
mwhudsontime for lunch00:01
thumpermwhudson: my work at the moment reduces code.launchpad.dev/mint from 350 queries to 15001:06
thumpermwhudson: but that is because the development focus isn't worked out properly01:06
mwhudsonthumper: progress!01:07
mwhudsonthumper: or you mean, it's fast because it's wrong?01:07
thumpermwhudson: it is just the listing class trying to determin dev focus01:07
thumpermwhudson: right now it preserves the existing behaviour01:07
thumpermwhudson: without the extra queries01:07
mwhudsonthe existing behaviour being "lp:ubuntu/karmic/bob" rather than "lp:ubuntu/bob"01:08
thumperthat's the next bit to fix01:09
mwhudsoni see01:13
* mwhudson afk for a few minutes01:18
thumpermwhudson: got it from 350 down to 5001:25
thumpermwhudson: now just to make it right :)01:25
mwhudsonthumper: cool01:43
thumperI think I have it01:43
thumper59 queries01:43
mwhudsonthumper: for how many branches?01:43
thumper72 queries for 130 branches01:46
thumperand it gets a nice star :)01:46
mwhudsonthumper: that sounds better than the product branch listing currently01:47
thumpermwhudson: none of them have revisions :)01:48
mwhudsonthumper: ah01:48
thumpermwhudson: I have a feeling that is where some of the extra queries are getting soaked up01:48
mwhudsoncertainly could be01:48
thumpermwhudson: but one thing at a time01:48
thumpermwhudson: this is almost ready to submit \o/01:50
* thumper found missing test coverage02:14
thumpermwhudson: has local launchpad sucked arse since you upgraded to karmic?02:55
thumpermwhudson: I'm seeing massive cpu spikes02:55
mwhudsonthumper: haven't noticed anything odd02:55
thumperwhen do we get memcached?02:59
* mwhudson finds that the sftp oopses are a twisted.conch bug that _i fixed_ over a year ago03:09
mwhudsoni guess we haven't updated our twisted in at least that long03:12
mwhudsonthumper: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/37627903:14
mupBug #376279: AssertionError: still have data in FSETSTAT:  <codehosting-ssh> <oops> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/376279>03:14
thumpermwhudson: twisted time03:14
thumpermwhudson: is twisted handled through buildout?03:14
mwhudsonthumper: no, it's still in sourcecode03:14
thumpermwhudson: should it be buildout?03:15
mwhudsonthumper: probably03:15
mwhudsoni don't know if it would work03:15
mwhudsonhuh, Twisted 8.2.0 is in the download cache03:15
mwhudsonbut not in versions.cfg03:16
thumperperhaps jml started03:16
thumpermwhudson: the slowness was firebug04:08
thumpermwhudson: having too much enabled04:08
mwhudsonthumper: ah04:08
thumperlazr.editor isn't working properly04:09
* thumper goes hunting for the actual source04:10
thumpermwhudson: I have an amost working inline commit message editor04:10
mwhudsonthumper: yay04:10
thumperusing the same (ish) code as bug descriptions04:10
thumpermwhudson: 2 issues though04:10
thumper1) accept_empty doesn't work04:10
thumper2) needs id="edit-description" for all the styling04:11
* thumper files bugs04:14
* thumper finds it isn't lazr-js04:21
* mwhudson eods06:05
adeuringgood moring08:32
al-maisanmoin adeuring08:47
adeuringhi al-maisan!08:47
jtvmrevell: you may be interested to know that we have translation import from branches running on staging now.  At last people can do real testing there without admin help!10:13
mrevelljtv: Ah, I am interested! Would you like to write a blog post about it?10:14
jtvmrevell: yeah, I guess that's worth while10:14
thumperdoes anyone know how many lines of code there is in launchpad at the moment?10:42
jmlthumper, not off the top of my head.10:43
jmlthumper, http://paste.ubuntu.com/298097/10:45
thumperjml: that includes the tests too right?10:46
jmlthumper, yes.10:46
thumperjml: but is probably doesn't count the doc tests10:46
jmlthumper, it's just the output of sloccount10:46
* thumper nods10:46
deryckMorning, all.10:59
jmlanyone got balsamiq running on Linux?11:29
* jml is having some trouble.11:29
intellectronicajml: yeah, i do11:30
intellectronicajml: is it only balsamiq you've got a problem with. did you try other air apps?11:31
jmlintellectronica, no, I haven't tried other Air apps.11:32
jmlthis is the first one :)11:32
jmlintellectronica, does Air have a command line I can use to try to run balsamiq?11:34
jmlas in, run the baslamiq installer (or whatever it is?)11:34
intellectronicajml: not that i know. i don't remember how i got it installed11:35
intellectronicajml: so, you can't even get it installed?11:36
intellectronicajml: did you follow http://www.balsamiq.com/products/mockups/help#linux ?11:37
jmlintellectronica, I am following it now.11:39
jmlintellectronica, Step 3 never happens.11:39
intellectronicajml: no idea. it "just worked" for me. you should try the balsamiq team - they're a pretty dedicated bunch11:42
jmlintellectronica, are they on IRC?11:43
intellectronicajml: no, but they are on jabber and skype11:44
jmlintellectronica, heh, ok. thanks.11:44
jmlahh, here we go, found the air app installer11:52
jmlError loading the runtime (libadobecertstore.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory)11:52
jmlintellectronica, are you 32 bit or 64 bit?11:55
intellectronicajml: 3211:55
jmlintellectronica, that'll be it :)11:57
intellectronicaorli? no air for linux 64-bit?11:57
jmlintellectronica, complicated air for 64 bit11:58
jmlintellectronica, I had to manually copy a library from /usr/lib to /usr/lib3211:59
intellectronicait's so hard to get excited about proprietary software, isn't it, even if you really try hard11:59
bigjoolsjust the games :)12:00
intellectronicabigjools: games are not software12:01
intellectronicaas in "candy isn't food"12:01
bigjoolsso games are what?12:02
jmlexecutable polygonous candy12:05
=== matsubara-afk is now known as matsubara
* jml lunches13:21
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sinzuiEdwinGrubbs: barry: bac: standup in 2 minutes14:31
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barryreviewers, beuno, lurkers, developers -> #launchpad-meeting in 3m14:57
=== salgado is now known as salgado-sprint
EdwinGrubbsjames_w: ping15:33
james_whi EdwinGrubbs15:34
EdwinGrubbsjames_w: regarding bug 436507, would it be helpful to change the portlet name from "Releases in Ubuntu" to something else to indicate that you are in the distro context?15:35
mupBug #436507: Distribution series source package page has no links to distribution source package page <post-3-ui-cleanup> <Launchpad Registry:Triaged by edwin-grubbs> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/436507>15:35
james_wEdwinGrubbs: I'm not sure I understand the question?15:38
EdwinGrubbsjames_w: well, in the bug description, you mentioned that you can change to the distro context with the "Releases in Ubuntu" links, but that it was not obvious. Are those links good enough, but just confusingly named, or should there be a different link to get you to the right place?15:39
james_wwell, I generally find myself dissatisfied with the distro/distroseries split in these pages. I'm not sure that just renaming that will help much.15:40
james_wthough I'm not sure how I would phrase a link to the distro context either15:40
james_wdo you have some suggestions for alternative wording?15:41
EdwinGrubbsjames_w: maybe, "Distribution source package for hotssh" or "Ubuntu source package for hotssh". What exactly is the difference between karmic's source package and ubuntu's source package? Are they shared? Do they have extra patches for each distro?15:44
james_wwell, ubuntu's source package is an overview of what is going on in each release15:45
james_wthe /karmic/ page shows you just the information for that release15:45
james_wcompare https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/hotssh and https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hotssh15:45
james_wI prefer to work in the latter, but LP likes to send me to the former15:46
james_walso compare https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/karmic/+source/hotssh/0.2.6-2 and https://edge.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/hotssh/0.2.6-215:47
james_wI can see why you might want the information for a single release, but LP linking to it tends to mean that I am on the page with less information15:48
james_wand I think the distinction will be lost on many. They won't realise the different contexts, and so won't know to switch between them. That's why I think renaming the heading wouldn't help that much.15:49
EdwinGrubbsjames_w: it is interesting that /ubuntu/+source/hotssh has the heading "hotssh package in Ubuntu" instead of saying "source package"? Would it be better to combine the distro and the series pages, or am I missing something about their purpose?15:53
james_wI believe bigjools has even tried to do that15:53
bigjoolsI did15:54
bigjoolsI was on a road to Fail15:54
bigjoolsbecause it buggers up source package branches15:55
EdwinGrubbsbigjools: is one of those pages a soyuz page and the other a registry page? The split confuses me.15:56
bigjoolsEdwinGrubbs: they're both registry15:57
EdwinGrubbsbigjools: oh, you have thwarted my attempt to make this someone else's problem.15:57
bigjoolsthey used to be soyuz!15:57
EdwinGrubbsbigjools: do you think it would be less likely to fail if I just moved a bunch of the /ubunt/karmic/+source/hotssh info into the /ubuntu/+source/hotssh page, and the other page is only used when it absolutely has to?16:00
bigjoolsEdwinGrubbs: yeah that would work - be mindful of excessive queries and page load times though16:00
bigjoolsEdwinGrubbs: but I think james_w is more concerned about other pages that link to the DSSP page, they might be more useful linking to the DSP page16:01
EdwinGrubbsbigjools: the /ubuntu/+source/hotssh page already uses ajax to expand to show info, so the distroseries pages' info could just be dynamically loaded if they expand it.16:01
EdwinGrubbsbigjools: are there pages that should continue to point to DSSP no matter what, i.e., should I just convert links on a page by page basis or try to convert all the links from DSSP to DSP?16:03
bigjoolsEdwinGrubbs: we'd have to analyse each I think and see what's most useful16:03
bigjoolsbecause if we lose all the links then how do you get to the page? :)16:04
EdwinGrubbsbigjools: it all depends on whether that page has any info that isn't moved into the DSP page.16:04
bigjoolsEdwinGrubbs: yes, I ajaxified that page when I redesigned it, but we need to be careful not to overdo that16:04
james_wfwiw this would mostly satisfy me, I rarely go to the DSSP pages out of choice, and rarely need any information there. If LP stopped sending me to them I would stop getting frustrated that it apparently doesn't want to let me out of that context.16:05
bigjoolsEdwinGrubbs: the reason it's there is so that you can click on a tab and change facet to Code16:05
bigjoolsotherwise I'd be real happy to blow it away16:05
EdwinGrubbsjames_w: which pages have links that send you to the DSSP pages most often?16:08
=== salgado is now known as salgado-lunch
james_wlet me think, there is one in particular16:08
james_w+publishinghistory does, and going to "Overview" from branches does16:11
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-lunch
james_wI understand why there16:11
james_wand I'm sure that the latter can be blamed on me16:11
bigjoolsha, the latter is the reverse of my last justification to keep the page16:16
bigjoolsit's because it's in the same context16:16
EdwinGrubbsjames_w: what is the full link for +publishinghistory?16:16
bigjoolsthat's a soyuz page16:17
james_wit does it because it actually has lines for the publication of each version in each release it is in16:18
james_wso going to the version+distroseries page is probably the right thing to do16:18
bigjoolsthere's a separate publishing history for a series16:18
EdwinGrubbsjames_w: am I missing something, or are all the links pointing to DSSP still need to do that? Would extra links help on those pages, or is the best thing just to put a very prominent link on the /ubuntu/karmic/+source/hotssh page pointing to /ubuntu/+source/hotssh as discussed before?16:23
james_wI imagine this is a symptom of a deeper issue, but I kept bumping in to it, and so wanted to report it16:24
james_wI think a link would be a good start, I just don't know how to phrase it16:24
EdwinGrubbsjames_w: in some ways, it would be nice to put the link in the breadcrumbs below the <h1>, but I'm sure I would get complaints about that since it doesn't match the url hierarchy. The links could be called "All source packages in Ubuntu"16:25
james_wyou mean "9base, aalib, ..."?16:26
EdwinGrubbsjames_w: really, it should be "All source package in Ubuntu for hotssh"16:26
james_wthat could work16:27
EdwinGrubbsjames_w: do you think it would work to put that link to the right of the "View changelog" link?16:27
james_wI think that link can appear multiple times?16:28
james_whmm, no, that seems odd16:29
james_wbut in that case, yeah, I think that would be appropriate16:29
james_wsomething on the version pages would be good as well16:29
james_wthey are even harder to escape from16:29
james_woh, no, the breadcrumbs can take you to the non-version pages16:30
EdwinGrubbsjames_w: would you also want a link on the version page that would take you to the DSP page in addition to the DSSP link in the breadcrumbs?16:32
james_wI would like it I think16:33
james_wbut given that the other link would give a way out, it's not critical16:33
bigjoolsEdwinGrubbs, james_w: FWIW, earlier this year we tried to redesign the navigation for these pages, and we came up with something nice that then failed a bunch of simple use cases.  It's hard :/16:41
james_wyeah, I can appreciate that16:45
bigjoolsand there's a lot of resistance to change16:49
rockstarjelmer, ping16:55
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beuno-lunchjml, can our call be after lunch?17:26
jmlbeuno-lunch, before or after the TL call?17:26
beuno-lunchjml, before17:27
jmlbeuno-lunch, sure17:27
beuno-lunchI'll be lunched in 30'17:27
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jmljames_w, can you do me a favour and pastebin the output of 'time ssh bazaar.launchpad.net'?17:53
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james_wjml: ssh bazaar.launchpad.net 0.03s user 0.02s system 0% cpu 6.135 total18:03
jmljames_w, thanks.18:03
=== beuno-lunch is now known as beuno
beunojml, ready when you are18:04
jmlbeuno, I don't have skype, what's the best way to do this?18:05
beunojml, I can call you, you can call me18:06
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maxbjml: Hi. You mentioned something about adding licensing to a sftp server a while back - wondering if you have time to say more?18:58
jmlmaxb, yes! I do!18:58
jmlmaxb, 'bzr branch lp:txsshserver'18:58
=== leonardr-lunch is now known as leonardr
jmlmaxb, and also, https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/txsshserver/+filebug19:07
jmlmaxb, there was a long time between me making the branch and me open sourcing the branch19:08
jmlmaxb, so it's slightly abandonware, but I'm happy to hack more on it if someone finds it useful19:09
maxbWhat is that Launchpad page which tells you the definitions of all the kinds of image sizes LP uses? badge, mugshot .... etc.19:50
salgado-sprint+images, I think19:51
beuno+graphics maxb19:52
salgado-sprintor +graphics19:52
* jml is so gone.20:00
=== bac` is now known as bac
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mwhudsongood morning20:27
Ursinhabarry: hi :)21:18
barryUrsinha: hi!21:18
Ursinhabarry: here I am bugging you again about maillinglists oopses :) have you seen this one -> https://lp-oops.canonical.com/oops.py/?oopsid=OOPS-1389XMLP50 ?21:19
barryUrsinha: nope, that's a new one21:20
Ursinhabarry: do you mind to triage a bug when I create one?21:20
Ursinhawhich will be pretty soon :)21:20
Ursinhas/a bug/the bug/21:21
barryUrsinha: sure21:21
Ursinhabarry: do you have a clue about that? I don't even know what to write in the bug summary :)21:22
barryUrsinha: just say "OOPS in MailingListAPIView.holdMessage() and reference the oops page.  please add a 'mailing-lists' tag too21:24
Ursinhasure, thanks a lot barry21:24
Ursinhabarry: bug 45760621:28
mupBug #457606: UnknownSender OOPS in MailingListAPIView.holdMessage() <mailing-lists> <oops> <Launchpad Registry:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/457606>21:28
barryUrsinha: got it, but i might not get to it until after our sprint ;)21:31
=== EdwinGrubbs is now known as Edwin-food
=== salgado-sprint is now known as salgado-afk
Ursinhagary-sprint: when you have a minute :) can you take a look at bug 51843, please? thanks!22:11
gary-sprintUrsinha: looking22:11
mwhudsonUrsinha: hi22:11
mwhudsonUrsinha: do you know why r9669 is on https://dev.launchpad.net/CodeTeamTestPlans/3.1.10 8 times?22:12
Ursinhamwhudson: this is something weird that happens sometimes, it seems the script isn't able to record the last revision recorded in the file and so it adds again in the next run22:13
UrsinhaI wasn't able to reproduce the problem22:13
gary-sprintUrsinha: reopened with explanation :-)22:15
Ursinhagary-sprint: thank you very much :)22:15
gary-sprintUrsinha: thank you!22:16
=== matsubara is now known as matsubara-afk
Ursinhabug 33199022:43
mupBug #331990: The inline editor widget reports a JSON error when saving non-ASCII characters <javascript> <Launchpad Foundations:Fix Committed by leonardr> <lazr.restful:Fix Released by leonardr> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/331990>22:43
wgrant(continuing the discussion from #launchpad) Why wasn't that CPed weeks ago?22:43
wgrantThe problem was rediscovered a couple of days after the release, and it is a really really bad bug.22:44
Ursinhawgrant: I took a note about it and will discuss on tomorrow's production meeting22:45
=== Edwin-food is now known as EdwinGrubbs
jmlmwhudson, taking my product strategist hat off and elegantly throwing it onto the hatstand for a moment22:49
jmlmwhudson, a twisted web thing for serving branches would be very cool.22:50
mwhudsonjml: yeah22:51
jmlmwhudson, and done right, it might help other areas of Launchpad that have similar "store lots of stuff and serve it with cool names" needs.22:51
mwhudsonanother thing would be something mod_python ish i guess22:51
jmlmwhudson, particularly combined with the sftp server.22:51
mwhudsonthat might be less technologically exciting22:52
mwhudsonjml: i guess so22:52
mwhudsonabentley: your trick with pushing a 1.6 format branch worked, btw22:53
mwhudsonthumper: i just spammed a review at you, it's very simple22:53
lifelessjml: isn't that 'all of lp'  ? (store stuff, serve with names)22:53
jmllifeless, some more than others.23:00
wgrantPPAs... branches.. what else?23:01
mwhudsonrockstar: https://bugs.edge.launchpad.net/launchpad-code/+bug/306290 is Fix Committed i think?23:57
mupBug #306290: OOPS in code-import page when missing the correct CVSROOT  <oops> <Launchpad Bazaar Integration:In Progress by rockstar> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/306290>23:57
rockstarmwhudson, yes, thanksy.23:57
rockstarEr, thanks.23:57

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