
mikehhlegend2440: excellent00:00
nemomzz: the having to rescale the logo to 20px was annoying though. people keep signing on in here complaining about being unable to shrink past 24px00:00
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mikehhlegend2240: how do I set it to keep it that way?00:00
hsarci_is there any simple way to change the icon on the panel for the "applications" menu?00:00
nemomzz: oh. I also shrank all the edges and scrollbars and whatnot in my theme to save a few more pixels of vertical/horizontal space00:00
nemohsarci_: yep :)00:01
hsarci_nemo, hows that?00:01
nemooverride in ~/.icons00:01
hsarci_i will have a look00:01
nemoI believe it is called Human.png00:01
nemolet me look it up00:01
legend2440mikehh: it should stay that way. unless you hit  shift+numlock key again00:01
nemoI did it before, but my laptop is shut down00:01
nemohsarci_: start-here.png00:02
nemomy bad00:02
hsarci_oh yeah, im havin a horrible problem. whenever i try and open a folder from the "places" menu i get an error saying "no application handled as registering this file"00:02
hsarci_nemo, thanks00:02
mzzhsarci_: are you fully updated, and did you log out and back in since then?00:02
mzzhsarci_: there was a bug (having to do with shared-mime-info) that might've triggered that, iirc00:02
hsarci_yes, this happened after my most recent update00:02
mzzbut that's a while ago00:02
nemohsarci_: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=92028400:03
mzzmmm, perhaps there's a new one00:03
hsarci_ok also, since last update...whenever i restart i was getting some crappy gui that was simply a framless terminal window that was small and in the upper left corner00:04
hsarci_after playing with packages for a while i got it back to desktop so im gonna restart now and see if i starts into desktop or not....brb00:04
nemohsarci_: that's a plain X session00:04
nemohsarci_: you might have managed to start gnome from that :)00:04
hsarci_i did00:04
CPrgmSwR2where do I go to report no sound issue in kubuntu00:06
CPrgmSwR2that is kubuntu-9.1000:06
nemoCPrgmSwR2: file a bug with as much detail as possible after checking for dupes00:06
nemoCPrgmSwR2: BTW, you might want to launch alsamixer00:06
nemopulseaudio has this annoying habit on my card of muting random channels00:07
nemoalso jumping happily from one channel to another as output00:07
nemojust to keep life interesting00:07
CPrgmSwR2nemo: okay00:07
nemoCPrgmSwR2: try unmuting all channels and increasing their volume00:07
CPrgmSwR2nemo: how do I change channels00:07
nemobut there are plenty of bugs in launchpad. look around00:07
CPrgmSwR2because everthing is unmuted00:07
nemounmuted and at full volume?00:08
nemoCPrgmSwR2: are the input/output in sound preferences reasonable?00:08
hsarci_ok so i started into gnome...yay...but i got an error right away that said "tsclient applet not found" then i pressed to delete it but it wouldnt go away00:08
nemoCPrgmSwR2: Hardware/Input/Output actually00:08
hsarci_so i tried to add it to a panel and i got some error and i tried to delete again and i got same result00:08
CPrgmSwR2nemo: not really, it appears as if I am missing channels00:08
mzzI really think I'll get rid of the "System" menu though, moving "Preferences", "Administration" and "Help" into the "Applications" one and getting rid of the two "About" entries.00:09
nemoCPrgmSwR2: oh. yeah. pulse hides a bunch of that stuff on me :(00:09
CPrgmSwR2nemo: how do I unhide00:09
nemoCPrgmSwR2: I'm going to stop though, sicne I've been told I rant about pulseaudio too much by its fans :)00:10
nemoCPrgmSwR2: file bugs/search bug db00:10
mzzit's just a little odd that it's that random for you00:10
hsarci_nemo, my file manager problem is non existent when i log into gnome with root...any ideas?00:10
nemomzz: yeah. totally different channels00:10
nemomzz: my vague theory is it is whatever they are doing as they play with config00:11
mzzhsarci_: ugh, don't *do* that00:11
CPrgmSwR2nemo: okay, I will work on filing a bug00:11
hsarci_..i know sorry00:11
nemomzz: at the moment Master is ignored, and it is using PCM.  A few days ago it was using Centre00:11
nemomzz: and Master worked00:11
mzzhsarci_: testing with a different user account (like a freshly created test account) is a good idea, testing with the rooc account is just asking for breakage00:11
nemomzz: adjusting volume using slider still does weird things for me00:11
nemomzz: and muting is very random00:11
nemomzz: I might try mucking about w/ module options again, right now they are at the defaults00:12
CPrgmSwR2I am not that smart enough to work on the sound or I would00:12
mzznemo: I don't think I actually use the volume slider on the panel, I tend to use either the volume control keys on the keyboard or app-specific sliders00:12
mzzno clue if that matters (you'd expect the keyboard volume control to be equivalent to the slider on the panel)00:13
nemomzz: ah. I don't have keyboard volume control keys00:13
nemomzz: and if I did, yes, I'd expect them to act the same00:13
nemoi.e. not work :-/00:13
* xrandr is in desperate need of a sharpie marker00:13
hsarci_where would i find a conf file that holds a list of applets?00:13
nemomzz: right now I just leave alsamixer open and use that :(00:13
mzzhsarci_: gconf00:13
CPrgmSwR2nemo: I just find it depressing that sound support has degraded with linux00:14
hsarci_mzz, ive looked in there i couldnt find a list of applets00:14
mzzhsarci_: do you mean which ones are actually on your panel(s) or which ones are in the "add to panel" list?00:14
CPrgmSwR2is this seriously true but #1 Microsoft has a majority market share00:15
hsarci_i mean in the list00:15
nemoCPrgmSwR2: don't paint all linux with the same brush00:15
mzzhsarci_: ah, that list is autoloaded through bonobo00:15
hsarci_hey, i love msoft...they make great software00:15
nemoCPrgmSwR2: and I'm sure the ubuntu/gnome guys had the best of intentions.00:15
hsarci_mzz, well its autoloading one that doesnt exist00:15
mzzhsarci_: neat00:15
mzzhsarci_: assuming you logged out and back in?00:15
nemoCPrgmSwR2: and it may even pay off eventually :)00:15
hsarci_mzz, 10 times00:15
nemojust right now is really unpleasant.00:15
mzzhsarci_: which one?00:16
hsarci_tsclient applet00:16
hsarci_it tells me it doesnt exist, then i tell it to delete and nothing happens00:16
hsarci_mzz, ive tried reinstalling tsclient and it changes nothing00:17
CPrgmSwR2nemo: I love linux because of how fast it is00:17
mzzhsarci_: oh, so you *do* mean the ones actually on the panel?00:17
CPrgmSwR2and kde4 just looks so visually appealing to the eye00:17
hsarci_CPrgmSwR2, yeah ur right its SUPER fast00:17
hsarci_mzz, NO, i mean ones in the LIST00:17
mzzhsarci_: then define "tell it to delete"00:17
hsarci_mzz, ill double click to add it to panel then it says "doesnt exist"00:17
hsarci_and a box opens and asks me to delete or dont delete00:17
hsarci_and i click delete00:17
hsarci_and no good00:17
mzzhsarci_: afaik it's looking at /usr/lib/bonobo/servers/GNOME_TSClientApplet.server00:18
mzzhsarci_: I suspect what's getting deleted is the entry on the panel you just added00:18
hsarci_mzz, ahh, that makes sense00:18
CPrgmSwR2nemo: can I get some advice on what to do when reporting a bug00:18
hsarci_mzz, what generates the /usr/lib/bonobo/servers/GNOME_TSClientApplet.server file?00:20
mzzhsarci_: it's just a static file installed by the package00:21
hsarci_ok i deleted it...should remedy the problem00:21
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hsarci_mzz, yep...its gone now00:21
hsarci_now if only i could fix this silly "no application registered for this filetype" error00:22
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CPrgmSwR2I filed a bug00:35
ArkoldThosif I don't have the title bar what is wrong O.o?00:35
Aruzaim using nvidia driver version 190.36 and i cannot get my third monitor to work or settings to save after i restart the machine, any ideas?00:38
FFForeverany idea why when i chroot into a gentoo stage3 i get operation not permitted00:47
hsarci_where can i checkout some ubuntu 10 action?00:49
mzzFFForever: 64 bit gentoo and a 32 bit kernel *might* do that, iirc00:49
mzzFFForever: if that's not it: strace the chroot attempt00:49
FFForevermzz, 64 into 6400:49
FFForeverhow do i strace?00:49
ArkoldThosFFForever, i would ask on gentoo channel :o00:49
FFForeverArkoldThos, they said it was something about the /proc and /dev already being mounted00:50
ArkoldThosoh :p00:50
FFForeverany ideas?00:51
FFForeverchris@chris-laptop:~/vps$ uname -m00:51
Davieya/wingoto DanaG00:52
* mzz shrugs00:54
mzzFFForever: be more specific about what you're doing?00:54
FFForeverArkoldThos, http://pastebin.ca/1631153 strage, there is no ~/vps/usr/lib/locale/en*00:54
mzzFFForever: (you *did* mount proc, sys and dev, and their contents show up correctly?)00:54
FFForevermzz, i am trying to chroot into a gentoo stage3 so i can make a vps image, sadly my cpu does not support guest os's :(00:55
Aruzaanyone good with nvidia drivers that can help me get my third monitor working?00:56
ArkoldThoscan't help, never had sucess on stage3 :p00:57
CPrgmSwR2anyone good with sound00:58
FFForeverive had success with gentoo but on a laptop source distro just sucks :(00:58
nemomzz: example of current behaviour. I reflexively tried adjusting volume01:04
nemomzz: instantly it started blasting out01:04
nemomzz: while it doesn't control main volume correctly, apparently it decided that moving the slider very slightly on main = raise PCM to full01:05
nemofortunately I had alsamixer open as usual01:05
nemobefore I shattered S.O.'s ear drums01:05
mzznemo: I'm not sure if pulse does something reasonable if it's not the only thing messing with the alsa mixer01:06
nemomzz: heh. well. I only had to use alsamixer because it was being totally unreasonable on its own01:06
* mzz rephrases01:07
nemoin other words, I started using alsamixer because it was totally failing to do anything sane.01:07
mzznemo: I wouldn't be surprised if pulse had logic going like "when I start adjust volume controls I care about to something reasonable, and then map one of them (probably "master") to my master volume"01:07
nemook. so it translates that into "if any adjustment of master occurs, remap all channels to 100%, then map output to one of those channels so I can blast nemo's head off"01:08
mzznemo: in which case I also wouldn't be surprised if it resets those non-master volume controls if it reinitializes for whatever reason, in which case you'd end up fighting pulse like you're describing if you use alsa volume directly01:08
mzzyeah, that01:08
mzzwell, not quite that01:08
nemosure. but that's unrelated to whether I'm using something else, that's just pulse being totally unreasonable on its own :)01:09
mzzbut something close to that01:09
nemoand if I didn't have alsamixer to override, I'd be blasting my ears off regularly01:09
mzzpulse expects to be in full control of the card, yes01:09
nemoor hearing nothing at all due to everything being muted01:09
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mzzI can't explain "everything muted", and I can't explain it changing its master volume unpredictably01:10
mzzalthough I've actually had an older pulse do something similar with it maxing out volume on starting pulse01:11
mzzit got better though01:11
Aruzaim using nvidia driver version 190.36 and i cannot get my third monitor to work or settings to save after i restart the machine, any ideas?01:13
BlueyBluey: trying to find if there is a 64 bit version of 9.10 Beta - this didn't seem to have it:  http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta01:18
tuxxyBluey thats the beta you should download the daily image or you would have to run lots of updates01:19
tuxxy64-bit is the karmic-desktop-amd64.iso01:19
Blueylet me see if I can find that...01:19
tuxxy9th from top ;)01:20
MJEvanstuxxy: They really should just disable those downloads and leave a note in that folder.01:21
tuxxyyou mean the beta MJEvans01:21
MJEvansI had an issue with the installer and couldn't get it to work; when told there was a fix in the daily I marked that bug as fix-uploaded or whatever, not fix-released since the last official version was that old beta.01:21
MJEvanstuxxy: yeah01:21
tuxxyyeah I agree it saves a lot of time01:22
Blueyso the current beta is only 32 bit?01:22
MJEvansBluey: no01:22
MJEvansBluey: there's a 64 bit daily too01:22
Blueymaybe I'm not in the right place.....01:22
tuxxyyou are in the right place this is the channel for karmic01:23
Blueyhere's where I am:  http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/karmic/beta01:23
MJEvansBluey: amd64 is for the AMD 64 bit processors (virtually anything at all recent) and the Intel 64 bit processors (IIRC at least Core 2 or later)01:23
MJEvansBluey: go HERE http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/01:23
BlueyMJEvans: okay that's different then wher3 I'm at..01:23
MJEvansBluey: you'll have bugs from 3 weeks ago if you use the 'beta' version.01:23
BlueyMJEvans: got it -- thanks...01:24
MJEvansBluey: tuxxy linked it... he just didn't hilight you when he did it.01:24
tuxxythe 64-bit beta is on that page you linked when you click ubuntu desktop you have 2 options x86 or AMD64 but you dont want to use that beta page use the daily build that I linked you01:24
tuxxyI need to grab a fresh one actually my current install is borked ehehe01:25
MJEvanstuxxy: zsync worked well for me01:25
Blueytuxxy: that has less bugs -- I've heard tell rumours that it will automagically update to the final build?  but in order to get the latest features (like grub2) I need to do a fresh install, and not an upgrade, correct?01:25
tuxxyhmm well it will upgrade to the final version yes.  Not positive about grub2 and an upgrade but I would be fairly sure that grub2 would come with the update01:27
tuxxymaybe someone else knows as I always clean install a new /01:27
Blueytuxxy: I'll backup /home and /etc and go with a fresh install - upgrades seem to cause trouble for me- I tried doing that from 8.10 to 9.04 and it was bad - when I did a fresh install problms went away01:28
Blueythanks for your help....01:29
tuxxyyes its a good idea to paly it safe and clean isntall.  I frsh install every release obviously I have a seperate /home partition and just mount it for the new release01:29
tuxxynp :D01:29
Aruzaim using nvidia driver version 190.36 and i cannot get my third monitor to work or settings to save after i restart the machine, any ideas?01:34
jbuncherAny network-manager or network-manager-gnome devs in here?  I'm curious if anything's is being done on Bug #44988801:35
ubottuLaunchpad bug 449888 in network-manager-applet "[karmic] network manager gnome does not remember wpa enterprise hidden network passwords over reboot, need to re-create network profile each time." [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44988801:35
St0n3-C0lAnyone having problems booting LiveCD with intel i810 ?01:35
St0n3-C0lIt just hangs after loading up.01:35
St0n3-C0lNo screen.01:35
nemough. compiz crashed on me again01:37
nemofun times01:37
St0n3-C0lno one with intel ?01:38
shawn_With a dual display if I configure it for two x screens is there any way to make it so I can drag windows from one screen to the next?01:42
FFForeverwhat is the best alternate window manager (clean and not bloated like gnome, etc)01:43
St0n3-C0lYeah XFCE is very good01:43
shawn_FFForever, XFCE is pretty good Ive tried it on a few boxes but I prefer GNOME myself01:44
CPrgmSwR2FFForever: or kde401:44
FFForeverkde4 is crap...01:44
CPrgmSwR2but its bloated like gnome however its very fast01:44
shawn_CPrgmSwR2, KDE is even more bloated than GNOME no?01:44
FFForeveri miss kde3 :(01:44
CPrgmSwR2shawn_: i don't think so, it has a smallar memory foot print from what I read01:45
shawn_CPrgmSwR2, I couldnt get used to it... I like GNOME best01:45
FFForeveranyways i just install xubuntu-desktop right?01:45
shawn_FFForever, Yes01:45
CPrgmSwR2I just can't stand the way gnome looks01:46
CPrgmSwR2and besides kde4 resembles windows in many ways01:46
shawn_CPrgmSwR2,  Why would I ever want a desktop manager that resembles Windows?01:46
CPrgmSwR2shawn_: when you work with windows at work it helps01:47
CPrgmSwR2shawn_: thats the part I love about linux is you get to choose your windows manager01:49
shawn_I just like Linux in general... Everything about it is easier to do than on Windows01:50
CPrgmSwR2shawn_: I disagree01:50
shawn_CPrgmSwR2, How is that?01:51
CPrgmSwR2right now I have no sound on linux01:51
shawn_CPrgmSwR2, Ive never once had a sound, graphics card, etc driver problem... I dont see how everyone does01:51
shawn_Must have very unknown cards01:51
CPrgmSwR2shawn_: I don't know but I filed a bug #45591201:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 455912 in alsa-driver "NVidia MCP67 Audio Device - No Sound - Kubuntu 9.10" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45591201:51
CPrgmSwR2shawn_: nvidia card is not that unknown and it was working in kubuntu 9.0401:52
shawn_CPrgmSwR2, Probably because its Karmic though... It says right when you install it that there may be problems with drivers01:52
Aruzaright now i cant get my third monitor to work01:52
shawn_CPrgmSwR2, Jaunty probably would work with your audio01:53
CPrgmSwR2why would karmic not work for me then?01:53
CPrgmSwR2its suppused to be released within 12 days or something like that01:54
shawn_CPrgmSwR2, Because theres still a lot more bugs in Karmic than in Jaunty... We are all just test subjects for the new LTS01:55
CPrgmSwR2shawn_: so karmic turns into the new LTS01:56
Aruzai can get the second monitor to work but not the third, i cant get another xscreen to work, it wont save the config file01:56
shawn_CPrgmSwR2, No We are two more releases away from the next LTS.  Karmic is a nice step towards it though the next LTS is 10.10 I believe01:57
jbunchershawn_, no, it's 10.04, lucid lynx01:57
CPrgmSwR2I see shawn_01:57
shawn_jbuncher, Yes sorry I just realised that01:58
shawn_CPrgmSwR2, Yes my mistake the next LTS is 10.0401:58
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Aruzaanyone know why im getting a parse error when i try to save the config file from within the nvidia settings02:01
DanaGoops, did somebody ping me?02:01
oldude67am i the only one having issues with the auto detect with the flash drives?02:01
jbuncherAruza, running it as sudo?02:01
Aruzai havent had any trouble with flash drives or usb harddrives02:03
oldude67figures, i cant get my flash drive to work on here but windblows loads it right up..:(02:04
Priceyoldude67: checked any logs or dmesg or something to see what's going on?02:05
oldude67Pricey, i will when it gets downloading my songs on to the other system. ill check dmesg and /proc/02:05
oldude67had and error with /mtrr last time but someone said that was my video, and im not use to installing nvidia drivers..always had intel up till yesterday.02:06
Aruzajbuncher: gonna try that now02:08
Aruzajbuncher: i get a bunch of errors in the console and the same parse error02:09
jbuncherI haven't tried that in karmic yet, so I don't have any ideas02:10
oldude67now why is it that in dmesg it says i have an i810 intel when the board says i have a nvidia02:11
sub2k1How stable would everyone say the latest daily build of karmic is?02:13
sub2k1And is there any torrents of the latest daily build?  or perhaps a faster mirror?02:14
jbunchersub2k1, I'm running a fully-updated karmic, and it seems fine to me.  Intel Centrino chipset/audio/wireless.  If you have any doubts though, I'd wait for the stable release in ~12 days.02:14
sub2k1jbuncher, I can't wait any longer for it, I plan to redo my dual boot and I just don't feel like waiting any longer. lol.  But is it being hosted on any faster mirrors?  I'm downloading the latest daily build from cdimage.ubuntu.com but there has to be a faster server.02:17
jbunchersub2k1, no idea on the faster servers, though I assume there are some.02:18
sub2k1jbuncher, yeah its just that i hate waiting an hour to download ~700MB.  But I guess i'll just catch up on my reading till it is finished.02:19
mattwj2002hey everyone02:19
mattwj2002hi sub2k102:20
jbunchersub2k1, indeed.  Maybe use that time to read up on the known issues on the beta, in case any of them affect you :)02:20
xrandrok, so. i now have 9.10 installed. Works nicely02:20
mzzsub2k1: well, the cd you install from isn't that critical, so if it's just that mirror that's slow you could install from the beta cd and upgrade02:21
mattwj2002I am actually using mythbuntu 9.10 beta02:21
xrandrgot a xorg question tho. The nvidia driver is detecting my lcd tv as a CRT. What options should I give xorg.conf so it knows that it's a LCDTV?02:21
mattwj2002and I am having a weird and kind of funny audio problem02:21
mattwj2002I can hear my mouse!02:21
mzzme too, but that's my hardware's fault02:22
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mattwj2002you can hear your mouse mzz?02:22
sub2k1mzz, very true.  I love ubuntu and its updates.  I played around with openSUSE 11.1 for a while but it just doesnt do it for me.  So now i'm going back to ubuntu.02:22
mzzmattwj2002: poor shielding, so if the system's nicely idle some activity is audible02:22
sub2k1mattwj2002, did you update to the newest nvidia driver?02:23
mattwj2002using ubuntu updates?02:23
sub2k1mattwj2002, no, you can get better updates than the repositories provided with the os.  let me check the ppas02:23
mzzmattwj2002: hmm, although actually not quite the mouse. My desktop has audible cpu activity through what I think is the capacitors making noise (so if moving the mouse causes cpu load I can hear that)02:24
mattwj2002yeah it is weird02:24
mattwj2002it is an optical mouse02:24
mzzmattwj2002: and on my laptop I can hear hd activity (not just from the actual hd but also as noise from the headphones)02:24
sub2k1mattwj2002, do you have this sound issue using 9.04?02:26
mattwj2002I don't know02:26
mattwj2002I went from 8.10 to 9.10 beta02:26
ArkoldThossub2k1, what problem you got? sorry :p02:26
mattwj2002no problems with 8.10 though02:26
mzzmattwj2002: ok, that's odd02:26
mzzmattwj2002: what kind of noise?02:26
mattwj2002like a whining noise02:27
sub2k1ArkoldThos, no problems, just waiting while downloading.02:27
mzzmattwj2002: from the system or the headphones/speakers or what?02:27
mattwj2002if I unplug the mouse it goes away02:27
mzzmattwj2002: desktop or laptop?02:27
mattwj2002it is a usb mouse02:27
mattwj2002it is a new system too02:27
mattwj2002quad core!02:28
sub2k1mattwj2002, In regards to the display reporting as a CRT I have never had that problem though i would recommend you try updating your nVidia drivers.  Here is a link to the latest drivers, just read through the site and it will teach you how to update your repositories.  https://launchpad.net/~nvidia-vdpau/+archive/ppa02:28
mattwj2002thanks sub2k102:28
mattwj2002actually I have a LCD02:28
sub2k1mattwj2002, yeah as far as I'm concerned it could never hurt to have the latest video driver anyways.  :)02:29
mattwj2002very true02:29
mzzmattwj2002: curious. Still sounds like it might be poor internal shielding (the headphones picking up unrelated noise) but I can't really explain it being new in 9.1002:29
oldude67yeah i fixed my nvidia issues...yeah..:D02:29
mattwj2002good drivers are especially important with a mythtv box ;)02:30
mattwj2002oh one other thing....02:30
sub2k1mattwj2002, by the way are you connected to your lcd through a dvi or hdmi port?02:30
Aruzaoldude67: ok now can you fix mine? =P02:30
Guest34396mattwj2002, is the lcd connected over VGA?02:30
mattwj2002the mouse is plugged in near the headphone jack (in the front of the case)02:30
oldude67Aruza, i just installed the restricted drivers opened up kpack, and installed and rebooted..and up there working.:D02:30
mzzif you have a usb port available that's physically farther from the audio connector that's worth a shot02:30
jbuncherDoes anyone connect to a WPA enterprise network?02:30
mattwj2002it isn't VGA02:31
mattwj2002not the digital02:31
* mattwj2002 draws a blank02:31
Aruzaoldude67: yeah my first two monitors are working, the third is not02:31
oldude67Aruza, sorry your on your own there i only have one of those to deal with...lol02:32
* mattwj2002 feels dumb02:32
sub2k1mattwj2002, dvi is digital. lol it just doesnt have audio02:32
mzzdvi can be either or both02:33
mattwj2002I actually could connect it through hdmi if I wanted to though02:33
sub2k1mattwj2002, unfortunately I cant think of a single reason why you would have interference issues from installing an updated os.  It should be a hardware issue, not a software issue.02:33
mzzsub2k1: I'm wondering if some form of power management could affect this02:33
mzzsomething like the usb bus switching transfer modes a lot02:34
sub2k1mzz, anything is possible though i'd imagine that would be extremely unlikely.  no clue honestly.02:34
mattwj2002it is okay guys02:34
mattwj2002I'll figure out02:35
mattwj2002maybe I should just switch to Windows 7 ;)02:35
sub2k1mattwj2002, well good luck then.02:35
mattwj2002just kidding hehe02:35
mzzmattwj2002: oh, and it really is just the mouse? Things like leaning on a key on the keyboard or doing something that hogs the cpu isn't audible?02:35
sub2k1mattwj2002, I actually like w7.  windows is essential if you are a gamer :-)02:35
oldude67im just happy to get my screensavers working..lmao02:36
mattwj2002mzz don't I think that is it02:36
* mzz doesn't care enough about games to get the hardware needed to run recent ones02:36
mattwj2002I know this is off topic but I might buy it and dual boot02:36
mattwj2002but Ubuntu is still my primary02:37
Guest34396mattwj2002, what is you're headphone issue?02:37
mzznoise when moving the mouse, iiuc02:37
mattwj2002it is really weird02:37
sub2k1mattwj2002, for the record i've seen this problem on other computers.  It turned out to be a hardware issue for me.  Definitely wasnt software tho.  You've tried the basics?  Replacing the mouse?  plugging it into a different port?02:38
virtualdhalp, my gprs is making noises in my sp33kerz02:38
mattwj2002to be prefectly honest02:38
mattwj2002I haven't02:38
mattwj2002*perfectly honest02:38
mzzanother fun one in this area is the "laptop hooked up to an amplifier produces noise/hissing on any activity unless I unplug the AC" one02:39
rob0prefectly Ford.02:39
sub2k1mattwj2002, perhaps you damaged your hardware, i'm thinking the port itself.  though it could be the plug on your mouse.02:40
mattwj2002sounds good02:40
mzzI'd expect the mouse to not work then02:40
mattwj2002I'll try more basic troubleshooting02:40
mattwj2002like a different port and stuff02:40
mzzI really recommend you simply use a different port02:40
mzzyou mentioned these were in the front of the case02:41
sub2k1mzz, if he damaged the sheathing in the cable perhaps by pulling at it too hard it may cause some electrical interference02:41
mzzhmm, that actually makes sense02:41
mattwj2002one second you guys02:41
mattwj2002I'll try right now02:41
sub2k1mzz, but yeah, the first thing he should do is switch his port.02:41
mattwj2002it'll take a few minutes (I have to turn on that computer)02:41
mzzand obviously if a different port works that mostly rules out software02:42
sub2k141 minutes till i have 9.10 :)02:42
mzzyay time machines02:43
mzz(since we're 12 days or so from scheduled release)02:43
* sub2k1 is going to attempt to program a time machine using python02:44
sub2k1wait, i don't know enough python...  :-(02:44
mattwj2002it was a hardware issue!02:45
sub2k1mattwj2002, haha i'm glad to hear you fixed it!02:45
mattwj2002if I plug the mouse into either of the front usb ports it makes the noise02:45
sub2k1mattwj2002, now just try updating your repositories and installing the latest nvidia driver and perhaps that'll fix the crt/lcd issue.02:46
mattwj2002if I plug it into the back no noise!02:46
mattwj2002thanks you guys02:46
mattwj2002you rock!02:46
mzz>>> from __future__ import time_machine: SyntaxError: future feature time_machine is not defined02:46
jbuncherhow do i change my keyring password?02:46
sub2k1mattwj2002, quick fix for that would be to disassemble your case and wrap the internal ports with some electrical tape, if you want you can wrap them with aluminum foil afterwards and then wrap them again with more tape.  you'll fix it.02:47
* mattwj2002 then makes an aluminum foil hat02:47
mattwj2002sounds good :)02:47
sub2k1your gonna need that hat when mzz is done coding the time machine02:47
mzzpc case manufacturers suck at shielding, I'm guessing.02:47
sub2k1I am using a p180 and i love it.  awesome design.02:48
sub2k1well guys i'm off.02:52
mattwj2002yeah me too02:53
mattwj2002bye all!02:53
pradeepIs Karmic safe to upgrade now??02:53
ArkoldThosis unsafe to upgrade O.o?02:54
CShadowRunpradeep it'll be safe to update when it's released02:55
CShadowRunany time before then and it's not officially safe to upgrade02:55
stpereArkoldThos: seriously :)02:55
pradeepCShadowRun: can't wait so asked?02:56
KnifeySpooneyHi, how do I check if 'sreadahead' is enabled?02:56
CShadowRunpradeep well that's the answer02:56
CShadowRunit's still beta, there are still bugs, :)02:57
CShadowRuntry it if you like, at your own risk02:57
pradeepCShadowRun: Ok have to wait then :-(02:58
ArkoldThospradeep, is safe to update, is beta but there are few things that need to be fixed, the distribution is already frozen, so the updates will fix every bug02:58
CShadowRunArkoldThos, i only upgraded a few days ago and i had major problems with upstart02:58
ArkoldThosCShadowRun, what do you got :P?02:58
CShadowRun(my system didn't boot 9 out of 10 times)02:58
ArkoldThoshow did you fix it?02:59
CShadowRunreboot alot.02:59
jbunchercan someone tell me how to change hte keyring password in karmic?02:59
CShadowRunthat and manually start GDM because GDM didn't start itself02:59
Jordan_UCShadowRun: Please file a bug report02:59
pradeepArktoldThos: Sure??? U haven't faced any problems02:59
CShadowRunJordan_U, already fixed in an update02:59
CShadowRunjust pointing out that it's still beta and people shouldn't be saying it's safe to use02:59
ArkoldThospradeep, I faced few things like, lost the sound (made a guide about that), timidity doesn't worked with tuxguitar (made a guide too), and that the system didn't notified me that I rebooted more than 20 times and it was checking my harddrives, so I guessed that it was broken03:00
ArkoldThosjust I waited a little few and started up :p03:00
Aruzai havent had many issues, the most pressing being the nvidia issue03:00
pradeepArktoldThos: That's quite a problem:-)03:01
CShadowRunIt's perfectly usable if you feel a little adventurous03:01
oldude67mine is my own dumbness, flash drive isnt auto detecting...nothing big.03:01
CShadowRun(I'm running it myself)03:01
ArkoldThosCShadowRun, a little adventurous is to use Debian Experimental (not sid)03:02
ArkoldThosnot ubuntu karmic beta03:02
blueglassesgwibber is anoying... imagine if you are playing a game or watching a movie, gwibber keeps notify... it wont close after quit03:02
blueglassesalso... a lot off apps keep running after close, not just gwibber idk why, i have to shut them down on process manager03:03
ArkoldThoskill tehem D:03:04
jbuncherblueglasses, yeah, I haven't found a decent non-mono twitter app in the repos yet.03:04
blueglassesi mean, with system monitor or with top or other03:04
Jordan_Ublueglasses: Are they minimizing to a notification area? ( possibly the notification area isn't showing in the pannel )03:04
blueglassesJordan_U, thank you, I just tried that, it wont work03:06
jbuncherdoes anyone here use wpa enterprise?03:06
blueglassesnotification was showing, but after quit on the icon... it keeps notifying03:06
sunshinepantsrob0: back with telephony questions, so when a handset claims03:06
blueglassessome of the apps wont kill with normal kill03:07
blueglassesi seem to find a big list of them who keep working after quit03:07
sunshinepantsrob0: 'sip support', does'nt that mean native voip? would a person need an app necessarily?03:07
sunshinepantsi've got an account through gizmo5 with my sip # and all that, so can't i use that sip info for an SE g705 which claims sip support?03:08
sunshinepantshow to query for a user's idle time?03:09
blueglassessunshinepants,  time depends on the application you use, you could just turn on screensaver and see log for it03:11
blueglassesif it does logs lol03:11
sunshinepantshm, i was thinking more along the lines of /info user, but i haven't used irc much in the last 10 years03:12
blueglassessince the screensaver starts because knows computer is idle, there should be a command03:12
sunshinepantsi could ask in the network channel, but i won't03:13
blueglassessunshinepants, i thought you were refering to linux not irc03:13
* sunshinepants poke rob003:14
blueglassessunshinepants,  try xchat03:14
sunshinepantsanyway, i03:14
blueglassessunshinepants,  try #xchat03:14
sunshinepantshate this mini 9 keyboard03:14
sunshinepantsblueglasses: no way pidgin all the way03:15
blueglassessunshinepants, in that case, try #pidgin :D03:15
blueglassessunshinepants, you can also try /notify username or something or /help03:17
sunshinepantsi just did /help.. /whois <user> is the closest thing and it doesn't have that attr03:17
sunshinepantsoh well, i'm buying this damn phone.  i think it will do what i want.03:18
blueglassessunshinepants, all conversations are loged somewhere you can just search a user based on last time, with a sort03:20
blueglassesbut that would be a program :P03:20
rob0ouch I got poked.03:23
* rabidweezle waits for his .wine folder to compress into the tar.gz so he can back it up for this upgrade...03:25
=== timber_ is now known as timber
webbb82ccan anyone please take a look at this and see if they can figure out what went wrong  http://pastebin.com/m153ada2903:27
bullgardWhat for does one need most likely the repository Synaptic > Settings > Repositories > Software Sources > Other Software > http://archive.canonical.com/ubuntu jaunty partner ? (So far I did not assert it.)03:37
jdsbluedevlhi, can someone please help me with bug 451900?03:39
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451900 in alsa-driver "Sound not working, master volume resets" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45190003:39
jdsbluedevlI've been trying to get help with this bug, but no one is responding so far03:40
jdsbluedevland everyone is telling me that their sound systems work, whereas mine is broken03:40
rabidweezledid you post it on the bug site?03:40
jdsbluedevlbug 45190003:41
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451900 in alsa-driver "Sound not working, master volume resets" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45190003:41
jdsbluedevlyes, I did03:41
rabidweezleand what sound system you got?03:41
jdsbluedevlrabidweezle: 'Live'/'SB Live! 5.103:41
rabidweezleI don't have a system with an sb live :(03:42
h00kThis is going to see odd, but I tracked a problem I'm having with Karmic to using the nvidia 185 driver and browsing with chromium-browser.  It is causing kernel panics that my laptop won't report with linux-crashdump.  I also cannot file a bug about it because I keep getting time-out errors with launchpad.03:42
* h00k facepalms03:43
jdsbluedevlrabidweezle: so, what you're telling me is that there's nothing you can do right now03:44
xrandrok, so, i wanna use compiz on my new install. It show'03:46
xrandrs that it is installed. But I can't manage the desktop effects. I'm in KDE right now. How do I handle this?03:46
jdsbluedevlxrandr: is Compiz supposed to work in KDE?  I thought it was GNOME-only03:47
uboxxrandr try reinstalling the kernel headers for nvidia 18503:47
uboxkde has desktop effects jdsbluedevl03:47
xrandrubox: how do i get to those desktop effects?03:47
uboxi had to reinstall the package .. umm nvidia-185-kernel-source i think it was03:48
jdsbluedevlalso, can someone tell me how to run PulseAudio?  I'm wondering whether that could be part of the problem on my system03:49
h00kxrandr: compiz is gnome, KDE has its Kwin03:49
uboxxrandr sudo apt-get install --reinstall nvidia-185-kernel-source03:50
xrandrubox: using synaptic to do it03:50
uboxthat is what fixed it for me, it said it was installed but the module didn't get compiled properly03:51
xrandrubox: so after i install or reinstall the kernel headers, what do i do from there?03:51
jbunchercan someone tell me how to set xchat to auto-join a channel when I start the program?03:51
uboxxrandr, i can't remember if you need to reboot. i have been away from linux for a while. but i would try that and see if it helped03:52
uboxif not try in #nvidia03:52
uboxthat's where i got help03:53
xrandrso i should try to reboot? i'll give it a whirl03:53
jdsbluedevlcan someone tell me how to see whether PulseAudio is causing my master volume to be broken?03:53
uboxi'm not sure jbuncher, maybe in preferences and then connections03:53
uboxi use quassel03:53
musikgoatjdsbluedevl: are you not able to control your master volume?03:54
uboxjdsbluedevl you can remove pulse audio i think, one sec03:54
jdsbluedevlmusikgoat: I can't, it resets to mute every time I try to turn it up03:55
uboxmaybe this will help jbsbluedevl http://coreyjsteele.blogspot.com/2009/07/pulse-audio-glitch-free-in-karmic.html03:55
jbuncherubox:  I don't see a "connections" in preferences, but thanks.03:56
jbuncherubox: think I found what I was looking for03:58
uboxjbuncher, at the begining there is a connection to server window03:58
uboxclick edit for a given server then there are favorite channels03:58
uboxthey will auto connect03:58
xrandrubox: i rebooted. Still nothing. I'm sure the effects would work if  i set them. But I don't know where to go in KDE to do that.03:59
uboxoooo, ok03:59
jdsbluedevlubox: it says to modify the "tsched" line, but I don't see one03:59
uboxsystem settings > display > desktop effects > advanced03:59
xrandrubox: in kde?04:00
ubox@ xrandr04:00
xrandrdont have a system settings menu04:00
xrandri have system, and settings04:00
xrandrand neither have a display icon04:00
uboxif you click the 'k menu' then computer then there is settings at the top04:01
xrandrnot for me...04:01
xrandris there possibly a package i missed?04:01
uboxi am not sure, it is part of kde404:01
russlarxrandr: are you using the classic menu?04:01
uboxjdsbluesdevl i'm not to sure what to do about that. what is the program you are compiling?\04:02
russlarxrandr: in any event, you can open a terminal and run systemsettings. That will bring up the system settings gui04:02
xrandrdidn't even have the systemsettings package installed :)04:04
xrandrinstaleld it, go to it. But there's no desktop effects menu there04:04
uboxoh my, i wonder how that happened04:04
russlarthat's a broken kde-core package04:04
uboxdid you add kde to ubuntu or something like that04:04
xrandri installed ubuntu 9.10, then installed some kde packages, which installed kde04:05
xrandror most of it04:05
uboxah that would explain it, i guess settings are not important lol silly devs04:05
russlarwhick kde packages?04:05
russlaryour best bet is to install kubuntu-desktop04:06
russlarit depends on everything you'll want/need04:06
xrandrrusslar: i like the idea of being able to switch between gnome and kde04:06
xrandrin an earlier release,when i installed kubuntu, it broke things04:06
russlarxrandr: and you still can. the kubuntu-desktop package is a package that will install beside ubuntu04:07
russlarxrandr: sudo aptitude install kubuntu-desktop04:07
uboxif it reassures you i am running it soley coming from os x and it is quite perfect, well some tiny bugs but ..04:07
russlarsame here04:08
russlarkde 4.3 seems like it's ready for prime time04:08
ubottuKDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information. For more information on KDE 4, see !kde404:08
xrandrrunning aptitude and installingkubuntu04:09
russlari recommend you use the qt-curve style, so your gnome and kde apps look as close to the same as possible while running kde04:10
rabidweezleI am switching from kubuntu jaunty to ubuntu studio karmic :/04:10
uboxi can't go back now04:10
rabidweezlemostly because I don't want the initials for my os to be kkk04:10
uboxafter having kde4, it's addicting04:10
uboxlol rabidweezle what are the other two k's?04:11
rabidweezlekarmic koala04:11
xrandrwell, it's doing its thing04:11
uboxoh :) i guess so04:11
russlarrabidweezle: that's why I go by release numbers ;)04:11
xrandrso, for all of us who are using 9.10 beta, what will we have to do when 9.10 is fully released as a stable version?04:11
russlarsudo aptitude update && sudo aptitude full-upgrade04:12
russlar&& bask in the glory of 9.1004:12
Volkodav3 days before you will be on stable before you know it04:12
xrandrok, the install is done04:12
xrandrguess i should reboot, again04:12
russlarVolkodav: 3 days?04:12
rabidweezleif you want a real full upgrade, burn the dvd04:13
russlaror restart x04:13
Volkodavsame as happened with jaunty04:13
rabidweezleget the full speed benefits from a fresh ext4 format04:13
Volkodav2 days before release there were hardly any updates04:13
=== Andre_Gondim is now known as Andre_Gondim-afk
russlarrabidweezle: did that last weekend04:13
rabidweezleI'm doing it tonight04:13
rabidweezlepray for me04:13
russlarrabidweezle: seems faster than my jfs install04:14
rabidweezleI'm just waiting for my backing up to finish04:14
rabidweezle51 gigs of movies... some python source code (that's on svn, but still), and my .wine folder04:15
uboxhow long does that take?04:15
russlarrabidweezle: dude.... external drive....04:15
rabidweezleI am04:15
rabidweezle500 gb seagate freedesk04:15
russlaryou reformatting that one too?04:15
jdsbluedevlha, the problem IS PulseAudio!04:15
rabidweezleit's ext4 already04:15
russlarjdsbluedevl: film at 1104:16
* rabidweezle can't wait for his pulseaudio nightmares04:16
jdsbluedevlI installed the PA Manager, and when I try to click "connect", it gives me "connection refused"04:16
jdsbluedevlso THAT'S why I'm not getting any sound and why I can't increase the volume via ALSA without it resetting04:16
TronicIt's a shame that the generic kernel is so crap in terms of latency.04:17
TronicHZ=100, WTF?04:17
TronicMy latency measurement displays 20 ms spikes all the time, 50 ms too often.04:17
rabidweezlealright, backup done04:17
russlarTronic: would the server kernel be any better, and would a desktop user lose any functionality runnign the server kernel?04:18
TronicSure, the rt kernel is much better (around 2 ms latency accuracy most of the time), but it isn't the default (for desktop use where latency *really* does matter) and it did make my machine crash every two hours the last time I tried.04:18
TronicServer kernel is likely to be even worse.04:19
russlaroh, how nice04:19
TronicSuch thing should be optimized for throughput instead of low latencies.04:19
russlaryeah, they must have forgotten the --dont-suck flag when they were compiling04:20
TronicMore likely someone's been obsessed about power usage optimizations.04:20
hugoshiI just upgraded to karmic koala and it my screen no loner shows any of the advanced features - I tried to reconfigure it using sudo dpkg-reconfigure scren but I get this error: This is not dpkg install-info anymore, but GNU install-info04:20
TronicHZ=100 would suggest that. Less interrupts = slightly lower power usage = more battery life for laptops.04:21
hugoshidoes anyone know why I'm getting that?04:21
TronicHowever, that should be quite unnecessary when there's the NOHZ option (which is also enabled in generic kernel).04:21
jdsbluedevlbug report filed as bug 555998.  If anyone knows anything PulseAudio, please help me04:23
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 555998 could not be found04:23
jdsbluedevlbug 45599804:23
ubottuLaunchpad bug 455998 in pulseaudio "Volume doesn't work, connection refused" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45599804:23
takamarouAnyone know a fix for the pulseaudio memory leak bug?04:23
jdsbluedevltakamarou: take a number, get in the back of the line04:24
jdsbluedevlI can't even get sound working thanks to PulseAudio04:24
KevinPQuestion. Is support for GMA500 gonna make it into 9.10?04:26
russlarKevinP: no04:26
russlarintel won't license it04:27
KevinPSo is the best that we can do is Wiki on the Poulsbo?04:28
KevinPURL: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsPoulsbo04:29
dtchenjdsbluedevl: please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PulseAudio/Log04:31
dtchenjdsbluedevl: please follow those directions and let me know when you've posted the log to your bug04:31
virtualdgnome-system-log is eating my ram. This time I was quick enough to turn off the swap. Will the crash dump be useful?04:37
jdsbluedevldtchen: pulseverbose.log is giving me an empty file04:37
dtchenjdsbluedevl: don't log to a file; just leave it running in the foreground04:38
jdsbluedevlI can't attach the file to the bug b/c the file is empty04:39
jdsbluedevldtchen: I can't attach the file to the bug b/c the file is empty04:40
dtchenjdsbluedevl: that's fine; just leave it running in the foreground04:40
jdsbluedevldtchen: now what?04:40
dtchenjdsbluedevl: attach that to the bug report04:41
jdsbluedevlyou mean the whole verbose output into a comment, or somehow put that into a file?04:41
jdsbluedevldtchen: b/c I can't attach pulseverbose.log.  It won't let me.04:42
dtchenjdsbluedevl: yes04:42
dtchenjdsbluedevl: yes -> to the former04:42
jdsbluedevldtchen: I also can't pull up the full verbose, it cuts off at the top04:43
virtualdheh i guess you don't get a core dump for oom kills04:43
jdsbluedevldtchen: do you want me to just give you where the text goes red on my verbose output?04:43
virtualdso how do i find out why my gnome-system-log crashes every now and then?04:43
virtualdwhen i click around in the list of log files after it has been running for a few hours04:44
aprilharerun update-manager, it wants to partial upgrade and remove k3b and kdebase-workspace-bin -- would this be a bad thing?04:45
dtchenjdsbluedevl: if you can get verbose output, you should be able to log to a file04:46
jdsbluedevldtchen: how, then, do I log?  tee isn't writing the verbose output04:47
dtchenjdsbluedevl: pulseaudio -vvvv >somefile 2>&104:48
virtualdwhat do i need to debug a memory leak? or rather to get the info that someone needs to fix it04:48
dtchenvirtuald: please install valgrind and use it04:48
virtualdi was thinking about.. isn't there a guide on the wiki?04:49
jbuncheranyone in here work on network-manager?04:50
* russlar ducks04:50
virtualdi wanted to but i don't know c nor python so i didn't get very far :p04:51
jdsbluedevldtchen: log is now attached.  Bug 45599804:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 455998 in pulseaudio "Volume doesn't work, connection refused" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45599804:51
dtchenjdsbluedevl: I: (alsa-lib)setup.c: Cannot lock ctl elem04:54
dtchenI: alsa-util.c: snd_pcm_hw_params failed: Device or resource busy04:54
dtchenjdsbluedevl: what's the output from sudo fuser -v /dev/dsp* /dev/snd/* /dev/audio* /dev/mixer* /dev/seq* /dev/snd/seq*04:54
jdsbluedevldtchen: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/297293/04:55
dtchenheh, yep04:55
dtchenso you need to turn off timidity. See /etc/default/timidity.04:56
dtchenin other words, now you need sudo service timidity stop04:56
dtchenthen, edit /etc/default/timidity to disable it04:56
dtchenthen restart PA04:56
xrandrrusslar: thanks for your help. It worked beautifully :)04:57
jdsbluedevldtchen: how do I disable timidity in the etc file?04:57
russlarxrandr: glad I could help04:57
jdsbluedevldtchen: would I just enable TIM_ALSASEQ=false?04:58
dtchenjdsbluedevl: configure it not to start. the variable should be ... correct.04:58
* xrandr is now running the update manager :) I love ubuntu :)04:58
jdsbluedevldtchen: didn't work04:58
dtchendid you stop it?04:59
jdsbluedevldtchen: yes, did that before changing etc file05:00
dtchenjdsbluedevl: so it's still running now?05:01
jdsbluedevldtchen: no, timidity is off05:01
dtchenjdsbluedevl: did you kill PA and restart it?05:02
jdsbluedevldtchen: I wonder, though whether this has something to do with it: "Failed to open cookie file '/home/jdsbluedevl/.esd_auth': Permission denied"05:02
dtchenjdsbluedevl: well, yes, that should be owned by your user.05:02
jdsbluedevldtchen: yes05:02
jdsbluedevldtchen: right, but isn't it supposed to load? Otherwise, it can't load module "module-esound-protocol-unix"05:03
jdsbluedevland yes, I killed pulseaudio, but still no luck05:03
dtchenjdsbluedevl: is ~/.pulse* screwed or something?05:04
jdsbluedevldtchen: I see files in it.  What would be screwed in it?05:05
dtchenjdsbluedevl: kill PA, nuke it, and let PA autospawn05:05
jdsbluedevldtchen: how do I nuke it?05:06
dtchenrm -r ~/.pulse*05:06
jdsbluedevldtchen: ok, now how do I autospawn?05:06
dtchenjdsbluedevl: you don't need to do anything, PA will autospawn.05:07
jdsbluedevlok, so now I run pulseaudio -vv again?05:07
dtchenno, just let it autospawn05:07
dtchenuse speaker-test -c2, or play some music, or ...05:07
dtchenyou'll probably need to adjust the mixer levels; Master and PCM were set to zero and muted when I checked your output05:08
russlarcat /dev/urandom > /dev/dsp?05:08
dtchenrusslar: that breaks PA05:08
virtualdhalp something is eating my disk05:09
dtchenrusslar: most hardware doesn't have native multiopen support05:09
jdsbluedevlwhoa, I think I just went deaf from having the volume so high on my speakers05:09
virtualdalmost a megabyte per second05:09
DanaGdtchen: oh yeah, my usb-audio still has funky volume control.05:09
jdsbluedevldtchen: I'll report the bug fix in my report05:10
virtualdhow can i find out what's happening? i'm not downloading anything05:10
dtchenvirtuald: install iotop, and use it05:10
DanaGoh yeah, and is flat volumes supposed to be "like Windows Vista" volume control?  It sure doesn't match the behavior I actually SEE in Vista!05:10
DanaGIn WinVista, sure, an app's volume slider may be integrated with the volume-mixer slider.... but 100% on app is capped at whatever the device volume is set to.05:12
pitputhow do I add a sound adjusting icon on my panel?05:12
virtualdit's rsyslog05:12
dtchenDanaG: did you try passing device=front:1 ignore_dB=1 to module-alsa-sink ?05:12
dtchenDanaG: (presuming it's hw:1 of course)05:13
DanaGhmm, right now it's just using udev-detect.05:13
DanaGOh, and this is the card that has those udev issues.05:13
DanaGUSB sound card.05:13
DanaGHave I posted the alsa-info output for you?05:13
pitputhow do I add a sound adjusting icon on my panel?05:13
DanaGoh yeah, and I have the alsa backports installed, too.05:14
DanaG"oh yeah", I seem to say "oh yeah" a lot.  =þ05:14
virtuald-rw-r-----  1 syslog            adm     1806655420 2009-10-20 06:14 messages05:14
virtuald-rw-r-----  1 syslog            adm      734063382 2009-10-18 02:07 messages.105:14
DanaG!info rsyslog05:15
ubottursyslog (source: rsyslog): enhanced multi-threaded syslogd. In component main, is important. Version 4.2.0-2ubuntu5 (karmic), package size 270 kB, installed size 708 kB05:15
virtualdOct 20 06:15:30 ingsoc pulseaudio[3433]: alsa-source.c: Resume failed, couldn't restore original fragment settings. (Old: 65536/65536, New 2147418112/65534)05:15
virtuald *** 1:0.9.19-0ubuntu3 005:16
dtchenvirtuald: killall pulseaudio05:16
pitputhow do I add a sound adjusting icon on my panel?05:16
pitputhow do I add a sound adjusting icon on my panel?05:16
dtchenvirtuald: (it will respawn automatically without any crazy resume errors)05:16
dtchenvirtuald: then, file a bug against linux for your sound card05:16
virtualdwhich one?05:16
aprilharehmmmm upgrade-manager wants to remove evolution-plugins-experimental - will anything remove that and partial-upgrade?05:16
aprilharebreak that if I remove.. rather05:17
dtchenvirtuald: it doesn't matter, ubuntu-bug linux (or ubuntu-bug alsa-base) will take care of that05:17
dtchen-> work.05:17
virtualdi guess i found my gnome-system-log oom crasher :p05:17
DanaGhmm, anyone know how to set up my system to allow incoming syslog messages?05:17
pitputhow do I add a sound adjusting icon on my panel?05:18
pitputhow do I add a sound adjusting icon on my panel?05:18
virtualddtchen: i think you really need to limit the log spamming in pulse audio :)05:21
DanaGOct 19 21:05:57 EliteBook pulseaudio[9637]: rtsp_client.c: Unexpected response: RTSP/1.0 453 Not Enough Bandwidth05:23
DanaGOct 19 21:05:57 EliteBook pulseaudio[9637]: rtsp_client.c: Unexpected response: CSeq: 205:23
DanaGOct 19 21:05:57 EliteBook pulseaudio[9637]: rtsp_client.c: Unexpected response: Audio-Jack-Status: disconnected05:23
DanaGOct 19 21:05:57 EliteBook pulseaudio[9637]: rtsp_client.c: Unexpected response:05:23
macowhatcha pasting log spew inthe channel for?05:25
* DanaG was feeling random, and randomly had those messages in syslog.05:27
DanaGs/was/was randomly/05:27
virtualddtchen: bug 45601805:27
ubottuLaunchpad bug 456018 in linux "pulseaudio: alsa-source.c: Resume failed, couldn't restore original fragment settings. (Old: 65536/65536, New 2147418112/65534)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45601805:27
DanaGoh yeah, so my actual behavior with volume control, is that PA tries to vary the "Speaker" control, instead of the "Speaker 1" control that actually works.05:28
DanaGsay, if I plug a digital thingamajigger into the AirPort Express, can it do dolby digital encoding?05:40
DanaG"thingamajigger" -- hah.05:43
LaibschHi, anybody here successfully using Network Manager for a PPPoE connection?  It fails for me (line 36 in http://paste.debian.net/49511/) where I can manage the connection with pon/poff just fine.  Any ideas?05:44
aprilharepeople still use pppoe?05:46
Laibschobviously, he?05:50
aprilharehmmm. i'm using custom servers and its having problems fetching from za.archive.ubuntu.com05:51
aprilhareLaibsch: well theres one now all we need to do is find another.. :)05:51
Laibschwell, most routers that hide the pppoe stuff from the user also use pppoe05:51
Laibschso the technology is not uncommon05:51
* aprilhare realises his modem uses PPPoE too and is quite the hypocrite...05:52
aprilharebut usually its a modem only affair!05:52
aprilharei think thats what was going on in my mind :)05:53
Laibschyes, a DSL modem05:56
Laibschand that is VERY common technology05:56
eltewI'm trying to map my windows key to open up the applications menu.  But it isn't mapped as Super_L, rather it is MOD-4 and I am only able to map key combinations with it, anyone know how I can map it?05:58
rippseltew: I think it won't allow, because super is considered a modifier key, which means it's supposed to be used in combination with another key to work.06:00
rippseltew: compiz might allow you to use it that way, but I doubt it.06:00
aprilhareLaibsch: its use otherwise is a rare affair, surely.06:00
eltewripps, hmm, no way i can insert some code during bootup which would override that?06:01
Laibschaprilhare: that's like saying the use of headphones outside of using it for listening to audio is uncommon06:02
rippseltew: *shrugs* maybe, jsut bind it to something nearby, like <super>spacebar or something06:02
aprilhareLaibsch: good point :)06:02
eltewripps, thats exactly what i did. lol06:02
=== Xana is now known as RabidWeezle
RabidWeezleokay, just install ubuntu studio x64, karmic, and nothing is working06:11
RabidWeezleno wired or wireless internet06:11
RabidWeezleI have an atheros wireless that worked out of the box on my jaunty install06:12
Ian_Corneand it should do the same on your karmic install06:13
RabidWeezlebtw, where is nm-applet?06:13
RabidWeezleis there a new network manager?06:14
Laibschwhat do you mean "where"?06:14
Laibschwhere on the task-bar?06:14
Laibschin the upper right in my case ;-)06:14
RabidWeezlefrom install there was no nm-applet installed :(06:14
RabidWeezleon ubuntu studio06:15
ubun-dioI can't seem to get h264 videos to play in karmic. I have all the plugins (good, bad, ugly, medibuntu) installed, and it still says there's no decoder (I believe it's supposed to be one of the ones in the gstreamer-plugins-bad-multiverse package).... I can't seem to find a bug report on launchpad, so it's probably me somehow, but I'm frustrated and out of ideas....06:15
LaibschRabidWeezle: "dpkg -l network*"06:15
Laibschubun-dio: does the file command give you any helpful information on the file?06:16
Laibschsomething you can then use to google for the codec?06:16
DanaGor super-z.06:17
DanaGah, was reading backlog.06:17
RabidWeezleI just commented out all the online repos from sources.list and updated and installed network-manager-gnome06:17
RabidWeezlethat should do it06:17
ubun-dioThey are h264 video and mp3 audio in an mp4 container, they play on every single other linux distro (including older Ubuntu) simply by installing the plugins06:17
ubun-dioI figure somehow the plugins aren't installed right, but apt-get says they are....06:19
RabidWeezleyay, wireless06:20
DanaGargh, is it normal for the wallpaper chooser to not give a tooltip?06:21
DanaGnow I can't tell what pictures things are!06:21
topyliDanaG, right, no tooltips06:22
DanaGThat sucks.06:22
DanaGAnd no right-click menu, either.06:22
DanaGIf I have two similar-looking pictures... how am I supposed to tell which file it actually is?06:23
topylidunno. file a bug06:23
xrandrso, does ubuntu support RIM devices yet?06:30
rabidweezlealright, what do I need to install to compile my nvidia driver? I have build-essential06:43
suigeneriswill karmic come with shiretoko?07:09
virtualdif that used to be the name for firefox 3.5 then yes07:09
julienhi it s a shame xdcmp has to activated manually07:10
julienand we laptop users have to recompile kernel for pcie_hp !07:10
ElijahCMenifeeTopic appears to be slightly old, I was able to update under virtualbox and it no longer failed to reboot...After 3 installs of virtualbox(kept forgetting to snapshot after the install)07:19
=== NCommander is now known as NC|Mobile
=== NC|Mobile is now known as NCommander
Ian_Cornegah i've got a broken package with missing dependencies07:48
Ian_Cornehow can i fix that?07:48
FrickelpitIan_Corne: try sudo apt-get install -f07:49
MyxbIan_Corne: after an update? just wait until the repos are updated once more.07:49
Ian_CorneMyxb: after a dist-upgrade :p07:51
Ian_CorneFrickelpit: that doesn't do the trick :)07:51
LaibschHi, anybody here successfully using Network Manager for a PPPoE connection?  It fails for me (line 36 in http://paste.debian.net/49511/) where I can manage the connection with pon/poff just fine.  Any ideas?07:52
bisbySince karmic finally gets XFi working by default, anyone know how to get the mic working without using the front panel? (i dont know where my front panel ribbon is)07:56
iegowill pidgin not exist in karmic?07:58
Ian_Corneiego: it does07:59
Ian_Cornebut not default installed, just apt-get it :)07:59
iegooh, okay08:00
ActionParsnip!info pidgin | iego08:01
ubottuiego: pidgin (source: pidgin): graphical multi-protocol instant messaging client for X. In component main, is optional. Version 1:2.6.2-1ubuntu7 (karmic), package size 562 kB, installed size 1784 kB08:01
iegoI know what pidgin is08:02
wektWhat sends this kind of empty email to root?  "*** SECURITY information for host ***"  I get 3 of them simultaneously.08:05
ElijahCMenifeewekt, probably a cron job, not sure what program is being run though...08:06
wektyes, it doesn't say what job08:07
ElijahCMenifeewhat does `crontab -l` and `sudo crontab -l` list08:09
saulusI cant compile the nvidia modules for days with regularly up[dating,grading]. Error! Bad return status for module build on kernel: 2.6.31-14-generic (x86_64) ... The C compiler 'cc' does not appear to be able to create executables.  Please make sure you have your Linux distribution's gcc and libc development packages installed. *** Failed CC sanity check. Bailing out! ***08:10
saulusWhat is missing?08:10
wektthey both say 'no crontab'08:10
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, did you install build-essential?08:10
wektI have entries in crontab.* .  so i don't understand why crontab -l says, 'no crontab'08:11
wektMaybe it is as another user.08:11
wektsaulus: surely there are prebuild packages for those.08:12
de_amore_imahhow to declare windows.h (winAPI) with gcc compiler???08:13
ElijahCMenifeewekt, crontab -l is a users personal crontab list, the rest of it tends to be system level stuff in /etc/crontab,/etc/cron.* stuff08:13
saulusyes I did installl build essentials ElijahCMenifee08:14
ElijahCMenifeewekt, what was the timestamp on the mail messages?08:14
bisbyso my nvidia-settings for some reason crashes when trying to save to xorg.08:15
sauluswekt: this is the "prebuild package" It has to compile its dkms module08:15
ElijahCMenifeebisby, did you run nvidia-settings via gksu?08:16
ElijahCMenifeebisby, did it complain about unable to parse file before it crashed?08:17
wektShortly after i log came 3 in & then 20min. later, another just arrived.08:17
ElijahCMenifeebisby, do a 'sudo nvidia-xconfig` to make sure xorg.conf gets created correctly after that runs then do another 'gksu nvidia-settings' to see if that fixes the problem08:18
bisbyElijahCMenifee, that worked. thanks a ton.08:19
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, what does cc --version report?08:19
xim_what are you guys gonna talk about in a week?08:20
Ian_Corneno idea08:20
xim_i tried to install ubuntu on my buddies laptop but it wont work with his video drivers, it looks like scrambled graphics like a kiosk when you ctrl+alt+f1 and it cant handle that resolution even close08:21
xim_we reinstalled the drivers a million times and it never helped08:21
xim_what are the chances karmic will be any better?08:21
ElijahCMenifeewekt, not sure let me think about it, if anyone else knows off the top of their head what package generats "*** SECURITY information for host *** empty mail messages please jump in08:22
bisbyso anyone happen to know anything about creative X-Fi on karmic before i head out?08:23
wektor if you know a way to cause anacron to send more info to diagnose the problem, presuming it is anacron.08:23
saulusElijahCMenifee: cc (Ubuntu 4.4.1-4ubuntu8) 4.4.108:24
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, does 'gcc --version' report the same thing?08:25
saulusElijahCMenifee: yep08:25
saulus/etc/alternatives/c++ == /usr/bin/g++-4.4 == /usr/bin/g++08:25
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, give me a minute to test gcc on my system to see if there is an actual bug with the compiler/linker08:26
saulusok ElijahCMenifee - this problem persists for more than 7 days for me. None of the last 3/4 new nvidia-kernel packages differs in compiling for me08:27
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, Is there a reason you are compiling nvidia instead of using pre-packaged packages?08:28
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, Hello world runs, what is the exact nvidia driver version you downloaded?08:29
tasdawgGday i have a question about virtual serial ports, can anyone help me out on that?08:29
wektElijahCMenifee: it may have some compilation due to licensing reasons.  the nvidia drivers from nvidia are not FLOSS08:29
saulusElijahCMenifee: I just need the normal nvidia-glx. But when I install this I geht the nvidia-kernel-headers as dependency. The modules build against dkms is failing08:29
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, Also are you running 64bit or 32bit?08:30
MoopwaxI'm having an issue I used to have in 9.04, I found a fix to it somewhere, but when I reinstalled with 9.10 alpha it came back, when I close my laptop lip, the computer completely freezes up. when its set to blank screen.08:30
saulusElijahCMenifee: nvidia-185-kernel-source_185.18.36-0ubuntu8_amd64.deb08:30
saulusElijahCMenifee: afaik 64 bit. At least jaunty was 64 bit before dist-upgrading. How can I test?08:31
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, does uname -a list as x86_64?08:31
saulusElijahCMenifee: yes08:32
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, I am preparing to try a compile in a vbox(do not want to hose my working restricted-drivers nvidia-glx on my main computer) it will take a few minutes to install.  In the meantime could you get me a pastbin of all your installed packages so I can make my vbox match your envrionment as closly as possible?08:33
saulusElijahCMenifee: just tell me how I can get the list of packages installed08:36
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, do a paste bin of `dpkg -l`08:37
saulusElijahCMenifee: Here it is: http://pastebin.com/f5ca753a708:39
tavastiI'm running karmic beta install over ssh console, and install stuck on 'configuring console-setup ...' 66%08:41
NukeadorI'm having problems when installing snort 2.8, it's unable to detect that eth0 is a valid interface. I get an error telling me that it isn't.08:47
NukeadorI can't find if it's a known issue or not08:48
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, Could you also pastbin me the 'dpkg-query --show --showformat '${Package} ' output?08:48
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, missed a quote by only using 's.... <<dpkg-query --show --showformat '${Package} '>> note the space after ${Package}08:50
saulusElijahCMenifee: thats nice to have ;) http://pastebin.com/f7b95171208:51
saulusVoll cool für systemreplikation: dpkg-query --show --showformat '${Package} '08:52
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, yes ;-p08:52
saulusoh, wrong channel, sorry :)08:55
tasdawgAnyone Active?08:59
tasdawgQuestions about Serial ports & Pseudo terminal08:59
ElijahCMenifeeI really should have gotten around to install a squid proxy with all the updates/package installs I have been doing in vboxes...09:00
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)09:02
saulusElijahCMenifee: this pays off very soon. I can really recommend apt-cacher even apt-proxy looks nicer and more easy. The latter cant run for longer time without being restarted (on lenny)09:03
rabidweezleerm, wrong window :/09:04
XamDMgood morning, anyone here who noes how to set the default cpu governor in karmic ??, after reboot its always performace instead of ondemand09:06
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, Got new vbox up and running preparing to actually replicate system install, and then try to replicate your problem09:07
rabidweezlethat's the way I normally run it anyway :/09:07
XamDMis ther a option set will stop the cpufreq-applet to request my password ???09:10
rabidweezleit needs superuser to edit major system settings, and that's under the hardware control set of things09:12
ElijahCMenifeecould setup sudo to allow that specific command to run without password verification....09:13
d9500XamDM: you already have the cpu frequency scaling meter on the panel, correct?09:14
d3xterhey guys, i've got a wierd behaviour on my laptop09:14
d3xterthe brightness hotkeys works while booting, but when x-server has been started, they dont do anything09:15
XamDMd9500, yes09:15
XamDMd9500, it works quite well, but it defaults to performace and request a password09:15
d9500XamDM: ok, then try the following-open a terminal and type "sudo dpkg-reconfigure gnome-applets" without the quotes09:16
saulusThank you ElijahCMenifee09:16
rabidweezled3xter, I just tried it on my compaq cq60-215dx, and the fn keys for brightness work in x using nvidia drivers :/09:16
XamDMd9500, will i have to relogon to take changes effect ???, it still request a password ...09:17
d3xteron my lenovo 3000 n500, it doesnt ^^09:17
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, No problem, and no guarantee Ill be able to reproduce it either... if not we will try a different route ;-)09:17
rabidweezlein fact, it actually looks cool when it does it09:17
rabidweezleit's like this whole fading effect09:18
d9500XamDM: it should then give you a prompt  about installing a component of cpufreq with SUID bit set. did you see that prompt?09:18
rabidweezled3xter, did you just install karmic today?09:18
XamDMd9500, no09:18
d3xterrabidweezle: no, i've installed alpha 3 i think and the behaviour hasnt changed until now :-/09:18
XamDMd9500, maybe a bug in x86_64 ??, ill try on my laptp (i386)09:19
d9500XamDM: when you first added the icon to the panel, did you get a message that cpu frequency scaling was unsupported?09:19
XamDMd9500, no09:20
tavastihas anyone else tested installing karmic with network (=ssh) console?09:20
d9500XamDM: ok, what happened when you ran the command in terminal that i posted earlier?09:21
XamDMd9500, strange, on my notebook it defaults to ondemand but for changing also request a password09:22
WackyHyenahey, is there a way to see recently released applications for ubuntu?09:22
XamDMd9500, it runs without any information ore output09:22
rskWackyHyena: i already gave you the link...09:22
WackyHyenaokay then09:23
topyliapplications are "released for ubuntu" twice a year, with the rest of the system09:25
WackyHyenawait, so the updates for application are false except for two times a year?09:26
TheInfinityWackyHyena: there are just updates (means: security patches), no upgrades09:26
WackyHyenaokay, that makes more sense09:27
TheInfinityeg you wont get an upgrade from OpenOffice2 to OpenOffice3 in hardy09:28
TheInfinitybut you get every security patch for OpenOffice209:28
WackyHyenawhat if you manually install OpenOffice3? or is that impossible?09:28
XamDMd9500, after reboot it stayend on ondemand, but for changing it still request password09:29
ElijahCMenifeeif you manually install you are reasonable for manually installing security patches09:29
TheInfinityWackyHyena: you can use 3rd parity sources09:29
topyliWackyHyena, you can do it quite easily but you'll have to take care of it yourself. no updates09:29
d9500XamDM: hang on, i'm still trying to figure out a fix09:29
rskWackyHyena: why would you want to manually install o.o 3.0 when 3.1 is in karmic?09:29
rskWackyHyena: sure manual install always possible09:29
TheInfinityWackyHyena: but they are unsupported, so if you want a stable system you should not use them09:30
XamDMd9500, mybe its a policykit thing ???09:30
ahatnpviewer.bin is using 90% of my cpu09:31
ahatI'm about to kill it09:31
rskinb4 OH SHI--09:31
ahatnow it is better09:32
d3xterwhat is the subsystem "leds" used for?09:32
ElijahCMenifeeahat would not worry to much VirtualBox was hitting 178% on me earlier...09:32
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, what all repositories do you have enabled?09:34
saulusElijahCMenifee: http://pastebin.com/f532582ff09:35
XamDMd9500, thanks for yout help, i will be later online again...09:35
d9500XamDM: Perhaps it is policykit. I wonder if a quick-fix hack might be to chown it to your user and group instead of root's?09:35
d9500XamDM: though I've never tried anything like that, and it might cause other problems09:36
d3xterdevkit-power manages the hotkeys, right?09:45
tavastiinstall ssh console problem solved, I had shell open in real console, and hit this bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/console-setup/+bug/41341510:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 413415 in console-setup "console-setup hangs under chroot debootstrap with a console login on ttyX" [Undecided,New]10:06
oldude67ok is anyone else having issues with gnome, when running kubuntu? for some reason it wont let me install the gnome-desktop-environment.10:07
tavastioldude67, what it complains?10:10
oldude67tavasti, it says package gdm, brasero,and a couple of others are broken.10:11
oldude67i really dont care much for the setup of the gnome desktop, but i do like some of the apps, that they support.10:12
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, just so you know you seem to have a lot of old package cruft from jaunty upgrade vs clean install, still cutting down the package list of item with no install canadate or replaced packages...10:13
tavastioldude67, I got 'gnome-desktop-environment: Depends: fast-user-switch-applet (>= 2.22.0) but it is not installable' on xubuntu10:14
tavastiI assume packages are right now changing, so try bit later10:14
oldude67tavasti, ya im installing it as well, but when using kpackage it said broken dependencies, so i did aptitude install.10:15
yoritomohello everybody10:15
tavasti18 packages upgraded, and my last dist-upgrade was ~2 hours ago10:15
oldude67also says that fam and gamin are broken, i know i have to have something of the 2 but which and i wonder if i can hack around them to get it to work?10:16
oldude67tavasti, i havent did an dist-upgrade yet.10:16
saulusElijahCMenifee: I was surprised, too, so I removed all jaunty packages I could find (7 or so: acroread, kde-stuff and another nothing related).10:17
yoritomoit has a bug with glipper which can't be reported by karmic, it crash everytime starting karmic,  and when i access to the logs i get this error on top on the window http://paste.ubuntu.com/297346/10:17
oldude67tavasti, is that the same as doing update-manager-d?10:17
yoritomoheu sorry it is for Glipper10:17
yoritomowhich log may i provide to you ?10:17
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, I should shortly have a pastebin for you of all packages that do no seem to exist currently in the repository....10:17
saulusElijahCMenifee: great10:18
tavastioldude67, no. Differerence is that dist-upgrade can add packages if updated packages have more dependencies10:19
Trancehi all10:20
TranceI have a problem with sound10:20
Tranceafter each restart or shut down it goes to the default10:21
oldude67tavasti, when doing a dist-upgrade it wants to remove all of the gnome stuff i just put back in..i will wait on that.10:21
Tranceany idea?10:23
oldude67trance, i had that issue a while back as well, are you running of a jaunty upgrade or a fresh install of karmic?10:24
Tranceoldude67: a fresh install10:24
Tranceoldude67: and after 500 MB update it hasn't solved  yet10:25
oldude67Trance, what sound?10:25
Tranceoldude67: Master F goes to default10:26
Tranceoldude67: I have to open terminal and alsamixer10:26
oldude67Trance, i meant what type of sound card are you using?10:26
Tranceoldude67: and then turn it up10:26
Tranceoldude67: oh! thats onboard10:26
oldude67Trance, and it is what?10:27
yoritomonobody interrested by that bug ?10:27
Tranceoldude67: this is my MB http://forums.techarena.in/reviews/1073004.htm10:28
oldude67Trance, just do lspci in terminal and see what it says.10:28
Tranceoldude67: 00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 82801G (ICH7 Family) High Definition Audio Controller (rev 01)10:29
oldude67Trance, try this, killall pulseaudio , rm -rf , alt+f2 , pulseaudio..it might help.10:30
Tranceoldude67: ok let me test10:30
oldude67Trance, since the jaunty release intel drivers are being kind of redone.10:31
yoritomostill only 9 days before karmic's release10:31
Tranceoldude67: ok I think I must restart the PC10:32
Tranceoldude67:  brb10:32
oldude67Trance, gl10:32
hsarci_whenever i try to open a folder from "places" i get a error saying "No application is registered as handling this file"10:32
loddercan ubuntu one run a service with a log?10:33
WackyHyenai'm having trouble with running the JACK audio server10:33
lodderI men can ubuntu one run in the background without starting gnome?10:34
WackyHyenai can't seem to run ardour10:34
WackyHyenawhat an odd sentence10:34
chu_Hey guys, sometimes (so far, it has always been on first boot if I recall), Gnome-Do doesn't load any actions? Like, I can type things, but nothing does anything, if that makes sense (I can see the Gnome-Do window, and I can see the text I'm typing, but it isn't loading a database of actions to choose, or whatever it does)10:35
yoritomook have a nice day bye10:36
Tranceoldude67: nope! didn't work10:37
oldude67Trance, sorry other then seeing what google says or forums..i dont know then.10:37
Tranceoldude67: I think I have to wait for final release10:37
oldude67Trance, yeah it should be fixed by then...of course thats less then 10 days away now.10:38
Tranceoldude67: ;) ya anyway thanks for the help :)10:38
oldude67Trance, np10:38
horsieis the 9.10 release date garunteed or no where near it yet??10:39
rskhorsie: should be out on the date unless something comes up10:40
horsiesweet - is there a list or anything of unsolved bugs or issues at this point in time?10:41
oldude67well i dont know if its a guarantee but it should be on that date..10:41
rskhorsie: yes goto launchpad.net10:41
Tranceoldude67:  this is what alsamixer says, is this my card???  Card: HDA Intel  Chip: VIA VT1708B 8-Ch10:41
horsieclose enough is good enough - i want to cut across to 9.10 direct instead of 9.0410:41
WackyHyenadoes anyone use jack audio?10:41
d9500oldude67: when you ran rm -rf  after killing pulse, was it just pulsee you removed or alsa and its utils as well?10:41
rskwhy would you want to use jack?10:41
WackyHyenafor like ardour and lmms10:42
WackyHyenaare there better audio tools?10:42
oldude67d9500, should of been just pulse i believe.10:42
rskok dunno about what thoose are10:42
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, I am unable to install the following most of these files have new versions or replacements that can be found but a few of them did not appear to come from ubuntu (maya,aac*,eclipse*) http://pastebin.com/f4824e56310:43
d9500oldude67: i ran into the same issue after replacing an old install of 9.04 w/ a fresh install of it. granted, that was jaunty, but you still might try the following. sudo aptitude purge remove linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils (if you use gnome it will get rid of gnome-desktop metapackage too, but as it is just a metapackage to pull other gnome components in, you can go ahead and let it remove it, and then reinstall it later)10:44
d9500*add pulseaudio to the mix too when you remove.10:44
oldude67Trance, did you catch that?10:45
saulusElijahCMenifee: thank you for your effort. So the idea is me to remove those packages and try again?10:45
d9500then run sudo aptitude install linux-sound-base alsa-base alsa-utils pulseaudio gdm ubuntu-desktop10:45
ElijahCMenifeeyou might want to review them first I do not see any reason that the maya2008 or eclipse ones would interfare, but there are some development libraries and old linux-headers that could be confusing the compile for linking/headers10:47
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, you might want to review them first I do not see any reason that the maya2008 or eclipse ones would interfare, but there are some development libraries and old linux-headers that could be confusing the compile for linking/headers10:47
hsarci_when i edited settings in gconf for the power manager they dont manifest...any ideas?10:48
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, in addition there are some other errors preventing me from installing your package set due to package conflicts.  A cleaner option may be to backup your home directories and other data, and try working with a clean install of karmic instead of an upgrade.10:49
hsarci_sorry, i released that certain settings values work differnelty than i thought...10:49
Alexia_DeathHi. I just did a distupgrade and there seems to be something wrong with the UDEV rules for input devices10:49
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, I am still looking into resolving the package conflicts to see if I can reproduce your error with a nearly clean version of your system..10:50
Alexia_DeathThey are created under /dev not /dev/input and that breaks the synaptics driver10:51
saulusElijahCMenifee: I can reinstall karmic but I will wait those some days until its getting released. I dont want to gain trouble again10:51
Alexia_DeathI had to symlink the event device to dev intput  to have my touchpad working10:51
Alexia_Deathbut thats just a temporary hack10:52
Alexia_Deathany clue how this is supposed to be solved?10:52
sauluswell ElijahCMenifee I purged all the packages except awcommon and maya and the error is still the same. Tell me when rebooting shall solve problems10:52
hsarci_the settings in gconf for power manager that refer to time....what unit of measurement do they use???? for example it says "spindown time ac: 600" that means 600 whats?10:53
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, not sure reboot would help in any way10:54
NoReflexHello guys! Is there a key combo for activating / disabling Compiz in Gnome 2.28 (Ubuntu Karmic beta). I remember that in KWin you could disable compositing with Alt+Shift+F12.10:55
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, could you get me a pastebin of the command and full error output?10:58
d9500hsarci: i'm guessing spindown refers to HD platter spindown time, in that case, the unit would probably be seconds10:59
d9500that is, the HD platters spin down, requiring some action to wake them up, after 600 seconds10:59
hsarci_yeah it is in seconsds...says so i just missed it...11:01
d9500just checked gconf, and...wait, you saw the description. nvm11:01
hsarci_d9500, lol11:01
rabidweezlehrm, compiled darkplaces/nexuiz and my touchpad messes up with keyboard input... and the sound dies after a minute or so11:02
hsarci_are there any GOOD screenlets???11:03
saulusElijahCMenifee: http://pastebin.com/f770f037211:05
hsarci_has anyone tried to use putty to connect to freenode?11:05
|eagles0513875|hsarci_: O_o can that even be done via ssh to connect to freenode11:06
|eagles0513875|hsarci_: ask in freenode if it can even be done11:06
hsarci_ok i will11:06
hsarci_i have another quesiton....my telnet gives me a "could not resolve server" no matter what server i put in even if i know it works to telnet to that server from a diff computer11:07
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, do you want to try driver package straight from nvidia?11:08
|eagles0513875|hsarci_: can you ping www.google.com11:09
saulusElijahCMenifee: No, I just want the normal nvidia-glx. Nothing special, just the proprietary drivers built for ubuntu11:11
saulusreboot didnt change anything ElijahCMenifee11:11
andresmhI was prompted to do a "partial upgrade" that involves removing rtkit. Do you know what that package does?11:12
tavastiwhat is correct way to disable starting gdm on boot?11:12
ElijahCMenifee!info rtkit | adresmh11:12
ubottuadresmh: rtkit (source: rtkit): Realtime Policy and Watchdog Daemon. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4-0ubuntu2 (karmic), package size 29 kB, installed size 188 kB11:12
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, lets try removing the 185 based packages and seeing if the 180 will build11:13
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, note that the nvidia-settings only report being at 180 (have 185 installed locally with nvidia-settings-180 so I do not expect a driver version downgrade to help but it might triger something)11:20
rabidweezlewhat's the safe way to remove pulseaudio?11:22
=== hsarci_ is now known as hsarci
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, Have you ran a memcheck or are you overcloking by chance? I have seen strange compile errors due to minor system instabilites due to memory or overclocking issues, may be that the gcc is failing becasue of that...11:26
saulusElijahCMenifee: I did run a memcheck for 12h. Normal notebook. No overclocking. No errors. What shall I install now? nvidia-180-kernel-source hast the dependencies nvidia-185-kernel-source nvidia-185-libvdpau and nvidia-glx-185 *185*11:27
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, maybee 173...11:28
Alexia_Deathif anybody asks, the input problem gets solved if you use the latest kernel11:29
Alexia_Deathat least devices are found11:29
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, I am grabbing the deb source for 185 now to see if can figure out a way to bypass if 173 does not work11:31
saulusElijahCMenifee: 173 does produce the same error. I try going down further11:32
sauluseven 91 doenst work11:32
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, the next down is 96 which may not support new cards or even work11:32
saulusok ElijahCMenifee I'm going to eat now and go on in about 45 min11:33
ElijahCMenifeelets double check your gcc in abit11:33
ElijahCMenifeesaulus, ok I need food also, and a few hours sleep before work, I will catch you latter..11:34
yoritomowhat is the latest version of grub ? i use 1.97 beta 4 which is very bugged :(11:48
yoritomoloading during 10 secs11:48
yoritomoif no newer version i really would like to downgrade11:48
om26eryoritomo: i think this is a new technique in ubuntu to start X very soon at boot that's y grub takes a while11:49
* om26er is guessing11:50
speedHas anyone here been able to successfully install ATI drivers for an Xpress 200m on Karmic?11:50
joaopintoom26er, no, that is not related to grub, that's after grub11:51
yoritomobut it is before the boot menu, not even after the selection11:51
speedI cannot get any accelerated drivers working and it's annoying me if anyone could help.11:51
d9500yoritomo: i'm running a very fresh install of ubuntu, and my grub version is the same. not a fan of grub2 here either. they replaced menu.lst, which you could change by editing a single line, with a series of files you have to edit...then run update-grub. seems the old way was easier11:51
joaopintod9500, it is not, from an interface perspective you see the same, however a fresh install installs grub211:51
d9500not sure how to downgrade though.11:51
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub211:52
ubottuFor Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto | The ATI and nVidia binary drivers may not be currently installable at the moment11:52
om26erd9500: the new way is safer11:52
rabidweezlepulseaudio... how to remove it?11:52
joaopintoom26er, the grub slowliness is not related to the kernel load time or ubuntu boot process11:52
om26erjoaopinto: roger that11:53
joaopintorabidweezle, what problem do you have ?11:53
rabidweezleit's messing up a couple apps for me11:53
rabidweezlefighting alsa on me11:53
d9500om26er: yes, and it supports ext4 without patching, but nonetheless, having to edit a configuration file then run an update is not simpler than the old way. i'm not saying it's not safer, just not as friendly.11:53
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rabidweezlebasically my sound is dieing on nexuiz and darkplaces a few minutes in the game11:54
joaopintorabidweezle, try installing libsdl1.2-pulseaudio11:54
rabidweezlewas told by their support to get rid of pulseaudio that will quit11:55
joaopintoI mean: libsdl1.2debian-pulseaudio11:55
om26erhere is a bug: empathy don't complete the names of people which end with number like d950011:55
HoopyCatdoes tracker ever stop indexing?  :-/11:56
joaopintod9500, I am sure someone will update startup manager to work with grub2 making it friendly ;)11:56
d9500joapinto: i don't see any problems with the startup manager, it's just thatpassing a simple option like option.nouveau modeset=1 or vga=773 cannot be done directly on grub.cfg.11:57
d9500i know it's for safety reasons (allowing directly editing of the config file=way to mess things up)11:57
om26erhow to leave an irc channel in empathy /part dont work11:57
legend2440speed: unfortunately the Xpress cards are among those athat AMD has stopped supporting. you are stuck using the open source drivers  http://support.amd.com/us/gpudownload/linux/Legacy/Pages/radeon_linux.aspx?type=2.7&product=
joaopintod9500, you didn't read the wiki page11:58
joaopintod9500, that is easy to do by changing /etc/default/grub11:58
joaopintoom26er, irc support or empathy is minimal11:58
om26erjoaopinto: i guess empathy will fully support irc in its next major release11:59
yoritomothen now how to edit grub ?12:00
om26erthijs_: hi12:01
thijs_I have a ati radeon hd 3400, and it seems that current installations do not support that card yet. Would begin testing karmic koala help you and me for future users?12:01
Martin_vWHello, update-manager on my karmic notebook hangs after having entered the password. I see in htop that update-manager has a subprocess gksu, and gksu has a sudo subprocess in turn. If I strace this sudo process, it prints only one line "restart_syscall" and hangs. Any ideas on what's going on here? My main karmic machine is not affected.12:02
d9500joapinto: so i would add, for example, vga=773 after "quiet splash" in the GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub, then?12:02
mvoMartin_vW: is that reproduceable, i.e. does the same happen when you run "gksu id" ?12:06
om26erany ubuntu moblin remix user here?12:06
mvoMartin_vW: does it show anything interessting if you attach gdb via "gdb -p", press ctrl-c and type backtrace ?12:07
Martin_vWmvo: gksu id seems to work fine. After I've entered my password, it should the id output for root.12:07
Martin_vWHm, it seems to be synaptic that's actually hanging... htop lists the process as 6609 /usr/bin/sudo [...] -u root /usr/sbin/synaptic [...], but gdb said "detaching from /usr/sbin/synaptic" after I quit it.12:11
Martin_vWgdb bt output from /usr/sbin/synaptic: http://pastie.org/66183012:12
mvoMartin_vW: hm, if synpatic is hanging, what does strace show for that?12:12
mvoMartin_vW: ohhh, is there maybe a error dialog hinding somewhere? behind a window or something?12:13
mvoMartin_vW: that is not in the window list?12:13
Martin_vWThe "restart_syscall(<... resuming interrupted call ...>" output I originally attributed to sudo.12:13
Martin_vWNope, no error dialog. Just the update-manager main window, with all UI elements disabled.12:13
mvoMartin_vW: do you have any sort of unusual setup, some sort of accessability enabled or something?12:15
Martin_vWIt's a tablet PC that supports pen input, and I believe accessibility is enabled e.g. for an onscreen keyboard.12:15
mvoMartin_vW:  thanks. is this the first time it hangs? does it usually works?12:17
Martin_vWNo, on the notebook, it hangs every time I try to use it. The last times, I've used aptitude to circumvent the problem, but now I have decided that I want to somehow fix the underlying issue.12:17
mvoMartin_vW: ok, always hanging is good (should make it easier to debug) :)12:18
Martin_vWyup, I know what you mean :)12:18
mvoMartin_vW: what happens if you run it from the command line via sudo and then gksu? same hang? or does it work then12:18
Martin_vWI'm still not sure whether I'm stracing and gdb'ing the sudo process or the synaptic process... ps aux shows actually two gksu and two synaptic processes. Maybe there is still another hanging synaptic in the background from my last attempt to run update-manager...12:20
Martin_vWyes, there is12:20
mvoMartin_vW: ps afx12:20
mvothat should show the parent->child relationship12:20
Martin_vWok, killed them all now12:21
TarthenMy TTY's no longer show "(development branch)". Release is pushing closer ;)12:21
saulusok ElijahCMenifee have a good night and see you later :)12:21
Martin_vWhm, now it's actually downloading the APT lists12:22
Martin_vWand shows all available updates.12:22
TarthenThe command could not be located because '/usr/bin' is not included in the PATH environment variable.12:23
Martin_vWit looks like this just fixed itself, it's downloading the updates now :/12:23
mvoMartin_vW: hm, so maybe a hidde/not dispalyed error message?12:23
Tarthenthis error is annoying12:23
Tarthenanyone know how to fix it?12:23
Martin_vWmvo: I have no idea. I'll come back as soon as I can reproduce this again :)12:24
mvoI will be here12:24
TarthenI somehow set my path to PATH:/usr/lib/jvm/java-1.5.0-sun-
Tarthenany idea on how to fix this>12:28
cyberspliceTarthen: export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin12:32
Martin_vWTarthen: the PATH shuld be defined in /etc/environment12:32
Martin_vWThe default there is PATH="/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin:/usr/games".12:32
TarthenI have no idea how i screwed it up xD12:35
cyberspliceTarthen: You probably did export PATH=/whatever instead of export PATH=$PATH:/whatever12:36
krzd_hi, i have got some problem with usb_modeswitch and my UMTS stick, wich I really need. If anyone can help, please find the error message with more detailed problem description on http://paste.frubar.net/11261 . Thanks in advance12:37
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Flasbang73is there any way i can do a wubi install with karmic?12:40
cyberspliceFlasbang73: I think Wubi is on the beta CD.12:40
Flasbang73ok well i know i tried it on the alpha cds before but it installed 9.0412:42
kojikais 512Mb or ram really not enough for ubuntu.It is so slow.It takes every time I start up something about 5 sec to see the window open , often it takes more time12:42
Flasbang73they should add a readyboost like thing in ubuntu like vista has12:43
kojikaI do not have such problems in windows XP12:43
joaopintokoshari, 512 mb is not much for gnome, you probably want something lighter like xubuntu12:44
kojikaI'll try it.When update manager is working I cant even chat.Everythigng gets dark and unusable12:45
kojikais the kernel and the drivers in xubuntu the same like in ubuntu?Is the only difference between the two distros the graphical environment12:46
joaopintokojika, yes12:48
topylikojika, you can make apt operations much much easier on system resources by disabling/removing apt-xapian-index. this will disable the nice quicksearch of metadata though12:52
Flasbang73ok thx im using wubi with 9.10 right now :)12:54
xguruwill this channel be merged back in #ubuntu after the 29th?13:01
rskxguru: this channel will be closed when it's out13:03
rskxguru: and open again when 10.04 starts13:03
xgurureopening again when lucid goes to alpha?13:03
xgurudo you know if lucid will be the first build to have gnome3 (gnome-shell)13:08
rskxguru: that's not decided yet13:09
rskxguru: time till tell13:09
xgurui herd there was a hold up in the dual monitor section13:10
rskwhat hold up13:11
dns53bulletproof x does not seem to work, where do i file a bug? x? gdm?13:11
rskdns53: launchpad.net ubuntu/karmic section13:11
joaopintorsk,  he is asking about whic package, not a section13:12
dns53but what package?13:12
joaopintodns53, better ask on #ubuntu-bugs13:12
dns53will do13:12
Xamdm|afkhow can i disable the passwort-check on switching prozessor-speed with cpufreq-applet ??13:16
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del_diabloUbuntu alternative install from CD medium requires a CD nr 2 for x86-64, where is this CD located? Or is this a bug?13:17
joaopintoit must be a bug13:18
c4ptanyone using nvidia binary drivers with 9.10 and a dual monitor setup13:18
c4ptcrt + lcd ?13:18
Picidel_diablo: Is the iso just larger than one cd or does it actually say to insert disc two?13:18
del_diabloPici: Its suppose to be 1 CD, its 678 MB.13:19
del_diabloPici: It says to insert disc 2, which does not exist :(13:19
Picidel_diablo: That would be a bug methinks.13:19
Picidel_diablo: Sometimes the ISO builds get oversized and won't burn onto one CD, just was trying to make sure that wasn't the case here.13:20
del_diabloof to report then :(13:21
Pres-GasHey, all.  I have installed the beta of Ubuntu and think I have stumbled onto the hw clock/system clock confusion.  My BIOS clock at install was set to EDT, but now keeps getting set to GMT as is my system time.  I cannot get them to read properly and am fully updated as of yesterday.  Do we have a documented process out there to get this fixed?13:23
Pres-GasI go into Time and Date as well cannot set the proper timezone (Xubuntu).  Googleing gives me a number of launchpad bug reports but none of them quite match me or have inconsistent fixes.13:24
del_diablooh great, launchpad bug report is down.........................13:25
del_diabloPres-Gas: Have you tried "sudo hwclock"?13:26
legend2440Pres-Gas: to get my Bios time right i had to edit the  /etc/default/rcS  file and set UTC=no13:27
Pres-Gaslegend2440, did that, and did not work...was there other steps you needed to take after that?13:28
Pres-GasI am ssh-ed in and do not want to restart it to only have the famed superblock in the future error and not be able to get back in.13:29
Pres-Gasdel_diablo, and set the bios clock to what, UTC or EDT?13:29
legend2440Pres-Gas: no i think that was all i did. was fine after that.13:29
Pres-Gaslegend2440, I wonder if dorking with some other settings messed with it....hmmm13:30
shadeslayergot a new usb mouse today,wasnt too hopefull that itll work by default and voila! it works :P13:31
Pres-GasI went into /etc/timezone and set it to "America/Indiana/Indianapolis" as well13:31
del_diabloPres-Gas: Sorry, its some time since i've had trouble with date on this machine. I just googled up "unix set time", and it seemed relevant.....13:31
Pres-Gasdel_diablo, was this for this version?13:31
Pres-GasI think the problem is that there seems to be no consistent way to get it right.13:32
del_diabloPres-Gas: It was for 9.04, summertime or what it was had set itself wrong of and thus the clock was 1 hour of.... But the core commands should be the same unless the entire core of the unix commands have been changed since last version.13:33
Pres-GasThe other thing is that ubiquity no longer asks how the hardware clock is set...anyone notice that?  I kept wondering if that was the issue.13:34
bullgardWhat add-on or DEB program package do I have to install in order play .swf files?13:35
Pres-Gasdel_diablo, I think in 9.10 the system and hw clocks are fighting each other.13:35
Pres-Gasbullgard, mplayer should do it for you.13:35
ubottumplayer is a media player. It resides in the mutiverse repository and can easily be installed via applications -> add/remove. For codecs try !codecs13:36
Pres-Gasdel_diablo, okay, I may try something but it may cut me off at the knees...Can you tell me if your /etc/defaults/rcS has a UTC=yes or no?13:38
bullgardPres-Gas: Apparently Mplayer cannot play a stream from the Internet.13:40
del_diabloPres-Gas: I can't, not sitting on it. Since 9.10 install failed due a bug............. i just reinstalled grub and feel like waiting for stable to come around along with the minimal CD.13:40
Pres-Gashmmm, I was pretty sure it would if you downloaded that.  Any reason you are not playing it in a browser, bullgard?13:41
Pres-Gasdel_diablo, s'okay.  I may play with something and reboot/report back in with results.13:42
bullgardPres-Gas: Yes. My web browser does not play the sound. It shows animated pictures only.13:42
BluesKajhiyas all13:49
wektIn the current Gnome, should the sound configuration settings applications still work when not using Pulse?  I get sounds via alsa, but the sound settings apps/control panel do not work.  and i don't mean the ones with 'pulse' in the name.13:49
hipitihopI'm trying to install WICD and although it looks like it hould be in universe, synaptic fails to find it. tips ?13:50
wekthipitihop: were you able to select it in synaptic?  if so, check the detailed output for signs of failure13:51
hipitihopwekt: no it does not appear in synaptic13:51
shadeslayerhipitihop: try : apt-cache search wicd13:51
BluesKajwekt, add to your sources.list deb http://apt.wicd.net karmic extras13:51
legend2440hipitihop: did you enable  Universe?13:51
wekthipitihop: you can also see package information by entering the package name into the search field on firefox with the ubuntu symbol selected13:52
BluesKajerr hipitihop13:52
hipitihoplegend2440: afaik13:52
shadeslayerbtw is there someway to disable a laptop touchpad,when i have a mouse conneceted?13:52
BluesKajhip add this13:52
BluesKajhipitihop, deb http://apt.wicd.net karmic extras13:53
BluesKajshadeslayer, don't touch it ...that's what i do13:53
shadeslayerBluesKaj: ok... ive installed touchfreeze,so it shouldnt be a problem13:53
hipitihopBluesKaj: will give it a shot..  that was going to be my next try but did not want to override normal Universe repository... anyway will try now13:54
hipitihopwekt: shadeslayer: BluesKaj thanks13:54
BluesKajhipitihop, add it to your sources.list , then sudo apt-get update13:54
del_diabloBluesKaj: That is halfway impossible, to avoid the touchpad. Most of them are placed so hitting them by accident is required.13:56
test34shadeslayer, some touchpads have a off button13:57
shadeslayerdont have one13:57
BluesKajdel_diablo, I'm blessed /cursed with big hands so I guess it's not a prob for me.13:57
shadeslayerdel_diablo: best way out : install touchfreeze :)13:58
del_diabloshadeslayer: Is there a fn key on your lappy that have a mouse on it?13:58
test34shadeslayer, you probably could unload some modules then maybe?13:58
shadeslayertest34: hmm.... well i dont want to do that,in case i need the touchpad,i need something which can turn it on and off instantly..13:59
test34shadeslayer, Open your Synaptic Package Manager and do a search for touchpad. It should list several configuration tools. The one that looks most useful to you might be touchfreeze.14:00
shadeslayertest34: i have it installed :)14:00
test34doesnt work?14:00
shadeslayertest34: its only for freezing the touchpad during typing14:00
shadeslayeri want to be able to turn off the touchpad off and on at my will...14:01
test341. in panel, click on System, then Preferences and then Mouse14:01
test342. In the Mouse Preferences dialog, click on the "Touchpad" tab and then simply click on the checkbox for General - "Enable Touchpad" to enable or disable as needed.14:01
shadeslayertest34: i have kde14:02
shadeslayerno such thing to actually switch it off14:03
shadeslayeroh yaa14:03
shadeslayeri figured it out :),in touchfreeze theres a checkbox : Enable touchpad :P14:03
Dr_WillisI always like the laptops with a actual button to turn them off. :)14:06
Dr_WillisTheres also some feature to turn off for a few sec while typeing14:06
shadeslayerDr_Willis: yeah that would have been nice :)14:06
Dr_WillisIve not noticed that in 9.1014:06
Dr_WillisIts proberly there somewhere. or may be a synaptics specific tool/setting14:06
shadeslayerDr_Willis: touchfreeze :)14:07
Dr_WillisForce Feedback Touchpads!14:08
* Dr_Willis recalls having a mouse with force feedback./14:08
del_diabloshadeslayer: Futjisu laptops :P14:08
Dr_WillisIt had a little motor that could vibrate when ya moved over icons and stuff14:08
del_diablo........... i mean Fujitsu14:08
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BluesKajtest34, looks like your on gnome ..wonder where that setting is on kde system settings14:09
* BluesKaj hauls out the laptop14:10
* shadeslayer fiddles with his new usb mouse14:10
del_diablotest34: What i want to know is what in the CLI that will turn it off default under X :P14:11
shadeslayerdel_diablo: you can probably configure it under xorg.conf14:12
del_diabloshadeslayer: xorg.conf is decrapted?14:12
shadeslayerdel_diablo: nope,its  used if its detected14:13
del_diabloshadeslayer: To be honest, i won't touch that thing with a 10 meter long stick. I am more curious over how the driver is loaded default and what controls those flags.14:14
bobbob1016I'm trying to disable dmraid on karmic, following this http://www.brandonchecketts.com/archives/disabling-dmraid-fakeraid-on-centos-5 but it says mkinitrd doesn't exist.  Any ideas?14:14
Hobbes`i'm unable to install updates on kubuntu karmic .. whats the kde equivalent of gksudo ?14:14
bobbob1016Hobbes`, kdesudo14:14
coz_Hobbes`,  isnt it kate14:15
bobbob1016or kdesu, not sure the difference14:15
shadeslayerHobbes`: kdesu14:15
Picicoz_: kate is a text editor14:15
bobbob1016coz_, No, kate is the text editor, like gedit14:15
Hobbes`by default it says14:15
coz_Pici,  oh no I just revealed my KDE  ignorance lol14:15
Hobbes`"you do not have necessary privileges"14:16
joaopintoHobbes`, sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade14:16
Hobbes`installing it for someone else... would rather know how to do it graphically14:17
Hobbes`oh great it fails with kdesudo too14:17
Hobbes`polkit-kde-manager closed unexpectedly14:17
Coeus82hey guys, not sure if this a problem related particular only to karmic but ever since the upgrade when I try to open something through firefox (ex: open a file from the download file manager, or "open as") it always uses totem movie player, even if the file is not a media file14:18
roshanHello everyone, I'm trying to boot the Karmic Beta on my Asus M2N-PV DVI (w/ onboard Nvidia 7050) and I get green lines up and down my screen. I am able to successfully reach a command prompt using the 'single' boot parameter while booting off the CD. Is there anything I can do to install from this LiveCD? Should I file a bug?14:22
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coz_Hobbes`,  you already tried kdesu14:24
Hobbes`there's only a kdesudo14:24
Guest98881wth... im getting 250 kBps on my 128kbps connection...14:24
Hobbes`upgrading via apt-get hopefully they fixed the bug since the beta release14:25
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Hobbes`shadeslayer takes a while for the throttlign to kick in14:25
Hobbes`i get 3-3.5mbps on my 2mbps line too14:26
kojikaAnyone can tell me why when i uncheck animation in ccsm they automatically get tuned on again a sec later ?it looks like my wishes does not matter14:27
kojikaor the pc become too smart14:27
coz_kojika,  mmm generally a plugin wil "uncheck" itself if it is the wrong version14:28
Pres-GasCan someone tell my why Ubiquity (the Ubuntu installer) no longer has the time question about the hardware clock?14:28
coz_kojika,  so this is rechecking itself?14:28
coz_kojika,  open ccsm /preferences  and tell me which backend you are using14:28
coz_kojika,  just open ccsm  / preferences14:29
coz_kojika,  you will see either  GConf configuration backend or  flatfile14:29
kojikaGconf Configuration Backend14:29
coz_kojika,  and just below that is   Enable integration into the desktop environment enabled?14:30
coz_kojika,  ok  now click the  Plugin list tab at the top14:30
coz_kojika,  is automatic plugin sorting checked?14:30
coz_kojika,  ok go back to main ccsm  and see if the gnome compatibility plugin is enabled14:31
kojikait is enabled14:31
coz_kojika,   ok  open a terminal and pastebin .com the read out of  dpkg -l | grep compiz14:32
coz_kojika,  ok that looks fine14:35
kojikait is scary when the pc does not obey any more.This is the beginning  of machine rebellion.10x for the will to help me.14:37
coz_kojika,  this is odd for a plugin t re-eneable for sure14:37
coz_kojika,  ok  open ccsm / preferences14:38
coz_kojika,   click the Reset to defaults button14:38
coz_kojika,  then try again14:38
Alex3nderi have a AverMedia AverTV 116 TV Tuner Card... its not working under Karmic... can someone guide me pls14:39
Alex3nderits said to be supported by ivtv but while booting i get error messeges saying unrecognised card14:39
Alex3nderthis is the lspci reply14:40
Alex3nder02:01.0 Multimedia video controller: Internext Compression Inc iTVC16 (CX23416) MPEG-2 Encoder (rev 01)14:40
roshanHello everyone, apparently Karmic does not boot in vesa even with xforcevesa boot parameter. I am able to start X11 after manually creating an xorg.conf. I will report this bug.14:45
kojikaeven after defaults reseting ccsm wants those animation and there is nothing I can do about it.Anyway.It is not a big deal as long it does not start to turn off by itself14:45
kojikaor turn on14:45
del_diabloroshan: What graphic card?14:46
roshanAsus M2N-PV-DVI, so onboard Nvidia 7050.14:46
eagles0513875bah lots of packages for update today with unmet dependencies O_o14:51
eagles0513875and cant even purge those things that have the missing dependencies14:52
Gikaafter running karmic beta for two weeks, i'm noticing that some packages (two at first, twenty now) keep being "kept back" when i update... is that normal, since these keep growing?14:52
Into_the_PitGika: try sudo apt-get dist-upgrade and it will install this packages with new dependencies.14:55
coz_Gika,  are you doing   sudo apt-get update then   sudo apt-get dist-upgrade?14:55
Gikagiving it a try now14:55
Gikaok it works now :) is it the same that pressing the "partial upgrade" button on update manager?14:57
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vega-anyone with root in software raid1 upgraded from jaunty -> karmic15:10
vega-any problems? success reports also welcome..15:10
vega-(i've been reading a few concerning reports on launchpad)15:11
[1]sassyncan someone please15:11
[1]sassynhelp with usplash?15:11
[1]sassynon debian?15:11
[1]sassyni have install debian15:11
[1]sassynget only usplash for 10 sec15:12
elvirolohi everyone15:12
[1]sassynonce the udev starting15:12
Pici[1]sassyn: This channel is for Ubuntu support, you want #debian15:12
TheInfinity[1]sassyn: umm ... wrong channel?15:12
[1]sassynthe usplash disapper15:12
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elvirolois the kde network management tool in the plasma widget list ?15:12
[1]sassynyep but no one in debian seem yto know this15:12
TheInfinity[1]sassyn: and start writing one line instead of 20.15:12
Dr_Willis[1]sassyn:  i would say check the debian forums then.15:12
Pici[1]sassyn: And we don't support Debian here, so best to wait for an answer in their channel.15:12
del_diablo[1]sassyn: What did you do to make it disappere15:13
Dr_WillisOr just disable usplash :)  its pointless eye candy15:13
[1]sassyndel_diablo: i did nothing15:13
[1]sassynso maybe u can help with the xsplash15:13
del_diabloPici: The core system is the exact same, he could just have barged in and claimed he runned Ubuntu if he felt like it15:13
Picidel_diablo: But its not the same packages, and not the same patches on the packages.15:14
Dr_WillisI think the core systems are getting farther and farher apart with every release actually.. but  its al;ways the LITTLE things that can cause such issues.15:14
Pres-GasI am back...the timezones were all screwed up on this machine...somehow it thought I was on HADT time and not EDT, running dpkg-reconfigure tzdata seemed to fix.15:15
Pici[1]sassyn: We do not and cannot support Debian here. They have their own channel for support. If that isn't working for you I'm sure they have other support methods as well.15:15
del_diablo[1]sassyn: Running stable or sid?15:15
[1]sassynhow is xsplash working?15:15
legend2440i'm curious if anyone else here has signed up for Ubuntuone and has not been able to upload any files? i signed up two weeks ago and have gotten Internal Server Error everytime. all i'm trying to do is upload a small jpg file15:15
Dr_WillisXplash is working very well here.. except its ugly.15:15
ubottu#ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.15:16
Dr_Willislegend2440:  its been flakey for ages.15:16
Dr_Willislegend2440:  i got my tomboy notes to sync and that was it.15:16
[1]sassynDr_Willis - can it be imported to other linux?15:16
legend2440Dr_Willis: have you ever successfully uploaded a file? i have not15:16
Dr_Willislegend2440:  and even then - the web site has issues showeing me the notes15:16
del_diablo[1]sassyn: If your running unstable, i guess its a regression. And i can't sadly help you as its outside my area of knowledge.15:17
Dr_Willis[1]sassyn:   You could get the source code.. and compile it  i imagine.. but its just useless eye candy.15:17
Dr_Willislegend2440:  ages ago  i was able to. not iun the last few days/weeks15:17
legend2440Dr_Willis: ok thank you. i thought it was just me15:17
Dr_Willislegend2440:  i hope they are updating/upgrading their servers to get ready for the big  load they are going to get  after the 29th.15:17
[1]sassynDr_Willis: I know - but it for a customer15:18
nemojoaopinto: so. what happened to the getdeb build you were making?15:18
thiebaudelegend2440, was it easy to install the drivers?15:18
[1]sassynDr_Willis: he ask to have a nice start up without all the log kerenl messages15:18
joaopintonemo, it was already published for jaunty, i need to do the karmic package, with server support15:18
Dr_Willis[1]sassyn:  thats a scary thought that people are paying  to support xsplash...15:18
joaopintonemo, http://www.playdeb.net/updates/Hedgewars15:19
Dr_Willis[1]sassyn:  ubuntu 9.10 looks pretty here.. use that...15:19
joaopintoI am not sure if the jaunty package is installable on karmic15:19
nemojoaopinto: it is15:20
nemojoaopinto: I was using it for testing previously15:20
joaopintoI could make it available for karmic, but it will be server-less15:20
nemoheck. weren't you too?15:20
joaopintonemo, not using a binary build from jaunty15:20
nemooh. sorry. I misunderstood15:21
nemowhen you said jaunty package, you meant the .12 jaunty build you made15:21
nemoI thought you meant the .11 that is already in karmic15:21
nemojoaopinto: should I switch our link for ubuntu to the playdeb link?15:22
joaopintonemo, sure15:22
natewiebe13probably already asked.. but why are the space wallpapers together.. do they change depending on time of day?15:27
legend2440Dr_Willis: have you ever tried Dropbox? i hear thats supposed to be pretty good15:28
jemandHi from Berlin,15:36
jemanddoes anyone have a clue how to get grafik-drivers (ATI)15:36
jemand or setup screen-resolution for Karmic Koala?15:36
uboxhey jemand15:36
uboxso what card is it?15:36
jemandin an ACER Notebook15:37
uboxso radeon r700?15:37
uboxok, have you used lspci to be sure?15:38
Dr_Willislegend2440:  ive only used drop.io15:38
Dr_Willisnatewiebe13:  yes they change..15:38
uboxlspci | grep VGA15:38
natewiebe13Dr_Willis: any time as to timing?15:38
jemand@ubox: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility X700 (PCIE)15:39
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ubox@jemand ok, just making sure  :) have you seen here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RadeonDriver15:40
jemandTHX I'll walk it down...15:41
uboxor would you prefer the restricted drivers jemand15:42
jemandah just in case... THX15:42
uboxyea no problem, what is listed when you goto applications > system > hardware drivers?15:42
natewiebe13Dr_Willis: any idea on how often they change or when they do?15:43
roshanHi, I have installed Karmic and cannot install nvidia drivers.15:49
roshanThe package manager does not list nvidia-glx-new, and jockey says, 'no proprietary drivers are in use on this system'15:50
natewiebe13roshan: its nvidia-glx-17515:50
natewiebe13sorry nvidia-glx-18515:51
nemojoaopinto: lovely. we have a crasher affecting all linux users of fglrx15:51
natewiebe13roshan: also.. what nvidia card are you using?15:51
nemoon a standard opengl feature :-/15:51
nemojoaopinto: or at least multiple users so far :(15:51
roshannatewiebe13: I will try that, I had forgotten to reload the package list after installing.15:53
roshannatewiebe13: I'm using an onboard Nvidia 7050.15:53
nemojoaopinto: all gentoo users so far :) could be old fglrx15:53
natewiebe13roshan: should be able to use glx-18515:54
roshannatewiebe13: Thank you, I will try that and report.15:55
roshanWill I still have the smooth gdm to desktop transition if I install the nvidia drivers?15:56
natewiebe13roshan: i do15:58
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natewiebe13but im using an 8800gt or on my other pc a 285 gtx15:59
uboxi do as well roshan15:59
roshanWow. Okay, hopefully, I'll have the same luck.15:59
roshanAh, ubox, are you also using a new card?15:59
Dr_WillisHmm... Ok. what am i missing here.. i got the phone paired by bluetooth. i send a file via the phone.. Pc never says nothing and it times out16:00
Dr_Willisam i missing some package/file i need. and i cant browse from pc to the phone either. :(16:00
frybyehi - i need to kill an instance of skype - remind me of the command pse?16:00
uboxroshan: perhaps not then, i am using a go615016:00
roshanubox: Great! I'm using a 7050, which is hopefully similar.16:01
uboxdr_willis what are you using? i didn't know i had bluetooth stuff :)16:01
frybyewas a few months - hardly any ubuntu - sorry..16:01
roshankillall skype16:01
Dr_Willisubox:  Not sure i installed a few packages.. got a bluetooth icon.. and it can pair16:01
frybyeroshan: tks16:02
mersaultIs there a way to get the level of pidgin integration that existed in 9.04? There's the little chat icon beside my username in the top panel, but that loads up empathy, and empathy just crashes and generally doesn't fit for me.16:02
roshanfrybye: or type `xkill` and click on the window16:02
Dr_Willisobex://[00:21:FB:EB:4A:CE]/  always fails  even tho the phone asks to allowthe connection16:02
uboxroshan: yes it was very easy, the only problem i had was that when installing the nvidia glx packages the module did not get built properly, so if you are having trouble after try reinstalling the package nvidia-185-kernel-source or replace 185 with the number you need to use16:02
natewiebe13mersault: yes there is.. im using pidgin as we speak and ive got the same integration as jaunty16:03
roshanubox: I see, thanks, ubox.16:03
uboxdr_willis: hmm, intersting, i am going to look around now. remeber the packages?16:03
uboxroshan: your welcome16:03
Dr_Willisubox:  not really let me fire up synaptic16:04
mersaultnatewiebe13, anything special you had to do? it's mostly all still there, but I don't like that the chat icon beside my username is associated with the wrong IM client.16:04
natewiebe13i removed empathay.. and installed pidgin all using the software center16:04
natewiebe13mersault: ^16:05
natewiebe13mersault: make sure empathy is removed16:05
mersaulthmmm.... I installed pidgin, and removed empathy, but I used apt get.16:05
natewiebe13same idea16:05
mersaultapt-get remove empathy.16:05
natewiebe13that should work16:05
topylireplacing empathy with pidgin should be trivial. defaults are just defaults16:05
natewiebe13oooo.. banshee 1.5.1 is in the repos16:06
frybyeroshan: killall skype did not do it - there is no skype window - just active skype icon in taskbar..?16:06
mersaultokay, this is very odd... it almost seems like changing my status via the username starts up the empathy backend and sets the status in pidgin16:06
uboxdr_willis: i just realized i may not have bluetooth on my laptop lol16:07
roshanfrybye: you must know the name of the skype program. What is the output of `ps aux | grep skype`?16:07
mersaultbecause I'm still getting the telepathy crash reports16:07
natewiebe13frybye: i usually open system monitor, and find the process and kill it there16:07
natewiebe13mersault: i dont get that.. thats odd.. try removing telepathy?16:07
frybyeroshan: here:-ron       2850  0.0  0.0   3044   796 pts/0    S+   17:07   0:00 grep skype16:08
natewiebe13mersault: nvm.. indicator session and ubuntu-desktop depend on telepathy16:09
frybyenatewiebe13: system monitor?16:09
natewiebe13frybye: under system -> administration16:09
roshanfrybye: natewiebe's method is better, it will be easier to find the process in System » Administration » System Monitor16:09
mersaultnatewiebe13, that was the problem I ran into.16:09
commander_it won't let me order the cd16:09
natewiebe13mersault: hmmm.. i dont know what to do there.16:10
mersaultI know telepathy is a cool little tech, but empathy is half the client that pidgin is.16:10
frybyeroshan: natewiebe13 - ok - found sys mon - but no skype listed??16:11
natewiebe13mersault: agreed16:11
uboxi like kopete16:11
natewiebe13frybye: no idea.. i dont use skype16:11
natewiebe13woot.. preordered karmic16:12
frybyenatewiebe13: ok tks anyhow.. for ubuntu wrong way - but in my relative ignorance i will relogin16:12
patcitowhat's the official gui to install packages in Kubuntu karmic?16:15
uboxit works great too, if you fix the permission problem16:16
patcitohow do I fix them ubox?16:16
uboxits easy, i think it is a bug where the program doesn't try toi authenticate then fails.16:17
uboxif you go into settings for the system, then into advanced then policy kit settings16:17
uboxthen .. one sec16:17
nemojoaopinto: ok. got our first ubuntu user :(16:18
roshanubox, natewiebe13: Thanks for your help, Ubuntu Karmic boots beautifully into the desktop and I have pretty effects. I also had to run nvidia-xconfig and then gksudo nvidia-settings (and change the settings) before I could get the right resolution.16:19
uboxok, system settings > advanced tab > policy kit authorization > org.freedesktop > The PackageKit Project > Install signed packages\16:19
nemojoaopinto: could I prevail upon you to make a build with that feature removed due to ATI being made of fail? :(16:19
natewiebe13roshan: yup... karmic boots just beautifully16:19
uboxthere will be an entry for your user, or not. either way get rid of it16:19
Alex3nderi have a AverMedia AverTV 116 TV Tuner Card... its not working under Karmic... can someone guide me pls; here are the details of lspci and dmesg https://answers.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+question/8640816:20
uboxpatcito: then click grant > select your user from the drop down and click ok16:20
andypiperis there any chance of Karmic being made better for Intel Atom (netbook) users before release by someone fixing this tiny issue - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/29647816:20
ubottuLaunchpad bug 296478 in linux "coretemp doesn't support intel atom processors" [Unknown,Fix released]16:20
andypiperand I'm also wondering if Ubuntu One is supposed to work yet? clicking it takes me to a Launchpad login page but then I get an error16:21
uboxit say's fix released andypiper16:21
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patcitook, thanks ubox16:22
uboxroshan: you are welcome. glad you have the nice effects now. there are extra cool ones in the desktop effects settings16:22
Alex3nderalso when i upgrade the 9.10 beta version to current updates... my audio breaks! :s16:22
roshannatewiebe13: Indeed it does.16:22
roshanubox: Thanks for the tip, I will try them out.16:22
uboxpatcito: no problem, did you catch it all? it was a bit sporadic16:22
natewiebe13andypiper: ubuntuone works perfectly for me.. also it appears that it has been fixed in the kernel.. karmic uses 2.6.31-14-generic at the moment and should be fixed with that bug16:22
natewiebe13the issue was during 2.6.24-1916:23
joaopintonemo, you mean building with a patch to avoid trigger an fglrx bug ?16:23
commander_i can't order the free CD16:23
nemojoaopinto: yeah.16:24
andypiperI can see that it says it is fixed, but an apt-get upgrade does not get me the fix16:24
nemojoaopinto: smaxx added NPOTT support as perf optimisation, but apparently ATI sucks at it and the fglrx driver can crash on attempt to activate it16:24
commander_but i'm running 9.10 beta.can they still issue updates16:24
andypipermy understanding is that Karmic will go out with 2.6.31 and that needs a patch to enable coretemp on Atom16:24
nemojoaopinto: and I see plenty of references to just general fail on that point in ATI16:24
andypiperhmm so I wonder why ubuntu one fails here16:24
patcitoubox: I just installed kpackagekit and it just worked actually no tweeking needed :)16:24
uboxcommander_ yes, i get updates all the time16:25
joaopintojust send me the patch joao dot pinto at getdeb dot net16:25
uboxpatcito luck you :) good to hear it has been fixed16:25
AviramCan anyone screenshot Ubuntu Karmic Koala?16:25
commander_it just only giving me partial16:25
AviramI wonder if there's some visual changes16:25
oldude67what does the package fam do?16:26
uboxaviram: have you googled, i think there are even videos16:26
natewiebe13Aviram: biggest visual changes are the boot experience, and new default icons/color scheme and many wallpapers16:26
andypiperAviram: the netbook remix is hugely different16:26
natewiebe13Aviram: definitely worth the upgrade.. but i would do a fresh install to get grub 2 and ext4 by default16:26
andypiper(and far nicer)16:26
uboxoldude67: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/fam16:27
AviramBut isnt that kinda risky?16:27
oldude67ubox, i know where, just wanted to know why?16:27
commander_it won't let me even do partial updates16:27
natewiebe13Aviram: what risky?16:27
AviramSystem crashes16:28
Aviramand such16:28
natewiebe13i havent had a crash since alpha 516:28
natewiebe13which was when the startup was broken16:28
uboxoldude67: that i am not sure of :) must have been a use at one point .. like maybe when you are using vim and an newer version exists somehwere and it prompts you if you want the existing file or new file16:28
natewiebe13Aviram: should be stable as final version is out in 10 days16:29
oldude67ok if i install fam, which is suppose to take the place of gamin, then it wants to remove my ubuntu-desktop..how retarded...ugh.16:29
mbeierlI've done a number of hard powerdowns (ie: hibernation failure, loss of input forcing me to use power button) and not once had an ext4 problem16:29
natewiebe13sorry, 9 days16:29
uboxcommander_ how are you attempting updates?\16:29
commander_thru update manager16:29
uboxin kde?16:29
oldude67all i know is this stuff really needs fixed before they bring gnome 3 into play..or it might get a little upsetting.16:29
natewiebe13commander_: sudo apt-get update, sudo apt-get upgrade16:30
uboxnatewiebe13 perhaps there is a bug, it would be nice to be able to use the gui's update manager16:30
uboxignoring the problem won't fix it16:31
natewiebe13there was a bug in update manager, and my not have been applied yet16:31
uboxi have a work around for it16:31
natewiebe13i would do an upgrade.. then next update see if the problem still exists16:31
uboxjust a policy issue16:31
uboxbut you are right, because i think it has been fixed in updates16:32
oldude67about 5 days ago, after doing and update that included the update-manager , i couldnt use it, till yesterday..why i dont know it would just sit there thinking.16:32
mbeierlI kinda wish the 50% grey transparent icons for things like sound and nm would outline themselves or something... like what the batstat icon does to make itself visible16:32
natewiebe13ubox: do you know why they switched back to the old way of updating? (there was a new update gui)16:32
uboxyes i have been using apt since i installed karmic, but recently found a way to use update manager/kpackagekit etc16:33
uboxand now i think it is repaired16:33
natewiebe13ubox: i mean update-manager switch to i think PolicyKit.. and now its back to how it was before16:33
uboxooh, that explains it. but that is what i found out how to fix. the policy kit problem16:34
uboxthe permission was set to strict16:34
oldude67i wonder if people running gnome, if they installed fam if it would remove there desktop...what a weird error.16:35
natewiebe13okay.. i had no problems with it though.. and i liked the way they had it changed16:35
uboxso it worked for you as it was when the used policy kit?16:35
natewiebe13ubox: yeah..16:35
oldude67natewiebe13, your about the only one i heard that says it did..your lucky.16:36
natewiebe13and i was sad switching back to how it was in jaunty16:36
natewiebe13just like i have no issues with pulse16:36
uboxi too have no issues with pulse16:36
oldude67oh i have pulse fixed..till they update it again..lmao16:36
uboxi guess it is random who gets what to work lol16:37
uboxlike a lottery16:37
oldude67i guess thats why we are the guinea pigs ...so they can see what will work and what wont.16:37
natewiebe13pulse only has  a bug on one of my computers.. the 5.1 doesnt work right.. so i set it to either stereo or 7.116:37
natewiebe13bug #44584916:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 445849 in pulseaudio "Highpitched Rattling like Sound with 5.1 Surround Configuration on Karmic Koala" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44584916:37
uboxi like being a guinea pig16:37
roshanHello, everyone, my boot sequence is interrupted by fsck loading and scanning a couple of drives. This switches it into text-mode. I want usplash to display all the time.16:38
oldude67oh crap that reminds me i have to fix grub...ugh....16:38
andypiperroshan: mine is the same16:38
oldude67hey wheres the new menu for grub2?16:38
andypiperi get a splash, then fsck, then a splash again16:38
andypiperassumed that was how it is "supposed" to be?16:39
natewiebe13i get usplash, straight to xsplash.. no text16:39
roshanandypiper: I get grub, then text, then xsplash.16:39
natewiebe13oldude67: im still waiting for https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DesktopTeam/Specs/GdmFaceBrowser16:39
mbeierloldude67: don't you have to hold down escape or shift during the boot to get the menu?16:40
andypiperso why does that fsck line (and a couple of others) pop in then16:40
oldude67what the hell is the forums and sites down for help?16:41
roshanandypiper: I don't know. Do only non-Ubuntu partitions show up for you, or all of them?16:42
mbeierloldude67: ?  What do you mean?16:42
oldude67nothing it was me..lol typo..lmao16:42
andypiperroshan: I have a netbook with barely enough space on the SSD for Linux let alone other partitions16:42
andypiperit goes from BIOS to splash to text lines about fsck to X when I boot16:43
oldude67had to put a pause in my grub boot or it wont let me change things. boots to dang quick.16:44
roshanandypiper: The same thing happens to me, except fsck only scans the Ubuntu partitions.16:44
andypiperah i see... well yes it reports that /dev/sda1 is ok, then carries on16:44
mbeierloldude67: ah.  I thought you were asking about the menu not showing up at all - the shift-during-boot thing16:44
oldude67mbeierl, na i knew that...just couldnt hit it fast enough..lol16:45
mbeierloldude67: I made some sort of change to my grub to always show the menu... but I don't remember what and now I can't get it back to the hidden style ?!? :)16:46
mbeierlmy grub: http://pastebin.com/fef50c56 <- always shows the menu - no need for shift-key16:46
oldude67mbeierl, if it has a delay on it take it down to 0 and it will disappear, but be quick when you want to change it tho..lmao16:46
Dr_WillisYea - i got bluetooth working.. had to install the bluez stuff16:47
oldude67look in /etc/default/grub menu16:47
mbeierloldude67: hidden_timeout or just timeout?  or both?16:48
oldude67mbeierl, timeout16:48
[1]sassynandypipe: I have the same issue16:49
[1]sassynroshan: I have the same issue16:49
[1]sassynSplash make me torouble16:49
gnubieoldude67;   in gnome there is a gui startupmanager which lets you set the timeout and a couple of other things16:51
oldude67gnubie, i dont run gnome16:51
mbeierlgnubie: what's it called?  I'd like to know :)\16:52
oldude67gnubie, started out with slack, and got use to kde16:52
gnubiembeierl;  startupmanager, you have to install it16:53
gnubiembeierl;   https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub2    do you have this link?16:54
drs305Startupmanager guide:  http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=81817716:57
uboxwell that is funny16:58
uboxi was planning on upgrading from 1gb to 2gb ram in my laptop16:58
gnubiedrs305;  nice link thks16:58
uboxi was just sitting around and noticed when i move my laptop a certain way it made a light clunk sound16:59
uboxcan you guess what it was? the second ram stick flopping about16:59
roshanubox: Unbelievable!16:59
uboxi know!16:59
uboxsorry, should have been in #ubuntu-offtopic16:59
nemoubox: you know, that would be hilarious, if it was cheaper to pack the 2nd gig in there, for quick upgrade later.17:00
nemoand that's standard procedure17:00
Sivikanyone had any luck getting the beta cd booting from usb for a hp mini?17:00
roshanIf I was to change the passno. entry in /etc/fstab to 0 for all partitions, but use tune2fs to set fsck every 30 boots, will it still fsck?17:00
uboxlol that would be funny, the girl i bought it used from told me she got the ram upgraded but i though she was nuts or got ripped off17:01
mbeierlgnubie: drs305: thanks for the startupmanager info!17:01
uboxroshan, yes as long as you shedule it for them17:01
roshanubox: manually, using cron?17:02
drs305SUM is an app that I really liked with Grub. The developer has said he is going to provide a follow-on for Grub 2 eventually. I'm looking forward to it.17:02
drs305It has some G2 capability but not all.17:02
uboxroshan, no with tune2fs17:03
uboxooo 80 more updates :)17:04
xrandri am back17:08
Sivikanyone have any luck with a hp mini?17:11
Dr_WillisI like my AAO. but not tried 9.10 on it.  Others in here have tried ohter netbooks.17:18
Dr_WillisMany Netbooks got their own forum/thread/wiki pages - may be some info in there about that one. (if the servers are up)17:18
andypiperthe AAO with karmic is brilliant17:19
andypiperit's totally transformed with 9.10 as compared with 9.0417:19
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andypiperintel driver works, and the UNR UI is much nicer17:19
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mbeierlquick q: just tried startupmanager and it's setting vga=X in the grub config, but on boot there's a quick message about vga= being deprecated.  Anyone know what the replacement is - the message is too quick to read17:23
wirechiefdoes the message show up in dmesg too ? there might be more hints with it17:29
JoshuaLsomeone in here who synced his windows mobile phone with karmic already and who wants to explain me how it works?17:30
shadeslayerdid you notice the new notification system in kubuntu?17:42
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Dr_Willismbeierl:  read up on grub2 configuration. You wan tto edit the /etc/default/grub file and rerun update-grub I belive17:44
Dr_Willis!grub2 | mbeierl17:44
ubottumbeierl: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub217:44
jimpophow do i modify notifications?   Is there a way to scale back the on-screen time... it's not like I'm 90 y/o and need plenty of time to read things. ;-)17:48
shadeslayerjimpop: gnome?17:49
shadeslayerjimpop: you cant >:-)17:50
jimpopis there a pkg that i need, or some cmdline foo?17:50
shadeslayerjimpop: you simply cant...17:50
jimpopthat sucks17:50
shadeslayerjimpop: language please17:50
gavintlgoldyeah, it's annoying17:50
jimpopwhy introduce a whole new concept and assume the defaults are best for *everyone*17:50
jimpopannoying is putting it lightly17:51
jimpopi can't believe that Mark touted this as one of his pet projects and nobody thought "hey, we should make it somewhat configurable""17:52
gavintlgoldat least let us tweak it with gconf..17:52
shadeslayerjimpop: you can pop your own notifications from the command line17:52
gavintlgoldnotify-send is fun :)17:52
shadeslayergavintlgold: yeah it is17:53
jimpopplease, someone tell me that Ubuntu One doesn't just back up the files that Mark thinks needs to be backed up....17:53
* xrandr wonders if Ubuntu One will back up his music for him :D17:55
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gavintlgoldit seems to work just like Dropbox, for me at least17:55
jimpopgavintlgold, you do have a choice then?17:56
gavintlgoldI have an Ubuntu One folder that I can drag files to to sync with. So it seems. I haven't tested it much17:57
jimpopperhaps you can only restore what Mark thinks should be restorable....17:58
jimpopseriously who missed the boat on notification thresholds and timeouts....17:59
benoitcmmm is there an updated howto install kvm for karmic ? any package that would allow me to install all in one ?17:59
gavintlgoldI also don't like how it's offset. I understand you need to have it for the brightness and volume indicators, but it doesn't look good17:59
gavintlgoldit REALLY should just slide down when those pop up, but it's probably too hard to code18:00
jimpophere's what someone needs to do... set a MOTD wit 50 lines to FreeNode... and then let everyone fireup xchat and complain18:00
jimpopi dropped my work vpn and when it reconnected xchat delivered ~43 notifications that each took ~3 mins to clear... i had that damn thing popping up on the screen for almost an hour18:01
gavintlgoldjimpop, I belive they would blame the application for that, since it's not using notifications properly18:02
jimpopprobably... that is easier than fixing it18:03
gavintlgoldjimpop, empathy, for example, only displays the most recent line of someone you're chatting with18:03
gavintlgoldIt's still not an ideal situation18:04
shadeslayerjimpop: file a bug/wishlist against it if you dont like it18:05
shadeslayerjimpop: dont just rant along.....18:05
jimpoppfft those go no where18:05
gavintlgoldI would prefer an integrated notifications panel with a button in the corner (like kde's cashew thing) with simple notifications, and you click the corner button to interact. the notifications could also collapse and expand on hover18:06
jimpopthere was a time when filing a bug meant something...18:06
shadeslayerjimpop: ive always seen my suggestions go somewhere.... in the dump or being marked as a duplicate18:06
shadeslayerjimpop: give it a try....18:06
jimpopbeen there, done that.18:07
gavintlgoldthe entire system should be reworked so that supports notification -> task actions18:08
gavintlgoldfor instance, 1 New Email, you should be able to read it with one click of a button, in exactly the same manner you can update or see a new empathy message18:09
jimpopand if, for some reason, you get 100 new emails the notification system shouldn't go bonkers18:11
gavintlgoldI'm not sure if this exists already, but it should be: giving notifications "classes" just like windows have. So you could group notifications by application, so they update immediately if something changes18:12
jimpopexcellent idea gavintlgold18:14
gavintlgoldhmm. my computer is hibernating in 4 mins, so goodbye for now ;)18:15
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Flasbang73can someone help me with karmic wubi install i keep getting and error here's my log for it http://paste.ubuntu.com/297669/18:39
Flasbang73tell me if your looking at it so i dont sit here for no reason18:40
BluesKajwubi isn't ready for karmic , afaik jaunty is the latest official option18:41
Flasbang73but the ISO comes with a wubi file for 9.1018:42
BluesKajreally ?18:42
Flasbang73ya really18:43
Flasbang73did some1 check out my log?18:43
BluesKajFlasbang73, ISO file ?18:46
Flasbang73u know a cd image18:47
BluesKajwubi has an installer18:47
Flasbang73i know but 9.10 comes with a wubi file in the ISO18:48
Flasbang73wait a sec imgetting a screen shot18:53
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/440927)18:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 440927 in wubi "9.10 beta wubi.exe wants another iso than the one it is extracted from" [Low,Confirmed]18:54
JoshuaLsomeone who synced his windows mobile phone under karmic?18:59
BluesKajFlasbang73, afaik wubi is a windows exe file, you run the ubuntu installer after opening the exe file and choose which distro to install19:01
Flasbang73well the error i get is something about bcdedit.exe19:02
Flasbang73i know bcdedit has to do with the boot menu where you choose what OS you want to boot inBluesKaj,19:03
Flasbang73did anyone even look at my error log?19:04
Flasbang73im just goning to leave soon since it seems like you don't want to help me19:05
BluesKajbcd is a windows boot manager, that works with jaunty , but karmic may not be setup to run from bcd19:05
Flasbang73well i was trying to make a poor mans install with another OS and i had to mess around with bcdedit in the command prompt but never succeeded19:07
Flasbang73sorry this conversation is going in to windows topics19:07
BluesKajwell, I recommend you install jaunty first then upgrad ein 10 days when karmic becomes official19:08
Flasbang73ok but is there a way i can update without ruining my mbr or using wubi again?19:09
Flasbang73so i can keep all my files from jaunty19:09
Flasbang73what ever don't answer me im leaving19:11
BluesKajI would uninstall wubi , choose start , accessories , dos prompt , fixmbr19:11
Ian_Cornelol what a jerk19:11
BluesKajleave if you want , we're volunteers , we won't be hurt if you do :)19:12
BluesKajIan_Corne, boo hoo .. he left :)19:13
thiebaudewow, that person had an atitude19:13
BluesKajthiebaude, I guess he thought we were lucky that he graced us with his prescence :)19:14
* thiebaude next one,lol19:14
BluesKajhe's prolly over at #windows , pulling the same stunt19:21
del_diabloWhat stunt O.o?!19:21
BluesKajdel_diablo, scroll up and read about Flasbang7319:23
[31d1]_tell us if you scrolled up so we're not sitting here for no reason19:24
BluesKajbbiab ... mailbox19:24
del_diabloBluesKaj: joined the rom AFTER he had said "what ever don't answer me im leaving"19:24
thiebaudedel_diablo, yea i just caught that part only19:25
Strogg_hello, is grsync working today ?, someone is using it ?19:28
mersaultwhat's the best method for getting a version of IE running on 9.10? I remember years ago there was the ies4linux effort, but haven't needed IE in ages (but do now).19:29
thiebaudemersault, i also did that one time ie4linux, must tell you that it was awful19:30
mersaultthiebaude, ie is aweful, but alas I need to run it. What other options are there? I'm not really interested in paying for crossover office just for IE19:31
del_diablomersault:  i am only curious of what your going to use it for.19:32
thiebaudemersault, the only way for me was ie4linux19:32
mersaultdel_diablo, the page I use for submitting expenses here at work.19:32
thiebaudemersault, i wonder if you can use wine for ie19:33
mersaultit uses some IE only ASP crap.19:33
del_diablomersault: *facepalm* Ok, guys this got a legitimate reason. We need to help him :P19:33
del_diablomersault: http://www.tatanka.com.br/ies4linux/page/Installation:Ubuntu19:34
mersaultI wouldn't expect a back-office vendor who deals with financials to support a secure web browser, eh :)19:34
del_diabloWell, everytime i hear about shit like that its just pure facepalm.....19:35
mersaultdel_diablo, that throws a google alert about it being a malicious site... weird19:35
del_diabloWell, is it weird?19:35
del_diabloIE = malware19:35
thiebaudemersault, yea, i just tried it and the same thing19:35
del_diabloi can't image any reason why it would not be flagged as otherwise :P19:36
thiebaudedel_diablo, lol19:36
mersaultick, that project hasn't updated since 0619:37
thiebaudemersault, thats a hmm moment19:38
mersaultvmware might soon be the easiest solution19:38
mersaultI can boot a guest once every month, I guess19:38
ineuwI installed Ubuntu 9.10 but the installation failed to update the kernel.  How can I fix it?19:39
del_diablomersault: So will it be 98, ME or 2000 on that VM? :P19:39
khtaamineuw, you upgraded from jaunty?19:39
mersaultdel_diablo, I think I actually have a VM of the IS supplied XP install around here somewhere19:39
del_diablomersault: Cheers19:39
ineuwkhaatam, from the update manager19:40
ineuwsorry, I updated from 9.0419:40
ineuwas you can tell, I am new to linux19:40
khtaamthere are several bugs reported for this in launch pad, (jaunty is code name for 9.04)19:41
ineuwkhaatam, yes. I also reported the resultant errors, (no sound) and the launchpad replied that the kernel is wrong.19:42
ineuwis is possible to fix?19:42
dhuvhello all19:43
dhuvI am trying to use the Facebook plugin with Kopete and am seeing that it usually does not connect. Usually after an update to Kopete via apt, it will work the first time, then stop after a disconnect19:44
dhuvis anyone else seeing this? is there a workaround?19:44
coz_hey guys..... software center.... doesnt seem to be a way to tell if anything is in stalled or not..no tick boxes..no info bubbles..am I missing something?19:47
coz_nevermind  lol19:48
Ngis it just me or did notify-osd's font get all tiny today?19:57
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mbeierlOh, dear... how do I safely unmount an ipod now?  I "ejected" it, but it still says "do not disconnect" on the device, but it's not mounted anywhere anymore.  The /dev/sdbX still show up though....20:01
xrandrmbeierl: type 'mount' in a terminal. see if it shows up there20:09
xrandrif it doesn't you can safely eject it20:10
mbeierlxrandr: thanks - it did not, and I ended up rebooting for another reason, which made me extra sure that I could remove it ;)20:10
xrandrno problem, wish i saw it sooner, would have saved you a reboot :)20:11
xrandrmbeierl: i'll try and pay attentio here more :)20:13
mbeierlxrandr: I just wasn't sure if there was a change in device handling that "eject" or "unmount" would leave the usb device still showing up in /dev/ and somehow "unsafe" to remove...  thanks for replying though... I didn't wait long after posting before rebooting... impatient though I am...20:14
frandieguezHi to all! I'm translating ubuntu to galician language and I think two weeks ago I translate the package ibus but this isn't showed translated at my karmic-box. Has someone some information about this package?20:15
xrandrmbeierl: no problem. Have a good one :)20:15
BluesKajmbeierl, install the device notifier from widgets20:16
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gurutSorry misstyped :)20:19
mbeierlI "C"...20:19
mbeierlI was waiting to see if anyone else was going to take it up....20:19
gurut!release candidate20:20
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:20
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about rc20:20
ubottuA schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule20:20
gurutAh Thursday :)20:21
gurutIs there a page for information about when mirrors are down/up for the apt repositories?20:22
MightyTweekgurut: is this what you're looking for? https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors20:24
mbeierlanyone having problems with Java applications not "taking" mouse clicks?  For example Eclipse "find" window - I have to double or triple click the "Find Next" before it will work...20:25
gurutNo but I have problems with qt applications loosing keyboard focus20:25
gurutwhen running gnome20:26
mbeierlgurut: gnome here too and the focus stealing is way out of whack I find.  pidgin takes focus when I don't want it to, but if it's on another workspace and someone's msging me, it won't notify me at all... ?20:26
rrva_How can I find out if I am using real-time scheduling for pulseaudio?20:33
mbeierlrrva_: first question would be are you a member of the pulse-rt group?20:34
rrva_no such group20:36
mbeierlrrva_: sorry - there /used/ to be one in 9.04... my bad20:37
rrva_pulse-access,audio membership fine20:37
rrva_mbeierl: http://0pointer.de/blog/projects/pa-in-ubuntu.html20:41
knomeany idea why flash (youtube) doesn't work on 64-bit karmic?20:42
Twigathywtf? How is he so upset over one change in the default config??20:43
Twigathywoops, bad tla....20:43
jbeitlerwhy in bloddy H#$$ does 9.10 keep trying to take away my PDF printer after every update? is there a better one than Cups-PDF or are they not going to support it anymore?20:45
del_diabloOh bloody fuck, does anybody here have acces to actually report bugs? I have been unable the last 5-6 hours :(20:48
ubottuPlease watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family friendly.20:48
darthanubisknome, because you can't follow directions?20:49
darthanubis!flash | knome20:49
ubottuknome: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash20:49
knomedarthanubis, i have followed several directions.20:49
jbeitlerwow there really is no such thing as freedom of speech anymore is there20:49
darthanubiswell flash for 64bit works beautifully20:49
darthanubisjbeitler, learn what freedom of speech actually is. This aint YOUR channel. it's family friendly.20:50
jbeitlerthis aint.. ok peace out rednecks20:50
jimpopwhen's Clippy going to show up20:50
jimpopUbuntu Bob can't be far behind20:51
del_diabloHave anybody in the channel reported any bugs the last few hours?20:51
knomedarthanubis, really, you don't have to be rude even if i asked the same question than other people. i have tried to solve it out myself and i don't expect anyone, even volunteer, behaving like that. if you don't want to help, then please don't reply.20:51
darthanubisdel_diablo, check #ubuntu-bugs20:51
darthanubisknome, where was I "rude' dude?20:51
del_diablodarthanubis: Was that one not for the bug stumping days?20:52
knomedarthanubis, "you can't follow directions" ?20:52
darthanubisI answered your question, and pointed you in the right direction.20:52
darthanubisIt was a question. Don't wear your emotions on your sleeve. Instead why not share what 'directions" you followed?20:52
darthanubisdel_diablo, I don't follow you?20:53
del_diablodarthanubis: Just what i got told last time i entered the channel.20:53
darthanubisdel_diablo, I only pointed there because I thikn they would know about the status of launchpad or even #launchpad20:54
darthanubislaunchpad has been flaky for me as well20:54
knomedarthanubis, i checked all the items on that page, but none of them fixes my problem. am i still not able to follow directions or can you admit that i might have some tougher problem than just not being able installing a package?20:55
darthanubisknome, I can help you, are you ready?20:55
knomedarthanubis, yes.20:55
darthanubisI don't use the flash that comes with Ubuntu, since I run x6420:56
darthanubisI use flash from Adobe20:56
darthanubisopen synaptic and remove all flash20:56
knomei tried downloading the libflashplugin.so from adobe labs and copied that to /usr/lib/mozilla/plugins20:56
knomeand removed all other flashes.20:56
darthanubiswrong folder20:56
jimpopright folder?20:56
knomei also tried ~/.mozilla/plugins20:57
del_diablodarthanubis: Its still valid as for plugins?20:57
darthanubiscopy it to ~./mozilla/plugins20:57
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knomebut no luck there either.20:57
darthanubisone sec20:57
hsarciwhen i have no network applications open system monitor still reports that im sending/recieving about 100-200 byte/s on average....why is that????20:57
shawn_Hmm has anyone been having problems with ext4?20:57
DaZhsarci: spyware20:58
knomedarthanubis, btw, the adobe page says my flash is installed, but youtube still doesn't work.20:58
del_diablohsarci: Bug with network drivers20:58
darthanubisknome,  ok weird20:58
knomedarthanubis, youtube works, if i open a popup window for the video.20:58
DaZshawn_: it's hard to recover data on it >:20:58
knomedarthanubis, but not inline.20:58
knomealso many other flash sites don't work either20:59
darthanubisknome are you sure you have no other default flashinstalled?20:59
hsarcidaz, -_-20:59
knomedarthanubis, yes, i checked that as well20:59
hsarcidel_diablo, are u speculating are is this a fact?20:59
DaZhsarci: <320:59
darthanubisknome, that's all I can come up with, it that maybe you missed something20:59
shawn_DaZ so is ext3... I just mean actual failures and stuff... Is it safe to use?20:59
del_diablohsarci: I had this, even with the wlan turned of and no acces point it still claimed so. So that is why i believe that20:59
DaZshawn_: it is21:00
knomedarthanubis, i've at least triple checked everything and tried every possible solution.21:00
darthanubisdid you remove the plugin from /lib/mozilla/plugins21:00
DaZbut i used btrfs on my desktop so i have different definition of safe :f21:00
knomedarthanubis, yes.21:00
hsarcidel_diablo, i see, well my "wlan" activity light is flashing as well was that the same case with you?21:00
Frickelpitknome: try sudo updatedb and then locate libflashplayer.so.21:01
knomeFrickelpit, i've done that twice21:01
darthanubisknome, well you may have to start from scratch21:02
knomedarthanubis, meaning what?21:03
darthanubisremove all instances of the plugins everywhere21:03
darthanubisand only put the plugin in the mozilla/plugin folder in your home directory21:04
darthanubisof course retart Firefox as well21:04
tboneI have a little situation that probably is pretty easy to fix, but i haven't done it yet.  I am using karmic and am using a ppa anyway it installs updated dependency nvida 1.95 something, instead of the karmic default.  Now i goto install myth and it wont install unmet dependencies.  I tried to force mythtv-frontend but that don't work.  Suggestions21:04
knomedarthanubis, just did that. it's not fixing my flash.21:04
darthanubismake sure that mozilla directory is the HIDDEN mozilla folder21:04
hsarcidel_diablo, sorry if u had a repsone for me i missed it....21:04
knomedarthanubis, yes, i'm sure it's the .mozilla folder21:05
knomedarthanubis, more ideas?21:07
darthanubisknome, I'm stumped. Sounds as though you did everything right. Do you have any script blocking plugins install in FF?21:08
del_diablohsarci: I don't got anything on the laptop, i just had conky in the bakground. Sending some 22-44 bytes and getting 22-44 bytes each second, or so it claims. With no point of acces to a network, and not turned on.... How can it send? :P21:08
darthanubisAnything other than a default system?21:08
knomedarthanubis, nope.21:08
hsarcidel_diablo, is there anyway to see what process is responsible for the activitiy?21:09
darthanubisknome, did you install ubuntu-restricted pacakge?21:09
hsarcidel_diablo, or is there anyway to actually look at the packets that are being sent?21:09
darthanubisknome, did you install ubuntu-restricted-extras??21:10
knomedarthanubis, yes, it is installed21:10
guntberthsarci: you might want to use iptraf21:10
darthanubiswhen you search synaptic for "flash" which applications does it show installed?21:10
ubottuПожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke21:11
guntbert!info iptraf | hsarci21:11
hsarciguntbert, thanks ill look into it21:11
ubottuhsarci: iptraf (source: iptraf): Interactive Colorful IP LAN Monitor. In component main, is optional. Version 3.0.0-6build1 (karmic), package size 167 kB, installed size 756 kB21:11
knomedarthanubis, gnash21:11
darthanubisknome, lol, dude remove that:)21:11
darthanubisknome, you have to use one or the other not adobe flash AND gnash21:12
knomedarthanubis, hmm. that apparently fixed it.21:12
darthanubisas it should21:12
knomedarthanubis, earlier it's not been a problem21:12
darthanubismy work is done here21:12
knomedarthanubis, any idea what might have been changed?21:12
darthanubisI just told you21:12
darthanubisknome, you have to use one or the other not adobe flash AND gnash21:12
knomedarthanubis, yes, but in jaunty i had both installed, and my flash worked.21:13
knomedarthanubis, what has changed in karmic?21:13
rmm_honestly, why is gnash available in downstream?21:13
dx00Hello! I have just installed ubuntu 9.10 and it won´t install .deb packages... this is what I get http://img21.imageshack.us/i/skrmbildgdebigtk.png/ (not sure what it means in english) is says somethin like: dpkg could not find file identification options for...21:14
dx00hello btw21:14
traskbryantNo icons appear for me under the System menu, however they do appear in all other menus, and sub-menus (including sub-menus of the System menu).21:16
gorthaugtraskbryant: it's happend to me too21:16
traskbryantI hope it's not supposed to be like that?21:17
gorthaugyes... i waiting for a update  :)21:17
plb1I'm trying to setup a Xen hypervisor on my Karmic machine and I get a "Early Fatal Page Fault" error from Xen when it tries to load.21:18
gorthaugi've a Ensoniq 5880B Sound Card, the output sound it's working but i can hear the input sound... it's works in ubuntu 9.04 LiveCD, anybody can help me?21:24
dergringosudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre -> E: Package sun-java6-jre has no installation candidate21:24
dergringoWhat happend? :)21:24
plb1dergringo: do you have restricted packages enabled? do you have multiverse enabled?21:26
gorthaugdergringo: i'm donwloading this package now... try to use other repo21:26
gorthaugDes:1 http://es.archive.ubuntu.com karmic/multiverse sun-java6-jre 6-15-1 [6421kB]21:26
dergringoHere is my sources.list : http://pastebay.com/6258821:28
dergringooh typo :D21:28
dergringooops sorry :)21:28
SonorKajdergringo, remove the # from 3 and 421:30
dergringoSonorKaj, no. it's ok now. there was a typo -> mutliverse :) But thanks21:31
SonorKajdergringo, the # makes apt bypass the[at repos21:31
SonorKajerr that21:32
dergringoI know. I don't need them now so I commented them out21:32
dergringoThere are no backports yet and I don't need the partner repo. so less is more21:33
knomedarthanubis, thanks for the help. see you!21:34
SonorKajdergringo, strange , the repos won't autoinstall any apps that you don't want even if they're uncommented ...i don;t get it21:36
gorthaugdergringo: try other repo, from other country21:37
dergringoGuys. Thank you but the problem is solved. I had a typo in sources.list. sun-java6 is up and running.21:38
gorthaugwell, now, can anybody help me whit my Ensoniq 5880B? i don't have input sound21:39
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about releasecycle21:41
SonorKaj!schedule |  Twigathy21:42
ubottuTwigathy: A schedule of Karmic Koala (9.10) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KarmicReleaseSchedule21:42
Twigathyahha, thank you. I found that page anyway :)21:42
franzmaximilianRe: Topic.  I just updated online Xubuntu 9.04 to 9.10beta  inside a VirtualBox 3.0.8 It seems to work fine!21:43
franzmaximilianHaven't tested much up to now, but audio seems to work nicely21:44
SonorKajgorthaug, alsamixer in the terminal , make sure inputs are at70% and unmuted21:45
gorthaugSonorKaj: thanks it's work21:45
damienis there any way of cleaning up the nautilus Place menu in karmic? it's terribly messy21:46
damienit lists a Floppy Drive and has two items for things i have in my fstab that i found as a user (and not at boot)21:47
franzmaximilianMy new Xubuntu KK is faster than JJ. I like it!21:47
mbeierlfyi: anyone having problem with java mouse click (touched on briefly earlier) it's bug #45293821:51
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/452938)21:51
PanzerI have a laptop with a RTL8101E nic.  I have tried to compile the driver from realtek on both 9.04 and 9.10.  On both it errors with r8101.ko no such file.21:59
CydeSwypehas anyone noticed how awesome ubuntu one integration is in karmic?22:01
CydeSwypei just noticed that tomboy notes now has an option to sync to ubuntu one22:02
CydeSwypeso i can have synced tomboy notes across my machines...22:02
CydeSwypethat's so darn cool!22:02
dupondjeI just pray they will fix the aptitude bug :D22:02
SonorKaj!ndiswrapper | Panzer22:04
ubottuPanzer: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:04
PanzerSonorKaj: the wireless works GREAT.22:11
PanzerI am having issues with the wired connection22:11
=== damien is now known as dn
Flaccologyquestion: I use Ubuntu 9.10. When I try to boot up Ubuntu, it says something about forcing a check and it has tried X # of times to mount some drive. How do I resolve this issue?22:19
hggdhFlaccology: look at dmesg, or /var/log/kern.log, and find out which FS is triggering the fsck22:21
hggdhand go from there22:21
koshariwill the desktop live disc be ready come showtime?22:26
rabidweezleumm, is karmic still using usplash?22:27
SonorKajPanzer, ok, that's unusual , what network manager , the default ?22:28
MrSchmoback when i was using ubuntu 7.xx the upgrade always seem to have some bugs and some program not working. with fresh installation, it clear all of that, but its a plain to reinstallation and reconfigure you setting all the time. are upgrades still like that? is there any other better way to do this?22:28
BUGabundoboas noites22:29
dupondjeMrSchmo: the upgrade should work without problems22:29
silentnightshi I have a problem with my new laptop. My wifi is not working. Can anyone help me pls??22:32
silentnightsit's lenovo t50022:32
silentnightsI think the wifi is intel 510022:32
dupondjesilentnights: could you pastebin output of dmesg / lspci -vv22:33
silentnightsyeah. just a moment22:33
* xrandr is away: laying down22:37
silentnightsdmesg > http://pastebin.ca/163371122:37
rabidweezlehow do I enable xsplash?22:37
silentnightslspci > http://pastebin.ca/163371322:38
silentnightsAnything else dupondje?22:38
mzzrabidweezle: by installing karmic, pretty much22:39
rabidweezleI installed karmic22:39
rabidweezleit's using usplash in ubuntu-studio22:39
mzzrabidweezle: afaik "xsplash" is just the animation below a ubuntu logo you get before gdm shows, and it's on by default22:39
dupondjesilentnights: what Wifi you have ?22:39
silentnightsIt's intel. and i think it's intel 510022:40
silentnightsmy laptop is lenovo t500 and thats what i found about it22:40
rabidweezlewhen I do a sudo apt-get install xsplash, it actually wants to install, and last time I did an update, it updated usplash :/22:40
mzzrabidweezle: so install it? Doing that might suffice22:41
* rabidweezle installs it, and sees if it enables itself22:41
dupondjesilentnights: #22:42
dupondje03:00.0 Network controller: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. Device 8172 (rev 10)22:42
dupondjeseems badly supported22:42
rabidweezlebrb, rebooting to see if it works...22:42
ageebdoes anyone know if the updates after 9.10beta install get rolled into the final release or do they stay as 'updates' to download after install?22:43
Jeruvythe updates will take you into final from beta22:43
silentnightsdupondje: so what i should do? ifconfig does not realise it22:43
ageebi don't understand that.... so they get rolled into it?22:43
mzzageeb: I'm not sure I understand the question correctly. If I understand the question correctly the answer is a counterquestion: why do you think they wouldn't be?22:44
ageebbecause they aren't now...22:44
mzzok, I officially don't understand what you're talking about22:44
ageeblet me back up...22:45
mzzwhat isn't what now?22:45
Jeruvyplease do22:45
ageebnetwork-manager is borked when i install karmic22:45
ageebafter an update it works22:45
ageebwhat i'm wondering, is if those updates get rolled into final or not22:45
Jeruvyfinal won't regress...22:45
mzzwhy wouldn't they be?22:46
dupondjesilentnights: check of example https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/40112622:46
dupondjethere isn't just a driver availible :(22:46
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/401126)22:46
mzzageeb: if they wouldn't be why do you think new images are produced for rc/final?22:46
dupondjesilentnights: also check http://lnv.lithium.com/t5/Linux-Discussion/New-T500-no-wifi-drivers/td-p/132773;jsessionid=FA80378F53509E0D715A69DD9EE4454322:46
mzzageeb: and I still don't understand what "they aren't now" means22:46
ageebi'm not sure what it takes to encorporate them into a new image, but if that were that case, i would have assumed they got built in as bugs were fixed22:47
ageeblike daily builds22:47
ageebbut i'22:47
ageeb*i'm not familiar with the setup22:47
mzzageeb: there are newer cd images available somewhere, iirc22:48
mzzageeb: I still don't understand your point though. Do you mean you would expect the beta install cd to fetch more packages from the network and fewer of them from the cd?22:48
ageebwow, i can't believe i'm so difficult to understand.22:49
ageebumm... here's how i see things22:49
JeruvyI think you're overcomplicating this.  The 'release' will just be 'final snapshot'.22:49
ageebat the moment, there are 5xx updates for me after the install of the beta22:49
ageebi'm curious if they get 'built' into the final .iso or stay as updates22:50
Jeruvyfor most of us, we'll wait a while before we install 'release' to wait for new patches to update 'after' install/upgrade22:50
ageebwhy wouldn't they be? well, i could ask why aren't they already :)22:50
mzzageeb: because those updates came out after the cd you installed from was built?22:50
jcastrothey will be built into the CDs22:51
jcastrothey are already in the daily iso's22:51
silentnightsdupondje: Thank you so much. I am trying the driver from the first post. I will let you know in a couple minutes if it's working22:51
mzzageeb: I want to just say "yes", but that you're asking about this at all makes me suspect I don't understand the question22:51
ageebjcastro: thanks i got the answer, just tryin to show my convoluted vision :)22:51
mzzageeb: although of course especially if you install a while after final is released it won't actually help you that much in number of updates installed22:52
mzzageeb: if the beta cd had version X of some package, the final cd has version Y, and version Z comes out as an update after final is released, you have to grab Z whether you install from the beta or the final cd22:52
mzzageeb: (package updates aren't incremental, so this only helps for packages that are updated between beta and final, and not updated after final)22:53
ageebversion x borks me from getting updates period.  i NEED version y in the final to get z down the road22:53
spiralizcan anyone tell me what version of sort karmics ships with ?22:53
mzzageeb: that'd happen, and I still don't understand why you're asking, unless part of your question is actually "why isn't the install process grabbing updates from the net at install time"22:53
mzzspiraliz: packages.ubuntu.com can22:54
spiralizmzz, thnx22:54
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ageebi don't know if it's accceptable that all the bugs being found get fixed and stay as updates to download after install, or get rolled into a new image22:55
mzzthe cd contains the latest version available in karmic at the time the image is created, which is shortly before release, if I'm not completely confused22:55
SonorKajageeb, check your sources.list for the same repos as the daily builds provide22:56
SnakDoci am running karmic anyone know why i would have a little  mouse showing while it boots and how to change that to  default22:56
RabidWeezleokay, think I figured it out, remove uslash, then install xsplash, because if you leave usplash on there it won't boot without recovery mode xD22:56
ageebi have too many people confused.  I'm going back a bit. bear with me22:57
ageebafter a fresh install of 9.10 beta today, network-manager doesn't let me setup wireless connections for some odd reason22:57
mzzRabidWeezle: regular desktop ubuntu installs and uses both22:57
ageebthere is an update to network-manager that fixes it, but i have to drive somewhere to get cat5 connection to get updates22:57
RabidWeezleyeah, ubuntustudio doesn't :/22:58
ageebi'm curious if that 'fix' will be in the final iso or stay as a fix that is acceptable to just download22:58
SonorKajageeb, try wicd22:58
jcastroif you got it in an update, it will be on the final CD22:59
SonorKaj!info wicd22:59
ubottuwicd (source: wicd): wired and wireless network manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.6.1-3ubuntu1 (karmic), package size 415 kB, installed size 2464 kB22:59
ageebjcastro: beautiful summary.  ty22:59
ageebubottu: ty also23:00
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about ty also23:00
RabidWeezleanyone remember the name of the gnome desktop widgets app?23:01
zniavrethewidgetfactory ?23:01
RabidWeezlecould be23:01
* RabidWeezle checks23:01
RabidWeezlehrm, not it, this app has a bunch of widgets you can put on the desktop like monitors, applets, etc23:04
* RabidWeezle gets ubuntu-tweak, it's in there somewhere23:05
=== Chybeck is now known as Chybeck`Aw
hunt577Hi guys23:10
hunt577How do you all like this beta version of 9.10?23:10
silentnightsdupondje: I have to download kernel source. My connection is slow so I will have to do it later when i get a better wired connection.23:10
silentnightsThanks a lot for all the help. :-)23:10
=== MsMaco_ is now known as MsMaco
hunt577Is 9.10 beta stable?23:14
sebsebsebhunt577: no23:14
sebsebsebnot properly stable yet23:14
sebsebsebhunt577: The release candidate will be much more stable23:14
hunt577thanks seb23:15
SonorKajsebsebseb,, hunt577 , i find it stable except for the broken notifier23:22
cirdan_hey all23:23
cirdan_trying to fix grub after updating to 9.10, seems /dev/disk/by-uuid is missing23:23
SonorKajlegacy-grub or grub223:24
cirdan_was legacy, now only grub223:24
sebsebsebcirdan_: oh you upgraded  so an Ext3 9.04 install?23:24
cirdan_nope, xfs23:25
sebsebsebcirdan_: oh you use xfs, how come?23:25
cirdan_because i've used it since before it was in mainline23:25
sebsebsebcirdan_: Also apparnatlly you don't get or don't just get Grub 2 on 9.04 upgrades23:25
cirdan_it's fast and has worked23:25
cirdan_i know, i just manually installed it23:25
sebsebsebcirdan_: Yeah I hear it  can be or is better than Ext423:25
sebsebseb,but not that many use XFS I guess23:26
sebsebsebcirdan_: yes that's why they don't do Grub 2 on upgrade, because installing a new version or trying to, can cause issues23:26
cirdan_sebsebseb: the error was on the first reboot after the upgrade, w/o touching grub myself23:27
cirdan_should i try installing 2.6.31-14?23:27
sebsebsebcirdan_: I guess maybe you need to edit the Grub file, which is no longer menu.lst23:27
sebsebseb!grub2 |  cirdan_23:27
ubottucirdan_: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager in Karmic. For more information on GRUB2 please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Grub223:27
cirdan_i just wonder why it can't boot by uuid anymore23:28
SonorKajcirdan_, /dev/scdr0 ?23:28
cirdan_by default it was booting from uuid, but now when it can't, and drops me into ash, i do ls /dev/disk and there's no more by-uuid23:29
cirdan_booted from a cd right now, updating the kernel and maybe that will help23:29
SonorKajor /dev/scd023:29
SonorKajcirdan_, sorry but I don't understand the advantages of using  nondefault file system23:31
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cirdan_that's ok :)23:31
cirdan_i've been using it since ext2 was still new23:31
koshariare there any 9.10 64bit live isos yet?23:32
komputeshas anybody reported damaged hardware/bios due to upgrades on hardy?23:32
Blueyi having several problems with 9.10 grub takes several minutes to load - in addition it's complaining about the reiserfs I have installed - fresh install, and reformatted -- 64 bit beta...23:35
cirdan_so... even with the latest kernel, for some reason /dev/disk/by-uuid does not exist when booting the system23:36
cirdan_gonna try to disable uuid now23:36
SonorKajBluey, ext4 is best with karmic afaik23:40
koshariBluey ext4?23:41
BlueySonorKaj: I didn't like the write commit times for ext4 why I choose reiser -- have always used it in the past..23:41
koshariBluey hasnt grub been updated to grub2 in 9.10?23:42
SonorKajwell i suppose using a unrecommended fs , then one has to espect some probs23:42
Blueykoshari: yes23:43
koshariBluey maybe try grub instead of grub2?23:44
BlueySonorKaj: when did reiser fall out of favour?  I've been using it for years...23:44
stpereBluey: when he killed someone?23:44
koshariBluey i think about the time he killed his wife and went to jail23:44
SonorKajit will install on ext3, some ppl aren't aware that ext4 is default unless they formay from the live cd while doing a clean install23:44
SonorKajBluey, dunno for sure , but it's been a couple of yrs at least23:46
=== Chybeck`Aw is now known as Chybeck
Blueywell I will monitor it -- I guess at this point I can always make it ext4 - but the possibility of data loss seems much higher with delayed writes.23:46
cirdan_ok looks like this now... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=128419423:46
* xrandr is back23:48
mersaultHow do I configure extra kernel options with the new grub2?23:49
mzzmersault: /etc/default/grub iirc (and run update-grub2 afterwards)23:50
mzzmersault: specifically GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT, I think. Alternatively read and/or hack up /etc/grub.d/10_linux23:51
mersaultmzz: yeah, I found the options in /etc/default/grub, which seems the cleaner way of doing it.23:51
* xrandr wonders if they'll ever come out with ext5 :)23:51
mzzbut if you need to do something fancy with different options for different kernels you'd probably have to hack up 10_linu23:52
mzz10_linux even23:52
mzzxrandr: not soon, see btrfs23:52
xrandrmzz: i like ext4... it's actually quite fast :)23:52
mzzbtrfs has new features though (mainly snapshots)23:53
SonorKajbtrfs is for those wanting to live dangerously23:54
mzzsure, but it'll stabilize eventually23:56
mzz(I'm not using it yet either)23:56
SonorKajext4 is fine so far , but i'm not a tweak sqeezer23:57
mersaultanyone here tried downgrading to grub-legacy?23:57
ElijahCMenifeethe only problem with xfs is no tools for reducing partions on LVM23:58
SonorKajactually grub-legacy doesn't do too well on karmic from most reports23:58
oldude67i actually didnt mind grub-legacy, but i understand their reasons for trying to improve it as well.23:59

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