
LaserJockevening all01:56
LaserJocksbalneav: ping16:44
LaserJockok, we need testers!!17:34
openyostDoes anyone know if it is too late to.....17:34
openyostOk nevermind LaserJock answered my question17:34
LaserJockopenyost: to late for what?17:34
openyostI was about to ask about testing17:35
LaserJockwe need http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com/qatracker/build/edubuntu/all17:35
LaserJockfilled out using the DVD from http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/edubuntu/dvd/20091021/17:36
fasthanshello highvoltage20:58
fasthanssbalneav told me to come here if I want to help and mentioned your name20:59
LaserJockfasthans: what kinds of things are you interested in?21:01
fasthanswell I am new21:01
fasthansI don't know yet where I can best help21:01
fasthansI have a few computers and I am constantly wiping and installing something...21:02
LaserJockfasthans: well, why don't you tell us a little about yourself and we can see21:02
fasthansI did that yesterday, but no sweat ;-)21:02
LaserJockah, sorry for the repeat21:03
fasthansI am programming in java, groovy, beanshell with apache velocity. java servlets, webapps. I am building a datawarehouse based on infobright/mysql and pentahoe. I do a lot of data migration jobs, work with databases, creating interfaces. work with windows and linux but mainly linux21:04
fasthans... and I am teching linux at our local school of our little town since two years using edubuntu21:04
fasthansteaching I meant to say21:04
fasthansI came to edubuntu and ltsp because the school forbid to touch the existing system21:05
fasthansso I put together a server and hooked up the clients and bootet 15 clients to the surprise of the head of school and the math techer ;-)21:06
fasthansmean while they learned to appreciate the alternative...21:07
fasthansso. I want to help.21:07
fasthansbut difficult to find where to start. so many new people, many things I don't know or understand.21:08
fasthansthe company I work for is heavy in windows. this year - after 4 years I worked there - I made it get some linux redhat 64 bit servers. my company is also heavy into Citrix21:10
fasthansand thin clients...21:11
fasthansand I working on replacing all that with linux and thin clients one day... maybe in the next 50 years.....21:12
fasthansits a long way the top if you wanna ... (anyone know this song?)21:13
LaserJockfasthans: ok, so you've got some LTSP experience21:13
LaserJockfasthans: got some technical experience21:13
fasthansyes. some21:13
LaserJockthose are good21:13
fasthansI have a running system so I don't touch it too much.21:13
fasthansI have to teach each week on this system.21:14
fasthansbut now I have a seperae system at home. not qute the same, but I can test things here.21:14
LaserJockfasthans: the main areas are: testing, bug triage, packaging, documentation (which includes wiki work, edubuntu.org website, and/or docbook), artwork21:15
fasthansok. lets see21:15
fasthanstesting I could do. is this more testing of individual software or a whole distribution?21:16
LaserJockany of it21:16
fasthanswhat is bug triage? (I am german )21:16
fasthansno artwork. please if you don't want to upset people21:17
LaserJock"triage" is a term used like in a war when the medics go through the wounded and figure out priority, and make sure immediate things are done21:17
LaserJockso bug triage is the process where you take an initial bug report and you essentially turn it into something the developers (doctors) can fix or work on21:18
fasthansI am not a native englisch speaking person. I do speak english quite well I think, but I don't know if it is enough for documentation purposes.21:18
fasthansyou verify the existence of the bug and look for solutins?21:18
LaserJockand ask for needed info21:19
fasthansthat sound interesting. good for a pea counter like me...21:19
fasthansbut where do I start.21:19
LaserJockthe link above lists Edubuntu packages21:20
LaserJockand gives their open bug count21:20
fasthansyes. I have seen that yesterday. and I have an account. I looked through some of the listed items yesterday.21:20
LaserJock^^ is some good instructions on triaging bugs21:20
fasthansok tks.21:21
LaserJockI think the thing we need most right now is to go through the whole list21:21
LaserJockand get rid of the old bugs21:21
LaserJocklike ones where the people never responded to give needed info21:21
fasthansthose are only edubuntu related issues?21:21
LaserJockfasthans: that first link I gave you, yeah21:22
LaserJockas you can see there's ~ 270 open bugs21:22
fasthansok. I can do that. what is the right way to list and communicate my findings?21:22
LaserJockto start with, if somebody is around here you can just ask21:23
LaserJockalso #ubuntu-bugs is the central channel for bug work for the whole Ubuntu project21:23
LaserJockthey can give help too if it's a bit dead in here21:23
fasthansbut please don't be angry if I produce a lot of questions.21:23
LaserJockdon't worry about that21:24
fasthansyou will need to have some patience with me.21:24
LaserJockyou have to realize, we were all just like you at one point21:24
LaserJockwe don't mind questions21:24
fasthansok. so I will try to provide a daily dose of my 2 cents...21:24
LaserJockI'm going to be coming and going a little here, I'm trying to get some experiments done21:25
Lnsfasthans: you have a lot of db experience? this is a shot in the dark, but i know for one it would be REALLY nice to have a user progress mechanism in tuxtype. (join #tux4kids)21:25
LaserJockbut if you ask, I'll answer at some point21:25
fasthansI can do some translation work if that is necessary - german and italian.21:25
fasthanslns: yes I work every dy with databases.21:26
fasthanslns, but reduced it mainly to mysql and infobright.21:26
Lnsfasthans: if you enjoy it this might be a good project to help out the tux4kids apps.. typing tutors are a big thing in schools obviously and having a progress tracking system in open source typing tutors like tuxtype would be phenominal21:27
fasthansyes no problem.21:27
fasthansI will check out the #tux4kids room21:28
LaserJockdarn it, this DVD is kicking my butt21:39
flinthighvoltage, I am UTC incapable... when / where is your next meeting?22:55

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