
guskwhat is the fastest os?00:04
SonorKajgusk, that's a pretty general question00:06
guski work with electronics program only00:07
guskand c++ and asm programming00:08
guskvhdl verilog ada00:08
Qu4Zgusk: emacs00:18
Qu4ZBut seriously, that question doesn't really make sense, sorry :-/00:18
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j3j5I have a problem with amarok2.200:32
j3j5I can't import my database collection from amarok 1.4.900:33
j3j5can anybody help me?00:33
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Kage_JittaiI can't get youtube to work in konq00:45
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charles__Hi pals, is it the right place for a question ? I never went on any irc chat since the 90s...01:25
Kage_Jittaicharles__: depends on your question01:31
Tweek900anyone in here able to help me get drivers for a broadcom wifi card?01:35
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brendan0powershi, do you know if there are plans to use the kde4 integration patches for firefox that the opensuse developers are working on?02:04
Kage_Jittaibrendan0powers: ask #opensuse02:08
Tweek900anyone know how to get braodcom drivers for wifi?02:13
brendan0powersKage_Jittai: I was wondering if the kubuntu was going to adopt the patches02:16
pacheHELP. I bought a harmony 610. What can I use as IR reiceiver? where can I find documentation?02:17
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ZeikfriedCan anyone tell me why the effects of Compiz and Kwin cause graphical artifacts in OpenGL and SDL based software?03:35
JontheEchidnaZeikfried: usually these are due to bugs in the graphics drivers for your video card. Unfortunately they are out of the scope of both KWin and Compiz I'm afraid03:43
Tweek900anyone know how to get a broadcom wifi card to work?03:50
ArkoldThosTweek900, your system already detected it?03:50
ZeikfriedI know it has to do with composition effects.03:50
ZeikfriedI get the same issues in compiz and Kwin, as well as in vista and seven.03:50
ZeikfriedIntel 950 GMA issue i guess.03:51
ZeikfriedI can turn off compiz or Kwin and have no problem at all.03:51
Tweek900i want wifi03:51
ZeikfriedI can even boot up into Openbox and it runs great.03:51
ZeikfriedTweek900: Use Ndiswrapper and a winXP version of your driver and install your wi-fi that way.03:52
ZeikfriedWorked for my friend in Ubuntu 9.1003:52
Tweek900idk how03:52
Tweek900i have the driver downloaded but how do i use it03:52
ZeikfriedWorked for me in Kubuntu 8.04 as well.03:52
ZeikfriedYou need Ndiswrapper.03:52
ArkoldThosZeikfried, the problem is that his lspci doesnt show up his card03:53
ZeikfriedMine didnt either.03:53
ZeikfriedI was still able to install the drivers and get it activated though.03:53
Tweek900arg i hate my internet03:55
Tweek900i have the drivers but i dont know how to use them03:55
Tweek900Zeikfried: ?03:56
ZeikfriedOh sorry, was trying to find teh issue with compositing.03:57
ZeikfriedOne sec, lemme find it.03:57
ZeikfriedThis should be able to walk you through the problem. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper03:58
Tweek900alright 1 sec04:01
visheshHey! I just booted up my comp today (last night I'd set aptitude safe-upgrade && shutdown) and the background was back to air, and all my widget/panels had dissapeared!04:13
visheshNow I'll have to re-configure the entire thing again. Is this some kind of bug or what? Does anyone have any idea?04:13
Shdwdrgncan anyone help with kde-3.5.10 automount issues?  Since going from intrepid to jaunty, none of my removable media (cd, usb) are autodetected as before.04:44
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Guest84053I all05:01
david__best way to get flash working on 64bit?05:01
Guest84053help: after dist-upgrade jaunty->karmic I reboot and I can't access the system!05:03
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SahkolihaaSeems disabling GRUB's boot splash fixed my shut-down issue (where it would just go to a blank screen with an active mouse cursor).07:23
noaXessgood morning07:47
noaXessi have this wlan card: 03:00.0 Network controller: Intel Corporation PRO/Wireless 4965 AG or AGN [Kedron] Network Connection (rev 61)... is it now a N card or not?07:47
Kage_JittainoaXess: yes07:49
noaXessdetails are here: http://paste.ubuntu.com/298027/07:49
Kage_JittainoaXess: what is your issue?07:49
noaXessKage_Jittai: but, i have a linksys WAP4400N accesspoint, but my N card will only connect with 54mbps, instead fo 30007:50
Kage_JittaiI see07:50
Kage_Jittainot the issue I have :(07:50
noaXesswhat is wrong with my intel 4965N card?07:51
Kage_Jittaino idea07:52
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Balsaqcan i load kubuntu onto a flash drive and then load it into a computer?08:04
Balsaqas a clean install?08:04
ubottuUbuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DapperReleaseNotes/UbiquityKnownIssues - Don't want to use a CD? Try http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate08:04
tsimpsonthere should be instructions in those links08:04
Balsaqfor flash?08:05
Balsaqis kubuntu designed for esay change over form windows?08:10
AngryKoalaubuntu in general is, kubuntu is just a derivative of ubuntu with a different gui08:11
Balsaqi am on xubuntu now and like it, though i am curious as to what makes kubuntu different08:12
AngryKoalais uses kde08:12
Balsaqi have heard but do not know what that is or how it changes my experience08:12
AngryKoalakde is a desktop environment and comes with a host of integrated applications designed to make linux computing easier08:13
AngryKoalaone can say the same thing about gnome08:13
Balsaqso really it is the way the desktops looks and rolls out that is diffferent08:14
tsimpsonit's a bit heaver than xfce, but it's pretty :)08:14
tsimpsontry out the live CD08:14
AngryKoalapretty indeed, and it has a different set of apps08:14
tsimpson(performance of the live cd won't be as good as an installed system though)08:14
Balsaqwhen installing bunut does one need to then install java?08:15
Balsaqbuntu i meant08:15
tsimpsonyou can install java via the package manager if you want it08:16
Balsaqi do some things dont work08:16
Balsaqis it sun java or the other one08:16
taker0109hi there everyone08:16
SahkolihaaI went from Windows to Kubuntu last Saturday, and I'm loving it. Will never go back to Windows now.08:16
SahkolihaaAnyway, that was just a quick word on my part. I need to get to college. :P08:17
Balsaqok !08:17
tsimpsonjava shouldn't really effect anything other than java stuff08:17
tsimpsonyou can choose sun java or one of the alternatives08:17
Balsaqare they already in here08:17
Balsaqor do i go get them08:17
tsimpsonI'm not sure if it's pre-installed, but installing it is easy08:17
taker0109hey anyone know how to fix choppy and slow flash vid on EEEbuntu08:18
Balsaqi heard sun java is better08:18
AngryKoalataker0109 what browser are you using08:18
AngryKoalaand you already reinstalled flash?08:19
taker0109i did it at different ocassions08:19
AngryKoalahmm, did you try a different browser?08:20
taker0109should i08:20
AngryKoalajust to rule it out08:20
AngryKoaladid flash work before?08:20
taker0109any suggestions08:20
taker0109before i even updated it08:21
AngryKoalaopera is ok, chromium is good too08:21
tsimpsonBalsaq: sun's java is more complete at the moment, but the the other version will be as complete once sun finish open-sourcing the rest of java08:21
taker0109do i look it up on synaptic08:21
taker0109will do AngryKoala08:22
Balsaqi read that the virtual java machine has known security risks ...and sun doesn't tsimpsom08:22
Balsaqyo beast08:23
Balsaqtaker0109 ihad the same problem and i fixed it with  aline command, looking thru my notes now...08:24
Balsaqwas like sudo apt get non free or something...08:24
josh__josh__: hi08:30
AngryKoalajosh__ hi08:31
josh__its quiet here today08:32
AngryKoalathats probably a good sign since its the support channel08:32
josh__ha yea08:32
Kage_JittaiAngryKoala: well I have a problem if you wanna help08:32
josh__go hhead08:33
AngryKoalago for it, no promises ^^08:33
josh__ubuntu 9.10 XD08:33
Kage_Jittaimy NetworkManager App doesn't see my wireless device08:33
Kage_JittaiKubuntu 9.0408:33
AngryKoaladoes iwconfig in terminal bring up wlan0?08:33
Kage_JittaiAngryKoala: yes08:33
josh__ah ok. do you no what wirless card you have?08:34
josh__ah ok08:34
Kage_Jittaiit works, I can configure it manaually08:34
josh__do you have eny windows wirless drivers around?08:34
AngryKoalano drivers needed since its already detected and installed?08:34
josh__oh ok08:34
josh__so you have connected to wirless networks b4 with it?08:35
Kage_JittaiI am connected now08:35
Kage_Jittaibut I had to connect by doing: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart08:35
AngryKoalayou use knetworkmanager?08:36
Kage_Jittaiand when wlan0 is pinging the DHCP server I do sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid NETGEAR08:36
Kage_JittaiAngryKoala: I use the applet08:36
josh__no. im actualy useing ubuntu in a virtual machine08:36
AngryKoalathe plasmoid?08:36
Balsaqtaker0109 you still here?08:36
Kage_JittaiAngryKoala: yes08:36
Kage_Jittaithe plasmoid is broken08:37
josh__i did have it installed natively on my comp at one stage but i wanted me compy games lol08:37
AngryKoalaso when you click on it, it has no "enable wireless"08:37
AngryKoalajosh thats what dual booting is for08:37
Kage_Jittaino, Ill show you what it says08:37
josh__nup im on a wired network08:37
josh__i do have wirless but seting up servers on this comp in vm's requires a wired connection08:37
Balsaqtaker0109: in terminal, try this: sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras08:38
Kage_JittaiAngryKoala: http://imagebin.org/6862808:39
josh__it was to much hassle going back and forth just to play a game i did have dual booting 4 a while08:39
josh__was xp a ubuntu 7.0408:40
taker0109i love ubuntu08:40
josh__i took the plonge and installed vista and havent had a problem since08:40
taker0109vista is slow08:40
josh__well maby 4 u08:40
josh__but its pretty snappy for me08:41
taker0109well at school08:41
josh__3 gigs of ram08:41
josh__ah ok08:41
josh__they prob have cheapo crap lol08:41
taker0109yeah u know what i mean08:41
taker0109they b freezin all the time08:41
AngryKoalaKage_Jittai, I assume you already tried reinstalling the app, but did you try the one in testing?  my knetworkmanager doesnt work with wifi unless I use the newest beta builds08:42
Balsaqtaker0109: did you get my message08:42
josh__i have never had a freeze with mine08:42
josh__im impressed with it08:42
taker0109oh the command line one08:42
Balsaqi found the instructions that worked for me08:42
Balsaqyes taker010908:42
Kage_JittaiAngryKoala: no08:42
josh__i want windows 7 rtm on the shelves already08:43
Balsaqmy vids were slow and choppy taker010908:43
taker0109mine are too08:43
taker0109im installing chromium08:43
Balsaqtaker0109 did you try my terminal command08:43
AngryKoalachromium =D08:43
Balsaqtaker0109 what distro are you using08:44
taker0109im using EEEbuntu08:44
josh__on a netbook?08:44
taker0109it runs pretty damn smooth08:44
josh__how is it i havent tryed it yet08:45
taker0109really good08:45
josh__i look forwared to getting one08:45
taker0109for some reason video used to be good until kernel update08:45
josh__i want a netbook then chuck ubuntu on it08:45
AngryKoalaNC10 here kde runs great08:45
josh__was there a drivr update?08:45
taker0109yes and it messed it up08:46
taker0109is their a way to go back08:46
taker0109im using my netbook right now08:48
Kage_JittaiAngryKoala: how would I install the beta app08:48
AngryKoalaKage_Jittai isnt there a testing repo? or is it unstable?08:49
josh__looks like your not the only one that had that problem08:49
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Kage_Jittaino idea08:49
Balsaqis kubuntu a larger footprint, in its standard install state, then xubuntu?08:50
josh__i think it is08:50
Balsaqis it bigger than ubuntu08:50
josh__xubuntu is designed to be lightweight for older hardware08:50
AngryKoalanot necessarily older hardware, just lighter08:50
Balsaqso ubuntu is fattest, then kubuntu, xubuntu08:51
josh__well yes same diff lol08:51
Balsaqso far i did ubuntu, and now xubu08:51
josh__eny1 used mandriva?08:51
Balsaqxubu is like greased lightning08:51
Balsaqi just don'tknow what is missing in this ...haven't noticed anything yet08:52
Balsaqwhy is it so fast08:52
Balsaqso when buntu folks speak of footprint, they mean more and more drivers pre-installed in the OS disc...right?08:53
josh__the size08:54
josh__like a persons foot print.08:54
Balsaqso really is you have a nice size HD you may as well do ubuntu08:54
josh__big foot next to the small foot08:54
AngryKoalanot necessarily08:54
josh__oh no that doesnt make sence08:54
AngryKoalaxfce is very popular due to its minimalism08:54
Balsaqok i still dont get it i guess08:54
AngryKoalaubuntu uses gnome and kubuntu uses kde which are both described as heavy weight DE's08:55
Balsaqbut i am in xfce and cant see the differenc exxcept xfce is fast08:55
AngryKoalain fact, xfce in Xubuntu is middleweight08:55
Balsaqoh what is the light one08:55
AngryKoalaopenbox, fluxbox, enlightmenment...08:55
josh__um no wm is the lightest lol08:56
Balsaqok but when speaking of ubu  xubu and kubub...is the little one08:56
josh__commmand line all the way08:56
AngryKoalaif you do that you might as well use gentoo08:56
josh__but that can have a wm aswell08:56
AngryKoalayes, but doesnt come with one08:57
ghostcubedebian base system08:57
josh__well i spose eny linux os can08:57
Balsaqi xubu debian08:57
AngryKoalaubuntu is a cousin of debian08:57
ghostcubenah xubuntu is ubuntu with xfce08:57
josh__tryed slitaz?08:57
Balsaqis xubuntu a debian?08:57
ghostcubexfce is the lightsest DE so far08:57
ghostcubeubuntu is always a bit debian08:57
AngryKoalaxubuntu is an ubuntu derivative, ubuntu is a distanced derivative of debian08:58
Balsaqtrying to figure out what i lost when i went xubu over ubu?08:58
AngryKoalanothing if you like xfce08:58
Balsaqcant see or feel it08:58
ghostcubeyou lost gnome08:58
ghostcubebut who cares for gnome08:58
AngryKoalakde ftw ^^08:58
josh__xfce and gnome look the same08:59
AngryKoalaerrr lol08:59
Balsaqbut if ubuntu is "bigger" i must of lost something08:59
josh__why no make the xfce the new gnome08:59
ghostcubejosh__: cause of the gnomians08:59
josh__ive been trying kde lately08:59
ghostcube4.3.2 is cool09:00
taker0109kde looks really good09:00
josh__i like gonme the best so far09:00
AngryKoalakde came along way... it used to be teh suck09:00
josh__i like kde to09:00
ghostcubeits like bmw and mercedes or lambo and ferrari09:00
josh__for some reason i like mndriva with kde the best09:00
Balsaqso kde is top of the line?09:00
josh__they sute each other lol09:00
ghostcubenah depends on youre interests09:00
josh__thats true09:01
ghostcubekde is more colored and rounded as gnome was in gtk times09:01
AngryKoalayou can have any app in any DE, it just depends on what Base you want09:01
ghostcubei startet in 1997 with kde09:01
josh__i find gnome easyest to custermise tho09:01
ghostcubesuse 5.x anything09:01
Balsaqdifficult to determine what is missing from my OS as i went from ubuntu to xubu...09:01
AngryKoalanothing is missing, you can install anything you would have had in gnome09:02
AngryKoalabloat basically09:02
ghostcubeBalsaq: some big gtk libs09:02
ghostcubeall eye candy is gone so far for you09:02
ghostcubethtas what bloats an DE09:02
Balsaqok so i lost eye candy no problem there thank you09:02
taker0109thats a fact09:02
josh__i dont use compiz actualy09:02
AngryKoalai like the fat around the edges09:02
ghostcubei like my compiz maybe cause iam supporter09:03
josh__just a simple 2 meg theme or what ever09:03
Balsaqi like lightweight as long as i have all the beef09:03
josh__i like compiz09:03
ghostcubei have bespin for kde409:03
AngryKoalai used to do compiz, but kwin came with kde so eh09:03
ghostcubethat is cool09:03
Balsaqis compiz fat?09:03
AngryKoalacompiz fusion is09:03
ghostcubecompiz fudsio is dead09:03
ghostcubethere is only compiz09:03
ghostcubere re merge09:03
josh__i had it on an old 800mhz compy yers ago09:03
AngryKoalaits fat compared to others =/09:04
FloodBotK1ghostcube: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.09:04
Balsaqwho is making all this stuff09:04
josh__wait thats the one i used09:04
ghostcubeboah floodi is hard this morning :)09:04
Balsaqcan i make up a distro?09:04
ghostcubecompiz ? is made by the compiz coding ninjas :D09:04
josh__it must be good09:04
AngryKoalaor it will just kill you09:05
ghostcubeheh it doesnt like all grafic cards the same way09:05
josh__got lo love open gl09:05
josh__so light on the graphics cards09:06
Balsaqsotware ninjas...martian OS engineers...who are those guys?09:06
ghostcubeninjas are crazy coders doing othing else than coffee inside the brain and coding09:06
ghostcubelike ubuntu ninjas09:06
Balsaqwell whoever it is they are damn good at it...09:06
Balsaqbetter than windows09:07
ghostcubenah different windows is cool09:07
ghostcubewithout windows we wouldnt be where we are09:07
ghostcubethats a fact09:07
Balsaqi just did a fresh xp install upstairs and it ahs froze a couple times already...this one nver does09:07
AngryKoalatrue, but evolution dictates it will die soon >=)09:07
ghostcubewin7 is ok09:07
ghostcubei tried it and must say its ok09:07
AngryKoalaya, i have it on my netbook09:07
AngryKoalanot bad at all09:08
ghostcubei need it at work soon09:08
Balsaqwindows was spawned from linux/unix09:08
ghostcubewindoof is an bsd derivat09:08
ghostcubestolen from steve by billy09:08
josh__steve jobs and bill gates used to work together09:08
taker0109steve wozniak is the real hero09:08
josh__do not no who he is09:09
ghostcube:) yeah he did the first apple09:09
howitzer`jay miner09:09
Balsaqhey can i just yank this cord on mym keyboard while i am online and put the new on in?09:09
Mamarokfolks, please stay on topic09:09
josh__i like apple just wish i could afford one09:09
howitzer`Mamarok: what's the topic?09:09
josh__i want an imac09:09
ghostcubehowitzer`: kubutnu support09:09
taker0109dont we all09:09
howitzer`so, how about that kubuntu support09:09
Mamarokjosh__: Balsaq ghostcube : got to #kubuntu-offtopic for discussions, only support here09:09
Balsaqi am trying to figure what i get and what i lose with the big K09:10
ghostcubeMamarok: :) will do doesnt want to start a os war :)09:10
MamarokBalsaq: which is not a support question, please take this to -offtopic09:10
josh__actualy it wanst an os war09:10
Mamarokstop that now, please09:10
josh__we wer agreeing on them09:10
howitzer`that kubuntu support is really great09:12
taker0109yes it is09:14
ngirardHi all. Is it possible to get a fresher kde than 4.2 on Jaunty ?09:35
AngryKoalaunstable repository09:36
ngirardHi AngryKoala. Thanks for your feedback. While adding unstable to sources.list, should I put in on the top of the list ? Is there some kind of precedence among the repositories ?09:39
ngirardAngryKoala: awkay then ;-) thanks again !09:39
AngryKoalanp, have fun09:39
ngirardAngryKoala, sorry but could you please elaborate ? Which unstable repository were you talking about ?09:55
AngryKoalauniverse or multiverse09:56
MamarokAngryKoala: for KDE 4.3.2 you need to add a PPA, see the topic of the channel09:57
Mamarokhm, I should udate that topic, it still talks about 4.3.109:58
AngryKoalamy mistake, things are changing too fast for me =/09:58
MamarokAngryKoala: or add the jaunty-backports repository09:58
ngirardMamarok: I have09:59
ngirarddeb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/ jaunty-backports main restricted universe multiverse09:59
ngirardand yet I only have kde 4.209:59
Mamarokngirard: yes, that's in the backports now, for KDE 4.3.2 you need this:10:00
ngirard4.2.4, precisely10:00
Mamarokdeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/backports/ubuntu jaunty main10:00
ngirardAha. Got it !10:00
Mamarokand that is linked to in the topic :)10:00
Mamarokjust the wording that is wrong10:00
ngirardMamarok: you're right. Thanks for your feedback, and sorry for not having read the topic10:01
Mamaroktopic = Official Kubuntu support | Karmic support in #ubuntu+1 only, beta out kubuntu.org/news/9.10-beta | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Free 9.04 (KDE 4) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | KDE 4.3.1 backports http://www.kubuntu.org/news/kde-4.3.1 | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Please respect the Ubuntu IRC guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IrcGuidelines10:02
=== Mamarok changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Karmic support in #ubuntu+1 only, beta out kubuntu.org/news/9.10-beta | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Free 9.04 (KDE 4) CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | KDE 4.3.2 backports PPA http://www.kubuntu.org/new/kde-4.3.2 | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Please respect the Ubuntu IRC guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IrcGuidelines
=== Mamarok changed the topic of #kubuntu to: Official Kubuntu support | Karmic support in #ubuntu+1 only, beta out kubuntu.org/news/9.10-beta | FAQ: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/FAQ | Free 9.04 CDs https://shipit.kubuntu.org | KDE 4.3.2 backports PPA http://www.kubuntu.org/new/kde-4.3.2 | Pastes: http://paste.ubuntu.com | Chat in #kubuntu-offtopic | Please respect the Ubuntu IRC guidelines: https://wiki.kubuntu.org/IrcGuidelines
noaXesshi all10:11
noaXessis there any way to configure a logitech mx revolution mouse?10:12
noaXess!info logitech-applet10:14
ubottulogitech-applet (source: logitech-applet): Logitech mouse tweaking utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.4~test1-0ubuntu2 (jaunty), package size 15 kB, installed size 80 kB10:14
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about logitech10:20
MamaroknoaXess: you can query the bot in pm, too10:22
noaXessMamarok: ok. :)10:23
MamaroknoaXess: and if that mouse needs a special driver maybe check on the Logitech website10:23
noaXessMamarok: the mouse works, but i want to confgure it.. slowdown speed, configure buttons..10:23
MamaroknoaXess: did you check the systemsettings?10:24
Tweek900how do you download x-shockwave-flash in kubuntu10:24
noaXessyes.. no mx mouse :(10:24
tsimpson!flash | Tweek90010:25
ubottuTweek900: To install Flash see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/Flash - See also  !Restricted and !Gnash10:25
noaXessMamarok: do i need any additional driver/tool like lomoco or logitech applet?10:25
Tweek900thanks tsimpson10:25
Tweek900my wifi still doesn't work lol10:26
MamaroknoaXess: no idea, I don't have that mous, did you google for it?10:26
noaXessMamarok: yes.. some old entries that say, configure it over xorg.conf.. but in jaunty, the mouse isn't in X11 configured..10:27
MamaroknoaXess: try that query: logitech mx revolution ubuntu 9.0410:27
Tweek900tsimpson: that link you sent me give me a protocol not supported apt error10:27
tsimpsonTweek900: damn gnome guys, they give no thought to anyone else... just install the package "flashplugin-installer"10:28
Tweek900alright thanks :)10:30
AlexZionhi everyone, I'd like to change my window decorator on Kubuntu Jaunty, but I didn't find any other easy to use , the one I love , would be Emerald, but I can't using it without compiz I guess .., can I ? , there a nice alternative to emerald for kde, I mean , something really configurable and customaizable.....10:32
noaXessMamarok: anyway.. where are the mouse config's stored in jaunty?10:33
tsimpsonAlexZion: it's called DeKorator, install kwin-style-dekorator and you can download themes for it from: http://www.kde-look.org/content/show.php/deKorator?content=8792110:34
AlexZionI aleady try Dekorator, but there are some problem when any window is resizing ..., I try Aurorae as well, but it speed down all the compositing stuff ....10:35
MamaroknoaXess: sorry, was afk, I guess somewhere in ~/.kde/share/config/10:39
noaXessMamarok: found it.. mouses will be configured over HAL.. /etc/hal/policy...10:39
Mamaroknice :)10:40
noaXessit's not for the MX mouse but.. a tip/hint10:40
RoozbehOnlinehi all10:44
RoozbehOnlinei have problem with equalizer in amarok 2.2 in kubuntu 9.10 ! how can i activate this feature ? i installed Phonon SVN version but it can't work :(10:45
AlexZiontsimpson: how can I now wich version of DeKorator I have ?10:46
tsimpsonAlexZion: look at the version of kwin-style-dekorator in the package manager or "apt-cache policy kwin-style-dekorator" in an terminal10:46
AlexZiontsimpson: sorry, I found it, isn't the last versione....,10:47
tsimpson!info kwin-style-dekorator10:47
ubottukwin-style-dekorator (source: kwin-style-dekorator): KDE 4 window decorator. In component universe, is optional. Version (jaunty), package size 85 kB, installed size 316 kB10:47
tsimpson!info kwin-style-dekorator karmic10:47
AlexZiontsimpson: so , how can I remove it abd install the newone ?10:47
ubottukwin-style-dekorator (source: kwin-style-dekorator): Windows decoration engine for KDE 4 using user-supplied PNG files. In component universe, is optional. Version (karmic), package size 181 kB, installed size 448 kB10:47
AlexZiontsimpson: if I don't mistake, it's just on the Karmic repos ?10:48
AlexZionshould I download it and compile ?10:48
tsimpsonAlexZion: is the latest version10:49
AlexZionI saw it , but should I remove the old version before ?10:51
tsimpson0.4.0.2-0ubuntu1 is in jaunty, and it's the latest10:51
AlexZiontsimpson: ....but I have no idea where is the folder to uninstall it ...., I had compile it ..... :)10:52
tsimpsonit's probably somewhere in /usr/local10:53
tsimpsonif you still have the source you should use "sudo make uninstall" (may or may not work)10:53
AlexZionI'll check it ...10:54
AlexZiontsimpson: I don't have anymore...., any idea about where it could be !?! :)11:00
tsimpsonAlexZion: try in /usr/local/lib and /usr/local/share11:01
AlexZiontsimpson: I checked it , nothing ...11:04
AlexZiontsimpson: I'll try to install the newone in anycase ...., I'll see what's happen ... :), thanks for your support ...11:05
BugsBunnyBRhello, someone here use eclipse IDE in KDE ?11:18
th3_b0bHi! How can I change the font size of the text in Menus of gtk-application run in kde4 (Jaunty, so kde4.2 I think...) Since the upgrade from the Intrepid Ibex, all text in the Menus of firefox, inkscape etc. is at least 20% bigger than text in native kde apps...11:59
mpower_bmwcan i use unetbootin with kubuntu iso to install it to a partition ?12:05
th3_b0bno ideas?12:08
Mamarokth3_b0b: in the systemsettings -> Appearance12:10
mpower_bmwcan i use unetbootin with kubuntu iso to install it to a partition ?12:10
Mamarokthere is an option to use Qt-curve for the GTK+ applications12:10
Mamarokmpower_bmw: do you already have a running Ubuntu?12:11
th3_b0bMamarok: So I thought... But until Intrepid, I had an Item "GTK Styles & Fonts" wher I think I could configure that stuff... But this is gone now...12:11
mpower_bmwMamarok : i have a  kubuntu wubi but im in windows xp atm12:11
Mamarokth3_b0b: then you just don't have the package installed, just a moment12:12
th3_b0bMamarok: thx12:12
Mamarokmpower_bmw: then you can just fire up a Kubuntu CD and install with a manual installation, so you can choose the partition where to install it12:12
MamarokI strongly suggest you use a separate partition for your /home, too12:13
mpower_bmwi dont have a kubuntu cd neither a cd writer12:13
Mamarokth3_b0b: install the package called qtcurve, it will install all things necessary12:13
mpower_bmwi just have a iso12:13
Mamarokmpower_bmw: can you boot your computer with an USB stick?12:14
mpower_bmwno. i dont have one. but i read about unetbootin that it can let you install to partitions12:14
mpower_bmwand format/resize12:14
mpower_bmwwhen it boots the distro's installer12:14
Mamarokmpower_bmw: sorry, I am not really good at that, never use Windows, never used Wubi so far12:15
mpower_bmwok well ill try12:15
ubottuFor information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent12:15
mpower_bmwtoo bad its only from usb12:15
Mamarokso you need an USB stick anyway apparently12:15
mpower_bmwim doing a "frugal" install12:15
mpower_bmwto hdd12:15
mpower_bmwunetbootin supports ubuntu 9.1012:16
th3_b0bMamarok: Are you sure that package still exists in Jaunty? Apt says: Doen't have an installation candidate.12:16
Mamarokth3_b0b: it should12:16
ubottuSorry, I don't know anything about qtcurve12:16
Mamarokth3_b0b: I have it here on Karmic, and I am pretty sure I already had it on Jaunty12:16
Mamarokth3_b0b: try searching for it with aptitude search qtcurve12:17
Mamarokmaybe the name changed, but I doubt it12:17
Mamarokmpower_bmw: for Ubuntu 9.10 you should ask in #ubuntu+1, then12:18
th3_b0bMamarok: strange... the package seems to be called gtk2-engines-qtcurve . I have it installed already, but there is no item to configure it in systemsettings...12:21
Mamarokth3_b0b: what about kwin-style-qtcurve?12:22
th3_b0bwould I have to restart kdm/kwin after the installation? if not, it doesn't solve the problem...12:24
th3_b0bMamarok: Well brb, restarting X/kdm/kwin ;)12:25
th3_b0bMamarok: Well, restarting didn't do the trick either...12:28
Mamarokth3_b0b: what packages with the name qtcurve in it do you have installed?12:29
Mamarokth3_b0b: and, btw, which KDE version do you have?12:30
th3_b0bMamarok: "kde4-config --version" says: Qt: 4.5.0 | KDE: 4.2.2 (KDE 4.2.2) | kde4-config: 1.012:31
th3_b0bMamarok: dpkg -l *qtcurve* : http://pastebin.ubuntu.com:80/298149/12:33
th3_b0bI tried installing the packages marked "un" or "pn", but they all don't have installation candidates...12:34
Mamarokth3_b0b: hm, so this might be the problem, you should consider upgrading to KDE 4.3.212:34
th3_b0bMamarok: I.e. upgrading to karmic?12:34
Mamaroksince KDE 4.2.2 is old and quite buggy12:35
Mamarokno, just adding the PPA for KDE 4.3.2 to your sources list12:35
Mamarokthere's a link in the channel topic12:35
th3_b0bMamarok: Ok12:35
Mamarokth3_b0b: what I didn't ask: you do have all repositories activated, do you? universe, multiverse?12:35
th3_b0bMamarok: Yep, I do12:36
Mamarokok, then upgrading to 4.3.2 is the best you can do IMHO12:36
th3_b0bWell, so I think I'll give the PPAs a try ;)12:36
Mamarokok, lunchtime for me, bbl12:36
oddyseushello all12:57
th3_b0bMamarok: U back from lunch? ;)13:15
th3_b0bIs there a way to configure qtcurve in KDE4.3.2, if the config dialog in systemsettings doesn't show!?13:22
BluesKajhello folks13:26
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BluesKaj!es | factor_13:30
ubottufactor_: En la mayoría de canales Ubuntu se comunica en inglés. Para ayuda en Español, por favor entre en los canales #ubuntu-es o #kubuntu-es.13:30
MrLutiuscan someone help me with amarok?13:34
MrLutiusI'm trying to find equilazer on v2 of amarok13:34
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overfiendDoes anyone have some time to help me out with a couple of small desktop niggles?15:05
jussi01overfiend: best just to ask and see15:07
robin0800Ive complained before that Konversations lack of blocking floodbot messages makes kubuntu  unusable  http://imagebin.ca/view/T06tMQ.html15:08
kaddiuse another irc-client?15:09
jussi01robin0800: 1 sec15:09
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overfiendThe system time is sometimes right and sometimes not. I googled, and used hwclock to set it to get the time from localhost. Although it looks like every time it is wrong, its just carried on from the last time the time was right (for example my clock now says 12:48, and I last shutdown the computer at 12:30)15:10
robin0800overfiend: you need ntp time server running15:11
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Neremor_hello! I try to connect a kubuntu and a windows vista mashine via samba. I configured samba on the kubuntu pc and created a shared folder, but how do i need to configure windows to access the shared folder?15:13
overfiendCheers robin0800 :) Much appreciated15:15
Messijuego de boxeo online http://www.kobox.org/kobox-fande-Nourine.html15:20
nathan_Is someone willing to help with a stupid KDE question?15:31
macoi guarantee its not stupid15:31
nathan_I ran some updates a couple of weeks ago on Hardy Heron.15:31
macook... (i havent used that version, i switched to kubuntu with 9.04, but eh...maybe its the same)15:32
nathan_Every since then my clock and virtual desktop icons are no longer on the right side of the screen.15:32
macowhere are they?15:32
macoare they gone or moved?15:32
nathan_When I conify an application it does not show up on the tray.15:32
nathan_They have moved to the left side of the tray.15:33
macook you know the little orange swirl thing on the panel's end?15:33
nathan_I do not see one.15:33
macoif you click that, you should get a little + moving icon when you put the mouse over the clock...thatll let you drag it back over to the right15:33
macoumm right click ->unlock widgets15:34
nathan_When I right click there is no unlock widgets.15:34
nathan_I do not believe this has anything to so with the swirly thing at the upper right corner of the screen (add widgets).15:35
nathan_so = do15:35
macono not that one15:36
macotheres a swirly on the panel if you right click the panel and unlock15:36
nathan_It is like something scrunched up the tray at the bottom.  Everything that was on the right hand side is now on the left next to the KDE start icon.15:38
nathan_If I right click on the panel I get a menu of "panel setting" and "add widget".15:38
macothats it?15:39
macohmm i dont know then. mustve changed before i stated using it15:39
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nathan_Yep.  My icon for plugged in devices is also over there along with my clipboard icon.15:40
nathan_I couldn't find anything under system -> desktop either.15:41
nathan_I looked for something in the .kde and .kde4 directories with no luck.15:43
klosedeI've a question, I'can't reach my openssh server from the network, but from the the machine with the server it's no problem to reach the other hosts in the network. sshd_config is exactly the same as the other hosts. Does anybody have an idear?15:50
Vroomfondleklosede: is there a firewall in the way, blocking incoming connections on port 22?15:52
Vroomfondleand are you certain that sshd is actually running?15:52
klosedeyes i could log in from my machine by ssh localhost without problems15:53
klosedeand theres no firewall in the way15:53
Vroomfondleklosede: sshd might be listening on the local interface but not on the network interface, for some reason (just a thought). That's unlikely though if your sshd_config is the same.15:55
klosedetheres a connection timeout at the other machines when i try to reach mine15:57
klosedeby ssh15:57
snarksterhow do you add a subcontext menu to send something as a mail attachment?16:25
snarksterright-click file send as mail attachment16:26
snarksterso no advice for service menus16:28
jglasswoo irc16:41
jglassomg ta intarwebs16:41
mbelkinjeremy wants pie16:42
ehomon43iohaucxva u z16:43
ehomonO HAI16:43
ehomono hai16:45
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Zuz|Kubuntuanyone familiar with twinkle?17:17
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chi_hi all, i am a littlebit confused. i got no sound under KDE4. i just upgraded 9.04 to 9.10.  my sound card is realized by the system an driver is loaded. under GNOME, however, sound can be played... now i am guessing, that there is a secret "mute" button in kde?? or something? please help17:18
lindahello chi17:19
lindahave you tried following:17:19
chi_hi linda17:19
lindaopen KMix17:19
lindaunder settings or options enable ALL the channels17:19
lindabecause probably one of the hidden channels has volume=017:20
lindaKMix | Settings | Configure Channels17:20
lindaand select them all17:20
lindathen you will see like 30 sliders in KMix17:21
lindaone of them will be set to 0 or has ute enabled17:21
lindafind which one it is, and then you can hide all the unused channels in settings again17:21
chi_okay works, somekind of lin-in symbol is on this chanel17:21
lindahope that helps17:21
chi_yeah thank you17:22
lindaI had this not too long ago getting sound from my Gamecube through TvTime17:22
lindaglad it worked :)17:22
chi_i guess several ppl will encounter this problem, since i got ICH9, which is relatively common17:22
lindayeah it's just a little setting that gets messed up or so17:22
lindano big problem when you know where to look for it17:22
lindabecause I only had to set it once17:23
chi_-.- yeah, but if i would not have had gnome to SEE that sound was "muted", i would have thought something is wrong, because k-mix did not show any muted channel17:25
chi_but for now, kde4.3 seems to be much better than i guessed :) maybe i will leave kde 3.5 now :D17:27
lindaI had kde 3.5 and 4.1 next to each other last year (installed 2 kubuntu releases)17:30
lindabut I liked 4.1 right away17:30
lindait looks nice :) and 4.3 is even better :)17:30
lindaI will be back later, have to go make dinner17:31
lindacya :)17:31
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Zuz|Kubuntuanyone know how i can search for a program that adept says its installed?  i cant find it anywhere17:35
steveireHow do I enable ctrl_alt backspace to restart X?17:38
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chansonZuz: what happens when you type sudo apt-cache search <programname> don't type the brackets17:41
chansonZuz: You can also do a which <programname> to let you know where the executable hangs out17:42
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oddyseushi all17:52
kaddihi :)17:53
bolshevikgypsyhey guys17:56
bolshevikgypsyneed some advice17:56
bolshevikgypsyif i leave my mozilla sitting idle for a while on my system17:56
bolshevikgypsyafter a while17:56
bolshevikgypsyit stops playign any sounds17:56
bolshevikgypsyespecially on youtube17:56
bolshevikgypsyi have to reboot my  system17:56
bolshevikgypsyat times once or twice17:56
FloodBotK2bolshevikgypsy: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.17:56
bolshevikgypsyfor it to get back adn working again. the amarok player works fine throughout17:57
bolshevikgypsyany pointers?17:57
EqualizeRprobably its the flash plugin18:00
bolshevikgypsyahan? how do i fix it?18:00
EqualizeRyou can try to reinstall it18:02
EqualizeRbut i am not sure if that will fix it18:02
nasrullahhow to make a cdma fix phone zte wp 836 to connect18:13
Theresiahey guys... i've got a problem with the kubuntu 9.10 beta18:16
Theresiai installed the os successfully on my hd. but the operating system isn'18:16
Theresiat booting after a reboot.18:16
Theresiathe boot-configuration in the bios is alright. i don't know what i shall do :/18:17
kaddiTheresia: maybe try #ubuntu+1 for karmic support :)18:19
Theresiathank you.18:19
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oliehey guys, im having problems getting my resoultion to display properly through my dvi cable18:22
lovrehi all18:22
JenHello, please can you help me if possible. I'm attempting to 'gpg --clearsign .ssh/id_rsa.pub' but receiving 'You need a passphrase to unlock the secret key for...', I didn't set a password so I'm pressing [ENTER], and then receiving 'gpg: Invalid passphrase; please try again ...'18:30
JenWhat is the solution?18:30
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olieive just installed the nvidia driver but still no luck :(18:38
zokiWander what I am doing....18:39
zokiis this some kind of forum18:40
foxy_mefistozoki: it's the kubuntu help channel18:40
oliedoes karmic display properly through dvi18:43
chansonolie: I have no issues with karmic and div18:45
chansonerm dvi18:45
oliedid u have issues with jaunty and dvi18:45
foxy_mefistoolie: maybe ask in #ubuntu+118:45
oliethnx foxy but im on jaunty not karmic18:46
foxy_mefistoolie: but you're asking about karmic18:46
skiwithpetejust installed karmic Oct20 nightly18:47
skiwithpetewhen wll the repositories come online?18:47
olieohh so i was sorry foxy18:47
skiwithpetei want to install FF3.5 and I can't18:48
foxy_mefistoolie: np, just thought you might get more answers there about it18:48
skiwithpetethis is the second room I've asked this in, and people keep ignoring me18:50
skiwithpeteI've googled it and I still can't find the answer18:50
skiwithpetewhen are the repositories coming online for Karmic?18:50
olieur not the only one pete18:50
jamesjedimasterkarmic and its repositories will be online on oct 29th18:51
dolemite_Is stellarium available?18:51
skiwithpetereally?  There's no testing until release date?18:51
skiwithpeteso I can't use the repositories until the official release?18:52
skiwithpetethat's mental.18:52
Vroomfondleerm, the repos are already there18:52
Vroomfondleand have been for months18:52
VroomfondleI've been using karmic for six weeks18:52
Vroomfondlewhat's the problem, exactly? Are you unable to connect to them?18:52
skiwithpeteVroomfondle, ok, then I'm having a problem with yesterday's nightly build, cheers18:52
olieanyone got display problems18:53
skiwithpeteupdates also don't work18:53
dolemite_At start up it has a message but adjusts quickly something of display mode18:53
Vroomfondleskiwithpete: Hmm. how so? Are you seeing an error message?18:53
skiwithpetewhen I go through the KDE start menu (sorry) and press FireFox, it says already installed.18:54
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skiwithpetebut its not18:55
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skiwithpetewhen I go into terminal and type 'sudo apt-get update' it freezes at 0%18:55
Vroomfondlehow odd. Maybe there's something up with your apt database. What happens if you enter a terminal and type "sudo aptitude install firefox"?18:55
Vroomfondleoh. Hrm.18:56
skiwithpetePackage firefox is not available18:56
Vroomfondlesounds serious. Does it say what repo URL it is trying to access?18:56
skiwithpeteE: Package firefox has no installation candidate18:57
skiwithpetesudo apt-get update returns w: Some index files failed to download18:57
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oliehey guys, im having problems getting my resoultion to display properly through my dvi cable18:57
Vroomfondleare you IRCing from the same box as we speak?18:58
BluesKajcheck your sources.list make sure something wasn't changed18:58
Vroomfondledo other network functions work?18:58
skiwithpeteam on Kuki Linux on my Asus18:58
Vroomfondlei.e. can you ssh out, or use email, or whatever?18:58
skiwithpeteyeah, like I can browse18:58
skiwithpetessh? dunno18:58
chansonskiwithpete: can you get to external network resources? so you can get to google etc?18:58
skiwithpeteyeah, google comes up and everything18:59
chansontry sudo apt-get autoclean; sudo apt-get clean; sudo apt-get autoremove18:59
Carbamidedolemite_: I got the same message I think this morning... it flashed to quickly to note and X started up correctly anyway, so I didn't really worry about it.18:59
chansonthen try sudo apt-get update18:59
dolemite_Alright, everything works good beyond that, still getting a grasp on the language19:00
skiwithpeteautoremove 0 removed, upgraded etc19:01
skiwithpetesudo apt-get update yielded the same results as before19:01
foxy_mefistoskiwithpete: are your sources ok?19:01
skiwithpetewell, I say that.  Its just kinda stuck at 0% form gb.archive.ubuntu.com19:02
skiwithpetehey foxy_mefisto how do I know if my sources are ok?19:02
chansonskiwithpete: can you ping gb.archive.ubuntu.com19:02
skiwithpeteping results only show one line19:03
foxy_mefistoskiwithpete: kdesudo software-properties-kde    and then maybe try changing the "download from" to something else19:04
skiwithpetePING gb.archive.ubuntu.com ( 56(84) bytes of data19:04
skiwithpetethat is all19:04
chansonit should keep pinging and return information like: 64 bytes from ubuntu.datahop.net ( icmp_seq=1 ttl=54 time=118 ms19:04
chansonso you aren't able to reach gb.archive.ubuntu.com which would be why you can't update your cache19:04
chansonare you in the UK?19:05
Vroomfondleskiwithpete: try putting gb.archive.ubuntu.com into your browser19:06
skiwithpeteyeah I;m in the UK19:06
Vroomfondledo you see a directory listing?19:06
chansongood call vroom19:06
chansoncould something be blockign icmp?19:06
Vroomfondlewell, that's possible. If it doesn't show up in the browser then it's also possible that it's actually a routing issue.19:07
chansonI don't know what all apt-get does to communicate with the repository19:07
skiwithpetegb.archive.... refused to allow this computer to make a connection19:07
chansonyeah thats why your update isn't working19:07
chansonhmm this is for jaunty right?19:08
skiwithpeteso, what have I done wrong?19:08
Vroomfondletwo possibilities: your ISP is experiencing routing problems, or else perhaps you've wound up on a list of bad IPs that ubuntu are blocking (note: I've no idea if they block anything or not)19:08
skiwithpetehow do I fix it?19:08
chansontry going to us.archive.ubuntu.com in your browser19:08
Vroomfondleskiwithpete: is the machine you're IRCing from on the same internet connection?19:08
chansonif that works you could possibly modify your /etc/apt/sources.list entries to point to the us server19:09
skiwithpeteyeah us. works19:09
chansonnot the ideal solution but a solution nonetheless19:09
ZuzOnlineanyone here has x-lite?  as soon as i open, my whole system just freezes and i cant do anything unless i power off pressing the on/off button19:10
skiwithpetealright, will try that, have just switched from gnome so only know gedit, what is it in KDE?19:10
ZuzOnlineas soon as i open x-lite*19:10
Vroomfondleif your current machine is on the same connection, it's worth trying to connect to gb via a browser on that machine. If it fails, you can rule out any problems with your Karmic box.19:10
Vroomfondleit's not unknown for ISPs to just lose sight of bits of the internet. Happens quite often to my ISP.19:10
skiwithpeteVroomfondle, but this has been happening since I installed it yesterday19:11
Vroomfondleit could be coincidence. I think it's worth trying, because otherwise you might spend ages trying to fix a non-existent problem on your karmic box.19:11
Vroomfondleand it only takes a moment19:11
foxy_mefistoskiwithpete: kate is the KDE text editor, or there's nano if you want to do it in terminal19:12
Vroomfondleor you can just open Adept and edit the sources in that19:12
foxy_mefistoskiwithpete: kdesudo software-properties-kde    will probably be quicker19:12
r-suneI recently installed wine + spotify on my kubuntu-laptop. Afterwards it feels like an eternity when jumping from one webpage to an other. Anyone who can help me?19:12
Vroomfondler-sune: if you close spotify (properly - so it isn't hiding in your system tray), does the problem go away?19:13
Vroomfondlespotify uses your internet connection all the time when it is open, not just hwen you are listening to songs19:13
chansonor you can use vi and type esc then :s/gb.archive.ubuntu.com/us.archive.ubuntu.com/g19:14
skiwithpetebtw gb.archive.ubuntu.com works from this machine no problems19:14
chansonnow thats interesting19:14
r-suneSpotify is properly closed, but still I'm stuck with terrible response-times...19:14
Vroomfondleskiwithpete: Hmm, okay. Then it is definitely a (really odd) problem with your Karmic box I guess.19:15
foxy_mefistoskiwithpete: wired connections on both?19:15
skiwithpeteno, wireless on both19:15
skiwithpetebut like I say, multiple reboots, am confident its something else19:15
skiwithpeteus repository not ideal, but its not a big deal is it?19:16
skiwithpetefirefox installed successfully19:16
Vroomfondleyeah, it won't make much difference19:17
chansonI am not sure if gb.archive.ubuntu.com mirrors and resolves differently from various sources, but it might be interesting to performa nslookup gb.archive.ubuntu.com on both boxes, the ip you got for gb.archive.ubuntu.com from the other box is different from what I get19:17
VroomfondleAh, good call.19:18
skiwithpeteok, what should I do?19:18
chansontype nslookup gb.archive.ubuntu.com on both boxes19:19
chansonfrom terminal19:19
chansoncompare the results19:19
r-suneCan Spotify be running although it doesn't show in the system tray?19:19
chansonI get, earlier in your ping request you got which seems odd19:19
Vroomfondler-sune: it shouldn't be19:20
Vroomfondlebut you can check by running "ps -ef" in a terminal and seeing if any wine processes are still open19:20
skiwithpeteand weirdly I'm now having problems installing extensions on firefox (they are taking ages)19:20
foxy_mefistor-sune: ctrl-esc and search for it to see if it's still running19:20
chansonextensions should be from the extension repository, not ubuntu19:21
skiwithpetechanson, I get from both boxes19:21
chansoncan you ping gb.archive.ubuntu.com on the karmic box again?19:22
skiwithpeteand now it works19:22
chansonkubuntu gnomes, thats the only thing I can think of19:22
skiwithpetegetting pings in the 43ms range19:22
chansonyou might want to swap your sources list back out19:23
skiwithpetehow do I stop the ping19:23
chansonthats gotta be better than going through the us19:23
chansonctrl + c19:23
Vroomfondleskiwithpete: what IP's it pinging?19:23
Vroomfondlejust out of interest19:23
r-sunePressed Ctrl + Esc and looked for anything containing Spotify or Wine, but nothing. What can be the cause for my bad response-time problems then?19:24
Vroomfondlewell done, skiwithpete. You win the award for today's weirdest problem.19:25
foxy_mefistoskiwithpete: when you changed to US source, did you do it in gui, or text editor?19:25
skiwithpetetoo right, and not I've gone back in with KATE and changed them all back to gb and it works19:25
chansonyour install is posessed, I say holy water and chicken sacrifice is in order19:25
CarbamideHey guys; what is the weather plasmoid in 9.10 expecting? I tried putting in my city and state and also my zip code, but it just sits there, seemingly doing nothing. Am I doing something wrong or is it just nor working yet in 9.10? (I'm running the latest packages, well, from last night anyway)19:25
Vroomfondler-sune: try installing something like bwm (bandwidth monitor) to see if something seems to be eating your bandwidth. Otherwise, I'm afraid I don't know.19:25
skiwithpetebut now, my add-ons won't install in Firefox19:26
skiwithpetethey keep timing out19:26
roKBi love the air theme19:26
chansonare you sure you are connected to the same wireless network from both machines?19:26
foxy_mefistoskiwithpete: addons from ubuntu repos?19:27
chansoncan you install add-ons on the non karmic box?19:27
r-suneOK... Will try bwm then. Thanks...19:27
roKBhow can i share wireless internet connection on LAN ??19:27
skiwithpeteyeah, just installed one in a blink, no problems19:28
Neremorhello! I could need some help setting up samba to share files between two kubuntu 9.10 mashines connected via dls-modem...19:28
Neremorwe both have installed samba, but we cannot connect to the other ones pc.19:28
chansonso you have two machines trying to connect using samba over the internet?19:29
orient2000Hi! Something is working on my HD all the time like in windows. I can not find what it is. It never stops.19:33
CarbamideHey guys; what is the weather plasmoid in 9.10 expecting? I tried putting in my city and state and also my zip code, but it just sits there, seemingly doing nothing. Am I doing something wrong or is it just nor working yet in 9.10? (I'm running the latest packages, well, from last night anyway)19:33
BluesKajorient2000, look in the widgets for system monitor19:34
skiwithpetehey guys, thanks again for your help19:34
skiwithpeteyou are the people who make my Ubuntu (Kubuntu) rock19:34
BluesKajCarbamide, di you choose the NOAA weather service ?19:35
CarbamideBluesKaj: Yeah19:36
CarbamideBluesKaj: It just sits there.19:36
BluesKajrun search19:36
CarbamideYeah, I clicked the search button.19:36
Carbamidebut it just sits there, doesn't even act like it's doing anything.19:36
CarbamideI've let it sit for quite some time thinking it was just taking a while.19:37
orient2000there is no system-monitor in widgets but I installed gnome-system-monitor by synaptic and then uninstalled but no change.19:37
BluesKajI'm in Canada and envorinment canada works fine here19:37
CarbamideFor the Canada option, you just input a city?19:37
Carbamide(I'll try that to see if it's working at all)19:37
BluesKajorient2000, why did you uninstall it ...use it for monitoring your pc apps and hardware usage19:38
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BluesKajyes Carbamide  , in your case ,city , state and zip code19:39
orient2000ok i will install it and take a look again thanks19:39
BluesKajCarbamide, in my case city and province did the trick , no postal code required19:40
BluesKajbrb... speaking of postal , gonna chek the mail19:40
roKBhow to bridge wireless network on LAN in kubuntu ?19:47
dolemite_Mm, I ran across that prob once19:47
dolemite_you need a wrapper of some sort19:47
skiwithpeteVroomfondle, chanson is there a way to clear all of my ip addresses or something, certain pages just won't load, but load fine on second comp19:48
dolemite_I had an old router though19:48
Vroomfondleskiwithpete: sudo /etc/rc.d/init.d/nscd restart19:49
Vroomfondlethat'll flush your DNS cache19:49
dolemite_I'll read the help section b4 answering in the time ahead19:50
skiwithpeteVroomfondle, command not found19:50
Vroomfondleoh. Hrm. Maybe that command doesn't work on 'buntu these days19:50
Vroomfondlesorry, I'm not sure what to do then19:51
arcanjowho are you?19:52
roKBwhat kind of wrapper ?19:54
roKB@dolemite_ :  what kind of wrapper ?19:54
skiwithpeteVroomfondle, when I ping gb.archive.ubuntu.com its now switched to a new IP19:54
skiwithpeteits now
roKBhow to bridge wireless network on LAN in kubuntu ?19:55
skiwithpeteand now us.archive.ubuntu.com is also
skiwithpetewhat in the hell is going on here?19:56
roKBsorry, if i m interuppting anything ......19:57
arcanjoInteresting ports on ubuntu.datahop.net (
arcanjoNot shown: 991 closed ports19:58
arcanjoPORT      STATE    SERVICE19:58
arcanjo21/tcp    open     ftp19:58
arcanjo22/tcp    open     ssh19:58
FloodBotK2arcanjo: Please don't flood, use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste, don't use Enter as punctuation.19:58
arcanjowireless kubuntu -modules our ndiswrapper19:58
arcanjofor bridge with virtualization?19:59
arcanjocreate ip virtual19:59
roKBmy wifi card is working correctly20:00
arcanjoour vi /etc/networking e mknod for create dev20:01
arcanjomuch  possibilits20:01
arcanjonetworkmanage-adhoc and configure with ip virtual20:03
roKBi just want to share internet which is availabe on wifi-network to ethernet-LAN users20:05
roKBhow ?20:05
roKBcan u provide a link on internet for refernece, plz ....20:05
roKBwifi access point is Infrastructure not adhoc20:06
ign0ramushey all.20:06
ign0ramusdoes anyone recall how to change the default directory when opening a bash shell?20:06
ign0ramusin my case, i'd like the working directory to be ~/Desktop when i open a terminal20:07
skiwithpeteif you had the choice, would you install from the Beta, get the latest nightly, or wait until the morning for the RC?20:11
ign0ramusskiwithpete: wait for the RC, although the Beta isn't bad20:12
ign0ramusskiwithpete: to you as well.20:13
roKBi think most of us r using Beta comfortably ....20:14
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arcanjoadhoc for bridge with ip virtual20:16
arcanjofor acess bridge of the wifi acess?our one internament20:17
foxy_mefistoign0ramus: you could maybe edit ~/,bashrc and add a line at the end: cd Desktop20:20
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jbermudezI am new to programming, and to ubuntu (and linux) in general. I have python idle, and the python runtime enviroment installed. Is that all I need to begin learning to program in python?20:34
duryodhanhi .. I have been searching on the web but can't seem to figure out how to install Google Gadgets as a KDE4 plasmoid .. anyone have any ideas ? I basically want my google calendar to pop up telling me when I have the next meeting (and also add appointments quickly)20:36
duryodhanhttp://code.google.com/p/google-gadgets-for-linux/wiki/GglWithKDE4Plasma says that with KDE4.2 it should work directly, but I can't seem to figure out how20:37
duryodhanI am on KDE4.3.220:37
duryodhanhmm seems like Kubuntu disabled it and I have to recompile KDEbase .. this is so dumb ...20:39
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ralphhellow.. all. One question, When I install the rc 9.10, will it be automatic gets the updates of the final version or must I manual Upgrade after one week?21:01
tredcan someone point me to a webpage on setting jaunty up headless?21:03
elvirolohi everyone21:04
elviroloanyone using karmic?21:04
kaddielvirolo you will find more people using karmic in #ubuntu+1 which is the official support and discussion channel for karmic21:07
elvirolokaddi: yes i know but there aren't many people using kubuntu21:07
elviroloit's just that i can't connect to any protected wifi networks21:08
elviroloalthough works with nm applet21:08
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kaddielvirolo: I've never had any luck wit knetworkmanager and I've been using it since dapper. Switched to wicd on intrepid and have had no problem since then.21:09
elvirolook thank you21:09
kaddielvirolo: but I know that some people do get knetworkmanager to work or the new nm-widget which should replace knetworkmanager in karmic IIRC, so you might wanna wait for someone else or ask in the other channel agina21:10
elvirolokaddi: seems the new widget doesn't work anyway - but thanks :)21:11
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Guest77943Does anyone talk here?21:15
kaddisometimes yes21:16
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Guest77943so what's the point of this room?21:18
foxy_mefistokubuntu support21:20
kaddiI think he left :p21:22
Guest77943i'm back :)21:22
kaddioh and came back, lol21:22
Guest77943so do you guys use kubuntu as your primary OS?21:22
kaddiI do, yes21:22
omniuniyes, same here21:22
kaddihave been for years :D21:23
jhutchins_ltAnybody know of a guide for making a genric linux bootable CD into a bootable USB?21:23
omniuniinstall usb-creator21:23
omniunias far as I know, usb-creator should do the trick21:23
omniunianyone here trying to use Karmic yet? I'm having tremendous wireless issues21:24
kaddiomniuni: I haven't had any issues, but I'm using wicd and not nm21:26
tredanyone know how to set up kubuntu for headless?21:26
omniunikaddi: do you think that nm may be the problem if I can see all networks, but only successfully connect to unencrypted ones?21:26
kaddiomniuni: I think it might actually only be the kde-frontend. I recall that there were big problems with wpa-encrypted networks in jaunty as well for knetworkmanager.21:27
kaddihave you tried using the nm-applet?21:27
omniunikaddi: trying it now....21:27
kaddiomniuni: if nm-applet isn't working either I would ask in #ubuntu+1 because then it isn't a kde specific problem and they might know something about it as well. :)21:28
omniunikaddi: I hope that turns out to be the problem. it connected to my wpa network last night and stayed on until this morning.... thought it was fixed....21:29
kaddiI wish you luck :D21:30
omniunikaddi: thanks, but nm-applet is just sitting there whirling away.... it seems it is not a problem with the applet21:31
omniuniwait... nevermind21:31
tredwhen i try to run jaunty headless, everything seems to work ok except plasma wont start, all my apps still open up onscreen. any ideas?21:42
roKBi think there is a memory likage in kde desktop for K3B termination21:49
roKBalthough i closed K3B, but lower panel still shows it's location.21:51
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DummyXL>One (two now)  question, When I install the rc 9.10, will it be automatic gets the updates of the final version or must I manual Upgrade and add new servers after one week?22:00
kaddiDummyXL: such questions are best asked in #ubuntu+1 :)22:01
DummyXLok... (what is the different between this chanel and ubuntu+1 )22:02
nightwlkrdoes any1 know of a good graphical html editor for kubuntu?22:03
kaddiDummyXL: this channel is for support for released versions of kubuntu, while #ubuntu+1 is for discussion and support of the next release.22:04
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DummyXLOk thanks... I did get my answer on the other channel so thanks all22:08
foxy_mefistonightwlkr: try quanta22:08
nightwlkrthnx foxy_mefisto am already downloading that..though didn't know if it was graphical or not22:09
* roKB listening "Aye ho meri zindagi mein tum bahar banke ... "22:10
foxy_mefistonightwlkr: there's also kompozer (aka, nvu)22:12
nightwlkrthnx will try them both22:13
foxy_mefistonightwlkr: there's also a metapackage called kdewebdev that installs quanta and a few other apps22:15
foxy_mefistonightwlkr: kdewebdev-kde422:16
nightwlkr:) first time i get this much support here... i appreciate it foxy_mefisto22:16
nightwlkrit's ok about finding the packages i got used to it on apt-get :)22:17
foxy_mefistonightwlkr: I tried them all about a year ago, ended up deciding quanta was by far the best. but kompozer is nice if you're used to dreamweaver and just want to do something quick and basic22:18
nightwlkrya same here..i just want a small photo page.. a few thumbnails some basic text and links to the jpg images22:19
foxy_mefistonightwlkr: you might want to try kallery (It makes image galleries) I've never used it, but it is one of the kdewebdev programs22:22
nightwlkrinstalling quanta..connection terrible so still waiting :P22:25
roKBi read on /. that from july 2010, 1mbps net connection is gonna be the human-right for every citizen in finland            :)22:29
foxy_mefistojust 1 ?22:31
jamesjedimasterno, 10mbps22:33
jamesjedimasteror it was 100?22:33
foxy_mefistoprobably 10022:35
danilo_ho guys22:54
danilo_i have a question...22:55
kaddihi :)22:56
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ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:56
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danilo_ok excuse me. I've installed kubuntu (my first linux experience from windows) on a netbook acer aspire one (1024x600 res). how can i do to made icons and text size smaller than default?22:57
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kaddidanilo_: go to kmenu and select systemsettings, select appearances and you will have a point called "fonts", you can select font and fontsize for all menu-bars and entries there22:58
kaddiwhich icons are you talking about? Icons in panels will automatically be resized to the size of the panel22:59
Lord_Drachenblutdanilo_: : open up system settings, choose appearence, icons and advanced23:01
Lord_Drachenblutdanilo_: that should get you there23:01
danilo_thx kaddi, i've resized the font size and now I have all in the same screen... thank you!23:01
danilo_sorry my english :)23:01
kaddiyour english is great :)23:02
roKB@jamesjadimaster 100mbps from 201523:03
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digmorejoin #ubuntu+123:45

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