
LaserJockevening all00:23
Lnshi LaserJock00:34
LaserJockso our daily build should be good tomorrow03:10
LaserJockoh wait, it should be good *now*03:11
jsgotangcoLaserJock: you sure you want to retire? ;-)03:50
jsgotangcoeven Michael Jordan came back03:50
LaserJockjsgotangco: lol03:50
jbichaLaserJock: we're still waiting on the LTSP option for the DVD?04:01
LaserJockjbicha: nope, should be in the daily from the 20th04:01
jbichaLaserJock: you mean tomorrow?04:01
LaserJockjbicha: well, it's up now04:02
LaserJockjbicha: it's the 20th in London :-)04:02
jbichaLaserJock:  yeah it's 6am on the 20th here, but LTSP isn't in today's build04:02
LaserJockjbicha: not in the F4 menu?04:03
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LaserJockwe're saved and the universe is preserved :-)15:19
LaserJockwe *really* need to document this15:21
LaserJockbut the F4 menu changes depending on what boot option you've selected15:21
sbalneavLaserJock: :(15:32
sbalneavHad enough?15:32
sbalneavI was on the road yesterday. I didn't see it until right now.15:33
LaserJockoh, my email?15:33
LaserJockwell, actually, I wouldn't say I've "had enough"15:34
LaserJockmore I've had too much :-)15:34
LaserJockit's just time15:34
LaserJockI've got a number of real life things I need to take care of15:34
sbalneavYou're still coming down to maine, right?15:35
LaserJockand so I think it's time for me to become an enthusiastic user15:35
LaserJockit's retirement, not exile ;-)15:35
sbalneavok, I'll have to get you to show me how to do the dvd stuff, I'll take that on.  I suppose I should probably go for motu now, o it'll be hard to get package fixes in.15:36
LaserJockyeah, I think it'll be time to tap into some of the broader Ubuntu sponsoring resources as well15:37
LaserJockEdubuntu has for the most part been quite internal15:37
LaserJockI'm always amazed at how willing Ubuntu devs are to lend a hand15:37
LaserJockwhether that be cjwatson fixing .iso building problems, davmor2 doing .iso testing, or slangasek making sure the release is on track15:38
LaserJockI don't think it's unreasonable to ask around on #ubuntu-motu or #ubuntu-devel for help with packaging (how-to and sponsorship)15:38
LaserJockwe're sitting pretty good for Release Candidate I think15:40
LaserJockthe only issues I'm concerned about at this point are:15:40
sbalneavWell, hopefully, I can get mostly up to speed this week on packaging with yoy.15:40
LaserJock1) when installing from the Live side Ubiquity doesn't seem to uninstall the extra packages (ubiquity itself and the unnecessary lang-packs)15:41
LaserJockcjwatson knows about the issue but is mystified as to why it's happening15:41
LaserJock2) I'm unsure if our language support on the text-based installer side is adequate15:42
LaserJockI put on the top 10-12 used languages + greek and finnish15:42
LaserJockwe're just under 3GB15:42
LaserJockI could put more on15:42
LaserJockbut my primary concern is that we have full support for the languages that *are* on there15:42
ograLaserJock, you come to BTS ?15:47
LaserJockogra: I am16:01
ograwoah, cool !16:01
LaserJockogra: sbalneav twisted my arm :-)16:02
LaserJockogra: he told me grand stories of Maine lobster16:02
ogragood, i owe him a beer then :)16:02
jbichaLaserJock: howdy16:13
LaserJockjbicha: hey, the DVD works with LTSP, we were just doing it wrong :-)16:13
jbichahappy 5 years of Ubuntu!16:13
LaserJockjbicha: you need to first select the text-based installer option in the main boot screen16:14
LaserJockjbicha: then if you hit F4 the additional options show up, including LTSP16:14
jbichareally? /me going to test16:14
jbichaLaserJock:  that is so crazy; I guess it makes sense though16:16
LaserJockjbicha: yeah, it makes sense after you think about it16:16
LaserJockwe can't install LTSP frome the live installer16:16
LaserJockso it shouldn't show that as available16:16
LaserJockbut it's not intuitive that the F4 menu should depend on the context16:17
LaserJockso we need to document that *really* well16:17
jbichaLaserJock: yeah, definitely in the release notes16:17
sbalneavLaserJock: Looks like we've picked up another developer with jbicha :)16:23
LaserJocksbalneav: agreed16:24
jbichasbalneav: as long as someone has the time to mentor, I'd like to help16:24
LaserJockjbicha: just remember that #ubuntu-motu and #ubuntu-devel are there to help too16:28
chang-lihi, i installed ltsp in xubuntu-9.04 , problem- dhcp3-server is not auto starting after bootup. But starts manually.16:28
sbalneavjbicha: I know a small amount of packaging, and LaserJock's going to teach me more this weekend.  From there, I'll probably go on to motu.  If you're interested, peraps we can wander through it together :)16:29
* alkisg also signs up for the free packaging lesson :D16:30
sbalneavchang-li: You might need to use update-rc.d to make sure it's started.16:30
alkisgchang-li: do you have a static ip in /etc/network/interfaces? or do you use network manager?16:30
chang-lisbalneav: i will try that. I am logged in via ssh.16:31
chang-lialkisg: static for terminal clients. Clients boot up after dhcp3 is started no problem.16:32
alkisgchang-li: I had this problem when I used network manager to assign a static ip to eth1 in my ltsp server16:32
LaserJockalkisg: can you test the DVD to make sure the greek lang packs work OK?16:33
chang-lialkisg: wan is dhcp16:33
alkisgLaserJock: I did some days ago - I'll try to download it again... damn slow adsl :(16:33
LaserJockalkisg: yeah, sorry about that. are you using rsync?16:33
alkisgNope - I can only download at 200KB/sec no matter the protocol :)16:34
chang-lisbalneav: update-rc.d needs a missing option.16:34
LaserJockalkisg: well, but rsync means you should only have to download a little bit16:35
alkisgLaserJock: ah, does it do that even with a single .iso file? nice, I didn't know..16:35
LaserJockalkisg: yes16:35
alkisgLaserJock: do you have the command line handy?16:36
LaserJockalkisg: I've got an alias so I'll paste you two things16:36
LaserJockrsynciso rsync://cdimages.ubuntu.com/cdimage/edubuntu/dvd/current/karmic-dvd-i386.iso karmic-dvd-i386.iso16:36
alkisgMerci :)16:36
LaserJockrsynciso='rsync -az --progress'16:37
LaserJockin the ubuntu-qa-tools bzr repo there some kind of cool python script to do iso downloading16:37
LaserJockbut I didn't have much success with it16:37
LaserJock#ubuntu-testing might have more info on that16:38
alkisgWell if it works for you it's good enough for me :)16:38
sbalneavchang-li: you'll have to lookup what the correct parms will be.  I *think* update-rc.d dhcp3-server start   should work, but you may have to check.16:39
chang-lisbalneav: it is listed in rc2 rc3 to start. i will check.16:40
chang-lii removed references to dhcp3-server in rc.d, then reinstalled -they are now s20dhcp3-server . rebooted, Sill service does not auto start. only manually.17:08
alkisgchang-li: can you upload your /etc/network/interfaces to pastebin?17:15
chang-lialkisg: ok give me a min.17:15
chang-lialkisg: http://pastebin.com/pastebin.php?dl=d16c463a017:18
alkisgchang-li: yes, you don't have a static ip declared there. As I was saying before, that's your problem...17:19
chang-lialkisg: it reports it in ifconfig. strange.17:19
chang-lialkisg: ok so i will add it in interfaces.17:20
alkisgchang-li: the problem is that network manager sets up the connection *after* dhcp3-server is started17:20
alkisgSo you should make a "system connection" if you wanted to use nm17:20
alkisgBut there's a bug preventing this to happen on systems with 2 nics17:21
alkisgSo the only viable way to do it is with /etc/network/interfaces. Old ways work best... :)17:21
chang-liyea , ltsp-manager comes up blank.17:22
chang-lialkisg: I corrected /etc/network/interfaces & rebooted . dhcp3-server now starts auto. the network manager on the taskbar shows an X, and settings are blank. should I just delete that icon to avoid future problems?17:45
alkisgchang-li: network manager doesn't manage interfaces that are declared in /etc/network/interfaces, so you shouldn't have any problems either way17:45
alkisgI tend to remove network manager from servers (except for my laptop, which I also use as an ltsp server)17:46
chang-lialkisg:  Thanks  for the assistance. :)17:48
alkisgYou're welcome17:48
chang-lithe ltsp-manager when launched displays a blank window. I have a client connected. What should be displayed?17:54
sbalneavchang-li: ltsp-manager's broken.  Its been "dead upstream" for a bit17:55
sbalneavUse iTalc17:55
chang-liok will try it. thanks .17:56
jbichahere's a minor quirk that is probably unimportant, but the default hostname when you use the Karmic text installer is "edubuntu", but from the live installer it is "<username>-laptop> or whatever18:04
chang-lisbalneav: I made italc keys, are you using a globalpath for public keys for the terminal clients?18:20
alkisgIn LTSP, installing italc is as simple as "sudo apt-get install italc-master". No other configuration needed.18:22
chang-liI did that, but it asked to generate keys, which I then did also.18:23
sbalneavchang-li: I'm not sure, I don't use iTalc myself.18:23
alkisg? It shouldn't be asking anything, it generates the keys automatically...18:23
alkisg...but in any case, the ltsp clients use the same keys as the server, as they run italc from the server18:24
jbichabug 456477 filed, I'm sure you were already aware of it18:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 456477 in edubuntu-meta "After installation, Edubuntu complains about incomplete language support" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45647718:28
sbalneavjbicha: From a personal standpoint, I know from my work with a lot of people in Brazil that internet access for some people is... spotty.  So I'd vote to make sure we get those packages on the DVD, so if you DON'T have access to the internet, we at least dont have a broken install.18:31
highvolt1gehi everyone18:32
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sbalneavHey highvoltage18:33
jbichasbalneav: that's fine; it's even easy enough to remove the extra languages in System>Language Support18:37
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fasthanshello everybody18:58
fasthansI am new18:58
fasthansI would like to help and Scott told me to coordinate any efforts in this group18:59
fasthans1hello.... anybody here?19:07
alkisgsbalneav: ^^^ ?19:08
fasthans1hello. I am uwe geercken from germany.19:11
sbalneavfasthans1: So, you might start by telling us some of your skills19:16
fasthans1thanks for the welcome19:17
fasthans1I am an IT guy working for a Swiss company in Zurich as IT manager19:18
sbalneavKnow any programming languages?  C? Python?19:18
fasthans1I am a programmer. I create java servlet based webapps mostly in conjunction with apache velocity and beanshell or groovy19:18
fasthans1apart from that, two hours a week I teach Linux in our local school.19:19
sbalneavHave you created an account on launchpad yet?19:20
fasthans1at work I also administer a lot of systems and currently I am building up a datawarehouse based on infobright/mysql, and pentaho19:20
fasthans1yes I do have a launchpad account but have not really used it.19:21
sbalneavok, well one good place to start to help out would be bugsquashing.19:22
fasthans1ok. let me check - or maybe you want to tell me what it is.19:22
sbalneavAs well, right now, testing installs with the daily builds for testing the release would be good as well.19:22
sbalneavfasthans1: Well, those are a list of curently open bugs.19:23
sbalneavWe have many different packages.19:23
sbalneavThat page lists all the currently open bugs with the packages that we're installing.19:24
fasthans1hmm. I like testing installs.19:24
fasthans1I continue to wipe my computers and install something new...19:24
sbalneavWell, that would be helpful19:24
fasthans1so e.g. I see "italc in ubuntu" what do I do now19:25
sbalneavAre you subscribed to the edubuntu-users and edubuntu-devel mail groups.19:25
fasthans1yes edubuntu-users19:25
sbalneavWell, click on it, and you'll be taken to the list of currently open bugs.19:26
fasthans1its slow...19:26
sbalneavIf you want to develop, edubuntu-devel is what you should be subscribed to.19:26
fasthans1ok I have the list19:26
sbalneavSo from there, you can look at the bugs.  Then, I suppose, you can try to test for the bug, figure out what the problem is and then post patches or info to the bug.19:28
fasthans1tell me more about patches19:28
fasthans1you mean a verbal description of a solution or real code?19:28
sbalneavWell, you're a programmer, so you should understand patching progams.19:29
fasthans1well I am not a C programmer19:29
sbalneavUntil you get access to actuallyix the code, you'll have to find someone with authority to apply your patch.19:29
fasthans1but of course I can provide the logic if I can figure it out19:29
sbalneavfasthans1: Well, most pograms in linux are written in either C or C++19:30
fasthans1ok I understand. excuse me for asking these questions19:30
sbalneavSo if you're looking to fix bugs, you'll need to learn either one of these.19:30
sbalneavSome of the bugs may be simple, like wrong owneship of files, or missing directories.19:31
fasthans1ok. but maybe not on the first day.19:31
sbalneavThere's no time-limit here :)19:31
fasthans1good. I have a LTSP server at my local school where I teach.19:31
sbalneavProbably you'll spend at least a couple of minths just wanting to look at bugs, and even see if you can duplicate them.19:32
sbalneavThere's no rush, we're in this for the long haul. :)19:32
fasthans1and I am setting up a server here at home (a small one) and I have put together a thin client.19:32
fasthans1yes no rush. I have learned LTSP and Edubuntu the last two years as much as possible.19:33
fasthans1will I always meet you here? is this the place to meet?19:33
sbalneavYes.  This week I'm in-and-out, but I'm usually always here.19:34
fasthans1and your located in the US? (I am from germany)19:34
sbalneavI may not be monitoring the channel, but I'm always idling here.19:34
sbalneavNo, I'm from Canada19:34
sbalneavogra's also from Germany19:34
sbalneavhighvoltage's from SA19:34
sbalneavstgraber's from Canada as well19:35
sbalneavWe're all over )19:35
fasthans1anybody from europe?19:35
fasthans1or in other words: from my timezone19:35
sbalneavalkisg's from Greece19:35
alkisg(hi fasthans1 :))19:35
fasthans1actually I am registered as "fasthans" where does the "1" come from?19:36
fasthans1I work for a worldwide company and also have some IT colleagues in Greece...19:37
alkisgMaybe some problem with your irc client? I see you as "fasthans1"19:37
sbalneavNot sure.  Where did you register this userid with?  Launchpad? Or freenode?19:37
alkisgfasthans1: try: /nick fasthans19:37
fasthans1right now I am using pidgin.19:37
alkisgDoes it give you any errors?19:37
fasthans1no. but real name is also not right.19:38
fasthans1but don't worry. I will monitor that the next days.19:39
fasthans1so I like to work a lot with data, transformations, awk sed, datawarehousing, databases, etc19:39
fasthans1my wife is italian, so I also talk italian and I have three kids: Christian 15, Stefano 12 and Laura 919:40
fasthans1I would be very happy to help but I need a little bit of help to get started.19:41
fasthans1I have made some presentations at mysql conferences, linux days and oracle19:42
fasthans1some for writing so much...19:43
fasthans1at work we use citrix and thin clients for 1600 simultaeneous users around the clock19:43
fasthans1worldwide we have about 33000 employees19:44
sbalneavSounds big19:44
fasthans1other skills I have: I never give up, I love computers, I hate it not finding a solution.... ;-)19:45
chang-lialkisg: I had to do some config file editing, but finally got italc to work. Maybe it's just my xubuntu that things are not installing correctly.19:45
alkisgchang-li: what config file editing?19:45
alkisgchang-li: and most importantly, what's your italc-master version? dpkg -l italc-master|grep ^ii19:46
chang-lialkisg: I had to edit /etc/xdg/iTALC Solutions/iTALC.conf,19:46
chang-lialkisg: enter chroot of ltsp & add italc client.19:47
alkisgchang-li: there are 2 ways to install italc. Putting it to the chroot is the hard way :)19:48
sbalneavok, I have to head out.19:48
sbalneavBe on later.19:48
alkisgchang-li: doesn't /etc/xdg/autostart/ica.desktop autorun in xubuntu?19:48
chang-lialkisg: ii  italc-master                               1:            Intelligent Teaching and Learning with Computers19:49
alkisgIf xubuntu is xdg compliant, it should just run when the users logon, and no installation to the chroot would be necessary...19:49
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about italc-master19:49
alkisg!info italc-master19:49
ubottuitalc-master (source: italc): Intelligent Teaching and Learning with Computers. In component main, is optional. Version 1: (jaunty), package size 1084 kB, installed size 1684 kB19:49
alkisgSounds ok...19:49
chang-lialkisg: anyway, it's up and running.19:50
alkisgchang-li: well I was asking to make it easier for others wanting to use italc on xubuntu, but anyway, np.19:50
chang-lialkisg: I'm not sure, but i had a lot of problems getting this puppy to work. I had to install via network nfs.19:52
alkisgUgh :)19:52
chang-liat 1st i tried pcbsd with terminal logins, but it crashed quite often. so i went to ltsp.19:54
=== fasthans1 is now known as fasthans
fasthansif I want to test installs, how would you typically do this?20:06
fasthansbe back later...20:11
fasthanshello OsKa20:33
fasthansI am new here. trying to undertsnad how I can help...20:35
OsKawhat can you do ?20:35
fasthanswell I don't know yet.20:36
fasthansI could start by testing installs.20:39
fasthanshello everyone22:31

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