
asacbug 42729500:00
asacmicahg: ^^00:00
ubottuLaunchpad bug 427295 in firefox-3.5 "Firefox 3.5 does not allow me to search with the search box" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42729500:00
asacgnomefreak: ^^100:00
asacgnomefreak: is that the bug you are seeing?00:00
asacare you seeing it atm?00:00
asacok guess thats the final bug i will be focussing on after all is done ;)00:02
gnomefreak'aslooking but sounds like it00:03
asacjust have to find the profile with which i could reproduce that issue00:03
thunderstruck3.6~b2~hg20091016r32516+nobinonly-0ubuntu1~umd1  <<< bot problem? fta asac00:09
asacthats a firefox ~b2 build00:10
asaci think we have breakage00:10
asacmicahg provided a branch and most likely i failed to apply it :/00:11
asacis that the story?00:11
fta  - thunderbird-3.0 (3.0~hg20091017r4190+nobinonly -> 3.0~hg20091019r4193+nobinonly) [60.10MB (+0kB, +0.00%)]00:11
micahgI think so00:11
micahgyep, that should be fixed in the proposed merge00:12
ftalooks fine to me: https://edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mozilla-daily/+archive/ppa/+packages?field.name_filter=thund&field.status_filter=&field.series_filter=karmic00:12
ftalol, 3.6, not tb3, n-m00:12
ftatoo late for me, i seriously need some sleep00:13
asacfta: gooooo00:13
asacd night ;)00:13
ftayeah, thanks00:13
micahgaltohough I think my ff build will fail now :)00:14
asacmicahg: so did you check xulrunner-1.9 in universe/main too?01:15
micahgnot yet01:15
asacmicahg: ok.01:15
asacmicahg: but firefox-3.0 was done, right? can you comment your findings in the bug?01:16
asacat best the firefox-3.0 ones for now ;)01:16
micahgI tried to build 3.6~b1 with m-dev 0.1201:18
micahgdidn't work too well01:18
asacmicahg: yeah better use the latest m-dev01:18
micahgI backported it to Jaunty01:18
asacmicahg: well. you just need the orig.tar.gz01:19
asacyou can produce that in karmic if its bad in jaunty m-dev01:19
asacthough it should work afaik01:19
asacnot sure though because of tip/default etc.01:19
asacbut i thought the hg stuff worked for a while and we didnt change how its integrated in pacakge01:19
asacbut maybe fta redid something i didnt see ;)01:20
micahgit might not have been the m-dev script01:20
micahgbut I figured it was easy enough to backport01:20
asacmicahg: daily ppa has no backport for that afaik01:20
asacand works too ;)01:21
micahgmist be somethign else01:22
asacmicahg: seahorse-plugins depends on ffox? thought on xulrunner ;)01:22
asacok so that means you alredy checked main for xulrunner?01:23
asace..g just universe and sources missing?01:23
asacor did you search sources?01:23
micahgI search sources in main01:23
asacok ... so binaries and sources+binaries from universe still missing for xul-1.901:23
micahgasac: hmm...seems to be working with the new m-dev01:27
micahgasac: ff3.6build1 and xul1.9,2build1 built fine03:30
LLStarksasac. micahg. are there any outstanding firefox bugs that need testing or fixing?03:39
LLStarks*for karmic03:39
micahgI still have about 180 bugs to triage :)04:18
LLStarkswhat about this one?04:22
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438868 in firefox "Address bar autocomplete doesn't always work" [Unknown,Confirmed]04:23
LLStarksi hate this bug because i run into every day.04:23
LLStarksand so will joe windows-user04:23
LLStarkswhen he tries karmic04:23
micahgthat's one of the ones I need to get to04:27
micahgdoes it happen after an upgrade?04:28
micahgnevermind...it's already upstreamed04:29
LLStarksmicahg, link?05:22
micahg1LLStarks: it's in the bug06:00
=== micahg1 is now known as mciahg
=== mciahg is now known as micahg
micahgasac: I added tasks for all the depends I found in universe06:45
micahgasac: I found a quick bug that might be worth throwing in ... bug 44868308:21
ubottuLaunchpad bug 448683 in firefox-3.5 "change slovak translation of menu entry" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44868308:22
asacmicahg: is that list complete?09:35
asacmicahg: are those main or universe?09:35
micahgI checked main already09:35
micahgthat's universe09:35
micahgshould be it09:35
asacwhats going on with prism09:36
micahgoh, BTW, when I build 3.6b1+build1, it built with the official branding09:37
micahgasac: ^^09:38
micahgok, time for sleep09:39
* asac merged micahs ffox 3.6 branch11:54
|eagles0513875|hey asac12:01
|eagles0513875|how goes it in the office this week12:04
|eagles0513875|be back from home12:12
av`asac, are you doing devhelp update?12:17
av`asac, I did it for debian already12:18
av`saw your name on the package's page12:18
av`assigned to devhelp12:18
asacav`: devhelp == new tarball?12:36
asacis that gnome?12:36
av`asac, yes12:42
asacav`: bug 451864 ?12:43
ubottuLaunchpad bug 451864 in devhelp "Please sync devhelp 2.28 from debian sid" [Wishlist,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45186412:43
asacor something newer?12:43
av`should be it12:43
av`asac, why they give you GNOME stuff to do?12:47
asacwhy do you think they gave it to me?12:49
asacat some point i ported it to xulrunner 1.912:49
asacsince then i more or less take care if it needs new porting12:49
av`asac, seahorse-plugins failed to build12:50
av`you enabled ephy plugin  --> enabling epiphany plugin...12:50
av`but you deleted the depends12:50
av`of course it fails trying to find gecko to really build the plugin12:50
asac had it right here. but then robert prepared the update and i took it which reverted the configure flags thing12:52
asaciu shouldnt take care for credits in future12:52
asacav`: so i just dropped the --enable-gecko ... thats ok?12:52
av`asac, which credits?12:53
av`asac, -with-gecko=libxul-unstable is a bit non-sense12:54
av`if you remove ephy stuff and you leave that12:54
av`it will fail for sure12:54
av`let me test build12:54
asacnow i remember ... you said that it will auto detect the that there are no build deps12:54
asacbut that doesnt work12:55
asacthe --disable-epiphany is even needed ;)12:55
av`in debian wasnt needed12:55
asacfixing that now12:55
asaci think it would work without disable on buildds12:55
asacbut if there is gecko it will still take it12:55
av`maybe ubuntu still has gecko12:55
av`asac, did you upload this latest revision?12:56
asacwell. things should never be automagic12:56
asacalways put in --disable-epiphany12:56
asacotherwise your local builds will differ from real builds12:57
av`asac, I've removed gecko thing in rules12:57
av`let's see12:57
av`asac, and anyway it will auto-detect that there ano B-Ds only if the configure flag --gecko-... is removed13:02
av`if you leave it you asks configure to find gecko bits13:02
av`but the B-D is not there13:02
asacyes. the fault was on my side not dropping it13:03
asacjust saying that not adding --disable-epiphany is also wrong13:03
av`well, it depends13:04
av`it won't fail the build13:04
asacno. but it will pick up gecko if you have it on your disk13:04
asacwhich is also wrong ;)13:04
asacif a package doesnt work ... it shouldnt be build13:05
av`asac, if you disable gecko and remove the flag13:05
av`it will say ephipanu plugin disabled13:05
av`that's what we want13:06
asacav`: not if you ahve xulrunner-1.9-dev installed13:06
asacav`: you need to do --disable-epiphany13:06
asaci just tried it13:06
asaci expect a reasonable upstream build system to not build epiphany if there is no epiphany--dev installed13:06
asacbut they look for gecko and then flip it on13:06
av`asac, pretty bad then13:09
av`removing epiphany-dev should do the work with a correct configure run13:09
asacav`: no. thats the point ;)13:09
asaci dont have epiphany-dev installed13:09
asachmm i have13:09
asacso yeah13:09
av`that's it :)13:09
asacanyway... all the automagic is painful13:09
asacexplicit flags for the world ;)13:10
av`I'm building it on my buildd13:10
av`to check13:10
asacav`: its already uploaded13:10
asacand accepted13:10
asacif it fails again i will resign from my job13:10
asacav`: so devhelp might have a chance as its not on CD13:12
av`asac, yeah, seb told me it's not really needed atm13:13
av`asac, it ftbfs again13:16
av`asac, jk :P13:16
asacav`: dont do that :-Ü13:17
asaci am completely overworked ... hung over and what not atm13:17
av`ehehe :)13:17
asacso these kind of jokes make me jump out of window13:17
av`sorry then :)13:17
av`asac, if it would really ftbfs I would have done it for you so you could have moved to something else13:18
av`but worked13:18
asacbut seriously. i think for next release i should create a bunch of pbuilder tarballs and actualyl test something13:18
asacav`: well. the problem would not to do it, but that release managers will kill me ;)13:18
asacslangasek probably didnt sleep for the whole night and waits for all the bits to be there so he can fire up the ISO run13:18
asacand i stressed him completely by my xulrunner/firefox etc. uploads today13:19
av`yeah, so another ftbfs on seahorse-plugins wouldnt be accepted by him13:19
asacit probably would13:20
asacbut i am not sure i would get anything in after that13:20
asaclike a High importance bug in network-manager -> blocked ;)13:20
asacyou can basically always argue that high importance bugs in apps are not important for the whole release13:20
asacespecially at this time13:20
av`but everything went fine, good work13:20
av`going to study now13:20
asacav`: thx.13:20
av`see ya late night13:21
asacav`: btw, i think your work is improving quite a lot13:21
asacsince you came back :)13:21
asacjust wanted to say that ... but forgot yesterday13:21
av`asac, thanks a lot, I'm doing a focused work and yeah, it's going great so far13:21
asaci think your work got better when you switched to the most recent nick name13:21
asacnot really sure you are still the same ;)13:22
asaclike a butterfly ;)13:22
av`maybe im not the old bluekuja13:22
asacthe new one ;)13:22
av`I'm his transformation13:22
av`yeah :)13:22
av`yeah, it happened for a human13:23
av`not only for animals then :)13:23
av`cya later13:23
av`have a nice day13:23
eagles0513875hey bdrung14:25
bdrungeagles0513875: hi14:26
eagles0513875how are you14:26
bdrungbusy. the term started again14:28
eagles0513875trust me i know the feeling of being back in lectures :(14:30
eagles05138753rd week and already have 3 tests one down 2 to go this week14:30
LLStarksasac. bug 438868 is probably compiz related15:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 438868 in firefox "Address bar autocomplete doesn't always work" [Unknown,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43886815:33
asacLLStarks: yes. thats what i thought16:29
asacbdrung: term? university?16:29
bdrungasac: yes16:30
asachave fun16:31
asac3g is good during lectures ;)16:31
bdrungi won't ;)16:31
asac... if you lost the wifi password ;)16:31
bdrungLAN is even better.16:31
bdrungdownload with GBit ;)16:32
=== bdmurray_ is now known as bdmurray
asacnah. 3g is much better i tell you ;)16:33
asacespecially when everone has lan + wifi ...16:33
bdrungasac: how fast is 3g?16:48
asacquite good16:48
asacnormally you get like 300k16:49
asacand up is almost the same16:49
asacsometimes much more16:49
asacand sometimes ... especially if you are in a train its far less16:49
asacthe good is that you can use it almost everywhere16:51
asacso no need to bother about stationary behaviour16:51
asacfree-flying mode possible ;)16:54
asacmac_v: did you drop nm-device-active icon from last theme?17:43
asacor was that link shuffeling?17:43
asacsomething must have changed17:43
asac18:41 < NoelJB> ** (nm-applet:2390): WARNING **: Icon nm-active-device missing: Icon 'nm-active-device' not present in theme17:43
asacthat was seen during upgrade17:44
asaccould be that its harmless - but could be pretty bad17:44
mac_vasac: i dont think there was ever an icon by that name. that icon is for what device?17:45
asacmac_v: well. that icon must exist if nm-applet complains about it ;)17:46
asacits odd though17:46
mac_vasac: i meant in humanity theme :)17:46
asacmac_v: maybe you guys shipped a link to that and now you retargetted that link?17:46
asacmac_v: this guy uses human theme17:47
asacis that humanity-icon-theme?17:48
mac_vbug # ?17:48
asacmac_v: no bug. its hot. was pinged in nm while that guy updated his sytstem17:48
asacwith todays theme17:48
asacwell... with todays updates ;)17:48
asacits definitly transitional . just want to understand why that icon was there before ... and was used ... and now is gone17:49
mac_vi dont remember any icon or symlink being made as "nm-active-device"17:49
asaconly explain i have is that you guys shipped nm-active-device ... linked it maybe as nm-device-wired ... and now moved the nm-device-wired link somewhere else17:49
asacmac_v: who did todays changes?17:49
asaci got it too now17:50
asacupgraded to todays theme17:50
asac** (nm-applet:3496): WARNING **: Icon nm-active-device missing: Icon 'nm-active-device' not present in theme17:50
mac_vthere was no humanity had an update today , the latest is 0.4.1ubuntu517:51
mac_vasac: i think the icon is a new name from nm applet which humanity doesnt have17:51
bdrungasac: 300 kB/s or kBit/s?17:51
mac_vthere was no humanity update today*17:52
asacmac_v: ok its really applet. sorry for the alarm ;)17:55
asacbdrung: i never use bits17:55
asaca byte is the minimum full data unit i consider ;)17:55
mac_vasac: what is that icon for? is it a new naming where -active- is used for panel and ...17:55
asacbdrung: its pretty decent. when secondary home had broken wifi i used it as primary work connection for a few weeks ;)17:55
asaceven uploading mozilla stuff etc.17:55
bdrungasac: yes really fast then (compared to dsl, wlan)17:56
asacand uploads were not much slower than normal dsl17:56
bdrungasac: but lan at the university is still faster17:56
asacbfiller: from german mirror i usually get like 1100K down and just 180K up17:56
asacbut you cannot be in free-flying mode17:56
mac_vasac: even so why isnt the nm applet falling back to the default icons from hicolor? i think nm didnt ship the icon too ;)17:56
asacfreedom is more important than speed ;)17:57
asacmac_v: its something unrelated17:57
mac_vphew :)17:57
asacmac_v: its happening when a icon gets removed from disk that is already opened etc.17:57
asacnothing to do with fallback17:57
asacwould be a theme "fallover feature"17:57
asacsounds like an interesting idea ;)17:57
bdrungasac: i only need a fast server to test the speed there (the maximum was 8 MB/s)17:58
asaci think fta uploads chromium in like 3 seconds ;)18:00
bdrungasac: that's fast18:00
asacyes ;)18:01
asacbdrung: he told me that the rotating dput thing in terminal causes CPU to peak ;)18:01
asacwhich i find ... interesting ;)18:01
* asac wants that problem ... would promise to fix it ;)18:02
asacbdrung: so finland folks hav a right to get 100Mbit/s by law by 2001518:02
asacbdrung: deutsche telkom reiterated a year ago that they think copper is the future18:03
bdrungby 20015 we have 100 Mbit/s, too :p18:03
asaci wouldnt be so sure ;)18:03
asaci wanted to kill myself when i read that telekom statement :)18:03
asacactually kill someone else ;)18:03
bdrungasac: please don't. let someone other do that ;)18:04
bdrungasac: hopefully we have 30 Mbit/s at home next year18:06
asaci wanted to go for kabeldeutschaldn when i move to a new home18:09
asaci definitly deny to be a customer of DTAG again even if they have the 50 thing ;)18:09
asacalso i have this inner feeling that dsl is a major problem in my life ... ;) so i am looking forward to do something else18:10
asaci just remember me sitting here and replugging modems/routers all the time ... or just getting hourly resets etc.18:10
micahgasac: there's no xulrunner metapackage AFAICT18:14
asacmicahg: whats the context? hi ;)18:15
micahghi, depends on xulrunner (>=1.9~18:16
micahgxulrunner refers to 1.818:16
asacmicahg: hmm. which packages did i close that way?18:17
asaccan you reopen them?18:17
* asac had hoped that this mess is over18:18
micahgxulrunner-dev points to 1.918:18
micahgI mean 1.9.118:18
micahgconkeror and galeon18:19
asacmicahg: indeed. what a mess18:19
asacwonder why i mixed that up ;)18:20
asacwee only hav e-dev as meta package for xulrunner18:20
micahgasac: also, did you get my not about 3.6 building with official branding18:21
asacmicahg: email? i didnt even look at email today :/18:21
* asac feels miserable ;)18:21
micahgin here18:21
* asac scrolls up18:21
micahg3.6b1+build1 built with official branding18:21
asacif no mail i should really get whats going on here ;)18:22
micahgit was about 9 hours ago18:22
asacmicahg: hmm. ok.18:22
micahgis that ok?18:22
asacmicahg: so in the past we shipped betas as official branding18:22
asacthat was when firefox-3.0 was out18:22
asacbut now we stopped doing that for 3.518:22
micahgdoes mozilla ship betas as official branded?18:22
asacmy guess is that the rules script changes were done on 3.5 branch only18:23
asacand need to be also applied to 3.6 and 3.7 branches18:23
asaccan you check that?18:23
micahgIt says (alpha) in the menu18:23
asacmicahg: unclear. i am sure they did for 3.0 betas. but not so sure about 3.5. but we definitly do not do that anymore18:23
micahgI was wondering why I was so lucky to have FIrefox 3.6 :)18:24
asacmicahg: essentially, now that final is out, we need to review  _all_ changes that were committed to 3.5 branch and check that everything is also on 3.6 branch18:24
asaci think we also made changes how the .desktop files are treated etc.18:24
asacso before doing that we shouldnt look at these things in the branches directly18:24
asacrather first be sure we have everything in sync ;)18:24
asacalso identify why things were just committed there18:25
asacso we can learn how to better do it in future ... e.g. almost every time we should commit everything first to current highest version branch18:25
asacthen  to next ... and then eventually to current default ubuntu brnch18:25
asacjdstrand: btw, i think we get worst timing again18:26
asacjdstrand: afaik sec update is 28th. so lets hope they do another respin or something ;) ... though i think its unlikely its going back for a full other week18:26
asacso mabe 28th is best if we want to update same day ... or friday is best if we want to update three days after.18:27
asacbut given how huge this update is we might want to wait a full week ;)18:27
LLStarksasac, are you glad that that bug is compiz related?18:28
asac[reed]: is nss/nspr you talked about in .4 or .5?18:28
asacLLStarks: why would i be glad about a bug18:28
asacLLStarks: i am not the person that is happy when bugs go somewhere else18:28
asaci prefer them to stay in my domain of expertise because thats where i can best help18:29
LLStarksglad, as opposed to something more profound and deeply-ingrained in the code18:29
jdstrandasac: hmmm... I think friday has to be the way to go. otherwise we are messing with CD respins, especially if there are regressions18:29
asacLLStarks: i am glad that you could track down18:29
asacjdstrand: friday is day-after-release?18:29
jdstrandasac: yeah18:30
asacjdstrand: ok. and since we have soyuz we are not blocked by ugly archive copies or something?18:30
jdstrandasac: if it is super serious, then I advise talking to slangasek18:30
jdstrandasac: no-- soyuz is not an issue18:30
asacjdstrand: i dont think talking to slangasek will change anything on whether we can or cannot do that ;)18:31
asacjdstrand: i definitly dont want to put the update out on wed18:31
asacand thu is release ... so fri sounds quite good18:31
jdstrandalright, good. :)18:32
ftajdstrand, i'm still stuck with my kvm. and #ubuntu-virt is desperately quiet :(19:02
ftaasac, acroread (from the partner repo) installs tons of copies of the pdf plugin: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297683/19:03
ftaasac, .. but nothing in our xul dir19:04
asacfta: i think the mozilla location also works19:04
asacshouldnt be installed in all those 3.* versions19:05
asacthats a link thing right?19:05
asacdpkg -L ?19:05
ftait does. i just wanted to remove the plugin (i prefer the system/external pdf viewer for the web)19:05
asacfta: most plugins dirs are a link there19:06
asacso its probably two or even just one copy19:06
asaci guess three: firefox/ ... mozilla/ ... and firefox-addons/plugins19:06
asacwhat is /usr/lib/firefox-minefield/plugins/nppdf.so19:06
asacwhy do you have a  firefox-minefield19:07
ftai think it's in postinst19:08
ftafirefox-minefield is from m-d, my upstream nightly repacks19:08
asacfta: is that upstream nightly repack in a branch? or are you really repacking the upstreamtar.gz thigns=?19:10
ftathe latter19:11
asacin postinst?19:11
asacoh now19:11
asacplease tell me its in firefox-addons/plugins ;)19:11
asacoh no19:11
asacso much dirt :(19:11
ftafta@ix:~ $ pastebinit /var/lib/dpkg/info/acroread.postinst19:11
asachmm cannot see where they copy it in the firefox folders19:12
ftathat's acroread jaunty, as there's no version for karmic :(19:12
asacwhere are the .so things coming from19:13
asacalso ... whats going on with the icons19:13
asacwhy is that needed in postinst19:13
ftai use acroread (even if i hate non free stuff) because evince takes too much cpu, and the rendering is ugly (both text and pictures)19:13
asacfta: do you have a link to the .dsc at hand?19:14
asaci think all the versioned firefox things arent a problem19:15
asacat least there is a link19:15
asacso it would overwrite the firefox-addons location multiple times19:15
asacacroread-9.1.3$ ls19:17
asacAdbeRdr9.1.3-1_i386linux_enu.deb  debian19:17
asacno. i will not proceed down that road ;)19:17
* asac forgets what he just saw19:18
jdstrandfta: ask kirkland and/or soren in #ubuntu-server then. I saw them earlier19:19
jdstrandfta: though someone else might be able to help in there too19:19
ftajdstrand, i guess i should just file a bug :( http://paste.ubuntu.com/297586/19:20
jdstrandfta: possibly, but they may know about it already19:20
ftabut i have no error to paste for the boot failing, other that it doesn't work, i have no other info19:21
jdstrandfta: I vaguely recall seeing a bug regarding Windows and kvm19:21
jdstrandfta: soren and kirkland are the ones who maintain kvm and libvirt in Ubuntu. they should be able to help19:22
asacdoes *bsd work well with kvm too?19:22
jdstrandasac: it certainly used to, though I haven't tried recently19:22
jdstrandI had openbsd in a vm and I believe kees had freebsd (6?) in there19:23
asacgood. probably worth trying to get netbsd on that ;)19:23
jdstrandheh, you picked the one I don't know about :P19:23
asacheh. i like netbsd best (based on a real low amount of work i did)19:23
asaci tried all and when i ended up in issues netbsd was always quiet obvious by reading scripts etc.19:24
asacimo freebsd tried to introduce more smartness ... which seems to more difficult19:24
jdstrandpossibly unsurprisingly, I was a fan of openbsd19:24
asacyeah. i found openbsd to be a a bit unobvious too19:24
asacbut last time i really used it was a bit ago ;)19:24
jdstrandI've been phasing out my obsd installs in favor of ubuntu. I down to maintaining one obsd machine19:25
asacjdstrand: right. now i remember why i didnt like openbsd ;) ... it wasnt possible to tune the uptime ;)19:25
asacjdstrand: like here: http://www.jwsdot.com/tuptune/#freebsd19:25
asacthats the dumpest thing i ever did ;)19:26
asacopenbsd resets the tcp timestamps for each connection19:26
asacso no uptime with nmap ;)19:26
asac"The good of NetBSD is that the 2 Hz timestamp ticker is able to produce really great values like 5 years or something." ;)19:27
asacnot even sure if thats still true19:27
jdstrandwow. if they can go 5 years without a CVE in the kernel, that is pretty impressive19:28
jdstrandgranted, all the BSDs have far fewer CVEs in their kernels19:28
asacjdstrand: i think its 8 years or something at max19:28
asacif you dont have any port open19:29
jdstrandand by far, I mean *far*19:29
asacwhen was the last tcp/ip exploit?19:29
asaclike in 2.2?19:29
asac(on linux)19:29
jdstrandthere was an sctp one relatively recently19:29
jdstrandbut I don't recall offhand19:30
jdstrandbut it you can get a user account on a system with a local root exploit, that is nearly as good19:30
jdstrand(eg, bad cgi/php script...)19:30
jdstrandmost of the linux CVEs are DoS19:31
asacyeah. but there must be a http server without a vulnarability that allows you to exploit a normal html static load ;)19:31
jdstrandlocal DoS19:31
jdstrandand a local DoS is kinda like 'so?'19:32
jdstrandit is easy enough to do that without an 'exploit'19:32
asaci assume a local DoS is usually a memleak in kernel?19:32
asacat least a real dos ... wouldnt htink that just overload can be a Dos19:32
jdstrandit's usually stuff that'll make it oops19:33
asacah ok19:33
asacyeah. but thats a real issue on a multi-user system ;)19:33
jdstrandsure. but a user can do an overload type of thing to achieve something similar19:35
asacjdstrand: is there a thing like ulimit for CPU?19:35
asacguess VM ;)19:36
jdstrandulimit -a19:36
asacoh ;)19:37
asaccpu time               (seconds, -t) unlimited19:37
asacerr ... is that an absolute value? per-process?19:37
jdstrandI don't consider resource exhaustion interesting. I was just saying that if you can perform a resource exhaustion attack, and you can make the kernel oops, there isn't a tremendous practical difference19:38
asacNew package: synce-multisync-plugin (universe) [0.9.0-4.1 → 0.9.0-6ubuntu1]19:39
asacodd package name ;)19:39
* asac off ... will check later for things19:40
=== asac_ is now known as asac
micahgoh, apt-pinning for a PPA doesn't seem to work right20:20
micahgasac: http://packages.ubuntu.com/karmic/prism20:21
micahgxulrunner-1.9.1-dom-inspector                   Package not available20:21
micahgapt-pinning is working in aptitude, but not in update-manager20:23
ftajdstrand, fyi, i just file bug 45660220:26
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/456602)20:26
jdstrandfta: cool, I'll try to confirm it20:28
micahgasac: ugh20:28
micahgyou made a ff3.0 package in ff.35?20:29
ftalol, i typed guess instead of guest20:29
asacmicahg: sorry ... what do you mean?20:29
asacso yes. i think i invented a non-existing abrowser-3.0 ;)20:29
ftaoh, we can edit comments now20:29
micahgbut that caused bug 456598 and possibly more20:29
asacmicahg: thats a transitional package ... thats the way to ensure that users dont get stuck with something old, not supported, not working etc.20:30
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/456598)20:30
asacmicahg: transitaional packages is: you put in the empty package into the new source that is supposed to take over20:30
asacthat transitaional package depends on what the new installed package should be20:30
micahgyes, but in this case, I think a transitional for ff3.0 uis a bad idea20:30
asacand you add provides: oldpackage, replaces: oldpackage (<=newversion)20:30
micahgit'll screw with depends20:30
micahgand stuff20:30
asacmicahg: not sure20:31
asacwhat you mean20:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 456598 in mozvoikko "incorrect Breaks statement forces removal because of newer firefox-3.5" [Undecided,New]20:31
ftawho are all those poor "Also notified" people? i pitty them, zillions of emails a day20:31
asacfta: subscribers of the package20:32
asacso if you subscribe to the whole package you get listed thre20:32
asacfta: but its per package ... you can also do that on "ubuntu" i think20:32
asacbut thats a bad idea ;)20:32
asacmicahg: afaik mozvoikko does not work in firefox-3.520:32
micahgasac: well, then the package itself has an incorrect control file20:33
asacmost likely20:33
micahgand apparently the user was using it in 3.520:33
ftaasac, i see the same names in ff, libvirt, kernel, lp, whatever, i guess they are bug control or something20:33
asaci mean ... the breaks probably wasnt added there for nothing20:33
micahgit breaks 3.020:33
asacmicahg: if mozvoikko was fixed the breaks should have been dropped20:34
ftaor just crazy20:34
asacmicahg: mozvoikko breaks 3.0?20:34
micahgthat's the problem20:34
asacit should break 3.0 << 3.1~20:34
asacnot in general20:34
micahgand the transitional package has 3.020:34
asacthats a mozvoikko bug then20:34
micahgI wonder how many other packages like that?20:34
asaci would think not many20:34
asacwe ensured that everything was transitioned20:35
micahgtransitional ff3.0 seems counterintuitive20:35
asacthats the _only_ way20:35
micahgtransitional ff makes sense20:35
asacfirefox-3.0 can be installed alone20:35
jdstrandfta: how much ram do you have?20:35
asacwe cannot not transition them20:35
heikkimozvoikko works with ff-3.520:35
asacheikki: sure.20:35
jdstrandfta: and did the iso boot or you saw the error before the iso booted?20:35
asacthe Breaks: was simply a packaging bug20:36
asaceven my bug ;)20:36
heikkicould you fix it?20:36
ftajdstrand, i have 2GB of RAM + 6GB of swap, i tried with 512M and 1.5G, same result20:36
heikkiafaik it is not necessary to have that Breaks-field, is it?20:37
jdstrandfta: did the iso boot? ie, did you start install and then later see the error, or did it error out after storage completed?20:37
ftajdstrand, the libvirt error is when installing.. the thing in text mode asking you to accept the license, choose the partitioning. it seems to work fine until it asks to reboot20:38
asacheikki: yes. thats true. i think when i added that i was not sure if the template install.rdf makes the right thing20:38
jdstrandfta: http://www.mail-archive.com/fedora-list@redhat.com/msg51978.html20:38
asacheikki: so good point.20:38
asacheikki: oh20:38
asacheikki: so what is generated as minVersion?20:38
asacisnt that 3.0?20:39
ftathe shutdown part produces the error, then nothing. if i manually start the resulting vm, i see nothing past the bios20:39
jdstrandfta: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=50096820:39
asacproblem i think was that it was 3.0, but the binary was not compatible with 3.0 because its built against xulrunner 1.9.120:39
heikkiMOZVOIKKO_FF_MIN  = 3.0a9pre20:39
jdstrandfta: I'll update the bug20:39
asacheikki: yeah. so i will just patch that20:40
heikkifile mozvoikko.config20:40
jdstrandfta: you said this works with jaunty?20:40
heikkiok, thanks20:40
ubottubugzilla.redhat.com bug 500968 in libvirt "virt-manager traceback on shutdown of qemu-kvm -no-acpi guest" [Medium,Closed: duplicate]20:41
heikkium, i'm not sure if that file is used at all, there is also a setting MOZVOIKKO_FF_MAX  = 3.020:41
asacheikki: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297760/20:41
asacdoes that look ok?20:41
asacheikki: huh. for me that max is 3.6a1pre20:42
heikkioh, wait..20:42
heikkicould be some old version then...20:42
ftajdstrand, yes, i've used several VMs created with that same ISO file on the same H/W. it was fine. i stopped using those VMs for a while, but I recently needed to use them again, my old VMs refused to boot, then i tried to create new ones, and here i am20:42
heikkiyes it is 3.6a1pre20:42
heikkiso your paste looks good20:43
asacheikki: ok.. i changed tbird and sm too20:43
asacrandomly took 3.0b2 ... as i think that was already against 1.9.1 branch20:43
asacfor sm i used 2.0b1 ... also imo 1.9.1 branch build20:43
asacfta: do you remember when sm and tb switched to 1.9.1?20:43
ftamicahg, asac: ff 3.5 FTBFSed20:43
asacis 3.0b2 and 2.0b1 a good guess?20:43
heikkithunderbird doesn't use xulrunner for a spellchecking20:44
asacupstream landed something?20:44
asacthats odd20:44
asacthought they are in build3 freeze or something20:44
asacheikki: tbird 3?20:44
heikkiafaik it won't work yet20:45
asacheikki: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297766/ thats the thing i will land20:45
asacdoing a quick test build and then uploading20:45
asacmicahg: actually you are somewhat right about the ffox-3.0 transitional package ... the initial plan was to not do that20:45
heikkilooks good20:46
asacmicahg: but we found out that _all_ packages are marked as manually by germinate ... so all CD install would have got stuck20:46
asacthat was not the plan ;)20:46
asacso we go for good old transitional packages20:46
asaca tad late in cycle of course20:46
asacbut usually you just do it and then fix all the rdepends20:46
ftaasac, http://hg.mozilla.org/comm-central/log/3645d6bc085b/mail/config/version-191.txt20:46
asacok a1pre20:47
ftawell, no20:47
asacwell b2pre is probably good guess20:47
ftathat's the 3.0 / 3.1 split20:47
asacor are we even not ahead of that?20:47
asacah ok20:47
fta3.1 is using moz-central, so 1.9.3 now20:48
asacheikki: ok seems that min version is honored, but max version not20:48
asacheikki: like http://paste.ubuntu.com/297769/20:49
asacfta: whats the current tbird version? b3?20:49
heikkiI think that upstream has left it for a packager to decide20:49
asachmm seems we are at 3.0pre20:49
asacgood so 3.0b2 is at least not higher ;)20:49
asacheikki: micahg: uploaded20:50
asacwelcome. good that it was spotted ;)20:53
* asac gett a bit more confident that important issues somehow bubble up and are not missed20:53
asacsigh awesomebrowser patch _again_20:56
asachave to check how to get rid of that somewhat20:56
asacfta: micahg: oh20:56
asaci know whats going on20:56
asacwe have to drop a patch20:56
ftafeel free20:56
asaci had to prepatch the branding fixes i committed to the branding branch20:57
ftaless patches is always good for us20:57
asacyeah. well that was just thzere for today20:57
asaci will create the karmic branch now20:57
asacand then uncommit from .head20:57
asacerr uncommit ;) ... remove i mean20:57
ftayeah (not uncommit plz)20:57
ftajdstrand, *sigh*21:22
ftaand there's not even a ppa up to the task21:23
micahgasac: did you see the issue with prism?21:28
asacmicahg: no21:28
asaci assume it doesnt work at all21:28
micahgdepends on xul-1.9.1-dom-inspector21:29
micahgwhcih doesn't exist21:29
asaci have to check that21:29
asacprism should have been updated in karmic21:29
micahgshould I file a bug?21:29
asacmaybe we can do that in this turn21:29
micahgasac: do you need a bug to remind you?21:30
ftaxul-1.9.1-dom-inspector should exist, otherwise, if you drop xul 1.9 for the archive, dom-inspector would be lost21:30
asacmicahg: bugs only remind me by new mail ;)21:30
asacmicahg: but i think we need a bug21:30
micahgI'll file one21:30
asacfta: well. dom-inspector is gone from upstream source21:31
asacmicahg: thx21:31
asacmicahg: if you want to can do the update too ... but we probably should check that it actually works while we are at it21:31
ftareally? hm, maybe, i don't remember21:31
asacfta: yes. they dropped it ... and put it in an independent projet ... just like pyxpcom21:31
micahgupdate prism, or a new package without the depends?21:31
asacor it was constantly broken21:31
asaccant remember anymore, but explicitly dropped it21:31
asacmicahg: well. first try if a new package works with 1.9.1 at all21:32
micahgasac: is this high or critical?21:33
asacmicahg: dont know. i think high is high enough ;)21:33
asaccritical is probably more like: if you install it wipes your hard-disk ;)21:33
micahgwell, package won't install in karmic now21:33
micahgso isn't that critical for the package?21:33
asacthere are no strong definitions imo21:34
asaci guess its probably quite critical for the package ... yes21:34
asacthough removal of data would be worse ;)21:34
asacits a personal thing21:34
asacwhatewver you want ;)21:35
asacfact is: we have to fix this21:35
asacand high is high enough to justify an upload in freeze21:35
micahgI can test tonight21:35
asacits no real hurry. universe fixes canstill be done21:35
asacjust main is done now21:35
micahghigh is correct :)21:35
asacdidnt know there is a "correct" ;)21:36
micahgI checked in the -bugs channel :)21:36
asacprobably good for a second opinion21:36
asacthe importance is kind of mixed thing in ubuntu21:36
micahgasac: there is a wiki page21:37
asacusualy its "package" importance ... until you milestone and target for release21:37
asacthen its more like "how bad is it for the whole release"21:37
micahgactually, should I assign the prism bug to me?21:37
micahgyeah, importance seems to be distro wide21:37
asacmicahg: sure. in case you find that you cannot follow up, just reassign to me :)21:38
micahgI originally thought it was package wide21:38
asacand ping ;)21:38
micahgso, I'll look at it tonight21:38
asacmy personal word is: dont take importance too serious ;)21:38
asacjust rough estimate is good enouhg ... it should suite your own worklist workflow21:38
asacand not confuse others ;)21:38
asacfta: should i keep the 3.1 name for .karmic branches?21:39
asacand we fix that in one run ?21:39
asacor start using 3.5 now and we fix the others later?21:40
asacfta: oh also ... i saw that the branding branch for abrowser is kind of hard coded in mozclient21:40
ftaasac, we should rename asap21:40
asaccan we move that to the package itself ?21:40
asacnow i created a -3.5 branch21:40
asacbut bot still pulls from non veresioned21:41
asacwhich is ok atm, but we should fix that before we bust our security updates21:41
fta"branding branch for abrowser", i think we only have 1 for the 3 firefox21:41
asacfta: thats not possible21:42
asacfta: they changed branding entities21:42
asacso i had to fix that21:42
asacluckily we had one for 3.0 already21:42
asacand its also used in mozclient21:42
asacand i expect them to change branding entities again in future ... so we need major version branches21:42
ftabut http://paste.ubuntu.com/297801/21:43
asacfta: oh cool. so its in the package21:44
* asac needs to commit that before doing the .karmic branch21:44
ftaso awesome-browser-branding-3.5 is not used21:44
asacfta: atm. es.21:44
asacfta: but 3.0 is used21:44
asacand since i had to fix the non versioned branch now21:44
asaci made a -3.5 branch21:44
ftaasac, rename all the branches in lp, i'll rename in the bot21:46
asacfta: one second21:47
asaccurrently pushing this commit21:47
asacthen lets do it21:47
asacfta: only .head branches ... ;)21:47
asacand the new .karmic branch will be 3.521:47
asacfta: ok i have an up-to-date copy ... so i am safe ;)21:48
ftaplease do 3.6 too21:48
ftaand .head.daily too21:49
asacok renamed firefox-3.1.head to firefox-3.5.head21:49
asacrenamed firefox-3.2.head to firefox-3.6.head21:49
asaclooking at dailies now21:50
asacok done21:50
asacthats all=21:50
asacok me prepares .karmic branches21:52
micahgI wish you could throw '/me' in the middle of a sentance21:53
asaccan someone try to branch the karmic branch?21:56
ftait's huge21:57
ftaBranched 489 revision(s).21:57
ftaStandalone tree (format: 1.6)21:58
micahgasac: I think the icons that tb2-gnome-support uses have changed in karmic21:58
asaci got this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297808/21:58
asaczr: ERROR: exceptions.AssertionError: second push failed to complete a fetch set21:58
asacdont know if i want to file abug ;) ... probably should21:58
asacok .karmic branch lowered version21:59
asacso now xulrunner22:00
ftahm, i still have an old firefox-3.1-qt.head branch22:01
ftaand an even older firefox-4.0.head22:01
asacmaybe mark as abandoned for now?22:01
asacin launchpad?22:01
asacand rename?`22:01
asaclike firefox-4.0.head.thatbecame.3.1.abandoned22:02
ftawatching my 100+ branches locally22:02
asacfta: remote is more important to get rid of clutter ;)22:02
asacfor us at least :)22:02
asacnot sure how many living-dead branches i have though22:02
ftai'm concerned by my --remember, if i just push, i will recreate the old branches22:03
asaclike things that havent been touched for 130 weeks ;)22:03
asaci assume those are obviously abandoned22:03
asaclp:~mozillateam/iceape/debian-1.1.x      1  Development    2007-04-24 11:42:11 CEST22:03
asac130 weeks ago22:03
asac78. * New security/stability upstream rel...22:03
asacfta: at best go through all branches you have locally and push --remember to some randome location that isnt a real location22:03
LLStarksdebian's license-anal attitude doesn't make sense.22:04
asacshouldnt matter  as long as you dont just do --force22:04
micahgLLStarks: Ubuntu's license schema is a little more open22:04
asacLLStarks: it doesnt make sense based for projects with some goals ... if your goal is to provide an always free distribution that cannot disappear because it gets sued and so on22:05
asacthen it makes sense22:05
asacalso debian isnt really that strict22:05
asacthey have non-free22:05
asacthere are other distros with _only_ free stuff22:05
asacif you say they are anal because they dont let in licenses that conflict22:05
asacthen its plain wrong22:05
asacits illegal to ship stuff that uses GPL and is itself licensed whatever else ... i22:06
asacf its incompatible its illegal ;)22:06
asacubuntu has a similar attitude to licensing22:06
asaconly big difference is that we allow non-free icons in22:06
LLStarksyet we love mozilla's public license and binary graphic stacks22:06
asacunder the assumption that they can be easiyl replaced22:06
micahgand we allow Firefox in main :)22:06
asacLLStarks: somewhat yes. but MPL is really a mess22:07
asacits not really feasible to require you to keep your stuff 6 month online22:07
asacwhat happens if you dont have money anymore or something happens with your hosting etc. ;)22:07
LLStarkswould people have a ****-fit if we shipped abrowser?22:07
asacor the world blows up22:07
asacLLStarks: not sure. we intentionally didnt choose iceweasel22:08
asacnot because we think its wrong for debian. but because we think there is too much wrong understanding about why and what caused this22:08
asaclike: mozilla thinks that debian wanted to ship low-quality ;)22:08
asacmozilla == mozilla community folks22:09
asacand the world thinks something that is highly biased by misinformation22:09
asacthey might have read a slashdot article or a bunch of rants etc. ;)22:09
micahgasac: is that menu translation worth throwing in?22:16
asacmicahg: prism?22:18
micahgbug 44868322:18
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/448683)22:18
* micahg kicks ubottu22:18
micahgbug 44868322:18
asaclaunchpad is really bad mood today22:18
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/448683)22:18
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/448683)22:19
asacidenti.ca is also in bad shape :/22:19
asaccannot send a dent through webinterface22:19
micahgchange  slovak translation of menu entry     in firefox-3.522:19
asacmicahg: for karmic?22:20
asaccan you tag that as karmic-updates ... and since thats afe enough we can also add it to the branch already ... maybe verify that this guy is really LP admin of slovak22:21
asaci might do another upload of trivial stuff22:21
asacso we can stack that alrewady22:21
asacin worst case it goes out in sec update22:22
asactag == milestone ;)22:22
asacBUGabundo: hi buga22:24
asacBUGabundo: so ... i heard that a huawei linux patch landed?22:25
asaci duped your bug ... was that uploaded yet?22:25
asacduped your duped bug ;)22:25
micahgasac: done22:25
asacmicahg: proposed against .head or .karmic?22:26
BUGabundoboas noites22:26
BUGabundohey asac22:27
asacbonas evening22:27
BUGabundoasac: let me check bug mail22:27
BUGabundoI read the linux bug two days ago22:27
micahgidk, I didn't do anything yet?22:27
BUGabundovery *very* nasty bug22:27
asacyes. but i thought it was fixed and i duped your bug into that22:27
asacmicahg: no22:27
BUGabundoif we go GOLD without a fix22:27
asacmicahg: https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.5.head ... https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~mozillateam/firefox/firefox-3.5.karmic22:27
asacmicahg: imo its enough if you propose it against .head and tell that you want a cherry-pick to .karmic22:28
micahgok, so you want me to make a branch for it?22:28
asacat best add your name like [...] in .head changelog so the cherry pick will automatically do the right thing22:28
asacmicahg: no ... just propose the .desktop update against .head22:28
micahgthe reported is a member of the slovak translators22:28
asacand say that you want it to be cherry-picked to .karmic22:28
micahgok, a merge request?22:28
asacmicahg: thats the usual way22:29
asacwe should talk about a better way soon i guess ;)22:29
micahgthat's what I was asking22:29
micahgSo I assigned to em22:30
asacmicahg: so basically we want this everywhere22:30
asacnot sure if we have translations for 3.7/3.6 at all22:30
micahgasac: probably22:30
micahgI'll check22:30
asacbut if .desktop has it we should follow the rule of thumb to not land something on branches if it isnt landed on more experimental branches22:30
micahgat least for the desktops22:30
ftagrrr, karmic ships with a 2~3 months old libvirt, 2 upstream releases late22:46
ftawhere are our package bzr branches?22:48
asacgood question22:50
asacmaybe code.launchpad.net/ubuntu/package ?22:50
asacfta: you just need to find a bug that was fixed22:50
asacusually the branches get auto attached there22:50
asacwell ... fixed in upload ,)22:50
asacchecking ffox upload22:50
asacsomething a bit older22:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 236853 in firefox-3.5 "firefox crashed with SIGSEGV in NSSRWLock_LockRead_Util()" [High,Fix released]22:51
ftai expected something like http://bazaar.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/karmic/libvirt22:51
asacfix uploaded end of sep22:51
asaclaunchpad doesnt like me ;)22:51
asacfta: yes. there are brnaches22:51
asacthat must be huge ;)22:52
asacguess launchpad goes down now ;)22:52
asac1  → 100  of 179152 results22:52
asactoo bad22:52
asacone cannot step down ... like22:52
asacor https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/karmic22:52
ftafound it, https://code.edge.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-branches/ubuntu/karmic/libvirt/karmic22:53
asacnow we understand ;)22:53
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libvirt22:53
ubottufirefox is the default web-browser on Ubuntu. To install the latest version, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxNewVersion Installing plugins: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/FirefoxPlugins - See also !firefox-3.522:53
asacthat should probably also have the launchpad and the branch page22:54
asacand also respond to source package names ;)22:54
asac!source karmic22:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about source karmic22:54
asac!source firefox22:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about source firefox22:54
asac!libvirt source22:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about libvirt source22:54
asac!package firefox22:54
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about package firefox22:54
asac!package firefox-3.022:54
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)22:54
asac!info firefox22:54
asacthat one i mean22:54
ubottufirefox (source: firefox-3.5): meta package for the popular mozilla web browser. In component main, is optional. Version 3.5.3+build1+nobinonly-0ubuntu4 (karmic), package size 71 kB, installed size 128 kB22:54
asac!info libvirt22:54
ubottuPackage libvirt does not exist in karmic22:54
=== BUGabundo1 is now known as BUGabundo
asac!info libvirt022:54
ubottulibvirt0 (source: libvirt): library for interfacing with different virtualization systems. In component main, is optional. Version 0.7.0-1ubuntu12 (karmic), package size 395 kB, installed size 1040 kB22:54
BUGabundoasac: just got a strange pop up22:55
asac!info libvirt/source22:55
ubottuPackage libvirtsource does not exist in karmic22:55
BUGabundoand nm-applet blew22:55
asacBUGabundo: yes22:55
asacBUGabundo: thats a daily bug22:55
BUGabundosoemthing about not albe to find necessary resources22:55
ftadebian has 0.7.1 and they already moved to policykit22:55
asacwe targetted it for karmic-updates22:55
asacone second22:55
ftai need 0.7.222:55
BUGabundoreported :)22:55
asaci got it NoelJB got it ... now you22:55
asacguess its High22:55
asacbug 45646822:56
ubottuError: Could not parse data returned by Launchpad: The read operation timed out (https://launchpad.net/bugs/456468)22:56
BUGabundobug 45646822:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 456468 in network-manager-applet "upgrade triggers nm-applet "resource not found" ... missing icon "nm-applet-device"" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45646822:59
BUGabundobots like me better :)22:59
micahgasac: your patch got accepted :)23:00
asacmicahg: which one?23:02
asacthe one?23:02
asacone liner23:02
micahgmozilla bug 52178023:02
ubottuMozilla bug 521780 in Add-ons Manager "extension upgrade with a moved location breaks extension manager" [Normal,New] http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=52178023:02
asacwell. i was sure it was23:03
micahgso, I know what I'm working on, asac, you're fixing the FTBFS for ff3.5 daily?23:03
asacmicahg: yes right now23:04
asacthx for remidng23:04
asacrev 49023:07
BUGabundoasac: this FF annoying yellow bar about restarting FF, is *annoying*23:08
micahgBUGabundo: I think it's supposed to be :)23:09
BUGabundoits ANNYOING23:09
BUGabundoI already pressed the cross23:09
BUGabundoI don't want to hear more about it!!!23:09
asacBUGabundo: screenshot23:09
asacBUGabundo: if you get that ... you are close to getting a bad firefox ... so better restart23:09
asacthe warning does what its supposed to do ... it stays there23:10
asacif you dont restart your ffox will go bad23:10
asacmore i cant say ;)23:10
jcastroknow your rights!23:10
asacwell. if you dont restart soon worst thing is that in some rare occasions you might even loose data23:11
micahgasac: I hope you didn't delete debian/patches/series :X23:11
asacor end up with otherwise corrupted data in profile etc23:11
asacmicahg: i will uncommi and fix comment23:11
asacsorry ... bad practice ... i know23:11
ftahow come will we ship karmic with 78 outstanding merges and 255 updated merges just for main??23:12
BUGabundorestarting FF23:13
micahgasac: better ;)23:14
asacfta: i think there is no general answer23:17
asacfta: i will try to figure out if this cycle something went wrong in our process23:17
asacbut lots of outstanding merges are most likely packages maintained here23:17
asaclike network-manager23:18
micahgasac: where can I find tagged builds from mozilla?23:18
asacnot sure if someone blacklisted it from that list already23:18
asacgood question23:18
asaci would think there23:18
asacbut not sure23:18
asac[reed]: ^^ ?23:18
asachmm. i know there are build3 builds out there for 3.5.423:19
asacbut no folder like that23:19
asacmicahg: http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/3.5.4-candidates/23:19
asacso here http://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla.org/firefox/nightly/23:19
asacseems they put candidates there23:19
micahgso I need to respin my 3.6b123:20
asacnot sure if they keep them around though23:20
micahgbuild2 is out23:20
asacmicahg: if you made a build1 ... then yes.23:20
micahgI do the same process?23:20
asacmicahg: so if you simulate what we would do in a "normal" security/stability update you would just flip the text you added in current topmost changelog23:21
asacbut besides from that follow same procedure23:21
asace.g. not a full new release23:21
asacbut not sure if you have branches at all for those23:21
micahgbut I get-orig-source again like alst time?23:21
asacjust with new tag23:21
micahggot it23:21
asacmicahg: check out how i document security stability updates in stable branches like .jaunty etc.23:21
asaci think for beta build1,2,3 it should be similar23:22
asacnot stability/security update of course ;) but rather "beta release build1 (FIREOFX_...BUILD1)23:22
ftaour libvirt is too different from debian, too much work for me just to try if it fixes my problem :(23:23
micahgDO I add a new comment or just edit the current one, since it's not official?23:24
asacmicahg: what i meant above is that you edit the build1 comment23:28
asacopen it with UNRELEASED again23:28
asacupload ;)23:28
asacadjust version of course23:28
micahgit should say unreleased?23:29
asacso if you previously had like 3.5.1+build1-0ubuntu6 ... you would go to23:29
asacmicahg: well. if things go to anywhere official we close changelogs. as they might potentially get released. if you want to simulate that process, then you close it for the upload23:30
asacbut reopen in case build2 comes ... because that basically means that the build1 got never released23:30
micahgwell, I changed unreleased to karmic since I needed to upload23:30
asacso process is: "release" a +build1 to some staging area23:30
asacin case that gets officially released later upstream we copy that to the real release area23:30
asacin case it doesnt we upload +build2 to t he staging area23:30
asacsame game23:31
asacthats why build2 is not a new changelog entry23:31
micahgI didn't make a bzr branch for it23:31
asacbecause build1 never hits the release channel ... just staging23:31
asacmicahg: right. for upload you always need to release (technically)23:32
micahgjust wanted to make sure I didn;t mess something up23:32
asacno. if you do it in your ppa and dont do a branch you want to get into .head23:33
asacthen you cannot do much wrong23:33
asacexcept choosing a wrong version23:33
BUGabundohttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/446146 still no updates :(23:34
ubottuLaunchpad bug 446146 in linux "Huawei E169 USB dongle not working with kernel 2.6.31-12.40" [Medium,Fix committed]23:34
asacoh ok23:34
asacso it was really just committed23:34
asactoo bad23:34
asacBUGabundo: its a karmic-updates bug23:34
asacwill get released in first kernel SRU23:34
asacwhich i would think will happen pretty soon after release23:34
BUGabundoasac: SO BAD :(23:34
BUGabundoSRU is really bad23:35
BUGabundoanyone using livecds won't have internet23:35
asacwell. thats the process23:35
micahgI hope they fix ath9k23:35
BUGabundoso how are those users expected to upgrade?23:35
asacits like a big boat ... driving through a whole with high speed23:35
asacso you cannot really stop at some point or change a different route23:35
asacmicahg: what ath9k issues do you see?23:36
asacregular disconnects (like NM disconnects) ... or regular packet loss?23:36
micahgwireless disconnects semi-frequently still23:36
asacor bad state and need reboot23:36
micahgneed to modprobe -r and add back after suspend23:36
asacdisconnects like: really drops or package loss?23:36
BUGabundoasac: for me and lot of users23:37
BUGabundoit warrants the ship date to be changed23:37
BUGabundoits a critical bug23:37
micahgBUGabundo: maybe go poke #ubuntu-kernel23:38
asacthey wont do a kernel upload before release i think23:38
asacproblem is that we release time based23:38
BUGabundolet me update the bug then23:38
BUGabundoasac: it's a critical bug23:38
asacthat has risks and has benefits23:38
BUGabundoshould be considered23:38
asacit is considered23:39
asacits fix committed23:39
BUGabundoleaving users stranded without internet23:39
BUGabundois not a solution23:39
asacit is not considered to hold back the release23:39
asaci cannot say thats right or wrong :) ... answer is that i dont know23:39
BUGabundoso bye bye internet23:39
asaci know that if one is struck by a bug23:39
BUGabundome and many other users depend on 3G modems23:39
asacthen its critical for one self23:39
BUGabundoI haven't been able to access intenet on my laptop for 3 weeks now23:40
asacBUGabundo: so basic idea is that you upgrade with jaunty on ... and all the updates get automatically installed.23:40
micahgasac: last release was after freeze23:40
asacBUGabundo: so in theory it could be added to release notes23:40
micahgthey could upload another fix23:40
BUGabundoprob here is no updates!23:40
BUGabundothose with net to get updates will get the newer kernel too23:40
BUGabundoas long as it is available as soon as release23:40
BUGabundothe prob here is users on livecd installing a fresh system23:41
asacthe problem with the kernel is that you cannot just upload it and hope all is fine23:41
asacso if you upload it and everything breaks its a mess23:41
asacits a real huge overhead to do a release23:41
asacfirefox is a huge overhead too for security updates23:41
asaclots of testing23:41
asacbut by far not as much that you need on a kernel23:41
asacso you upload that and then all different hardware testing and all stuff needs to be rerun etc.23:42
asacand QA has to stop ...s tart from scratch23:42
asacall vedded and community tested images, trashed23:42
BUGabundoI understand that23:42
asacits not easy ... not saying that there is no potential improvement ;)23:42
BUGabundoif it can't be done on time23:43
BUGabundoit should be delayed23:43
BUGabundoI know its bad pub23:43
BUGabundoI know pleanty of ppl are counting on it23:43
BUGabundobut a critical bug for a big subset of users23:43
BUGabundois not acceptable23:43
asacyes. but problem is that all hardware that doesnt work or regressed will be critical for whoever has that hardware23:43
asacso you woul dhave to fix _all_ hardware regressions23:43
BUGabundoits a 3 week bug23:43
asacthats not possible23:43
BUGabundoan huge regression23:43
asacfor the hardware affected23:44
asacthe closer you get to release the higher threshold you get on things that will be considered release critical23:44
asaci agree that its not obvious what would hold back a release23:45
BUGabundo10% users affected enough?23:46
micahgasac: is this ok for a changelog entry?   * Test release of 1.9.2 beta 1 build 2 (FIREFOX_3_6b1_BUILD2)23:46
BUGabundohow about all the bad pub??23:46
asacmicahg: yes.23:46
BUGabundoits not something that can be fixed _after_ install!!!23:46
asacBUGabundo: users usually boot livecd23:46
asacif that device does not work you know that you cannot use it23:46
BUGabundoand no net there23:46
asacso you wouldnt install23:47
BUGabundohow many will test 3G there before install?23:47
BUGabundoif I give a CD to someone23:47
asacif you upgrade ... you know that upgrading on first day is proably a bad idea - just out of common sense23:47
BUGabundothey install it23:47
BUGabundoand endup without net23:47
BUGabundoI know, 2 years ago23:47
BUGabundowe didn't even had support for it :)23:47
asacBUGabundo: you give a CD to someone to test. they test it and if it works for them well they install it23:47
BUGabundobut now, we depend on it23:47
asacthats how it should be imo23:47
asacBUGabundo: yes. its a problem. as i said, all hardware regression is critical for those that have that hardware23:48
asacif we follow through with what you would like we would never release23:48
asacbecause every new kernel version will hav hardware regressions23:48
BUGabundoI know23:48
micahgBUGabundo: you can fix after install with a wired connection23:48
asacso thats why if it doesnt really matter when you release23:49
asacwe would need to look at "how much hardware regressed"23:49
asaccompre that to jaunty23:49
asacyes. and in worst case most people will be able to get net somewhere23:49
asacwifi from friend/neighbour23:49
asacor lan23:49
asacin internet cafe23:49
asacopf course annoying23:49
asacbut checkout what happens if you give a random guy to install a pure windows23:50
asacon a blank system23:50
asacthey will have no net ...m aybe no keyboard, nothing ;)23:50
asacugly vga graphics card. ;)23:50
asacso user has to go to internet cafe and download all kind of drivers ... on a separate machine and then copy that somehow over ;)23:51
asacnot saying thats something we should compare with23:51
asacjust that we should compare same things23:51
asacand not forget what how good/bad other things are23:51
asacstill we should have an idealistic goal ... zero bugs23:51
micahgasac: currently at 70k+ open :)23:52
BUGabundoasac: I've entered my view on the bug :)23:52
BUGabundolets hope for the best23:52
asacbut what any OS needs is not a "easy way to get a perfect install on random hardware you found or build together"23:52
asacBUGabundo: yeah23:52
asaccontinue .... it needs "mass factory installs of LTS" ... ;)23:53
micahgasac: can I use the same tarball for xulrunner and firefox?23:55
asacmicahg: no23:56
asacmicahg: well. its probably the same inside23:56
asacbut i wouldnt rely on it23:56
asacneeds knowledge of the mozclient details23:56
micahgok, I'm building a new one for firefox23:56
asacmicahg: you could help fixing the LOCAL_BRANCH feature for mercurial23:56
asacso you can just have one local branch23:56
micahgmaybe someday23:57
micahgwhere is that, in mozclient?23:57
micahgor in actual hg?23:57
asacmicahg: you can do ./debian/rules get-orig-source ... LOCAL_BRANCH=/path/to/local/clone/of/hg/or/git/or/bzr/tree ;)23:57
asacso it will not get the initial clone from the remote location23:57
asacrather update the existing checkout/clone23:57
asacand use that to prepare orig23:58
asacmuch faster23:58
asacmicahg: oh "where" ;M)23:58
asacits in Mercurial.pm23:58
asacor something23:58
micahgyes, but in m-dev?23:58
asacmicahg: yes23:59
asacther eis a mozclient/ directory in source23:59
micahgis there a bug for it?23:59
asaci had it on my personal todo list23:59
asaclet me check23:59
ftaasac, there's a bug in my LOCAL_BRANCH code in m-d, remember?23:59
asacthats what i am talking about23:59
ftaoh, ok23:59

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