
=== freeflyi1g is now known as freeflying
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voriando we really still need papercuts?04:37
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ScottKHaven't done much with it in a while.  We're pretty well focused on gaping wounds at the moment05:04
* ScottK looks at Bug #453413 and points out to JontheEchidna that the removals go better when you subscribe the archive.06:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 453413 in kuickshow "Request for removal from archive (source and binary)" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45341306:39
markeyalso: http://de.reddit.com/r/linux/comments/9vq46/preview_of_kubuntu_910_karmic_koala/07:22
markeyvote it up :)07:22
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Riddell"Overall, Karmic Koala looks more polished than any previous Kubuntu version and probably any other KDE-based distribution to date." ooh nice08:27
Riddellryanakca: bug 45609709:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 456097 in kubuntu-website "karmic countdown banner is broken" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45609709:02
Riddellryanakca: I worked out how to fix it09:10
RiddellJontheEchidna: did you get the fix for darkroom?09:10
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Riddelldavmor2: moving the partition bar doesn't work!09:23
Riddellit crashes the installer!09:23
Riddellshtylman: ^^09:23
Riddelldavmor2: do you have a bug number?09:24
davmor2Riddell: I'm going to have a look at the checkboxes again in a bit09:24
davmor2Riddell: yes thanks :)09:24
davmor2Bug 45558009:25
ubottuLaunchpad bug 455580 in ubiquity "Kubuntu auto resize can not move slider" [Critical,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45558009:25
Riddelldavmor2: is there another crash in the installer?09:42
davmor2Riddell: no just the awkward checkboxes that you say you don't have issues with ;)09:47
hettarhi, I've been trying out karmic, just curious if it is a known issue with eclipse not working properly, (buttons not pressing and weird stuff like that) ?09:48
Riddellhettar: we just do KDE here, maybe #ubuntu-java will know09:50
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hettarI like the new installer btw. very slick loking10:15
Riddellyay for shtylman10:16
markeyRiddell: Plasma just crashed again, latest Karmic updates, after exiting amarok10:59
markeyhere's a backtrace:10:59
markey(sorry, no debug symbols)11:00
Riddellmarkey: do you have anything in /var/crash?11:01
Riddellor did you turn off apport?11:01
markeyyes, turned it off11:01
markeyI'll install debug symbols for plasma-workspace, ok?11:03
markeymaybe that will help11:03
markeythe crashing definitely somehow is related to amarok (and its usage of LibPlasma)11:04
markeyalways happens either when starting amarok, or when exiting it11:04
markeywhat's the right package for debugging symbols?11:08
Riddellmarkey: kdebase-workspace-dbg11:09
ryanakcaRiddell: Great, thanks11:26
=== agateau is now known as agateau|lunch
ghostcubehmmm there is a nice youtube client for kde :)12:11
ghostcubeminitube its worth a try12:12
neversfeldeghostcube: yes, nice application. Thank you for the recommendation.13:01
ghostcubeneversfelde: no prob :) just found it on getdeb.net and thought this is cool13:03
neversfeldeghostcube: I should have a package for karmic in my ppa later today13:05
ghostcubeok :)13:05
=== agateau|lunch is now known as agateau
Riddellwho speaks spanish?  https://wiki.kubuntu.org/UbuntuOpenWeek_ES  we should say hi to this Adolfo Fitoria chap13:27
jpdsRiddell: Hola.13:28
shtylmanRiddell: I will look into that...13:33
apacheloggerbacktracking is a nut13:33
JontheEchidnaRiddell: ok, so turns out we already had a patch for Messages.sh that wasn't being applied. I can upload the fix once I boot back in to Linux13:51
JontheEchidnaScottK: thanks for subscribing the archive admin13:53
Riddellshtylman: evan fixed it13:53
ScottKJontheEchidna: No problem.  I found your bug and was like, "Oh, cool, I don't even have to write the removal bug."13:53
agateauhi everybody!13:57
agateauRiddell: did you check my ppa for wep ascii key support?13:57
agateauRiddell: https://launchpad.net/~agateau/+archive/ppa13:58
agateau(or anyone interested in wep ascii key support)13:58
Riddellagateau: nope, don't think you mentioned it before14:00
agateauRiddell: only on the bug report14:00
Riddellbah, who reads bugs? :)14:00
agateauI assume you did :)14:01
* agateau hoped Riddell read them, because he does not14:01
Quintasanit's just me or soprano2 doesn't work?14:03
Quintasan(Soprano::PluginManager) found no soprano plugin at  "/usr/lib/soprano/libsoprano_sesame2backend.so"14:03
Quintasanthe files is there14:03
ScottKYou installed the backend?14:07
Riddellwhy hello14:10
jjessehello :)14:10
Riddellagateau: I can still connect with hex, so it hasn't broken anything :)14:12
Sadlywhat does "devel" mean in the chatroom name?14:12
agateauRiddell: good!14:12
jjesseSadly development14:12
jjesseSadly: so you have #kubuntu which is for support and #kubuntu-devel which is for kubuntu development needs14:14
Sadlyyou "do" kubuntu?14:14
jjesseyes the people here work on kubuntu development14:15
Sadlyok, take that note: Some intel wireless doesn't work well on any kubuntu-ubuntu.... A lot of blogs are full of that kind of comentaries...14:15
Sadlythanks for everything14:16
Riddellagateau: hum, I think I set my router to use an ascii password but now knetworkmanager only gives me a "None" option for security14:23
Riddelland it doesn't connect14:23
agateauRiddell: I doubt this is related to my patch, because it only touch the wep ui14:24
agateauit does not alter the security detection14:24
agateauRiddell: can you try the original package to check it's indeed a regression?14:24
JontheEchidnabla, we got 40 bug reports last night for kde stuffs14:25
JontheEchidnaa good portion are dupes14:26
Riddellagateau: that was a temporary blib it now asks for WEP fine, but it doesn't work with the ascii password I put into my router14:38
agateauRiddell: is it an ascii passphrase or an ascii key?14:39
Riddellagateau: http://people.canonical.com/~jriddell/tmp/router.png14:40
RiddellI think that's an ascii key I enter in the box, click generate and it turns it into hex14:40
agateauRiddell: yes, it's just a way to generate random hex keys14:41
Riddellagateau: so that's not the ascii password thing we want to test?14:41
agateauRiddell: What other options do you have in Security Mode?14:42
Riddellwhat a pointless feature14:42
Riddell64 bit WEP, 128 bit WEP, WPA/WPA2-Enterprise(RADIUS), WPA/WPA2-Personal(PSK)14:42
ScottKWEP you mean?  It's been pretty well cracked for most of a decade now.14:42
agateauScottK: sure, but you would still want knetworkmanager to support it14:43
Riddellgenerate key I mean, the user still has to care about the hex14:43
agateauRiddell: and I guess 128 bit WEP is hex as well14:43
Riddellagateau: oui14:43
agateauRiddell: so you can't test,14:43
agateauRiddell: what you are looking for is a way to enter a 5 or 13 char ascii key14:44
agateauRiddell: I am "lucky" to have this in my adsl modem14:44
agateaubut it would be nice to have other input on this14:44
Riddellagateau: maybe asac or awe can test, they're our normal NM guys14:46
agateauRiddell: ok14:46
davmor2Riddell: hardy -> Karmic upgrade worked no audio though15:37
ScottKdavmor2: No audio or some level is set to 0?15:38
davmor2ScottK: I've set everything to 100%15:39
davmor2but everything else seems to be fine15:40
davmor2so I'm assuming it is just a conf file that got screwed up in the upgrade process15:40
dtchendavmor2: please use ubuntu-bug alsa-base right quick15:40
davmor2dtchen: will do after I need to shoot off for about 30mins plus15:41
slacker_nlhow would one test the upgrade from hardy to karmic?15:47
Riddellbug 45209015:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 452090 in sysvinit "adept fails to upgrade from hardy -> karmic" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45209015:47
Riddellslacker_nl: it was broken but that bug now says its fixed and davmor2 just said it worked for him, so if you want to be an early tester that would be good, I can show you how15:48
slacker_nlRiddell: just need the package for it (i upgrade via do-release-upgrade normally)15:49
Riddellslacker_nl: please install adept-manager from hardy-proposed15:49
Riddelland run   sudo adept_manager --dist-upgrade-lts15:49
slacker_nlthat's all?15:49
Riddellthen click on blue up arrow and follow the prompts15:50
slacker_nllemme backup my OS first and i'll test it today15:50
Riddellgood idea15:50
slacker_nlwill add a comment to 452090 with results or report here15:50
slacker_nlwhatever you prefer :)15:51
ScottKBoth would be nice15:52
Riddellslacker_nl: corrected command>   sudo adept_manager dist-upgrade-devel-lts15:52
Riddellslacker_nl: also a comment on bug 43970615:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 439706 in adept "support hardy to karmic upgrades" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43970615:52
JontheEchidnaRiddell: when you get a moment, could you sponsor kdebase from bzr for bug 454601?15:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 454601 in kdebase "dolphin crashed with SIGSEGV in _start()" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45460115:52
RiddellJontheEchidna: ok15:53
slacker_nlRiddell: ok, will do16:08
davmor2dtchen: bug 45640716:30
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/456407/+text)16:30
JontheEchidnaI have a feeling/suspicion that kubuntu_12_folderview_retry.diff from kdebase is causing bug 45387416:32
ubottuLaunchpad bug 453874 in qt4-x11 "plasma-desktop crashed in QGraphicsScene::drawItems() hovering over a file without permissions" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45387416:32
ScottKWe know it doesn't happen upstream16:32
RiddellJontheEchidna: it can probably be dropped16:33
JontheEchidnabasically the patch retries when a directory fails to be listed16:34
Riddellit helps folderview when running from low memory machines from a live CD16:34
Riddellwe could drop it for the RC and make sure to test on low memory16:34
* JontheEchidna drops then16:34
JontheEchidnasuppose I should testbuild first to see if that patch is causing it16:36
RiddellJontheEchidna: can't16:36
Riddellyou'd need to put it onto a live cd16:36
JontheEchidnaI mean the crash16:36
Riddelloh you mean the..right16:36
ScottKJontheEchidna: I have a folder all configured to reproduce that if you want to put it in a PPA16:39
JontheEchidnabug 418342 needs attention, if anyone's bored17:34
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/418342)17:34
tsimpsonLP seems to be timing-out a lot today17:34
JontheEchidnabug 41834217:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 418342 in mysql-dfsg-5.1 "akonadi-server prevents install of mysql-server-5.0" [Low,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41834217:35
JontheEchidna(the akonadi portion of the bug)17:36
JontheEchidnaman, it is slow right now17:36
dtchendavmor2: sorry, was working on another bug. Are you trying to use built-in speakers or headphones?17:41
davmor2dtchen: speakers in the monitor17:41
davmor2external speakers in other words17:42
dtchendavmor2: ok, please mute 'Headphone'17:43
davmor2dtchen: muted running amarok for playback, still no audio :(17:45
dtchendavmor2: does raising the levels for 'Side' help?17:46
davmor2dtchen: everything is on 100%17:46
dtchendavmor2: did you raise them after you submitted the bug? I'm using what's in your bug report.17:47
davmor2dtchen: sorry looking at front not side 2 seconds17:47
davmor2dtchen: Now I have audio :)17:48
PedroLeKoiHello everybody. Can I help you with something?17:51
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Can I help you with something?17:51
RiddellPedroLeKoi: CDs and upgrades need testing.  knetworkmanager needs testing if your wifi router can do WEP ASCII Keys.17:53
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Did I do this upgrade test in the last week? Do you remember?17:54
PedroLeKoiRiddell: If yes, I would prefer to do that one again. I can tell you, that I had allways trouble with WEP using ASCII keys...17:54
RiddellPedroLeKoi: you tried the hardy upgrade and we found problems, that should be fixed now so we need it tested again17:55
eviljussi01Nightrose: facebook fail.17:57
PedroLeKoiRiddell: O.k. I will work on this task immediatelly. Maybe I have to ask you questions again, because I am at a different place right now.17:58
ScottKeviljussi01: Redundant (not a facebook fan)18:00
ScottKclaydoh_: Doing release notes this week?18:02
claydoh_ScottK: of course, i have it in my calendar now :)18:03
=== claydoh_ is now known as claydoh
claydohany big changes I miss?18:04
ScottKMostly fixing goodness I think.18:04
ScottKWe got 4.3.2 since the beta18:04
ScottKKubuntu Netbook got improved, broken, and fixed in the meantime18:05
claydohand general \upgrade testing18:05
ScottKUpgrade path from Hardy -> Karmic is ~working18:05
claydohhardy upgrades working/need testing?18:06
claydohkpackagekit, knetworkmanager goodness as well18:06
ScottKKnetworkmanager, sure.18:07
claydohwow this release is already sooo good :)18:07
ScottKKpackagekit might be marginally less full of fail than before, but it still sucks18:07
Riddellclaydoh: new k3b alpha18:07
claydohimo it works fine18:07
claydohRiddell: woo hoo18:07
ScottKclaydoh: I've only tried it a few times for updates and have yet to have it work.18:08
claydohthough it is not perfect it does the job well for a lot of people18:08
ScottKAlso it seems not to notice there are upgrades for some variable time18:08
claydohScottK: that one I agree on, it takes some time18:09
ScottKclaydoh: That's a clear regression from Jaunty, BTW.18:09
claydohI haven't used the cli to update in quite a while now18:09
ScottKI pretty well gave up when it thought I had broken packages and told me to use a 'advanced' package manager like synaptic or aptitude to fix it.18:10
claydohScottK: but it don't do the crashy-dance so much :)18:10
claydohsomehow I have missed that message18:10
ScottKIn many cases it doesn't seem to even aspire to be a feature complete package manager18:11
claydohis knetwork manager mostly working for most?18:11
ScottKAFAIK, yes.18:11
claydohit has for me now, except for hidden networks18:11
ScottKThat one is unquestioned progress from Jaunty18:11
PedroLeKoiRiddell: There was this certain option for adept_manager. Something like '--dist-upgrade-tln' or something. It's still not included in the options displayed by typeing 'adept_manager --help'.18:13
* claydoh has been wasting time installing debian and arch in virtualbox, should pay more attention to useful things18:13
RiddellPedroLeKoi: sudo apt-get install adept-manager18:14
claydohwell useful at the moment type things rather18:14
ScottKRiddell: Are we to the point where if I did a Jaunty -> Karmic upgrade we could count it for an upgrade test on the ISO tracker?18:14
RiddellScottK: yes I'd say so, the only change I'm waiting on is ubiquity which doesn't matter for upgrades18:15
ScottKOK.  Thanks.18:15
ScottKTime to use the teenagers as experimental subjects.18:15
ScottKWait.  That didn't come out right. ;-)18:16
claydohScottK: sure it did :D18:16
Riddellcould save on college fees that18:16
ScottKMiddle child (15) is home with a high fever today.18:16
ScottKI've been tempted to joke about not giving her medicine resulting in both long an short term savings18:17
Riddellit's jokes like that which make me glad I live where I do :)18:18
JontheEchidnawhen I was little, whenever me or my brother complained that a body part hurted, my dad always suggested we amputate it18:18
JontheEchidnawell, not always, but he is a kidder like that :P18:19
ScottKI think I'd get on well with your Dad18:19
JontheEchidnaHe says "repeating bad jokes is the father's perogative"18:19
ScottKWhen there is a hair crisis in the house (and with three daughters it's not rare), I generally recommend a stapler as part of the solution.18:20
ScottKHe right.18:20
Riddellthe worrying part is when you grow old you start repeating your dad's bad jokes18:20
ScottKThe standard answer to "what are we having for dinner" is "Snails".18:20
ScottKSo far I've got my own set.18:20
JontheEchidnamy dad used to say we should go in the backyard and look for a log with grubs in it18:21
ScottKThe worrying part is when the 6 year old starts using sarcasm right back at you because she's used to it.18:21
RiddellPedroLeKoi: make sure you have adept-manager 2.1.3ubuntu25.2 installed then run "sudo adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel-lts"18:23
Riddellthen click on the blue up-arrow18:23
* Riddell canoes18:24
MamarokRiddell: is there a problem with phonon right now? I can't build Amarok anymore18:24
ScottKShouldn't be.18:24
=== highvolt1ge is now known as highvoltage
PedroLeKoi1Riddell: apt-get tells me that the newest version of adept-manager is already installed.18:36
PedroLeKoi1Riddell: I doubt this. Maybe the system in the chroot environment is halfway updated from hardy to jaunty...18:38
PedroLeKoi1Riddell: At least the source.list file contained some entries with a jaunty extension...18:38
=== PedroLeKoi2 is now known as PedroLeKoi1
Nightroseeviljussi01: ? :D18:43
Nightrosewhat are you talking about?18:43
=== PedroLeKoi1 is now known as PedroLeKoi
PedroLeKoiRiddell: The command 'sudo apt-get install adept-manager' doesn't work. Apt-get tells me that the newest version of adept-manager is already installed.18:48
PedroLeKoiRiddell: At the same time it looks like my chroot system has to be reinstalled because it's half hardy half jaunty...18:48
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RiddellPedroLeKoi: oh right, yes, you'll need to make a new chroot19:22
PedroLeKoiRiddell: I did it already. I remembered that I noted the proper commands.19:23
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Now it shows me the option '--dist-upgrade-devel-lts'. Is that the one you want me to use?19:25
* ScottK is doing Jaunty -> Karmic upgrade test19:25
m4vasserts should be reported? quassel asserts if you "/query" in the input bar. the crash report thingy says somethig like it doesn't admit those bugs19:26
RiddellPedroLeKoi: yes please19:28
Riddellm4v: it's a crash like any other unless Sput has some paticular avertion to them19:29
m4vRiddell: ok, I hope he doesn't.19:30
SputI don't :)19:30
Sputplease report at bugs.quassel-irc.org if possible19:30
Sputnot sure if apport links you to that19:30
m4vI don't think so, anyway apport doesn't want to report asserts, that's why I asked19:31
Sputah ok19:32
* Sput has never seen that tool19:32
Riddellhmm, I wonder why apport has an advertion to asserts19:33
PedroLeKoiRiddell: If I type 'sudo adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel-lts' system tells me: sudo unable to resolve host xyz.19:36
PedroLeKoiRiddell: If I type 'adept_manager --dist-upgrade-devel-lts' system tells me: adept_manager: cannot connect to X server :019:37
PedroLeKoiRiddell: I remeber that I mounted some directories (dev, proc, etc...) I didn't do that after deleting the old system. I that's a possible reason: Please tell me those commands again.19:41
PedroLeKoiDum-di-dum di-dum-di-dum...19:48
JontheEchidnaScottK: https://edge.launchpad.net/~echidnaman/+archive/ppa19:51
slacker_nlPedroLeKoi: first line looks like sudo doesn't know host xyz, you can work around it by adding host xyz to /etc/hosts19:52
PedroLeKoislacker_nl: Thank you. I will continue with that hint.19:53
slacker_nlPedroLeKoi: yw19:53
* slacker_nl waits for all the updates to finish so I can start my hardy > karmic upgrade19:53
PedroLeKoislacker_nl: File containes a single entry. That is the right hostname...19:54
Sputthanks m4v19:55
slacker_nlPedroLeKoi: a single entry?19:55
PedroLeKoislacker_nl: I didn't mount dev and proc directory. Do you think this could be the reason...19:55
PedroLeKoislacker_nl: Yes.19:55
PedroLeKoislacker_nl: hostname is 'kub-devel'.19:56
m4vSput: np19:56
slacker_nlPedroLeKoi: you're in a chroot'ed enviroment?19:58
PedroLeKoislacker_nl: That's right.19:58
slacker_nlPedroLeKoi: and when your in your chroot env, hostname returns?19:58
RiddellPedroLeKoi: from outside the chroot19:58
Riddellmount -t none -o bind /tmp chroot/tmp19:58
Riddellsame for dev and proc19:59
Riddellalso  xhost +19:59
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Thank you.19:59
slacker_nlRiddell: i have adept-manager 2.1.3ubuntu25.2 installed from hardy-proposed20:00
slacker_nlRiddell: assume that is correct to start upgrading?20:00
JontheEchidnaScottK: Removing the folderview patch stops the crash for me20:02
JontheEchidnamy testcase: hover over /lost+found20:03
claydohmy hardy-karmic upgrade crashed the virtual machine20:05
claydohbut so did the arch install I was running as well20:05
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Release Announcement: Welcome to the Ubuntu 'Karmic Koala' development release...20:08
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Downloaded 'the upgrade tool'...20:09
PedroLeKoiRiddell: ImportError: No (python) module named apt.20:10
* apachelogger likes the python :P20:10
RiddellPedroLeKoi: you need to install kubuntu-desktop first20:12
Riddellsudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:12
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Maybe you like to see the whole story: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/297733/20:13
ScottKJontheEchidna: Excellent.20:14
RiddellPedroLeKoi: yes, it needs  sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop20:14
Lurewhoever added brightness osd, thank you!20:15
ScottKJontheEchidna: I think we'll want a Jaunty SRU too.20:15
JontheEchidnaLure: debfx did :)20:16
JontheEchidnaScottK: ok, I've pushed the fix to bzr for karmic20:16
JontheEchidnanominating jaunty in the bug20:16
=== ScottK changed the topic of #kubuntu-devel to: Final Freeze in effect | https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Todo | We need testing.
PedroLeKoiI am going to install 1.5 GB of data, right? That is something! Let's do it then...20:16
Luredebfx: thank you - you rock!20:16
ScottKJontheEchidna: Do you know if the brightness stuff went upstream?20:17
JontheEchidnaScottK: I do not know. It should if it hasn't.20:18
JontheEchidnaas should the shortcut patch to kdelibs it relies on20:18
debfxLure: you're welcome :)20:18
ScottKdebfx: Did it go upstream?20:20
debfxScottK: not yet, the kdelibs patch depends on the Qt patch20:21
ScottKdebfx: Is the Qt patch in 4.6?20:22
debfxScottK: no20:26
ScottKdebfx: Qt 4.6 is in beta now, so please submit soon.20:27
Riddellslightly nutty blog post http://ubuntu-user.com/Online/Blogs/Marcel-Gagne-Orbiting-Planet-buntu/Karmic-Koala-Ubuntu-Gets-The-K20:28
JontheEchidnaThe Qt patch is in the kdeqt git repo20:29
JontheEchidnawhich usually means it's upstream, or will be soon20:30
debfxScottK: there is already a merge request: http://qt.gitorious.org/qt/qt/merge_requests/174220:30
ScottKdebfx: Great.20:30
ScottKRiddell: For a large value of slightly, sure.20:31
* JontheEchidna got a laugh out of it20:31
slacker_nlRiddell: that blogpost made me laugh20:33
debfxRiddell: I updated the brightness patch a bit: disabled fake transparency, changed opacity from 75 to 85 and some cleanup20:47
debfxRiddell: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297764/20:47
Tm_Tslacker_nl: ...you're telling me it was a joke?20:48
slacker_nlTm_T: i sure hope not20:49
slacker_nlwould be time for ubuntu to change to KDE as their main DE20:49
slacker_nland de Koala release seems to be ready for it20:50
* ScottK thinks it should be pretty easy to configure plasma to do what Gnome shell intends.20:50
ScottKNot really.20:50
ScottKKarmic is way better than Jaunty and Jaunty was way better than Intrepid, but we've a long ways to go.20:50
slacker_nlScottK: imo karmic is the best KDE release (kde4 release) i have seen20:50
ScottKslacker_nl: No doubt.20:51
slacker_nlthe intrepid release was horrible20:51
slacker_nlScottK: but I don't see any reasons why KDE could not be the default DE20:51
slacker_nlI don't think gnome is that good20:52
slacker_nlor awesome or whatever20:52
Tm_Tslacker_nl: ...and my pc is still on intrepid20:52
slacker_nlTm_T: sucks to be you mate ;)20:52
Riddelldebfx: it'll need to wait until after RC, please remind me then20:53
Tm_Tslacker_nl: indeed, atleast I do have kde from trunk20:53
* Tm_T is waiting for new hardware20:53
slacker_nlI had major issues with intrepid, kde4.0 which was not really ready - and some Xorg/Intel bug20:53
slacker_nlwhich made the whole experience very painfull20:53
ScottKslacker_nl: Intrepid was KDE 4.1.20:54
slacker_nlScottK: it was?20:54
ScottKIt was20:54
slacker_nli stand corrected then20:54
ScottKThe xorg/intel thing wasn't KDE's fault either.20:54
slacker_nlbut I still didn't like it :)20:54
slacker_nli know20:54
ScottKIt was a *buntu specific patch that we got dropped in Jaunty20:54
Riddellintrepid was intended to be intrepid, that was the name20:55
ScottKI still have a version without the patch in my PPA for Intrepid.20:55
slacker_nlwell, actually, I didn't had issues when using gnome...20:55
ScottKMuch as Edgy was intended to be Edgy.20:55
slacker_nleitherway, went back to hardy20:55
Riddelland intrepid was better than jaunty in various painful ways20:55
ScottKTrue, although overall I liked Jaunty better.20:55
Riddellbut karmic is good, and in six months time we'll be ready for an LTS20:56
slacker_nlLTS will include 4.3.2 ?20:56
JontheEchidna4.4.2 most likely20:56
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Kubuntu is going to be updated on Version 9.1021:00
PedroLeKoiRiddell: ... to Version 9.10. Sorry for that one.21:02
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Updates are going to be downloaded. This seems to work...21:02
slacker_nlonly issue I have is that the upgrade broke my wireless connection21:03
slacker_nlwell, it is still busy upgrading21:03
ScottKJontheEchidna: Would you please take a look at Bug 44727521:17
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/447275)21:18
JontheEchidnaoh darn, I forgot to get that sponsored21:19
zoraelLaunchpad bug #415023 seems to affect Kubuntu as well. (Changing brightness is broken; makes brightness setting bounce back and forth, making system unresponsive [buttons don't work], high cpu use.) What package should it also be filed against? Powerdevil? I.e, what is the KDE equavilence of gnome-power-manager?21:21
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/415023)21:21
RiddellPedroLeKoi: great21:21
Riddellzorael: kdebase-workspace21:22
ScottKRiddell: Upgrade from Jaunty -> Karmic on i386 passed.21:23
debfxzorael: what's  the output of "lshal|grep brightness_in_hardware" on your system?21:24
zoraeldebfx: "laptop_panel.brightness_in_hardware = false  (bool)"21:24
debfxzorael: does it happen when you use the brightness keys or the slider of the battery applet?21:27
zoraeldebfx: If it's of interest, dbus-monitor says the following when just trying to change the brightness up one step: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/297639/. It maxes out to 100% and then back down to 0%21:27
zoraeldebfx: both21:27
RiddellScottK: awooga21:31
slacker_nlRiddell: the upgrade comes up with this, /usr/bin/diff: /etc/X11/app-defaults/Xedit: No such file or directory and then shows me a diff which says that there are no differences21:31
debfxzorael: did the brightness keys work before?21:32
zoraeldebfx: Oh yes, up until a reboot some time ago21:32
zoraeldebfx: it was the first time I saw the new brightness OSD, if that has any relevance21:33
debfxzorael: what laptop?21:35
zoraelzorael: MSI Wind U100 rebrand (Advent 4211)21:35
zoraeldebfx: :321:35
debfxguess the solution is to add a hal rule to set laptop_panel.brightness_in_hardware=true and honor it in powerdevil21:38
neversfeldeRiddell: upstream told me that the kid3 fix gnome dialog finally works :)21:45
Riddellneversfelde: nnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnn21:46
Riddelltsk, cats21:47
Riddellneversfelde: yay21:47
debfxzorael: could you please attach the output of "dmidecode -t system" to that bug report21:55
zoraeldebfx: done (http://launchpadlibrarian.net/34074612/dmidecode.log)22:01
* debfx still thinks that sending a brightness up/down key event on every brightness change is a stupid thing to do for the hardware22:01
ScottKRiddell: The only significant issue is that one kid had a bunch of widgets on her desktop and they were all gone after the upgrade.  Is that expected?22:03
debfxzorael: thanks, I'll prepare a testing package tomorrow22:04
zoraeldebfx: awesome, many thanks22:05
PedroLeKoiRiddell: The procedure was terminated. Error messages under http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/297811/22:06
RiddellPedroLeKoi: erk22:12
RiddellPedroLeKoi: ok guess I'll need to investigate that more, thanks for testing22:12
PedroLeKoiRiddell: I am going to leave now. I probably won't be able to come online tomorrow. I will be back on Sunday or Monday. I will prepare the system so that I can start with the --dist-upgrade-devel-lts command right away. Maybe you can find some time to work on that bug. Take care, Pedro.22:16
slacker_nlRiddell: works for me (tm)22:19
Riddellslacker_nl: yeah it's probably because he's in a chroot22:21
slacker_nlRiddell: could be the case22:22
slacker_nlon my real laptop it works22:22
slacker_nlthe only issue was the diff fo Xedit, which is only present in karmic afaik22:23
RiddellI've no idea what that's about22:25
slacker_nli have no clue either22:27
slacker_nlwould need to restore to see if that file should be in a hardy package22:28
slacker_nlor maybe change my sources back to hardy and do an apt-file update and check22:28
slacker_nlwell, added comments to both bug 452090 and 439706 - hope it helps22:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 452090 in sysvinit "adept fails to upgrade from hardy -> karmic" [High,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45209022:32
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/439706)22:32
Riddellslacker_nl: could you also add it to iso tracker?22:32
slacker_nlRiddell: if you have an URL yes22:32
Riddellslacker_nl: http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/test/319122:33
slacker_nlkonqueror bomb22:33
slacker_nli think something went wrong22:34
ScottKdavmor2: On kubuntu-netbook when I go straight to install without starting a live session, it seems it goes into some kind of loop and never starts the installer.  Did you see anything like this?22:36
slacker_nlclicking on that URL gave me a zillion konqueror startups (but no procs found via ps)22:36
ScottKProbably saved session.22:36
davmor2ScottK: Sweet no.  I've been on wubi, netboot and alternate all day sorry22:37
slacker_nlRiddell: don't know if my statment is correct22:38
slacker_nlok, ho wcan i stop konquror processes from starting?22:43
slacker_nlRiddell: http://opperschaap.net/~wesleys/ubuntu/karmic/konqueror_acts_up_on_clipboard_action.mpeg << happens after the upgrade, did not notice this when doing hardy > intrepid > jaunty > karmic22:49
JontheEchidnawhat is that an upgrade from?22:55
slacker_nlJontheEchidna: hardy to karmic22:55
slacker_nlmm, now trying to mount my external disk, doesn't work either22:56
JontheEchidnaslacker_nl: what's the default KDE web browser set as?22:58
JontheEchidnaI'm wondering if in the past it was set to xdg-open or kfmclient (start konq) or something which causes a loop22:58
slacker_nlJontheEchidna: empty value22:59
slacker_nlshould be firefox or iceweasel22:59
JontheEchidnathen that shouldn't be the problem22:59
slacker_nlthe value was empty, now set to ff22:59
slacker_nlok, set the value to firefox and the problem is gone23:00
slacker_nlstrange, the e-mail client is still icedove23:01
slacker_nlwhy the webbrowser field was empty..23:02
ScottKshtylman: Bug #456751 - Help.  Did this get fixed already?23:02
ScottKRiddell: ^^?23:02
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/456751)23:02
RiddellScottK: yes that should be fixed in 2.0.223:05
Riddellcurrent desktop ISOs have 2.0.1 and are being rebuilt23:05
ScottKRiddell: Glad to hear it.23:05
RiddellScottK: bug 45558023:06
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/455580)23:06
* Riddell marks23:06
=== MsMaco_ is now known as MsMaco
ScottKRiddell: Device notifier pops up during USB install.  Is this known?23:20
RiddellScottK: USB install?23:24
Riddellyou mean using usb-creator?23:25
ScottKRiddell: While I'm installing Kubuntu Netbook with a USB stick the device notifier pops us23:25
ScottKRight, from a USB stick created with USB creator.23:25
RiddellI've not seen that but ubiquity does include a comment saying "TODO port kded devicenotifier unload to KDE 4"23:25
ScottKThere's some point in the installer when it redetects everying and the device notifier pops up.23:25
ScottKThat sounds like it.23:26
Riddellit's probably just a dbus call that's needed but I never looked into what since I never saw it causing an issue23:28
ScottKRiddell: No jockey on the KNE ISO.23:29
ScottKI take that back.23:30

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