
ScottKGoing straight to install works in the new KNE ISO.00:20
ScottKConfirmed the slider bar is fixed too.00:26
shtylmanScottK: no, I just got home01:59
shtylman...ok...maybe it did get fixed :)01:59
ScottKshtylman: The slider bar is fixed.02:21
=== MsMaco is now known as maco
ScottKWe have Kubuntu Netbook #3 in the house now (eldest's birthday present).02:44
shtylmanScottK: congrats02:49
ScottKIt arrived today, so just in time for RC ISO testing.02:49
ScottKHP mini something02:53
ScottKIt's the second one of those we got.02:53
shtylmanlike em?02:53
ScottKMy Dell mini 10v has a touchpad that well make you want to throw it out a window.02:54
ScottKThe HP is much nicer.  Also has a drive light and a hardware airplane mode switch.02:54
jjesse-netbookyay for netbooks02:57
jjesse-netbooki like to do demos for work on mine with the VMs in the cloud :)02:58
ScottKjjesse-netbook_: Got broadcom working?03:38
ScottKAll three of mine are broadcom and wireless is good.03:38
jjesse-netbook_ScottK: yes i did i posted to the list i think didnt i03:40
ScottKI think you did.03:40
ScottKI must confess my broadcom systems with their crap proprietary drivers have better wifi than my supposedly superior Intell system with all FOSS stuff.03:41
shtylmansshhh...don't say that :)03:42
jjesse-netbook_my internet is way slow tonight, wonder what e3lse im downloading on a nother machine :)03:43
jjesse-netbook_just configured ubuntu-one on my netbook, wish there was a kde version and it was cross platform like dropbox03:43
ScottKI have found a suspect for why my laptop won't turn the display on when I open the lid.03:45
ScottKRebuilding -workspace now.03:45
ScottKIf this fixes it, it'll be the last of my personal "WTF, this will drive me nuts if it isn't fixed before release" issues.03:45
jjesse-netbook_yay for solving those03:46
jjesse-netbook_my netbook is working really good these days03:46
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* Riddell cracks on with dvd i386 testing08:30
Riddellagateau: test report forwarded08:31
agateauRiddell: ok, will read in a few minutes08:31
agateauRiddell: got feedback from wstephenson,08:31
agateauRiddell: he agrees with the idea, but proposed a different patch08:32
agateauRiddell: will create a PPA for it today08:32
SputScottK: my intel wifi works flawlessly :)08:38
* brot can help with testing :)09:48
* asraniel is downloading the i386 live cd09:58
* davmor2 is downloading all the iso's and has been for a while now speed up t'interweb10:01
* apachelogger goes blogging :P10:03
* tsimpson wonders why everyone is /me'ing10:04
* apachelogger thinks that it might be me-day again10:05
* apachelogger asks davmor2 to tell brot how to help with testing10:05
davmor2brot: Hello10:06
* asraniel thinks, "noooo, the me day is over"10:06
davmor2brot: to get involved goto http://iso.qa.ubuntu.com  sign up to the tracker.  Pick the test you want to do, do it mark if it passed or failed and add any bug numbers.10:10
davmor2brot: also the link to the iso you need to test is on the tracker too so you test the right one :)10:11
davmor2hope that helps10:11
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brotdavmor2: yeah, i am downloading the iso right now :)11:29
davmor2brot: Cool :)11:29
brotjust had to get on the bus to drive from university to my home.11:29
Riddellbrot: which ISO?11:37
brotDo i need to give additional comments (like, hardware i used ? )11:42
brotsomehow the "Live Session Persistence" ( see http://testcases.qa.ubuntu.com/Install/DesktopLiveSession ) does not work. the "label" means "e2label /dev/sda1 casper-rw" right?12:27
steveireapachelogger: I like the help files idea.12:50
agateauRiddell: I am about to create a new deb for networkmanager,13:35
agateauI generated images for the wireless icons because they were unreadable and some sizes were missing,13:36
agateauresulting in a crappy tooltip13:36
agateaucan I integrate these images as a plain patch?13:36
agateau(or is it a bad idea to do that this late in the schedule anyway)13:36
Riddellagateau: you can't include images in a normal patch, you need to do fiddly things with uuencode13:38
Riddelland it's probably not a good idea this late anyway13:38
agateaummm... was afraid of something like that13:38
agateautoo bad, you can hardly read the number on the tray icon13:39
agateauand the tooltip really looks blocky13:39
Riddellagateau: a worse icon bug is the wired connection which has an unplugged icon for a connected network13:39
agateauRiddell: oh13:40
agateauRiddell: do you want me to have a look at it?13:40
Riddellagateau: if you're at a lose end for things to do sure :)13:40
Riddellagateau: I think it's because the background icon doesn't change between unconnected and connected use, it just gets the wee bottom-left tick drawn over it13:41
Riddellwhich is too small for most people to notice13:41
agateauRiddell: I see13:41
Riddellagateau: if you want to make packages with binary changes in it, the easiest way is probably just to make your own .orig.tar.gz so it's 0.9~svn1029786+ag1-0ubuntu1 or similar13:42
agateauRiddell: ok13:42
Riddellor you can get me to do it but I'm busy testing ISOs and upgrades today13:42
agateauRiddell: I'll try to figure out how to do it13:42
smarteragateau: +1 for fixing that, the systray icon really is unreadable atm13:47
smarterI didn't even notice it was supposed to display a number :P13:48
agateausmarter: hehe13:48
agateausmarter: I replaced the number with a gauge13:48
agateausmarter: http://imagebin.ca/view/MIrQ8-i2.html13:49
agateauit is still blurry, but I am afraid this is because of the systray icon13:50
smarterlooks good, but the old KNM icon is still better :P13:50
agateausmarter: hehe, I am not that much of an artist13:50
smarterwe should try to get the knm devs to bring that one back: http://rajiva.amikom.ac.id/gambar/kaskus/knetworkmanager/knetwork_manager_2.png13:52
Riddellalso the systray icon will probably be replaced by a plasmoid again at some point so no point spending too long on it13:53
agateauRiddell: won't happen for Lucid though13:58
Riddellagateau: says wstephenson?13:58
agateauRiddell: err. won't happen for Karmic13:59
Riddelleasy mistake to make :)13:59
smarterbtw, any idea if we're going LTS this time?14:07
davmor2ScottK: Wubi's working Just going to try unr's and kne's wish me luck :)14:12
Riddellsmarter: LTS isn't for another six months, have patience14:15
smarterI meant Lucid when I said "this time" ;)14:16
agateauRiddell: to create my new orig.tar.gz i must: untar the actual orig, put my files in the folder, tar the folder under the new name, update debian/changelog14:21
agateauRiddell: do I miss something?14:21
agateauRiddell: mmm I probably need to do something with  the .dsc and .diff.gz as well14:22
Riddellagateau: just tar up the sources, not including the debian/ directory14:24
Riddellmake sure it has the correct name  plasma-widget-networkmanagement_0.9~svn1029786+ag1.orig.tar.gz14:25
Riddelladd in the debian/ directory14:25
davmor2Riddell: will there be a KDE instance of LTS for lucid?14:25
Riddellrunning    debuild -S   will create the .dsc and .diff.gz14:25
Riddelldavmor2: yes, it's called Kubuntu14:25
agateauRiddell: ok thanks14:25
davmor2Riddell: I meant will there be an actual lts release this time?14:26
Riddelldavmor2: yes, in six months time14:26
pgquileswhere's the source for printer-applet-kde ?14:29
JontheEchidnapgquiles: it's in kdeutils, I believe14:30
pgquilesJontheEchidna: you mean it's developed in KDE's svn, not in a bzr repo in Launchpad?14:31
pgquilesfound, thank you14:31
JontheEchidnawell actually it hasn't been touched by anyone for a while, but there haven't really been any issues with it either14:31
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Riddellpleae eye over https://help.ubuntu.com/community/KarmicUpgrades/Kubuntu/8.0414:52
JontheEchidnaRiddell: "Welcome to Kubuntu 9.04"14:54
JontheEchidnaI suppose I can fix that14:55
davmor2Riddell: Is the right adept-manager in the repos now and no longer in proposed?14:57
JontheEchidnait got approved this morning I believe14:58
Riddelldavmor2: it's in -updates15:00
jussi01arrgh, appot-kde is so full of fail...15:06
davmor2Riddell: just double checking that you didn't need to enable propased first :)15:07
davmor2proposed even15:07
jussi01is there a plan to fix the like 1 million apport windows that come up when several apps have crashed? ie. condense them into 1?15:08
davmor2ScottK, Riddell: wubi on kne only works :D15:11
mcashi is anyone doing some iso tests?15:26
mcasi would start kubuntu desktop i386 manual partitioning if no one else did15:27
agateauRiddell: new knetworkmanager package in my ppa,15:42
agateauthis one includes updated ascii wep keys after discussion with wstephenson,15:43
agateauand the new wireless icons15:43
JontheEchidnamost of synaptic's bulk comes from libgnome-perl2, used for the GTK debconf frontend, and software-properties-gtk16:15
JontheEchidnaotherwise synaptic doesn't depend on gnome16:15
=== smarter_ is now known as smarter
PedroLeKoiRiddell: 99%16:18
PedroLeKoiRiddell: ... download complete.16:18
PedroLeKoiRiddell: Error occured after download was complete. Is this related to the fact that the update is startet out of chroot?16:21
PedroLeKoiRiddell: How ever: Right now I am downloading Kubuntu 8.04 again, will write another CD and try that way again. Hopes are low, so.16:22
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
agateauRiddell: just uploaded another version of knetworkmanager, which uses a different icon for activated wired connection17:34
agateaufor some reason it does not show up yet on LP though17:34
agateauhave to go now17:34
steveireRiddell: How do I enable ctrl + alt backspace again?17:36
debfxsteveire: Regional & language -> Keyboard Layout -> Advanced17:38
steveireSpecial keya handled in server?17:39
debfxKey sequence to kill the X server17:40
steveireI don't see that in xkb opions17:41
debfxare you using jaunty?17:41
debfxoh then you can use dontzap17:42
steveireGot a command line then?17:43
debfxdontzap -d17:43
m4vor use alt+print+k which has more or less the same effect17:43
steveireI ran sudo dontzap -d and I still can't restart it17:44
m4vit worked17:44
steveirealt print k works though17:46
debfxnow ctrl+alt+backspace should also work17:47
steveireMy second screen still doesn't work though.17:47
steveireAnd ctrl alt backspace still does not work17:47
m4vthen you should try editing the xorg.conf by hand, but I don't remember the syntax17:49
m4vdontzap -d should have worked though :/17:49
steveireI do have dontzap False in my xorg.conf17:50
JontheEchidnaI think that should be dontzap True17:50
JontheEchidnaoh, maybe not17:50
steveireJontheEchidna: Not according to dontzap --help17:51
m4vit shouldn't be false? is a double negative...17:51
JontheEchidnabah, confusing option name17:51
JontheEchidnaanyways, did you restart X since you modified the option?17:51
JontheEchidnalog out -> alt + e17:51
ScottKAlso no dontzap in Karmic.18:00
ScottKIt doesn't work anymore.18:00
debfxhe's using jaunty18:01
ScottKdebfx: BTW, since the Qt patch is in qtcopy, I think your brightness stuff can go ahead to go in kde svn.18:03
debfxScottK: ok, though I'll wait a bit to see if I fixed a bug that was reported yesterday18:11
steveireI'm still having an issue with dual screens. The other screen works, but all I get is a X mouse cursor. I can't actually use it.18:19
steveireSound familiar?18:19
steveirehttp://dpaste.com/110255/ Does this mean anything to people who understand X?18:26
ScottKsteveire: You might ask on #ubuntu-x if you want people that understand X.18:28
steveireI'll try. Thanks.18:28
firephoto"wep 40/128-bit key" "wep 128-bit passphrase" are these two options in NM frontend what's causing problems? 128 key takes a password. 128 passphrase doesn't take a passphrase.18:30
* txwikinger wonders if he should quiz Marcel about that on Friday18:32
ScottKYeah, Riddell linked to that yesterday.18:32
ScottKRiddell: apachelogger says there's an untranslated string in the brightness OSD patch that just got uploaded.  I think this is a very bad idea.18:58
markeyRiddell: plasma just crashed again19:42
markeyI have a good backtrace now:19:42
ScottKdebfx: How would you feel about dropping the word "Brightness" from your patch (and the monitor icon too maybe) so we don't break translations with this change?20:10
debfxScottK: yeah I guess we should drop that string but the icon should stay so it's still distinguishable from the audio volume OSD20:27
ScottKdebfx: We don't have an icon for the volume OSD.  I really don't think it's needed since it's in direct response to a user pushing buttons.20:28
nookie^Riddell: i didnt yet had time to make an banner for final release but it will be done in time20:28
ScottKThe fact that they are pushing the brightness button should be sufficient clue.20:28
Tscheesy_re *updating* ..slow..20:47
Tscheesy_ups - wrong chan20:48
JontheEchidnamarkey: looks like KDE bug 20900420:52
ubottuKDE bug 209004 in widget-nowplaying "Plasma crashed after Amarok was closed [Plasma::DataContainer::setData, PlayerContainer::updateInfo]" [Crash,Unconfirmed] http://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=20900420:52
markeyJontheEchidna: indeed21:15
markeysame backtrace21:15
markeysigh, plasma's single process design...21:16
markeyno good21:16
=== dendro-afk is now known as dendrobates
neversfeldewas there a change to the brightness control lately?21:19
neversfeldesomething is broken with it here on my ideapad, the screen is dark sometimes and I have to change it back manually21:22
ScottKdebfx: ^^^21:26
ScottKneversfelde: There was also a brightness related change on restore in powerdevil for
neversfeldeScottK: I haven't discovered the situation which causes the screen to be dark, yet. I will watch this.21:27
ScottKneversfelde: debfx got a brightness related change into -workspace yesterday or so and so he might have an idea21:28
debfxneversfelde: when does this happen?21:56
neversfeldedebfx: I am not sure, will try to find it out next time it happens21:56
ScottKWhat's the package name for our version of the message indicator?22:00
=== dendrobates is now known as dendro-afk
debfxScottK: I still think it's a bit odd to have exactly the same OSD for volume and brightness change22:09
ScottKdebfx: At this point the most minimal change we can make is the best.22:10
ScottKI don't think it's going to be confusing22:10
ScottKdebfx: Also if it's the same we could make the case it's not a U/I freeze breaker, since it's not new U/I, just a different reason for the same U/I22:11
debfxScottK: ok, so I should switch to the kmix osd code?22:19
ScottKdebfx: I think it's essential to lose the untranslated string.  The rest is negotiable.  Would switching to the kmix OSD code allow you to avoid needing the Qt patch?22:21
debfxScottK: no, the Qt patch has nothing to do with the OSD22:23
ScottKOK.  That would have been nice too22:23
ScottKI think must have no untranslated text and I don't like the icon, I think it's too intrusive.  Beyond that, I don't care much22:24

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