
wgrantsinzui: +uploaded-packages did not show superseded packages for a time. It *needs* to continue to show superseded packages.01:03
wgrant+ppa-packages should probably do the same (for consistency), but it is not as important.01:03
wgrantBut your argument that you would expect to see downloadable packages isn't really valid; if I wanted to see downloadable packages I would go to the PPA's page.01:04
thumperhttps://code.edge.launchpad.net/~thumper/launchpad/branch-no-active-reviews/+merge/13610 anyone?03:14
mwhudsonthumper: can you review https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mwhudson/launchpad/in-memory-launchpad-server/+merge/13613 ?05:21
* thumper looks05:21
thumpermwhudson: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~thumper/launchpad/branch-no-active-reviews/+merge/13610 ?05:25
thumpermwhudson: there were two other BMPs created in the two hours between these05:25
mwhudsonthumper: my question about that was "why do branches implement icanhaslinkedbranch then?"05:26
mwhudsonbut i guess i probably don't want to know05:26
mwhudsonthumper: yeah, that's lame05:26
thumpermwhudson: branches implement IHasMergeProposals05:26
thumperbecause you can get the merge proposals for a branch05:26
mwhudsonoh right05:27
mwhudsonmaybe you should be able to adapt ibranch to ibranchcollection in some sense?05:27
mwhudsonnever mind05:27
* mwhudson approves05:27
mwhudsonalthough i think i broke some js somehow05:28
thumpermwhudson: maybe05:28
thumperperhaps that is the better option05:29
thumperalthough it seems a bit artificial to create a branch collection for exactly one branch05:29
mwhudsonwell, i guess a question is, is $branch_url/+activereviews going to be a useful thing?05:30
mwhudson(and how would it be different from +merges?)05:31
thumpermwhudson: I've started looking through your change, but I need to go make dinner05:47
thumperit is quite long :)05:48
mwhudsonthumper: yeah, it's fairly hairy05:48
mwhudsonthumper: if you don't get to it can you send jml a mail about it?05:48
thumperhmm.. ec2 land can't find the public branch location05:49
thumperbzr info can05:49
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* gmb -> afk for a bit11:44
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=== bac changed the topic of #launchpad-reviews to: on call: gmb,bac || reviewing: -|| queue: [] || This channel is logged: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com
bacgood morning14:04
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abentleygmb, bac: Could I have a review of https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~abentley/launchpad/parse-binary/+merge/13600 please?14:24
intellectronicagmb: can i interest you in a very short patch>14:24
bacabentley: sure14:24
gmbintellectronica: Certainly.14:24
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abentleybac: tx14:24
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intellectronicagmb: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/297491/ disables the filebug redirection for ubuntu packages14:25
gmbintellectronica: r=me.14:26
intellectronicagmb: thanks14:26
gmbbac: I'm going to go off-call to deal with a pressing OOPS problem with +filebug. If it gets busy, please ping me and I'll come back.14:30
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bacgmb: righto14:31
intellectronicawith the current version of utilities/ec2 i can't submit a branch, because it complains about bzr's pqm plugin missing. any idea what's going on?14:34
intellectronicai can run without a problem with older versions14:34
intellectronicabac: maybe you have a clue? ^^^^^14:42
bacintellectronica: haven't seen it.  have you asked allenap, our build engineer?14:42
intellectronicano, allenap would be a good person to ask indeed14:43
* allenap looks14:43
bacintellectronica: curious to hear what you find out.  was there a new version from yesterday?  it worked for me yesterday morning.14:43
allenapintellectronica: Can you paste the failure?14:43
intellectronicabac: the latest revisions are from yesterday and the day before. i don't know when it happens because i was using old versions on those days14:44
intellectronicaallenap: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/297511/14:45
allenapintellectronica: I have an idea.14:47
intellectronicaallenap: b.t.w don't tell anyone, but the machine i'm running this on is running jaunty. could it be that the update to make it work with karmic broke working with a previous version?14:48
allenapintellectronica: Only yesterday a change was made to utilities/ec2 to make it use python2.4.14:49
allenapintellectronica: Mmm, I don't know if that will matter...14:49
allenapOkay, so maybe /usr/bin/python could see the pqm plugin okay, but /usr/bin/python2.4 can't.14:50
bacthanks abentley.  r=bac14:51
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allenapintellectronica: Try /usr/bin/python2.4 -m bzrlib.plugins.pqm14:52
allenapintellectronica: And the same with just /usr/bin/python.14:52
abentleybac: Thanks!14:52
allenapgary_poster: I think you changed the interpreter in utilities/ec2 to be python2.4. I thought that boto didn't work with python2.4?14:53
gary_posterallenap: uh, dunno, working for me. you encountering a problem?14:54
gary_posterallenap: btw thank your for buildbot config fix.  will review asap14:54
allenapgary_poster: I haven't looked at it on karmic yet (only upgraded yesterday), but I seem to remember that boto used some python2.5+ features. Of course, I can't remember what now. If it works then I shouldn't complain :)14:55
allenapintellectronica: Anyway, try doing /usr/bin/python utilities/ec214:57
gary_posterallenap: :-) ok.  I'm on karmic and it is working for me.  We have a LP Python 2.5 branch with passing tests also, btw, but can't land it till LOSAs have bandwidth.  We're trying to make it to 2.6.14:58
gary_posterallenap: I changed the ec2 script because it wasn't working for me without that change...I'll dig into it if you need me to.14:59
allenapgary_poster: If you can remember, I'm interested to know why, but don't spend time digging.14:59
allenapgary_poster: Though I suspect that, like for intellectronica, it won't work for me now :-/15:00
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gary_posterallenap: I don't remember and have four other conversations pending. ;-) If you take out the change and it works for you, revert that bit with my blessing.  We may need to look at it more closely later, but not blocking is important, and I'd prefer not to consume the bandwidth on it ATM15:01
allenapgary_poster: That works for me.15:01
gary_posterallenap: thank you15:01
intellectronicaallenap: with /usr/bin/python i get a different error15:04
allenapintellectronica: Progress :)15:04
intellectronicayeah, that's what theoretical scientists call "problem shift" :)15:05
allenapI need to remember that :)15:05
intellectronicaallenap: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/297523/ is what i get15:05
allenapintellectronica: Oh my.15:06
adeuringbac: could you please review this MP: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~adeuring/launchpad/hwdb-build-udev-device-list/+merge/13644 ?15:06
bacadeuring: i'm on it!15:07
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adeuringbac: thanks!15:07
allenapintellectronica: Okay, I'm clutching at straws now, but could you try: rm _pythonpath.py && bin/buildout && utilities/ec215:12
intellectronicaallenap: i find it hard to believe that this would matter in a new branch, but let me try15:13
intellectronicaallenap: yeah, that didn't help15:13
allenapintellectronica: Oh, a new branch.15:13
gary_posterintellectronica, allenap: I think I know what the problem is, in vague terms, though I don't know why the current version works for me and breaks for intellectronica.  I can at least do a quick call with allenap to share the details and maybe also come up with a solution.  Again, I'm also fine with a revert (of just this file, he said nervously!) if that helps15:18
intellectronicagary_poster: it's not urgent to fix this, since i can continue using the older revision locally. i just wanted to alert you guys to the problem15:19
gary_posterintellectronica: got it, thank you15:19
allenapgary_poster: If intellectronica is okay for now then it sounds like you've got more pressing things to do. I'll see if I can figure something out anyway; I have other suspicions.15:20
achunibac: if you really have the time, thanks:15:21
achuni(in that order)15:21
gary_posterallenap: ok cool, thank you.  Is it failing for you?15:22
allenapgary_poster: No, actually, it seems fine.15:22
gary_posterallenap: ah. :-/  yeah, diagnosing is hard when it works locally.  The error looked like bzr was not finding its site-packages plugins, which makes sense, because launchpad's bzr version would mask the site-packages version.  15:25
gary_posterI'm not exactly sure why it *is* working for me (and others) now.  It would be interesting to try adding the pqm-submit plugin to launchpad's bazaar-plugins directory and then have ec2 set the bzr environ variable to look there for plugins.  That's a hack though.  ...again, being able to dupe would be nice.15:25
intellectronicaoh, are we now using a bzr version other than the site-installed one?15:27
allenapgary_poster: I've just realised that I have the pqm plugin installed in ~/.bazaar/plugins, which might account for why it's finding it for me.15:27
allenapintellectronica: The change to utilities/ec2 made it use the bzrlib in the lp tree, via the egg.15:28
gary_posterallenap, intellectronica: yes15:28
gary_poster(a nice advantage is that ec2 can now be put somewhere in your path (I have a symlink in ~/bin) and it works)15:29
allenapintellectronica, gary_poster: Perhaps we should add bzr-pqm to setup.py and let it take care of it.15:29
gary_posterallenap: maybe.  I don't think bzr-pqm is available as a python package; Martin Pool and I were going to talk about that at some point15:30
gary_posterallenap: if we were going to do that, I'd be tempted to do that in a slightly different way so that lp itself doesn't depend on the egg, just the script15:31
bacachuni: can you subscribe me to those branches?  i don't have access.15:38
sidneiheya, any candidate for a lazr-js review? 15:38
achunibac: sure, one sec15:38
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achunibac: subscribed15:42
allenapintellectronica: As a work-around, it'll probably be enough to bzr branch lp:bzr-pqm ~/.bazaar/plugins/pqm15:42
bacachuni: thanks.  i can see it now.15:42
intellectronicaallenap: aha! problem shift, once again :) http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/297560/15:44
allenapintellectronica: Ah! This version of boto won't work with python2.4.15:46
allenapintellectronica: Can you do python -c 'import boto; print boto.Version'15:46
allenapintellectronica: I have 1.8d15:46
allenapI'm on karmic.15:47
intellectronicaallenap: 1.5b15:47
intellectronicawhat a strange versioning scheme15:47
allenapintellectronica: Yeah! I wonder if 1.8d is python2.4 compatible, and 1.5b not.15:48
intellectronicait sounds unlikely that an older version will be less compatible with an older version of python, but who knows15:48
allenapintellectronica: The README says "Efforts are made to keep boto compatible with Python 2.4.x but no guarantees are made."15:51
allenapintellectronica: So it could go back and forth.15:51
allenapintellectronica: Let's bypass utilities/ec2 altogether! PYTHONPATH=lib python -c 'from devscripts.ec2test.entrypoint import main; main()'15:53
allenapintellectronica: In the next week or so LP will be python2.5 at least so this problem will go away... I hope.15:54
intellectronicaallenap: yeah, that works15:54
allenapintellectronica: Woohoo! I'll send an email to the list for anyone else who is suffering.15:55
intellectronicaallenap: thanks15:55
sidneii wonder if i should append myself to the queue ;)16:05
bacsidnei: you have a branch?  append away16:32
bacachuni: i've done wip1 with some comments.16:32
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bacsidnei: do you have an URL for your branch?  i don't see it on +activereviews for lp16:35
sidneibac: it's a lazr-js branch https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~sidnei/lazr-js/jstestdriver-support/+merge/1364516:35
bacsidnei: thanks.  i'll get right on it but will break for lunch in a bit16:35
sidneibac: no hurry16:35
achunibac: thanks16:35
bacsidnei: if i'm uncomfortable with the javascript i may defer.  just letting you know.16:36
sidneibac: that's fine, yeah.16:36
bacsidnei: er, the diff is 3500 lines.  is that a mistake?16:37
sidneibac: it's based on https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~bjornt/lazr-js/buildoutification, which might have not been merged yet16:38
bacsidnei: can i get you to make an accurate diff and paste it?16:38
sidneibac: supposedly yeah :)16:38
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sidneibac: here https://pastebin.canonical.com/23563/16:51
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leonardrbac-lunch, please add https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~leonardr/lazr.restful/2.6/+merge/13653 to your queue18:11
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gary_posterbac, leonardr I already reviewed that one.  changing topic18:40
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bacthank gary_poster18:41
gary_poster:-) welcome18:41
bacsidnei: why did you change the DOCTYPE spec to have 'http:///' with three slashes?18:46
sidneibac: might have been a bad search & replace.18:46
bacsidnei: ok.  yeah, it looks pretty funny18:47
sidneiok, fixed those18:52
bacsidnei: where did yui.patch.js come from?  is it an official YUI patch?  should you include some attribution or reference?19:02
sidneibac: it was from jstestdriver itself. maybe there should be some attribution yeah.19:03
bacsidnei: done19:07
sidneibac: you rock. thanks!19:07
EdwinGrubbsbac: Can I put this in your queue? https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~edwin-grubbs/launchpad/bug-435260-duplicate-links/+merge/1365719:18
bacEdwinGrubbs: soitanly19:18
EdwinGrubbsbac: BTW, I have to go to lunch now.19:18
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bacEdwin-lunch: too bad.  i was going to jump you to the front since no one else who wants a review is around atm19:19
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bacEdwin-lunch: done.  nice work.  that's some fancy CSS you got there.20:14
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EdwinGrubbsbac: thanks20:28
henningebac: I have a review for you, if you don't mind.21:16
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bachi henninge21:33
bachenninge: i'll look at it now21:33
henningebac: thank you21:33
bachenninge: can you reword the last sentence at lines 11&12?  i think you have an extra word or are missing some.21:36
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henningebac: yes, the "detect" should go21:37
bachenninge: why didn't you make trans_credit_type an enum?21:42
henningebac: to keep it simple, actually21:42
bachenninge: to make this patch simple, maybe, but i don't think the code is going to be in the long run.  i just hate seeing all of those magic strings.21:43
bachenninge: and to a translations outsider, a value of 'Your emails' seems odd21:44
henningebac: true21:44
bachenninge: otherwise this is a lovely patch21:44
bachenninge: could i get you to take a stab and making those an enum and seeing if it really is that much more complicated?21:46
henningebac: yes you can ;)21:47
bachenninge: thanks!  i've got a few other niggly things i'll put in the MP.21:47
henningebac: thank you, too21:47
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EdwinGrubbsbeuno: Can you do a UI review of the branch you already pre-reviewed? New screenshots are in the last comment. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~edwin-grubbs/launchpad/bug-435260-duplicate-links/+merge/1365722:58
beunoEdwinGrubbs, on it22:59
beunoEdwinGrubbs, done23:04
intellectronicawho wants to review a little branch?23:22
intellectronicaa windmill fix23:22
intellectronicait's quite minimal23:22
intellectronicamwhudson: how about you?23:22
intellectronicaor maybe rockstar?23:23
mwhudsonintellectronica: sure23:23
mwhudsoni'm probably the most ignorant team member about js though23:23
rockstarmwhudson, I'd be happy the grab it if you're uncomfortable taking it.23:23
intellectronicamwhudson: you rock. http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/297838/23:23
intellectronicaor rockstar, who's got rock in his own very name23:24
intellectronicathere's not much js there, though. it's written in python23:24
intellectronicait's a fix for https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/malone/+bug/45631523:24
mupBug #456315: Windmill test test_bug_tags_entry errors <js> <Launchpad Bugs:Triaged by intellectronica> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/456315>23:24
rockstarintellectronica, this is just moving it the BugsWindmillLayer?23:24
intellectronicarockstar: pretty much. i also converted some setupd code that used the ui to use the object factory, it makes it much shorter and nicer23:25
intellectronicarockstar: see lines 33 - 4523:25
rockstarintellectronica, lines 41 and 42 - abentley also had this problem.  Can you file a bug about canonical_url not being good for windmill tests?23:26
rockstarintellectronica, I think the solution is ugly, but there's currently no way around it.23:26
intellectronicarockstar: sure, doing that now. the solution is ugly because you must specify the port, but i'd like to extend canonical_url to take the scheme and port as parameters23:27
rockstarintellectronica, essactly.23:27
intellectronicarockstar: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-foundations/+bug/45677323:30
mupBug #456773: Make canonical_url work nicely in Windmill tests <Launchpad Foundations:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/456773>23:30
rockstarintellectronica, I see your comment about the click event not firing the js event but actually moving.  Have you found anything that can be done about this?23:30
rockstarintellectronica, I ask because I now suspect that must be happening the branch subscriber tests -- They fail randomly at different places when the whole CodeWindmillLayer tests are run, but not when run by themselves.23:31
intellectronicarockstar: i must admit i haven't looked at it lately. it's possible that with the new test infrastructure things have improved, but i'm not too hopeful23:32
rockstarintellectronica, is there an mp somewhere?23:36
intellectronicarockstar: no, let me create one23:37
rockstarintellectronica, okay, when you create it, link me and I'll r=me23:38
intellectronicarockstar: cheers. https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~intellectronica/launchpad/fix-test-bug-tags-entry/+merge/1367823:39
rockstarintellectronica, done.23:41
intellectronicalovely. thanks a bunch, rockstar23:41
rockstarintellectronica, no problem.23:41

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