
=== NCommander is now known as NC|Mobile
=== NC|Mobile is now known as NCommander
* ogra does a headless remote installation on imx51 with ubiquity 09:23
eggonleaI install karmic beta on dove y1 board09:30
eggonleabut I did not see any scr file in /boot partition09:30
eggonleais this expected behavior?09:31
eggonleaI chose auto partition for the whole SATA disk09:31
eggonleait create an 228MB ext2 for /boot and 72GB for /09:32
NC|Mobileeggonlea: strange. you should habe a boot.scr file if installation completes successfully09:33
eggonleaI did see vmlinuz there09:33
eggonleaand the installation process did not prompt me about somewhat "installation complete"09:34
NC|Mobilekarmic beta had a bug that the installer would abort if the board couldn't reach ports.ubuntu.com09:34
eggonleait just moves the progress bar and then the installation window close (reach ~100%) without any prompt09:35
NC|Mobileuse a daily-live image instead but you need a canonical uboot or marvell 4.3.109:35
eggonleathat is09:35
NC|Mobileand bootrom 2.01 or greater09:35
eggonleais manually "ifconfig/route" helpful?09:35
eggonleaor I'll download a latest daily build09:36
NC|Mobileeggonlea: it just need09:36
NC|Mobilethat's best. as long as the internet is availavle though beta bshould work09:37
NC|MobileI gtg (about to go to the airport but I will be around)09:37
eggonleai see.09:37
eggonleaI'll try beta with network available first09:37
eggonleawhile downloading the daily build as backup09:37
darkking_ Hi all! Can anyone help me for load "dm_mod" , "dm_mirror", "dm_snapshot" modules?09:48
=== darkking_ is now known as dk
ogralool, ... just because we can ... :) https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ARM/BabbageHeadlessKarmicDesktopInstall10:09
Gnuetvery nice :)10:16
amitkogra: nice!10:26
NC|Mobileand I am back (for now)10:28
ogralool, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-cdimage/+bug/360925 was the bug with filename truncation i was referring to10:30
ubot4Launchpad bug 360925 in mobile-meta "md5sum check of UNR image fails in one file" [Undecided,Invalid]10:30
ograNC|Mobile, dont you see the same on the dove alternates ?10:30
ogra(given they are vfat as well and contain the same file)10:30
NC|Mobileogra: I nevere had an opportunity to test dove alts extensively. I am not even sure if the current alts work10:31
ograon imx51 they do, butu you have to rename that file10:31
NC|Mobileoh you mean that bug hrm ...10:32
ografunnily you *can* rename it to the proper name inside the vfat partition10:32
ograwhcih makes me think that we miss something when building the vfat10:33
NC|Mobileogra: maybe mtools being old and having a bug10:33
loologra: Yes, it's a known and relatively old bug10:33
loolI was told it did not occur in karmic since ppp had a different version or somethin10:34
NC|Mobilewe were talking about extX images for lucid10:34
ograyes, we should do ext310:34
NC|Mobileogra: ext2 for dove10:34
* NC|Mobile loves android IRC :-)10:34
ograthat will leave you with a possibly out of date fs if you kill the running live session10:35
ograneeds to be ext3 at least10:35
loologra: find . -iname ppp\* on an UNR ISO returns nothing10:35
NC|Mobileogra: then we need to get dove's uboot to read ext3. it goes ugh no on it atm10:35
ogralool, its a dep of NM10:36
loologra: But it's only on alternates then?10:36
ogralool, but indeed you need to check on alternates10:36
ograsince ppp is a dep of NM now it will live in the livefs for live images10:36
loolSo it's only when a) you're using and alternate image + b) you're using usb-creator to create USB media + c) you run the md5 check10:36
ograjust not for alternate10:36
ograa) yes10:37
ograb) no idea10:37
ograc) no10:37
ograthe file is not found by d-i due to the wrong name10:37
ogra(for c) )10:37
ograyou need to remount / readwrite, mv it to the proper name and d-i will work flawless10:38
ograerr, not / ... /cdrom10:38
NC|Mobilethis bug sounds like it should break alt. installation but beta alt. images passed10:38
NC|Mobileat least on x8610:38
ogralool, the point here is that it keeps the proper name if i mv the file10:39
loologra: What point are you trying to make?10:39
ograthat the issue inherits from the way we build the image10:39
loolNo kidding?    :-)10:40
ograi can rename the file and reboot ... the name is kept10:40
loolBecause you're using linux' vfat implementation and we use mtools in debian-cd (no-root)10:40
* NC|Mobile shivers at the notion of making d-cd depend on root10:41
ograthere has to be a way around that10:41
loolFixing mtools10:42
NC|Mobilewoo free uprade to first class10:43
NC|Mobileand a wifi enabled flight! */offtopic*10:46
NC|Mobilelool, ogra couldn't we use device/policykit to handle the mount onto loopback?10:47
ograin casper you mean ?10:48
NC|Mobileogra: no for cd building so we can use the linux vfat layer versus mtools10:48
ograwell, work it out, discuss it with elmo and we'll see :)10:49
NC|MobileI remember reading something about modifying permissions so nonroot can mount loopback10:49
ograbut i doubt he likes the idea10:49
ograsure, udev-acl can likely do that ... but thats only in karmic afaik10:49
NC|Mobileogra: ugh ...10:50
* NC|Mobile can't see the discussion upgrading antimony to karmic going well10:50
ograthere might also be a fuse based solution10:52
loolI just tried rm -f vfat.img; mkdosfs -C vfat.img 10240; touch ppp_2.4.5~git20081126t100229-0ubuntu2_i386.deb; mcopy -i vfat.img ppp_2.4.5~git20081126t100229-0ubuntu2_i386.deb ::ppp_2.4.5~git20081126t100229-0ubuntu2_i386.deb10:56
looland loop mounting the resulting vfat.img worked fine10:56
loolEven with -F 32 it still works10:57
ApOgEEhi all11:08
ApOgEEhi ogra11:08
ApOgEEanybody home?11:08
ApOgEEhi lool11:21
ograApOgEE, whats up ?11:23
ApOgEEi'm trying to build ubuntu-minimal rootfs11:23
ApOgEE./rootstock: 572: cannot create /tmp/tmp.TeAtp15575/tmpmount/etc/fstab: Directory nonexistent11:24
ApOgEEany ideas?11:24
ogradisk full ?11:24
ogralool, we use parted11:25
ApOgEEi still got 13.7GB free space on /11:25
ogracan you paste the log somewhere ?11:25
loologra: Uh no11:27
ograparted -s "$IMAGE" mkpart primary fat32 "512B" "$(($FIS_SIZE - 1))B"11:28
ograApOgEE, E: Invalid Release file, no entry for main/binary-armel/Packages11:28
ogra is your actual error11:28
ApOgEEogra, how to solve?11:29
ograis the system networked ?11:29
ogra(can you ping ports.ubuntu.com)11:29
ApOgEEyes, i can ping ports.ubuntu.com11:30
ograthats weird11:30
ograwhats the release you run this on ?11:31
ograjaunyt or karmic ?11:31
ograbah, my remote ubiquity install failed :(11:31
loologra: You're confused11:31
ApOgEEmy pc is jaunty11:32
loologra: We copy the vfat data onto a partitioned image11:32
ogralool, right, but parted creates the fs11:32
loologra: it creates the partition11:33
ApOgEEcould i run it on intrepid?11:33
loolit might create a fs which gets overwritten11:33
ograApOgEE, i'm not sure, you need a bunch of karmic packages11:33
ApOgEEogra, i see...11:33
loologra: dd conv=notrunc bs="${PART2_START_B%B}" if="$IMAGE.vfat" of="$IMAGE" seek=1 2>/dev/null11:33
ogralool, doesnt mkpart format the partition ?11:33
ApOgEEcan't upgrade yet... haven't backup lots of files11:33
loologra: It probably does11:33
ApOgEEthis builder script should run fine right? http://people.ubuntu.com/~ogra/arm/build-arm-rootfs11:34
ograApOgEE, i cant promise, you need at least the jaunty debootstrap installed11:34
ograand probably even qemu from jaunty11:35
ApOgEEogra, how small the imagesize can be for ubuntu-minimal11:36
ApOgEEmy board have about 20MB11:36
ograi think you should be fine with 512M ...11:36
Gnuetkarmic minimal is like 380M iirc.11:37
ApOgEEi'm trying to shrink it to less than 20MB if possible11:37
ApOgEEgot to try the rootfs via /nfs boot11:38
ApOgEEif works, i'm going to create jffs2 image and install it on mtdblock11:39
ograit will likely be to big11:39
ApOgEEogra, owh...11:41
ApOgEEcan i use this rootfs with 2.4 kernel?11:42
ApOgEEi'm using 2.4.26 kernel11:43
ApOgEEseems like build-arm-rootfs working.... haven't finished yet ;)11:45
ograi dont think 2.45 has all the required kernel options you need for a modern OS11:46
ApOgEEogra, at least, which version11:48
amitkApOgEE: 2.4 kernel?! On what board?11:48
ograwell, best is the one the release uses :)11:49
ApOgEEi'm using ts-726011:49
ograbut 2.6.21 is the minimal version that upstart supports i think11:49
ApOgEEi simply grab the kernel from ftp://ftp.embeddedarm.com/ts-arm-sbc/ts-7260-linux/binaries/ts-kernels/11:50
amitkApOgEE: AFAIK this is a ARM9 board11:50
ograwill only work with jaunty then11:50
amitkogra: we didn't recompile the archive for ARMv6+ yet, did we?11:51
ograa big bunch of it11:51
ApOgEEamitk, do you mean it won't work on ts-7260 board?11:51
ograkarmic wont run on pre-v611:51
amitkApOgEE: correct. The Karmic armel archive is compiled using compiler optimisations for ARMv6+ boards.11:53
ApOgEEamitk, owh11:53
amitkApOgEE: you can use the Jaunty armel archive if you want support for ARMv5 boards11:53
ApOgEEamitk, this board is armv4l11:55
amitkApOgEE: even the, you still need a new kernel. 2.4 kernels won't work with any recent armel distribution.11:55
amitkApOgEE: in that case it won't run with Jaunty userspace either.11:55
ograv4 wont work with any ubuntu release11:55
ApOgEEi only have debian sarge rootfs here... :p11:56
amitkApOgEE: you should try the debian arm port (not armel) for this11:56
ogradebian builds with v4 support11:56
suihkulokkiApOgEE: armv4 or armv4t ?11:57
suihkulokkiv4t it seems, so it should run debian/armel11:58
* amitk learnt something new. (armv4t used EABI)11:59
suihkulokkiApOgEE: you'll need to build a more modern kernel from here: http://mcrapet.free.fr/12:00
ApOgEEi thing v412:00
ApOgEEsuihkulokki, thanks for the link12:02
ApOgEEbut still, i have to shrink the ubuntu-minimal...12:08
loolamitk: Hey, I managed to finish a first pass of my cross toolchain project and pushed some packages to https://launchpad.net/~lool/+archive/ppa12:51
loolamitk: Let me know if you find them useful / whether they work fine for kernel builds12:51
loolI know they have some issues for building userspace but they should work for kernel12:51
amitklool: great! thanks. I'll report back once I test them12:57
playya_what is the default arch for qemubuilder? armv5?13:04
loolplayya_: qemubuilder?  From pbuilder?13:05
loolplayya_: It uses the same arch as the distro you're using13:05
loolOh sorry the emulated arch13:05
loolHmm good question13:05
loolIt's likely versatile13:05
loolsee qemuarch.c13:06
playya_i want to build a package for my PPA13:07
playya_so it should fit ti the ubuntu arch13:07
loologra: I tried reproducing the ppp issue in an image build in my home on cdimage, but for some reason it doesn't work13:13
loolI fixed one issue which was a hardlink versus symlink problem, but I can't fix the other one13:13
playya_does LP already support arm?13:13
loolIt does, but not for PPAs13:14
playya_my package are only for smartphones13:14
ogralool, well, you didnt try with a partitioned image and loop mounting the second part. i suspect there is some difference in the fs signature vs the actual format of the partition ...13:26
* ogra goes afk until the meeting13:27
loologra: I dont understand what you mean13:29
playya_qemubuilder sucks :(14:39
=== JamieBennett1 is now known as JamieBennett
playya_qemubuilder always stops with: qemu-system-arm: option '-kernel' requires an argument15:10

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