
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
rrrrutdkHow to request an Ubuntu cloak?06:52
naliothrrrrutdk: got an LP id?06:52
naliothrrrrutdk: a highlight is not a private message06:54
rrrrutdkYes, I got one.06:54
naliothcan you share it with us?06:55
rrrrutdkI thought you were a bot06:56
naliothubottu: tell rrrrutdk about member06:58
ubotturrrrutdk, please see my private message06:58
naliothrrrrutdk: ubottu is a bot06:58
* nalioth is a person06:58
rrrrutdkThe wiki page tells me how to become an Ubuntu member, but I didn't make any contributions yet.07:07
rrrrutdkOn Ubuntu07:07
jussi01rrrrutdk: you need to be a member to get a cloak... as the cloak is @ubuntu/member/07:08
jussi01rrrrutdk: as nalioth said, a hilight is not a private message.07:13
jussi01rrrrutdk: so you need to go an contribute, so you have something to put on your wiki page :)07:14
rrrrutdkI know it is not a private message, but I'm not a native English speaker, I just don't want to share my typing mistakes with so many people.07:15
jussi01!pm | rrrrutdk07:15
ubotturrrrutdk: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.07:15
jussi01rrrrutdk: not many people are native speakers here, so dont stress too much - you are doing fine :)07:16
rrrrutdkBOT 'ubottu' just sent me a message about my rude actions on sending private messages without asking. I'm sorry about that.07:17
rrrrutdkAnd thank you for your patients.07:20
FoulardBonjour les tapettes :-)08:29
FoulardEt surtout bonjour à niko :-)08:29
=== m4v_ is now known as m4v
Foulardhoo des signes :-)10:01
Foulardnormalement le chinois c'écrit10:01
Foulardmais sur irc, tu te ferais kicker pour flood.10:01
=== McPeter is now known as ubuntu-fr-IRC
=== ubuntu-fr-IRC is now known as McPeter
=== nik0 is now known as niko
=== DJones_ is now known as DJones
=== DJones is now known as Guest39870
=== Guest39870 is now known as DJones
=== LjL is now known as LIL
=== LjL-Temp is now known as LjL
=== LIL is now known as LjL

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