
RadicalRAnyone here now?00:31
Sysiit doesn't matter as long as you're here00:32
RadicalRAh, I see.00:32
Sysipeople can ansver when tehy come if they aren't currently00:32
RadicalRI ending up falling asleep.00:32
RadicalRThat's true, but I have no way of caching the answer.00:32
RadicalRhttp://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1292669&highlight=windows+-read+ntfs <- I'm experencing this problem.00:33
RadicalRI didn't know if anyone else had something similar.00:34
i3azabHi all, can anyone help me with the resolution of my Virtual-Boxed Xubuntu ?00:34
RadicalRI wanted to check before I started backing up files.00:34
FFForeverwill xubuntu run on 64mb of ram?01:15
FFForever(REALLLLLLLLY old laptop)01:15
Sysipropably at least not well01:15
Sysii'd try crunchbang or something01:16
FFForeverknow anything better for low ram systems?01:16
=== rr72_ is now known as rr72
rr72quick question about bash, how do I go through a dir recursuvely and getting rid of files that don't end the way I want them to?01:23
likemindeadAnyone using Skype in Karmic? It's not even in the repos....?01:46
Sysi!info skype karmic01:50
ubottuPackage skype does not exist in karmic01:50
likemindeadYes. I realize that. ;-)01:51
Sysigoogle tells that it's on medibuntu01:52
Sysiyou need to add that repository01:53
likemindeadReading that right now too. Thanks. :D01:53
baudsmokeI just put a new DVD burner in my towner but Xubuntu does not detect it however Windows XP does detect it. Anyway suggestions?02:12
baudsmokek3b detects the drive but Brasero is not.02:13
likemindeadWhat the make on the new drive?02:14
baudsmokeLG Super Multi02:15
baudsmokeits supposed to be Dvd record and CD-RW combo02:19
baudsmokeis there a mount command I should try?02:19
ubottumount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount02:20
XialI have what is, perhaps an interesting question. For some reason, when I set the accessibility feature to emulate the mouse with my number pad, if I leave the machine idle for a bit, it acts as if the feature has been disabled.02:48
XialHowever, if I can manage to get back to the feature, it shows it as enabled.02:48
XialIs there something I can do to mitigate this behavior?02:49
anom01yhow do I add items to the xfce menu ?04:42
jhonecuadorhi, someone could help me, I trying to install xubuntu in my PC but when I start it, shows me "GRUB Loading stage1.5." and then "GRUB loading, please wait...." and finally "Error 25"05:28
jhonecuadorit's a Pentium MMX 23305:29
kesken88I have a problem with the audio from totem and listen on my Xubuntu, does anyone know about common problems with PCM and these applications?05:45
Balsaqhey _Techie_ do you know the flash drive trick for old puters? ,,,,,make them run on the flash for memory(ram) instead of running on their own ram? i learned it today.05:46
_Techie_no Balsaq i didnt06:30
Balsaqi got all the instructions super cool hack06:30
_Techie_sweet, link please06:30
Balsaqyoutube...then type in USB FLASH MEMORY06:31
Balsaqdidnt keep the link...but wrote every stpe down piece by piece got it all06:32
Balsaqthe flash is up to 48 times faster than old ram06:32
Balsaqgonna do it on my old tim,er06:33
Balsaqhey i am on my freshly refurbed XP pro now...all set up-vids and all06:33
Balsaq22in flat panel06:33
Balsaqand the xubu in the basement06:33
Balsaqup to 3 on the network06:34
_Techie_gonna integrate them all into one large system via network?06:34
Balsaqgot a few more to build yet06:35
Balsaqhow can hack one into w706:35
Balsaqgot some cool speaker out of the trash at work tooo06:36
Balsaqsurround sound....port all over em06:36
Balsaqtweeter bass realy cool...cn hear the amp hummin in em06:37
Balsaqended up doinf this one wirelss...so i didnt have to drill a hole in the floor06:38
Balsaqso did ya find the hack yet?06:39
_Techie_havent looked, not high priority on my list atm, i got 1.5gig of RAM06:40
Balsaqyeah i figured but i think you'd enjoy it06:40
_Techie_you might be interested in airfoil06:40
_Techie_umm, ever seen itunes stream music to speakers remotely?06:40
_Techie_oh well, itunes has the ability to stream audio to remote speakers hooked up to airport express stations, airfoil is an implementation of that type of system06:41
_Techie_while you cant broadcast from itunes to it, you can send your regular sound06:42
Balsaqhmmm i think it in the g406:42
Balsaqhave to read up on that one06:43
Balsaqsaved it in favorites looks really cool06:44
Balsaqmani cant paste?06:46
Balsaqsave it fir later _Techie_07:02
_Techie_would be useless to me, my ram is clocked @ 2.7 GB/s07:11
Balsaqyup...its for old puters...experiments...i just wanna see if it works07:12
Balsaqwonderwhat my rdram is clocked at?07:13
Balsaq1066 533 whatever that means07:13
Balsaqeveyone talks about how much ram they have, but i was on the net, using system monitor, taking updates and my avg was running and the system had me at the cpu usually at 8-15%...ocaasionally 50% and the ram was steady at 392 out of 1297 or something like that07:18
Balsaqso iwonder if  iadd rdram if i will see any difference if i dont even use what i got?07:18
knomeBalsaq, no, you won't see a difference if your ram is never "topped"07:19
Balsaqwow and i only have 51207:19
Balsaqbut the virtual mixes in ...HI knome07:20
knomeright, if you have 512, then you should not see a difference if the ram is never >512/129707:21
Balsaqi have some machine layin around with matching rdram but i cant see where i need it...would have to do 10 things a tonce07:21
Balsaqso knome where are you from?07:22
knomeBalsaq, finland07:23
knomeBalsaq, northern europe07:23
Balsaqwow 2 Fins here07:23
knomemore than two ;)07:23
Balsaq(ummm i know where it is?)....do you know eachother07:24
knomeno, i don't think we know each other07:24
Balsaqdo you swim after cutting a hole in the ice?07:25
knomei've seen a lot of people not knowing where finland is, no offense inteded07:25
knomei personally don't really enjoy that07:25
Balsaqgonna run downstairs and fire up up the xubu....just doesnt feel right bein here on xp07:28
Balsaqioahhh thats better...07:32
knomebreakfast, bbl07:32
Balsaqioits way faster than xp pro on the exact same computer07:33
Balsaqioseen ya knome!07:33
_Techie_Balsaqio, you might also be interested in using an IRC bouncer07:45
Balsaqiowhats that?07:45
_Techie_i usually have one running so i can switch between my laptop and desktop seamlessly07:46
Balsaqioweird wikepdia "doesnt have that page"...07:47
Balsaqioill find it07:47
Balsaqiowhat is it?07:48
Balsaqiooh so you stay on when you switch07:49
_Techie_an IRC relay (bouncer)07:49
Balsaqioi saw a really cool distro today..was linux...something...linux-jazz or something looked pretty cool07:51
Balsaqioever do linux mint07:52
_Techie_theres my BNC07:52
Balsaqioah ha07:52
Balsaqioslide right over07:52
=== __Techie_ is now known as _Techie_
Balsaqioi gotta tell ya there is no comparison xubu vs xp pro07:53
Balsaqiomy avg has already quranteed 4 virus'07:54
_Techie_and here i am07:54
Balsaqiocan you sort of tunnel it too07:54
_Techie_i can tunnel anything07:54
Balsaqiooh thats dangerous07:54
Balsaqioyou should name yourself gopher...07:55
Balsaqiothat term tunnelling souds really cool07:55
Balsaqioyet i say it and know not the 1st thing about it07:55
_Techie_its not really, the only time its useful is when you want to secure your connection or get around restrictions07:56
Balsaqiosome kid here at the school mt wife works at hacked his own grades07:56
_Techie_good on him07:57
Balsaqiobut got caught07:57
_Techie_obviously he didnt know what he was doing07:57
Balsaqiothey nailed him though ...07:57
Balsaqiohw prolly madde the grades too high for his level ...they noticed it07:57
Balsaqiomust be good hacker07:58
_Techie_the perfect hack is the one that goes by unnoticed07:58
Balsaqioyeah huh07:58
Balsaqiothe kid is in flippin middle school?07:59
Balsaqiolike 6th grade07:59
_Techie_he wouldnt have done it remotely08:02
_Techie_he would have gained access to a teachers computer/logon08:02
Balsaqiooh i see, but if he did it remote he's the real deal huh08:03
Balsaqioill have to ask my wife08:03
Balsaqioshe says they have lots of good hacks08:03
Balsaqioi need to stuff a dvd burner in this dell08:05
psycho_oreoswhos they?08:05
Balsaqioyup mid schoolers08:06
psycho_oreosand they were just saying or did they have proof?08:07
Balsaqiosee the school gave em all computeres08:07
psycho_oreosthat's not really answering my question :)08:07
psycho_oreosbut at the same time, this security scare should be a clear message to tighten it up more08:08
ebbiehi, i installed xubuntu 9.04 on my laptop. i got problems with speed stepping on my cpu if i#M on AC what i'm most of the time. i want to disable speed stepping, can anyone give me a hint?09:32
rubensethi people13:33
knome!hi | rubenset13:35
ubotturubenset: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!13:35
rubensetthanks :)13:35
=== rubenset is now known as Rub_OFF
Pres-GasOkay, xubuntu karmic and my time settings are driving me crazy!!!  Anyone else having time issues with 9.10?14:38
likemindeadNope. I had to install PulseAudio to get sound, though...14:41
mikubuntuhola guys.  i never used bittorrent b4, but i have several clients installed on my laptop.  i am trying to download Star Wreck the Complete Saga from isohunt.com, but when i try to open the link the client doesnt do anything.  am i missing the knowledge somewhere?17:38
TheSheepmikubuntu: you save the .torrent file somewhere, and open it with the torrent client17:46
TheSheepmikubuntu: also note that we don't talk about unlawful activities here17:46
mikubuntuthis is not unlawful, Star Wreck is an open source movie17:47
TheSheepok :)17:48
mikubuntuand its hysterical, but i have only seen the first couple segments of it17:48
mikubuntuanyways, i 'saved' the torrent on my desktop, it says the file is 1.12 gb, and the icon showed up instantly on the desktop.  when i right click it gives me the option of three different clients to open with.  azureus seems to have some problem, runs a loop that says have to update the core, but it never completes, and the other one is just called 'transmission bittorrent client', and it does nothing either when i launch it.  s17:54
likemindeadmikubuntu: I prefer Deluge.18:00
ubottudeluge is a Bittorent client, created using Python and GTK+, intended to bring a native, full-featured cliekt to !GTK environments such as GNOME and Xfce. See http://deluge-torrent.org/ for more information or the package 'deluge-torrent' in the package repositories.18:00
likemindeadJust open a terminal and "sudo apt-get install deluge-torrent" (no quotes).18:01
FFForeverMorning all18:07
likemindead!hi | FFForever18:07
FFForeverhow can i make everything not restart when logging in?18:07
ubottuFFForever: Hi! Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IrcGuidelines. Enjoy your stay!18:07
likemindeadChoose the "Save Session" option when logging out.18:07
FFForeverthere is just no setting like start new session when logging in?18:08
mikubuntulikeminded, do you have to 'sign up' for these clients, or are they just sposed to 'work'18:11
likemindeadIt's just an application, mikubuntu.18:12
mikubuntulikemindead: lookg for deluge in synaptic now18:13
FFForeverhow can i rearrange my menu?18:13
likemindeadOh, you _don't_ want it to restart, FFForever. Sorry. I misread.18:13
FFForeverno i don't :)18:13
FFForeveri find it VERY annoying =\18:14
FFForeverthere is nothing like having 20 apps open when you login...18:14
likemindeadYou need to uncheck the "Save Session"18:15
FFForeverlikemindead, is it possible to have it off by default?18:15
mikubuntulikemindead: downloading deluge, i'll let you know as soon as it doesn't work.  haha.18:15
likemindeadYes, FFForever, look under the Settings>Sessions & Startup.18:16
FFForeverlikemindead, it does not have a checkbox on automatically save session on logout...18:17
mikubuntulikeminded, can u tell anything from this pic?  http://imagebin.org/68554  nothing seems to be happening with the download.  maybe i is stupid.18:21
likemindeadYou have no incoming connections, mikubuntu.18:22
likemindeadAre you sure your ports are open?18:22
likemindeadAnd is anyone seeding it?18:22
mikubuntui don't know, never used it b4.  don't know what i'm sposed to do.  if someone seeds it, do i have to water it?  :P18:24
likemindeadUh... you should probably read up on torrent basics...18:24
mikubuntui read some instructions at the isohunt site18:25
mikubuntuok, lemme look at it18:25
mikubuntulikemindead: read it, but it doesn't really tell me anything about the actual process really, except in general terms18:33
mikubuntui think i get that it may be a slow process .. is that why i not showing any download activity?  it's waiting for a peer?18:34
likemindeadPossible. You want to check the site you got the torrent from to make sure there are enough people sharing (seeding) it.18:41
FFForever=\, i have ubuntu-desktop & xubuntu-desktop, if i use the media keys the ubuntu side says everything is fine and its all the way up... the xfce controller says my sound is muted =\18:45
likemindeadI had to install PulseAudio to get my sound working in Xubuntu (9.10).18:50
FFForeveri thought pa was default since 9.04?18:56
likemindeadI didn't come with Xubuntu 9.10 apparently...18:59
likemindeadMy install had ALSA and OSS.19:00
TheSheepxubuntu doesn't use pulseaudio19:05
BenHemhi, can anyone help me get xubuntu running on a ppc g4 mac?19:47
BenHemI'm getting "out of scan range" and can't enter text at the prompt after hitting ctrl-alt-f119:48
ubottuPowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ19:49
BenHemwell...it's installed19:50
BenHemthis is a nice resource though...thanks19:52
BenHemcan you tell me the command to log into command-line / terminal at startup?19:55
BenHem"Linux single" failed...and there is no grub-type menu19:55
TheSheep!ppc | BenHem19:56
ubottuBenHem: PowerPC.  Formerly used by Apple for the Macintosh line of computers. Variants are now used in popular gaming consoles. PPC was a fully supported Ubuntu architecture up to and including edgy. It is now a community port, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PowerPCFAQ19:56
BenHem"Ubuntu 6.10 was the last officially supported PowerPC version of Ubuntu. Future versions will be community supported."19:56
BenHemc'mon community19:56
TheSheepBenHem: also try at #ubuntu-ppc19:56
TheSheepthat's there the community is19:56
BenHemoh, great19:57
TheSheepxubuntu and ubuntu are the same at that level19:57
BenHemok...will do19:57
BenHemthank you19:57
TheSheepgood luck :)19:57
TheSheepsorry for doubling the link to !ppc, didn't notice the one knome gave you19:58
BenHemno problem, there is a lot of good info in that wiki19:59
kdibbleHi all, is there a version of xubuntu that will install with an ati 9200se video card?22:05
Sysithe one on loading page :P22:07
Sysibut i can't say how good drivers22:07
=== dreewill_ is now known as dreewill
kdibblethanks, just thought I would check as ubuntu 8.10, 9.04 and 9.10 don't work22:09
jarnoskdibble, I think Xubuntu does not work any better than Ubuntu in that.22:12

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