
sven_oostenbrinkAnybody here who could tell me if ubuntu can use fibreoptic cards? To be specific, lspci gave me this : Fibre Channel: Brocade Communications Systems, Inc. 415 4Gb/815 8Gb PCIe FC HBA (rev 01)... I have multiple of these in a server and must get them to work as one using powerpath.. Anybody who might be able to give a hand?00:02
JanCsven_oostenbrink: if they are supported by linux, they should work with Ubuntu  ;)00:04
JanCtaking the kernel version in account of course00:05
sven_oostenbrinkJanC: But how do I know if they are supported by Linux? How can I see if the card is working?00:05
JanCsven_oostenbrink: try the live-CD ?00:06
sven_oostenbrinkJanC: well, the server is already installed with ubuntu00:06
sven_oostenbrinkJanC: so I can just do anythign needed to get them to work00:06
JanCso it doesn't work OOTB...00:08
sven_oostenbrinkJanC: Nope.. I did just find drivers on the brocade website (http://www.brocade.com/products-solutions/products/fabric-management-software/product-details/efcm/specifications.page) but these seem Redhad or Suse only..00:09
sven_oostenbrinkAny chance I could utilize those for ubuntu server?00:10
sven_oostenbrinkJanC: AFAIK, the cards are not yet recognized by the kernel, but Im not sure if this is the case..00:10
JanCsven_oostenbrink: did you try with a recent karmic version?00:13
JanCjudging from that site, their linux solutions are from the last decade anyway  :-(00:14
sven_oostenbrinkJanC: I know.. Im right now downloading the driver for 9.04.. crossing fingers and toes here..00:25
awmcclainDoes cron recursively search cron.daily? If I put a symlink into a directory with a bunch of scripts I want to run, would it run them?00:48
SorellHey guys I downloaded the latest build of ubuntu server (9.10 from today) and I am getting an error on install01:04
Sorellit wants drivers for the CD drive it is loading off of, or if I try to install off of a flash drive I get the same error.01:04
SorellI don't even want to have the CD drive in the system after install.01:04
Sorellany suggestions?01:05
uvirtbot`New bug: #455931 in libgoogle-collections-java (main) "google-collections update breaks eucalyptus build" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45593101:26
quickshiftinhey gang, im trying to complie imagemagick from source and not sure how to get it to see the requisite libs for some components01:26
quickshiftinlike png for example01:27
quickshiftini just did, apt-get install libpng301:27
quickshiftinand added --with-png=yes even, however the configure report is not showing that it will be used01:27
quickshiftini think i have to tell it the path to the libraries for the linker, but not sure where they are installed when i apt-get libpng301:28
quickshiftinshould i build libpng from source?  i thought the point of the package was so i dont need too ..01:29
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mathiazkirkland: hey!01:33
mathiazkirkland: doing some testing with raid101:33
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mathiazkirkland: I've booted one of my guest with only one drive (after a successfull install)01:33
mathiazkirkland: then restarted with the other drive only01:33
mathiazkirkland: logged in and created a file in my home directory01:34
mathiazkirkland: then restarted with both drives01:34
mathiazkirkland: the system booted with a functional raid array01:34
mathiazkirkland: and the file in my home directory went away01:34
mathiazkirkland: there were bunch of errors one the last boot though01:35
mathiazkirkland: what would be the expected behavior in that use case?01:35
The2morrowManIs Ubuntu 9.10 supposed to bring anything really nifty to the server arena, besides cloud computing integration?01:44
quickshiftinlibpng12-dev : theres the package ;)01:53
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ramseize hello i have a question hoping that you would help me answer, i dont have any idea about server administration, and im planning to buy a vps , which os should i choose ubuntu or centos, im quite familiar with ubuntu as it is what im using for my desktop, but its different when you talk about server side, which is easy to configure cent os or ubuntu server?02:41
KurtKrautramseize, since you use Ubuntu at home, you'll be more used to Ubuntu as a server too.02:42
KurtKrautramseize, anything you do with your Ubuntu Server you'll be able to do with your Ubuntu desktop.02:42
skuldHi!  I just moved from Fedora 7 to Ubuntu Server 9.04.  I noticed that the remote desktop locks up the server (I installed the ubuntu-desktop to make it easier for me to administer until I'm more comfortable with the terminal-only commands).  Does anybody know of a fix for this?02:43
ramseizebut i read some great comparison with centos and ubuntu , but i am more familiar with ubuntu so you think its a great advantage for me to use ubuntu?02:44
ramseizedoes anyone of you know of a good vps hosting but very cheap, i just need it foe education purposes02:45
jmarsdenramseize: This is #ubuntu-server, so most people here are going to recommend Ubuntu :)  It is (generally) an advantage to use something you already know -- it means you have less new stuff to learn.  So if you already know Ubuntu, especially Ubuntu at the command line, I suggest you use Ubuntu server.02:45
med\weedramseize: you should check distrowatch and possibly ##linux is a better place to ask02:46
med\weedhowever i personally recommend debian for servers02:46
med\weedcentos is very popular too02:47
med\weedi dont really like the ubuntu practice of installing everything and the kitchen sink02:47
jmarsdenAs for VPS recommendations, many Ubuntu folks are happy with LiNode http://www.linode.com -- lowest size VPS there is US$19.95/month02:47
med\weedthen turning on every service known to man02:47
med\weedits better on the desktop but it puts you at a serious disadvantage security wise02:47
med\weedsome other distros install and turn on much less by default02:47
med\weedhowever there is also a cost for that02:48
jmarsdenmed\weed: Last I kknew Ubuntu server defaults to a minimal install....02:48
med\weedthe cost in this case is additional install / configure time02:48
ramseizeso what os should i choose? ubuntu or cent os?02:48
med\weedjmarsden: thats not a REAL minimal02:48
skuldyeah...very minimal!02:48
med\weedramseize: do you run ubuntu on your desktop?02:48
med\weedif so just start with it02:48
med\weedits _most_ important to learn!02:48
jcastromed\weed: what unnecessary services are installed?02:48
jmarsdenmed\weed: What services does Ubuntu server install by default that you consider to be a security risk?02:49
med\weedjcastro: i'll leave that as an exersize for you02:49
ramseizeyes i run ubuntu in my desktop02:49
jcastrowell, you're the one making the claim, isn't the onus on you?02:49
med\weedbut if you want to really get down i would go so far as to say a centos default install is much more secure by default no matter what is installed.02:49
med\weedas they turn a firewall on by default02:49
* skuld takes a number and waits in line for the current conversation to conclude...02:49
med\weedoh im done with it02:50
skuldI just moved from Fedora 7 to Ubuntu Server 9.04.  I noticed that the remote desktop locks up the server (I installed the ubuntu-desktop to make it easier for me to administer until I'm more comfortable with the terminal-only commands).  Does anybody know of a fix for this?02:50
ramseizemed\weed: rapidswitch.com  like these kind of vps hosting,02:51
* skuld hears the crickets chirping outside...02:53
skuldI also ran the updater and the server claims it's 'everything up to-date'.02:54
jmarsdenskuld: Ubuntu server doesn't come with a GUI desktop, if you install one you are pretty much on your own regarding support for the resulting server/desktop hybrid setup you have created... you may just want to install Ubuntu desktop, unless this is truly a production server the differences are unlikely to be signifcant to you.02:55
skuldI was opting for the server because of the built in mail and web server applications.  I'm really not that familiar with the terminal only style of the server though02:56
skuldit is supposed to be a production server, and after fighting for over a week trying to get mail to work I decided to install a fresh OS02:56
skuld(mail was working fine for over two years before-hand...then I guess I changed something or ran some program that changed something)02:57
jmarsdenskuld: You can use tasksel on a desktop install to add mail/web/whatever, just like you can on the server installation... no difference there at all.02:58
jmarsdenIf you prefer, set up a fresh Ubuntu server with no GUI and ask for help with the mail setup here or in #postfix and I'll do what I can to help... I've been doing paid network admin work on Linux for over 15 years...02:59
skuldokay.  really quick, is there a remote desktop for the terminal-only server?03:00
skuldmy server is in an awkward location to work on so remote capability is really handy03:01
jmarsdenRemote desktop?  You can run GUI programs on the server over SSH, and remote server admin is usually done at the command line in a shell anyway...03:01
jmarsdenIf you need a web interface to it, there is ebox...03:01
ubottuebox is a web-based GUI interface for administering a server. It is designed to work with Ubuntu/Debian style configuration management. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/eBox03:02
skuldokay.  I'll see about reinstalling server with no gui03:02
jmarsdenskuld: OK.  The only "extra" thing you really will want to install at the initial installation time is openssh, so you can SSH into the server.  Everything else (mail, web, etc) can be added later.03:03
skuldcan I use 'ssh' with a windows workstation...that's the PC I work remotly from...hence why I was using the gnome desktop with the built in remote desktop03:05
jmarsdenYou can install Putty which is a well known free SSH client for Windows, and use that, yes.03:06
jmarsdenIf you don't know this already you are probably not really ready to be a sysadmin of a production Linux server, though...03:06
skuldokay cool.  I'm just not really all that comfortable with the command line yet...it's been years since I've worked with it03:07
jmarsdenOK, I can point you at some guides to try and get you up to speed on the shell if you need that.03:07
jmarsdenhttp://tldp.org/LDP/intro-linux/html/intro-linux.html   is one03:08
skuldcould I just 'uninstall' the ubuntu-desktop and gdm to revert back to a terminal only server, or would you recommend just a full reinstall?03:09
jmarsdenYou can try that, and if it fixes your issue with hangs, that's fine.  I'm not sure what causes the hangs, so that worries me a little... but go ahead and try it.03:10
qman__skuld, you could purge it03:10
qman__simply uninstalling it would leave a LOT of unused config files03:10
jmarsdensudo apt-get purge PACKAGENAME03:11
med\weedapt-get --purge remove <packages>03:11
med\weedhowever there is a caveot with that03:11
jmarsdenRather than sudo apt-get remove PACKAGENAME03:11
med\weedit also purges regex'd packages - there can be differences in what it takes out iirc03:11
med\weedjmarsden: your wrong03:11
med\weedmy form is correct sorry ^^03:11
keesmed\weed: I'd take Ubuntu over Debian since Debian lacks most of the proactive security features in the built packages and kernel.03:11
skuldso I'd do:  sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-desktop gdm03:12
qman__med\weed, both ways work03:12
qman__purge is now a valid option03:12
qman__sudo apt-get remove --purge PACKAGENAME03:12
med\weedwhat@karmiclyubu:~$ sudo apt-get purge remove gedit03:12
med\weed[sudo] password for what:03:12
med\weedReading package lists... Done03:12
med\weedBuilding dependency tree03:12
med\weedReading state information... Done03:12
med\weedE: Couldn't find package remove03:12
qman__sudo apt-get purge PACKAGENAME03:12
med\weedi.e. your wrong.03:12
qman__not purge remove, just purge03:12
keese.g. --purge remove   or just   purge03:12
med\weedqman i just pasted proof03:13
qman__read what you did03:13
jmarsdenmed\weed: I'm wrong... sure... I do system admin work for a living... do you?  You mistyped the command...03:13
med\weedsudo apt-get purge remove gedit does not work03:13
med\weedsudo apt-get --purge remove gedit does work03:13
qman__that's because that's wrong03:13
jmarsdenRight, and that is not what I suggested.03:13
med\weedthat was the whole problem i had with their examples ffs03:13
med\weedlook start reading its irc but i'03:13
qman__you don't "purge remove", just "purge"03:13
med\weedll paste it for you one sec03:13
med\weed02:11 < jmarsden> sudo apt-get purge PACKAGENAME03:14
med\weed02:11 < jmarsden> Rather than sudo apt-get remove PACKAGENAME03:14
tonyyarussoCould you use a !pastbin this time?03:14
* skuld sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-dekstop gdm ?03:14
qman__skuld, yes03:14
jmarsdenmed\weed: Do you see the string "purge remove" in what I typed?03:14
jmarsdenmed\weed: Do you see the string "purge remove" in what you used as "proof"?03:15
jmarsdenmed\weed: Do you understand the difference now?03:15
skuldummm...I *thought* it was 'ubuntu-desktop' but when I try running the command, it states that it can  not find the package by that name03:17
qman__skuld, that is the correct name of the meta package for the ubuntu desktop system03:17
qman__so unless you installed it manually, that should work03:17
skuldI used apt-get install03:18
skuldto install it03:18
qman__yes, but if you installed, say, gdm, and all the other programs you wanted to use by name03:18
qman__instead of installing ubuntu-desktop by name03:18
jmarsdenskuld: Typo?  Earlier you wrote:  sudo apt-get purge ubuntu-dekstop gdm ?     # This misspells desktop03:18
qman__that won't work, you'll have to go back and uninstall all the ones you installed03:18
skuldoh and me an my stupid fat fingers...I mispelled desktop03:19
skuldokay, it says it purged.  rebooting the server now03:20
skuldokay, that worked.  terminal only now....03:23
skuldwhat's the package for ssh so I can work remotely?03:23
jmarsdensudo tasksel install openssh-server03:24
PairadimesittyI'm trying to set a couple of things on my site and need some help.  I'm running my own server and need to set a couple of things, but don't know how.  I need to set extra perameters for default pages to load in folders ie "index.html vs index.htm"03:24
skuldit's not apt-get?03:25
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: Use the Apache DirectoryIndex directive to provide the list of index pages you want your server to look for.03:26
Pairadimesittyin code please, I'm a total noob, don't know the language03:26
jmarsdenskuld: You could do that, sure.  Learning tasksel prepares you for installing web and mail tasks, though...03:26
med\weedjmarsden: very well your right03:26
jmarsdenmed\weed: Thankyou.03:27
med\weedi also do sysadmin work for a living.03:27
med\weednot knowing one single command is not enough to break that out :P03:27
jmarsdenmed\weed: OK, then perhaps you should read man pages a bit more carefully :)03:27
med\weed[we're currently using 70gbits]03:27
skuldcool!  it installed, now I use putty to see my server screen?03:27
med\weedjmarsden: more like i should review them occationally as apparently there's value added in linux too ;)03:28
jmarsdenskuld: You use putty to log into the server, yes.03:28
med\weedjmarsden: if it makes you feel better you probably predate me in linux :P i'm only on year 6? 7?03:28
med\weedsince sarge was unstable03:28
Pairadimesittyactually I'm running my server on Xubuntu to help my lack of directory and terminal knowledge, so if you could just point out a file to edit that would help too03:28
med\weedjmarsden: btw if your wondering wtf i'm doing here - its because my co runs ubuntu lol03:29
skuldoh crap!  I need to add port 22 to my firewall03:30
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: Look at /etc/apache2/mods-available/dir.conf03:30
med\weedskuld: good practice to chang that port in /etc/ssh/sshd_config03:31
Pairadimesittyjmarsden: thanks, on it.03:31
jmarsdenI need to go AFK briefly... skuld, do you have Putty connecting to your server yet?03:34
skuldI'm still trying to get it connected03:34
jmarsdenWhat is the problem?  You firewalled off your server from your admin workstation? :)03:35
jmarsdenOK, well, I'll be back soon I hope...03:35
skuldokay, I changed the port, but how do I open my new port...say it's 553 (it's not)03:36
skuldI was running firestarter back when I had the gnome desktop installed.  now I don't have that utility, so I need to know how to edit my firewall via the terminal. LOL03:37
Pairadimesittyjmarsden: if you're still here thanks that did the trick.03:39
med\weedskuld: what firewall?03:42
PairadimesittyThe other thing I'm trying to do is integrate my forum inside my home page (/forum.php inside index.htm), but iFrames universally suck, I can't get it to resize automatically inside my content.  I'm told to use ssi, but that doesn't seem to load,03:42
skuldwhat forum software are you using?03:43
Pairadimesittygoogle also tells me that I need to set the server to accept htm format for it rather than only shtml03:43
skuldI've been admining my own for 7 years now03:43
skuldperfect...that's what I use03:43
Pairadimesittyso far I really like it03:43
skuldif only I had my server up...I could *show* you.03:44
Pairadimesittythanks skuld, that's exactly who I need is your help03:44
skuldyou don't NEED to use SSI, that's just a bunch of functions that make things convienant03:44
skuldI used some, but mostly I coded my own "ssi" using PHP03:44
Pairadimesittyiframe shows the content, but doesn't play nice with sizing03:44
skuldcreating the HTML and mySQL calls that way03:44
skuldwhat is it you're wanting to do exactly?03:45
Pairadimesittyfeel free to take a look epicdatanet.co.cc03:45
Pairadimesittythere is a button leading to the forum at the moment, I'd like to nest it inside the home page03:45
skuldwhy not just tweak the style.css and use the built in banner options in SMF?03:46
skuldI think that would be much easier to accomplish, and cleaner.03:47
PairadimesittyI'm also planning on putting an autosizing to browser chatbox (I installed an ajaxchat mod in smf) on the left side set to follow the browser, hopefully collapseable03:47
skuld:)  can I give you some adivce?03:47
skulddon't install a chat box03:48
Pairadimesittybut I doubt that would nest it inside the content area03:48
skuldwith a forum03:48
skuldyour forum will die03:48
skuldbecuase most of the talk will be in the chat and not in the forum03:48
PairadimesittyI was wondering about that03:48
jmarsdenI'm back but need to deal with a real life issue... car with flat (really FLAT) tire...03:48
skuldI've done that and regretted it03:48
skuldewww yuck03:48
PairadimesittyI'd like to give it a shot anyway, perhaps restrict it to forum members?03:49
skuldI'm still trying to connect via putty.  I think I opened the port I needed by using this command, but I don't think it's working yet.03:49
skuldrestrict it to advanced forum members above a certian post group if you want to do that03:49
jmarsdenskuld: telnet 22   will test whether you can access the SSH service on IP ... what happens when you try?03:49
* jmarsden needs to go again to get a car tire (very FLAT) fixed...03:50
* skuld iptables -A INPUT -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 553 -j ACCEPT03:50
Pairadimesittygood thinking, hopefully the mod allows that, truth be told I haven't gone through the forum options yet, just added some themes and mods03:50
jmarsdenskuld: 553?  OK, if you want to use 553 for SSH and have set up sshd to use it... did you do that?03:51
PairadimesittyI'm very glad I came here by the way03:51
skuldyou'll need to code that by hand.  I can probably help with that after i get my mess cleaned up LOL03:51
skuldat least the first part, integrating the forum to the website, that's pretty easy...most of the time is just spent tweaking your smf/style.css  .... and there's a little coding in the index.template.php file to remove the SMF logo on the right.03:52
PairadimesittyI was afraid of that03:52
skuldbrb, have to dress my kid for bed....03:52
jmarsdenskuld: Whether that iptables command will work depends on the exact set of commands in the INPUT table... if there was a -j DENY at the end then appending to the table fails because the DENY rule gets reached before your new appended ACCEPT rule03:52
Pairadimesittyactually, with the black silk theme I'm using for smf, other than some text that shouldn't be black all I really want to change is to remove the banner all together03:54
Pairadimesittyand of course frame (without frames) it inside my home page03:55
Pairadimesittyand no where else03:56
jmarsdenskuld: So what does telnet 553    do   # if 553 is your SSH port03:56
Pairadimesittysorry that I'm dividing your attention skuld03:57
skuldit's okay....I'm also multitasking here :)03:59
skuldI can use putty to telnet, right?03:59
Pairadimesittyfyi, multitasking there makes things worse for you, not better lol03:59
skuldI know04:01
Pairadimesittyyes you can04:01
jmarsdenskuld: You could,  but there is a Windows command called telnet which i was expected a Windows-using person to know and use :)04:01
skuldwell, when I try that, it sits there for a few seconds...like 30 and then disappers04:01
jmarsdenat least, there was in Win 2000 and XP, not sure about Vista and Windows 7.04:01
skuldI guess it's timing out04:01
jmarsdenskuld: Open a console window and do it, so you can see the error message :)04:02
jmarsdenStart -> Programs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt04:02
jmarsdenThen type in    telnet 553 and press Enter.04:02
jmarsdenDo not "guess" that it is timing out, we need to *know* what it is doing :)04:03
skuldshould there be a : between the IP and port?04:03
jmarsdenNo.  a space.04:04
Pairadimesittytelnet is not a recognized command in windows 7 according to my command prompt04:04
skuldyou've gotta be kidding me.... I guess windows vista doesn't include telnet!04:04
Pairadimesittyputty can do it according to google04:05
skuldyeah, it can , but it vanishes after about 30 seconds when I try it04:05
jmarsdenOK, use putty I guess.  BTW, you should consider using Ubuntu desktop for your admin workstation :)04:05
jmarsdenskuld: There should be a Putty option to not close the window on errors... set it and retry.04:06
skuldI would if I could afford to do that (another machine)04:06
jmarsdenskuld: Dual boot?  Or run Ubuntu Desktop in a VM under Vista (better, run Vista in a VM under Ubuntu)...04:06
skuldokay, trying it04:06
JJman6_any recommendations on using ext3 vs ext4 for servers?  Is ext4 stable enough to be used in a production environment?04:07
skuld"connection closed by remote host"04:07
PairadimesittyI've got xubuntu on my server running the desktop right now.  I'm looking at three monitors, two keyboards, two mice, a bunch of cords, a cat on my lap, and a bag of reeses04:07
skuldnice....reeses.... :)04:07
jmarsdenskuld: Incidentally, it would have probably been faster to reinstall Ubuntu server than to do all this :)04:07
jmarsdenanyway... so, is there really an sshd listening on port 553 on your server?04:08
skuldyeah, but I'd loose my internet connection in the process04:08
jmarsdenOn the server console try     sudo netstat -ntlp |grep 55304:08
Pairadimesittyif it weren't for the reeses none of learning Dreamweaver, designing a site, choosing the best free host available, dumping said host, and installing my own linux server would have happened04:08
skuldOH wait!!  do I need to "start" an ssh service?04:08
jmarsdenskuld: If you dinked with its config file, you need to restart it, yes.04:09
jmarsdenIf you had left it alobne, it would have started on port 22 all by itself...04:09
Pairadimesittylol, it's always something simple like that04:09
skuldyup, okay...off hand you know what it is?  (/etc/init.d/sshd start  ?)04:09
jmarsdenBut someone told you to change the port... so we got into all this mess...04:09
jmarsdensudo service ssh restart04:10
skuldI would have had to open the port in the firewall anyway04:10
* Pairadimesitty eats a reeses04:10
skuldokay trying again04:11
jmarsdenCheck it is there with   sudo netstat -ntlp | grep 553    first.04:11
skuldlooks like it04:12
jmarsdenGood.  OK, now try ssh to port 553 from Putty...04:12
Pairadimesittybet it failed04:13
skuldconnection timed out04:13
Pairadimesittyjust a hunch04:13
Pairadimesittytoo easy to work04:13
jmarsdenskuld: OK, can you (from the server console) do     ssh -p 553 username@      # and log in as your username04:14
skuldhow do I review that firewall iptables listing to see if there is a dENY in there04:14
jmarsdenfirst let's check the sshd is working.04:14
PairadimesittyI wish I could show you a picture of the mess of hardware in front of me04:16
Pairadimesittyif I didn't have this giant thick desk it probably would have caved in04:16
skuldyeah, it let me log in04:17
jmarsdenskuld: OK, good, you can exit to get back out of that ssh session.04:17
skuldthrew an error about authenticity of my ip I tried04:17
skuldlogged out04:17
jmarsdensudo /sbin/iptables -L -n -v04:17
jmarsdenwill display all the details of your firewall setup.04:18
jmarsdenOne issue will be finding where firestarter put its config files and scripts... :)04:18
Pairadimesittycable modem, linksys dd-wrt router, mic, speakers, controllers (tv and game)04:18
Pairadimesittygod I need to clean up04:19
skuldwow that's confusing!04:19
jmarsdenIt's what firestarter did... now you know why using GUi tools that hide all the details is not always a good idea :)04:20
skuldI didn't see any denys in there, and it was a pretty short list...lots of *04:20
skuldyeah...I know... :(04:20
skuldbut I'm learning all kinds of cool stuff now04:20
jmarsdenOn the server if you do    sudo apt-get install pastebinit04:20
jmarsdenwe can then have you pastebin that iptables list somewhere I can read it...04:21
jmarsdenOnce it is installed, do     sudo /sbin/iptables -L -n -v | pastebinit     # and tell me the URL it returns04:21
Pairadimesittythat's pretty handy04:24
skuldI think I mis copied somehting...04:24
jmarsdenIt would be if it worked... I'm seeing a page which says no such paste id...04:25
jmarsdenMiscopying the ID would do that ... :)04:25
skuldno I copied it right04:25
jmarsdenDid you copy the full URL OK... just pastebin between the // and the /04:26
jmarsdenLooks odd to me...04:26
skuldlet me try again....04:27
jmarsdenHmmm, mine look more like  http://pastebin.com/f5b874c4e04:28
jmarsdenYup.... you omitted the .com04:28
PairadimesittyI was just surprised that a link without a .com actually showed up correctly on the page04:28
Pairadimesittyif I put those in my browser they work04:29
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: Firefox will turn WHATEVER it into www.WHATEVER.com if that URL exists...04:29
jmarsdenbut www.pastebin.com and pastebin.com are different sites...04:29
PairadimesittyI've never seen that before, though I suppose the http:// had something to do with it, if it were just text my settings would have turned it into a google search04:30
skuldmy '553' port is 2604:31
jmarsdenI see no 553 anywhere in that listing... ?04:32
skuld553 = 2604:32
skuldI guess it's on line 40?04:33
jmarsdenah, that is way lower than all the DROP rules :)04:33
skuld...is that a good thing?04:33
Pairadimesittyit means confusion in virtual form skuld04:34
jmarsdenskuld: No.  The DROPs will drop your packets before the ACCEPT in line 40 will accept them.04:34
jmarsdenYou want that line up around line 6 or so to work right.04:34
skuldokay, so how do I fix it to do that?04:35
Pairadimesittyso is it even possible to embed my forum in my site so that all links to the forum will lead to my homepage with the correct link in the forum showing?04:36
jmarsdeniptables -I INPUT 3 -p tcp -d 0/0 -s 0/0 --dport 26 -j ACCEPT04:36
jmarsdenor something close to that :)04:37
skuldok, let me try that.... @pairadimsitty:  I don't understand04:38
Pairadimesittythat makes two of us04:38
PairadimesittyI want the forum framed inside my homepage, nowhere else04:39
aubrewhen I try to associate a EBS volume with a UEC image using euca-attach-volume -i i-46C508A6 -d /dev/sdb  vol-32BA04A7 the cc.log reports bad input params to vnetAttachTunnels() and doesn't attach the SC volume to the instance04:39
aubreI've tried using just sdb for the device name , that doesn't seem to make a difference04:40
Pairadimesittyand if I should have a link to some part of the forum elsewhere on my site, it should show the homepage, with the appropriate forum post (or whatever) showing04:41
aubreeverything else is working for me to my knowledge04:41
skuldokay, I can finally ssh into my server! :)04:41
uvirtbot`New bug: #434836 in augeas (main) "[MIR] augeas" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/43483604:41
jmarsdenskuld: OK :)  Now, do you already have some broken/half working email setup on it?  or are we starting email (postfix/dovecot?) from scratch?04:41
skuldall that's done so far is the package has been installed, nothing further04:42
jmarsdenOK.  What is the overall plan -- you need outgoing SMTP for some PHP forum stuff, only, or you are really doing email hosting?04:42
skuld@pairadimesitty:  if you're forum is embedded on your home page, then all links will also be framed there as well.04:43
PairadimesittyI have squirrel mail, just because that's what the guide I followed recommended04:43
Pairadimesittycool, I was worried about that04:43
skuldI have six domains that need some number of email addresses.  a couple only need one or two, a couple need much more04:43
skuldi need to have the ability to send and recieve mail (relay if needed with smtp authentication)04:44
skuldI've tried almost everything....I think that's what blew up my last server...qmail finally did me in LOL04:44
skuldthen I read a couple posts on postfix and dovecot...should be able to handle the multiple domains...and use mysql?04:45
skuldso that's what I installed was the default mail server (postfix/dovecot)04:46
jmarsdenYes, Postfix is a little saner... MySQL only if you need it... are you comfortable editing text files to configure all the email accounts?04:47
Pairadimesittynow I just need to embed it, preferably without frames04:47
jmarsdenI'm not convinced MySQL for email configs is necessary unless you are up into thousands of accounts... but that's personal preference...04:47
skuldactually if I had my preference, I love the idea of it being a database back end rather than text files, but if that's what I have to do, I'm comfortable enough04:47
jmarsdenEither way is doable.  Let's see if I can find a howto with an approach to using MySQL for you...04:48
skuld@pairadimesitty:  I'm saying you don't need to embed anything.  why not just make your smf forum your home page with just your banner, and add the menu extra menu links you need at the top?04:48
jmarsdenskuld: Are you running Ubuntu 9.04 Server, or 8.04.3 LTS ?04:50
skuld9.04, the latest and greatest04:50
PairadimesittyI like my existing page, and the wrap around of the content, I also plan to embed squirrel mail, I will have pages though that have no framing, and I want to be able to handle all future expansion fluidly and in the same content region04:50
jmarsdenOK... then http://craigballinger.com/blog/2009/07/postfix-dovecot-mailserver-on-ubuntu-904-jaunty-jackalope/  looks a good fit for what you are trying to do.04:51
jmarsdenGo through it slowly, ask me questions if anything looks odd or "goes wrong"...04:52
skuldoddly what I did in that situation was create dynamic web pages using php.  using a variable like $content = 'stuff here' I was able to create new pages of content with out mucking up the index.php.  just created a new php file that returned $content.04:52
skuldokay.  also be thinking of apache2 in the background.  I guess things have changed since the httpd days...I thought I could just copy paste my conf file, but that didn't work lOL  I'm reviewing the link you sent now04:53
jmarsdenskuld: Sure, I can help with the apache stuff too later on.  Debian/Ubuntu break out the configuration to make virtual hosting easier... which it is, once you understand how it all works :)  I need to go pick up my daughter from somewhere or other... back in ~20 or 30 minutes...04:54
russlarcrohakon: install vsftpd04:54
Pairadimesittybingo skuld, looks good, does it auto size for no frame scrollbars?04:55
Freddy_007Anyone have experience configuring Tomcat to work with Apache2 ?04:55
crohakonSo, apparently I missed the FTP server during the install of ubuntu server edition. How can I install it now post install?04:55
russlarcrohakon: apt-get install vsftpd04:55
Freddy_007crohakon: apt-get install vsftpd04:55
crohakonyou guys make me come here...04:56
skuldit will auto size with the broswer.04:56
crohakonand then you answer my questions that I asked in ubuntu? heheh04:56
skuldokay.  looks like I've gotta fix apache before I continue with postfix...04:56
Freddy_007ha ha04:56
jmarsdenskuld: Really?  Why?04:56
Freddy_007that'd be for the install, more indepth requeusts for server version ... this is the best place to ask04:57
skuldsmf by default autosizes with the browser...that is unless you have a banner image that's really large horizontally.04:58
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 452185 in eucalyptus "can't access SC volumes in a UEC instance" [Low,Incomplete]04:58
jmarsdenskuld: I'd copy your httpd.conf file somewhere safe, then sudo apt-get purge apache2  && sudo apt-get install apache2   # and you should have a very basic working apache2 ... anyway, got to go, back later...04:59
PairadimesittyI know that it does, and like that, it does autosize horizontally with iframe,but iframe sucks and won't autosize virtically05:01
Pairadimesittyscroll bars inside the window and stuff like that05:01
skuldI'm not sure of anyway to do verticle autosizing without an iframe...05:02
PairadimesittyI saw a script online, php that is advertised to do something like that, but I'm not quite sure how to set it up, and I wasn't sure if php is the best solution05:04
Pairadimesittynot because I'm against it or anything05:04
PairadimesittyI just don't know05:04
Pairadimesittylike I said, this is my first experience with all this stuff05:04
Pairadimesittymy first website, my first forum, my first server05:04
Pairadimesittymy second host, but awardspace is about the best freehost and it didn't allow some needed php that the forum used05:05
crohakonhow do I exit and save when editing files with vi?05:06
Pairadimesittyeventually after wading through the many free hosts out there researching I said F* it and pulled out my old optiplex gx 26005:06
russlarcrohakon: :wq!05:06
Pairadimesittythat's why I stick with nano, it's annoying, but all the commands are listed05:06
crohakonrusslar; eh? I try to type that and it just... well.. types it..05:07
russlarcrohakon: hit escape first05:07
ubottuText Editors: gedit (GNOME), Kate (KDE), mousepad (Xfce4) - Terminal-based: nano, vi/vim, emacs - For HTML/CSS editors, see !html - For programming editors and IDE, see !code05:07
crohakonThanks =)05:07
crohakonDoes pico still exist?05:08
crohakonI really liked pico back in the day... back when I remembered how to do stuff. =(05:08
Pairadimesittyperhaps ssi then skuld?05:10
Pairadimesittyor do you have an idea for php, probably much better to use php?05:10
crohakonHow do I edit my iptables?05:13
crohakonnevermind, I am dumb.05:15
skuldsorry, I was reading a tutural....05:16
skuld@pairadimesitty:  you are asking something about SSI versus PHP?05:17
Pairadimesittysort of, I really don't care what the method is so long as it's sort of clean and I can reimplement it without too much trouble05:18
crohakonSo, another dumb question... where would I find the httpd.conf file?05:18
skuld it's in /etc/apache2/05:19
skuldby default it's a zero-byte file05:19
jmarsdencrohakon: /etc/apache2/httpd.conf05:19
crohakonI was... close..05:19
skuldI'm still working on configuring apache2 myself05:19
jmarsdenRead all the files under /etc/apache2 to see how Debian/Ubuntu sets things up.05:19
* jmarsden is back, by the way :)05:20
crohakonwait... the file is empty?05:20
PairadimesittyI just recall that some googling told me something about setting the server to accept .htm and that the default was just .shtm05:20
* skuld jumps up and down05:20
crohakonI have to fill it... by my self?05:20
jmarsdenNo, you have to read the other files under that directory, as I just said...05:20
PairadimesittyI'd like to be able to effectively use css to control the "frame"05:20
skuldthen that's all just HTML coding05:21
* jmarsden wonders why jumping up and down is part of the process of configuring email servers, ... ?05:21
Pairadimesittyhealthy body makes a healthy thinking brain?05:21
skulddoes cussing count?05:22
skuldwhile jumping up and down?05:22
Pairadimesittyonly as entertainment05:22
* jmarsden thinks... but jumping up and down makes it really hard to read the screen, and even harder to type accurately...05:22
skuldwhile configuring email servers05:22
PairadimesittyI want a virtically resizing "frame" with no margin or border or whatever that fills my content box with proper resizing05:24
PairadimesittyI want to control it with css if I can, but I can adapt05:24
Pairadimesittyand I want another reeses05:25
PairadimesittyI want to want fewer things and still be happy05:25
* Pairadimesitty eats another reeses05:25
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: ask in #css, or #html, about those... not sure what channel would help with providing Reeses ...05:25
skuldcan I copy/paste between my browser and putty?05:25
jmarsdenskuld: Sure.  You can set options in putty for what the different mouse buttons do, I usually set it to match xterm, but Windows people find that confusing...05:26
Pairadimesittyah, I missed the html channel at first when I looked05:27
* jmarsden thinks maybe you should start a #reeses channel :)05:28
jmarsdenskuld: How is the email config coming along?05:28
skuldjust got finished setting up the postfixadmin superuser05:30
crohakonanyone know of a good guide for configuring apache2? The apache website is giving me trouble.05:34
ScottKI'd start with the Ubuntu server guide05:35
crohakonis that at the ubuntu website?05:36
Pairadimesittyjmarsden: damn, I think that might just work05:36
JJman6_pico = nano  I use pico05:36
Pairadimesitty##php pops me into ##overflow is it actually full or does that mean something else?05:37
jmarsdencrohakon: https://help.ubuntu.com/9.04/serverguide/C/05:37
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: ##php lets me into it just fine.  Are you a registered FreeNode user?05:39
Pairadimesittyah, no05:39
PairadimesittyI only irc if there is a problem lol05:39
jmarsdenI don't know for sure, but that might be it.  Register your nick and try again?05:39
Pairadimesittydoesn't accept hotmail accounts?05:41
Pairadimesittythat's my main email!05:42
ScottKThen you must not have much interest in receiving mail.05:42
Pairadimesittyat least untill I set up my squirrel mail account05:42
skuld@jmarsden:  This instruction isn't clear.05:44
Pairadimesittywhat the heck do I have to do here05:44
skuld1.sudo nano master.cf05:44
skulddovecot unix - n n - - pipe flags=DRhu user=vmail:mail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -c /etc/dovecot/dovecot-postfix.conf -f ${sender} -d $(recipient)05:44
skulddo I just put that at the end of the file?05:44
jmarsdenskuld: Edit that file using the nano editor as root (hence the sudo), and unless there is already a line starting with dovecot in there, yes, add it to the end of the file.05:45
jmarsdenThat should all be one single line of text, in case that isn't clear either...05:47
jmarsdenYou might need to do sudo nano -w master.cf      so it doesn't word wrap the text05:48
skuldgot it :)05:49
crohakonokay... how can I install gnome? I give up on console. =(05:50
Pairadimesittycrohakon: personally when I got fed up installing a gui free ubuntu server I switched and installed xubuntu to start over05:51
jmarsdencrohakon: Installing a GUI on top of Ubuntu server gets you a hybrid mess that is neither desktop nor server, and is best avoided.05:51
Pairadimesittyso far it works05:51
jmarsdencrohakon: But what is so hard about using the command line?05:51
ScottKcrohakon: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop, if you insist.  Any questions about it are off topic here, see #ubuntu.05:51
crohakonSo you suggest installing the desktop version and then just installing the servers?05:52
jmarsdencrohakon: Yes, if you are 100% set on having a GUI on your machine.05:52
jmarsdencrohakon: What I really suggest is sticking with the command line :)05:52
skuldokay, got a problem with the dovecot-postfix.conf.   it failed when I restarted the service...05:52
crohakonI guess I will just push on and learn something *sigh*05:52
skuldsudo /etc/init.d/dovecot restart05:53
ScottKThat's the spirit05:53
skuldI copied / pasted from the website.05:53
jmarsdenskuld: OK, what does the error say, and pastebinit <dovecot-postfix.conf so I can read it please?05:54
crohakonI am still suffering from the vista/windows never have to use a command line to do anything syndrome.05:54
jmarsdencrohakon: Really?  what is the Windows GUi equivalent of the *Windows* netstat command?  or nbtstat?05:54
Pairadimesittysimple, make some other program do it for you05:55
Pairadimesittythat's what 3rd party is for05:55
jmarsdenThere are plenty of command line Windows commands that a good Windows server sysadmin knows and uses.05:55
crohakon<--- not a windows server sysadmin05:56
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: Name a 3rd party tool that does what dcpromo does in Windows Server 200305:56
skuldholdon...it didn't say everything05:56
crohakon<--- a Windows battle field 2 player05:56
skuld sudo /etc/init.d/dovecot restart05:56
skuld * Restarting IMAP/POP3 mail server dovecot                                     Error: Error in configuration file /etc/dovecot/dovecot-postfix.conf line 5: Unknown section type05:56
skuldFatal: Invalid configuration in /etc/dovecot/dovecot-postfix.conf05:56
PairadimesittyI wasn't planning on being so blunt jmsrsden, but yes, maybe he isn't05:56
jmarsdencrohakon: Now you are becoming a server admin, right -- you are setting up a server.  So, Windows or Linux, you will need to use the command line some of the time.05:56
Pairadimesittyand how should I know, I'm not either05:57
Pairadimesittyyou know full well, this adventure is even my first time writing in html05:57
crohakonlol. The sad thing is, I once had a fairly good understanding of the command line and how to do things. Like 8 years ago...05:57
jmarsdenso... the claim that "vista/windows never have to use a command line to do anything" ... seems to have been somewhat invalidated :)05:58
jmarsdenskuld: Can you please do    pastebinit </etc/dovecot/dovecot-postfix.conf   for me, so I can read that file?05:59
crohakonNo no no... I was claiming that I when using vista/windows never had to use command line. I was not speaking for everyone else. =)05:59
Pairadimesittyalthough I know ALOT about windows in all but the earliest of it's forms, I haven't messed with the server side much, and all my networking is done through hamachi and my router05:59
crohakonI guess I could have worded it better though.05:59
* skuld since I cant figure out how to pastebin a file... LOL05:59
skuldmail_location = maildir:/var/vmail/%d/%n05:59
skuldfirst_valid_uid = 15005:59
skuldlast_valid_uid = 15005:59
skuldpassdb sql {05:59
skuldargs = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf05:59
skulduserdb sql {05:59
skuldargs = /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf05:59
skuldmaster {05:59
skuldpath = /var/run/dovecot/auth-master05:59
skuldmode = 066005:59
skulduser = vmail05:59
skuldgroup = mail05:59
jmarsdenskuld:   pastebinit </etc/dovecot/dovecot-postfix.conf06:00
jmarsdenYou will get kicked off if you flood like that :)06:00
crohakonwait... you can do that?06:00
jmarsdencrohakon: Sure.  pastebinit takes whatever you give it on standard input and pastebins it and then outputs the URL of the pastebin page.06:00
skuldthat's better.06:01
skuldsorry about taht06:01
jmarsdenSo you can use input redirection with pastebinit just as you can with other commands.06:01
crohakonthat is so nice of pastebin.com06:01
skuldcool, I wasnt' the only one who learned something this morning LOL06:01
jmarsdenMorning?  It is 10pm here :)06:04
skuldjust past 1 am06:04
wizardslovakhello people06:05
wizardslovakso i just shut down my system to  upgrade memory06:05
wizardslovakwhen i turn off pc i cant see my site06:05
skuldthat was your first mistake  LOL06:05
skuld@jmarsden, any ideas?06:05
wizardslovaki can connect with webmin and putty06:06
wizardslovakbut when i type site it doesn show06:06
skuldsudo service apache2 start06:06
jmarsdenskuld: I don't see anything obviously wrong there... I think we might need pastebinit </etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf   # I think the error is in there somewhere06:06
skuldsounds like your webserver service isn't running Wizardlovak06:07
jmarsdenwizardslovak: ssh in using Putty, then   sudo netstat -ntlp | grep :80    and tell us what you see06:08
wizardslovaki am restaring06:08
wizardslovakand i  got error06:08
jmarsdenwizardslovak: You'll need to be much more specific about the error :)06:08
wizardslovakok ok06:08
skuldERG!  I get permission denied06:08
wizardslovak "could not open config file : /etc/squirrelmail/apache.conf06:08
skuldtry: sudo vi /etc/squirlmail/apache.conf06:09
jmarsdenskuld: sudo cat /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf |pastebinit06:09
jmarsdenAlso check what perms the howto says that file should have...06:10
wizardslovakthere is error "syntax error on line 4 of /etc.apache2/apache2.conf06:10
jmarsdenwizardslovak: So either the file /etc/squirrelmail/apache.conf does not exist, or it has incorrect permissions, I would think.  And apparently you also have a typo or something in your /etc/apache2/apache2.conf file.06:11
wizardslovakon line 4 it says "include /etc/squirrelmail.apache.conf06:11
wizardslovaki will just pu # before it06:11
jmarsdenwizardslovak: Do we have a . vs / problem.  No, fix it, don't hack it.06:12
wizardslovaki did remove squirrelmail loong time ago with "purge"06:12
jmarsdenAh, but you forgot to update other files that refer to it... OK, in that case, go ahead and comment it out.06:12
wizardslovakok now it works06:13
wizardslovakthank you people very much06:13
jmarsdenwizardslovak: No problem.06:13
=== crohakon is now known as crohakon|afk
crohakon|afkwell, goodnight06:13
jmarsdencrohakon|afk: Goodnight!06:13
jmarsdenskuld: sudo cat /etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf |pastebinit    # did this work?06:13
wizardslovakbtw when i reset apache there was comment "httpd (no pid file) not running" but apahce started ok06:14
PhlogistiqueI have a server running under Ubuntu 9.04 and am a beginner to DNS configuration. I've configured my DNS in such a way that it seems to work well on my server if "nameserver" is the first line of resolv.conf, but it doesn't work from anywhere else06:14
Phlogistiqueadditionally, when trying to "dig @myserverIP mydomain.tld" I get a timeout whereas06:15
Phlogistique"dig @localhost mydomain.tld" works fine06:15
PhlogistiqueAny idea of what could be causing this?06:15
jmarsdenPhlogistique: Sounds like bind is configured to only use localhost06:15
skuld@jmarsden:  finally got that pastebinit.... http://pastebin.com/f6e2207ab06:16
Phlogistiquejmarsden: uh, that's right06:17
skuldokay, I lied....I keep getting permissin denied06:17
jmarsdenPhlogistique: So check /etc/bind/named.conf* for any options that may be restricting your named to only using localhost, and also check that /etc/hosts is correctly set up06:18
jmarsdenskuld: OK, sudo -s     and then    pastebinit </etc/dovecot/dovecot-sql.conf     and then exit back out of that dangerous root shell.06:18
Phlogistiquejmarsden: yeah, just did that, thank you06:19
skuldstupid permissions!  try this Jmarsden:  http://pastebin.com/f1d985c5a06:19
jmarsdenPhlogistique: You can also try    sudo netstat -ntlp | grep named  to see what ports named is listening on.06:20
Phlogistiquejmarsden: it was listening on the loopback06:23
Phlogistiquejmarsden: fixed now06:23
jmarsdenPhlogistique: Good :)06:23
Phlogistiquejmarsden: thank you so much orz06:24
jmarsdenskuld: Shouldn't that file have more than just the user query in it?06:24
Pairadimesittyand now I don't know how to create a user for squirrel mail06:24
jmarsdenPhlogistique: You're welcome.06:24
PairadimesittyI figured it might by default use my ubuntu login at least by default06:24
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: It uses whatever your IMAP server uses for authentication.06:25
PairadimesittyI have squirrel mail properly installed (I think) I selected the D option to use default IMAP settings06:25
skuldthere's a lot of commented stuff.06:26
Pairadimesittysquirrelmail configtest passes06:26
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: How are you (in general) adding email users and storing information about them?06:26
skuldI went back through and uncommented/changed the queries to what the tutorial stated.06:26
jmarsdenskuld: OK, and does that make it work now?06:27
Pairadimesittythat's just it, besides installing and setting the automatic IMAP settings from the menu, I haven't added any users06:27
skuldno.  same result06:27
Pairadimesittyand don't know how06:27
Pairadimesittybecause I stooped06:27
=== WALoeIII_ is now known as WALoeIII
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: It is not wise to configure a webmail system before you have basic email (SMTP and POP3/IMAP) working :)06:28
PairadimesittyI just followed the guide06:28
PairadimesittyI think it should work with just one or two settings changed06:28
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: Learn what you are doing as you go and test as you go, blindly following a howto leads you... somewhere, but you don't know where :)06:29
jmarsdenskuld: OK, pastebinit the newly fixed up dovecot-sql.conf file for me.06:29
Pairadimesittyand when I try to log in with my ubuntu user name it comes up with the error:connection dropped by IMAP server06:30
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: OK, so check the dovecot logs for what it said was wrong... and recheck your dovecot configs.06:30
Pairadimesittya different username leads me to a normal incorrect user name error06:31
Pairadimesittyit would be nice if I could find a guide that went from A-Z that actually explained what things were along the way in understandable english06:33
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: As I said: OK, so check the dovecot logs for what it said was wrong... and recheck your dovecot configs :)06:33
Pairadimesittythe guide doesn't use dovecot06:34
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: OK, whichever IMAP server you used, check its logs.06:34
jmarsdenIf you don't want to do it yourself, pay for webhosting on someone else's server :)  If you want to do it yourself, learn how.  There is no shortcut.06:35
jmarsdenThere are people around who can help you, if you ask good clear questions and are willing to learn.  But it's not trivial to set up a working and secure server.06:36
jmarsdenAs skuld is discovering :)06:36
jmarsdenOf course I let him use SQL and guess where we now have issues... in the SQL stuff I don't use myself :)06:36
skuldLOL :)  yeah06:36
Pairadimesittyfound the error log06:40
Pairadimesittysays ....stuff..... imapd: Connection, ip=[::1]imapd: chdir Maildir: No such file or directory06:41
Pairadimesittyinsert a second line there06:41
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: OK, so your user lacks a ~/Maildir directory and you set things up to use Maildir format malboxes...06:42
Pairadimesittythat good bad or ugly?06:42
Pairadimesittyseems a simple fix though?06:43
jmarsdenTry creating the ~/Maildir and see if it helps.  Sounds like you just forgot to actually provide a place for that user's email.06:43
jmarsdenYes, very simple fix -- create the directory :)06:43
Pairadimesittywhere just under the webmail folder?06:43
jmarsdenNo..... this is IMAP we are talking about, not webmail.  Log in as that user and do  mkdir ~/Maildir06:44
PairadimesittyI'm already in terminal as my user set to sudo su, so you mean literally type "mkdir ~/Maildir"?06:45
Pairadimesittysorry for being a dumb@$$06:45
PairadimesittyI blame my parents06:46
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: as yourself, not sudoed to anything, log in as that user.  Then type in the command    mkdir ~/Maildir06:46
jmarsdenskuld: OK... still looking for what might be wrong in that SQL config file... looks reasonably sane now.06:47
Pairadimesittyprogress, thanks, now it seems it needs mailboxes to work06:48
PairadimesittyI recall seeing something to that effect in the squirrelmail config06:48
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: OK, so now you can just create new users (with the useradd command), set their password (with the passwd command) and create their Maildir's (using mkdir ~/Maildir or similar)06:51
jmarsdenskuld: Just to simply the file a bit, can you try getting rid of all the comment lines so we just have http://pastebin.com/mc71e40006:52
Pairadimesittyby mailbox, I mean when I log in it error saying it is unable to open the inbox06:52
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: I'm not a courier expert at all... maybe it needs you to create  new and cur subdirectories within the Maildir/ , or something?06:53
Pairadimesittythat's my guess06:53
Pairadimesittyseems strange that is hasn't created them by default on install06:54
jmarsdenHow would it know which system users you want to also be email users?06:54
skuldstill get the same error06:56
skuldwould case matter in the queries?  I see a couple of AS and a a couple of as in the queries from the tutorial06:58
Pairadimesittywell, good point, I was hoping it would set the admin that installed it as a user, but yeah, I see what you mean06:58
jmarsdenskuld: generally speaking SQL keywords can be either case, but strings within quotes are likely to be case-sensitive06:59
jmarsdenskuld: OK... I guess I'm going to create a virtual Ubuntu 9.04 server here, and follow that howto and see what happens... if it works for me we can then check what is different between your setup and mine.07:01
skuldokay.  I'll be on again tomorrow.  I need to get some sleep07:04
skuldthanks for your hard work, and I've learned a HUGE amount today07:04
skuldwell,.... yesterday anyway07:04
jmarsdenOK... no guarantees when I'll be here, but I often am here :)07:06
skuldokay.  thanks.  mail's been broken for a couple of weeks, what's another day or so?  LOL07:06
jmarsden:)  OK, goodnight.07:06
=== Guest23301 is now known as goodboy
Pairadimesittynight jmarsden07:18
jmarsdenGoodnight Pairadimesitty07:18
Pairadimesittyfound a guide, looks like what I need07:18
jmarsdenGood :)07:18
Pairadimesittywill report back to whoever's here when I've gone through it07:18
roxy09Hi there, I gave permission some folders in my server to a "group" but when the users connect to the file (using samba) the permision change to "Domain users" groups and the rest of the user form my "group" can not acces anymore. How I can keep the permision in a folder?07:20
=== NCommander is now known as NC|Mobile
=== NC|Mobile is now known as NCommander
jmarsdenroxy09: SAMBA permissions and Unix file permissions are not the same thing.  You possibly want to edit your smb.conf file so that users in your group have appropriate access to that SAMBA share?07:31
roxy09maybe...I'd give permission to a "group" but when the user modify or edit files the permission in group change to "User Domain" and the users form teh original Group lost the permisions07:36
Pairadimesittyyay, it shows my inbox now, I needed mkdir -p /home/usename/Maildir/{cur,new,tmp}07:47
Pairadimesittythat's all07:47
Pairadimesittynow to mail myself and pray07:47
ewookthat smells like your MTA isn't working as it should07:53
Pairadimesittyhmm, interesting07:54
Pairadimesittyvery interesting07:54
PairadimesittyI got all the right folders set to my user, but when I sent myself mail, nothing showed up, however I DID find the email in /var/mail/ as a file (not folder) with my username07:55
Pairadimesittythe only other filer in that folder is one called nobody07:56
uvirtbot`New bug: #455625 in eucalyptus (main) "Eucalyptus Loses Public IP Address" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45562507:56
Pairadimesittythe file type is "mailbox07:56
Pairadimesittysorry, typo07:56
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: Sounds like half your mailsystem wants to use mailbox format in /var/mail and the other half wants to use Maildir ... fixing things to all the pieces use the same mail spool format would be good :)07:58
jmarsdens/to all/so all/07:59
Pairadimesittywhich format would you recommend?08:00
PairadimesittyI bow before the master08:00
jmarsdenIt all depends; for high volume mail servers, Maildir, but for just a few users (say 100 or less) the old fashioned defaults are fine.08:00
PairadimesittyIf I had a webcam you would see me bowing right now08:00
Pairadimesittylet me put that another way, how would one add a new user?08:01
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: Once you have the mail services all set up consistently, that shouldn't matter; you just create the user with useradd and set their password with passwd and the mailsystem creates their mail files as needed.  At least, that's how it works for Postfix/Dovecot08:02
Pairadimesittyyes, that makes sense08:03
PairadimesittyI think I get how the Maildir sorts out files now, does the other method just create one file per user or one file per email?08:04
jmarsdenPairadimesitty: One per user.08:04
Pairadimesittydoes it allow for custom folders?08:04
Pairadimesittynever mind08:05
sorenI would never use old style mbox files if I could avoid it.08:05
Pairadimesittyseems like squirrelmail has the function, should be able to handle it08:05
sorenIt's much less a matter of how many users there are, than it's about how much e-mail each of them will store on the server, and how much you care about the integrity of said e-mails.08:05
sorenWhat you see in /var/mail is old style mbox files. It's basically all of the user's inbox stored in one file.08:06
PairadimesittyI'll follow soren's advice, seems like all emails in one file is kinda querky08:06
sorenAny changes to any e-mail in that inbox requires rewriting the entire file.08:07
Pairadimesittynow to figure out how to set courier and imap to the other format08:07
Pairadimesittyand no I obviously don't have any emails that need saving or converting over08:08
sorenThat /is/ possible, though.08:08
sorenI don't know anything about courier. Never used it.08:08
PairadimesittyI saw a guide while looking on google on switching emails over08:08
Pairadimesittylet me regoogle to see if it knows what's up08:09
PairadimesittyI'm having trouble finding it, could postfix need any settings changes?08:23
ttxmdz: ping08:27
Pairadimesittyseems like courier is supposed to use maildir by default08:28
Pairadimesittysomething else must be interfering, or it's not courier08:29
Yuttadhammohey there, sorry to bother, but, I have a problem with Ubuntu Server 9.04... when I run netstat -lu  it gives: netstat: no support for `AF INET (udp)' on this system.  How do I add UDP support?08:29
sorenYuttadhammo: Which kernel are you using?08:30
Yuttadhammojust a sec...08:30
sorenWhat's the exact output of "uname -a"?08:31
YuttadhammoLinux grid1.buddhaverse.net #1 SMP Thu Jul 9 01:00:08 EDT 2009 i686 GNU/Linux08:31
sorenThere's your problem, probably.08:31
sorenthat's not an ubuntu kernel.08:31
soren...and it's not, clearly.08:32
Yuttadhammosorry, aptitude shows it as 1108:32
sorenWell, it's not what you're running.08:32
Yuttadhammohmm... why does aptitude say I am?08:33
sorenaptitude does not know which kernel you're running. It knows which kernels were installed.08:33
soren..from .deb-packages.08:33
soren2.6.29.5-grsec-hostnoc-4.2.0-i386-libata probably came from somewhere else. Is this a rented server, by any chance?08:34
sorenPhysical or virtual?08:34
sorenOk, then you can probably just boot into another kernel somehow.08:34
sorenSee if it uses lilo or grub.08:34
sorenbrb, have to reboot (kernel update).08:35
Yuttadhammookay thanks a lot.08:35
Pairadimesittyimapd file says maildirpath=Maildir, that right or does it need home/$user/Maildir or something like that?08:36
sorenPairadimesitty: maildir paths are usually relative to the user08:37
soren's home directory.08:37
sorenIn other words, what you have is probably fine.08:37
Pairadimesittythen I'm still sure which program has it wrong and what file to edit08:38
sorenYuttadhammo: Who are you renting this server from?08:38
YuttadhammoI see they are on aim... I'm going to contact them...08:38
sorenDisabling UDP seems /quite/ odd. I wouldn08:38
sorent even know how.08:38
Yuttadhammoyeah, really weird.08:38
sorenI don08:39
sorent see a kernel config option for it.08:39
Yuttadhammolol... I was almost embarassed to ask.08:39
sbeattiepresumably, grsecurity is being more restrictive about it.08:39
sorensbeattie: Oh, right, it may actually support it, but grsecurity may be blocking netstat from showing it?08:40
sorenYuttadhammo: Does it work through sudo?08:41
sbeattiethat's my suspicion.08:41
Yuttadhammooh, I'm really embarassed now.08:41
Yuttadhammoyeah, sudo works.08:41
Yuttadhammothanks for the help.08:42
sorenNo problem.08:42
sorenHey, it works everywhere else. Don08:42
sorent be embarrassed.08:42
Yuttadhammoguess I need to find a way to get back to an Ubuntu kernel...08:43
sorenShouldn't be too hard, hopefully.08:43
Yuttadhammoif I reboot the server, will I be able to ssh into it again?08:43
sorenYuttadhammo: Depends on what you changed since last reboot :)08:44
YuttadhammoI think I'll wait until the guy who knows what he's doing gets back... I'm just trying to make a UDP connection...08:45
* soren reboots again08:46
* soren managed to uninstall grub2, so grub.cfg did not get updated with new kernels, but grub still chainloaded into grub2, so kept booting and older kernel (which I thankfully hadn't deleted).08:47
PairadimesittyI'm so frustrated, what program actually gets the mail and puts it in a folder, courier is set correctly, squirrelmail is set correctly, but the mail shows up in var/mail08:48
sorenpostfix does that.08:48
sorenIt depends.08:48
sorenIf you08:48
PairadimesittyI have postfix08:48
sorenre moving stuff around between folders in squirrelmail, it's your imap server.08:49
Pairadimesittyand saslauthd, maildrop, getmail408:49
sorenIf it's new mail coming in over smtp, it's your SMTP server, which I gather is postfix.08:49
Pairadimesittyand a couple other things I don't know08:49
sorenWhy do you have all of those things?08:49
sorenThe "other things I don't know" bit worries me. Is this not a system you set up yourself?08:50
Pairadimesittyit is the best guide I could find for what I wanted, but it doesn't explain things worth a damn08:50
Pairadimesittyor finish for that matter08:50
sorenI doubt you need any of maildrop or getmail4.08:50
Pairadimesittywhat do they do?08:50
sorensaslauthd, perhaps.08:50
PairadimesittyI suspect saslauthd is set up correctly08:51
Pairadimesittybut again, nothing is explained08:51
sorengetmail4 - mail retriever with support for POP3, IMAP4 and SDPS08:51
sorenmaildrop - mail delivery agent with filtering abilities08:51
sorenHow do you receive e-mail from the outside world+08:52
Pairadimesittythe guide was rigged for more of a server host -sell webspace sort of thing08:52
Pairadimesittydoes that answer your question even?08:52
sorenIt might.08:52
sorenSo people send you an e-mail, and you're expected to go and grab it from someone else's mailserver?08:52
sorenOver IMAP.08:53
Pairadimesittyhmm? no, everything is run directly off this machine next to me08:54
sorenThat's a bit vague..08:54
Pairadimesittyit's it's own mail server, dns, ssh, ftp, and web server08:54
sorenSay I wanted to e-mail you... How would an e-mail get from me to you? Are you set up to be your own MX?08:54
Pairadimesittythe guide is http://howtoforge.org/perfect-server-ubuntu-9.04-ispconfig-3-p408:55
sorenI'm not asking what you've set up.08:56
sorenI'm asking how you expect mail from the outside world to reach your server.08:56
PairadimesittyI installed on Xubuntu after getting annoyed with not having a gui to work with, and I skipped ISPConfig and Jailkit08:56
PairadimesittyI'd like it to simply come directly to my server from the sender and store it in the per user Maildir's08:57
Pairadimesittywith a check to make sure the email sends so it doesn't get lost in the ether, but I really don't know how the protocols work08:58
Pairadimesittyas I said, I'm a dumb noob and this is my first time setting up any of this, and most guides are rather difficult to follow for this sort of thing08:58
sorenIf you intend for mail to be delivered directly to your server via SMTP, you certainly don't need getmail4.09:00
Pairadimesittywould it be helpfull to grab from my hotmail account or something like that?09:01
sorenDear god, no.09:01
Pairadimesittyand I found a forum post mentioning postfix, trying it out09:02
sorenWait, what?09:02
sorenYou said you were already using postfix?09:02
PairadimesittyI said that earlier09:02
sorenBut now you're trying it out?09:02
sorenAs opposed to before where you were... what?09:03
PairadimesittyI'm trying out the post to see if it has accurate instructions on how to make postfix use maildir09:03
sorenJust put "home_mailbox = Maildir/" in your main.cf09:04
PairadimesittyI found that too! yay09:12
Pairadimesittythough I found a post right under one that said that09:13
PairadimesittySetting home_mailbox won't work if you're using procmail.09:13
PairadimesittyInstead of setting those vars on the procmail command line (they're wrong anyway), it's better to create a /etc/procmailrc and set them there:DROPPRIVS=YES09:13
Pairadimesittydoes that make sense to you?09:13
sorenAre you going to use procmail?09:15
PairadimesittyI'm not sure if I am using it, hang on a sec and I'll check09:15
Pairadimesittywhat does procmail filter anyway?09:15
sorenIf in doubt, it's /extremely/ unlikely that you're using it.09:16
Pairadimesittyapparently it's installed09:16
Pairadimesittyas is spamassassin09:17
sorenPairadimesitty: All these guides and forum posts and whatnot you're following... Are they writting with Ubuntu in mind?09:17
Pairadimesittyyes, that's one think I make sure of09:17
sorenI think you can just ignore what it says about procmail.09:19
Yuttadhammo:) rebooted into Ubuntu... man, that feels good.  Ubuntu rocks.09:20
Yuttadhammo(sorry for the spam)09:20
PairadimesittyI'm trying it now, sending an email, then if that fails I'm going with the other and trying it and forgetting the origional09:24
Pairadimesittyprogress, I got an email back from myself that said the email failed to be reseaved, I'm happy to know that it sends failed email messages09:28
Pairadimesittyand this error about failure to write to directory makes me think I need to chmod09:28
Pairadimesittywhat number should I chmod it to?09:29
PairadimesittyYuttadhammo: this is the ubuntu irc, how can that be spam?09:29
brandonc503hey all.. so i once asked about keeping people from seeing the folders in website and i was told about -option the folders.. or something.. can somone point me in the right direction pls.. tnx09:30
Yuttadhammo(It's not the #fanboy channel...)09:31
Pairadimesittygot it 70009:33
Pairadimesittyhow about #reese09:42
brandonc503what is best channel to ask about htaccess09:47
mdzttx: as far as I am aware, eucalyptus is ready to release10:34
ttxThere are two bugs bothering me10:34
ttxmdz: bug 455293 is cosmetic and quite harmless to fix10:35
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 455293 in eucalyptus "UEC management interface still has Eucalyptus as title" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45529310:35
ttxbug 455816 is slightly more disturbing, should we release-note it ?10:35
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 455816 in eucalyptus "When installing a UEC cluster, the prompt for the private interface is displayed after the "Installation complete" dialog" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45581610:35
ttxThe last one still nominated for karmic is bug 45345610:37
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 453456 in eucalyptus "excessive logs in /var/log/eucalyptus" [Low,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45345610:37
ttxmdz: which, if any, should be fixed before RC, or before GA ?10:37
ttxI'm fine with keeping the current release, just making sure we are aligned on this.10:38
ttx(in which case I'd drop the karmic nominations for those)10:39
mdzttx: reading10:42
mdzttx: 455293> we should go ahead and commit that to bazaar, since if we do an upload there is no reason not to include it10:45
ttxmdz: OK.10:46
mdzttx: 455816> I have never seen that question; is it new?10:47
mdzoh, it's only when you have multiple NICs10:47
ttxmdz: yes, submitted by Etienne on that specific multi-NIC testing10:47
mdzttx: I've looked at cjwatson's diff and I'm not sure I can evaluate the risk; maybe ask cjwatson what he thinks we should do wrt RC?10:48
ttxmdz: it's tricky to fix and test in the remaining timeframe10:48
ttxmdz: sure10:48
cjwatsonI think it's an ugly wart, but not a fatal one10:49
ttxmdz: I can't evaluate the risk either, and can't really test the fix with my current hw10:49
cjwatsonwhen I thought about it last night, I couldn't think of anything that would actually go wrong due to it10:49
mdzttx: 453456> if (and only if) the logs are getting rotated, we can defer this to lucid10:50
cjwatsonthe fix is verbose but in principle straightforward - but it's a pain to test without uploading10:50
cjwatsonI gave mathiaz directions on testing it last night10:50
ttxmdz: 453456> agreed, especially since trying to tone down those logs by configuration doesn't seem to work.10:50
cjwatsonmy inclination, though, is to leave it be10:50
ttxcjwatson: thanks for your input, I tend to agree with you.10:54
nijabahello, would anyone know how to list what nodes are registered on a cluster?10:54
ttxnijaba: apparently there is no euca_conf --list-nodes10:54
nijabattx: not in the version I am using then10:54
ttxnijaba: I said "there is *no* euca_conf --list-nodes"10:55
nijabattx: hehe sorry...10:55
mdzttx: can we confirm that?10:55
ttxnijaba: grep NODES /etc/eucalyptus/eucalyptus.conf ?10:55
ttxmdz: it's confirmed, there is no such option.10:56
mdzttx: I meant, can we confirm that the logs are getting rotated10:56
ttxmdz: I guess we need to let a system run without touching it for a few days... that would help in confirming bug 455625 as well10:57
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 455625 in eucalyptus "Eucalyptus Loses Public IP Address" [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45562510:57
ttxmdz: however I'm using my hw to test the RC ISo candidates10:58
ttxmdz: I'm looking in the code to confirm, and we can ask the Eucalyptoids for more detail / confirmation10:58
mdzttx: how about we ask for a pointer to the code which implements this as well?11:03
mdzso we can confirm how it is supposed to work11:03
ttxmdz: will do when they are awake -- at first glance it's not obvious where it would be implemented11:04
mdzttx: I've asked in the bug11:05
mdzttx: meanwhile, we should prepare a branch which implements logrotate11:06
mdzttx: I don't think we need to do anything about this for GA, but we should be prepared to do an SRU if it turns out that the upstream rotation doesn't work11:06
mdz(or is not complete enough)11:07
ttxmdz: agreed. Can't find where it would be implemented in their code, but they might just inherit it from some other Java library11:07
ttxmdz: should I wontfix the karmic nomination for the multiple-NIC installer issue ?11:09
PairadimesittyOH MY GOD11:13
PairadimesittyI am soooooo annoid that was it11:14
Pairadimesittysoren: it was exactly what we both thought it was BUT it needed a / at the end and the guide didn't say that11:15
Pairadimesittyhome_mailbox = Maildir/11:15
Pairadimesittynot home_mailbox = Maildir11:16
Pairadimesittyholy hell11:16
Pairadimesittythat was dumb11:16
sorenPairadimesitty: Uh, yeah. That's what I said.11:21
sorenThe slash at the end denotes Maildir format.11:22
Pairadimesittyomg, you did11:22
PairadimesittyI saw a post at the same time you posted that, I don't think it did have the slash11:22
PairadimesittyI feel like the idiot I am11:22
Pairadimesittygive me a virtual slap11:22
PairadimesittyI deserve it11:23
* soren pats Pairadimesitty on the head11:23
PairadimesittyI'm not a dog11:23
PairadimesittyI'm a pirate11:23
Pairadimesittyif you want to pitty me give me booty11:24
Pairadimesittysince I took procmail off should I bother putting it back on?  I liked what it did but....11:25
sorenDoes everything work now?11:25
PairadimesittyI can get mail11:26
PairadimesittyI suppose I should try sending it before I celebrate11:26
soren...and before you start changing anything again (like adding procmail back into the mix)11:26
Pairadimesittyit works11:28
Pairadimesittyand quickly11:28
Pairadimesittyand screw procmail until such time as I decide to start over from scratch11:28
Pairadimesittyand I also believe saslauthd is set up properly, but I still don't know what all this stuff does11:29
Pairadimesittyyeah, I don't think spamassassin is set up properly11:32
sorenPairadimesitty: saslauthd is usually used to authenticate users so that they can send e-mail through your server.11:32
PairadimesittyI get it11:33
Pairadimesittyug, something else I'll skip for now11:38
mdzttx: re: multiple NIC issue, I defer to Colin. if we can fix it with an acceptable amount of risk for 9.10, then I would like to see it fixed. if the risk is too great, then we can accept that.12:01
uvirtbot`New bug: #456238 in postfix (main) "empty message-id, no date in Evolution MUA" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45623812:37
Pairadimesittyach, ##php is very helpfull for my issue, they had me turn my home page into an include, which does autosize my forum, but  now css is messed up between both and links all lead to the forum page and I loose my homepage surround12:41
Pairadimesittyso it's probably posible with php, but it's way to much work for now12:48
Pairadimesittyso how do I make an iframe autoresize virtically12:48
=== aubre_afk is now known as aubre
aubreGood morning - Mark Spencer told me he'd find out what the status was on Asterisk and get back to me. I guess since he's a CEO he's not as involved with actual development as he once was when he created it.13:13
pmatulisaubre: the "status of Asterisk"?13:14
BilgeWhat shall I call my backup user since "backup" is already taken? :/13:17
BilgeI lack imagination13:17
pmatulisBilge: hint, base the name on the backup tool you'll be using13:18
BilgeI wrote the tool myself13:18
BilgeA series of three scripts for batch, iterative and rolling backups13:18
sorenI would call it Oxygen.13:19
soren..since that's what my naming scheme dictates.13:19
BilgeIf I make a user who is just used to download backup files from a restricted shell, should I add it as a system user (UID < 1000) or a normal user?13:19
zulsoren: i sill like backup213:28
sorenzul: Yeah, that's pretty good :)13:30
zulsoren: but all my machines at home are named after south park characters (including my wife's laptop)13:31
sorenzul: I have a set of virtual machines names roughly by their function. My web server is webster, my DB server is debbie, my DNS server is dennis, etc.13:31
sorenI have another set of servers (that are not single-purpose) named after the elements.13:32
zulsoren: heh originally it was simpsons characters but the new simpons episodes are kind of boring13:32
sorenI stopped doing13:33
sorenI stopped naming servers after Simpson characters when I got tired of typing comicbookguy.13:33
cjwatsonmdz: I'd like to make the multiple NIC issue conditional on mathiaz being able to test my branch and confirm it working, then; I don't think we have enough iterations left to be able to justify an untested upload13:33
uvirtbot`New bug: #427094 in dbconfig-common (universe) "Wrong permission on file makes phpmyadmin show blank page" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/42709413:36
neil-wilsonAfternoon all. Anybody in Eucalyptus mode here this afternoon. I have an issue with keypairs that is either me being an idiot or a bug.13:37
neil-wilsonCan't get onto any instance I spawn.13:37
uvirtbot`New bug: #453739 in kerberos-configs (universe) "FFe: Sync kerberos-configs 2.2 (main) from Debian unstable (main)" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45373913:41
aubrepmatulis: yeah people were asking when asterisk 1.6.2 was going to be stable13:44
aubrehmm I am getting this now in MANAGED-NOVLAN mode, priv interface 'eth1' must be a bridge, tunneling disabled in my cc.log - not my nc.log13:46
aubrethis is after updating to 1.6~bzr931-0ubuntu713:47
neil-wilsonaubre: I'm getting that a well for the priv interface on the cc controller.13:49
aubreneil-wilson: whew - well finally I'm not alone13:50
aubreneil-wilson: I'm trying to file a bug but without much success.13:57
neil-wilsonaubre: are you getting vlan errors as well?13:58
neil-wilsonfailed to attach tunnels for vlan 10 during maintainNetworkState()13:59
aubreneil-wilson: I get that when I tried to attach a SC volume to an instance13:59
aubreneil-wilson: when I could get instances to launch, that is14:00
neil-wilsonI can launch instances. I just can't get onto them. For some reason soren turned off key injection and I'm trying to understand why.14:00
sorenWait, what?14:02
sorenI did what?14:02
neil-wilsonsoren: turned off key injection in managed mode? 7th september.14:02
sorenneil-wilson: Oh, in eucalyptus? Yeah.14:03
neil-wilsonsoren: how's it supposed to work then?14:03
sorenneil-wilson: Like on EC2. I need to run for 10 minutes. I can explain afterwards.14:03
aubreneil-wilson: hmm well all of a sudden, euca-describe-availability-zones verbose is working after I tried and succeeded in launching an instance14:04
aubreneil-wilson: now to try attaching a volume14:05
aubreneil-wilson: still can't attach an SC volume, now to check logfiles14:08
sorenneil-wilson: Just like on EC2. EC2 does't inject keys either. It offers keys through the meta-data service. At boot time, ec2-init goes and grabs the keys from the meta-data service and puts them somewhere appropriate.14:20
aubrewell when I try to attach an SC volume, I am getting this in my node's nc.log : http://paste.ubuntu.com/297485/14:21
sorenI don't even know if this is a runtime or compile time option. I just took a patch from upstream.14:21
sorenaubre: Is everything completely up-to-date on that system?14:21
neil-wilsonsoren: I don't appear to be picking up the metadata - almost as though apache isn't providing it. Any idea whereabouts in the system it lives?14:22
aubreaubre: yes , I am using 1.6~bzr931-0ubuntu714:22
aubresoren: yes , I am using 1.6~bzr931-0ubuntu714:23
aubresoren: I updated this morning14:23
sorenaubre: "everything".14:23
sorenaubre: Not "eucalyptus".14:23
aubresoren : I did a apt-get update followed by apt-get dist-upgrade14:24
sorenneil-wilson: It's reachable from the instances on
aubresoren: let me do it again14:24
_rubenhmm, is / the only invalid character in a filename or are there more?14:24
sorenaubre: Ok. And everything is from Ubuntu? libvirt, kvm, kernel, etc.?14:24
aubresoren: yep, that's the way I roll14:25
soren_ruben: ASCII 0 is unlikely to be a good idea.14:25
soren_ruben: But it depends on the filesystem.14:25
neil-wilsonNot on my system. A get to that address gets the default Apache 'it works' message. What service provides it?14:25
neil-wilsonCan't find anything recent in the logs.14:25
_rubensoren: but in general (or ext3 in particular), it's pretty safe to assume that exluding \000 and / is safe?14:26
_rubenthe at first though obvious ones can be escaped properly if needed (like * and :)14:26
sorenneil-wilson: Eucalyptus provides it.14:28
sorenneil-wilson: The cloud controller, I would expect.14:28
soren_ruben: Define "safe".14:29
neil-wilsonsoren: Off to go digging. Thanks for your help.14:30
_rubensoren: safe is wrong term indeed, allowed is a better world, from the FS point of view .. so "foo..bar" might not be considered safe, but is valid14:30
soren_ruben: I /think/ if you steer clear of / and ASCII 0, you'll be alright. * and ? are both certainly aceptable filename characters.14:34
kirklandsoren: ping14:36
ttxmathiaz: about bug 455816, do you have the necessary hardware to reproduce the issue and verify the fix ?14:36
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 455816 in eucalyptus "When installing a UEC cluster, the prompt for the private interface is displayed after the "Installation complete" dialog" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45581614:36
kirklandsoren: is there an up-to-date uec appliance that I can try in my cloud?14:36
sorenkirkland: Nothing more up-to-date than what I posted last Friday.14:37
ttxkirkland: tested UEC setups from amd64 and i386 20091020 -- I hit bug 444352 and bug 452556 in both cases, otherwise it's ok14:37
kirklandsoren: pointed to on ubuntu-devel@ ?14:37
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 444352 in eucalyptus "DB deadlock on reboot prevents UEC from working, temporarily" [Low,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44435214:37
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 452556 in eucalyptus "euca-authorize default failing" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45255614:37
kirklandttx: okay good; java problems, i didn't get a built iso before i went to bed14:37
ttxkirkland: doko fixed that14:38
skuldGood morning all!14:38
kirklandttx: on the authorize failing, does it have any mal effect?14:38
kirklandttx: i found that i could ssh just fine14:38
ttxkirkland: to the public address ?14:38
kirklandttx: yes14:38
kirklandttx: have you tried?14:38
sorenkirkland: Yes.14:39
jjohansensmoser: do you know if I can just use migrate-bundle to put an aki/ari in euwest region?14:39
kirklandsoren: thanks14:39
skuldI'm having a problem with apache2.  I configured my websites, tested it works fine on my internal ip (192.x.x.x) but when I try to use either the domain or my public IP (216.x.x.x) I get14:39
skuld"unable to connect"14:39
ttxkirkland: interesting... no, I didn't try that. I ran the command again, and since run-instances was run in between, it would succeed14:39
smoserjjohansen, i know (thanks to our friend ross) that you cannot14:39
aubresoren: maybe this is related to https://launchpad.net/bugs/452556 , but I found that I couldn't do a euca-describe-available-zones verbose until after I had launched an instance14:39
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 452556 in eucalyptus "euca-authorize default failing" [Medium,Confirmed]14:39
jjohansensmoser: thanks14:40
smoserjjohansen, but in the future, i will get you some setup information for publish-image so you can use it.14:40
sorenaubre: I'm not actually working on Eucalyptus these days, so I'm the wrong person to talk to :)14:40
smoserthen one command gets it in both places14:40
jjohansensmoser: that sounds nice14:40
smoseryou're up early14:40
ttxaubre: that would be bug 444352, grep DEADLOCK /var/log/eucalyptus/cloud-output.log to confirm14:40
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 444352 in eucalyptus "DB deadlock on reboot prevents UEC from working, temporarily" [Low,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/44435214:40
kirklandttx: try it next time; i'm not sure the command is entirely necessary (which might be another bug)14:40
smoseri was just about to ping you to ask you to push those to eu14:41
skuldcan anybody get to the site http://www.localexpresscl.com ?14:42
smosersoren, what would you think about trying to fix bug 407949 for karmic?14:42
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 407949 in ec2-init "ec2-init: ec2-set-defaults needs better defaults for non US/EU regions" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40794914:42
ttxsmoser: there is no UEC/EC2 image RC candidate yet on the test tracker -- who/when ?14:42
smoserttx, oh, sorry, i can put it there, i didn't know that it should be.14:42
smosersoren, see my comment 3 in that bug, UEC will always take the fail path14:43
ttxsmoser: at one point the candidate for the image and the EC2 AMIs must be officialized on the ISO test tracker14:43
smoserttx, should I put one up there?14:43
ttxsmoser: tat would allow us to report test results, yes14:43
ttxsmoser: if you still expect to change it, it might not be necessary though14:43
smoserttx, well let me look real quick, fwiw, the 20091020 is up available on ec214:43
aubrettx: you are correct sir, it was confirmed14:44
smoseri have no plans on changing it14:44
aubresoren: sorry then lol14:44
ttxsmoser: ok, who do I/you need to ping to make that happen ?14:44
smoserttx, i'll tak 10 minutes here, and just look, but i think that we just call the AMIs that are in http://uec-images.ubuntu.com/karmic/20091020/published-ec2-nightly.txt as RC.14:45
smoserand then i guess we tell slangesack that14:45
ttxsmoser: ok, take your time14:45
sorensmoser: Sounds like a good idea. What do you suggest?14:45
smosersoren, just an absolutely simple catch-set-default14:46
smoseras en_US.utf-814:46
aubrettx: perhaps a simple command could be put in the documentation for users which would clear the deadlock?14:46
sorensmoser: Feel free.14:47
soren(make that UTF-8, though, not utf-8)14:47
ttxaubre: attempting to run the command multiple times in a row usually autofixes it14:47
ttxaubre: but not everyone hits this bug, may I ask what your setup looks like ?14:47
aubrettx: sure14:47
smoseri'll work a suggested patch, but need sponsorship. i'll attach bzr karmic branch there.14:47
* skuld takes a number and waits in line14:47
aubrettx; 1 CC,  2 nodes.14:47
aubrettx: 1 CC, 2 nodes14:48
ttxaubre: on CC: fast/slow disk ?14:48
aubrettx: CC is on raid across 4 disks14:48
sorensmoser: Cool, thanks.14:48
aubrettx: 7200 rpm14:48
aubrettx CC has 12 GB of RAM14:49
skuldcan anybody help me with apache?14:49
smosersoren, so i'm going to hit 'target to release karmic' there, that will set of some flags ?14:49
aubrettx: CC has 12 GB of RAM14:49
ttxaubre: hm, sounds quite different from what I run (2Gb RAM / 1x5400rpm disk)14:49
ttxkirkland: planning to do a RC test install today ?14:50
aubrettx: this was bought/spec'd to be a proof-of-concept, if we get it working and we feel confident we may purchase a large system w/support14:50
ttxaubre: also restarting eucalyptus after the reboot clears the deadlock condition.14:50
aubrettx: what's the best way to restart eucalyptus14:51
ttxaubre: I do "sudo stop eucalyptus" then "sudo start eucalyptus"14:51
aubrettx: nice, so I don't have to shut down each process? sweet14:52
aubrettx: oh and I'm using RAID 014:53
Omahnttx: Thanks for checking out bug 341256. One quick question, how do I change the version number to avoid the conflict? Do I just edit the version displayed when using dch -i or should I be changing somewhere else?14:53
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 341256 in unattended-upgrades "RFE: unattended-upgrades should identify host." [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34125614:53
ttxOmahn: just edit the one dch -i creates14:53
sorenttx: Is EBS in reasonable shape in your UEC installations?14:54
Omahnttx: Cool, thanks, will correct and upload fresh debdiffs.14:54
ttxOmahn: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SecurityTeam/UpdatePreparation#Packaging has good rules on picking up a package version number for SRU14:54
Omahnttx: I'll read up.14:54
ttxOmahn: like I said, I'm not sure that's appropriate for SRU -- adding a useful feature that changes the behavior of the release is usually not appropriate14:55
nomoahi, we upgraded some servers to 9.04 and now we are confronted to a bug in smbfs. We can create files from 9.04 clients to a 7.04 samba server, but modification is impossible (e.g. touch failed with invalid argument and the file is created)14:55
Omahnttx: It's not really a feature for us, it's a necessity. Due to the volume of unattended-upgrade emails we receives its simply unmanageable without the hostname.14:56
Omahnttx: Although we are happy to just package the updated version ourselves. Just thought I would try and push it back upstream to benefit others.14:56
ttxOmahn: I understand why you need it, but I also see why others could get broken by the update (imagine some tool relying on the email format)14:56
ttxsoren: I tested attaching a volume and saw it appear in the UEC instance -- does that count ?14:57
Omahnttx: Agreed. I'm happy with whatever line you and the SRU team recommend.14:57
ttxOmahn: I defer to them.14:57
Omahnttx: No problem.14:57
ttxsoren: for more complex tricks, we relied on the eucalyptoids.14:57
ttxsoren: maybe Dustin did something more clever to tset his attach fixes.14:58
ttxkirkland: please add the doc item to the meeting agenda, yes15:00
kirklandttx: will do15:00
kirklandttx: test "what" attached fixes?15:00
ttxkirkland: the scsi-attach fixes15:00
kirklandttx: ah, in the interest of time, I tested using just kvm, libvirt, and virt-manager; nurmi tested the eucalyptus integration15:01
ttxkirkland: soren was asking about the status of EBS support15:01
ttxkirkland: ok15:01
kirklandttx: i was specifically working on the device add/remove from the kvm and libvirt side15:01
kirklandttx: once i had working reliably, i pushed nurmi the fixes, and he verified the EBS side15:02
uvirtbot`New bug: #400404 in libvirt (main) "virsh --help {option} no longer works in shell" [Wishlist,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/40040415:02
uvirtbot`New bug: #411417 in libvirt (main) "virsh restore causes kernel panic in guest." [High,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/41141715:02
kirklandttx: and uploaded when we were both independently happy15:02
ttxkirkland: ok15:02
ttxsoren: so EBS is believed to be in good shape, though we lack in first-hand testing and multiple use cases15:02
nomoaany hints on a bug which affect the open (O_WRONLY|O_CREAT|O_TRUNC) syscall on smbfs when and return ENOENT when file exists and success when file does not exist?15:06
sorenttx: I tested attaching a volume and saw it appear in the UEC instance> Yes, that does count. I think that's all I really need.15:06
sorennomoa: Perhaps some weirdness caused by inconsistent case? E.g. you're trying to the create "Foo", but there's already a "foo" on the remote system?15:09
sorennomoa: Pure guesswork.15:09
nomoasoren: no, eg : dd if=somefile of=newfile is ok, dd if=somefile of=existingfile is ko15:10
nomoastrace indicate that open has failed, but it should not15:10
sorennomoa: I understand. I'm just suggesting to look for files on the remote system that have names that correspond to the ones you're trying to use, but with different casing. I've seen that cause all sorts of madness before.15:11
nomoaah ok, I'm afraid that this is not my problem :(15:12
sorenFair enough.15:12
sorenEr, hang on.15:13
sorenNo, I'm just being silly.15:14
skuldI need help with either apache or firewall or network...not sure which LOL15:16
mathiazttx: no 100% sure I'll have access to the hardware15:16
mathiazttx: probably ask EtienneG - he's got the right hardware15:16
uvirtbot`New bug: #230839 in lm-sensors (main) "The sensors program crashes on 2.6.26+" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/23083915:17
mathiazttx: I don't think we need to fix bug 455816 for  release15:17
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 455816 in eucalyptus "When installing a UEC cluster, the prompt for the private interface is displayed after the "Installation complete" dialog" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45581615:17
skuldI set up my apache, I can get to it from my internal IP (192.x.x.x) but I can't hit any of my sites, nor the public IP (216.x.x.x).  I ran a port scanner from a website, said port 80 is open, and linux said is listening.15:17
EtienneGttx, huh?15:17
EtienneGttx, I will be testing EBS at some time this week, although probably not today15:17
EtienneGttx, not sure what you mean by "multiple use"15:18
ttxEtienneG: I think we don't talk about the same thing -- I was talking to mathiaz about testing the fix for bug 455816, which requires a server with multiple NICs15:18
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 455816 in eucalyptus "When installing a UEC cluster, the prompt for the private interface is displayed after the "Installation complete" dialog" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45581615:18
* soren breaks until the meeting15:19
EtienneGttx, ah, ok.  that's my biug, actually15:19
EtienneGttx, it is easy enough to test with VMs.  Create one with two NIC, install a cluster controller15:19
ttxmathiaz: we had that discussion this morning with cjwatson and mdz, and will mention it again at the meeting. Looks like it's difficult to test, and risky to fix in the remaining time we have.15:19
ttxEtienneG: true.15:20
mathiazttx: IMO it's just a cosmetic bug15:20
mathiazttx: it's doesn't break the installation15:20
mathiazEtienneG: ^^ correct?15:20
ttxmathiaz: that's Colin's opinion as well.15:20
mathiazttx: we could add a section to the release notes15:21
mdzcjwatson: works for me re: multiple NIC issue15:22
mdzmathiaz: <cjwatson> mdz: I'd like to make the multiple NIC issue conditional on mathiaz being able to test my branch and confirm it working, then; I don't think we have enough iterations left to be able to justify an untested upload15:23
mathiazmdz: right - EtienneG just gave an easy way to create a test setup15:23
neil-wilsonIs launchpad fubared today. I can't file any bugs from server.15:23
mathiazttx: I'll give a try to cjwatson's branch on bug 45581615:25
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 455816 in eucalyptus "When installing a UEC cluster, the prompt for the private interface is displayed after the "Installation complete" dialog" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45581615:25
mdzneil-wilson: it's been slow for me today, but is certainly working15:25
mathiazaubre: I think you also have access to a 2-NIC configuration15:26
mathiazaubre: would you be able to test a fix for bug 455816?15:26
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 455816 in eucalyptus "When installing a UEC cluster, the prompt for the private interface is displayed after the "Installation complete" dialog" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45581615:26
hollmanhello *15:27
hollmanhow can I make a backup of my System ? including users, passwords, permissions mail accounts .. ?15:28
aubremathiaz: let me take a look15:30
aubremathiaz: yes I would be able to test a fix for you, I have 6 NICs in total on the CC, 2 each on the NCs15:31
aubremathiaz: how soon would you need me to do it? I need to do some personal stuff sometime today15:33
mathiazaubre: I need to build the package first15:34
mathiazaubre: and do some testing myself15:35
mathiazaubre: the test instructions are bit complicated15:35
mathiazaubre: (they're outlined in the bug report though)15:35
aubremathiaz: no problem, I'll check back with you later today15:35
=== aubre is now known as aubre_afk
mathiazaubre: so I could provide a package to test in a couple of hours15:35
mathiazaubre: a few hours after the end of the server meeting15:36
aubre_afkmathiaz: ok sounds good15:36
kirklandis anyone else having trouble with usb-creator and today's server iso?15:36
ttxkirkland: no15:49
ttxkirkland: I used usb-creator with both i386 and amd64 images15:49
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ttxTeam meeting on #ubuntu-meeting16:02
skuldI need some help with apache/firewall...I think16:13
skuldI set up my apache, I can get to it from my internal IP (192.x.x.x) but I can't hit any of my sites, nor the public IP (216.x.x.x).  I ran a port scanner from a website, said port 80 is open, and linux said is listening.16:14
skuldany ideas?16:14
Fenix2Where can I find a bash shell tutorial16:15
Fenix2on the net16:15
Fenix2or a linux use tutorial or somethin16:15
skuldwhat do you need to know about bash?16:16
Fenix2well im doing my thesis on linux server16:16
Fenix2and i have to first learn basics on how to use linux16:16
Fenix2so thats what i need to nknow16:16
skuldLOL, I've been using linux for six years, and I'm STILL learning 'basics'16:17
Fenix2pretty lame if u ask me16:17
skuldhonestly, I would just google "howto linux termianl"16:17
* skuld wonders if everybody in here is taking a coffee break...16:18
Jeeves_It's 17:19! No even time for a coffee break!16:19
zulmathiaz: have you seen that mysql 5.1 innodb bug?16:23
mathiazzul: yeah - need to check whether it's a regression from jaunty16:23
mathiazzul: and if it's true on karmic16:23
zulok sorry to nag ;)16:24
sorenjdstrand: Can you pastebin the output of "virsh capabilities"?16:24
skulddoes anybody know of a way to CLEAR all my iptables so I can start over with a new firewall config?16:28
soreniptables -F16:29
soreniptables -X16:29
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mathiazskuld: be sure to *not* lock yourself out when doing so16:31
mathiazskuld: ie - check the default policies for iptables16:31
jdstrandsoren: http://paste.ubuntu.com/297593/16:32
jdstrandsoren: what's going on?16:32
=== bdmurray_ is now known as bdmurray
sorenjdstrand: Ok, that looks correct. In that case, it probably /is/ a virt-manager problem, which I suspected it wasn't. That's good :)16:34
jdstrandsoren: right-- I updated bug #453495 with that information16:35
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 453495 in virt-manager "virt-manager does not honor other architectures when using qemu" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45349516:35
sorenjdstrand: Good boy :)16:36
sorenjdstrand: Are you attaching the actual output?16:36
jdstrandsoren: no, I just said they were available. I certainly can16:37
sorenjdstrand: Please do. If someone else should decide to look at this and don't know how awesome you are, they might not take your word for it :)16:37
jdstrandsoren: done16:39
* soren hugs jdstrand16:39
sorenjdstrand: Could you attach the full domain xml as well, please?16:40
sorenThere's another thing I'd like to check.16:40
jdstrandsoren: you mean for one of the guests (eg arm) that ends up with x86_64?16:41
sorenjdstrand: Exactly.16:41
sorenjdstrand: I.e. your "virsh dumpxml testme |grep qemu" with out the grep.16:42
jdstrandsure, hold on16:42
sorenHeh... You have this in your apport output: LiveMediaBuild: Ubuntu 9.04 "Jaunty Jackalope" - Release amd64 (20090420.1)16:42
sorenI wonder what that's all about.16:43
jdstrandI noticed that too. I figured that must have been the disk I used to install on this machine16:43
smoseri'd like to document somewhere that you can configure your dhcp server to ignore d0:0d addresses if you wish for it to ignore UEC instances.16:44
smoserwhere would i put that?16:44
smoserkirkland, ttx ?16:44
kirklandsmoser: wiki :-)16:45
sorenCommented out in the default dhcp3-server config file?16:45
kirklandsmoser: we'll need to find the rigtht place16:45
skuldhi again16:47
skuldflushing my iptables, killed my internet connection sharing for my internal network16:48
jdstrandsoren: attached. I even threw in dominfo for giggle16:48
skuldso, I have the firewall set again as I should be.  Apache doesn't seem to be responding to my public ip on port 8016:49
sorenskuld: Are you behind a router?16:54
HajuuHey guys16:56
Hajuuis this the right place for the ubuntu cloud server?16:56
* nrvate this is your mind in a cloud16:57
Hajuushould I be afraid? :o16:57
nrvateDARE to be afraid :>16:58
HajuuI dare to be.. insidiously naked.16:58
HajuuHow about them apples?16:58
skuldno.  LInux is acting as my firewall, I have firestarter for internet connection sharing for my eth216:59
skuldsorry for my delayed response, my dad needed some help17:00
sorenskuld: So the web server is directly attached to the internet?17:01
Hajuulol so, this is the right place, or not?17:01
sorenskuld: and your server is aware of your public IP?17:03
sorenskuld: I.e. does one of its interfaces have the public IP you're trying to connect to?17:03
skuldI think so?17:03
sorenWell, /I/ don't know :)17:04
skuldeth0 is set static for my public ip17:04
sorenCheck it.17:04
HajuuAlright well ill just ask my question I guess heh17:06
uvirtbot`New bug: #456224 in bind9 (main) "Installing bind9 with forwarders causes loss of hostname resolution." [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45622417:06
HajuuBasicall I have 3 servers, and Im wondering if I set them up in a cloud, how that works interoperably17:06
Hajuulike for example17:06
Hajuuif one server goes down17:06
Hajuudo the other two somehow reconfigure to be reciprocal to requests?17:07
Hajuuor do I require one server to delegate requests to child servers17:07
skuldsoren:  here is my addr info http://pastebin.com/f2a632bfb17:08
skuldany idea why my eth2 is in a state of unknown?  I don't think that would affect apache though17:15
* soren calls it a day17:15
Hajuusomeone somewhere must have used ubuntu cloud17:16
mdzHajuu: people mean a lot of different things when they say "cloud"17:16
mdzin our case, it's about having a self-service API to manage virtual machines, a la EC217:17
mdzwhat you're describing is more high-availability rather than what we call "cloud"17:17
Hajuuwhen I say ubuntu cloud server17:17
HajuuI mean.. ubuntu cloud server.17:17
Hajuunot entirely suprisingly17:17
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skuldI'm not sure what it is...but it's starting to tick me off! LOL17:22
fahadsadahHi guys.17:22
fahadsadahI have NSS LDAP set up on a server.17:22
fahadsadahBut id gives me no such user.17:22
fahadsadahI've straced id, and found it's not contacting the LDAP server.17:22
sven_oostenbrinkWhen trying apt-get purge package, I get this error: Package is in a very bad inconsistent state - you should reinstall it before attempting a removal.... How do I do this? I checked man apt-get but it gives -reinstall as an option, but that doesn't work either.. how can I get rid of this package?17:38
* jdstrand is a bit boggled that running libvirt-bin in a jaunty/schroot actually seems to be working17:44
jdstrandeven more so that kvm seems to be working...17:47
nrvatekvm seems pretty stable these days17:47
nrvatenice and fast too :D17:47
jdstrandyeah, but I am running karmic, with karmic kernel, then schroot into jaunty, install libvirt-bin and kvm, and create machines in there and have them work17:48
sven_oostenbrinkCould anybody take a look at this one? How can I fix this apt-get problem I cant remove, purge, reinstall or just install the package anymore :( http://pastebin.com/m55803a4e17:48
jdstrandI really wasn't expecting that17:48
nrvatethat is a bit surprusing17:48
bogeyd6sven_oostenbrink apt-get clean17:54
bogeyd6apt-get autoclean17:55
bogeyd6then apt-get install sun-java6-jre17:55
skuldcan I ask a favor?  can somebody please try to get to http://www.localexpresscl.com and let me know if you can connect?  Thank you!18:00
kirklandmathiaz: mdz: nijaba: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/Glossary18:03
kirklandI started that page, as the documentation glosses over a lot of these terms that are probably unfamiliar to many server admin's18:04
sbeattieskuld: got 200 OK from wget --spider http://www.localexpresscl.com18:04
HajuuWe are supporting Ubuntu18:04
HajuuBy preventing piracy.18:04
HajuuOne star trek at a time!18:04
skuldwhy can't I connect to the site then?18:04
skuldalso I can't find the logs for apache2...I thought they were in /etc/apache218:05
sbeattieskuld: /var/log/apache218:05
mdzkirkland: nice, thanks18:07
mdzkirkland: hopefully thursday we can add "multi-cluster" and "<TBD>" to that list ;-)18:07
kirklandmdz: it's growing as we speak18:07
kirklandmdz: i'm going through both doc's now18:07
kirklandmdz: while installing today's ISOs18:08
Hajuu[01:09] -> -pici- you know, banning someone after they say 'anyway, ill stop too' is really just asking for a botnet attack. Not neccisarilly from me, but I'm just saying18:08
Hajuu[01:09] -> -pici- just because you have a lot of users, doesnt mean they will stand for tyranny18:08
Hajuu[01:09] -> -pici- I would also direct you to the many people I helped in my time in there. Kthxbye.18:08
zulmdz: for the server upgrade test I basically told the user to install jaunty select all the tasks in tasksel and then upgrade and perform the tests in the individual tests (basically the same what the desktop team has)18:09
mdzzul: is it actually possible to install with all of the tasks (no conflicts)?18:10
mdzzul: if so, that sounds reasonable18:10
skuldI can't see anything in the logs that tell me why I can't connect via firefox.18:10
mdzzul: what's the URL for the test case?18:11
zulmdz: it should be able i need to test if the testcase is valid18:11
zulmdz: i havent posted it yet i wanted to make sure if it was valid first18:11
mdzzul: ah, ok18:11
skuldI'm not behind a router either.  I don't get it...I can connect to the internal server ip (192.x.x.x) though18:12
skuldI should be able to connect using both my public IP (216.x.x.x) and private (192.x.x.x), right?18:13
skuldanybody?  Am I crazy?18:17
zulmathiaz: oh btw puppet is finally in main18:17
zulskuld: yes unless if you have a firewall blocking port 8018:17
skuldmy firewall states is open18:18
zulanything in your error_logs?18:18
skuldeverything looks okay...I see lots of 200's18:18
zulunless an upstream router is blocking port 8018:18
skuldis there a command I can use to check that?18:19
skuldokay, installing it18:20
uvirtbot`New bug: #456381 in apache2 (main) "/etc/init.d/apache2 missing option to stop gracefully" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45638118:21
skulddo you know what command I would use with nmap to look for port 80?18:23
skuldfoudn it....it says (nmap --opem 216.x.x.x) port 80 is open18:25
skuldany other ideas I could try?18:28
nijabakirkland: nice Golassary, thanks18:28
Piciskuld: Are you trying to connect to that address from within your network? Some routers don't allow you to make loopback connections like this.18:30
skuldI didn't have a problem before using redhat, very simular config18:30
Piciskuld: If its running on the same address that you're connected to IRC as, then I can see it.  (I see index.html, gallery.html, partners.html)18:31
zulhah squeeze will be the last kernel that has dom0 support18:32
sbeattiezul|mdz: the jaunty server tasksel options all install with no conflicts.18:32
zulsbeattie: cool i just finished an install as well18:33
mealf8801I have my Ubuntu Samba File server set up so I can access it from computers my desktop running XP but now and my laptop when its running Ubuntu 9.10 (which is really really easy :) ) but I can't seem to connect to it when I'm running Windows Vista on my laptop and I've sept a few hours trying to figure it out without and luck can anyone help me out?18:35
skuld@Pici:  Can you get to http://www.localexpresscl.com ?18:36
mathiazzul: bug 456381 - I think the bug description is clear18:39
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 456381 in apache2 "/etc/init.d/apache2 missing option to stop gracefully" [Low,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/45638118:39
zulmathiaz: i agreee but he didnt specify a version18:40
mathiazzul: right - just asking which version may be enough18:40
zulmathiaz: in hind sight yes18:41
xperia2hello to all ! i have a question about the security of ubuntu server18:41
xperia2could it be that ubuntu server is unsecure and very easy hackable18:41
xperia2becouse i have allways updated my ubuntu server18:41
xperia2but i am seeng some strange logs on my side18:42
xperia2and my network isnt really easy to be access from the outside18:42
ScottKGenerally it isn't, but it's not out of the question that you changed something to make it so.18:42
xperia2i am running a standard ubuntu server version18:42
xperia2the strange thing is18:43
xperia2that they do some piping of my server18:43
xperia2will show you just a log now18:44
xperia2for some reason somebody call my webpage and do call a another website18:44
xperia2the destination adress is port 443 ip adress
xperia2the call of the website comes from a static-63-131-18-154.har.onecommunications.net18:46
xperia2whats that for a fuck?18:46
xperia2never seen something like this till yet18:46
ScottKRunning your own php scripts?18:46
xperia2self written18:47
xperia2know every line of the script18:47
Piciskuld: Yes, it points to the same thing I was looking at before.18:47
xperia2Pici: do you have also this problem ?18:47
skuldyou see a directory listing instead of the website?18:49
Piciskuld: Yes.18:49
skuldhmmm,  where is the DirectoryIndex option supposed to go in the conf file?18:49
skuldI probably have it in the wrong spot18:49
skulddoes it go in the <Directory> section or right under DocumentRoot18:51
uvirtbot`New bug: #343898 in dhcp3 (main) "dhclient-script apparmor issues" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/34389818:58
bogeyd6skuld did anyone help you fix your thing19:14
skulddo I need to do anything with httpd.conf when setting up a new apache server?  seems like all of my virtual domains are pointing to the very first directory in my /var/www folder instead of pointing to where they are supposed to be.19:19
skuldstill working on it...I sort of fixed the direcotry listing problem... now i have a new issue19:19
skuldcould I have a problem with a "loopback"19:24
skuldand...I have a problem with all of my virtual domains aren't working, only the first directory in my /var/www folder is showing up when I browse to any of my domians19:27
qman__skuld, the default apache configuration doesn't actually use httpd.conf19:30
qman__you have to set the document root for each site, in the sites-available/site-name file19:30
skulddo I have to end each site....intelatech.net with .conf (intelatech.net.conf) for the virual hosting to work?19:32
qman__you also have to set the domains for each site19:32
qman__no, not at all19:32
qman__example, <virtualhost www.somesite.com:8019:32
qman__if you have one that listens by IP, or on *:80, it will break all the other sites19:32
qman__and if you use domain names, DNS has to work19:33
skuldAH!  that's what I'm missing...let me try that19:33
qman__the other option is using a different IP for each site, and configuring virtual interfaces19:33
qman__only really practical with a couple sites19:33
skuldso if I do <virtualhost intelatech.net:80>  do I have to add another one under the entire section for www.  (<virtualhost www.intelatech.net:80> ?19:34
qman__no, there's another way to work around the www. thing19:35
qman__the best way I know of is rewrite rule19:36
skuldI'm all ears! :)19:37
qman__RewriteEngine on19:38
qman__RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.domain\.com19:38
qman__RewriteRule ^(.*)$ http://domain.com/$1 [R=permanent,L]19:38
qman__I think that's correct19:38
qman__the other thing you need to do is enable the rewrite module19:38
qman__sudo a2enmod rewrite19:38
qman__the reason I like this way, as opposed to working around it19:40
qman__is it forces the user to use domain.com, instead of having two different sites19:40
qman__fixes issues with cookies19:40
skuldokay.  now I just need to fix this possible 'loopback' problem where I can't see any of my websites19:42
qman__well, you need to check each site19:42
qman__make sure none of them are listening on *, *:80, or your IP19:42
qman__and then make sure that the local system is resolving DNS names correctly19:42
qman__apache flips if it can't find all your FQDNs19:43
MagicFabHi all - if anyone cares, I got a freeze exception for monit - https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/monit/+bug/42640219:43
uvirtbot`Launchpad bug 426402 in monit "Sync monit (1:5.0.3-3) from Debian Sid" [Undecided,Fix released]19:43
MagicFabIt's here: https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/monit/1:5.0.3-319:43
mdeslaurMagicFab: cool19:44
skuldoh.  now I changed all my config files so that <virtualhost blah.com:80>, but I got a bunch of warnings and mentionings of things taking precedence19:44
qman__well, the change is correct, so you'll have to hunt down those warnings19:45
skulddon't I need like a servername directive?19:46
qman__"If you are using name-based virtual hosts, the ServerName inside a <VirtualHost>  section specifies what hostname must appear in the request's Host: header to match this virtual host."19:47
qman__so, each site should have a servername matching the one in the virtualhost directive19:47
ninjahsommer: Thanks for the server guide... I'm reading it now.19:50
kirklandmdz: i've revamped, refactored, improved, and cleaned up https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC20:04
kirklandmdz: i'll work on the multi-cluster one after i take a break and get some food20:05
ruben23what is the config file for x server in ubuntu-server...? i mean the equivalent of xorg.conf20:05
Kirschhey all, i'm running ubuntu hardy server and i ran updates, now when i try and use certain programs, /dev/null is chmodded to 600, so a non-root user trying to access anything that needs it dies, i saw a launchpad bug about it but no real solution except to add an init script to change it to 666, is there a real solution yet?20:06
=== crohakon|afk is now known as crohakon
mdeslaurKirsch: I seen that happen before when someone specifies /dev/null as a log file in a configuration file somewhere20:09
mdeslaurKirsch: did you set anything to /dev/null in /etc?20:09
=== adam is now known as Guest72722
Guest72722hi all, i dunno if my question about /dev/null went through if anyone saw it, but i'm back20:12
mdeslaurGuest72722: <mdeslaur> Kirsch: I seen that happen before when someone specifies /dev/null as a log file in a configuration file somewhere20:13
mdeslaur<mdeslaur> Kirsch: did you set anything to /dev/null in /etc?20:13
skuldokay, so I need both <virtualhost localexpresscl.com:80> and ServerName localexrepsscl.com ?20:15
Kirschhey all, i am having a /dev/null permission issue as 600, i've googled around and i see a lot of temp solutions, like setting an init script to change it to 600, is the real cause found?20:23
WanHouseI think they know it was bad for hardy, but they cant change the original chematic of the dist because its an LTS. Id like to see more people to the coders, to change things like this. Or to add in new versions of programs into older dists that are still active on the net.20:27
WanHouseand more power to the coders.20:27
UnixDawghey guys20:27
mdeslaurKirsch: I seen that happen before when someone specifies /dev/null as a log file in a configuration file somewhere20:28
WanHouseMornin Doug20:28
mdeslaurKirsch: did you set anything to /dev/null in /etc?20:28
UnixDawgI am short a php exten20:28
UnixDawgthe  php5-rewrite module20:28
WanHouseremove and purge php then reinstall it, unless its a source install ?20:30
PanzerI got issue with trying install the RTL8101E driver.  I am getting r8101.ko no such file20:31
WanHouseIts a very new RTL card ?20:32
Panzerthis computer is one year old20:33
WanHousemodprobe --list | grep -i rtl20:34
WanHouseIts a Realtech card20:34
Panzerok I got a list of stuff20:35
=== nrvate5i2 is now known as nrvate
WanHouseHow many lines ?20:35
WanHousertl8180.ko could work perhaps. Try to insmod it20:36
WanHousePanzer: Working ?20:49
Panzerno.  the r8180 is a wireless mod.20:50
WanHouse8139too.ko or 8139cp.ko ?20:52
WanHouseThought you had a wireless, sorry about that.20:53
WanHousemodprobe 8139too20:53
TohuwHello, general server spec question: ~100 (frequent) accessors querying a 1.5m+ record database... the actual DB and the files referenced by the DB will be on a RAID array with 15k rpm drives, but the system partition may only be on the internal RAID 5 7.5k RPM drives... would this be a serious speed hindrance? All equipment mentioned is theoretical right now, I'm just trying to determine if I should spring for faster drives for the system partitions as w20:53
WanHouseTohuw: the system disc access is only required if the DB wants access to system files.'20:55
WanHousePanzer: remove the modules that didnt work, with rmmod ModuleName20:56
Panzernone of them including the ones you have listed have worked20:56
WanHousegoogle for the solution20:57
Panzeryea I have.  none of the solutions say anything about r8168.ko or r8101.ko file not found issues.21:00
Panzersee http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=843398 and http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=4210510#post421051021:01
PanzerI don't think there is a 9.04 patch21:02
skuldthis is driving me crazy.21:14
Panzerskuld: yea my issue too21:15
skuldI can ping intelatech.net, I get the public server eth0 IP address.  yet from within my network, I use firefox, http://intelatech.net and I get "connection not established"21:16
skuldI have no router21:16
skuldI'm sure I'm probably missing something really small in my configuration....somewhere...It worked before I installed ubuntu with fedora21:17
skuldand I can't test any of my virtualhosts until  I get this resolved!21:20
guntbertskuld: my first gues: a firewall rule?21:21
sven_oostenbrinkQuestion, I need information on a 10Gbit network card that also supports iSCSI.. Could I use such a card for bot iSCSI and normal traffic, or would that require an extra, other, network card?21:26
skuldI'm thinking it has to be somewhere in the firewall, but I can't find it.  I don't even remember which commands I ran to see that is open21:27
Grim76__skuld: try netstat -an | more21:34
skuldthat shows it in the list21:37
skuldwhat a long listing21:37
skuldsomebody care to examine my iptables...it looks all greek to me21:40
qman__skuld, sure, pastebin it21:41
qman__that's pretty complex21:42
skuldokay, so I'm not crazy21:42
qman__I wouldn't doubt if that's the problem21:43
qman__any reason it's set up that way?21:43
skuldI had to use firestarter to get my laptop to connect to the internet using it's Internet Connection Sharing.  If I knew how to do that and only have the handful of ports open that I need...plus being able to see my own hosted web pages from my laptop, I'd gladly get rid of firestarter and do it that way21:44
qman__it definitely doesn't need to be that complex to do so21:45
qman__but it's not exactly simple either21:45
qman__you need masquerading, but also port forwarding21:45
qman__I'm guessing, anyway?21:46
qman__or are all the ports you need opened on that machine21:46
blackxoredwent back for an example, if I want a window to move on buzzed then I should intercept the signal, get the window handle and move it that's it ??21:48
skuldsorry, I had a phone call21:48
skuldI only need 21, 25, 26, 80, 100, 4000-4050 (forwarded to spec IP), 9100-9115 (forwarded to spec IP) open on the server21:49
skuldI guess everything else in there was for the ICS (Internet connection sharing)21:49
skuldand since I use IRC, I guess 6667 too21:50
skuldbut I didn't explicitly open that port21:50
skuldand it works21:50
nijabakirkland: why are you moving everything in the UEC tuto to sub pages?  I am not sure this is making it easier to follow22:05
kirklandnijaba: it will22:05
kirklandnijaba: so much of this is common operations, whether doing a simple install, or a complex install22:06
kirklandnijaba: getting credentials22:06
kirklandnijaba: bundling an image22:06
kirklandnijaba: running an image22:06
kirklandnijaba: registering a node22:06
kirklandnijaba: otherwise, we will have so much duplicated operations22:06
kirklandnijaba: we *already* do22:06
kirklandnijaba: i'm trying to clean this up22:07
kirklandnijaba: then we build pages that point to the incremental steps22:07
nijabakirkland: yes, I understand the factorisation, but it makes it quite difficult to print, and since in each step you now offer many options, I am afraid first time iser may get more confused22:07
kirklandnijaba: it may be slightly harder to print22:08
nijabawhich is the opposite of the goals that were set when ttx and I were asked to do a simple step by step set of instructions22:08
kirklandnijaba: but i disagree that it's more confusing22:08
kirklandnijaba: i think it's less confusing22:08
qman__skuld, so you do need port forwarding as well22:08
nijabakirkland: well, we'll see Neil's and Mark's reaction to that, as they were the ones requesting it in the first place22:08
qman__skuld, I don't have any time right now, I have to go to class, but you might try fixing it with firestarter22:09
qman__skuld, add exceptions to allow connections from the LAN to port 8022:09
skuldokay, I'll give that a ttry22:12
kirklandmdz: hmm, I'm extending the UEC documentation now in the wiki, starting at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC22:15
mdzkirkland, have you considered using includes rather than linking to the sub-pages?22:15
kirklandmdz: didn't know that was possible; will use that22:16
mdzkirkland, that would let you avoid duplication while still providing all of the necessary information on one page22:16
kirklandmdz: that's perfect, thanks22:16
mdzkirkland, <<Include(PageName)>>22:16
mathiazkirkland: and to probably use Include, I usually add delimiters via comments in the wiki pages22:19
skuldwell, that didn't work22:19
mathiazkirkland: things like: ## StartGeneratePubKey22:20
mathiazkirkland: and then you can use the Include macro with start='## StartGeneratePubKey' options22:20
mathiazkirkland: similarly there is an end option22:20
kirklandmdz: perfect22:21
kirklandmathiaz: cool, thanks22:21
mdzmathiaz, neat, I didn't know about that22:21
mathiazmdz: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TeamReports/May200922:22
kirklandnijaba: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC22:22
kirklandnijaba: there you go ;-)22:22
mathiazmdz: that's how I usually include the server team report in the team report22:23
nijabamdz, kirkland: wonderfull -> best of both worlds22:23
kirklandnijaba: do you mind if I move UEC -> UEC/CDInstall, and make a new UEC page that links to 1. UEC/CDInstall (simple, basic setup) and 2. UEC/PackageInstall (complex, custom setup)22:29
nijabakirkland: not at all, I think that would be fine22:29
kirklandnijaba: thx22:29
SyLkirkland: you have a UEC/CDINSTALL page?22:32
kirklandSyL: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEC/CDInstall22:35
kirklandSyL: work-in-progress22:35
SyLkirkland: would suggest a page with all-in-one as well22:35
kirklandSyL: what do you mean?22:36
SyLcluster and node on the same machine22:36
SyLkirkland: and have you gotten it working after updating the packages?22:37
kirklandSyL: i have not gotten nc on the same system as the cc22:40
kirklandSyL: i understand from nurmi that this is not recommended, or even possible, due to some networking configuration reasons22:41
aheoh perfect, i just wanted to ask how many machines i need to build my own uec for testing purposes22:43
ahedid i get that right that i need at leas two physical machines?22:43
kirklandahe: 2, yes22:43
aheso i think i need to go shopping because i don't think that any of my spare machines fits the minimum hardware requirements22:45
SyLkirkland: I thought it could work with only one machine22:45
kirklandSyL: where did you see this described?22:46
kirklandSyL: i'm willing to entertain the possibilty, but I have not succeeded in doing such things22:46
SyLkirkland: I remember someone getting it working a few months ago. I don't see why it wouldn't even if it was for a quick proof of concept22:48
kirklandSyL: you're welcome to try22:48
uvirtbot`New bug: #328550 in udev (main) "qla2xxx takes ~one minute to initialize per device" [Medium,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/32855022:56
nijabakirkland: EtienneG got it to work on a single machine, but it is a ugly that he is not willing to document.23:09
kirklandnijaba: gotcha, that's what I suspect23:09
kirklandSyL: ^23:10
nijabakirkland: the minimum requirements are maybe a bit too high for a simple "discovery" install.  Will work fine one lower machine, just a bit slower...23:10
kirklandnijaba: okay, set the Minimum ones to what you think23:11
nijabakirkland: ok, I'll do that and then -> bed23:11
kirklandnijaba: i know that my installs were *failing* because I was installing from a 32GB SSD, and it didn't have enough space to run a single VM (this was back when we had 10GB images, though)23:11
nijabakirkland: disk wise, I think your reco are fine.  It is just that you can start a cc + cloud machine with just 512Mo ram, and 1G is what I would say is minimum for the nc23:13
kirklandnijaba: fair enough; you're welcome to update those Minimums23:13
nijabakirkland: done.  and now, goodnight :)23:15
mathiazzul: have you seen some issue with karmic and nmbd?23:16
mathiazzul: it seems that sometimes nmbd doesn't stat23:16
mathiazzul: *start*23:16
SyLkirkland: but it works for you on 2 machiens out of the box before updating packages?23:16
mathiazzul: at boot23:16
nijabaSyL: it will if you take the 20091020 iso from cdimage.ubuntu.com23:17
mathiazzul: I suspect that nmbd starts when the network is not ready yet - the last line in the log.nmbd is 2009/10/20 18:15:01,  0] nmbd/nmbd.c:693(open_sockets)23:17
mneptokthere is no data, only zul.23:17
kirklandnijaba: night23:19
SyLnijaba: ok, I will try this again23:27
mushroomblueare there any common reasons for why it takes roughly 35 seconds to get a prompt after entering my password at login?23:28
SyLnijaba: server too?23:28
ruben23hi, is it possible to setup vsftpd server using this settings..------->http://pastebin.com/m589bf6a123:49

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