
Tweek900CPrgmSwR2: are you any good with ubuntu??00:00
CPrgmSwR2Tweek900: Yes and No why do you ask00:00
Tweek900i'm trying to install java00:00
Tweek900and i got this agreement that came up but i dont have a clue how to accept it00:00
CPrgmSwR2Tweek900: in the console right?00:01
Tweek900in the console00:01
CPrgmSwR2did you scroll to the very bottom of the liscense aggreement00:02
Tweek900like at the bottom it says ok but theres no way to click it00:02
Tweek900i've pressed enter and so on00:02
Tweek900but nothing00:02
CPrgmSwR2What is the package you are accepting00:02
Tweek900sdk sun java600:03
CPrgmSwR2because I am going to have to try and install it to remember how00:03
Tweek900i'm super new to linux i've used windows for 17 years00:03
Tweek900  sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk00:03
EqualizeRtry pressing Tab00:03
Tweek900thanks :)00:04
Tweek900is there a easy way to learn about this stuff?00:04
CPrgmSwR2did that do the trick Tweek90000:04
Tweek900yes it did00:05
Tweek900thank you both :)00:05
EqualizeRi got through the same problem in the 1º time...00:05
Tweek900lol yeah i'm way to new to this linux thing00:05
AngryKoalalinux from scratch!00:06
AngryKoalalfs, a distribution that makes you do everything from scratch00:07
Tweek900doesn't sound fun lol00:07
Tweek900i need like a list of commands like the sudo thing wtf is that?00:08
AngryKoalayou'll know plenty by the end lol00:08
Tweek900lol i bet... if i ever got to the end00:08
CPrgmSwR2gentoo is a fun distro for that stuff00:08
Tweek900anyone know why i wouldn't be able to load www.runescape.com00:11
EqualizeRif your browser dont have the java plugin, it wont load00:12
Tweek900how do i get the java plugin on my browser?00:12
Tweek900i thought thats what downloading java did00:12
CPrgmSwR2Tweek900: no it does not00:13
CPrgmSwR2you have to link it into the firefox browser00:13
Tweek900i have the konqueror00:14
Tweek900do i need to download firefox?00:14
EqualizeRsudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin00:15
EqualizeRtry that00:15
Tweek900ok its downloading something00:18
Tweek900how do you learn all of this?00:18
AngryKoaladoing it over and over00:19
Tweek900tbh i'm just running this off the live cd right now00:19
Tweek900checking it all out before i install it00:19
AngryKoalaits like asking how does one learn windows?  The difference I see here is that there are a few more aspects to learn, but thus giving more configurability and choice of options00:21
Tweek900yeah, i plan on installing this if i can get everything to work lol00:22
Tweek900ok this applet started but nothing is happening00:26
sunnydrakehi all :) can anyone help i think i missing some pice of logic... i want to share music folder via soft links (or hard) via useres on my pc.. so i make sudo ln -s /home/user1/Music /home/user2/ .. sudo chmod a+rwx -R Music; sudo chmod -R 777 Music...00:27
sunnydrakebut when i try to access as user2 to Music link i get permission denied... no lsattr is set to folder00:27
Tweek900EqualizeR: the applet is loaded but the screen is just gray00:30
EqualizeRwell, its a start00:30
Tweek900and ideals00:30
EqualizeRwhich browser are you using?00:31
EqualizeRtry firefox00:31
EqualizeRsudo aptitude install firefox00:31
Tweek900how do i get it? sudo apt-get firefox?00:31
Tweek900aww forgot the install00:32
Tweek900lol i fail00:32
EqualizeRalmost there00:32
Tweek900whats the differances between aptitude and apt-get?00:32
EqualizeRno difference, its the same00:32
Tweek900it didn't download anything =\00:32
EqualizeRmaybe its already installed00:33
Tweek900yeah it says its the newest version00:33
Tweek900where would it be? lol00:33
EqualizeRjust tipe firefox on the console00:34
AngryKoalaalt+f2, firefox00:34
AngryKoalathat too00:34
Tweek900got it00:34
Tweek900wow alt+f2 i'm learing stuff00:34
Tweek900i might get good at this :)00:35
BluesKajyou can also find it in the kmenu/internet00:35
Tweek900heck yeah00:35
BluesKajright click and choose add to panel00:36
Tweek900whats the panel?00:36
Tweek900and it :)00:37
BluesKajright click on the desktop choose add panel00:37
Tweek900awww something broke lol00:37
Tweek900gotta have some flash addon00:37
Tweek900what version would i want?00:38
AngryKoalaisnt there one in apt?00:38
Tweek900nvm got it00:38
Tweek900ok i just downloaded install_flash_player_10_linux.deb00:41
Tweek900any clue how to use it?00:41
AngryKoaladouble click00:41
Tweek900it said i need something to open it with00:41
Tweek900any clue on where the location is of it when i downloaded it with firefox?00:42
AngryKoala /home/yourname/downloads?00:42
Tweek900i'm running it off the live cd...00:44
Tweek900so i have no name =\00:44
Tweek900found it]00:45
sunnydrakesolved by default my home/user folder is set not to enter flag .. moved Music to home and remake links..00:49
jimmy51_homehello, i just connected a second monitor to my 8800GT01:15
jimmy51_homewhat do i do to get it to work?01:16
jimmy51_homei see options for Separate X Screen or TwinView01:17
St0n3-C0lanyone uses beta here? with intel video?01:39
AngryKoalaback again eh01:52
Tweek900sorry about that the laptop messed up and made me log back in but i didn't know the login name and password01:52
Tweek900then i found this way to install ubuntu without deleting windows01:52
AngryKoalaso you installed it?01:52
Tweek900i installed it into windows01:52
Tweek900so i still have windows01:53
AngryKoalaso its not dual booted01:53
Tweek900yeah its a dual boot01:53
AngryKoalaah, k01:53
Tweek900now i gotta redownload everything :(01:53
AngryKoalawhats your dl speed01:54
Tweek900slow lol01:54
Tweek900i'm on satelite internet01:54
Tweek900is there a way to make it not ask for my password everytime01:54
Tweek900but it still ask on login01:54
AngryKoalayes, but do you want to?01:55
Tweek900i just want the password for when i log in01:55
Tweek900i always shut my computer off so :P01:55
AngryKoalawhen you goto the install utilikty you mean?01:55
AngryKoalai dunno, i dont run kubuntu =p01:56
Tweek900might you have our convo from earlier01:56
Tweek900i dont know what the command was to get java :P01:56
AngryKoalasudo aptitude install sun-java6-plugin01:57
Tweek900thanks :)01:57
Tweek900i thought it was just wasn't sure01:57
Tweek900i'll get this down :)01:57
Tweek900ewwww 30 mins :(01:58
Tweek900i hate this01:58
AngryKoalajava is big01:58
Tweek900is there a way to cancle it01:59
Tweek900and restart it01:59
AngryKoalactrl c01:59
Tweek900well that didn't help much :(02:00
Tweek900i tried02:00
AngryKoalait wouldnt cancel it?02:01
Tweek900it cancled02:01
Tweek900but didn't start up any faster lol02:01
Tweek900was hoping to get a faster dl speed02:01
Tweek900what is this plasma dashboard?02:06
AngryKoalayour desktop02:12
Tweek900so what do you use if you dont use ubuntu02:12
Tweek900hm whats that lol02:16
AngryKoalaits a linux distro that is a bit more complex to set up02:16
Tweek900yuck lol02:16
AngryKoalai used ubuntu around this time last year02:16
AngryKoalathen i kinda wanted to explore more02:16
AngryKoalaso i tried arch and it was a pain in the butt for a couple days, but now i always use it02:17
Tweek900oh makes sence02:17
AngryKoalatime to go buy some rice wine, good luck02:17
Tweek900idk i've always used windows so this is totaly new to me02:17
Tweek900alright take it easy02:17
Tweek900any last min tips?02:18
AngryKoalaeh trip cancelled02:21
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AngryKoalanp, just keep experimenting and if you run into an error or roadblock dont give up, cuz just about everything can be solved manually or with a patch02:24
Tweek900trying to get runescape to work then i'm going to try for teamspeak02:24
Tweek900the java is loading now so :)02:24
jimmy51_homehello, i just enabled a second monitor as a "Separate X Screen".  When I restarted X, i could move the mouse over to the new screen but it was black and there wasn't anything to click.02:26
jimmy51_homeon my main screen the startbar disappeared02:27
jimmy51_homethe idea of Separate X Screen intrigued me, but it didn't seem to be working properly02:27
Tweek900hm sounds like you need a pro lol not me :P02:27
jimmy51_homeit's now set up as TwinView and works well, but i'm curious as to what i should have done02:27
Tweek900AngryKoala: any ideal on why my wireless card wouldn't be working?02:29
AngryKoalaTweek900 because many manufacturers do not make wifi drivers for linux02:30
Tweek900is there a way to find out?02:30
AngryKoalain terminal type:  lspci | grep Net02:31
AngryKoalagimme the output02:31
Tweek900i cant02:32
Tweek900i'm downloading someting02:32
AngryKoalaopen a new terminal02:32
Tweek900whats the line?02:33
Tweek900after lspci02:34
AngryKoalashift \02:34
Tweek900oh ok02:34
Tweek90000:14.0 Bridge: nVidia Corporation MCP51 Ethernet Controller (rev a3)02:35
Tweek900i'm glad someone knows all these random commands02:35
AngryKoalalspci | grep net02:35
Tweek900thats what i did02:36
Tweek900thats what it gave me02:36
AngryKoalait doesnt seem to see your card, is it usb?02:36
Tweek900nope its in the computer02:36
Tweek900on the hardware divers it brought up drivers for broadcom b43 wireless driver and broadcom sta wireless driver02:37
AngryKoalado you have drivers for it in windows02:38
Tweek900but they didn't seem to help much02:38
Tweek900idk it was messing up02:38
Tweek900one of the big reasons i was leaving vista02:38
Tweek900it worked some times and not others02:38
AngryKoaladownload ndiswrapper if its available in apt-get02:40
Tweek900you cant download 2 things at once?02:41
AngryKoalayou cant, how much time is the other one going to day02:41
Tweek900its reading database and stuff02:41
Tweek900unpacking so on02:41
Tweek900its downloaded now02:41
Tweek900cant find package02:43
AngryKoalado apt-get ndis then hit tab02:43
Tweek900ok it gave me a list02:43
AngryKoalaanything like ndiswrapper02:43
AngryKoaladl that02:44
Tweek900what was that for?02:44
AngryKoalait loads windows drivers in linux for wifi02:45
Tweek900its still not on :(02:45
AngryKoalayou have to use the utility to load the windows drivers you have02:47
Tweek900hold on i have the wlan but its not connected to anything02:47
Tweek900how do i connect with it?02:47
AngryKoalaconnect to other networks?02:48
Tweek900doesn't say that =\02:48
AngryKoalain terminal type iwconfig02:48
Tweek900now what?02:49
Tweek900it really doesn't tell me much =\02:50
Tweek900IEEE 802.11bg  ESSID:""02:50
Tweek900          Mode:Managed  Frequency:2.417 GHz  Access Point: Not-Associated02:50
Tweek900          Tx-Power=20 dBm02:50
Tweek900          Retry min limit:7   RTS thr:off   Fragment thr=2352 B02:50
Tweek900          Power Management:off02:50
FloodBotK2Tweek900: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.02:50
Tweek900          Link Quality:0  Signal level:0  Noise level:002:50
AngryKoalathat means you do have wifi02:51
Tweek900how do i connect?02:51
Tweek900lol you probably hate me by now :P02:52
Tweek900but i <3 you :P02:52
AngryKoaladont worry lol i had the same problems02:52
Tweek900:) atleast i dont feel totaly dumb then02:52
Tweek900any clue on how to connect though?02:53
AngryKoalai dunno what network utility you are using02:54
Tweek900neither do i lol02:55
AngryKoalaprobably knetworkmanager, so if you click on it is there a "enable wireless" thing02:55
Tweek900yeah its enabled02:55
AngryKoalaand theres no "connect to other network" button?02:55
Tweek900just says disconnected02:56
Tweek900hold on i think i got it02:56
Tweek900what is the kde wallet?02:57
AngryKoalait stores passwords and info02:57
Tweek900so i dont need it lol02:58
Tweek900alright that seems to be connecting now :)02:58
AngryKoalammk time to go, have fun03:00
Tweek900ok thats weird my connection thing in the bottom corner left03:00
Tweek900anyone able to help me?03:01
Tweek900can anyone in here help me?03:06
webbb82is there A EASY way to install the raptor menu03:23
Tweek900i need help =\03:23
webbb82im having prob compiling the source03:24
webbb82ccan anyone please take a look at this and see if they can figure out what went wrong  http://pastebin.com/m153ada2903:27
jimmy51_homea box asking for my password just popped up03:37
jimmy51_homeit's trying to run:  /usr/share/apport/apport-qt03:37
jimmy51_homeis that safe to do?03:37
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webbb82can someone take a look and see what im missing http://pastebin.com/m57cfe2b803:43
uboxwebbb82 try removing NepomukAddOntologyClasses from CMakeLists.txt03:45
uboxi have had problems with them before, people forget things or add the wrong things03:45
webbb82u think?03:45
uboxworth a shot. cp CMakeLists.txt CMakeLists.txt.bak first03:46
uboxin case you want it back03:46
nameinerhow can I connect to wifi from the shell?03:48
Kage_Jittaihow do I install flash for konq04:17
ArkoldThosKage_Jittai, download the flash plugin and then select the folder where it is on Konqueror plugins options04:18
Kage_JittaiArkoldThos: and where is konq04:21
ArkoldThosSettings -> Configure Konqueror -> Plugins04:22
Kage_JittaiArkoldThos: got it :)04:27
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hornso much people here04:36
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uboxdoes anyone use kopete?04:46
uboxi can't seem to use webchat with msn04:47
uboxthere is no option for it04:47
russlarubox: it's listed as WLM04:49
uboxwell i am using msn with kopete, but it is supposed to have webcam support which i cannot find04:49
russlaroh, that04:50
russlari have no idea04:50
russlarno webcam04:50
uboxok, thanks though04:50
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terminuxhola que tal?06:00
terminuxalguno de ustedes en este momento esta usando nessus?06:01
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noaXessgood morning07:08
matt____i am needing help with the panel in my gui, kids got to it today while i was at work and now i can't see the applications i'm running on it and the widgets take up the whole panel.07:10
noaXesshow can i check a mounted fs on errors? i just whant see, whats wrong, in the moment ned no repair..07:10
matt____i've went into the panel settings etc but the system try widget won't resize, i can move it from left to right but not make it smaller07:11
AngryKoaladelete some of the widgets then re-add the ones you need07:11
AngryKoalaor delete the whole panel and just add the menu, tasks, and clock07:12
matt____done both :\07:12
=== matt____ is now known as matyd
AngryKoalaif you add a new panel it shouldnt have anything on it07:12
matydyeah, when i readded the widgets though it has done the same thing07:12
AngryKoalawhat widgets07:13
matydi've actually just fixed my problem07:13
matydsorry for your time07:14
matydi had to add the task manager widget07:14
* matyd is a newb07:14
SahkolihaaHm, seems I'm getting this problem when shutting my system down: http://kubuntuforums.net/forums/index.php?topic=3106884.007:25
SahkolihaaBlack screen with my mouse pointer active, but the system doesn't actually shut down.07:26
SahkolihaaIt's odd since restarting seems to work fine.07:26
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AngryKoalawhat do you do when you shutdown using sudo shutdown -h 007:31
SahkolihaaNot tried that yet, I'm only a basic user.07:31
SahkolihaaJust figured out how to access the syslog07:32
SahkolihaaHm, I don't see anything in here related to shutting it down.07:33
SahkolihaaI'll just have to try ctrl+alt+v and shut down with verbose mode to see what's going on.07:36
SahkolihaaWhen I do shut it down next time that is.07:36
noaXesscan anybody help me in this output of fsck.ext3 -nfv /dev/sda1: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297320/07:36
noaXesshas ma hd hardware problem or just fs problems?07:37
SahkolihaaCame across a fix for apparent kdm problems with shutting down.07:47
SahkolihaaAdding TerminateServer=true to kdmrc under [X-:*-Core] - hopefully it works when I go out later.07:47
SahkolihaaHm, so Compiz is what causes my taskbar notifications to become unclickable.08:14
anihi all08:16
aniwhre u form08:17
ani me india..08:17
ani i am new in Irc08:18
AngryKoalairc is a strange but fun place08:18
anilook like...08:19
ubottu#kubuntu is the official Kubuntu support channel, for all Kubuntu-related support questions. Please use #kubuntu-offtopic for general chatter. Thanks!08:19
anii am using kbuntu now..08:19
anihow to share files using kbuntu08:20
anisorry Using IRC08:20
jussi01which client?08:20
aniwait let me check..08:21
anihumm but i can't find ant p2p options08:22
freetimehi , i have a problem when i do /etc/init.d/networck restart i get th no mount to host08:23
freetimehow to slove , can somebody help ?08:23
aniwhat happend?08:24
anitru sudo /etc/init.d/network strat08:25
anito start08:25
aniand use sudo /etc/init.d/network stop08:26
anito stop..08:26
animy problem is i am unable to configure my saa7134 tv card08:28
Balsaqiois kubuntu as fast as xubuntu?08:39
magatzBalsaqio: depends on your HW configuration09:04
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r00t_ninjacan i stop dolphin from showing backup files?09:16
r00t_ninjaeg filename~09:17
Tweek900i need help09:45
Tweek900is anyone in here?09:47
BouTweek900: don't ask to ask09:49
Boujust ask your question, if someone can help, he/she will09:49
Tweek900=\ sry09:49
Boudon't be sorry, just ask :p09:50
Tweek900well i'm trying to get teamspeak to work but i get a error when i open it that says it couldn't load 'padsp'09:50
Tweek900unsure what to do09:50
Boutry in a console:   padsp teamspeak09:52
Tweek900just type that?09:53
Tweek900and console how do i pull that up?09:53
Tweek900i'm new to linux lol09:54
Boualt+f2 then type   konsole09:54
Bouand enter09:54
Bouit should open up a console09:54
Tweek900got a fatal error =\09:54
Boupaste the error: http://paste.ubuntu.com09:55
Tweek900it says something about the application run command interface(krunner) crashed and caused the signal11(sigsegv)09:55
Boudid you get a console?09:55
Bouor it crashed before you get it?09:55
Tweek900crashed before09:56
Tweek900and do you need the link to that?09:56
Bouyes but can't do anything of this09:56
Bougo to the K menu09:56
Bouand launch a Konsole from there09:56
timcan anyone give me advice on how to install tarball files on ubuntu09:57
Bou(the crash you had is a crash from the launcher apparently, the one that is suppoed to pop-up after alt+f2: KRunner)09:57
Tweek900the program padsp is not installed09:57
BouTweek900: sudo apt-get install pulseaudio-utils   (in the console)09:57
tsimpsontry aoss rather than padsp09:58
tsimpsonwe don't use pilsoaudio09:58
Tweek900see thats what a site said but idk how to change it to aoss09:58
Boutsimpson: we= ?09:58
Tweek900thats what i'm wodnering lol09:58
tsimpsonwe as in Kubuntu09:58
Tweek900he r work for teamspeak lol09:58
Tweek900oh lol09:58
Tweek900ok so how do i change teamspeak to launch to aoss09:58
tsimpsonpulseaudio is a good way to break sound09:59
Bouoh right09:59
tsimpsonother than that, it's useless09:59
Boui forgot that, my mistake.09:59
Bouhow would you launch it with aoss then?   aoss teamspeak  ?10:00
tsimpsonit's just a wrapper that uses ALSA rather than OSS10:01
Boui remember this now..10:01
eeoshi have a serious problem .... updated to 432. I can log in but I cannot use the keyboard .... that is to digit any one key I have to press the key for at least 4 secs. Unusable. I can use the mouse though. I had to reboot and start gnome.10:03
eeosanyone who cna help?10:03
Tweek900ok i'm back10:04
Tweek900i hate my internet lol10:04
Tweek900anyways tsimpson how do i edit my launcher link?10:04
Tweek900if you already said i missed it :( and i'm sorry10:04
tsimpsonif you launch it from the Kmenu, you can right click the launcher icon and choose "Menu Editor"10:05
tsimpsonyou can change it from there10:05
Tweek900the kmenu?10:05
tsimpsonthe "K" with a in the bottom left10:06
tsimpsonwhere you start programs from10:06
Tweek900omg i think i broke teamspeak lol10:06
Tweek900its not in that menu anymore10:06
Tweek900ok and i just removed my task bar at the bottom lol10:07
Tweek900any help on where to find the teamspeak? and any help on the task bar? lol10:09
BouTweek900: an you right-click and "Add panel" ?10:10
Tweek900that adds a new one to the top10:10
Tweek900but its not a task bar10:10
Bouyou mean you still ave the panel bottom, and just missing the task bar inside the bottom panel?10:11
Tweek900ok i got the taskbar10:11
Tweek900idk how to get the task bar at the bottom again10:11
Tweek900i still have the bottom pannel10:11
Bouclick cashew, add widgets10:11
Bou(the cashew inside the panel, on the right)10:12
Tweek900ok i got it10:12
Tweek900can i re organise things?10:12
Tweek900ok got it :)10:12
Bouif cashew is clicked, you can drag the elements in the panel10:12
Bouand also resize it, move it to another screen edge..10:12
Tweek900ok now any clue on how to locate teamspeak so i can edit the launcher link10:13
Tweek900this is great :) i'm learning thanks a ton :)10:13
Tweek900teamspeak vanished from my kmenu10:13
Bouin the kmenu, type teamspeak in the search bar to see if it finds it10:15
Tweek900it has a thing named teamspeak but the icon is a ? instead of the teamspeak icon10:16
Tweek900i was trying to edit it earlier10:16
Tweek900nothing comes up10:16
Tweek900but it shows up at the bottom in the task bar10:17
Tweek900ok weird out of no where it opened10:18
Tweek900but if it was from what i clicked in the kmenu it took forever and thats not cool10:19
Tweek900ok i have a shell script that will run it10:21
Tweek900is there any way to make a icon that will run it10:21
orient2000anybody know how to run compitz and turn it off back?10:21
Tweek900Bou: i have a shell script that will run it, is there any way to get a icon?10:25
BouTweek900: what happens if you drag this script to the desktop for example?10:26
Tweek900it will run there10:27
Tweek900not pretty but oh well lol10:27
Tweek900the icon is fail10:27
Bouyou can edit it10:27
Boubut it will change the icon for all the files of the same type i'm afraid10:27
Tweek900wow i hate my internet10:31
Tweek900why does teamspeak look like crap in ubuntu? lol10:31
BouTweek900: was the meu entry working for teamspeak?10:34
Tweek900everything seems to be working trying to get in my server to see if i can talk10:35
Tweek900no sound10:38
Tweek900Bou:  and ideals?10:39
Tweek900i think i got it :)10:47
Tweek900teamspeak is really buggy on here though10:47
Tweek900vistakiller1: ? hm10:52
vistakiller1yes there and no 2 :P10:52
Tweek900how did you kill vista? lol10:53
vistakiller1is very easy to kill a windows system10:53
vistakiller1you have only to unistall it10:53
Tweek900oh... so you didn't kill it10:54
Tweek900you just deleted it10:54
Tweek900i killed my vista10:54
Tweek900i deleted the partition :)10:54
Tweek900didn't give it the chance to sneak out alive10:54
Tweek900although i'm all confused by kubuntu10:54
vistakiller1use ubuntu then10:55
Tweek900whats the differance?10:55
vistakiller1is more simple10:55
vistakiller1but kde is more elegance10:56
Tweek900i was told its just graphics differance10:56
Tweek900idk i'm getting places i guess10:56
Tweek900i gotta figure out how to make my wireless card work10:56
Tweek900teamspeak looks like crap on here10:56
vistakiller1this the freedom m810:57
Tweek900how so10:57
vistakiller1you have to learn something about your system and your pc10:57
Tweek900but i hate my laptop :(10:59
BouTweek900: you could try mumble instead of Teamspeak11:03
Tweek900whats mumble?11:03
ArkoldThosTweek900, apt-cache show mumble11:03
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Tweek900whats that do?11:04
BouTweek900: it does the same as Teamspeak AFAIK11:04
Boumany gamers use it11:04
Tweek900see everyone i know uses teamspeak11:04
Tweek900whats the apt-cache show mumble do?11:05
Bougive you a description11:05
ArkoldThosit shows the information about the package11:05
Bouyou can type it, there is no risk11:05
Tweek900i'll look into it11:06
Tweek900main problem is everyone i know uses teamspeak lol11:06
Tweek900any other good problems?11:06
Boubut it connects to mumble server not teamspeak server, yes that can be a problem :)11:07
Bougood probems?11:07
Tweek900good programs lol11:07
Tweek900its been a long day11:07
ArkoldThoswhy you just don't use teamspeak app? i mean, you don't use an app to see it and say: is beautiful OMG11:08
ArkoldThosif looks bad, deal with it :p11:08
Tweek900i know i plan on dealing with it lol11:08
Tweek900i gotta figure out my wireless card...11:09
Tweek900and i think my graphics might need updated as well idk11:09
BouTweek900: nvidia card?11:10
Tweek900idk what one but yeah its nvidia11:10
Tweek900i just ran the bug fix and all those updates11:11
Tweek900had like 188 of them11:11
Tweek900its almost done11:11
BouTweek900: check for Hardware Drivers in the K menu11:11
Bouit will tell you if there is an up to date driver for your card, and help you to install it if necessary11:12
Tweek900no there not lol11:12
Tweek900i'll download that in a min11:12
Tweek900any ideals on my wireless card?11:12
Tweek900its not on that list11:13
Bouwifi is not working out of the box?11:15
Tweek900hm its not out of the box... but no wifi isn't working11:15
Boui've never installed drivers for wireless card under Linux (maybe was lucky)11:16
Bouwhat is not working?11:16
Tweek900it worked in windows11:16
Bouwhat is not working?11:17
Boucan you detect the wifi networks around you?11:17
Tweek900theres one about 2ft from my laptop11:17
Tweek900but my laptop doesn't show a wireless card or anything11:18
Tweek900like no way to use it11:18
Tweek900idk if it even has it picked up11:18
Bouold laptop?11:18
Tweek900a couple of years11:18
Tweek900hey hold on i need to restart to updated all this stuff11:18
Tweek900so i'll brb11:18
BouTweek900: i'm leaving for lunch11:19
Boucan't help much on wifi anyway11:19
Boubut maybe others will help you now or later on11:19
=== Bou is now known as Bou_afk
Tweek900thats cool11:21
Tweek900it loads everything i had open back up11:21
Tweek900aww bou left11:22
Tweek900ArkoldThos are you still there?11:23
ArkoldThosyup sorry11:26
ArkoldThoswhat do you need :P?11:26
ArkoldThoshighlight me when you write, seeing family guy :p11:27
Tweek900oh alright11:27
Tweek900um i cant figure out this wifi card. it doesn't work :(11:27
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ArkoldThoshmm... what card do you got Tweek900?11:28
Tweek900idk =\11:28
Tweek900i think its like broadcom or something11:29
Tweek900not sure11:29
ArkoldThosdo lspci11:29
Tweek900not found11:29
Tweek900sudo first?11:30
ArkoldThosjust "lspci"11:30
Tweek900nothing either way11:30
Tweek900says command not found11:30
ArkoldThosO.o should work11:31
Tweek900linux hates me11:31
ArkoldThossays: lspci: command not found?11:31
ArkoldThosit should be there11:32
Tweek900bash: lspic: command not found11:32
ArkoldThosyou wrote lspic11:33
Tweek900its 6:33am give me a break lol11:33
ArkoldThoshere 5.33 am :p11:34
Tweek900whats the thing to paste in here?11:34
ArkoldThospaste all on pastebin11:35
Tweek900wheres pastebin?11:35
Tweek900got it11:36
ArkoldThosi hate to say this but you got bad look11:38
ArkoldThosit doesn't appear it11:38
FloodBotK2ArkoldThos: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.11:38
ArkoldThosor it is an usb wifi card?11:38
Tweek900i know =\11:38
Tweek900i hate my luck11:39
Tweek900nope its built in11:39
ArkoldThosokay then is bad luck11:39
Tweek900i have my computer modle and stuff but i cant find anything on the wifi card11:39
Tweek900i'm sure its a broadcom card11:41
ArkoldThosif it doesn't appear there i'm out of ideas :(11:42
Tweek900what happens if i use the ndis thing for the drivers?11:45
Urrghshi;  could anyone help me with probably quite a stupid question?11:46
Urrghsconcerning kubuntu installation11:46
Tweek900whats the question maybe i can help11:46
Tweek900i'm still new though =\11:46
Urrghsat the point where I can choose which partition to install in11:47
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ArkoldThoswhen it ask to :o go advanced11:47
ArkoldThosTweek900, ndiswrapper?11:47
ArkoldThoswell, if it doesn't appear there is that the system doesn't recognize the card11:47
Tweek900a site said something about that and using the compaq website to download the drivers11:48
Tweek900it was working on here earlier when i ran ubuntu as a windows file11:48
UrrghsI am not sure which is the better way.    either to use the automatic modus, where I can  choose the size of the partition for Kubuntu  or the manual partition manager11:48
ArkoldThosgo for the easy way11:49
Tweek900urrghs what are you wanting to do?11:49
Tweek900if your on a computer with a partition that has your restore you might want to save that just incase11:50
Urrghshe seems to do the right thing there (cutting the partition I wanted to cut anyway);  will he still create 3 partition for itself  on the free space?  (system, swap, home  etc)11:50
ArkoldThosthe partition manager of the installation will ask if you want to use the entire drive, or if you want to resize the current partition and install it there11:50
ArkoldThosUrrghs, nope, kubuntu doesn't do all the partitions as other distributions, just the ext3 and swap11:51
Urrghswell; actually   there are 3 options11:52
ArkoldThoswell, go advanced11:53
Tweek900ArkoldThos:  would i want the 32bit driver or 64 bit11:53
Urrghsthats what I thought11:53
ArkoldThosTweek900, what ubuntu did you install, 32 or 64?11:53
Tweek90064 i'm sure lol11:54
Tweek900its 7am now i'm not thinking]11:54
Tweek900sry for asking probably the stupidest question of the night lol11:54
Urrghswhat size would you recommend for the system?11:55
Urrghsand it should be ext3 right?11:55
Tweek900i used ext411:56
Tweek900and the main parition i used was 20gig11:56
Tweek9002 gig for your swap11:56
Tweek900and rest for /data11:56
ArkoldThoswell, using ext3 or ext4 haves good and bad things, choose what suits better to you, the default on karmic is ext411:56
Urrghsso;  you used only two partitions?11:57
Tweek900ArkoldThos:  i downloaded the drivers but no clue how to install them =\11:57
ArkoldThosTweek900, in what format they are?11:57
Tweek900how do you tell?11:58
Tweek900got them from there =\11:58
ArkoldThosUrrghs, other distributions do more partitions like /boot /home /var /usr /tmp, plus the swap one11:59
ArkoldThosubuntu by default just does / and swap11:59
Urrghson my old systems I had 3 partitions.....swap, system, and data......now I think  that I do not need an own data partition since there are FAT32 partitions on the drive that I can use anyway, can't I?11:59
Urrghsyes, but now I do it manually11:59
Urrghsthe partitioning, I mean11:59
ArkoldThoshehe okay :p12:00
Urrghsthe other way would be to choose the option: "install kubuntu parallaly to other system"12:00
Urrghsthe first one....12:00
Urrghsin the menu12:01
Tweek900ArkoldThos:  did you happen to take a look at the file i downloaded?12:01
Urrghsis it right that then he would not influence the other partitions than the one that is needed to be resized?12:01
ArkoldThosTweek900, show the link12:02
ArkoldThosUrrghs, nope, it will not12:02
ArkoldThosit will resize current partitions and make space to the new ones12:02
ArkoldThosTweek900, http://www.broadcom.com/docs/linux_sta/README.txt12:03
Urrghsthen I will try that one......so, why does kubuntu only use two partitions then?  why did that change?12:03
ArkoldThosthe readme is very explicit and doesn't look hard12:03
Tweek900weird i couldn't get it to open before lol12:03
ArkoldThosUrrghs, idk make less mess? :o, almost all distributions do in that way now12:03
ArkoldThosTweek900, :p12:03
Tweek900ok i dont understand this build thing12:06
Tweek900i'm way to new to linux12:06
ArkoldThosyou're compiling smth12:07
Tweek900ArkoldThos:  you still there?12:07
Tweek900how though =\12:07
ArkoldThosTweek900, how though what :O?12:10
Tweek900whats the path? like its home then docs12:10
Tweek900how do type that out? lol12:10
Tweek900it says it doesn't exist12:12
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ghostcubeuser is your username12:12
Tweek900i know lol12:12
Tweek900i'm way to new to linux though12:12
ghostcubedouble tab inside /home/user12:12
ghostcubeit shows you all you can reach12:12
Tweek900sure leave it up to the readme file to tell me to type something wrong12:14
Tweek900f that readme file12:14
Tweek900thanks ghostcube12:14
=== christoph__ is now known as chrischi
Tweek900ok and that readme didn't install the drivers =\12:17
Tweek900ghostcube:  do you know if theres a problem with using ndiswrapper12:17
ghostcubefor what kind ov device you need ndis ?12:18
gjgormanHas kubuntu started to ship a stripped ld.so? Valgrind appears to have stopped working because of this.12:20
Tweek900i wish my wifi worked :(12:23
Tweek900anyone i here know about wifi?12:28
ghostcubeTweek900: lspci  to www.pastie.org12:28
ghostcubeso w know what jind of card12:28
ghostcubeis this an netbook wit ion chip12:30
Tweek900ion chip?12:30
Tweek900its a notbook12:30
ghostcubeah ok12:31
dragosmaholi  nswalkom12:31
arcanjogood morning,friends12:31
Tweek900so ghostcube do you have any ideal of what i should do12:32
ghostcubesudo apt-get install wicd12:32
ghostcubeyoure card should work inside ubuntu12:32
Tweek900it hates me12:32
ghostcubejust use another network manager12:32
ghostcubewicd should work fine for wlan12:32
Tweek900i ran ubuntu with the windows install thing12:32
Tweek900and it worked fine12:33
Tweek900ok thats installed12:33
Tweek900now what?12:33
ghostcubejust reboot12:33
Tweek900ok brb12:34
Tweek900ok i'm back12:42
Tweek900that was messed up12:42
Tweek900i have like 3 extra things on the startup that i must have put there when i was doing things i was told to by that readme12:42
Tweek900ghostcube:  you still there?12:42
Tweek900ok so i have this new wicd thing12:43
Tweek900but it is connected with the eithernet cord12:43
ghostcubeyou need to change something i show you the webpage for wicd12:43
ghostcuberead troubleshooting12:44
ghostcubecheck if this the same for you12:44
Tweek900do you know anything about the bootup menu where theres different virsions of ubuntu?12:45
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Tweek900i have like 2 new ones now12:46
Tweek900any way to delete them?12:46
Tweek900and what one should i have? =\12:46
Tweek900and nope thats not my problem i only have those 2 things12:47
Tweek900ghostcube: ?12:49
ghostcubeTweek900: normal to have more than one12:50
ghostcubeif you have new kenrl you will get a new entry12:50
ghostcubethe last one is the first entry12:50
ghostcubeand no need to delete them normally12:50
Tweek900i was entering stuff from a website like linux-restricted-modules-2.6.22-14-generic12:50
Tweek900and now i have like a generic whatever -11 and -14 and -1512:51
Tweek900those where just added12:51
Tweek900and the -11 is all that works12:51
Tweek900so what happens if i use this ndis?12:53
Tweek900ghostcube:  or Bou12:54
Tweek900ArkoldThos:  do you know?12:55
Tweek900what happens if i use this ndis?12:57
Urrghswhere can I find the boot manager where I can set  another OS as default?  (on Kubuntu)?12:59
ghostcubeTweek900: yeah this another kernel entry13:02
ghostcubeinside the grub menu.list13:02
ghostcubealways created if you bring in new kernels13:02
ghostcubeUrrghs: what boot manager version13:02
Tweek900can i get rid of them13:02
ghostcubewhy ?13:02
ghostcubeyou can change the order13:02
UrrghsI am not sure......it just initiated one13:02
ghostcubeor in systemsettings grub manager13:03
ghostcubeas root delete the ones you dont need13:03
ghostcubeUrrghs: distri version13:03
Tweek900i dont see the grub manager?13:04
ghostcubeTweek900: boah ehm in systemsettings search in advanced or so13:05
ghostcubethere is an option to edit the grub entries13:05
ghostcubenot at linux here13:05
UrrghsI do not see it either13:05
Tweek900well i cant figure out this ndis thing either :(13:06
ghostcubewhat kde version is this for you13:08
Tweek900for me?13:08
Tweek900how do i tell? =\13:08
ghostcubethen change to tree view inside systemsettings13:08
ghostcubeopen any kde prog13:09
ghostcubeand look in the about kde13:09
ghostcubeoh ok13:09
ghostcubewhat version of ubuntu is this ?13:09
ghostcubejaunty ?13:09
Tweek900idk lol13:09
Tweek900i just downloaded it last night13:09
ghostcubeok jaunty13:10
ghostcubecan you post youre /etc/apt/sources.list to www.pastie.org13:10
Tweek900permissions denied13:10
Tweek900screw it i'm going to bed13:28
Tweek900night all13:28
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BluesKajhiyas all13:49
=== io is now known as Guest91325
afeijoare firefox 3.6 beta available yet?14:10
SadlyI need my ipw2100 works... and pick up my wireless connection... but It doesn't find any conection, neither neibourghood14:13
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BluesKajSadly, are you still using network manager ?14:21
SadlyBluesKaj when i installed Wicd.... ethernet connection failed... and my computer cracked.14:23
SadlySo i had to re-install Kubuntu 8.0414:24
Sadlyso, i tryed again14:24
BluesKajcracked ?14:24
Sadlyand wicd worked... but it doesn't piiiick up any wireless conection14:24
Sadlyneither neighbourghoods14:24
SadlyBluesKaj... craked... I mean.. (all the screen in black)14:25
BluesKajdid you disconnect your ethernet and try to find wifi essid in your area ?14:25
Sadlyyes, but It doesn't find any wifi essid in my area... with or without ethernet conected.14:26
BluesKajwicd won't find any wifi if ethernet cable is connected14:27
Sadlyok, i told you it was not connected too.14:27
Sadlyi tried everything :(14:27
BluesKajSadly, why not upgrade to jaunty 9.1014:27
BluesKajdo a clean install14:27
BluesKajerr 9.0414:28
SadlyI did it... I upgrade to 8.10, then 9.0414:28
BluesKaj9.10 is being released officially in 10 days or so , then you upgrade from jaunty to the latest kubuntu14:29
Sadlyand networkmanager, and wicd doesn't find anything14:29
SadlyYes, so people with another kubuntu aren't alowed to use wireless..14:29
BluesKajSadly, what wifi card again ?14:29
Sadlyto upgrade a kernel it doesn't fix my problem14:29
Sadlywhere can i Read the diferecnes Karmic Koala aport..14:30
Sadlyi want to read if they talk about wireless news..14:30
Sadlymy wifi card is ipw2100, Intel.14:30
SadlyI was talking with some experts here, for 5 days... they made me to do a lot of things... to install a lot of things... to upgrade to another kubuntus14:31
Sadlybut no way..14:31
Sadlyanother one tell me.. try to change net configuration of your wireles... ok, but the problem is not in the router..14:32
BluesKajSadly, perhaps you need a driver upgrade,  http://ipw2100.sourceforge.net/#downloads14:32
Sadlyit is my ipw2100 doesent SEE any Essid, neither neighbourhoods.14:32
SadlybluesKaj, if you help me to do that "driver upgrade" i will do it..14:33
SadlyI download that files..14:33
Sadlybut INSTALL or README.. doesnt tell me..14:33
Sadlyor maybe i am stupid and i don't get what they say?14:34
BluesKaj ipw2100-1.2.2.tgz14:34
Sadlywell, then, wait, i will plug ethernet cable in my laptop..14:34
BluesKajI'll help you14:34
Sadlyexcusme 2 seconds.. i will not be late..14:34
BluesKajnp, take your time14:34
=== stfla is now known as florifox
=== florifox is now known as stfla
=== kudomarkos is now known as Sadly
Sadlyi've the files in my Desktop14:38
Sadlytell me.14:38
SadlyI am only big EYES reading you14:38
SadlyBluesKaj: hello?14:39
BluesKajok Sadly14:39
BluesKajmove the file to /home/yourusername14:40
=== io is now known as Guest63931
BluesKajalways download to /home/user14:40
BluesKajuser=yourkubuntuusername , do you understand, Sadly ?14:41
Sadlytwo files? driver and firmware file?14:41
BluesKajfirmware file ?14:41
Sadlyyes, i understand... but the 2 files?14:41
BluesKajwhat is the firmware file ?14:42
Sadlyit is named:14:42
arcanjoipsec?Looking for TXT in reverse map: missing14:43
Sadlythey talk about two files then i downloaded 2...14:43
Sadlythe driver, and one called firmware14:43
arcanjowhats this?14:43
SadlyOk, they are both in /home/myusername..14:44
BluesKajSadly, did someone tell you toinstall that ?14:44
Sadlyi tried to read it14:44
Sadlyin INSTALL or READ txt14:44
arcanjorouter?our link?14:44
Sadly¬¬ arcanjo are you talking with...14:44
arcanjoeverbody ,this ask the question14:45
Sadlyohm... you need to know what IPSEC means?14:46
SadlyI've no idea..14:46
SadlyBluesKaj: I just have the file in the folder.. no??14:46
arcanjoi working vpn14:49
BluesKajSadly, lets just install the driver file first .right click on the file , choose properties , click on the permissions tab , check the executable box, then go back to the general tab , highlight the name of the file , copy and paste that name . Open the terminal .14:49
arcanjoredoing vpn14:50
BluesKajSadly, copy the name first don't paste it yet14:50
SadlyBluesKaj: ehmmm are you here?14:52
BluesKajyes , now in the terminal:  tar zxvf ipw2100-1.2.2.tgz14:53
arcanjotar -zxvf14:53
arcanjocase sensitive14:54
BluesKajSadly, yes use the - . forgot , sometimes it works better that way14:54
BluesKajok, now Sadly , you should have a folder named ipw2100-1.2.214:55
vbgunzI decided to get in on the action and upgrade kubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 and things almost went smoothly. there was some breakage and Amarok refuses to install correctly. Is a fix in site for this soon?14:56
=== io is now known as Guest92621
SadlyBluesKaj: it saidme some problems... i am trying..14:57
arcanjodo you use update-manager -c -d for upgrade?14:57
arcanjoa new version karmic for development14:58
arcanjoa fix bug in comunity ubuntu14:58
arcanjounstable version14:58
BluesKajarcanjo, he's been trying everything for 5 days to get his wifi working14:58
uboxi just got here, what's up?14:59
SadlyBluesKaj: it said that problem http://paste.ubuntu.com/297516/14:59
arcanjondiswrapper is better14:59
uboxwhat i meant is what is the problem :) what driver are you trying to get working sadly?15:00
Sadlythis : ipw2100-1.2.0.tgz15:01
BluesKajSadly, don't copy the file to the terminal just copy the filename , from the properties15:01
arcanjogunzip "file" our tar -xvf "file"15:01
arcanjotar -xvf ipw2100-1.2.0.tgz15:01
arcanjoour file is corrupt..15:02
vbgunzthe upgrade of amarok from upgrading 9.04 to 9.10 is broken with a lot of dependency issues I believe on libqtscript4* ... is this a global issue or just mine?15:02
BluesKajthose darn tgz files15:02
Sadlythat tell me error too... ARK tells me error too15:02
arcanjothis drive is similar with ralink(rt73)15:03
carmelitaHi, can you please tell me how to optimize kubuntu with kde 4.3?15:03
carmelitaI want it to react faster15:03
carmelitamaybe by disabling eye candy15:03
BluesKajSadly, copy and paste this command from here to the terminal : tar -xvf ipw2100-1.2.0.tgz15:03
Sadly1 sec15:04
Sadlyi am triying to download again..15:04
uboxare you using the latest or the stable version sadly?15:04
BluesKajno need to download again15:04
arcanjothis file is corrupt..15:04
apparlehow to fix this http://paste.ubuntu.com/288786/ I am trying to compile this package http://downloads.sourceforge.net/ponyprog/Pony_Prog2000-2.07c.tar.gz15:05
uboxsadly, i just tried the stable version and the file opens fine. try that one15:05
SadlyI am trying all...15:06
arcanjomodprob "module"15:06
Sadlyi can compile and descompile everything except that files..15:06
arcanjocd /usr/src/linux.kernel15:06
arcanjomake menuconfig15:06
uboxand you can't get the archive to open?15:06
uboxarcanjo what are on about?15:07
BluesKajSadly, what are you doing ?15:07
arcanjofor compile modules is more easy15:07
Sadlyvia Konsole, and via ARK15:07
BluesKajno forget ark15:08
BluesKajonly terminal15:08
BluesKajleave ark alone15:08
apparlehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/297528/ This error come after fresh install15:09
SadlyI got it15:10
arcanjokey publishes15:11
SadlyBluesKaj: tell me now15:11
arcanjoaptitude safe-upgrade15:11
BluesKajSadly,got what ?15:11
arcanjoverify into /etc/apt/aources.list15:12
BluesKajSadly, did you do :  tar -xvf ipw2100-1.2.0.tgz in the konsole ?15:12
Sadlyi've the new folder, i got decompile it15:12
Sadlyno, with ARK15:12
BluesKajwhat's the folder name15:12
Sadlythe same as the file, without the extention15:13
Sadlythis: intel_ipw2100_11015:13
elvirolohi everyone15:13
elvirolois the kde network management tool in the plasma widget list ?15:13
elviroloi'm using karmic15:13
arcanjoark?use tungzip our  unrar our tar15:13
uboxelvirolo yes15:14
BluesKajSadly, open the file , look  for readme , copy and pastebin the instructions there15:14
SadlyI got it with ArK.... i will have time to LEARN another things... now i want to have wireless conection , thank u15:15
elviroloubox: well, i can't find it - i was using wicd and i wanted to try the plasma widget but it's not in the list, although the package is installed15:15
uboxelvirolo nope, wait. i lied. it is added elsewhere. one second15:15
BluesKajok Sadly , you're on your own ...have fun :)15:16
SadlyBluesKaj:  here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297537/15:16
SadlyBluesKaj:  what?? What's happending??15:16
uboxelvirolo you need to open the kde control module15:16
SadlyI was talking with arcanjo who said me "use UNRAR... and another things"15:16
BluesKajSadly, you don't follow instructions ...it's frustrating for me15:17
Sadlythen i told him... I will learn that another day..15:17
SadlyI just used paste.ubuntu.. with the README..15:17
arcanjoaptitude search rar15:17
Sadlyi was reading you and following YOUR instructions15:18
Sadlyplease, help me.. I don't want to disturb you.. I am praying attention on you...  A LOT15:18
uboxelvirolo run knetworkmanager, i think that is it15:18
apparlearcanjo: did you reply to me15:18
arcanjoaptitude search rar15:19
arcanjomodprobe ipw2100 enable=0,1,215:19
SadlyI am sorry BluesKaj... i don't want to enherb you... sincerily... i am sorry15:20
elviroloubox: that's it, thanks man !15:20
BluesKajok Sadly , if you want arcanjo to help you ask him, otherwise pls do what I ask.15:20
Sadlyi did it!15:20
uboxno problem, there is a check box for system tray icon in the other tab15:20
arcanjofor use module compile and later into cd /usr/src/linux."seu kernel"15:20
arcanjomake menuconfig15:20
Sadlyi don't know what arcanjo is in our conversation...15:21
BluesKajarcanjo, do you want to take overand help Sadly ?15:21
Sadlyoh please....15:21
Sadlyi need ONLY ONE15:21
Sadlyand i choose first Bluekaj... he knows i want yoours15:21
BluesKajarcanjo, if not then don't interfere with us . ok ?15:22
PiciI thought the ipw modules were in the kernel that came with Jaunty....15:22
arcanjoi see you later,nubie15:22
BluesKajPici, he's running 8.0415:22
PiciBluesKaj: Ah15:22
Sadlyyes, please.... i am not english speaker and i don't know to be gentle in that language to say you THANKS, but i 'm with blueskaj now...15:22
PiciBluesKaj: I missed that, sorry.15:22
BluesKajPici, we're trying to install an updated driver for his wifi card , and we got sidetracked by conficting instructions from some know it alls .. i made one mistake and the know it all jumped in and gave him different instructions.15:24
Sadly:( oh god15:25
slacker_nljust read something disturbing15:25
slacker_nlwhy is 8.04 not lts?15:25
slacker_nli see it becomes EOL this month15:25
BluesKajok Sadly , now do this in the konsole: tar -xvf ipw2100-1.2.0.tgz . if the driver is installed this won't hurt anything15:26
Sadly4I am sadly15:26
Sadly4i don't know why... ETHERNET cable gives me problems too..15:26
Sadlyin konsoke15:26
SadlyIn konsole but... in the New Folder?15:27
Sadlyok, i will do15:27
BluesKajSadly, just copy and paste the command i gave above into the konsole please.15:27
uboxslacker_nl karmic is great though, why stay with 8.04?15:27
SadlyBluesKaj: i got this result http://paste.ubuntu.com/297544/15:29
slacker_nlubox: because it is LTS?15:30
BluesKajSadly, ok good15:30
uboxslacker_nl: you have support here :) i thought you were saying that 8.04 is not lts15:31
BluesKajSadly, you might have a new folder named ipw2100-1.2.0(2) or something15:31
arcanjomodules compileeeee..15:31
slacker_nlubox: yes, it says so15:31
slacker_nlgoto kubuntu.org and slect download15:31
uboxok, one sec15:31
slacker_nlyou get 9.04 and 8.04, then 8.04 is supported till oct 200915:32
Sadly4yes i have the new folder15:32
Sadlyi've the new flder15:32
slacker_nlubox: see? Kubuntu 8.04 - Featuring the mature KDE 3 and maintained until October 200915:32
slacker_nlwhile LTS support is till 2011 or something15:33
slacker_nlfor desktops15:33
slacker_nlservers 2013 iirc15:33
uboxslacker_nl: yep, i see. where does it say that it is lts though?15:33
BluesKajok Sadly , right click on the old folder and move to trash15:33
slacker_nlubox: all ubuntu 8.04 are LTS?15:33
Sadlydo it15:34
Sadlydid it15:34
slacker_nlubox: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/ubuntu/release-cycle15:34
BluesKajSadly, ok pastebin the reame from the new file pls15:34
slacker_nlubox: i think it is sad that Kubuntu users don't have LTS support15:35
jemandHi from Berlin,15:35
jemanddoes anyone have a clue how to get grafik-drivers (ATI)15:35
jemand or setup screen-resolution for Karmic Koala?15:35
slacker_nlkde 3.5 is awesome and it is not possible to upgrade from 8.04 to karmic15:35
uboxslacker_nl: we may, they are the same execpt for kde15:35
Sadlyhere BluesKaj: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297551/15:35
BluesKajjemand, ask in #ubuntu+115:36
uboxjemand: depends on the driver15:36
carmelitaHow do I know in Kubuntu if I'm using the best driver for my graphics card?15:37
tsimpsonwhat graphics card do you have?15:38
BluesKajSadly, alt+f2 , ipw210015:38
slacker_nlubox: i dont understand: "we may, they are the same execpt for kde" << ubuntu with KDE desktop env is the same as ubuntu with gnome desktop.. just a difference DE15:38
slacker_nlubox: like I said, sad sad news15:38
uboxyes, which is why i'm saying maybe it is an error. you should email the kubuntu team to ask15:39
slacker_nlahh, i see15:39
slacker_nldidn't get that :)15:39
Sadlyit said: Imposible to ejecute... (at spanish)15:39
SadlyBluesKaj:  it said: Imposible to ejecute... (at spanish)15:40
BluesKajok, Sadly ,open wicd15:41
carmelitaI'm disappointed with kubuntu 9.10 performance15:41
slacker_nlcarmelita: how so?15:41
carmelitaI want to optimize, but I don't find how15:41
BluesKajcarmelita, it's beta15:41
SadlyIf install wicd..15:42
carmelitaI know is beta, but the release should come in 9 days or so15:42
slacker_nlcarmelita: i think you want to have this discussion in #ubuntu+115:42
Sadlybuah, it will be with black screen again.. and no Ethernet Connectin15:42
BluesKajok network manger then, Sadly15:42
tsimpsonslacker_nl: it will be possible to upgrade to karmic from 8.0415:42
SadlyOk, I am in configuration15:42
slacker_nltsimpson: i haven't seen the update of the upgrade-manager* packages15:42
carmelitasorry, but I have kubuntu not ubuntu15:42
carmelitaslacker_nl: I have kubuntu, not ubuntu15:43
slacker_nlcarmelita: #ubuntu+1 is also for kubuntu ) i know, since I also run karmic with KDE :)15:43
tsimpsonslacker_nl: karmic is not released yet, so there's no need to update anything15:43
slacker_nltsimpson: it does explain however the feature request of riddell15:44
slacker_nltsimpson: would be nice to see if you can upgrade to beta from hardy15:44
slacker_nltsimpson: it needs to be tested not?15:44
BluesKajSadly, do you have an "install" or 'configure" file in the iw2100 folder15:44
tsimpsonslacker_nl: if you want to help out with that, you should ask in #kubuntu-devel15:44
Sadlytell me15:45
Sadly4BluesKaj: yes...  ¿pastebin?15:45
tsimpsonslacker_nl: they'll let you know how you can test it15:45
ivan__neko iz rs, mozda?15:45
arcanjothis is modules,nubie15:45
uboxjee, i wonder who sadly4 could be lol15:46
slacker_nltsimpson: I see someone has tested it just a second ago ;)15:46
arcanjoblueskaj,you is nubie?15:46
BluesKajSadly4, , which is it ?15:46
slacker_nltsimpson: i'll ask anyways15:46
amikhey guys, what's the best way to edit a bunch of files as a different user? e.g., using kate to edit html files owned by www-data (which doesn't seem to work)15:46
slacker_nlbut I still think kubuntu 8.04 should've been LTS15:46
slacker_nllike the other buntu flavors15:46
arcanjodo understand really as compile modules?15:46
Riddellslacker_nl: hmm?15:47
Sadly4BluesKaj SADLY4 and SADLY we are the same boy, cuz my ETHERNET cable in the laptop with KUBUNTU The conection "appears and desappear"15:47
arcanjotar or knew,i as this question for yoy15:47
SadlyBluesKaj:  here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297563/15:47
slacker_nlRiddell: kubuntu .04 is not LTS :(15:47
slacker_nlsupported till oct 200915:47
slacker_nlso eol next month15:47
BluesKajok Sadly we have to compile it , in the konsole do : cd ipw2100-1.1.015:49
Sadly4did it15:49
BluesKajnow Sadly4 , try this: ./configure15:50
Sadly4BluesKaj: said: the file or the folder doesn't exits15:51
tsimpsonamik: use "kdesudo -u www-date kdate"15:51
BluesKajSadly4, then do : make15:51
tsimpsonamik: that will launch kate as the "www-data" user15:51
amiktsimpson: I tried that, and got a bunch of error popups about no write permission to some files in /var/www/something15:51
tsimpsonjust make sure to fix my typo :)15:51
tsimpsonamik: did the app open though?15:52
amiktsimpson: (my files are not there. they are in /srv/www. it's some configuration files of kate)15:52
amiktsimpson: no, got 2-3 error popups, then a crash report dialog, and no kate15:52
tsimpsonamik: ok, it's probably because it wants to create .kde in www-data's $HOME, but www-data has some strange restrictions. you could just edit them as root with "kdesudo kate", that should work fine15:53
SadlyBluesKaj: It said: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297568/15:53
SadlyBluesKaj: It said: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297568/15:53
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amiktsimpson: I suppose it would, but that seems kinda unsafe... editing files belonging to any other user using root...might accidentally mess up things.15:55
BluesKajSadly, I'm afraid your 8.04 kernel version isn't supported , you need to upgrade15:55
tsimpsonamik: only if you create new files, editing should be completely safe15:55
amiktsimpson: most notably, once there's a kate open with no indication that it's root, it tends to get reused for other documents, which are then incorrectly saved as root, etc.15:55
Ev0luti0n_you folks quitting linux to try the new windows 7?15:56
Sadly4BluesKaj: It take a lot of time... Till i need to upgrade? till 8.10 or 9.04??15:56
tsimpsonamik: that should not happen when kate is owned by different users15:56
amiktsimpson: ok, I'll try it out. I suppose the crash report is a kate bug, but no biggie.15:57
amiktsimpson: thanks!15:57
BluesKajSadly4, you have to upgrade to 8.10 , long term support for your kubuntu version ends this month , so i recommend you upgrade to 8.1015:57
Sadly4Ok... I will back tomorrow...15:57
Sadly4with 9.04... i will try15:58
Sadly4Thanks for everything... and don't be angry with me.. i was praying all my attention15:58
BluesKajno you must not skip 8.10 , Sadly415:58
amikoh, and another related question: is there a way to have all new files created under some directory have the user/group of the directory, rather than root?15:58
Sadly4skip?? no no.... in APT-Get.... pressing UPDATe15:58
Sadly4but it takes a lot of time..15:59
BluesKajSadly4, unless you decide to do a clean install of 9.04 or 9.1015:59
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Sadly4i know i did it.. yesterday15:59
Sadly4a clean install??15:59
Sadly4with a CD??15:59
BluesKajyes , Sadly415:59
Sadly4my CD doesn't run "CD-R or CD-RW cds..."15:59
BluesKajdvd then16:00
Sadly4It only Accepts original..16:00
Sadly4it is broken i think..16:00
Sadly4i tried to boot a lot of cds..16:00
Sadly4And i have a CD-USB...16:00
BluesKajwait Sadly416:00
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Sadly4but it doesn't boot..16:00
apparlehttp://paste.ubuntu.com/297528/ This error come after fresh install Plz help16:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about unrestricted16:01
Sadly4USB only boots with the A: disketes..16:01
amiktsimpson:  oh, and another related question: is there a way to have all new files created under some directory have the user/group of the directory, rather than root?16:02
BluesKaj!restricted extras16:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:02
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)16:03
tsimpsonamik: you can force it to have a specific group, I don't think there's a way to force a user16:04
vbgunzupgrading kubuntu 9.04 to 9.10 caused amarok to not install correctly or install at all. I apt-get removed libqtscriptbindings1and amarok then installed perfectly fine. any thing wrong with this?16:04
BluesKajSadly4, in the terminal / konsole do : sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras16:04
amiktsimpson: can u point me to where I can read about this?16:08
Sadly4BluesKaj: Package doesn't found... and i writed well16:08
Sadly4oh no16:08
Sadly4i wrote it well16:08
Sadly4it is istaling something..16:08
Sadly4Ok, it is finished16:09
BluesKajok  Sadly4 , alt+F2 , do : kdesudo kate /etc/apt/sources list16:09
BluesKajSadly4, is the file open ?16:10
Sadly4it just open kate16:10
tsimpsonamik: you need to "sudo chmod g+s /path/to/dir", that should force all newly created files to have the same group as the directory16:10
Sadly4with a text file16:10
tsimpson^ "/etc/apt/sources.list" not "/etc/apt/sources list"16:11
Sadly4i wrote the dot16:11
BluesKajright Sadly4 , now we're going to edit the text file , so your sources can be expanded to include reopositories where apps are available to install thru the konsole16:12
BluesKajdo you see lines the begin wir deb , some may have a # in front , delete those #16:13
Sadly4yes a lot16:13
tsimpsonlook for one with "multiverse" in it16:14
Sadly4ok, they were 216:14
BluesKajSadly4, only the lines (which are URL repositories) the begin wirh deb16:14
apparleI want to compile a package with g++ 3.4 how to16:14
Sadly4the another # are commentaries..16:14
patcitowhat's the official gui to install packages in karmic?16:14
BluesKajok, Sadly4 , now save the file close it,  then open the konsole and do: sudo apt-get update16:15
ubottuKPackageKit is the !Kubuntu package manager that uses PackageKit16:15
Sadly4I don't get connection ETHERNET right now..16:15
Sadly4There is a problem with the Cable..16:15
Sadly4I will try16:16
BluesKajSadly4, then do: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras16:16
BluesKajok I have to go on some errands , tsimpson , can you take over if Sadly4 has more probs , he really needs to upgrade , he's on 8.0416:17
Sadly40 actu, 0 will be installed, 0 to eliminate, 400 to update16:17
Sadly4don't worry Blueskaj, have a nice day16:18
BluesKajSadly4, I have to go for an hr or so16:18
Sadly4yes yes.. have a nice day, don't worry16:18
Sadly4¬¬ eing?16:18
Sadly4BBL to you too16:18
Sadly4(i don't know what this means.. hahaha)16:19
Sadly4I will close irc... i am tired... BYE BYE BOYS AND LADYS!!16:19
tsimpsonapparle: looks like g++ 3.4 is only available in hardy16:23
apparletsimpson: so what should I do16:26
tsimpsonapparle: it looks like gcc-3.4 is available, so my only suggestion is to download the source for g++ and compile it16:27
ludersonHi guys!!! can someone explain about the letter icon at the system tray?16:35
uboxcan anyone use web cam with kopete via msn?16:45
kynikeri've got a very tiny /temp partition, which is normally no problem, but now I an installer tells me: no space left on /tmp. Unmounting /tmp fails (device buisy), processes can't be killed. What can I do?17:04
uboxtry rm - R /temp/*17:05
tsimpson/tmp should be on /17:05
tsimpson(the root)17:05
uboxerase the contents17:05
tsimpsonand NEVER delete /tmp17:05
tsimpsonnot unless you want a broken system17:05
kynikerno, /tmp is still to small17:05
uboxkyniker is talking about a /temp partition not the /tmp dir in root17:05
uboxor am i mistaken?17:06
kynikerubox, no you're right17:06
uboxso your /temp is not linked to /tmp17:06
tsimpsonI was going off "no space left on /tmp. Unmounting /tmp fails (device buisy)"17:07
kynikerperhaps I misunderstood you17:07
uboxok, lets start again :)17:07
kyniker /dev/foo is a tiny partition mounted on /tmp17:08
uboxoh ok17:08
kynikerand it's full17:08
kynikerand root is even smaller than /tmp17:08
uboxso what's in there tsimpson?17:08
tsimpsonwhy do you have /dev/foo in /tmp?17:08
tsimpson/tmp holds your current X session and sockets for inter-process-communication17:09
tsimpsonas well as other temporary files17:09
kynikerfoo stands for /dev/sda*17:09
uboxoh, good thing kyniker didn't listen to me17:09
tsimpsonkyniker: I got that, but you shouldn't need to mount anything as /tmp, it's cleared out at boot17:09
kynikertsimpson: I MUST do than, since / is much smaller than /tmp17:10
tsimpson/ is smaller than /tmp?17:11
tsimpsonthat's an odd configuration17:11
kynikergentoo configuration...17:11
tsimpsonyour only hope is to try an kill whatever is using /tmp and try to clear it out17:11
uboxyes, why not resize / to be the entire size and leave out the other one?17:11
tsimpsonwithout touching anything you don't know about...17:12
kynikercan I resize without dataloss?17:12
tsimpsonyou can usually resize ext filesystems without data loss IRCC17:14
kynikerby gparted?17:14
tsimpsonI think it can, yes. but I'm not 100% on it17:14
WarlockThis is the error I et when trying to update "The backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork!" any suggestions on how to fix this ???17:15
kynikercan I fake a /tmp dir just for that one installer e.g. as RAM-disk?17:15
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tsimpsonyou should be able to mount another device/RAM-disk over /tmp17:16
tsimpsonwithout un-mounting17:16
tsimpsonbut then /tmp will be empty, so may cause errors for the reasons I said above17:16
kynikercreate an RAM disk mount it on /foobar, copy the contents of /tmp on it an re-mount it on /tmp?17:18
kynikeror will an unmounted ramdisk loose all contents?17:18
kynikerby the way, tmp is ext2 not ext317:19
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tsimpsonthat should work, but unmounting it will loose data. but /tmp is supposed to be temporary17:19
tsimpsonext3 is just ext2 with a journal17:19
tsimpsonthey are the same format17:19
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kynikerah, great: /home (nearly emty till now) is /sda12, tmp /sda1117:21
kynikerso resizing should be no problem. What's a goo size for /tmp?17:21
tsimpsonit depends17:23
WarlockThis is the error I get when trying to do updates "The backend took too much time to process the synchronous request - you need to fork!" any suggestions on how to fix this ?????17:23
tsimpsonkyniker: how much space do you have available?17:24
kynikertsimpson: 70GB :D17:24
tsimpsonkyniker: how big was /tmp?17:25
tsimpsonthat's teeny ;)17:26
tsimpsonyou couldn't even burn a full CD with that17:26
kynikerhm, bad17:26
tsimpsonyou could probably give it a few GB to be sure, but it's up to you17:26
kynikerfor a DVD 4,7 GB?17:27
tsimpsonsafe minimum is 1GB, you'll probably never go over that17:27
tsimpsonif you want to burn a DVD, about 5 GB would be needed17:27
tsimpsonmost for the DVD, and rest for other apps files17:27
kynikerand 10 GB for double-layer? That's crazy17:28
tsimpsonwell it has to create the image first, then send that to the device17:29
tsimpsonit's possible (technically) to do that "on-the-fly", but it's error-prone17:29
kynikerglad not to have blue-ray17:31
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lucas__hay alguien para poder hablar un rato?17:53
Pici!e | lucas__17:54
ubottulucas__: Enlightenment (or "E") is a window manager for X, providing a useful, and good looking graphical shell in which to work. E17 is the current development version.17:54
Pici!es | lucas__17:54
ubottulucas__: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.17:54
lucas__no lo sabia17:54
akendajoin #sex17:56
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bolshevikgypsyhi everyone19:04
bolshevikgypsydoes anyone respond on this channel19:05
bolshevikgypsyi could use some support19:05
bolshevikgypsyive recently switched over to jaunty from windows19:05
ZuzOnlinethats cool19:06
ZuzOnlinecompletely switched?  I got Jaunty on a laptop that had the HDD "defective" and lost windows, I installed kubuntu and never had a problem with the hdd again19:07
ZuzOnlineof course I dont put anything there important  :) but I recently been using alot more then my windows PCs19:07
bolshevikgypsywell im just getting the hang of kubuntu19:09
bolshevikgypsyi dont use windows a often anymore19:09
bolshevikgypsybut there are somethings that completely confound me19:09
bolshevikgypsyfor example19:09
bolshevikgypsythere is this software that i tried installing it wants a dll file19:09
bolshevikgypsywhich alerady exists in my windows os19:09
bolshevikgypsyi dont know how to install it in wine19:10
bolshevikgypsyany ideas19:10
ZuzOnlinewhat software19:13
carpii_wine doesnt read dll's from your windows partition, you need to install it into .wine/drive_c/cd drive_c19:14
carpii_wine doesnt read dll's from your windows partition, you need to install it into .wine/drive_c/windows etc19:15
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ZuzOnlinebolshevikgypsy: i dont use wine because I have 3 other Windows machines in the same room  :)  but if you want to use windows software and have a windows instalation cd/dvd and the license, try this http://www.virtualbox.org/19:15
bolshevikgypsythank you zuz19:16
bolshevikgypsyid like to get the hang of wine before it ry anything else19:16
bolshevikgypsysince ive heard so much about it19:16
bolshevikgypsythe software i want to use is19:16
bolshevikgypsybit-che, its a torrent search engine which goes through all the major torrent sites and gives you the mosts hits on the torrents you are looking for19:17
bolshevikgypsyit requests for a dll file that is not in my wine everytime i click on that .exe file19:17
bolshevikgypsycarpii_ could  you like give me a step by step instruction on how to add dll files to wine? consider me a layman at all of this19:18
carpii_what dll is it ?19:19
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carpii_if its a redistributable one, youre better off finding an fficial installer for it19:19
carpii_but otehrwise its really just a case of copying it into your wine folder, as I explained above19:20
ZuzOnlinebolshevikgypsy: id sugest before trying the windows only apps to search for compatible (99% of the time free/open source) for your linux box  :)19:20
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bolshevikgypsyhow or where do i access the wine folder from19:22
bolshevikgypsyive downloaded the file in question19:22
bolshevikgypsyits called msvbm60.dll19:22
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu19:23
bolshevikgypsyzuz in that case would you happen to know of ay torrent search engine that is equally efficient as bit che because i tried the search options  in the ktorrents they arent as helpfull19:23
bolshevikgypsyive been to the ubuntu forums19:23
ZuzOnlinebolshevikgypsy: try #winehq19:24
bolshevikgypsybeen there too19:24
bolshevikgypsyits either that the nature of my problem isnt state there19:24
bolshevikgypsyor iam too much of an idiot to understand anything19:24
bolshevikgypsyi have the dll file i need just tell me where i can access the wine folder from19:24
ZuzOnlinei noticed that the kubuntu channel is very slow compared to the ubuntu channel and they can also help with kubuntu19:24
bolshevikgypsyUnable to run the command specified. The file or folder file:///home/younas/Documents/.wine/dosdevices/c: does not exist.  i tried opening teh c druive option in teh applications menu under wine but it gave me the aforementioned error19:25
bolshevikgypsywell this si the first time im using the irc client on my kubuntu19:25
bolshevikgypsyi havent used irc since  i was 1619:25
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wftlUbuntu Gets the "K" -- http://tinyurl.com/ylqt26320:15
chansonHi all, I have a question regarding KWin on an intel 965 chipset.  I am running Kubuntu 9.10 Beta, that has been sufficiently updated and upgraded.  Using the PAE kernel20:16
chansonI can't seem to keep KWin up and running compositing.  GLXGears works and so do screensavers, however KWin just doesn't seem to stay up20:17
orient2000hi I was installing mythtv and mythubuntu with some problems and now my HD is runing all the time any ideas?20:45
orient2000anybody knows how to stop gnome-system-monitor?20:57
markos__I don't receive the 'new distribution' notification any more (currently running hardy) is there a reason for this?20:59
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jamesjedimasterhardy is lts, so you must run manually a dist upgrade21:02
markos__when I run 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade' it says there are no packages to be upgraded21:04
markos__until a week ago, I used to get the "new distribution" notification in adept manager after applying any updates, but I don;t get the notification anymore. Is this because of the upcoming release?21:05
orient2000anybody knows how to stop gnome-system-monitor?21:07
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kubuwhat is the fastest os?21:38
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dahow does one get this computer to play DVDS?21:51
da#msg join ubuntu21:54
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dajoin ubuntu21:55
SonorKajda just click on #ubuntu21:56
dajoin ubuntu22:10
Tm_Tda: /join #ubuntu22:11
daokay thank you...22:12
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TathagataMy KWord from KOffice 2.1 beta 2 (installed from PPA) can't work (import and export) with Microsoft Word files (.DOC). Is this a feature of this beta package or I should install some additional packages?22:24
TathagataBTW I use Karmic with all the latest updates.22:25
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=== pete_ is now known as Guest97169
Guest97169I've just installed the latest nightly 9.1,22:43
Guest97169do software repositories still not work?22:44
Guest97169I was hoping to install FF3.522:44
Guest97169when will they come active?22:44
=== RuStY is now known as Guest88051
=== MsMaco_ is now known as MsMaco
=== mrhuup is now known as laura_bis
Tweek900hey guys23:29
Tweek900anyone in here know anything about wifi drivers?23:29
Tweek900ArkoldThos:  do you know much about java?23:30
ArkoldThosTweek900, hmm not many23:31
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
ArkoldThoswhat do you need?23:31
Tweek900well i play a game called runescape23:31
Tweek900but i cant get it to go into high detail and theres small graohical errors23:31
Tweek900guessing its a problem in java somewhere23:32
ArkoldThosoh... I know the game but never played it23:32
Tweek900lol you should :)23:32
ArkoldThosI would suggest read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=341713 and search for other posts where people talks about it on linux23:32
Tweek900thanks :)23:33
Tweek900any you thought of anything new with the wifi?23:34
Tweek900hm ArkoldThos this tells me to go to system->preferences->java control panel. but i find that...23:35
Tweek900any clue where it could be?23:35
ArkoldThosplaying zelda ocarina of time atm with mupen64 :P23:35
ArkoldThosbecause of that I take sometime to answer :p23:35
Tweek900ok lol23:35
ArkoldThoswell, on kubuntu I just write23:36
ArkoldThoson the launcher java23:36
ArkoldThosand it appears there :p23:36
ArkoldThos122 s lag damn :P23:36
openphase  its at apps->settings here23:38
Qu4ZArkoldThos: OOT :D23:38
Tweek900i found it :)23:39
ArkoldThoswhere I take the damn fire tunica? forgot it :(23:39
Qu4ZWait, let me try again23:39
Qu4ZArkoldThos: OoT :D23:39
ArkoldThosany clue Qu4Z, was on goron cave right? :p23:39
Qu4ZWhere you take the fire tunic? Do you have the fire tunic?23:39
ArkoldThoswhere i take it D:23:39
Qu4ZHang on...23:39
ArkoldThosgoron city23:40
ArkoldThoswith the damn goron rolling :D23:40
Tweek900how do you run .exe files?23:40
Qu4ZTweek900: You don't.23:41
Qu4ZExcept sometimes with Wine, but usually you don't :-/23:41
Qu4ZIt's Linux, not Windows.23:41
Qu4ZHow do you open .doc files in photoshop?23:41
=== ed__ is now known as Ed54_
discozohanhello people, i have problem with sound23:51
discozohanSometime, after some hours ( 5 - 10 ), my sound getting owned. Its just being stopped until i'll make reboot.23:51
discozohanafter reboots always everything ok23:51
discozohanis there any way to fix this shit ?23:52
carmelitahello, I have a problem with old files23:54
carmelitaTHey have accents and all seem to be not recognizable, I cannot copy them, the system says they don't exist23:55
carmelitaIs this because they probably where UTF? how can I change the coding in Kubuntu?23:55

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