  command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic22:23
lotus123m trying to install and use a portable scanner.. .in ubuntu 9.04.. the driver and software came wid it.. is said to be tested with ubuntu 7.0422:23
etodotfiles to backup whole home directory?22:23
embrikn8tuser, ok22:23
lotus123we have liberaries in place22:23
xiongtorrancew, Sorry I can't help better; I don't have any specific knowledge that bears on your issue. From the browsing around I've done just now, I smell an extremely nasty road ahead for you, I'm afraid.22:23
etofrom nautilus?22:23
lotus123and compilation done for the software22:23
lotus123in the end it canot use the device22:23
xiongtorrancew, If I might, I'll tell you a sort of unrelated anecdote, may illustrate something.22:23
torrancewxiong, go ahead22:24
lennygimme a lsusb via query22:24
lotus123on their website.. they dont even support for linux .. but we got one driver for it.. which works for 7 version..22:24
lotus123ok 1 mins22:24
elabi31hi! i've a ntfs partition and i want to load it with the boot of ubuntu, somebody can help me?22:24
lennyhey elabi.... no problem22:24
torrancewelabi31, man fstab, if you're comfy in man pages22:24
lotus123can i msg u in pvt ? or shud i put here ?22:24
lennyjust msg in pvt22:25
n8tuserelabi31-> also describe exactly what your goal is for doing this?22:25
etoor would you suggest tar?22:25
lotus123u got it22:26
lennywait a mom22:26
innocivIs there a way to downgrade my mysql with apt-get when I did apt-get upgrade to upgrade it?  The new version is screwing up22:26
xiongtorrancew, This year, I got a MPC TransPort X3100 laptop: the ultimate in no-brand, off-brand abandonware. After a little upgrading, it's kind of a hot-rod but of course tech support is non-existent; MPC is out of business. I got it with Ubuntu 8.10 on it and the display was horribly messed up.22:26
innocivOr something..22:26
innocivi need my old version back22:26
xiongtorrancew, One reason I bought the funky laptop was because of the very big screen but it kept falling into weird and bad video modes. I spent about three weeks falling back to 1024x768, learning about xorg.conf, and trying all kinds of esoteric stuff. No joy.22:28
torrancewxiong, i've experienced that particular level of hell before myself, but please go on22:28
xiongtorrancew, Intense frustration. Then Ubuntu 9.04 came out and I trashed the existing system and installed the new. Instant success with the display and no problems since.22:29
m0r0nWhy do I need to be root to unmount a drive?22:29
Hans_Henriki lost my laptop on the floor (didnt thought it was so hard tho), now my pc's grapic FREEZE whenever i try to start AMSN (mouse still works, the light indicating that my network card is active still blinks, so i guess downloads etc are still going, but all grapic freeze except mouse), so i guess i should try to.. 'scan the disk' (in windows its called "scanndisk"/"chkdsk", dunno what its...22:30
Hans_Henrik...called in linux) umm.. how/what should i do?22:30
xiongm0r0n, Strongly suggest you choose a slightly less kewl nick. I almost broke a knuckle trying to type yours even as far as the autocomplete.22:30
innocivHow do I get version history of ubuntu apt-get packages so I can see when they where changed to different versions?22:30
kellihi all22:30
torrancewxiong, i always have a love/hate feeling when something like that happens22:31
xiongYou need to be root in order to unmount because, in theory, other users of the system may be using the device.22:31
Mnemosyne_Would anyone happen to know a way to install a base Ubuntu image onto a computer using dd that would then install itself? I have an old thinkpad that has no cdrom and cannot boot from any USB devices. Is there a base image that installs the system onto the same partition when booted? Installing in a VM and then dding the image across results in hardware incompatabilities, since it was installed on a VM with different hardware.22:31
m0r0nxiong: My hard drives are auto-mounting and I don't know why its happening22:31
=== m0r0n is now known as Arsin
xiongtorrancew, I just mean to say, sometimes there is a truly ugly issue, and somebody is already working on it, and you get the fix before you even find out who to blame.22:32
MK13how could i download all files from a webpage with a certain extension?22:32
kelliwhat program can i use to extract music from videos?22:32
MK13kelli, mplayer should do nicely22:32
Hans_HenrikMnemosyne_: umm.. maybe you could switch the harddrive with some other laptop and install a OS and put it back in the original, and prey that the OS will update hardware-drivers?22:32
hacker_kidok so imagemagick can create images from pdf files, how can i create a single pdf file created from image files (jpeg and gif)22:33
xiongArsin, I think you *want* your hard drives to automount. Why not?22:33
Hans_HenrikMnemosyne_: (i think thats what i'd try at least)22:33
grumbt11Boa noite22:33
embrikn8tuser, pasted it at http://imagebin.org/index.php?page=add - nick embrik22:33
Mnemosyne_Hans_Henrik: My only other laptop is a considerably different Dell XPS, I tried making an image using it but since the new one uses SATA and the old one IDE, there was a problem with the boot.22:34
koshariwhats the quick path to home , is it /~ ?22:34
ikoniakoshari: ~22:34
torrancewxiong, thanks for the advice22:34
koshariikonia with a backslash?22:35
n8tuserembrik-> not a good link, post a good link please, dont make it difficult for us to click on it22:35
Hans_HenrikMnemosyne_: in at least some laptops, theres a option in the BIOS to support IDE, know if your other laptop got such an option?22:35
ikoniakoshari: no, just ~22:35
Arsinxiong: I don't want them to, no reason but I don't want them too. Songbird found my music in a directory there, when I made it auto mount it gave me errors screwing everything in my library up, I used pysdm or whatever it is. I changed it back to default and then deleted it but it is still automounting22:35
Mnemosyne_Hans_Henrik: The only disk options in the Dell BIOS to do with the HDD are power-saving options and between fast sata and slow sata.22:36
koshariikonia thnx22:36
xiongArsin, Okay, if I understand you correctly, you have a special-purpose hard drive, which you don't usually want to mount. Suggest you check out its mount point. Somewhere, perhaps in gparted, you should have the ability to deselect automount.22:37
Bodsdaxiong: /etc/fstab deals with auto mounting22:37
xiongArsin, You're not going to get around the need to unmount as root, or at least as a user with privileges.22:37
xiongBodsda, Yes, that's correct. I was there a few weeks ago, couldn't remember the name. I had to edit it by hand then. I think you can reach it through gparted, though.22:38
torrancewArsin, xiong is right about the privileges, you won't be able to mount (auto or manual) anything in /dev without them22:38
* xiong looks22:38
Bodsdaxiong: nope. I don't think gparted can modify fstab22:39
ngirardHi all. I'm on ubuntu Jaunty. Is the upgrade from firefox 3.0.14 to 3.5.x okay ? Have some of you performed it ?22:39
Bodsdawhy would you want it to?22:39
Arsintorrancew: Its in /media22:39
torrancewthe mountpoint is22:39
Bodsdangirard: yep, no problems22:39
torrancewthe source drive is likely in /dev22:39
xiongBodsda, You're correct in any case.22:39
ngirardBodsda: hi, thanks for your feedback ! Are you using Zotero ?22:39
torrancewand /media is owned by root anyway, i believe22:39
torrancewthough that's safer to change than /dev22:40
diegoviolahow do i set up desktop effects?22:40
Bodsdangirard: no I am not, sorry22:40
lennycya bb22:40
torrancewwhat's your exact issue, Arsin?22:40
torrancewyou can pvt me if needed22:40
xiongdiegoviola, Suggest you check out CompizConfig?22:40
Bodsdadiegoviola: go to preferences > Appearence -- final tab - change effects to high22:40
ngirardBodsda: okay, never mind. Oh, one last question: have you upgraded using the Ubuntu packages ?22:40
Arsinxiong: torrancew:  I use to be able to umount and mount without being root, why has this come up all of a sudden?22:41
nicklas_hello, anyone knows why they have changed from pidgin to empathy in the new ubuntu that is coming? and are there any other changes?22:41
Bodsdangirard: no, I built from source but the repo's are probably a better option22:41
Bodsdanicklas_: #ubuntu+1 please22:41
torrancewngirard, i have22:41
nicklas_Bodsda: ?22:41
embrikn8tuser, what about this: http://imagebin.org/6845122:41
xiongdiegoviola, Note that some of the effects can't be turned on by an individual user.22:41
vvarderHi all, quick question.  I downloaded the beta, created a USB boot from it, and booted into the LiveCD.  The problem is I get what looks to be gdm with a computer icon and it just says "ubuntu" - if I click on it, it changes to "ubuntu karmic (development branch).  There does not seem to be any tty enabled on ctrl-alt-f1 through f6.  Am I missing something obvious?22:41
torrancewArsin: can you give me more details please? i missed the beginning22:41
ngirardBodsda: you're probably right. Many thanks again for your feedback !22:41
Bodsdangirard: no worries22:42
kosharinicklas_ empathys roadmap includes video features22:42
xiongArsin, Sorry, I think not. You do not need actually to login as root but your user account must have privileges.22:42
Bodsdanicklas_: all Karmic discussions should take place in #ubuntu+122:42
ngirardtorrancew: Hi ! Have you experienced any problems ?22:42
torrancewvvarder, i believe those were disabled by default starting in karma. there is a package to fix this "feature", but it's name eludes me at the moment22:42
n8tuserembrik-> 1. you dont want to mixed static and dynamic, for it may have an address collision22:43
torrancewngirard, not particularly22:43
Arsintorrancew: I used pysdm to set auto mounting, it did so, songbird couldn't read my music anymore, set everything to default, deleted pydsm, still screwing up22:43
sblunix!karmic | vvarder22:43
ubottuvvarder: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+122:43
Arsinxiong: How do I set those privileges?22:43
torrancewngirard: though it will not replace the default package, just make a firefox-3.5 executable22:43
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vvarder@torrancew, cool, but I'd really just like to login to test a bug that's supposed to be fixed and give feedback, what am I missing to login to the live beta CD?22:43
torrancewso it's pretty safe22:43
Bodsdavvarder: live cd should log in automatically22:43
n8tuserembrik-> 2.  you also forgot which nic has which ip address22:43
torrancewvvarder, have you tried ubuntu as user and pass?22:44
kosharin8tuser you could use static in a high part of the range and set the dhcp server to only server dynamics in a lower range22:44
torrancewArsin: i've never used pysdm, but is the drive currently mounted?22:44
MK13vvarder, the user might be "ubuntu" with no password22:44
xiongArsin, If you installed Ubuntu "normally" as a desktop user, then the first user account created should have privileges, in the sense that you will be prompted for your password and it will be taken as a root pw.22:44
BodsdaArsin: pastebin your /etc/fstab file and we can see what is going on22:44
Arsintorrancew: No I unmounted it via terminal22:45
rolamotook, I feel like an idiot, but: I tried compiling a custom kernel in Karmic. I had somewhere around 10GB when I started and now I have about 700MB left. Can anyone help me get the space back?22:45
Semtexhey guys I'm trying to install mesa and I have no idea why the ./configure wont run. I am missing a package called 'xext',22:45
n8tuserrolamoto-> you have heard of rm -Rf .......22:45
torrancewcan you remount it? i may be able to give you an /etc/fstab entry that will do what you would like22:45
erUSULSemtex: whay are you compilng from source ?22:45
vvarder@torrance: yeah, but I don't have a username field, just the one icon.  If I try typing ubuntu it's opens what looks like a search box, hit enter, nothing.  There's just the time in the corner and the "shutdown" button with the options there, it's a bit odd22:45
Bodsdan8tuser: you have heard of #ubuntu channel rules?22:45
xiongArsin, Can you not simply see the offending drive in Nautilus? Click the small unmount button next to the device in the sidebar.22:45
Semtexwhy can I do it another way?22:45
MK13rolamoto, did you try "make clean" (if using a make file)?22:46
ArsinBodsda: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297151/22:46
embrikn8tuser, eth1 on server - the client gets ip from the server
n8tuserBodsda-> yes, and you want to ?22:46
factranHello I need to report a X bug, i would like how to check my version of xorg-xserver-* ?22:46
ngirardtorrancew: okay, fine, thanks for you r feedback too! I think i'll just give it a try now. Firefix 3.0.14 is just too unstable here, I just hope ff 3.5 will perform better in this respect22:46
n8tuserembrik->  put it in the drawing so no confusions22:46
torrancewvvarder: haven't tried the karmic beta, so i'm afraid i can't  help you there22:47
rolamotoI think I just used the default settings22:47
erUSUL!version | factran22:47
torrancewi can try to find that package name though, vvarder22:47
ubottufactran: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »22:47
Bodsdan8tuser: no. But please dont tell people to use rm -rf to regain space. If they don't know how to delete files then chances are they don't know how to properly use that command22:47
hacker_kidcan image magick combine multiple images into a tiff?22:47
Arsinxiong: Bodsda: torrancew:     Thanks, got it working now. Now I can mount/unmount from my user instead of going into root. What is a good automounting program since pydsm is screwing up for me22:47
factranerUSUL: thanks. Do you know what package are the most relevant to submit an X bug ?22:47
Semtexso any idea on how I can get mesa working?22:47
vvardertorrance: cool, thanks anyway I'll try some friends of mine or maybe hit the channel up later22:47
erUSULfactran: xserver-xorg ?22:47
BodsdaArsin: /etc/fstab will do the trick nicely22:47
factranerUSUL:  only ?22:48
torrancewArsin: i always use fstab,, or manual mount from terminal22:48
SemtexI need a pakage called xext22:48
Semtexwhere would I find this?22:48
n8tuserBodsda-> similarly on same concept, they should not just do a compilation without understanding the impact of what they do?22:48
erUSULfactran: yep22:48
Bodsdan8tuser: why, compilations do no harm in general terms22:48
BoxMagnetthe resolution is so huge on my laptop i cant hit ok to change it, what do i do ????22:49
BodsdaSemtex: have you tried a   apt-cache search xext?22:49
n8tuserBodsda-> the guys is complaining, so its a harm to him22:49
ArsinBodsda:  How would I go about setting that?22:49
Bodsdan8tuser: something can be hard without being dangerous22:49
n8tuseranyhow.. i get you Bodsda  :P22:49
xiongArsin, I do think you should be able to edit fstab so the drive doesn't automount to begin with. On the other hand, in your shoes, I'd be trying to figure out why it was bad to have my media automounted and try to fix that.22:49
erUSULSemtex: you should install things from packages22:49
BodsdaArsin: lemme get you a link22:49
thiebaudeBoxMagnet, can you get to a terminal22:49
BoxMagnetthiebaude, yes22:49
Sonjahow do i add the "universe" repository from Terminal?22:49
BodsdaArsin: http://bodhizazen.net/Tutorials/Understandingfstab.pdf22:50
ArsinBodsda: xiong:  Thank you22:50
olskolircI need a decent swf player/editor any suggestions?  I'm on kubuntu intrepid22:50
erUSULSonja: edit /etc/apt/sources.list22:50
BodsdaSonja: sudo vim /etc/apt/sources.list   and uncomment the appropriate line22:50
embrikn8tuser, can't eth0 and eth1 have mixed static and dhcp on two different subnets?22:50
BodsdaArsin: your welcome22:50
xiongSonja, Don't know. Why not click the box in Synaptic GUI, instead?22:50
embrikn8tuser, here: http://imagebin.org/6845222:50
Jordan_USonja: sudo "software-properties-gtk -e universe" Or edit /etc/apt/sources.lst manually22:50
hacker_kidim trying to print to pdf (the default printer) with the lpr command, where does the pdf file go?22:50
BoxMagnetthiebaude, what do i do lol22:51
SemtexThanks Bodsda I found what i needed with  apt-cache search !22:51
xiongArsin, Good luck. Sorry I couldn't help better.22:51
BodsdaSemtex: your welcome22:51
thiebaudeBoxMagnet, im trying out a xrandr command for you and its not working22:51
Bodsdahacker_kid: by the looks of the man page it is specified as the last argument22:52
n8tuserembrik->  they can have mix, but you have to know what youare doing.. anyhow, what is the result of  route -n for your dhcp client ?22:52
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rodriLDi can't ping from my Ubuntu netbook to my XP desktop, but I can the other way. i've been able to share my home folder and windows recognizes it as a share, but still can't ping it. any suggestions?22:52
hacker_kidBodsda, which man page are you looking at, im not finding htat22:52
Bodsdahacker_kid: man lpr22:53
hacker_kidBodsda, im looking at that file, what are you seeing/22:53
n8tuserrodriLD-> look at its gateway,  see   route -n22:53
Bodsdahacker_kid: lpr  [  -E ] [ -H server[:port] ] [ -U username ] [ -P destination[/instance] ] [ -# num-copies [ -h ] [ -l ] [ -m ] [ -o option[=value] ] [ -p] [ -q ] [ -r ] [ -C/J/T title ] [ file(s) ]22:53
rodriLDn8tuser: what about route -n?22:54
n8tuserrodriLD-> also i think windows have disabled ping responses on service patch 3.. check the firewall22:54
n8tuserrodriLD-> its your way to get there22:54
rodriLDn8tuser: windows firewall is disabled22:54
n8tuserie via the gateway22:54
hacker_kidBodsda, ah, that argument determines which files are printed, not where the pdf file is saved, lpr is a command line printing command not spefically for the pdf printer22:54
BoxMagnetthiebaude, figured it out, its called tab LOL22:54
Jordan_UrodriLD: Sounds like it's probably a windows issue, try asking in ##windows22:55
thiebaudeBoxMagnet, ahh, ok22:55
BoxMagnetthiebaude, i just used tab, k thanks anyway22:55
n8tuserrodriLD-> match their ip addresses..22:55
Bodsdahacker_kid: [-P destination[/instance] ]22:55
hacker_kidBodsda, determines which printer to use22:55
thiebaudeBoxMagnet, my xrandr command i was going to give you doesn't work on this widescreen lcd22:55
rodriLDn8tuser: the windows box's IP doesn't appear in route -n, if that's what you mean22:55
thiebaudeBoxMagnet, np22:55
n8tuserrodriLD-> check on both ends, in windows i think its  routeprint22:56
Random832ok, so... I was having trouble hibernating before, so I asked here and ended up increasing my swap partition size. Now I can hibernate just fine, but I haven't been able to successfully resume from hibernation since changing the partition size22:56
estretc1Can anyone help me? I cannot watch any youtube videos but I've installed the adobe flash player and codecs i thought necessary22:56
Bodsdahacker_kid: hmm, my fault, should have read the description, sorry. Perhaps it is in the name -C22:56
The2morrowManFor the purposes of a server/router machine, what kind of comparison is there between Debian Lenny and Ubuntu, both 8.04 LTS, and 9.04?22:57
embrikn8tuser, http://imagebin.org/6845322:57
Random832anyone know how to troubleshoot not resuming from hibernate? even a way to get an error log would be good22:57
thiebaudeestretc1, if you use firefox did you restart it?22:57
rodriLDn8tuser: same on windows, the ubuntu pc's ip doesn't appear22:57
estretc1yes multiple times22:57
thiebaudeestretc1, you use 64bit ubuntu/22:57
rodriLDstrange thing is that i can actually see my home folder from windows and even transfer files to and from it22:57
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estretc1what does that mean thiebaude?22:58
estretc1how can i change whatever im doing wrong22:58
n8tuserembrik-> your dhcp server seems to be misconfigured, not dolling out the correct gw and such parameters22:58
jodeI am trying to learn how to connect remotely to my nieces computer so that I can do maintanace to it.  What software will I need to do this?22:58
hacker_kidBodsda, wow, that solved one problem but now im printing half a page :(22:58
NinjaPlimsollshi anyone know why I cant authenticate my gnome-do ppa?22:59
trismjode: are you connecting to a windows or ubuntu machine?22:59
embrikn8tuser, do I set gw in network/interfaces or in dhcpd.conf?22:59
NinjaPlimsollsthe terminal is just sitting there22:59
estretc1anyone know why i cannot watch youtube videos even after installing adobe flash player and codecs and restarting firefox?23:00
jodetrism, from ubuntu to ubuntu, is it possible to control a windows machine with linux?23:00
rodriLDi can share files from windows to ubuntu, but not ping or anything the other way round. any ideas?23:00
The2morrowManembrik, If you're passing the default gateway to a DHCP client, set the gateway IP as that DHCP range's "option router" line in dhcpd.conf.23:00
quontrex_ashimijode: I'm going to go on the assumption the niece is on windows and you are on ubuntu?23:00
n8tuserembrik-> your dhcp server has to dole out the correct info, you may have to see a tutorial on how it is done..23:00
bitmonki just upgraded my acer aspire one netbook from 9.04 to 9.10, and my touchpad has stopped working - any ideas what may be up? xorg.conf is the same before and after upgrade, shallow defaults, <50l23:00
The2morrowManembrik, Hold one.23:00
jodequontrex_ashimi, I just installed edubuntu on her machine and I use ubuntu23:00
trismjode: then use System/Preferences/Remote Desktop on the machine you want to connect to, and use any vnc viewer you want on the machine you're connecting from23:01
xadartHi, I've tried to install ubuntu, 9.04 64bit and 8.04 32bit, neither work. They both crash when installing... any ideas?23:01
dotblankxadart, can you be more detailed?23:01
estretc1anyone know why i cannot watch youtube videos even after installing adobe flash player and codecs and restarting firefox?23:01
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."23:01
Bodsdahacker_kid: no idea I am afraid23:01
ortsvorsteher!who | thiebaude23:01
ubottuthiebaude: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:01
Bodsdaestretc1: how did you install flash?23:01
thiebaudeortsvorsteher, anyone that doesn't give details of whats wrong23:02
The2morrowManembrik, Look at this for an idea of what I mean: http://pastebin.com/d37848cd023:02
estretc1bodsda: the terminal i think23:02
harjothow would i backup the kopete settings23:02
ortsvorsteherthiebaude: true..23:02
Bodsdaestretc1: exact command?23:02
rodriLDI can share my Ubuntu home folder and windows recognizes it, but I can't even ping my windows pc from ubuntu...any ideas?23:02
* thiebaude i just guess the question,lol23:02
jodetrism, what is a vnc viewer?23:02
Bodsdaharjot: is there a ~/.kopete folder or file?23:02
dotblankThe2morrowMan, well I notice it has no nameservers in it23:02
Bodsdajode: it is a primitive graphical remote connection23:03
* thiebaude away23:03
The2morrowMandotblank, No, that's specified higher up, and that'll depend on how you're configuring it. Are you passing static nameservers, or is that machine also functioning as the DNS forwarder?23:03
trism!vnc | jode23:03
ubottujode: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX23:03
xadartI start installing any ubuntu version, I've tried a couple. I can begin the installation, I go through the steps and during midway of installation the screen loses signal, everything crashes, cant open the cd drive, nothing.23:03
Bodsda!away > thiebaude23:03
estretc1bodsda: is there a definite method to installing it?23:03
ubottuthiebaude, please see my private message23:03
thiebaudeBodsda, i dont do pm's23:03
Bodsdaestretc1: yeah -- sudo apt-get install flashplugin-nonfree23:04
Bodsdathiebaude: fine23:04
harjotBodsda: yes but i have heard the settings are all scattered23:04
Bodsda!away | thiebaude23:04
ubottuthiebaude: You should avoid noisy away messages in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Use the command "/away <reason>" to set your client away silently.  See also «/msg ubottu Guidelines»23:04
harjotBodsda: im reinstalling kopete23:04
dotblankxadart, when the installation crashes does the scroll lock and num keys lock flash?23:04
embrikThe2morrowMan, shouldn't my router be my isp's addresse? in my case
rodriLDI can share my Ubuntu home folder and windows recognizes it, but I can't even ping my windows pc from ubuntu...any ideas?23:04
harjotBodsda: with a patch i applied for kde3.5 allowing it to connect to yahoo23:04
Bodsdaharjot: I am not sure, but user config files are usually stored in ~/.* files23:04
NinjaPlimsollsnobody knows?23:04
thiebaudewell im away anyway and will be back23:04
Bodsdaharjot: that will need to be reapplied23:05
estretc1bodsda: i then get a prompt for [sudo] password for *computer name*23:05
xadartdotbank: the keyboard doesnt respond at all, but i dont know about that. id have to do it again23:05
harjotBodsda: ok23:05
Bodsdaestretc1: enter your password23:05
n8tuserrodriLD-> whats the results of routeprint in windows?  paste in pastebin23:05
The2morrowManembrik, No, because that's not what's routing the information. More than likely, the machine running the dhcp server is also functioning as your LAN's router, and it's internal interface IP should go there.23:05
quontrex_ashimijode: I would recommend installing x11vnc on her machine and vncviewer on yours then ssh to her machine run x11vnc on hers, do your thing and it  will stop x11vnc when you log out, closing the security hole23:05
dotblankxadart, do you remember at what stage that happens in the installation?23:05
The2morrowManembrik, If that does not describe your situation, then my information is invalid, and I'll need more information to help you.23:05
trismjode: I use xvnc4viewer myself, there are a bunch of clients though23:05
quontrex_ashimijode make that gvncviewer23:05
xadartdotblank: im going to try another ubuntu distro, 8.04 64bit now. see how that goes back in abit23:05
embrikThe2morrowMan, I'll try :-)23:06
jodequontrex_ashimi, so is it possible to remote control a windows machine with a ubuntu machine?23:06
estretc1bodsda: it wont let me enter my password23:06
Tehedrahow do i check if i installed CURL with php on my server?23:06
Tehedraits jaunty23:06
rodriLDn8tuser: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/29716723:06
Bodsdaestretc1: it looks like that I know, but trust me it is entering it23:06
quontrex_ashimisure run realvnc server on the windows machine23:06
Tehedrai thought I did but i dont seem to have the support23:06
The2morrowManembrik, before you do that,t ell me how your network is set up.23:06
dotblankjode, yes several ways23:06
quontrex_ashimiyou can download realvnc for free23:06
dotblankjode, ubuntu has a RDP client also23:07
quontrex_ashimirdp is no fun :(23:07
estretc1bodsda: ok it installed is there anything else i need to do?23:07
Bodsdaestretc1: restart firefox and having fun watching your... youtube23:07
jodedotblank, what is rdp?23:07
quontrex_ashimisomething tube anyway23:07
dotblankI think its remote desktop protocol23:08
Bodsdajode: remote desktop protocol -- microsofts graphical remote connection tool23:08
SeaPhortightvnc also has windows client/server as well23:08
n8tuserrodriLD-> and these two hosts are connected via a router or a hub and getting an ip from a single dhcp server?23:08
quontrex_ashimijode: remote desktop protocol23:08
embrikThe2morrowMan, http://imagebin.org/6845223:08
n8tuserrodriLD-> also repaste your route -n  for your ubuntu side..23:08
quontrex_ashimiits the built in winders vnc23:08
dotblankIts what windows uses.. If you right click my computer goto properties there should be a tab called "remote desktop" or "remote assistance"23:08
Bodsdaremote assistance != remote desktop23:08
The2morrowManembrik, Okay, perfect. Now I know what I need to know.23:08
rodriLDn8tuser: they are both connected to a router but I assigned the static IPs myself (windows box =, ubuntu =
The2morrowManembrik, Give me a minute.23:09
embrikThe2morrowMan, ok23:09
quontrex_ashimiwell  crud time got away from me, time to leave the bar go get the girl and go to another bar23:09
estretc1bodsda: certain videos still will not work23:09
Bodsdaestretc1: link?23:09
n8tuserrodriLD-> sometimes overlapping an ip from a dhcp assigned range is not good, try to use a far away from the range..23:10
estretc1bodsda: just for example, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iMsQhI089Qk23:10
dotblankembrik, why is the option routers is the eth1 port on the server is 192.168.1523:10
n8tuserrodriLD-> btw, paste the results of route -n for your ubuntu23:10
rodriLDn8tuser: here it is: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/297171/23:10
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rodriLDsorry, still can't get used to netbook touchpads lol23:11
Bodsdaestretc1: 64bit or 32bit install?23:11
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quontrex_ashimithe netbook pad is made by alps I think23:11
estretc1bodsda: 32 bit i didnt know which one to do so it advised me to leave settings as they were (32 bit)23:11
embrikdotblank, don't know - I have just pasted this from a howto ( So option touters should be the same as the static ip adresse?23:12
Bodsdaestretc1: odd. I am on 64 and having youtube issues as well23:12
The2morrowManembrik, Look at this: http://pastebin.com/d822a73823:12
thiebaudemax131, what is your question for the channel?23:12
dotblankembrik, are you running a DNS server also?23:12
The2morrowMandotblank, He'd have to be.23:12
MK13Bodsda, are you using the open flash player or adobe's?23:12
estretc1bodsda: what i really dont understand is that it will play when i click play in a new window23:12
n8tuserrodriLD-> kind of confusing your windows has both and  gateways23:12
The2morrowMandotblank, All he'd have to do is install bind9 - it automatically functions as a DNS forwarder to the internal zone.23:12
dotblankThe2morrowMan, he could set the dns server to his ISP's DNS server23:12
BodsdaMK13: adobe's -- this worked yesterday. An upgrade must have fubar'd something23:13
embrikdotblank, no??23:13
The2morrowMandotblank, Not with the configuration he had.23:13
n8tuserrodriLD-> i suggest dont mess with static address allocation lest you know how they are assigned with correct parameters23:13
The2morrowManembrik, That pastebin has a DHCP server configuration that'd take care of you. Make sure you install BIND9, however, so that it'll function as your LAN's DNS forwarder.23:13
MK13bodsda, karmic or jaunty?23:13
dotblankThe2morrowMan, yes not with his config he needs to change the the option routers to his server and then either set the dns servers to his isp or his server and run bind9 like you said23:13
BodsdaMK13: jaunty23:13
rodriLDn8tuser: wow, huge fail on my behalf, forgot to assign static IP for the windows box after formatting...I assigned it and now it works23:14
larshello. i have a problem. with ubuntu 9.04 i can't connect to the internet. i am using the latest mac mini23:14
MK13bodsda, let me check if it works for me (adobe's on 64 bit)23:14
Bodsdaestretc1: run this and go get a coffee, try again after it has finished -- sudo apt-get update; sudo apt-get upgrade -y23:14
The2morrowMandotblank, I find the BIND9 route to be the easier one, honestly.23:14
BodsdaMK13: cheers dude23:14
rodriLDn8tuser: thanks for the help dude23:14
n8tuserrodriLD-> hey hey.. GL23:14
The2morrowManembrik, A word of warning: Your DHCP range is pretty wide. Almost uselessly so.23:14
dotblankThe2morrowMan, it adds another layer of complexity.. its really not that big of a deal and it is more flexible with varying environments23:15
warbullmsg Cosmo1 ello23:15
The2morrowMandotblank, aptitude install bind9 - Not much of a layer. ;)23:15
BodsdaMK13: an update && upgrade; killall firefox; nohup firefox &    has fixed the issue23:16
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rodriLDn8tuser: I guess the problem wasn't that simple...i can ping now, but no luck setting up the windows shares in ubuntu23:16
MK13Bodsda, seems to work fine for me (even though the loading bar is completely full immediately when video loads)23:16
dotblankThe2morrowMan, unless you had a firewall already installed23:16
MK13Bodsda, good to hear it :D23:16
BodsdaMK13: cheers :)23:16
The2morrowMandotblank, What would that have to do with anything?23:16
mark__Can anyone recommend a simple/decent monitoring tool (web based) for ubuntu server?23:16
n8tuserrodriLD-> thats just the first step is the network connecting the two, next step is to use a sharing file system23:17
embrikThe2morrowMan, I agree. But, well, I used your lines in dhcpd.conf - the client got ip but I can't connect to the internet23:17
embrikThe2morrowMan, I've resterted dhcpserver anythuing else?23:17
The2morrowManembrik, That's the next step. Do you have iptables set up to forward, NAT, etc?23:17
n8tuserrodriLD-> look into mounting it via  sshfs  , i dont have the details immediately, but you may have to google for it23:17
The2morrowManembrik, If not, the easy solution is in the package repo: arno-iptables-firewall.23:18
The2morrowManembrik, Sets up EVERYTHING. It's rather elegant.23:18
rodriLDn8tuser: i've already tried the connect to server dialog from ubuntu as well as trying to access the workgroup from nautilus directly, no luck with both23:18
embrikThe2morrowMan, sorry - don't know about iptables - ok, I'll try that23:18
nerdy_kidcan only access my ftp server through sftp have been trying for months to fix this23:18
rickasaurusI just posted this thread in the forums but was wondering if I might find more immediate help here23:18
n8tuserrodriLD-> hang, lets see if i have it bookedmarked23:18
estretc1bodsda: still nothing is working. my irl friend is having no problem watching the same video23:18
amigamia2i was going to have to install another server due to a problem encountered. is there any instruction on having a secure server as much as possible eliminating and closing ports and disabling unnecessisary services etc?23:18
zzattackwhere can i find some help with mdadm?23:19
The2morrowManembrik, Just install that package, and do what it says. However, there's a little oddity with the dpkg configuration - when it's done, do a dpkg-reconfigure arno-iptables-firewall, and follow it all the way through. Pay close attention to each prompt. When it asks to enable NAT, say yes.23:19
estretc1anyone else have any input on how to get youtube videos to consistantly work? i've downloaded the flash player non-free and still nothing23:20
n8tuserrodriLD-> nope dont have it bookedmarked23:20
mark__Can anyone recommend a simple/decent monitoring tool (web based) for ubuntu server?23:20
rodriLDn8tuser: i recall having used windows shares from ubuntu before (not from this netbook) with no problem, could it be by any chance an smb.conf problem?23:21
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox23:21
mark__erUSUL : Thanks, will check it out23:21
n8tuserrodriLD-> thats one way, using cifs or samba, but its a long time since i hve done those myself23:21
jove_hi, how to check the current Ubuntu version on your system ?23:21
amigamia2ebox is awesome23:21
rodriLDn8tuser: i've tried sharing my home folder both manually from smb.conf as well as the share folder dialog in nautilus, and both ways were recognized by windows23:22
Kentukylooking to stream audio/video files. Anybody who can help me figure out how?23:22
ikoniajove_: lsb_release -a23:22
JoshuaP0x1is anyone using Amarok 2.2?23:22
rickasaurusmy issue is that pulseaudio seems to be starting at gnome startup and not system startup23:22
rickasaurusand so I can't use my soundcard without having my computer boot into gnome23:22
n8tuserrodriLD-> that is good isnt it?23:23
rodriLDn8tuser: well, yes :D but I can't access any windows shares from ubuntu23:23
n8tuserrodriLD-> isnt there like a next step ie, authorizations?23:23
embrikThe2morrowMan, what do I write in "External networks with access to external networks"?23:23
JoshuaP0x1Amarok ?23:24
tantrahi, i need help. i can't play poker on facebook. i already install flash & java and also try several browser from opera, chrome to firefox. i'm using ubuntu jaunty.. what did i miss? thank you23:24
MK13mark__, maybe better asked in #ubuntu-server ?23:24
alunosomeone knows how to use the wu-ftpd???23:24
The2morrowManembrik, Read that more closely, that doesn't sound right.23:24
ikoniamark__: nagios is really the standard23:24
The2morrowManembrik, Do you mean "internal networks with access to external networks"?23:24
jove_thanks ikonia!23:24
embrikThe2morrowMan, eth0 on server get's ip via dhcp fro isp23:25
JoshuaP0x1tantra: does Flash work at all?23:25
rodriLDn8tuser: well, i wouldn't know where to start, honestly23:25
embrikThe2morrowMan, yes23:25
The2morrowManembrik, Enter:
n8tuserrodriLD-> i can only suggest a tutorial on cifs/samba  trough google.. i dont have those bookedmarked23:25
zebastiananyone here using lxde? how do i get nautilus to be my default file manager on lxde?23:26
The2morrowManembrik, There is a big terminology difference between "network" and "interface". "eth1" is an interface. "" is the CIDR-notation for the network that that interface accesses.23:26
snow_ruso many guys here23:26
tantraJoshuaP0x1 : yes i can watch youtube video.23:26
rodriLDn8tuser: all the tutorials i've seen assume that if you can ping a windows box you can share files with it, which is not my case. guess i'll have to look harder23:26
embrikThe2morrowMan, Thanks a lot23:26
n8tuserrodriLD-> but now you can ping right? so the 1st step is solved23:26
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embrikThe2morrowMan, Is it possible to get a gui into the firewall/router?23:28
tantraJoshuaP0x1 : can you help me?23:28
The2morrowManembrik, Not sure. I don't bother with one.23:28
embrikThe2morrowMan, It's late - got to go. Didn't connect to the internet on the client. Must make time for this aother night. Thanks for all help :-)23:29
The2morrowManembrik, Sure thing. I'm usually around here, I'll hit you up next I see you.23:29
hostilesalve atutti23:29
=== Luchino_ is now known as Luchino
hostilevolevo sapere se il lettore totem va in conflitto con youtube??23:30
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (click col tasto destro sul nome del canale per entrare)23:30
thiebaudehostile, ciao a tutti23:31
xiongI just decided to expand from 4 to 6 workspaces. Good thing I raised the height of my bottom panel a couple weeks ago. I hope I don't get overly intoxicated.23:32
WanHousexiong: Have you a lack of toxixs ? :)23:32
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xiongWanHouse, I'm just worried about an excess of hubris. What if I just decide *never* to close a window again?23:34
alishad?Ó? ÇÒ Ç?ÑÇæ çÓÓÊ23:35
xrandrIs Ubuntu 9.10 released yet?23:35
WanHousexiong: Seems to be an option you could use however, i think youll need to use it at some point or another.23:35
angelusxrandr, no the official release date if i remembe is Oct. 29th23:35
IdleOne!9.10 | xrandr23:35
ubottuxrandr: Karmic Koala is the codename for Ubuntu 9.10, due October 29th, 2009 - Karmic is BETA and MAY break - Discussion and support in #ubuntu+123:35
alishadhow can imstal ubunto23:36
xiongWanHouse, See, that is the kind of challenge that I fear will provoke me to rash inaction.23:36
xrandrSo I take it, it's not a good idea to install 9.1023:36
xadartI've just tried to install Ubuntu 8.04 64bit. I got to 55% (Copying files) and the monitor just goes off.. everything crashes..23:36
alishadafter loading open page like commends23:36
WanHousexiong: Maybe it is what you sought for all along :P23:36
xiongThere, WanHouse. I just added *another* 2 workspaces; now I have 8. Nobody can stop me now.23:36
rodriLDn8tuser: well, still no luck...if it helps, I can't even see windows from findsmb23:37
alishadyes 8.0423:37
* xiong cackles insanely.23:37
* raid1 ante kalinixtes re23:37
xiongAll you very new guys, hang in there. It gets better. Then it gets great.23:37
t0sif i have a 64bit processor but only 3gb memory is it best to stick with 32bit?23:37
alishaddo you have any one too help me23:37
=== raid1 is now known as raid0ff
t0sor use 6423:38
* raid0ff gn all23:38
B_Lizzard_OK, I just had the weirdest problem with lighttpd on Karmic23:38
B_Lizzard_This one wins them all23:38
B_Lizzard_I make a directory structure for my site... let's say under the folder 'website'23:38
WanHousexiong: Automating that task could be fun perhaps ? / See if memory handling is ok at like 20 billion workspaces ? :)23:38
RoastedQUESTION - I'm rsyncing from 1 drive to another in my system. I am jason. Tyler is the owner of the files in /media/storage. The permissions are 775 with tyler:tyler access. Jason is a member of the group "tyler." Yet when I execute my rsync script as jason (rsync -a --progress --delete /media/storage /media/storagebackup) it does NOT keep the proper ownerships. Says operation not permitted. I dont understand this becuase Jason is a23:38
Roastedmember of the group Tyler. I have permission...23:38
shawn_tj83 You here?23:39
alishadplease help23:39
KentukyNobody in ubuntu-server seems to know the answer. Does anybody here know how I can set my machine up to stream .mp3s across my local network?23:39
B_Lizzard_In this folder I make an index.html file, a 'styles' folder with a file, style.css, and an 'images' folder with a bunch of images23:39
angelusalishad ... are you running windows ???23:39
B_Lizzard_Start lighttpd up, and no images23:39
B_Lizzard_Where did they go?23:39
B_Lizzard_They give me 404 errors23:39
xiongWanHouse, The limit, I think, is when the panel expands to hold all the workspaces, beyond the capacity of the screen. Nested workspaces?23:39
B_Lizzard_I figured it was something with permissions, but no go.23:39
B_Lizzard_But, with server directory listing, I went to the "images" folder, see what files it finds...23:40
* xrandr wonders if he should wait till ubuntu 9.10 is released next week, or just install it now23:40
WanHousexiong: No, the limit should be ram+swap i think. (Not entirely sure)23:40
B_Lizzard_The 'images' folder that should be under /var/www/website is actually under /usr/share/images23:41
B_Lizzard_For some reason, lighttpd mixes up the directories23:41
WanHousexiong: Gotta get back to coding. bbl23:41
B_Lizzard_See for yourself23:41
n8tuserrodriLD-> did you go through something like this?  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=20260523:42
n8tuserKentuky-> look into a tutorial of icecast223:43
rodriLDn8tuser: actually, yes... I'm going through this thread right now, which seems to have pretty much the same problem as I: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=108214823:43
rodriLDn8tuser: I found out that if I just type in smb:// in nautilus I can see the windows shares perfectly...23:44
n8tuserrodriLD-> okay23:44
rodriLDn8tuser: but still no luck from the network "folder" in nautilus23:45
n8tuserrodriLD-> i dont know what network folder is, i dont do gui much23:45
rodriLDn8tuser: hehe, it's going to places -> network23:46
StudentWhat command will give a list of the SSID, etc. of available networks?23:47
markl_Student: iwlist scanning23:48
unopStudent,  sudo iwlist scan23:48
lotus1231does anyone know where i can get the packages of ubuntu7.0423:48
max__Hi, I recently started having problems with my DVD drive. Whenever I put a CD or DVD into the drive, I have to manually eject each time and I am unable to rip any of the DVD's that I own.23:48
hsarci_whats the name of the applet in the top right with username and a powerbutton icon???23:49
BlackwingggysHello everyone im new and i want to know if anyone here plays yugioh23:49
bitmonkanyone have an idea what i might try if my touchpad stopped working after upgrade to 9.10 on an acer aspire one? xorg.conf is the same, basic defaults afaict..23:49
StudentThanks, markl_ & unop23:49
bitmonkapologies if i missed an answer earlier, there's a storm and connectivity is up and down..23:50
navap!ot | Blackwingggys 23:50
ubottuBlackwingggys : #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics. Thanks!23:50
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KentukyIs there a way I can check to see what other computers are using my network? I'm trying to ssh to a headless box I set up but I can't remember what I named it23:51
bububuWhat's ubuntu-restricted-extra23:51
markl_Kentuky: you can check the arp tables maybe?  or see what sockets are open with netstat23:52
bitmonk also, i believe this may have happened in the past couple weeks on 9.04 as well, my screen sleeps periodically when using the system, i wonder if this could indicate my power indicator is bad or something.. one time after the 9.10 upgrade i had a sleep due to low battery with ac adapter plugged in.. remove and reinsert fixed the status..23:52
lotus1231guys i need help for installing a new hardware in ubuntu .. anyone can help plz l23:52
garytangubuntu-restricted-extras is a bunch of non-free codecs (propriety) that can be installed on ubuntu.23:52
bitmonklotus1231: what sort of new hardware?23:53
lotus1231its a scanner23:53
KajrosAnyone having any video issues?  I can't seem to play videos correctly but Adobe Flash player is installed.23:53
bitmonkthat's going to be fun, i know that much. ;)23:53
lotus1231portable scanner23:53
ring0is there a way to add exceptions to chkrootkit for files causing errors like for rkhunter?23:53
lotus1231yes usb23:53
fcuk112_does mediatomb support mkv playback on ps3?23:54
garytangubuntu-restricted-extras enable some non-free codecs / apps such as java and mp323:54
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bitmonkhave you read https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsScanners lotus1231?23:54
bitmonkcarlee: is java still nonfree?23:54
lotus1231not yet.. but i ll read now23:55
bitmonkthat's a good starting place, if you have an error or something i might be able to help more, but i haven't dealt with a scanner in ages on gnu/linux23:55
lotus1231but its not one of those hardwares.. it a portable scanner..23:55
bitmonkwell, it may simply not have linux support..23:56
carleebitmonk: i meant its included in the ubuntu-restricted-extras23:56
lotus1231it has lubuntu7.04 support23:56
bitmonkcarlee: sure, i was just surprised, thought that may have changed, no worries..23:56
lotus1231but no other version23:56
lotus1231but i canot use 7.04 now23:56
bitmonklotus1231: i'd learn more about how it works on ubuntu 7.04, the drivers, etc..23:56
lotus1231i want to use 9.0423:56
bitmonkit's probably a low demand device support wise..23:56
lotus1231i did that23:56
bitmonkdoes the kmod still exist?23:57
lotus1231we dont get support of 7.04 any more23:57
bitmonkcan you build a custom kernel with it, perhaps?23:57
bitmonklotus1231: sure, but you can test it on 7.04 and learn more about how it is supported on *some* version of linux23:57
lotus1231m not a ubuntu expert :)  thats why i need help :)23:57
bitmonklotus1231: sounds like the sort of thing you'll need to pay someone for.  learn to investigate on your own.  you need not be an expert, use lsmod and things..23:57
lotus1231bro.. i have lsmod and lsusb.. and done those things.. i have instructions on how to do it on 7.04. but i cannot find same env in 9.04.. thats is confusing me.. i thot this wu b a plac where i can get problems fixed but its disappointing23:58
lotus1231thanks .. for nothing23:59
bitmonkif you want to use poorly supported hardware, you need to learn a minimum about drivers in linux..23:59
bitmonklotus1231: hey i'm just here trying to solve my own problem, i offer wisdom more than answers on what seems to be a fringe device..23:59
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GingerKid /msg NickServ identify getalife123:59
bitmonktypically, you are better off dealing with more mainstream hardware on linux, few vendors support driver development, and it's a lot of work for someone to do as a hobby..23:59

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