
h00kI've determined my kernel problem out.03:34
h00kIt is a combination of the nvidia 185 driver and chromium.03:35
virtualdcan someone take a look at bug 456018?05:31
ubot3Malone bug 456018 in linux "pulseaudio: alsa-source.c: Resume failed, couldn't restore original fragment settings. (Old: 65536/65536, New 2147418112/65534)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45601805:31
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lamontsmb: you got my mail about the test image for bug 445456, yes?16:50
ubot3Malone bug 445456 in linux "kvm hangs booting windows XP Pro SP2 or later, since at least 2.6.28-15" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44545616:50
smblamont, yes. thanks. unfortunately being at a sprint this week with not much hw around. next one being better as I will be close to the dc18:52
lamontah, cool18:53
lamontand yeah, it's not a very small file.  sorry baout that18:53
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=== MsMaco_ is now known as MsMaco
MsMacowhere do upstream builds live?23:27
MTecknologyMsMaco: kernel.org you mean?23:27
MsMacothere are vanilla builds somewhere, i thought?23:30
MsMacoaside from ubuntu-patched ones23:30
MTecknologyh on..23:30
MTecknologyMsMaco: this might help some - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/KernelTeam/KernelGitGuide23:30
MTecknologyit's the ubuntu kernel source and the vanilla kernel23:31
MsMacono, there are debs somewhere...i just forget where. i might be thinking of the crack23:32
MTecknologyoh, no idea23:32
MTecknologyMsMaco: Just make sure you know that if you start messing with the kernel and you have issues on it, you're not allowed to file a bug report on it - only ask in here and hope somebody can help23:32
MsMacoyeah yeah i know23:32
MsMacoits me, maco :P23:32
MTecknologyI read maco and I think Mako :P23:34
MsMacono no thats benjamin23:35
MsMacothough if *either* of us didnt know bug reporting rules, thatd be bad23:35
MsMacoand surprising23:35
MTecknologySorry, I don't know anything about .deb for kernel unless I'm making my own23:36
MsMacocrack of the day....not so of the day23:36
MsMacolast one 3 days ago23:36

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